the-barbgurl · 17 days
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Art Appreciation 101
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crimeronan · 1 year
best friend i was desperately in love with in middle school (NOT the best friend i used to hook up with) recently posted on fb about how she's spent so much of her life struggling with internalized homophobia and fatphobia and never trying for what she wants bc she was so certain that she's unwantable and a sinner...... and i'm like. girl. there's still angsty poetry on deviantart that i wrote at age 13 about sharing a bed with you at sleepovers. are you telling me that whole time the love desire neediness and angst actually WAS requited.
i know we haven't talked in several years and i live 3400 miles away now but like. should you join my polycule or-
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since it's supernatural day and I'm thinking so many wincest thoughts because hello? I'm only human. uh, so I was reading a few forgotten WIPs I had done years ago. here's a bit I actually typed up and saved in 2019, thinking I'd actually*do* something with it. hah.
below the cut, a beginning or middle to a first time late season wincest...
wrote this after watching 13x20 Unfinished Business
"...and if we die? we'll do that together too." Sam let the words reverberate through the air before leaving the room, letting them pierce through his brother's thick skull. Dean's need to protect him, putting him up on some goddamn pedestal, just cracked something in his heart. How can he ever get Dean to understand how important he is, how loved he is? How Sam ceases to exist when Dean is gone? Why do they have to suck so badly at telling one another how much they love and need one another? Why are they so fucking necessary to one another!?
Sam drags fingers through his hair, roughly tugging it back. He pulls a little too hard, just to feel that bit of pain. He needs to calm down. He's fighting his instinct to go to Dean, to show him how much he's loved.
"Idiot." Sam whispers, not sure if he means himself or Dean. Both.
He sighs as he gets to his bedroom and starts shucking layers. He's so tired. Constantly worried about mom and Jack, about Dean, about everything. Feeling like he just keeps failing. Not doing enough. Never enough. He finally gets the last layer off and sits on the edge of his bed. He feels that deep pang of loneliness that comes at night, when he's ever-alone in a room he has no attachment to. He lays back on the bed, feet still on the floor, and looks up at the ceiling. He keeps this room and it's too small bed to remind himself he doesn't deserve more. He closes his eyes, wetness gathering at the corners of his eyes. "goddammit" He rubs his face, feeling the threat of tears. That's how tired he is, that he's not sure he can stop the flood of emotions.
"Sammy?" Dean's voice is barely audible, just a hoarse whisper, but Sam heard it as if it was yelled. He swipes at his wet face, a futile tactic since his brother is right there. He didn't even hear Dean creep in, how fucking embarrassing. Sam sits up, tries to not make his nudity weirder than it could be. Whatever, they've seen it all.
"Uh. Yeah, Dean? Is-are you okay?" Sam is trying really hard to keep himself in check, to not reveal too much. He lays his hands loosely on his lap. Dean steps in the room and shuts the door behind him. He stands there, uncertainty written all over his body. Sam searches his brother's face for a clue, and what he finds is unknown to him. Timid. Insecure.
"I can't." Dean starts, but abruptly stops, biting his bottom lip like he used to, showing nervous energy.  Looks to his brother. "Sam. Thing is, what I was trying to tell you. You, you are the only reason I even keep trying." He stops again, eyes sliding to the ground, hands fisted at his side. "I can't fucking believe I'm saying this, but it seems you didn't get the memo. I've said it before, in a goddamn church for crying out loud, that there ain't nothing I'd put before you. You get me, Sammy?"
Sam starts to fidget, sitting ass-naked on his bed in front of his beloved brother. Listening to Dean saying these things, things Sam wants to hear but fears isn't the same as he feels. His love for Dean runs deeper than blood or brotherhood. He wants everything Dean has to offer.
He stands up, not saying a word, but tears fall down his face. He forgets his nudity as he walks towards Dean, who is now openly staring.
"Jesus Christ, Sammy. Look at you." Dean's voice causes a shiver to run down Sam's spine and he stops moving, looks down at himself. He lifts his eyes, still wet, and looks into Dean's intense green eyes, "But, Dean, I want everything. More than you can ever want to give. I'm sorry, God, I never intended you to know. This is just me and my fucked up want."
Dean drags fingertips over Sam's tear stained cheeks. "I gotta- Sam, please." Dean's voice is barely audible, just a raw whisper. Sam feels lips brush his ear, and his breathing quickens. "Yeah. God, yeah." Sam doesn't even know what he's saying yes to, he just knows he'll give Dean everything. "Anything."
Sam feels teeth bite down on the juncture between his neck and shoulder and his knees almost gives out on him. Dean starts laying claim on him, with teeth, lips, hands. "Sammy. Tell me." Dean says between heated touches. "Is this what you want. I need to hear you say it."
"I want everything you can give me. Dean. I'm yours." Dean growls his response onto Sam's lips, the kiss takes Sam's breath away.
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majorbaby · 2 years
You would think hawkeye would be a touchyfeely drunk and im sure he is but it's so funny that this is actually charles @ hawkeye when he's drunk
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
i just learned what "saltmine" means in an internet slang sense and i do think it is kind of funny in retrospect that in my bleeding-heart ultra-tender oversensitive touchy-feely teenage years my primary handle on most things was "saltminer"
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funshinebf · 8 months
i have pink eye. dont know how it happened, just know that my right eye is gross and uncomfortable as fuck. sucks for me i guess
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mayearies · 1 year
ఌ︎.! H. CANNONS. ఌ︎.
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#TOUCHYFEELY ఌ︎. a clingy boyfriend (42)
#LILMA ఌ︎. a clingy girlfriend (42)
#PHOTOBOOTH ఌ︎. photobooth date! bonus to another fic (42)
#ABCS ఌ︎. sfw alphabet (42)
#SLYCATDUMBSPIDER ఌ︎. it’s nice to see you again, spider (1610)
#BOARDGAMES ఌ︎. dorm date (1610)
#EARTHYGIRL ఌ︎. a girlfriend with vitilago (1610)
#ARCADE ఌ︎. video game dates or whatever (42)
#LENSES ఌ︎. gf with heterochromia (42)
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ఌ︎ MAYEARIES ‘23 , a little bit of ownership never hurt no1 .
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How do I be "informal" without being rude or touchyfeely?
I already speak informally and throw a few jokes here and there if I'm sure the joke isn't offensive but people still think I'm way too "formal", I have no idea what they mean and I hope the solution doesn't involve touching them more often because that makes me uncomfortable and i don't wanna be rude for obvious reasons.
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creacherkeeper · 4 months
for lizzie kelsey brandi and scruggs: 🌈🧡🧠🧶🍪 <333
normal amount of questions to ask (affectionate <3333)
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
lizzie: burnt orange, red clay color
kelsey: light yellow, purple
brandi: crimson
scruggs: whiteblue
🧡 - Physical touch: good or bad for this oc?
lizzie: girl is so touch starved but will not admit this to herself
kelsey: theyre very finicky about it ... only certain people and only at certain times. they prefer to initiate and be able to get out of it quickly if theyre no longer enjoying it
brandi: so touchyfeely always
scruggs: he is a big hugger. lots of casual touch
🧠 - What is their stress response: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn?
lizzie: fight (derogatory)
kelsey: with the vast majority of things, freeze. kid loves to go into autism shutdown. with lizzie specifically fight bc awful sisters
brandi: weird version of fawn where she just gets really flirty,,,, or flight for people who actually know her / fawn dont work with
scruggs: fight <33 he just has a better handle on it than lizzie does
🧶 - Do they do any arts, crafts, or creative hobbies?
lizzie: does she look like she has a hobby...... do her clue boards count
kelsey: they like to draw and play piano!! theyre pretty decent at both
brandi: she tried to learn how to knit one time and sucked ass at it. she makes up stories with onion
scruggs: he loves to cook!!! thats his main thing
🍪 - What are their favorite scents?
lizzie: scruggs' pirozhki, sparkly fey smell, the forest
kelsey: sharp perfumes, lavender, fresh bread
brandi: gun oil, fresh laundry, oatmeal
scruggs: fireplace, old books, pancakes with syrup
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fagsex · 1 year
trying to control my urges to post only my most embarrassing and touchyfeely thoughts on my tumblr blog should constitute as a canonical miracle and aid me in attestation of sainthood
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the-barbgurl · 6 months
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Working under the table…
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crimeronan · 7 months
i got a very sweet ao3 comment about how glad this reader was that they wouldn't have to worry about a weird exhausting jealousy plot happening with the princess AU lumiter, which made me realize that it straight-up just..... never occurred to me that a jealousy plot was a possibility. or at least not a traditional jealousy plot.
like, you have this situation where amity is watching luz and hunter bedshare and be their queerplatonic touchyfeely codependent selves, i guess it Would be easy to have her, like.... to have her be like "ugh, i wish luz wasn't with him, i wish i didn't have to watch him with her and pretend i don't want her, i am such a sad lesbian".... Especially given her messy history with hunter. like i guess the potential is there for her to go "but why HIM, he's such a DICK, why can't you seeeeee you belong with meeeeeeee 🎶"
or alternatively, there's potential for amity to go "i can't tell if the two of them are romantically involved, i'll be So Sad if it turns out they kiss, but if they're actually Just Friends and Only Friends and Nothing Else then i'll feel totally normal and cool about them <3"
but it just like. it genuinely never crossed my mind that she might feel that way or that the dynamic could play out like that. like the lesbian yearning is there but instead of being "ugh, fuck hunter, i wish he wasn't here" it's more like "i am so fucking touch-starved and i can't even tell which of them i want to be."
when amity starts loving luz it's mostly because luz treats hunter kindly & that disproves all the worst things amity feared about her. when amity starts trusting luz it's mostly because amity trusts hunter already, against all odds. when amity starts making dumbass self-sacrificing decisions for luz, one of the first things she does is go to hunter like, "listen. OUR luz now. tell me how to help"
there was never ever Ever going to be a timeline where amity was like "if i want to be in a relationship with luz, i have to get rid of hunter." or a timeline where luz was like "well, i'm with amity now!! i guess hunter is no longer a priority or allowed in my bed <3" like.
why... why would i write that. when i could instead write, like. stuff that is actually. interesting....
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absentmoon · 2 years
i ffeel like yes man wouldn't be touchy At All with me for a little while and then at some point he decides he likes me enough and Immediately is the most touchyfeely affectionate robot imaginable
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once-was-muses · 2 years
Below the cut is a list of symptoms Jon experiences from his mental conditions- keep in mind not all of these are intended to be negative and differ from day to day/person to person, mind the tws in the tags before reading
Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)
An aversion to people removing his glasses and (comorbid with ASD) touching his hair, the action making him feel vulnerable
Unreasonable suspicions that someone(s)- even loved ones- is/are hiding things from him and/or conspiring against him
Adds to his cynicism, misanthropy, misandry, grudge holding, spitefullness, aloofness, etc.
Leads him to overanalyze words and behavior or read hidden/nonexistent meanings
Recurrent suspicions that either his romantic partner is cheating on him or someone is trying to steal them away
(Comorbid with ADHD/anxiety) Extreme difficulty with relaxing
A recurrent delusion that someone (usually but not exclusively a stranger) is following him with the intent to abduct him, drug him, torture him, and/or rape him
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
An unusually strong disgust with and aversion- ranging from notable to severe, almost phobic- to bodily waste and fluids (specifically feces, urine, vomit, saliva, and semen- albeit the latter two are not a constant)
A need to make his bed and/or organize his sleeping area when waking up and getting ready for sleep
(Comorbid with anxiety/PPD) Checking every new environment and object for any irregularities or suspicious features
Intrusive thoughts, most commonly; being nonconsensually observed and/or photographed/recorded, his hands/face/entire body being covered in invisible filth that he has to scrub away (even if that means using harsh chemicals and/or scrubbing his skin raw), something inexplicably being missing or moved, a need to tear off his fingernails/scars/tear out his hair, he ate/drank or is eating/drinking something somehow tainted, some unidentified person or entity is currently judging his actions, someone or something is planning to take or remove his glasses
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A strong fascination with/“special interest” in gothic literature, chemistry, and fear based psychology
Difficulty processing and recognizing his own emotions
(Comorbid with ADHD) fidgeting and stimming, which he’s repressed and toned down over the years of ridicule and reprimands
Tactile hypersensitivity; not being able to stand the touch of others or specific materials/textures (i.e. sand, faux silk, plastic combs), or on the flipside being extra touchyfeely or petting/stroking/rubbing certain objects/materials (i.e. favored flannel shirts, his corvids, velcro)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Mild to notable difficulty remembering names, sequences of events, and specific times
Racing thoughts
A need to be constantly working/doing something, trouble sitting still
(Comorbid with depression/inferiority complex) self destructive, impulsive actions
Sleep Paralysis (SP)
Being touched, grabbed, and squeezed
Eyes- either just one pair or an innumerable amount- staring down at him
The sensation of being sexually assaulted/raped; anything from his genitals being mutilated, to incessant teasing, to being penetrated, to full on re experiencing the repeat abuse of an Arkham doctor (sometimes being back in that point in time, sometimes the doctor having broken into his residence)
A large, unidentified bird torturing him, slowly picking his flesh from his bone- sometimes it has the voice of his great grandmother, sometimes his father, sometimes what he can only assume to be the devil or some such punishing entity
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abysswatchers420 · 3 days
just touched allison's earlobe, why is everyone so touchyfeely comfortable w me here??
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goodgaymckay · 22 days
i don’t know if this is especially in character for how u write scott in the stepbrother au. but i think it’d be funny if when he’s drunk he threatens chet with telling someone if they don’t kiss
usually when I play with my chetbot for step bro stuff Scott is a boy of empty threats and needy touchyfeely behaviour, so this is absolutely something he’d do.
Chet really tries to make it seem like he isn’t enjoying the kiss but.. I mean. He’s Clearly popping a chubby under the table and everyone else is kind of a little uncomfortable wondering what Scott was whispering to Chet, he looks all pissy after, but he’s pleased that he got what he wanted.
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