#toyota inspection near me
autocarrepairblogs · 1 year
Toyota cars are known for their durability and reliability, but even the best-built vehicles require regular maintenance and occasional repairs. That's where the Multi-brand car service center comes in. Our skilled technicians have the knowledge and experience to service and repair Toyota cars, ensuring that they run smoothly and reliably for years to come. At the Multi-brand car service center, we offer a wide range of Toyota car services, including oil changes, brake repairs, engine tune-ups, and more. We use only genuine Toyota parts and accessories, so you can be confident that your car is getting the best possible care. Auto Car Repair understands that car maintenance and repairs can be inconvenient, which is why we strive to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible. Our friendly staff will keep you informed about the status of your vehicle and answer any questions you may have. In addition to Toyota car service, Auto Car Repair also service other makes and models, so no matter what kind of vehicle you drive, we've got you covered. Our goal is to provide our customers with reliable, efficient, and affordable car services, so you can get back on the road as quickly and safely as possible. If you're in need of Toyota car service, bring your vehicle to the Multi-brand car service center. We'll provide you with the high-quality care you and your car deserve.
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michellesmusing · 5 months
Risky Business - Chapter 1
The Accomplice
She was still late for work, and her uncle sighed when he didn’t see her at the office of his garage.
“Where the hell is she again??” He asked one of his mechanics. The man shrugged his shoulders.
“Haven’t seen her!!” Just as her uncle was getting furious and certainly impatient with her, Taylor was seen arriving at the garage with her 2006 Red Subaru WRX STI.
“Great! Here you are, late again!!” Her uncle Thomas was growing tired of her lateness.
“What's your excuse this time, Taylor?” The young woman got out of the car and looked up at her uncle, not really in the mood to be lectured by him.
“Hmm, let me think about one!!” As Taylor showed up to work with a sarcastic attitude, Thomas rapidly grew furious with her and seized her upper arm with his right hand.
“Don’t play this game with me Taylor! Don’t forget that you still owe money. Get your ass at the reception right away and better put up a smile on that face of yours!!” The young woman pulled her arm away from her uncle’s grip and displayed a fake smile on her lips.
“Happy now!!?” Thomas sighed in despair at her and placed his hands on his hips.
“Damn Brat!” He said as he watched her getting inside the garage's reception.
Taylor took place on the chair at the desk and turned on the computer to check the appointments for the day. She caught one of the mechanics that was working on the car of Ms. Flanerty.
“I called her last night, she said we can change all the brakes…” The mechanic nodded at Taylor. The young woman passed a hand in her short pale blonde hair and logged into her facebook account, making sure her uncle wasn’t near her… He was still outside, speaking with someone. Probably trying to sell one of his shitboxes with some crazy high interest.
Facebook reminded her that it was Megan’s birthday today. Taylor rolled her eyes and decided to delete that woman from her Facebook.
“Cunt!” She whispered as she pressed on the delete button… Which reminded her that it was her birthday as well in a few weeks, she dreaded turning 25, knowing well she was reaching half of her twenties by now.
When her blue eyes spotted the silhouette of her uncle approaching the reception with the guy, Taylor quickly closed the browser page of her Facebook page.
“That will be a good car for you Sir, my men did a complete inspection of this Toyota RAV4 and you’re good to go for many years…” Taylor listened to her uncle’s conversation while she pretended to have her blue eyes glued on the computer screen. Another line of bullshit coming out of her uncle’s mouth.
The mechanics had inspected the car rapidly, and they had only changed the brake pads, not even the discs, and they had patched the muffler so it wouldn’t be noisy, but it was just a matter of time until the muffler would become noisy and the customer would need to change the whole thing… Which would cost around 2000$
Taylor looked up at her uncle while he was speaking with the man. She caught the piercing look in his eyes, meaning that she was better to keep her lil mouth shut. Thomas then entered his office with the man and he closed the door.
Taylor shook her head, knowing well that this poor man was getting screwed. There’s nothing she could do about it, but she hated it, cause she felt like she was part of the game as well, since she was aware that this SUV was just a rolling garbage. Few hours passed until it was her break for lunch time. Taylor sat outside and ate her chicken wrap with her co-workers.
Everything was going fine until her uncle showed up.
“Come inside Taylor, I’d like to speak to you!” The young woman rolled her eyes again at her uncle and as he was running short of patience, he grabbed Taylor by her upper arm and lifted her up on her feet. She wasn’t very tall and was quite easy to control.
“Don’t start me up Taylor Bradley!!! You come right away with me in my office!!” Thomas hated to be taken for a clown, especially in front of his employees. He especially hated when Taylor was rolling her eyes. She was being arrogant and he didn’t know what was up with her, well, he kinda had an idea but he preferred to stay out of her love life.
“Let go of me!!!” Taylor clenched her teeth and demanded her uncle to let go of her. He did once they were in his office.
“Now, you sit down on this chair and you’ll listen to me carefully young lady!!” Taylor sat down on the chair and crossed her arms while displaying this angry look on her face.
“You arrived late 3 times this week!! You either arrive a few minutes before the opening or I’m going to send you home for a week and this without being paid!! Is that what you want?”
Taylor sighed loudly at her uncle
“No, that’s not what I want!!” She gulped, feeling at the mercy of her uncle again. She was only dreaming of leaving Las Vegas for good, but she knew that her past was still following her, and she’d only be allowed to leave Vegas, once she’d be done reimbursing that money she was owing her uncle.
“Tomorrow morning, I want you to be there at 7: 15 and not at 8 O' clock!! Did I make myself clear?” When he saw that she wasn’t answering his question, he slapped the back of her head.
“Are you deaf for christ sake??” She then answered him a big yes, and returned to work, angry toward her uncle. When 5 PM arrived, Taylor left in a hurry in her Red Subie, only to realize once she was home that she had forgotten her Iphone.
“Oh no, for real… Geez!!!” The young woman had to get back in her car and drove back to the garage. She didn’t call her uncle, because she had the keys to enter by the back door. Taylor arrived at the garage near 6:30 PM and parked her car behind the garage. She unlocked the back door and entered the garage… She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the familiar voice of her uncle coming from his office. It did seem that he was with someone else.
“What do you mean you ain’t got my money?? You came all the way here, without my money??” She wasn’t sure if her uncle was speaking with someone over the phone, but Taylor got her answer when she heard the voice of another man coming from the office.
“I will have it soon, business sucks lately Thomas!” It was pitch dark in the garage, Taylor could only see a dim light coming from her uncle’s office.
“Do you think I’m some sort of an idiot Mark?? I can’t believe you’re coming here, to tell me that you don’t have my money!!” She could tell that her uncle was pissed off after this guy. There’s no way she was going to retrieve her Iphone at this point. Even though she knew that she should have left, Taylor couldn’t help listening to the conversation between both men.
“Come on, take it easy Thomas. In Two Weeks, I’ll get some money and I’ll give you part of it. You gotta trust me!” Taylor’s eyes widened as she listened to the stranger taking place in her uncle’s office.
“Trusting you? Are you out of your crazy mind?!!! I trusted you once, and look where it got me!! You know that I’ve warned you Mark! It was the last time that you took me for a clown!!” Taylor locked her eyes toward the hall leading to her uncle’s office and as the loud noise of a shotgun bullet echoed in the garage, the young woman jolted in place. Her blue eyes widened in shock, and she knew what her uncle had just done.
Her heart racing to the max in her chest, the young woman rapidly but quietly left the garage in a hurry, not wanting her uncle to spot her. She was so shocked by what had just happened at the garage, that Taylor almost stalled her manual car when she pressed on the gas pedal.
She quickly left the parking lot of the garage and that’s when Thomas heard the revving sound coming from the WRX STI and hurried outside, but didn’t have the time to catch sight of the car that had just left the place. The car had already turned right in another street, and Thomas sighed loudly.
He knew that sound well… But for now, he had bigger fish to fry!
Taylor was taking place in her red Subie, and she couldn’t stop looking up at the rearview mirror, afraid that her uncle would follow her. She drove back home with no trace of her uncle following her, but she was still without her Iphone. She tried to calm herself down when she got home by taking a warm bath. The young woman was sober for 3 years and wasn’t allowed any alcohol or drugs, so calming herself down would only be possible with a warm bath and a melatonin at this point.
She gulped down the Melatonin pills and headed to her bathroom where she ran herself a warm bath.
“Come on, calm yourself, you’ve seen nothing. You weren’t even there ok???” Taylor was relaxing in her bathtub, trying to convince herself of these little lies. The young woman was shaking and even believed for a moment that perhaps her uncle had just tried to scare this man by shooting a bullet… Nope, she had heard the man moaning in pain as the bullet hit him.
30 minutes later, the young woman got out of her bath and dressed for the night with just a white long night shirt and turned on the TV in her living room. She chose a music channel and “Informer” From Snow began playing through her speakers.
“Oh My God” Taylor couldn’t recall the last time she had heard that song… She wasn’t even born yet when this song came out during the early 90’s. Even though the song was kinda cheesy, she couldn’t help moving her head to the rap beat.
It was almost 10 PM when she began to fall asleep on her couch, and as she was on her way to go to her bedroom, a powerful knock on her door caught her by surprise and the young woman stood still in her living room.
“Who’s this?” She asked as she carefully approached her door and looked through the peephole. She immediately recognized her uncle standing on the other side of the door.
“It’s me, your uncle… You forgot your Iphone at the garage.” Taylor had to do as if she wasn’t aware of what her uncle had done and opened the door.
“Hi!” Her uncle looked down at her pale skin on her face when she greeted him.
“Damn, have you seen a ghost? He added, mocking his niece. The young woman extended her arm as she wanted to retrieve her brand new Iphone bought by her uncle.
“You forgot your precious Smartphone, the one that cost me a fortune!” He gave back the smartphone to his niece and noticed she was shaking. That’s when he pushed her a bit aside and entered her apartment.
“What are you doing?” She asked her uncle, she was clearly growing nervous as he made his way inside her place.
“What’s going on Taylor, you seem nervous?” He smirked at her and began rummaging through her apartment as if he wanted to find something specific.
“Still doing Drugs, Taylor? Don’t lie to me!!” Taylor crossed her arms and followed her uncle around her place.
“Nope, haven’t touched any of that crap for three years and you know it!!” Taylor knew she didn’t have a choice and admitted to her uncle that she had seen him tonight.
“I heard you getting into a fight with a guy named Mark tonight, I got the hell out of the place when I heard that gun shot…” She wanted to die, she didn’t know what would be her uncle’s reaction, but she didn’t have the choice, knowing well that she’d suck at lying to him.
“I knew you were there, I heard your precious car revving up!!” He narrowed his blue eyes at her and approached the young woman and trapped her between him and the kitchen wall.
“Now, listen to me carefully Taylor, I don’t want to hurt you… You’re a bit like my daughter, you know that, right? But if you do open up that mouth of yours to anyone, I won’t have many choices for you, do you understand this?” The young woman nodded her head, frightened by her uncle. All of sudden, she wasn’t the sarcastic lil brat she used to be…
“Good! I knew you’d cooperate!” He winked at her before grabbing the melatonin bottle on her kitchen counter.
“Better sleep well my dear, and I want you to be at work tomorrow morning, and not be late this time!!” He kissed the young woman on her forehead and left her apartment. Taylor let out a loud sigh of relief when her uncle quit her place. She locked her door and went back to her living room, unable to go to bed, knowing well that she was by now her uncle’s accomplice…
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Seasonal Car Rental Tips for Elk City Travelers and Residents
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If you're planning a trip to Elk City, OK, or are a local resident seeking the best seasonal car rental advice, understanding how to choose the right vehicle for every season can enhance your travel experience. This guide offers practical tips for navigating Elk City's diverse weather conditions, ensuring you have a safe and comfortable drive, whether it’s winter snow or summer heat.
Get Ready for Every Season: Expert Tips for Car Rentals in Elk City, OK
When renting a car in a place like Elk City, Oklahoma, knowing how to adapt to the changing seasons is crucial. With its distinct weather patterns, each season requires a bit of planning to make sure your journey is smooth and enjoyable. Whether you're searching for a car rental in Elk City, OK or just looking for a car rental near me, these expert tips will help you make the most of your rental experience.
Choosing the Right Car for the Season
Selecting a suitable vehicle is the first step to ensure a hassle-free ride in Elk City, where weather conditions vary greatly throughout the year.
Winter Driving: Cold weather and occasional snow can make winter driving in Elk City a challenge. Opt for a vehicle with four-wheel drive (4WD) or all-wheel drive (AWD) to handle slippery roads more safely. SUVs and crossovers are popular choices due to their higher ground clearance, which helps in navigating snow and ice. Before hitting the road, make sure the car is equipped with winter tires, which are crucial for icy conditions.
Spring Travel: Spring brings a mix of mild weather and sudden rain showers. A compact SUV or mid-sized sedan is a versatile choice for this season, offering both fuel efficiency and stability. Check that your rental has good windshield wipers and tires in excellent condition to handle wet roads.
Summer Journeys: Summers in Elk City can be hot, often reaching temperatures above 90°F. To stay comfortable, choose a vehicle with effective air conditioning and tinted windows to reduce glare and keep the interior cool. The Toyota Tacoma 2015 is an excellent option for summer adventures, known for its durability and comfort, making it ideal for long drives and exploring scenic routes.
Fall Adventures: Fall in Elk City is characterized by cooler temperatures and vibrant foliage, making it perfect for road trips. A fuel-efficient sedan or hybrid vehicle can help you enjoy long drives without frequent fuel stops. Additionally, ensure the car’s brakes and tires are in good shape to handle any wet or windy conditions.
Prioritizing Safety and Comfort in Your Rental
No matter the season, safety and comfort should always come first when renting a car. Here are some essential tips to ensure a smooth and safe journey:
Maintenance Check: Always inspect the car for any issues, including tire pressure, brake function, and fluid levels. If something doesn’t seem right, ask the rental agency for a different vehicle.
Emergency Preparedness: Carry a basic emergency kit with essentials such as a flashlight, first-aid supplies, jumper cables, and blankets. During winter, add items like an ice scraper and extra warm clothing.
Navigation and Comfort: While GPS is common in most rental cars, it’s also wise to have a physical map or a reliable navigation app, particularly when exploring less familiar areas where signals might be weak. For longer trips, consider seat cushions and travel pillows to enhance comfort.
How to Find the Best Car Rental Deals in Elk City
Getting a good deal on a rental car can make your journey more enjoyable. Here’s how to secure the best rates:
Early Booking: To avoid higher prices during peak times, it’s best to book your car rental in Elk City, OK as early as possible.
Local Promotions: Supporting local businesses can often lead to better deals. EC Auto Enterprises LLC frequently offers special discounts for residents or long-term rentals, so check their website or contact them directly to find out about any current promotions.
Avoid Hidden Fees: Read the fine print to avoid unexpected charges for mileage, insurance, or returning the car to a different location. Always ask the rental agency for a detailed breakdown of all costs.
Choose Off-Peak Times: If your travel dates are flexible, consider renting during off-peak times like weekdays or outside major holidays. Rates are usually lower during these periods.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find a reliable car rental in Elk City, OK? Start by searching online for reviews and recommendations. EC Auto Enterprises LLC is a well-regarded local option known for its high-quality service and well-maintained vehicles.
What is the best way to locate a car rental near me in Elk City? Use Google Maps or a navigation app to search for a car rental near me. You'll find a list of local agencies along with directions.
Do I need extra insurance when renting a car during different seasons? Yes, considering additional insurance is wise, particularly in winter when roads can be hazardous. Many agencies provide seasonal insurance packages to cover specific weather-related risks.
Can I rent a car for a one-way trip in Elk City? Yes, most rental companies offer one-way rentals, but be sure to ask about any additional fees for returning the car to a different location.
Renting a car in Elk City, OK, can be a straightforward and pleasant experience if you are prepared for each season’s unique challenges. Following these tips will help ensure your safety and comfort, whether you are a local resident or a visitor exploring the area.
For a Car Rental in Elk City, OK that offers excellent service and a well-maintained fleet, consider EC Auto Enterprises LLC. Our local expertise and commitment to quality will ensure you have a seamless rental experience.
Contact Information
EC Auto Enterprises LLC
Phone: +1 580-706-6612
Address: 315 W 20th St Unit C, Elk City, OK 73644, United States
Drive with confidence in any season with EC Auto Enterprises LLC!
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How to Choose the Perfect Toyota Dealer Near Me: A Comprehensive Guide
Selecting the right Toyota dealer is a crucial step in ensuring a positive car-buying experience. Whether you're in the market for a new vehicle, certified pre-owned model, or seeking reliable maintenance and repairs, choosing the right dealer can significantly impact your satisfaction and overall ownership experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential factors to consider when choosing a Toyota dealer near me, providing insights into how to make an informed decision that meets your needs and expectations.
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Research and Preparation
Understanding Your Needs
Before you begin your search for a Toyota dealer, it’s important to clearly understand your needs and preferences. Are you looking for a new Toyota, a used vehicle, or simply maintenance services? Identifying your specific requirements will help narrow down your options and focus on dealers that can best meet those needs. Consider factors such as the type of vehicle you're interested in, your budget, and any specific features or services you require.
Gathering Information
Start by gathering information about Toyota dealers in your area. Utilize online resources such as dealership websites, automotive forums, and review platforms to create a list of potential dealers. Look for information on the range of vehicles they offer, their reputation, and any special promotions or services they provide. Additionally, seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have had positive experiences with Toyota dealers.
Evaluating Dealership Reputation
Online Reviews and Ratings
One of the most effective ways to assess a Toyota dealer’s reputation is by reading online reviews and ratings. Websites such as Google Reviews, Yelp, and automotive review sites provide valuable insights into the experiences of other customers. Pay attention to recurring themes in the reviews, such as customer service quality, sales practices, and overall satisfaction. While a few negative reviews are normal, a dealer with consistently high ratings is more likely to offer a positive experience.
Dealership Awards and Recognition
Dealerships that have received awards or recognition from industry organizations or Toyota itself often indicate a high level of service and performance. Look for accolades such as “Dealer of the Year” or “Customer Satisfaction Awards” as indicators of a dealership’s commitment to excellence. This recognition can provide additional confidence in the dealer’s ability to meet your needs.
Word of Mouth
Personal recommendations can be a valuable source of information when choosing a Toyota dealer. Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who have recently purchased a Toyota or had their vehicle serviced. Their firsthand experiences can offer insights into the dealership’s customer service, professionalism, and overall satisfaction. Word of mouth can often lead you to reputable dealers with a proven track record.
Assessing Dealer Inventory and Services
Vehicle Selection
When choosing a Toyota dealer, consider the breadth and variety of their inventory. A well-stocked dealership should offer a wide range of new and certified pre-owned Toyota models, including different trims and configurations. Ensure that the dealer has the specific models you are interested in or the ability to order them. A diverse inventory allows you to explore different options and find the vehicle that best fits your preferences and requirements.
Service and Maintenance
A good Toyota dealer should offer comprehensive service and maintenance options. Look for dealerships with a dedicated service department that provides routine maintenance, repairs, and parts replacement. Services such as oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections should be available, along with specialized repairs if needed. A dealership with a strong service department ensures that you can rely on them for ongoing support throughout your vehicle’s ownership.
Financing and Specials
Evaluate the financing options and special offers available at each dealership. Many dealers offer financing assistance, including loans and leases, to help you manage the cost of your vehicle. Inquire about any current promotions, such as cash-back offers, trade-in incentives, or special financing rates. Comparing these options can help you secure a better deal and make your purchase more affordable.
Customer Service and Experience
Professionalism and Communication
Assess the level of professionalism and communication provided by the dealership staff. From the initial contact to the final purchase, a good dealer should demonstrate courteous, knowledgeable, and transparent communication. Pay attention to how promptly and effectively they address your inquiries, provide information, and handle any concerns. Professionalism in customer service often reflects the dealership’s overall commitment to customer satisfaction.
Test Drive Experience
Scheduling a test drive is an important step in evaluating both the vehicle and the dealership. During the test drive, observe how the dealership staff facilitates the process and provides assistance. They should be knowledgeable about the vehicle’s features, answer your questions, and respect your preferences. A positive test drive experience can indicate a dealership’s dedication to customer service and their willingness to ensure you make an informed decision.
Post-Purchase Support
Consider the level of post-purchase support offered by the dealership. A reputable dealer should provide ongoing support and follow-up services to ensure your satisfaction with the vehicle. This may include service reminders, customer surveys, and assistance with any issues that arise after the purchase. A dealership that values long-term relationships is more likely to offer excellent post-purchase support.
Making Your Decision
Comparing Dealerships
Once you have gathered information and evaluated various Toyota dealers, compare them based on the criteria that matter most to you. Consider factors such as inventory selection, service offerings, financing options, and customer reviews. Create a shortlist of the top dealerships that align with your needs and preferences.
Visiting Dealerships
Visit the shortlisted dealerships in person to get a feel for their facilities and staff. Take the opportunity to interact with the sales and service teams, explore the inventory, and assess the overall atmosphere. A visit can provide valuable insights into the dealership’s environment and help you make a final decision.
Trust Your Instincts
Trust your instincts when choosing a Toyota dealer. If a particular dealership feels right and meets your needs, it’s likely a good fit. Pay attention to your overall comfort level, the professionalism of the staff, and your satisfaction with the services provided. A positive experience during your interactions with the dealership can be a strong indicator of a good choice.
Choosing the perfect Toyota dealer involves careful consideration of several factors, including reputation, inventory, services, and customer experience. By conducting thorough research, evaluating dealer reputation, assessing inventory and services, and considering customer service, you can make an informed decision that ensures a positive car-buying experience.
Remember to assess your needs, gather information from various sources, and visit dealerships in person to get a complete picture of what they offer. A well-chosen Toyota dealer will provide not only a great vehicle but also ongoing support and a positive ownership experience.
By following the comprehensive guide provided, you can confidently select a Toyota dealer near you that aligns with your preferences and requirements. This thoughtful approach will help ensure that your vehicle purchase and ownership experience are both satisfying and rewarding.
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automotiveexecution · 1 month
Navigating the Car Market with Bad Credit and Finding the Best Options in Canada
For many Canadians, securing a vehicle can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with bad credit. Fortunately, bad credit car dealerships offer solutions to individuals facing credit difficulties, helping them find suitable financing options and vehicles despite their credit history. These dealerships specialize in working with customers who have less-than-ideal credit scores, providing tailored financing solutions and a selection of vehicles that fit various budgets and needs.
If you're searching for bad credit car dealerships near me, you're likely looking for local options that can offer personalized assistance. Many such dealerships are equipped to handle a range of credit situations, including those with poor credit scores. They often work with specialized lenders who are willing to offer loans to individuals with bad credit. By providing a range of vehicle options and flexible financing plans, these dealerships make it possible for customers to purchase a vehicle even with financial challenges.
When considering which vehicle to buy, especially in Canada’s diverse climate, it's essential to choose a model that can handle various weather conditions effectively. For those living in areas with heavy snowfall, the best suv for snow can make a significant difference in driving safety and comfort. SUVs with all-wheel drive (AWD) or four-wheel drive (4WD) are highly recommended for snowy conditions. They offer enhanced traction and stability, making them ideal for navigating through snow-covered roads and adverse weather. Models from brands like Subaru, Jeep, and Toyota are often praised for their performance in snowy conditions and are popular choices among Canadian drivers.
In addition to finding a vehicle that performs well in snow, many buyers are also interested in cost-effective options. For those on a budget, the best used cars under 15000 provide a practical solution. The used car market offers a wide range of vehicles that deliver good value for money, especially when priced under $15,000. Buyers can find reliable and well-maintained models from various manufacturers, including Honda, Ford, and Hyundai. These vehicles often come with a history of regular maintenance and are inspected for quality, making them a solid choice for budget-conscious consumers.
For those dealing with bad credit, finding the best used cars under 15000 might be facilitated by bad credit car dealerships. These dealerships often have partnerships with used car sellers and can help you locate a vehicle that meets your needs while fitting within your budget. They can also assist in securing financing options that accommodate your credit situation, making it easier to purchase a reliable vehicle without overspending.
In summary, for Canadians dealing with bad credit, bad credit car dealerships provide valuable resources and assistance in finding financing and suitable vehicles. By searching for bad credit car dealerships near me, individuals can access local options that offer tailored solutions. Additionally, selecting the best SUV for snow ensures safety and performance in challenging weather conditions, while exploring the best used cars under 15000 allows for budget-friendly purchases. By leveraging these options, Canadians can navigate the car market effectively and secure a vehicle that meets both their financial and practical needs.
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buyandsellcar · 7 months
Top 8 Features to Look for in a Used Car: Irish Edition
In the bustling world of car transactions in Ireland, navigating the market for used cars can be both exhilarating and daunting. But fear not, because at Buyandsellcar, we're here to guide you through the process seamlessly. Our platform is designed to streamline the buying and selling experience, ensuring that you find the perfect used car with ease.
Are you in the market for a used car in Ireland? With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to narrow down your choices. That's why we've compiled a list of the top 8 features to look for when shopping for a used car, tailored specifically for the Irish market. Whether you're browsing Car Ireland for Sale or searching for cars for sale near me, these key features will help you make an informed decision.
1. Reliable Performance
When buying a used car, it's essential to prioritize reliability. Look for vehicles with a proven track record of dependable performance, such as popular models from reputable brands like Volkswagen, Toyota, and Ford. Check the vehicle's maintenance history and look for signs of regular servicing and upkeep.
2. Fuel Efficiency
With rising fuel costs in Ireland, fuel efficiency is a crucial consideration when choosing a used car. Opt for vehicles with good fuel economy ratings, such as hybrid or diesel models, to save money on fuel expenses in the long run.
3. Safety Features
Safety should always be a top priority when buying a used car. Look for vehicles equipped with advanced safety features, such as anti-lock brakes, traction control, and multiple airbags. Additionally, consider models with high safety ratings from organizations like Euro NCAP.
4. Comfort and Convenience
Ensure that the used car you choose offers a comfortable and convenient driving experience. Look for features like adjustable seating, climate control, and advanced infotainment systems to enhance your comfort and enjoyment on the road.
5. Vehicle History Report
Before making a purchase, always request a comprehensive vehicle history report. This document provides valuable information about the car's past, including any accidents, repairs, or service records. It's an essential tool for assessing the overall condition and reliability of the vehicle.
6. Affordability
While it's tempting to splurge on a flashy used car, it's essential to stick to your budget. Set a realistic price range and prioritize affordability when browsing Carzone Ireland or other online listings. Consider factors like insurance costs, maintenance expenses, and resale value to ensure that the car fits within your financial means.
7. Warranty and After-Sales Support
Look for used cars that come with a warranty or after-sales support package. This provides added peace of mind and protection against unexpected repairs or issues that may arise after purchase. Be sure to read the terms and conditions of the warranty carefully to understand what is covered.
8. Test Drive and Inspection
Finally, always schedule a test drive and inspection before finalizing the purchase of a used car. This allows you to assess the vehicle's condition firsthand and ensure that it meets your expectations in terms of performance, comfort, and overall quality.
At Buyandsellcar, we understand the importance of finding the perfect used car that meets your needs and budget. With our extensive listings and user-friendly platform, we make it easy to browse CARS in Ireland and find the ideal vehicle for you. Whether you're searching for cars for sale Dublin or camper vans for sale in Ireland, we've got you covered. Let us help you find your dream car today!
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bsautosupplies · 11 months
BS Auto supplies: Your One-Stop Shop for Automotive Accessories and Parts
When it comes to finding the best automotive accessories and parts, the task can often be daunting. Whether you're a car enthusiast, a do-it-yourself mechanic, or simply need a replacement part, you want a reliable source that offers quality products at reasonable prices. Look no further – BS Autosupplies is your one-stop shop for all your automotive needs. With a wide range of products and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we're here to make your automotive journey smoother.
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Junkyard Engines for Sale Near Me: Finding Hidden Treasures
One of the unique aspects of BS Autosupplies is our offering of junkyard engines for sale. If you're looking to breathe new life into an older vehicle or need a cost-effective replacement for your car's heart, our junkyard engines might just be the answer. These engines, carefully selected and inspected, can be a hidden treasure trove of affordable yet reliable powerplants for your automotive project.
Best Place to Buy Auto Parts: Quality and Convenience
We take pride in being the best place to buy auto parts, and our extensive inventory reflects this commitment. Whether you need essential replacement parts, performance-enhancing upgrades, or stylish accessories, we have it all. From headlights to taillights, from air filters to turbochargers, BS Autosupplies is your reliable source for top-quality automotive components.
Salvage Car Parts for Sale: Sustainable Choices
In a world that increasingly values sustainability, salvage car parts for sale have gained popularity. At BS Autosupplies, we offer a wide selection of salvage parts that can breathe new life into your vehicle while reducing waste and saving you money.
Oldsmobile 403 Engine for Sale: Vintage Power
Are you the proud owner of a classic vehicle like the Oldsmobile 403? Finding the right parts can be a challenge, but not with BS Autosupplies. We offer the Oldsmobile 403 engine for sale, allowing you to restore or enhance your vintage ride with authentic, high-quality components.
Dealer Toyota Parts: Quality You Can Trust
Regarding your Toyota, you only desire the best. BS Autosupplies provides dealer Toyota parts that meet the manufacturer's exacting standards. From engine components to maintenance parts, our selection ensures that your Toyota continues to perform at its peak.
Buy Car Parts Near Me: Convenience at Your Fingertips
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In conclusion, BS Autosupplies is your trusted partner for all things automotive. Whether you're in search of junkyard engines for sale near you, high-quality auto parts, salvage parts, vintage components like the Oldsmobile 403 engine, dealer Toyota parts, used truck parts, or a marketplace for your listings, we have you covered. We're here to enhance your automotive journey, providing convenience, quality, and affordability in every aspect of your vehicle's maintenance and upgrades.
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autocarrepair · 1 year
Tips for Choosing the Right Toyota Service Center Near You
When it comes to maintaining your Toyota vehicle, choosing the right Toyota service center near you is essential. Whether it's routine maintenance or more significant repairs, a trusted service center ensures that your Toyota runs smoothly and retains its value. In this blog, we'll provide you with valuable tips on how to select the perfect Toyota service center, ensuring peace of mind and top-notch service for your beloved car.
1. Research Local Options
Start by researching Toyota service centers near you. A quick online search using keywords like "Toyota service center near me" or "Toyota showroom service" will provide you with a list of available options. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings, as they can offer insights into the service quality and customer satisfaction.
2. Check Certification and Experience
A reputable Toyota service center should be certified by Toyota itself. Ensure that the service center's technicians are certified and have experience working on Toyota vehicles. This guarantees that they are well-trained and knowledgeable about your specific car model.
3. Quality of Equipment and Parts
Inspect the service center's facilities. Are they equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and equipment? Do they use genuine Toyota parts? High-quality equipment and genuine parts are crucial for efficient and reliable repairs and maintenance.
4. Services Offered
Consider the range of services offered by the service center. A comprehensive service center should provide routine maintenance (oil changes, tire rotations, brake inspections), as well as more complex services like engine diagnostics and repairs. This one-stop-shop approach can save you time and effort.
5. Convenient Location and Hours
Opt for a service center that is conveniently located near you. Additionally, check their operating hours to ensure they align with your schedule. Some service centers offer extended hours or weekend appointments to accommodate busy lifestyles.
6. Warranty Coverage
Inquire about warranty coverage for services and repairs. A reputable Toyota service center should provide warranties on both their workmanship and the parts they install. This ensures that you're protected in case of any issues after the service.
7. Customer Service
Exceptional customer service is a hallmark of a reliable service center. Look for a center with friendly and knowledgeable staff who can address your concerns and questions promptly. A warm and welcoming environment can make your service experience more pleasant.
8. Pricing and Transparency
Compare pricing among different service centers, but be cautious of unusually low prices, as they might indicate subpar quality. A trustworthy service center should provide transparent pricing with no hidden fees, and they should explain any additional costs before proceeding with the service.
Choosing the right Toyota service center near you is crucial for maintaining your vehicle's reliability and performance. By conducting thorough research, considering the certification and experience of technicians, inspecting facilities, and assessing customer service and pricing, you can make an informed decision. Your Toyota deserves the best care, so take your time to select a service center that meets your expectations and ensures your vehicle stays in top condition.
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bpbuilders · 1 year
Gengras Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
The Dodge Magnum, Nissan Maxima, and Subaru Impreza. Thank you for considering a new vehicle from the Dodge, Jeep, or Ram lineup.
If you have any issues with your Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or Ram, Gengras Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram is here to help. Have no fear; they provide an abundance of transportation options.
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If you live in East Hartford, Hartford, or Manchester and are in the market for a new or used car, Gengras Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram is your dealership of choice. Our Connecticut headquarters is well placed to manage and coordinate operations across the globe. We spent an entire day looking into it jeep dealership near me You can rely on a Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or Ram, whether it's brand new or pre-owned. We promise to offer the most affordable rates in the industry. Our vehicle components are the lowest priced you'll find anyplace on the web. We guarantee that we will investigate thoroughly and try every possible course of action until we find a satisfactory answer. Help is always there for those who ask for it. Is there something we can clarify for you or do to help? The most important information for the reader is summarized on one page.
Gengras Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram should be your first stop if you're in the market for a new vehicle.
Dodge, Jeep, and Ram are Motor Corporation brands that are sold and serviced by Gengras Chrysler dealerships in Middletown and New Britain. Although New Britain and Middletown hold a special place in our hearts, we welcome clients from all around Connecticut. Middletown and New Britain serve as the state's de facto ER epicenters. The company's executives took a chartered jet from their headquarters in Connecticut to New York City for the meeting. Please call us at the number above if you have any questions or would like to schedule a test drive in a new or pre-owned Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or Ram. This is why we accept so many different forms of payment. A wide variety of high-quality pre-owned automobiles are available here at competitive costs. Because we value your time and money, we will never rush you into a choice or charge you more than necessary. It's a huge weight off your shoulders to know that you'll never be hurt on purpose again. Nothing of the sort will happen jeep dealer near me that I can promise you. We won't give up until we find the right vehicle, truck, or SUV for you at a price you can afford. Not a single one of my staff would intentionally mislead a client.
Recent years have seen the introduction of all-new Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler, and Ram models.
Imagine how much better your daily commute would be with a fresh new Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, or Ram 1500. Chrysler Specifics for Proof of Identity: A. comes from a long line of Gengras. The Honda Accord is the most popular automobile worldwide. Under the hood of the Toyota is a V6 from an Acura Integra. Vehicle Type: Accord Honda Isuzu Mitsubishi Toyota Dodge New Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram shoppers in the East Hartford, Connecticut area should visit by Jeep Ram. The dealership's success in East Hartford can be attributed to its location near a dense population. The Jeep Grand Cherokee and Chrysler 300 are two of Chrysler's most renowned vehicles. Until you can demonstrate that you have actually looked into the matter online, no one will take you seriously. If you're having problems with your present vehicle or if you're not sure which car, truck, or SUV would be ideal for your needs and budget, don't hesitate to give us a call. The latest data on this automobile is presented here. Many of our newest items come standard with functions that were earlier considered extras.  SALES: 860-952-3085  This cutting edge automobile is compatible with Apple CarPlay and includes a built-in battery charger. The technology in these new cars is state-of-the-art.
Automobiles labeled as "Certified Pre-Owned" have been through a rigorous factory inspection and come with the remainder of the original warranty.
Vehicles manufactured by Chrysler Group LLC (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram) can be donated. If you choose one of these options, you won't have to worry about debt. We value the opportunity to work with you and the confidence you have placed in us. You can save a lot of money by purchasing a used Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or Ram. Currently, traffic is really heavy. The new pricing structure may encourage more individuals to purchase used automobiles. If you're looking for a used car, stop by Gengras Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram. If you change your search terms, you'll get better results. The car's exterior can be customized to your liking. The health of our business depends on your satisfaction.
Facilitating the Housing Search
Gengras is your source for new and pre-owned Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram models. You must have the option of purchasing a new or used car. Customer happiness is a top priority for us. Regardless of your credit history or current financial situation, our experts will do all in their ability to help you get a loan or lease. Loan and leasing agreements with negative terms might be renegotiated. The bookkeepers at our organization are wonderful people who are always happy to lend a hand. If you need cash quickly, it's best to apply for a loan and figure out a repayment plan as soon as possible, even if your credit is less than perfect. Your loan request has no reasonable grounds for rejection. If there is any way we can help you, please give us a call at 860-856-9182.
All repairs and replacements are fully covered by our service contract.
No matter when you acquired your car, you can get it serviced. Please bring your car in as soon as possible if you've noticed any of the above problems. It appears that this strategy will fix the car's technical problems. We promise to treat your car with the utmost care and respect while it is in our possession. We'll have to make alternate transportation plans if you can't bring your car. We pray that you log many happy and worry-free miles in your car. Gengras is capable of handling all of your Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram maintenance and repair requirements. Preventative maintenance is essential for both humans and machines. All newly purchased fleet vehicles may soon be required to have these cutting-edge upgrades.
There are a lot of benefits to working with a trustworthy dealership like Gengras Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram. Businesses that genuinely value consumer feedback will actively seek it out. Do you think there will be a long wait if a line forms? If you would like to visit our office in East Hartford, Connecticut, please call (860)785-6557 to do so. As soon as you come, we will start tending to your requirements. We are pleased to offer our wares in the following international markets.
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houstondirectauto · 2 years
The Used Cars That You Must Have
There are many cars available in the market, and you can easily buy used cars with bad credit. Here we will talk about used cars that you might want to consider based on their reliability, performance, and overall value. To get the best quality vehicle, you should find the best places to get a car with bad credit.
Toyota Camry: every Car dealership no credit financing keeps it in its stock because it is known for its reliability, low maintenance cost, and fuel efficiency; the Toyota Camry is a popular choice for used car buyers. For this car, you should look for bad credit car sales near me.
Honda Civic: Another reliable and fuel-efficient option for buying a car with bad credit near me, the Honda Civic is known for its handling and overall driving experience.
Subaru Outback: Versatile and practical cheapest car finance for bad credit, the Subaru Outback is popular for its all-wheel-drive system, spacious interior and excellent safety ratings.
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Toyota Prius: The Toyota Prius is a hybrid car known for its excellent fuel efficiency and low emissions, making it a popular choice for eco-conscious buyers. You can buy this vehicle from used car dealerships no credit near me.
Honda Accord: Like the Camry, the Honda Accord is known for its reliability and low maintenance costs while also offering a comfortable and spacious interior. Find the great car places with no credit check and get your dream car.
Ford Mustang: If you're looking for a sporty car lots finance bad credit with a classic design, the Ford Mustang is a popular choice among used car buyers. Remember to do your research and get a professional inspection before making a purchase to ensure you're getting a reliable and well-maintained no credit bad credit car.
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needleandhammer · 3 years
From Simmer to Score
Pairing: Soft!Curtis Everett x Reader
Summary: Curtis is good with his hands. And other stuff.
Warnings: 18+ only, explicit, smut, oral sex, penetration, fingering, dub con breeding, unprotected sex, breeding kink sort of, size kink, petite!reader, Curtis' fingers
Word count: 4k
A/N: This doesn't really fit the prompt i chose from @stargazingfangirl18 's 5k Soft Dark Challenge: "You hire a local handyman to help you with a few home projects." But the prompt still inspired this. I wanted to take the prompt somewhere more explicitly dark but once again my contribution to this challenge turned marshmallow soft. This is an au, non-apocalypse au, normal life au, idk. Just self-indulgent. Also, it was a struggle finding a gif of clean Curtis. Because he's clean in this and not living on a train, i swear.
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“Try again. Very good. Let’s have you run through the exercises and then we’ll take a look at the new homework."
At your smile, the little girl nods and quickly turns to concentrate on coordinating her footwork on the pedals of your old Altenberg while reading the notes in front of her.
You back away, heading to the kitchen for some iced tea. You nearly forget your other guest who sits at the table.
This is the third time he’s accompanied Wendy for her lessons. For a man of his size, Curtis makes no sound except the faint swish of pages turning in his book. Like before, he arrived with Wendy, nodded a greeting at you, waited for your invitation to the kitchen, and then spent the entire hour silently reading.
You pull the fridge door open and pour tea into three glasses. You quietly slide one towards him. Curtis’ eyes flicker up to you, brilliantly blue, and he gives you a low murmur.
You’re about to return to Wendy when you hear your name in Curtis’ smooth baritone.
He nods to the notepad left on the table. “I, uh, noticed your reminder to call for maintenance. Something wrong?”
“Oh.” You tidy up the table, sheepish at being caught procrastinating house chores. “Just needed a second look at the water heater. The repair company came by and we tested things out when they were done, but the next day I had no hot water.”
You grimace, thinking of taking another cold shower.
“If you’re okay with it, I can grab my tool bag from my car and take a look,” he says.
You’re not prepared for the offer. “I wouldn’t want to impose.”
He shakes his head, no hesitance. “I don’t mind at all. As long as you don’t.”
“I mean. I-I would really appreciate the help.”
Your time with Wendy ends after you review practice goals with her until her next lesson.
Curtis joins you two. “Hot water is running again.”
Your jaw drops and you skip to the kitchen. Hot water pours out of your faucet. You return, unable to resist grinning widely at him.
“Thank you, Curtis. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Curtis taught my dad everything about fixing houses!” Wendy chirped. He offers her a crooked smile.
“Do you have everything?” you ask your young pupil.
While Wendy thanks you and you help her pack, Curtis watches on with a faint curve to his lips.
“Edgar’s changing over to late shifts for the next couple of months. I’ll probably be driving Wendy to lessons again.”
You nod. “Sounds good. See you both then.”
After they leave, you enjoy a glorious steamy shower and then you settle onto your couch with a plate of leftover grilled veggies and fish.
Reviewing your schedule, you consider taking on one or two more students. It was years ago that you gave private lessons to help pay for college. Nearly a decade of moving between a few jobs, you are now in a quiet suburb working with a team of digital designers. The job allows you to work from home half the week, a flexibility you take great appreciation in. The professional stability encouraged you to return to music and to helping others develop their musical interests.
Wendy is your only student at the moment as you want to ease into taking on this additional responsibility. You smile, recalling your initial meeting with Wendy and her father, Edgar. Her father’s bubbly energy is such a stark contrast to Curtis. Edgar opened up quickly, sharing that he and Wendy’s mother were no longer together, that he would support whatever Wendy wanted to do. There was a perpetually youthful vigor to the room when Edgar was present.
Wendy calls Curtis, Uncle, and his adoration for her is clear. He barely said two words when he was here the first time. It doesn’t bother you. You get the impression Curtis purposely tries to not draw attention to himself, and you can empathize with that preference for tranquility.
_ _ _ _
It’s a windy day, heavy with rain clouds, the next time Wendy and Curtis are over.
“I saw your screen door was down. Planning on replacing it?” Curtis asks when you wrap up with Wendy.
“Nah. I was just going to look up what I would need and try fixing it myself.”
“It’s kind of heavy.”
His tone doesn’t imply any skepticism aimed at you and you’re not offended. You’re used to people calling you ‘small,’ though you’re not small so much as you’re short. You like to think you take up ample space. You also admit strength is not something you have in abundance. Your whole life you relied on family and friends for a lot of literal heavy lifting. But Curtis already helped you out once.
“I could fix it up.”
“I won’t ask you to do that.”
“It’s no bother, really. I’m happy to help out.”
He promises to be quick about it. While he works, Wendy happily practices on your piano.
“I have Oreos,” you announce.
She pauses to grab a cookie. “Thank you so much for letting me practice longer.”
“Of course, dear.”
She chats a bit about her upcoming birthday plans, as children are wont to do.
Curtis pops his head in. “All set. Do you want to take a look?”
You follow him out back. Swinging the screen door on its hinges, you nodded appraisingly.
“I suppose it passes inspection.” You look up with a cheeky smile, pleased to see Curtis’ lips twitching. “Thank you. Really, Curtis. I do wish you’d let me pay you.”
He shakes his head. “It’s nothing. Besides, you’re great with Wendy. I’m grateful for that.”
You can tell he loves Wendy just as much as if he was her father. “In that case, I shall give Wendy her next lesson for free.”
He blinks at you, trailing behind as you make your way inside and calling out to Wendy.
Curtis has resigned himself to a quiet, bare life. He doesn't think he wants anything much. He has Edgar’s loyalty, a result of the brotherhood he formed in his impoverished teen years. They survived together, looked out for each other. Once Wendy came along like a little star burning in a smoggy midnight, Curtis counted himself lucky to witness the little girl growing up. A chance to help nourish one seed.
The first time he arrived with Wendy at your home, Curtis couldn’t help listening in on the entire lesson, making no progress in his book. Your clear voice, your generous encouragement. You, light on your feet moving so swiftly. You, barely reaching his shoulders yet mighty in spirit, curvy and sensuous. Curtis had an urge to lift you in his palms to be stored safely in his pocket.
_ _ _ _
And so things follow. Wendy diligently learning and Curtis primarily accompanying her, taking his place at your kitchen table. You come to enjoy his steady, grounding presence just a couple steps away from you and Wendy.
Now and then, he’ll notice some upkeep you’re doing – a leaky faucet, a box of new light bulbs on your counter – and volunteer his assistance. You are reluctant to put him to work, sure that he spends enough of his days working and doing chores in his own home and besides these are tasks you can handle even if you find them tedious. Curtis is always gentle in his offers, always obtains your permission first. As time goes by and you grow less shy about accepting his help and he grows more comfortable in your space, you realize working with his hands is second nature to Curtis.
It doesn't take long for Curtis to admit to himself he wants to be near you.
Curtis doesn’t meddle. He doesn’t mingle. He doesn’t have any interest in widening his social circle. He is aware you thrived on your own for a long time, just like him; and like he has Edgar and Wendy, you have a small close-knit group of friends. Lending a hand to you doesn’t count because you are like him.
Maybe this is why he lets his guard down under your roof. There is something kindred in your calm nature that his soul responds to. Under your roof, no silences need to be filled; no pretenses forced upon him. Your invitation to rest is unspoken – he hears it and almost weeps. The more time he spends with you, like two wavelengths in tune, the stronger his urge to insert himself. To fix, or in some way leave his mark on your home. Curtis doesn’t have any interest in widening his social circle. Lending a hand to you didn't count. Until he cannot help it. He doesn’t reach out for you, doesn’t try to prove you’ll curve perfectly within his arms; but he’ll ensure your softness can curl up in a sturdy home and delight in simple pleasures.
One evening, when Edgar works later than usual, you ask if Wendy and Curtis would join you for dinner.
“Nothing fancy. I have some noodle soup and salad. Curtis, can you call Edgar to meet us here?”
Wendy sets the table. Curtis assists with the food.
He’s quick to cup your hand in his when it's nicked with a knife. You can’t help leaning into him as he runs your finger under water, wraps it in clean paper towel. He finishes with the salad, making you sit at the table.
Edgar joins you all, tired but quickly gaining energy with food and a few sips of wine. You are full and warmed by their company. While Edgar cheers on Wendy while she practices from her book, you feel Curtis’ fingers curl over your hand. His thumb brushes over your cut. You share a smile with him.
_ _ _ _
You settle into your little Toyota only to find it won’t start. It stumps you because you never had issues with this car before. You have no experience with car maintenance and don’t know the first thing to check for an engine that won’t wake.
Calling Curtis to see if you can reschedule, he insists that he can swing by to pick you up.
He had called you, his voice almost shy. He wanted to surprise Wendy for her birthday with a piano and asked for your help.
You direct Curtis to the string instruments shop in the city’s downtown area. The two of you are greeted by a sales staff upon entry. When asked, Curtis looks to you, wordless, so you do your best to describe to the salesperson what you're looking for.
There are several options of acoustic and digital instruments. You give little demonstrations on a few pianos that you consider reasonably priced.
“Curtis, check this one out.” Your hold on his sleeve is loose and propels him towards one of the upright Baldwin pianos.
“I think any of these would suit Wendy. The sounds are clear, and they don’t take up too much space. The salesperson said this one is second-hand and it’s in really good shape.” You press a few chords, then look up at Curtis with a smile.
He looks at you, gaze gentle. “I’m not worried about price. I’ll take whatever you recommend.”
That was his general response when you asked his opinion during your time in the shop: he was up for anything you recommended. Other than that, he trailed behind you so that the salesperson assumed you were the primary purchaser. Much like in your house, Curtis seemed to try hard to not draw attention. Oddly, you didn’t think anyone in the same room with him could help noticing him. Even with the dark apparel he favored, Curtis’ reserved nature can't hide all the intensity and strength just thrumming beneath the surface of his tall imposing build.
You convince him to sit beside you on the bench. He’s never played before, but humors you and tries random combinations of thirds with you. You watch his hands – clean, wide, with thick fingers – hover and slide along the keys.
He nudges you.
“Sorry. I was just impressed your sausage fingers are quite nimble.”
A half-hearted glare. “Thank you. For coming with me.”
“If I say you’re welcome, will you take a look at my car when we get back?”
He stays for dinner.
It starts raining and you have to rush out to gather hanging linens. He helps and you both run back inside. You're giddy at his eagerness to assist, resulting in damp clothing on you both.
“Oh, let’s dump it here. I’ll fold it tomorrow.” You are happy to leave the laundry in a pile on an armchair, in too good of a mood to care.
You catch him with his attention on you, a look so soft you have to look away, walk blindly a few steps. His touch is on your arm, turning you around just as you reach the piano.
He dips his head low to press chapped lips to yours, capturing your lips more, closing in to envelope you in his heat.
Curtis’ hands grip your hips with a quick jostle against the piano, prompting a slur of bright notes ringing from the keyboard that you are pressed against. And then he’s hitching you further up and firmly in his arms. His tongue licks against yours. You slant your open mouth, inviting him to taste, to devour you from the inside out. Your legs wrap around his waist like you belong there, tethered to this point in time. There’s no past or future, only Curtis, only feeling safe and real in his arms now now now.
You barely register Curtis moving, tipping you onto the couch cushions to hover over you so close. You can’t remember burning for someone like this. You can’t remember much of anything, focused on Curtis, solid and unyielding between your thighs, muscles buzzing with raw strength.
You want so badly to know more of him. Your hands wander shamelessly under his shirt, sliding up his wide back, grazing under to squeeze appreciatively at his pecs only to be called south by a narrowing of hair that leads you on until you bump his belt buckle.
You’re distracted by the tease of hot kisses he drops along your neck. There’s something sweet, vulnerable in how you allow him access to the delicate skin there. It makes Curtis bury his nose against the crook of your jaw, a long moment for him to whisper something like a prayer, before his tongue swirls and he nibbles your ear lobe. Your high pitched gasp hastens his desire. Your shirt is gone. Your bra untangled from your arms. Your breasts, oh, Curtis takes a mouthful of one fleshy breast, sucking greedily when you moan, breathless and aching now.
You claw at his shirt until it too disappears. You wriggle to help Curtis pull your pants and underwear off. Your legs want to yank him back to you, but he braces himself to allow just a bit more space between you both than before.
“Let me.” It’s almost a growl, and you want to say yes, but you want to kiss him more. You’re clinging by his neck, drinking from his soft lips, until you both part to draw breath.
His hand caresses your cheek, sliding over to slip two fingers into your slack mouth. Your tongue swipes at them, lips close to suck them in, eager to touch and taste any part of him. Jaw tight, Curtis pulls his fingers away and down. Down. His hand spans large over your curves and you hold your breath, grit your teeth. One finger saturated with saliva, sinks into your cunt. You swear you can feel more arousal dripping from you to soak his hand and he adds another finger, drawing short whimpers from you as his fingers withdraw and plunge in. God, you won’t ever tease him about his fingers again because they’re perfect. Agonizing in their quest to undo you.
His voice is husky groans, wanting so bad to feel your oh so tight cunt around his cock. Soon.
He tortures you, adds a third finger. You’re riding them, whimpering as he pumps them in you and parts the digits to stretch you. His weight slides away and you can only grasp at his hair, you’re barely glimpsing his head between your legs before you arch high when his thick wet tongue swirls and licks your folds, dialing up the white hot blooming inside you. His fingers curl just enough inside to press that patch against your pelvis that strings you tight as a bow. Pressing insistently, scratching with finger pads, until you burst and all you can do is chase more of that pulsing pleasure, humping against his face. Your hips quiver while Curtis laps at your slit.
His sucks grow gentle, thumb teasing your bud, helping you come down from the intense high.
You sigh his name.
“I’m here.”
“I want you.”
His arms wind around you, holding you tight while he kisses you. You can’t remember feeling anything better than being cradled like this as Curtis languidly kisses you.
He’s not rushed to move from you, so you cling to him and he loves you for it. Yes, he’s hard, but he wants to savor this. Already high on the sensation of your soft flesh underneath him, your thick thighs tight at his waist, your quiet hums of pleasure the evidence of his thorough work.
He ran from his past, from early years strife with despair, washing away those memories like dust and grime. He thought his life of isolation was one that moved him forward; but he has been stuck all this time.
Seeing you care for Wendy, Curtis realized he wanted that. He wanted what his friend had. He wanted you, and the precious something conceived between two souls that sing for one another. Soon. He’ll make your sweet little body his to protect, to warm through the nights.
_ _ _ _
“Thanks so much for having us for dinner,” Edgar says. He was been watching Wendy run around your humble backyard, chasing butterflies and searching for little frogs. He turns to you with a toothy grin. “And for your help with the gift. Wendy’s going to flip. I’m lucky to have you and Curtis both around.”
Your smile is just as affectionate. “Happy to have you here. Although,” your smile turns sly, “I’m a little disappointed that your special lady friend didn’t join us.”
“Curtis,” Edgar mutters under his breath. Curtis is washing dishes at the sink and pays no mind to any half-hearted curses directed at him.
Your brow arches, urging Edgar to talk as he can't help an embarassed grin.
“Well, she was traveling for work, unfortunately. But I know Wendy doesn’t mind her.”
The girl has whispered to you that Edgar’s girlfriend is beautiful and she wished she would become her new mom; this you keep to yourself, not wishing to embarrass or pressure your friend further.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
Edgar’s eyes slide sideways, quiet for a moment before he jumps out of his seat and heads to the door leading to the backyard. “I’ll just…uh…” He exits, trailing off without finishing his sentence.
You sigh and take another bite of your cake, indulging in the moist chocolate flavor. Glancing up, you find Curtis watching you. His attention is singular, a warm simmer in those bright blue eyes, causing you to freeze except for your tongue that finishes sweeping over your upper lip. His gaze narrows, grew weighty, tracking your tongue as it retreats into your mouth. He pushes away from the counter, steps close until he is able to drop to his knee beside your chair. One strong yank has your seat turning so you face him.
The door creaks open again.
“Well, the sun’s getting low so I think we’ll head home and wind down.” Edgar announces with his daughter close at his side. He has a boyish grin on his face, pulling Wendy towards the front of your house. "Wendy, say good bye.”
“Isn’t Curtis leaving too?”
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll leave when he’s ready.”
“Have a good night, you two,” you say, walking with them to the front. Though Edgar is still cheerfully thanking you for the meal and insisting you stay inside and not see them off.
“You go on and just have a good time, both of you.” He sends a wink your way. You shake your head at him. “Curtis! You be a gentleman now.”
Quick as he can, he has Wendy secured in the car and they are on their way.
“Huh.” You lock the front door before turning to find Curtis. You can tell he wants to roll his eyes at Edgar’s antics. Instead, he closes in on you.
“Are you worried about me not being a gentleman?” he murmurs. His fingers hook under yours loosely.
You smirk. “I’m worried about you being too much of a gentleman.”
That smolder returns to his gaze. For a second, your body shivers, overwhelmed and you side step him, if only for a moment’s relief from the heat of his eyes.
You reach out. He takes your hand.
Once you’re down a layer, he grows even hotter seeing the mesh and lace number you have on. A tantalizing tease with the hard peaks of your nipples veiled in barely-there maroon. Just daring him to unwrap you. So he does.
His mouth leaves a wet trail seeking sensitive spots on your neck, you breasts, your thighs. Even as he moves, he still covers nearly all of your body, his heat and weight drowning you in want.
Your shudder has him grazing his beard up the inside of your thigh so that you arch and plea for his touch. God, all your uninhibited responses spur the blazing hunger in him. Curtis peels the mesh underwear down, impatient for a taste of you. His mouth waters, catching wafts of arousal and then he’s sucking and lapping your wet pussy. His rumbling groan is like a physical nudge that bows your back, and you remain rigid in the air at the sensation of his thick tongue pushing into you. Wide shoulders part your legs, shifting until your thighs rest on vast muscles.
You rock against him, keen at the hard sucks. Two fingers dip into, fucking you and rubbing with a dizzying rhythm that brings you over the edge.
With little effort, he holds up your hips and you feel a pillow slide under you to angle you higher. Then his muscled arms hook under your knees and he finally lines up and rocks forward. The tip of his cock parts your folds. Your breath hitches. His cock slides in, forcing your walls to stretch, to mold tightly to his girth.
“Curtis” – your hand was going point to the little bedside table with condoms.
Instead, you’re gripping a blanket. Gasping as he withdraws and your pussy tries to hold him in.
You mumble against his lips, incoherent. “The…inside..”
And then he feeds you his length again. And again, that delicious, addicting friction.
"Yes, inside," he agrees softly. "Like this."
With every pump, the spark catches and blazes higher. Curtis rises onto his knees, thrusts harder, watching your eyes flutter open and shut. He’s panting with the pretty picture of a needy you. He grips your thighs. As if his life depends on how tight he clutches you. Concentrating hard, his eyes drop low. Fuck. He can see your pussy clench, your puffy outer lips suckling his cock. Curtis swears your little body is refusing to give him up, and you’re wet but your cunt squeezes him so tight he has to drive harder into you to avoid slipping out.
You’re not even aware of your breathy moans, so turned on by his groans, the rough thrusts he gives you. There’s no grinding. Curtis can tell he’s rubbed against your g-spot and he keeps his snapping hips angled just right, one callused thumb circling your clit too lightly. And then your breaths stutter, your legs seize, your back arches. Curtis grits his teeth, keeping the exact same pace, draws out the storm of your pleasure. It’s so consuming, you lose your voice.
Just as you are able to breathe again, able to sense the physical realm around you, Curtis speeds up, bucking hard with low grunts, powering into you.
A high gasp – you feel him flood you. He drops to press his chest to you, still pumping his release into your clenching walls; and it’s too much, his cock merciless within your sensitive channel. He can’t help it, even as your legs start writhing with his unrelenting stimulation, even as he hears your hitched whimpers.
He finally stills. His lips find yours, tongue stroking deep.
Long moments later, his name is gentle, falling from your lips. “We didn’t use protection.”
Curtis nuzzles you, rubs his nose along the planes of your cheeks. Returns to suck your bottom lip. “It’s okay,” he whispers.
There’s a soft frown upon your brow that he kisses, and then scatters more kisses on your face.
“But, what if?”
“I want you. I want everything with you.”
You’re barely able to react as he nips hard at your collarbone and then rolls his hips. He’s half-hard inside you. You’re quickly losing yourself in Curtis, overwhelmed by the combination of his hungry mouth on your skin, unyielding clasp on your thigh. His thrusts persist, pins you in place, lights you up and scorches you. You’re right where he wants you, whining for more more more.
Now with each beat of his heart, Curtis has his mind’s eye on the prize. He’ll have you over and over. And you’ll grow a piece of him inside you. You are the way forward. You are his.
A/N: Hurrah, this one felt like it took forever. I blame Curtis. He didn't give himself up to me easily. Let me love you, ya broody boi! Thank you for reading!
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lady-une · 3 years
They Always Leave
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This is something I wrote just to process my feelings about a guy. Nothing fanfic related at all. Honestly probably just a pile of emotions horribly written. But if you read it enjoy. It made me cry.
Trigger warning that this does mention drug use but honestly this stuff isn’t a drug.
Loud laughter and music could easily have been heard by anyone who happened to drive by or park near the crazy looking Toyota. For inside the Toyota held three friends, who were just doing their normal Scooby gang shit of smoking and listening to music. Their bellies were full having just engorged themselves on wings, cheese curds, and waffle fries.
The night was setting up to be a normal night for the trio, nothing to crazy. The only thing out of the ordinary was that a special appearance was to be made by a man who once partook in these normal nights. A man who’s laughter lifted one of the girls spirit. A man who did stupid shit all the time just to make people laugh. A man who’s darkness matched Alice’s. He was everything she wanted all rolled up in one stupid motherfucker.
When Alice had first met Caleb he was just some random guy who had tagged along with another guy her best friend had been seeing. Everyone knew of him as alibi, he was just some stupid redneck man. Not at all what Alice was attracted to. Yet the more time she spent with him the more that stupid redneck grew on her. She told herself it was nothing, chalked her emotions up to him just being a challenge. She knew he didn’t like big girls, he preferred his woman small and red headed. It was fine, everyone had their preference in a mate. Hell Alice had her own and this man didn’t hit any requirement.
But something changed. The playful teasing and remarks changed. She started to see him differently. An attraction started to slowly build deep in her gut. Small little hugs became more. Being so close to him that she could feel his breath on her cheek as they spoke silly things to one another about what they were doing. The urge to kiss him started to grow. The day dreams of him professing his attraction started to become recurring. The way he looked at her, it made her second guess everything. Was that smile different? Did he always follow me with his eyes? She started to ask around to see if anyone else had noticed anything or if it was all in her girly imagination. Some said he was just being friendly and a few said he probably had feelings too.
Alice had a way of showing her affection. Some call it a love language but in all honesty it was just childhood trauma and her way of trying to buy affection. To keep someone from leaving, because Alice knew they all left in the end. She had slowly started to gift him things. It started out small, a sex toy since he had been in a two year dry spell. She had taped it up with two containers of gorilla tape. She had joked saying it was to mimic being at a bar and having to work for that piece of ass. Then she had found out his favorite beer. Of course it would be a seasonal one, just like her who had a love of a hard to find seasonal liquor. She checked daily for the beer to come in stock and finally when it did she bought 3 cases knowing it wouldn’t last long but it would put a smile on his face.
For his birthday she had requested the day off work. The idea had formed to drive the hour long drive to his job and tape his truck up with clear wrap and then attach birthday balloons. Then meet him and his friend Greg at the bar for a birthday lunch. There she would give him his gift, a shirt. Nothing extravagant, just one from his favorite online brands that supported the troops. Yet that whole plan had been lost. Gone in an instant. Lies and deceit had caused her to part ways with her once close friend Greg. Caleb was a causality as her best friend had called it. Alice hated it, she didn’t want to part from Caleb.
The birthday shirt had sat days in her room at the end of her bed. Still in the delivery packaging. Alice would have just dropped it off in the bed of his truck had she known his address. Instead after a night of smoking and drinking she had finally texted him. Letting him know she had his gift, letting him know how much she missed him. With the dawn of the next day came sobriety and realization of how stupid she was. Quickly opening the chat she saw he had not seen the messages, this was her chance to right the wrong. With a click of her finger she unsent the messages to Caleb. It wasn’t until later in the day that Caleb had finally opened the chat up and saw that she had unsent the messages and called her out on it.
Alice confessed that she had texted him some stupid ramblings about the boxing match she had seen. A bold face lie but there was no way in hell she would confess her feelings to him sober. Instead she lied and then asked to meet so she could give him his birthday gift early. He had agreed to meet her while she was out with her friends. A quick drive by and it would be fine. Or that’s what Alice had told herself.
The margarita she had in the restaurant had calmed her nerves. The devils lettuce she was smoking had made her even more calm. This would be fine, she repeated her mantra “it’s fine” over and over in her head. A quick in and out.
It wasn’t long before she received the text that he was pulling up and asked where to park. She told him to look for the Yoda mobile and loud music. He replied back with a simple “LOL” and then she heard his loud truck before she saw it. Looking at her friends she smiled before getting out of the car with the gift. Caleb had parked two spots to the left of car and was climbing out of it by the time she reached him. The man wore his standard wranglers and brown boots with his KORN t-shirt and hat.
Alice laughed before nervously saying, “I should have bet on KORN instead of the fuck your feelings shirt.”
“That shirt was dirty, this was the nearest shirt.” Caleb replied with a half smile on his face.
Alice looked up at him trying to decipher what his eyes were possibly saying behind his dark sunglasses. A memory of a time earlier that summer where she yelled at him to take those damn shades off so she can see that he was looking at her while she talked to him popped in her head. To an outsider it would look like she was being mean to him but that was how they were. They would loudly bicker and cuss one another out with a smile on their faces.
“Well now you have a new shirt. Sorry I didn’t get you those jeans you wanted, you know shit just got weird and I felt weird texting you to ask about the jeans.”
“You didn’t have to.” Caleb replied as he took the colorfully bright pink Disney princess bag from Alice’s outstretched hand. He looked at the bag and back to her with a smile.
“Don’t give me that look, I saw it at target and the damn thing screamed ‘Caleb’ so I had to buy it. Now go on and open it!”
Caleb shook his head as he opened the bag up, sifting through the pink and blue tissue paper Alice had stuffed into it. When Caleb finally had the shirt in hand he tossed the princess bag into the bed of his truck and unfolded the shirt to hold it up and inspect it.
“I fucking love it Alice!” He shouted as he looked at the shirt that had bullets in the shape of a hand flicking you off.
“I wasn’t sure if I should get that one or the one with all the fish on it that said size matters. But Greg said to get this one.”
“Well I love it, thank you!”
Caleb opened his arms and Alice fell right into them wrapping her arms around his back and taking comfort in his hold. It had been too long since she got to hold her favorite person. She often dreamt of him holding her and it felt just as good as her dreams.
“Come on Alice, say your goodbyes. He is a casualty.” Yelled out Alice’s best friend from the back of the Toyota affectively killing Alice’s moment with Caleb.
“Casualty?” Caleb asked.
Alice pulled away but held on with just one hand to his KORN shirt, “Just ignore her.”
“Mmmhmm. How are things going with that?” Caleb inquired.
Before Alice could give him an answer her other friend yelled from the driver seat in his Yoda voice “Say your goodbyes and lets go.”
Alice looked from Caleb to her friends in the car and stomped her foot as she yelled “I wanna keep this one!”
The car of friends broke out in a laughter knowing that she was referencing a TikTok they had all seen hundreds of times. They thought she was being funny, they knew she had a crush on Caleb but she had meant it. She didn’t want him to be a casualty. She wanted him to stay in her life.
“You should probably get going, I don’t wanna hold you up.” Caleb said with a slight chuckle.
“I don’t want to. Can’t you stay awhile?” Alice asked looking up at him through her sunglasses. She could feel the tears wanting to come but held them back.
“You know I cant.”
“Please.” She begged.
“I have to get home.”
“Live a little.”
“I do live a lot but just not with you.”
“Same excuse every time.”
“Get going now before they leave your ass.”
Alice grabbed on to his shirt with the other hand. “I don’t want to.”
The tears were welling up inside her eyes, she didn’t know how much longer she could hold off. She hated crying in front of people. She saw it as a weakness. The many years as a child being told to stop crying or she would be given a reason to cry. Then as an adult being told by the man she was seeing that crying was a weakness and that she need to toughen up and that she wasn’t allowed to cry and be weak. She knew it was perfectly fine to cry and it was not a weakness. It was something that she told her kids all the time when they felt sad. That it was normal to cry and that you should cry and work through your emotions. Yet it was something she preached but never practiced herself. She had four kids at home to watch over, she didn’t have time to be weak.
“Thank you for the gift Alice, I really do like it.” Caleb said as he held onto one of her arms.
“I’m glad you do.” The first traitorous tear slip passed her eyes and she knew the instant Caleb saw it because his face lost all playfulness.
“Alice…” he gently called her name.
“I know its stupid. You don’t gotta tell me that. But I know the minute I let go and you get in your truck I wont see you again. All those plans we had will be gone. Who will take me to the gun shop to buy my first gun? Who will make sure that the sales man doesn’t take advantage of me? Who will help me learn to shoot it correctly? Why couldn’t you like me? God I sound like a stupid female right now. But we would have been great together you know. You matched my level of darkness, we matched each other in so many ways.”
“You know it. They know it. Everyone knows it. Everyone always said that we should just get together but we both would just laugh but deep down I wanted it. God did I want it but you just couldn’t get past that I was a bigger girl. Boy do I feel fucking stupid on an epic proportion right now.”
“Alice everyone has their preference, you always said we were friends because you knew I didn’t like you like that.”
“Of course I did because I didn’t wanna lose you. Better to be friends then not have you in my life. Funny how now I wont even have that.”
The tears were freely falling at this point. Alice could no longer hold her head high, instead she looked down at the ground. She couldn’t look at that stupid face of his, that face that she knew would haunt her dreams for many days to come.
“Alice you will find someone so much better then me. My stupid ass wouldn’t make the best partner for you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. Look at me Alice.”
Alice shook her head, how could she look at him she was feeling pathetic at the moment. Crying because a man doesn’t want her. Caleb didn’t give her a chance to wallow in her own misery, he put his new shirt on the side of his truck bed and grabbed her face lifting it up to his. He lifted her sunglasses and looked at her tear stained face.
“Don’t cry Alice.”
“Shut up you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
Caleb took his thumbs and brushed the tears away from her eyes. “I’m not someone to cry about.”
“To me you are.”
“You gotta let me go Alice. Move on. It was fun while it lasted and we will always have our memories.”
“Do they teach you these bullshit excuses when you guys are in school? I swear it’s the same fucking thing just said by a different guy.” Alice yelled angrily through her tears.
“Don’t be mad.”
“Don’t tell me what to feel.”
“Then don’t act like a spoiled brat.”
“Then don’t act like an ass who is un-attracted to fat women.”
“We aren’t going to get anywhere on this. Please don’t be mad and please don’t cry over me.”
Alice knew she was being mad because she was hurt and that she shouldn’t be. She knew she should be enjoying these last few moments with Caleb. With shaky hands Alice reached for Caleb’s sunglasses and lifted them up to see his face. Caleb was an expert at hiding his feelings, years in the military had made him hard.
“Why did you do it Alice?” Caleb quietly asked.
“You act like I did it on purpose. I didn’t plan on falling for you. If you weren’t so fucking perfect and if your darkness didn’t call to mine we would be safe.”
“I’m sorry Alice.”
“Me too Caleb.” Alice whispered as more tears fell down her face and she stood on her tippy toes to give him a chaste kiss at the edge of his lips.
Alice tried to smile through her tears and pulled away allowing him room to get back into his truck. With him seated in his truck Caleb rolled down the window and said goodbye before pulling away. Alice watched as the man she wanted nothing more did what all men do…..leave.
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waylandr · 4 years
Cracking this “blog” open after years of disuse and repurposing as a blog for my newfound interest: overlanding.
Living in Sydney, we came out of the first COVID-19 lockdown around the start of May, and like nearly every person on the planet, I was facing the hard truth that travelling would not be possible, at least not the type or overseas travelling i had hoped for, for a very long time.
So I decided that if I couldn’t travel all the international destinations i have dreamed of, i would insted dedicate those efforts into praparing myself to explore my own country. After all, if tourist came from all over to explore what was here, then there must be some really good stuff out there to fine.
So, as the lockdown ended, i started looking online for vehicles capable of doing the things i needed it to do. I’d always had a soft spot for Land Cruisers, particularly the 60’s Series. Something about the boxy silhouette, big open cargo space, nostalgic interiors... always got me more excited than newer stuff did. But I decided to put that idea on a shelf for down the road. Then I came across an old First Generation Toyota 4Runner, a 1988 model. I’d been obsessed with these cars for a short period when i was a teenager, but they were hard to come by and the ones you did find were either not for sale or treated like such collectors items that they weren’t something i could have afforded. But this one was different. Obviously used in the real world, it definitely wasn’t in mint condition, and you could tell it had been fiddled with during it’s 32 years rolling around Australia. Half a million km’s on the dash, squeaky joints, rust spots and odd battle scars here and there. But it was running, and roadworthy. It had registration and had already been modified to be capable off-road. The day the ad was posted i messaged the seller, and the next morning i was on my way over for an inspection.
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After a giddy walk-around and a nervous test-drive, the decision was made. I was taking this one home. So i shook the seller’s hand, gave him my money and drove the bad boy home. Ive had a fair share of cars, but this is the first time I’ve had a car this tall, or this loud, (or this squeaky), and it’s still a bit of a worry every time i have to squeeze through traffic or enter low parking lots.
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Before I head of on any adventures, I’m going to address the faults the car has. Cracked windscreen rubbers, broken fuel tank float, rust on the roof, there’s a bit there to fix. And then on top of that there’s a whole bunch of kit to build, buy or install before she’ll be trip ready. I’ve compiled a list of what comes to mind, and ill slowly tick things off as i go.
To Fix:
Fuel Tank Float, Windscreen rubbers, Exhaust leak, rusty/faulty side mirrors, Coolant leak, rust near left taillight, rust on roof rack anchor points, rusty tow hitch, loose bull bar, loose hand brake.
To Buy/Build:
Packable bed set-up, Roof basket, Esky/Fridge, side awning, roof storage bag, jerry cans and holders, recovery gear, camp table and chairs, privacy screens, first aid kit, USB charging set-up, cooing/eating gear, shower set-up, MaxTraxx, camp lighting...
More to come as I work on it.
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- 884RNR
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tealin · 4 years
Arrival Heights: The Forbidden Zone
You saw my midnight hike up Arrival Heights some time ago.  What I failed to disclose in that entry is that I didn't go all the way up to the bit specifically known as Arrival Heights, in part because it was midnight but also because a great deal of it is within an ASPA (Antarctic Specially Protected Area).  The historic huts and Cape Crozier are also ASPAs.  I had applied for and received the permit to visit them with authorised personnel, but my coordinator had suggested I put Arrival Heights on the list as well, so I had permission to go there, too.  The authorised personnel in this case was in the office right next to mine, but it wasn't until fairly late in my visit that our schedules and the weather aligned for me to go up there with her.  However, it turned out to be a spectacular day, and fortuitous timing as it turned out – but I will get to that later.
Shelley, my native guide, is Keeper of the Antennae, and Arrival Heights is all antennae – that's why it's Specially Protected; with guy wires and exposed wiring everywhere people could get into all sorts of trouble by accident, plus one isn't supposed to get near the sensitive equipment with certain types of insensitive equipment, lest one interfere with the results.  Our first stop of the day was actually in the opposite direction: Between McMurdo Station and Scott Base is an array of antennae rigged to detect meteors entering Earth's atmosphere.  It's a project of the University of Colorado, Boulder, and the extra fun thing is that you can follow the data coming in live from the comfort of your own home: https://ccar.colorado.edu/meteors/meteors  
Shelley, Keeper of the Antennae, was in charge of this site too, and she had received a notification shortly before heading out which demanded she solve a problem in person, so that is where we went first.
The computers that process the information from the antenna array live in this little hut.  That's Observation Hill in the background – we're on the other side from McMurdo here – with the Scott Base road marked by the orange bollard at upper right.
Here's Shelley about to load the UCB website to make sure everything's running OK:
And here’s the processing unit:
The reason she'd been called out was not anything exciting like an emergency antenna repair or technology problem, but rather that the hut was getting too hot.  Like any shed in a sunny garden, on a clear calm day it collects heat, and the computers don't like that.  The research budget did not extend to installing an automatic climate control system, but did stretch to pinging Shelley to come over and wedge a roof hatch open with a block of wood.
Job done!  (I'm telling you, the Trucker's Hitch is the knot to know.)
Temperature moderated, we retraced our steps to McMurdo and then took the access road up to Arrival Heights, where Shelley was due to do her weekly inspection of the antenna in Second Crater.
As I said, there are a lot of antennae up in the ASPA, and both the US Antarctic Program and Antarctica New Zealand use the site for their research.  So, naturally, they each have a hut up there.  Here is the Kiwi one, in their signature green:
The US hut was on the other side of the car park, with its signature Ford F-150:
The two countries' choice of vehicle was amusingly symbolic of their respective cultures but is, perhaps, a post for another day.  We've got antennae to tend, here!
First, another nip into the hut to check everything was OK.
The reason I had been encouraged to go up to the Arrival Heights ASPA was because it afforded excellent views of the whole McMurdo Sound.  It was also a site of historic interest as the Terra Nova men returning from the Depot Journey would come up here from Hut Point to check whether the sea ice had frozen between them and home base at Cape Evans.  There is a marginally better view from Castle Rock, which they visited occasionally, but Arrival Heights was much closer.  It's still a good hike from Hut Point, though, so accounts that make it sound like a short stroll are to be taken with a grain of salt.
Second Crater (above) is a hill on top of the heights which had, once upon a time, been a volcanic cone.  That is long past, though, and now it serves mainly to provide a sheltered alcove for a very sensitive radio antenna.  While Shelley did whatever antenna tending needed to be done, I climbed to the top of Second Crater and took photos.
First, the all-important view to Cape Evans.  From this altitude one gets a better view down to the bays, to see just how much ice had formed – and one can just see over Glacier Tongue, to tell whether the ice is in on the other side, which certainly can't be done from Hut Point.
In 1911, the end of Glacier Tongue had broken off and floated away, so it would have been an even clearer view.
McMurdo Station's situation at the base of the Hut Point Peninsula means that massive Mt Erebus, which dominates the landscape, is blocked from view by the hills close to base.  Up here, one got a proper sense of how the geography all fitted together.
While Shelley was occupied in the hut and I was watching the big plane, someone turned up at the Kiwi hut in that Toyota you saw above.  She turned out to be Shelley's ANZ counterpart, and asked if I might lend a hand bringing a canister of liquid nitrogen into the hut.  Never in my wildest dreams had I anticipated helping with liquid nitrogen, so of course I said yes.  In the course of the enterprise, she ascertained that I was the visiting artist who had worked at Disney, and she commented on how cool that was; I replied that I never got to haul liquid nitrogen around at Disney!  She invited me to come give a talk at Scott Base, which felt like getting the Golden Ticket – aside from the limited 'open hours' when Americans are allowed to visit, Scott Base is invitation-only, and now I had an invitation!
Before long, Shelley was ready to go, so we trundled back down the hill to base.  I had a camera full of photos to sort, and another presentation to put together ... 
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lifepros · 4 years
If your vehicle is "wrote off" or considered a full loss by the insurance company, do some research into the fair market value of similar vehicles before accepting any cash settlement.
I was in a head on collision a few weeks ago in my 2007 Toyota. It was a total loss, which was fairly obvious after the accident with deployed airbags and the engine had totally moved in the truck.
I received a rental truck, and that rental truck needed to be returned within 24 hours of their settlement "offer" of a cash settlement for the trucks value.
Turns out, they based the offer on three trucks (not ten that were required) and from before/during the heart of the pandemic lockdown (Canada), approximately 6 months prior. I said I would not accept the offer. Their offer wasn't even close to reasonable and not representative of the current market. I was also told by a friend that them pulling the rental truck back 24 hours after the offer is a scare tactic to get people to take their offer or face going without.
I researched the same make model and year trucks, same trim level, and near close kms. I also took full screenshots of those trucks, and submitted them to the insurance adjuster along with the Kelley Blue Book value. I also submitted receipts for work I had done, including frame inspections and undercoating.
It turned there were only five trucks like it in Canada for sale and when averaged, was within 100$ of the KBB value.
Insurance had told me this was too high, so I asked if I could have a private adjuster inspect the truck. I believed it was worth even more than average, but within two hours, the insurance offered me exactly what I said it was worth, plus taxes. The cost of hiring a private inspection and then potential argument afterward, just made sense for me to take what I felt was fair based on the market. I received an additional $4900 for my research.
Not saying the insurance won't offer you what it's worth the first time, but do research and tell them you'll get back to them. The insurance agent's job is not to help you replace your vehicle, but to save every penny they can for their employer and its shareholders.
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mobilemechanics45 · 4 years
Mobile Brake Repair Services and Cost in McAllen TX | Mobile Mechanic of McAllen
More information is at: http://24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org/mobile-brake-repair-service-near-me/
Need emergency brake repair and maintenance services near McAllen?  Schedule the most convenient and affordable brake repair services near you from our expert brake specialists. in your area. Mobile Mechanic of McAllen offers a convenient way to get great auto repair near me, diagnostic service and oil changes. Our mobile mechanics will come to you! Mobile Mechanic of McAllen provides convenient mobile brake repair services in McAllen. Visit Mobile Mechanic of McAllen to see our mobile brake mechanic services.
Mobile Brake Repair Service near McAllen TX: Automotive brakes have a very important function: Get your vehicle to slow down and stop moving. Ensuring that they're in proper shape is important to a driver. Mobile Mechanic of McAllen offers brake inspections & repairs in McAllen TX.
How Do Brakes Work?
Your wheels are bolted to smooth steel discs called rotors, and a heavy caliper encloses part of the rotor. The caliper houses the brake pads, which are lined with a hard semi-metallic or ceramic friction material. When you press the brake pedal, hydraulic pressure forces the pads against the rotor, slowing or stopping the car by friction.
How Often Should I Change My Brake Pads?
The friction material on the pads can last 40-60,000 miles, which can be as long as five years, according to how many miles you drive. When the parts wear so slowly and gradually, it can be hard to tell when the pads have worn to a point where they need service.
Symptoms of Bad Brakes
Mobile Brake Repair Service near McAllen TX: Sometimes it might be a bit difficult to tell when your brakes might need servicing. There are a few tell tale signs that can help you to diagnose brake issues.
These are all signs to watch for: Brake Repair in McAllen TX ● The vehicle has a pronounced pull to one side when braking ● The vehicle has a noticeable pulsation or vibration through brake pedal while braking ● A tendency for one or more wheels to lock up and skid while braking ● Excessive brake pedal travel, i.e. brake pedal goes farther toward floor before brakes engage ● Brake pedal feels “soft” or “spongy” underfoot ● Shimmy through steering wheel while braking ● Squeal, groan or metallic grinding noise while braking.
Of the symptoms mentioned above, the grinding noise is by far the worst. Some brake pads feature a spring steel tab that protrudes from the backing plate and is designed to drag on the rotor when the pads reach a minimum thickness, squealing and alerting the driver. In other cases, it can mean that the pads are worn to a point where the friction material is gone and the backing plates are exposed, digging into the rotors. Not only is your only braking ability coming from metal to metal contact, but it’s quickly ruining your rotors’ faces!
Why Choose Mobile Mechanic of McAllen?
Mobile Brake Repair Service near McAllen TX: We use premium parts, backed by a 24 month/24,000 mile nationwide warranty, and require our brake repair specialists to be ASE-certified, which translates to first-class brake service every time.
Our mobile brake repair experts will come to your house, office, or anywhere you’d like to have your brake repair service, saving you time and energy. Many companies charge a premium for convenience not us, it’s just a benefit of our unique business model.
You can trust Mobile Mechanic of McAllen because we are the highest-rated and most-recommended brake service company in and around Austin, Dallas and Fort Worth. We’ll never take advantage of your lack of knowledge in brake repair–instead, we pride ourselves on transparency and superior communication.
Due to our mobile service model, we save a lot on overhead and pass that savings directly on to you. Hard costs are one thing, but the ultimate value comes from your ability to live your life uninterrupted by service, giving you your time back, which is invaluable.
Benefits of Brake Repair
Mobile Brake Repair Service near McAllen TX: Bad brakes display warning signs for impending brake maintenance. For example, if your brakes squeal or grind when in use, then your brake pads may be worn and require replacements. If your vehicle pulls to one side when braking, then this may point to worn brakes, a malfunctioning caliper, or low brake fluid in the brake lines. If your brake pedal pressed down too easily, also known as “spongy” brakes then this may be an indication of too much air in the hydraulic brake lines. Sometimes, your vehicle’s electronic diagnostic system will alert you to a potential brake issue by a service indicator light on the dashboard. While these are only some of the most common signs of potential problems with your vehicle’s brake system, noticing these signs of faulty brakes and seeking out a brake service can save you money down the line. Our staff is trained in maintaining and servicing front and rear brake systems and all accompanying brake system components like brake pads, brake shoes, parking brakes, rotors, drums, and hydraulic systems. If you experience any of the above signs or symptoms of bad brakes, like unusual squealing or grinding noises, then contact us online or call us today to have your brakes inspected immediately.
Tips of Mobile Brake Repair
It's hard to find time to handle your auto repair needs, especially for those with a crazy work or family schedule. When you choose to use a mobile brake repair service, you're typically going to receive added convenience, affordability and top-notch customer service, something often foreign to the auto repair industry. Since mobile brake repair services don't have to operate a full-fledged brake shop, their overhead is slightly lower, which means they can provide top-tier services for less than your local brick and motor brake store.
Average Brake Repair Cost
There’s a great deal of variance when it comes to the cost of getting your brake pads replaced.
Brake Pads Only Cost Range
Parts (set of 4) $35 to $150 Labor $80 to $120 Total $100 to $300 per axle
It costs an average of $100 to $300 per axle to get pads replaced by a professional service center or mechanic. The pads themselves range from $35 to $150 for a set of 4 (one axle), depending on the material and quality of the pads and the make and model of your vehicle. If the front right wheel’s pads need to be replaced, you should get the ones on the front left wheel replaced at the same time to ensure that both sides wear out uniformly and prevent the car from pulling to one side when you press the brake.
Pads & Rotors Cost Range
Rotors (Parts) $30 to $75 each Pads (Parts) $35 to $150 Labor $150 to $200 Total $250 to $500 per axle
If your rotors need to be replaced as well, this could end up running you around $250 to $500 total (including pad replacement). Rotors themselves range from $30 to $75 each (some higher performance rotors are $100+). Prices depend heavily on type, quality and brand. There is also the comparison and decision to use aftermarket vs manufacturer (OEM) parts. Aftermarket parts are typically less expensive, are more available and have greater selection, while OEM parts have a greater assurance of quality, are easier to choose and come with a warranty.
Factors that Affect the Cost
● Whether you DIY, go to an independent mechanic or the dealership ● Year, make and model of your vehicle ● Brand/quality and type of pads and rotors used ● Cost of labor in your area (cities are usually more expensive)
Type and Quality of Parts Used
Mobile Brake Repair Service near McAllen TX: Pads come in a wide range of quality and materials and the differences in price reflect that. Therefore, premium ceramic pads for a high end vehicle such as an Audi R8 will cost significantly more than standard semi-metallic pads for your Toyota Camry.
Doing some research to determine which parts best fit your needs and buying aftermarket parts yourself instead of paying a technician labor and markup costs to decide for you can save you hundreds of dollars.
Cost of Labor
The cost of labor is another major factor and depends on your geographical location (supply and demand of auto maintenance) and whether you get the job done at a dealership, national service center chain or an independent mechanic. The average is typically around $60 to $100 per hour.
Brake jobs are usually priced at anywhere from 1-2 hours per axle (sometimes 3 for the most comprehensive jobs) worth of labor based on a flat rate pay system. The costs can add up if you need both your front and back brakes repaired.
While paying someone to fix your brakes isn’t the most affordable option, having a professional handle this job is the best way to go for those that don’t possess the mechanical skills.
Will your machine/turn the rotors when replacing brake pads?
Mobile Brake Repair Service near McAllen TX: We don’t machine rotors for several reasons. We use top of the line ceramic that can form to little imperfections in the rotors and still stay quiet. If your rotors were in need of machining we would replace them for several reasons: 1. We can replace rotors and pads for the same price most shops charge a machine rotor and replace pads. 2. When a rotor is machined you make it thinner, decreasing its ability to cool properly, which leads to warping and a vibration in the pedal and/or steering wheel. We fix your brakes right the first time so you don’t have to come back in 6 months to spend more money on new rotors.
Why do my brakes squeak?
Squeaking happens for several reasons. Usually, the brake pad has worn down and the metal indicator is rubbing on the rotors. The pad can also be a poor material that will continue to make noise until replaced. Brake pads can also glaze over from being heated up and they will continue to squeak until replaced.
Why do my brakes make a grinding metal on metal sound?
Usually, grinding indicates the pads have worn all the way out. The metal backing that holds the brake pad material is all that’s left and once that contacts the rotors, it’s just metal on metal. The brake pads and rotors will need to be replaced.
Why do my brakes vibrate and/or my steering wheel shake when I press on the pedal?
This is an indication that either your front or rear brake rotors have warped. When this occurs the rotors have been compromised, they have high spots on them and the vibration will only continue to get worse.
My brake light is on, what does that mean? The brake light comes on when the brake fluid is low or there’s a malfunction in the master cylinder. If the fluid is low this is a good indication that the brake pads are worn down as well.
Can you come on weekends?
Yes, we have Saturday appointments available.
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept cash and all major credit cards.
How long does it take?
On average brake jobs take forty-five minutes to an hour at most.
Do you work in the rain?
Yes, all our tools are waterproof and our technicians have great rain gear.
Can you come to my work or my apartment complex?
Yes, we can do brake repair at office buildings, in parking garages, on parking lots or low traffic streets. We have insurance and liability coverage to conduct repairs on third party properties.
Will it cost the same no matter where I live?
Yes, price varies only on the make and model of your vehicle and the repairs necessary.
Do you offer a warranty?
Yes, all parts and labor are covered under a comprehensive 24 month, 24,000 mile nationwide warranty.
Do you service all makes and models?
Yes, all of our technicians have the tools and experience to service everything from the simplest domestic cars to the most advanced imports.
● Mobile Brake Service Near McAllen TX ● Mobile Brake Repair ● Mobile Brake Mechanic ● Mobile Brake Repair Business ● Mobile Brake Pad Replacement ● Mobile Brakes ● Mobile Mechanic of McAllen ● Cheap Brake Service Near McAllen TX ● Mobile Brake ● Mobile Brake Service ● Mobile Brake Repair Business ● Brake Mechanic ● Mobile Brake Repair ● Mobile Brake Pad ● Mobile Brakes Near McAllen TX ● Emergency Brake Repair Services
CONTACT US: Mobile Mechanics of McAllen 24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in McAllen, TX! CALL (956) 278-8017 MOBILE MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8258 MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8619 MOBILE TRUCK MECHANIC CALL (956) 587-3435 TOWING & RAODSIDE ASSISTANCE WEBSITE: www.24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org http://www.mobilemechanicmcallentx.com/
SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
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