#towards someone he honestly does not actually know super well at this point
astralpenguin · 19 days
being a demiromantic ace is so annoying how on earth am i supposed to write this fic from the pov of a character who’s very definitely neither of these things
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year
anotha one😝 this fic is pure crack honestly, it’s not my best work and i was sleep deprived and wrote this in like 20 minutes, soooo keep that in mind. i also imagined the reader being super short in this, because i may have a wee bit of a size kink (don’t tell anyone🤭) but like how cute would ethan look with a partner that’s like 4’11 compared to his 6’1 ass. AGHHH I CANT
Ethan Landry x Reader
Nap time
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Everyone who knew you, knew that there was only one thing in this world that could rival your love for Ethan. And that was napping. You couldn’t help that you were a sleepy girl. You were lucky enough too, that you could nap anywhere. Whether it be your head resting on a hard countertop, the lap of one of your friends, you were even found asleep on the stairs in your parents home once.
Unfortunately though, as of lately, you haven’t been able to sleep that well. And you knew exactly what the cause of this was from, well more of WHO the cause of this was from. Ethan fucking Landry. The boy with the loveliest doe eyes, the boy with the sweetest smile, the boy that stole your heart all those months ago and has told you he was never giving it back.
But he didn’t just steal your heart, no, he stole your ability of napping anywhere your little heart desired.
You couldn’t nap without him anymore.
Of course it wasn’t all his fault, you were the one to snuggle up to him, thinking you were only going to ‘rest’ your eyes for a few seconds. Those few seconds turned into two hours. You couldn’t help it. He was just so warm and smelled so good. It certainly didn’t help that he was running his fingers through your hair while softly humming in your ear. Anyone would have fallen under his spell and drifted off in minutes, if they had been in the position you were in. At least that’s what yoy keep telling yourself.
You had also, by now, convinced yourself he did all of it on purpose.
Which is why you’ve been glaring at him for the past seven minutes. You were sleepy, and all you wanted was to lay your sweet little head down and take a nap. But when your head hits the soft pillow on Ethan’s bed, you find yourself not able to fall asleep. You knew in your head all you needed to do was ask Ethan to come lay down with you, and he would. He would do absolutely anything you asked of him. But you were furious with him. Furious that his conspiracy against you has worked.
“Baby, we’ve talked about how you have to tell me when I’ve upset you, otherwise I won’t know how to fix it.” He wasn’t even looking at you, he had his back towards you while he worked at his desk. “I can quite literally feel the heat from your eyes, angel.” “Well my eyes would be closed and I would be fast asleep, taking my much needed nap if you wouldn’t have ruined them for me.” You grumble out, arms crossed, brows furrowed, adorable pout present.
He drops his pencil at that, confusion wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what Ethan felt. “How did I ruin your nap?” His voice raises an octave higher out of disbelief, and he finally turns to look at you. “I’ve been quiet this whole time and you have quite literally fallen asleep at frat parties before, where it was much more chaotic. I had to nearly tackle someone to stop them from sitting on you.”
“Don’t act like you don’t know what you did!” You yell as you jump up, standing on Ethan’s bed and pointing an accusing finger at him. His brown eyes widen, not sure if you’re just having one of your ‘moments’ as he likes to call them, or if you’ve actually lost your mind. “I don’t though, that’s why I asked you to tell me.” At his remark, you ball your fists up, throwing them down at your side, all while making the cutest grumbling sound.
Ethan stands from his chair, coming to stand in front of you at his bed. Since you’re standing on his bed, you’re looking down at him. His hands grab yours, unballing your “threatening” fists, and he’s pleading with his eyes. “Tell me what I did so I can make up for it.” After a few seconds you throw your head back with a loud groan, before dramatically falling forward to be caught by Ethan, wrapping your arms and legs around him completely. “I can’t nap without you.” You all but cry out, still holding a menacing stare as your forehead touches his.
He laughs. He laughs right in your face. “Stop laughing at me!” You push his face away from yours, squirming in his arms trying but failing to get away from him. “Awe, I’m sorry baby. What can I do to help?” To anyone else, he would sound patronizing, but you knew he genuinely was sorry and wanted to make you feel better.
“Don’t you need to finish your homework?” Your eyes glance over at the anatomy worksheet, and then back to Ethan. “Yeah, well I think my baby needs me more. So, I’m not worried about that right now.” You grin at his words, placing a sweet kiss to his lips, before pulling away pretending to look deep in thought. He already knows what you need, he also knows you’re just too scared to ask. All because you got in your own head about how dependent you’ve become of him. He loved it. He loved that you needed him just for the smallest of things like taking a nap.
“Do you want me to lay down with you while you nap? I’ll even hold your hand the entire time, if you want.” You giggle at that, already feeling much more relaxed. “What if I want to wrap myself around you like a koala? Would you let me do that?”
“You’re already the size of one, so why not?”
You’re pouting again, and he could only smile because you were just too fucking cute. “Okay! Okay! I’m done.” He pushes a few strands of hair out of your face, and grabs your chin, placing a few kisses to your pouted lips.
“Can we lay down now? You’ve been standing here holding me for like 10 minutes now, your arms have to hurt by now.”
“Baby.” He says with disbelief. “I’ve held you for way longer than 10 minutes, while we were doing something a lot more physically demanding.” Your cheeks immediately flush red at his words. Hiding your face in his neck. “Don’t get all shy on me now. You were just yelling at me 10 minutes ago about ruining your naps.” He couldn’t help but tease you, it was just too easy.
“Ethan, stop it.” You mumble out. He laughs again, but finally moves to sit you back down on his bed. You climb to the top, and wait for Ethan to join you. He goes to slip under the blanket with you, but you stop him. “No! You have to take your clothes off!” He holds his hands out in front of him, in a defensive manner. “Someone’s not so shy now. You need me to tire you out or something?”
You roll your eyes at your dumb boyfriend, and watch as he removes his tshirt and jeans. “I meant so I could sleep on you more comfortably, you perv!” “You’re calling me a perv, after asking me to strip and defile you?”
You open and close your mouth “I didn’t ask-“ You stop, exhaling sharply through your nose. “Please, E, just get in the damn bed.” “I’m coming, jeez!” Finally, he lays down beside you, and before you could move, he turns and wraps his arms around your body, an innocent grin on his pretty lips. And you can already feel your eyes grow heavy, as his fingers begin to trail up and down your spine and he presses soft kisses to your temple.
“Get some rest, sweet girl, because I will be defiling you when you wake up.” His tone is light and playful.
“Ethannn, can you stop being such a horny teenage boy for two seconds?” Your tone is annoyed. “Yeah, as long as you’re around, that’s not happening.”
“You’re such a whore.” Ethan laughs at your remark, squeezing you even closer, if possible, to his body. He’s finally quiet after that, besides the soft humming coming from his lips.
And he would never admit this to you, but he was having trouble sleeping without you by his side too. He loved the weight of you on his chest, the way your hair smelled. He especially loved when you would take his hand in yours, all while still sleeping, and hold it to your chest. You would hold it so tight sometimes he would lose feeling in his fingers.
He didn’t care though. Because he loved you and all of those things produced a warm, comfortable feeling he never received as a child.
So, he would lay there for hours, and watch the rise and fall of your chest, and listen to the soft snores leave your mouth. All without a single complaint.
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Okay so I just noticed something and I'm going feral, feral I tell you.
This is going to be a really, really long one with a lot of picures and I'm honestly not sure if I saw something completely obvious that everybody immediately got whilst watching^^° or if I found something here.
Nonetheless strap in in this essay I will...
So in Cap's flashback he enters the room and looks around clearly looking for someone and when he spots Havers he gets this relieved, smitten "omg I found you/you're here and alive" expression in His face
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And Havers who spots him out of the corner of his eyes gets all wide eyed
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and turns himself towards Cap with this tiny little smile and he looks so fond at him and also as if he's internally screaming (also in an "omg you made it I'm seeing you again" way)
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And then Cap walks in his direction but then bumps into Cartwright and they start talking and Cap who seems to be on good terms with him smiles back at Cartwright and seems super happy and giddy (because Havers is alive and in the same room and they will reconnect in a few moments)
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And then Havers watches them like this
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and starts to turn back towards his colleagues with this almost jealous/shooting daggers look.
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and then he makes the face on the left and looks so spaced out, a bit resigned, disappointed and hurt. And then he does his thing again like in Redding Weddy where he presses his lips together and forces a smile (this time tiny smile) with a tense jaw to regain control over his emotions, to put on a stiff upper lip. But look at his eyes the man is clearly hurt (heartbroken) about something
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and at first I did not really get what was going on but then it clicked.
You ever had that moment when someone is waving to you that you don't know and you're like do they mean me? and you wave back but then realise they were waving at the person behind you? It's like that just with "in front" instead of "behind"
Because when Cap's eyes fall on Havers look who's standing in front of him in the Captain's line of sight
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Yep it's fucking Cartwright. And when Havers has his little "I turn to you moment" Cartwright is also walking towards Cap in the frame
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So from the camera angle and they way it's shot we see them bump into each other but do not see if Havers actually saw it ; what he definetely sees is them turning towards each other, though.
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and in the next frame Cartwright takes a step to his right and we see them standing like this
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So it's a line and Havers is basically looking at Cartwright's back so when Cap lifts his finger to indicate that he wants to go over to Havers, it's probably not visible to Havers because
first of all we can't see Havers anymore in the background when the camera focuses on Cartwrights face. And secondly from the shot of Cap pointing it becomes apparent that Cartwright's body is blocking Havers's view of that.
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So but what am I actually getting at?
OMG I think Havers thought for a bit that Cap didn't want to reconnect with him (or wasn't there because of him) but with (because of) Cartwright!!
Because what he's seeing is Cap entering the room looking for someone, their eyes meet Cap takes a few steps staring happily in his direction. But then some guy walks to Cap in front of Havers who he realises is in Cap's direct line of sight. Then the two of them start talking and Cap looks so happy whilst talking to this other guy! And then we see Havers's heart break! And how he struggles to collect himself and hide that!
He probably thought Captain moved on, that he no longer has the same feelings for Havers, that maybe he has affections for Cartwright. Or at least that Cap prefers o talk to Cartwright instead of him.
So and then when Havers runs to his aid he turns to the next person, who happens to be Cartwright and yells "Well fetch a medic!", he sounds soooo angry. I can think of a few explanations here tbh from "why aren't you helping him?" to "what have you done to him?!" to "oh it's you I can't stand you since 5 minutes ago get out off my sight!" maybe it's neither, maybe its all of them or a mixture. Who knows.
However we're not finished here because guess what
When Cap says "I'm sorry I had to find you" this is Havers reaction.
He looks legitimately surprised in an "who, me?" kind of way (and /or his "omg is this happening now" kind of way just like back in RW) but also worried about Cap and his Adam's apple does the bobbing thing it does when he's nervous or emotional.
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But then Cap's words seem to sink in and he's now clearly emotional. Not just worried but also look how softly he gazes as Cap and tries o smile at him whilst clearly being distraught.
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And then the realisation hits him about what exactly is happening right now. That Cap indeed was there because of him and that he is now dying in front of him and that there's probably not much time left. And that's even before Cap tries to confess his feelings and Havers confirms that he knows about them.
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And it's all just so absolutely fucking heartbreaking.
Just realised that this would also explain why Havers didn't walk over to Cap and just interrupted the conversation with Cartwright or joined in. Because he thought that Cap was there because of/ wanted to talk to Cartwright and Anthony was heartbroken about that ;_;
Btw also a little thing that's interesting to note in this regard: before the older soldier walks over to C&C we can see Havers in the background just constantly looking at them from the distance. Maybe it's jealousy, maybe it's yearning, maybe it's both.
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Yeah so that's that. Safe to say I as always have a lot of opinions and emotions about these two. Curious to know what you guys thought was going on there with Havers .
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love-byers · 2 months
can you speak more on your experience becoming a byler cos this always fascinates me, especially when it's people who were once milevens thanks!
absolutely, i love talking about this lol
so i watched stranger things 1 when it came out in 2016 & i was 12. my media literacy wasn't great at the time, and like most people i liked mike and el's little romance. but i did think their kiss came way too fast and kind of out of nowhere. wasn't a fan of that. i thought it would've been better if they didn't get to kiss and made both the audience and mike and el wait. and i was like "uhhh how does she even know what a kiss is" but whatever
then s2 came out, i was 13. i LOVED mike and will's relationship, maybe even more than i liked mike and el's. when mike grabbed wills hand i VIVIDLY remember thinking "they would be such a good couple, but they'd never do that. oh well!". at this point in my life i was realizing my sexuality and was super into queer media. i say that just so you know i was receptive to queer representation and enjoyed it. but to me at that time, i saw stranger things for the massive success it was, famous enough that they'd never have a main character be queer. it just wasn't a thought in my mind that it could ever happen.
i loved the snowball scene and thought mike and el were super cute. i remember thinking "wow their bond must be so deep and they take each other very seriously. it's them against the world"
i was 15 and BEYOND pissed when s3 came out and it was clear mike and el were reduced to comedly relief. i wanted their relationship to be lovable like it was in s2. i hated how mike became so unlikable when he was with el when he was previously shown to be so loyal and caring. and above all, i hated how it was like mike and will's relationship in 2 never happened. i remember thinking "wtf mike?? do you not remember how protective you were of him before?? how close you were??" at the time i thought it was bad writing and it honestly turned me off of s3 and i didn't finish it for like 2 years.
when i finally did i was a bit confused. i remember watching the rain fight and thinking "wow that felt more like a breakup than mike and el's actual breakup" it just struck me how sad it was compared to the breakup. but my heteronormativity towards stranger things was so strong that i didn't even clock will being gay until someone pointed it out for me. and i definitely didn't clock that will was in love with mike. i remember noticing how mike and will were always together and positioned next to each other like jancy and lumax were. but for some reason, and i really don't know why, i just didn't really absorb it.
what really surprised me was the s3 finale, like the final goodbye scenes. during mike and will's i saw mikes reaction to will saying "not possible" and i was like.....hm. he sure seems happy. but whatever
mike and el's goodbye scene just confused me. i didn't understand why mike acted like he didn't know what she was talking about when he spent all season trying to say i love you, i didn't understand why mike didn't close his eyes or kiss her back when he spent all season trying to say i love you, i didn't understand why el walked away and winced, i didn't understand why mike looked like that when she walked away AFTER HE SPENT ALL SEASON TRYING TO SAY I LOVE YOU, and i didn't understand why the music sounded so happy as if NONE OF IT HAPPENED. and when mike hugged karen i was like, why does he look like he just realized something??? wtf is happening???
i didn't realize there was any romance between mike and will until s4. actually, i heard people saying will was gay and in love with mike and i was like "pshh no way". then i saw the trailer where el says will likes someone and i was like "oh my god they did make him in love with mike". but again, for some strange reason, i felt like it was a decision made solely for s4. VERY stupid of me.
here i go more in depth about my specific reactions to s4 scenes but theres one i didn't mention and it's the way mike looks will up and down when he says "cool". i was like "uhh that was kinda flirty..."
but i finished vol 1 thinking about byler a little more. i heard there was a masterdoc about them so i read it, and for the first bit of it i didn't really believe any of it. then i saw the eyewitness parallel and i was like HHHHWHAAAAAAAT???????????????????? i VIVIDLY remember thinking "how is this possible?? didn't this come out of nowh--" and then it ALL hit me in the face. my jaw literally dropped. it's like i rewatched all of st in 3 seconds and everything made sense. the eyewitness parallel finally made me accept the writers would have gay characters and romance, and that was all it took. i never went back. mike and will's bond in s2, the decline of mike and el's relationship, mike and will's tension in s3, mikes reaction to not possible, mike reaction to el saying i love you, all of it made sense. at that point i was like 17 and my media literacy and love/skill for writing had grown a lot. the very first tiktok i made about byler was about how it doesn't make sense for the writers to build this up for so long just for it not to go anywhere, because it doesn't at all. and things just grew from there. i bled blue and yellow and i still do!
it was almost entirely heteronormativity keeping me from seeing byler earlier, so i talk about that a lot. because once you remove that, EVERYTHING makes perfect sense
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lightlycareless · 8 months
I saw your posts about how Naoya doesn’t want a third in his bedroom activities with Y/N and how he reacted with Naoaki. But do you think that Naoya would ever let Toji join in as a third? I can’t quite tell if he would or if that’d be even more intimidating to him since he couldn’t think how you couldn’t be super into it with Toji. It probably wouldn’t happen either way since you mentioned in one of works that Y/N is intimidated/a little scared of Toji
Not going to lie, I’m really happy something like this popped up in my ask hahahahah I was waiting for it!! It was inevitable, you know???
But now, going onto a more serious note—
After thinking about it and really wanting to say that Naoya wouldn’t share you even if it was Toji we’re talking about… because like, he admires Gojo but he wouldn’t allow that with him, right?
However, the admiration he has for Toji is at a completely different level compared to anyone else, and if he began to show the simplest of interests in Y/N, there’s no doubt in my mind that Naoya would try to create interactions between the tw, so they’d get to know each other, spend time, that kind of stuff.
 But does that mean he’d allow him to fuck you?
… Toji would first have to show interest in you like that in order to even be considered.
Warnings: mentions of infidelity (I’d go with dub-con at this point) mentions of pregnancy, and Toji mocking Naoya in all crude ways possible. Also, someone likes this kind of stuff a bit. (honestly this is me just wanting to write something with toji. the actual answer is on the bottom lol) SMUUUTTTT MINORS DNI.
a sequel can be found here.
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It happens soon after you’re brought to the estate.
You’re the newest addition to the Zen’in clan: a bright smiled, innocent looking girl that surprisingly (not really) fell into the claws of the heir.
Toji had become accustomed to the women that caught Naoya’s interest—the type that would make anyone think “of course he likes someone like her.”
But they never lasted beyond two sightings before he was already with someone else, and certainly, no one ever thought of them as suitable candidates for marriage.
Eventually they stopped appearing all together, and for a long time, Naoya was single as he could be… until you arrived.
Someone so… different to Naoya in every sense of the word, far outside his typical interest, or malleability. Yet you managed to not only catch his attention but persuade him into marriage—and it seemed you wanted him too.
It’s safe to say that these things made Toji deeply intrigued by you—and not only because of your outstanding merits towards his seemingly unconquerable cousin, but also because on a personal level, he found you a beauty hard to ignore, much more delightful than those before you, and soon, he finds himself somehow understanding why the wimpy heir decided to marry you.
But his amazement doesn’t stop there, reaching a new high when finally meeting you, face to face, for the first time. It wasn’t just your aura, which he considered to be highly unfitting to the surrounding environment, that affected his perception, but the way you treated him as well.
Even when intimidated by his presence— just as he expected, used to it by now—you still remained amicable towards him; to the disgrace of the Zen’in, the stain in the family lineage no one even dared look at, less mention.
Not to you though. To you, he was Naoya’s cousin, his admiration, the one he sets as inspiration when it comes to strength, partaking in small talk whenever possible before retreating, but not without expressing how you’d like to see him around more often, perhaps even drink tea together one day…
Toji is completely smitten by you at this point, and the question of how you even set your eyes on Naoya, when there were so much better options, quickly settles in his mind.
But perhaps how you managed to inundate his thoughts, to the point you are all he thinks about, is the bigger question in turn.
The topic of a threesome is nothing more than a fantasy to him at that point— highly unexpected, if not impossible, and completely avoided…
That is, until tensions between you, Naoya, and Toji, become far too much to ignore.
It would start with Toji complimenting you, like the devil whispering against your husband’s ear, he’d say…
“You have a beautiful wife, Naoya.”
And your husband is somewhat elated to see that his idol approves of you, somewhat seeking his approval one way or the other.
But after his words become more cryptic, to say the least, hesitation begins to flourish in Naoya’s mind.
“Do you ever wonder she feels lonely after you leave for work? In this wide, cold manor… it’s impossible not to—I know all about it, after all.”
“… is there something you want, Toji-kun?”
Here is where the idea finally makes its appearance in your and Naoya’s conversation—offered by you, shockingly, but not because you were interested, rather, because that’s the conclusion you arrived to after hearing Naoya’s request of, in his own words…
“I want you to spend more time with Toji-kun, so he doesn’t feel… lonely.”
“It almost sounds like you want me to fuck him.”
“I never said that.”
“But you implied it.”
He remains silent.
“Naoya… do you want me… to?”
You were nothing but highly aware of his admiration towards the man. The constant proclamations of his virtues the rest of the clan failed, or didn’t care, to observe—even going as far to defend him against them when needed.
It gave you a certain happiness to know that Naoya confided in someone that way, pushed him to overcome his limits, so naturally, you’d want to do anything for the man that brought out the best side of your husband.
But you never, not even in your most bizarre dreams, expected his fascination to go to these lengths.
However, as much as you were offended by his indiscreet suggestions, a very deep part of you was also… allured by it.
There is no reason to deny the mystery that surrounded Toji—a kind of atmosphere that even though terrifying to you, you still couldn’t keep your eyes away from him, silently trailing his every move from a safe distance while earnestly wondering what a man like him could spend his time on when away from the estate.
Does he… goes to see someone? Spend the night, or weeks, in someone’s arms whenever he didn’t come back?
Or indulge in shady business as most began to suspect? As the occurring scars appearing on his arms and chest suggested?
It’s not something you’ll get to know, you dejectedly reckon, but you suppose that getting to know him, even if just for a little bit, will make the invitation to your… nightly activities, all worthwhile.
“…so that you won’t feel lonely.” Is the excuse you go with when bringing up the matter to Toji—probably the dumbest one you could’ve given him considering how he doesn’t hesitate to erupt into laughter, amused by this silly, stupid pretext of yours.
As well as infuriated, for the one thing he hated the most right after his family, was being pitied.
“I don’t want you to treat me like I’m some kind of miserable animal.” He scoffs once his glee dies. “Don’t come here, offering things you’re not even sure about, just because you want to feel good at my expense.”
Naoya and you rightfully conclude that not only had you been incredibly immature by going through with this unusual request, which wouldn’t have survived as long as it did have it been literally anyone else, but also, dented whatever little relationship the two had with him—although your concern sustained more for Naoya; you could only imagine how this strain would make him feel…
And yet, even when the foreseeable future had apparently darkened, closing windows for any kind of reconciliation thanks to his disgust towards the whole situation… something in Toji’s demeanor told you he hadn’t given up on the idea.
Whether because he saw the growing, genuine anxiety reflecting on the young couple’s face, or because he was glad his subtle actions finally paid off…
“But who am I to reject opportunities handed to me?” He adds—it’s almost undetectable, but something akin to desire flashes across his eyes. “If that’s what the heir and his lady  want, I’m nothing but your humble servant.”
You and Naoya agree on a night for everything to unfold, one that wasn’t necessarily intruding on his upcoming missions, but also fit in Toji’s schedule.
Either way, it’s safe to say that no amount of preparation could’ve done anything to ease your nerves.
Not even the constant reminder that you agreed to it, and now, had to keep your word.
The idea of inviting someone into your intimacy had always escaped your and Naoya’s minds. The reasoning behind it was simple: you did not want to do something like that in your marriage. It was almost… sacrilegious to even think about it. And Naoya agreed, too jealous to debate otherwise.
So now, that you’re here, waiting in your bedroom, just a few minutes away from those doors sliding open and welcoming that extra person in… it’s as nerve-wracking as you expected.
Almost to the point of calling it off…
But when Toji finally appears, in nothing less than a simple robe… something deep inside your conscience quickly reminds you why you were so willing to accept suggesting this offer, even when you had listed a thousand reasons not to.
You loved your husband very much, and there is no doubt in your soul that he is the love of your life, the future father of your children, the one you will spend the rest of your life with. You cannot imagine any other man in that position, none at all.
But tonight, and only for tonight… you wished to know what it felt to be touched by someone else.
By a man so intimidating, rejected by the same society that brought him onto this world, forced to be unruly, without inhibitions, just to have a chance to survive and eventually becoming nothing but shade, a monster that no one even dared to mutter his name for fear he’d come to haunt their existence—something that your husband never experienced, never had to.
Pristine, upkept, and highly controlling. That’s who Naoya was.
While Toji was like the forbidden fruit, that once the seed of curiosity was implanted in your mind, didn’t take long for you to seek after.
If you were to get one taste, if only a small one, you’ll be satisfied.
And in turn, you’d give him a chance to soil the values you represented: the untouchable wife of the heir, the woman Naoya desperately fought to obtain, the door to the next generation of Zen’in sorcerers…
All crumbling beneath the touch of someone they considered the lowest of the low, a disgrace.
This was supposed to be an affair between the three, with the obvious notion that you were to be shared amongst the two men, as equitable as possible, although with preference for Naoya.
However, Toji’s existence had always marked an exception to all rules, and your husband soon realizes that he wasn’t to be an active participant as he wished to be, and that perhaps, this was a bad idea all along…
Toji found it endearing to see how Naoya was trying to “get you in the mood” by kissing you, as if trying to cheer you up through this amoral endeavor, and do your best to please him, darling!
But the same time, it felt almost as if he were seeing a bunch of virgins discovering what sex was for the first time, which he did not have the patience for.
Feeling rather generous, Toji takes matters into his own hands by swiftly pulling you away from Naoya and forcing you to focus on him—coarse fingertips kneading and grabbing your skin as to remind you who you were doing this for in the first place—all while capturing your lips into a heated kiss that quickly takes your breath away.
“What? Don’t want this anymore?” he breathes hotly against your ear, making you squirm and whine in turn. But while his words were directed to you, his eyes are nothing but locked onto Naoya’s uneasy ones.
Your husband isn’t naïve when it comes to the teasing nature of those around him. How he believes everyone is out to get him, try to get what he has, yet failing miserably.
He’s seen it on Naoaki, how he attempts to get to him through you, teasing you, flustering you, but overall, keeping his attention on you, because after all what said and done, Naoya is still a figure of respect and he wouldn’t dare mess with him directly.
But Toji isn’t like that. He’s nothing like all he’s ever faced before. His cousin is relentless when it comes to disrespecting authority, more so when it comes to your husband. Naoya just makes it too easy.
Maybe it’s another way for him to get back at the Zen’’in. Spit on their faces and let them know that no matter how much they try to isolate him, look away whenever he crosses their paths, act like he doesn’t even exist—
A monkey like him will always find its way around them. To rattle them.
And he wants Naoya to see that.
He wants him to burn the image of his wife being ravaged by a lowlife like him—touching her, defiling her, and…
How she likes it.
“Do you see that? Do you see how well she takes me?” Toji breathes, a smirk on his lips as his eyes remain on the lewd way your cunt squeezed his cock as if struggling to hold him yet trying so hard to keep him inside.
Toji didn’t know whether to laugh at the seemingly too good to be true notion of the innocent, naïve, well liked by everyone wife of the heir throwing her hips back into him whenever he plunged his cock deep into her pussy.
At the way you’d moan whenever he abused that one spot that made you even tighter, the squelches of your greedy pussy evidently enjoying how your walls are being stretched, in ways it hadn’t as he was able to discern from Naoya’s size, or the squeals you’d gift him whenever teasing your asshole with his fingers, slapping your ass soon after, one of the many markings he’ll leave behind of this unforgettable night…
But most importantly, at the fact that Naoya was completely aroused by a man defiling his beloved wife. Because as much as he wished to place himself above it all, like he was hating the idea of sharing you, his throbbing cock and occasional rub in efforts to calm his frustration gives him away.
“Are you getting off with this, Naoya?” Toji would refer to him yet again, pace unrelenting as he subdues you beneath him. You can’t show it, but you’re glad you’re unable to see your husband’s face—it’s much too shameful to do so, if not terrifying.
But thrilling
“With the sight of your loyal wife, oh so dedicated to the heir…”
“St—Stop it To—Toj—ah!” you gasp when he pulls you by the hair, raising your face and forcing you to see Naoya, but with all the pleasure he’s giving you, you’re simply not there. “T—To—ji…!”
“And yet, here she is. Taking a monkey like me, right in front of your dear husband, like her life depended on it!”
“N—No…!” is what you manage to gasp through the brief seconds of awareness, doing your best to not show the feelings he was pushing your body through—obviously failing. “Don’t—don’t say—!”
You weren’t oblivious to this treatment.
After all, Naoya could be rough, borderline cruel, teasing, and yet…
He was nothing compared to Toji.
It’s always been like that. Even when many denied it, Toji was just on another level, and if his merits in the world of jujutsu didn’t show that, your incessant moans proved so.
Naoya had long begun to feel as if he were watching something he shouldn’t—as if he were intruding on a couple’s intimacy, and not as if he were your husband, the partner in question…
But with the way Toji was fucking you, manhandling you into positions he wasn’t even aware he could do, less you tolerate… it’s like he was the one invited over for a threesome, and not the other way around.
“Look at her, Naoya.” He smirks, licking his lips as he continues pounding against you in the nth position that night—the one Naoya hated the most, for it forced him to take a good look at what was happening to you.
Toji had you with your legs raised, arms keeping you still and hands locked behind your head as his cocked plunged deep and viciously deeper into you, a lewd sight that Naoya couldn’t avoid due to the nature of this position.
Naoya could take any situation, perhaps even naively hoped that he would be able to withstand more of this if he didn’t get to see how Toji fucked you…  but he knew he had lost control of the situation the moment his cousin set his eyes on you, and now, couldn’t do anything but stare at the libidinous fact of his cock claiming your entrance repeatedly as you lose yourself into the pleasure.
“Look at the way her cunt takes me.”
Your husband doesn’t respond, he can’t, not when his gaze is solely focused on your blank eyes, mouth agape, drooling, while your moans reveal the overwhelming extent of pleasure he knows he’s never given you.
“She’s squeezing me so tight, it’s like she doesn’t want to let go!” Toji laughs, and really, he’s happy you don’t—this is confidently a thrill he hasn’t experienced in a long time, if ever!
It felt almost demoralizing to do such a thing, but yet, what will a man like him know about morale? Or even care after all the horrible things he’s gone through?
“Do you even fuck her right, cousin?”
He looks forward to keeping this moment in his heart till the end of his days…
If not longer, as the revelation that suddenly crosses his mind implies, the only moment that would snap you and Naoya out of trance when acknowledging this wasn’t just senseless rambles of a man drunken in pleasure, but a threat to their relationship, if not the clan.
“I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s faces once they figure out you’re pregnant with my kid.”
“Toji, don’t—” Naoya gasps, eyes snapping to his.
“N—No, To—Toji! is what little manage to muster before Toji locks you in on place once more, as if reminding you of your position before one of his hands snakes down to tease your sensitive bud, fingers roughly squeezing and twisting it, making you moan and tense as your orgasm pushes you closer and closer the edge—a sensation Toji can delightfully feel building up in his throbbing cock as well. “Ple—please Toji!”
Please what?
Please don’t cum inside you?
Or please cum inside you?
You don’t know at that point anymore.
But not that it matters, it’s not a decision for you to make anyways, not when he continues to plunge his cock against you, deeper as he could reach, bruising your cervix, against that spot that has you seeing stars, a few more strokes, and then—
He cums.
He cums, letting out all of his warm, thick seed into your tight walls, and filling you to the brim. Deep inside your core and with an extravagant amount you couldn’t hold, managing to escape through the rim of your entrance and drip down onto the sheets, a sight Naoya could not peel his eyes away from, reinforcing the overwhelming feeling of wrongness against all, and yet… he did nothing to stop it.
Naoya didn’t fight it, didn’t push his cousin away or even condemn him.
He just watched everything unfold, the same way you did through your hazed eyes, and took it.
“N—No…” you whimper, doing your best to raise your hands onto your face and hide from him, urge him to look away, but you couldn’t, and he didn’t, filling you with shame amidst your orgasm as Toji rubbed out the last wave of your release, unwittingly tightening against his still hard cock, making him moan in your ear. “D—don’t look, Naoya…”
“A baby.” Toji breathes, still high on his release—he doesn’t know if he really means it, or it’s just the side effect of his orgasm, but he’s too drunk to care. “A baby from a disgrace like me and a saint like you—I wonder what will come out of that?”
His cock suddenly slips out of your cunt while adjusting himself, accidentally splash some of it’s seed onto Naoya’s grasp. Your husband looks at it with utter disgust, but he can’t discern whether it’s for the fluid, the notion of you being pregnant with someone else’s child, or that he secretly enjoyed witnessing all this.
“But most importantly…” He breathes, raising his eyes to Naoya once more. “What will you tell the elders once they find out? How will you explain that your wife is carrying a bastard, simply because you wanted to see a disgrace like me fucking her?
“You—you won’t get her—one time isn’t enough.”
“Is that what you tell yourself?” He mocks, Naoya frowns. “I wouldn’t bet on it—"
Toji sighs, taking a deep breath before reaching for his cock, aligning it onto your entrance, giving it a teasing rub or two that quickly has you whining in reproach, trembling at the prospect of another session like this when you’ve barely rested—but moaning when he finally enters you, throwing your head back as he goes all the way back to your cervix, stretching your walls and pushing the rest of his seed out, before nestling the tip just where you he liked and staying there.
He smiles, raising your legs yet again, before beginning to thrust.
“After all, I’m not done yet.”
Neither you nor Naoya would bring this up again.
Keeping it a secret between the two, hoping the third wouldn’t use this as blackmail, offering whatever it took to hide this affair from the clan, even if the answer was one they weren’t sure if they wanted to listen, more so when Toji simply… eased them to not worry, telling them that:
“If I need anything, I’ll let you know.”
Although he knows it wouldn’t take long before one of you approaches him in the future for a similar affair, knows it’ll happen, it’s just a matter of time.
But whether it’ll be you, or Naoya… that’s something he’s thrilled to find out.
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Omg. Well, that was interesting to write 😊 So long story short: if Naoya were to know this would happen, he would NOT invite Toji for a threesome hahaha. And in an ideal world, the thought of being with anyone else but your husband is enough to scare you away from it—as I told you, NaoyaxY/n is my way to go. It is what it is. So nope, no threesome with Toji. You're too intimidated by him anyways.
But does that mean I will deny myself from writing things like this? NOPE. Hahahaha I still hoped you enjoyed it!! Now I gotta write the Naoaki one….
Thank you so much for sending in this ask! I hope the hentai plot going on was good lol.
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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britishassistant · 5 months
An Act Of Infinite Optimism
Trucy notices it first.
Of course she does. Polly, for all he’s quick on the uptake, can still be kinda oblivious at times!
Honestly, she wouldn’t know what he’d do without her help in court, he’d be—! Well, not hopeless, but certainly more sweaty than he already is!
Trucy’s been a magician for years, and helping Daddy win poker games for even longer. She’s had far more time to practice at perceiving than Polly has, so she can’t really fault him, can she?
The point is, Trucy perceives a lot about the world around her. Little things, hidden things, things that other people don’t notice.
She’s like, the best at that. Even better than Polly (though he is catching up.)
But when he’s pulling apart Lamiroir’s testimony on the stand and shocking the singer so much that her veil flies up when she rears back in surprise, Trucy can’t help thinking as she watches, “Huh, doesn’t Lamiroir’s jaw look a lot like Polly’s?”
And of course, once she’s thought that, she kind of can’t stop?
It’s not just the jaw that resembles Polly. They both have the same long-fingered hands, the same pale brown hair, the same slight stature, heck, even the same Chords of Steel when Lamiroir calls out Daryan Crescend!
Sure, Polly has a darker complexion and brown eyes instead of blue, but Trucy’s doing biology in school! Maybe she can’t remember what the square with all the rabbits is called, but she knows brown eyes are more likely to show up even in the kids of blue eyed people.
Still, she tells herself, she can’t just jump to conclusions like this! She learned that lesson at Ashley’s pool party not long after she became a Wright. She doesn’t know Polly’s family situation, doesn’t know if he has relatives in Borginia that Lamiroir might secretly be part of. For all she knows, Lamiroir’s a distant aunt or something! A distant aunt who, for some inexplicable reason, looks scarily a whole lot like Polly.
Which is why, when they get back to the Agency after the trial, Trucy subtly segues from talking about Daddy’s secret mission to, “What about you Polly? Were your parents away on business a lot when you were a kid?”
Polly stops.
Only for a moment, not long enough that anyone who isn’t Trucy would notice. To anyone else, he’s moving stuff into neat piles on the sofa.
But Trucy watches as his hand creeps towards his other wrist between stacking, fidgeting with the gold bangle there.
“Ah, that’s kinda complicated?” He attempts to evade. “And it’s not all that interesting, so.”
“C’mon, Polly!” She presses. “You’re one of the Wrights now, so we gotta know! It’d be super rude if we invited you to Thanksgiving, but there’s a whole family of Pollys we left out on accident! I gotta know how many places we need at the table! We might even need to buy more chairs!”
One of the Wright Anything Agency, she means.
She’s not sure why it came out like it did.
But Polly’s eyes are shining slightly, and he actually stops fidgeting for a moment to swipe a shirt sleeve across them. Maybe he got dust in them?
“No, I, ah.” He lets out a laugh that sounds more sad than anything. “I don’t really have anyone else? I mean, I only came to the States when I was eight, and I was fostered before that, and, and after too, but—! There’s not really any, no bio and my fosters were never really—! It’s just me, I mean. If, if I do have an invite.”
Uncle Valant then bursts in, so Trucy kinda has to put a pin in this to deal with a blast from her own past, but!!
Polly was fostered. Polly only came to the States when he was eight.
Polly doesn’t know who his bio mom is!!
It’s practically guaranteed, so sure a bet that she’d be willing to go all in on it, but she needs to be certain. 99% isn’t 100, but she can’t provide that last 1% herself.
She needs someone else to see it. A witness.
Her first instinct is Daddy, but Daddy is so busy with his secret mission he barely stops by long enough to press a kiss to Trucy’s forehead before he’s gone again. Also, he’s never seen Lamioir before, so he can’t really speak decisively on the matter.
Uncle Valant is also an option, but. But even if he knows Lamiroir, he doesn’t know Polly. He can’t give unbiased testimony based on one conversation, even if he is a magician.
Someone who’s observed Polly and Lamiroir for long enough apart to make a solid judgement comparing them together…
She could kiss Polly when he takes them to Prosecutor Gavin’s office to eavesdrop.
She lets the boys have their fun as they poke around, but makes an announcement in the hall when Polly decides it’s time to leave.
“I need to use the bathroom! It’s that time of month, you know!” Is enough to leave Polly red-faced and spluttering as she flounces around the corner, then takes two lefts and a right that lead her right back to Prosecutor Gavin’s office.
Thank heavens for Uncle Miles and field trips to visit him with Daddy before he left again for Europe.
“Fraulein Magician?” Prosecutor Gavin looks amused as she slips inside the door. “I believe the ladies’ room is back—“
“Shh!” She whisper-scolds. “I need to talk to you about something important! And secret!”
“An important secret?” To his credit, the prosecutor does grow a bit more serious at that. “Well, danke for your trust, Fraulein. Consider me all ears.”
Trucy takes a deep breath.
“I think Lamiroir might secretly be Polly’s bio mom.”
Prosecutor Gavin stares at her for a few moments. The corners of his eyes twitch, and his lips press together.
The amusement is back in full force, barely held back by Prosecutor Gavin’s wavering self-control.
“Before you laugh or say it’s impossible or whatever!” Trucy draws herself up, does her best imitation of Uncle Miles’ scary stare. “Think about Polly and Lamiroir, for a second. Everything you know about them. Isn’t it weird how similar they are, especially if they aren’t related somehow?”
The amusement is fading slightly from Prosecutor Gavin’s face as he considers it. “Yes, but Fraulein, Herr Forehead is American. How exactly could Lamiroir, a native of Borginia, have a son in this country when it’s her first time here? One she has completely failed to acknowledge every time they’ve spoken, no less.”
Trucy smirks.
“Polly wasn’t born in America. He told me he came to the states when he was little, that he’s been fostered ever since. Plus, hasn’t Lamiroir said over and over she can’t remember any of her past beyond performing with Matchi? Well, what if part of that not remembering is not remembering that she’s not Borginian? Or that she already had a son and had to give him up?”
Prosecutor Gavin doesn’t do what she’d like him to do, which is collapse into his plush desk chair crying, “Mein Gott, you’re right! How could you be so intelligent and beautiful, Fraulein Trucy Wright?!”
But she sees her words hit the mark. The indulgent amusement is all gone, a deep and pensive frown on his face as he messes with his bangs.
“It is an astute observation, Fraulein Magician.” He finally says. “But, as I’ve told Herr Forehead countless times, theories do not a case make. Nein, what we need is evidence.”
Trucy can hear Polly calling for her, voice leaning into concerned, but one word makes her pause as she goes to slip out of Prosecutor Gavin’s office.
“Ja, Fraulein Magician.” Klavier Gavin’s eyes glitter with a mischievous determination reflected on Trucy’s own face. “We.”
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vickyvicarious · 6 days
I wonder if Van Helsing interpreted the hand clasping as different than gratitude?? It was so obvious to me that Arthur was grateful for Seward's offer to spill his blood for Lucy. But then I have seen the argument that all three suitors have a deep rivalry that they only express through blood transfusion. Not that I personally agree.
Honestly, I'm not totally sure. I'm in the same camp as you where the handclasp reads as such obvious thanks. I hesitate to think of what else it could even be seen as - I guess a too-hard squeeze, like someone pretending to thank you but making a point that they're mad about it? That feels so backwards and weird to even contemplate, giving the entire surrounding situation. Somehow, I can't imagine Van Helsing going quite so far as to actively observe the handclasp and think it equals jealousy. I mean, Arthur is there crying about how he'd die to save Lucy, and he's the one who called Jack in in the first place.
I guess you're asking because of Van Helsing's comment on 10 September, after Jack actually does give her blood:
"Mind, nothing must be said of this. If our young lover should turn up unexpected, as before, no word to him. It would at once frighten him and enjealous him, too. There must be none. So!"
I think Van Helsing has a pretty strong tendency to default towards "men do this" and "women are like this". He's got tons of benevolent sexism going on. And I think, particularly when he isn't thinking hard about a particular individual he knows well, he just assumes things. Men don't like women who make 'ugly' faces. Men get jealous. He throws those comments out there without even thinking about them. Which would make this less a case of him seeing Arthur squeeze Jack hands and thinking "oh boy he's a jealous one!" and more just... a base assumption that any man would probably get jealous.
I also think there's something to be said for the context of these kinds of quotes. Van Helsing uses this super gendered assuming language most when he's asking people to do something, at least as far as I recall. So when he wants Lucy to cheer up, he makes a joke about her man not liking her making an ugly face. He also wants her to stop frowning at his flowers specifically because he doesn't want her to be skeptical about this treatment, so he uses this as a lighthearted joke to distract from any skepticism and lead into his "no but really these are medicine" speech. I might even go so far as to say that he tends to use these kinds of statements specifically when trying to lighten the mood a little while still getting his way. A sort of social lubricant based on widespread 'understandings' of how men/women are 'known to be'. Plenty of people do it all the time to get positive engagement in a story or whatever: saying "you know how men/women are" and getting them to laugh and nod along, etc.
So here, he knows it would frighten Arthur to know she needed blood again. I think it's more that fact, than Jack specifically giving it to her. Maybe he fears Arthur would get in the way somehow - either by calling in some other doctor (who stands almost no chance of saving her) or by hanging around himself. Having his blood on hand might be useful if needed, but hopefully it won't be, and having him around asking questions is just another stressor/possibly uncontrollable factor Van Helsing doesn't want. And he might try to offer up his blood and not be well enough to donate it anyway, since they took a lot from him not too long ago. Maybe he wouldn't take super well to being told no if that happened, who knows (another possible angle for the jealous line). So Van Helsing really doesn't want Jack to share the news. So he requests he doesn't, and adds in this more lighthearted jealousy thing too. Partially because he's just assuming Arthur would be without thinking about it, and partially just to not sound too overbearing/frightening with his request.
That's my guess. Though, as you say, there are plenty of people who read the book and assume all the suitors harbor a secret hatred for one another because they just can't understand that anyone wouldn't. So it's always possible Van Helsing does the same. If anyone, I think he'd be the most likely of the cast to do so.
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nerdy-talks · 11 months
The relatability I feel towards Satan makes me love him and appreciate him more than words could describe.
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Satan expressing his feelings of guilt, inferiority, and like he's just a burden to his brothers really tugs at my heart.
Personally, I know what it's like to have those kinds of negative feelings... And it's extremely difficult to get past.
I do understand why Satan compares himself to Lucifer and tries so desperately to separate himself from Lucifer/surpass Lucifer in whatever ways he can... but being unable to match Lucifer does NOT make Satan weak or a burden.
This is one of the many reasons why I genuinely love Satan so much.
He may not be able to see all of the unique, wonderful qualities that he possesses. But I do.
He might think he is a "weak link", but I know just how strong and special he truly is.
Satan may not be able to stand himself, but I love him and accept him. There is so much meaning and value in Satan's existence, whether he could see it himself or not.
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It was a very sweet moment seeing Lucifer and the others boost Satan up, point out all of his unique qualities, etc.
I was also super happy to see them all collectively express just how much they trust Satan, because he is family.
It was all necessary and important for Satan to hear, so I'm glad everything worked out well between the brothers.
Not to mention the hugging, kissing, and head patting at the end ;w;
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I know this lead to us making a pact with Satan, but honestly... if I was actually in that room with Satan, this is the moment where I would have clung onto him while crying and telling him how amazing he is, how much he means to me, how important he is, and how no one will ever be able to compare to him.
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I've said it before and I will say it again : I vowed long ago that Mammon would forever remain my top favorite.
But geez, Satan.... You're torturing me here! xD
In all seriousness, I am a complete sucker for true, genuine, sincere loyalty and faithfulness (since they're two things I crave as someone who has been deprived of both for many, many years) .
With all of that being said... no matter where things go or where I stand with the boys, Satan will always have a special place in my heart 💙
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kanatajelly · 2 years
general yandere headcanons - floyd
floyd leech - twisted wonderland
warnings: general yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, physical abuse, biting, brief mention of blood, mentions of verbal abuse/humiliation, mentions of murder (both others and darling), mentions of kidnapping, honestly floyd is his own warning
word count: 1707
what kind of yandere are they?
Floyd is a very intensely possessive and clingy yandere. He is always physically near his darling, and is usually touching them in some way. Floyd’s love language is definitely physical touch, and that is brought out in the worst way possible if he’s a yandere.
Like his brother, I think he’d take some time to examine his darling and confirm his interest in them, but it escalates a lot quicker for him than it does for Jade. He would also take a more direct and overbearing approach to get close to his darling, as it’s not his style to do things quietly. Floyd would rather just jump in and make his presence known to them. No point in making them wait, they’re gonna have to get used to him anyway.
He can also be quite violent, both towards his darling and other people around them. Floyd is very quick to anger and isn’t the type to change his approach based on who he’s handling. From past experiences, he knows that a nice, hard squeeze fixes most things. It’s not like he doesn’t enjoy it. Speaking of enjoying it… yeah, Floyd is pretty sadistic as well. No surprises there.
Floyd is also easily prone to being jealous. His possessiveness over his darling is very strong, and he wants them to be his and only his. Why need anyone else? When Floyd is jealous, everyone within viewing distance can tell. Depending on the mood that he’s in, he’s either super whiny, aggressive, or bitter in response to being jealous. You can never tell how he’ll express his jealousy until he actually does it. It just makes him that much harder to deal with.
how do they treat their darling?
Floyd is a bit of an odd case in terms of how he treats his darling. He strikes this weird mix between being absolutely lovestruck with them, and treating them so badly that you’d think he hated their guts. He is definitely not an easy yandere to deal with due to this unpredictability of his.
Physical abuse is not off the table at all. Floyd knows how strong he is, and he isn’t afraid to show off some of that strength to intimidate his darling into submission. Whether it be in the form of squeezing them until they can barely breathe or biting them so hard that they start to bleed, he will not hesitate.
Speaking of biting, Floyd absolutely loves leaving marks on his darling, especially with his teeth. He would bite them almost anywhere, but visible places like the neck or hands are the best, since it would be hard for them to cover those up. Leaving marks on his darling is like publicly announcing that they’re his. It’s very loud, and it’s very Floyd. However, he wouldn’t stop with just his teeth. I can imagine Floyd also leaving bruises on his darling’s body, not only as a way to show others who they belong to, but also as a lasting reminder of what happens if they defy him.
Teasing and humiliation are also things I could see Floyd doing to his darling. He’s very confident in his abilities to keep them where he wants them, and he would share this fact with them in a not-so-nice way. 
Though, don’t get me wrong. With all the things I’ve said Floyd would do to his darling, it’s not like he wants to kill them or break their mind completely. In the end, he is obsessed with his darling, and he derives enjoyment from “playing” with them. Killing them or causing them to become unresponsive due to mind break would ruin his fun, not to mention take away someone he has a deep attachment to.
On a slightly less violent note, Floyd is very physically affectionate, and that still holds true here. He does have moods where he’s more cuddly, but he just likes having his hands on his darling at all times regardless of his temperament. Holding their hand, wrapping an arm around their shoulders or waist, hugging/squeezing them, kissing them, etc… Floyd is also not ashamed of being physically affectionate in public. Doesn’t matter who’s around, he’s doing whatever he wants. Sure, he would prefer doing more… intimate actions behind closed doors, but that won’t stop him from giving his darling bone-crushing hugs or suffocating kisses in the middle of a crowded place.
In terms of kidnapping, I think it really depends on the situation. Floyd is confident enough in his ability to threaten, beat up, or even kill anybody who gets close to his darling, as well as keeping his darling in a position which he wants them to be in; so kidnapping is not seen as a necessity for him. However, in more extreme situations where there’s a really persistent competitor or his darling is really testing his patience, Floyd may resort to kidnapping. Though it’s pretty unlikely overall.
what kind of person would they obsess over?
Honestly, I think Floyd could become obsessed with anyone that he deems interesting or fun enough, much like his brother. Though he may fall more easily for someone who has especially interesting reactions to what he does.
Therefore, I think that someone who’s a little shy or easily startled would be a prime target for Floyd. He’d love seeing the shocked expressions or listening to the little sounds of surprise that they make in response to his teasing and sudden physical affection.
Conversely, I think that he could also fall easily for someone with a more fiery personality, since they would also have interesting reactions. Their reactions would be more on the explosive side when compared to a shy darling, but Floyd would be enthralled nonetheless. He does like bothering Riddle a lot in-canon, so there’s that too.
Floyd would become interested in someone at first because of his desire to see how far he can push them with his heckling. However, at some point, he’d become more concerned with simply seeing their reactions to the things he does rather than seeing them unravel. That’s where the obsession kicks in.
I did mention that Floyd may like a darling who’s on the fiery side, but too much fire and he’s uninterested. It’s the same on the other end; he might like someone who’s on the meek side, but too much submissiveness and they’re boring. Floyd is a difficult yandere to please. You kind of have to draw a fine line between being interesting enough to make his obsession persist, and being permissive enough that you’re not setting his temper off with every little defiant remark you make.
are they aware of their actions? how dangerous are they?
Unsurprisingly, Floyd is quite the lucid yandere. That being said, I think he does lean into the delusional side sometimes too. He’d be aware of his obsessive and possessive behaviour, but he just really doesn’t care. Why should he, when he’s just doing what he finds fun?
The delusional side of his kicks in when his obsession is more on the intense side. I think Floyd would sometimes fall victim to the thought that he and his darling are meant to be together, especially when he’s in his more cheery moods. However, if his darling does anything to break that delusion, such as defying him or acting afraid around him, Floyd switches back to normal rather quickly… and angrily.
Also unsurprisingly, Floyd is a very dangerous yandere. His lack of regard for anyone other than himself is probably the thing that contributes to his dangerousness the most, especially when it comes to how dangerous he is for people other than his darling. Furthermore, he has lots of other threatening traits: unpredictability, physical abuse, possessiveness, suffocating clinginess, and so on.
On the other hand, if his darling somehow finds a way to please him, or if they develop feelings for him as well, that would make Floyd considerably less dangerous towards them. There are certain things that would never go away - like his constant need to touch his darling in some way, or his bites that hurt a little too much - but some of his violent traits would slowly disappear if his darling is being compliant and interesting enough to him.
Floyd is also very dangerous to others, and this is not dependent on how his darling treats him. If anyone gets between him and his darling, Floyd has absolutely no remorse in beating them within an inch of their life. He might also kill them if beating them up doesn’t work. Murder isn’t necessarily his first option, but he also wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone if need be.  
what is their most dangerous trait? how far would they have to be pushed to bring it out?
Floyd’s most dangerous trait is definitely his deep disregard for anyone other than himself. He does what he considers most enjoyable or interesting at that moment, and he considers everything else to be less important than his whims. 
I do think Floyd could be a rather patient yandere, given the right situation. He doesn’t want to lose his darling, so he would apply some level of control to his own actions. For example, he wouldn’t jump to giving his darling a permanent injury or killing them. However, there is one important condition to satisfy for this to be true: the fact that his darling is still interesting to him.
If his darling were to ever make Floyd bored or set him off, the little bit of concern he has for them evaporates so quickly. Suddenly he’s back to treating them like everyone else; he stops controlling himself around his darling and does whatever he wants to without considering their well-being at all. In this state, he’s very likely to critically injure or kill his darling, especially if he’s frustrated or angry with them.
Overall, as long as his darling keeps Floyd relatively content and does nothing to dispel his interest in them, they’re probably fine. It’s a very delicate balance though: Floyd’s emotional volatility makes the task of dealing with him a difficult and fragile endeavour. And the second he gets bored or snaps… it’s not gonna be pretty.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
cute Steve idea got to me and it won't leave. 😫 husband! Steve and reader are talking about kids and they both get super excited about the idea. and when they talk about it more Steve notices the reader slowly drifting,staring into space. then she says she worries about not being the mom that a child needs, being good enough for them, because they deserve love. then Steve cheers her up saying " you will be the best mom!" "but I cant take that title away from you, mama steve" fluffy fluff 💜
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AN | If you’re going to have babies with someone, I think Stevie’s a good choice 🥺🥰
Warnings | Discussions of children/pregnancy
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 1.1k
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Despite what you would have thought, you felt a wave of relief wash over you. You heard a knock on the bathroom door that pulled you back to reality and reminded you that your husband was on the other side, also eagerly awaiting an answer. Unfortunately, you knew that his reaction wouldn't be the same as yours.
You opened the door slowly and shook your head as you held out the test to him. He took it gently, his fingers brushing against yours as he looked over the test before turning his attention back to you. He tried to read your expression, and leaned in to press a few soft kisses to your lips. 
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he brushed his thumb over your cheek as you nodded. Suddenly you weren't so sure if you were relieved after all. You did want to have a baby, Steve's baby, but you were terrified of the idea of actually having a baby. It was a complex web of emotions and you couldn't stop the swell of emotions that caused tears to well up in your eyes, "honey."
"I-I don't know, Stevie," you admitted and looked away, not wanting to have a complete breakdown. You knew if you met his eyes, his soft, sweet eyes, you'd cry that much harder, "I-I think I'm alright."
"Hey," he put his finger under your chin and tilted your face up towards him. Your lip trembled as you looked at him and he tutted lightly. He took your hand in his larger, warmer one and started to lightly pull you towards the bedroom, "c'mere."
You sat down at the edge of the bed, hanging your head. Steve got down on his knees in front of you, hands resting on your thighs, "talk to me, sweetheart. What's wrong?"
“Steve,” you put your hand on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze. You knew what you wanted to say - what you had to say, you just weren’t sure how he would respond. That was the worst part of all, “my first thought was that I was happy it was negative. Relieved.”
“What?” his expression faltered as you looked at him with big, worried doe eyes, “what do you mean? I-I thought…we wanted this? Do you not want to have a baby anymore?”
“N-no, I do,” you promised and he seemed to relax a little, “really. I’m just…getting to this point, where I’m actually testing to see if I’m pregnant makes it seem more real. It is real. But I’m…scared, Stevie.”
“It is scary,” he agreed softly, reaching up to cup your cheek in his hand, “and honestly, I can’t even imagine being in your position, because you’re the one that has to go through a whole pregnancy. I’d probably be more worried if you weren’t nervous, angel.”
“You always know what to say, huh?” you put your hand on top of his and brought it to your lips to press a gentle kiss to his knuckles, “I love you, Steve.”
“I’m your husband,” he grinned; he loved getting to say that and loved telling anyone that would listen that you were his wife, “I’m always here to support you. I love you so, so much.”
“I know,” you slid off the bed and onto the floor, plopping down in front of him. Steve wasted no time in pulling you into his lap and settling his hands on your hips in a firm but gentle grasp, “you are going to be a wonderful father, Steve. Any kid - our kids - are going to be so lucky to call their father. But I…I can’t…I’m worried I won’t be a good mother. I feel like you’re so good with kids and babies - I mean Eddie’s baby adores you and the kids look up to you so much, especially Dustin. And then…there I am. I don’t know if I’ll be a good mom.”
“Baby,” he took your face in his hands and gently peppered soft kisses all over your face, “you are going to be the best mother ever. I have no doubt about that. We are going to be the best parents ever. Or the most metal as Eds would say. You’re going to be the best mom.”
“Steve,” your heart felt like it was full to bursting with his soft words of reassurance. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning in and kissing him, “I love you. But no one can replace you, Mama Steve.”
“I love you,” a pretty flush of pastel pink welled up in his cheeks as you looked at him with nothing short of pure adoration, “but I mean it, angel. It’s not going to be easy, I mean we’re going to be bringing a whole new human into the world. A human that we’re going to be responsible for…I think we should be nervous. But I also know that together we’ll be able to figure it out. Look at all the shit we’ve gotten through…we can survive a baby.”
“Yeah,” you worried your bottom lip between teeth before nodding, “I think you’re right.”
“Of course I am,” he teased softly before brushing a few rogue strands of hair out of your face, “hey, we’ve got this. I mean it, baby. And if you ever need a boost or a bit of reassurance, you know I’m here for you. Always, my queen.”
“Such a dork. The kids and Eddie have really gotten to you,” you laughed lightly as a few tears rolled down your cheek. He reached up and gently wiped them away, “thank you, Stevie. I…I really can’t wait to have your baby.”
“I can’t wait to get you pregnant,” he leaned in and nudged your nose with his before kissing you softly, “but, if you want to wait a little bit longer, we can do that too. There’s no rush, no need to do this right away. When you’re ready, we’ll do it.”
“I…I think I am ready,” you promised, “I just…as long as you’re with me, I think - I know we’ll be okay. I might just need a little bit of reassurance every now and then.”
“And I’ll be here to give it to you,” you sighed wistfully as you melted into his arms and let him hold you tightly, “I’ve got you, angel, I’ve always got you. I love you.”
“I love you, Stevie.”
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lemonhemlock · 4 months
Aemond is a fool for Storms end, but his war has started when he lost an eye, he is consistent at this. Alicent doesn't recognise it in ep 8, praises Rhaenyra and scolds him for something she herself has been doing for years.. It was her who told Aemond, a child, that Rhaenyra's sons are bastards and Aegon has to be king for their family's safety and now she acts like they have other options but to fight for their survival. What does she even want? Does she think they can all live in peace with Daemon as king consort (who hates her father and her entire family)? With Queen Rhaenyra who killed her husband to marry him and once wanted to torture her son? Alicent is the most confusing character honestly.
that's because the writers don't care about making alicent consistent as long as they keep the rhaenicent fire burning within her because it's the only way they understand how to make an unpopular typology like her sympathetic in the public's eyes.
at this point they made her flip-flop between stances and moods so much that it's affecting the suspension of disbelief and she is just starting to look more like an amalgamation of different authors (grrm, scriptwriters, directors, actors, each with their own take on her). so i can't immerse myself in order to ask "what does she even want" because all i see is too many chefs in the kitchen. at most, her family's safety edged out her (unexplainable) love for rhaenyra, because she did take an active part in crowning aegon at rhaenyra's expense, but she is just very reluctant to do further harm
which, i mean.... spirits are high right now and people are just tired of her playing doormat for someone who would only (at most) shrug and look apologetic when daemon murdered her family. but, equally, it's not THEE craziest stance to have. i do agree with what she said in ep 9 - "reluctance to murder is not weakness" - and, if there is the slightest chance at solving this mess diplomatically, then it is their duty to at least try, in order to spare further bloodshed. let's not forget that removing the black faction (whichever way you want to define it) would also involve a lot of innocent people dying, it's not as easy as just meeting them in 1 vs 1 battles
also, i'm not saying that the actual scene will be much better, but, if we are to be super duper fair, we don't KNOW what aemond and alicent are fighting about. maybe aemond just said the most psychotic thing ever and alicent is at her wits' ends. we don't know what she's objecting to. maybe to aemond them "prevailing" means committing massacres, to which she objects, because, well, she should, honestly. brutal force and slaughter are not exactly the recommended way forward, is that not what septon meribald keeps telling us?
likewise, we don't know when exactly she is talking to aegon and aemond, advising caution and diplomacy. is this after they find out aemond murdered luke? is it after b&c? it's a safe bet that it happens at the beginning of the season, because aegon is still walking and aemond is in KL, but it's not out of the realm possibility that she will become hardened towards rhaenyra by the end
which is why i would not advise getting worked up too much over this. trailers are often misleading, lines are superposed over scenes that have nothing to do with the context in which they were spoken, shots of characters are alternated in order to confuse and mislead etc.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Jokes aside the idea of Shisui smartly winning a place as Fugaku's right-hand man and using Mangekyō fuckery against ROOT is so cool? Also Fugaku doesn't strike me as someone who would be a super bad Hokage- would he be the best? No. But would he be the worst? I don't think so, especially with Shisui at his side
And who knows?
Maybe with time things will get better and Konoha will accept Fugaku as their new Hokage. I know I would 🤭
- Koto-anon
It depends on how you judge success/badness/goodness specifically towards leadership in Narutoverse!
Disclaimer! This is all my opinion! I don't want to be lectured! I'll keep deleting bullshit!
I'm gonna try really hard not to start spiraling into historical analysis of power structures and perspective bias etc etc but knowing me that's what's going to happen anyway so let's just get into it 🤣
So, fandom usually looks at Hokage candidates by their raw strength which makes sense, considering all the talk of "Strongest in the Village" and looking at who we have in Canon:
Hashirama was the God of Shinobi
Tobirama was a genius with Jutsu and assumed to be a good policy maker too
Sarutobi was 'the professor' and was pretty spry against Orochimaru even as an old man
Minato was a genius sealing master and the 'fastest man alive'
Tsunade could crush mountains and perform healing miracles
Kakashi is a (you guessed it) genius and the man of a thousand Jutsu
Naruto is literally the Jinchuuriki Favourite Child of "God-God" Sage
But, honestly, discounting Tobirama... Who here is actually fit to be a leader and not just...a glorified general?
We need to understand what the Hokage actually does. Jokes about paperwork aside, how does the mantel of Kage fit within the broader sociopolitical framework, what role do their advisors and council play into the system?
So let's make some assumptions.
From examples across time and space, we know that Generals can be just as much in power as a civilian politician or the biological heir to a dynasty. I'd recommend looking at the Hokage as a hodge-podge of these:
The Hokage are all connected to each other. Hashirama-(brother)->Tobirama-(student)->sarutobi -(student's student)->Minato-(sensei's teammates/saru's other student)->Tsunade-(predecessor's student)->Kakashi-(student, sensei's son)-> Naruto
They're military leaders and the power structure of the villages are based on this Shinobi prowess
They are also in control of their civilian population (if there is a civilian council, I doubt they report to anyone but the Hokage) and they mediate with Daimyo etc.
Hashirama was the Senju Clan Head, a mantel that maybe passed to Tobirama but more likely passed to Hashirama's mysterious children.
Tobirama was, at the very least, his brother's closest advisor. That's some political practice, right there.
Sarutobi, we assume but then...maybe not!, was the pretty important to the Sarutobi. And there seems to be a fair few of them looking at that one panel of them all breathing smoke and shit (assuming that they're not just a huge pack of brothers but most are part of their own family unit)
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I don't think Asuma has a dozen brothers. Maybe he does but, frankly, I'd be disappointed if they all didn't have daddy issues with the Sandaime as well.
I'm going off tangent🙃
MY POINT is that Sarutobi possibly had some experience with bureaucracy before becoming Sandaime. Maybe Tobirama punished them all with paper pushing, idk
Minato.... I don't know what to tell you but I'm tempted just to...skip... him because frankly his term of office was so short he probably hadn't even redecorated or got the smell of smoke out of the furniture yet! Regardless, being smart with seals doesn't mean he's a good judge of politics, economics, or social welfare! He gets brownie points for being a thinker, tho
(Does Konoha function as a welfare state? Surely with the injuries on a regular basis, as well as the crazy working schedules and the turn over of retiree veterans, they've got to have some impressive infrastructure- No, don't get me started-)
Tsunade. Right, listen, she's a doctor yeah but this woman really had no clan left to learn leadership for and she's been wandering the continent for a decade in a drunken stupor. I love her but there's a reason she's smashing desks and it's because she's been confronted with problems she can't pummel or resuscitate. Tsunade didn't get a medical degree (did she????) just to have to study MORE bullshit. She's frankly wasted here but better her than some of those fuck-wits.
Kakashi. 🥹 Leading the Hatake? No. ANBU? Does Captaincy really count as anything but even more field experience. Result: Why (i love you but SEND THE MAN TO THERAPY AND GO TO THE SPA)
Naruto. Well... They wouldn't let him jump from Genin to the Hokage. Is this because they know he's so uneducated and needs to go back to school or is this purely because you HAVE to climb the pecking order in order to hit the top. Both? Both is good
So there's just... A lot here. And I can speculate to fucking hell and back but there's very little actually elaborated on in Canon. What do they even do in the Hokage Tower? Is it just all mission paperwork or does Konoha function more like... Idk a principality? What is the involvement of the Daimyo?
This is where fanfiction reaaally takes the reigns and I love that for them ✨😤
So what would make a "bad" Kage?
Danzo is a SHIT Kage and not just because I hate him. We're looking at someone who poisoned the previous - relatively successful - leadership, worked with foreign powers to manipulate other nations as well as his own village, orchestrated and then ordered the slaughter of thousands of Konohan citizens, kidnapping and experimentation, sabotaging political rivals (whether they considered themselves rivals is a different matter all together), bolstered social conflict and international tensions, bloodline theft and forming a private army who were indoctrinated and sealed to his will-!
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So if that's the "shit" end of the scale, where do the other Hokage line up?
Hashirama: congrats on building the village! However, it's really contested whether you actually met your new allies on equal standing and it's left a lot of social pressure that will explode down the line 🥺 you get points for spirit but the execution (whoops) might prove a bit wobbily
Tobirama: congrats on being the best of an....interesting bunch. You seem to have had a good head on your shoulders and, pre-founding antics aside, you've committed to the bit. Unfortunately, you have an evil student :/ oh, right, and those social issues? You're probably making them worse
Sarutobi: well. You sat there. Congrats on living so long, I guess. You taught a few loose canons big names, you signed your name on the top of the exam, you held onto peace for a good while by the skin of your teeth. Unfortunately any good you mightve done or process made has been massively underscored by allowed your live-in nuclear-weapon-child to be abused and reviled, your students have either fucked off or were chased out after performing atrocities against the population, your teammate tries to get the last student of your (brief) successor to kill you... Yeah. It's a lot. Oh, also your own son flipped you the bird for a decade to go live in the Capitol instead. Oh, yeah, and you must either live in a bubble of ignorance (ignoring that crystal ball you've got going on) or you're wilfully ignoring Danzo squirreling funds to his private army ;/ all in all? Not great signs of leadership control, you rotten motherfucker
Minato. Is it even fair to list him when he martyred himself before anything could happen? All i can say is... Yikes. Also congrats on dying so quickly that you were immortalised as the faultless golden hero of the village ☺️ all in all, Minato is just lucky to be here
Tsunade: um. She fucked off for decades, loudly proclaiming her disgust/revulsion of Konoha and how stupid anyone would have to be to become Hokage, and hasn't exactly been graceful or pleased since being strong armed into taking the job. I'm not saying I don't sympathise but at the same time... Not a good start. Idk about anyone else but if my (dictator?) leader loudly hated the job and the village and had also gone AWOL for years living it up whilst the village was kinda imploding... I would be pretty resentful. Girl Power can only fly you so high 😔✊
Kakashi: I'm sorry that they made you do this 🥹 you are smart and you've seen a lot of shit but... He might be long-suffering for his duty but, like with Tsunade, you've got to weigh up if they'd be better elsewhere. Kakashi is high on the list of Hokage we've got to work with, however. Well. If you ignore that he was hated for most of his life, first for his father and then for being a little brat, and then for being an "eye thief", and then for being a Friend Killer, and then for being a Pervert- well. His reputation abroad is much better but there's a reason most leaders have, at least loosely, a cult of personality (Narutoverse is bad for this, btw). He has similar problems to Tsunade but he wins out on loyalty.
Naruto. I'm not going here because it's Boruto territory and that's a hard pass.
So what makes a bad Hokage? The usual things, I'd imagine:
pathological power grabbing (war mongering isn't good for your own minions and it's not good for international friends)
ignoring the wants and needs of the wider population (revolutionaries 🤷)
Inconsistency (people watch their leaders extremely carefully and so do their enemies)
lack of attention (^^^)
lack of control (you're running a military dictatorship, commit to the bit)
too much control (Danzo, I'm looking at you)
selfishness (it always bites in the ass)
pure ignorance (Sarutobi, I'm looking at you)
a focus on the brute side of things instead of the subtler arts (Sarutobi isn't brute strength but, unfortunately, he's on the other end where appeasement is making things worse)
So, looking at this, what makes a good Hokage?
Someone who knows what they're doing? 🥴
Someone who wants to be there or at least has dedicated themselves to the roll in its entirety without going on a power trip or burning out in a short period? 💀
an awareness of social pressure and tensions (literally read the room)
a firm hand to the law (you gotta keep the minions in line)
support for both the backbone of society (Shinobi and Clans) as well as attention to the majority and minority (civilians hold a lot of sway in the every day realities of Konoha, don't let the Jutsu fool you) and knowing when to invest so neglect doesn't bite you in the ass (or rip everything up by the roots - ROOT, lol)
You need intimidation/respect (they are mercenaries after all) abroad as well as devotion and reverence at home (good old propaganda to keep the masses contained)
looking at the various downfalls of previous Hokage, you gotta deal with threats close to you with scary efficiency.
Another disclaimer: this is a profile for a leader in Naruto. I don't want to hear shit about me promoting aggressive foreign policy or totalitarian ideology, omfg
So! Bearing all this in mind, and incorporating an awareness of canon context... Would Fugaku be a good or bad Hokage?
I think he'd be a very important and decisive one. Good? That's a little more nuanced. Let's get into it-
Fugaku has the "good" qualities:
He's Clan Head, so about as much experience as any of the others had, but then he's also Police Chief (ACAB, whoops) so we're dealing with someone with intimate knowledge of the letter of the law, navigating Konohan crime and punishment as well as legal bureaucracy, and he's already a direct authority within the village and - get this - with the civilians.
Fugaku didn't personally want the Coup but he's a leader listening to his clan and they're getting desperate (and, therefore, more explosive). He's managed to hold his own against all these influences around him. Should he have completely shut them down? Maybe, but then what if they tried to usurp him? The Uchiha Clan can't exactly afford to split into fractions
He's called Wicked Eye for a (mysterious Mangekyou) reason. The fact that his skills aren't discussed in canon only gives us even more leeway to make him a total BAMF. He could also, apparently, go head to head with Golden Boy Minato. Am I sensing a badass? I think I am
He's surrounded by trustworthy BAMFS. Hashirama had Mito and Tobirama (Madara too, not to incite commentary, lets stay focused). The others struggled with this: Tobirama's successor is a little bitch and Danzo was devil spawn, Sarutobi was trapped between Danzo and his wild-card/war criminal students, Minato's Kushina died with him and everyone else doesn't seem on the level, Kakashi's bestie is literally a major antagonist, Naruto is (BORUTO REDACTED). Fugaku, however, not only has a bamf Clan who seem pretty devoted to him as a leader (we don't see a lot of dissent) but he's got Itachi and Shisui right there. They had a problem with the Coup, not necessarily with Fugaku himself although I think (looking at their characters) interpersonal strife would be set aside in favour of the bigger picture. All in all, there's a reason why he was thought of as the 'father' of his Clan (but what if you have daddy issues 👀)
Does Fugaku also show signs of being a bad Hokage?
Well, the timing might prove deadly against him. A revolution when the wider population is so anti-Uchiha would tear Konoha in two. But... That's if you're thinking that a Coup would be... Well, what you'd imagine. But if it's performed by Uchiha, the masters of genjutsu and manipulation? Taking liberties with Fugaku's Wicked Eyes and possible OC Uchiha characters, who knows if it would be a seamless transition? (In a fic, maybe Shisui's use of Kotoamatsukami on Danzo and ROOT would be the tip of the iceberg on what happened in the Uchiha Revolution. The Sandaime deciding to united the fractions of Konoha with Fugaku as his successor....?)
Fugaku isn't power snatching and, if he was, it wouldn't be directly for himself like Danzo's is. Danzo might sugarcoat it as an ideological difference, a variation in his vision of Konoha compared to others, but it's really all about him. Fugaku feels... vindicated.
Fugaku wouldn't be unwilling, uncomfortable, under qualified, or underpowered.
Personality-wise? He'd be like Tobirama, who i think was the best previous Hokage. Would this turn Konoha into a police state? Wasn't it always that in some form, anyway?
Overall, I think Fugaku would be a good Hokage, if he was extremely careful and played his cards right (and, considering his dedication and shrewdness, there's no reason to think he wouldn't be)
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triviareads · 1 year
Ever since I was mildly horrified that Colin Firth is a fancast for Lisa Kleypas's Lord Westcliff (by Lisa herself which.... come on, you need to pick someone who is not hot and yet inexplicably super attractive because of his "vitality" or whatever, Lisa), I've come to realize people actually liken Westcliff to Mr. Darcy, and even call It Happened One Autumn a 'spicy" version of Pride and Prejudice which.... well, we won't get into that particular suggestion, buuuuut I do think likening Darcy to Westcliff is kind of a disservice to both characters (and calling it "spicy" Pride and Prejudice is a disservice to both texts).
For all that Westcliff is shown as this perfect paragon of aristocratic virtue, he's honestly.... kind of not. Apart from him and Darcy sharing a sense of duty and a degree of aristocratic snobbery (which, tbh, most aristocrats or gentlemen would have at the time), they really aren't all that similar personality-wise
Do I think the narrative about Darcy being a brooding borderline douchebag was pushed by by fans post-1995 Pride and Prejudice? Maybe. To a degree. But let's be real here, Westcliff comes way closer to being a dbag than Darcy ever does, particularly his hot-and-cold behavior with Lillian (the time he calls her an easy target for St. Vincent and then immediately pounces on her and fingers her in his butterfly garden comes to mind). Darcy's behavior towards Lizzy is fairly consistent; it's just, they both misinterpret one another's actions until the proposal makes everything clear. That's not to say they don't change their attitudes afterwards, but there was always civility at the least.
And I don't think Darcy is a super broody type, but he is definitely shy around people he doesn't know (awkward too), and seems like the type to socialize with a few close friends (like I'm convinced his only confidantes are Bingley, and then his own cousin Col. Fitzwilliam). Westcliff on the other hand displays no qualms about socializing in large groups, in fact, he seems to command a lot of attention in large group settings like balls and the big house parties he hosts (routinely, based on Secrets of a Summer Night, where he's described as an accomplished host).
I know it's hard to compare a text with on-page sex to a text that is much older and has no point of comparison, but there was this detail in Secrets of a Summer Night that stood out to me:
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This is veering into headcanon territory but the more generous headcanon I have regarding Darcy's premarital sex life is largely "widows" and "older women" and that too... I imagine it's a limited number (otherwise, he's a virgin. or partially a virgin; that's my favorite). What I'd never think Darcy would do is "join in" with any village wenches in Lambton (a combination of his shyness and upper-class snobbery about socializing with the lower classes for fun). Nor do I think he'd he exhibitionist enough to do things with paramours at parties where friends could see him. Interestingly, in IHOA, Livia comments that Westcliff has had a few discreet affairs and nothing more, but between a secluded sister and a friend who routinely goes around town with him, I believe Simon Hunt lol; that being said Westcliff is deffo more of a society affair type than a sex worker/courtesan mistress type. To be clear, this isn't me judging Westcliff for having sex with a lot of women, it's just, again, for all that he outwardly behaves in a proper fashion, he really isn't, and has relatively relaxed views on propriety, even as he judges Lillian for her lack of it at first.
In his second proposal to Elizabeth, Darcy basically said he understands that "no means no", while Westcliff..... does not quite understand that.
Ways Westcliff is similar to Darcy:
They both are brought to their knees by women who initially don't fit within their notion of a "right" spouse. But that's such a broad trope, as is the fact that they both "save" their heroines in some sense.
There's a decent amount of language in P&P describing Darcy as a a fair-minded master and "liberal"; while I don't know enough to speculate on his actual politics (though I have read some pieces that suggest he might be, based on, among other things, the real-life figure Jane Austen may have named him after, the Earl Fitzwilliam), what we do know is that he's liberal in the sense of being a very involved master at his estate, liberal with money where his estate and tenants are involved. Basically, he's not stodgy and backwards, just like Westcliff is when it comes to his estate and tenants. Kleypas takes Westcliff's liberal attitudes a step further by aligning him with progressive causes and progressive politicians.
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Look, both Westcliff and Darcy are classist to a degree; both initially balk at marrying women with connections to trade, but ultimately, they a) go ahead with marrying them anyway and b) we know they like to associate with people in trade in other ways. For example, Darcy and Bingley are good friends in the way that Westcliff and Simon Hunt are friends. Plus, we know Darcy gets on really well with Elizabeth's Aunt and Uncle Gardner (who are in trade), to the point that they're frequent visitors at Pemberley after their marriage. Basically, their snobbery is not universal.
Westcliff and Darcy are good to their siblings but even here, the actual sibling relationships are different. Westcliff is closer in age to both his sisters so their relationship is (mostly) noninterfering (tbh Westcliff exercises remarkable forbearance when McKenna returns) and Westcliff is less high-handed than I imagine Darcy is with Georgiana who, based on their age gap, likely regards him as a second father of sorts.
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kamiversee · 4 months
Yap-sesh incoming:
Love the “consistency” of smut in the second chapter both in tfl and ftl hehehe :3
Also I appreciate your writing so SO much with how you made clear that Gojo’s behavior is NOT normal/romantic/good/desirable (this typa stuff gets romanized WAY too much)
And why do I kinda like Sukuna again, for calling Gojo out and telling him he’s being disgusting, I did NOT plan to find that man anything close to sympathetic anymore after tfl I’d let him ruin me any day 😭
Like why do I like him for seemingly wanting to punish Gojo for being a creep towards a woman (ik his form if punishment fucks us over literally too, but if I didn’t know that, I’d be like HELL YEAH TELL HIM [also it seems like the fuck list wasn’t his initial plan but what he came up with after Gojo refused to tell reader and Sukuna obviously read more of the diary and therefore found out which person would hurt Gojo most if reader slept with them, maybe to get Gojo off of his obsession])
Also why did I knowwwww that would be how Sukuna gets ahold of the diary the second you mentioned Gojo babysitting??? Your foreshadowing is truly divine 😌
But also WHY does he seem to need/want the money (he stopped questioning why Yuji needed a babysitter after seeing how much he’d get paid + him wanting to make sure he gets the money) I thought he was rich anyways? And why does it seem like only one person lives in the apartment if Geto and Gojo live together??
And Sukuna seeming to understand his obsession to some degree - is that directed towards that first (?) woman he hit (if I remember correctly) after she said something to him? (I think Choso was the one who saw that happen??) Like she’s the “reason” he “changed” and Sukuna only became abusive towards Yuji after that? Cause I feel like I remember him promising Choso he wouldn’t do stuff to Yuji and maybe he actually didn’t but then started after the stuff happened with this Woman? 👀
Idk if I’m super far off but that would maybe also explain why he really doesn’t want Gojo to get his way with reader (like Sukuna apparently succeeded in manipulating that girl, who then maybe found out that he was obsessed or something and that’s what she said to him before things escalated) cause he doesn’t want Gojo to succeed/be happy “where he failed”? Or maybe he wants to protect reader somehow because of underlying self-hatred and projection?
I feel like either I cooked hard or completely burned my kitchen down, along with my whole house with these theories lmao, thanks for listening to my ted talk🙇🏻‍♀️
Ah yes, the seasonal yap sesh 🙂‍↕️ lets unpack, shall we?
This is kinda long btw, sorry ><
For one, I actually didnt even notice that I mirrored where smut is until you just pointed it out HELLO? I MIGHT BE A GENUIS? I know I mirrored the first three words of tfl & ftl but I did the smut thing on accident honestly 😅
& Gojo was…coco for cocoa puffs, to say the least. Even in tfl, he explicitly tells the reader that the version of himself who fell in love with her was a bad guy— as we now see!
And I need everyone to be well aware that the acts are not okay. 🙏 Please, even as I wrote it I was genuinely creeped out because imagine if you had someone you didn’t know watching you & even jacking his shit to you… that is WEIRD and NASTY. Gojo being hot does NOT excuse SHIT. ^.^ Happy that I was able to express that through that disturbing chapter. These acts should not be romanticized. & while yes, I love a good dark romance, this is an example of what isn’t romantic but pure dark. It’d be different if he actually knew the reader & talked to her but he didn’t, I hope people keep tht in mind :)
NEXT, liking Sukuna is okay actually 😄 You might even feel stronger about him in those regards after the next chapter! And my foreshadowing with the babysitting was rather obvious I think! Glad you spotted it tho!! ;)
About the whole money thing. It was explained that Gojo enjoyed babysitting in general & it’s clear he loves kids & taking care of them! As such, think of it as a parallel to the reader in tfl. She had no job & was getting no action until Gojo came along w the blackmail. Through him, she saw it as a win win (blackmail aside) as she’d get to fuck hot guys & get paid— solving two of her problems at once. Now with Gojo in ftl, he saw it as him being able to take care of kids like he loves & the amount that Sukuna pays him is like an added bonus! A mere plus side, if you will. Gojo is rich but who doesn’t love extra money? Especially for something he loves doing?
& nono, the part where Sukuna was studying the apartment was to say he could tell two people lived there! It’s simply a nod to how Sukuna & Gojo didn’t know each other well enough for Sukuna to know Gojo had a roomate. :)
With Sukuna’s understanding of Gojo’s obsession…. 🌚 Let’s just say, Sukuna is not a fan of it. More will come in upcoming chapters!
You definitely cooked w ur theories, fret not my love :3 I was happy to read! Ty <3
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clambuoyance · 2 years
ngl I know nothing ab your DC blorbos except they're gay and cool or something Idk I just think they're neat... I'd ask what comics I could read ab them being super blorbo-y but Idk...
OKAY so there’s a lot of characters in dc but the ones I draw/talk about the most are these group of friends!! They feature in Young Justice 1998, Teen Titans 2003, and Young Justice 2019, as well as having their own comics and other appearances :)
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each comic run has different vibes but my personal favorite is yj1998 bc I like its wacky and zany vibes. It was not my first comic though, and it’s a little older so it might be hard to understand or read if it’s your first time reading comics like this, and again it is old soooo some stuff does Not age well such as certain jokes or depictions and it is of course not all perfect but overall I love it and think it has a lot of heart
I think i have a lot of fun with it bc it feels so…animated? And it has funny slapstick humor. Honestly I probably like it bc it makes me laugh the same way ninjago makes me laugh…a group of 4+ friends that have cute dynamics with each other and just Being Silly Together. I really don’t know how to explain it but between all three runs, I can see yj1998 in my head the most as a wacky animated show with exaggerated bouncy animation idk so that’s part of the fun for me. I think the moment I realized this was going to be a long term emotional investment was When I read the issue where they randomly end up on a planet and have to play baseball bc I am a SUCKERRR for baseball shenanigans
But yeah the group starts out with Bart, Tim, and Kon in JLA: A world without Grownups, and they just have a good trio dynamic 🙏 the banter between all three is so good 🤩and I liked seeing their friendship develop throughout yj1998 too! Especially for Tim, with his hesitancy at the beginning.They weren’t without conflict ofc but that adds to why I like them bc eventually they became besties for life. They are also quickly joined by others but the main one that stays w the group through all three runs is Cassie Sandsmark , aka Wonder Girl ii.
But yeah I guess some things I like are the way they actually Hang out? like they will do camping trips or go to the mall and games together etc etc, but there will be parts that feel more serious while never losing that humorous tint to it. For some examples, I love how Tim tries to be a leader in the beginning, but then one arc shows just how much Cassie is more fitting for it, and how they bond over Leader things like how hard it is to tell Bart what to do and then will share a really nice hug 🥺, and I love Cassie and Cissie’s relationship a LOT because they sometimes misunderstand each other but clearly care for each other (they aren’t canon but in my heart they are.) I also like Tim and kon’s build towards understanding and friendship for a similar reason, and cissie and Anita also have a nice development with each other, but yeah all the dynamics are just fun to think about tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am pointing at them eagerly and going “wow! Friendship!!”
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And as for the guy I never shut up about…well that’s a whole thing I could ramble about but i became obsessed with him the moment he quoted Peter Pan while lamenting about how he was afraid his friends would leave him behind after several issues of him acting like Hot Shit and erm I’m predictable so it got to me 🙄 also he makes dumb jokes every second like he expects someone to laugh at them like he’s so dumb sometimes….anyways I do not want to ramble too much so I will get on with it
I was only familiar with his black tshirt look before, so when I first saw this goofy looking dumbass with a leather jacket and glasses and an earring I WAS LIKE “THATS SUPERBOY? THATS REAL?” and quickly became interested in the notion of a Superman associated hero wearing something like this bc I don’t think my brain ever considered the possibility before….also it is something I cannot explain some panels just activate my cuteness aggression 😔 I just think he’s really cute 🫶🫶🫶
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userminusone · 5 months
I have some thoughts about TADC EP 2 (Spoilers, obviously)
Ok, I don't want to spoil anything for people who haven't seen TADC EP 2 yet, so I'm going to put a bunch of filler text here just to make extra sure that no spoilers are easily seen at the very beginning of this post for people who don't want them. This is the point of no return, if you really really REALLY don't want this episode spoiled, turn back now. This is your final warning, I will commence with the spoiling soon...
Still with me? Alright, I guess I can make my point now. From what I've seen, it’s pretty clear that most people in this fandom are really mad about Caine just outright getting rid of Gumigoo, and I agree my initial reaction was EXTREME disappointment at the realization that this super likable character wasn’t going to join the main cast, which I honestly should have seen coming :p
Aaaaaanywho, it occurred to me that this narrative choice further solidifies what I think is one of the foundational elements of this show: Meaninglessness.
Let me explain: in the first episode, we see Pomni join the circus and freak out at the idea of spending eternity in this weird sort of virtual metaverse where there isn’t any grand overarching goal to work towards. Instead, there are an endless set of arbitrary missions and short term goals that really don’t mean anything, and are purely meant to keep the humans trapped in the Circus stimulated, as Ragatha points out. Combine this with the fact that the humans don’t need to eat or sleep, and it becomes crystal clear to Pomni that there is nothing remotely meaningful about this place at first glance.
Naturally, Pomni finds this horrifying, and desperately tries to leave and get back to a normal life which actually has substance to it, and this seems promising as Pomni manages to find an exit door and eventually make it all the way to the void, where it appears she might be able to escape, or at least discover something new she may be able to garner meaning from. Of course, whatever this might lead to is ultimately kept from Pomni (and all of us as well) as a result of Caine bringing her back to the circus, and here Pomni’s hope that she can find her own meaning is crushed.
Fast forward to episode 2, and we can see that Pomni is at least tolerating circus life, even though she hasn’t adjusted to it, which is evident because of the nightmare she has. Furthermore, she clearly does not care about the adventures Caine makes for them because she already knows they have no meaning. However, things take a turn later in the episode when Pomni finds herself stuck out of bounds with one of the NPCs from the current adventure, Gumigoo, who has an existential crisis when he realizes that his entire reality has been fabricated. Gumigoo naturally comes to the same conclusion that Pomni does: the idea that his current world has absolutely no meaning. In experiencing this raw emotional moment from Gumigoo, Pomni appears to have a stark change in emotions.
Instead of being in a state of panic and/or depression because of the meaninglessness of everything around her, she first feels genuine concern for Gumigoo for feeling similarly to how she did upon joining the Circus, and she then clearly feels a sense of comfort at being able to relate to someone else in the moment. More than that, I believe she even finds joy in being able to be there for someone else in a dark moment rather than being the victim or needing the other people to reassure her, and she obviously feels a sense of hope in finding a friend she feels she can relate to and bond with. This is a critical moment in which Pomni has found her own kind of meaning in this otherwise meaningless world by means of showing kindness to someone else and pulling them out of a dark place, and THIS is why it’s so devastating when Caine just outright banishes Gumigoo from the Circus, out of fear of what might happen if he lost track of what characters were NPCs and what characters were humans. This is exactly what happens in the first episode: Pomni starts out with this assumption that the world she is currently in inherently has no meaning, she discovers something that has some amount of meaning to her, and that meaning is quickly stripped away from her, leaving her even more convinced that her world has no meaning.
So yeah, it was frustrating in episode one when Pomni found the exit but was forced to go back to the Circus. It was frustrating in episode two when Pomni befriended Gumigoo and Gumigoo was forced to leave the Circus. That being said, I almost feel like that’s kinda the point. In deliberately making us fans feel like something really meaningful to us was just taken away from us for no obvious reasons, I think the show is just trying to make us feel the sentiments that Pomni feels, connecting us with the existential cruelty of the narrative.
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