#tpn manga thoughts
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juxl25 · 3 months ago
🦤A new edition to my shrine was made today!
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I got this second hand on vinted
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rayisemo · 1 year ago
Red heads with green eyes are ALWAYS the BEST main character. Likeeeeee
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Can we also talk about how similar they all are 💀
(Personality wise… and looks..)
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chidoroki · 1 year ago
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me, less than an hour before midnight: oh god, oh fuck, the love day cards!!!
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darklight-owl · 2 years ago
Sometimes when I talk about a thing I'm mentally ill about irl I forget that not everyone has read the source material, spinoffs and remakes, seen the stageplay recordings and movies, analyzed every single aspect of the soundtrack, or dissected the characters by painstakingly combing every scene they're in.
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theclearblue · 6 months ago
16 and 18
Damn putting me on the spot with these ones alksjflsdgl
16. 10 best animes you have watched
In no order and I probs will forget something I hold near and dear to my heart: Haikyuu, FMA Brotherhood, Fruit's Basket, One Piece, HxH, Kaguya Sama Love is War, Mob Psycho 100, Mushishi, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and yeeeaaahhhh I think it's gotta be JJK for the last spot. I gotta mention Monster/Stein's Gate/Code Geass/Samurai Champloo/NGE/Kamisama Kiss those are all bangers too. Never make me rank these lmao
18.10 worst anime you have watched
It's been awhile since I've watched anything I really hate but Darling in the Franxx, The Promised Neverland season 2, Rascal dreams of bunny girl senpai, Food Wars really went down hill, Vampire Knight (my first anime GOD), Sword Art Online I disliked but I heard it got better later on so that's cool, Snow White and the Red Hair (shoujo fans don't come for me on this one pls i'm sorry), The God of High School was kinda bad lowkey. Uhhh I guess it wasn't like, super bad imo but Re:Zero season 2 was like. not that impressive either lol. i can't think of anything else lmao
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cookie-fox · 10 months ago
I've finally finished reading The Promised Neverland.
With college behind me I was finally able to make some time for reading and I'm typing this up just after finishing volume 20. With how awkward the pacing had gotten I was worried about TPN ending on an unsatisfying note but the last couple arcs were more than a pleasant surprise. I even thought the ending was pretty good. I totally understand why it's divisive but I really like the bittersweet note the story ends on. This series was a fantastic read from beginning to end despite some of the rough patches. I'm glad my first manga series was this one. I really enjoyed reading the commentaries at the start of each volume and seeing the different side-stories, concept art, and doodles between chapters.
I've got more to say and things I want to go in more depth about but that's a post for another time.
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I watched children full of dreams in the garden of the House. I realized they were like this from the very beginning when I opened my eyes, I saw the crumbs of reality and dreams disappearing in the grass as the light faded into the dark sky, illuminated by a melody. They became the sacrificial sheep who deceived themselves in the life they were promised
-Ray headcanon quest
Ray while watching a little soul going to die with dreams
I think Ray's thoughts were like this when he decided suicide. I watched pure childs die years and year
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graphx · 8 months ago
”you know how bad it is that you're wishing the five year old was shot and put into a coma?”
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Riiiight, okay.
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molotovgirl45 · 1 year ago
Hiii! I have a TPN request for Emma and Ray (seperately).
Them x reader who is bubbly, childish, energetic, and kind gets shipped out and the next time they see them (reader was with Norman after they got shipped out), they were more reserved, soft-spoken, and mature.
Tysm and have a great day! P.S. Stay hydrated.
This genuinely sounds like something I would read, lol. I hope you enjoy, even though this isn't a total proof read. Just how i remembered. I did mainly just Ray, and im planning on making another version with Emma.This will be based off the manga, but I can make an anime version too. Here you go!
Tw: Violence, slight trauma, use of Y/n, slight angst at end.
Introduction Ray+Emma
After you got shipped out, you went to Lambda with Norman. That was definitely an eye opening moment for you, seeing all of the test subjects as you walked through the halls. You watched as they screamed, or tried to resist, but it was all futile. You watched as they morphed into horrific creatures, their wails echoing throughout the lab. That one moment, the energetic Y/n that everyone knew and loved faded. Throughout the months you spent alone in a small white box, your mind began to shape itself to your new environment. You never really knew what it was like to be injected with unknown treatments, or to be held down so they could test on you. That Era of your life left a mental scar, one that could probably never be healed.
Ray: Seeing you again.
"Long time, no see."
You smile softly at Emma and Ray as Norman stood by your side. Ray's facial expression went from stoic instantly it shock. Was this really you?
"... Y/n?"
Before you knew it, you felt something collide with you a little harshly. He had sprinted towards you, hugging you tight as if he would lose you again if he let you go for even a second. For the first time, Norman, Emma and you saw him cry. He was crying into your shoulder. That was... Unexpected. Half of you thought that he would act like he didn't care. You hug him back. Eventually, he spoke.
"Don't leave us like that again, Idiot."
You chuckled slightly.
"I missed you too, Ray."
Ray: Noticing your personality change
Back at the farm, you constantly would bug Ray, or try and play games with him. So when he asked you if you wanted to play a board game with him, and you didn't light up with that cute face you made when you were excited, he was confused.
"Hey, dumbass, do you want to play monopoly with Norman, Emma and me?"
You glanced up from the papers you were writing. You smile softly.
"Oh, I'm good, thanks."
... He blinked. Were they being serious?
"... What?"
You don't glance up this time, continuing to write some boring papers.
"I said I'm good, thank you, though."
Something was wrong. You *never* declined the opportunity to play a board game. Were they sad? Did he do something wrong that upset them? He frowned hard. Maybe they are just tired. He leaves, to go back to where Norman and Emma were.
A couple days after that, he walks by to see you... Reading? No, clearly something is wrong. You used to HATE books. You would only ever read them if Ray read them to you. He approached you, frowning again.
"What's wrong?"
Huh? You look up, a bit confused.
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."
"Did we upset you?"
You get even more confused.
He takes the book from your hands, seeing what it even is that you're reading. ... Pride and Prejudice? Yeah, something is definitely wrong.
"I'm sorry you feel neglected enough to read this."
Your confused expression increases in strength.
"Ray, nothing is wrong. What are you even talking abou-"
"-Y/n, you don't read. You've never read before, unless I was reading it to you. And last week you said you didn't want to play monopoly. Clearly something is wrong. Have you been getting enough sleep?? Sleeplessness affects your energy and mood. Are you depressed or something? You know you can always talk to-"
You yell, after a couple times he finally seemed to stop talking. You sigh, standing up from your seat.
"Ray, I'm fine. Truly. I just..."
You rub your temples.
"I just matured. Back at the farm, we were together. We all helped each other out, and that gave us all hope. But when you're alone, in an environment like the Lambda, you just... Change. I can't help the fact that I had to mature before I was supposed to. But I'm telling you, I'm fine."
He stares at you for a while, before nodding in understanding. He gives you your book back.
"Sorry for bothering you, then."
He leaves, before you could stop him. You sigh, looking down at your book. You really had changed.
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chidoroki · 15 days ago
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Surprise~ I have arrived for my yearly contribution ♡
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
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Owange... 🧡🍑🧡🍊🧡🥭
Had to complete my heart eyes set with the ones I had for Valentine's and Norman's birthday week.
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When you're Ray and this is your canonical internal monologue about your two best friends:
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(Chapter 93)
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matilsabell · 11 months ago
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duality (problems) of a TPN artist 🎭
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darklight-owl · 6 months ago
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So I read the Sonju and Mujika light novel chapter-
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lightwoods-world · 4 months ago
sooo I just finished TPN and imma be so honest I have mixed feelings about the ending. not even that, I don’t even know how I feel about it. something doesn’t feel right tho? idk can someone tell me what they thought about the last manga 😭
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maeemono · 2 months ago
the day we've all been waiting for!
Ray is such an interesting character. The episode where he reveals he's the spy.. I was FLABBERGASTED. I watched it again just to make sure I was reading it right. Before then, I thought he wasn't that important, always keeping to himself, being in the shadow.. I should have known. It was and still is one of my favorite scenes.
I feel like there are landmarks in my life. Some are gas stations, some are benches, and some are amusement parks. (If that makes sense). I tend to resonate the past with what I was "into" at the time. 2019? I got into MHA. I was still young, and super sweet at that time, with life going smoothly. Most of my good memories are there. By 2021, when I was watching TPN, I started to see the world differently (probably bc of puberty and covid lol). It wasn't all unicorns and rainbows anymore. I also started learning more about money, and how my dad didn't have a lot of it. but I was still a kid. TPN was the gateway to that amusement park. I love the anime and manga so much, and I'm so glad that there's a community that loves it just as much (and probably more lol!) thank you, kaiu shirai and crew.
Now for ray art dump!
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
For the demon God name... I call them Elari. (Yes I stared at that nonsense of a word until it looked like a name).
Elari definitely sounds more prestigious than Marumaru lol
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1)
I've also seen the demon language compared to Enochian (mentioned in @puff-poff's analysis of the demon world's culture, which I highly recommend people checking out).
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And Kei Toda speculates it's related to Hebrew in The Promised Neverland read with English and American Literature (2020) by Kei Toda (the second chapter that discusses religion can be found here, translated by @thathilomgirl and @0hana0fubuki0).
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Introducing her first from the Trio was a really good choice in my opinion, because her cheerful, hopeful, happy and naive personality makes you believe that everything in all right with their lives.
Establishing her as the main character is also so important for solidifying the series as a feminist narrative.
Just like I did with Ray... I have something unique to add to each drawing of her. First let's talk about the Freckles! I'm a big fan of interesting character traits, such us freckles, moles, scars, tooth gaps, vitiligo or anything similar to that. In the manga colouring above if you look closely, Emma has faint scars on her knees and elbows. Since she most likely do what her heart says before thinking, I imagine that she didn't mind if she scrapped her knees or bruised her elbow, while playing with her friends and family. Physically active kids often fall while playing but, falling hard then getting up again all by yourself is a good way to symbolise their in journey.
Ooo that is such a cool detail! I'm sure the demons eating premium meat would groan at seeing their meal in any way devalued with imperfections, but kids are going to be kids, and this especially makes sense for Emma.
Emma simply had to get into the Leader's role after Norman's shipment. I'm sorry to say that but Ray was a bit useless. He was lost in his own pain and gave up all hope (I mean… valid, but still), so she had to plan everything. Norman's letter and the other kids (Gilda, Don, Thoma, Lanni, etc) helped a lot, but she was practically alone.
While she is seen as the central leader/figurehead of this portion of the escape plan, I don't know if I'd phrase it as Emma being alone with how central collectivist efforts and solidarity are in the work, especially in this portion of the story. It feels like it devalues just how integral the rest of the Grace Field kids are to the plan and plays into the front the kids were hoping Isabella would buy into so that she wouldn't investigate further and discover their actual plans (i.e., that it was just one member of the trio behind the plan, and by getting rid of them it would crumble).
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(S1 Episode 11 | S1 Episode 12)
It also goes against Shirai disavowing the narrow, arbitrary metrics the farm system uses in the form of the daily tests to evaluate children as the be all, end all of their worth, with the destruction of Grace Field (and later on the farm system as a whole) acting as a symbolic rejection of that worldview, and against Emma's core values that drove her to stake everything on saving all of her family, not just the trio like Norman initially suggested as a matter of practicality.
My forever favourite moment (Idk why didn't I mention this in the Brainrots part 1) is Emma slapping some sense into Ray (pun intended😁). Like that setting and that scenery is my Roman Empire.
She smacked him hard enough all the remaining lighter fluid right out of his hair 🤣😭🤣😭
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10/10 moment, peak comedy tbqh.
TPN Brainrots part 2:
Warning: just like the in the previous part... There will be Manga Spoilers.
Since I was unable to finish part 3 of my comic for Emma's birthday (due to being in a place where bringing a laptop was not advised) I will do my head canons and theories on her.
So today's post is about: Emma
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Emma is a protagonist in the wrong genre. That was my first thought when I finished season 1 for the first time. Of course now I know how much more complicated her personality is. Introducing her first from the Trio was a really good choice in my opinion, because her cheerful, hopeful, happy and naive personality makes you believe that everything in all right with their lives. Her point of view up until Connie's death really shows how easy it is to believe in a comfortable lie. (not to forget that in canon they're 11-12)
Emma's appearance explained:
Just like I did with Ray... I have something unique to add to each drawing of her. First let's talk about the Freckles! I'm a big fan of interesting character traits, such us freckles, moles, scars, tooth gaps, vitiligo or anything similar to that. Also the red/orange hair🧡! My second favourite hair color in anime & character history (first is black🖤).
When colouring I like to use vivid colours for her clothes (mostly red or orange to bring out her hair). Maybe that's why, my favourite outfit is what she wore in the Goldy Pond Arc.
In the manga colouring above if you look closely, Emma has faint scars on her knees and elbows. Since she most likely do what her heart says before thinking, I imagine that she didn't mind if she scrapped her knees or bruised her elbow, while playing with her friends and family. Physically active kids often fall while playing but, falling hard then getting up again all by yourself is a good way to symbolise their in journey. (Old drawing of mine😅⬇️)
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Leader of the Grace Field Group:
Emma simply had to get into the Leader's role after Norman's shipment. I'm sorry to say that but Ray was a bit useless. He was lost in his own pain and gave up all hope (I mean... valid, but still), so she had to plan everything. Norman's letter and the other kids (Gilda, Don, Thoma, Lanni, etc) helped a lot, but she was practically alone. She couldn't even grieve Norman properly. Don't forget that Emma is smart and an amazing actor. She fooled Isabella thinking she gave up too (not to mention that time she slowed her heartbeat so Mom doesn't know she was lying).
My forever favourite moment (Idk why didn't I mention this in the Brainrots part 1) is Emma slapping some sense into Ray (pun intended😁). Like that setting and that scenery is my Roman Empire. Her catching a burning match just in time, not caring about burning her hand, then convincing Ray to excape with her and the rest of the group (Okay actually... let's be honest... she basically had to drag him out of the House). The first glimpse of what Emma is capable on her own. Nerves of steel for cutting her ear off too (her first big sacrifice just to save the others).
After the Excape, she got a lot of help from Ray who also apologised for his behaviour. The two of them comforting each other after thinking Norman died is just such a heart warming scene. Meeting with Sonju and Mujika was a big turning point for Emma, because of three things;
1: Okay first she was scolded because of her recklessness as well as Ray for trying to play the hero, but that not strongly Mujika or demon related. The world opened up for the whole group. They learnt about the Promise and how the world was divided into two.
2: Emma learned and saw from first hand, that not all demon are evil. Mujika helped them despite their differences and the end of that week Emma thrusted her so much she even showed her the photographs of her family and told her about Norman too.
3: Receiving the neklace and the advice to search for the Seven Wall while they're on their journey.
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Arriving to B06-32 and meeting Mister/Yuugo there was a new challenge. All the kids saw another 'Isabella' who tried to kill them. Emma, then Ray were the first ones who saw through his facade.
Goldy Pond Arc was Emma time to shine as a leader and as an individual too. Meeting Lucas and the Goldy Pond squad and immediately connecting to them shows how much she cares about others. Her bonding time with Lucas as they uncover the mysteries surrounding the identity of William Minerva.
Fun fact: In my fanfic I like to age up the Grace Field Trio roughly to Oliver's age, because I think this way their personalities are more dominant and clear.
Emma's relationship with adults:
I like to think that Emma never saw Isabella as a monster (not even after discovering the truth). And as truthful as it is. I think Isabella formed a deeper bond with Emma than with her own son. That's because from the Grace Field Trio, only Emma could have been saved by Mom. With the Mom/Sister Program, Emma would have been able to live on, but it's against her nature to harm anyone. Although I found it interesting that that was the original composition of the manga. Emma becoming a Mom and Gilda becoming a Sister (correct me if I know this wrong). Also this picture under... I found it on Pinterest and it's reflects back to my theory of what might happen to the boys.
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Meeting Yuugo and Lucas were a complete different experience for the Grace Field kids. The Bunker Dads were the caring parents both group (Grace Field & Goldy Pond) needed and deserved. Not to mention how Emma reminds me both the young and hopeful Yuugo from the past and the clever and patient Lucas of the present. Spending almost two years on the B06-32 shelter while searching for the Seven Wall makes their last goodbye 1000% more heart breaking.
Back to Grace Field Arc is when Emma meets Isabella again. She gets closer slowly but she doesn't have an emotional barricade as high up as Ray or even Norman. Emma forgave her easier, but that doesn't mean she justified the things Mom did with her family. She simply realised that Isabella had no other choice if she wanted to stay alive.
Making the new Promise and the Human World:
First of all King of Paradise Arc? Realising that Norman is still alive?! Oh the the happy tears when I first read that🖤🤍🧡. (Although to tell the truth Ray slapping Norman as soon as he sees him was such a right choice in my opinion) Emma breaking down in tears and hugging Norman was such an emotional and wholesome scene. But the argument after... let's just say I don't like miscommunication and/or characters keeping important secrets to themselves. (*glances at the GF Trio* "All three of you is in trouble")
Ohh Seven Wall Arc my beloved 🧡🖤. I like every bit of this story but Seven Wall Arc holds a special space in my heart. That Arc still holds so much potential to play around. The demon God's power to manipulate time, space and play around with Emma's and Ray's memories was wild. For the demon God name... I call them Elari. (Yes I stared at that nonsense of a word until it looked like a name). It was such a nice touch that the demon God only wanted to talk to Emma, but I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for Ray, because I think he was worried as hell when he woke up alone without Emma on his side. (I also sometimes think about what kind of Reward he would have received if he stayed with Elari).
The Reward Emma got is... without a question... cruel, and I think it was not needed, but I also can't think about something else what she could have gave to Elari if not her memories.
She deserves happiness and I can't say how much I cried when the Ray and Norman + everyone else found her in the human world. In the end I'm happy that Emma and all of them got a relatively happy ending.
Head canon to Human World and Reward: Emma's necklace!! It holds her memories. They just somehow have to find a way to unlock it.
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Okay. That's it for Emma. If you have anything else to add, correct or you want to share your own theories just write it in the comments or reblogs. Next post will be the 3rd part of the comic. Then brainstorms on Norman will come.
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