#townsquare brick
rawson-butts · 1 year
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Sun Room Large in Atlanta Idea for a large, traditional sunroom with a red floor and brick walls, a brick fireplace, and a skylight.
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ayeitsjennifer · 6 years
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disney366 · 7 years
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Day 2250: They craned in a #HorseDrawnStreetcar, minus the horse, to #Test the #New #Tracks w/ #Brick. #Disney366 @@Disneyland - LOCATION: #TownSquare #MainStreetUSA #Disneyland - DISNEY: #Disneyland366 #Disney2018 #Disneyland2018 #DisneyTime #TheYearToBeHere #GetMoreHappy #Disney #DisneySide #JustGotHappier #HappiestPlaceOnEarth - EQUIPMENT & APPS: @SamsungMobileUSA @SamsungMobile @SamsungUSA - #Samsung #Note5 @OtterBox - #TeamOtterBox  @Anker_Official - #PowerOn  @PhotoGridOrg - #PhotoGrid - TEAM SUPPORT: @ABC7LA - #ABC7EyeWitness  @VisitAnaheim - #VisitAnaheim - SEASONAL: - IMAGE: #Photography #Attraction #Streetcar #PhotoOp (at Town square @ Disneyland)
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
Hi! If that's okay can i request Asra with a psychic apprentiece/MC? I have lots of ideas but not the skills tro write them hdjshsis
Took me a second to realize you said Psychic (As in see’s the future) and not Psychotic as in; Insane. Haha! Bid dumb on my part. Anyway—
It’s completely unedited, my wrist hurt to much from writing.
Main Six With A Psychic MC
You had a vivid nightmare one night— Nadia was ubducted by men in theif clothing. When you woke up you sat there for a moment before shrugging the dream off, after all who doesn’t have nightmares of loosing their loved ones? You continued the day and forgot about it.
That is until Nadia mentioned going into town for some fresh air, this was normal, every once in a while she’d feel smithed by the constant aid of her staff at her beck and call so she’d escape to see her beautiful city.
However something didn’t sit right with you, you tried giving her every reason under the sun for her not to go out— all ranging from “If you want some fresh air we could go outside and have a picknik.” To the extreme “Nadia! I don’t think you should go out in your condition, you look pale!”
All of which Nadia gave simple resatlutions to. “well we could but alternatively we could dine at some of the little rest runts you’ve told me about by dear.” “What are you going on about?? I feel fine, i look fine— Why don’t you want me to go into town??”
YOu broke down and told her about the dream and the sinking feelings. Magic was magic— it worked in very mysterious ways, after all she herself wasn’t a stranger to visions. She thought it over, if this dream was indeed a vision she couldn’t let the insueing crime go unpunished so she made a proposition. “We‘ll go out for dinner but we’ll go he other route into town. I’ll send a decoy carriage thats exsacly how you describe on the route you had in your dream. If anything happens the guards in the carriage will handle it and we’ll still have a lovely day out.” She hummed happily. YOu agreed and had your date. Needless to say you were right and the decoy was attacked— the men were captured.
Nadia takes strange feelings and weird dreams very seriously. She knows you’d never cry wolf on her safety— even if your just worried.
Now that you were back in his life he was so very happy!
He knew when he started teaching you about magic again that you had deffinately gotten stronger— His thoughts confirmed when you defeated the devil something no one had ever done before. However he never suspected psychic abilities to be added to the list.
You started having very vivid dreams, it started with just little small weird ones you’d mentioned here and there. Asra took it as merely a coincidence that the baker would be out of his famous pumpkin bread after you mentioned earlier that morning something along the lines of “Hey i had the weirdest dream! The baker ran out of pumpkin bread, he never runs out of pumpkin bread... Maybe i was dreaming about that because WE’VE run out of pumkin bread— which by the way could you be a dear and get some while your out??”
Then it wasn’t just dreams. While walking around the market with Nadia— Nadia exscused herself to go look at something she figured you and Asra weren’t interested in so she’d do it by herself. However you insisted that you and Asra join her because it was the ‘friendly thing to do.’ The three of you were jumped in an assasination attempt on Nadia— the only way it was avoided was because the two most powerful magicians happened to be there at her side, When Nadia asked how you knew to insist on coming with her to keep her safe you simply put; “I had a feeling...”
Asra pieced the prices together. It was never mentioned but you and your group of friends all siliently acknolaged the fact you were psychic and they took your vivid dreams or sudden feelings serious.
Julian was awoken one night from your loud whimpers. When he rolled over he saw you grasping at your pillow and drenched in a cold sweat. Just as he was about to shake you awake your eyes snapped open and filled with tears. “Darling— Darling what happened? It’s okay, its okay, okay?” Julian was just about as frantic as you were when you hugged him.
You describe your horriable nightmare; Julian was in an alley not to far from the rowdy raven, the alley was so small that with his legs laying stretched out in front of him his foot laid flat against the wall he faced, he was putting pressure on a gash in his abdomen. Julian sat there groggily laying his head against the brick wall he was propped up against. You knew that, though the bar was close, it wasn’t close enough for him to walk at the rate he was bleeding and the place you both shared was even further.
Julain hugged you tightly while quietly comforting you. In his mind he chocked it up to the memory of when he saved you from the vampire eel’s in the alley way, the memory turning itself into a nasty nightmare retelling for your own torture. He hated that you had to deal with that, Just as he was about to suggest getting up for the day so you didn’t have to go back to sleep and risk having another nightmare (A habit he had picked up from those sleepless nights he had before he met you) He noticed your quiet whimpers had stoped— replaced by a soft snore. He smiled and laid you down before snuggling next to you. You held onto his hand like a lifeline while you slept. (He stayed awake a little longer to make sure you weren’t going to have another nightmare.)
A few nights later Julian grabbed his jacket with a sigh off the hanger. It was like a weekly ritual that he’d go to the Rowdy Raven to have fun before coming back to a romantic bath with you however tonight he looked less then ecstatic when he pulled on his leather jacket. You and him weren’t fighting really, more like arguing. You didn’t want to go because of the dream you had nights before— However Julian being the ever educated man he is he firmly believed that it was just a normal bad memory twisting itself into a nightmare. “Julian, It was different though! You didn’t have the mark, you weren’t wet from the drain, it wasn’t even the same alley or even the place on your body as the eel bite—“ You continued on in a frustrated manner as you followed him. You’d been following him to get him to change his mind ever since he got up that morning. Julian tuned around quickly to you. “Darling!” Julian exclaimed loudly to get your attention all while letting a little anger slip into his tone, this quickly quieted you since he never normally yelled especially at you. He let out an exsasperated sigh as he cupped your face gently with his hands. “There’s no way a person can predict the future, I’ll be fine, it was just a bad dream and your just getting worried over it. Now— I love you, i swear I do, and I promise I’ll be careful.” Julian reasoned softly before he gave you a quick kiss to your lips. When he pulled away and you still looked worried, possiably even more so, he frowned a little. “A-And, If I’m not back by 11 on the dot you have my full permission to send the Calvary after me to drag me home.” He smiled a little as if to coax you to a smile as well. “Okay.” You mumbled while a soft smile played on your lips.
He hadn’t even been gone but half an hour when that nagging feeling of danger came creeping up your neck yet again. For the first five minutes or so you tried to shake it off as you just being worried but when it didn’t budge you took Asra’s advice; “If you ever have a feeling, don’t ignore it.” So you headed out the raven. Along the way you came upon a familiar place, on familiar cause you’d been there before but familiar because you’d SEEN it somewhere. Your dream, the particular spot you were standing on was just in the foreground of your dream, it was just as lifeless as in the vision. You started looking for the alley way until you found it, you peeked into it to see just what you’d seen in your nightmare. Julian streatched out across the alley way, granted he wasn’t as groggy or bloody as you remember— maybe you’d gotten there sooner then in your dream? He grunted softly while pressing onto the wound, his voice startled you out of your thoughts. Honestly he wasn’t too surprised to see you when you ran over to him to help heal him. That you could do. “How’d this even happen!?” You snapped at him, “Being overly heroic.” Julian laughed out through the pain, he could tell you were mad that he hadn’t taken you seriously.
Now at home, all cleaned up and healed, Julian Devorak set’s out to apologize by making you feel like you’ve gone to heaven. He makes a mental note that not everybody is as paranoid as him and that when you say somethings off he should most deffinately take your word for it.
You and Muriel were out in town with your friends. Everything was going smoothly— well as smoothly as normal with Julian trying desperately to befriend Muriel, Nadia who wanted to do so many things ranging from walking in townsquar to having dinner despite Muriel wanting to go home. Asra constantly stopping at every stall that caught his eye or roped in by a salesman when he himself knew Muriel hated being in the VERY public stalls. However what made all of this bareable was you who held his hand tightly and periodically checked in on him or helped him out by steering everyone away from certain things or distracting Julian. Well that and the fact that this only happened once in a blue moon. Sure he’d come out with you to get the things they didn’t have at home or to visit Asra but the whole group only ever came out to town together once a month since everyone was always so busy.
everything was normal, Muriel trudged behind everyone with you beside him, or at least you were beside him until you came to a dead stop. While everyone else continued their meaningless banter Muriel turned to see what had caught you eye, only to see you staring blankly forward. “(Y/n)?? ...Can you hear me?” Muriel asked as he waved a hand in front of your face. This was new, you’d never done anything like this before or even remotely similar. Suddenly you blinked and looked around as if you didn’t know where you had been. Asra picked up on the strange feeling and turned to see what was up, this gained Nadia and Julians attention as well. “Hey what’s up?” Julian asked with a raised brow as him and the rest closed in on you.
Your features flooded with fear, “Something bad’s going to happen...” You said quietly, “What? Like you have a bad feeling??” Julian asked, You shook your head. “You.. You saw something?” Asra questioned further, you nodded harshly. ��what’d you see?” Nadia asked curiously. Your eyebrows knitted together in concentration before you finally formed an answer; “Fire and... Feathers?” You questioned yourself as you thought back on your vision. Muriel stayed out of the conversation while your freinds asked more questions you couldn’t give straight answers for, you looked up when he felt something splash him. The sky was getting dark, not from nightfall but from a very dark cloud. Before he could even draw attention to it a loud roll of thunder downpour of water did it for him.
Suddenly the pieces clicked in your head when the sky flashed white. “Oh gods! The hut! We have to get home!!” You exclaimed, muriel and Asra seemed to come to the same conclusion you did as evident when you three took off towards the forest in the heavy rain. Nadia stayed behind to call for a carriage but julian followed as well cluelessly.
Just as most of you suspected; when you reached the hut everything was engulfed in flames due to lightening from the first rain of the dry season striking the dry leaves. IT was impossiable to put out a fire this size so you all settled on looking for the chickens and Inanna
LUckily the hunt was finished quickly when Muriel called for her, she answered back quickly. Julian found her hiding under a damp bush to hide from the fire— along with her was the baby chicks and two chickens. It was a small portion of the chickens you and Muriel had but apparently it was all she could save from the chicken hut that was also engulfed in flames. Inanna was burned but the chickens all seemed fine. Muriel carried the large wolf carefully, you carried all the baby chicks, and Julian carried the two hens out of the forest to safety. Nadia was waiting at the forest edge with a big carriage for all of you to get into.
Nadia took everyone back to the palace for the night. You felt horriable about Muriels hut but he didn’t;t seem to mind all the much. To keep your mind off it everyone talked about how crazy it was you had a vison. “Yeah... I feel bad— maybe if i had pieced it together faster we could have saved the hut.” You frowned. “...It’s fine... You can;t stop lightning, If it wasn’t for you the chickens and Inanna wouldn’t have made it out. “ Muriel said quietly from where he sat in the big room. “But aren’t you a little upset about all your stuff?” You questioned. Muriel blushed and shook his head— He wouldn’t ever say it out loud, but as long as you and the animals were okay thats all he cared about.
Portia teased you for having a ‘psychic’ ability when she noticed you’d alway steer her out of danger or move a specific chair so she wouldn’t bump into it later that day. You played it off as you just cleaning up and knowing her well enough to know when she was about to hit something or fall over something.
One day portia was cleaning Lucio’s wing with the other servants. You had been Nadia and Asra all day. POrtia was carrying a big stack of laundry down the stairs, she slipped on one of the last steps only to be caught by you. “Hey!... wait, what are you doing here?” She asked while looking up at you. “Ah well...” You smiled, “They insisted on coming this way.” Asra hummed.
Portias eyes sparkled as she gasped, you knew what was coming. “So you ARE psychic!!!” Portia laughed, “No i just.. I just wanted to go this way and i saw you carrying that hazard.” You made up some exscuse. POrtia didn’t believe it though.
For the next few days she would follow you around secretly.
She found out that you not only protected her from danger but the rest of your freinds as well. Stopping them before a servant with a stack of clothes came around the corner suddenly, telling them it’d be better to stay and have tea with the rest instead of going to the rowdy raven, even going as far as to hide muriel and Julian when Lucio would pop into the room randomly while looking for one of them for some stupid matter. But none of this was ample cause to accuse you of lying to her about not being psychic.
In defeat she sat by the fountain one evening. “Your looking rather down for soemone who’s naturally bouncing off the walls.” Asra’s voice hummed. “Ive been trying to catch (y/n) doing their psychic thing so they’d finally tell me but so far its not really working out...” Portia sighed, asra sat on the fountain with a smile. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, They are.” Asra hummed, Portia shot up. “I KNEW IT!! But why did they lie??” She exclaimed then questioned. “Well, they don’t like people to know. If everyone knew then they’d be coming to them all over for stupid reasons and they’d be cautious over everything.” Asra explained, “buuut the rest of the group knows.” She huffed, “Yes... But not because they told them. Because of experience and because they come to me and I tell them. (Y/n) Doesn’t know they know.” Asra said softly. Portia thought for a moment before thanking him and continuing with her day.
She doesn’t let you know that she knows and she doesn’t push the subject anymore. It’s just like a silient acknolagment.
Lucio loved magic, especially your magic! But he had to admit— Being able to tell the future just seemed a little impossiable but he did trust you.
So when you told him you didn’t want him out because of a bad feeling you had he laughed and shrugged it off by pridefully saying “Your just being a worry wart my dove! Or perhaps your jealous I’ll pick up some escort?? No need to fear my love, i love you and you only.” Lucio smirked playfully. You seemed agitated that he dismissed it so easily, this hadn’t been the first time he’d ignored your feelings like this.
Normally he blamed it on a coincidence, bad timing, you over heard it while you were half asleep. BUt that didn’t mean bad things still didn’t happen.
And even now when you were so advently telling him not to go— Ha! You telling the count what to do?! The mere thought of being bossed around, even for safety, made his blood boil.
YOu were both angry when he left to do what he pleased. even so, the thought of you being so concerned for his wellbeing that you’d start fighting with him was really off putting for Lucio... He took a sword if not to just calm his worries you’d put in his head.
“someone’s going to kill you! Why don’t you just listen to me damn it!?” Your voice creeped into his mind as he walked in the dark. “You were walking down the main street.” You tried remembering exactly everything you said as he walked the path you mentioned. You couldn’t possiably know what was going to happen! He refused to believe he’d just had a fight for no reason. “There was a loud click and a machine— one I’ve never seen before. It could fit in your hand and shot something like an arrow but small.” Thats just Crazy!
Lucio heard it like a bell in a quiet room, maybe it wasn’t so crazy. “It hit you in the head.” Lucio remember your quivering voice as if you had scene it first hand.
His metal arm flew in front of his face just before a bang similar to a firework went off followed by a loud THINK as the bullet from the shadows ricocheted off Lucio’s golden arm.
He’d be damned it he died like this.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
New Jersey's Most Popular Attraction
New Jersey’s Most Popular Attraction
We have a ton of great attractions here in New Jersey, but a major publication has named one in particular as the most popular one here in the Garden State. Brick Beach III(Jen Ursillo, Townsquare Media NJ) We just came off an amazing summer, so great Garden State attractions are fresh in our minds. There seems to be one everywhere we turn. Let’s start by telling you which big attractions…
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secretsuitpanda · 3 years
the nameless king ( a short story )
Beyond five seas and seven mountain ranges, there once lived a King.
And since he was a king, he had a generic kingdom and stereotypical riches and armies, all at his command.
The King seemed to have everything, except a name. Everyone in his kingdom had a name, but he didn't.
And although he seemed content, he was deeply upset that he was a Name-less King.
So one sunny day, he declared a contest, that he will reward 100 kilograms of gold from the royal treasury to anyone who comes up with a name befitting for himself. The reward was very huge enough to feed his kingdom for thirty years. And with such an enticing reward, many people from different places arrived at his court with countless names, but none were successful in impressing the King.
In the end, to find a worthy name, he decided to venture out himself.
He rode his horse out in a black robe to disguise himself. He trotted his horse through the palace and the Noble estates.
He tried to find his name in the soft smell of the flower gardens, the tumultuous sound of the clear water stream, the grunts of the golden deers that roamed in the estate. He deeply enjoyed the environment, but could not find an inspiration for his name. And soon he reached the exit gates of Inner District.
As he passed through the gate, his nose sensed a foul pungent smell. His eyes teared up due to smoke and soot. Wherever he laid upon his eyes, he saw broken huts, dismembered corpses lying in the street, and children skinnier than twigs, carry bricks on their head.
Accustomed to the lavish environment of the royal palace. the King could not handle the gut wrenching scene of this new environment. He got down from his horse, he fell on his weak knees and started vomiting. The smoke brought out more tears in his eyes, or perhaps the tears were from his heart.
"Are you okay ?"
He heard a faint voice, he looked up.
It was a child, with a pile of bricks rested on his head.
In a graceful manner, the child's feeble hands extended a bottled gourd.
"Here have some water. "
The King kept staring at the child's dark eyes.
"Its okay, there is no shame in vomiting. Although its a bit funny", the child chuckled, "Now hurry up, drink some water or else your tummy will get upset."
The King accepted the bottled gourd, took a little sip and thanked the child. Even with a mountain of shame and guilt on his shoulders, the King managed get up on his horse and headed straight back to the palace.
Next day, he annulled the contest and decided to spent the all 100 kilograms of gold on public welfare. All the ministers and nobles in the court were against such a decision, but the King had made up his mind. When the news reached the public, the people were beyond joyful. That night, they feasted on bread, beer and meat. For the first time in years, people were happily singing and dancing in the townsquare. And that night the people made a plan.
To show their gratitude towards their king, they decided to built a statue. Stone Masons, Labours and Marble Artists from throughout the kingdom came together to build the statue. It took them three months to built a grand a 10 feet tall statue, mounted on a pedestal made out of marble.
And on the pedestal they inscribed,
"Here stands our benevolent the ruler : The Kind King"
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haulix · 7 years
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New openings (November 20, 2017)
Marketing Assistant (Live Nation - NYC) 
The Marketing Assistant will provide a full range of administrative support to our creative department in a fun and demanding environment, including scheduling meetings, maintaining calendars, making travel arrangements, processing expense reports and assisting with special projects. 
Assistant, Urban Promotions (WMG - NYC) 
As the Assistant to the EVP of Promotions, this individual will enhance the effectiveness of the EVP by providing exceptional administrative, project, and research support. This individual must be detail oriented and proactive with an ability to anticipate the needs of the EVP. This includes providing necessary information and reports in a timely fashion, drafting letters and documents, gaining necessary approval/signatures on invoices and clerical pieces, booking the travel of the EVP, maintaining the department calendar, scheduling meetings and answering/screening calls. At times the Promotions Assistant will also be called upon to assist the field staff and other members of the national staff.
KROQ Assistant Program Director/Music Director (CBS - Los Angeles) 
Are you a successful alt rock guru with the ear, the contacts and the passion to break new, exciting modern music to the masses? The World Famous KROQ has a rare opportunity to work with the BEST talent, bands, programmers, production folk and marketers as APD/MD! YES, THAT KROQ - home of Kevin & Bean, amazing live events like KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas and Weenie Roast and SoCal’s best new music is looking for a solid APD/MD with a proven track record in alt rock to join the band! 5+ years exp. as APD with minimum 2 years exp. scheduling music. MUST be DOWN with the format, the culture, the vibe, self-motivation, and major determination!
Digital Marketing Assistant (Sight + Sound Gallery - Atlanta, GA) 
Sight+Sound Gallery is a boutique gallery specializing in 2-channel audio, while offering a wide selection of solutions for computer and personal audio, music servers, streaming devices, and home theater and automation. We consult, design, install, and program systems, providing a holistic experience to address any need. We operate as both a brick and mortar store and an online retailer. Our mission is to turn your house into a home through the medium of Sight+Sound. Sight+Sound Gallery is seeking a Digital Marketing Assistant to assist with gallery operations in-store and online. This role would be part-time at 25 -30 hours/week, and is based in Atlanta, GA in the heart of midtown. 
Music Programmer (Mood Media - Fort Mill, SC) 
Mood Media is seeking a Music Programmer to join our growing National team in Charlotte, NC . This creative role will conceptualize and manage branded music experiences and programs for national corporate clients and consumer offerings, keep abreast of music trends, and coordinate client relations.
A Music Programmer is responsible for choosing music to capture the essence of a brand, experience design concept or consumer target. Candidate must have a background in creating brand or consumer experiences with Music. As a result, the ideal candidate will need to have a creatively focused background, having worked within media or a creative agency (radio, television, new media, advertising, design). While they must ultimately demonstrate significant creativity in the job, he/she must also demonstrate discipline and a strong corporate acumen, as they will regularly interact with a variety of brands across multiple industries. A Music Programmer for Mood Media must also demonstrate a multi-dimensional relationship with Music, either as a musician, a DJ, a producer or promoter in addition to the required experience.
Partner Marketing Specialist (Apple Music - Santa Clara Valley, CA) 
Apple seeks Partner Marketing Specialist to aid in management and growth of the Apple Music affiliate program. This person will work closely with the Global Affiliate Manager in the on-boarding, monitoring and reporting of partners to ensure compliance with program requirements and brand guidelines. The position is focused on Apple Music, but also requires oversight of the iTunes, App Store, iBooks and Mac App Store affiliate programs.
Marketing Coordinator, Wings Event Center (Greenleaf Hospitality - Kalamazoo, MI)  
What You’ll Be Doing
Develop marketing and promotional plans for events including radio, television, print, outdoor, grassroots and online marketing efforts
Execute promotional efforts on site at events
Manage marketing budget for shows
Work on events with capacities ranging from 100 to 5,000 people
Work as a part of a collaborative team made up of personnel in management, booking, marketing, ticketing, operations, graphic design, and production
Engage in active dialogue with agents and artist management
Maintain relationships with promotions directors, sales representatives, and various media personnel
Produce creative and engaging advertising materials
Analysis of customer research, current market conditions and competitor information
Manage the productivity of the marketing plans and projects
Monitor, review and report on all marketing activity and results
Identify, interpret and capitalize on social media trends
Plan, manage, coordinate and execute all social media programs and initiatives
Creation and maintenance of the websites
Coordinate and execute marketing and promotion meetings
Promotions Coordinator (TownSquare Media - Fort Collins, CO) 
The Promotions Coordinator is the driving force behind organizing and coordinating promotional events, arranging on-air contests, creating/executing sales programs, organizing and distributing contesting prizes, and coordinating promotional on-air activity. They will work across multiple departments including programming, sales, and live events. The Promotions Coordinator reports directly to the Market President, but also works directly on a day-to-day basis with the Operations Manager and Director of Sales. 
Partnerships And Licensing Coordinator (2K Publishing - Novato, CA) 
If you join our team, you’ll have the opportunity to work with the biggest brands in entertainment. You’ll work closely with all stakeholders to assist with in-game asset review and approvals for brands such as Nike and Gatorade, present new games to Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, and be involved in the preparation and execution of strategic partnerships. We need someone who can juggle all this while remaining organized and comfortable in a fast-paced and constantly evolving environment.
Executive Assistant, Digital Music (Amazon - Seattle) 
Envision being able to leverage the resources of a Fortune-500 company within the atmosphere of a start-up. At Amazon Music, we are building the world’s best music service, with Alexa as your personal DJ. The future of music is here. Now. A unique opportunity is available to support the VP of Marketing for Amazon Music in Seattle. You will partner with the existing admin team to offer comprehensive support for a highly-distributed global organization. Heavy calendar management, travel coordination, event planning, large internal team meetings and communication, leadership meetings, and project reviews are all key aspects to this role. The role requires strong, concise communication skills and poise and composure. This role demands a strong sense of urgency and the ability to work independently on assignments and demonstrate sound judgment. The right candidate will have a strong bias for action and the ability to multi-task a large volume of tasks. A high level of integrity and discretion in handling confidential information and professionalism in dealing with senior professionals inside and outside the company is imperative.
Content Director (Alpha Media - East Texas) 
Alpha Media – East Texas is seeking Content Director who will be responsible for managing the strategy and execution of the station brand and increasing audience engagement. The Content Director is ultimately responsible for the quality of the product of the station and, by extension, for protecting the station licenses. The Content Director supports the Market Manager and the General Sales Managers in driving revenue growth while developing and maintaining a market’s stations brand and identity.  The Content Director, formally known as the Program Director, is a member of the management team and role models the values and operating principles of programming staff and broader market employees.
Promotions Coordinator (CBS - Detroit)
98.7 AMP Radio Detroit is looking for energetic event team members who love to interact with listeners. Must be responsible, timely and able to set up and break down station equipment. Love of top 40 music, knowledge of pop culture, and a great attitude are a must!
Marketing Coordinator, Promotions and Partnerships (LA Philharmonic - Los Angeles) 
Assist Assistant Director, Marketing, with planning, execution and tracking of promotional programs for both Walt Disney Concert Hall and Hollywood Bowl seasons.
Associate Music Supervisor (TouchTunes/PlayNetwork - Redmond, WA) 
Our mid-level apprentice position for Music Services is designed to help support the team of Music Supervisors. This position is multi-faceted with duties ranging from administrative support to music cataloguing to Music Supervision of mid-level accounts.
Account Director, Music (The Marketing Arm - Chicago)
The Marketing Arm is seeking a proven, dynamic Account Director to guide the Music work for one of the agency’s largest clients. The newly created position requires a powerful combination of leadership skills that can guide a multi-dimensional team; experience with multi-channel, consumer-centric marketing and a personal interest in Music. The Account Director will be the strategic liaison for clients, internal teams and partner agencies while also supervising multi-channel engagement execution. Candidate must be a creative and strategic thought leader with the ability to deliver integrated thinking; demonstrate a positive, do-what-it-takes attitude; be a natural connector who develops strong relationships among various groups, and anticipate and solve problems while being highly organized. 
Influence Content Coordinator (Branded Entertainment Network - Sherman Oaks, CA) 
The company has an immediate opening for an Influencer Content Coordinator. The ideal candidate has a passion for social media and understands the unique driving trends to support BEN from many differing business perspectives. The primary focus will be to help add, revise, monitor and maintain data for BEN related social media influencer content projects.
This position requires an in-depth understanding of the social media influencer space to help support internal and external clients. The coordinator works collaboratively with internal teams to maintain and improve BEN’s ever evolving influencer business and market needs. Due to the high dependency on this role, and associated content entry/modification work, acute attention to detail is imperative.
On a day to day basis, the coordinator works with BEN’s Client Services, Content, Influencer and Product teams supporting and expanding key business needs and passionately pursuing industry trends and insights to further solidify BEN’s position as an industry leader.
Traffic Coordinator (Westwood One - Culver City, CA) 
Westwood One | Culver City is looking for an entry level, full-time Traffic Coordinator in the Traffic Department. Applicants must have a strong ability to successfully troubleshoot issues, be extremely detail oriented, and have excellent communication and data entry skills. The position works closely with the Westwood One sales, marketing, and production departments, network radio producers, stations, agencies and clients.
Associate Producer (Disney - California)
The Associate Producer will be responsible for supporting the review and approval of interactive products that incorporate Lucasfilm IP, such as Star Wars film and television properties, across all digital platforms, including but not limited to: Mobile (iOS, Android, Windows), Console (Sony PS3/PS4, Microsoft Xbox 360/One, Nintendo Wii U), Handheld Gaming Devices (Nintendo DS/3DS, Sony PSP/Vita), PC/Mac, and physical arcade units. The Associate Producer may serve as lead on a small slate of products in development and/or live products, under the supervision of a Producer, partnering with internal and external partners to deliver innovative, high quality/brand-enhancing products.
Culture Marketing Manager (Red Bull - San Francisco)
The Culture Marketing Manager (CMM) drives the development and execution of regional culture-focused marketing initiatives (e.g. music, art, dance, fashion, film and social innovation initiatives). Through events, artists, and influencers, the CMM builds local and regional brand affinity while paying into Red Bull’s global strategies.
Older posts (7+ Days)
Creative Operations Coordinator (Pandora - Oakland)
As a Creative Operations Coordinator, you will play a critical role in the Creative Organization by working to effectively streamline the daily workflow of design, audio and photography projects for marketing, brand, sales and internal initiatives at Pandora. You must demonstrate excellent skills in communication, organization, project coordination, and critical thinking, and thrive in a fast-paced environment with multiple projects and demanding deadlines. We are looking to develop our Creative Operations team within the Creative Organization and your role will be crucial in our future growth and success. This job is located at our Oakland, CA office.
CRM & Social Media Manager (Sony Music Latin - Coconut Grove, FL)
Sony Music Latin is looking for a bright and dynamic person who lives and breathes digital marketing and is passionate about music. The CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) & Social Media Manager will implement the digital marketing strategy of Sony Music Latin (SML) and its artist roster, developing awareness and encouraging engagement and conversion.
Marketing Director (Springfield Symphony Orchestra - Springfield, MA)
The Springfield Symphony Orchestra is seeking a Marketing Director. This is a salaried, full-time position, reporting to the Executive Director. Duties include:
Marketing Management
Implement all aspects of season subscription and renewal campaigns, including direct mail and telemarketing. Oversee the acquisition of prospect lists and production of all campaign materials.
Write copy and work with designers and media vendors to produce all marketing and development materials, including season brochures, advertisements, concert program books, website, other print material, and social media content.
Work with the box office and sales director to plan and implement single ticket sales campaign, including the design and placement of print and electronic advertising and special promotions.
Provides ongoing analysis of ticket sales and subscription trends.
Conduct audience and market research as needed; develop strategies based on survey analysis.
Monitor budget of all marketing efforts, making adjustments as necessary to meet goals as determined with the Executive Director.
Report to Executive Director on progress of all ticket sales campaigns; provide other reports and public communications as requested.
Recommend marketing policies and promotion strategies to the Executive Director with the goal of reaching new audiences for the orchestra.
Work with committees to create and execute audience development initiatives.
Music & Creative Arts Manager (Salvation Army - Ohio)
The Music and Creative Arts Manager will serve as part of the Corps and Kroc Center ministry.  They will function in a team environment and be a role model to both youth and adults.  They will invest in lives by developing a high level musical and authentic worship ministry.  In conjunction, they will keep as a priority, the spiritual nurturing of each individual in their ministry; promoting the Christian faith and values in keeping with the Mission of The Salvation Army.
Social Media Coordinator (Sinclair Broadcast Group - Seattle)
Sinclair Media of Seattle, LLC owns and operates KOMO-TV and its digital properties in Seattle, WA. KOMO TV is looking for a Social Media Coordinator with a passion for writing and publishing our news content on all social media platforms. This person will oversee all our social accounts, website, and work closely with talent, sales, and the web team to reach digital goals and enhance social media presence.
Audience Development Manager (St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Society - St. Paul, MN)
The Audience Development Manager manages all young audience development and diversity efforts, including the club2030 program and the New Generation Initiative. Manages all marketing efforts for concerts geared toward young and diverse audiences, including the Free Family Music Series, concerts at the Capri Theater, concerts at Humboldt High School, the Liquid Music Series, SPCO at Series and special happy hour concerts. Manages the marketing relationship with the Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (GTCYS).
Manager, Artist Program Development (Pandora - Oakland, CA)
The Manager, Artist Programs role will collaborate with internal teams to create culturally relevant, first-of-a-kind artist programs that fulfill strategic business objectives for Pandora. You are able to take concepts and ideas, develop into creative briefs and programs, deliver to project managers and oversee for execution.  This role is also an experienced, strategic media planner and uses this skill to ensure campaigns meet Pandora’s strategic business KPIs.
Creative Marketing Coordinator (Disney - Burbank, CA)
The Marketing Coordinator will support three Creative Directors, and in turn a stable of producers and editors in the development, production and distribution of video promotion materials across air, social and digital platforms. The coordinator will work closely with the team to track and QC final deliverables, assist in communicating with and fielding requests from other departments and serve as back-up, when needed, to other Coordinators.
Marketing Associate (UMG - Santa Monica, CA)
We are looking for a Marketing Associate to initiate, plan and coordinate all aspects of Marketing Campaigns for upcoming releases to designated artist, predominantly within the pop and EDM catalogues. This position will work across labels within the UMG umbrella.
Creative Director (Fender - Los Angeles)
As Creative Director, you will help lead the development and execution of multi-channel and multi-platform creative concepts, branding, design and messaging strategies, to drive growth and adoption of the Fender Digital products and services across all consumer touch–points. This includes everything from advertising, digital and email, to experiential, retail, packaging, partnerships and new channels/formats. As a member of the global Fender brand marketing team, you will also support the integration of Fender’s global marketing campaigns and brand messaging for its core product offering, in line with global brand marketing and brand design guidelines. This position requires a blend of excellent digital and creative skills, the ability to visually interpret complex issues, internalize and react to data and customer behavior, experience managing people and an interest in strategy and a passion for advancing significant ideas and causes. A robust background in digital product marketing is a must.
Marketing Manager (Soundstripe - Nashville)
We are looking for a unique individual that possess both left-right brain super-powers! The Soundstripe Marketing Manager is a visionary storyteller with and an expert at internet marketing. You will be working with our Director of Marketing to deliver engaging content to our member community, grow our online marketing channels, manage social media, and work with 3rd party vendors on creative content projects. Soundstripe is growing FAST and we need someone who is not afraid to learn new things, execute on new strategies, manage people/resources, and be a part of creating the strategic vision for the marketing department.
Social Media / Digital Account Coordinator (US Media International)
US Media International is seeking a Social Media/Digital Account Coordinator in our Boca Raton offices. Our diverse client list includes recognizable brands that are leaders within their industries. We are looking for a Social Media/Account Service Coordinator to be the liaison between the client and the internal agency team to support the development, implementation, monitoring & reporting of social media & digital campaigns for key client accounts.
Talent and Entertainment Coordinator (Chicago Bears - Lake Forest, IL)
The Chicago Bears are looking to add a Talent & Entertainment Coordinator to our team.   This person will be responsible for the coordination of the department’s talent programs (Drumline, Street Team, and Mascot Program), as well as planning and execution of event and game entertainment programming.
Live Events & Promotions Manager (Townsquare Media - Kalamazoo, MI)
The Live Events & Promotions Manager will be the point person for all aspects of Townsquare’s live events business in Southwest Michigan and will be involved in all aspects of each show/event. The person will also be involved in the organization and execution of promotions across all (6) six brands.
Manager Agency Marketing (Pandora - NYC)
The Agency Marketing Manager is pivotal to the success of this rapidly growing company thriving in the mobile, radio and digital space. The ideal candidate is ambitious and seeks a challenging work environment.
As a service team to a world-class sales organization, this marketer must have a “sales lens”, a hunger for data and a forward-thinking mindset.  In addition to strategic foresight, s/he must be able to execute on an array of projects and tasks with (near) flawless execution.  It is imperative that this person be nimble, resourceful, self-motivated and a skillful juggler.
This role will build Pandora’s thought leadership and strategic marketing programs focused on our agency partners – from holding companies, to creative agencies, from C-level leaders to media buyers.  You will assist in the development of multiple touchpoint strategies including in-agency events, industry tentpoles, social activations and content marketing programs. You will manage the execution of these programs by working cross functionally with almost every department within Pandora, acting as lead project manager.
Coordinator, Promotions (Lionsgate - Los Angeles)
The International marketing and promotions coordinator will report directly to the Vice President, International Marketing and Promotions in the Lionsgate Motion Picture Group.
Market Manager (Cumulus Media - Alabama)
Cumulus Media is currently searching for a superior leader and broadcaster to join us in Mobile, AL as our Market Manager (93BLX, WGOK Gospel 900, WABD 97.5, WDLT-FM and WXQW 660).
Director of Music & Social Programming (Kimpton - Austin, TX)
The Director of Music & Social Programming’s roles and responsibilities are focused on, but not limited to the following areas:
Entertainment: Book, coordinate, and account for live music and performances.
Administration: Contract execution, vendor set up, invoice collection, and check entry and delivery.
Stage management: Oversee sound engineer, equipment, sound booth, etc.
Artist communication: Delivery of promo materials, load-in/load-out protocol, run of show, and hospitality.
Staff Engagement: Obtain staff feedback on performances, keep team engaged and excited about live entertainment so they can share knowledge with guests.
Public space music: Maintain vibe, correspond with TPG, educate staff of appropriate sound levels and times of day.
Events: Develop and execute additional events on and off site.
Publicity Coordinator (Short Fire Media - Los Angeles)
Shore Fire Media is looking for a sharp and ambitious, up-and-coming PR pro to join our crack team of publicists in our new Los Angeles office. We’re looking for someone with an in-depth knowledge of the music and media worlds, and who has the ability to handle a diverse client roster of award-winning musicians, authors, tech, events, non-profits and a range of other art and culture-related projects.
Vice President of Marketing (Fender - Los Angeles)
We are currently searching for a talented Vice President of Marketing to join our global marketing team, based in Los Angeles, CA. Reporting to the CMO, the ideal candidate will blend their obvious passion for music and culture with the proven ability to lead and drive results in three key areas: Integrated marketing planning and consumer-facing GTM execution for new product introductions, product lines and brand initiatives; paid media strategy, planning and execution to fuel increased demand and earned media; and social media marketing, supporting the continued growth, engagement and reach of Fender’s shared channels.
Marketing Creative Director (Airtime - NYC)
Airtime is looking for a Creative Director to be a key member of the Growth Marketing team. The Growth Marketing team is responsible for the Airtime brand and its expression across acquisition, user engagement, and live experiences. A successful candidate will champion and evolve our brand both internally and externally by leading a fast-paced and iterative design team, conceptualizing and executing marketing-driven experiences both inside and outside the product. This role reports into the VP of Growth Marketing and Strategy and will be New York City based.
Growth Marketing Manager (DI.FM - Denver/Remote)
We are seeking a mid-level marketing pro to join our team. This is a fully remote position in the United States. The right person will be able to manage their own time to achieve quality results. Working from home isn’t for everyone. You’ll need to be self-motivated, organized, communicative, and goal-oriented.
As DI.FM’s Growth Marketing Manager, you’ll be responsible for executing our marketing strategy, driving listener acquisition, conversion, and retention for all company brands. You’ll carry out comprehensive engagement programs to increase funnel conversions and reduce churn. You will oversee all marketing campaigns through email, push and in-app notifications, social media and other channels which the company may use to engage users. You’ll be accountable for improving communication, increasing revenue, and improving listener engagement metrics.
Director, Audience Engagement and Social Media (Viacom - Nashville)
Lead all audience engagement and social media efforts for CMT, supporting the CMT linear television network – specifically, launching and sustaining new and returning original scripted and unscripted series, live tentpoles, music events, and specials – and larger CMT media brand, driving tune-in, building dedicated communities, strengthening brand loyalty, and generating revenue. Oversee CMT’s robust network of owned media accounts, from setting innovative and optimized strategies to commanding all day-to-day execution in collaboration with senior manager and directing business partnerships with content studios and creators and leading in-depth analysis, real-time optimization, strategic partnerships, and regular experimentation and innovation. This position is located in one of the fastest growing cities in America, Nashville, TN and it reports to the VP Consumer Marketing.
Music Theatre Director (BG OnStage - Bowling Green, KY)
Music Theatre Director needed for the thriving Community Theatre. Excellent salary. Applicants must submit resume and unofficial transcript. Teaching music theatre classes, directing musical productions, assisting in social media.
Digital Marketing - Music & Entertainment (AristoMedia - Nashville)
As a Digital account rep, you should have solid experience in marketing with a customer service approach. You should also have a clear idea of how digital tools add value to artist’s and brand’s strategy and performance.
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pinballtoots · 7 years
Pinball Tutorial #1; Twilight Zone.
Our first tutorial features Bowen Kerins on Twilight zone. TZ has always been a troublesome pin for me personally, so I thought it would be a good one out the gates. Problem areas for me; forgetting that the tiny flipper under the BTP play field exists, right ramp shot and as always, getting control. 
This video is mostly a basic, quick guide on getting multiballs and the gumball shots/powerballs. There’s a lot more deeper cuts to go over; Lost in the Zone (or “LITZ”), Clock chaos, Townsquare Madness, Hitchhiker, Skill Shot, etc. All of which can be read here! 
As it often goes with Bowen toots, I watch, say: “Oh that’s easy! I could totally do that!”, get to a pin and build a house out of all of the bricks I make. Must keep at it. Practice makes better!
0 notes
disney366 · 6 years
Tumblr media
Day 2567: #UncleWalt has put away his tree & lit his #Lamp once again, as he watches over us all. #Disney366 @@Disneyland @@DisneylandToday - LOCATION: #WaltsApartment #TownSquare #MainStreetUSA #Disneyland - DISNEY: #Disneyland366 #Disney2019 #Disneyland2019 #DisneyTime #Disney #DisneySide #JustGotHappier #HappiestPlaceOnEarth - EQUIPMENT & APPS: @SamsungMobileUSA @SamsungMobile @SamsungUSA - #Samsung #Note5 #WithGalaxy @OtterBox - #TeamOtterBox  @Anker_Official - #PowerOn  @PhotoGridOrg - #PhotoGrid - TEAM SUPPORT: @ABC7LA - #ABC7EyeWitness  @VisitAnaheim - #VisitAnaheim - SEASONAL: - IMAGE: #Photography #Attraction #WaltDisney #DeskLamp #Bricks #Bell #DisneylandFireDept (at Walt's Apartment) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bse1ISdlN-q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=krtfwfxl8kdr
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