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radsiarai · 8 months ago
Toxocariasis_Sound therapy session_Sounds of nature
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Toxocariasis, a parasitic infection caused by the roundworms Toxocara canis or Toxocara cati, is a global health concern. Conventional medicine, including antiparasitic drugs, is the primary treatment for this condition. However, the integration of alternative therapies, such as resonant frequency sound therapy, can potentially enhance the healing process. Resonant frequency sound therapy, also known as sound healing or sound therapy, is a form of therapy that uses vibrations (music, sound frequencies) to relax the mind and body. The therapy is based on the concept that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is in a state of vibration. When our body is out of balance, disease can occur. Sound therapy aims to restore the body's balance by using the correct vibrational frequencies. While sound therapy is not a cure for Toxocariasis, it can serve as a beneficial adjunctive treatment. Stress Reduction: Toxocariasis can cause significant stress and anxiety due to its symptoms and the discomfort it brings. Sound therapy can help reduce this stress, promoting relaxation and improving the overall quality of life for patients. Immune System Boost: Studies suggest that sound therapy can stimulate the immune system. A strong immune system is crucial in fighting off parasitic infections like Toxocariasis. Pain Management: Some patients with Toxocariasis experience pain. Sound therapy can help manage this pain by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which are known to exacerbate pain. While resonant frequency sound therapy can provide several benefits, it should not replace conventional medicine for Toxocariasis treatment. Instead, it should be used in conjunction with antiparasitic drugs and other medical treatments prescribed by healthcare professionals. This integrative approach can potentially enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and improve the patient's overall well-being. In conclusion, resonant frequency sound therapy can be a valuable adjunctive treatment for Toxocariasis. By reducing stress, boosting the immune system, and aiding in pain management, it can enhance the healing process and improve the quality of life for patients. However, it's essential to remember that sound therapy should be used in conjunction with, not as a replacement for, conventional medical treatments TO ACHIEVE A POSITIVE RESULT, DAILY LISTENING TO VIDEOS IS REQUIRED. I wish you health and prosperity!
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omniishambles · 2 years ago
Send 😰 for Abel to tell an embarrassing story about Eve & Noah ofc lmaoo @hvbris
multimuse grape vine
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"When they were around four years old, anything they had a vendetta against was buried in the backyard. Their medicine. Their shoes. My car keys, one time. So I told them if they kept rummaging around in the dirt they'd get worms in their eyes and they wouldn't be able to see. Which is technically true."
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earhartsease · 2 months ago
that final tweet from melon husk is so funny it can't possibly have been written by him
also toxoplasmosis is only a risk to young babies and immunocompromised people so the democratic process need not worry, just be careful around kittens under six months old who are its likely carriers
also also assuming republicans think of themselves as dog people instead they can watch out for toxocariasis instead
Taylor Swift proudly self-identifying as a childless cat lady and Elon Musk immediately offering to impregnate her. At this point I think we need to wall him up somewhere Cask of Amontillado style.
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naturedude24 · 7 months ago
Zoonotic Disease Toxocariasis
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nklbaokhong256 · 1 year ago
Bệnh nhiễm Toxocara canis (Bệnh giun đũa chó)
Bệnh nhiễm Toxocara canis (Bệnh giun đũa chó)
Toxocara canis là loài giun đũa chó, và nó có khả năng gây ra bệnh nhiễm ký sinh trùng ở con người được gọi là "toxocariasis." Bệnh này xảy ra khi con người tiếp xúc với trứng của giun đũa chó trong môi trường, thường là đất, cát, hoặc thức ăn bị nhiễm trùng.
Cách nhiễm trùng thường xảy ra bao gồm:
Tiếp xúc trực tiếp với động vật nhiễm bệnh như chó bị nhiễm Toxocara canis.
Tiếp xúc với đ���t hoặc môi trường chứa trứng giun đũa chó, ví dụ như khi chơi trong cát hoặc làm vườn mà không rửa tay cẩn thận sau đó.
Triệu chứng của toxocariasis ở người có thể bao gồm:
Buồn nôn và nôn mửa.
Đau bụng hoặc khó tiêu.
Sưng hắc hơi (quầng mắt sưng).
Mệt mỏi.
Thay đổi vị giác.
Sưng vùng gan hoặc tụy.
Kéo dài sưng ở ngực, đặc biệt ở trẻ em.
Điều trị thông thường bao gồm sử dụng thuốc để loại bỏ giun đũa chó khỏi cơ thể. Để ngăn ngừa bệnh, quan trọng để duy trì vệ sinh cá nhân tốt, rửa tay sau khi tiếp xúc với đất hoặc động vật, và tránh tiếp xúc với động vật có thể nhiễm trùng. Trong trường hợp nghi ngờ nhiễm trùng Toxocara canis, bạn nên tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ để được tư vấn và xác định cách điều trị phù hợp.
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armatofu · 1 year ago
¿Qué hace el Pasote?
Dentro de sus propiedades medicinales destacan el disminuir los dolores menstruales (cólicos), estomacales e intestinales; asimismo, elimina los parásitos, calma el nerviosismo excesivo, descongestiona las vías respiratorias y aumenta la producción de leche materna.
¿Qué es el epazote y para qué sirve?
El epazote, también conocido como paico o acahualillo, es una planta medicinal muy utilizada, pues sus aceites esenciales contienen propiedades vermífugas, antibióticas, digestivas y para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico.
¿Cómo se consume el epazote?
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¿Cómo se puede consumir el epazote? Para aprovechar sus propiedades medicinales, el epazote se puede utilizar en la cocina, para condimentar platillos, como los frijoles, el requesón, filetes de pescado, caldos, sopas, verduras salteadas, entre otros.
El epazote (también llamado apazote, ipazote, pazote, pazoli y paico, dependiendo de la región), cuyo nombre científico es Dysphania ambrosioides, es una planta aromática silvestre originaria del continente americano, ya conocida por los aztecas
Para qué sirve el té de epazote
Gracias a su sabor particular, el epazote es muy apreciado en la cocina y forma parte de diversas preparaciones, especialmente en la gastronomía indígena del sur de México. Como hierba aromatizante, el epazote de zorrillo le confiere a los platos un gusto rústico y único. Además, es añadido a las comidas pesadas por sus propiedades digestivas.
Pero en lo que realmente brilla esta hierba es en la medicina indígena. El té de epazote es rico en antioxidantes como vitaminas A, B y C que contribuyen a:
Retrasar el envejecimiento
Disminuir la inflamación
Aumentar la respuesta antibacteriana
Facilitar la producción de enzimas digestivas.
El té de epazote también contiene ácido fólico y minerales que mantienen la salud de los sistemas digestivo, glandular, respiratorio, musculoesquelético y tegumentario (piel, cabello y uñas).
Por su contenido nutricional, los pueblos indígenas hacían infusión de epazote desde tiempos prehispánicos para prevenir o tratar diversas dolencias y para mantener la salud de ciertos órganos. A continuación, te explicamos los principales padecimientos que se alivian con el té de esta maravillosa planta.
Té de epazote para enfermedades respiratorias
Los antiguos aztecas descubrieron que el té de epazote calma las afecciones respiratorias y ayuda a respirar mejor. Por ejemplo, quienes padecen asma pueden consumir esta infusión para coadyuvar, junto al tratamiento médico, a reducir las crisis comunes de esta enfermedad. También es útil para quienes presentan bronquitis, neumonía o catarros, ya que permite la expulsión de flemas y calma la inflamación.
Té de epazote para desparasitar
Según los herbolarios tradicionales, el ascaridol presente en esta planta elimina gusanos y protozoos y varios estudios de laboratorio así lo confirman. Para estas investigaciones se utilizaron parásitos responsables de la esquistosomiasis, toxocariasis en perros y gatos, leishmaniasis, amibiasis, enfermedad de Chagas y malaria.
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Té de epazote para infecciones bacterianas y fúngicas
Aunque la hierba no mata directamente a las bacterias, el epazote evita que estos microorganismos sean resistentes a los antibióticos. Así lo demostró un estudio con estafilococos, uno de los principales responsables de infecciones en todo el organismo. Asimismo, la hierba es útil frente a la presencia de hongos como la Candida albicans, el cual causa infecciones vaginales.
Té de epazote para la menstruación y para después del parto
Los pueblos indígenas también administraban esta infusión a aquellas mujeres con retraso en su período. Al parecer, el té de epazote es capaz de estimular los ovarios y el útero para la expulsión de flujo, tanto menstrual como de post parto. Sin embargo, está contraindicado para mujeres embarazadas y lactantes.
Té de epazote para la digestión
Al igual que todas las hierbas verdes, el epazote contiene fibras que, al consumirlas moderadamente, mejoran la función digestiva e intestinal. Por esta razón, es común que agreguen hojas de esta planta a platillos difíciles de digerir como frijoles o alubias. Del mismo modo, también se puede tomar una infusión en caso de indigestión o flatulencia.
Té de epazote para la salud de los huesos
Los huesos están formados por la síntesis de una gran cantidad de minerales como calcio, manganeso, magnesio, fósforo, entre otros, por lo que el consumo de estos minerales debe estar presente en nuestra dieta diaria. En este sentido, el epazote contiene estos nutrientes que nos ayudan a preservar la salud ósea, especialmente en la vejez.
Té de epazote para el corazón
La infusión de esta hierba contiene niveles moderados de potasio, lo que le otorga propiedades como vasodilatador, ideales para reducir la tensión arterial. De esta manera, uno de los beneficios del té de epazote es la disminución del riesgo de padecer arterioesclerosis o accidentes cardiovasculares.
Té de epazote para la piel y el pelo
Se dice que el sistema tegumentario es la primera barrera de protección del organismo, ya que lo cubre por completo. Como habrás adivinado, este aparato está formado por la piel, el cabello, las uñas y ciertas glándulas. Para cumplir cabalmente su función defensiva, todos sus componentes deben recibir los nutrientes necesarios.
El alto contenido de vitaminas A, B y C del té de epazote ayuda a fortalecer el sistema tegumentario y a regenerar la piel. Además, el epazote es antioxidante, por lo que disminuye la acción de los radicales libres y ayuda a combatir el estrés oxidativo.
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Té de epazote como insecticida
El epazote contiene principios activos tóxicos, tal como el ascaridol, que promueven su acción desparasitante. Estas sustancias también puede ser útiles como insecticidas naturales si estás lidiando con una plaga de insectos. Solo deberás esparcir el agua de epazote por la casa y el huerto familiar para desinfectar.
Cómo se prepara el té de epazote
Ahora que ya conoces para qué sirve el té de epazote, ¡solo queda aprovechar todas sus propiedades y beneficios! Aprender cómo reparar el epazote es muy sencillo. Necesitarás:
8 hojas frescas de epazote.
500 ml de agua potable.
Para prepararlo, sigue estos pasos:
Hierve el agua y añade las hojas cuando rompa el punto de ebullición.
Baja el fuego y cocina por unos tres minutos.
Retira de la estufa y deja reposar el té por unos tres minutos más.
Cuela la bebida y sírvela.
Para utilizar el té con fines medicinales es necesario que tengas presente las contraindicaciones del té de epazote, así como las siguientes advertencias:
La hierba es tóxica, por lo que no debe usarse por un período largo de tiempo.
Únicamente se utilizan las hojas, puesto que las flores y el tallo tienen una concentración mucho mayor de principios activos.
No debe administrarse en niños menores de tres años, mujeres embarazadas o en período de lactancia bajo ninguna circunstancia.
Tampoco deben consumirlo personas con afecciones cardíacas, renales, hepáticas o estomacales.
Si se desparasita a niños menores de 12, se debe prestar atención a cualquier reacción negativa como mareos, vómitos o dolor de cabeza.
Para hacer el té, puedes utilizar las hojas frescas o secas. Si deseas agregarlo a tus comidas, es mejor usarlas frescas para que conserven todo su sabor.
Si quieres preparar el epazote para los parásitos, toma media taza de té de epazote en ayunas durante tres días. Luego de consumirlo, espera una hora antes de desayunar.
En el caso de malestares puntuales como flatulencias, indigestión o problemas menstruales, solo es necesario tomar media taza una sola vez.
Si quieres consumirlo para cuidar la salud y tu nutrición, puedes tomar la infusión de esta hierba de forma esporádica.
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Este artículo es meramente informativo, en unCOMO no tenemos facultad para recetar ningún tratamiento médico ni realizar ningún tipo de diagnóstico. Te invitamos a acudir a un médico en el caso de presentar cualquier tipo de condición o malestar.
Si deseas leer más artículos parecidos a Té de epazote: para qué sirve y cómo se prepara, te recomendamos que entres en nuestra categoría de Vida saludable.
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javert-nihil · 2 years ago
Haggus / Toxocariasis - split MC FULL ALBUM (2020 - Mincegore / Goregrind)
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years ago
Visceral larva migrans (VLM) is caused by the migratory larvae of certain nematodes. Major nematodes causing these zoonotic infections are Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati. These nematodes migrate through the intestinal wall, and travel via the blood stream to various organs.
Young children with pica are at high risk of getting VLM (because they eat non-food items, like soil, that can be contaminated). Most infections in the United States occur in children who play in areas, such as sandboxes, which contain soil contaminated by dog or cat feces. Children with visceral larva migrans (VLM) may complain of loss of appetite, fever, cough, wheezing, or abdominal pain. Other symptoms are hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, rales, pruritic rash, and motor seizures.
A CBC count often reveals leukocytosis and eosinophilia; however, eosinophilia may not always be present. Elevated titers of isohemagglutinins to the A and B blood group antigens support the diagnosis of visceral larva migrans.
Note that enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is by far the most commonly used serologic diagnostic test for VLM. Also note that a variety of helminthic parasites have A and B blood group antigens on their surface. These antigens may cross-react with elevated concentrations of A and B isohemagglutinins in the patients with visceral larva migrans. For this reason, elevated titers of isohemagglutinins to the A and B blood group antigens support the diagnosis of visceral larva migrans.
Also note that outdoor parks in urban and suburban settings are often highly contaminated with embryonated eggs of T. canis and T. cati, since it is in these environments that people routinely walk their pets.
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metrocentric · 5 years ago
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Glan suas é
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We had a blast playing Toronto tonight! The crowd was fun. Thanks to Dax for putting us on, @noisegrindpowerdeath for helping us organize the tour, @holygrindr and Toxocariasis for being wonderful people! London next! #insufferable #grindcore #noisecore #toronto #coalition #slavetothegrind #holygrinder #toxocariasis #tour (at Coalition: T.O)
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gmartinezmolina · 5 years ago
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#Toxocariasis #CDC https://www.instagram.com/p/B2-L56DnmF9/?igshid=45umkmydsrb9
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Haggus / Toxocariasis - split MC FULL ALBUM (2020 - Mincegore / Goregrind)
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pawprika-blog · 4 years ago
Diseases Transmitted by Pets: Toxocariasis
Diseases Transmitted by Pets: Toxocariasis
  When the common parasites of dogs and cats infect humans, we refer to the illness as toxocariasis (or visceral larva migrans). Toxocariasis usually affects kids under age the age of 10. Individuals who like to put things in their mouths, or those whose families have pet dogs or cats are especially at risk. Signs and Symptoms
Many kids won’t have symptoms, but if they do, they can include:
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aguidetoowningdogs · 2 years ago
Allowing your dog to foul in a public place and then failing to remove the waste is an offence and could result in you receiving a fixed penalty of £80 and possible prosecution if you fail to pay the fine.
Rain water does not wash dog faeces away, so it is every owners’ legal duty to clean up after their dog by picking it up in a bag and disposing of the waste responsibly. Where possible dog owners are encouraged to take the waste home and dispose of it within their own rubbish bins or flush it down the toilet. However, if this this is not possible dispose of it in a litter bin.  There are also public bins dedicated solely to dog-waste.
As well as being unpleasant, dog faeces is a risk to human health as it carries a parasite which can cause an infection called Toxocariasis. At its worst Toxocariasis can result in blindness, particularly in children.
Barking dogs
Barking is a natural part of a dogs’ life, but constant barking or whining can be a noise disturbance for your neighbours. Often this problem occurs when you are out of the house and you may not realise that you dog is barking until someone makes a complaint.
Dogs are social animals so you are encouraged not to leave you furry friend alone for long periods of time. If you have to leave your dog, see if there is someone who can visit during its time alone, or maybe that person could take him/her for a walk or let them out in to a garden for exercise.
If you discover that your dog is causing a noise nuisance by repeatedly barking and whining, then try some of the following suggestions:
Leave at differing times during the day, that way your dog may not be so concerned each time you leave. Don’t make a fuss of your dog before you leave them or return.  
Try putting the dog on its own in another room for a few minutes, then gradually build up the time that you leave your dog alone. Do not return to the dog unless they are quiet for a period of time. Praise your dog when you return.
Some dogs will settle only if they can hear a human voice. Try leaving the radio or the television on at a low volume as company for your pet whilst you are out of the house.
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canadianvc123 · 3 years ago
Importance of Taking Vaccination for Your Pet
A pet makes your life full of companionship and affection. They also reduce our level of stress, sense of loneliness, and help us improve our social activities, and contribute to a child’s self-esteem and emotionally healthy growth. In return, as responsible pet owners, we must ensure that our pets are healthy, fit, receive nutritious food, love, and affection.
Many people share their homes and lives with lovely pets. We need new and better ways of caring for them, as our pets can live longer than before.
Even if the pet appears to be in good health, it may contain dangerous germs that can make us sick. People can contract zoonotic (Zoe-oh-NOT-ic) diseases from animals. Pet owners who do not take their pets to the vet on a regular basis subject their pets to a range of risks.
Well-being for pets is an important part of pet care. If you follow the daily wellness examinations for your pet, you will have a permanent, beneficial effect on their health, longevity, and well-being.
Look at some of the health hazards associated with ownership of many beloved pets.
The Campylobacter bacterium is one of the most common causes of diarrhea. As well as diarrhea, within 2–5 days of exposure to bacteria, infection with Campylobacter, called campylobacteriosis, can cause cramping, abdominal pain, and fever. In several instances, exposures to the tainted animal stool – such as dogs and cats – are caused by exposure to contaminated food – in particular meat and eggs – and water.
The infections of Hookworm in humans generally lead to the skin larva migrans, penetrated by the larvae of hookworm. It leads to an itchy, sometimes painful red eruption.
Toxocariasis is a disease, which leads to the spread of Toxocara — roundworms — to dogs and cats. CDC states that approximately 14 percent of Americans have Toxocara antibodies, suggesting that millions of parasites have been exposed to us.
Rabies is an infectious disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The disease causes exhaustion, headache, and fever caused by a rabies-infected breath until it progresses into severe symptoms, including hallucination, paralysis, insomnia, anxiety, and sweetheart issues. In the next couple of days after acute symptoms, death is usually imminent.
If the owner suspects that an infectious animal has bitten his pet, he must immediately take him to the vet, even if they have been vaccinated. Anyone who suspects that rabid animals have been bitten must seek urgent medical attention at a veterinary clinic in Abu Dhabi.
What should we do to prevent pet-related infections?
Animals to humans can transmit an excess of germs, but there are many possible ways to prevent infections of animals:
Wash your hands – Most animal diseases can be prevented by hygiene. If you come in contact with animals and their saliva or feces, you should wash your hands thoroughly with warm soapy water. The scratch or bite of an animal must also be immediately cleansed.
Cleaning feces – Quickly cleaning the feces of your pet, particularly in areas where children can play – can prevent the disease from spreading to humans and other animals
Avoid scratches and bites – The best way to prevent infections caused by pet bites and scratches is to avoid scratches and bites in the first instance. Clean the wound immediately with wet, soapy water if a cat, dog or other animals bit you. Due to the possibility of rabies or another severe infection, a cat or dog bite may need medical attention.
Regular visits to the veterinarian – Visit a veterinarian frequently to ensure your pet is safe and to avoid infectious diseases, and have your pet vaccination in Dubai and routinely examined. Also, ensure that your pet is up-to-date with the vaccinations needed.
There is a small possibility that their pets will infect someone, particularly if proper precautions are taken. Millions of pet owners cannot in this way enjoy( can’t enjoy this way) their companionship and fun with their pets.
A pet checkup at a veterinary clinic in Abu Dhabi helps keep your pet healthy so that your veterinarian may detect small problems until escalation. Just as daily physical examinations are mandatory for human beings, even our beloved pets are recommended. A pet checkup can prevent serious diseases such as heartworm infection. It can also help to avoid costly bills in the future.
Why is Vaccination Important for Our pets?
In order to safeguard your furry family member, pet vaccination in Dubai is important by generating a protective degree of antibodies to improve immunity to communicable diseases. In basic terms, when our pet is immunized, he or she receives an organism that activates his or her immune system and ‘communicates’ to the organism how these diseases should be dealt with in the future.
Even though no vaccine is 100% effective, specific inoculations will enable your pet to survive or to recover much more quickly if infected. It can be challenging and even overwhelming for pet parents to decide which boosters are best for our animals. The more you are aware of vaccines, and the more easily your cat or dog will receive informed care.
Types of Vaccines
Over the past decade, the technology used in the manufacture of animal vaccines has increased dramatically. In veterinary medicine, the number of vaccines licensed today increases largely because of the need to protect and immunogenicity dogs, cats, and other vaccines from emerging pathogens. However, Therapeutic Biologics’ newly launched veterinary therapies have demonstrated the function of new licensed vaccine types (in particular, cancer) for dogs and cats instead of preventive action.
Following is the list of types of Vaccines:
Attenuated vaccines: Created to stimulate an immune response that is a normal infection (humor and cell-mediated) only without the capacity to generate disease.
The attenuated vaccines, in the absence of a maternal antibody, are highly immunocompromising and are capable of inducing a sustained, defensive immune response at one dose.
The reversal of the reduced vaccine to a virulent disease-producing state with current manufacturing technology is extremely small-to-existent.
Both orally or intranasal approved vaccines have been alleviated. If administered on a mucosal surface, inactivated (killed) vaccines will not immunize.
Inactivated vaccines: These preparations are very stable and incapable of replicating entire-cell viruses or bacteria following administration. Inactivated vaccines are also widely regarded as very healthy.
A minor exception is made (e.g., vaccination against rabies), which needs immunization in 2 to 4 weeks of initial doses of inactivated vaccine. It is recommended that you revaccinate once a year.
Inactivated vaccines, although addressed, may be more likely than other vaccines to be associated with acute adverse effects after immunization. The risk of an acute reaction can increase for small breed dogs receiving multiple levels of an inactivated vaccine in the same consultation.
Excipient proteins, adjuvants, and immunizing antigen sensitization may lead to reactions to hypersensitivity.
Recombinant vaccines:
Recombinant- Selected portions of the pathogen DNA (or RNA) may be segregated and removed from the disease-producing microbe rather than inoculate a complete, attenuated, or inactivated virus or bacteria to induce immunity. The insulated genetic material is then incorporated into the nonpathogenic organism. The recombinant DNA (or RNA) is expressed in the antigen after inoculation, and antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes are processed to cause an immune reaction.
Subunit – It is also possible to recombine DNA with plasmid DNA and inject it into bacteria, resulting in the expression, isolation, and formulation of a pure type of antigen (only). There are no constituent proteins of the pathogenic microbe in Subunit recombinant vaccines.
Chimera- The combination of multiple nucleic acids to generate a polyvalent antigen may create, immunizing antigens (e.g., OspC).
Toxoid vaccines: Toxoid vaccines consist of selected toxins (proteins), which are sufficiently diluted (rendered harmless) and can cause an immune response of a humoral nature (antibody).
In order to cover multiple concurrent initial doses, toxoid vaccines appear to not have an immunity duration equivalent to attenuated viral vaccines. Revaccination (boosters), depending on individual patient risk factors, may be needed several times in a single year.
Therapeutic biologics: Therapeutic biologics are non-traditional vaccines, but they operate through a range of immunological mechanisms aimed at facilitating, rather than preventing, the treatment of specific non-infectious medical conditions, particularly cancer. Therapeutic biologics fall into one of 4 sub-categories:
non-replicating recombinant antigens
monoclonal antibodies
synthetic peptides
nucleic acid-mediated
On the other side, autologous tissue vaccines, which are classified as therapeutic bio-vaccines, create new, patient-unique tissue (tumor) vaccines.
Many vaccines can be prescribed to pets at age 6, so consult your veterinarian at an animal specialist clinic in Dubai about setting up the best vaccination schedule for your cat or dog, kitten, or puppy.
How do you handle these risks as a caring pet parent?
Prepare through studying and research until you visit a veterinarian. List the past vaccinations of your cat or dog and collect medical reports from your former doctor, shelter, or breeder. Your pet’s veterinarian will examine your pet’s lifestyle to decide how much and what vaccines should be taken.
Unlike every animal that is vaccinated in the same way as it is insusceptible to the same risks. By being knowledgeable, you prove that you take your cat or dog’s treatment seriously. Be ready to be optimistic and assertive. The mission of all veterinarians is to avoid over-vaccination of your furry member of the family by carefully assessing the risk of the disease.
At the Canadian Veterinary Clinic, the best animal specialist clinic in Dubai, we value the treatment of our patients with dignity and consideration. Our holistic approach helps pets better recover and experience at the clinic more comfortably
Our dedicated and experienced team of veterinary professionals is always there to take care of the good health of your loving pets. For all operations, from routine checkups to orthopedic procedures and other intensive care treatments, pet owners can be assured that our competitive and knowledgeable doctors treat their lovely pets.
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mcatmemoranda · 6 years ago
I thought this was echinococcus because of the dog. But it's apparently a parasite called toxocara canis, which we never learned about. I still chose the right answer... It's a parasite, just like echinoccocus granulosus; the body's response to parasites is eosinophilia.
A 5-year-old female presents to the clinic for fever and abdominal pain of 3 days duration. Her mother states that they have been going to the dog park daily with their dog. Physical examination reveals right upper quadrant tenderness and hives distributed symmetrically on her extremities and trunk. The symptoms and history suggest that she might be suffering from a zoonotic infection. A CT scan of the abdomen did not reveal any cysts or masses in the patient's liver. An immunoassay for Toxocara excretory-secretory antigen (TES-Ag) detected elevated anti-TES-Ag IgE in the patient's serum. The most common laboratory finding for this patient's current condition is___?
Answer = eosinophilia
This patient has toxocariasis, an infection caused by the dog roundworm Toxocara canis. Although the main clinical manifestations vary depending on the organs infected, the most common characteristic is eosinophilia. A secondary or reactive increase in blood eosinophils, tissue eosinophils, or both is associated with a wide variety of infections, especially helminthic parasites which include the flatworms cestodes and trematodes as well as nematodes (roundworms).
The soil of parks and playgrounds often harbors the eggs of T. canis, and infection may cause a variety of human disease involving the liver, heart, lung, muscle, eye, and brain. The eggs are deposited in the soil through dog feces. The eggs are typically ingested in humans though oral contact with contaminated hands. Once the eggs are ingested, they decorticate in the intestines and the larvae penetrate the bowel wall and migrate through vessels of the human body, often collecting in the muscles, liver, lungs, and sometimes, the eyes or brain. The destination of the larvae will localize symptoms.
There are 3 recognized syndromes caused by this roundworm: covert toxocariasis, visceral larva migrans, and ocular larva migrans. Covert toxocariasis commonly presents in children and includes a mild, febrile illness accompanied by cough or abdominal pain, headaches, and behavioral problems. Pruritic urticaria-like cutaneous lesions, also known as hives, are also a common manifestation. In this patient, the larvae traveled to the liver and caused the abdominal pain and right upper quadrant tenderness.
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