#trafalgar lamie
uncuentofriki · 1 year
Broke: Law saved Luffy because he didn't want to lose such an interesting rival for the One Piece. Woke: Law learned that Luffy was Ace's little brother and decided to save him because he himself couldn't save his little sister during a genocidal war. Galaxy brain: Both. Because it's Law. He says it's the former (but like 5% of his motivation) but it's the latter.
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collapsedteam · 2 years
Gadgets for Skipping Class (Ch.2)
Title: Gadgets for Skipping Class
Author: Collapsed LIL @collapsedteam
Characters/Pairing: Eustass Kid, Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Lami, Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law
Tags: One Piece, AU - High School
Rating: PG-13
Chapter/Status: 2/2 (read Chapter 1 here)
Word Count: 6,477
Summary: Kid’s only occupation is inventing gadgets that will help him skip class.
Notes: The prompt was to write a YA story with Eustass Kid. Rating is mainly for coarse language.
AO3 / FF (You can also read the story under Read More)
Chapter 2
The corridors were teeming with students waiting outside their classrooms for their next class to start. Kid and Luffy were reviewing Law’s notes before the exam to make sure they had not forgotten to study anything.
“What does it say here?” Luffy asked pointing at a word.
Kid squinted to try to make out what his friend had written there. “Fuck, Trafalgar,” he said. “There’s no way our teachers understand your handwriting.”
There was no answer. Both boys looked around them in search of their friend. Law was standing a few meters away from them talking on his phone. Kid and Luffy exchanged glances. They knew exactly what the other was thinking—they had only seen their friend using his phone at school once, and it had been one year ago, when Kid’s ultimate belt had been overshadowed by his appendix.
Law approached them after hanging up the phone. “Guys, I’ll go to the nurse’s office and be back in a second.”
“It’s closed,” Luffy said, grinding Law to a halt.
“What?” the blue-haired boy asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, my big bro has told me something about the nurse not being able to make it to school today.”
Law hesitated for a moment, he reached the back pocket in his trousers, where he kept his keys, and started moving his feet slowly towards the stairs. “Ok, I’ll go run an errand and I’ll be back in a minute.” He turned around and speeded up.
“Trafalgar!” Kid shouted. “The teacher’s about to come! You won’t be allowed in class once the exam starts!”
Law gave his friend a thumbs-up sign without looking back and disappeared down the stairs.
Kid and Luffy gaped at each other. Their friend was acting really strange—at least stranger than usual. The corridors emptied gradually as the teachers arrived. There was not much time left.
“Straw Hat,” Kid said, “I think it’s time for a revival of Kid’s gadgets for skipping class.”
Luffy’s face lit up at his friend’s words. “Do you mean it?”
Kid looked at him with an ear-to-ear grin. “We won’t have Trafalgar getting a fail grade, will we?”
Law looked up and down the corridor to make sure no one was there and poked his head round the girls’ bathroom’s door.
“Lami,” he whispered, “are you here?”
A waving hand appeared from behind one of the doors in the bathroom. Law sidled up to the door and handed a sanitary pad and clean underwear to the girl.
“How did you get the panties?” she asked astounded, unwrapping the pad.
“The nurse’s office was closed, so I had to go home,” the boy answered.
“What?” The girl’s shriek made Law flinch. “Why didn’t you ask the girls in your class?”
“My little sister couldn’t ask her classmates, but she expects me to do it?” Law joked.
“I already told you,” Lami grumbled, “I don’t know if any of them is on their period yet.” She paused. “I don’t wanna be the first to get it.”
The silence suddenly flooded the bathroom. It was Lami’s first year attending that school and, although she had already made some good friends, she was still not ready to confide everything to them.
Law was leaning on a wall waiting for his sister to finish. The class was probably halfway through, and he had absolutely no chance of taking the exam, so he decided to stay there until Lami was ready to go back to class.
“Law,” Lami whispered, “I’m scared.”
“Don’t be,” her brother answered. “It’s something natural—there is nothing to worry about.” Law moved his face closer to the bathroom door. “And I’ll be here for everything you need, ok?”
Almost half a minute went by until a soft, trembling voice came from the other side.
“Thank you,” Lami sniffled.
Law sat on a bench in the corridor waiting for Lami to come out of the bathroom. There was not a single soul to be seen or any sound to be heard anywhere. He had never seen the school so empty. It was his first time skipping class and wandering through the corridors when the other students were in class. He was actually surprised he felt no remorse or guilt at all. He was not even worried about getting a fail, he could only think about his little sister and the best way to fade her fears away.
The bathroom door finally opened, and Lami came out. The moment Law stood up, she hugged him.
“Do you want to go for a walk around the playground while we wait for the class to end?” Lami asked, her arms still holding her brother.
“What if somebody sees us?” Law inquired.
“Don’t worry. There’s no one there at this time.” Lami headed towards the stairs while her brother insisted on wanting to know how she knew such a thing.
Law had to go back to class to pick up his things. He had dropped Lami in the dining hall with her group of friends and had elegantly dodged their personal questions. When he arrived at the door, it was opened, and he could hear some scrubbing noises. He peeked inside and saw Kid wearing a pair of plastic gloves and boots, sweeping a wet floor covered with patches of white clouds.
“What the heck happened here?” asked the blue-haired boy.
Kid raised his head and beamed. “Hey, Trafalgar! Did you solve that issue?”
“Eh? Oh, yeah…” Law walked preoccupiedly, looking around the classroom, trying to figure out what had happened. “But what is all this white powder?”
“I may—or may not—have discharged a fire extinguisher in class…” Kid explained with his head down.
“What?” Law’s voice sounded unexpectedly high-pitched as he quickly moved his hand away from the powder he was about to touch with his fingers.
“I needed an emergency gadget to prevent the exam from taking place.”
Law cast his friend a look full of reproach and rolled his eyes. “I thought you had left all that behind,” he said.
“Look, I’m not planning to go back to all of that, okay?” Kid complained. “But it’s not fair that you’re always helping us, and we can never do a single thing to help you out.”
Law looked confused. Helping him? What was he talking about?
“Look…” Kid paused, realizing it was the second time he began a sentence like that and that asking Law to ‘look’ when he had not raised his head once since he had begun his confession was maybe a bit unfair. Kid gave Law a sidelong glance and saw that his friend was staring back at him. He took a deep breath and went on, “You’re always lending us your notes, you explain to us everything we don’t get… you even called an ambulance for me last year! We just wanted to put the exam off because you wouldn’t make it in time.”
Law’s eyes were still fixed on his friend’s. He opened his mouth to say something, but Kid interrupted him.
“I know you’ll say we didn’t have to, so you’ll be glad to know we have just managed to start the exam half an hour late, we had only thirty minutes to answer all the questions and the whole class probably hates us by now. So please don’t tell me again about how useless my gadgets are.”
Law’s mouth was closed again. Kid was getting increasingly nervous.
“Where’s Straw Hat?” Law finally asked.
“Oh, he should be asking the cleaning service for alcohol and several other things to clean this mess.”
Law simply nodded and looked around the room. Kid went back to sweeping, still worried about his friend not saying anything. Law was not mad at his friends. He was maybe slightly glad that they had risked their comfort to help him. Maybe even a bit disappointed that he had missed the show. But he was never going to confess it and make them think it could be a good idea to attempt to do it again if he ever needed it. Law was an excellent student, but he also had his share of disciplinary actions, mainly because of his rudeness and bad manners. He could stand a bad grade in his transcript, and he could endure facing his parents. Just like that time he had gotten a tattoo on his upper arm without telling anyone but Kid and Luffy. He remembered how Kid had held his hand from his first groan until the very end and how he, despite his grumpy nature, had not complaint even once about his grip, although Law had been madly digging his nails in his skin. And he said they never helped him out?
“Can I help in any way?” Law asked at last.
A great weight lifted from Kid as he heard his friend speak―Kid knew him well enough to see that he was not mad at him. He shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t think so. Not until Straw Hat comes back, at least.”
Law began to take short, slow steps around the classroom as Kid went back to sweeping the floor. Law was not sure if his head was too full or too empty of thoughts. There was something he had been wanting to tell Kid for some time now, and he thought that could be the perfect time. But, although he tried to arrange his ideas and words in the right order, his brain did not seem to feel up to it. The only useful words he could make out among a heap of disjointed thoughts were: Tell him, tell him, tell him.
“Eustass.” Law was now standing just a couple of steps from the red-haired boy.
His friend mumbled something Law did not need to understand.
“I like you,” Law blurted.
Kid looked at his friend with a frown and asked him to repeat what he had said. He was not visibly nervous or uncomfortable, so he had probably not heard Law’s words.
“I like you,” Law repeated, looking Kid in the eye.
The red-haired boy stood still for some seconds, his eyes fixed on his friend’s. His cheeks slowly began to take on a glowing red color until his ears and his hair could no longer be told apart. He parted his trembling lips, hoping that Law would interrupt him somehow before he had made a fool of himself, but his friend was merely staring at him like he had just explained how to fix a car engine. Not that Kid thought Law could give such an explanation, but who would have thought he could make such a confession, right? Kid started mumbling some unintelligible syllables when Law finally interrupted.
“Do you like me?”
Good. That would make things easier for Kid. Hopefully.
“W-well, yeah,” Kid finally managed to say. He swallowed and tried to focus on making his blush disappear. “Yeah, I do like you.”
“Can we kiss?” Law’s expression had not changed a bit since the first question.
“Fuck, Trafalgar.” For some reason, his friend’s seriousness was making it easier for Kid to loosen up. “Don’t make such a straight face.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t really m—”
“Yeah, I heard what I said,” Kid interrupted, suddenly recovering the reddish glow he had managed to suppress.
In Law’s lips appeared a slight smile that made Kid forget about everything else. He took a deep breath while Law walked the two steps between them and placed his hands on the outer edge of Kid’s shoulders. Kid wrapped his arms around Law’s waist and waited for his friend to do something. Law had his eyes on Kid’s lips, too nervous to go on now that he had made it that far. His lips felt dry.
Kid made a sudden move with his head slightly tilted until he had his lips pressed against Law’s. He felt the blue-haired boy’s body relax in his arms as Law slid his hands to wrap them around Kid’s neck, holding him closer and making them both shudder. Law could feel Kid’s breathing escape through his nostrils and softly tickling his cheek. He could also hear his own respiration. Was it always so nosy when everything else was silent? Law hoped it would at least smother the throbbing of his heart. His thoughts were interrupted when Kid parted his lips lightly, brushing Law’s, and began to stroke Law’s bottom lip gently, repeatedly capturing it between his lips, as if he were insistently sipping his favorite drink. Law felt his lips wet again with Kid’s saliva when a slightly waxy taste seeped into his mouth. Was that how Kid’s lipstick tasted? It was a bit weird, but he liked it.
Law had not expected so many things to go through his head during his first kiss and still enjoy it as much as he had. They stood close to each other after their lips parted, their arms in the very same position they were since merely a minute before.
“That…” Kid paused to lick his lips. “That was good.”
“Yeah…” Law could feel his breath deepening now that the kiss was over.
“If you’ve finished with that, what about helping me a bit over here?”
Both boys jumped at the sound of Luffy’s voice. They pushed each other away―Kid quickly resumed his sweeping and Law hurried towards the cleaning supplies his friend had just brought. He put on a pair of plastic gloves and took a sponge to clean the desks.
Kid glanced furtively at Law, and Law looked back at him. Both boys chuckled and went back to cleaning the mess caused by Kid’s gadget.
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alfheimr · 9 months
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the L in law stands for LOVED...its his birthday:)
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vulpeculaque · 3 months
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attyattlaw · 10 months
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survivor's guilt
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bumbleboa · 4 months
Are there some law and lami doodles in your drafts that we haven't seen 👉👈
There hadn't been, but you made me think about them all morning, so here are some sketches!
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sen-ya · 2 months
reposting this cuz op asked me to do it separately of them, general context is “someone tells law no one dies until the last time their name is said” and anyway man is awake for at least 4 days straight thinkin abt it
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helleaks · 3 months
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Lammy as a Heart pirate. Just had to bro, just had to.
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kenas-artstuff · 2 months
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Siblings sibling sibling siblings
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torao-d-water-ya · 1 year
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The civilians you're sworn to protect.
The civilians you're sworn to bloody protect???
Like these civilians?
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These ones?
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These ones?
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These ones?
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These ones?
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li-louie · 7 months
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19. Ponytail - Exhausted Heart surgeon Law somewhere in the corridors of the cardiac intensive care unit and his dear little sister Lami.
20. Bluff - Someone who is perfect for the role of a spy.
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aucupariaart · 1 year
A spooky interlude
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Happy Birthday Corazon! Do ghosts now exist in my AU, but most people can't see them? Yes. Did I spend way too much time thinking on how ghosts remain, where they are right now, and how they interact? YES. Will it play any role for the AU? No. Probably not. I could make an entire AU just for the ghosts on the Sunny. If you want to know more about them, my Asks are open, and I will answer questions about the ghosts since they won't come up in the AU again.
Part 1 of the main story of the AU
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feeling sane and normal yknow how it is
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sakura-rose12 · 6 days
Okay, but what if Lami lived too?
If we're talking g about Lami being alive with Law from the beginning, Law would have lived a very different life, I'd say.
No going to Doflamingo, probably no pirate life, just finding a way to support him and his sister.
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drowning-moonlight · 2 months
Law saved Luffy at Marineford “on a whim” but maybe he just had sympathy for someone who also lost a sibling in a deeply traumatic way
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attyattlaw · 9 months
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op / inktober day 8: toad
i picked up a random paper off the floor and so it refused to cooperate and the ink kept feathering on the bottom half after this point on
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which absolutely sucks when you sketched your characters in there but i was already in too deep to redo so yolo it is.
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