#toxic hotd stans
witchy-v1xen · 3 months
Attention...the toxicity of the hotd fandom is so concerning. I'm being inboxed and called a hypocrite based on my past opinions of the show. First and foremost people are aloud to like and dislike certain characters or grow to like them. It's just a show first and foremost and has no ties to real life history so please stfu.
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unicoreads · 19 days
The fact that there are people out there saying GRRM should shut up about HIS opinion on HIS story, when they always seem to give us their opinions even though we never asked is INFUCKINGSANE!! 💀
First y’all try arguing with the man who CREATED this work of FICTION. Trying to make him wrong about HIS OWN SHIT because YOU can’t handle being wrong or not having your OPINION be right & embraced by the masses is mental 😭
Now y’all are saying my guy George should just stfu & keep his opinion to himself……. Babe I’m going to hold your hand when I said this, take your own advice -We the people would greatly appreciate it 🙂
Also to say he was “unprofessional” when he really wasn’t is the most diabolical way to dick ride Ryan & Sara (who treat us like fucking idiots, let’s be real their writing is so bad & some y’all just eat it up with no complaints like the simpletons they think we are🫤) GRRM could’ve talked shit before the season came out or as it was coming out, that would be unprofessional. Instead he waited till the season was over & it marinated with us all, him included, before stating his thoughts. Y’all love to share y’all thoughts but hate whenever somebody who thinks differently than you says something…..🤨
Another thing PLEASE stop fucking saying he needs to go write the next books, or that he’s doing everything but writing the next books. He doesn’t owe y’all shit, especially after seeing the way y’all are acting right now at this very moment. Just a bunch of ungrateful miserable assholes who love spreading hate onto others 🤦‍♀️ If that man decides to never release those books it HIS RIGHT!!! Being an author and writer is not easy. Writing a book is not easy!! If you think it is, then how about you go & do it 🤔
Go on, wander over to a computer and write a best selling SERIES.
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alicentsaegon · 14 days
Biblically accurate non defanged Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra Targaryen btw
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reignof-fyre · 3 months
I hate team green
Who i don't hate: Rhys Ifans, Olivia Cooke, Tom Glynn-Carney, Ewan Mitchell, Fabian Frankel, Phia Saban, or any other actor who plays a fictional character in team green, because I'm not INSANE
STOP bashing the actors who play loathsome characters. These people are not the bad people we see on screen. They have not committed the crimes Team Green have, nor do they deserve any hate for their BRILLIANT and PHENOMENAL performances in this show.
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vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 5 months
House of The Dragon Hot Take #15
I think it's HILARIOUS how you guys practically got manipulated by Otto Hightower through the screen 😭 Throughout the entire series we see that nothing he did was for the good of anyone but himself but he actively tries to make it seem like it's helping his "family." When he first said that Rhaenyra would have their siblings killed there was literally no reason for him to think that, he was just talking to talk and you guys genuinely believed him ☠ Rhaenyra had no intentions of killing, maiming, or severely injuring ANYBODY especially not her siblings so she could ascend the throne until The Greens drew first blood. You guys shit on Rhaenyra time and time again but she was inherently peaceful. You guys cannot tell me with a straight face you would not go batshit crazy in Rhaenyra's position because I know I would. Even on Driftmark, her anger was still very justified. Now that isn't me condoning what happened to Aemond, but Luke's nose got broken and Jace nearly got his head smacked in with a rock TWICE and then Alicent (A grown woman) tried to go after her 6 year old son with a knife (and if you pay attention to the way the knife was angled it not only would have taken his eye but killed him as well. DETAILS PEOPLE DETAILS !!) And for the people also trying to justify Aemond killing Luke because 6 year old Luke "bullied" him by saying that Luke is seventeen. Luke isn't seventeen. In the show Rhaenyra literally says he is fourteen. Aemond is believed to be between 17 and 20. As much as I love Alicent and Aemond as characters they aren't saints like so many of you try to say they are. Aemond is canonically a psychopath who quite literally cares about his ambitions, revenge, and power. I have said this time and time again. Rhaenyra's anger is justified.
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ladyadaine · 2 months
Daemyra fans need to think back on their life choices. You people are mad because the relationship between uncle and niece is being portrayed as being toxic and problematic, as it should be
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sukibenders · 9 months
Something that still doesn't sit right with me while being a part of the HOTD fandom is how Laena was done so dirty, from being placed as a "second" option for Daemon and having him keep her from returning home, from having her daughters see Driftmark, from seeing her own brother and parents before she died! That added on to the fact of how Daemon just sucked at loving her the way she deserved makes my blood boil. And to make matters worse, to drive the knife further, is during her funeral (added on to him laughing during it, which wasn't appropriate at all no matter the context or what anyone says) where she and her unborn son were only just recently placed at the bottom of the sea, Daemon and Rhaenyra sleep together and then marry each other all within the span of the same episode (don't even get me started on how they went heavy into the romantics of the moment but couldn't even bother to show Daemon be affection with Laena like he was in the books I believe).
And some in the fandom reaction to all this can be such a turn off. Because you can have people, mainly black fans, rightfully call out problems with this plot change, with Rhaenyra and Daemon sleeping together only right after Laena's funeral and will be met with so many heinous responses (a lot in which tie in with centering Rhaenyra and going "oh so you hate her" type beat) and it's so frustrating. That, and how we barely see Daemon interact with his daughters, let alone be affectionate as well as protective over them---that scene where the girls are bruised from a fight and clear in distress and yet Daemon doesn't even move to check on them nor go into a rage at the fact that his daughters were harmed, let alone the fact that his now dead wife's dragon was claimed by another on the day of her funeral. None of that. But will stand protectively by Rhaenyra and her sons' side without second thought. Make it make sense.
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houseofpendragons · 7 months
I literally just got hated on for an old post where I was pointing out that Rhaenyra in this scene:
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Was so smart for using this as a political move. I had previously stated that Alicent did not force Rhaenyra to bring her the child directly after birth, and instead had only requested the baby. Rhaenyra, as a mother refused to be parted from her newborn baby, and instead of taking the back passages that we know she is aware of decides to take the way most out in the open. She is showing people “look at what the queen is forcing me to do” to garner sympathy for possible future allies.
She is a mother refusing to have her child taken from her, and at the same time a political genius for the future events that take place.
The man who asks if she is okay and offers her a favor (I could be wrong about this) but isn’t he the one who pretend to submit to the greens but then tries to run to tell Rhaenyra and we later see him hanging?!?
Instead of trying to see my perspective or politely disagreeing with me and explaining to me you’re perspective I got nothing but hate from people whom I don’t thing even read the full post.
This stuff really makes me want to leave the fandom entirely sometimes. We all like the same FICTIONAL tv show. We can have differing opinions. I for one love to read all the differing perspectives, ideas, and theories. Plz stop ruining it by just being an asshole❤️
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lunamond · 4 months
Outside my doubts about the shows ability to properly handle Daemon's more overt abuse of Rhaenyra of ep10 and season 2, I'm also really excited for the show to actually delve deeper into Daemon and Rhaenyra's dynamic.
One thing that always bothered me about how the show (and parts of the fandom) presented the chocking scene in ep10 is the idea that this abuse is only seen as objectable when it is physically violent and aimed at Rhaenyra.
Daemon has always been unhinged and abusive to everyone, Rhaenyra included. She (and the shippers) has just been unable to recognise it before because she romantasised their relationship and he hadn't been physically abusive yet.
But that doesn't mean the abuse wasn’t happening.
She was well aware that Daemon was capable of brutality and viciousness, that's why she married him. For Rhaenyra, Daemon's violent and chaotic nature was always a symbol of freedom, a enviable and admirable quality that attracted her to him. Any violent/abusive actions he took in front of her had all been removed from their real impact in some way allowing her (and the audience) to distance herself from it.
In ep1 she sees him fighting in a tourney but only hears about his brutality with the city watch. His insults towards Rhea are all directed towards a woman Rhaenyra has never met.
During ep 3 she only ever hears reports and gossips about his war in the Steppstones, she doesn't know about his impulsive beating of the messenger or the murder of Rhea.
The only time she sees him inacting 'real' violence is when he beheads Vaemond and that can easily be justified as protecting her and her sons.
All of these violent tendencies, which should have been massive red flags, were always aimed towards other people with whom, outside of Vaemond, Rhaenyra shared no personal connection. She thought herself excempt from this.
In that way Daemon is like a dragon, Rhaenyra believed she controlled him, but she is now confronted with the fact that this control was merely an illusion.
It is ofc perfectly understandable why Rhaenyra fell into this trap. She has been groomed by him since she was at least 14 years old (another form of abuse that stans refuse to acknowledge).
He treated her differently when she was younger because she looked up to him and did what he wanted, but now that she is queen and she no longer does what he wants so he gets frustrated. Violence and impetulant actions have always been how Daemon expressed his frustrations towards his loved ones. He did the same with Viserys, when he became frustrated with his brother (heir for a day comment, taking over Dragonstone, beating the messenger, etc).
In ep10 he started choking Rheanyra specifically after she brings up her intentions to act with caution by invocing Viserys.
This is upsetting Daemon because this more measured approach is specifically what used to cause his disagreements with Viserys. He thought he had found his match in Rhaenyra. A fellow dragon, who wouldn’t hesitate to rain down fire and blood on anyone who opposed them. But instead he is faced with the realisation that Rhaenyra is very much her father’s daughter. So, he results to violence because that's the only way he knows to deal with his emotions.
I expect that the season 2 scene will happen when Rhaenyra puts her foot down (or at least tries to) and Daemon responds badly again. And as per my previous post, I really hope the show pulls this off without removing Rhaenyra as the driving force in her own war.
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iheartbookbran · 3 months
me on june 13 watching Bridgerton vs me on june 16 watching HOTD
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unicoreads · 20 days
Team Black stans will see the post is clearly TEAM GREEN, tagged and all, yet they’ll bring their bitter asses to the comments looking to start shit 🤦‍♀️
The line between hate & obsession is SOOO thin it almost doesn’t exist lmaooo 💀
(I also want to say, yes this can go both ways, but as of late I’ve seen it mostly from tb to tg, that’s just my experience tho….)
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I’d be the first to admit I can be very biased and stubborn when it comes to characters I relate to, just look at my unapologetic defense of Feanor and his sons, but I’ve never sent anyone death threats and rape threats over them not agreeing with me on my interpretations of a character. Like I don’t exactly like Indis but I’ve never went out of my way to send anon hate to people who love her. I despise Thingol but I can see where he comes from in regard to the Noldor and have never sent any anon hate to people who hate Feanor and his kin.
Most fandoms I’ve been in have had so called “teams” that people root for yet never in my many years in fandom spaces have I seen a fandom as toxic and unwilling to engage in polite discourse as the HoTD fandom. Even the Star Wars fandom with all its media illiteracy doesn’t have the level of hate present in the HoTD fandom.
I’ve made many “controversial” posts about many things in many fandoms yet I’ve never once received death and rape threats over it until I started posting about my opinions regarding HoTD. Even my most controversial Silmarillion posts didn’t warrant any anon hate yet my inbox has been filled to the brink with anon hate regarding my “wrong analysis” within this fandom. Idk if it’s because the demographic of people who are staunchly team black tend to be younger teens and adults who feel like any opinion that attacks their favorites is an attack on them or because the show writers are encouraging the black and white thinking of one side is good and the other side is evil, but it’s quite tiring engaging in this fandom when most people attack anyone who’s opinions don’t align with their own.
Now I’m not saying Team Black Stans are the only one engaging in such uncouth behaviors but the majority of people I’ve seen being bullied off this site have been people who are Team Green or just Alicent Stans.
When did the internet etiquette of don’t like don’t read/block and move on, stop being practiced? It isn’t hard to just scroll down when you see posts you disagree with or just block the account with opinions that you find infuriating. It’s better for everyone’s mental health and internet experience if people just blocked and moved on instead of sending 10 anons in an hour telling me to kill myself or how I should be raped because I happen to enjoy Aegon as a character.
These people aren’t real! Their fictional! I like Feanor because I like him and I find him interesting. It doesn’t mean I want to go out and start killing people to get back stolen property lmao. And just because I enjoy team green far more than team black doesn’t mean I’m going to one day decide that I should start assaulting people. 
And don’t get me started on the people who deliberately go onto correctly tagged posts to start a fight. Why do you want to argue so badly!!!! Join a debate team if you want to argue with people who also want to argue with you! There’s no need for you to scroll through a tag that is going to make you angry just to start a fight. I don’t go into the anti-Jedi tags and start scrolling. I don’t engage in media that upsets me if I can help it. My internet experience is curated to make me happy, and if I know the anti team green tag would make me angry, I don’t go scrolling through it to start arguments with people I’ve never met and will never meet and who’s opinions really don’t mean jack shit to me.
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When thinking about HotD season 2 and the possibility of Alys being introduced, I have two thoughts.
1. I’m already envious of an unannounced character and uncast actress, God clearly had favourites.
2. While saying that, I am not delusional, I know it’s not real, it’s a tv show about dragons where you pick your favourite bad person. The fandom is toxic in some ways, some “fans” (barely want to call them that) can be cruel and disgusting in how they talk about or to actors/characters who don’t fit the narrative they’ve made in their head, just look at how bad the Greens vs Black discussion can get. I am scared to see what happens and how whoever the actress for Alys will be treated, and Nettles when she is also cast. Aemond has polarised fans as it is, with some vehemently hating the character, and some taking the worship toooo far, and the latter are the fans that are going to make saying your a HotD fan uncomfortable come 2024
Just a PSA for everyone to hold on to and remember for 2024: it’s not real; none of the characters are real, they don’t need you to be their ride or die. Actors are turning up, giving their all to a performance as Aemond, or Daemon, or Alicent, or Alys and then going home as themselves, they don’t deserve being attacked by toxic Stan culture just because they signed a contract and put on a wig. Thank you 😘
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idontreallyknow26 · 2 years
I genuinley hate people who can't separate character from actor.
And don't yall be like "It's team green!" "It's team black!" ITS ALL OF YOU
Like the unnecessary hate towards Olivia is disgusting. I know she gets the most of it, and Emma gets lots of transphobic comments too.
It's disgusting. Like you don't have to like the character but leave the actors alone??
Along with that, those weirdos that ask the most dogshit questions at panels. "What would you do if I was Rhaenyra?" What would you do if I smacked you in the head with a shovel?
Anyway the lotr fandom>the asoiaf fandom
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queenvhagar · 23 days
Did you see George’s blog post? I’m glad he’s speaking out against it. He sold the rights to his book just for Ryan to insult him and think he could do it better
I love that he's speaking the truth! He SHOULD be shutting down the "Green propaganda" bullshit and calling out bad writing when he sees it!
My favorite tidbits:
"Queen Helaena, a sweet and gentle soul, is much beloved by the smallfolk of King's Landing. Rhaenyra was not..."
- directly calling out that dumbass riot plotline where the smallfolk adore Rhaenyra and Meleys for starving, terrorizing, and murdering them en masse and throw fish at Alicent and Helaena
- subtle shade at Rhaenyra not being called a queen in the histories
"And there are larger, more toxic butterflies to come, if HOUSE OF THE DRAGON goes ahead with some of the changes being contemplated for season 3 and 4..."
- saying if you keep making dumb changes that undermine the story, characters, and world you WILL have nothing but a meaningless empty mess
And he is 100% right that removing Maelor was a mistake that minimizes the story and the tragedy of the Greens (and he knows it's intentional that the writers actively try to diminish Team Green and prop up Team Black).
HOTD hardcore stans can cope. We do in fact have the authority on the actual story and confirmation from the author that HOTD is a lesser quality adaptation of a good story at this point because of its nonsensical changes.
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a0random0gal · 10 months
Okay fuck it I'm done.
Remember that little rant I had a while ago about Jaehaera? And how she was just a little girl that deserved so much better?
Well today I saw this
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And now there's an even bigger rant incoming.
I'm just flabbergasted, I don't know what to say except are you really this petty?
This person on Twitter commissioned a wonderful portrait of Aegon III's family, which looks great, I really have nothing against the artist, he was just doing his job.
Buut, as that user says
"Note a certain Doll tossed aside on the left next to Aegon😏"
So yes, a team black stan was so mad at the mere suggestion that Daenaera would be cut from the ending of hotd that they commissioned a well known Asoiaf/f&b artist to draw Aegon's family with a little doll to remind us that Jaehaera is dead and thus no longer in the way.
I just have to say...
What is wrong with you? Seriously, I admit I've spent some money on hotd/asoiaf related things out of passion for the story, but I've never gotten to the point of commissioning art to spite people in the fandom that have an opinion I don't agree with.
Also, alright, you don't like the greens, that's fine! We all have our own tastes. But this? It's just sick. Wanting a fictional, traumatized 10 year old girl to be dead so badly you pay people to remind everyone that she's gone is on another level. Cause I firmly believe this was drawn only for that reason,not to actually show a wholesome family portrait.
I'm so done with these people. Do they ever go outside of their mom's basements? Have they ever touched grass? I don't think so, otherwise they'd spend their money for better things than celebrating a child's death.
This is the kind of team black person who will happily watch blood and Cheese happen and cheer when Jaehaeys is decapitated.
The sheer toxicity of this fandom is unbelievable. I genuinely haven't seen this amount of pettyness since the days before the aot ending.
Get a life, seriously.
I got this image from the r/hotdgreens sub on Reddit.
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