marsdave · 5 years
Amnesty Musical Idea (Part 1/4)
So since I decided ultimately to do a Balance musical, I wanted to share my idea for what an Amnesty Musical could be on here! 
So ideally, and Amnesty musical would kind of be an indie, low-budget affair. Since Amnesty isnt as Game-Centric as Balance (in which you never quite forget that they're playing dungeons and dragons), none of the McElroys are making any appearances as characters.
We open on Mama saying goodbye to Thacker before he leaves for Sylvain to research the Quell. This is our first song, Old Friend, something quiet and understated with only a piano and an acoustic guitar and some airtight harmonies.
Mama: I wish you good luck, until we meet again.
Thacker: it's not a matter of if, Madeline, simply a matter of when
Mama: promise me you'll miss me, if only now and then
Together: goodbye, old friend.
At this point, the audience has no clue what just happened, only that Thacker is gone for a while and Mama knows who he is
I know that seeing Thacker for the first time was something of a big reveal in the podcast, but in a play, having him mentioned in a conversation isn't going to have the same impact as actually seeing him onstage
The stage goes dark and a single spotlight opens on Sherriff Owens. He gives the audience a grin and starts introducing the audience to Kepler, West Virginia. The soft, major-key version of the Amnesty theme plays in the background
He goes over Amnesty Lodge, the Monongahela National Park, and he ends his tour with an exasperated "And here's the cryptonomica. Bye." He quickly walks off stage.
Here's where we get our introduction to Ned Too Many Middle Names Chicane and our second song, "Come On Down To The Cryptonomica"
It should be pretty short, a minute at the most, but it's got the same vibe as Independence from Trail To Oregon as Ned tries to convince you (with some interjections from Kirby) to buy some of his wares and tune into his tv show, Saturday Night Dead. (Which he already has at this point because I do need to expedite some things)
Ned never sings alone
We then take a trip over to a childs bedroom. A teen Duck Newton sits up in bed, playing on a handheld video game console.
I know in the podcast Minerva is an ethereal, ageless entity, but I know that a lot of people's problem with Ducknerva was the age difference. So in the musical, she's gonna grow up with Duck
Also, it makes more sense that the mistakes she made on her home planet were the mistakes of a reckless teenager.
So with a bit of blueish lighting, Minerva appears at the foot of Duck's bed, appropriate confusion and humorous antics ensue
Then we get our third song, Destiny
It starts off somewhat orchestral, as Minerva slowly delivers her epic call to action, but she's so slow that she disappears in the middle of the speech.
"Pick up the sword and fulfill your desti-" and then she's gone.
Then we get a Do You Wanna Build A Snowman type age-up as both Duck and Minerva grow. Duck is shopping in Leo Tarkesian's store because I need to introduce Leo and having him appear right before/after Minerva draws an unconscious parallel between the two.
Also Leo's actor also plays Sheriff Owen's because I need to minimize just how many people are in the cast 
The next time, it's still orchestral, but faster, as Minerva needs to get the speech out fully this time. Duck answers with an anticlimactic "Nah."
The next time, it's still orchestral, but faster, as Minerva needs to get the speech out fully this time. Duck answers with an anticlimactic "Nah."
Another age-up. This time, we get the sense that this has happened a few times and Duck's overall answer has been a wholehearted "No thanks"
This time when Minerva delivers her speech Duck interjects and speaks over her, Farmer Refuted style, and as he grows more argumentative, Minerva's orchestra is drowned out by Duck's electric guitar. 
One more age-up. Maybe just a costume change. Minerva appears and Duck is turned around and can't see her. The piano motif plays. Time for Minerva to start her song. Duck still hasn't seen her. She opens her mouth-
And then closes it. No use in trying. She disappears.
We then go to what looks like a kid's birthday party. Aubrey is doing a series of (very bad) magic tricks. We see Mama watching her.
My least valid decision here is removing Dr. Harris Bonkers. I know, it sucks, I'm terrible, but there is no practical way to do it and it doesn't narratively work onstage like it does in the podcast
The tricks go badly until she does one successfully, her fire trick. 
When Aubrey is done with her show, Mama stands and we hear a few notes of "Old Friend" before launching into "Come On Down to Amnesty Lodge…ica" a clear reprise of "Come On Down to the Cryptonomica" but, you know, Amnesty Lodge based.
Aubrey: this song sounds really familiar 
Mama: no I don't think it does.
Aubrey decides to go, and, during the song we quickly transition to the Amnesty lodge, and alongside Aubrey, we meet Barclay (Boyd Moshe's actor, wink wink nudge nudge), Dani, and Jake Coolice (Kirby's actor).
They tune in at the end of the song, and the harmonies should be real pleasant over here.
Dani and Aubrey do in fact, měét cüte at this point. That part doesn't need to be changed at all from the podcast, it was perfect.
To the Cryptonomica, where Kirby and Ned are discussing dressing up in the bigfoot costume to make some more money, Ned agrees to head up to the Monongahela.
Mama, Barclay and Aubrey are taking a walk and Mama explains more about Sylvain and the Abominations before we come to the archway, which to symbolize being invisible is covered with a big tarp that read: "Nothin' to see here!"
There, they run into Ned, doing a very bad bigfoot impression 
Barclay is visibly distressed but we don't know why yet.
Cut to Duck in the middle of a conversation with Juno Divine (played by Dani's actor) 
Juno's not gonna be super big in the musical but I thought it would be a cute cameo for people who have listened to the podcast 
Duck then goes out on patrol. He hears some commotion and runs onto the scene 
Duck starts on a talk about how no one should be here and Why Are You Wearing A Bigfoot Suit?
Ned begins to explain, when two goat creatures come onto the scene. One of which is Billy (same actor as Kirby and Jake).
This launches into my second favorite song idea/narrative device from this musical: Wait, What The Fuck Is Going On?
Essentially, this song is an info-dump to get all of the characters up to speed, and is going to take several bullet points to explain.
So first, everyone freezes on stage (bonus points if it's on funny poses/faces) and we hear a familiar piano motif and the lights go blue.
That's right it's Minerva Babeeeeey. She gives her speech, throwing in some details about the danger of the situation. 
Minerva: Take up the sword and fulfill your destiny!
Duck: I don't have a sword?
Minerva:*pulls out sword*
Duck: How did you-?
Minerva, interrupting him: Take up the sword and fulfill your destiny!
Minerva disappears and Duck picks up Beacon while everyone unfreeze, they express confusion as to how Duck got the sword and why it's talking. There's a bit of fighting.
Then Aubrey gets attacked and kind of lights on fire a little bit while singing a solo interspersed with Ned and Duck not understanding What The Hell Is Happening 
Barclay turns into bigfoot and everyone except Mama is Alarmed.
At this point Mama is trying to calm everyone down.
Then, as they fight the two goat creatures, everyone sings in counterpoint, like at the end of Non-Stop from Hamilton or One Day More from Les Miserables or Tower of Babel from Godspell
Billy is taken but the other goat creature gets away with one large chorus of "What the fuck is going on!"
-End Pt. 1-
(Also, I cant emphasize this enough, my askbox is open! Please don't hesitate to ask me shit!)
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marsdave · 5 years
TOTCWWTAZM Episode 1: Clarificatione and Subject matter
All right I'm actually starting the process of writing this thing! My ask box is open atm!
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