#trans max is my roman empire
romanscool · 18 days
here's me dropping a very very (very) small thingy I wrote in about 5 secs two months ago and forgot to continue,,,
so here goes nothing I guess:
Keep it kinky (but I come first!):
Max hates sex. 
It’s weird. It’s uncomfortable. It’s too wet. Max doesn’t like it and he doesn’t think he will any time soon. 
It hasn’t always been this way. He used to somewhat enjoy sex when it eating out a gay girl when he wasn’t really sure what he really was yet or give a quick handy to a guy who he knows won’t want to reciprocate. It was good like this. He could label himself as a stone top and people would let him touch them without expecting to touch him after. 
It’s changed now. He’s on hormones, has been for the last couple of years, and it’s fucking hard to not want to be touched anymore. His sex drive is through the roof, even worse than what it used to be when he was fourteen and sleeping with a pillow between his legs to get some relief without actually addressing whatever was down there. It’s worse than fucking puberty and even the slightest touch gets him off. It’s crazy. He feels like a fucking perv every time someone taps his shoulder after a good race, because his body acknowledges the touch as sexual even though it isn’t. Max knows it isn’t. His libido likes to disagrees. 
------ aka a trans!Max very small thingy (kinda wanted it to be inspired by JOYRIDE by KESHA) that I'd like to continue one day maybe,,,
10 notes · View notes
thearoaceshark · 10 months
Splinter: I'll leave my children watching a sports anime with flashy characters, what could happen?
This character:
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Leo: – trans awakening –
(So, I was watching this series from my childhood because ✨️nostalgia✨️ and I realized that THAT character it's so transfem coded! I don't know, I think it's not just that it has a feminine appearance, it really gives me trans girl vibes. Literally its Keshin is a woman, a VALKYRIE, and its Mixi Max is with Joan of Arc... Valkyries and Joan of Arc are literally the Roman Empire of all the girlies!! So that's my hc now, Kirino is transfem and was the character with which Leona realized that she is a girl)
19 notes · View notes
Can you make a list of all the characters you've mentioned so far and their roles? I want to write a fanfiction based off this (Also is that okay????). Thanks!
oh boy theres an awful lot to go through, ask me any specific characters and i’ll if i missed them/assign them smth!! I’m including parents, teachers, historical figures etc. anybody i’ve mentioned in the WHOLE YEAR ive been running this blog. IN ALPHA ORDER. 
Ask me on details such as relationships, family history, religion, jobs, living style or any of that stuff. I have floorplans, timelines and historical..tidbits. I can give you a full profile of each character if you wish. Pick one and I’ll give a full essay on literally EVERYTHING. and theyre all thought out. 
America/Alfred - Economics/Politics Student, Brother of Matthew, cousin of Zachary/Jett
Ancient Egypt/Nefetiri - Class of ‘87 alumni
Ancient Greece/Athena - Class of ‘87 alumni
Ancient Rome/Romulus - Lovi/Sebastian/Feli’s dad 
Australia/Jett - Zoology Student, Brother of Zachary, Jake and Wendy, Cousin of Matthew/Alfred
Austria/Roderich - Music Student, Cousin of Leo
Belarus/Natalya - Dance/Ballet student, Sister of Ivan and Katyusha
Belgium/Emma - Pastry Chef/Culinary Student, Sister of Luca and Tim
Britannia/Alicia - Arthur/Peter’s mom (mum), librarian
Bulgaria/Boris - Roomates with Vlad
Canada/Matthew - Med Student/Student nurse, Brother of Alfred
Chibitalia - Literally Feli as a kid
China/Yao - Culinary Student
Cuba/Carlos - Matthew’s friend
Czech Republic/Hedvika - Works at the library
Denmark/Matthias - Film Student
England/Arthur - Art Student, brother of Peter
Estonia/Eduard - IT/Computer science major
Finland/Tino - Literacy Student
France/Francis - Culinary Student
Gaul/Genevieve - Class of ‘87 alumni 
Germania/Alderich - Gil/Lud’s dad
Germany/Ludwig - Mechanical Engineer Student, brother of Gilbert
HRE(Holy Roman Empire)/Gabriel - he’s dead lol deceased twin brother of Ludwig
Hong Kong/Leon - High Schooler
Hungary/Elizabeta - Culinary student
Hutt River/Jake - Brother of Wendy, Jett and Zach. Works in a museum
Iceland/Emil - High Schooler
India/Nanush - Physics Student/Dance instructor
Ireland/Cole - Brother of Arthur, Aaron, Alistor and Peter
Italy/Feliciano - Fine Arts Student, brother of Lovino and Sebastian
Japan/Kiku - Economics Student
Knights Templar(K.T.)/Katie - Masters in History, Vet. for the German army, trans (mtf)
Kugelmugel/Leo - Middle Schooler, working towards arts, cousin of Roderich
Liechtenstein/Lilli - High Schooler, sister of Vash
Lithuania/Toris - Journalist/Literacy Student
Luxembourg/Luca - High Schooler
Monaco/Lucille - Step-sister of Francis, sister of Michelle
Mongolia - Transfer student in Gil’s youth
Moldova/Aurel - Vlad’s younger brother
Netherlands/Tim - Horticulture, Brother of Emma and Luca
New Zealand/Zachary - High Schooler/Recent Graduate, brother of Jett, Jake and Wendy, cousin of Alfred/Matthew, works in as a bellhop/barista
Norway/Lukas - Art Student
Poland/Feliks - Fashion Design Student (can also do acting/drama)
Portugal/João - Veterinary Student
Prussia/Gilbert - Technical Illustration Student
Romania/Vlad - Study of folklore 
Romano/Lovino - Fashion Student, brother of Feli and Sebastian
Russia/Ivan - Art History Student
Scotland/Alistor - Brother of Peter, Arthur, Cole and Aaron
Sealand/Peter - Middle Schooler, brother of Arthur, Cole, Alistor and Aaron
Seborga/Sebastian - High schooler, learning culinary arts, brother of Feli and Lovi, Wendy and Peter’s old babysitter
Seychelles/Michelle - High Schooler, adoptive sister of Francis and Lucille.
Slovakia/Jakub - Works at the library
South Korea/Kim - High schooler
Spain/Antonio - Early Education Student/Student Teacher
Sweden/Berwald - Interior designer
Switzerland/Vash - Scout/Army kid, idk what he studies..THE BLADE
Taiwan/Mei - Fashion Student/High Schooler
Turkey/Sadik - Bodyguard/Model/Highschool Football Captain
Ukraine/Katyusha - Sister of Ivan and Natalya
Wy/Wendy - Sister of Zach, Jake and Jett, cousin of Matt and Al
Wales/Aaron - Brother of Alistor, Cole, Arthur and Peter
2p!America/Allen - High School Dropout, wants to be a cop
2p!Austria/Roland - Rock Music (70s-80s) and loves Elton John
2p!Canada/James - Graduated, Hockey Athelete
2p!China/Xiao - Culinary
2p!England/Oliver - Culinary, works as a pastry chef
2p!France/Francois - Graduated, works designing clothes
2p!Germany/Lutz - Engineer/Mechanics, kind of a mess
2p!Hungary/Erzsebet - Culinary Chef
2p!Italy/Luciano - Probably works in casino or smth
2p!Prussia/Gillen - Art (hoe) Student, moody and avant garde
2p!Russia/Viktor - Literature, mostly macabre
2p!Romano/Flavio - Fashion Student, probably a pimp
Old Fritz (Frederich) - Gilbert’s professor
Hanz Katte - Gilbert’s Art history professor
Joan of Arc - Francis’ first girlfriend
Maria Theresa - Roderich’s first piano teacher
Aunt Marie - Gil’s Aunt, mother of Katie
Great Grandmother Arlene - Great Grandmother of Lud/Gil/Katie/Max/Monica, Grandmother of Marie and Alderich
Laura/George Jones - Mother/Father of Alfred/Matthew, George is also a veteran.
Lena - It’s Gil and Roddy’s kid ahghfhg her tag is aph child lmao
Louis - Francis’ biological dad, kind of a cheating dick, ex husband for Marie.
Marie and Leon - Francis’ parents. Marie (like Curie, the French scientist) is divorced and remarried to Leon, which is short for Napoleon. Leon is Lucille’s father biologically.
APH Holstein and Schleswig/Max and Monica - Cousins of Gil/Lud, Brother and Sister of Katie
APH Saxony and Hesse and Barvaria - Gil’s cousins
Louise - Divorced wife of Alderich, Mother of Gil, Lud and Gabe
Mr. Newspaper - Not a historical figure, but its a canon Hetalia character. Roderich’s student which he tutored for piano
Rocker Dad - Eliza’s single father, travelling in Europe somewhere
Sophia and Hugh Johannes Edelstein - Exactly what it sounds like, its Roderich’s parents.
Spicy Mom - that’s the Vargas’ quick witted and super hot wine mom, who is basically Morticia to Romulus’ Gomez.
Vash/Lilli’s Father/Mother - Exactly what it sounds like, family friends with the Edelsteins
Astor/Berlitz/Blackie - Gil/Lud’s dogs
Eiger/Jungfrau/Mönch - Vash’s goats (on a farm, in Switzerland)
Ester/Felix/Strudel - Roderich’s Cats, 2 at home, one with him
Fish - Michelle’s goldfish. dont have a name yet. 
Gilbird - Gil’s bird
Pierre - Francis’ bird
Monet - Lucille’s bunny (made to sound like Claude Monet, as well as the word Monte, in Monte Carlo)
Sam - Alfred’s Golden Retriever (at home with parents)
Snake - It’s just Jett’s snake.
Alderich’s cats - Gil’s dad’s foster cats
I’m probably missing a few but..my mind has blanked so ask and you shall receive. I have full logs on each character, ESPECIALLY THE FAMILY ONES
Not tagging this one
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tas-ss7a · 6 years
Blog thingy for SS7 - Max
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Hello, my name is Max Tran and I just finished my first quarter in SS7.  The quarter has been very fun as we have explored Europe from Vikings to King Arthur.  At the beginning of the year we talked about the 5 branches of government.  We then talked about feudalism in Europe which had knights and nobles.  After that was learned about Vikings and their gods and other kingdoms and empires like the Roman Empire.
The Feudalism was about knights, nobles, and kings.  This era is known by many names but the most well-known are “Dark-Ages” and “Middle-Ages”.  During the topic we did a class about the topic than we had a mini-project on it (like always).  We had to make a mini-play about what we thought feudalism was.
Vikings was from Scandinavia and were mostly traders and craftsman than the brutes that most of us thought they were.  They traded mostly with European traders and hey got very rich very fast.  The reason we thought they were brutes was from the villages they invaded and the churches they robbed.  The people thought they were non-religious brutes who weren’t civilized.
The Vikings’ gods are now very well-known from Marvel in the recent movies.  The most notable were Thor, Loki, and Odin.  The three are in the movies and are very well known as more and more people are researching about them.  The gods lived in a holy land named “Asgard”.  The place is like Olympus but for the Viking gods.  The gods were also not fond of Loki and Loki would constantly try to invade.
The Roman Empire was a very well-known empire for Its long-lasting history lasting over 1500 years.  The Roman Empire was founded around 27 BCE and half the empire ended in the 500s and the rest ended in the 1500s.  The empire was known for a lot of emperors also like Justinian and Augustus.  
This quarter was one of my favorites for Social Studies 7.  The quarter was full of fun little projects and plays that we did.  The classroom was always a fun place to chill and talk during lunch and listen to music on Mr. Matt’s computer.  The class is also very loud (just like last year) but Mr. Matt is very cool about it.  
That is the end of the blog and I hope to see you need time I write one see you soon!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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Total War: Earth [PVP] {Factions} {Movecraft} {Massive battles} {1.10}
Server Trailer:"Old-Server-Trailer!"
FORUMS: "Forums"
RULES: "Rules"
=====================Server Lore Start======================
The year is 1750, you are busy tending your field in central Europe. As you are busy plowing, a great sound of engines rolls across the sky and fields like that of roaring thunder. You look up, and see just what you expected. A mighty German airship slowly moves through the air, its massive turrets and armor gleaming in the bright summer sun. As it passes over your field, the noise not only frightens away the pesky crows, but i also seems to have upset your milk cow and other farm animals. To much in awe to be angered, you watch the airship sail away into the distance, closely followed by its escort of small airskiffs...
Welcome to the world of total war, a world set on an alternate timeline, a timeline in which religious persecutions, and the great 30 years war never happened. A timeline in which the Roman empire was able to hold back the barbarian invaders from sacking Rome. Because of this, Europe was never plunged into the dark ages, it remained in a seemingly never ending age of discovery. On top of this, a magical rock, christened 'redstone' by its Roman discoverers was never hunted down and destroyed for being 'witch craft'. Instead, religious leaders left it alone, and in the late 1500s it was discovered to do more than make a pretty glow, it could power things. the worlds top scientists set to work immediately, learning how to better harness its power, and, eventually, making lighter-than-air ships with massive cannons that now grace the heavens above. Due to this, colonies grew quickly, trans Atlantic travel quickened from months to mere days, and even though the rest of technology was still in the 1600's where Flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and hand to hand all still dominate the battlefield, this gave the world a new glow in itself, a glow of WAR.
The age of discovery seems to be ending though, scientists struggle to find anything revolutionary. As the world stops finding new and exciting things, nations are growing in an ever shrinking world. It is only a matter of time until war breaks out, and when it does, whos side will you take? What will you fight for? Will you stand your ground against impossible odds or break at the first sign of adversity?
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, a world where you decide what happens, a world that is merely a powder keg waiting for a spark....
welcome, to total war.
=====================Server Lore End======================+
=====================Connection Information Start===================
Server Version: 1.19 (but 1.11 and 1.12 can join too)
=====================Connection Information End===================
=====================Server Features Start===================
Special Features:
MOVECRAFT (working Boats/planes/tanks/torpedos)
No Bull-Shit Owner
Enchants are Disabled
Potions are Disabled
minecraft boat crafting disabled to promote movecraft usage
Cannot use water walls or lava walls for bases!
Capture Cargo route city's/Regions with /siege function
=====================Server Features End===================
=====================Server Computer Features Start===================
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i3 7350K 4.2ghz (5th best CPU for Single thread performance)
Mother-Board:MSI H110M Gaming LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Ram: x1 8GB DDR4 RipJaw Gskill @2400hz Link: http://ift.tt/2mv5NAy
Video Graphics: Integrated in mother board (it's a server computer LOL)
Power supply: a 500W Power supply, nothing to write home about but gets the job done.
Case: It's a micro-atx case, nothing special, Black with Blue and some internal LEDS.
Hard Drive: 500GB Sata III 6mb/s Hard Drive (seagate)
Operating System: Windows 10
Internet: 100MB/s connection ( My wired computer has like a 29-35MB/s upload speed with a 85-100 MB/s download speed)
**Wired Cat 6 from Router. Router and Cable modem are aftermarket to
allow much higher rate of transfer then stock ISP equipment. **
=====================Server Computer Features End===================
=====================Description of Unique Server Features Start ===================
Build your castles, train your troops, and vanquish your foes on the field of battle!
With our plugin ** movecraft:** you can now Make any craft from our list block by block, pilot them, and use them! AKA, Move around, load them onto a fleet of mighty ships to rule the waves! Make AA ground turrets to shoot down enemy planes attacking you, make your own fleets of airships, and submersible crafts, do what YOU want! and Yes, those boats and planes MOVE!
Need troops? you will be able to Raise an army by growing a minecraft villager village, the more villagers your faction or nation has, the more 1-life troops you get per week (We have a staff member who only does this, max atm is 40villagers=8 1-Life npcs soldiers a week)
Want to be a farmer? Trader? shipwright? you can make GOOD money in each profession.
Crack shot with guns added!! (flintlock pistols, Muskets, Blunderbuss's) (Throwing spears too!)
RACE Plugin! We have 10 custom ancestry races that give you certain bonus's depending on where you're character was from! (North/South American, Asian, Mediterranean, and more!)
Trade routes multiple player controllable cities,Server cities are setup so that players have to travel to them for best prices on essential items, making the economy Player driven, and dynamic.
Players will be able to fight over entire cities and.... if your faction was big enough you
can literally claim around the Trading port and blockade that city to only allies and you!
The server is currently in alpha, so things will change, and bugs will be found and dealt with. we are heavily based off of the Real total war game franchise, working daily with players to recreate a first person version of Total war! You can build you're empire Block by Block, or tear another faction down in the same manner. This server is not for the weak of heart, you're builds will be damaged if you start things with other players (you can only take damage to faction lands while you are online). Server towns are opening up to promote trade, and need to travel, we are growing fast, join us!
=====================Description of Unique Server Features End ===================
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts Start ===================
Server Craft list includes:
Drill (can drill through all stones and ores, to collect ores or to be used to drill an attack tunnel into enemy lands)
Carrier (a boat that can carry a lot of other blocks, like fighter jets or bomber planes or tanks)
Ram (can go through walls of enemys, or be used to collect stones and woods)
Plow (can harvest crops into chests while you drive over them)
Hand cannon (just what is sounds like, a portable craft, with cannons allowed on it)
PlaneFactory (a factory craft to allow mass production of crafts)
sailboat (small boat)
smallship (mid sized boat)
bigship (biggest boat)
Tank (a tank craft)
Elevator (an elevator to move people or crafts up and down)
Airship (flyable air ship, used as a destroyer in the sky, or bomber)
Airskiff (small plane type craft, yes you can equip it with torpedos, bombs and firecharges)
BigAirskiff (medium plane type craft)
citygate.craft (for making custom gates and LARGE doors)
LaunchASM.craft (Air to Surface Missile Craft)
LaunchSAM.craft (Surface to Air missile Craft)
Torpedo.craft ( torpedos)
TorpTurret.craft (turrets for torpedos)
Turret.craft (for AA guns and land crafts for defense)
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts End ===================
Come check us out!
The entire goal is to let the players create their own
world without any un-needed intervention of the owner or administrators.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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Total war: Earthmap 1.9 [PVP] [Chaos]
Server Trailer:"Old-Server-Trailer!"
=====================Server Lore Start======================
The year is 1750, you are busy tending your field in central Europe. As you are busy plowing, a great sound of engines rolls across the sky and fields like that of roaring thunder. You look up, and see just what you expected. A mighty German airship slowly moves through the air, its massive turrets and armor gleaming in the bright summer sun. As it passes over your field, the noise not only frightens away the pesky crows, but i also seems to have upset your milk cow and other farm animals. To much in awe to be angered, you watch the airship sail away into the distance, closely followed by its escort of small airskiffs...
Welcome to the world of total war, a world set on an alternate timeline, a timeline in which religious persecutions, and the great 30 years war never happened. A timeline in which the Roman empire was able to hold back the barbarian invaders from sacking Rome. Because of this, Europe was never plunged into the dark ages, it remained in a seemingly never ending age of discovery. On top of this, a magical rock, christened 'redstone' by its Roman discoverers was never hunted down and destroyed for being 'witch craft'. Instead, religious leaders left it alone, and in the late 1500s it was discovered to do more than make a pretty glow, it could power things. the worlds top scientists set to work immediately, learning how to better harness its power, and, eventually, making lighter-than-air ships with massive cannons that now grace the heavens above. Due to this, colonies grew quickly, trans Atlantic travel quickened from months to mere days, and even though the rest of technology was still in the 1600's where Flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and hand to hand all still dominate the battlefield, this gave the world a new glow in itself, a glow of WAR.
The age of discovery seems to be ending though, scientists struggle to find anything revolutionary. As the world stops finding new and exciting things, nations are growing in an ever shrinking world. It is only a matter of time until war breaks out, and when it does, whos side will you take? What will you fight for? Will you stand your ground against impossible odds or break at the first sign of adversity?
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, a world where you decide what happens, a world that is merely a powder keg waiting for a spark....
welcome, to total war.
=====================Server Lore End======================+
=====================Connection Information Start===================
Server Version: 1.9 (but 1.10 and 1.11 can join too)
=====================Connection Information End===================
=====================Server Features Start===================
Special Features:
MOVECRAFT (working Boats/planes/tanks/torpedos)
No Bull-Shit Owner
Enchants are Disabled
Potions are Disabled
minecraft boat crafting disabled to promote movecraft usage
Cannot use water walls or lava walls for bases!
Capture Cargo route city's/Regions with /siege function
=====================Server Features End===================
=====================Server Computer Features Start===================
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i3 7350K 4.2ghz (5th best CPU for Single thread performance)
Mother-Board:MSI H110M Gaming LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Ram: x2 8GB DDR4 RipJaw Gskill @2400hz Link: http://ift.tt/2mv5NAy
Video Graphics: Integrated in mother board (it's a server computer LOL)
Power supply: a 500W Power supply, nothing to write home about but gets the job done.
Case: It's a micro-atx case, nothing special, Black with Blue and some internal LEDS.
Hard Drive: 500GB Sata III 6mb/s Hard Drive (seagate)
Operating System: Windows 10
Internet: 100MB/s connection ( My wired computer has like a 29-35MB/s upload speed with a 85-100 MB/s download speed)
**Wired Cat 6 from Router. Router and Cable modem are aftermarket to
allow much higher rate of transfer then stock ISP equipment. **
=====================Server Computer Features End===================
=====================Description of Unique Server Features Start ===================
Build your castles, train your troops, and vanquish your foes on the field of battle!
With our plugin ** movecraft:** you can now Make any craft from our list block by block, pilot them, and use them! AKA, Move around, load them onto a fleet of mighty ships to rule the waves! Make AA ground turrets to shoot down enemy planes attacking you, make your own fleets of airships, and submersible crafts, do what YOU want! and Yes, those boats and planes MOVE!
Need troops? you will be able to Raise an army by growing a minecraft villager village, the more villagers your faction or nation has, the more 1-life troops you get per week (We have a staff member who only does this, max atm is 40villagers=8 1-Life npcs soldiers a week)
Want to be a farmer? Trader? shipwright? you can make GOOD money in each profession.
Crack shot with guns added!! (flintlock pistols, Muskets, Blunderbuss's) (Throwing spears too!)
RACE Plugin! We have 10 custom ancestry races that give you certain bonus's depending on where you're character was from! (North/South American, Asian, Mediterranean, and more!)
Trade routes multiple player controllable cities,Server cities are setup so that players have to travel to them for best prices on essential items, making the economy Player driven, and dynamic.
Players will be able to fight over entire cities and.... if your faction was big enough you
can literally claim around the Trading port and blockade that city to only allies and you!
The server is currently in alpha, so things will change, and bugs will be found and dealt with. we are heavily based off of the Real total war game franchise, working daily with players to recreate a first person version of Total war! You can build you're empire Block by Block, or tear another faction down in the same manner. This server is not for the weak of heart, you're builds will be damaged if you start things with other players (you can only take damage to faction lands while you are online). Server towns are opening up to promote trade, and need to travel, we are growing fast, join us!
=====================Description of Unique Server Features End ===================
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts Start ===================
Server Craft list includes:
Drill (can drill through all stones and ores, to collect ores or to be used to drill an attack tunnel into enemy lands)
Carrier (a boat that can carry a lot of other blocks, like fighter jets or bomber planes or tanks)
Ram (can go through walls of enemys, or be used to collect stones and woods)
Plow (can harvest crops into chests while you drive over them)
Hand cannon (just what is sounds like, a portable craft, with cannons allowed on it)
PlaneFactory (a factory craft to allow mass production of crafts)
sailboat (small boat)
smallship (mid sized boat)
bigship (biggest boat)
Tank (a tank craft)
Elevator (an elevator to move people or crafts up and down)
Airship (flyable air ship, used as a destroyer in the sky, or bomber)
Airskiff (small plane type craft, yes you can equip it with torpedos, bombs and firecharges)
BigAirskiff (medium plane type craft)
citygate.craft (for making custom gates and LARGE doors)
LaunchASM.craft (Air to Surface Missile Craft)
LaunchSAM.craft (Surface to Air missile Craft)
Torpedo.craft ( torpedos)
TorpTurret.craft (turrets for torpedos)
Turret.craft (for AA guns and land crafts for defense)
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts End ===================
Come check us out!
The entire goal is to let the players create their own
world without any un-needed intervention of the owner or administrators.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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Total War: Earth [PVP] [Chaos] {1.12}
Server Trailer:"Old-Server-Trailer!"
=====================Server Lore Start======================
The year is 1750, you are busy tending your field in central Europe. As you are busy plowing, a great sound of engines rolls across the sky and fields like that of roaring thunder. You look up, and see just what you expected. A mighty German airship slowly moves through the air, its massive turrets and armor gleaming in the bright summer sun. As it passes over your field, the noise not only frightens away the pesky crows, but i also seems to have upset your milk cow and other farm animals. To much in awe to be angered, you watch the airship sail away into the distance, closely followed by its escort of small airskiffs...
Welcome to the world of total war, a world set on an alternate timeline, a timeline in which religious persecutions, and the great 30 years war never happened. A timeline in which the Roman empire was able to hold back the barbarian invaders from sacking Rome. Because of this, Europe was never plunged into the dark ages, it remained in a seemingly never ending age of discovery. On top of this, a magical rock, christened 'redstone' by its Roman discoverers was never hunted down and destroyed for being 'witch craft'. Instead, religious leaders left it alone, and in the late 1500s it was discovered to do more than make a pretty glow, it could power things. the worlds top scientists set to work immediately, learning how to better harness its power, and, eventually, making lighter-than-air ships with massive cannons that now grace the heavens above. Due to this, colonies grew quickly, trans Atlantic travel quickened from months to mere days, and even though the rest of technology was still in the 1600's where Flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and hand to hand all still dominate the battlefield, this gave the world a new glow in itself, a glow of WAR.
The age of discovery seems to be ending though, scientists struggle to find anything revolutionary. As the world stops finding new and exciting things, nations are growing in an ever shrinking world. It is only a matter of time until war breaks out, and when it does, whos side will you take? What will you fight for? Will you stand your ground against impossible odds or break at the first sign of adversity?
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, a world where you decide what happens, a world that is merely a powder keg waiting for a spark....
welcome, to total war.
=====================Server Lore End======================+
=====================Connection Information Start===================
Server Version: 1.9 (but 1.10 and 1.11 can join too)
=====================Connection Information End===================
=====================Server Features Start===================
Special Features:
MOVECRAFT (working Boats/planes/tanks/torpedos)
No Bull-Shit Owner
Enchants are Disabled
Potions are Disabled
minecraft boat crafting disabled to promote movecraft usage
Cannot use water walls or lava walls for bases!
Capture Cargo route city's/Regions with /siege function
=====================Server Features End===================
=====================Server Computer Features Start===================
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i3 7350K 4.2ghz (5th best CPU for Single thread performance)
Mother-Board:MSI H110M Gaming LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Ram: x1 8GB DDR4 RipJaw Gskill @2400hz Link: http://ift.tt/2mv5NAy
Video Graphics: Integrated in mother board (it's a server computer LOL)
Power supply: a 500W Power supply, nothing to write home about but gets the job done.
Case: It's a micro-atx case, nothing special, Black with Blue and some internal LEDS.
Hard Drive: 500GB Sata III 6mb/s Hard Drive (seagate)
Operating System: Windows 10
Internet: 100MB/s connection ( My wired computer has like a 29-35MB/s upload speed with a 85-100 MB/s download speed)
**Wired Cat 6 from Router. Router and Cable modem are aftermarket to
allow much higher rate of transfer then stock ISP equipment. **
=====================Server Computer Features End===================
=====================Description of Unique Server Features Start ===================
Build your castles, train your troops, and vanquish your foes on the field of battle!
With our plugin ** movecraft:** you can now Make any craft from our list block by block, pilot them, and use them! AKA, Move around, load them onto a fleet of mighty ships to rule the waves! Make AA ground turrets to shoot down enemy planes attacking you, make your own fleets of airships, and submersible crafts, do what YOU want! and Yes, those boats and planes MOVE!
Need troops? you will be able to Raise an army by growing a minecraft villager village, the more villagers your faction or nation has, the more 1-life troops you get per week (We have a staff member who only does this, max atm is 40villagers=8 1-Life npcs soldiers a week)
Want to be a farmer? Trader? shipwright? you can make GOOD money in each profession.
Crack shot with guns added!! (flintlock pistols, Muskets, Blunderbuss's) (Throwing spears too!)
RACE Plugin! We have 10 custom ancestry races that give you certain bonus's depending on where you're character was from! (North/South American, Asian, Mediterranean, and more!)
Trade routes multiple player controllable cities,Server cities are setup so that players have to travel to them for best prices on essential items, making the economy Player driven, and dynamic.
Players will be able to fight over entire cities and.... if your faction was big enough you
can literally claim around the Trading port and blockade that city to only allies and you!
The server is currently in alpha, so things will change, and bugs will be found and dealt with. we are heavily based off of the Real total war game franchise, working daily with players to recreate a first person version of Total war! You can build you're empire Block by Block, or tear another faction down in the same manner. This server is not for the weak of heart, you're builds will be damaged if you start things with other players (you can only take damage to faction lands while you are online). Server towns are opening up to promote trade, and need to travel, we are growing fast, join us!
=====================Description of Unique Server Features End ===================
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts Start ===================
Server Craft list includes:
Drill (can drill through all stones and ores, to collect ores or to be used to drill an attack tunnel into enemy lands)
Carrier (a boat that can carry a lot of other blocks, like fighter jets or bomber planes or tanks)
Ram (can go through walls of enemys, or be used to collect stones and woods)
Plow (can harvest crops into chests while you drive over them)
Hand cannon (just what is sounds like, a portable craft, with cannons allowed on it)
PlaneFactory (a factory craft to allow mass production of crafts)
sailboat (small boat)
smallship (mid sized boat)
bigship (biggest boat)
Tank (a tank craft)
Elevator (an elevator to move people or crafts up and down)
Airship (flyable air ship, used as a destroyer in the sky, or bomber)
Airskiff (small plane type craft, yes you can equip it with torpedos, bombs and firecharges)
BigAirskiff (medium plane type craft)
citygate.craft (for making custom gates and LARGE doors)
LaunchASM.craft (Air to Surface Missile Craft)
LaunchSAM.craft (Surface to Air missile Craft)
Torpedo.craft ( torpedos)
TorpTurret.craft (turrets for torpedos)
Turret.craft (for AA guns and land crafts for defense)
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts End ===================
Come check us out!
The entire goal is to let the players create their own
world without any un-needed intervention of the owner or administrators.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
Total war: Movecraft 1.12 [PVP] [Chaos]
Server Trailer:"Old-Server-Trailer!"
=====================Server Lore Start======================
The year is 1650, you are busy tending your field in central Europe. As you are busy plowing, a great sound of engines rolls across the sky and fields like that of roaring thunder. You look up, and see just what you expected. A mighty German airship slowly moves through the air, its massive turrets and armor gleaming in the bright summer sun. As it passes over your field, the noise not only frightens away the pesky crows, but i also seems to have upset your milk cow and other farm animals. To much in awe to be angered, you watch the airship sail away into the distance, closely followed by its escort of small airskiffs...
Welcome to the world of total war, a world set on an alternate timeline, a timeline in which religious persecutions, and the great 30 years war never happened. A timeline in which the Roman empire was able to hold back the barbarian invaders from sacking Rome. Because of this, Europe was never plunged into the dark ages, it remained in a seemingly never ending age of discovery. On top of this, a magical rock, christened 'redstone' by its Roman discoverers was never hunted down and destroyed for being 'witch craft'. Instead, religious leaders left it alone, and in the late 1500s it was discovered to do more than make a pretty glow, it could power things. the worlds top scientists set to work immediately, learning how to better harness its power, and, eventually, making lighter-than-air ships with massive cannons that now grace the heavens above. Due to this, colonies grew quickly, trans Atlantic travel quickened from months to mere days, and even though the rest of technology was still in the 1600's where Flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and hand to hand all still dominate the battlefield, this gave the world a new glow in itself, a glow of WAR.
The age of discovery seems to be ending though, scientists struggle to find anything revolutionary. As the world stops finding new and exciting things, nations are growing in an ever shrinking world. It is only a matter of time until war breaks out, and when it does, whos side will you take? What will you fight for? Will you stand your ground against impossible odds or break at the first sign of adversity?
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, a world where you decide what happens, a world that is merely a powder keg waiting for a spark....
welcome, to total war.
=====================Server Lore End======================+
=====================Connection Information Start===================
Server Version: 1.9 (but 1.10 and 1.11 can join too)
=====================Connection Information End===================
=====================Server Features Start===================
Special Features:
MOVECRAFT (working Boats/planes/tanks/torpedos)
No Bull-Shit Owner
Enchants are Disabled
Potions are Disabled
minecraft boat crafting disabled to promote movecraft usage
Cannot use water walls or lava walls for bases!
Capture Cargo route city's/Regions with /siege function
=====================Server Features End===================
=====================Server Computer Features Start===================
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i3 7350K 4.2ghz (5th best CPU for Single thread performance)
Mother-Board:MSI H110M Gaming LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Ram: x1 8GB DDR4 RipJaw Gskill @2400hz Link: http://ift.tt/2mv5NAy
Video Graphics: Integrated in mother board (it's a server computer LOL)
Power supply: a 500W Power supply, nothing to write home about but gets the job done.
Case: It's a micro-atx case, nothing special, Black with Blue and some internal LEDS.
Hard Drive: 500GB Sata III 6mb/s Hard Drive (seagate)
Operating System: Windows 10
Internet: 100MB/s connection ( My wired computer has like a 29-35MB/s upload speed with a 85-100 MB/s download speed)
**Wired Cat 6 from Router. Router and Cable modem are aftermarket to
allow much higher rate of transfer then stock ISP equipment. **
=====================Server Computer Features End===================
=====================Description of Unique Server Features Start ===================
Build your castles, train your troops, and vanquish your foes on the field of battle!
With our plugin ** movecraft:** you can now Make any craft from our list block by block, pilot them, and use them! AKA, Move around, load them onto a fleet of mighty ships to rule the waves! Make AA ground turrets to shoot down enemy planes attacking you, make your own fleets of airships, and submersible crafts, do what YOU want! and Yes, those boats and planes MOVE!
Need troops? you will be able to Raise an army by growing a minecraft villager village, the more villagers your faction or nation has, the more 1-life troops you get per week (We have a staff member who only does this, max atm is 40villagers=8 1-Life npcs soldiers a week)
Want to be a farmer? Trader? shipwright? you can make GOOD money in each profession.
Crack shot with guns added!! (flintlock pistols, Muskets, Blunderbuss's) (Throwing spears too!)
RACE Plugin! We have 10 custom ancestry races that give you certain bonus's depending on where you're character was from! (North/South American, Asian, Mediterranean, and more!)
Trade routes multiple player controllable cities,Server cities are setup so that players have to travel to them for best prices on essential items, making the economy Player driven, and dynamic.
Players will be able to fight over entire cities and.... if your faction was big enough you
can literally claim around the Trading port and blockade that city to only allies and you!
The server is currently in alpha, so things will change, and bugs will be found and dealt with. we are heavily based off of the Real total war game franchise, working daily with players to recreate a first person version of Total war! You can build you're empire Block by Block, or tear another faction down in the same manner. This server is not for the weak of heart, you're builds will be damaged if you start things with other players (you can only take damage to faction lands while you are online). Server towns are opening up to promote trade, and need to travel, we are growing fast, join us!
=====================Description of Unique Server Features End ===================
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts Start ===================
Server Craft list includes:
Drill (can drill through all stones and ores, to collect ores or to be used to drill an attack tunnel into enemy lands)
Carrier (a boat that can carry a lot of other blocks, like fighter jets or bomber planes or tanks)
Ram (can go through walls of enemys, or be used to collect stones and woods)
Plow (can harvest crops into chests while you drive over them)
Hand cannon (just what is sounds like, a portable craft, with cannons allowed on it)
PlaneFactory (a factory craft to allow mass production of crafts)
sailboat (small boat)
smallship (mid sized boat)
bigship (biggest boat)
Tank (a tank craft)
Elevator (an elevator to move people or crafts up and down)
Airship (flyable air ship, used as a destroyer in the sky, or bomber)
Airskiff (small plane type craft, yes you can equip it with torpedos, bombs and firecharges)
BigAirskiff (medium plane type craft)
citygate.craft (for making custom gates and LARGE doors)
LaunchASM.craft (Air to Surface Missile Craft)
LaunchSAM.craft (Surface to Air missile Craft)
Torpedo.craft ( torpedos)
TorpTurret.craft (turrets for torpedos)
Turret.craft (for AA guns and land crafts for defense)
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts End ===================
Come check us out!
The entire goal is to let the players create their own
world without any un-needed intervention of the owner or administrators.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
Total war: Earthmap 1.9 [PVP] [Chaos]
Server Trailer:"Old-Server-Trailer!"
=====================Server Lore Start======================
The year is 1650, you are busy tending your field in central Europe. As you are busy plowing, a great sound of engines rolls across the sky and fields like that of roaring thunder. You look up, and see just what you expected. A mighty German airship slowly moves through the air, its massive turrets and armor gleaming in the bright summer sun. As it passes over your field, the noise not only frightens away the pesky crows, but i also seems to have upset your milk cow and other farm animals. To much in awe to be angered, you watch the airship sail away into the distance, closely followed by its escort of small airskiffs...
Welcome to the world of total war, a world set on an alternate timeline, a timeline in which religious persecutions, and the great 30 years war never happened. A timeline in which the Roman empire was able to hold back the barbarian invaders from sacking Rome. Because of this, Europe was never plunged into the dark ages, it remained in a seemingly never ending age of discovery. On top of this, a magical rock, christened 'redstone' by its Roman discoverers was never hunted down and destroyed for being 'witch craft'. Instead, religious leaders left it alone, and in the late 1500s it was discovered to do more than make a pretty glow, it could power things. the worlds top scientists set to work immediately, learning how to better harness its power, and, eventually, making lighter-than-air ships with massive cannons that now grace the heavens above. Due to this, colonies grew quickly, trans Atlantic travel quickened from months to mere days, and even though the rest of technology was still in the 1600's where Flintlock pistols, muskets, blunderbuss, and hand to hand all still dominate the battlefield, this gave the world a new glow in itself, a glow of WAR.
The age of discovery seems to be ending though, scientists struggle to find anything revolutionary. As the world stops finding new and exciting things, nations are growing in an ever shrinking world. It is only a matter of time until war breaks out, and when it does, whos side will you take? What will you fight for? Will you stand your ground against impossible odds or break at the first sign of adversity?
Welcome to a world of endless possibilities, a world where you decide what happens, a world that is merely a powder keg waiting for a spark....
welcome, to total war.
=====================Server Lore End======================+
=====================Connection Information Start===================
Server Version: 1.9 (but 1.10 and 1.11 can join too)
=====================Connection Information End===================
=====================Server Features Start===================
Special Features:
No Bull-Shit Owner
Enchants are Disabled, but some Items buy-able with enchants on them
Potions are Disabled
minecraft boat crafting disabled to promote movecraft usage
Cannot use water walls or lava walls for bases!
Capture Cargo route city's/Regions with /siege function
=====================Server Features End===================
=====================Server Computer Features Start===================
Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i3 7350K 4.2ghz (5th best CPU for Single thread performance)
Mother-Board:MSI H110M Gaming LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Ram: x1 8GB DDR4 RipJaw Gskill @2400hz Link: http://ift.tt/2mv5NAy
Video Graphics: Integrated in mother board (it's a server computer LOL)
Power supply: a 500W Power supply, nothing to write home about but gets the job done.
Case: It's a micro-atx case, nothing special, Black with Blue and some internal LEDS.
Hard Drive: 500GB Sata III 6mb/s Hard Drive (seagate)
Operating System: Windows 10
Internet: 100MB/s connection ( My wired computer has like a 29-35MB/s upload speed with a 85-100 MB/s download speed)
**Wired Cat 6 from Router. Router and Cable modem are aftermarket to
allow much higher rate of transfer then stock ISP equipment. **
=====================Server Computer Features End===================
=====================Description of Unique Server Features Start ===================
Build your castles, train your troops, and vanquish your foes on the field of battle!
With our plugin ** movecraft:** you can now Make any craft from our list block by block, pilot them, and use them! AKA, Move around, load them onto a fleet of mighty ships to rule the waves! Make AA ground turrets to shoot down enemy planes attacking you, make your own fleets of airships, and submersible crafts, do what YOU want! and Yes, those boats and planes MOVE!
Need troops? you will be able to Raise an army by growing a minecraft villager village, the more villagers your faction or nation has, the more 1-life troops you get per week (We have a staff member who only does this, max atm is 40villagers=8 1-Life npcs soldiers a week)
Want to be a farmer? Trader? shipwright? you can make GOOD money in each profession.
Crack shot with guns added!! (flintlock pistols, Muskets, Blunderbuss's) (Throwing spears too!)
RACE Plugin! We have 10 custom ancestry races that give you certain bonus's depending on where you're character was from! (North/South American, Asian, Mediterranean, and more!)
Trade routes multiple player controllable cities,Server cities are setup so that players have to travel to them for best prices on essential items, making the economy Player driven, and dynamic.
Players will be able to fight over entire cities and.... if your faction was big enough you
can literally claim around the Trading port and blockade that city to only allies and you!
The server is currently in alpha, so things will change, and bugs will be found and dealt with. we are heavily based off of the Real total war game franchise, working daily with players to recreate a first person version of Total war! You can build you're empire Block by Block, or tear another faction down in the same manner. This server is not for the weak of heart, you're builds will be damaged if you start things with other players (you can only take damage to faction lands while you are online). Server towns are opening up to promote trade, and need to travel, we are growing fast, join us!
=====================Description of Unique Server Features End ===================
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts Start ===================
Server Craft list includes:
Drill (can drill through all stones and ores, to collect ores or to be used to drill an attack tunnel into enemy lands)
Carrier (a boat that can carry a lot of other blocks, like fighter jets or bomber planes or tanks)
Ram (can go through walls of enemys, or be used to collect stones and woods)
Plow (can harvest crops into chests while you drive over them)
Hand cannon (just what is sounds like, a portable craft, with cannons allowed on it)
PlaneFactory (a factory craft to allow mass production of crafts)
sailboat (small boat)
smallship (mid sized boat)
bigship (biggest boat)
Elevator (an elevator to move people or crafts up and down)
Airship (flyable air ship, used as a destroyer in the sky, or bomber)
Airskiff (small plane type craft, yes you can equip it with torpedos, bombs and firecharges)
BigAirskiff (medium plane type craft)
citygate.craft (for making custom gates and LARGE doors)
LaunchASM.craft (Air to Surface Missile Craft)
LaunchSAM.craft (Surface to Air missile Craft)
Torpedo.craft ( torpedos)
TorpTurret.craft (turrets for torpedos)
Turret.craft (for AA guns and land crafts for defense)
=====================List of Movecraft Crafts End ===================
Come check us out!
The entire goal is to let the players create their own
world without any un-needed intervention of the owner or administrators.
0 notes