kaiba-cave · 7 years
@tpfang56 replied to your post “You know, before I started watching Jessica Jones, I honestly don’t...”
he was in harry potter and the goblet of fire as barty crouch jr. i saw him in that before i saw him in doctor who.
Ooooh so I have seen him in something else lol, but it’s been years since I’ve watched that HP movie. Wow.
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missxdelaney · 7 years
tpfang56 replied to your post: jesus, david tennant’s regeneration into matt...
but rotk needed those endings to have a proper resolution. they were perhaps paced a little too slow but were still completely necessary.
i guess you’re right. but they WERE SO SLOW. like, did he have to save sj smith’s kid from getting hit by a car. couldn’t he have just waved lol
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rhysgore · 7 years
tpfang56 replied to your post: ALL THIS TIME I WAS THINKING “oh raiden’s gotta be...
isn’t in his early/mid-30s by Rising? but in MGS2, he must be mid-20s. I think he says he’s 24 or something?
yeah and i mustve missed that shit or smth because literally... this is all news to me and im having a crisis dealing with it, i thought he was early 40′s during rising
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
What do you “specialize” in?
There may some of you that are able to write a diverse selection of fanfic. Pairings of all kinds, genres of all kinds, story lengths of all kinds. But I am not that person and I’m curious as to what other people specialize in, whether it’s on purpose or they just gravitate to a niche.
I will say I’m not really talking about specific ships or specific fandoms but more broad tropes or genres or pairing types. My specialities as of right now seem to be:
slashfic (not opposed to femmeslash or hetfic but I don’t ship them as much)
ANGST. lots of angst. I am an angst hound.
period piece media
one shots/shortfic
PWP kinky “”problematic”” stuff (not published as of yet. they’re still hanging in my drafts because I’m awkward at writing smut lol.)
fix-it fics, as a counter to angst but sometimes a vehicle for additional angst with a happier ending
submitted by /u/tpfang56 [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2Ufc8RA
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casadefreewill · 6 years
Tumblr media
Inktober : Day 11 - Cruel
Ok, so this isn’t really “cruel” per say but have any ya’ll read the Cruel Angels series by orphan (@orphan-dat)? If you haven’t and you like spn, trueform angels, and a bit of apocalypse (also destiel) you really should.
This is a scene from the fourth fic in the series I think, I tried to do it from memory.
Also listened to Cruel Angel’s Thesis on repeat while drawing this cuz 1) its amazing and 2) this fic is an spn/neon genesis crossover and I wanted to get in the mood
The one I listen to:
And then the actual one (in case anyone just wants to jam):
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ziarenxolous · 8 years
tpfang56 replied to your post “I want to invite sinful people from other fandom into dmc fandom.  we...”
don't forget the guro
oh my god yes. I was going to add consensual guro even but hesitated then forgot about the guro bit entirely. Seriously their regen ability is god send
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kaiba-cave · 7 years
tpfang56 replied to your post “Game of Thrones is back on so there’s like a hundred different...”
I used to reblog those posts a couple seasons ago because they were deviating so much from the books, but now that they show is fully doing its own thing I'm back in (but without any access to it lol)
Yeah, like yeah I’ll admit it’s not the greatest show ever but I still like the characters and I’m also over the deviations from the book too, so I’ll continue watching just to see where it goes.
And technically I don’t have any access to it either.... but I still watch it lol.
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rhysgore · 8 years
tpfang56 replied to your post “theres something very affirming about raiden’s character models having…”
in mgs2, he’s very much like your average anime bishounen.
ya with an hourglass that’d make the actual timepiece weep
(serious note: i see your point but a lot of anime guys, even if theyre designed for prettiness, still have a very sticklike or doritolike figure & his is very specifically designed with a more “feminine” appearance in mind. face tho- yea youre 100% right lmao)
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fanfictionlive · 3 years
Have you ever randomly gotten obsessed with a ship from watching a long youtube retrospective about a series that you’re not familiar with…
… only to figure out that the fandom is practically dead because it’s the much less popular part of a long running series and your ship is a total rarepair with less than 10 fics? 😭
I definitely need to catch up on the show now, if only to continue fueling my feelings for this ship.
submitted by /u/tpfang56 [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/UxOiBhc
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@tpfang56 see that's what I thought, but this person was like, "no they're a canon trans girl, it's okay though you didn't know" when I mentioned I'd never actually played the game. And they say they've played all the games so I assumed they were right
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scampadversary · 9 years
11, 12, 25
11. Anime you didn't expect to like but did.
I don't watch things I don't expect to like, so I’ll just say that I was surprised by how much I ended up loving Princess Tutu. It’s a definite top ten for me.
12. Anime that should get more attention from others.
Saraiya Goyou!! Saraiya Goyou! I love it so much but no one knows it. Mononoke too, but mainly Saraiya Goyou haha.
25. Anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime.
It depends on the person’s general tastes, but I think something lighter is easier to swallow: Ouran, Sakamichi no Apollon, or some other kind of slice-of-life. 
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ti-inspired · 9 years
tpfang56 replied to your post “To be honest if I gave you another clue it would give it away you...”
I think I know who this is. But I don't want to give it away.
if you know who it is then i might also know who it is........
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kaiba-cave · 8 years
tpfang56 replied to your post “I can’t watch anything without it buffering can I. This is why...”
unfortunately kissanime is having trouble with their servers. normally, they have very small buffering times, but they've had to switch to openload servers and those take longer and ads tend to interrupt them :/.
Maybe so, but this still happens to me every single time I try to watch something on one of those streaming websites lol, even before this. Way easier to just download it and then watch it.
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missxdelaney · 9 years
tpfang56 answered your post: “has the dash changed dimensions? it looks a little messed up and...”:
I feel like tumblr changed something in the code so the tumblr style broke. for me 500px pictures/gifs aren't centered anymore.
everything’s such a mess :(
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rhysgore · 8 years
tpfang56 replied to your post “we already have an mgs movie. its called “guns of the patriots”.”
what if... mgs anime.
id watch the fuck out of it but they HAVE to keep in That Otacon Line or its trash
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
adding detail to a story is easy, knowing where to remove detail is hard
sometimes I’m in the zone writing and I add a ton of extra detail to something that sounds good, and then I go reread it later and it’s like... wait, would my pov character even notice or care about this?
the hard part is figuring out whether it’s relevant information or not, and how much exactly the character would think about it if they did notice it. but you don’t want to skimp too much on the details either or you might not have as much impact or be lacking in worldbuilding.
submitted by /u/tpfang56 [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/39mrHuS
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