lymira · 9 months
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I had the great pleasure (hehe) to paint Arwen for @rosasynstylae for the @tolkienpinupcalendar for the month February
Its been a wonderful challenge and its really a great event, check out all the art that's been posted so far and please look at the calendar as soon as its online! :)
The uncensored version will be there and also under the cut :)
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middleearthpixie · 9 months
This is the artwork I commissioned done by the amazing @crowrelli for the @tolkienpinupcalendar's 2024 event organized by @frosticenow and @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book!
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And here is the fic—Second Time Around—I wrote to accompany it!
Second Time Around
Summary: For Brynne, Minas Tirith is the last place she wishes to be, as every corner holds bittersweet memories of the love of her life, the Captain of the White Guard, Boromir. Determined to keep her distance from him, she nonetheless cannot stop thinking about him, and those very memories torment her on ever level.
But when he asks for a second chance with her… old feelings are rekindled and passion proves too much to ignore, leaving Brynne has to decide if the pleasure they share is worth risking her heart once more. 
Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Post war of the Ring, AU, Everybody Lives 
Pairing: Boromir x ofc Brynne 
Warning: unprotectedintercourse 
Rating: M
Word Count: 4.3k
He watched her. Brynne refused to look up and give him the satisfaction of knowing she knew he watched her, but he did. Just as he had for the last four days she’d been in Minas Tirith, buried in the subterranean archives that housed the city—and Gondor’s—history. His expression remained the same—sober and unsmiling, but she didn't think he was exactly unhappy that she was there. Then again, she had the King’s blessing and since the King outranked the Captain of the White Tower, whether or not Boromir was happy did not exactly matter. Of course, that didn't mean his gaze didn't make her uncomfortable or uneasy. Because it did. Well, it made her uncomfortable more than anything else. Not uneasy, because she didn't feel as if she was in any danger. No, she just felt that if a ceiling beam dropped onto her, he wouldn’t be all that unhappy about it.  She tried to put it from her mind as she pored over the somewhat-ragged, very dusty ledge she’d found and picked up her quill to make a note in her own journal.  Boots sounded against stone and as a shadow fell over her, a low voice broke the silence. “How much longer do you need?” She set down her pen and looked up. “I have no way of knowing that. Does my presence here trouble you? And if so, why? I need no babysitter, you know. I’m perfectly capable of asking the archivist for help, should I require it.” His eyes—those beautiful green eyes—narrowed slightly. “I’m still not entirely certainly why you’re here. And I think you know exactly why your presence here would trouble me.”
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middleearthpixie · 9 months
This is the artwork I commissioned, done by the amazing @ye3honk for the @tolkienpinupcalendar's 2024 event organized by @frosticenow and @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book!
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And here is the fic—The Woods—I wrote to accompany it!
The Woods
Summary: For Boromir and Kaia, life with a new baby leaves precious little time for themselves. When Boromir surprises her with a romantic afternoon in the woods, Kaia is more than a little apprehensive of what Boromir will think when he sees her body for the first time since their daughter was born…
Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Post War of the Ring, AU where everybody lives 
Pairing: Boromir x ofc Kaia 
Warning: Oral sex (f receiving)
Rating: M
Word Count: 3.1k 
Kaia breathed a sigh of relief when with a gentle, airy sigh, Nora finally drifted off to sleep. She’d walked the floor for what seemed like hours with her six-week old daughter fighting her nap every step of the way. But now, the baby slept peacefully in the same cradle in which her father once slept, oblivious to everything around her. She looked over at the nursemaid. “Where is Boromir?” “He said he was going for a ride, my lady.” “Did he say where?” The nursemaid shook her head. “I’m afraid not. Do you need me to have someone fetch him?”
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