#trans fem marco diaz
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fluffykitty149 · 2 years ago
Made a Marcia doodle during a zoom class and decided to color it in.
Tried referencing a Jalisco dress (where her dad is from) and I think I did an okay job but let me know if you have notes. (Also I chose those colors because it was the only colors I have at the time)
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coolitquentin · 7 years ago
oof. ill go ahead and make this post, i guess. its just been on my mind.
imo i dont buy into trans girl marco as canon or a headcanon. im not against it, and its cool if you like it, but ill be disappointed if they make him not cis and it just be another binary gender. admittedly im biased bc im genderfluid/nonbinary myself, but also because its important to have guy characters that can be feminine and not get upset when theyre “mistaken” for a girl. its important to not buy into gender roles like “oh marco wore makeup and dresses so hes not actually a boy.” bc that feeds into the mentality that that stuff is just for girls. i really liked the ep where marco admitted to the orher princesses that he was a boy for the line “Boys can be princesses too/Princesses can be hairy/ect” thats the cool kinda message marco gives when he wears a damn ballgown into battle while riding a dragoncycle.
i like the idea of a noncis/genderfluid/ect marco a lot but him being full stop a girl defeats the message that being feminine doesnt make you any less a man, so ive never been completely comfortable with that one. 🤷🏾‍♀️
also because you dont have to be super fem to be a trans woman. id be much more for one of the more masc girls to be canonically a trans woman. rather than a character where theyve put so mich focus on femininity. also im just always more for characters being the gender they themselves have said they are. so instead of a boy actually being a trans woman bc hes shown some (or a lot) of feminine traits, why not trans boy marco? why not trans girl kelly? or janna?
like i said, if trans girl marco is a headcanon you get behind, or means a lot to you, i respect that. this is just me chattering about why im personally not behind it.
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fluffykitty149 · 11 months ago
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Happy (late) trans day of visibility! I had to do a redraw of my fav girl of all time. Hope everyone had a good one! And a good Easter as well!!!
Original below cut, if ur curious to see my improvement!
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peachieflame · 7 years ago
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im in love with this idea of female marco (or it could be just marco likes dresses!) going to the blood moon ball, all dressed up
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fluffykitty149 · 11 months ago
Heyyy… so… it’s been a while. I kinda bailed rewriting svtfoe. As much as I love princess and magic there is way too much baggage in the butterfly family and I couldn’t find a way to keep the whole magical kingdom concept without the very obvious fact of how it came to be so I bailed. With all the real life events currently happening as much as I wanted to write a magical princess fanfic it left a bad taste in my mouth.
All that said while trying to learn more about how to write a trans female character I came across this gem of a WEBTOON and just had to share it!
It’s such a sweet story and the Author herself is an absolute gem of a person! Some of you guys probably have already seen this webtoon but those who haven’t I hope you enjoy!
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fluffykitty149 · 1 year ago
Have a Sapphic Starco since there isn’t enough in the world
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And yes, Star’s purse does stare into your soul.
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fluffykitty149 · 1 year ago
If Marco was out as a trans girl during song day she would have worn this
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Or not they just look similar and I thought it was cute. It was linked to a shop but I didn’t see it on the site so they must have taken it down. Here’s the link tho!
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fluffykitty149 · 1 year ago
I had a very funny idea
Marco internally: Okay, the mood is nice, tension has been cleared. Time to tell Jackie I’m trans.
Marco: Jackie, I’ve wanted to tell you something for a while now.
Jackie: Me too Marco.
Marco a little surprised but shrugs it off: You wanna go first?
Jackie looking nervous: Uh, maybe?
Marco confused but wants to be supportive: Okay, how about we say it together okay? One, two, three-
Jackie: I’M GAY!!
Marco frozen:
Jackie feeling scared: Marco? Please say something,
Marco’s brain rebooting: I’m bi
Jackie blinks in surprise then smiles: Really! That’s great Marco! Is there someone you’re interested in?
Marco: I uh-
Jackie: I honestly felt like shit for dating you due to het comp but at least I know I’m not alone in this! 😊
Marco: Yeah! Yeah, his name is Tom?
Marco internally: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!??!
Jackie: Cool! How did you two meet?
Marco losing her mental stability by the second: He’s Star’s ex.
Jackie: Oh I’m sorry dude! *she hugs her* I’m sure things will work out. In the meantime, we should probably break up. It’s best to be honest with ourselves you know?
Marco who’s had a legitimate crush on her since she was a kid: M’kay, thanks Jackie.
Jackie: I should be thanking you instead. I felt so guilty for what happened between you and Star and then realizing it was all for nothing.
Marco managing to snap out of it a bit: Jackie, what happens with Star wasn’t your fault.
Jackie rubs her arm: I know that’s technically true but every time I look back, I see Star crying as she runs away it and makes my heart shatter, y’a know?
Marco also feeling unnecessary guilt over what happened: Yeah, I get it.
Jackie: I knew you would. *she hugs her one final time then hops on her skateboard* stay cool okay?
Marco dealing with all of this at once: Uh huh, you too.
Jackie skates away and once she’s out of sight Marco pulls her hoodie up and curls into a ball: Please god, if you’re out there, take me now.
Janna watching all of this from a bush: Lmao mission failed successfully.
I have a part two if anyone is interested
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fluffykitty149 · 1 year ago
A Princess and a Squire.
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fluffykitty149 · 1 year ago
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(Yes the hands look terrible I’m working on that!)
I wanted to have someone other than Lavabo to mentor Marcia because she bumps up from Squire of the Wash the Princess’s Squire after an event. Someone who not only teaches her to fight, but how to think as well.
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fluffykitty149 · 3 years ago
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wasted potential yall
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fluffykitty149 · 2 years ago
Made a trans Marco coming out fic (NON BETA READ)
DISCLAIMER I AM CIS so please tell me if I wrote something wrong/offensive so that I may fix it.
(tomstar and janncoish)
Marcia feels her palms sweat as she slowly made her way to Star’s room. ‘Deep breathe in, deep breathe out,’ the technique her therapist taught her helps cool her nerves as she knocks on the door. “Star? Can I come in?”
“Sure Marco!” Marcia opens the door to see Star’s room in a mild mess which was weird considering she just helped the girl clean her room. 
“Didn’t we just clean your room?”
“Uh… I kinda lost some stuff and needed to find it.”
“Really? I thought we worked on that with my-”
“Marco, did you need something? Kinda busy.”
A rush of frustration and nerves fills Marcia but she cools herself down. “Well, I needed to tell you something important. It’s super personal and I was just waiting for the right moment to-”
Marcia gets interrupted by a pillar of fire entering Star’s room and Tom steps out. “Hey.” he greets with a smile on his face. Star smiles in excitement and Marcia’s comes out as a grimace.
“Tom!” Star greets tackling her boyfriend into a hug. Marcia rubs her arm nervously. “Sorry Marco, can we talk about this later?”
Marcia deflates but nods her head. “Sure thing. Enjoy your date.”
“Hey, if it doesn’t take that long we can wait. Honestly, our reservations got pushed back by half an hour.” Tom says with a shrug.
“Aww man,” Star pouts.
The tension Marcia felt before melts away with some laughter and she sits on a chair. “Okay. I was originally just going to tell Star but since you’re here too Tom I’ll do it two at once.” she pulls herself up and is about to speak but Janna comes in and Marcia groans in frustration.
“Janna! What are you doing here!?” 
“What? I ran out of oregano. What are you guys up to?” Janna asks stuffing an oregano bottle in her bag. 
Trying the breathing exercise again, Marcia manages to calm down. “I’m coming out to them, now shush.”
Janna’s eyes widen. “For real?” she walks up to Marcia and holds her hands “I’m here for you dude.” 
Marcia's heart skips a beat but she smiles and hugs the girl “thanks Janna,” 
Tom coughs awkwardly “so are you going to tell us what coming out is or are Star and I going to have to guess?”
“Oh right!” Marcia turns back to the couple “Coming out is a term coined by the LGBTQ+ community. If you aren’t cisgender and/or heterosexual, when you tell people you’re coming out.”
“You mean the pretty rainbow people!” Star asks excitedly “I’m bi!”
“Yes Star, I know,” Marcia states smiling.
“Bi?” Tom asks.
“Bi means I like both girls and boys. And sometimes in between.” Star states proudly.
“Oh, what if you like a person regardless if they’re a boy, girl, or something in between?” Tom asks.
“Then you’re pan.” Marco says with a smile.
“Cool,” Tom shrugs.
“I happen to fall into both categories. I’m bi, but also transgender.”
The couple turns to Marcia in confusion. “Transgender?”
“Star we literally got taught this in health class.”
Star flushes pink “Oh, uh… yeah. Transgender. Totally know what that is.”
“... you completely forgot didn’t you?”
“In my defense I wasn’t paying attention.”
Marcia face palms and sits back down. “Transgender can mean many things for many people, for me it means I-” nerves begin to build up making it hard to speak “I’m uh-” her brain gets so scrambled she forgets all her sentences and all she can think of is the fact she should have used slides. 
“Do you want me to say it?” Janna asks glancing over.
Clearing her throat Marcia shakes her head. “No. I can do this. Star, Tom, the truth is that I’m a girl.”
The couple blinks in surprise. “Wait what?” Tom asks scratching his head. 
“Wait, I thought you were a boy. You said you were a boy. Shoot, did I forget you were a girl or something?” Star asks panicking.
“Nothing like that.” Marcia calms states taking Star’s hands. “I’m a trans girl so that means I’m a girl born with a boy’s body. Not everyone is transgender and not everyone knows they’re transgender. Some people discover it earlier or later in life. I just so happened to discover it at St. Olga’s.”
“Huh, so when I was telling you to tell the truth back at the St. Olga’s party…”
“You were basically forcing me back into being something I’m not.” 
Star inhales sharply through her teeth as guilt creeps in. “Oh wow, I’m so sorry Marco, I didn’t know.”
“It’s alright,” Marcia states with a smile “I already cleared things up with the girls. Now we’re tackling gender norms. It’s nice.”
“Well, I’m glad something good came out of it,” Star says with relief.
“So basically-” Tom begins, “I should use she/her when talking about you right?”
Marcia nods “Yup! I’d also prefer being called Marcia if you don’t mind.”
“I just call her Marcie,” Janna states looping an arm around Marcia.
“Hold on a second. How long have you known?” Star asks.
Janna scoffs “I’ve been known. I’ve known since we were kids.”
“Wait WHAT!?” Tom and Star ask in surprise.
Marcia just laughs and rubs her head. “Yeah, we used to be close back then. I didn’t know what being transgender was but I knew I was happy when people saw me as a girl. When Janna started mentioning it at school I was bullied for it and stopped being friends with her.”
“Awwww, you poor things,” Star says with sad droopy eyes.
“It’s whatever now.” Janna shrugs “Sure it sucked back then but now I get why she was so mad. It’s not cool to out people like that.”
“Then should we be careful with who we tell?” Tom asks.
Marcia simply shrugs “I’m pretty much out right now so it doesn’t bother me if you tell others. Just don’t go around announcing it. Only if it comes up in conversation. Or if you need to correct someone about my gender.”
Star at some point summoned a pen and notebook as she wrote stuff down. “Uh-huh, okay, and if you don’t mind me asking what’s with all the doctor’s appointments and medicine.”
“Oh, those? Those are for hormone therapy. It helps me transition as a girl.” 
“Oh thank god!” Star groans out tackling Marcia into a hug. “I thought you were dying!”
“M’sorry Star,” Marcia wheezes slightly suffocating. Eventually, Star relents and sits back down. 
“Okay! So, just to recap, your name is Marcia, you use she/her thingies and you’re a trans girl right?” Star states flipping through her notes
“That about covers it,” Marcia responds.
“Great!” Star cheers jumping up. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I have a date.” Janna and Marcia wave as they watch both Tom and Star enter the pillar of fire and vanish. The two remain standing in an awkward silence. 
“So… do you wanna-”
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