danu2203 · 2 years
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ibxrmeith · 1 year
im gonna write a section of my novel as if its a gothic horror cus im so cooky and crazy like that
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equitylogistic · 1 year
Transportation in Lakshadweep
Equity Logistics is a pioneer company in providing complete Logistics & Transportation solutions from Andaman & Nicobar to pan India. We Provide Transportation in Lakshadweep.  Exactly, to be a successful Logistic Solution company. Find More Details Contact us at +918861279311.
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You have to boil 5 pjo characters for you to get trabsported to the pjo universe. Who are you choosing to boil?
*no deaths will happen because of this
no deaths makes this....easier. jason, piper, will, leo, and luke im sorry but. youre being boiled :/
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beatriceportinari · 1 year
Trying out a strange new mode of public trabsportation and ended up alone in a small wagon with a couple sorry guys i thought this was a normal one.
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pacosemnoticias · 7 months
Menor produção, alterações climáticas e ataques no Mar Vermelho pressionam preço do café
A menor produção, alterações climáticas e ataques no Mar Vermelho explicam o aumento do preço de café, afirmou à Lusa a secretária-geral da Associação Industrial e Comercial do Café e o 'broker' de café verde Luís Lorena.
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Desde a pandemia de covid-19 que os preços do café robusta - que é a variedade mais consumida pelos portugueses - nos mercados internacionais subiram mais que 200%, continuando ainda em valores altos, o que tem impacto no setor deste produto.
"Este aumento de preços pode ser explicado pelos fatores tradicionais da oferta e da procura: uma produção insuficiente nos países de origem, essencialmente África Central e Vietname, que conduziu a uma baixa recorde dos 'stocks' mundiais de café robusta e uma procura mais acentuada por parte da indústria", que "agravou este problema", aponta a secretária-geral da AICC, Cláudia Pimentel.
Tal "criou as condições no mercado para que o preço café robusta" se encontre "ao preço mais alto de sempre no mercado", prossegue a responsável, lembrando a que acrese as alterações climáticas nos países produtores que estão a provocar "quebras na produção", o que tem impacto nos preços do café verde.
A isto somam-se as condicionantes que "a situação no Mar Vermelho está a trazer ao comércio internacional", onde os Huthis atacam navios há meses, com o aumento dos custos de trabsporte "e um atraso muito relevante na chegada de mercadorias à Europa, entre as quais o café", acrescenta Cláudia Pimental.
Luís Lorena não prevê que o preço do café possa descer para já. Dos dois tipos de variedades existentes, em Portugal "70% do café que se consome é o robusta e 30% é o arábica e o problema, neste momento, é que o café robusta, devido à elevada procura e pouca disponibilidade a nível mundial" tem registado uma alta de preços nos mercados, explica também o 'broker'.
Isto porque "os produtores de café robusta estão a produzir cada vez menos e existe uma maior procura a nível mundial", estando os preços "em máximo históricos", sublinha.
A título de exemplo, a variedade arábica "é mais utilizado no Norte da Europa e o robusta no Sul da Europa", sendo que o preço desta última subiu no período da 'covid-19' porque, antes, era a variedade que tinha o preço mais competitivo.
Ou seja, o aumento do consumo do robusta, segundo o 'broker' de café verde, deve-se a dois fatores: "primeiro, com a pandemia e o 'lockdown' [população em casa], o canal HoReCa [Hotéis, Restaurantes e Cafés] fechou, as pessoas foram para casa e como esta variedade tinha preços inferiores ao arábica, passou a ser mais consumido".
Depois, no Norte da Europa começaram a alterar os 'blends' e, em vez de ser 100% arábica, "começaram a pôr robusta" numa percentagem de 5%, 10%, 15%, o que aumentou o consumo desta variedade e, logo, menos disponibilidade nos mercados, o que faz subir preços.
Anteriormente, aponta, a quantidade de robusta utilizada na Europa nos 27 países "estava à volta dos 39%" e arábica nos 61%.
"Neste momento estamos a falar de 46% de robusta e 54% de arábica", destaca Luís Lorena.
Em termos reais, em 2020 um torrefator comprava café robusta "246% mais barato do que agora", enfatiza.
Além disso, "há menos países produtores de robusta" atualmente, sendo que Angola chegou a ser o maior produtor mundial desta variedade.
Países à volta de Angola como "Camarões e Costa do Marfim têm apostado 100% no cacau e abandonado o café", e ficou-se sem o robusta que vinha daí, enquanto do outro lado há Uganda e a Tanzânia que "mantêm os mesmos níveis do passado".
A Índia, que também é produtora, tem um "consumo interno brutal" e "tem escoado a maior parte do seu café para a indústria solúvel na Ásia". Depois há o Vietname e a Indonésia, tendo o último perdido 30% da colheita em 2023 por causa das chuvas e do mau tempo. O Vietname também "teve uma colheita complicada", disse.
A única alternativa que existe é o Brasil, que produz robusta numa quantidade suficiente, mas "não é muito bem aceite na Europa", concluiu.
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chaos-coming · 2 years
Ive decided people in my cirrent city are fucked in the head. Completely deluded into believing theyre exceptional. Everyone keeps telling me its worth it to put up with the shit weather and nasty racist people and terrible food amd overwhelming depressive alcoholism/nihilistic worldview... because the quality of living is so high. Honestly i dont see it, i get healthcare but the doctors are fucking morons who dont even have bachelors degrees and think theyre infallable because they scored high enough on an exam (read: paid enough for special exam prep) to be allowed to go to med school. The trabsport is good but not like a degree above the way everyone is on about, and it does Not run at night like at all. The night bus is a joke it just... doesnt come. Getting a job is almost fucking impossible because they are so so pretentious about their super shitty gastro tradition and are just awful to smyone who doesnt speak perfect german. The cafes are ok but they often burn the coffee and its Not Cheap. What exactly am i getting besides a shit education and seasonal depression?
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Star Trek: Logic of the Force - Chapter Eleven
Sonal found himself standing at the bottom of a large staircase. He slowly walked up the steps, and after reaching the 30tth step, he froze in his tracks. He had read the ancient religious texts of Earth. It was as if Sonal was living out the pages of the Book of Revelation. He knew what Palpatine wanted. He wanted to turn Sonal into his puppet of evil as Satan did with the antichrist. However, unlike the antichrist, Sonal still clinged onto hope that goodness would prevail.
“At last, my apprentice, you have accepted your destiny.” Palpatine cackled with evil delight as his apprentice knelt before him. “Now RISE...Lord Chaos���”
“My destiny,” Sonal stated in his Darth Chaos voice,” shall be the same as yours…” Suddenly Sonal spring up and activated his lightsabers and engaged in a fiery duel with Darth Sidious, the most gifted lightsaber user in history. Sidious eassily deflected blow after blow and countered Sonal’s strokes with his own defensive strokes.”
“Not too bad for a novice,” Sidious said miockingly. “Now….for the real thing….” Sidious threw his lightsaber in the air, and it arced towards Sonal. Without looking at the incoming weapon, Sonal parlayed his own weapons and deflected the attack with ease. “How...is that possible?”
“With logic,” Sonal stated, “anything is possible.” Sonal arced his lifghtsabers in the air, and while Sidious was able to deflect the first one, he could not deflect the one which stabbed into his abdomen. Sidious let out a roar so horrific that it rivaled the strength os a thousand sellats. “I am Vulcan!” He arced the lightsabers, and this time, both struck Sidious in the abdomer. “Same as my Father!” He caused the lightsabers to twist and turn inside Sidious, threatening to cut the Dark Lord in two. “SAME...AS...SAREK!” Lightning bolts erupted between the dual lifghtsabers. “SAME! AS! SURAAAAAAAAK!” The intensity of the lightning bolts grew until Sidious himself was surrounded by stream after strteam of purple lightning. “I...reject ALL the Force!” With those words, the lightining bolts began to suck Sidious into what seemed like a black hole until he was forever consumed.
Suddenly, explosions began to rock the unknown ship. Picard rose to his feet quickly. “TRABSPORTER ROOM! GET A LOCK ON HIS SIGNAL AND BEAM HIM IMMEDIATELY!” Within a matter of minutes, the unknown ship exploded and caused the Enterprise to lose its orbit of Romulus. Picard sat in his chair, worried rthat he lost Sonal. “Trapsporter room….” No reply. “Transporter room, please respond.”
Suddenly, the turbolift door opened. “They are unable to reply because they were knocked unconscious, sir.” Picard turned to the voice and breathed a sign of relief as he saw Sonal with the dual lightsabers in hand. “Sir, I suggest Vulcan at maximum warp.”
“I agree, Son of Suns,” Picard stated. “Data, Vulcan at maximum warp.”
Upon beaming on Vulcan, Picard, Sonal, and Troi walked to the summit of Mount Vulcan. They were greeted by some familiar faces from their time on Talos IV.
“Hehehe, kept you so long, what did?” Yoda raised up. “Sonal, comquered the Dark Side, you did. And now...forever put to sleep all the Jedi, you must.” Sonal looked sad. “Sonal, do this, you must. Forever, will we live, in here.” Yoda gently tapped Sonal on his head. “And...in here.” Yoda gently tapped his fingers on Sonal’s two hearts. “And, forever remember them, will you.”
Sonal looked up, and he saw Spock and Saavik standing side by side. And...they looked younger. “My son,” Spock said, “do not worry about our katras. Our katras shall roam free until the end of time. Until then, my son, thank you for your sacrifice and your love.”
“Oh my son, “Saavik said, “you do not know how much you please me. I shall forever love you, and I shall always remember you.”
“It is time.” Sonal looked and saw Luke, “Our time is finally coming to an end. As it should have been a long time ago.”
“Oh will you just get on with it?” Q said in an annoying tone which caused Anakin to poke him in the ribs. “Hey don’t do that! He knows I was kidding!” Q looked at Sonal and smiled.
“You are about to do the thing which even I could not do.” Sonal gazed at the spirit of Surak. “If I had been that strong, you would not have had to endure all the anguish from Sidious. I...am sorry.”
“Do not apologize, Surak,” said Sonal, “because this destiny was pre-ordained upon me.” Sonal walked to the edge of the caldera, gazing down at the thick lava which would soo engulf the cursed lightsabers and finally put the past at peace. He turned to look at his deceased parents, and he looked at his mother Saavik. “I love you,” Sonal whispered.
“I know,” Saavik whispered back. She looked up at her husband.
“Father, live long and prosper.” Sonal raised his hand in Vulcan salute.
“I love you, my son,” Spock replied with tears in his eyes as he raised his own Vulcan salute. All the spirits gazed at Sonal  as he cast the lightsabers in the air, and they remained until the weapons made contact with the molten magma inside Mount Surak. As the spirits vanished, so did the powers of the Jedi and the Sith, along with the last vestiges of the Force, including Troi’s empathic abilities.
Picard also felt a presence which felt so alien yet so familiar at the same time. “I think your sacrifice also restored the Borg.” Picard felt the familiar tingling of the Borg nanoprobes scattered throughout his body. “So I guess this means we’re never truly free from our fear and hatred.”
“Fear and hatred are emotions that we must learn to deal with, sir” Sonal said. “Our hatred of the Borg led to all this happening. Perhaps...one day we can reason with the Borg and convince them that assimilation is not the answer.”
“And they will…” Sonal and Picard looked at two beings dressed in all white – a man and a woman – walked to their location. They spoke in unision. “You have given the entire galaxy a sense of purpose. As did your father with me. When I wandered through the galaxy searching for the Creator…” Picard and Sonal instinctively knew who the being was. “...youir father gave me a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging. He helped us to merge with the Creator. I retain the image of Decker and Ilia as a symbolic gesture of my eternal gratitude for the one called Kirk. Your elimination of Sidious gave the Borg their own sense of purpose and belonging. They – my children – shall forever be in your debt. And from this day forward, the Borg will no longer seek enlightenment and improvement through assimilation. We shall learn by building bonds between other life forms and seek  to redeem ourselves for our own past transgressions against other species.” The dual being gave its own Vulcan salute. “Live long and prosper, Son of Suns.”
Sonal smiled and returned his own salute. “Peace and long life...V’Ger of Borg.” V’Ger disappeared. Sonal walked to Counselor Troi who gazed into the Vulcan sky, the twin suns having just set behind the horizon. “Counselor Troi, you seem very pensive.” Troi nodded. “How do you feel without your empathic abilities?”
Troi paused for a second. “I feel so...human.”
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esquirelogistics · 3 years
The Difference Between Transportation and Logistics Industry
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Vast parts of the economy are based on moving goods from point A to point B. We call this activity transportation or logistics. The terms are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different sectors. We provide them. Contact us to find the best logistics companies in Hialeah! Essentially, logistics can be defined as the flow of management of goods and services. Supply chains are based on both logistics and transportation services. Transportation – what is it? Transportation can be defined fairly simply – it’s the movement of goods, people, or animals from point A to point B. As described above, transportation is usually one of the many functions of logistics. Transportation has a clear focus and direction, and it uses one of the four routes of communication – sea, road, rail, and air Logistics – an in-depth view Logistics is a broad service, consisting of many separated sub-services. Typically, logistics refers to obtaining, producing, and distributing goods, materials, or products in the right quantities and qualities to the consumer. Logistics deals with every aspect of the supply chain, from sourcing to manufacturing, to transportation, packaging, and delivering goods to the end consumer. Secrets of effective logistics management Excellent planning Automation Excellent team Warehouse management How do logistics and transportation work together? Logistics can be Logistics can be considered the brains behind the entire operation. On the other hand, transportation is the muscle that gets everything done, that actually delivers goods from point A to point B. Every component of the supply chain relies on transportation – manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, and the client
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La bâtisse des Transports Claudius Martin et Fils, construite de 1942 à 1953 (en zone libre) a été entièrement détruite par un incendie en février 2021. Le feu est parti de la chaudière à bois. Le propriétaire qui venait juste de fêter ses 72 ans a tout perdu ce jour-là. Joli cadeau d'anniversaire... :(
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chartedrights · 4 years
so you know my political views. BUT. abel has a post on their blog about a charted vampire au and that has been living in my head rent-free for about 73 years, eight months, two weeks, three days, seven hours, and twelve minutes.
I do know your political views which makes this ask incredibly funny if only because of my url but! I did begin a CharTed vampire AU way back when quarantine was new and frankly I am still proud of it so I’m going to link it here because at least on ao3 it appears to be the only one which :/ cowards. We need more vampires in everything ever imo
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minatodilf · 5 years
it’s flu season and guess who kept putting off getting their shot for weeks and is now really sick! 🙌🏽
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geewillykers · 8 years
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Inside the cab of a Tier-3 Citirail ES44AC. This loco is one of 25 from General Electric's leasing fleet going to serve on the KCS for a while. GE called me and a couple other guys from Argentine Yard to inspect and load test these units sitting at Mid-America Car These units have been sitting dead for up to year but all performed wonderfully!
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carbikemovers · 3 years
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