pokeart-st-blog · 7 years
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Let’s celebrate Misty’s return to the anime!:)  So so so excited to share with you the design of my favorite Pokémon! GOLDEEN! How beautiful this Pokemon is! ;D Hope you guys like it! Feel free to share if you like! You can also follow my instagram for additional content! :) : pokeart_st Goldeen is a very beautiful Pokémon with fins that billow elegantly in water. However, don't let your guard down around this Pokémon—it could ram you powerfully with its horn
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girl-fights-blog · 8 years
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Kasumi Yawa & Her Pokémon vs. Tsubaki & Her Pokémon
Pocket Monsters: 2.11, Goodbye Koduck! Come Back Golduck?
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Here's something that you might enjoy, a Japanese player named Tosakinto's showcase of SS Kris' solo against Entei: https://youtu.be/qrO0NFGZunU
On the one hand, King Shit.
On the other, oh my god with the RNG on this. The needed flinches at the right time, the constant risk of getting crit without Vigilance, the Mini Potion MPR procs. Like, they played this super well, with Rain Dance being conserved to counter Sunny Day being really smart, but oh my god I don't think I'd want to do that myself. That had to take a while. Or was something hilariously successful first try. In any case, SS Kris still best unit.
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sharingfandoms · 4 years
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If you want to read part 1 here you go.
The season started out with Takeshi (Brock) leaving and a new character, a new male companion joining: Kenji (Tracey Sketchit), who also gets way too much hate. This guy never did something wrong in his life, what’s all of you guys’ damn problem? Kenji is very curious, very brave, very nice and kind toward both Satoshi (Ash) and Kasumi (Misty). He is fun to watch, adorable when freaking shy toward women (his crush for the tanned-Joy was so cute and he went through a big risk to help her), and loves Pokémon with all of his heart. Being a Pokémon Watcher is honestly a great Pokémon career if you ask me: you are interested in all of them, everything concerning the Pokémon world becomes something worth studying, you can go here and there without ever stop learning; it can be very similar to be a Breeder or a Photographer somehow, but when we think about it all kinds of trainers still have many things in common anyway. He was also refreshing because even being very acquainted about Pokémon species he never played the father/big brother figure toward Satoshi: he was probably a bit older than him and Kasumi, maybe 12/13 years old?, but still just a friend, not a guide. He also had very unique Pokémon which were perfect for his career (Marill, which could sense noices even at huge distances, Kongpang/Venonat, which had radar eyes, and a Strike/Scyther, which was very cool and also their relationship and the episode where he caught it really proved Kenji’s love for Pokémon). Last but not least episode 111, where he meets another Pokémon Watcher, is absolutely adorable: you see him having an actual someone to look up to, someone who understands him and teaches him any kind of stuff. I wish they ecountered again in the future, even if Kenji’s admiration for Okido Hakase was also very nice to watch and I’m sure he’ll do good under his supervision.
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This was also a great season for Kasumi’s development as a trainer and for her and Satoshi’s feelings to emerge even more clearly (yes, I’m a Pokéshipper, but everything I’m about to say it’s just canon, as a matter of fact the original ending was supposed to have Satoshi and Kasumi (Misty) married with a cute pink-haired daughter), but we’ll talk about this another time. 
As I already explained, she gets to meet one of her greatest idols, Kanna (Lorelei), and that alone I think means a lot in a person’s life, also because she went to her house and Kanna gave them a lot of information about her way of battling and some life advices in general. 
But something that happens even earlier, in episode 93, is her meeting another water-type trainer, obsessed with water Pokémon just as much as she is: Tsubaki (Marina) a hot-headed and very energic girl just like her and they soon become rivals other than friends.
This episode allows Kasumi to show her skills as a water-type trainer and she even manages to battle with a Pokémon that it’s not hers: for a moment, she thinks her Koduck (Psyduck) evolved, but in reality it was just resting in its Monster Ball (Pokéball) and she fought with a wild Golduck. 
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Another important moment for Kasumi as a trainer happens in episode 112, when she has to go finding a healing alga for both Satoshi and Kenji all by herself. She has to battle against Rocket-dan (Team Rocket), more specifically against Kojiro (James) and Nyarth (Meowth), and she uses all of her Pokémon, showing amazing battle skils. This is pretty rare to see, as she doesn’t often use Tosakinto (Goldeen) and doesn’t send out Koduck (Psyduck) to battle unless she really must; her favorite Pokémon for battles are clearly Hitodemon (Stairyu) and Starmie and the second had to be left behind to Hanada Gym (Cerulean Gym). In episode 112 we do not only get to see her entire team engaging an amazing fight (defeating Kojiro’s Pokémon and Nyarth), but we are also introduced to a new addiction tp her squad: Nyoromo (Poliwag), which she’s able to make feel safe and happy and starts following her and Togepi anywhere they go.
Besides, in this episode she also shows us she can be very compassionate and kind when she wants: she leaves some alga for Rocket-dan as well so that they are able to cure Musashi (Jessie), who is ill too. Of course, it’s not the first time she proves herself to be both easily irritable and insanely sweet. She’s a very complex character who deserves way more credit if you ask me.
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She acts bravely and fiercely in many episodes, always ready to show her worth and willing to make a difference and to help those in need. She had already shown these traits in season one, but it’s always nice to see her standing on her feet and being able to make decisions, to be strong and coragious and also to be supportive toward her friends.
It’s so satysfing to see her being there not only to follow Satoshi in his journey but to make her own journey. Many amazing episodes of season one were focused on her (as we have many more filler episodes), but the ones of seasons two are astonishing as well. 
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This is going to be the end of part 2 because I need a lot more space and images to talk about PokéShipping. I also have something else to say about Satoshi and him winning his first league. Last but not least I’m also going to talk about Rocket-dan (Team Rocket) and their relationship as a trio.
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So, @dimension-0 told me it would be cool to have more Pokéani analysis once in a while and since I’m rewatching the Pokémon anime in Japanese (I’m currently watching season 2) I thought I should give it a try because I have so much to say.
Since there are many topics I would like to talk about, I think I’ll start with one I already brought on this profile concerning other fandoms (Bleach and Kodomo no Omocha): sexist and unjustifiable hate towards female characters.
I watched many videos ranking Pokégirls and almost none of them had Kasumi as their first or even in the top 3, but that’s okay: even though I love her, it’s fine if other people don’t for various reasons. 
Saying that you dislike Kasumi because she’s “bossy”, because she “insults Satoshi and pushes him down”, or because she “has an annoying personality” makes you nothing more than a hypocrate the moment you still like or even love Satoshi himself; because, guess what?, in the first seasons they have very similar attitudes. They’re both impulsive, they are easily provoked by each other and by other people, they are pretty arrogant and tend to believe they are right without questioning their selves first (well they are ten years old). Both of them also have quite a temperament, they often get mad or annoyed for silly little things, even if they express their feelings in different ways.
So, first of all, you’re saying you don’t like Kasumi even though the traits that make you hate are almost all shared by Satoshi. But you still like him. Maybe because you don’t percieve something the same way if it’s a woman doing it instead of a man?
Then, something else that just freaks me out for how it’s completely wrong is the fact that she is seen as the heartless female companion who always gets mad at Satoshi and doesn’t know how to be kind and generous. Now tell me, have you actually watched the anime recently or are you just talking about memories? You may remember her getting mad, furious or impatient various times, but that is not all of her character, that is not all Kasumi is. She’s always there for Satoshi. She tries to cheer him up when he’s down, like in the episode where he swapped his Butterfree for a random guy’s Ratta, or when he lost the League and she just couldn’t stand to see him weeping. Okay, she may have been too rush in that occasion, but they’re children: you’re expecting them to act with maturity and sympathy as they were adults, but they are not - and adults don’t do that either many times. She always worries about him and she proves to be terrified by the thought of losing him. By the way, she’s nice and kind with many people in many occasions, it’s just that you forgot, probably, or refuse to recognize so. She connects with little children or younger siblings because she feels the same as them, she knows what it means to be the last in the family. She’s always there for her friends, as a conselor or as a supporter. She loves Pokémon with all her heart - yes, even Koduck, though she’s a tsundere so will never admit that. She literally joins a magic show wearing an embarassing Tosakinto dress just to help a stranger.
Also, yeah, she makes fun of Satoshi often, but just as often as he does. That’s the funny thing about them: you cannot leave them alone a second without them starting to argue or to make pranks to each other. She likes to point out his weak points, but also to help him fixing them - and it worked, sometimes, when he listened. He does that too! He never misses a chance! So here we go to the same topic as before: you hate when she does it, but it’s okay if he does?
She has personality and women with personality always scare you. You’re not used to see them in anime, maybe. But Kasumi taught us that you can be kind and scary and sweet and bossy and girly and tomboyish at the same freaking time. She’s a great model for children, little girls especially, and I wouldn’t want her any different.
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kalosstarters · 5 years
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The preview dialogue was pure gold again:
Kaki/Kiawe (who is annoyed by his friends’ eagerness to go explore certain places in Malie Town without making a proper plan): “I told you, we have to lay some proper pl-”
Mao/Mallow (sneakily bringing up Kiawe’s sister): “Kaki, isn’t this Tosakinto yokan the one that Hoshi said she wanted to try earlier?”
Kaki/Kiawe (immediately ready when his sister gets mentioned): “It is! Let’s go!”
In other words, Kiawe is such a doting brother :’)
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soveryanon · 7 years
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Back from Movie 20′s French-dub screening!
... I probably wouldn’t have gone to see it if not for the card and the QR code (still not sure whether it’s the same code for everyone or a specific one to unlock Pikachu through Internet, so in case it was the latter...), but that’s because I was one of the lucky folks who were at the ~world première~ at Japan Expo back in July, which was the Japanese version with subtitles x') So I didn’t have a “NEED TO SEE IT FOR A FIRST TIME.” in itself, I’m not super-fond of the French dub in general and wasn’t exactly thrilled to discover it.
Warning probably concerning all the dubs (well, I only know for sure it’s the case in French, but French dub changes are usually the same as English etc.): goodbye to Shinji Miyazaki’s music tracks. Yes, they replaced them and it sucked hard. I found it a bit harder to get immersed with the replacements, they're just. boring and generic and giving the same vibe all through the movie, instead of highlighting or punching you with feelings here and there? At the same time, they kinda fit for a movie seen with a big crowd: it’s not an inner experience where you forget your surroundings, but something a bit more... detached, while you're conscious of the sounds and laughters around? (As I said: it also makes it way more generic.)
Audience was good! Like, a dude behind me exploded with laughter when we had the random Koduck+Tosakinto and then the Hitodeman+Starmie cameos in-between scenes, so I think that the Kasumi references were spotted. Overall, the crowd snorted HARD at Pikachu being a gleeful jerk towards the beginning of the movie (and at Satoshi’s complicated relationship with stairs), there were a few offended yells at some scenes (“OH LE BÂTARD” during The Kick, some gasps when Satoshi Said What He Said To Pikachu.), etc., so... no mockery, no booing (I was especially scared of that because of The Cameos during the ending credits and nop! No bad reactions!), not too much nostalgia (people were humming the first French opening when it came up but there was no animosity towards other gens) and people sounding engrossed!
I found some French lines super-good in context (ce totalement deadpan “Arrête, je pleure.” de Cross après l’un des Discours Sur Le Pouvoir Et La Valeur de L’Amitié de Satoshi était. Beau.), they actually ADDED some PikaShipping I think (“Pikachu, tu m'aimes..........” (?) ufdnjefudjn). Makoto’s first lines were >:D too! And I think Hanako was extra-funnier in French, I think she was rambling a bit more than in Japanese? =D Other times, it was a bit painful/awkward and I got the feeling that Marshadow’s motivations were handled even more badly than in Japanese, but I’m not sure - it had been one of the main flaws that I remembered from the pre-screening, so I’m not sure if there were indeed some changes or if seeing it a second time made it even more obvious (like... some characters Apparently Suddenly Knowing Everything About Marshadow’s Intentions when... its behaviour didn’t make it transparent at all? And still the lack of understanding of why is it acting the way it is/what does it want exactly/how the hell its actions are supposed to serve its goals.........).
Confirming everything that had been said and that I had said about ~Makoto’s mom~, it was even less subtle than what I remembered. (Still those slighly sepia tones on the picture). She is suuuuuch a little monkey at the beginning <333 (And aaaaah, Souji... ;_;)
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sunglasses-kitaro · 4 years
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axew · 8 years
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autobottesla · 9 years
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Day 522 - Tosakinto | トサキント | Goldeen
Tosakinto glimmers in the light, it's scales glisten and shine in the little light living in the water provides. When it dances at the surface, people crowd around to witness its elegance. A very popular Pokémon for non-Trainers.
(P.S. Daily new Pokémon drawings, follow to see them! As always, contact me at [email protected] for inquiries on glossy 8.5×11″ or 4×6″ prints of all existing drawings, as well as commissioned work. Commissions are not limited to Pokémon. For example, team commissions (trainer + 6 Pokémon) are typically $35.)​
(118 / 722+)
Storenvy | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | DeviantArt | RedBubble
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takotoillustration · 10 years
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Goldeen Variations, the Goldfish Pokémon. All variations are domesticated versions, bred down from wild Goldeen! Pictured is Regular / Wild, Royal, Curled Diver, and Spotted. 
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-luna · 12 years
I'm 5'7 haha and I'm still growing~
i am envious because i went to modeling school and i cant even model runway because im so short
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