#trans ikuto
4rum4ch4n · 2 years
My favorite 2021 illustrations <3
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magical-xirl-4 · 10 months
How would a wholly genderbent shugo chara go in your opinion.
I'm thinking hard about this and at first I thought nothing about the plot would change, but after brainstorming I believe some key parts about the story would definitely be different. I think most characters role's and characterisations would stay the same because their gender doesn't influence the part they play in the story, but some characters definitely would have a different role because their gender affects those things, and so they may have a different arc if they were the "opposite" gender (and dammit it always comes back to the characters who have the most family trauma).
I'm gonna talk about the characters who wouldn't change much first:
Amu would still have a tough facade but may be seen more as a delinquent (I believe their would-be-selves would largely stay the same), Kukai would still be great at sports, instead having a family full of sisters and being the youngest sister, Yaya would have to try to be a good older brother to a baby sister but they might get less slack from their parents about wanting to be the baby forever, Kairi would stay the same there is no doubt about it, and Tadase would too. However I will acknowledge how somewhat ground-breaking it would be to see these characters as the "opposite" gender in these roles (that isn't played for mockery): Amu yearning to wear pink, be more domestically skilled and be seen as cute (could be heavily transfem coded), Kukai being a masculine sporty girl, Yaya indulging in cutesy baby stuff as a boy, and Kairi dreaming of being a samurai (could be transmasc coded).
As for Nagi, Rima, Ikuto and Utau I think their stories could be drastically different.
For Nagi's you'd have to do some playing around. In a genderbent scenario they'd be female forced into a male role... but for what reason? I don't know any boy exclusive sports or arts and to be honest I don't know if there is such a thing. I guess Nagi could be born into a family where only men carry on the tradition of... kendo? But that's not comparable because kendo is a mixed gender martial art, whereas jiuta mai (highly likely to be what their family practices) is for women only. So, my proposal is go full throttle on the trans narrative and have Nagihiko be assigned female at birth, starting out as Nadeshiko, and then transition throughout the story and come out as a transmasc genderfluid person. Nagi is already basically a trans metaphor in canon so why not just do it for real? It'd be so powerful in a story about being true to yourself. You literally get the same character arc but with the transness now being obvious. Nagi/Nade still loves traditional dancing, but yearns to express themselves like a boy would and do boyish things. It literally fits so well even though it's not... exactly “gender-bending” but this is my post about gender and shugo chara so I can do what I want.
Moving on, Rima's story could be extremely different. Truth of the matter is, girls are preyed upon more than boys (even though violence against young boys and men does happen) and it's specifically because of Rima's cute and fem appearance that she was targeted for her kidnapping. Her near kidnapping led to her parents lashing out at each other and becoming dysfunctional, forming Rima's dream of wanting to make people happy so she could have a happy family again. I think there's a lot of complexity with how she views herself too because she knows that as a cute girl she can get whatever she wants from boys, and like... this danger and advantage she has is something so intrinsic to the fact that she is a girl. So if she were a boy, I feel like the reason for the family dysfunction would be different and their general attitude at the start would be different. But like I said, boys can be put in danger too and could develop a complex relationship with their appearance. It's an extreme of totally different, or roughly the same.
Okay, so... Utau and Ikuto. Why do I feel like their roles would be completely reversed?
Utau would still be the younger one, but because they'd be a boy I feel like they'd be less pushed into the idol role and more pushed into the role of what Ikuto was doing in canon: cleaning up Easter's mess (though male idols do exist so maybe they'd be one anyway). In turn, I feel like Kazoumi would want to make Ikuto the face of Easter's entertainment sect as a violin prodigy. Kazoumi is a slime ball and treats his step-son like dirt but I feel like he'd treat them like he does with Utau and make them marketable as a female idol, of sorts.
But wait wouldn't that mean Kazoumi is female in this universe...? Okay so maybe their roles would stay the same because I can completely see the evil-step mother thing happening with Ikuto still doing the dirty work. Though it'd be funny if Kazoumi was the only character that didn't get genderbent and possibly got together with fem Aruto instead (which she'd hate um)... unless he's a gay man in this universe and went with male Souko, which would be closer to canon lmfao.
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xx-hyper-cryptid-xx · 4 months
I think Ikuto is a trans boy :3
also! Nadeshiko has always been a trans girl to me, maybe transfem bigender though can also see that!
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
I was surprised to see people actually wanted to hear more about ikuto so here you go! there's a lot so I'm gonna put it under the cut
childhood & family
- he's trans & his mom (ofc as a mental health proffesional) is supportive but his dad has a lot of unwanted comments about it that he's still getting over
- he has a good relationship with his mom although she is rather protective & worried about him being able to take care of himself
- his dad has a large ego & is very stubborn about what he wants from the people in his life, mostly his family, & is more concerned with what they can do for him than the relationship itself
- his mom almost divorced his dad because he was being so transphobic & she knew how that would affect ikuto, but he shut up about it & now only makes passive aggressive comments
- both of them wanted him to go into the medical industry, his dad being much more assertive about it, & when he decided to try to become a pro hero his dad didn't say much about it & his mom tried to convince him to become a side kick because his powers are better for support & she didn't want him in the line of fire, but this only made him want to be a hero more
- his mother has the heartbeat & bloodflow control quirk that he has & works at a recovery center where she sometimes uses it to help calm patients down (only with their consent, she never forces anyone)
- his dad is who he got the blood hardening aspect of his quirk from which was a variation of his father's quirk that allows him to make scar tissue produce much faster & in a controlled way, his job is essentially a cosmedic one, he heals patients wounds after they've been treated so that there is minimal visual scarring & much less time spent waiting for it to heal
- his father gets a lot of praise for this (because people care a lot about how they look) & it always bothered ikuto that he would get all this attention & he wasn't even the one treating the wound, this was what put the idea in his head to become a hero, because if he could stop people from getting hurt in the first place that would be something truly helpful (he understands that his dad IS still helping them, he just doesn't like the inflated ego he gets from it)
- over time this caused him to dislike using his blood hardening ability to stop people's bleeding because if he allowed them to get hurt in the first place he believes he's failed in some way, which is a sad turn of thinking because when he was little he loved healing his classmates' scraped knees & stuff because it made him feel helpful
- both his parents jobs & values have greatly influenced the idea that he has to help other people or be useful in some way in order to have value
interests & habits
- he cares a lot about his grades & is the typical "if I don't get an A I'm stupid" kind of kid, not because his parents are strict about it but because he feels the need to prove himself
- he ADORES praise of any kind & if you say he's doing something well he will put all of his energy into doing it the best he can, partially in the hopes of more praise & partially in fear of messing up & making the praise unearned
- he is constantly worried about how other people percieve him, he mostly just wants everyone to like him & worries that his awkwardness & the fact that he's kind of closed off comes off as mean
- he gets very attached to his interests & the people he likes, if he likes something he will obsess over it & if someone is nice to him once he'll think about them for a week
- he stumbles over his words sometimes because he tries to be thoughtful about what he says & if anything catches him off guard or he doesn't have time to think he'll panic about what to say
- he's very physically affectionate but is worried about overstepping anyone's bounaries, so he loves hugs but will rarely initiate them unless he's very close with the person
- he'll buy/make food for people as a way to say "hey I care about you"
- he feels awkward just standing not doing anything so if he's ever idle you'll notice he always has a hand on his arm or his arms crossed
- he either makes too much eye contact or won't look at someone barely at all depending on if he wants to talk to them or feels uncomfortable with the conversation
- he's still embarrassed about his voice (even though he started T a few months before high school) & doesn't like hearing himself talk, which is part of why he's so quiet, & absolutely HATES hearing himself in recordings
- he has a nintendo switch & owns every legend of zelda game he could afford, as well as a few pokemon games & a couple multiplayer games like mario kart & splatoon
- he has a bunch of shiny rocks on his desk because he likes collecting them
-his favorite colors are blue, orange, & green, he ironically doesn't like red too much although he doesn't dislike it
wow that's a lot of text, I hope you enjoy it & feel free to use any of it as part of an interaction :)
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koushirouizumi · 4 years
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WAIT WAIT WAIT memory unlocked i FINALLY remembered who cracked my egg
it was nadeshiko/nagihiko fujisaki from shugo chara!!!
i remember thinking "woah......boys can wear skirts???" after the Reveal™ and then it featured in my dreams for the next TWO YEARS until i finally realized i was trans lmaO
they were my favorite character(s?) next to ikuto and i just. never looked any deeper into that sjsgsh
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buraibanzai · 3 years
Thoughts On: Ikuto Maekawa
boy. cute
shared birthday bro, that's pretty cool
he thought Ikuto was very uwu soft pure wholesome
and then Burai saw what he eats
seeing him eat his hot sauce eggs and ketchup cottage cheese makes Burai feel sick
so he appreciates Ikuto avoiding it around him
he's not a bully but Ikuto has such overwhelming nerd energy that he can't help but ruffle his hair and punch his arm sometimes
it's for this reason that he'd also be very protective of Ikuto if the need arose (side eyes Mitsumi)
trans solidarity!! Burai will hell him dress up nice (even if it means creating e-boy Ikuto...)
srsly tho Ikuto is rly smol to Burai despite being taller. he has tiny energy. Burai can't help but wonder why he's so nervous
he WILL beat the idea that Ikuto is dumb if he gets bad grades out of his head if he has to
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventures ~ Pride Icons / L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ Headcanons Bi[sexual or Bi-romantic]! various Chosen Children / characters: BI + ASEXUAL/ACE-SPEC Yamato Ishida [Yamato “Matt” Ishida in US] { Adventure } GENDERFLUID + BI Sora Takenouchi, { Adventure } { who accepts ALL sides of Themself } QUEER + BISEXUAL Jou Kido { Adventure } BIROMANTIC DEMISEXUAL Ken Ichijouji { 02 } BISEXUAL Daigo Nishijima { Tri }, { who had a canon deep, intimate relationship with Maki Himekawa } (+GENDER)QUEER + BI Takeru Takaishi { Adventures } BISEXUAL Jenrya Lee { Tamers } BISEXUAL Kouichi Kimura { Frontier } NON-BINARY BI Ikuto Noguchi { Savers } + flag icon base by @izzyizumi​ !
OP’s commentary: It is Bisexual Awareness Week ; I recently made these for it ! Have some of my favorite Bi (+ Bi MLM, Bi WLW, Bi NBLM, Bi NBLW, Bi NBLNB) headcanons !! ! Former icon sets made by me containing Bi icons: Adventure Chosen
{ L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N+phobes, Queer-phobes, A-phobes / Ace-phobes / Aro-phobes, Pan-phobes, anti-Poly@morous, T.E.R.F.s, Tru-scum/Trans-meds of any stripe, Rad-fems, Gate-keepers / R.E.G.s in general etc. DO NOT INTERACT } { YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY BLOCKED IF DETECTED } [ note: commenting/tagging respecfully/positively is ok ! ] { Even if you do not plan to use, “liking”/reblogging is OK ! }
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: { My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY } { for this set particularly; I headcanon MOST as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted } { this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general ! }
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aaasherr · 4 years
quarantine ask 1
1 - animated character that was you gay awakening?
okay this is a little tricky for me because im trans and before i knew i was a guy i thought i was a wlw so looking back there are girl characters and guy character that i had crushes on and idk which to count as “gay awakenings” so im gonna include both lol.
girls - shego from kim possible, sam from danny phantom, katara and azula from atla.
boys - sokka and zuko from atla, zero and aidou from vampire knight (leave me the fuck alone ajfhkjsaghkjrhg), ikuto from shugo chara, n from pokemon
send me asks!
[link: https://aaasherr.tumblr.com/post/618477019107377152/quarantine-asks-questions-you-usually-wouldnt ]
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transmasc-malleus · 6 years
Magical girl shows that should’ve and must be gay
Princess Tutu- Ahiru is a trans icon who falls in love with Rue. Fakir isn’t an abusive asshole and falls in love with Mytho
Shugo Chara- No creepy ass high schooler hitting on and sexually harassing a 5th GRADER. Nadeshiko is canon trans instead of just a “cross dresser” and Amu falls in love with Nadeshiko. Ikuto gets a boyfriend in his same class.
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fagpulp · 6 years
Ikuto Tsukiyomi Trans
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tomans-darlings-au · 6 years
Top 5 Countdown, Best Father Characters...
(Specifically OC’s I’ve Made)
#5 - Philip M. Becker (No Image Sorry)
A southern single father with traditional values and even belief in god but who refuses to use that as an excuse to reject people especially his children. A man who will waste no time defending his trans lesbian daughter and demon adopted son, old fashioned but kind hearted and charming. Philip may be a traditional old man but he’s a progressive man too who care about his family and their lives, stays involved and even his traditional values can be seen as progressive. (Example: He thinks all parents should teach their children to cook both girls and boys because being able to cook isn’t a gendered thing it’s literally a necessity)
Philip takes the #5 spot for being a genuinely good papa, hardworking man, and dorky traditional dad (Seriously you should see his kids trying to teach him to use new tech.)
#4 - Baxter Pearce
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(Art By @sunflowerpin)
A father in an unkind world towards him and his family, a big polyamorous family with a supernatural powered child likely getting the mutation from him. His child was taken from him and he spent years never giving up hope that he would see them again and when he finally did he helped not only them but even helped a very troubled boy (Spike) who he had every right to be angry at and even hate.
Baxter takes the #4 spot for being an intimidating looking old man with a heart of gold empathizing with even those that could be deemed hopeless, not to mention the strength/hope to get him and his family through missing their child.
#3 - Joel B. Catsley
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A man who gave up his dreams to take care of his wife and child and even after being heartbroken and abandoned by his ex-wife he took care of his son with no hesitation working long hours in labor jobs. Joel loves his kid so much the only think he was worried about when being falsely imprisoned was what was happening to his child, after finally reuniting with him he is beyond happy. Joel doesn’t dwell on the injustice he was served only on angry at the harm that came to his child when he was unable to be there a protect him. Still Joel is a charming man and quite talented musician, the love he gets from his child, son in law, and romantic interest Xana is well earned.
Joel gets the #4 spot for making it through so much hardship and still facing the world with a kind heart.
#2 - Lucifer Lunar
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(Art By @sgt-spank)
Oh there’s so much I want to say about him but I can’t because I don’t want to spoil the plot. Let’s just go with Lucifer chose to raise a child that wasn’t even his, protect them, love them, care for them as if they were his flesh and blood. He’s been there for his precious Dani through sickness and health, raised them to value honesty and cunning more than brute force, and really loved and accepted them no matter their choice of expression. Lucifer says his own child gives him hope for mankind that says it all. Also let’s be honest this man is a huge dork showing off sometimes so his child thinks he’s cool.
Lucifer gets #2 spot because among the things i’ve told and the things that will be explored within the My Dad Is The Devil universe his fatherly love will be shown a lot.
Honorable Mentions: Ikuto Ookami (#6 -  MHA), Ace (#7 - Sig’s Universe), Moon’s Father (#8 - Magica Universe), Soryn Ziion (#9 - Star Wars), Nergal (#10 - Beans And Friends)
#1 - Warren Rogers
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(Art By @cornyzombie)
Do I even need to explain this one? A man who lost his wife and was no single-handedly responsible for 3 children and not only raised them but went above and beyond taking 3 other children in need of a parent. Helped on of the children put in his care through transitioning and helped get his dream started, continues to support all his kids, and is a frequent volunteer in the community. I can’t even begin to explain why Warren is the best father character i’ve ever written and he was the first positive one i’ve ever written too.
Warren gets the #1 spot as Ultimate best dad.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
uwu ikuto is just such a cute innocent uwu boy <3 little milk boy who's just sweet and always so shy and nervous .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. he's so cute and just a soft uwu trans gay boy 💕💕💕 *all fanart where he's just hyperfeminized and a femboy/catboy*
and also the hybrid fics. The weird ones, specifically.
he's a fucking soyboy to this fandom whether he likes it or not
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chadsuke · 6 years
Oh are we talking about Shugo Chara? I really loved Ikuto when I was a kid but dang if he isn't a big pedo. A good thing about the anime though? Nadeshiko bigender icon
i’ll have to rewatch to see if I have a specific headcanon abt their gender but that child is absolutely trans n I love them
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kisaragihoney · 7 years
now for shugo chara nagiamu and Rima
u absolute menace
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: nagihiko/nadeshiko
Least Favorite character: uhhhhhhhh the dude who runs easter
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): NAGIAMU, tadamu, amu/rima, ikuto/staying away from amu forever
Character I find most attractive: they’re all toddlers
Character I would marry: hoshina utau im ur biggest fan
Character I would be best friends with: yaya 
A random thought: nagi is a  fuckign trans lesbian how can u all be so blind
An unpopular opinion: ikuto sucks and i want amu to get a restraint order against him
My canon OTP: tadamu
Non-canon OTP: NAGIAMU
Most badass character: *looks at rima* get a load of that clown!!
Pairing I am not a fan of: amuto like  get ikuto away from her
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): they tried to make amu straight and honestly? fools
Favourite friendship: amu and yaya also yaya and kukai they good
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: when we rewatched shugo chara and my third eye opened when i got that nagi is a gay
my thoughts: we’re both the only ones who know this ship and its killing me scoob
What makes me happy about them: its gay and good and so tender
What makes me sad about them: when they have no screentime together
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: literally never came across a nagiamu fanfic
Things I look for in fanfic: existence
My kinks: they’re 12
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: tadase
My happily ever after for them: amu catching that  fucking boquet at the marriage in the last chapter of the manga while nagi came out to her is no fucking joke yall they’re gonna get married and live happily ever after while annoying rima
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: GET A LOAD OF THAT CLOWN!!!! GET A LOAD OF THAT CLOWN!!!!!! GET A LOAD OF THAT CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: amu  like rima really doesnt care about anyone else
My non-romantic OTP for this character: rima/yaya and rima/nagi they make really good friends
My unpopular opinion about this character: shes perfect u cowards
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: rima makes a sick meme
My OTP: amu/rima
My OT3: amu/rima/nagi
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News Listings for June 15, 2018
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~ More matches were announced for the Jul 12th show at the Shinjuku FACE.
BASARA, 7/12/2018 [Thu] 19:00 @ Shinjuku FACE in Tokyo
(-) Goma Ryu vs. Yoshihisa Uto (BJW) (-) Trans Am ★ Ryuichi (BJW) vs. Ryuichi Sekine
(-) Isami Kodaka Debut 16th Anniversary Tag Match: Isami Kodaka & Naomichi Marufuji (NOAH) vs. Ikuto Hidaka (ZERO1) & Minoru Fujita (FREE)
(-) Itadaki Tournament Final Match:
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