#townhouse roof deck
prettylittlegfx · 1 year
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Rooftop Deck Small minimalist rooftop deck container garden photo
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arrowarcher · 1 year
Uncovered Deck in Chicago
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Deck - mid-sized contemporary rooftop deck idea with a fire pit and no cover
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typocode · 1 year
Los Angeles Deck Roof Extensions
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Inspiration for a mid-sized modern rooftop deck remodel with a fire pit and a roof extension
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shotgunhope · 1 year
Outdoor Kitchen DC Metro
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Example of a small minimalist rooftop outdoor kitchen deck design with a pergola
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iamcharlieg · 1 year
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Roof Extensions Los Angeles Ideas for a mid-sized, contemporary rooftop deck renovation that includes a fire pit and a roof extension
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foodfalls · 2 years
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Chicago Deck Example of a huge classic rooftop deck design
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heckyeahdeathnote · 2 years
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Outdoor Kitchen Outdoor Kitchen (DC Metro)
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Gorgeous 1829 townhouse fixer upper in Philadelphia, PA has 6bds, 3ba. I hope a flipper doesn't come in and modernize the bejeezus out of it. It has 4 levels and is so historic, it had a little shop in front. They're asking $950K, but when it's done, it will be worth about $2 or $3M, I bet. Maybe more. (I hate the remodel next door, though.) Well, let's see what we've got here.
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So, the entrance to the home is on the side, b/c of the shop in front. I would have to open something in that shop, if I had a house like this.
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This looks like an original gas light outside.
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This is so beautiful, it needs an expert in historic restoration. Look at the cupboards, the doors, ceiling, and brick.
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Closet in the corner of the room.
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Step down from the residence into the shop. Is this cute or what?
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And, it has a little restroom with a marble backsplash. Look at the light switch- it's the old pushbutton kind.
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Back in the residence, there's a lot of restoration needed. Don't forget that the house has 4 levels.
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These walls must be restored. No drywall. It looks like someone already started to paint the ceiling.
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Great fireplace in here. Ditch that paint, it reminds me of an old public restroom beige.
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I wonder why they have bars on this door and a little window. Who or what was in there? I wouldn't mind taking that plaster off and exposing the brick, but that's an outer wall. I don't know if brick would be on the other walls.
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Stairs to the 2nd level. Note the steepness.
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A front room on the 2nd level has a fireplace and the outer wall is brick. This must be a sitting room. B/c of the shop, the living quarters would start on this floor.
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Closet behind the fireplace.
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Pocket door to the kitchen.
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I think that this would be the dining room.
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Then this would be the kitchen.
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This may be where the stove would go.
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There was a bathroom in the room to the right.
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Got to be a bedroom with 2 closets.
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Here we are on the 3rd level. Someone started to dismantle the house, but the buyer will have to finish it.
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They stripped all the ceilings, and maybe they could stay that way. In this bedroom, they have a lot of doors that were removed.
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So, 2 brick walls in here. This home is going to need so much rehab, I'm beginning to think that if it's done right, it could be worth as much as $5M, now.
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The attic rooms on the 4th level.
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We can see how bad the ceilings are and why they have to be torn down.
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Now, this is the basement. There's even a fireplace down here. This could be stunning w/a bar, like a little speakeasy.
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This is cool- there's a door to go out on the roof. I wonder if you could put up a pretty iron railing and make a deck.
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onegianthotmess · 2 months
Okay, the house I’m making in the Sims4 is fucking giant-
It’s laid out like a townhouse, but still pretty big with five floors including the attic and basement, but it would be counted as six if we include the roof. And, if my math isn’t wrong, it has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, two living rooms, three kitchens, two mini lounge spaces, a backyard with a grill and eating area, planters, a dollhouse, and monkey bars (I’m still planning on adding to it since there’s room left on the lot), and a micro garden at the front with another pot for planting and a little bench.
I’m just having so much fun that I’ve probably used every single piece of base game art and repeated clutter items SEVERAL times. Keep in mind that this version of Sims4 is on the Xbox One S I’m pretty sure and I got it around 2017 maybe, so there’s not too much in terms of the build and buy.
Two of the floors have medium wall height was well-
I’m even thinking about adding a shed or separate building to maybe put a little gym in, too. Maybe I’ll put another bedroom in the attic as well.
Seriously, I have two hidden studio apartments on this lot and I could make a small attic bedroom for it to not look weird-
If I put this build on the gallery, someone with the For Rent pack could probably make each space its own apartment if I fully decked out the attic with a bathroom and a kitchen. I’m probably gonna just rant about the lore I’ve given this build once I’m don’t with it, so prepare for that monster of a post-
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ackermom · 3 months
fem!reibert part 2
"how much do you think i'd be worth?"
the hens are squawking as she digs in the coop for the morning's lay. one of them pecks at her, but beatrice is quicker and has latched the door shut before the hen can draw blood from her hands. she's still on her knees, prodding at the little blue and white eggs in the basket, when she feels rosamund over her shoulder.
"what did you say?" she asks, not looking up. not because she didn't hear, but because she didn't understand. she doesn't, until roz says it again, and then at once bea understands, even before she's finished her sentence.
"all that talk last night," rosamund explains. "the young lady's dowry. i never knew marriage was so complicated."
"it is when you're rich."
without turning around, bea knows roz is sat on the little stool in the inner courtyard, the ankle of her uniform skirt swishing among the hen feathers that she should be sweeping up. in truth, it does not take two maids to task the chickens; it's just one little coop and a few potted plants, tucked in the back corner of the townhouse's basement kitchen garden. the cook's inside lighting the fires and boiling water for the missus. she's yet to start yelling for the day, but if roz doesn't get her ass inside to finish the fireplaces soon, she will.
above their heads, there's the back entrance for the coachman, the hall boys, and the footmen in their suits. above that lies the breakfast terrace. it's early still, and bea knows the family won't be up for hours, but she lifts her head anyway, squinting towards the grey day just in case they're being overhead. the family never bother to notice when they're arguing over their tea. just beneath, there's a nook in the deck where the milk bottles are collected. that's where she sits when there's something good to be heard.
"all this about jewels and gold." she hears roz toeing feathers on the cobblestones. "i mean, land is where it's at around here. the old man will never get a proper gentleman for his daughter if he's not willing to part with any farmland."
"they haven't got any farmland." bea dusts the feathers over the eggs, keeping her head down. her fingernails are grimy already. she'll have to do good wash before cook sees her. they're already going to get raked because roz is behind on the fireplaces— unless annie's picking up her slack again. she hasn't seen annie all morning, but that's not unusual.
rosamund tuts her tongue. "new money. just humor me, bea. how much?"
beatrice sweeps dirt off an egg with her thumb. “nothing. you wouldn’t get a dowry.”
“come on. if i mean, if i was rich.”
if. as if.
“i don’t know,” she says. she drops the egg in with the others. “what does your father do?”
a horse clips down the street. glass rattles. like clockwork, one of the hall boys dashes out the upper door to greet the milkman.
she hears rosamund take a breath. "well— let's just say—"
beatrice dares a glance over her shoulder. roz is as beautiful as any maid ever can be, and just now the morning sun is striking over the red roofs of the mitras to dapple sunlight down the streets, even all the way down into their little courtyard, sunken below the rest of the world. that’s what they may be, but when beatrice looks at rosamund, for a moment she can say the lady they’re pretending to talk about— fair skin, freckled nose, cornsilk hair in a braid over her shoulder. they wouldn’t talk about her like that if she was a lady. they'd call her hair white-gold, not cornsilk. and she wouldn’t be freckled, or wearing such a loose braid down her shoulder. the footmen tease her, call her such a daring girl for her grins and her charms. the housekeeper’s just about had it with her and annie. bea won’t be surprised if they don’t see winter here. 
roz shifts, a strand of gold hair falling out of her braid. she sits with her hands forward in her lap, the crisp white cuff of her uniform shirt pushed up just a little past her wrists, just the way she knows will get her in trouble. white’s not really her color, beatrice thinks. it washes her out. what she wouldn’t give to see miss rosamund braun in silky blues like the sea.
roz leans forward a little, her braid moving with her. “let’s say he sells spirits. there’s good money in that.”
beatrice turns away again. “rich men don’t sell anything. they just own things.”
“fine, he owns fields. how much then?”
“what kind of fields?”
“i don’t know. just lots of them.”
“does he grow grain, or fruit? brandy’s just as expensive to produce as it is to buy. there’s better money in barley and wheat."
roz starts sweeping the cobblestones behind her. has beatrice annoyed her enough into working?
"fine, barley fields. my family's supplied all of wall sina's ale for generations. how much is my hand in marriage worth?"
the hens ruffle their feathers and squawk back to their nests as bea latches up the coop and shuffles to her knees, wiping white feathers from her apron. with dismay, she sees a speck of mud on the starched collar of her uniform shirt. she'll have to change before she goes upstairs. maybe she can find annie and ask what their next move should be. they're running out of time, and she can't stay here much longer. white was never her color.
"i don't know," beatrice says finally, looking down. she itches to paw at the dirt on her wrist. she refrains. it'll only smudge. "i haven't got the faintest idea what goes into a dowry, roz."
in liberio, a bride is worth the promise of hale children and hands to run the household. people haven't got anything else to their names to bargain with, and if they did, they wouldn't be wasting it on eldians like themselves.
when she looks up, rosamund's cornsilk braid has fallen down her back, and she's cleared the cobblestones of chicken feathers, the broom as tight in her hands as a gun.
"i know," she says after a moment.
a shout echoes from the kitchen. cook is calling for them. they're behind on the fireplaces.
roz sweeps the feathers into the corner. "s'alright. who wants to get married anyway?"
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faggotmox · 2 years
hi again sugartits can i get something soft rainy day type thing of claudio / yuta / mox / anyone you wanna add?
kith kith
ranger requests [ hi autstic @stainedcarseat ]
stole this for a trauma magnet slice.
"What do you mean there's nothing you can do? I've got food going bad. Pounds and pounds of food!" Bryan slammed his hand on the table. "Well, fine. Goodbye."
"Bryan." Claudio frowned. "We can take all the already made food by the charity, and we make everything else when the electricity comes back."
"Or we could go--"
"Let it go." Claudio took his hand. "We can go upstairs and enjoy the storm."
Bryan huffed before giving a sad nod. It didn't take long to clean out the firdges, and get everything that'd go bad out. They packed up all of their already made food and weathered the few block drive to the charity bank Bryan had checked up and down. All their food made it to hungry mouths.
The pair made it back to their place. The pair of townhouses because living together at their age seemed immature. Claudio's backyard was first and as he approached there was barking they both had become familiar with.
"Calm down, Deano, I know it's cold." Mox's voice carried past the fence as they opened it. "Deano? Deano!" Mox tried to get up but the dog was out of his lap too quick.
"Hey, guys!" Claudio grinned as the rain stopped pouring on him as they got under the deck's roof.
"What are you doing here?" Bryan was still sour even tho Deano was trying to calm him down.
"We got hurt on the job, sent home early, but our powers knocked out." Mox gave a half shrug with a wince.
"If you're hurt we should be inside." Bryan's anxiety was transferring from the bakery to his kind of sort of no lable though boyfriend.
"Yes, we should. Eddie, you're hurt too?" Claudio was by Eddie's side helping him up.
The five of them made it inside of Claudio's apartment. It turned out to be Eddie's left ankle and hip while Mox had a shoulder and neck injury. They had gotten blindsided by a slow (ish) moving car that couldn't stop in the weather. The ambulance had been fast moving though. Eddie's side too the most damage but Mox had gotten thrown hard against the side window.
"Butcher told us we were fine. Just bruised up. Need a few days to recover. That's all. The lady in the car is fine though." Eddie groaned as he moved.
"Oh, no. You're still here. I'm taking care of you, Eddie." Claudio knew Eddie wouldn't take proper care of himself. "And Mox too since I know you won't come unless he joins us."
There was an awkward pause where everyone excepted Bryan to offer to take care of Mox, but he didn't. Instead Bryan just escaped to the kitchen. Claudio shook his head but forcibly got Eddie and Mox in dry clothes, then tucked into the couch. Eddie had to admit he was damn comfortable and Mox was already mostly asleep again with Deano laying on his legs. Maybe Eddie could close his eyes too since it was warm and soft.
Eventually Claudio and Bryan came back out. They had hot chocolates on a tray but Bryan also had a tray of different kinds of cookies, snack mixes, candy canes, but also chips, & sandwiches. Eddie was woken sweetly by Claudio kissing him and urging him up. Mox woke up by Bryan loudly saying his name and moving his legs so Bryan could sit down. Even the rude awakening just made Mox grin at Bryan as his eyes fluttered open.
The storm outside didn't let up as they ate and drink their hot chocolate. Mox kept asking for more whip on his ever emptying cup. Today was the day Bryan leanred Jon Moxley loved hot chocolate and a lot of whipped cream. The patter of rain was enough that they all simply cuddled together and ate, slightly chatting until everything was gone. Mox and Eddie were exhausted, so close to falling asleep again. Even the lightening and thunder didn't disturb their slumber, but later when Bryan cooked dinner they both woke up to the smell.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Second body found in Maryland house explosion, 12 families displaced in aftermath
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/13/second-body-found-in-maryland-house-explosion-12-families-displaced-in-aftermath/
Second body found in Maryland house explosion, 12 families displaced in aftermath
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Two people were killed and 12 families displaced after a Maryland house exploded Sunday amid reports of a possible gas leak, fire officials said.Neighbors described feeling and hearing the early morning blast that damaged a number of surrounding houses in Bel Air, a town about about 30 miles (50 kilometers) northeast of Baltimore.Firefighters were called to the area around 6:40 a.m. for a report of a gas leak and an outdoor odor of gas, said Oliver Alkire, a master deputy with the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Alkire said that as firefighters were approaching, they began receiving calls that the house had exploded. First responders pronounced one person dead at the scene, and a second body was later found in the rubble.FBI, POLICE INVESTIGATING PLACEMENT OF MULTIPLE EXPLOSIVE DEVICES IN HAWAII AFTER SUV DESTROYEDAlkire said that a home next door to the explosion was heavily damaged, and a woman in that house was treated for injuries on the scene. Two utility workers were in the area to work on a reported electrical issue, but authorities didn’t immediately say if that was related to the explosion.The first victim found was later identified as a contractor for the utility BGE, according to a statement released by Harford County Fire and EMS.The State Fire Marshal’s Office said late Sunday that the second body was found in the rubble of the home at the center of the blast. The person is believed to be the home’s 73-year-old owner, but positive identification was pending, according to the fire officials’ statement.Investigators were also working to establish how many houses were damaged and how far the blast radius was. Harford County fire officials said that at least 12 families have been displaced due to damage to neighboring houses. Authorities said there was no ongoing threat to the public.”I’ve been on the job for nearly 18 years, and this is one of the largest explosions I’ve seen,” Alkire said.A photo posted by county officials showed several firefighters around the rubble of the home with another damaged home in the background. Charred pieces of wood were heaped on the property, and insulation and splintered wood spilled out into the street. Small pieces of debris hung from nearby trees. Later in the morning, emergency workers were seen using heavy equipment to search through the rubble.More than 60 first responders came to the scene from multiple agencies. The state fire marshal, sheriff and federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were assisting with the probe, as is standard procedure.Lisa Czawlytko, who lives in a nearby condominium, said the explosion woke her and her three children and knocked a pet bird to the ground.She said the roof structure on four condominium buildings buckled and sent aluminum siding from the roof down to the ground. She attended a news conference at a nearby library to ask officials if it was safe to be in the building.She said she felt the force of the explosion.”The whole building shook like a major earthquake,” she said in an interview.Her 8-year-old daughter described it as scary, when her mother asked her how she felt when it happened .”I thought a bomb dropped,” Myca said.The blast woke up Greg Clifford from a heavy sleep inside his townhouse about a block away. He first thought that a tree had fallen on his deck, or that a lightning strike caused the loud noise.”It just shook the whole thing,” Clifford said. “It was crazy loud.”He also noted some damage to his home.”The window in my bedroom is pulled away from the framing of the house,” Clifford said. “I mean, I can look straight down to my deck. My basement door — the glass — it didn’t shatter, but it blew in, and my frame’s all cracked out.”
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kim21pro · 2 months
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230 Dakota Ct Unit B, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 This great 2 story townhouse with basement features: A sun-filled living room with wood laminate flooring; Dining room with door to the outdoor deck to enjoy morning coffee; Beautiful kitchen with white cabinetry, pantry & all appliances; Master bedroom with walk-in closet; The finished basement is perfect for a family room/3rd bedroom & offers additional storage. Roof & siding less than 5 years. Deck is being replaced by HOA🌳 Are you looking this kind of property? CALL TODAY 708-516-3050
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pspowerwashing1 · 6 months
Rejuvenate Your Property's Exterior with Pressure Washing Services in London
London's vibrant streets are filled with a rich tapestry of architectural styles, from historic townhouses to modern skyscrapers. Yet, regardless of the architectural era, one thing remains constant: the need to maintain the exterior appearance of buildings and outdoor spaces. Over time, dirt, grime, moss, and pollution can accumulate, dulling the beauty of your property.
Fortunately, pressure washing services in London offer a powerful solution to restore and rejuvenate your property's exterior surfaces. In this blog post, we'll delve into the benefits of pressure washing and why it's an essential service for homeowners and businesses alike in the bustling city of London.
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The Benefits of Pressure Washing:
Revives Curb Appeal: The exterior of your property is the first impression visitors and passersby have of your home or business. Pressure washing effectively removes dirt, stains, and discoloration, instantly enhancing curb appeal and leaving a lasting positive impression.
Protects Against Damage: Built-up grime, algae, and mold can not only diminish the appearance of your property but also cause long-term damage to surfaces such as brick, concrete, wood, and siding. Pressure washing helps prevent deterioration and prolongs the lifespan of exterior materials.
Improves Hygiene and Health: Mold, mildew, and algae growth not only look unsightly but can also pose health risks to occupants. Pressure washing eliminates these harmful substances, creating a healthier environment for residents, employees, and customers.
Enhances Property Value: A well-maintained exterior significantly increases the value of your property. Whether you're looking to attract potential buyers or simply take pride in ownership, pressure washing is a cost-effective investment that yields impressive returns.
Areas that Benefit from Pressure Washing:
Building Facades: Whether your property is clad in brick, stucco, vinyl siding, or another material, pressure washing removes dirt, grime, and pollutants, restoring the original beauty of the façade.
Driveways and Walkways: High-traffic areas such as driveways and walkways are prone to staining from oil, grease, and tire marks. Pressure washing effectively cleans these surfaces, enhancing safety and aesthetics.
Patios and Decks: Over time, patios and decks can become discolored and slippery due to algae, moss, and mildew growth. Pressure washing removes these hazards, making outdoor spaces safer and more enjoyable.
Roofing: Moss, algae, and lichen can compromise the integrity of your roof and detract from its appearance. Pressure washing safely removes these organic growths, extending the life of your roof and improving its curb appeal.
Choosing the Right Pressure Washing Service:
Experience and Expertise: Look for a pressure washing company with years of experience and a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.
Equipment and Techniques: Ensure that the company uses professional-grade equipment and employs safe, effective pressure washing techniques to avoid damage to your property.
Eco-Friendly Practices: Consider hiring a company that uses environmentally friendly cleaning solutions and adheres to sustainable practices to minimize the impact on the environment.
Customer Reviews: Read online reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the company's reputation and customer satisfaction levels.
Conclusion: Pressure washing is a highly effective way to restore and rejuvenate your property's exterior surfaces, enhancing curb appeal, protecting against damage, and improving overall hygiene and health.
Whether you're a homeowner looking to maintain your investment or a business owner aiming to attract customers, pressure washing services in London offer a convenient and cost-effective solution to transform your outdoor space. With the expertise of experienced professionals and the power of high-pressure water, you can enjoy a clean, vibrant property that stands out in the bustling cityscape of London.
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[ad_1] Manhattan | 315 West seventieth Avenue, No. 4ELincoln Sq. Co-op$675,000A one-bedroom, one-bath, roughly 750-square-foot house with a galley kitchen, an open residing/eating space, a walk-in closet and through-the-wall heating and air-conditioning, on the fourth ground of an 18-story doorman constructing from 1963 with a live-in resident supervisor, shared laundry, a personal parking storage and a motorbike room. Michael Biryla and Kyle Ramdeen, 914-299-5377, The Company New York; theagencyre.comPricesUpkeep: $1,617 a monthExecsThe house is well-maintained and has good closets. Tucked behind the constructing, it’s quiet and has townhouse views by massive home windows. The upkeep consists of all utilities.ConsThere isn't a personal or shared out of doors house, and there's a lengthy ready listing for parking spots within the storage.Manhattan | 77 Greenwich Avenue, No. 20DMonetary District Condominium$2.195 millionA two-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath, 1,371-square-foot house with an open ground plan, a kitchen with a vented vary and marble counter tops, a major suite with a walk-in closet, a second bed room with an en suite tub, radiant-heat marble rest room flooring, 11-foot ceilings, a washer/dryer and central air-conditioning, on the twentieth ground of a 42-story pet-friendly doorman constructing accomplished in 2021 with a concierge, residents supervisor, a motorbike room, two flooring of facilities, a double-height gymnasium, a roof deck, a canine run and a youngsters’s playroom. Emily Beare and Shaun Osher, 212-726-0786, Core; corenyc.comPricesFrequent costs: $1,579 a monthTaxes: $3,210 a monthExecsThere are lovely metropolis and river views by floor-to-ceiling wraparound home windows. The first rest room is windowed. The constructing has eco-friendly options and every unit has its personal air flow, heating and cooling techniques.ConsThe taxes are excessive. Basement storage cages value $30,000 to $55,000.Queens | 69-04 Ditmars BoulevardAstoria Townhouse$2.495 millionA 3-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bath, 2,900-square-foot semidetached brick home with a residing space that opens to the yard, a moist bar and a full tub on the primary stage; a 16-foot porcelain island within the kitchen, a full tub and two terraces on the second stage; an en suite major bed room with a walk-in closet, two extra bedrooms, a full tub and a washer/dryer on the third stage; plus mini-split heating and air-conditioning, smart-home techniques, an electrical automobile charger, an connected storage, an in-ground pool, an outside kitchen and a roof deck. Ivan Mijalkovic and Mario Lituma, 347-653-8010, Corcoran Group; corcoran.comPricesTaxes: $14,700 a yrExecsThere are ample entertaining areas and floor-to-ceiling home windows. There’s radiant warmth all through, together with within the storage, together with electrical window shades and a built-in speaker system. The pool will be heated and cooled.ConsThe stone flooring and different fashionable finishes could not go well with everybody’s tastes. The home is near the Grand Central Parkway, which might be noisy.Given the quick tempo of the present market, some properties could now not be out there on the time of publication.For weekly electronic mail updates on residential actual property information, enroll right here. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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havenhomes · 10 months
Ansam Residence
Ansam Residences
Welcome to a world of luxury, comfort, and unique experiences on Yas Island with Ansam Residences. Ready-to-move-in apartments at an attractive price. These stunning residences offer a range of studios and apartments with 1-3 bedrooms, featuring breathtaking sea views.
Ansam Residences is a wonderful collection of Andalusian-style buildings that are part of a landscape reflecting the refined and serene mood of southern Spain. The residential project offers studios and apartments with one, two, and three bedrooms, as well as townhouses with three to five bedrooms. It exudes an Andalusian character through Spanish features on facades, terraces, balconies, awnings, and distinct sloping roofs adorned with rustic tiles.
Features of Ansam Residences by Aldar Properties:
Offers studios and apartments with one, two, and three bedrooms.
Stunning sea views.
Community with the highest levels of privacy.
Only minutes away from top attractions.
Filled with world-class amenities.
Spanish architectural design.
Beautifully designed with appropriate materials.
Spacious, modern, and flexible interiors.
Bedrooms furnished with built-in wardrobes.
Master bedrooms with walk-in closets.
Bathrooms and kitchens equipped with top-quality materials.
Attractive price + easy payment plan.
Unparalleled investment option.
Ansam Residences Facilities:
The apartments in Ansam Residences are fully serviced with central electricity, gas, water, and security/firefighting systems. Each building comes with convenient amenities such as edgeless unlimited swimming pools, beautiful pools for young children, adult swimming pools, pool deck areas with sun loungers, well-equipped pool bars, and relaxing open event spaces. These relaxation floors also offer stunning views of Yas Links Golf Course, as well as attractions on Yas Island.
Abu_Dhabi #UAERealEstate #Ansam_Residences
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