#tpn s02e10 preview
themightyaliendwarf · 4 years
So, uhm, I’ve just seen the preview for the episode 10 of TPN season 2, and I have a couple of though: 
- Why did the farms actually dressed those children in those new uniforms? Seriously, why? What’s the point? To trick them? To trick Emma and others? What can even possibly be your motivation, CW? I mean, really, if there is no good reason, you could easily spend the money that you put into drawing those outfits, to, I don’t know, improving CGI? Just a thought... 
- Sonju is fighting. Cool... but why? Weren’t you supposed to clean up the mess in the village? Why are they needed there? Why is Mujika here? Look, I know that I’m a salty manga reader, but I have honestly no idea why they should be there. 
- So, Emma walks to the GF with a bow and arrows, and Isabella welcomes them with an actual gun... Look, I know that Isabella will turn out to be a good guy (let’s face it, they won’t change it), but it’s just so silly looking. Have you ever played the game of Civilization with an AI? You usually reach the point where you have advanced weaponry from XX century, while your opponents didn’t even discoverer gunpowder. It really reminds me of this kind of situation. Why CW won’t give Emma her gun? Why? I mean, bow is cool and all, but if you think that it has a chance against guns, I guess you must be Legolas
That’s the end of my quick rant. I expect to see mess tomorrow
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