#total number of fake facebook profiles
tallymali · 1 year
Don’t know if anon or messages is the better place to ask this. I have friend that’s had uti for 2 months and you came to mind. Would you mind telling your Dr/clinic and the new and previous meds you’re taking? Did both meds work & the new is just cheaper or does new work better also? Thank You Tally!
Oh my god, I'm so glad you've sent me this because I wish more than anything that I'd known about this illness so early on in experiencing it. I have soooo much to say about this so you're absolutely welcome to DM me and relay any questions your friend has.
Okay first off I definitely recommend your friend joins the facebook support group: www.facebook.com/groups/ChronicUTISupportGroup/
Even if they dont use facebook, they should totally just make an account to join. I didn't use it either so I just made a blank profile with a fake name. As long as you answer the questions they send, the mods should let you in with no problem. I said something like "apologies for the blank account, I don't use social media but I was told this is the best place for support" and I was accepted super fast.
So, the clinic I go to is the Harley Street chronic UTI clinic. They don't have their own website but all their info is here: www.chronicutiinfo.com/treatment/conventional-medicine/uk-treatment/prof-malone-lee/
(That website is also an incredible source of info on chronic UTIs)
You have to go there in person for the initial appointment, which costs £250. First thing they do is take your pee and analyse it under a microscope to get a count for white blood cells and epithelial cells. Then you go to the doctor's office (there's a team of doctors that all follow the same protocol) and they discuss your symptoms, any previous medications you've tried, and any other health issues you have. They will almost always prescribe Hiprex and a long term high dose antibiotic. Hiprex is a urinary antiseptic, and it essentially reacts with the acid in your urine to create formaldehyde. Most of us take high dose vitamin C pills with the Hiprex to keep our urine as acidic as possible (high bacteria in the bladder can raise urine pH so we often need help in that department).
At this point they will give you the prescriptions and say you can take them to your NHS GP and see if they're willing to fill them on the NHS. My GP didn't want to get involved with prescribing long term antibiotics, but was happy to fill the Hiprex prescription. I now get my antibiotics from Pharmacierge. Their prices are cheaper than regular pharmacies and they work closely with the Harley Street team. My doctor now just sends my prescriptions straight over to them which cuts out a little admin for me.
After that initial appointment you have to have a follow up appointment every 3 months, which can be done in person or over teams. Either way, they cost £200. If you go in person they will do the pee analysis again, but it's not super necessary to do that to monitor your progress. Patient symptoms are the number one thing they use to decide your treatment. Basically as long as you're in pain, they will keep treating you (the NHS would NEVER). Not a huge amount happens at these check ups, but being on long term antibiotics is risky so they will ask you a million questions about any possible side effects, and switch your meds immediately if you're not tolerating them well. They also ask that you contact your GP and request a blood test 3 times a year to monitor your kidney and liver function. They might also ask for other tests depending on your symptoms and the specific antibiotics you're prescribed.
So yeah, the treatment kind of just boils down to: find the right meds. Take them until you feel completely normal again.
As for the specific meds, here's a list of their most prescribed antibiotics:
For me, before starting treatment under Harley Street, I'd been treated by the Urology Partnership. They prescribed me 3 months of full dose Nitrofurantoin (brand name Macrobid, super common UTI treatment) and I was almost symptomless during that 3 months, but when I finished the course the symptoms returned instantly at full throttle. From that point they would only prescribe me the half dose of Nitrofurantoin which was NOT cutting it. That was when I decided to move to Harley Street. Definitely would not recommend Urology Partnership to people dealing with a chronic UTI.
SO. I emailed the Harley Street clinic with an appointment request and they booked me in for the next week. At my appointment the doctor prescibed Trimethoprim, which is usually the first one they try with new patients. I took it for a little while, (around 2 weeks to a month, I don't remember exactly) but I was still getting symptoms that weren't letting up, so I emailed their clinical enquiries address to let them know. I'd mentioned at my inital appointment that Nitrofurantoin had worked in the past, so they took me off the Trimethoprim and prescribed the Nitro instead, with the note that I'd have to discuss it at my next appointment.
Basically, Nitro is a really good antibiotic but has some of the nastiest side effects and is also the most expensive. So at my follow up appointment my doctor said he was happy for me to stay on it to get my symptoms back under control but he'd like to switch to a less risky antibiotic in time.
So a few months later (June this year) I was switched to Cefalexin, which has some of the least side effects and is one of the cheapest. I've been doing really well on it and I'm really feeling optimistic.
This is all to say that treatment is easy in theory but requires a little trial and error to find the right meds, and then takes a metric fucktonne of patience. There's no set length of time for the treatment, but in general, the longer you've had the cUTI the longer it takes to cure. So if your friend does have cUTI and can get treatment quickly, it shouldn't take too long to cure.
I had mine for two years before starting with Harley Street, which is actually much shorter than the average patient. They frequently treat older patients who have been suffering for over 20 years. I've read a depressing number of posts in the facebook group from people in their 50s+ who have been able to live normally for the first time in their adult life thanks to this treatment.
Knowledge of this condition with the general public AND with doctors (even urologists?????) is basically nonexistent. The NHS and most healthcare systems will slap you with a wastebasket diagnosis (PBS/BPS/IC) and tell you to piss off and live in pain forever. I genuinely don't think I will ever be able to trust a doctor right off the bat to actually prioritise my health ever again in my life. The NHS is full of people who really do care and really do everything they can for their patients but as an institution it does not give one iota of a fuck about the wellbeing of the people it's supposed to care about. It's a big complicated systemic issue but there will never be a good excuse for turning away patients who need medical care to live normally.
If your friend or literally anyone reading this is interested in the more academic/scientific side of this whole thing, I'd definitely read Cystitis Unmasked by Professor Malone Lee. It's written for doctors so it's not an easy read for a layperson but GOD it's so eye opening and infuriating. Professor Malone Lee is the guy who created the Harley Street UTI clinic and I think he spent his entire life raging at all the pillars of incompetance that modern UTI testing and treatment is built upon.
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blogsbyjasleenkaur · 6 months
Social media apps
Because of social media's simple-to-use features, it has become a more common medium today. Moreover, People use social media apps to keep in touch with social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others platforms. Also, social media offers fast global connectivity with just a few clicks. In particular, the younger generation has been the most active social media users.
What is Social Media?
Social media includes a variety of websites that allow the sharing of content among people—however, Some of the most widely used social media applications. In addition, it Includes Wikipedia, chat rooms, social bookmarking, social creation, microblogging, and social networking. To clear up
Social Media's Plan
Users of social media platforms first create a profile, usually by entering their email address and name. In addition, Users create and share content after creating a profile. For example, a new Instagram user can take a photo and post it to their profile with a caption.
 A Few Social Media Apps
Google Plus            2. Myspace
Myspace                 4. Linkedin
Bebo                       6. YouTube
Facebook                8. Feedly
Yelp                         10. Xing
Types of Social Media
Social news
Users can add news links to other papers on social news websites. Also, Reddit is one of the most popular examples of this social media site.
Social network users 
may speak with people with similar interests and backgrounds on social networking sites. As a result, the most popular social networking site is Facebook.
Types of Social Media Content 
Sharing of Media
Users can share and exchange any type of media on websites that allow it, including movies and photos. Also, YouTube is the most popular media-sharing website on earth.
 bookmarking websites
Users can group and save links to other websites and information on these websites. Moreover, the most popular bookmarking website in the world is StumbleUpon.
7 functions of social media?
Does using social media help or hurt students?
Schoolchildren need the maturity and mental development to distinguish between good and wrong. They can be easily influenced and confused. It might also lead to unjust outcomes and impact people's perceptions about topics or individuals they don't know a lot about.
Content that is both likable and relevant will draw in new clients and raise brand awareness. You can become caught in our field and quickly react to industry trends. Comparing it, with traditional terms of promotion and advertising, it can be far cheaper.
Disadvantages of Social Media apps.
Moreover, Decrease in Communication skills. Fake news. 
Social media can cause sleeplessness. 
Cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent in today's world. 
Lack of Confidence. 
Also, Fear of missing out (FOMO).
What is the client population for social media?           
The number of active social media users overall as of January 2023 is 4.76 billion, nearly 49 percent of the world's total population. Comparing this, data to the previous year, there was a 3% increase. In 2023, the following six social media sites came in the first place, based on Monthly Active Users (MAUs): Facebook viewers: 2.96 billion. In addition, 2.2 billion MAUs on YouTube. MAUs for WhatsApp: 2 billion Also, MAUs on Instagram: 2 billion 1.26 billion MAUs on WeChat
Social media has a wide range of complex impacts on different people. Moreover, Our results showed that a large number of people either personally experience negative impacts or see them in people. However, given the short time we had to complete the research, we were not able to identify a direct and clear reason. With more time and research we hope to be able to draw stronger results.
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I have been trying to shape this into a full, coherent narrative for a little while, but a lot of the connective tissue is missing, like how they actually get the twins ferried over to Jugdral. Which, the answers might be "Byleth hits up Yuri to get someone to fake birth certificates" or "the house leaders apply Money and Rich Family Connections to the problem to get a no-questions-asked flight to Belhalla" because that is just a way that these plots can end. Fundamentally, there are a lot of Rich Kids in this AU, and they can just solve some of these problems the way Rich Kids do.
The other big piece I've not figured out was "what does Manfroy do when he finds out the babies are missing, what does Thales do, do they stir up more shit and cause issues to splash back on the main cast". Like Manfroy could just panic and try to kidnap Deirdre and then figure out the details later. Thales might know that Edelgard and Dimitri have to be caught up in this. I haven't decided how much I want to put the main cast do; I kinda wanna cut Deirdre a break, because the poor woman goes through enough in canon and I don't need to put her through a kidnapping, but on the other hand, that gives Validar something to do to cause problems - send in Aversa with a baseball bat to un-kidnap a woman, and that's a funny concept. There's lots of ways the story can splinter after the initial "we stole two babies" part and I’ve had trouble deciding what I want to do with it!
Anyway that’s absolutely hysterical that Jedah is just. carrying on with whatever crimes he’s committing, totally unaware of the slapfight happening between the other three axis of the Cult Gang. He finds out months later that Manfroy had and lost A Potential Vessel For Their God and Manfroy blames Thales and Thales blames Validar and frankly, Jedah still doesn’t quite understand how Validar actually played into this.
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They got some of Arvis' blood too, just by telling him “hey give us some blood or we’ll let people find out about your bloodline secret :)”, and he's dead enough inside that he's like, whatever, here, take it, they’re not actually going to be able to do anything with a bit of my blood and hair. And unfortunately for him he does not know that Manfroy knows Thales and Thales has the resources for Incredibly Unethical Science.
That’s incredibly funny, the idea that Thales could like, try to make a legal claim. I’d like to think he tries to make a claim on some sort of Intellectual Property Patent Law kinda grounds, and everyone else goes “THAT IS A HUMAN PERSON”
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Robin hits Arvis with it as soon as she knows for sure, which is probably 3 am local time, and Arvis only gave her his number acting under the assumption that she would never ever call him because of international fees, and he answers the phone ready to demand what the fuck is going on and he barely gets one word out before Robin hits him with “you have a half-sister and the Loptyrian Church stole both your and her DNA to cobble together a vessel for their god in a lab and by a vessel I mean a baby - two babies - they stole your DNA and cloned two babies in a lab in Fodlan—“ and Arvis is like “repeat everything you just said but slower”.
Robin goes through the whole thing and has enough info about Arvis’ alleged half-sister that Arvis just. slowly opens Facebook. looks at the friend request from Sigurd that’s been sitting unanswered for two years. looks at Sigurd’s wife in the profile picture with him. slowly pulls a pillow over his head and considers setting himself on fire.
Anyway Arvis does not have Sigurd’s phone number or any contact info for him, still refuses to accept that friend request, and refuses to ask Azelle if he has any contact info for Sigurd, and he’s going to wait to try to get some sort of actual proof from Robin, but he’s also slowly losing his mind and going through every stage of grief and then some bonus unlockable stages, and anyway by the time he has whatever he considers sufficient proof, he calls out of work and just drives to Chalphy because he doesn’t have Sigurd’s number but he knows where Sigurd lives so he just shows up at Sigurd’s house looking like he was hit by a train and he’s like. Hello. I have recently learned something.
It is really a lot on every level for all of them.
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digital-infinite · 1 year
How To Avoid Getting Banned On Facebook
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Have you ever been blocked on Facebook? It can be a frustrating situation, particularly if making use of the site for communication with family and friends, or to expand your business or to join community forums. There are ways to avoid being caught in the ban and stay in good standing with Facebook. Important Information to Avoid Being banned on Facebook:
Take a look at Facebook's Community Standards
Facebook has rules and guidelines referred to as Community Standards that dictate what content is acceptable to post on Facebook. These guidelines define what content is acceptable on Facebook platform. It is vital to be aware the rules and follow these guidelines when commenting or posting using Facebook. Any violation of these guidelines can result in a ban, this is the reason it's so important being aware.Avoid Spamming
Spamming is an extremely serious violation for users on Facebook. It's sending messages that are not intended as well as republishing similar messages frequently, and posting ineffective or inappropriate content. If you're planning to promote your business or website, make sure you do so in a manner that won't make users uncomfortable or upset.
Do not create fake accounts.
It is a violation of Facebook's terms and conditions of service, and could result in being banned. Use your real name and an authentic profile photo when creating an account on Facebook accounts. If you're caught with an account that is not genuine, you could be barred from access or totally banned.
Beware of Hate Speech or Harassment
Facebook has a zero tolerance policy the case of discrimination based upon gender, race or sexual orientation. This includes content that promotes violence or discrimination due to gender, race, ethnicity the sexual orientation of a person, their gender, or any other personal characteristics. If you are engaged in hate speech or other forms of discrimination or harassment and harassment, you may be banned of Facebook or a ban.
Do not be a victim of Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights Infringement
Content that you share is not in compliance with intellectual property rights or copyright rights could lead to being banned. This can include sharing images or videos that you're not allowed to use. If you're not sure if you're permitted to make use of an item of content, you should be cautious and use caution and avoid posting the content.
By implementing these steps, and using these suggestions, you will reduce the chance of being removed off Facebook. Always be considerate of other users, and follow Facebook's rules and guidelines.
A block on Facebook can be a nightmare for both businesses and individuals. It's not only a method of cutting off your connection to your followers and friends and family members, but it could also affect your online reputation and earnings. By understanding and adhering the Facebook's Community Standards, avoiding spamming and refraining from the use of violence or hate speech and avoiding copyright or intellectual property infringement, and avoiding the formation of fake Facebook accounts you'll decrease the likelihood of being blocked.
If you're interested in elevating your social media marketing to the next level, you need to know the guidelines and guidelines on Facebook. If you know how to use the method by using social media then you'll not only stay out of trouble, but also enhance the visibility of your site and increase the number of visitors to your site, and ultimately boost your sales.
Digital Infinite's social marketing course will help you understand the basics of Facebook marketing so that you're not prohibited from Facebook while engaging your customers effectively. This course is going to focus on topics such as making engaging content and optimizing ads, and developing a winning social media plan. Join us now and increase your knowledge of marketing to new heights and accomplish your goals for business on Facebook.
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pinersharing · 2 years
Mr deep fake
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His advice? We need to question what we see.Ī video of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appearing to talk about how Facebook ’controls the future’ via stolen user data - notably on Instagram. He then showed how the two halves of the merged video looked when separated. One example of a Deepfake is the video issued by actor Jordan Peele in which he used real footage of Barack Obama merged with his own impression of Obama to issue a warning against Deepfake videos. High profile Deepfake examples are not hard to find. In fact, the same Deepfake machine learning and synthesizing techniques can be used to fake voices. Plus, GANs can fake other data besides photos and video. This makes Deepfake an ever more potent threat. Two neural networks are used to compete with each other in learning the characteristics of a training set (for instance, photographs of faces) and then generating new data with the same characteristics (new 'photographs').īecause such a network keeps testing the images it creates against the training set, the fake images become increasingly convincing. This is another kind of specialized machine learning system. That data can then be processed in order to create a Deepfake video through a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). For instance, an AI can gather data on your physical movements. It's capable of learning from unstructured data - such as the human face. Deep learning is an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) method which uses multiple layers of machine learning algorithms to extract progressively higher-level features from raw input. Efune said he didn’t respond to Taylor’s messages.Deepfake videos are a portmanteau word - 'deep' from 'deep learning' and 'fake', obviously, from 'fake'. Taylor emailed both papers protesting the removal, but Times of Israel Opinion Editor Miriam Herschlag said she rebuffed him after he failed to prove his identity. “We’re not a counterintelligence operation,” Algemeiner Editor-in-chief Dovid Efune said, although he noted that the paper had introduced new safeguards since.Īfter Reuters began asking about Taylor, The Algemeiner and the Times of Israel deleted his work. He didn’t ask for payment, they said, and they didn’t take aggressive steps to vet his identity. The University of Birmingham said in a statement it could not find “any record of this individual using these details.” Editors at the Jerusalem Post and The Algemeiner say they published Taylor after he pitched them stories cold over email. Taylor appears to have had no online presence until he started writing articles in late December. Reuters was alerted to Taylor by London academic Mazen Masri, who drew international attention in late 2018 when he helped launch an Israeli lawsuit against the surveillance company NSO on behalf of alleged Mexican victims of the company’s phone hacking technology.ĭeepfakes like Taylor are dangerous because they can help build “a totally untraceable identity,” said Dan Brahmy, whose Israel-based startup Cyabra specializes in detecting such images.īrahmy said investigators chasing the origin of such photos are left “searching for a needle in a haystack – except the needle doesn’t exist.” phone number he supplied to editors drew an automated error message and he didn’t respond to messages left at the Gmail address he used for correspondence. Who is behind Taylor isn’t known to Reuters. And experts in deceptive imagery used state-of-the-art forensic analysis programs to determine that Taylor’s profile photo is a hyper-realistic forgery - a “deepfake.” Two newspapers that published his work say they have tried and failed to confirm his identity. He has no obvious online footprint beyond an account on the question-and-answer site Quora, where he was active for two days in March. His university says it has no record of him. The catch? Oliver Taylor seems to be an elaborate fiction. His half dozen freelance editorials and blog posts reveal an active interest in anti-Semitism and Jewish affairs, with bylines in the Jerusalem Post and the Times of Israel. Online profiles describe him as a coffee lover and politics junkie who was raised in a traditional Jewish home. The digital inconsistencies were one of several indicators used by experts to determine that Taylor was an online mirage. The heat map, which was produced using one of Cyabra's algorithms, highlights areas of suspected computer manipulation. A combination photograph showing an image purporting to be of British student and freelance writer Oliver Taylor (L) and a heat map of the same photograph produced by Tel Aviv-based deepfake detection company Cyabra is seen in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters.
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mordoriscalling · 4 years
Stay or Sail Away (1/6)
Here comes part one the modern AU fake dating Geraskier fic that I talked about in this post. I’d like to post each part daily. Tagging @geraskier-trashh as requested! :D
It’s not that Jaskier has any problem finding someone, thank you very much. It’s just that he’s busy. Busy with concerts and composing, meeting fans at various events, travelling, internet dramas involving Valdo (it’s always fucking Valdo). There’s no time for a relationship, only for occasional one night stands that sometimes that leave him heartbroken because he actually manages to fall in love with someone in the span of a few hours. It’s fine, though. Heartbreak inspires him like little else.
Jaskier's never complained about lack of bed partners, when he seeks them out. He’s charming, after all. Still, the moment he hears “commitment”, he flees. It’s just not his way. Or perhaps he’s never found anyone fascinating enough to commit to; it takes a lot to keep his attention.  He wasn’t even looking for someone like that. Not until recently.
His troubles began a week ago, during a phone call with his mum. She reminded him of his father’s 65th birthday party and asked if he would bring anyone with him. This was followed by a series of questions about his love life because, as his mum put it, “you’re 35, Julian darling, and you’re always working so hard! I worry you’ll end up alone”. In order to placate her, Jaskier might’ve lied a little tiny bit about some things. As a result, because of all the twists and turns of the conversation, he made his mother believe he had a fiancé.
A fucking fiancé.
Wanda Pankratz was ecstatic, wishing to know everything about her son’s relationship, but he dodged all the further questions by saying that she would meet his love soon enough. She left it at that but, of course, told half the family about it, if the texts and calls from his sisters and aunts were anything to go by.
Hence, The Post.
It’s a bit pathetic and desperate, Jaskier can freely admit, but he has no other choice. His personal guard Zoltan almost pissed himself laughing when Jaskier asked him to pretend to be his fiancé, and not one of his friends knows anyone who would want to do this. Not even his agent Triss could help him out.
It all drove Jaskier to log on his anonymous Facebook account (he is a pretty big name in the UK; better be safe than sorry) and post in one of the big London groups.
“I need urgent help from someone who’d be willing to act as my fiancé during a family party on February the 24th. The only thing I expect is the ability to sing praises of our love and to compliment my aunts. It’ll take around 4 hours and then we end our relationship. Age from 35 to 40. It’d be great if you knew something about the sea because I intend to introduce you as a sailor who’s never home and afterwards, you die. Can anybody help?”
Since yesterday, the post has got more than a thousand reactions (mostly the laughing one and likes) and hundreds of comments. Many people tagged their friends as a joke, which is not helpful, but Jaskier still scrolls down and down, trying not to let his hope die. Nobody seems to think his request is for real and he’s received no serious offers so far. Then, one of the newest comment threads catches his attention.
Lambert Rivia:    Geralt Rivia Destiny!
                              Geralt Rivia Fuck off
                              Yennefer Vengeberg Omg 😂 Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Eskel Rivia you must see this!
                              Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Yesssss!! This is perfect! ❤️
                              Eskel Rvia Do it Geralt
                              Geralt Rivia No.
Intrigued, Jaskier decides to check out these people’s profiles. Lambert Rivia is a handsome red-haired man who wears some kind of black military suit in his profile picture. Looking at his bio, Jaskier already knows why Lambert didn’t volunteer himself – he’s in a relationship. Eskel Rivia is blond, even more handsome than Lambert despite facial scars, and also has a photo in a black suit, together with a white cap on his head. There’s no information on Eskel’s relationship status and Jaskier is intrigued indeed. Yennefer Vengeberg is a terrifyingly beautiful woman who, judging how professional her profile picture appears, must work in some serious profession. Cirilla Vengerberg-Rivia is a lovely teenage girl with white-blond hair. Jaskier reckons she’s the daughter of Yennefer and one of the Rivia guys.
He left the poor Geralt’s profile as the last to look at, but now that Jaskier has seen the rest, he checks this one too.
His jaw fucking drops.
Geralt Rivia is a ridiculously handsome man. His face seems practically unreal because, surely, people as beautiful as Geralt don’t actually exist? The man’s long white hair (which makes no sense considering his apparent age), as well as his brown-almost-golden eyes, only add to his otherwordly, stunning appearance. Double stunning in that black military suit he’s wearing in his profile picture, just like Lambert and Eskel. The suit looks familiar and Jaskier has a nagging feeling he really should know what kind of army it is. Google helps him out and he quickly puts two to two – Geralt, Eskel and Lambert serve for the Royal Navy.
He bursts out laughing.
This is too good.
He wonders what he should to about this. Now that he knows about Geralt’s existence, he can’t really miss the chance of meeting him, however slim. His gut feeling tells him not to let the opportunity slip and well, who is Jaskier not to listen?
When he’s in the middle of debating what to write to the man, his phone pings. There’s a new messenger notification... with Geralt’s name. With a racing heart, Jaskier opens the message.
FEB THE 18TH AT 06:14 PM Hey. Everyone’s telling me to message you and won’t leave me alone. Is your request for real? Please say no
Jaskier chuckles and replies:
Hi! I’m sorry they’re bothering you and I’m also sorry to say that my request is very much for real. I’d be forever grateful if you helped me 😁
To this, Geralt responds with:
They really won’t stop until I agree They think it’s so fucking funny
Jaskier purses his lips, already suspecting this isn’t likely to work out. He'll have to face his loving mum and admit that he lied to her about fucking having a fiancé. She’s going to be so disappointed. At the very prospect, bad mood overtakes him, but he still types what he hopes to be a cheerful answer.
Damn, so sorry mate I won’t push you but, again, I’d totally owe you one if you agree  ☺️
What would I get?
Jaskier tries to reason with his hope to calm the fuck down and replies:
Money, or a favour of some sort, I have many connections Could be free tickets to my concerts  Even my company for the night 😏 Just whatever you want I really need help
For a minute or two, the three dots next to Geralt’s photo disappear, and Jaskier’s hope plummets in a  dramatic fashion. Then, more messages from Geralt show up in the chat.
Free tickets seem fine My daughter loves going to concerts She’d like free tickets but I never heard of you
Jaskier starts begging any god out there that Cirilla is Geralt’s daughter. Teenagers make up a large part of his audience (which is great, actually; teenage kids are amazing these days). If she’s a fan, the free tickets are a major bargaining chip.
Well, Julian AP isn’t my stage name I don’t use it on fb
What is it? Your stage name
I’d rather not say here And you must promise me you won’t tell anyone about it too Well, anyone but your daughter
 Can you call me? It’s better to talk about this on the phone anyway
Jaskier sends Geralt his number and waits for the call. In other circumstances, he’d congratulate himself on getting a man like that to call him so easily, but he’s too anxious. His hands itch for his guitar but he doesn’t get up from his bed. He begins smoothing his hair out with his palms, praying in his mind that Geralt hasn’t changed his mind.
After the agonizing wait of six minutes, there’s an incoming call. Jaskier takes a deep breath and picks up.
“Hello,” says a gravelly baritone voice so pleasant that it sends shivers down Jaskier’s spine.
“Uhm, h-hi, Geralt,” he replies a bit breathlessly, “so, my name’s Julian Alfred Pankratz but I’m known to many as Jaskier.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Jaskier?” Geralt repeats, “the one who sings Her Sweet Kiss?”
Jaskier beams, his chest swelling with pride. “The very same.”
“Fuck,” Geralt growls, “Ciri wants to blast this song whenever we drive somewhere.”
Jaskier laughs. “She would love free tickets to my concerts, wouldn’t she?”
Geralt says no more. Jaskier has to swallow down to sop his throat from constricting. “So?” he asks, “Can you do this for me?”
The silence on the other side is deafening and Jaskier doesn’t even breathe until Geralt finally speaks up. “Fine,” he grunts, his tone indicating it’s anything but fine.
Air leaves Jaskier’s lungs in a whoosh, replaced by a flood of such sheer relief that he may as well cry. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he babbles, heady with joy, “Gosh, you’re my saviour!”
“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” Geralt grumbles.
“Not a soul, Geralt, not a soul.”
“Send me the details about when and where and let’s get this over w–”
“No, wait!” Jaskier cuts in, “My family’s very perceptive, they’ll know it’s a ruse. We should plan everything carefully.”
“You’re making me regret this,” Gerlt growls.
“I’m sorry!” Jaskier hastens to say. “Just... at least tell me a bit about yourself?”
Geralt lets out an irritated sigh. “I’m forty, serve for the Royal Navy with my brothers. Eskel’s the nice one and Lambert’s the prick. My ex-wife Yennefer works for the government.” Jaskier actually shudders at this one because he already can picture it. Yennefer seems exactly powerful like that. “We have a daughter,” Geralt goes on, his tone softening, “Ciri. She’s fourteen. We live in London but I’m away often.”
“Oh, lovely,” Jaskier says with a wide smile because, really, this man’s love for his daughter is so clear and endearing, “this is something we can start with.”
“Just make everything up about our relationship and send it to me. I’ll play along.”
“Thank you,” he breathes out, still amazed at his luck. Jaskier is almost high on the success of his ingenious scheme and his obligations are therefore non-existent, so nothing stops him from teasing Geralt. “Though, to be completely honest," he says cheekily, "you don’t strike me as the type to sing praises of our love and compliment my aunts.”
“Hmm,” Geralt replies. It doesn’t sound like a negation. “Yen says I’m not that bad if I try.”
The fondness with which he said Yennefer’s name is a cold bucket of water poured on his enthusiasm. “O-oh, ok,” he stutters out, thrown off-track, “So, uhm, would you be willing to try for me?”
For a moment, Geralt says nothing, then answers, “If you give Ciri an autograph.”
Jaskier laughs out loud. “Not a problem at all! Whatever she wants.” He pauses. “Whatever you want,” he adds more seriously.  
Geralt only hmms, in a way that Jaskier’s prone-to-romanticism mind would almost call warm. Silence falls between them but it doesn’t feel awkward somehow. “Have to go,” Geralt says.
“Okay,” Jaskier replies quietly, “Thank you again. I’ll text you, yeah?”
After Geralt hangs up, Jaskier huffs out a shaky breath. Deep down, he already knows.
This is going to mess him up.
Part 2
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kitemist · 3 years
I wrote a post on twitter called: “Unpopular Opinion: You’re a fake ally.”
I had to write it after my ex-best friend never ceased to amaze me with how horrible of an ally she is, with the added insult of false promises that always break.
It got zero traction on twitter because I don’t have that many followers on there, or people who really interact with me, but I want to post it here too.
From here onwards, it’s copy and pasted from the exact twitter post, and I would appreciate feedback in a civil manner if you want.
“What’s something that you’ll get a lot of hate for if you said it out loud?” I’m going to be subtweeting a very specific person when I say this but I’m going to forward it to you all too. If you feel uncomfortable from what I’m saying, I am definitely talking about you. I’ve seen this several times with this specific person with the added insult of a record of broken promises to be better, as well as the same thing over the past few years from other people, so I am pissed enough to speak out. Obviously, this is just my opinion, disagreements are going to happen, I’m not forcing anyone to do anything, just asking you to read if you want. If a person, or more relevantly, group of people needs help, and you retweet, repost, share, post to your story, spread in any way that you can their cries for help like infographics, GoFundMe’s, links to online wallets, emergency commissions, news updates and all that; if you donate to such things and spread them around; push people to do the same; if you do donation commissions and give the money attained from that to them; bring it up in conversations with them and others every now and then; but you don’t emotionally help your everyday member of that group or that person, especially if they are your FRIEND, YOU ARE A FAKE ALLY. I do not care if you do everything else. If you don’t do that one thing, you’re a fake ally. And doing everything else doesn’t make you a good person either, if that is how you judge yourself and others. And if you're uncomfortable, then leave now. Doing everything else and not that is literally no different than 1 like for water for Africa, those old pics that would ask for likes during early facebook days, with the added insult of a trending event/group of people with it and resurging every now and then whenever something horrible happens, and they’re always seen first. You just click on those things to reassure people that you’re not THAT kind of an insensitive asshole, but then you just feel great about yourself that you added to that number even though you have only done the bare minimum, because you ultimately don’t want to get TOO involved in something that makes you uncomfortable, and give yourself a great pat on the back for all the hard work you’ve done just pressing that button. You obviously don’t care about this issue enough to throw your comfort zone aside, even for just a second. We don’t have that choice to not see it like you do, and we feel a lot more than just “uncomfortable”. For WAY longer. Doing those things without emotionally supporting the actual people just separates yourself from the problem in a convenient way. Passing thoughts and prayers and especially clicks on posts aren’t going to help anyone but a completely detached algorithm. You do not get credit for doing the bare minimum and expect the same rewards as passionate, achieving activists. I’m not just talking about #StopAAPIHate just because it’s trending right now, this applies to literally every hashtag that is the only way of a group of people’s cries for help that generates some kind of attention to everyone else that people care about. I’ve seen it be a pattern for enough time now. I’ve seen stories of people who would use #BlackLivesMatter, or the name of any black person who died, as a way to spread it by their banner or profile picture or even turn it into a meme that pushes people to sign their latest petitions, but then completely disrespect actual black people or don’t do anything else for their causes. The only reason you would ever do this is because you care about other people’s approval of you, not actual POC, and you only ever see them as a trend or a platform to be trendy. As a POC myself, we are more than just a fucking hashtag on twitter. We’re more than just a label to reassure people that you’re not a bully. We’re people. But I guess that’s too hard to understand for those fake allies, all they ever see is something to click on, and they’ll get the same credit as those genuine allies without having to work. Or be UNCOMFORTABLE, God forbid you have to step outside of the comfortable world you think you live in. Now for donating money. I get that monetary support isn’t something that everyone can afford to do. I’m not forcing or expecting everyone to do that or not do that. If you can’t, then I recommend spreading donation posts, for the hope for it to come by someone who can and will. You can then still be a vehicle for help if you cannot provide it yourself. But I know that everyone is capable of being completely fake when it comes to donations when they have that kind of money to spare. You can totally just dump $100 or so into a GoFundMe, and never interact with anything related to that group of people ever again and live a completely separate life, with that same convenient separation, but with a receipt this time so that if it’s brought up again, that’s all you have to show to say to them to not worry, you did something, you’re not THAT kind of fake asshole because your wallet is involved this time. It’s what youtubers do when they have to make a YouTube apology just so everyone can stop hating on them for a little while. Anyone can do that. I’m not assuming the worst in everyone, I’m saying you don’t need a platform to be an asshole. Money doesn’t make you better or worse than anyone else, it just shows that you’re more financially well off to be able to donate and that’s something that we can appreciate, but it’s not pure sentiment. Money isn’t feelings. It’s just money. It doesn’t tell us anything about your morals. It doesn’t care how you obtained it and it doesn’t care where you spend it. Donating from your heart and donating from your wallet are two very different things, but it’s not like we can tell from here, so we can’t give you credit for that, especially if those donations are also in the complete public eye. That kind of difference is only discernable to us long after, and even then, that requires some detective work and pattern searching with other donations you have made in the past, if any. Sometimes we don’t even have that time to see if that genuine empathy would come about or not. Whether or not you have a heart in that donation or not, it’s not like we can read your mind as you press confirm. The money doesn’t tell us your feelings, morals, or your heart. Only you can. And you have to WORK to tell us that. You can be appreciated for giving a monetary donation, but that appreciation is toward the money and not at you as a person, and if it is, it’s not towards the real you, it’s only towards you at that time and who knows if that’s gonna change within a minute, or was superficial the entire time, or if it’s the real ally we all knew we needed. We wouldn’t know, all we see is a name and a money amount. Those real allies take time to come out and solidify themselves within themselves and within others, but it’s not as soon as their money disappears. You don’t get credit as a person and your morals when it was the money and temporary self at that time that ultimately helped them. Just because you were behind that money doesn’t mean that the morals associated with you are in that money, and who knows if you were the same person as you made that donation a week ago. Do you know exactly where the dollar bills you have right now have gone through? How many inhumane multi million dollar corporations, or funding something harmful? If you can separate yourself from that, then the money you’re giving can easily be separated from you in both morals and in bank accounts. That’s what you’re choosing to give away as well when you make a donation. If you’re completely fine with that, then donate if you still want to. Just know that by doing that, it doesn’t make you special. In the end, the only thing received is money, not thoughts. That money is completely useless if it’s not being spent towards that needed relief, after all. You can also totally give out of obligation or social pressure instead of believing in the cause or caring about the person affected. That’s not being a real ally either. That’s hopping on a bandwagon because that attracts you more than what the cause is, because the value of human life doesn’t line up with your own. You would only care about this BECAUSE it’s trending, not because it has ever gotten to your emotions, morals, or anything you care about. Giving a donation or not doesn’t tell anyone anything about you, other than how relatively well off you are in terms of money and time, and that’s not relevant to what’s being asked. Donations can have so many motives behind it, and you are not free of those motives just because we can’t see it immediately, and those motives are completely lost once that money is received and eventually used. Money can be helpful in terms of alleviating the situation, but ultimately, it’s not help in placing you on a moral scale whether it’s others judging your character or just judging yourself. And there’s also the risk of donating to a complete scam, and again, money doesn’t care where it’s going to or where it’s coming from, because it’s just money. Not everything that is asking for donations is a scam, but because of this possibility, what you claim to be your one act of good will from your heart in the form of monetary support can easily be debunked and ultimately be used against you whether you were aware of this being a scam before then or not, because the internet is very reactive more than anything else. And if you are donating from your heart and you end up donating to a scam, that’s just even more emotional damage to you as well as the cause, an even worse situation. So again, monetary support isn’t any better than what I determine to be the one defining factor of being a good ally. It’s just a different kind of support that can be useful but it’s not with any heart in it. And because most of those people asking for donations would say that even a little bit helps, the amount of money you’re donating doesn’t give you more credit than others, it just puts you higher on the highest donations list that is made by another detached algorithm, which is ultimately meaningless except for telling whoever clicks on that list how much money you were willing to spare to them, and not what you were thinking when you did it. To be a real ally, that’s a constant effort more than just money or spreading posts. It’s something that can’t ever be measured or manipulated by any algorithm. And I know that the majority of “allies” die out as soon as it’s not trending anymore. It’s happened enough times and how much it happens just has it be a part of a trend’s life cycle on the internet, and that temporary life in the public life can vary greatly. That constant effort also does not (solely) consist of making more donations to more places. That’s just another kind of monetary help that’s ultimately just money. That doesn’t tell anyone anything about you other than that you can afford to do so and being able to afford to do this can sway you on either end of the moral scale, whether you care about that or not. To give an example, the overwhelming response to the Notre Dame fire in 2018 showed what could have been possible if everyone donated what they could, and of course the response to that has never happened to any disaster before, and to my knowledge, ever since. All those millionaires and some netizens credited themselves with their affluent donations but everyone else only saw them as those who ultimately did nothing when any other disaster also needed help in the past and since then, so those donations didn’t make them any kind of ally even though they gave more than the majority of the world can ever afford to give in their lifetimes. Why didn’t every other disaster that lasted longer, had more casualties and damage, had more emotionally traumatic damage that lasted from then onwards, have as much support as this one fire that didn’t completely destroy this building? With almost a billion dollars (954 million USD) donated towards restoration in such a short amount of time, there was still anger, especially towards those who have donated that. And people who have donated copious amounts were also not technically millionaires, but still made and had enough to be part of that same 1%. And anyone can be in that nonspecific well-off group, not just people who were born rich or inherited it. There have been debates that this was a matter of how personally interested these rich people suddenly became because they saw the Notre Dame as a beautiful tourist spot full of history, even though there was a museum in Brazil that was nearly completely destroyed, with majority of its contents and even more history gone forever on the same day and didn’t get a fraction as much attention as this did, and got even less donations. Therefore, monetary support doesn’t give you, or anyone, any more moral high ground, no matter how much it is, because again, it’s just money. It can be help, but not like human support. All that being said, I still think it’s great if you can afford to keep donating to people in need, but if you want to make your support stronger and genuine or have a solid foundation that can be paired and amplified with monetary support, it won’t cost you anything but your time and changing behavior. And right now, I bet everyone reading right now has a lot of those two if their wallet is empty. To do so: • Learn about our struggles. We’re not asking you to be total experts on this, but to know enough to answer, “What can I do to help?” and “What do they need right now?” and it’s best to have them answered by us. Listen to us. And keep making more questions the more that are answered. The best way to learn is to ask. • Speak out against hate speech of any kind from anyone, no matter how much you like them, when you see it in the moment, and hold them accountable. Just saying racism is bad isn’t going to help anyone, but to call out a specific person as a racist will challenge them, because there’s more at stake than just a fact that racism is bad. Whether you want to be polite about it or not is your choice, whichever is more effective. Their feelings are definitely not more important than what they are contributing to the problem. • Emotionally check up on us, we aren’t fine if we have to see more of our family’s beat up faces on the news and screens, or see our family and friends being even more scared to go outside with every passing day. Whether it’s talking about the main situation in depth or providing a respite in the form of having fun when asked; emotional check ups are what makes you the real ally first. • Reassure us that whether or not this is just another trend you see everywhere on social media for the day, you’ll always be there for us, and then hold up that promise, follow through with it whenever we are in trouble. If you consistently do this, it won’t turn into a super conscious decision anymore to be an ally, you’ll reprogram yourself to learn and think that you are now involved and can fight with us, whether or not this becomes something in the twitter sidebar to look at. • Acknowledge your privilege as someone who isn’t targeted and, depending on who you are, would never be targeted, in whatever way that would be, and use it as a weapon for us if applicable. Ex. if you’re white and straight and the current group that needs help is not white and not straight, let them speak about their struggles, amplify their voices because you have the privilege of having more people taking you seriously and paying attention to you, and learn about what you can do to help them and make their life easier with them knowing you are an ally. Redirect that attention and authenticity to us because we sure can’t make it by ourselves. • Learn and involve yourself in our culture if that helps you learn more about us, that is not appropriation. We totally welcome people who want to learn more about us in a respectful and open-minded way. You are a constant learner in doing this, as well as doing any or all of the above-mentioned tasks. There’s no real end to being an ally, just as there is no real end to the fight. It’s always better to ask questions than to keep it to yourself and mess up. There was always a better time to learn all of this, but the second-best time is right now. Just because you never learned this earlier doesn’t mean you can’t start to change that. We won’t shame you if today has to be your first day as long as you stay just as eager and able to receive criticism from then onwards. Even if you become well educated, don’t act like you know exactly what it’s like. Because no matter how educated you become, you are ultimately not us. Keep that in mind as you embark on your journey. Constant effort is what every single one of those groups need, I guarantee that. It’s such a great skill that can be used in anything. Consistency is rare and powerful and key in achieving nearly anything you want. But that’s not something we can automatically detect and always takes time to make happen, there’s no shortcut to that. Are you just going to retweet these for a day or week or month or two, or are you going to speak out whether you are going to put a tag on it or not? Are you just going to donate a small fraction of your paycheck once or are you going to keep going whenever you can and donate to even more people that need help that isn’t just part of that group? All we see is that one instance, and people are pouring either their first or their first and last instances of helping us, and there’s no way to differentiate who’s what until that first wave dies down. And that is a journey of watching it be less and less important on the timelines, growing disappointment and sorrow that we have always felt from the beginning, something that no one outside of the current targetted trending group, or anyone who has ever trended, can ever understand or experience. It’s like wearing halloween costumes that are clearly a costume from another culture. You can wear that costume, or in that case, that hashtag for a day. We wear that stigma for life. I hope this post makes you reconsider what you’ve been doing in terms of fighting for social justice, or at the very least, make you uncomfortable enough to think about what you have been doing for such groups of people who need help. Obviously if you are a real ally as I’ve described by not only doing monetary donations if applicable, but fighting back, constantly learning, and emotionally supporting and checking up on your friends constantly, this post isn’t talking about you. And if you don’t want to learn about all this stuff that can be towards the better, then there’s nothing that can ever help you. That’s just willful ignorance at that point and I as well as others are completely free to judge you for that. On the note of being a good person or bad person, I know that’s not how everyone wants to judge themselves. Looking deep enough, it can be subjective, or just a matter of good actions and bad actions instead of good people and bad people. Either way, you have that “good” and “bad” judgement on something, even though that concept itself is also a spectrum, and at times, they can be applied to both people and actions, such as a good person making a bad decision or a bad person making their first good deed. So, whether it’s actions or people, being a “good person” doesn’t excuse you from your mistakes or shitty decisions. A good record can just be completely shattered at any time. A lot of people who we have thought were “good” have been exposed, and those who we thought were “bad” have been redeemed. It’s celebrated in fiction, but apparently not welcomed in real life. And improving your allyship as I described above doesn’t automatically make you a “good person”, if that judgement is what you have for yourself or want to have for yourself, but it IS a very “good action” to get started in expanding your world beyond what you initially knew before this post, because it’s always a “good action” to constantly question what you know before making judgements or actions. That constant questioning is learning and not being compliant with how things are, because things can always be better. Being a bad person entails not caring about doing better and is magnified by being two-faced like being a fake ally. And you can also stop caring at any time about yourself and what your morals are. Not all fake allies are “bad people,” maybe they just needed an awareness check that emotional support makes all of their previous work or work afterwards more authentic and appreciated. I don’t blame anyone who really didn’t think that emotional support wasn’t part of helping those who need it and now take that fact in stride, or just didn’t know how to do that in the first place. But all “bad people” are fake allies because they don’t care enough outside of themselves to change what their environment presents themselves with, or just complain about it without bothering to question or research why things are that way. And obviously, “bad people” would contribute to the problem by either never being an ally in the first place or do the bare minimum in allyship and expect rewards without being caught in the stress that comes with actually fighting for a cause. So, if you read this entire post and are one of those people who do the bare minimum but want the rewards, or think I and others are just too sensitive, and have no intention or desire to change any of your actions around pleas for help from groups of people or even start to think about changing that, I would think you’re a bad person. But that’s only how I judge you. I know plenty of bad people who go on and life happily knowing how many people hate them whether they know them personally or not. If you’re taking that so personally, you could have left much earlier in this longass post. I don’t know what you expected with me talking about this topic and somehow not being super cordial about it. I don’t owe you a polite tone or managing your feelings, and neither does anyone else. If you really think my tone is the problem here more than anything I have ever explained in this post I guarantee you’re a bad person who is just looking for an excuse to completely dismiss this even though you had the opportunity to do so much earlier, around 4,000 words ago. And if you really need someone else to help you with your fragile and insecure feelings, I guarantee that they’re not on the internet. Again, to reiterate, this is just my opinion, feel free to tell me any of your own. I’m not forcing anyone to do or stop doing anything, I just appreciate that you read this far. I hope you reconsider how to fight for your loved ones that aren’t as well off as you are, or how to fight alongside others who have been though the struggles of being either underprivileged or just not as well off. Thank you.
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larrytay881 · 3 years
Week 7: What roles does social media play in spreading COVID-19 news and information in Malaysia?
Have you been using social media more than usual to acquire information about COVID-19 since the outbreak impacted every country hard? However, I would answer yes to the following question because I would use social media to keep myself up to date on current events and recent events, and it has changed the majority of things in my life because I have been using social media to interact with my friends because social movement is prohibited. As a result, social media becomes a means for people to connect with one another and to stay up to date on COVID-19, restriction rules, and movement control orders.
Let go to the title
For our country, social media plays a critical role in informing and updating the public about the country's current circumstances and restrictions. The Malaysian government KKM keeps the public informed by posting the total number of COVID-19 patients in the country and keeping citizens informed about MCO guidelines during the epidemic. For example, during a pandemic, the government will always keep the public informed by posting a live section on the internet to keep the public up to speed on Malaysia's current condition.
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Why Social Media plays an important role in spreading News during the pandemic?
I believe that viewing our social media accounts is something that everyone does on a daily basis. Social media not only allows us to contact and interact with one another, but it also allows us to keep up with current trends and news, especially during pandemics, when most people rely on social media to keep up with current events. Everyone can use social media for free; all they need to do is own a computer or smartphone and create an account on a social media platform. As a result, social media has evolved into a place where people can get the newest news in a short amount of time and simply share it with their family and friends. Beside, social media aids the Malaysian government in their work by allowing information to reach every citizen in a short amount of time and by providing a platform that is free to all. For example, KKM (Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia) keeps their Facebook profile updated on the importance of the (SOP) that the government has implemented in order to remind Malaysian citizens to follow the guidelines throughout the pandemic in order to keep the community safe during the pandemic.
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The disadvantage of spreading information in the social media
The disadvantages of spreading news on social media include the possibility of receiving fake news, as social media is owned by everyone and anyone can publish freely on their account. Fake news will not help the audience because it will create insecurity and keep the audience concerned about the issue (Ntloko 2021). Such as misunderstandings of the sickness, wishful thinking about fake treatments, and creative conclusions made on how the virus would propagate are all examples of COVID-19 misinformation. As a result, spreading and receiving bogus news on social media is extremely risky.
To conclude:
When a pandemic affects Malaysia, social media plays a vital role for both the community and the government, as it helps both sides. However, as responsible citizens, we should always wait for correct news to be provided by verifiable authority before sharing it in our accounts, as posting fake news would cause lots of new problems.
That’s all for me, thanks for reading.
Ntloko, K 2021, “Fighting fake news on social media”, Meltwater, viewed 26 October 2021, < https://www.meltwater.com/en/blog/fake-news-on-social-media>.
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siteeco15 · 3 years
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bitcoineraget-blog · 4 years
How the Bitcoin Era scam works
Customers signing up for the Bitcoin Era scam will sometimes be exposed to some kind of pretend news article they see while searching for “an easy means to form cash trading on-line” or something similar to that. If you're in the United Kingdom then you may most likely see Conor McGregor bragging regarding how much money he created with his new Bitcoin scheme. Different celebrities and high profile individuals embrace Cyril Ramaphosa, Tony Fernandez, David ‘Kochie’ Koch, AC Mizal, Novak Djokovic, Daniel Craig, Kate Winslet, Pat Kenny on The Late Show, Michael O’Leary, Phillip Schofield, Celeste Barber, James McAvoy, Bear Grylls, Lena Meyer-Landrut, Yvonne Catterfeld, Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, John de Mol, Eva Jinek, Ruud Feltkamp, Peter Sagan, Ivan Duque Marquez, James Could, Ryan Reynolds, Alex Ferguson, Amancio Ortega, Bitcoin Era This Morning with Holly and Phil, High British Chef Gordon Ramsay, members of the Shark Tank, Dragon’s Den, Elon Musk, and Sir Richard Branson. A closer have a look at the article can reveal a link somewhere within that directs viewers to the Bitcoin Era scam. We have conjointly seen references in Trust Pilot, but quickly realized that these comments are made by spammers 
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What's Bitcoin Era Exactly And the way Is It Presupposed to Work? Bitcoin Era is advertised as an exclusive group reserved for brand spanking new Bitcoin Millionaires. There is additionally mention of a trading app with a ninety nine.4percent level of accuracy. They say it beats the competition as a result of it's faster and stays “prior the markets by zero.01 seconds.” The so called “key options and blessings” are advertised on the sales page as our review elaborates and explains. It’s value noting that this “time leap” concept has been recycled several times, but for some reason traders seem to believe it and avoid searching for real facts in regards to performance and ROI.
Bitcoin Era Review, Award Winning App Or SCAM? The Bitcoin Era scam software boasts access to a “laser-correct” app that performs at an amazing 99.fourpercent level of accuracy and generates money for you on auto-pilot (a crypto robot). Actually the sole exclusive club you're invited to join may be a losing club designed by skilled con artists so as to rip you off and steal your money. The whole testimonial section is forged, and copied once a lot of by lazy scammers. Therefore if you really believe you're about to form £979.ninety eight every day for the remainder of your life, you are in for a rude awakening.
It’s additionally worth stating that there are a number of on-line marketers who concentrate on promoting on-line crypto scams. It seems that there's an especially unsavory media agency which has latched on to the present latest supply and is peddling this scam on search engines plus on Facebook using highly deceptive advertisements that might even fool a seasoned businessman. We are willing to bet our bottom dollar that Bitcoin Era can spread like a virus on-line and acquire picked up by various fake review websites who can endorse it as long as they get their affiliate commissions. Thus no, we hate to be a wet blanket but Bitcoin Era isn't your ticket to a lifetime of luxury, and the only ones living a laptop lifestyle are the affiliate scammers (you are paying for it by investing).
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Three “Official” Bitcoin Era Websites, One Awful Scam! Since we tend to are constantly monitoring Bitcoin Era, we tend to recently revealed that there are a minimum of three confirmed replicas (see image below), and they're all claiming to be “The Official Bitcoin Era Website”. The truth is that all three websites are totally different versions of the same Bitcoin Era scam. Some of which have minor graphic or textual modifications, while others are complete clones. This can be happening because every domain is owned by a completely different affiliate network, and they're all attempting to gain exposure and rank on search engines for the same term. 3 Official Bitcoin Era Websites – Which One Is Real?
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Chapter 3: A Class Act
So let me get this straight; we moved in during the most intensive, town wide, elementary school LARP session the world has ever known, you’re all fighting over a goddamn TREE BRANCH, and all of you seem to think that me and my sister are the same person. Oh, and also boys, point for mom and dad, I guess. Have I covered all of the craziness happening here or am I missing something?
Lynnea knew she wasn’t going to get an answer -- Kyle seemed like a nice enough kid, besides the whole ‘quasi-abducting her under false assumptions’ thing, but Alyssa was the only person who she could really ever communicate with. Came with the twin territory, she supposed. Or just being raised in the same weird way.
“So? Will you join us?”
Part of Lynn wanted to say no, wanted to just go home and finish unpacking and not get involved in this mess… but Kyle sounded so damn hopeful and…
...when was the last time she ever got to have fun like this? As her, not her-pretending-to-be-Lyssie-pretending-to-be-the-same-person. And... well, dad DID tell them to make friends…
Fuck it. For once in their lives, she was doing something she wanted to do.
Lynnea nodded.
Kyle grinned, “Awesome! Okay, so first things first, you can choose from a few classes,” Kyle told her, leading her over to the well labeled shop, “You can be a ranger like Stan, a warrior, a mage, a healer… you can’t be a Bard unless you know how to play an instrument, that’s why Jimmy’s the only one.”
Well, that’s right out then unless being able to play a really shitty recorder counts. Go back to that healer class, can I heal AND hit things or is it just one or the other? She picked up the healer headband and the sword, holding them both out toward Kyle quisitively.
“Dude, that’s not the warrior armor,” Stan says. Lynn gave him a flat look, gesturing again to both, and hoping this wasn’t about to turn into a frustratingly stupid game of charades --
Kyle tilted his head, eyes going from the headband to the sword before something seemed to click, “Oh! You want to heal and hit shit?”
Ding ding, we have a winner!
Kyle looked contemplative, “We don’t really have a class for that, but… hm,” he tapped his fingers against his opposite arm, “I think we can manage that. Cartman’s got Butters as a Paladin, but he made that class human only, so we’d need to think up a different name for it. What do you call a healer who hits things?”
“A really bad healer?” Stan offers up.
“Ha ha, very funny.”
Lynn tapped him on the shoulder, helpfully showing him her phone screen with the wikipedia page for Cleric opened up on it, I think THIS is what you’re looking for.
Kyle read it, then nodded after a minute, “Yeah, we can totally swing that. It’s… ugh, it’s essentially the...” he mumbled something under his breath, “Class.”
Lynn blinked, then tilted her head, putting a hand up to cup behind her ear, Wanna run that one by me again, I think I just SERIOUSLY misheard you.
“Ugghhhh, Cartman called it the Jew class, alright?” Kyle said, with an exasperated roll of his eyes, “Cleric’s a way better name, though, so that’s what we’re going with.”
Wow. Ooookay then.
“Yeah,” Kyle sighed, clearly seeing the shock on her face, “Right, let’s get you geared up.”
It was a little surprising to see just how MUCH stuff the shop had accumulated, and how creative the boys had gotten with their homemade weapons. Well, if a zombie apocalypse ever hits, these guys are set. It was a little annoying to have to spend her allowance for her ‘staff,’ though. At least Kyle gave her the armor set for free, mostly because they had to pick and choose pieces from their already established classes, and helped her get the fake pointed ears on.
“Just don’t futz with ‘em too much, we tried gluing them on but well -- a couple peoples’ moms got mad,” he shrugs. Lynn dropped her hand from where she was playing with her hair, trying to get it to settle around the pointy appendages, “Okay, so, we’ve got your class, your equipment… oh, right, add me on facebook so you can stay in contact,” Kyle said, “It’s how I usually give orders, Cartman keeps trying to assassinate me every time I leave my yard,” he rolls his eyes.
Oh. Thaaaaaat was going to be a problem…
Kyle raised an eyebrow at Lynn as she fidgeted awkwardly, “Dude, what? I know you’ve got a phone, what’s the issue?” Well yeah, her parents learned that lesson that their while daughters would concede to share many things - a room, clothes, an identity - a phone would not be one of them. It had only taken a few fights for them to cave and get a second phone. But only one of them had the Facebook app downloaded, and that phone? Was in Alyssa’s possession at the moment.
Sighing, Lynn pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it over to Kyle, who looked confused as he flipped through the screens, “...you don’t have Facebook?” He finally asked when he put two and two together.
Technically, no. But it’s not like I can explain that me and my twin sister have to share a facebook page that’s heavily monitored by our parents, sooo… Lynn took the phone back, opening up her contacts, and tapping the screen next to her parents’ cell numbers, “Ohhh. Overprotective parents?” Stan guessed.
Close enough, she nodded.
“W-well, we won’t t-t-tell if yyyyyou d-don’t,” Jimmy grinned. She gave him a flat look, and the grin dropped slightly, “S-ssorry. Sore sp-pot?” She shrugged, willing to let it slide. At least he apologized.
Then her phone wasn’t in her hands as Stan took it out of her grip, “Here. I’ll make you a Facebook page, that way your parents can’t get mad at you for doing it, right?”
I am pretty sure that is NOT how that works, Stan. But she didn’t try to grab it back, letting Stan fiddle with it.
“Dude, what do I put in for your name?” Stan asked, looking up at her, and Lynnea’s brain froze up. She couldn’t tell them her real name -- for a number of reasons, the current top of the list being they thought she was a guy.
“Well not his real name, obviously, if we don’t want his parents finding the page,” Kyle saves the day, “We do need to call you something, though. Unless you want to keep going by ‘New Kid’.”
Preferably not, but I can always change it later, right? She shrugged, motioning for the phone back. She’d send all the relevant people a friend request in a minute if they didn’t beat her to it, But first, let me take a selfie, she thought with an inward giggle as she held the camera up and snapped a picture. At least she didn’t feel too out of place as the friend requests flooded in -- it looked like all of the boys had their costumes on in their profile pics, at least for the moment.
It struck her, about then that, for the first time in possibly her whole life… she had friends. Friends that were hers, not hers and Lyssie’s. Lynn blinked rapidly -- she didn’t know MUCH about these guys, but crying in front of a bunch of boys probably wasn’t going to win her points. She shoved her phone in the pocket of her new robe, looking up at them.
So… now what?
‘Now what’ was apparently teaching her the rules of the game, and how to fight -- that one, at least, she already knew. She’d gotten into enough scuffles with Lyssie over their lives to know how to defend herself, at least. And that was without the solid, somewhat sharp metal rod she now had to hit people with. She also got the privilege of holding onto a slew of health and power ‘potions’ -- snacks. At least Kyle lent her a backpack for those.
“Now that you’re fully initiated into my army, I have your first task for you,” Kyle said, hopping back up into his throne once he felt she wouldn’t make a fucking fool out of herself, “The humans will stop at nothing to retrieve the stick, so we need to take it somewhere they won’t look. Stan, I want you and the New Kid to escort the Bard back to the Inn of the Giggling Donkey. Jimmy, I’m putting you in charge of guarding the stick. We’ll get our men set up inside to keep you safe.”
“Yes, Your Majesty!” Jimmy and Stan said.
Kyle grabbed the stick off the arm of his throne, handing it over to Stan, who took it with a firm nod, “Guard it with your lives. The Grand Fatass canNOT get his hands on it again,” Kyle said, “Now, go! Before they have time to regroup.”
“C’mon, New Kid, we’ll show you around town while we head to Jimmy’s -- er, the Inn,” Stan said, tucking the stick in his belt and heading toward the back door. Jimmy followed after him, pausing to shake mud and grass off the ends of his crutches before going inside. Lynn practically bounced along behind them.
Maybe this move wasn’t going to be so shitty after all.
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robynng · 5 years
Tips to Boost Your Website Ranking
1. Integrate Social into your website
To promote your brand and strengthen your online presence, you need to combine your social media and your website. You can get the most out of social media on your business website by following four simple steps.
Integrate social sharing buttons on your website. It's the easiest way to integrate your social profile into your website. Include direct web links to your social media channels from your website and again from your social media profile to your website. In addition, you can also add an option of social media sharing buttons on your blog posts.
Social sites like Facebook and Google Plus have high web authority. Links on these social networking sites are often considered to be top quality links. Even if your social profile is relatively new, it will start to rank well in the SERP since Facebook has a high overall authority.
Allow users to register or log in using social connections. By adding this functionality to the functionality of your website, you can improve your user experience and increase your registration conversions.
2. Focus on keywords
To give maximum visibility to your social media profiles, you need to align your keywords and your social media. Keywords play an important role. If you are not optimizing your social profiles in the right way, you need to develop a better social media strategy.
You need to intelligently structure your keywords and target key phrases in the details of your social profiles   or  social media pages  , such as page name or company information. But add it in a very natural way otherwise you might seem spammy and promotional. Adding keywords at the foundation level to your page allows you to improve the visibility of keyword searches on Google and rank them better in social media searches.
3. Develop your follower base
If your business maintains a Facebook and Twitter page and you're still having trouble getting traffic from these social media sites, you probably need to rethink your social media strategy. Getting fake likes or asking friends to like is of little or no help. The total number of subscribers and connections that your social media profiles boast has a big influence on your website's rankings.
To illustrate the obvious, a company with only 1000 followers on Twitter, will not receive the ranking bonus of a renowned brand with more than a million followers on Twitter and Facebook likes.
However, to keep it fair, Google has strict rules, the quality of your followers is also important, as buying thousands of proxy followers can do more harm than good to your rankings. So you have to develop your suite organically. It is a slow but effective process in the long run.
4. Encourage external inbound links
Another way to use social media to your advantage is to encourage more external sites to link to your content. Also, to gain more authority in Google, the more diverse external links you get, the better.
However, for this to happen, as we mentioned earlier, you need to post high quality and engaging content on your social networks. Once you start posting content, you should also promote your content rigorously by sharing it in existing discussions and discussion forums.
Doing this exercise maximizes your external link sources and also helps you become an authoritative leader in your field.
5. Optimize your publications for research
To extend the reach and visibility of your posts, you need to optimize your posts for searches. You need a strong anchor for your message in order to increase its engagement. It can be a well-designed infographic, a video, a link to a detailed case study, or an article.
Whatever type of content you select, you need to create a short, descriptive, and engaging title. Then when you share this content, you need to frame your title with text that is well optimized for a specific type of search. Not sure? Let me explain with an example.
If you've written a detailed blog post on "Best Tips for Baking Butter Cookies", then it's good to frame it with a specific query. Maybe something like, "Have you ever wondered how to make butter cookies?" Again, you can also add a few seasonal keywords in the title, to climb the ranks in Google search results.
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ivanpravednyi · 5 years
Popular «patriotic» groups in social networks can be supervised by the FSB - SBU officer
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The Kremlin’s aim is to undermine, exhaust, bleed and split Ukraine. For this the aggressor country tirelessly and continuously fights with us on all fronts. And literally - fighting in the Donbass, and stealthily, including creating pseudo-patriotic groups in social networks and throwing fake information there, so as to influence the minds of our fellow citizens and incite them to anti-Ukrainian/pro-Russian campaigns.
Of course, the work in the virtual space is in full swing and is paid off. However, their efforts are often undermined by employees of the Security Service of Ukraine.
Anyone can fall into the artful set traps of the Russian special services, said «FACTS» an operational officer of the Department of counterintelligence protection of state interests in the field of information security of the SBU Oleg Samoilenko.
“If the third part conducts such activities correctly and purposefully, it can really bring us to a civil war” – said Oleg.
The SBU officer underlines that one of the most striking examples of such technologies is the activity of a citizen of the Russian Federation, Sergey Zhuk (aka Stepan Mazur, aka Mykola Gaiduk). In February 2017, we exposed him and blocked accounts that he created and administered in social networks: Patriots of Ukraine, Ukrainian Revolution, All on the Maidan, Promotion of the Revolution of Guidance, Maidan-3, We - patriots of Ukraine ”. The total audience of these accounts has reached half a million users.
Well, Zhuk didn’t calm down - he is again fruitfully working on the previous field. We even noted his progress in Ukrainian language. Now in his texts there are no typical errors.
We know almost everything about Sergey Zhuk: his date of birth, place of living in Moscow, his biography, habits, his mobile phone number and more.
He was a social activist – fought against pedophilia, advocated the death penalty for perverts. He is also a skinhead (and twice brought to administrative responsibility, once - for causing serious bodily harm). We suppose that during the rallies and actions he was noticed by the special services of the Russian Federation and recruited.
In 2014-2015, Zhuk was in Donbass. He fought on the side of the fighters of the “DPR”, code name “Moscow”. At that time, he posted in his personal page many photos from Donetsk. He liked to pose with arms in his hands. It is known that he participated in the torture of our prisoners of war - heartbreaking videos were posted on his YouTube channel.
So, returning home after the war, Zhuk was retrained as a fighter in the information front, began to “mow” under the Ukrainian patriot, who was fighting for peace in Ukraine.
It was established that in order to destabilize and aggravate the situation in Ukraine, on the eve of the presidential and parliamentary elections, Zhuk created a new large project - the Ukrainian National Patriot group. It is registered on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Thereby it is represented in the most popular social networks now. And for the distribution of particularly important messages, Zhuk actively uses messengers - Telegram and Viber.
Zhuk created not only the Ukrainian National Patriot group, but also smaller publics - The Radnik of the President of Ukraine (over twenty thousand subscribers), The Verkhovna Rada of the 9th calling (six thousand people), 73% of us (two thousands), “Clown” (about a thousand, the other day the page was blocked), “Nі kapitulyatsії” (already deleted), “Truth about the ATO and about Maidan” (over a thousand people), “UPA March“ Zakhistimo Ukrainsky Zemlyu Land ”(also already deleted).
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This group actively writes about actions and rallies that organize real national-patriotic movements. For example, the information about the “No capitulation!” action was posted by Zhuk immediately after it appeared in genuine accounts.
So he has 170 thousand subscribers only on Facebook. These are residents of Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnipro, etc. - from all over Ukraine.
How Russians are gaining an audience to disseminate the information they need?
Recruitment specialists of the Russian security service study the profile of the object in social networks, his photos (according to them you can understand what his financial situation is), everything that he places on his page, then is added to his friends, he actively comments on his remarks. If a person supports the ideology of the so-called Russian world, the task is much simpler.
That’s why, you should learn to verify any information. It's not hard. If it’s a real user, you can always find his photos, some data about him, texts and videos that he publishes, “like” or “super” marks. And when there is only one photo in the account and a couple of replicas, you should immediately beware. If you are invited to a group, find out who is its administrator and carefully study its profile. Now tech support Facebook puts a blue checkmark on the pages of groups. This means that verification has been carried out and the page is genuine (which makes it impossible and significantly reduces the chances of spreading false, distorted and fake information).
You also need to pay attention to how information is dispersed from these fake accounts. If it is full of comments by experts or combatants, it does not hinder to check whether such a unit, or a soldier, or an expert exists. Having spent time, you will protect yourself in the future.
To summarize, the SBU officer Oleg Samoilenko said that the Ukrainian security service have studied Russian methods pretty well, and know how to counteract them, have learned to snap, work in advance, and conduct Ukrainian information campaigns. The SBU is creating new modern units, trying to strengthen the cyber security of Ukraine. These are small steps, but these steps are forward!
The special services of Western countries also technically help Ukraine. In turn the SBU share with them their experience gained over the last several years. It’s really priceless!
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techurdu · 7 years
Fake Facebook Profiles – The Highest Number Ever in History
Fake Facebook Profiles – The Highest Number Ever in History
At its recent quarterly earnings call, Facebook broke analysts’ expectations by announcing two records in the history of Facebook. One record of high profits and blockbuster earnings this week but there was also a more worrisome revelation – the shockingly high number of fake accounts on Facebook’s platform which stands at around 270 million. That means these 270 million of the platform’s…
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Sixty-One: In a Catalog ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
In all honesty, sometimes Hinata wonders why she considers the two of them friends. Sakura and Ino are just so...different than her. Not in any way bad! At least, not to her. But Hinata’s always been the quiet, reserved type. The other two are just...far more forward. A bit loud. Opinionated...if their constant arguing says anything about it, anyway.
And both obsess over things like...fashion, and boys. Hinata’s wardrobe hasn’t changed much since she was like twelve. And she’s only ever had a crush on one guy...and he’s gone to a different university. Which is why any gushing the pair do, she hasn’t paid much mind.
“Look, look! He’s in here!”
Balking as Ino shoves a magazine in her face, Hinata blinks before gingerly accepting. “Who...are we talking about?”
“This guy, right here: Sasuke! He’s a professional model and he’s totally attending our school!”
Following the blonde’s gesturing finger, Hinata finds herself looking at a snazzy-looking young man. Dressed to the nines, he’s wearing a full suit, jacket off and held casually over his shoulder. Everything about his pose drips effortless sex appeal, as does his look. Devil-may-care messy hair, dark brooding eyes, aloof expression.
Studying him for a moment, Hinata then looks to the actual content of the page. It’s some sort of ad for...suits?
“...why do you have a suit catalog?”
“Cuz he’s in it, duh! I heard someone talking about it so I snagged one! Isn’t he gorgeous?”
“I...y-yes, he’s very, um...pretty.”
Dragging the page down to give Hinata a look, Ino pouts. “Oh come on, Hinata - look at him! He’s, like...the pinnacle of sexy!”
The word alone makes her blush.
“Ino’s convinced she’s going to get him to date her,” Sakura snickers. “I said she’d have to go through me first.”
“As if he’d want someone with a forehead like yours! The only reason he’d ever date you is you have good ad space on your face for his modeling!”
The rosette’s jaw drops, speechless. “You…!”
Cackling, Ino snatches the magazine and flops back atop her bed, admiring it.
Sputtering for a long moment, Sakura finally rallies. “Well he’d only date you if he needed a barbie doll to lug around!”
“Oh please, is that the best you can do?”
“Want me to start talking with my fists, instead?!”
“Guys, guys!” Hinata waves her hands, trying to dissolve the tension. “Um...I think the odds of him dating anyone would be rather small, right? I mean...he’s super famous. I’m sure he’d be pretty...wary of anyone just looking to date him for that, right? Sort of...shallowly?”
Like you two are being right now?
The pair glance to each other dubiously...and then shrug. “Well, whatever...either way, I’m gonna have to scope out campus to see where he goes!”
“I bet he totally goes incognito! How else can he get around without getting, like, accosted?”
Deadpanning a bit, Hinata doesn’t bother pointing out the hypocrisy.
“I’d love to just get a picture with him - I’d totally make it my Facebook profile pic! Can you imagine what all my friends would say?”
“They’d just say you photoshopped it.”
“Oh, whatever!”
Sighing lightly to herself, Hinata just ignores them to go on her phone. Sure, he’s attractive, but...there’s not much point in revelling over it in her opinion. It’s not like he’ll ever notice any of them. And what’s the purpose in looking at something you can’t have, right? Besides making yourself sad, anyway.
By the next day, she’s completely forgotten all about the fuss.
A week goes by without any eventful happenings, Hinata finding herself one afternoon in the library for peace and quiet to work on a literature essay. Laptop to one side, she’s got references spread out over her little table, completely engrossed as one earbud gives her a soft serenade of instrumental music.
“Mind if I sit here?”
Startling, her head jerks upright to spy someone across the table. Some guy in a hoodie with glasses and a medical mask over his mouth. Pale eyes blink. “...uh, sure - just let me, er -” Hands gathering up some of her wayward papers, a bit embarrassed at her mess. She’s been so busy, she hadn’t noticed how far she’s spread.
“It’s fine.” Her new companion takes a seat, armed only with a laptop, pencil, and notepad. The former he sets up carefully, eyeing behind her as he positions it like some kind of barricade.
Brow furrowed, Hinata follows his gaze over her shoulder. All she can really see is the door. Is he...avoiding someone?
“Just...pretend I’m not here.”
“...um…o-okay.” A little confused, Hinata just gives a small shake of her head before returning to her work.
...five minutes later, she hears it.
Whispering voices, hushed and clearly excited. They start off to one side, but are clearly on the move. At first she tries her best to ignore them - honestly, who makes such a fuss in the library?
...and then it clicks.
Head snapping back up, Hinata looks her tablemate over carefully. He’s browsing something on his computer, dark eyes scanning the screen that reflects in his glasses. It’s subtle, but...she recognizes him.
...it’s that guy! The...the model guy! What was his name -?
The dots quickly connect - someone’s looking for him. Looking over her shoulder, she sees a group of girls gawking around, getting closer.
In spite of herself, Hinata launches into action.
“So, uh - Daichi, what’d you get for number twelve?”
He looks to her, clearly confused.
Trying to give a pointed look, she mouths, “Play along!”
Eyes flicker from her, to behind her. Widening, he seems to understand. “I got square root of seven. You?”
“Are you sure, Daichi?” She repeats the fake name again, trying to be misleading. Surely that’s enough to throw them off, right? “But...Daichi, can you show me how you got that?”
“Sure…” Leaning forward, he hides himself behind her, glancing up carefully.
The whispering lingers behind her for a moment...but then slowly fades as they move on.
A pause to make sure...and then they each breathe a sigh of relief. “...I think they’re gone,” Hinata murmurs, sitting back upright. “...Sasuke, right?”
“Well, I guess you’ve got a few minutes of peace, anyway.”
Sasuke blinks, clearly...not expecting her to be so blase about meeting him. It’s his turn to sit up. “...not gonna beg for a photo?”
“No. I’ve seen your picture before.”
Another blink. “...that’s a first.”
Hinata just shrugs, regathering her papers, shuffled after her leaning on them. “You’re a person, right? Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean I’m going to treat you any different. Besides...if you were hiding from those girls, it’s clear you don’t want to be treated like that.”
After a pause, he gives a light chuckle. “...you have a point. I...appreciate it. Though...you might know who I am, but I dunno who you are.”
“Nice to meet you, Hinata. Genuinely, unlike most.”
That earns a small smile. “You, too. Hopefully you won’t need any more help hiding, huh? I might not be around next time.”
Sasuke seems to consider that, then snags one of her papers.
“Hey -!”
Scribbling along one corner, he returns it. “Here. Text me later - then, if I do, I can just give you a ring, huh?” Grinning, he takes up his laptop. “Otherwise...better not push my luck. See y’around...Hinata.”
Watching him go, Hinata holds the paper before giving it a glance. True to his word, there’s a cell phone number scawled along the top.
...did she just get the Sasuke’s phone number?
Putting the digits in her phone, she scratches out the written copy. Because if Sakura or Ino find it...well, she doesn’t want to even think about that.
And just to be sure, she puts the name in her mobile as Daichi. Hopefully she won’t forget...
     PHEW not quite as late as usual, lol - though it took a lot longer than it should have...whoops!      Anywho, a lovely little famous person meets unimpressed "fan" trope lol - Hinata's a bit too much of a realist to be shocked at meeting the one and only Sasuke. But thankfully, that's just what he wants to hear!      I'd...say more but honestly my brain is pretty fried - gonna go veg out the rest of the night. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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Our Data Science & Analytics team strive to innovate new tools and techniques to enhance the performance of Found’s teams. If our delivery teams are athletes, then the data team’s output is 100% pure muscle-building whey isolate. With just a touch of sweetener for taste. (We like stracciatella). Found’s in-house tools are always built with integration front of mind. No tool is exclusive to one team or for a single purpose. Our tools to bring our teams together. I’m conscious that might sound a bit airy-fairy, so let’s cut the intro short and dive straight into the details around some of the tools we’ve developed in-house.  Don’t have time to read the whole post? I’ve summarized it into a table for you lazybones: TOOL NAME PURPOSEUSED BY1Keyword Clustering ToolOrders massive keyword lists into hierarchically structured keyword groups of similar themes and intentionsSEO,Paid Media2Outreach Prediction Engine (IN:Reach)Uses machine learning to estimate the likelihood of prospects converting into a backlinkSEO,Content3Anomaly DetectiveAlerts via Slack when our clients’ website performance begins to show unusual performanceSEO, Paid Media, Data, Management4Automated ForecastingRapidly generate performance forecasts for clientsSEO, Paid Media, Data, Business Development5Influencer DiscoveryUncover tens of thousands of potential influencers across Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and InstagramInfluencer6Traffic EstimatorDownload keyword search volume data at scale, beyond the limits of Google’s Keyword Planner, and with greater accuracySEO, Paid Media7Ad Copy Performance AnalyzerEasily assess the performance of CTAs and common phrases across Google Ads ad copyPaid Media, SEO 1. KEYWORD CLUSTERING TOOL We built our hierarchical clustering engine in response to spotting a gap in the market. There are plenty of tools that group keywords into categories or clusters, but that doesn’t reduce the complexity of creating a reliable website taxonomy and mapping search volume demand. To solve this problem, we created a tool that allows for scale when mapping huge volumes of keywords to a website’s structure while defining the taxonomy itself – by means of hierarchical clusters.  What it does: This tool uncovers the hidden structure from an unorganised list of keywords. Put more explicitly, it groups extremely large lists of keywords into clusters of similar theme and intent. Why that is clever: The complexity of creating a reliable website taxonomy from huge lists of keywords is a long and arduous task. Why? Most websites do not have a flat structure. Amazon for example has a homepage, departments within the homepage, categories within each department, subcategories in each category etc. In other words, it’s hierarchical. The tool is clever because it doesn’t just organise keywords into a list of n groups, it creates a 3-level structure, arranging keyword groups into child, parent and grandparent groups. Who uses it?: Our SEO team use it to accelerate keyword targeting strategies, and our Paid Media team use it to build out ad campaign structures. Uses & Benefits: The tool takes a very time consuming task and smashes through it in seconds. Also gives the user additional information to cross reference, assisting the decision making process around site architecture, keyword grouping and keyword targeting. User interface to the keyword clustering tool. We have also integrated IBM Watson into the tool. For each cluster of keywords we’re able to dive into the sentiment and emotional flavour of each cluster, as well as the important keywords and concepts that define each grouping. This helps our teams more effectively map keyword groups to search intent. Visual diagram of the hierarchical grouping algorithm. Shows how keywords are arranged into a tree structure, mirroring how websites are typically structured.  2. OUTREACH PREDICTION ENGINE Known internally as “IN:Reach”. What it does: The tool takes a prospecting list and tells you how likely it thinks each link is to return a response, and ultimately turn into a backlink. We’ve adopted the 3Rs when building this one: we reused stockpiles of previous outreach data collected by our teams, reduced the time taken to acquire backlinks and added the ability to recycle previously unsuccessful prospects for more relevant clients. Why that is clever: We trained a machine learning model on previous outreach efforts from the team, to be able to predict whether future links will convert for a client. It is finely tuned to our own team and internal data. Who uses it?: Outreach and SEO to prioritise backlink acquisition strategies. Uses & Benefits: Helps to prioritise outreach prospecting target lists, recycling previously unsuccessful links and best of all, saving loads of time for the team. User interface example result from the IN:Reach UI. Page two of IN:Reach where users are able to recycle links for other clients by quickly identifying the prospects more similar to each of our clients. 3. ANOMALY DETECTIVE Found’s anomaly detective pictured under an electron microscope. Sometimes spending many years and even more PhDs on building the perfect, most robust AI anomaly detection system pays off. Sometimes cleverly applying an open sourced technology in one month is even better. We process a lot of data for our clients, so it’s important that when something goes wrong (or incredibly right) that we know about it immediately. Also, we developed a bot I like to call The Anomaly Detective (snapped above) that sweeps over our important data points (Google Analytics KPIs, Google Lighthouse Reports etc.) and flags when something outside of “normal” happens. We deployed it as a workplace Slack app to be able to seamlessly communicate with all our teams. What it does: Alerts our teams to unusual (anomalous) activity across all of our important data points by sending them immediate alerts detailing the potential problem through Slack the messaging platform. Why that is clever: Defining “normal” is not straightforward. In this case, we leaned on Netflix’s own open source outlier detection function, called Robust Anomaly Detection to help us out. It helps us to very reliably tell when one of our KPIs doesn’t look quite right, without us having to manually define rules of normalcy. In other words, it’s plug and play and no time is wasted defining normal. Who uses it?: Everyone, including management. Uses & Benefits: Mainly used as an early warning system to highlight unexpected performance lifts or dips, it can also alert us to more unusual findings. Unexpected sources of traffic, significant slowing in landing page load times or anything else unusual for that matter. An example screenshot of our Slack alert system. We’re well aware that being bombarded by alerts every day, for all your clients can desensitize you to them, to the point where they start to become invisible. That’s why we’re also working on a polling system so we can use machine learning to further classify the “usefulness” of an anomaly alert and only issue alerts when they’re important in context. 4. AUTOMATED FORECASTING We leveraged Facebook’s open source forecasting library, Prophet, for this one. User input is minimal, all it requires is a dataset. Delivery teams are able to make tweaks to the forecast in line with planned campaigns and important dates. What it does: Quickly outputs forecasts of any input time series data set, allowing the rapid development of robust performance predictions across a large number of clients. Why that is clever: Forecasting web performance is not a quick task when you do it by hand; with the advent of AI “by hand” might as well mean “outdated”.  Who uses it?: Paid Media, SEO, data and business development teams. Uses & Benefits: What took days for delivery teams to collate and iron out now takes seconds. Paid Media and SEO teams can focus more time on crafting digital strategies to hit our clients’ targets. Our (unpolished) UI for the forecasting tool. 5. INFLUENCER DISCOVERY This is our data-driven approach to influencer discovery and acquisition. We know good, authentic influencers are out there. I would also bet money that the social media platforms probably know in great detail who they are. Our influencer discovery tool is our attempt to peer through the veil to find them for ourselves at a scale not possible by a purely human approach. This is augmented influencer marketing. What it does: Deep scan of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram to surface profile information of potential useful influencers based on input criteria. Why that is clever: The tool empowers our Influencer Marketing gurus to analyze tens of thousands of social media profiles in terms of how well they engage their audience, the size of the audience and frequency of posting. Who uses it?: Influencer marketing tea We often visualise the results of the analysis in a Data Studio dashboard that allows our Influencer Marketing team to refine the results to whatever suits their campaign 6. TRAFFIC ESTIMATOR Here’s the problem statement: downloading search volume data from Google’s Keyword Planner Tool is a very manual, labour-intensive process. Quite simply, it is just not scalable when analysing tens-of-thousands or more keywords and our SEO and Paid Media teams needed a way to retrieve accurate search volume data for very large volumes of keywords without taking away from time spent on analysis. The Keyword Planner problem is actually compounded by another factor. The Keyword Planner Tool groups search volume for similar keywords together, meaning search volume per keyword isn’t accurate – it’s duplicated. For example, for “dress” and “dresses”, Google might say they each have a monthly search volume of 2,000 searches, leading us to believe that the total search volume for that portfolio is 4,000 FAKE NEWS SAD! The problem is, “dress” might have a search volume of 100, and “dresses” might have 1,900 searches. To fix address this issue, we built an interface to Google’s Traffic Estimator Service API which allows users to process a virtually unlimited number of keywords while they get on with other work. The added bonus is that we designed an algorithm that decouples Google’s search volumes from similar keywords to give a much more accurate depiction of search volume per keyword.  This tool was used most recently for a massive project where SEO had to conduct an in-depth analysis of online fashion landscape across a portfolio of more than 400,000 keywords. Since all keywords could be loaded into the tool at once, a lot more time could be devoted to data wrangling and analysis. What it does: Retrieves Google search volume data for massive lists of keywords. Why that is clever: We’ve built an interface to Google’s Traffic Estimator Service API which allows users to process a virtually unlimited number of keywords while they get on with other work. The added bonus is that we designed an algorithm that decouples Google’s search volumes from similar keywords to give a much more accurate depiction of search volume per keyword.  Who uses it?: Our Paid Media and SEO teams Uses & Benefits: Our tool is more productive and more accurate than Google’s Keyword Planner UI. If you’ve ever had to download search volumes for thousands (or more) keywords at a time using Google’s Keywords Planner tool then you already understand how much time automation could save. What used to be heavy manual labour for our SEO strategists is now a button click with a cuppa tea. Traffic Estimator UI 7. AD COPY PERFORMANCE ANALYZER The Ad Copy Performance Analyzer is used to facilitate “Total Search” – the integration between paid search and SEO by allowing for easy knowledge sharing. It analyses the best combination of words from PPC ads (titles & descriptions) to inform SEO title tag creation with support from data-driven results. It helps to optimise ad copy by informing analysts which phrases of words tend to drive the most clicks, conversions and profit It’s an extra layer of analytics that uses Natural Language Processing to uncover what is really driving performance in ad copy. What it does: Calculates performance of 1- to 5-word phrases present in ad copy Why that is clever: Borrowing some basic natural language processing techniques empowers us to understand the language that resonates most strongly with shoppers and researchers. The only required input is the ID of the Google Ads account. Users can filter ads by a number of different criteria to hone the usefulness of the output.  Who uses it: Paid Media, SEO and content Uses & benefits:  Ad optimizationAd copy creationPage targeting for SEOCopywritingA/B testing calls to action Caption: Ad copy performance analyzer tool UI. The sidebar allows our teams to simply choose an account and apply any ad filters necessary for the analysis. And that just about covers everything! If you’re looking for assistance or would like to discuss any of this further, get in touch – we’d love to hear from you! The post Found’s Data Toolshed appeared first on FOUND.
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