novapark · 4 years
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novapark · 4 years
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novapark · 4 years
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"So... how’s the job hunt?” 
“About the same.” 
“It’s not too late to go back to school. Just retake the the ones you didn’t pass. It’s not that big of a deal Frey.” 
“Maybe not to you, you’re not the one that failed.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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“So you think your mom is gonna be upset about you coloring your hair like that Juno?” 
“Maybe but it’s kind of too late now isn’t it? Besides Bella has purple streaks in her hair and mom seems to like love that.”
“Did your dad see it?” 
“No but I know he wouldn’t like it and I don’t really give a damn. I wanted to do it so I did. Besides at most he’ll just passive aggressively sigh in my direction for a couple visits. He doesn’t like to argue about anything.” 
“Kind of a big bargain assuming Aunt Bee won’t care June. She can be kind of high strung sometimes.” 
“You worry too much Emma, it will be fine.” 
“Whatever you say.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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Horrah spring has come. 
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novapark · 4 years
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“I know and I know me saying it’ll get better isn’t much use but if you decide to go back maybe I could give you some of my old study notes. Hell, I’ll ask around work, maybe someone knows of any entry level lab positions. Surely you’re qualified for that at least. Just let me know ya know, if there’s anything I can do to help.” 
“Thanks Bee, I will.”
“What would help him is some time out of this fucking house. Your mood is never going to improve making an imprint on my couch.” 
“Oh hey daddy.”
“Good afternoon sweetheart, thought I heard you out here.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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“You say that shit like I never have. We both know I have done nothing but climb a mountain of dumb ass mistakes since I graduated high school. You can get through this. Trust me.” 
“Yeah maybe. Just hard in the fucking moment ya know?” 
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novapark · 4 years
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“She just wants to know you better baby.”
“I know and I’m glad for that. Really glad.”
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novapark · 5 years
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novapark · 4 years
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“So glad you guys decided to move out here. It is going to be great to have you nearby.”
“I know right? I mean I’m gonna to really fucking miss our little house in the wilderness but I think this is the best for our family in the long run.”  
“Hey Io!” 
“Hello Asher. I’d offer you something to drink but I still can’t find our cups. I think we may have over purged a bit. Though... you’d never know looking at this mess.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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novapark · 5 years
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novapark · 4 years
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Nash and Ashe - Rotational Save
I’ve set my queue to run from morning to late afternoon since I’ve been in the mood to visit with some of my rotational families and thought I would post this save in the evenings. Anyway, we’re transitioning over to Nascha and Asher now who haven’t made a full appearance yet in this thing so here are some details on where they are at here before we get into it. 
So like with the others a lot of the background is pretty similar between this save and my other saves involving them with a more realistic spin. For example Asher is not a supernatural and was in the Air Force before going to collage. He and Nascha met in South America when they were both doing field work between semesters rather than him being trapped there while avoiding his parents. He’s presently finishing up his doctoral studies in Physical Anthropology while teaching high school social studies. He is still low to no contact with his parents. 
As for Nascha she works from home for a corporate travel agency while caring for their toddler, Finn. Once Asher has graduated they are hoping he can get a job posting overseas since they both are kind of eager for some adventure. They currently live in Rosewood Park so Asher can be close to his older child Juno. 
General Tag: totallycasualrotational Family Subtag: nashxashe
Other Associated Links: 
Read ALL of it from the start Last Post Wes and Io Chrono The Kents Chrono
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novapark · 4 years
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“You sure you do not want me to stay and help you unpack?” 
“It’s alright my cousins are coming and I think that crowd might already be a bit much for Io.” 
“Don’t get me wrong I love them.” 
“It’s just a lot.” 
“It is.” 
“Yeah I definitely understand, he does have quite a large extended family. Well call me if you need anything at all. You know I am just up the hill.” 
“We will, thanks Ashe. See you soon man.” 
“Indeed, again so glad to have you both here.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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“I think tonight went pretty well don’t you?” 
“Yeah, it was actually nice having him here.” 
“And Juno too, didn’t expect her until Friday.” 
“Well you know how nosey she is.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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“So you been feeling a lot better Io? Wes told me you were struggling a bit for a while there.” 
“She seems better to me, at least more comfortable.” 
“Well I’m not throwing up anymore but I sure am starting to feel a bit chunky now. It’s okay though, I know that probably means the baby is growing well.” 
“So are you and Nash gonna have any more? I know you wanted Finn to have a sibling closer than you and Levi are.”
“I do but I think it may be time to ask her to marry me before I go propositioning her for more children. I am positive her old man already wants to strangle me for dragging things out as long as I have. I do not think she really cares but I know his happiness means a lot to her.” 
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