#touya todoriki headcanons
plush-rabbit · 4 years
Social Anxious S/O
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A/N: I hope you like it!! A little bit different than the first one but yeah,, enjoy!
He can somehow always tell when you’re on the verge of an anxiety attack. Cold, blue eyes will watch, let his eyes linger on the way you constantly fidget your hands, and he’s silent for a minute. You’re always anxious in crowds- it took you a good minute to warm up to the League- so he’s sure that you’ll come out of it. He’ll watch and wait, check on you more frequently and spread his legs a bit wider until the side of his boot is touching your shoe. Dabi will let you come to him.
Maybe it isn’t the wisest decision, maybe it’s a bit cruel to make you- someone who can’t breathe, who can’t stop the yelling and spiraling thoughts in their head- but what else is supposed to do? He’ never learned how to deal with these. Whenever he would have them, he would wait until he was exhausted to snap out of it or fall asleep and once he awoke, the problem was technically gone. It takes him multiple times to realize that what you want is comfort. It’s times where you cling to his hand, where you bury yourself against his side, where you whisper his name in a such a broken whisper that it’s then that his body moves on it’s own accord and he’s pressing you close to his body, a slight rub of his palm on you until he can’t feel the shaking.
He doesn’t understand it, he doesn’t get why you can’t be in crowds, why most meetings leave you on the other end of a water bottle or curled up on the shower floor until your skin is wrinkled, how you sleep for hours and are hesitant to touch him. He won’t pry either. He waits for you to come to him, it’s cruel and selfish and he knows from the stern lectures given to him by Mr. Compress that he should at least try to find your triggers or ways to comfort you but then he sees how you reject his touch, how you look at him with almost sad eyes and he pulls away.
It takes a real bad attack for him to actually react. He can tell that it’s going to be worse than the usual anxiety that you get in meetings when your leg doesn’t stop bouncing and how you keep looking to the exit. He presses the side of his boot to you and where you might have given him a smile, it’s replaced by a look of panic, a deer-in-headlights type of look and you’re gone. You run and when he finds you, slumped against a wall, shaking and gasping for breath, he holds his hand out and he offers to help. He’ll talk you through it. His already warm hands will rise, he’ll have you describe it, tell you an old story he once heard, and it’s sloppy, but he’s trying.
He gets better. It doesn’t matter who’s talking- he knows he can get away with it, he’s important to whatever plan there is and a simple lecture doesn’t do much other than wound a bit of his pride- but when he senses that you’re close to having that wheezing breath, all you have to do is cling to him and he’s already telling the person bye with the back of his hand as he takes you away. Dabi tries and that’s important, he’ll talk you through it, tell you some outrageous story from his youth that you don’t know if it’s fiction or fact and at the end, he’ll promise a hug through the night, hands that rub up and down your sides, leaving you warm until you’re fast asleep.
Takami Keigo:
A hero first, Keigo knows how to read the warning signs and how to pull someone back. But, he’s technical about it. It’s rationalizing with you, making you tell him what’s the worst that will happen and if that’s even true, it’s him making you match his breath- hand flat against the air as it comes in a small wave to mimic a sucking breath. It’s all standard material, things that one would read online or be told by their therapist. It doesn’t scream Keigo, it politely speaks and introduces themself as Hawks, complete with a smile, kind eyes who hold you and try to make you relax and snap out of it.
While he might not be stopped at every corner, might be requested to take a few pictures, or even have to stop some petty criminal, he doesn’t get that many stops in public. So, when out in public, he hardly knows the signs, he can only tell when he’s too busy talking to someone, and he can feel a feather between your fingers. A small smile will stretch his lips and there’s a flash of concern in his eyes that lasts until he blinks when he feels the sharp twist and pull of his feather. He’s quick to speed things along, pleasantly so, smiling and waving goodbye, grabbing you by the arm and making sure you both are out of people’s eyes when he pulls you to the side. His voice is low and he’ll ask what that was about, make a joke about jealousy, until he sees how pained you look.
Sun-kissed eyes will darken and there’s fear in them, making them foul for just a moment. He speaks and it’s controlled but there’s another sharp twist of his feather that makes him wince and he realizes that that won’t work. He can try, and he will, but you’re shaking your head and you call his name, soft and broken, letting the feather fall to the floor under your feet and he’s telling you to name the color of his feathers. They aren’t red, they’re deeper than that, they’re like that old candy you liked as a kid, and he’s making you talk, bouncing off thoughts and holding you, pulling you closer and closer until you slump against him and thank him.
There are still times where he reverts to Hawks, where he isn’t Keigo but it still helps you, so he doesn’t stop. He remembers your anxiety, he knows that you have it so whenever he has a meeting or conference or even just an interview, he doesn’t make you attend. Any conversations that steer towards you are immediately steered away. He doesn’t want to talk about you. You struggle enough with fearing people that you don’t know will have opinions on you and adding to that during an interview won’t be good for you. So he’ll smile, tell the people how he cares for you, he’ll close his eyes and smile and then he’ll talk about a restaurant you both visited and how good it was, he’ll do anything to take the spotlight away from you.
He understands you. Keigo is good to you, holding your hand and shielding you with his wing when the crowd starts to thicken, offers to go home when he can see you suffocating under the eyes of everyone, and he says nothing when it was his idea to spend time together, to have a date cut short. He’ll learn, take you out earlier when the crowds are less, take you out on cloudy days, let his wing hover when the sky begins to flash and rumble. He cares for you, threading his fingers with yours, letting you hold a feather, have feather flutter over to you and tickle at your skin, leading you somewhere more remote than what the sidewalk has to offer, a feather sneaking down your shirt to feel the pulse of your heart and steady breath. He’ll come back to you, asking if you’re okay, kissing your knuckles and resuming your day.
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
A Chef’s Touch
Dabi x Fem!Chef!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Dabi being an idiot, cursing, i think a dick is mentioned once
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Dabi is used to coming home to a dilapidated apartment, nothing but ramen and Pepsi in his pantry, and using vodka and band-aids to piece himself together after a rough day
Living in your apartment, new dishes every day for him to enjoy, and your agile fingers there to patch him up was definitely an upgrade
Kitchens are very accepting places so you’re used to people of all sizes, shapes, colors, and genders with all types of piercings, tattoos, hairstyles, and scars under one roof, making you an excellent match for Dabi
Pierced to the dick and skin covered in nasty purple scars and shiny silver staples, your boyfriend/fiance/husband is no different than the people you’ve had the pleasure meeting throughout your career
Do you have tats? Badass. Since tattoos don’t show up well on scar tissue, he praises you for braving the needle, and won’t hesitate to kiss them for no reason
Thanks to you, Dabi learns that vegetables don’t actually taste like shit as long as you’re the one who made them
The smell of a home-cooked meal instead of the sickly whirr of a dented microwave is really comforting to him after a long day of villainy
He enjoys watching you cook almost as much as eating the end result
The way you move around the triangle, chop things at lightning speed, season things to perfection, beat the shit out of a slab of beef, and whisk ingredients together turns him on is really fascinating
Although he doesn’t exactly like the fact that you work in a giant room of mostly men, he’s not gonna stop you from doing what you love
He knows he’s got god-level dick game compared to any of those assholes you work with
Dabi/Touya the Food Snatcher: Comes up behind you, wraps his arms around your waist innocently, and then snatches a piece or chunk of something you’re making (especially when you make desserts)
The dangers of raw eggs don’t affect him
One time, while you were sauteeing onions and bell peppers in a skillet, your boyfriend sneaks up behind you, ready to strike
“Dabi. It’s hot.”
Ignoring your warning, Dabi shot out his hand and caught a carmelized onion between your finger and thumb, tossing the treat into his awaiting mouth
It took him about 4 seconds to realize his fatal mistake, spit the scorching onion into the sink after screeching the word:
You hardly move as he bolted to the fridge and filled his mouth with ice cubes
Plopping down in a stool at your counter, he crossed his arms and pouted, freezing water dribbling onto his shirt from his overstuffed mouth
You had warned him
“I don’t know what you were expecting, babe.” You sigh, walking toward him while forcing down an amused smirk, “I warned you, dummy.”
Dabi slurped grossly at his chilly mouthful, preventing any more drool or water from wetting his shirt. “Thove ossh. I wath hungy.” He jabbered, turning his head defensively.
*Shove off. I was hungry
“I guess you should be more patient and you won’t have to get your tongue fried. Honestly, how many times does this have to happen before you learn that things in a pan are hot?”
Teach him to cook!
Cook food for him to take to the league! I mean, he’ll probably end up crouching in an alley, minutes from an important meeting, and eat it all because he doesn’t like sharing, but that’s just a theory
@seiiblue​ @bean-queen-606​
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Consumed by Flames
So for the request i was wondering maybe like dabi with really really beautiful and kind s.o, like people always start with her or text her and harass her but she loves him from the bottom of her heart and comforts him , he bascially gets really jealous and they fight in an alley way and a few villains who are after dabi see them fighting and decide to try to attack her infront of him, he toasts them but he is scared that now his s.o hates him and think hes cruel only for them to hold him and tell him nomatter what he does she will follow him to the depths of hell itself if it means she gets to be with him
Warnings: Descriptions of death
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: I hope you like it and I’m sorry it took so long!! It’s been a week
Jealousy is an ugly thing. It sticks to him like syrup and sets itself firmly in place. The alleyway smells musty, like mold clinging to the drywall of a place he once lived and he can only give you a sharp humorless laugh that makes you give him a pointed stare. You are everything he is not. You are good, you are free from the lasting sin that settles deep within him, something that he is sure he was born with. You are desired and wanted, and yet you stick with someone who is broken and stapled together. He wants to leave you here alone, to have you go home alone and never contact him again. He wants to be free from the kindness that you give to him, the caring stares and holds that you reserve from him as if he were an injured animal, feral and ready to strike, untrusting and unwanted. 
“Dabi,” you tell him with a stern voice, brows knitted together and he already has his back turned to you. “Dabi, come on.” Your hand touches his and he’s quick to yank it away. He can hear you gasp and he hates the sick feeling in his chest. “You promised you would walk me home.” Your voice sounds so small and he can feel heat pool in his hands. 
He sucks in a deep breath through his nose and he turns his head, raising a brow. “We’re close enough-” he turns to fully face you, gravel crinkling under his boot- “you can make it the rest of the way.” He jerks his head and he rolls his eyes at your pointed look. “Trust me, you’ll be okay.” He continues to look at you, offering no hint of an apology or that he’s joking. 
You scoff and shake your head. He can already hear the venom in your voice and you shuffle in your place, crossing your arms. “You’re being immature about all of this, you know.” His jaw itches, and he rubs the pad of his finger over the scarred tissue but it isn’t enough. “I don’t know what I did to piss you off but this is getting old, you know?” He can already hear the resentment in your voice and it’s starting to get tiring. His lids lower and he stares at you with an almost bored expression. “You can’t just shut down every other day. This-” you gesture between the two of you and all he can do is scratch the back of his head- “isn’t some game that you can just care whenever you want to.” You take a step closer to him and he takes one back. 
He really doesn’t want to be here right now. He wants to go home and lay in bed. He wishes he never opened his mouth. You continue to talk and it’s just mumbled in his head. He hates everything about tonight. His skin aches and he feels gross and sweaty, he’s standing in the open and you’re in front of him scolding him like a parent. Bile rises in his throat and he’s so tempted to turn around and walk away, to leave you here and have you figure it out. He wants to hear you cry to him the next day so he can make it up with some half-assed apology and hug. He just needs to leave. Somewhere in the distance, gravel is crushed underneath and you stop talking. You both look at each other and turn around and Dabi hates the day more and more. He raises a brow at the four figures who approach from seemingly nowhere.
“Dabi, right?” The one who speaks is tall and lanky, limbs that seem to stretch longer than average and eyes that droop. He doesn’t respond and he can see the way your shoulders tense. “Come on, there’s no reason to be so cold.” His smile stretches and his fingers dance in the air as he waves a hand dismissively. “I’ll keep it short, hm?” He doesn’t wait for a response and instead continues to walk towards the both of you. You keep yourself in front of Dabi, still and cautious. “Oh? I didn’t know you had a special someone. It’s uh- it’s funny. I did too. Well, we all did.” The man gestures to the people behind him, one stocky with minerals that coat his skin, the other almost transparent with a mouth kept shut and black sclera, and one with almost reflective with sharp, jagged pieces that just out from their joints. “You see-”
“Leave.” Dabi’s voice cuts through the monologue of the man. He isn’t in the mood for it right now. He wants the group to leave. Whatever their issue is, is best left alone. You still haven’t moved from your spot. 
“Come on, there’s no reason to be so disrespectful. You’re out with your partner so I understand that you want some time alone with them but you know. If you’re going to treat them so roughly-” the group takes steps forward, reflective material shining from the stray street lamps that light up the night- “then perhaps we should just take them home.”
Dabi’s upper lip curls in disgust and his body tenses. “You’ve talked for long enough.” His arm raises and heat pools deep in his arm. But just as blue starts to lick at his palms, long, stretchy arms wrap around you and you’re pulled away from him and into the group of strangers. His eyes widen ever so slightly, and he lowers his hand, an unsettling feeling settling in his chest. “What do you want?” 
You wrapped tight with rubber arms around your body and he can see they way your legs tremble and he’s sure that if you weren’t being held, you would have fallen to your knees by now. You look back at him with a scared expression, eyes wide and bottom lip trembling, and he can see his name mouthed by you. He looks away from you and forces his attention towards the presumed leader of the small group.
The man who holds you now has a twisted smile decorating his face. “You see, a while back you burned a couple-”
“I’m not here for your life story.” Dabi holds his hand in the air again. “So hurry up and let them go.” He glowers at the individual who still holds you and his eyes meet yours. He calls your name, you furrow your brows and when he gives you a curt nod, you nod rapidly. Your mouth opens and you immediately bite on the arm that holds you, teeth piercing down and cutting down the rubber, and the arm uncoils and snaps back to its default length, a hand grasping at the wound, while curses fill the dark alleyway. “Get down.” 
You run until you’re against the side of the building, and immediately crouch, hands covering the top of your head and face hidden. The men look at you and back to Dabi and there is a fear in their eyes, pleas that start and hands that raise in surrender. Immediately, blue and heat fills the small space, flames that burst out of his hand and encasing the four people. His arm starts to sting, a slight pinch that starts biting in different areas to spreading and consuming his arm in an unbearable pain that feels as if he is being set on fire from inside. Blood seeps between his staples and his hand lowers, steam rising from him and the smell of burnt flesh filling the alley way. He stares at a bundle of charred remains, limbs stretched and faces morphed into a horrific nature, eyes white and black, bloated and exposed, staring into the sky above where a plane drones overhead.
“Dabi?” Your voice is muffled, hidden between your legs and chest. “Are you okay?” He looks over at you, and he sighs. “Dabi, please answer.” Your voice comes out shaky and there’s a crack in it, your hands clench and your hand knits into your hair, muscles tense and you jerk randomly. 
His steps are quiet, the bones creak from the deceased and he gives a mere glance towards the pile, watching you as you slowly twitch from your position. He stands in front of you and he wonders if you can smell the burnt flesh from him. You’re shaking, huffed breathing that escapes your lips and he frowns. His hand reaches out to grab at a wrist but he hesitates and lets his hand hover over you. Heat emanates from him and warms your skin and the smell of death is increasing, filling his lungs with something foul and smoke. He pulls his hand away from you and clenches it into a fist.
He calls your name in a soft whisper only to clear his throat and call it out louder. “They’re dead.” there’s no use beating around the bush. He just wants to go home now. “You can get up now.” The smell never grows old and a warm trickle of blood curves over open scars on his arm.
You rise shakily, spreading out and when you look back at him, tears have stained your face. You watch him and he can only stare at you with a blank expression. You knew who he was, what he’s done, the crimes that he’s committed but you have never witnessed it first hand until now. Your hands press into the filthy floor and he worries that you’ll get cut. You push yourself up and he stares at you, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows the acid and saliva that has pooled in his mouth. His mouth opens and he’s ready to call it off before you have a chance to.
“Are you okay?” His eyes widen. “Your- I know that you get hurt by your flames and I-” your eyes dart to his arm and your shoulders jump- “you’re bleeding,” you whine, hands reaching out towards him and grabbing his hand, your other hand grabs his under arm, pulling it close to you. “Does it hurt?” You lean forward and hesitate, only to look up at him and lower your head, your lips kissing at the scar that has reopened, and when you pull back, blood has smeared across your lips in a lipstick mark that makes his throat close. 
You aren’t disgusted by him. You don’t run away and you stay close to him, holding his arm tenderly, his blood on your lips and his hands held tightly. Perhaps you just haven’t realized how monstrous he is, the disgrace of a person that he truly is must not have been realized as of yet. You hold him like an injured man rather than a murderer of people. People that he never knew of. People who held you and the underlying of a threat thick in their words all because of him. You hold him as if he is the victim, caressing him and your arms around him in a tight hug and he’s slow to return it, his head held high with a steely look as blood coats your shirt and he’s sorry. 
“Can we go home now?” You ask in a small voice, hands clutching the jacket into fistfuls.
“You still want me to walk you home?” You still want him around you? You still trust him to step foot inside your home and lay beside you? It has to be a trick. Something so wicked that you would have picked up from him. His hands tighten around you and his muscle tense, blood leaking out and it’s warm.
“Please?” You ask in a soft beg, stepping closer to him. “I don’t- I don’t want to be alone.” And you trust him to be with you? You trust a man who murdered people in front of you to keep you safe?
“Why?” Second to everything, the afterthought to society and people. Only first in what a failure he is, in the body count that he holds, the shame embedded deep within him. But he is still a person, still yearning for the warm embrace of another, still desperate for the validation that he will never receive. 
He feels you tense around him. The staples in his abdomen are pressed deeper into him and the pain, once sharp and agonizing, has now grown accustomed to a dull pain. “Because I want you to be with me.” Your voice is tight and he hates the sudden urge to press you closer, but he does so anyways. “Dabi, I- This was a scary situation but you protected me still. You waited until I was out of the way and I- Dabi you have to know that by now, I’d follow you wherever you go. I’d walk into the depths of hell, flames and all, if it meant that you would be with me.” Your voice cracks and he’s sure that his blood has now stained all of your back and the blood on your lips has dried.
The smell of the bodies lingers, thick in the air, blue that still crackles against charred flesh. It’s filthy here, his body burns and aches, you cling to him as if he might disappear, pulling him close to you and mumbling how you want him to come home with you, how you need him to be with you. You concealed your feelings with different words, told him you’d stick by him if that’s what he would wish for. You’d walk into hell and in the alleyway, you’ve already entered the domain, the screams that still echo against the walls, the sirens that sound far away and he smiles down at you, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head, smoke lingering against your hair and he pulls away, grasping your hand and leading you away from the fire that has begun to die down, fading into sparks and disappearing into the night. He wants to keep you close, to keep his body against yours, to make you follow through your promise and stick close to him, to never let you go and have your touch given to him freely, wanted and desired, hands that will trail his body and lips that will kiss his and remind him how he is yours till the pain in his wounds and flames make him combust.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet - Dabi | Touya Todoroki
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A/N: I’m going to tag this as bnha spoilers because idk how many people look at leaks so yeah. Also I hope this was the alphabet you meant!!
A = Admiration (What do they absolutely adore about you?)
Dabi adores your worrisome nature. In a word so cruel, himself included, having you around and dote on him and treat him delicately, relaxes him. He likes to put on his persona and act tough but when you cusp his face in your hands and pepper kisses over him, he melts and leans into your touch.
B = Body (What is their favorite part of your body?)
He loves your neck. He loves to hide his face in it and inhale your scent and rub his over yours. He likes to press himself onto you and feel your heartbeat and brush his lips over your sensitive spots and smile when he feels you squirm from the ticklish feelings.
C = Cuddling (How do they like to cuddle?)
Cuddling only happens during intimate moments or when you initiate it; he’s not one to crawl up to you and lay his head on your chest. He’ll throw his arm over your chest as he rests on his stomach in he’s in a tired mood but if he is feeling intimate, he likes to pull you close to him and rest his chin on the top of your head and lay there until you or him squirm away.
D = Dates (What does their ideal date with you look like?)
An ideal date that he would like to take you out on would be dinner- classic and simple. He just wants to treat you out for a night and order expensive food and drink bottled wine or water- whatever you want- and just talk to you as you both dine. There’s no special reason why he wants a dinner with you, he just think that you’d enjoy it given that most dates portrayed in media are something in that caliber.
E = Emotions (How do they express emotion around you?)
He acts rather expressionless at time, only showing you what he wants to show you and in the beginning of the relationship; the most that you get from him is a smile or teasing remark. As time goes on and the relationship grows, his way of expression changes to more subtle ways that are constant. If he’s in a foul mood, he becomes dismissive and avoids you, loving, he has his hand on you constantly, lips brushing against the shell of your ear and a smile tracing over your burning skin. He’s much more emotional as time grows on, the façade breaking through and the scarred child rearing his head.
F = Family (Do they want one? If they do, when?)
He doesn’t want a family. He doesn’t see himself living long enough to have children and he doesn’t particularly find them worth it given the trouble that could arise. He was never into dating and the thought of being in a committed relationship never crossed his mind so he doesn’t really want children.
G = Gifts (How do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He’s a bit shocked and speechless if you were to give him a gift. He doesn’t really expect it and if it’s small and something that he likes- in terms of snacks or something small- he’s surprised that you remembered such trivial information. When he gives you gifts, he acts like it’s whatever but he gauges your reactions and he’s pleased when you enjoy what he gets for you. His gift bearing comes randomly and they’re usually something small- on special days he’ll give you something expensive and ignore your questions about where he got the gift.
H = Holding Hands (When/How do they like to hold hands?)
He likes to hold hands every so often. It isn’t something he’s big on; he rather put his hand on your back or on your knee. He only likes to hold your hand when you two are cuddling or if either of you are in a particular bad mood. He likes to keep your hand close to his lips to run them over your fingers or just place them in front of his chest.
I = Injury (How would they act if you got hurt?)
If it’s because of your own fault, he’s a bit annoyed depending on the damage but nothing serious that can’t be fixed by a quick kiss. However, if it were because of someone else’s fault, Dabi would be furious. He would make sure that you’re alive and breathing, and then leave for the day and come back with tinged skin.
J = Jokes (Do they like to joke around with or prank you? How?)
He’s not big on pranks or joking. He might tease you and ruffle your feathers a bit, but he won’t actively prank you. He would joke with you regarding a favorite show or moment. His teasing is much more like holding you close to him when you playfully try to get away and will tickle at your sides.
K = Kisses (How do they like to kiss you?)
His kissing is either quick or rather passionate. If it’s before a mission, he pulls you in for a quick kiss, but when he returns, it becomes more passionate and forceful depending how intense the mission was. Most of the time, his kisses start off slow and he’ll pull you in and gradually the kiss intensifies where you can taste the desperation and need for love on him, pulling away for breath only to return back to the action.
L = Love (How do they show you they love you?)
He shows his love with the little things. You mention in passing that you like peonies, suddenly you have a peony in your room or peony scented body wash. His love is shown through small items that you yourself have forgotten.
M = Memory (Favorite memory together?)
His favorite memory is when he slept over at your place. There was no fear to escape and leave the premises, no rush where he was told to leave through the window or had to sneak out. He slept in a soft bed in a room scented of citrus and fruit and woke up to you coming into your room asking how he likes his coffee. He likes knowing that you thought about him while you prepared breakfast- that you still wanted him.
N = Nightmare (What is their worst fear?)
His worst fear is you. He is terrified of what you actually think of him. He knows that one day he’ll come clean to you, that he will tell you the truth of who he is and he worries how you’ll react. You already know who Dabi is, the murderer that reeks of burnt flesh, but he fears you knowing the child that he had to kill in order to survive and what you’ll think of him under a new light.
O = Oddity (What is one quirk they have?)
He is often stuck in his own head. He will keep his thoughts to himself and if you were to encourage him to open up he’ll come up with a lie to soothe you over and lay awake at night while you rest next to him. He doesn’t want you to get caught up in his storm of a mind.
P = Pet Names (What do they like to call you?)
He likes to stick around with doll, baby, sweets, babydoll, or dollface. There’s something that gets to him knowing how precious you are and hearing it ring out where you take it with flattery and respond to his pet names.
Q = Quality Time (How do they like to spend time with you?)
As long as you’re near him, he doesn’t mind what you two do. If you want to be around him while he drinks alcohol, he’ll offer you a sip and nothing more if you deny. You want to watch a movie? That’s fine with him as long as you sit close to him. He just wants to be around you, he doesn’t have much of a preference on what you two do.
R = Rhythm (What song reminds you of them?)
It’s a soft melody that plays in the dead of night as you drive by with the streetlamps lighting your way on a summer night. It starts off small and sounds nostalgic and it slowly builds up its tempo until a smile grows and he’s tapping his hands, mind drifting to you.
S = Secrets (How open are they with you?)
Dabi is open with who Dabi is. With Dabi, it’s what you see, is what you get. There’s no mistaking who he is unless denial is your strong suit. But beyond whom Dabi was growing up? He’s tight lipped. He won’t tell you, will push past your worries and force for a change of conversation.
T = Time (How long did it take you to get together?)
It took quite a bit. He never wanted a relationship. Never saw the need for love and a commitment and with you, it was supposed to be a fun time but he caught feelings. He can act like he doesn’t care, but he cares too much. He tries to smother the feelings but it doesn’t work and he ends up falling harder and ends up confessing to you out of nowhere.
U = Upset (How do they act when you’re upset?)
Depending on how upset you are, he either leaves you alone or bugs you about it until you either snap at him or tell him. If he can tell that it will blow over in an hour or two, he’ll let you simmer down. If you are upset and it has been festering, he wants you to tell him. He’s trying to be a good partner and wants to help you.
V = Vaunt (What are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s extremely proud of you. He will show you off. He’s making sure that people know that you are off limits. He has his hand on you at all times and if you can fight, he’s hyping you up and throwing an arm around your neck and pulling you close, giving you a predatory grin as he exclaims how good you looked.
W = Warrior (How do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He has no real preference if you want to fight or not. He would prefer if you stayed out of harm’s way but if you can fight someone, he’s not going to make you stand on the sidelines. He would fight for you. He wants to protect you, wants to keep you safe as much as he is physically able to, so he keeps you close. If you want to fight beside him, he’s soaking it in and fighting with you.
X = X-Ray (How well are they able to read you?)
It’s almost a bit frightening with how well he can red you. You can be stoic but he’s able to tell if you’re upset or brimming with happiness. He can read your emotions and is able to act accordingly.
Y = Yes (How would they propose to you?)
His proposal would be simple. It’s thought out yet not extravagant. He prepares a nice meal, makes sure everything goes smoothly and when you stand, he takes you in his arms and whispers the question in your ear, ring in pocket and you can hear how nervous he is as he asks you the question, feel the trembles in his body while he waits for your answer.
Z = Zen (What makes them feel calm?)
Dabi is emotional. He bides his time and when it comes down to it he shows his true colors. Once in a manic mindset, not much can calm him down but as he relaxes, the negative emotions setting in and the burning feeling of his skin finally aching, he wants to cuddle up to you. He likes when you massage his scalp and rub aloe vera on his skin as you sing him a song or talk about anything.
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