#tour domestic
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blossoms-phan · 5 months ago
dan is so fake he’s always like “this is your chance to ask us important, hard hitting, deep philosophical questions” someone asks how do you feel having an entire generation look up to you and he’s like physically? yeah haha we’re so tall 🤪
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 9 months ago
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Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan Taste Test Canadian Chips (x)
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sluttycinderella · 6 months ago
i can’t stand them actually.
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elcarimercanto · 9 months ago
They match now....
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When they both have a nickname for each other.
I'm not crying you're crying....
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shortnailsforfuntimes · 3 months ago
rewatched wdapteo 2 and at 18:28 when dan needs help with laundry
does phil do the household laundry?
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0nlyhere4phil · 4 months ago
I think I'd kill for a day in the life of dan and phil.
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lesbiancarat · 4 hours ago
SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) Official Light Stick Ver.3 10th Anniv. Concept Teaser
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paeries · 1 year ago
a better teaser for domestic!harry
(note: soooOOOoooooo, i had to make a new google doc account because I ran out of room on the other. i lost some inspiration for sick of you, but like I said, i’ve been working on some other works for the time being, this being one of them. i went and reread the first teaser and thought immediately NO, so i redid it some, and here it is! ik nobody asked for it but i couldnt live with it any longer. kk ttyl 💋)
“Keep reading, I’m just going to rant a little bit. Try and drown me out.” She hummed, playing with her sock that was ruffled and scrunched up in some places at her ankles, “He was such a pig,” she started, “and Ben’s so lucky he looked like he actually liked the girl he was with, Harry, I swear to God, because otherwise I would’ve been home much, much earlier.” She gritted out through her clenched teeth, taking a calming breath and began playing with her hair. A habit of hers that always helped her relax. “Tell me why men think it’s totally okay to flat out say that they're a great lay- You know what, don’t answer that.. frankly, I’m in awe.” She huffed, shaking her head in disbelief and giggled as Harry peered over the top of his book, shaking his head and laughing while he lowered his book. “He didn’t… did he really?” He asked, chuckling as he leaned over to take his glasses off and set his book down. “He did! It was so embarrassing. I didn't know what to say.” Y/N whined, pouting as she looked at him, her head tilting to the side as she finally took in the relaxed state of him. Never before had a man so broad and long, managed to look so gentle. So homely. The sight had her biting her lip at the haunting tug of her heart as he rubbed at his eyes tiredly.
“Could’ve called me for an emergency excavation. Or at least told Benjamin. He’s a pal, would’ve understood.” He argued, raising a brow at her. She scoffed and scrunched her nose at him, “No, I couldn’t. Ben told me she was a very nervous girl. And I could tell she had relaxed and started enjoying herself once me and whatever-his-name-was started talking. So, naturally I, being the absolute angel that I am, took one for the team.” She shrugged, elbowing him in the side teasingly and reached over to his bowl of popcorn to fish one out. “They’re not stale, are they?” She asked, pausing just before popping one into her mouth, who knows when it was made. He widened his eyes at her and reached into the bowl to toss a few her way. “I made a bag about two hours ago thinking we were gonna try that movie out! Dickhead!” Y/N laughed and threw her handful at him as well. “I’m sorry, I forgot! At least I was miserable. Doesn’t that help console you in any way at all?” Doesn’t it help knowing I’d so much rather have been here curled up with you? “I suppose so.” He grumbled, grabbing the bowl and moving to stand. “C’mon,” He started, acting exasperated. “Let’s go make another.” And reached his hand out to help her up. “Grab that blanket too, will you? Just had it washed, I’d like to enjoy it, thanks.” He added, his eyes darting directly behind me to the blanket folded over his headboard. She laughed, her jaw falling slack at the newfound attitude. “Yes, sir.” She giggled, grabbing the blanket and stood, “Brought a pizza home too to share. Lost my appetite at the restaurant so I stopped ‘round Tonie’s on the way home.” She explained as she made her way to the kitchen again, Harry trailing behind. “Always so thoughtful, dove, thank you.” He hummed, striding to the furthest wall of the kitchen, poking his head through the cabinets as he rummaged around for another bag of popcorn. “Would you grab the parmesan and pepper flakes, while you’re in there please?” She asked, opening the box to plate up the pizzas for them and moved into the living room to set the plates down on the coffee table, hearing the microwave beep as he punched in a timer for the bag.
“S’really comin’ down out there, isn't it?” Harry said after some quiet, looking out the kitchen window as he waited for the popcorn to finish. She watched as he lost himself in thought, staring out the window, wondering what he was so distracted with. What’s worse was that she could feel her heartbeat in her ears, her throat, even her fingertips, as she set her hand over her chest to try and calm the throbbing that was bursting through her chest. “Yeah,” She responded quietly, not really sure if he was talking to himself. “Ominous, isn't it? Should’ve known it would be a shit night once the thunder started rumbling in.” And she swore she could just barely catch a hint of a smile from the tops of his cheeks, even with his head still turned mostly away. “Tried t’warn ya, did it?” He laughed, finally turning his head to her before retrieving the popcorn from the microwave and dumping it into a bowl. “Hey! Grab me a beer, would you?” She added quickly, before he could leave the kitchen. Harry turned on his heel, grabbing two beers, “That bad, huh? Y’never go f’beer.” He teased, turning the light off and taking a seat next to her on the couch. “Alright, y’settled? Better take a pee break now because m’not pausing for any reason this go around, got it?” He warned, laughing as she sheepishly got up to go to the bathroom ‘just in case’, he’d say. “The pizzas goin’ cold, Harry! Just start the movie.” She laughed, trying her best to get him to hear her through the door.
After she washed her hands, she sped through the hallway to sit back down, opening a beer and pulled her legs up onto the cushion. “Which one did you end up picking?” She murmured, taking a good swig before setting it back down to pick up a slice. “Interstellar. S’a big movie, lots of things to miss. Hence, why I made y’go to the bathroom beforehand.” He explained, pulling the throw blanket from his room over his lap, spreading it out to reach across hers as well. “Comfy?” He murmured, grabbing his own slice off his plate to take a bite. She nodded, watching his portion of a bite before getting back up, “M’bringing the whole damn box over.” She laughed out, hurrying into the kitchen to grab the entire box, as well as the rest of the six pack of beer in the fridge.
“Hurry back, it’s starting.” He hissed, playfully glaring as she sat them down on the coffee table. “Alright! Alright.” She giggled out, taking her place next to him to watch intently as the beginning scenes unfolded.
She risked a glance at Harry from the corner of her eye when she deemed it safe. He hardly moved if not for the slow rise and fall of his chest in order to breathe. His jaw tense, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes flickering quickly about the screen, he was focused. When he moved to grab a beer, she jumped and he laughed. “Y’can’t watch the movie, if you’re watchin’ me.” He mumbled, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “I wasn’t watching you,” She huffed, swallowing thickly, “I was thinking about whether I locked the door behind me, and how I was going to tell you without bothering your focus.” “Y/N!” He huffed, shaking his head in mock disappointment while reaching for the remote to pause the movie. “Go and lock it.” He laughed, lifting both hands to rub his face. “Wha’ am I gonna do with you?” He laughed out, tugging the box of pizza closer to slide another slice out, kicking his socked feet up on the coffee table.
(aaaand there it is, for those that don’t know what i was complaining about, it was this. there isnt much difference but i feel better about it, ok??? this will also be on the masterlist from now on)
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blossoms-phan · 5 months ago
What stage of boiling is that TikTok? Setting a cute video of Phil while he’s unaware to Married Life is truly diabolical
this is 100000x more diabolical than their usual gay posting and I just have to choose to believe it’s to not shut up because they’ll never shut up but just throw a bone do SOMETHING for the people on tiktok that physically can’t scroll past a dnp video without commenting “whether it’s romantic or platonic”
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aidaran-alha · 4 months ago
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Chapters: 19/31 Fandom: Helluva Boss (Web Series) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blitzo/Stolas Goetia Summary:
The Goetia have decided Stolas is not fit to be part of them anymore. That he's to be stripped of his powers and judged for his crimes. And now, all but kidnapped by the imps and having to live as a commoner, he'll have to learn to navigate his new life, to stand up on his own two feet again. But he's not alone, even if he hasn't realized that yet.
There were many things Stolas had never expected to do in his life. Slip in the dead of the night to commit a crime. Be part of a heist. Enter what used to be his own home as a stranger, to snatch someone and run for his life.
The fact that one they’d kidnap was his own daughter wasn’t helping with his nerves. He was too anxious to stay in the van, ready to drive fast and disappear into the night. He was too nervous to lead the imps, silent and elegant as he directed them. So he was just tagging along behind them, feeling thoroughly useless as Loona waited for them behind the wheel, the one that’d hit the gas and speed up as soon as they walked back in.  
“So, what should I —” Stolas started awkwardly.
“Shhh.” Blitz stopped him. “No sound. Point us in the right direction.”
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 9 months ago
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incelq · 1 year ago
it is so cute how dan always goes to phil about medical stuff despite phil being the biggest hypochondriac LOL
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stargirl720 · 23 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Loki & Peter Parker Characters: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Shang-Chi (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Banner, Original Children of Loki (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Katy Chen, Pepper Potts Additional Tags: Tony Stark Lives and Retires, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Avenger Loki (Marvel), i fucked with the timeline, post-thanos, Slice of Life, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, No Plot/Plotless, Implied/Referenced Mpreg, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Avengers, Avengers Family, Avengers Compound, Touring the Compound, I bullshit all the science, Magic and Science, Sparring Summary:
After Midtown's decathalon team wins the national competition, Tony Stark extends the invitation to Peter's class to tour the Avengers compound, a chance that has never been given. It turns out there's a lot of cool things to check out!
Lighthearted fic with little to no plot. Written for fun
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independent-adventures · 2 months ago
taking the shuttle up to the ship now and Silvae looks so pretty from up here! U^ɪ^U I've never been off world before! I grew up here and we could never afford a trip up to the orbital station when it was a resort world under the Accord. my parents were workers, so money was tight and when I started working at 15 I could never quite manage it even pooling money with my partner like 4 years later I never thought I'd ever manage it. U-ェ-U total dream come true U⁠♡ɪ⁠♡U
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I'll keep you guys posted when interesting stuff starts happening on the tour! U^ɪ^U
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raviranjansblog · 6 months ago
Importance of Itinerary Planning for Family Vacation Packages and Domestic Tour Packages
Itinerary planning is crucial for family vacation packages and domestic tour packages, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. A well-structured plan maximizes sightseeing, optimizes travel time, and accommodates everyone’s preferences. Proper planning reduces stress, enhances flexibility, and ensures memorable moments without last-minute hassles or missed opportunities during the trip.
Visit Here: https://medium.com/@raviranjan_/importance-of-itinerary-planning-for-family-vacation-packages-and-domestic-tour-packages-9ce9165cc5d9
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goodobservationshirley · 7 months ago
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