#traffic exchange
kshrbd · 1 year
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tracyorama · 6 days
Connect with me 🤘⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ •⍼
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pgfabs · 6 months
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ruizgomez3d · 8 months
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beboy123 · 11 months
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getthit · 2 years
Getthit.com - autosurf traffic exchange
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If you're looking for a new traffic exchange site to try out, getthit.com is definitely worth checking out. With a simple interface and plenty of features, it's easy to get started and start earning credits.
One of the best things about getthit.com is that it's completely free to use. There are no hidden fees or costs, so you can start driving traffic to your website right away. Plus, you can earn credits by referring others to the site, so it's easy to build up a steady stream of traffic.
Overall, getthit.com is a great option for anyone looking for a new traffic exchange site. It's easy to use and completely free, so why not give it a try?
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cryptocrashbiz · 2 years
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rob53fr · 2 years
Get Traffic & Get $13 Sign Up Bonus !!
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==> Click here To get $13 bonus signup
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l-just-want-to-see · 8 months
Lizzie’s death is somehow even funnier from her pov. She goes “oh I’ve had a terrible day, going on invisible on a skeleton horse will be funny and cheer me up” and then gets KILLED
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mcytrecursive · 5 months
It's Time
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You know that onshot that you're pretty sure you're 5% of the total hits for, you've read it so many times? Have you ever considered the prospect of art based on it?
You know that art piece that you used as your computer desktop so long you gave up and printed it to put on your wall, so that it could always be with you? Have you considered a web weave based on its themes and ideas? Are you considering it now?
You know that longfic that you have a standing appointment to scream about with your friends when it updates? That fic where your favourite character is a side character we haven't seen in four chapters? That story where you were in the author's discord server and you all built an AU together where things went just a little differently and it was happier (or maybe angstier)? What if you could get a sequel to the story, see more from that side character, get that AU written out?
The MCYTBLR Recursive Exchange just went live, and we are entirely set up to make those art pieces, web weaves, or fics a reality. An entire exchange just for fic of fic, art of fic, web weaves of art, art of fic, fic of web weaves, and more. We are celebrating the creations we all know and love within the MCYT space, and we are now live.
Join the Discord and talk to us about the art pieces and fics you love, and get your questions answered!
More information about works that have been nominated, how to sign up, and how to nominate works are all found in the discord! Come! Join us!
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Alright, one last post about this for the road.
Do you like Fandom Exchanges? Do you like Hurt/Comfort? Do you like MCYT? Are you 18? Is this too many questions?
This, as I just learned earlier this month, is a massive multi-fandom exchange on the theme of hurt/comfort. It's open to both artists and writers, and the expecations is a fic of at least 1000 words, or a piece of artwork that is not on lined paper and is at minimum clean linework that is at least 500x500 pixels. And you have from 16 March to 13 May to work on your gift so like, thousands of time. So easy. You can do that in a weekend, right? So achievable.
Some details: this is a massive multifandom exchange, so like, NSFW is allowed, and that means you have to be 18 to sign up. Also as it's a massive multifandom exchange, the mods are not policing what shows up in the tag set (there are literally 620 fandoms listed, can you imagine policing that, no,) so you almost definitely will see stuff in the tag set that makes you go "huh," but that's when you get to go "boy people sure like some stuff", and then you move on and go on to the stuff you're actually writing.
Tag Set?
Glad you asked. Okay so big Ao3 exchanges normally work off a Tag Set. They run a preliminary section where people can submit relationships and characters etc to a massive list, and then once it comes to actual sign-up time, you are only able to select stuff that is in the tag set for your offers and requests. So nomination period (where we're in right now), is important if you want to join an exchange, cause it lets you make sure that the relationships you actually want to offer, and then write/draw, are available to you.
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[ID: An image of what the tag set looks like right now, open to the RPF section which contains SMPs— Empires, Origins, 3rd Life, Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, and SMPEarth.]
Tell me more about those tags?
Okay so, a general exchange works by allowing people to Offer and Request what fandoms and characters they want to write, and then the algorithm matches people's Offers to Requests, so that that person who Requested TMNT art is matched with someone who Offered that yes, they want to draw the turtles.
Within this specific exchange, they go a bit more granular. You both specify the relationship, and because this is a Hurt/Comfort exchange, you specify who exactly is getting hurt.
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[ID: photo of the tags set, showing Philza & Technoblade & Tommyinnit & Wilbur Soot (hurt tommyinnit). ]
I know the dash loves hurting tommy, I've seen your exchange sign ups. I nominated that tag for you all. Never say I don't do things for you.
I didn't even think about empires, but someone already put flower husbands in the tag set, here's your chance to whump Scott.
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[ID: photo of the Empires SMP tags, showing fWhip & Jimmy Solidarity (hurt Jimmy), Scott Smajor & Jimmy Solidarity (hurt Scott), Scott Smajor/Jimmy Solidarity (hurt Scott)]
And then because this is a FREEFORM exchange, you specify what freeform you want, which is your actual prompt for the fic/art you want. Some examples of the freeforms.
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[ID: freeform tags reading: Comfort via food or cooking, Comforted by an animal, Doctor A has to talk B through operating on A, Hugging a person who isn't used to recieving hugs, Human experimentation, Hurt A is too tired/ill to move; calls B to take them home, Retainer lovingly cared for by liege, Reunion after character who was presumed dead returns.]
There are so many freeforms. (Note that the "this is an 18+ exchange" and "this is a dl:dr exchange" rules apply, some of the freeforms are about major archive warnings.)
Yes yes, I know exchanges, why are you telling me this.
Okay so, I'm doing the exchange, and I really want to match on MCYT, so I'm trying to lure as many people as possible to join me. Come on you want to join me so bad. There's 3rd Life AND Empires AND Dream SMP AND Hermitcraft AND SMPEarth in the tag set.
Yes but why are you telling me NOW?
Ah, because the tag nominations closes tomorrow, the 24th, so if you want to get a tag into the tag set— as I type this Scarian isn't into the tag set, so, y'know— your chance is to GO GO GO NOW HERE IS THE LIST TO THE TAG SET CHECK OUT WHAT IS THERE AND NOMINATE YOUR BLORBOS.
Whew. Long post. Enjoy your dash I hope you're having a good day.
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ca1lium · 2 years
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no way i actually posted something????
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allay-uxini · 1 month
Uxini’s Surprise Treat Delivery 5
The final treat delivery for the our lovely mod @ducks-and-stuff for the @mcyt-drabble-exchange based on the prompt: Jimmy and Grian with lighthearted vibes
“Do you really need me to keep on preening your wings? You should know how to do them yourself by now” Despite the harsh tone in his voice Grian’s fingers were nothing but gentle through Jimmy’s wings
(Grian and Jimmy have a bad boy bonding moment)
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desserted-duo · 8 months
Grian walking in on Jimmy standing in Scar's trading hall and them both just staring at each other and then laughing awkwardly is so funny. Why were they acting so guilty???
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kerrosin · 1 month
yet another chance
The pirate stops in front of Ren. A second passes, then another. He looks up at his captor. The first thing he notices is the familiar blue eyes. The second is a small seashell on a gold chain, a token he'd given to the young lad he used to kiss on the hidden beaches of the Black Isles fifteen years ago. 
It’s all coming back to him - their shared nights under the stars, their endless conversations, his father's disapproval… The shock on Martyn's face leaves no doubt that he remembers too.
“There’s no king among them!” Martyn declares, turning away.
@ilexdiapason, also, here is treebark (but not in the life series) and a seashell prompt.
@mcyt-drabble-exchange ; (ao3 link)
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