themysticcircle · 11 months
Royal Excuses
Jace had never been so terrified. A few weeks ago, he hadn’t even met his own king and now he was meeting the king of Lionsdale. While Cainhart was of a similar size, it had nowhere near as much of a presence in the world. It was also strange being referred to as Lord Trentham when the title didn’t even exist two weeks ago. He’d spent what little he had studying Lionsdale’s culture as well as how he was going to explain the situation to the king. He wasn’t even able to figure out how much of the situation they were aware of. He took a deep breath just as he was presented before the king. He gave the king a deep bow. The books he’d read, said that was a bit archaic but he figured,it was best to be on the safe side. “Your majesty, I come as ambassador of Cainhart to share news of your engagement to Prince Thelio. King Heran believes his son needs time to grow and mature before he is ready to marry anyone, let alone an accomplished ruler such as your self. King Heran humbly requests you release Prince Thelio from the engagement.” That was the real crux of the matters. Reputation could recover over time but he could only imagine how steep the financial penalty for breaking an engagement like this would be.
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accidentallymagic · 1 year
“Ow...” Theo squinted as his eyes fluttered open. His whole body ached, his head was pounding and the bright light burned his eyes. He glanced around the cavernous room slowly, examining the large windows and white walls for any hint of his location. Theo made an attempt to sit up, and hop out of the bed, but a searing pain made him wince and gasp. “Fuck! Goddamn! Oh.” 
Finally noticing the man to his left, Theo focused on him. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to curse. Where am I?” He fell back against the pillows, already exhausted. “Who’re you?”
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menofservice · 1 year
“Pretty please...” Jeremy whimpered as he leaned in to run his tongue across Jasper’s crack. Eager hands gently separated his cheeks, his tongue wiggling through them to tease the sensitive hole. He’d been worshipping Jasper’s ass for hours now, pushing through his fatigue and jaw-ache to impress him, though his own horniness was meeting unfathomable heights. “Can I make you cum? For real this time?” He dove back in, rimming his lover with newfound passion. “Haven’t I been such a good boy for you?”
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hawthxrnerps · 5 months
{ @touchofsomething }
Ravi had a routine after every long stressful shoot. Hit up a bar, get more than a little tipsy, and if anyone in particular caught his eye he'd take the party back somewhere a lot more private. That night, it looked like tall, dark, and handsome was on the menu. Chatting up a guy who was probably the cutest in the bar it didn't take much convincing before the two were fucking wild enough to wake the neighbors. To Ravi's delight the guy was more than just a pretty face as he managed to fuck the model for hours, eventually wearing him out to the point that all he could do was pass out. A deep and incredibly restful sleep he started to stir when he felt something graze along his ass and he moaned softly. "The tank already refilled?" he smirked as he pushed his ass back "I really did choose well last night"
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A grin curled wide upon Preston's features, his typical type of grin, cocky and arrogance galore was obvious across his lips. He wanted to say, of course you did, cause he was Preston fucking whims, but for once he held back. Instead his eyes were fixed upon the man's perfect ass, as though he was mesmerized by it, fingers gripping the mound, pulling the cheek up and letting go. Followed by a smack, watching it bounce and jiggle, it brought back fond memories of only a couple hours ago when he was balls deep inside of him and he left the man leaking with his load.
"And raring to go." Hungry touches are turned up a notch, instead of just playing with his cheeks, instead his hand goes to his hole, fingers rubbing against it with teasing intent.
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xhimbology · 10 months
;; @touchofsomething || Treaty of Brosailles -- Tucker E.
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-- Tucker wasn't sure he was up for this. While he tried to keep an open mind when it came to his job, this one pushed his limits the most. Being constantly compared and confused with Brad online was one thing--he could ignore that--but to now have to do a scene with him? It was almost like their agencies were egging on this online fan wars. Thankfully, they came to a middle ground, adding Cooper to the mix to ease the both of them into the scene. At least that he can work with.
He stepped onto the set, already naked and rock hard. He was a professional, after all, and no amount of online rivalry can get in the way of that. He turned to face his scene partner, a smirk on his face. "Well, I guess as an offer of peace..." Tucker began, "I will admit, I can see why you're popular. I don't see how we look anywhere the same, but I'll admit, you're hot." He looked around the set, taking note that Cooper wasn't with them yet. "Speaking of hot stuff... This Cooper guy. I haven't worked with him before, but I can't wait to get a piece of that ass."
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soncfthewitch · 1 year
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closed starter for @touchofsomething​
Art's fingers flew over the keyboard as he read the latest messages for CEO William Marshall. His eyes narrowed in concentration, a slight frown creasing his forehead as he digested the information. He glanced up briefly, taking in the expansive office with its floor-to-ceiling windows and plush furniture. This was a world of knowledge and power, of secrets and strategies.
Taking a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge ahead. Marshall's messages were full of coded language and hidden meanings – it was like deciphering a puzzle! He pushed aside his growing sense of awe as he focused on understanding the intricate layers beneath each message.
When he entered the mahogany-paneled office, its vastness dominating his every step. He glanced nervously at the imposing figure of William Marshall, CEO of Marshall Motors Inc, looming behind his desk. There was something about the man's expression that commanded attention and respect.
"Sir, CyberLife called again, confirming another order of fresh dock and factory workers, along with ideas for a self-driving Android car. Or something. They seem pushy. You also have that meeting today in twenty... three minutes." Atreus said, his voice surprisingly steady.
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ofvanguards · 1 year
[ @touchofsomething​  liked this for a starter from Jonathan ]
“I don’t make the rules” The older man said as he removes the travel gloves off his hands, just enough to show the other how the skin seemed to bubble for a moment only for the muscle to partially metamorphosize into the Beast’s stronger limbs. “There’s a reward for keeping you safe and if I have to literally. BABYSIT you. I will do it” despite the harshness of his words, however, he seems pretty relaxed and amicable, going as far as to offer the male some of the dried meat he’d been snacking on for energy. “So what’s it gonna be? I’m stuck to you for a week and I’m more resourceful than you’d expect”
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buzzedbros · 1 year
Max woke up in the morning and rubbed his eyes as he rolled over and saw his long time ex-boyfriend in bed next to him already awake. “Fuck” he muttered lazily under his breath as he decided to pretend like they weren’t broken up since that seemed easier than the alternative. He rested his head on his ex’s bare chest and looked up at him, “You sleep well?” he asked with a smirk on his lips, soft brown hair spread across the man’s chest. “I didn’t because it was so fuckin’ hot in here” he wiped the sweat from his brow.
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xthebodyshopx · 5 months
1C for Dallas with muse of your choice.
M/M Smut Gif Starters Part 2 [1C]
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"Sh-Shit..." Dallas couldn't help but groan out as he was lifted up so that the man behind him had his legs elevated, his ass at level with his face. He hadn't expected that he had found himself in this position when he came over to see Cooper, one of his clients that often requests his services. He hadn't expected for his father to get him naked and to bury his face into his ass. "Y-You.... fuck... that feels so good... daddy..."
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omegaxalpha · 9 months
goldenboi panted as he slipped into the mechanic shop without even thinking. the boy was definitely feeling rather weak right now. he had just gotten done dealing with some criminals, and he was flat out exhausted. it also didn't help that ever since the league's secret weakness was found out, villains have been using it to capitalize on them left and right. goldenboi began stripping after realizing (assuming) that he was the only person here after a quick look. the owner of the mechanic shop rented the small room upstairs to him, and he was just about to go up there and get to work on getting rid of this lust and desire when he heard a door on the otherside open. his eyes widened as he watched as jose walked through. the golden bodysuit pulled just below his tits with the domino mask hanging above his face, and a suspicious dark spot around his crotch from where archer was wet as hell. "...late night?" he asked lamely, hoping that somehow the other wouldn't connect the dots.
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xthetribunalx · 6 months
@touchofsomething said: 26B with Kyland for muse of your choice.
kyland has never ben turned on as he was right now. pure lust and desire washed over him as he continued bobbing his head on the other man's cock while the older man continued to play the game. his eyes continued looking up at the other man as he bobbed his head. his fat ass arched out behind him. although kyland was fully clothed he might as well not be with how tight the pants clung to the round globes of his ass. he whined as a hand came up to fondle the other man's balls as well, already getting turned on as he imagined them pumping him full of the other man's seed.
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thexbestxstars · 2 years
The thing about being on the run? Is that you had to act on the opinion of everyone knowing your face. Especially when you have a handsome face like Sebastian’s. The psycho needed a place to sleep, but couldn’t afford to go to a motel or hotel in fear of someone recognizing him. So he did the next best thing. He snuck into someone’s house who appeared to not be home. Sebastian grinned as he riffled around the drawers looking for money or anything he could use, making sure his trust war hammer was nearby before deciding to lay down for a nap. He groaned at the softness of an actual bed, allowing the dufflebag full of money and valuables from this place to be within his gasp just in case he needed to wake up and book it. One never knows after all.
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charmed-redemption · 1 year
BFY: As They Slept The Night Away
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menofservice · 1 year
“The room is soundproofed, the doors sealed, your guards appropriately glamoured. Nobody will overhear or see anything. In other words, sire, it’s time to get on your knees.” Oscar rarely offered sessions outside of his dungeon, but there was always an exception for royalty; status, and money, were currencies Oscar knew well. “You have no idea how happy I was to receive your message. 
“So happy, in fact, that I had this made.” He held the hood up for Naveen to see; it was crafted with leather, skin-tight except for the broad muzzle, with two adjustable ears on top. “Do you like it?” He bent down to look into Naveen’s eyes, “Wanna be my pup for today?”
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aurumreveries · 1 year
It’d been a tough few months but if there was one thing the world knew by now, it was that Taran was a survivor. He’d finally decided to take a page out of Sam and acknowledge that he wasn’t the least bit okay with everything that had happened last year and this past halloween.
Some positive moves had been made though. Sam moved in with Danny and that led to Taran to moving in to fill out the now vacant slot of being Chad’s roommate as well. The perfect fitting since they weren’t just friends anymore. Trauma had a way of forging tight bonds; for Taran, having Chad be a protector and stable voice of reason elevated his feelings for the jock to heights he didn’t think possible. It was just unfortunate that every now and then when Taran did get home to his boyfriend, there was some sting of guilt and there was always worry.
It was in the late evening and Taran entered their apartment after having taken the train from his therapy appointment. After closing the door, he instinctively turned to turn all the locks and bolts on the door before moving further into their living space.
“Hey, bae? Lost track of time again? I don’t smell anything cooking.” He said while setting his bag down and moving around to the side of the couch where Chad sat. Taran’s arms wrapped around the jock’s neck and a soft kiss was planted on his forehead. “Does this mean we’re having another impromptu take-out night?” Not that Taran could complain; terror side suffered there in New York City, he couldn’t deny that the food selection was still far more fantastic than what the little Cali town of Woodsboro offered.
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   Logan was a dangerous and powerful man. He had been invited, after all his family were one of the most powerful families in the city. The rule and had control of so many companies and organizations. They were feared. The cops could not even tough them. Logan always looked out for his family, made sure that they were always in a position that nothing could hurt them and being related to the Blackwells, a family of assassins even made them so much stronger. 
Logan had been watching a cop named Francis. The one cop who had decided to take him and his family down and as a result he had no choice but to come after them and teach them a lesson. He had taken the cop, used them and breed them. Showed them just how powerful he was and he knew they would never forget him. Logan had been surprise when the male had come over, still remembering the night he left them with his seed inside them. 
He walked in front of them naked, his perfect body and massive cock on display. “Am surprise to you came here Francis,” he spoke voice deep and powerful. “So what is it that you want to discuss?”  @touchofsomething​
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