The Vanguard
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
✧・゚ A short and easy workaround for Reblogs with Beta & XKit Rewritten
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Disclaimer: This also seems to work with old Legacy-Threads when reblogging with the new Beta-Editor bc XKit Rewritten doesn’t work with Legacy. The whole trimming order and process of both combined can be confusing, but it’s important so the post doesn’t get fucked up. So technically, it's also helpful for Beta-Reblogging in general.  (video below)
SO, IF YOU WANT TO AVOID DOUBLE-POSTING of your own reblog, do the following:
Hit reblog (make sure you’re using Beta).
Enter reply, whatever.
Safe to drafts.
Remove the first post with Trim Reblogs.
Refresh drafts.
Remove your own reply that now shows twice with the Beta-Editor. You will only have one option to remove here, so that makes it easy.
In this way you can preserve your partner's reply if you want to, since the blockquote-format won't work like that anymore. So hopefully, reblogs with the Beta-Editor & XKit Rewritten should be easier now for you and your partners without having to move your whole Legacy-Thread to a new post after this measure. I am very nostalgic over my old stuff, so that's a reason why I don't want to do it. If you have additions or experience possible errors, feel free to add them.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL ONLY WORK if your partner reblogged their response without any XKit-Extension. Just a plain reblog.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
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JOSH KRASINSKI getting ready for the SAG Awards
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
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Michele Morrone (2023)
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
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Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent in Superman and Lois (3.01)
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
open to: m/f/anyone connection: ex-fiancé or ex-significant other. old lover. bonus points if they are another supernatural, whatever works~ plot: BASED ON THIS editor: using beta
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         The bar and restaurant were full of people, a little busier than Richard would have liked after the day he’d spent countless hours smiling and pretending that he actually wanted to be at the bloody seminar he attended. It was a waste of time and money in his opinion, there were plenty of other things that he would rather have been doing that would benefit him, but no, there he was sitting at the bar in a corner, chatting up the bartender occasionally while he nursed an old fashioned. He wasn’t there with anyone, at the bar, anyways, his phone chimed a few times with a text from the person he’d left at home and another from his uncle but Richard simply left them unread, he was tired. Traveling the whole night before and never being a person who liked planes, to begin with, Richard was trying to decompress.
         In all honesty, the last thing he expected was to see them, at first Richard thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. As if a ghost from Christmas Past had come to visit him only it wasn’t fucking Christmas, he almost choked on his drink, instinctively dropping his gaze and trying to calm the mild panic that made his heart hammer loudly in his chest and ears. Another side glance confirmed his suspicions and that made him finish off his drink, waving down the bartender for another of something stronger while he tried to make up his mind as to whether or not he was going to approach them or try to slip away before they noticed him.
“Yeah, I’ll text you when I get home. Nah, that’s okay, I don’t know how to do that location sharing thing anyw— No, it’s cool, really” Arthur stepped into the establishment, distracted enough with his phone— more like struggling to keep the damn thing to his ear as he removed his jacket, hanging it by the door. “Uhh... that’s a great question. How about dinner tomorrow? I’ll cook.” He muttered absent mindedly as he made his way towards the bar, sitting just two stools away from the man whose gaze was piercing over the side of his skull. “Sure, Carbonara sounds good, as long as you get the wine. Love—” his hand raised as he waved to call the bartender— who was ocasionally pouring a drink for a well-dressed man was just staring at him in an uncomfortable, yet familiar manner. “—you”
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Arthur hesitated for a moment just as his previouos motion caught the bartender’s attention. A lopsided smile appeared on his lips for a moment before he moved his head towards the man about to open a beer for him but his eyes never abandoned the other’s figure. “Actually—” Arthur stopped, finally removing his gaze from the other “—Whiskey, please”.
His gaze returned to Richard, expression just dangling in the line between neutral and quizzical as his brows teased to go upwards. “Been a while, huh?” he paused, once again, unsure of what to make of this interaction, but patted the seat next to him after what felt like a good hour, albeit just being a couple seconds.
open to: m/f/anyone connection: ex-fiancé or ex-significant other. old lover. bonus points if they are another supernatural, whatever works~ plot: BASED ON THIS editor: using beta
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         The bar and restaurant were full of people, a little busier than Richard would have liked after the day he’d spent countless hours smiling and pretending that he actually wanted to be at the bloody seminar he attended. It was a waste of time and money in his opinion, there were plenty of other things that he would rather have been doing that would benefit him, but no, there he was sitting at the bar in a corner, chatting up the bartender occasionally while he nursed an old fashioned. He wasn’t there with anyone, at the bar, anyways, his phone chimed a few times with a text from the person he’d left at home and another from his uncle but Richard simply left them unread, he was tired. Traveling the whole night before and never being a person who liked planes, to begin with, Richard was trying to decompress.
         In all honesty, the last thing he expected was to see them, at first Richard thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. As if a ghost from Christmas Past had come to visit him only it wasn’t fucking Christmas, he almost choked on his drink, instinctively dropping his gaze and trying to calm the mild panic that made his heart hammer loudly in his chest and ears. Another side glance confirmed his suspicions and that made him finish off his drink, waving down the bartender for another of something stronger while he tried to make up his mind as to whether or not he was going to approach them or try to slip away before they noticed him.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @courtesons​  liked this for a starter from Arthur] 
“I’m not sure if you’ve been losing on purpose” the man says as he continues to fidget with his cards on his hand, looking at the other man who had been now stripped all the way down to his undergarments. “I mean, I’d normally cheat to get a man like you naked, but this— this is actually a good, lucky day” a wide smile begins to creep over the corners of his lips. So far, out of ten games, he’d only lost two— thus, only his boots and vest were gone. Rogers, on the other hand, was down boots, jacket, shirt, belt, pants, socks, slacks and undershirt. Was Arthur actually cheating with his skills? Surprisingly not, but he sure was having a blast— to get a man like Steve to play Strip Poker with him was already a victory on its own right. “So what’s it going to be? You could strip those off now, if you want, and we can call it a game— or we can continue playing for all I care”.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
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These types of jobs should be beneath Elwin now, he was an assassin, member of a secret circle close to the royal family, why was he sent out on a capture mission for someone who he had no clue who they were? It didn’t make any sense to the Elf, but here he was, fingers hovering above his daggers just in case. “A reputation?” A squint of his eyes, he wasn’t given any intel to who he was, so this was confusing. “Who are you exactly? My employer didn’t explain much.” It was looking like there might be a fight, it wouldn’t be a problem for him, he was a skilled rogue after all, having made a name for himself already. 
Well— he was insulted by having a bounty on his ass, but he was now actually offended by the other not knowing who he was—  but maybe the man was just new to this part of town? Arthur frowned in response, phisically annoyed at his comment as his lips pursed and then he ran his tongue between them and his teeth. “Arthur Callahan. Under other circumstances I would say ‘at your service’ but I guess you understand” as if recovering his bravado, the Enchanter winked at the other, giving him a half smile. 
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His free hand began to ‘pull the threads’ on magic, casting silent, discreet incantations around himself. “Now, you’re hesitating to grab those knives... which means you’re not here to kill me— Who’s this employer of yours, Handsome?”. Once the incantation was made, an exact copy of the Wizard remained on his spot as he, now invisible, stepped back, leaving the illusion to do the talking and information gathering. “Was it Lord Blackmoor? It wasn’t personal, his wife paid to expose him and the girl he was cheating with. You get it, right? Just business” the illusion’s grip tightened around the sword, one foot going forward as if preparing to receive a hit.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
You don’t need fancy icons to roleplay with me.
You don’t need to write in small fonts to roleplay with me.
Your theme doesn’t have to look like you gave your soul to photoshop to roleplay with me.
I won’t rp with you if you don’t read my rules.
I won’t rp with you if you have a sucky attitude.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @thekingswench​ cont. from here. ]
It’s his turn to snort as he pulls the leather of his boots off his feet, enjoying the feeling of cold dirt against his skin. Despite being a leatherworker, that was another whole level of confort. “Sure, I’ll do it when we’re back. Make sure everyone hears” Jon said with a chuckle, throwing his boots to a side before he fell flat on the ground, stretching comfortably. “You’re saying I should prove I’m pretty, that I’m a piece of flesh or that I’m a pretty piece of flesh?”.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @thekingswench​ cont. from here. ] 
The risk he took was calculated, but despite his age, Rhett wasn’t great at Math. The way the other eyed at the comfort of his bare upper torso somehow made him feel— uneasy. Not quite ashamed, but not exactly prideful as he, an almost narcissistic asshole, would’ve been under the gaze of any other mortal. “Ask?” the blond mumbles as he looks away from the businessman, lips pursing slightly as he ponders over the words. “Ask...”
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Rhett paused for at least a good twelve seconds before his arm went around the other’s waist, pulling him so hard against his body that their faces almost crashed if not because he moved his head to a side lightly. “I don’t ask” once again, he effortlessly pulled himself up, along with the other man. Yet, holding him there, in the air, the dragon smiled as he gave in to Arthur’s request. “Will you give me a kiss, so I know what your lips taste like?”.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
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Vale closed his eyes are he felt the sun on his skin after taking the last of his clothes. The male had decided he needed a swim and also watch up after a battle. His wounds had healed already, he was lucky being born of magic gave him great healing abilities. He sighed as he slowly ran his hands through his hair, eyes close for a moment. Taking in the cool hair before looking up to the sky. Then he felt something, his eyes glowing a bright golden hue for a second as he turned around and saw someone there. Someone else that he was not expecting. Vale was unsure if they were a friend or foe. His sword far away from him but he sense that he did not need it.
“Hello stranger,” he spoke looking at the male, voice deep and powerful as he stood naked in all his glory and impressive size. @ofvanguards​
A shiver ran down his spine— impossibly so, as he was simply sitting there with his back against the rocks of the tiny water stream letting the current wash over his body. The rumbling of that voice felt familiar and unknown at the same time. His frown intensified as his eyes parted ever so slightly, taking in the shape of the other’s nudity. “What a glorious morning” the Dragon mutters quietly as he pushes away from the rocks so as to not have the stream of water cloud his vision. “Or, well, it was” Thellarian wasn’t a man that would take lightly to being interrupted, but it wasn’t like being here, in the open, made it an impossible occurrence.
He mumbled something, not even knowing what it was, for once his eyes settled upon the other’s features he couldn’t help but to cock his head back in confusion. “Do I—” the man-shaped dragon began before he ran a hand through his mane, pulling it away from his eyes as if they were still clouding his vision. “Sorry, have we met before? You seem... familiar”.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @amicablemedic​  liked this for a starter from Jonathan ]
“Staring is only awkward if you don’t make a move” the man said as he dropped a pile of fresh, musky leather onto his working table, looking at the man over the counter. He was sweaty and hot, panting from the effort of a couple dozen pounds of various pieces to work with. “I know I must look like shit but this is still a store, so—” Jonathan walks over to the counter, raising the small door at the counter so he could go past the man to pick up another bolt of coarse leather from a nearby couch. “— how can I help?”.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @sovrumana liked this for a starter from Arthur ]
“If you wanted my attention there’s easier ways to get it. Like clearing your throat awkwardly” Arthur mutters as he raises his eyes from his book, simply taking a bite off a carrot. “What can I do for you?”.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @ragtagrunaways​ liked this for a starter from Arthur ]
He’s just sitting there, looking at the other speak, holding his lemonade and occasionally taking a sip from the straw. Arthur was good with history. Great, even. But technology? Whatever conversation Trent was giving him was difficult for him to absorb— sure, he was giving him his undenied attention, but the terminology was too complicated for him to keep up with. Hell, even his phone would get lock on occasion when he forgot his passcode. “I have no idea of what you’re talking about” he says with a shy smile, full of embarrassment, once the other asks for his opinion. “I’m paying attention but you’re gonna have to really baby steps me into this because I don’t even have a facebox or instacam account”
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @mistckesmade​  liked this for a starter from Arthur ]
“So no more “Mr. Callahan, Good Morning, How are you Sir” but now you’re calling me by my first name? That’s bold, Montgomery” not that he minded in the slightest. If he did, he wouldn’t be offering the boy— the other man, a beer. “So yeah, you can crash for as long as you want. I have no plans for the weekend other than buying groceries so you might be stuck with me for a day or two”.
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ofvanguards · 2 years ago
[ @touchofsomething​  liked this for a starter from Jonathan ]
“I don’t make the rules” The older man said as he removes the travel gloves off his hands, just enough to show the other how the skin seemed to bubble for a moment only for the muscle to partially metamorphosize into the Beast’s stronger limbs. “There’s a reward for keeping you safe and if I have to literally. BABYSIT you. I will do it” despite the harshness of his words, however, he seems pretty relaxed and amicable, going as far as to offer the male some of the dried meat he’d been snacking on for energy. “So what’s it gonna be? I’m stuck to you for a week and I’m more resourceful than you’d expect”
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