#tr 278 finale
violettierre · 2 years
Honey you're gonna fall please get off there...
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aokuro-san · 2 years
Some thoughts on TokRev and Ken Wakui (before reading the ending)
I want to clarify that this is my point of view and that if you have a different one, that's fine (even if you don't agree)! So let's move on.
Let's see, although everyone has a fairly well-argued point about why they don't like the ending, I think that the fact of saying: "these are not my characters" is as true as it is uncertain. I mean, there are things that WILL happen anyway and shape our characters as we know them...
...except for a few incidents that did traumatize them for life (like this: Draken never got over Emma's death and in all futures he lived extremely DEPRESSED; that is, he lived just to live. In fact, I've always had a theory that just like Ash Lynx, in Banana Fish, Draken allowed himself to die protecting Takemichi knowing what would happen to him, and at least now they both have a chance).
For example:
Kazutora will continue to have to survive the mistreatment of her father and the bullying and blackmail of her classmates until he runs into Baji, which is most likely, or another character, and he will have to start to evolve as a person from there (as we saw in several of the extras).
Emma and Draken will continue to be abandoned by their mothers. In fact, when Takemichi arrives in the past, Emma is already with the Sano and, finally, has had to "overcome" that abandonment (I put it in quotes because it doesn't seem like the right word, but now I can't think of another).
In addition, Draken will continue to live in "the massage room" and will see how the girls are prostituted and discarded. That is, he will have to learn to live in that environment and the "little" slavery he suffered from older gang members before becoming Mikey's friend.
Mitsuya and Shiba will meet in the same way and will live exactly the same. However, I want to take a little break here, because NO, I don't think Shiba family life is as good as some people think. In fact, in the color panel of the wedding you can see that Taiju is still quite far from his two little brothers. We will have to read the chapter to draw a little more conclusions, but I think that Taiju will never be able to completely redeem himself from what he did as we saw in the manga.
Izana will continue to be abandoned by all the adults around him, which will mold him as a person until Shinichiro finds him. I think this is the most difficult character to read because of the kind of life he has led, but we will have to wait for the little explanation.
Kakucho will also lose his parents in a car accident (see the scar) and the Sano will lose their father in another, and their mother due to an "illness" (which could be a hidden depression in the play, from my point of view).
And etc etc etc.
I mean, of course, Takemichi and Mikey STILL THE SAME (they are the same characters from the beginning, I mean) and it seems that thanks to that knowledge of the facts they have been able to help the vast majority of the characters (if not all, hahahaha), but they will not be able to control all the incidents in the lives of the characters. Probably, they will have spent many battles with Taiju and Izana, before achieving their objective, which, after all, WAS THE OBJECTIVE OF THEM BOTH. Especially Takemichi, our protagonist.
Actually, this ending can be as counterproductive (because of the rush, more than anything, I have already said it on another occasion), as it is appropriate for what Tokyo Revengers is, since it closes the two conflicts that arose from the beginning: "the loneliness" and "save them all" (and the penultimate chapter finally makes sense of the title and makes the best revenge of all: THE REVENGE OF TRYING TO BE HAPPY!). However, he has done it at the cost of MANY UNSOLVED THINGS (and leaving Shinichiro like the unsalted bread he has been from the beginning, haha). However, this seems to me the least serious of all. Let me explain: AN AUTHOR DOES NOT OWE YOU AN EXPLANATION OF EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS. Especially IF EVEN THE MAIN CHARACTERS DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW TIME TRAVEL WORKS OR THEY DOESN'T REALIZE THE THINGS THAT, MAYBE, THE SPECTATOR DOES REALIZE.
Also, Takemichi is our main narrator most of the time, and I already said that he's not a smart enough person to notice this "nonsense", or give it due importance, which makes it much easier for the author leave those "loose ends" without endangering the coherence of the work, or the main character.
It is true that doing something like this is a risk and that ignorance works much better in horror works. I also would have liked it to fix some specific points (like, who was spying on Takemichi in the Bonten arc?), but if not, I DON'T DIE EITHER, TRUTH. Because, if you think about it, what the author has done with this part of the story is to make sure that people like me CHECK THE MANGA INFINITELY, hahaha. It's a great tactic, no doubt.
Or those are my conclusions, before reading the ending, of course.
PS: I see a lot of people saying that that wasn't the ending that Wakui wanted to do or that TokRev should have been a seinen... I honestly have no idea how the manga industry works in Japan. I only know that the publisher itself asked Wakui for a story and he created Tokyo Revengers from there. The first shônen of him. There is nothing wrong with TokRev being shônen, in fact, it is thanks to this work and the genre that Wakui has become known worldwide and if you want to read something about gang members and seinen, you can read Shinjuku Swan, one of his earlier works. I don't see a problem with that, really.
What I would worry about is that Wakui hadn't made the ending he wanted. I guess we'll see that over time. But if he really has made the ending he wanted (and had in mind since Bloody Halloween, as he said in an interview), THEN THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN SAY TO HIM IN THAT SENSE (Not that you can't criticize the ending, but insult him, try to convince him day and night to change the ending, send him pictures of them burning his manga for the ending, and generally harass him for the ending he finished picking out. I'm not surprised by this attitude, unfortunately, but it's still CRAZY and a huge lack of respect for the artist). Because, as John Katzenbach said in an interview:
"Do what you want to do. The story you tell should be YOUR STORY. Because a lot of people will come to you and say: You know, if you turn this 16-year-old boy into a 20-year-old girl, the story will be much better. ... No. Tell the story you want to tell and have faith in that. It may or may not work... But you'll be happy in the long run, if you stay true to your own vision."
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What happened to Osanai in the final timeline? I have a headcanon that Kisaki low-key and accidentally reformed him from being such an ass. Osanai is one of the few delinquents Takemichi doesn't make a point of considering in this "perfect timeline" so it'd be ironic if Kisaki of all people reformed him, unbeknownst to Takemichi
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miss-allsundays · 2 years
my final thoughts on the tokyo revengers ending (this is completely subjective! everyone will have a different opinion on it and if you liked the ending then I'm happy for you!)
now that the "excitement" of reading tr 278 has worn out I can't help but feel even more??? dissatisfied??
I've said this before, but even when we just had the leaks, this chapter felt more like a filler than a finale, and reading it and mulling over it just confirmed my thoughts on the matter.
The most interesting thing (plot-wise) that happens is the big reveal that chifuyu kept all of his memories from the past timelines; and as happy as I was to read that, it surely wasn't "enough" for this to be considered a finale (IMO, remember this is all subjective).
I like it because it's a feel-good chapter, that makes you chuckle at the interactions between the characters and that gives you an idea of how they're all doing.
At the same time tho, the jump between takemichi dying and the takehina wedding is so sudden that it leaves me confused. As plenty of fans have said, this cancels out all the characters' development in a way that we havent seen before (aside from chifuyu), and it doesn't give you the answers you need!! How did they all end up being friends, how did the pre-existing bonds change, how did maitake solve some of the problems, ESPECIALLY the ones they didnt know about/had no control over!!
[EDIT: for example, I would have loved to see shin and takemichi interact more!!!]
yeah, chifuyu knows about takemichi's time travel, but are they still best friends?? why has naoto changed so much?? why is south the way he is now??
ALSO??? takemichi says MAYBE 10 words this chapter???? he looks so passive in the 3 pages he's in, it's like he's barely even there, despite being the protagonist.
idk, it just feels so inconclusive and simple for an ending, especially when compared to how complex the rest of the story is.
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The what duo
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raamitsu · 2 years
Umm… (not sure how I should’ve addressed this post as so- 😅)
Tbh I’m not certain if we’re getting anything new related to the manga (besides the extra chapters which we didn’t know what are the contents, and its anime that will start broadcasting on January next year) but one thing for sure is that I’ll be changing the whole statements in the bio – Therefore, yall may unfollow me because I might not be posting TR contents a lot than usual after it ends- but if there are unexpected or important news, I’ll do my best to inform you 😊
Tbh I understand both sides who loves the ending and who hates the ending. I won’t say much about this cuz personally I don’t claim it, sorry not sorry ✋🏼😂 I would rather have every characters finding their happiness despite the trauma and the loss they’re experiencing because to me, that make things more interesting and logical. we know the only illogical thing that was implied in this series is the time leap, but that too is debatable. It might be fictional but as fictional as it is, logical can still applies. Anyways let’s stop arguing about science logics whatever- if you’re happy with the ending, I’m happy for you. If you don’t like the ending, I get you. I do.
Regardless of its ending, what matters to me is that I am wholeheartedly happy to meet all of you here 💖 From the depth of my heart, I want to give you my utmost gratitude for being nice and respectful to me; when I made a lot of mistakes, and when we’re exchanging POVs etc. You guys are such a great and brilliant people that I’ve ever met 🫡 Forgive me for all of my misbehavior throughout the time I spent sharing leaks and thoughts on this app. This blog will remain existing but the contents in it are gonna be different starting from tomorrow. Once again, thank you for everything! Take care and stay safe all the time <333
Till we all meet again in another series 👋🏼
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nonoookbye · 2 years
the end…
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ilovesadomasochism · 11 months
The end of TR was sad for Koko and Inupi??
Spoiler from chapter 278
I’m not sure if I’m just a lunatic, if i’m right, if i’m obsessed by Kokonoi and Inui, or all options above, but something that screamed in my mind during all chapters after the 277 was:
Man, their ending wasn’t as good as everyone else’s.
Let me explain...
I really love this friendship - althought I shipp them as a couple -, and something that anyone can’t deny, even if you are a really fan of, is that their backstory are full of problems and complicated situations. Every step after the fire turned in a fucking and messy problem, Koko and Inupi probably had some heavy mental issues after this trauma.
Inupi’s unhealthy mind wasn’t shown much, in fact, it really seems Koko’s pain was the greatest and Inupi’s not so much. Kokonoi is my fav character, but man, makes me sad how underrrated Inupi’s pain at losing his sister is, for real. Maybe because Inupi got over Akane’s loss? Not sure, but anyway, that’s sad.
Right, so why do I say that the ending of Tokyo Revengers is sad for my beloved boys?
Thinking about the growth of their friendship, probably they weren’t very open for complicated dialogues and all that stuff, and I belive that they only started to be very clear about that after Koko enters Tenjiku, and Inupi brought up his sister’s name and this friendship began to turn out to be a real chaos.
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And after that, seemed like everything Koko did for Inupi was just for Akane. I’m not gonna deny, really had this “I see your sister in you” stuff; that’s one of the reasons that a lot of people dislike this shipp btw.
Coming back, the moment that all Kokoinu lovers are devoted for, is the “Let’s fall into hell together” scene.
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It only existed because Koko was on Kantou Manji Gang, and this gang only existed because Mikey created it! In the newest timeline, Mikey have no reasons to create this gang, and more, not even the Tenjiku gang!
Everything started to be right when the confession arrived.
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Thinking about how the things needed to get really intense for this moment to finally arrive, in the current timeline, they didn’t go through all this emotional confessional and Koko didn’t have that realization.
So they are not that happy, and I think that both hearts still really heavy for the not confession arc.
I'm not saying it was a bad ending, but it could have been a lighter ending for their backstory and traumas, because honestly I don't think in the new timeline they had that moment of saying out loud about their insecurities
And more, in the official character book 2, is writed that Koko hates money - this blog explains better why Koko and Inui new info -, so... See that in the end Koko is making money again, makes me sad.
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Not gonna lie, Kokonoi is hot as hell here.
The only thing that makes my heart more peaceful is the fact that Inupi is with long and beautiful hair in this timeline. Not only aesthetically, but probably there’s some deep meaning in this haircut - where every timeline that Inupi feels comfortable in not show a manly appearance, to avoid Koko to remember his sister's silhouette, he let his hair long -
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He’s so beautiful with this hairstyle
Other POV is that in the new timeline the fire never happened - that's why Inupi have no scars -, but there's no canon proof - at least not that I saw - that can prove it, so I sometimes can't really just accept that everything just ended perfectly.
Akane wasn't shown, so that's one more reason why I can't just say that everything is completely fine. I would love to see her alive and, in the end, create a new scenario where nothing has happened to my pretty boys.
I do love this ideia but at the same time I can't just accept that they are this happy after the reset.
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shrimpkardashian · 5 years
I have a list of ~900 albums from 2019 that I still want to eventually listen to / review [IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT ALERT]
For this project (already 125+ releases deep), which is just impossibly daunting and makes me head hurt. IDK how to streamline this process or is any “critic” out there really listening to “all” the good music? It’s impossible I guess... BUT needless to say, these have made this list from an even larger pool of music that I either listened to briefly and immediately dismissed or (gasp!) never even came across my radar (radar = many many music blogs I follow via RSS). 
Anyway, because I’ll most likely never get to this (whatever this is, an Xgau parody or something)... Here is the list (please ignore some of my notations/typos):
1 matana roberts, coin coin chapter four 2 jeffrey lewis 3 negativland 4 camedor 5 the darkness 6 jai paul [leak] 7 shikoswe 8 anatolian weapons 9 cakedog, doggystyle 10 carly rae jepsen (LP, plus single w Gryffin) 11 parsnip 12 the comet is coming 13 girl in red 14 ezra furman 15 the kvb 16 freddie gibbs & madlib 17 say sue me (single) 18 denzel curry 19 fatamorgana 20 vivian girls 21 wobbly, monitress 22 helado negro 23 anamanaguchi 24 paul demarinis 25 comet gain 26 personal best 27 king princess, LP? big little lies single 28 marble arch 29 mini dresses 30 matt christensen 31 jade bird 32 black mountain 33 body meat 34 pat, Love Will Find A Way Home 35 acid arab 36 the 83rd 37 common holly 38 wicca phase 39 mark ronson 40 spirit in the room, single 41 rebe, “pienso en ti a todas horas” [just a single?] 42 a giant dog, neon bible cover LP 43 hey collosus 44 moon king (meh/ or *) 45 vanity productions 46 velvet negroni 47 g perico 48 budokan boys 49 skryptor 50 oscar scheller 51 the muffs 52 larry gus 53 these new puritans *** 54 angel olsen 55 bleu nuit 56 meatraffle 57 josephine wiggs 58 jennifer vanilla 59 big|brave 60 rico nasty 61 friendship, dreamin' 62 mike, tears of joy 63 bellrope 64 gbv 65 machìna, archipelago 66 toy, songs of consumption 67 ayankoko 68 the intelligence 69 drahla 70 corridor, junior 71 urochromes 72 david hasselhoff 73 aMAZONDOTCOM 74 kehlani 75 ne-hi EP (final) 76 avey tare 77 bonnie "prince" billy 78 battles 79 snapped ankles 80 mannequin pussy 81 toro y moi, soul trash 82 twen 83 self discovery for social survival comp 84 bad heaven ltd 85 eric frye 86 the mattson 2 87 duncan park 88 pure bathing culture 89 arthur russell, iowa dream 90 wild pink 91 flaming lips 92 pan amsterdam 93 flaural 94 knife wife 95 hannah peel & will burns 96 klein 97 meat puppets 98 tnght 99 james ferraro 100 royal trux / ariel pink 101 new rain duets 102 black marble 103 sui zhen 104 liam the younger 105 the mountain goats, welcome to passaic 106 frank hurricane and hurricanes of love 107 sebadoh 108 xylouris white 109 lindstrøm 110 franck vigroux 111 joyero 112 dorian electra  113 ride 114 crumb, jinx 115 nonconnah 116 cup, spinning creature 117 brutus 118 bjarki 119 khotin 120 alexander tucker 121 gunna 122 operator music band 123 tony molina 124 nanami ozone 125 sad planets 126 bemydelay 127 laurie anderson et al, songs from the bardo 128 teebs 129 deerhunter, timebends 130 tr/st (2 LPs) 131 dolores catherino 132 liturgy 133 floating points 134 sasami, LP + xmas EP 135 trikorder23 136 moor mother 137 have a nice life 138 la dispute 139 lingua ignota 140 lina tullgren 141 earl sweatshirt 142 entrail 143 alexander noice 144 shock narcotic 145 rakta 146 munya 147 el drugstore 148 buck gooter 149 caribou, single - more? 150 rosenau & sanborn 151 kevin abstract 152 pile 153 e for echo 154 animal collective, new psycho actives vol. 2 + live album 155 harlem 156 sudan archives 157 lil peep, posthumous ep 158 young guv, i and ii 159 orville peck 160 75 dollar bill 161 institute 162 tove lo 163 the chocolate watchband 164 foie gras, holy hell 165 french vanilla 166 chuck cleaver 167 kollaps 168 spirits having fun 169 game 170 badgirl$ 171 medhane 172 alberich 173 show me the body 174 the night watch, an embarrassment of riches 175 inus, western spaghettification 176 pregoblin, singles? 177 ra ra riot 178 de lorians 179 kool keith 180 kaspia & stride 181 glen hansard 182 dpeee 183 berlin taxi 184 foghorn 185 ionnalee 186 american sharks 187 sitcom, dust single 188 pip blom 189 j balvin & bady 190 fenella 191 tanya tagaq 192 sean o'hagan 193 j robbins 194 peter ivers (comp) 195 neon indian, not sure if single is part of larger proj? 196 triad god 197 yeule 198 roland tings 199 schoolboy q 200 ava luna EP 201 fried eggs 202 drugdealer 203 half japanese 204 todd anderson-kunert 205 emily reo 206 christelle bofale 207 brion starr 208 jan jelinek (reissue) 209 peaer 210 devin townsend 211 vik 212 young m.a 213 default genders 214 night lovell 215 rocketship 216 kim gordon 217 ellen arkbro 218 george clanton and nick hexum [single?] 219 the minus 5 220 penguin cage 221 felicia atkinson 222 take offense 223 moon duo 224 chemical brothers 225 nef the pharaoh 226 daniel norgren 227 unkle 228 pup (?) 229 baroness 230 velvet bethany 231 resavoir 232 gruff rhys 233 lana del ray 234 empath 235 burial and the bug, flame 2 236 russian baths 237 quelle chris 238 corpse flower 239 roy montgomery [reissue] 240 clinic 241 a.g. cook, [single] 242 why? 243 beck 244 francis lung 245 thom yorke 246 warmduscher 247 uv-tv 248 aa bondy 249 max richter, ad astra ost 250 younghusband 251 stereo total 252 julie's haircut 253 aa matheson 254 eartheater 255 kelly moran 256 mana (seven steps behind) 257 c.h.e.w. 258 sarah mary chadwick 259 midsommar ost 260 beabadoobee 261 life, a picture of good health 262 dumb, club nites 263 dame dolla 264 endless boogie 265 burna boy 266 lungbutter 267 wand 268 future punx 269 yves jarvis 270 kim petras [LP, halloween EP] 271 bts world 272 pikelet 273 panda bear, single 274 samiyam 275 red river dialect 276 ryan pollie 277 ryuichi sakamot (reissue) 278 jackie mendoza 279 dark blue 280 jay som 281 stephen mallinder 282 neutrals, kebab disco 283 foodman 284 capitol, dream noise 285 new pornographers 286 mark korven, the lighthouse ost 287 gauche 288 the japanese house 289 cave (re-issue) 290 ybn cordae 291 the vacant lots 292 arwen 293 rhucle 294 lil b, @ least 2 releases? 295 tea service 296 chai 297 black pumas 298 program, show me 299 marika hackman 300 sonny and the sunsets 301 lillie mae 302 mean jeans 303 the stroppies 304 poppies 305 twin shadow 306 vanishing twin *** 307 portrayal of guilt [EP + split single] 308 lucki [2 lps] 309 absolutely free 310 girl band 311 black midi 312 torche 313 perfume (best of) 314 white denim 315 clipping 316 the hu 317 big business 318 metro crowd 319 ex-vöid, 7" 320 broken social scene 321 lil pump 322 uranium club 323 doon kanda 324 hesitation wounds 325 sorry girls 326 bibio 327 red mass 328 the shins, single 329 lil keed 330 yeasayer 331 bts / blackpink KPOP 332 galen tipton, fake meat 333 the world, reddish 334 lanark artefax, ep 335 ladytron 336 g.s., schray 337 just mustard [single, more?] 338 mdou moctar 339 rangers, spirited discussion 340 tyson meade 341 dj nate 342 kelly lee owens 343 bambara 344 kilo kish 345 lusine 346 ralph heidel / homo ludens 347 psychic graveyard 348 homeshake 349 wives, so removed 350 proto idiot 351 let’s eat grandma, ost ep 352 foals 353 caroline shaw & attacca quartet 354 juan waters 355 mount eerie with julie doiron 356 mestozi 357 patio 358 oh baby, the art of sleeping alone 359 earth 360 haybaby 361 anna meredith 362 the caretaker (6) 363 rich brian 364 sunn o))), [two LPs] 365 alessandro cortini 366 ty segall 367 injury reserve 368 elucid 369 budos band 370 tim hecker 371 waqwaq kingdom 372 william doyle *** 373 innercity ensemble 374 filthy friends 375 prurient 376 shlohmo 377 bon iver 378 sean henry 379 yeesh 380 faye webster 381 megan thee stallion 382 squid, town centre 383 simulation (hausau mountain) 384 flying lotus 385 horse jumper of love 386 rap, export 387 lansky jones 388 the gonks 389 cate lebon 390 rome fortune 391 chain cult 392 empty set 393 big thief (2 lp's) 394 laura cannell [and polly wright album ?] or is there just a laura c album too ? }} 395 froth 396 thugwidow 397 organ tapes 398 the new pornographers 399 zonal 400 bbg baby joe 401 whitney 402 guards 403 anemone 404 sheer mag 405 nots 406 fujiya & miyag 407 kool aid, family portrait ep 408 frankie cosmos 409 kaputt 410 quelle chris 411 operators 412 marco benevento 413 elvis depressedly 414 school of language, 45 415 rob burger 416 pozi 417 redd kross 418 randy randall 419 yatta 420 hide, hell is here 421 bobby krlic, midsommar ost 422 planet england 423 kev brown 424 robedoor 425 tropical fuck storm 426 haram, 9/11 ep 427 candy, super-stare single 428 sly and the family drone 429 kevin morby 430 porches, rangerover [single] 431 odae 432 pottery 433 saint pepsi 434 slowthai 435 iggy pop 436 swans 437 iLOVEMAKONNEN 438 mukqs 439 feels 440 luke temple 441 oli xl 442 orphan swords 443 post pink 444 deli girls 445 nilüfer yanya 446 idk, is he real? 447 interpol 448 priests 449 galcher lustwerk 450 smokepurpp, various? 451 kindness 452 ex hex 453 sampa the great 454 methyl ethel 455 ellis, the fuzz ep 456 jeanines s/t 457 water from your eyes 458 twin peaks 459 sam cohen 460 fontaines dc 461 spiral stairs 462 the hecks 463 nicola ratti 464 four tet, various (inc. "wingdings" alter ego side proj) 465 holy ghost 466 half stack 467 cherubs 468 juana molina, forfun EP 469 jpegmafia 470 bedouine 471 fury 472 melvins/flipper 473 the curls 474 izambard 475 heart eyes 476 drinking boys and girls choir 477 big search 478 glenn branca 479 rose elinor dougall 480 bat for lashes 481 young knives, [single, more? 482 hot chip 483 alex lahey 484 hemlock ernst & kenny segal 485 dj seinfeld 486 joni void 487 rema rema 488 spencer tweedy 489 trash kit 490 dry cleaning [2 ep's] 491 mega bog *** 492 saudade 493 monster rally 494 wilco 495 chromatics, LP + EP 496 slayyyter 497 maral 498 blarf 499 pernice brothers 500 la neve 501 marie davidson 502 tredici bacci 503 deathprod 504 lowly 505 russian circles 506 angel witch 507 fires were shot 508 amy o 509 q da fool 510 clams casino 511 automelodi 512 paradox 513 dababy (2) 514 david kilgour 515 missy elliot 516 baby smoove 517 boris 518 thanks for coming 519 yves tumor [single w/] 520 ΜΜΜΔ 521 falcon/falkland 522 noel wells 523 ecstatic vision 524 amyl & the sniffers 525 barrie 526 bianca scout 527 katie dey 528 prince rama 529 control top 530 duster, comp + new LP 531 foxes in fiction 532 slowthai x denzel curry [single] 533 the murlocs 534 plaid 535 ela orleans 536 gobby 537 cfm 538 carla del forna 539 pale spring 540 pixx 541 širom 542 lightning bolt 543 cate lebon & deerhunter 544 channel tres 545 sigrid 546 help, s/t 547 shellac, live 548 crack cloud, pain olympics (ongoing) / s/t (2018) 549 notes underground 550 fat white family *** 551 gloop 552 equiknoxx 553 nakhane 554 czarface meets ghostface 555 the rubinoos 556 shannon lay 557 tim heidecker 558 droneflower 559 john vanderslice 560 your old droog 561 bats, alter nature 562 zvi 563 justus proffit 564 lower dens 565 anna of the north 566 yg 567 holly herndon 568 good fuck 569 clark, single 570 charli xcx 571 the nativist 572 low life 573 jonsi & alex somers 574 kazu 575 günter schickert 576 odonis odonis 577 kelsey lu (+ remix EP) 578 young thug 579 thaiboy digital 580 hatchie 581 hiro kone 582 cocorosie 583 sabiwa 584 oh sees 585 rex orange county 586 311 587 erland cooper 588 jtamul 589 the brilliant tabernacle 590 free love, extreme dance anthems 591 jeff lynne's elo 592 dutch courage 593 booji boys 594 giggs 595 ceschi 596 inter arma 597 psychic sounds ensemble 598 eli kezsler EP 599 thelma 600 haiku salut 601 julia jacklin 602 otoboke beaver 603 colin self 604 mark mulcahy 605 rosalia, single "a pale" more? 606 chris lott 607 royal trux 608 weyes blood 609 mikal cronin 610 hissing tiles 611 grace ives 612 vic bang 613 nick cave 614 sugar world [single] 615 herzog 616 offset 617 mike adams at his honest weight 618 real life buildings 619 aldous harding 620 pye corner audio 621 doja cat 622 bleached 623 book of shame 624 kate davis 625 i was a king 626 pendant, through a coil 627 joseph arthur 628 great grandpa, four of arrows 629 modern nature 630 stef chura 631 spaza, s/t great 632 the alchemist 633 pond 634 aiden baker, etc 635 kirin j. Callinan 636 possible humans 637 greys 638 kizuna ai 639 little simz 640 big bend 641 membranes, what nature gives… 642 young nudy 643 car seat headrest (live) 644 seahawks 645 dumbhop's party 646 julien chang 647 pacific yew 648 pharmakon 649 lomelda 650 versing 651 olden yolk 652 mekons 653 the dream syndicate 654 the gotobeds 655 amy klein 656 bABii 657 bill callahan 658 grlwood 659 van dale 660 ziúr 661 delicate steve 662 debby friday 663 dehd 664 south city hardware 665 kesha 666 (sandy) alex g 667 computer slime 668 fka twigs 669 rob halford, celestial 670 dean hurley 671 school of language 672 nicolas godin 673 blue hawaii 674 leggy 675 ceremony 676 his name is alive 677 third eye blind 678 sadgirl 679 ariana grande 680 skepta 681 dylan moon 682 jay mitta 683 the drums 684 kero kero bonito, ep 685 charly bliss 686 lee renaldo etc 687 rina mushonga 688 ulla straus 689 cherushii & maria minerva 690 slaughter beach, dog 691 maps 692 dj shadow 693 tool LOL 694 diiv 695 pixies 696 cuco 697 black peaches 698 subhumans 699 gurr 700 cashmere cat 701 brockhampton 702 fire-toolz 703 lambchop, LP + EP 704 messthetics 705 neuland 706 westkust 707 haelos 708 sturgill simpson 709 maria usbeck 710 king gizzard (2) 711 earthgang 712 paranoid london 713 fet.nat 714 bethlehem steel 715 neil young with crazy horse 716 tengger 717 guerilla toss 718 spelling 719 lizzo 720 wiki 721 dr00p, mkULTRAHD 722 ghost orchard 723 jane weaver 724 usa/mexico 725 carl stone 726 richard dawson *** 727 rafael toral 728 test dept 729 sacred paws 730 big krit 731 mallrat 732 jenn champion 733 moE/Mette Rasmussen, tolerancia picante 734 facs 735 yung lean, single (blue cup) and ep, more? 736 pissgrave 737 moodyman 738 sing sinck, sing 739 tyler the creator 740 sleater-kinney 741 dean blunt, zushi 742 cursive 743 barker, utlity 744 gemma 745 octavian 746 pronoun 747 girl ray 748 julia shapiro 749 nodding god 750 daniel saylor 751 jakob ogawa 752 richard youngs 753 diät 754 w00dy 755 omar souleyman 756 vōx EP 757 topdown dialectic 758 penelope islea 759 gbv 760 glass beach 761 james hoff, hobo ufo 762 euglossine 763 dream ritual 764 terry allen 765 office culture 766 ghostie, devour 767 beat detectives 768 red channel 769 octo octa 770 julien baker [toyko single] 771 shackleton as "tunes of negation" 772 sons of raphael 773 lena raine 774 fitted, first fits 775 velf 776 cvn 777 black country, new road, [2 singles only?] 778 chief keef 779 andrew bird, LP and EP 780 tamaryn 781 vagabon 782 zelooperz 783 brian jonestown massacre 784 angel dust 785 pere ubu 786 vatican shadow, church... 787 spencer radcliffe 788 mr muthafuckin exquire 789 earth to mickey 790 beak> 791 byron westbrook 792 major murphy 793 nicole yun 794 the divine comedy 795 sote, parallel persiao 796 the radio dept. 797 prince daddy & the hyena 798 mudhoney 799 truth club 800 shura 801 underworld, drift 802 lil texas 803 that dog 804 gary wilson / r. stevie moore 805 divino nino 806 spiral heads 807 claire cronin 808 devendra banhart 809 c.y.m. EP 810 dude york 811 sangri 812 vegyn [2 lp's?] 813 brooke candy 814 caroline polachek 815 hurt valley 816 O.L.I.V.I.A, modo avion 817 ziúr 818 pepper mill rondo, it's christmas time 819 ben vida 820 nick hexum/george clanton 821 meara o'reilly 822 tyler holmes, devil 823 blood incantation 824 guenter schlienz 825 gavilán rayna russom 826 loraine james *** 827 lithics, Wendy Kraemer EP 828 navel, ambient 2, in space 829 the proper ornaments 830 jon hopkins & kelly lee owens, single 831 julianna barwick 832 park hye-jin 833 bea1991 834 men i trust 835 erika de casier 836 ducks unlimited 837 lyzza 838 refused 839 jim o'rourke, to magnetize ... 840 analemma, 2 singles on a comp? 841 zack fox, "the bean kicked in" 842 real life rock n roll band 843 prefab sprout 844 daniel lopatin, uncut gems ost 845 kaytranada 846 the voidz, 2 song single + video? 847 grandaddy, single (add scissors icon) 848 dark thoughts, must be nice 849 loose nukes 850 sam mallet 851 very good, adulthood 852 henge, nothing head 853 kaleidobolt 854 nebula, holy shit 855 terminal cheesecake 856 uzeda 857 wet tuna 858 sean mccann 859 black dresses, love and... (2nd LP) 860 nefew 861 taylor swift ??? 862 lala lala, the lamb 863 jenny lewis 864 33EMYBW 865 blood orange, angel's pulse 866 caterina barbieri *** 867 yusu 868 white reaper 869 rozi plain 870 bamboo, daughters of the sky 871 seragina steer 872 clear channel, hot fruit 873 patience, dizzy spells 874 mope grooves, desire 875 current affairs, object & subject 875 comfort, not passing 876 bill orcutt 877 bonnie baxter 878 carl stone 879 thurston moore 880 alameda 5 881 john zorn 882 the membranes, what nature gives... 883 meemo comma 884 ana roxannne 885 whistling arrow, s/t 886 dis fantasy 887 giant swan, s/t 888 buck young, buck ii 889 abdu ali 890 ifriqiyya électrique 891 $hit and $hine, doing drugs, selling drugs 892 ghold 893 theon cross 894 yao bobby & simon grab 895 solange *sure whatever ok 896 the comet is coming 897 the utopia strong, s/t 898 karenn, grapefruit regret 899 brìghde chaimbeul 900 nav, bad habits 901 chance, big day 902 nostalgia critic's the wall 903 uboa, the origin of my depression 904 hobo johnson 905 ana frango elétrico 906 dorian electra
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Coucou j'aimerais bien que tu écrive un truc du style EM a l'hôpital pour je ne sais quelle raison et MV qui veille sur lui et attend qu'il se réveille. 😍
Coucou. D’abord merci pour ta demande qui m’a très inspiré. C’est la première fois que j’écris du m&m’s (je suis plus habituée à écrire du macdeau) donc j’espère que ça te plaira:
Manuelavait prit directement le chemin de l’hôpital lorsqu’il avaitapprit la nouvelle. On l’avait appelé au environ de vingt-troisheures pour lui dire qu’Emmanuel avait eu un accident de voiture.Il se trouvait à présent coincé à un feu rouge, dans sa voitureet il était complètement paniqué. Il n’avait eu aucuneinformation concernant l’état d’Emmanuel et des milliers descénarios se jouaient dans sa tête ? Et s’il était gravementblessé ? Ou peut-être qu’il aurait besoin d’être opéré ?Ou pire encore : il avait peut-être fait un arrêt cardiaquedans l’ambulance qui le conduisait à l’hôpital ?
Rienqu’en pensant à tout ça, les larmes menaçaient de couler sur sonvisage. Il devait rester concentré sur la route s’il voulaitarriver sain et sauf à l’hôpital, mais il n’arrivait pas à seconcentrer. Il ne devait pas pleurer sauf qu’en réalité c’étaitdéjà le cas. Il avait étouffé un sanglot en apprenant la nouvelleet une larme solitaire glissa le long de sa joue.
Ilarriva enfin à destination après vingt minutes de trajet, ce quilui avait paru duré une éternité. Il se gara rapidement puissortit du véhicule en claquant la portière. Il ne prit pas le tempsd’enfiler son manteau qu’il avait prit avec lui avant de partir.Pourtant, il faisait un froid polaire à Paris. On était mi-novembreet l’hiver s’était brutalement abattu sur la France quelquesjours plus tôt. Il s’engouffra à l’intérieur de l’hôpital,où la chaleur le saisit violemment. Il regardait partout autour delui, ne sachant quoi faire. Devait-il se présenter à la réception ?Ou peut-être devait-il aller aux urgences ? Que pourrait-il biendire ? Il était venu pour Mr Macron, pour savoir comment ilallait. Et puis on lui demanderait qui il était et il ne pouvait passe présenter comme son amant. Les visites devaient êtreprobablement interdite à cette heure avancé de la nuit, pensa-t-il.
Finalementune jeune infirmière s’avança vers lui. Elle avait vu cet hommeperdu au milieu du couloir.
« Bonsoir.Je suppose que vous êtes l’homme que j’ai appelé il y a unedemi-heure ? »
« Oui…Je… Qu’est-ce qu’il s’est passé ? »
« Unautre véhicule a percuté celui de M. Macron. La voiture a quittéla route et a fait un tonneau. Quand les secours sont arrivés surplace, la voiture était sur le toit et il était inconscient. Sonarcade sourcilière était ouverte et un morceau du pare-brise s’estenfoncé dans sa cuisse. On l’a emmené au bloc quand il est arrivéici pour retirer le morceau de verre et on a recousu son arcade. »
« Oùest-il ? »
« Onl’a mit dans une chambre au deuxième étage qui est réservé auréveil. »
« Est-ceque je peux le voir ? »
« Normalementles visites sont interdites, mais je vais faire une exception.Suivez-moi. »
Illa suivit jusqu’au porte de l’ascenseur. Il entra dans la cabineet l’infirmière appuya sur le bouton 2.
« Vousêtes un membre de la famille ? » Demanda-t-elle, curieuse.
Manuelne savait pas quoi réponde. Pouvait-il se considérer comme unmembre de sa famille ? Il connaissait Emmanuel depuis quelquesannées et leur relation était compliqué mais depuis quelques mois,les deux hommes passaient beaucoup de temps ensemble. Ils passaientpresque toutes leur nuit ensemble, souvent chez lui même si leweek-end ils se retrouvaient dans l’appartement d’Emmanuel.
« Onpeut dire ça. » Répondit-il en évitant son regard.
Lajeune femme hocha la tête. Les portes de l’habitacle métalliques’ouvrirent et ils traversèrent le couloir en silence. Seul lebruit des pas de Manuel sur le carrelage blanc résonnait. Ilss’arrêtèrent devant la porte 278. Elle ouvrit doucement la porteet déclara en chuchotant : « C’est ici. Ne faites pasde bruit. Il n’est pas encore réveillé. »
Ilpénétra à l’intérieur de la chambre et l’infirmière refermala porte derrière lui.
Lapièce était plongée dans le noir, seul le clair de lune éclairaitle lit sur lequel était allongé Emmanuel. Un vêtement d’hôpitall’habillait et les couvertures étaient remontées jusqu’à sapoitrine. Ses yeux étaient fermés et ses cheveux étaient endésordres. Une perfusion était accrochée à son bras gauche, auniveau du pli de son coude. Un léger bip était audible, provenantdu monitoring qui indique les fréquences cardiaques du jeune homme.
Ils’essaya sur le fauteuil situé à côté du lit après avoir poséson manteau sur le dossier. Manuel était mort d’inquiétude. Lesparoles de l’infirmière l’avait quelques peu rassurés, mais ilsavait qu’il serait incapable de fermer l’œil de la nuit. Ils’empara de la main droite d’Emmanuel qui reposait sur le drapblanc et l’emprisonna entre ses mains. Il caressa la paume de sonamant à l’aide de son pouce. Il ferma les yeux alors qu’ilembrassait tendrement les phalanges de son amant.
Ilrouvrit les yeux et regarda l’homme allongé sous les couvertures.Les traits de son visage étaient détendu, comme apaisé. Jamais ilne l’avait vu si paisible à l’exception d’une fois où ils’était réveillé au beau milieu de la nuit et qu’il avaitEmmanuel endormit à ses côtés. Il observa la courbe de ses lèvres,ses joues imberbes, son nez fin, ses paupières closes bordés parune rangée de cils noirs, la peau pâle de son front et ses cheveuxen bataille. Son souffle était calme et régulier, sa poitrinemontant et descendant au rythme de sa respiration.
Unemultitude de questions se bousculait dans sa tête. Est-ce qu’ilallait s’en sortir sans séquelle ? Allait-il devoir faire de larééducation pour sa jambe ? Quand allait-il se réveiller ? Etplein d’autres interrogations qui demeurait sans réponse.
Ilavait tellement eu peur quand on lui avait dit qu’Emmanuel avait euun accident. Il avait eu peur de le perdre à tout jamais. Si telleaurait été le cas, il n’aurait pas eu le temps de lui dire toutce qu’il avait à lui dire. Jamais un homme n’avait chamboulé àce point sa vie. Même si le comportement d’Emmanuel l’agaçaitparfois, il savait que des sentiments à son égard existaient auplus profond de lui.
Soudain,il sentit ses doigts bougés légèrement entre ses mains. Il crutavoir rêvé mais la sensation fut réelle quand les doigtsd’Emmanuel bougèrent à nouveau. Il bâtit des paupières puis sesyeux s’ouvrirent, dévoilé ses iris bleus clairs.
Emmanuell’observa quelques instants. Il vit les yeux rougis de Manuel,probablement parce qu’il avait pleuré et ses traits marqués parl’inquiétude. Il vit la chemise froissée qu’il portait alorsqu’il avait l’habitude d’être élégant. Tout lui revintrapidement en mémoire : la voiture qui percutait la sienne, lepare-brise qui éclate en morceau, la voiture qui part en tonneau, ledéploiement de l’airbag et la sirène lointaine d’une ambulanceavant qu’il ne perde connaissance. Il serra la main de Manuel quitenait la sienne.
« Salut »souffla Emmanuel, la bouche pâteuse.
« Tuveux un verre d’eau ? »
« Ouis’il te plaît. »
Il versa l’eau du pichet dans le verre posé sur la table de chevet et le tendit à Emmanuel qui s’en empara et le vida d’une seule traite. 
« Tuvas bien ? Tu as mal quelque part ? Tu veux que j’appelle uneinfirmière. » Demanda-t-il un brin angoissé.
« Toutva bien… Je vais bien. » Murmura-t-il d’un ton qui sevoulait rassurant.
Unsilence s’installa entre eux. Ce n’était pas un silence gênant,bien au contraire. Manuel se sentait soulagé. Il avait l’impressionqu’on avait retiré le poids qui pesait sur ses épaules. Emmanuelétait réveillé et il allait s’en sortir sans avoir de graveblessure. Ils ne se quittaient pas des yeux alors qu’il continuaità caresser la paume de sa main.
« Tuas pleuré ? » Demanda Emmanuel en voyant les yeux rougis del’homme assis à ses côtés.
« Non. » Répondit-il rapidement.
« Vienspar là. » Dit Emmanuel en se rapprochant de lui.
Ilavait envie de l’embrasser, de l’enlacer contre lui et de lerassurer. C’était sans compter, son amant qui comprit sesintentions.
« Cen’est pas le moment ! » Dit-il dans un ton un peu plus durqu’il ne voulait.
« Allez,s’il te plaît. »
« Onest dans un hôpital Emmanuel. N’importe qui pourrait noussurprendre. »
« Ilest à peine six heures du matin. Les seules personnes éveillésdoivent être les membres de l’équipe de garde. Une infirmière neviendra pas avant 7 heures. »
Levoilà à peine réveillé et il recommençait à fairemonsieur-je-sais-tout, ce qui habituellement agaçait Manuel. Il levales yeux au ciel puis jeta à coup d’œil à la porte fermée de lachambre.
« S’ilte plaît » Supplia-t-il.
Ilfinit par rapprocher son visage du sien et posa ses lèvres contreles siennes. Emmanuel posa sa main sur sa joue alors que Manuelpassait sa main dans ses cheveux. Ce fut un doux et chaste baiser,bien loin de ceux qu’ils avaient l’habitude de partager. Engénéral, ils s’embrassaient fougueusement voire même un peuviolemment. Manuel finit par se détacher de lui.
« Essaiede dormir un peu. »
« Jen’ai pas sommeil. » dit-il en étouffant en bâillement.
« Repose-toi. »
« Turestes avec moi ? »
« Oui.Dors maintenant. »
Ilfinit par fermer les yeux et s’endormit rapidement.
Lelendemain matin quand Emmanuel rouvrit les yeux, Manuel étaittoujours assis dans le fauteuil et semblait dormir. Dehors, le jourcommençait à se lever, éclairant la lumière d’une froide.
Manuelse réveilla sous le regard d’Emmanuel. En fait, il avait les yeuxbraqués sur lui. Il frotta ses yeux et jeta un coup d’œil àl’horloge accroché au-dessus de la porte qui affichait 8h10.
Soudain,la porte s’ouvrit en grand amenant de la lumière. Un homme enblouse blanche entra dans la pièce suivit par une infirmière.
« Ahvous êtes réveillé à ce que je vois ! » Dit-il ens’approchant d’Emmanuel.
L’hommevêtu d’une blouse, probablement un médecin, devait avoir environune trentaine d’années. Il était grand et avait de large épaule.Ses yeux étaient couleurs caramel et il avait les cheveux blonds enbataille comme si quelqu’un les avait volontairement décoiffés.
Depuisquand les médecins ressemblaient à des dieux grecs ? Pensa Manuelqui observait la scène depuis le fauteuil dans lequel il étaitassis.
Ilfaufila sa main entre l’ouverture du vêtement et plaça lamembrane de son stéthoscope sur la peau d’Emmanuel, écoutant sarespiration.
Ensuite,il demanda à Emmanuel de se relever, ce qu’il fit docilement, etse plaça derrière lui pour ausculter son dos. Le médecin appuyasur un point sensible ce qui le fit grimacer. Il réitéra son gesteet demanda : « Est-ce que ça fait mal ? »
« Ohoui c’est douloureux. » Répondit-il.
« Ilfaudra voir ça avec l’ostéopathe. » Déclara le bellâtre.
Emmanuelhocha la tête. Le docteur vérifia ses constantes avant de partir enleur souhaitant une bonne journée.
« Merci,bonne journée à vous aussi. » Répondit Emmanuel en souriant.
Agacépar la situation, Manuel le répondit pas et attendit que les deuxmembres du personnel médical quittent la pièce pour parler.
« Ilte les faut tous. » Déclara Manuel, énervé.
« Qu’est-cetu racontes ? »
« ArrêteEmmanuel. J’ai bien vu ton petit manège avec le docteur. »
« Quelmanège Manuel ? Franchement, c’est ridicule. Je n’ai rienfait. »
« Ohoui c’est douloureux. » Dit-il en imitant la voix de sonamant.
« Attendsune seconde… Tu es jaloux ? »
« Moi ?Jaloux ? N’importe quoi ! » Siffla-t-il en colère.
« Maissi tu l’es ! »
« Biensûr que non ! »
“Tu n’as pas à t’inquiéter ce n’est pas avec lui que j’aienvie de partager ma vie. » Admit Emmanuel, son regard bleutéfixé sur Manuel.
Manuelle regardait, incrédule. Emmanuel venait de dire haut et fort qu’ilvoulait partager sa vie avec lui. Lui qui avait tendance à êtrecolérique, lui qui était organisé alors que son cadet était unevéritable tempête bordélique.
Ilfinit par sourire malgré lui et se leva pour s’asseoir sur le borddu lit. Il s’empara du visage d’Emmanuel et posa ses lèvres surles siennes, l’embrassant avidement.
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violettierre · 2 years
Kind of a sus thing to tell your homie in his wedding day don't you think ??
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aokuro-san · 2 years
Wow... Well, it seems that yes, yes, it is a happy ending. It's a shame that it's rushed, but it gives me such a warm feeling... I'm looking forward to reading the last episode.
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since we never got canon mitsukkai i'm just gonna assume that they had a Monica and Chandler moment at Takemichi's wedding since Hakkai is an overseas model and he and Mitsuya couldn't stand not being together anymore
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cbilluminati · 8 years
Archie sent us over a look at their upcoming titles for April, and we’re sharing them with you. Here’s the Archie Comics Solicits for April 2017.
Greg Hettinger has traveled thousands of miles to end up back in Philadelphia, where his nightmare began—and where his adversaries are waiting, as well as another man wearing a black hood, who claims that Greg stole his life…
Script: Duane Swierczynski Art: Greg Scott, Rachel Deering, Kelly Fitzpatrick The Black Hood Season 2, #4 CVR A Reg: Greg Smallwood The Black Hood Season 2, #4 CVR B Variant: Michael Walsh Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-31 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-31 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
With Veronica Lodge back in town, everyone’s vying for her hand–from Archie to Toni to Reggie Mantle! Romance runs deep in Riverdale this issue!
Script: Mark Waid Art: Pete Woods, Andre Szymanowicz, Jack Morelli Archie #19 CVR A Reg: Pete Woods Archie #19 CVR B Var: Emanuela Lupacchino Archie #19 CVR C Var: Greg Smallwood Ship Date: 4/5 On Sale Date: 4/19 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-32 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-32 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-32 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-32 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Introducing… Cheryl Blossom! The fiery red-head takes center stage as Archie and Veronica’s worlds are torn apart as the two are living thousands of miles away from each other. What will happen to the rest of Archie’s friends in Riverdale? And just what kind of havoc will Cheryl Blossom wreak? All the answers and more in the third volume of the SMASH HIT Archie series! Collects Archie issues 13 – 17.
Script: Mark Waid Art: Joe Eisma, Andre Szymanowicz, Jack Morelli Cover:  Joe Eisma 978-1-68255-993-2 $19.99/$21.99CAN TR 176 pp, Full Color Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/19
All Heck breaks loose in Riverdale as the final act of BETTY VERSUS VERONICA reaches its combustible conclusion! The streets of Riverdale run red under the rockets’ red glare and no one will ever be the same!
Script: Adam Hughes Art: Adam Hughes, Jose Villarubia, Jack Morelli Betty & Veronica #3 CVR A Reg: Adam Hughes Betty & Veronica #3 CVR B Var: Adam Hughes Betty & Veronica #3 CVR C Var: Bengal Betty & Veronica #3 CVR D Reg: David Mack Betty & Veronica #3 CVR E Var: Paolo Rivera Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-33 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-33 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; } #gallery-0-33 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-33 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Riverdale’s resident jock gets the spotlight in this special one-shot where everything’s Moose! Stories by Sean Ryan, Ryan Cady and Gorf with art by Cory Smith, Thomas Pitilli and Wilfredo Torres!
Script: Sean Ryan, Ryan Cady, Gorf Art:  Thomas Pitilli, Cory Smith, Wilfredo Torres Moose One-Shot CVR A Reg: Thomas Pitilli Moose One-Shot CVR B Var:  Cory Smith Moose One-Shot CVR C Var: Wilfredo Torres Ship Date: 4/12 On Sale Date: 4/26 48-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-34 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-34 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-34 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-34 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
With the Pussycats arrested for plagiarism, Alexander Cabot is determined to put the band on trial! The girls are shipped to the Cabot family’s sovereign patch of Antarctica, where the Cabots’ word is law! How will the girls get out of this one? (Spoilers: Probably friendship.)
Script: Marguerite Bennett, Cameron DeOrdio Art: Audrey Mok, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jack Morelli Josie and the Pussycats #6 CVR A Reg: Audrey Mok Josie and the Pussycats #6 CVR B Var: Michael Allred, Laura Allred Josie and the Pussycats #6 CVR C Var: Ben Caldwell Ship Date: 4/5 On Sale Date: 4/19 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-35 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-35 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-35 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-35 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
When Juggie’s ruined everyone’s lives (BUT BY ACCIDENT, OBVIOUSLY) and also drawn the entire internet’s attention to Riverdale, can he fix it?  And how can a man who only wants to eat burgers in peace have caused such problems? All these questions and more are answered in this issue!
Script: Ryan North Art: Derek Charm, Jack Morelli Jughead #14 CVR A Reg: Derek Charm Jughead #14 CVR B Var: Joe Quinones Jughead #14 CVR C Var: Chip Zdarsky Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-36 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-36 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-36 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-36 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Little Sabrina encounters very colorful doppelgangers of her little kitty Salem!  When she tries to use magic to whisk them back to wherever they came from she finds that their magic abilities are more than she bargained for!
Script: Art Baltazar and Franco Art:  Art Baltazar Little Sabrina One-Shot CVR A Reg: Art Baltazar Little Sabrina One-Shot CVR B Var:  Jay Fosgitt Little Sabrina One-Shot CVR C Var: Evan Stanley Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 48-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-37 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-37 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-37 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-37 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
From Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and the writers of the new CW series Riverdale comes the first issue of the MUST-READ, brand new, ongoing comic series. Set in the universe of the TV series, the Riverdale comic offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Betty, Veronica, Josie & the Pussycats and their friends, exploring small-town life and the darkness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade.
Script: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa & Various Art: Joe Eisma Riverdale #1 CVR A Reg: Alitha Martinez Riverdale #1 CVR B Var: Elliott Fernandez Riverdale #1 CVR C Var: Francesco Francavilla Riverdale #1 CVR D Var: Peter Krause Riverdale #1 CVR E Var: Djibril Morissette-Phan Riverdale #1 CVR F Var: Ron Salas Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-38 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-38 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-38 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-38 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
READ THE STORIES THAT INSPIRED THE NEW CW TV SERIES! Road to Riverdale Vol. 2 presents to readers all of the second issues of each of our new series so far, including Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica, Josie and the Pussycats, and Reggie & Me, timed to the release of the brand new CW series Riverdale.
Script: Mark Waid, Chip Zdarsky, Adam Hughes, Marguerite Bennett & Cameron Deordio, Tom DeFalco Art: Fiona Staples, Erica Henderson, Adam Hughes, Audrey Mok, Sandy Jarrell, Andre Szymanowicz, Jose Villarrubia, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jack Morelli Cover: Francesco Francavilla 978-1-68255-962-8 $14.99/$16.99CAN 6 5/8 x 10 3/16” TR 136 pp, Full Color Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/26
This month, digests go global! In the NEW LEAD STORY “From India, with Love,” Archie’s friend Raj needs help with a movie he’s making, so Archie travels with him to India!
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 4/12 On Sale Date: 4/26 192-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
In the NEW LEAD STORY “On the Road Again …and Against!,” the Archies go on tour in the Philippines, while at the same time a documentary is being filmed  about them.
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 192-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
In the NEW LEAD STORY “Oh, Canada!,” Betty and Veronica are excited to go to a charity event in Canada—but they’re even more excited to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 4/5 On Sale Date: 4/19 160-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
In the NEW LEAD STORY “You’re Cooked!,” Jughead wins a food channel contest where you compete in a cook off…in Paris, France!
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 192-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
See how it all began with this digest-sized collection featuring stories from our recently relaunched New Riverdale titles, including Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica, Josie and the Pussycats and Reggie and Me!
Script: Mark Waid, Adam Hughes, Chip Zdarsky, Marguerite Bennett, Cameron DeOrdio, Tom DeFalco Art:  Fiona Staples, Erica Henderson, Adam Hughes, Audrey Mok, Sandy Jarrell, Andre Szymanowicz, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jack Morelli Cover: Francesco Francavilla Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 128-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
This GIANT-SIZED collection features the best, classic stories filled with magic and mayhem, starring Sabrina the Teenage Witch! This is the perfect companion book to the BRAND new Sabrina the Teenage Witch One-Shot!
Script: Various Art: Various Sabrina 80-Page Giant Comic #1 CVR A Reg: Various Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 80-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
It’s a Sonic battle in a championship of fighters! Shady media mogul Breezie has gotten her hands on a Chaos Emerald Sonic needs to save the world.  The only way he can get it is to fight in her televised battle royale against friends and foes alike! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG VOL. 5: CHAMPIONS collects SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #268-271.
Script: Ian Flynn. Art: Diana Skelly, Ryan Jampole, Terry Austin, Gabriel Cassata & John Workman Cover: Evan Stanley, Terry Austin & Ben Hunzeker 978-1-68255-892-4 $12.99/$14.99CAN TR 120 pp, Full Color Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/5
“Memories”: Sonic reminisces with his buddies Mighty and Ray, but Sonic and Mighty disagree on how they met.  Can their friendship survive their egos’ revisions?  Then in “Baking Bad,” Bunnie and Antoine put their competitive cooking skills to the test! Featuring cover art by Tyson Hesse and a “Kooky Kitchen variant” by Jennifer Hernandez!
Script: Ian Flynn and Aleah Baker Art: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin, Gabriel Cassata and John Workman Sonic the Hedgehog #294 CVR A Reg: Tyson Hesse Sonic the Hedgehog #294 CVR B Variant: Jennifer Hernandez, Gary Martin & Matt Herms Ship Date: 4/12 On Sale Date: 4/26 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-39 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-39 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-39 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-39 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Freedom Fighters” Part Three: Amy Rose and Cream join Sally Acorn as they seek the components needed to repair Nicole’s systems, but during their quest an old adversary reemerges! Featuring cover art by Jamal Peppers and a “Sonic and the Freedom Fighters variant” by Tyson Hesse!
Script: Ian Flynn Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Jim Amash, Matt Herms and Jack Morelli Sonic Universe #97 CVR A Reg: Jamal Peppers, Jim Amash & Matt Herms Sonic Universe #97 CVR B Variant: Tyson Hesse Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-40 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-40 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-40 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-40 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
via Archie Comics
Archie Comics Solicits for April 2017
Archie sent us over a look at their upcoming titles for April, and we’re sharing them with you.
Archie Comics Solicits for April 2017 Archie sent us over a look at their upcoming titles for April, and we're sharing them with you.
0 notes
outright-geekery · 8 years
Archie sent us over a look at their upcoming titles for April, and we’re sharing them with you. Here’s the Archie Comics Solicits for April 2017.
Greg Hettinger has traveled thousands of miles to end up back in Philadelphia, where his nightmare began—and where his adversaries are waiting, as well as another man wearing a black hood, who claims that Greg stole his life…
Script: Duane Swierczynski Art: Greg Scott, Rachel Deering, Kelly Fitzpatrick The Black Hood Season 2, #4 CVR A Reg: Greg Smallwood The Black Hood Season 2, #4 CVR B Variant: Michael Walsh Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-31 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-31 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-31 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
With Veronica Lodge back in town, everyone’s vying for her hand–from Archie to Toni to Reggie Mantle! Romance runs deep in Riverdale this issue!
Script: Mark Waid Art: Pete Woods, Andre Szymanowicz, Jack Morelli Archie #19 CVR A Reg: Pete Woods Archie #19 CVR B Var: Emanuela Lupacchino Archie #19 CVR C Var: Greg Smallwood Ship Date: 4/5 On Sale Date: 4/19 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-32 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-32 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-32 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-32 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Introducing… Cheryl Blossom! The fiery red-head takes center stage as Archie and Veronica’s worlds are torn apart as the two are living thousands of miles away from each other. What will happen to the rest of Archie’s friends in Riverdale? And just what kind of havoc will Cheryl Blossom wreak? All the answers and more in the third volume of the SMASH HIT Archie series! Collects Archie issues 13 – 17.
Script: Mark Waid Art: Joe Eisma, Andre Szymanowicz, Jack Morelli Cover:  Joe Eisma 978-1-68255-993-2 $19.99/$21.99CAN TR 176 pp, Full Color Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/19
All Heck breaks loose in Riverdale as the final act of BETTY VERSUS VERONICA reaches its combustible conclusion! The streets of Riverdale run red under the rockets’ red glare and no one will ever be the same!
Script: Adam Hughes Art: Adam Hughes, Jose Villarubia, Jack Morelli Betty & Veronica #3 CVR A Reg: Adam Hughes Betty & Veronica #3 CVR B Var: Adam Hughes Betty & Veronica #3 CVR C Var: Bengal Betty & Veronica #3 CVR D Reg: David Mack Betty & Veronica #3 CVR E Var: Paolo Rivera Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-33 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-33 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; } #gallery-0-33 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-33 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Riverdale’s resident jock gets the spotlight in this special one-shot where everything’s Moose! Stories by Sean Ryan, Ryan Cady and Gorf with art by Cory Smith, Thomas Pitilli and Wilfredo Torres!
Script: Sean Ryan, Ryan Cady, Gorf Art:  Thomas Pitilli, Cory Smith, Wilfredo Torres Moose One-Shot CVR A Reg: Thomas Pitilli Moose One-Shot CVR B Var:  Cory Smith Moose One-Shot CVR C Var: Wilfredo Torres Ship Date: 4/12 On Sale Date: 4/26 48-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-34 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-34 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-34 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-34 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
With the Pussycats arrested for plagiarism, Alexander Cabot is determined to put the band on trial! The girls are shipped to the Cabot family’s sovereign patch of Antarctica, where the Cabots’ word is law! How will the girls get out of this one? (Spoilers: Probably friendship.)
Script: Marguerite Bennett, Cameron DeOrdio Art: Audrey Mok, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jack Morelli Josie and the Pussycats #6 CVR A Reg: Audrey Mok Josie and the Pussycats #6 CVR B Var: Michael Allred, Laura Allred Josie and the Pussycats #6 CVR C Var: Ben Caldwell Ship Date: 4/5 On Sale Date: 4/19 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-35 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-35 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-35 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-35 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
When Juggie’s ruined everyone’s lives (BUT BY ACCIDENT, OBVIOUSLY) and also drawn the entire internet’s attention to Riverdale, can he fix it?  And how can a man who only wants to eat burgers in peace have caused such problems? All these questions and more are answered in this issue!
Script: Ryan North Art: Derek Charm, Jack Morelli Jughead #14 CVR A Reg: Derek Charm Jughead #14 CVR B Var: Joe Quinones Jughead #14 CVR C Var: Chip Zdarsky Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-36 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-36 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-36 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-36 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Little Sabrina encounters very colorful doppelgangers of her little kitty Salem!  When she tries to use magic to whisk them back to wherever they came from she finds that their magic abilities are more than she bargained for!
Script: Art Baltazar and Franco Art:  Art Baltazar Little Sabrina One-Shot CVR A Reg: Art Baltazar Little Sabrina One-Shot CVR B Var:  Jay Fosgitt Little Sabrina One-Shot CVR C Var: Evan Stanley Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 48-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-37 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-37 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-37 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-37 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
From Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and the writers of the new CW series Riverdale comes the first issue of the MUST-READ, brand new, ongoing comic series. Set in the universe of the TV series, the Riverdale comic offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Betty, Veronica, Josie & the Pussycats and their friends, exploring small-town life and the darkness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade.
Script: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa & Various Art: Joe Eisma Riverdale #1 CVR A Reg: Alitha Martinez Riverdale #1 CVR B Var: Elliott Fernandez Riverdale #1 CVR C Var: Francesco Francavilla Riverdale #1 CVR D Var: Peter Krause Riverdale #1 CVR E Var: Djibril Morissette-Phan Riverdale #1 CVR F Var: Ron Salas Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-38 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-38 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-38 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-38 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
READ THE STORIES THAT INSPIRED THE NEW CW TV SERIES! Road to Riverdale Vol. 2 presents to readers all of the second issues of each of our new series so far, including Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica, Josie and the Pussycats, and Reggie & Me, timed to the release of the brand new CW series Riverdale.
Script: Mark Waid, Chip Zdarsky, Adam Hughes, Marguerite Bennett & Cameron Deordio, Tom DeFalco Art: Fiona Staples, Erica Henderson, Adam Hughes, Audrey Mok, Sandy Jarrell, Andre Szymanowicz, Jose Villarrubia, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jack Morelli Cover: Francesco Francavilla 978-1-68255-962-8 $14.99/$16.99CAN 6 5/8 x 10 3/16” TR 136 pp, Full Color Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/26
This month, digests go global! In the NEW LEAD STORY “From India, with Love,” Archie’s friend Raj needs help with a movie he’s making, so Archie travels with him to India!
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 4/12 On Sale Date: 4/26 192-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
In the NEW LEAD STORY “On the Road Again …and Against!,” the Archies go on tour in the Philippines, while at the same time a documentary is being filmed  about them.
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 192-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
In the NEW LEAD STORY “Oh, Canada!,” Betty and Veronica are excited to go to a charity event in Canada—but they’re even more excited to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 4/5 On Sale Date: 4/19 160-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
In the NEW LEAD STORY “You’re Cooked!,” Jughead wins a food channel contest where you compete in a cook off…in Paris, France!
Script: Dan Parent Art:  Dan Parent Cover: Dan Parent Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 192-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
See how it all began with this digest-sized collection featuring stories from our recently relaunched New Riverdale titles, including Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica, Josie and the Pussycats and Reggie and Me!
Script: Mark Waid, Adam Hughes, Chip Zdarsky, Marguerite Bennett, Cameron DeOrdio, Tom DeFalco Art:  Fiona Staples, Erica Henderson, Adam Hughes, Audrey Mok, Sandy Jarrell, Andre Szymanowicz, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jack Morelli Cover: Francesco Francavilla Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 128-page, full color comic $5.99 U.S.
This GIANT-SIZED collection features the best, classic stories filled with magic and mayhem, starring Sabrina the Teenage Witch! This is the perfect companion book to the BRAND new Sabrina the Teenage Witch One-Shot!
Script: Various Art: Various Sabrina 80-Page Giant Comic #1 CVR A Reg: Various Ship Date: 3/22 On Sale Date: 4/5 80-page, full color comic $4.99 U.S.
It’s a Sonic battle in a championship of fighters! Shady media mogul Breezie has gotten her hands on a Chaos Emerald Sonic needs to save the world.  The only way he can get it is to fight in her televised battle royale against friends and foes alike! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG VOL. 5: CHAMPIONS collects SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #268-271.
Script: Ian Flynn. Art: Diana Skelly, Ryan Jampole, Terry Austin, Gabriel Cassata & John Workman Cover: Evan Stanley, Terry Austin & Ben Hunzeker 978-1-68255-892-4 $12.99/$14.99CAN TR 120 pp, Full Color Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/5
“Memories”: Sonic reminisces with his buddies Mighty and Ray, but Sonic and Mighty disagree on how they met.  Can their friendship survive their egos’ revisions?  Then in “Baking Bad,” Bunnie and Antoine put their competitive cooking skills to the test! Featuring cover art by Tyson Hesse and a “Kooky Kitchen variant” by Jennifer Hernandez!
Script: Ian Flynn and Aleah Baker Art: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin, Gabriel Cassata and John Workman Sonic the Hedgehog #294 CVR A Reg: Tyson Hesse Sonic the Hedgehog #294 CVR B Variant: Jennifer Hernandez, Gary Martin & Matt Herms Ship Date: 4/12 On Sale Date: 4/26 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-39 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-39 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-39 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-39 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Freedom Fighters” Part Three: Amy Rose and Cream join Sally Acorn as they seek the components needed to repair Nicole’s systems, but during their quest an old adversary reemerges! Featuring cover art by Jamal Peppers and a “Sonic and the Freedom Fighters variant” by Tyson Hesse!
Script: Ian Flynn Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Jim Amash, Matt Herms and Jack Morelli Sonic Universe #97 CVR A Reg: Jamal Peppers, Jim Amash & Matt Herms Sonic Universe #97 CVR B Variant: Tyson Hesse Ship Date: 3/29 On Sale Date: 4/12 32-page, full color comic $3.99 U.S.
#gallery-0-40 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-40 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-40 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-40 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
via Archie Comics
Archie Comics Solicits for April 2017 Archie sent us over a look at their upcoming titles for April, and we're sharing them with you.
0 notes
raamitsu · 2 years
12 notes · View notes