touyababe · 1 year
i’m currently writing a loki fic (loki x f!reader) which i will post on ao3. if anyone’s interested i will post the link on here once its up.
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touyababe · 1 year
Please Stay
Summary | Dabi is the god of the underworld. Hawks is the god of spring growth. One day they meet, and it changes everything.
Pairing | Dabi / Touya x Hawks / Keigo
WC | 3.1k
Author’s note | this is not very great but this has been sitting in my docs for quite a while now. i hope you enjoy it.
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He walked through his dark palace, his throne disregarded, the slightly smaller throne next to it empty and cold. The order he’s kept for decades still holds, but he had to resurface eventually. Not for his siblings, not for his family. But for him. He, the king of the underworld, was absolutely mesmerized by the god of spring growth, son of the goddess of agriculture, Demeter. Dabi, whose unknown birth name is Touya, didn’t know what hit him when he met the stranger. It had been on a random walk on the earth’s surface. Dabi rarely spent his time outside his palace deep, deep beneath the surface. He had a full-time job as king of the world below. While his brothers were ruling the sky and the winds, they spent most of their time on mount Olympus, and only the Titans knew what they were doing. At the thought of his sister, Dabi smiled. She’d never gotten a place or something to rule, but she didn’t need to. Fuyumi was powerful. Powerful enough to keep her brothers in check whenever they were about to fight. Their fights would never end well. So, naturally, the three brothers, Natsuo, Shouto, and Dabi, would always call Fuyumi the queen of the gods. She kept the three most powerful gods in their place and was therefore the queen.
Dabi huffed when he remembered Fuyumi’s words when he mentioned Demeter’s son. “It’ll only bring death to the earth. Stay away from him,” she’d said. She wasn’t wrong. If he just took the boy with him, Demeter, who loved her offspring more dearly than Dabi could ever have wished for his own father, would likely bring death to the earth.
Not in the way anyone might think, but the consequence of a possible kidnapping would be Demeter’s grief. Demeter was powerful enough to take the earth’s fertility and let people hunger without food. The pain it would inflict on her would blind her, until she found her son again. No, Dabi would have to approach this differently.
Hawks hummed as he peacefully picked a flower. A white one, beautiful too. He smiled. It was his mother’s doing. She knew the crocus cartwrightianus was his favorite. Its white petals seemed to shine in the sun, turning yellow towards the middle, and its little red stems in the middle were saffron, great for spicing food and one of Hawks’ favorite spices. His mother must have been nearby. He let out another hum. Demeter has been on Olympus, speaking to the gods about her handling earth’s fertility. It was too much for one goddess to handle, she needed help.
“Keigo!” A voice called for him, he turned his head, only now noticing that he was behind. Quickly, he followed his mother's most trusted companions. A ragtag group of people, if one would ask Hawks. But, his mother only wanted him to be safe while she was gone.
He approached the tall, black-haired man, who basically was his bodyguard. “I found a crocus-“
“cartwrightianus, I assume? You know, that you can’t just stop like that.” Shota warned him, and Hawks nodded.
“What could happen? We’ve been alone for years.” Hawks said softly. For a man, his features were very soft. Hawks liked to think it’s because he was the god of spring growth, and the gods had actually a girl written in the stars, but something seemingly went wrong. His face was rather soft, though round and with a sharp jawline, his nose small and thin, his eyes rather big, like doll’s eyes, his hair a little long, they reached his shoulders. Even his body was rather lean, his waist a little thinner than other men’s bodies, and he was a bit smaller than he should have been. If one didn’t pay attention to his male features, like his broad shoulders or differently built muscles, one could easily confuse him for a woman. And that’s what Demeter was afraid of. That’s why Shota, Tomura, Kai, Nemuri, and Emi were there to take care of him when his mother wasn't around.
He was aware of it, but he still questioned it. He wanted to go and see the world, but how could he if he was being watched?
“You know why, Keigo,” Emi emerged from the trees, her long, green hair blending perfectly into the leaves. Her facial features were similar to Hawks’s but more feminine, her body rather broad for a woman.
“You know I don’t like being called that.” Hawks sighed, walking towards Emi, with Shota close behind him.
Emi smiled at him, patting his shoulder before pushing him ahead of her. Her grip was firm on his shoulder, keeping him from walking another way. “I’ll stop using it when you stop running away.”
“I didn’t run away, I found a-“
He was interrupted by Tomura, Kai, and Nemuri, who finished his sentence, “crocus cartwrightianus.”
Tomura continues, “we assumed. But we’re supposed to meet your mother in a day’s time and we have a lot of ground to cover.”
Hawks huffed but continued to walk with what he could think of as his friends.
Hours go by, his friends took turns in walking beside Hawks, to make sure he didn’t run off to another flower. But that didn’t stop him. He managed to sneak off when the group walked through a few bushes. He saw a pretty lavender bush that he had to see up close. Hawks kneeled at the bush, sniffing the pretty flowers and smiling. He loved the smell of lavender. Little did he know, though, that he wasn’t alone.
He almost jumped when someone stepped out of the tree’s shadows, piercing blue eyes met his golden ones. It didn’t take long for him to recognize the black hair and slightly burned skin. The God of the Underworld stood right before him, all mighty and overpowering. Hawks had always imagined the rather rarely seen God to be taller and broader, filled with muscle. Instead, he’s met with a lean figure, made of muscle but not too many, dark robes covered him. A contrast to Hawks's white ones. He got up and bowed to the higher God, which caught the latter by surprise.
“You know who I am?” The lord asked, his voice deep. He spoke slow, almost making Hawks squirm.
“You’re Dabi. God of the Underworld, are you not?” Hawks asked though he knew the answer. Still, he knew his place was much lower than the one of the King of what roams below the earth’s surface.
A smile tugged on Dabi’s lips, it was rare that he smiled. But with such beauty, how could he not? “I am. You’re Demeterides.” Son of Demeter. Usually, it is used to refer to children as the fathers, but Hawks’s father is unknown, so he is known as Son of Demeter.
Hawks nods. “My name is Hawks, your grace,” the smaller one said, bowing his head again. “What takes you to our lands?” By no means did he mean to offend, but his mother didn’t like intruders. Demeter would for sure hunt Dabi, even if he was one of the most powerful Gods. And, if Hawks was honest to himself, even the prettiest.
The black hair stood up as if he used water and soap to make it stick up like Hawks used to do when he was little. His eyes were spitting fire, burning hot, blue fire. It sent shivers down Hawks’s spine. And his body was just so incredibly attractive, broad shoulders, though tall and lean, the muscles still stand out, making him look as strong as he was. Hawks could take a glimpse beneath his robes, where a skin-tight tunic sticks to him. Hawks would love to get a better glimpse below the robes.
He has always been more interested in men than in women; he’s laid with both, but men are just much more attractive to him. So is Dabi.
“If I’m completely honest, you, Demeterides.” That made Hawks flinch.
“Yes, I saw you the last time I surfaced, and wanted to meet you properly, instead of peering at you from afar.” Dabi sounded so genuine, it almost made Hawks melt.
“You’re in luck, I’m rarely caught alone,” Hawks smiled, “my mother’s companions are around me at all times. I managed to sneak away to look at this bush. They’re probably looking for me, right now.”
As if they’d heard him, the distant shouts for him approached the pair. Hawks almost sighed at the sound of his birth name. But Dabi didn’t seem to notice or care.
“I will not take up more of your time, Demeterides, I just want to ask you to let me show you my home.” The lord’s voice was softer now, making Hawks melt. “Only if you’re willing to. I shall return when the moon turns full again, in thirty day’s time, for you to tell me your answer. Speak to your mother about it, don’t keep her in the dark about this meeting, for the earth’s survival depends on it.”
“My lord-“
But Hawks didn’t get to finish his sentence. Right when Tomura found him, the lord of the underworld disappeared into the ground, back into the underworld. His home.
“Holy olive tree, was that-“ Tomura asked, though there was no need for him to finish his question. Hawks nodded.
“What?” Nemuri’s voice appeared behind Hawks and he turned around.
“I was looking at the lavender bush and then Dabi appeared and spoke to me.” Hawks explained, looking up at his friends.
“What did he want from you?” Shota asked from behind Nemuri.
“He said he saw me a while ago and needed to meet me. Then he said he would like to show me the underworld,” Hawks muttered, still in shock at the request. “He said I should think about it, and he would come back when the moon turns full again in thirty days. He told me to speak to my mother about it.”
“Please, mother”, Hawks followed his mother through the forest, past the trees. “It’s just for a day, I want to see what he wants from me.”
Demeter shook her head, she suddenly stopped and turned to face her son. “No, we’ve been over this. You’re staying here.”
Hawks frowned, stopping just in time to not walk into his mother. He sighed. Of course, she wouldn’t budge. Dabi would come back to the surface once the sun has risen again, and Hawks has not managed to convince his mother to let him go. “Mother, I beg you. He asked for your permission. He said it’s important that you agree, and I think so too. Please, he will let me go again.”
“How are you so sure?” Demeter stepped closer to her son, now seeming more dangerous than before. She never got dangerous with Hawks, but when she did, it was terrifying to him. “He could trap you in there to never let you out again. Then what will we both be left with? Me, to live without a son on this damned place, and you, to be left in the terrors that is the underworld, with its cruel ruler.”
“Mother,” Hawks pleaded, “if you will, please come, meet him with me. Get the information you need from him. I won’t leave without your permission, but I will have to meet him either way, to let him know your answer.”
Demeter huffed. The thought of her son meeting Dabi again displeased her. So, despite everything, she nodded. After all, she wouldn’t be rude to guests without given reason.
Hawks beamed then. He would be able to meet the gorgeous Lord of the underworld again, and maybe, if he was lucky, he could go with him to the underworld and explore what is there, and be alone with the god. “Thank you, mother!”
And surely, the next day, when the moon was full, Hawks wandered around, looking for signs that the Lord had arrived. Demeter stayed next to her son, at all times.
When the moon had reached its highest, a bush rustled next to Hawks. Demeter was quick to pull her son back and stand in front of him protectively.
“Demeter,” Dabi’s voice reached Hawks and made the younger god shiver, “I wish I could say I was surprised to see you.” The Lord stepped out of the shadows. He looked exactly the same as the last time Hawks saw him, just as graceful, just as tall, just as powerful, and just as beautiful. “I’d say it’s safe to assume that your son couldn’t talk you into this.” Then, Dabi’s eyes shifted to meet Hawks’ golden ones. There was a flicker in the blue eyes of the higher god. “Demeterides, it’s nice to see you again.”
Hawks nodded, though stayed quiet because of his mother. He didn’t want to upset her more than she already was. She spoke up. “He was quite persistent. It is hard to say whether you enchanted him.”
Dabi let out a light chuckle, it sounded like music to Hawks. “You know I wouldn’t do that. Neither to you nor your son.” Dabi buried his hands in the pockets of his coat. “Well, I assume that you do not agree to my request. I will have to accept that.”
Hawks looked at his mother, lightly placing his hand on her arm. He knew that’s what she wanted to hear and he hat to remind her, that she came to listen. “Mother, please,” he whispered, hoping the dark-haired god wouldn’t hear him.
“On my son's request, I came to get assurance,” she said, though clearly not pleased with it. “That I will get my son back, and that no harm will come to him.”
Dabi couldn’t help but smile a little at her words. How Hawks managed to convince his mother is beyond him, but that didn’t matter now. “I promise I will bring your son back by sunrise, and that no harm will come to him. I only want to show him my world, and get to know him, and shall bring him back here the second the sun has risen into the sky.”
Demeter sighed. That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. But she nodded. “Alright. I shall wait here.”
Hawks beamed, looking at his mother, smiling brightly. “Thank you, mother!” He placed a kiss on her cheek before he walked over to Dabi, who held his hand out.
Together they disappeared, leaving Demeter alone.
The travel down to the underworld was long and seemingly darker than expected. Dabi didn’t talk much. He’d only started talking once the pair had passed the two rivers, entering the realm that belonged to Dabi.
“You surprise me, Demeterides,” Dabi said, looking at the blonde. “I expected your mother not to agree with this.”
“I didn’t think she would either…”, Hawks answered as he scratched the back of his neck. “And, please, call me Hawks.”
Dabi smiled, “okay, Hawks, my apologies.” Dabi walked along a few paths, followed closely by the younger. “You must be wondering why I brought you here.”
Hawks looked around, curious about the realm he landed in. “A little, but I am glad I get to see this. Not many can, and not many get to meet the ruler of this world.”
“Well, I have to say, I am quite busy, and I should never leave the underworld for too long. Without me, chaos will reek.” Dabi smiled, seeming a little sad. “All dead souls, all monsters, all that is terrifying and evil, they are trapped here. Without me, the monsters would roam free, without a ruler to control them.”
Hawks looked at him in awe, almost bumping into him when the king stops. Only then, did Hawks notice the entire ground seeming to vibrate, and he almost ran away when a three-headed dog ran towards them.
“Nothing to worry about,” Dabi said calmly, “he’s my pet.”
And truly, the second the dog was merely a few feet away, it stopped and its tail started to wag. Dabi greeted the dog, petting one of its head and thanking it for taking care of everything while he was away. He gave it quite a large piece of meat before he told it to go and take a break. Then, he beckoned Hawks to come with him.
“I brought you here because I need something, and I think you can give it to me.”
Hawks frowned, “What could I possibly give to you?”
Dabi smiled as he entered the throne room, where a larger throne and a smaller one next to it stood. “A mate. For life.”
The hours had passed quickly, and Dabi had explained to Hawks that he wanted Hawks to stay, with him, to be his life partner. But of course, not without Hawks consent. He would give Hawks all the time he needed to think about it and gave Hawks a sign on how to call the Lord once he’d made a decision, any decision, and once again, asked Hawks to speak about it to his mother, and not leave her in the dark.
Then they’d made their way back to the surface, exactly on sunrise, where Demeter waited for them.
Hawks spoke to his mother about everything just a few days later, and she absolutely forbade him to even think about marrying the Lord and leaving her on the earth’s surface. So Hawks compromised with her. He would visit the Lord every so often, to get to know the man that asked him to get married and come back each time after a few months.
In that time, when Hawks was away, Demeter would wander the earth. A cold followed her wherever she went, grieving for her son and waiting for him to come back.
Hawks had the time of his life whenever he was with Dabi. They talked, they read, they played games even. Eventually, Hawks found himself falling for the Lord, and allowed the Lord to lay with him. It was amazing, the best night Hawks had ever had.
Once he knew he could trust Dabi, he told him his birthname was Keigo. And Dabi, a while later, revealed his name to be Touya and explained that he took the name Dabi the day he became Lord of the underworld.
One day, years after Dabi’s request, Hawks got married to Dabi. And from then on, Dabi wasn’t just the Lord of the underworld to Hawks. But he was Touya, the husband, and the wonderful king no one saw him to be. While Hawks became Keigo, the second ruler of the underworld for nearly half of the year, and for the other half he was Hawks, Demeterides, god of spring growth.
And so, the 4 seasons on earth came to be. For springtime and summer, Hawks was on earth, and when he went to be with his husband, the earth was coated by Demeter’s sadness and grief, covering the earth with cold and snow.
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touyababe · 2 years
— you can send asks and requests, i will not do every request but i will try to answer everything.
— usually i write with f!reader. i’m open to write m!reader and gn!reader but please do not expect too much from me, it’s not something i used to.
— i do write kinks, but not everything.
— i’m not comfortable with: minor x adult, underage characters - i do not age them up either, pedophilia, rape, domestic violence, self harm, suicide, eating disorders, cheating, incest.
— pairings like thorki, sasunaru, sylki, or keigo and endeavor are a hard no for me, do not ask me about them i will not ever touch anything that gets even remotely close to shit like that.
p a i r i n g s
reader x
— satoru gojo, nanami kento, keigo takami, touya todoroki, timeskip draken, timeskip mikey, timeskip chifuyu, male loki, female loki, bucky barnes, steve rogers, wanda maximoff, cherry
o t h e r s
— matchablossom
note: my work will always include TWs :)
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touyababe · 2 years
about touyababe
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welcome ! my name’s isaac, and i’m trying to make it as a writer. sadly, life gets in the way, so i don’t always get to write. i’m doing my best, though.
21+ years old, she/her. professional procrastinator and professional idiot.
dabi/touya todoroki apologist
my hero academia, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, naruto, free, sk8 the infinity, tokyo revengers, the mcu, star wars, harry potter
disclaimer: i will likely only write pairings from the fandoms that are in bold. requests and asks are always welcome. if you want to see my my most likely pairings and what i will not be writing about, please look here.
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dni / dnf
— if you’re a minor (younger than 18)
this blog contains nsfw work. i’m not comfortable with minors interacting with my work. please display your age on your profile. i will remove anyone from this blog that doesn’t display their age visibly.
— if you ever hate against any religion or beliefs
— if you discriminate minorities
note: please do not spam, i’m working as fast as i can. likes and rbs are always appreciated, please be nice
links and more
— make sure to visit me on my main
— my works are in my masterlist
— send me asks whenever !
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