#tpn s2 ep8
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notelectrictigerart · 1 year ago
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The Promised Neverland: Season 2 Episode 8
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just-like-playing-tag · 4 years ago
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I haven't watched episode 8 but this is my understanding of it according to the tag and what friends have told me
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themightyaliendwarf · 4 years ago
TPN s02e08
Maaan, what an rollercoaster! We literally go from amazing to fine to incredible. Which kinda makes me angry because this is how this season SHOULD look like. Okay, fine, let’s skip Goldy Pond, but let’s make it equally amazing as this. Just in an anime original way. And this episode proves they COULD do it. It’s a pity that it took them over a half of the season to reach this point. But let’s start from the beginning.
1. So, Peter Ratri is voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya. I was joking with my friend that it might be the reason why the quality of the animation isn’t always the best - because he took a half of the budget. Anyway, I think he is doing a good job with voicing this character right now, but I will wait with the final judgement for the Peter’s meltdown scene. 
2. Just a fun fact I read in the manga: apparently when Isabella tells Norman that he is going to a new home, Shirai used the kanji that can also mean ‘cage’. 
3. Another thing I loved: they showed how Norman found about Vincent. It’s shown in the extra pages for one of the volumes (I don’t remember in which one right now).
4. Again, I like that the first 7-8 minutes were fully focused on Lambda. I think that this is something that anime-only people really needed (without the context, it’s difficult understand how MUCH those guys hate the demons and why). And for manga readers it was cool to see it in colour. But on the other hand, I’m kinda disappointed that they just showed us the images of the experiments. I think adding movement and sound would make those scenes absolutely terrifying. But hey, at least they showed it!
5. So, we found out a little bit about the escape, buuuut it was nearly as much as I was hoping for. Based on the panels in the manga, we could have already guessed that they used some kind of explosives. I guess we still need to wait for another special chapter/light novel.
6. Annnd after the amazing lambda part we jump to the search... Now, do you know why this whole thing was more engaging in the manga?
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Because we got her. I don’t think it will be controversial if I say that the search for Mujika was really boring. Just a bunch of pictures and building up suspense by showing us that CGI demon. Speaking of that demon!
7. You know what pains a lot in this episode? SO MANY reused animations. I mean, the test solving animation, the demon, the chase, later the demons degenerating and demons eating other demons... look, I know they want to save money, but there are some limits!
8. Apparently Ray, a guy who has been living in the wilderness for months, needs a watch to tell that sun is setting. Just a minor nitpick that I had to point out. 
9. Okay, I think we can official crown Norman as our new edge lord. I mean that monologue on the top of the rock... I know that words are from the manga, but when it’s shown like that, it looks more silly than serious. Also, the quote ‘I will gladly become a God or a devil��, doesn’t make THAT much sense here, because we didn’t get this scene:
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To me it felt like unnecessary fan service towards manga readers, but I’m happy for you if you liked this scene. Norman is allowed to become our tiny edge lord.
10. You know what made me angry? Don and Ray shooting the demon, but Emma and Gilda not. Yes, Emma does it a second later, but it became a trend to give her badass scenes to boys. The next scene, however, made me furious.
11. Ray shoots the demon and then he and Emma share a sigh of relief. But then it turns out that the wild demon is still alive and it’s going to eat Emma. Wait a minute... I have seen it somewhere... OH, RIGHT!
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Of course, there are situations where Emma is the one who is being saved. The problem is that in the anime she is always being saved by someone - never the other way around. I’m happy that Ray is given stuff to do, but why is it that he is given Emma’s stuff. Come on!
12. Also, how did they know that it was Norman who caused the explosion? How far did they actually went? Are you going to tell me that they were in practically the same location for months and nobody found them? Again, those are nitpicks, but they bother me a lot!
13. Also, apparently the drug is now spread through the air, and Norman’s whole gang is made out of edge lords who need to stand dramatically on the chimneys. I can imagine that during planning they had a conversation similar to: - Boss, do you know what ever genocide needs? - What? - Dramatic JoJo posing over the burning villages.  - Good, good... write that down!
14. Okay, enough ranting, let’s move to the incredible stuff. First of all, the music in those last scenes really reminded me of the Witcher Soundtrack and I LOVE the Witcher soundtrack. So epic! 
15. I actually stopped taking notes at this point, because I was so immersed in everything that was happening on the screen. The music, the tone, the colours, the expressions - THIS! This is what this anime should be from the very beginning. Making us care about the demons, and showing that they are also the victims of this system. The actual dread and thriller, the moral issues, engaging plot lines.
16. The scene with the old demon and Norman? Good anime original content? How is it possible? When the old demon asks Norman whether he is a human and he doesn’t answer - because at this point he himself isn’t sure. Yes, give me more of that!
17. Norman being terrified after seeing blood on his hands? That’s a good change from the manga Norman, because it makes narrative sense. Really, CloverWorks, how can you make such an amazing scene after those 6 mediocre and one good episode? 
Anyway, it’s difficult for me to add anything right now because I don’t feel like I have enough words to describe how much I loved that last scene. Does it mean I have forgiven this season its previous sins? No, but I’m a happier person right now, and I’m REALLY looking forward into the next episode. 
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just-like-playing-tag · 4 years ago
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Wow CloverWorks really said fuck Lambda kids rights
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just-like-playing-tag · 4 years ago
Did you saw in the new promo that emma has blood on her face? I'm so scared ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
Ahah I have seen the preview several times yet I didn't notice!!! Good catch Anon :D
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just-like-playing-tag · 4 years ago
I wasn't that pissed with TPN S2 in the beginning and had a lot of faith in it. Then it all started going down and I just let out all the salt I was keeping when ep8 released. I then now decided that I'm going to just re-read the manga and now bought volume 9 and 10. Atleast this circus wreck was able to make me see TPN in a newer perspective from all the ranting people do. And your posts were really helpful with that and I just loved every point you made.
Let's all just join together as one and re-read the manga to relieve ourselves from this pain and enjoy the happy things in life (◡ ω ◡)
Awww thank you so much Anon this was so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
Yeah I totally agree!!! Manga is 184 chapters long, that is still a fair amount of content to enjoy. And then there's fanfictions, and then there's fanarts!!!! Edits and gifsets!!!!! And then there's me who has yet to finish their tons of unlikely AU posts!!! We may not get weekly content anymore, but I believe there still is lot of content to enjoy. There's the repeatedly teased Ayshe chapter!!!!! The novels (like the Gilda and Don novel everyone????)!!!!! I have a feeling the special exhibition chapter will be unofficially made public soon and I can't wait for everyone to see it, and to spam Ray's angelic smile everywhere like for real look forward to it that is the best smile Posuka Demizu has ever drawn and I'm not even exaggerating. Demizu's occasional Twitter sketches!! Plus I hope Shirai will eventually reveal the Lambda escape plot line in some way, I know he has it there somewhere.
What I'm saying is that as long as the series gives you happiness, there's still plenty of ways to enjoy it. Let's all have lots of fun while we're together in the fandom!!
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#I really should reread the manga... I've wanted to do it for the longest time (╥﹏╥)#Can you believe I've read it only once??**I** can't believe it.#In four days the last volume will be available in my country... When I finally get it I shall probably give the whole thing a reread#But actually I'm just waiting for the novels to come out where I live (╥﹏╥)#Today I edited anime Lambda Norman character design to be Lambda Ray and I'm very satisfied with how it turned out!!!!#No I'm not back from the hiatus and I won't be for another while#But I've decided I won't come back to the normal schedule until I've finally written down all my major ideas + done editing what I want!#And most importantly: answered all of the asks because man those 28 people need some answers :')#What I'm trying to say is: I know people are upset with the anime#and the consequences it had on the fandom (like... Pushing away tons of people I guess) and that's extremely valid#But also it doesn't necessarily mean tpn is dead you know? There's still you! And me!#And a bunch of other people who loves the (manga) for what it is!!!!!!#So yeah let's just have a good time :)#I don't really know where I was going with this but Anon left me flattered ahah#I've got quite a bit of followers now and yet every time somebody says they like my posts I'm like “You like???? What????? Wow. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)”#tpn#the promised neverland#people asks me stuff#I'd say something like “let's all do a manga reread together” but also like I'm the kind of person who reads one chapter per day and-#that's it so I don't think I'm the most indicate person to reread the manga with XD
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