#tortured Blitzwing
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@fluffythecthulhu said they wanted a fic in a comment under my Mother’s Day Megop art. I’m not sure how serious you were, but I still made one! It’s short for once, but it got embarrassing fast.
Thank you for the sweet comment, btw 💕🦑
TFA Carrier Optimus Megop
Warning in the tags✨
Optimus hadn’t touched his rations all cycle- more concerning still, he hadn’t fueled properly in a deca-cycle. He complained more about feeling nauseous or on the constant brink of downright purging than he ever did use that snarky mouth of his to consume his Energon.
Megatron had grown used to him neglecting himself in ways he formerly thought him too sensible to make the mistake of. Choosing to ignore fueling in lieu of finishing a communication relay at least a thousand lightyears out of range to reconnect a straying ship- which could take hours, where every precious minute counted.
Strika had ordered him not to work so hard to salvage the fodder that either purposely veered off their course, or were too stupid to read a set of coordinates correctly. She would insist that it was what they deserved for acting so foolishly.
And every time, Optimus would argue that that was no reason to leave them there to suffer both the chilling isolation of lost space or such a flippant branding from their superior. There was always some reason, he insisted, for their severed connection. There was always some argument he would make that Strika and the other high command -or any average Decepticon in close range willing to insert their opinion upon hearing the conversation- were being too harsh.
She’d leave in a huff, Optimus would resume working himself to death, and his rations would go untouched for another hour straight.
Megatron regretted assigning a brat with such an unprejudiced, smart little mouth a position in communications.
Unfortunately, Optimus’ abhorrent lack of charisma was unexplainably magnetizing…somehow. And he was by the book and strict in regulations, making him a fantastic -brainwashed- soldier to trust to carry out an order. His dedication to everything he was tasked with, as well as that odd charm, assured Megatron near immediately that he was the best choice for the job.
Optimus would always do what he was told and do it to a fault, so long as no one else suffered unfairly for it. It was perfect for Megatron who was looking for a mech willing to communicate with both halves of the reunited factions. Especially since no one else could be convinced to take the job. Those that were willing were sorely lacking the skills to delegate, and so it went to Optimus not a mere three cycles after his reassignment to the Nemesis exploration crew.
That meant having to deal with the sassy bot more than Megatron would have liked to- at least once a cycle, in fact.
Things…. Only developed from there.
It wasn’t Megatron’s fault- contrary to what Starscream insisted otherwise regarding fragile little civil frames, and their easily overwhelmed, shy nature. Never daring to make the first move and take up so much space in the affairs of their large counterparts.
As Decepticons, thus far, hadn’t the single most qualm with inserting themselves into the matters of their new, tiny crew mates.
But truly, it wasn’t Megatron’s fault. He was not the instigator.
It was the fault of limited worthwhile conversation for so many millennia and the equally refreshing opportunity to have an unbiased presence in his life once more. One, unlike Strika, who wasn’t adverse to talking about subjects unrelated to warfare and maneuvers. One that was keen to show Megatron respect as his newly appointed commander, though not to defer to his every whim and judgement and roll over for him in niceties.
It made their time together less like the chore of keeping basic communication with his personnel, and more a thing of thrill and fancy.
Megatron was having fun again.
More fun than he’d ever had attempting to destroy the mud ball planet his new officer so loved. Who knew?
Of course, it…. Quickly turned into something else….
Which was more or less ignorable for a time, since both parties knew best that they would benefit from an aloofness and detachment while resuming their duties. Keeping to formalities anyplace outside the berth.
It helped that Megatron had deluded himself into thinking he actually meant it.
But their coupling had admittedly lead to this new current issue Megatron was having. The matter of his once dependable -brainwashed- soldier refusing to feed himself, and Megatron caring a lot about it…
None of that was to say how unsettling Optimus’ sudden bouts of stasis were.
Whether the mech was walking peacefully on his way to deliver his reports, or merely sitting in on a barely mandatory -but damned if Optimus wasn’t going to be there with bells on- conference Shockwave routinely made Civil bots sit through on cross-build interactivity regulations, the little mech was always seen falling into recharge. Cheekplate propped up in one palm or with pedes propped against the table.
It was horribly unsettling… Horribly. Had Megatron mentioned that?
Strika said he was paying too much attention to the colorful thing (and chalking it up to that). Somehow oblivious to the scents still faintly permeating Megatron’s armor where little servos had held on to him tight the night prior.
He knew it was true all the same, that something was wrong with his former Prime.
Megatron blamed it on his extended workload, combined with the appalling lack of Energon he was consuming. But that theory only lasted for so long.
When even Ratchet was petitioning him on Optimus’ behalf to allow the firetruck to take a temporary leave, Megatron was certain this strange new behavior was something far more sinister than an overworked Officer.
This was… stressful. Worrying.
The space between them had grown much smaller over the vorns. Their relationship had significantly changed- whether Optimus shared that opinion with him or not.
Staying over in Megatron’s berth had become a much more frequent occurrence. As of a few cycles ago, a proper nest -normally a construction reserved for two settled mechs- had appeared, and was drenched in their combined scents to the point they left Megatron’s quarters each morning practically wearing the other out.
That was comforting, smelling the irritating aft everywhere he went throughout the day. Megatron didn’t want to lose that.
Was Optimus’ condition dire?
Was their time soon to be limited?
Would their bond nest come to unravel with the eventual loss of its imperative second occupant? Their time, was it to be cut so short so soon, fated by Primus as punishment for all his wrong doings?
They’d only just started sitting together in the command center when Megatron ushered him forward to give his report- finding him a place by his throne. On the armrest…
Was there to be no more late night rendezvous where Megatron graced him rare glimpses of his poetry and Optimus laughed at the absurdity of the writings?
Was he doomed to spend his entire functioning a solemn, bondless mech, now that he’d had a surprising and unforeseen taste of a partner worth sharing one with?
Was he to give up his dignity and dilute all their ship’s resources into traversing the galaxy for some impossible cure to safe his sickly lover?
Was he going to have to replace his only willing Communications Officer?
Optimus approached him in the middle of another one of these fantastical spirals on the bridge one evening, while Blitzwing stood awkwardly at his side, waiting patiently to be given his dismissal post debriefing.
To Megatron’s surprise, he looked more alert and awake, frankly, than he had in nearly two Earth months.
When he looked down at wide, frightened optics peering up at him with so much uncertainty and fear, Megatron dropped to one knee in an instant. Uncaring who was seeing such a display, when insanity had muddled his processor so throughly into thinking the worst of his last moments with this precious mech.
“Optimus, what ails you?” He crooned, trying to pacify the quivering thing. Barely able to resist grabbing ahold of him.
Optimus said nothing- could say nothing, as his throat tubing began to tighten.
Megatron looked at him so earnestly, so despairingly…. When had this change occurred? When had they begun to care so deeply for one another? So openly.
Optimus assumed the answer to that was sometime around the creation of the tiny passenger he was carrying that they had both been oblivious to- or else the little one couldn’t have ever come to be…
Megatron blinked worried, narrowed optics at him, just as that thought seemed to fully integrate itself into Optimus’ logic unit.
He…began to smile up at the towering mech. Though it vanished in the next instant with the realization that Optimus would need to explain his… ‘ailment’.
“Megatron, sir. I need to discuss… This isn’t about my reports…. Actually, I… It’s….”
“What is it?” His new commander urged him on. No longer able to keep large palms from encompassing his shoulders in a caress for every pair of curious optics on the bridge to see.
“No need for formalities, even here, Optimus. Just tell me what’s wrong- you haven’t been fueling.”
Optimus lost his courage -or ability- to speak then. As his mouth clamped shut again and his optics grew wet, pointed finials began to droop down his helm. Clearly still frightened by something.
But whatever it was, he could always tell Megatron.
They were lovers now, destined to share a nest and a sparkbeat- Megatron would have it no other way. Regardless of what it was going to cost him to lead the excursion for Optimus’ sickness’s cure.
“You can tell me anything, beloved. Anything at all. Speak to your spark’s content, I shall listen-“
“Should I leave for zhis?” Blitzwing murmured cautiously from behind, still waiting to be released after the last time he’d been punished for breaking formation early.
“No matter what it is, speak it to me now, Optimus, and I shall tend to the matter however is necessary.” Megatron continued to soothe his little Sweetspark.
“I will not fail you- I will not leave you behind-“
“Even if it’s really bad…?” Optimus burst out.
“…And pretty permanent?”
Megatron blinked. Optimus swallowed, maintaining optic contact through sheer force of will and…. Hope?
There was a strange glimmer in his eye, and Megatron, no matter how keenly he tried to chase it as it bounced around the other mech’s shimmering optics, he couldn’t discern its meaning.
The smaller mech’s question, however, was easily answerable.
“Nothing at all could stand in the way of my devotion to you, Optimus.” Clawed digits carefully curled around strong, scarlet servos.
“Now that I have you, I shall not release you to any unkind fate or the malevolent will of gods.”
Besides an ever present amusement for his mate’s dramatics, Optimus looked much more settled and ready to spill everything then and there. His optics losing a great deal of the uncertain edge to them.
But still….
“Can’t stress enough how bad this is…”
“I should leave, right? I von’t be thrown in ze sparring room vith Sixshot again for failure to be properly discharged if I do, ja?”
“You encompass my entire being, little Autobot. You fill me with meaning and faith, dare I say it! Faith that there is a life far better than one fighting for a meager home on Cybertron once more… You promise me a home with spirit and life. You are my home, Optimus.”
Optimus, for his part, had lost much of the color to his derma that made it blue. Shades of searing red painted high above the arch of each cheek, filling out his round face nicely with a sweet dusting that faded seamlessly where it began to spread.
Megatron was enraptured. In love.
Optimus was enraptured, too, with the severity of his words. Megatron’s promises to him.
No mech had ever promised themselves to Optimus like this- he hadn’t even bothered to entertain the thought he’d see such a thing in his lifetime. And if that was how Megatron felt, it made much more sense how their extra passenger had came to be.
“Ratchet told me to triple my fuel rations… He put me on mineral additives and a stasis increase.”
Megatron blinked slowly. Thinking that didn’t sound anything like a debilitating disease he was about to have to fight god for. That sounded like he was treating Optimus for something else, actually… but….
“Why would he do that?” Megatron asked with his barely functional glossa.
“Ah- I really zhink I should leave for zhis!”
Optimus cheeks managed to burn brighter as, finally, he lost the battle to keep Megatron’s gaze. Blushing faceplate turning into the hollow between Megatron’s shoulder and collar.
The bigger mech didn’t fight him, finding himself in something of a daze as well.
“Um…. Well…. Ah….” Optimus attempted to explain. Poorly.
Megatron tried to focus back on the blushing bot when he lifted watchful…. glittering optics back up at him.
“Sorry, I’m still here!?”
“I’m carrying.” Optimus murmured. Cheeks pleasantly warming for reasons other than horrific embarrassment under Megatron’s powerful gaze.
“Carrying?” Megatron echoed back in something less like a whisper, and more like a string of broken syllables being carried off by the nonexistent wind.
“Wow…” said Blitzwing.
And also,
“Straight shootin’, Tex!”
Optimus watched the emotions morph across his new Sire’s faceplate. Watched his utter confusion change into absolute delight, then pride. A pride himself to have been able to provide, a pride to have found himself such a perfect mate- with whom he had made such a perfect sparkling with.
And finally awe- no… Reverence. Like Optimus was a god amongst mortals, complete with a glow and this holy essence about him, as Megatron stared in blissful silence at the place in Optimus’ gestation tank where it would soon fill with a sizable bitlet, likely to take after his or her’s sire.
Now Megatron understood. That ‘hope’ he’d seen in his love before, it was an instinctual faith in his new carrier that Megatron would be proud. That he would be loyal and strong and provide.
Well, his hope was not misplaced- Megatron would surpass all others as sire!
Megatron reached down and settled a hand over the ridges of Optimus’ otherwise perfectly flattened grill. Soon, his body would change, quite drastically, in fact.
Hard edges would soften, the heavy duty armor making up most of his abdominal plating would part and reconstruct to allow for room for the protoform to grow. Strong, healthy pleats in his armor below his eventual ‘bump’ would aid in the support of his growing frame.
And inside, the sparkling would turn about happily at the thrum of their Sire’s sparkbeat close by- as there was no doubt in Optimus’ mind after Megatron’s words that they would never be parted again.
Which would only become an issue anytime his doctor attempted to check on the sparkling’s progress and Megatron’s (more than adequate) donations of raw materials.
The ex-warlord, and frankly feral gladiator, would not stand for another to touch his expectant mate.
Which made Blitzwing’s right as the new Sire’s witness -some strange, apparently credible Decepticon law- to survive a hand to the carrier’s belly to feel for the sparkling’s pulse every now and again all the more surprising.
Optimus couldn’t even be angry with the big brute when he condemned his lover with child to their nest for the foreseeable future- not even on Ratchet’s order.
It was the first time any bot had felt so passionately about him before… and primitive coding in Optimus’ core couldn’t help but encourage him to defer to the Sire. Orbit, kicking and bouncing away the cycle inside his gestation tank, didn’t seem to mind either.
I could not proof read this the way you deserved me to- every day is like a rush to survive, now that summer’s here.
You’re always so kind when you comment, though, @fluffythecthulhu 💕✨thank you!!
#Sparklings#mechpreg#crude language#Unexpected pregnancy#Optimus continues to be baby#Based on a megop Mother’s Day thing I drew a year ago#Megop#transformers animated#tfa#optimus prime#tfa megatron#tfa blitzwing#tfa optimus#tfa megop#tortured Blitzwing#Megatron#fluff
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What would TFA Shattered Glass look like?
Does it already exist? Don't care, here's my idea
The SG Decepticons would be the protectors of Earth. Doctor Sumdac helps them voluntarily.
Shockwave is infiltrating the SG Autobots and it is him who ends up as a cube when he gets caught. Blurr does not kill him and exhibits him as a trophy (bc he fell in love with Shockwave).
Elita was voluntarily abandoned and realized when Decepticons saved them the issues and propaganda within the Autobots.
The SG Autobots team is still a group of outcasts, excluded and neglected by their society and seeks to regain favor with their hierarchy. They are forced to cooperate and sincerely help each other (not like OG!Starscream) even if it is hard. They do not have the same issues with other Autobots (Optimus is still smart enough not to make it obvious and not do it when it is unfavorable to them).
Sari knows about her Cybertronian part and doesn't take it very well. She joined the SG Autobot of her own free will.
(since the OG!TFA Autobots are already shady, it's not necessary for the SG team to be full evil)
The balance of power is important because the SG Decepticon are bigger, stronger, older, more resistant and more experienced, and Megatron is the leader of all the Deceptions. The SG Autobot only have the Sari's key, her family connection to Doctor Sumdac and their lack of limits and compassion.
So what could be the plot? Does Megatron "die" at the beginning (for a reason other than Starscream)? Do the SG Autobot have the AllSpark? Or has it already been destroyed?
Don't know.
Also, bc my brain is consumed by smut, the +18 part below the cut
SG Autobots are open about interfacing*
Bumblebee talks a lot about interfacing (jokes, references...). He's even more of a little shit than in the OG
Optimus sexually tortured Megatron or Bumblebee with Blitzwing, or both did it (the first for informations, the second for fun)
Optimus is an angry little shit, especially to Megatron
Megatron thinks a good fuck will calm Optimus (he's not exactly wrong)
Optimus cries a lot during sex, not just with penetration, so he covers Megatron's optics when he tortures him (IF he does it)
Megatron likes to praise. Optimus has a praise kink
Blurr and Shockwave (Longarm) interfaced multiple times before the "accident"
Bumblebee likes to taunt Blitzwing bc he thinks he has more interfacing experience than the Decepticon
*Had this idea for OG!TFA Autobots, not just bc they're evil. I like the idea that the Decepticons are more prude while the Autobots don't really care
I'm open for suggestions or disagreements
#transformers#transformers animated#shattered glass#megop#tfa megop#blitzbee#shockblurr#optimus prime#megatron#shockwave#elita one
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A thing that I have never seen anyone bring attention to: the lines under Cyberverse Astrotrain's eyes
In 3d it really looks like dimples under the eyes, yes
(the pic is better without the zoom buuttt at least the thing is more visible, also, I don't feel like looking for screenies in the show rn)

I've been feeling the need to mention this for quite a long time and I got reminded of that today rkjxwkktkgnrnt
Let's take these two elements of his face's design into consideration: the lines that go under his eyes and the lines that go from the sides of his mouth. One knows what those are when translated to human standards.
On one hand, they can indicate greater age, being tired. And on the other one, they could additionally be tied to severe and long lasting stress, even trauma, which could have come from his experiences in the universe he originates from.
I shall also add another thing that I have just noticed: his eyes seem to be rotated outwards quite a bit? Unless, it's just a matter of perspective in this one scene... oh wait it did turn out that it's just the perspective but I will keep this part here anyways, lol
That's the thing which makes me one of the people who wish we knew more about that alternate reality, in which Megatron wins the Great War and creates a master race of Decepticons, additionally getting rid of those who he deemed unecessary. Honestly, if there were a few or so episodes set in it, exploring the world, showing the processes that had happened among the Decepticon ranks, the fates of those who resisted, I would have watched them with excitement (well, I'd probably even want 2 whole seasons of that, lol).
Coming back to the topic of Astrotrain, saying that he looks tired is an understatement. He was kept close and abused for milions of years, even tortured. He has a fear of coming back to his original universe, his old master (therefore, the original Cyberberse Megatron has means of threatening him). Addtionally, it is extremely possible that he lost a few 'cons who were close or even very close to him during his universe's Megatron's purges and executions. Astrotrain is a triple-changer whose massive size combined with the shuttle alt mode make him a very valuable asset, as it is obvious that transporting troops is a crucial element. (Well, transporting the high-command could also be an important thing to such a tyrant as "the other" Megatron, hoh)
And yes, all that while keeping in mind the way he acts, the sadism in his personality, the way how he likes to joke.
All of that makes Cyberverse Astrotrain (and maybe even Astrotrain as a character in general, not just the one from this show) yet another triple-changer with a considerable amount of character and character depth building potential. I shall repeat this: I am of the opinion that the triple-changers are really underused in this franchise, even though I know that the reason why they don't appear so often could be how difficult it is to make decent toys of them, lol. Oh and I am not going to forget about the potential they have in fights (especially Blitzwing tbh)
Oh, I will also come back to the very first line of this yapping session: I haven't been on tumblr for too long so I shall ask: if there is some truly splendid annalysis of Astrotrain then I would really appreciate a link to it if that's possible! (Could also be that of any other triple-changer)
Man, would be noice to see a post with Cyberverse Astrotrain that isn't just about shipping him with Dead End, hahah /hj
However, lastly, I would like to mention @/elili0000's quite-old artwork regarding the story about Cyberverse Astrotrain and their own version of Cyberverse Blitzwing that they had made. It's been a while but I remember that I found it amazing, lol
#Astrotrain#transformers cyberverse#transformers#tf#tf triple-changers#maccadam#macadam#haven't read the entire thing at once yet but I wonder if I will lol#also yeah he was only mentioned a tiny bit but Imma just tag ma boi too anyvayz:#Blitzwing#however holy cheese imagine if him and Octane were indeed a crucial part of Cyberverse Astrotrain's past
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Tinsy tiny blitzbee story for us anons?
(possibly either blitz having a panic attack or bee getting overstimulated)
( I know they are kinda the same but also different but I love torturing my boys🙂)
- chicken nugget anon
How about
- bee once got overstimulated during a team exercise from lack of sleep because he was worried about Blitzwing who had a panic attack during their last meeting. Blitzwing was highly stressed from walking on eggshells around the base because Megatron and Starscream were at each others throats and taking it out on those around them. Blitzwing had to keep his personalities in check so he wouldn’t be harmed and it taxes him greatly. So when he was able to calm down with Bee his mind wandered a little too far and he panicked thinking of all the bad things that could happen if starscream caught him with Bee and how easy it is to hurt Bee. So that made it worse.
- blitzwing’s face kept switching until he full on panicked while gripping Bee close.
- bee was able to catch hold of Randoms face plates and talk him down with deep vents and having him focus on describing the cabin Blitzwing hopes to one day build for them.
- they stayed in a deep cave where Blitzwing held Bee for security and bee kept talking about anything as blitzwing drifted off to sleep. Bee just commed his team saying he wanted to stay out by himself and cut his comms off. Easy to ask forgiveness than permission. Blitzwing wasn’t very worried about being demanded back since he knew how to not draw attention to himself and Megatron wanted to be left alone anyway.
- bee was lacking sleep after that. It was hard to recharge ever since he got back because it was getting cold and the cold hurts his frame. The lack of sleep and frame pain overstimulated him and he accidentally jumped away from his friends touch and yelled.
- he apologized after and said he needed to be alone. He didn’t wait for permission and left. He was so thankful Blitzwing was flying in the area but he also started overthinking and accidentally created an electric static around his frame.
Blitzwing has a thick armor so using that after helping talk bee down, he was able to withstand the shocks until they stopped.
He heated his frame up and soon bee was in significantly less pain and falling asleep to Blitzwing warm frame and humming spark.
#blitzbee#blitzwing#bee#bumblebee#tfa#transformers animated#transformers#blitzbee tf#blitzwing transformers#blitzwing x bumblebee#bumbleblitz#bumblebee tfa#tfa blitzwing#tfa blitzbee
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Even more characters that would kill/punish Valentino
I have written more scenarios of Valentino getting killed/punished by other characters because he deserves it since Vivienne Medrano doesn't want her "UwU baby boy" to be punished/killed.
Yor Forger
Scenario 1, Valentino gets punched in the face, kicked in the groin, slammed to the ground, and stabbed in the head by Yor's golden stilettos and dies. Don't mess with Yor or Anya or he will surely meet his end. Also, the Yor GIF is basically me towards the Vivziepop cult followers and that rapist moth.
Mario and Luigi
Scenario 2, Valentino gets Bros' Attack'd by the Mario Bros and exploded into stars like in the games.
Truck-Kun (I know Truck-Kun isn't a character, but I just want to for the lols)
Scenario 3, Valentino gets rammed into Truck-Kun and dies.
Scenario 4, Valentino gets snapped out of existences by Thanos.
Shadow the Hedgehog
Scenario 5, Valentino gets shot by Shadow's gun repeatedly until the filthy moth is dead.
Monsterverse Godzilla
Scenario 6, Valentino gets reduced to ashes (for the third time) by Godzillla's atomic breath.
TFA Megatron
Scenario 7, Valentino gets blasted by Megatron's ion cannon and dies and gets thrown into the river by Blitzwing and Lugnut. It's a reference to the episode "Mission Accomplished" where Starscream tries to overthrow Megatron but fails and get thrown into the river.
Scenario 8, Valentino get stabbed repeatedly by Cyn until he dies and she annihilates his corpse with [null] black hole.
Sachiko Shinozaki (Look, I watched Corpse Party Tortured Souls on YouTube as a pretween when I wasn't supposed to because I was intrigued by her character and I was in a horror phase.)
Scenario 9, Valentino gets stabbed in the eyes by Sachiko's scissors and she left him there to die of starvation.
Valentino doesn't deserve to be worshiped and loved. He deserves to be loathed and scorned by EVERYONE.
#hazbin hotel critical#anti hazbin hotel#valentino critical#anti valentino#i loathe valentino#yor forger#super mario bros#mario bros#mario and luigi#truck kun#thanos#shadow the hedgehog#monsterverse godzilla#tfa megatron#murder drones cyn#sachiko shinozaki
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For the Decepticon Sari AU, I imagine if the other Decepticons got to babysit a baby Sari, Starscream would have the worst time.
Lugnut? Sari loves him. It took Megaton to let Lugnut share Sari-sitting with the others (Lugnut thought that they were “UNWORTHY OF TAKING CARE OF MEGATRON’S SPAWN!”)
The Seekers? They felt like Sari wouldn’t like them (clones of Starscream, member), but she loves them, which makes them happy. (Skywarp is the responsible one, Thundercracker the fun one, Sunstorm the serious but caring one, Ramjet the weird one, and Slipstream the irresponsible one).
Shockwave? Overprotective Babysitter. When Megatron came to get Sari, he found Shockwave cradling Spiked Energon, while Sari was in the box. (Megatron didn’t question it. Probably because he had no questions).
Blackarachina? Well she felt… scared of taking care of a baby (Elita-One’s caring nature showing), but when Sari touched, Instant kinship. It took several hours to remove Sari from Blackarachina’s care, all the while Blackarachina screamed “KINSHIP” over and over.
Waspinator? (He exploded, but Sari got upset if they left him). He kept stating that Sari’s a “Queen!” She liked it.
Soundwave (Created through the Cyber Key)? Sibling, in a “I may find her annoying, but I will kill you if you hurt her” type way.
Swindle and Lockdown (Both tried to steal Sari for money, both got their afts handed to them by Megatron, then forced to join)? Very good with her, probably because Megatron is looming over them while they do it.
Constructicons? Uncles. (Dirt Boss First, Scrapper Second, Mixmaster Third).
Blitzwing? Funny/Weird/Cool Cousin. (Weird tried to eat her once, so he’s on thin ice. So is Hot-head, as he tried to teach her to fly by throwing her into space).
But Starscream? She’s an absolute gremlin. She purposely screws with him, get him into trouble, and frames him for things she did. And every time, when Starscream’s getting scolded, she gives him a knowing, Shit-Eating Grin, which infuriates him, and Starscream always gets in trouble, because no one suspects Sari. (She’s well behaved).
I love every single one of these thoughts!! 1000% especially for lugnut, he adores Sari and sees it as a great privilege to babysit her and help teacher her the Deception way. Strika and Lugnut are like top tier aunt and uncle to her, especially Strika’s no nonsense training turns her into a warrior and tactician that the Autobots fear even though for her safety Megatron never allows her onto the field of battle so there’s very little known about her.
Will say tho, while they may have thought about it since Autobot command would have a ridiculous bounty out for the capture of the elusive heir to the decepticons, they would never try to collect on that bounty since Megatron and all the decepticons would torture the to them to the point that death would be a blessing for such a transgression.
I am always excited to talk head cannons Decepticon!Sari au, pls feed me your thoughts
#decepticon sari#decepticon!sari#macaddam#lugnut#sari sumdac#tfa#transformers animated#ask prompt#sketch#the decepticons are a delight at parent teacher conferences
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I'm stuck on a retelling of the episode where meltdown and black arachnia work together. But it's just meltdown pulling some extremism by essentially kidnappy buddy and saying, "I'm either gonna fix it by turning it full organic or kill it, which ever comes first". And Buddy is desperately on the phone with Optimus like
Op - look, I'm coming, but don't you have Decepticon allies that you can call?!?!
Buddy who knows that if Megatron knew she was in danger, then the island would simply be collateral damage - ...no
HAHAHAHA! I love the little description of the call there!
Here is the unintentional, intentional, after math of the Sentinel and Elita reunion.
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's Twin sister gets kidnapped by Meltdown
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hinted romance, kidnapping, slight mention of torture, mention of burns, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
How did Buddy end up here?
Strapped to an experimental table, shock collars adoring her neckcables and servos, too many muti-colored patches one her frame while a disgusting Puddle Man taking notes on a weird looking monitor.
Buddy would have to start from last week to be able to tell you that.
Buddy had stayed on Dinobot Island for the night trying to calm down from that night’s events.
The Dinobots were more than happy to have Buddy over though they were worried about what happened the night before.
Buddy is sitting and patting Swoops head as Snarl keeps guard of the cave entrance.
Grimlock is sitting behind her.
“Buddy ready to talk?”--Grimlock
Buddy continuing to pat Swoop.
“Because I said so.”--Buddy
“You say that not real answer.”--Grimlock
“And that way to—erm—avoid question.”--Grimlock
“… When did you get so smart?”--Buddy
Grimlock puffing chassis a bit in pride.
“Grimlock smartest of Dinobot’s!”--Grimlock
“Yes, you are.”-Buddy
“So… Buddy talk, now?”--Grimlock
Buddy made sure she went back to the base as soon as the next boat had arrived near the island and beelined straight to the base.
To her surprise and slight hurt, no one had noticed she had gone the night before.
Not even Megatron.
Then again, she couldn’t blame him.
The Elite Guard was still on Earth after all, he had more things to worry about.
After a week, Buddy decided to do something she hadn’t done in a while.
Buddy walking towards the exit of the base.
“And where do you think you’re going at this early in the morning?”--Starscream
Starscream leans against the cave wall with his arms crossed.
“I’m taking a walk outside.”--Buddy
“Don’t you have a med bay to re arrange again?”--Starscream
“I’m taking the day off.”--Starscream
Starscream’s wings slightly perk in question.
“You? Taking a day off? Has Megatron finally grabbed his bearings and asked you then?”--Starscream
“Asked me what?”--Buddy
“Ask you to—”--Starscream
Megatron appears behind him scaring the two.
“Go one Starscream what were you going to say?”--Megatron
Starscream chuckles a bit nervously.
“Ah he isn’t doing any harm now Megatron.”--Buddy
“Shh! Anyway’s I was telling him that I was taking the day off today. I sent the message through the link, and I was going out for a walk—”--Buddy
“You are… taking the day off?”--Megatron
“Yes? Why is it so hard for you two to believe that.”--Buddy
“Lugnut wouldn’t believe you.”--Starscream
“Oh that’s a bit of a stretch—”--Buddy
“Hey Lugnut!”--Starscream
Lugnut stops walking with Blitzwing by his side.
“Why is everyone awake? No one is up by this—”--Buddy
“Buddy says she’s taking the day off.”--Starscream
Random starts laughing hysterically while Lugnut looks confused.
“Buddy…taking the day off?”--Lugnut
“OH, COME ON! I am not that bad! I can take a break when I want to.”--Buddy
All the Decepticon’s having flashback’s of dragging Buddy away from her work or to sleep at a decent time, some getting out with injuries.
“…”—All the Decepticon
“…Look I’m going out today for a walk. No one is going to call me unless someone is dying.”--Buddy
Buddy hops off the ledge and swings away from the group who is left astounded.
“…So this is the future you have in mind Megatron?”--Starscream
“Starscream I swear…”--Megatron
While on the walk someone pinged her on her commlink.
Despite what she had just told the entire team an hour earlier, she still took the call.
Blame the anxiety and bad habits.
It was Prime.
“Prowl where—Buddy?”Optimus
“…Hey Prime…”--Buddy
“Wait don’t hang up, please!”--Optimus
Buddy pauses a bit.
“Go on…”--Buddy
“How are you?”--Optimus
Buddy lets out a shaky vent.
“As okay as I can be Prime. I take it you didn’t call me on purpose?”--Buddy
“No—I mean—that came out wrong…”--Optimus
“…Hey Optimus… I never got to tell you how sorry—”--Buddy
“You are not going to say sorry. You had good intentions that night. It on them now. If we are going to blame anyone it should be me—”--Optimus
“And I’m going to stop you there too.”--Buddy
“Wait no, I’m still stopping you.”--Optimus
“But now I’m stopping you.”--Buddy
“No, I am.”--Optimus
“No, I am!”--Buddy
“No, I am!”--Optimus
Both friends on the line end up laughing.
They both knew it was going to be okay.
At least with them.
Sentinel and Elita were still another story.
“Why did you originally call for anyways Prime? You didn’t want to speak to your friendly neighborhood Spider?”—Buddy
“What I—I mean—”--Optimus
“I’m just messing with you Optimus. Tell away.”--Buddy
“I was trying to get a hold of Prowl. So much has been going down on the base. Mainly everyone has been a bit more… chaotic than usual. I was calling because I have a lens Prowl wanted.”--Optimus
“What kind of lens?”--Buddy
“His nature camera lens on Dinobot Island had gotten cracked last week and he has been… a bit moodier without seeing his birds.”--Optimus
“Well Optimus today’s your lucky day. I have the day off and—”--Buddy
“You have the day off? Really?”--Optimus
“Why is everyone surprised about this? I can take breaks.”--Buddy
Optimus having a flashback to the Academy were Elita, Sentinel and him dragging Buddy out of the study room with dents on them all.
“… Right…”--Optimus
“Anyways I can go to the island and fix it myself.”--Buddy
“I don’t want to interrupt—”--Optimus
“You’re not interrupting anything Prime. Anyways it gives me an excuse to go see the boys.”--Buddy
“Thanks Buddy, you’re a life saver.”--Optimus
“You got it Prime.”--Buddy
Now she was on Dinobot Island.
She managed to find the camera, but its lens wasn’t just broken.
It had some sort of … burns…
Buddy needed to inspect this more. Nothing on the island could have done these types of burns. Nothing organic at least.
She grabbed the camera when she heard some familiar pede steps.
Buddy turns to see the Dinobots coming towards her.
Buddy waves hello.
“Hey, guys!”--Buddy
Dinobots running faster.
“Hey, you slow down now…”--Buddy
Dinobots run even faster.
“WAIT, WAIT, WAIT—”--Buddy
Dinobot’s tackle Buddy to the ground.
“Guys…as much as I love you all… I’m not…as durable…as you…”--Buddy
“Dinobot’s get off Buddy who is just lying in a silhouette crater.
Grimlock picks Buddy up with one servo and dusts her off a bit.
“Thank you—Hold on what is that?”--Buddy
Buddy looks at a familiar looking burn on Grimlock’s thigh.
Grimlock shivers a bit as Buddy’s servo comes near the wound.
Buddy turns to see the others have similar burns.
“What happened?”--Buddy
“Dinobots… umm… Me Grimlock…”--Grimlock
“Is something hurting you?”--Buddy
Grimlock shaking his helm.
“…Is someone hurting you?”--Buddy
A hesitant nod from all three.
Buddy got out her med kit to look at the burns while gently petting them.
Buddy asked what happened to them after caring for each burn the best she could with her supplies.
They told Buddy that some puddle man hurt them.
Buddy’s optics harden.
Someone was hurting her friends.
They were going to pay.
Pay dearly.
Buddy finishing up the last injury.
“By any chance, do you remember the last place the ‘Puddle Man” was?”--Buddy
“Yes, it near gorge.”--Grimlock
Buddy nodding her helm slowly.
Grimlock suddenly looked nervous.
“Buddy not going to go see ‘Puddle Man’, right?”--Grimlock
“I just want a talk to the ‘Puddle Man’.”--Buddy
Buddy begins to move forward, but Grimlock quickly blocks her.
“No! Buddy no go! Puddle Man hurt Buddy!”--Grimlock
Snarl and Swoop nod their helms in agreement.
“I’ll be fin—”--Buddy
Buddy shoots a web upwards and swings out of the Dinobot circle.
“Sorry guys! But someone’s going to pay for this!”--Buddy
Buddy quickly disappears into the bush.
Grimlock turns to Swoop.
“Get Truck bot.”--Grimlock
Swoop nods hurriedly and flies off.
As Buddy swung towards the gorge, something cut off her webs making her tumble to the ground. She slammed her helm on a sharp rock causing her to black out.
That brings us back to the present.
The Puddle Man had introduced himself as Meltdown.
Some wannabe scientist that got himself into a bit of an accident making him look like this, ‘Puddle Man’.
Buddy had tried to get out of the bonds but after a couple volts of electricity and a couple dozen acid burns to the pedes later Buddy decided that it was going to be better to wait it out for an opportunity to show up.
“Let me get this straight. You want to make me fully organic… so you can figure out how to turn yourself back to human? Am I missing anything?”--Buddy
“That sum everything up, yes.”--Meltdown
“Do you take constructive critic?”--Buddy
“…I’ll allow it.”--Meltdown
“That is the dumbest thing I have heard today.”--Buddy
“You’re trying to turn me, someone who isn’t organic by nature, to become fully organic. We both have different biology and not to mention the methods of—”--Buddy
Meltdown cranks the electricity collars on making Buddy scream.
“I’d watch your tone if I were you. If I don’t find out a way to make you fully organic, you’ll be discard like the rest.”--Meltdown
Buddy giving him the stink eye while side eyeing the mismatched bones and fur in the corner.
“You can’t even dispose of your own garbage Meltdown.”--Buddy
“I’m going to enjoy this.”--Meltdown
“Enjoy whaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!”--Buddy
The collar sparks with more voltage than before while Meltdown looked down at her with a sadistic smile.
Buddy didn’t know what was more surprising.
The fact that her original frame and organic frame was still intact from the electricity and burns or the fact that Meltdown had to leave his lab to use the bathroom.
Buddy wasn’t going to push it any further.
She managed to get a hold on the com link that was still in her audial and pressed on it.
“Buddy where are you!?”--Optimus
Buddy wincing a bit at the volume.
“Shush! Prime, you’re going to get me caught.”--Buddy
“Caught?! Caught by who?”--Optimus
“You familiar with ‘Meltdown’?”--Buddy
Optimus paling on the other end of the line.
“I’m in some lab of his and I can’t exactly get out.”--Buddy
“I’m already on my way.”--Optimus
“One of the Dinobots came and asked for me. We’re half way to the Island now.”--Optimus
“Oh, thank the Allspark.”--Buddy
“Did he hurt you?”--Optimus
“…Do you really want that answer?”--Buddy
“I’m just trying not to look at them and get nervous.”--Buddy
“We’re almost to the shore.”--Optimus
“Buddy, have you tried contacting your… team?”--Optimus
Buddy already having the vision of the island engulfed in flames.
“…No, I haven’t but there’s a good reason—”--Buddy
Toilet flushes.
“Prime I have to go! Find Me Prime!”--Buddy
Buddy releases her commlink silently tensing when Meltdown comes in.
“Shall we continue?”--Meltdown
Now all she had to do was stall Meltdown until Prime came.
Meltdown came back and began fiddling around with some of Buddy’s buttons near her helm.
To her horror she saw him press the mainlink to the Decepticon base, the one that would radio into the main computer.
While he was prodding around a few drops of acid fell on her.
She screamed as the acid met her chassis.
Buddy heard someone in her audial talking to her, but she couldn’t quite put her digit on it.
Mentally and physically.
Meltdown had somehow managed to figure out the link was something important and decided to play around with it.
He smeared more acid on her chassis.
She wailed in agony.
There was a bunch of noise in her audial now, but it eventually faded away as she blacked out from the pain.
When Buddy woke up again into was slow and painful.
Her optics were hazy and unfocussed, mainly seeing giant blobs.
She tried focusing on her senses first before dealing with everything else.
Buddy’s back was still on the table, but the patches were gone and so were the collar around her neck and servos.
Speaking of servos, something or someone was holding onto one of them with a death grip.
Strange enough, the touch felt familiar, nostalgic even.
Buddy tried focusing her vision on what was holding her servo and nearly had a spark attack right there.
It was Elita.
Okay this was surely a dream or Meltdown had failed to make her completely organic and this was her mind making a scenario to ease her into death.
She finally had enough consciousness to finally look around the room and was now fully convinced she was dreaming.
Next to Elita who was looking sadly at their intertwined servos was Optimus and Sentinel with Ratchet.
The three mechs seemed to also be looking across the room to…
Oh, Primus, why were they doing here?!
And how where the Bots not dead!?
On the other side of the room was Megatron with Blitzwing and Starscream glaring at the other Autobots.
Buddy gave Elita’s servo a squeeze making her snap up to look at Buddy smiling weakly.
Buddy gives Elita’s servo a bit of a squeeze.
Elita’s helm snaps up to see Buddy smiling weakly at her with barely opened optics.
“What’s with the look? Someone died?”--Buddy
Elita practically launches herself onto Buddy, hugging and crying on her neckcables.
Everyone else in the room finally understood that Buddy was awake now and tried to reach for Buddy.
Buddy gives them each a smile before motioning the door.
Motioning for privacy.
Her team was hesitant to leave, but eventually followed the Autobot’s out.
Elita finally released Buddy.
“Buddy, Buddy I’m so sorry—hic—I’m so sorry!”--Elita
“It’s okay Elita—”--Buddy
“No, it’s not! Look what happened to you! You nearly died here and…and--”--Elita
Buddy slowly takes her twins servo in her own.
“Things…things happen Lita…”--Buddy
Buddy pauses waiting to hear Elita tell her not to call her that.
She doesn’t.
“Somethings are out of our control, and we can’t just stick in one place for the rest of our lives. I got turned into a techno organic and made peace with it. This is a part of who I am now, and I accept it. Imagine if I didn’t and was bitter about it? I wouldn’t want to live a life were the only thing I have to look forward is revenge or something.”--Buddy
Elita sniffs a little bit.
“You took my place though. Aren’t you a little bit mad at me? At Optimus? At Sentinel?”--Elita
“I did at first. I wanted to blame everything on you guys and those Spider’s. But you know what Lita? It isn’t any of you guys’ fault. I made my decision back at that cave and I don’t regret it. Not for a nanoclick.”--Buddy
“If I had the option of going back to that moment, I wouldn’t change a thing. I…I love Lita, and nothing’s going to change that.”--Buddy
Elita now fully sobbing on her twin.
Buddy starts bawling too as she hugs her back.
“Hey, I know this is off topic, but what happened to Meltdown?”--Buddy
Elita scowls.
“He got away. But don’t worry, I don’t thinks he’s coming anywhere near you ever again.”--Elita
“If you say so…”--Buddy
Buddy clung to Elita’s side as they both made their way out of the lab.
Buddy found it a bit funny how everyone was outside on their respected sides some silently glaring more than others.
Turns out the Dinobot’s had taken liberties to act as mediators between the two factions if things got out of hand.
Buddy waving at the group.
Dinobot’s waving back happily.
Buddy’s view was suddenly blocked by Megatron’s chassis.
“Are you all, right? Why are you even standing? Did the doctor do a good job? You shouldn’t be standing.”--Megatron
Megatron scoops Buddy up into his arms and walks back to his side.
Optimus looks relieved.
Sentinel too but tries to hide it in front of the Decepticon’s.
Ratchet also visibly relaxes a bit.
Starscream and Blitzwing stand close to Megatron nearly shielding Buddy from the other’s view.
“If there are any further complications—”--Ratchet
“I know where to find you field tech.”--Megatron
Megatron nods at the Autobot’s before taking off with Buddy in his arms with Starscream and Blitzwing following suite.
“Do you think she’ll be all right?”--Sentinel
“Of course she is. Don’t count her out of anything kids.”--Ratchet
Ratchet’s right. We’ll see her again, maybe not soon, but we will eventually.”--Elita
Optimus smiles at his friends.
“Let’s go home.”--Optimus
Meanwhile at the Decepticon base.
Megatron walks straight to Buddy’s room closing the door behind him.
He gently places Buddy down on the berth.
He sits down next to her.
“Not now.”--Megatron
He gently grabs her smaller servo in his.
Buddy slightly blushes at the action.
“…We can talk about this later.”--Buddy
“Yes, but now…”--Megatron
His servo lets go of her’s and pulls her into a side hug mindful of the injuries.
Buddy leans into his frame venting softly as exhaustion starts taking a toll.
“Buddy… there is something I need to tell you. I—”--Megatron
Megatron looks down to see Buddy fast asleep.
He chuckles a bit and gently places her on the berth.
His servo lingers on her’s before letting go.
He goes to the door and quietly walks out.
#transformers x reader#maccadam#bot buddy#tfa x reader#tfa x platonic reader#tfa megatron x reader#tfa megatron#tfa optimus prime#tfa sentinel prime#tfa elita one#tfa ratchet#tfa grimlock#Elita One's twin sister
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current muses & brief info :
🐝. Bumblebee.

bee began the ask blog portion of this account in an attempt to help bring everyone closer together by getting to know each other better, hence the bee motif. bee is one of the kindest of the muses, & although IDW ( aka cane bee ) based, his portrayal is flexible, especially regarding his time on Earth. multiversal canon relationships can be incorporated if desired, such as his friendship with humans in bayverse.
🌄. cliffjumper .

he/she pronouns, a mixture of all his verses portrayals . tfa cliffjumper being his strongest influence on my take of his personality.
🍷. trailcutter / trailbreaker .

mtmte. a literal vampire to mechs' energy supply .
🔥. hot shot .

armada. pyrokinetic by personality .
📼. rumble .

g1. blue, primarily .
🦜. demolisher / ironhide .

armada . a big tank loyal to megatron & being dumb as rocks .
🏈. blitzwing .

g1. fire & ice . hateful of quintessons .
🧉. swerve .

mtmte .
🎙. soundwave .

💔. Goldbug .

Shattered Glass, fun publications & idw inspo.
👁. soundblaster .
siege . DISCLAIMER . he is the nicer of the muses ( because a lot of them are Dicks, lol ) but the worst of them in terms of how far he will go. gore, body horror, torture may be written or heavily implied with his character . he treats his subjects with absent care & respect unless they serve a suitable distraction at the moment . any pronouns .
if interested, a link into a deeper look into him via my art account .
some general rp / ask notifs to note :
all muses unless stated otherwise are multi-ship with Heavy, sometimes selective chem.
while bee is the header of this account, it does not mean he will always be written as i am a multi-muse account. multi-muse only pertains to the characters i have listed below, as these are all characters i have researched on & feel comfortable writing, experience-wise & personally. i will not write requested characters outside of this list out of my own comfort & nervousness on not writing anyone else well enough. the blog is multi-muse to help keep the amount of accounts i own trimmed .
OC + MULTI - VERSAL (mv) friendly . anons & non-roleplay affiliated accounts are greatly encouraged for the ask box, but storylines will be kept to roleplay accounts out of comfort.
Written replies are for separate characters that have been designated for that storyline. i will only write one muse per another roleplayer's muse interaction as if i was running a single muse account in order to keep things organized & understandable. asks may have multiple muses stating their opinions or interacting with each other to be humorous, but written responses will be kept serious. this blog is multi-muse because i love all these characters and would end up with too many tumblr blogs to keep track of, so it's easier for me to keep them all here for now .
all my muses are independent portrayals of varying kinds. ex: blitzwing is g1 based in design & personality, but he has split fire & ice powers & his backstory is influenced by his role in the Transformers 86' movie . the independent portrayal portions of the muses are essentially headcanons, & those that wish to interact do not have to fear about the idea of me wanting you to share the same knowledge i do on the character, this message is mainly to let you guys know a lil' heads-up that if something reads different than how you're used to with a character from that verse of tf, then my independent portrayal is the reason why. they are not extreme & strict, mainly just something i think makes writing the character more fun for me. ex: trailbreaker can make constructs with his forcefields instead of just flat forcefields, such as 'forcefield wine glasses', sunglasses, chains, swords, etc from his forcefields, but it is mainly bcs i think it makes him even more fun to write, & not meant as a godmod as detailed constructs drain his energy even more than his usual high drainage, so he only uses them to entertain or in emergencies .
Detailed tidbits on characters may be uploaded and linked here, but are mainly meant to be explored via roleplay or asks. again, they are independent & meant to be interesting & not intimidating, & can even be something as silly as Hot Shot having braces that he keeps breaking simply because i think it would be cute & add to his character .
i have long roleplay experience, but have never roleplayed on tumblr before. if my formatting looks funky, i apologize !!
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I have an OC, which is a clone of Optimus Prime made by Shockwave out of Prime's CNA.

That's him. Redesign art is unfinished.
And don't mind the grease, I don't know where they came from, they appeared from nothing.
So technically, you can say it is Optimus' son, but Steamblast(that's his name) is a decepticon. Plus, he was tortured by Shockwave because he wanted to test his theory about whether Steamblast has Prime's memory or not. It turns out he has a completely different personality and does not have Prime's memory.
Yes, Steamblast is literally a lab rat.
The torn Decepticon logo on his shoulder is a battle scar that wasn't from Shockwave's torture. But broken windshield is.
How did I end up writing a whole paragraph?
Nathan - *Starts crying.*
Cindy - Talk about nightmare fuel.
Ramjet - (Pics up Nathan) Let's get some yummy cookies.
Octane - Nope, not happenin'.
Sunstorm - *Shorts circuits and passes out.*
Dirge - *Picks Sunstorm up.* The boy has PTSD because what Shockwave did to him.
Blitzwing - In a way so do I, by mine were caused by Quintessons.
Astrotrain - You and me both buddy, you and me both.
Skywarp - I knew Shockwave was creepy but this?
Thundercracker - *Is in the background with a picket sign saying Shockwave's experiments are inhumane.*
Thrust - I'm gonna join Thundercracker here on this one.
Starscream - *Starts cleaning his weapons.* If Shockwave thinks that monstrosity of his is coming anywhere near my family or fellow Decpticons he has another thing coming.
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CW: Dismemberment, robo gore, bad words, IDW 2005 continuity spoilers, etc.
Blitzwing and his future conjunx start their romance in a very shape of the water kind of style, if the fish man/god was a badmouthed pain in the ass and you didn't have the have the patience to deal with all his shit, but still managed.
I'm totally heartbroken by what they did to Blitzwing in IDW, and while he was a total afthole no one deserves to be dismembered alive, feeling everything and being ignored while asking the minimum mercy of death before the pain of being torn apart alive, no human listen to him and even an autobot ally is there but just ignores it while the hungry power scientist at the moment gets his hands on highly dangerous cybertronian technology, just... the nerve, and it's worse when they go "oh, how could this happen?!" When all goes to shit just like Blitzwing and Jazz said it would, the nerve.
I can totally see a young human taking parts of him out of the searching building just out of spite because we later know they used information of Blitzwing CNA and parts to fuck up even worse the whole situation on earth, but then the human gets on contact, like, a real one, with Blitzwing and can hear his thoughts and his desire when they touch his spark.
He wants to die, to be at peace, to stop feeling pain, it doesn't end there, you are the first connection he had after so long and it's such a pleasurable sensation to feel something alive out of the almost complete silence in the middle of his torture.
War is over, there is a truce and human finally goes out for help to whatever bot or con that is willing to hear, some do get there but there not much to do.
It takes time, and the bond they keep is getting stronger, the human has never seen Blitzwing as a whole but goes around with his spark on a container so big it's almost a traveling backpack, he is still a pain in the ass but human goes with him everywhere.
Just imagine such a big spark on the back of a little human, and the little shit still has the nerve to shout directly to your mind.
Blitzwing hardly says thank you when you get him from one place to another, or when you tell him how his body is being repaired, he doesn't say much apart from the recurrent bad words and how he doubts they are going to get him back right.
The bond is hard, it was desperate at the moment, and you can feel and hear his pain when his spark is put on his recuperated body, then there is silence, one you didn't have since you touched Blitzwing's spark, there is peace and you think that was the end of it, and while it was sad not to hear him anymore it was also so calm to have you thoughts for yourself back.
Jokes on you because he gets his first flight to reach out to you, giving you a slag eating grin while looking at you, "Did you miss me flesh bag?"
How this got to you having Sabersky? Who remembers, really, almost no one knows when you got from point A to point B to point Z and your triple changer sparkling is looking at you with red optics and the same slag eating smile of his sire, asking to be carried while doing the usual baby talk with some clicks and fax machine like noises that only he can understand.
No scientist bot could understand how Sabersky was forged with the frame of a triple changer, but so far bets are on your sparkling's strange mix of scanned human DNA that takes on the necessity to duplicate certain physical characteristics from both parents now converted to the sparkling's CNA.
Sabersky is a triple changer, but no one is sure if he'll stay like that or if he can improve like your species, there is dread and worry in you when your baby takes on his first alt-mode way before any other Terraformer and there are parts that don't exactly look like they belong to a tank or a jet, Blitzwing for another part...
"What you doing kiddo?" Well, Sabersky and Blitzwing, who doesn't use so much strength like you to rise the sparkling on his servo, does understand his sounds to some levela and doesn't care for what the little sparkling can get on, "you wanna fly already don't cha, you little shit?" if anything, Blitzwing is encouraging him.
"Blitzwing, no"
"Heh, babe, his designation is Sabersky for a reason, he'll cut the sky with his powerful wings"
"Blitzwing NO-"
Too late, Sabersky has already been launched from his sire's servo with force enough to make him a little point in the distance by mere seconds, just to transform mid air to a little kind of jet to a little assault tank.
You both screamed and jumped to catch him before touching earth, you slammed face first in the dirt and your stupid husband was in the same state except for the literal earthquake his impact caused while his servo is holding the little tank that was giggling, who since a long time ago learned his creators would do this everytime he fell from the sky.
"He is such a smart cookie, just like you, fleshy"
"I'm not talking to you now" the sparkling laughed louder by your angry tone.
Sabersky was a little shit like Blitzwing, alright.
#reader insert#x reader#tf mtmte#transformers x reader#angst#transformers#transformers idw#tf blitzwing#blitzwing
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🦂There are no drawings, but there is a headcanon that sometimes Blitzwing has nightmares related to his past, i.e. with Blackarachnia, which tortured him...At this moment, little Victory comes in, who complains to her carrier that she had a nightmare about a huge spider...Blitzwing picks her up and comforts her, telling her that it's just a dream, and trying not to remember the nightmare that he went through.
🦂This week I'm handing in a book I've been working on for 3 months, + on Sunday there will be an interior design defense. -'(
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Why do you have three faces or personalities?
Icy: "uhhh-"
Hothead: "Blackarachnia did zhis to us! she tortured us vizh her Triple Changer experiments!!"
Random: "vhat's zhe Blitzwing in your universe like?"
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Hazformers Crack-Ship Theory: If Adamarachnia Became A Thing
[Note: Reading This Is Optional...also Mature Audience Only. Not For Kids. also make sure to have watched all the episodes of Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel before reading this post.]
is weird to think Adam despite being a former human turned angel (and possibly becoming a Sinner in a possible future, either it be in just in the fanon or canon or both...but we don't know if that will really happen in the canon, but if it doesn't, we can just be happy to reform him a bit in the fanon.) would end up falling head over heels for Blackarachnia who is like way older than him, like if he tries to woo her despite Lute's protest against him doing so...
would that make Adam a Cougar-Chaser...?
yeah I know that the whole "cougar" term might go over some Cybertronian heads, but they still do have cybertronian version of fauna and flora, like those blue flowers that is seen in Earthspark.
so maybe they would understand if ya say "Cyber Cougar-Chaser"...
Adamarachnia (pronounced "Adam-Arachnia"...) might be the weirdest ship that has pop into my head.
and I had the ship name Mamtella pop into my head that has to do with Mammon and Stella, and only once so far their ship name made me hungry cause it reminds me of food, like the type of stuff that is put on toast. not my fault that their ship name sounds like food...
like Adam could start as a secret admirer who sends secret anonymous love letters to Blackarachnia, and describing her as his "Goddess" and her being like "Persephone" and how their love is like Romeo and Juliet.
even if he found out she wasn't originally human or even a hellborn, but technically a cybertronian sinner who should of went to the pit after what she put Blitzwing, The Dinobots, Sari and Wasp through...
Adam might still end up trying to pursue her and like her even more, since she is not originally from Earth and is the Extraterrestrial love of his life. XD
Lute might get annoyed with Adam acting like a lovesick fool, and he had never acted that way with Lilith or Eve, so it could be new to Lute and everyone else in Heaven and even some in Hell, to see him like that.....it would be amusing, cause it be a type of torture to Lute, and possibly Sera as well.
Emily might think it is really sweet, and Petey (a nickname I'm calling Saint Peter from Hazbin Hotel.) he might be just really confused and disturbed.
if other fans start call him Petey as well, ya know he may never live that down and will always be addressed as that nickname by fans. XD
if Adam tries to start another fight while the Autobots and Decepticons are at the hotel (even if it is in a Fanon Timeline), just get Blackarachnia and he will act like a lovesick fool and possibly get all tongue tied, of course Lute would probably have to drag his butt back to Heaven.
yeah the whole Adamarachnia popping in my head, is possibly the weirdest crack-ship...then again, maybe some will like the idea because they would technically be a perfect match, well maybe by a 98% perfect match.
if those two got married, Blackarachnia would become like the Step-Mother of Humanity, well I still think Adam could be a hybrid along with Eve and Lilith, them having the Annunaki gene....well the much earlier hybrid version, cause of the whole Annunaki DNA + Homo-Erectus DNA = Early Homo-Sapiens.
my thoughts about Adam, Eve and Lilith being Homo-Sapiens that were hybrids from the mix of Annunaki & Homo-Erectus DNA.
I can still believe there was a TRUE First Man and Woman that are the parents of all humankind, well grandparents to all humankind, even to Earth Angels who are also technically hybrids because of the whole Nephilim Gene, Those Grandpa Watchers and Nephilim Ain't The Boss Of Me.
the True First Man and Woman, could be viewed as Patriarch-Adam & Matriarch-Eve.
anyway I'm not sure what else to say about the whole idea about Adamarachnia, other than Blackarachnia could get a bit annoyed by the love letters and other gifts she gets from her secret admirer that turns out to be Adam....I would love to see her annoyed and trying to go through so many of her gifts, and maybe giving half of the gifts to the others.
Blitzwing could be amused, and Lockdown could feel a bit sorry for her, since he could be going through the whole admirer chasing him....the admirer being Niffty, I still like the idea of Niffty chasing Lockdown because he is technically a bad boy, her going feral around even the Autobots should be fun...
Megatron, Blitzwing, Lugnut, Shockwave, Soundwave, Swindle and Lockdown might end up being amused by Niffty getting so uncontrollably feral on Optimus, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Prowl and Blurr...
Blackarachnia could be off somewhere else when that madness is going on...maybe finding another love letter from Adam. XD
Ratchet would probably be the first to view Niffty like a Scraplet.
the whole LockNiffty would be a Semi-Ship type idea, meaning while Niffty does have some kind of crazy crush on Lockdown, the feelings aren't mutual and he could end up trying to find someone else to pawn her off on. and we could view that he is still looking, so he can find someone who is more of a bad boy than him, that Niffty could take a more interest in.
Blackarachnia would obviously be way taller than Adam, but for all we know, he could be into taller women, and even if he does meet her face to face, he might not really take a "No" for answer and might still try to win her heart....well, techno-organic spark.
if her body did become techno-organic, her spark may have as well, which is why the allspark key may have been causing her harm when she was trying to get rid of her organic half, but if her spark had become techno-organic as well, it would mean that she would of went offline because she would of been causing harm to both her techno-organic body and techno-organic spark.
in a timeline where Elita became Elita Prime and Optimus became Arachnus Prime, even Elita would know better than to pull a stunt like that.
it be interesting if Arachnus and Elita jump from their timeline and ended up in the one where Elita still became Blackarachnia, and Optimus stayed as well his adorkable self.
sure there will be two versions of them, but it would be interesting if the Other Elita formed a romance with Optimus.
I would ship it. XD
plus Elita Prime could change her paint from Yellow to Pink, because she could find it more interesting and it could match a bit of G1-Elita and Earthspark-Elita.
Sari could view the Elita Prime and Earthspark-Elita as the Cool Mom Figures, I mean she could end up bonding with Elita Prime, and forming a type of Mother & Daughter bond, even though Megatron is technically gave birth to Sari through budding in that secret lab of Sumdac, not all fans have to agree about Megatron being Sari's Carrier-Sire but it still obvious where that liquid metal human baby sized sparkling protoform came from...
just be glad that Adam (from Hazbin Hotel) never found a liquid metal sparkling, though in a Crossover AU, if he did, the other parent would likely be The Fallen aka also known as Megatronus Sr.
Adamarachnia could be seen as a Semi-Ship, where Adam has feelings for Blackarachnia and tries to win her over, but the feelings aren't mutual, of there can be a Semi-Ship like LockNiffty then there can be a Adamarachnia where Adam is trying to get Blackarachnia to like-like him as much as he like-likes her...
not sure what else to say about the whole Semi-Ship that is also a Crack-Ship that is Adamarchnia, the likely hood of others liking it and ending up drawing fanart of that ship is possibly very small chance of happening...but who knows, maybe I will draw fanart of that ship sometime....I mean Megamilla is my new Crossover OTP and I drew a Crossover drawing of that ship.
Megamilla being the ship name of TFA-Megatron x Carmilla Carmine.
I blame the song "Out For Love" for giving me the idea and motivation to drawing that Megamilla ship fanart.
that song has become one of my favorite songs from the other songs I like from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
when I'm able to, I will draw another Megamilla drawing, and maybe if I feel like it and get around to it, I will draw Adamarachnia.
I don't think I really have much to say about how Adam would act around Blackarachnia, other than him acting like a lovesick fool and sending her secret admirer gifts and love letters, and the idea would be for the fanon, so the whole Adam in the canon even if he does come back as a Sinner, acting like a lovesick fool, is very unlikely...
but him acting that way in the fanon is interesting to me, as well as a little amusing, and even it does annoys Blackarachnia.
it would be fun to watch and eat popcorn while it drives her crazy. XD
#do not reblog without permission#not for kids#mature audiences only#tfa blackarachnia#adam hazbin hotel#hazformers#crossover au#crackship#crossover ship#hazbin hotel#transformers animated#march 2024
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the difference between Entrap/Blitzwing and Extricate Prime/Blitzwing is insane and hurts me
Entrap and Blitzwing could be together (I mean they eventually do get together but yknow. Not for a long time) but they're so bad at expressing their feelings they don't. Entrap doesn't want to let others in. He doesn't want a repeat of Dynamo. He doesn't want that pain again. His spark has barely survived the torture of one severed bond, he can't risk another. So their interactions are tense and often short and intense outbursts. Blitzwing waits for him to get his shit together enough to trust he's not gonna leave, and it isn't until Entrap nearly dies a second time that Blitzwing gets tired of waiting. If he waits anymore, he may lose him
Meanwhile, Extricate and Blitzwing are on different sides. They shouldn't be together and yet they are. They're fully in love and are not afraid to show that. They shower one another in that affection and love each time like it's the last, because it very well could be. There's that constant threat of losing one another so they don't have time to wait around
Guh just. Fucking love them sm. All their differences and shit drive me nuts
#maxicaiman#transformers#transformers animated#tfa#transformers oc#entrap transformers#entrap tfa#extricate prime#extricate prime au#tfa blitzwing#blitzwing transformers animated#blitztrap
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got any blitzbee for blitzbee week? or any ship with bee :]
So i’m a day late but the subject for day one being forbidden had art that inspired me so much.
I loved it.
Bee sneaking Blitzwing out who was kept in the lowest parts of autobot territory after being tortured.
He was physically tortured and it shows with how much energon he’s leaking and how much of his frame is missing. There’s a small pool of energon on the floor, his insignia has been ripped off. His wings were damaged but he could still fly. They badly damaged the treads of his tank alt mode and Bee winces at how heavy the chains are around his secret conjunxs neck cables and servos and pedes are.
They have to keep someone like Blitzwing in stasis cuffs and so the chains act as a numbing agent and keep him immobile. Bee sees all this even if his team tried to keep him from seeing it because they believed he was traumatized during his capture and thats why he won’t speak.
It wasn’t that though.
He and Blitzwing had known each other for millions of stellar cycles. Their courting was long, shy and done before the war actually broke out.
Bee was far older than they thought he was. Yeah he was still a young bot but he was emerged before the great wars really kicked off about a hundred years approximately. He’s only ever known war and it was during the war he met Blitzwing.
He was a young mech that got caught in a blast running to safety. He was relatively fine but the young seeker next to him was not.
Bee doesn’t know how he did it but he managed to bring the large lanky seeker into a destroyed shelter and patching him up the best he could.
Of course he recognized the decepticon insignia after helping him but at that time Bee knew the decepticons were right in fighting for freedom. This was before things became twisted and when Megatron wasn’t a warlord.
It was a couple days later before Blitzwing onlined. The mech was in a daze and couldn’t hold his own helm up. Bee managed to find some energon that wasn’t enough to quench even his thirst but he gave it to the large mech who greedily drank it before rushing to sit up with a wince.
Of course Bee was on guard and scurried back. He wasn’t stupid, a bleeding spark yes but not stupid, he knew he couldn’t take on any bot fighting in the war let alone a con as tall as this one.
But the con didn’t seem at all willing to hurt him in fact the con looked at him like he hung the stars covered by smog and smoke.
Bee can admit he was love struck looking into those optics the first time he truly saw them.
Its why he took the lanky mechs servo in his own and never looked back as he was led to a tent on an old and tribal looking base camp where many cons and those looking for change and safety wandered.
They initially were strangers who felt their spark soar every moment they were near another. Bee knew the mech when his designation was Frostwing.
Sharing soft touches, making sure their tent was clean and warm by the time the mech came back. Making energon for them and others who were injured, helping patch wounds under medics guided servos so he could be of use and not feel like a rusted bag of spare parts.
Before autobots became too underhanded bots were still emerging sparklings and even having them. He would help take care of them and help around the tents so the carriers wouldn’t have to clean and could rest.
He remembers the early days of being with the decepticons off battlefield. They were damaged, broken and hurt. But warm, kind and caring in ways he didn’t associate with autobots.
Frostwing as well.
Especially Frostwing.
Bots wouldn’t believe him if he said the mech who became a triple changer and cannibal once brought him sweet energon every week in the roughest of war zones because he believed he was worth it. This same mech who made sure he was cuddled close to his chassis, rubbing his helm to lull him into recharge with the help of his spark was the same mech who later was injured so badly in the middle of the war they used the triple changer project to bring him back.
Changing him painfully without consent with manipulation and no care for his well being.
Bee knew better than to say something. He didn’t want to risk either of them being offlined. Its was then he knew the decepticons had changed but it was too late.
Frostwing was now a valuable weapon and Bee was far too indebted to them to leave. Not to mention he was the sparkbond and conjunx of Frostwing now named Blitzwing.
His love was given two additional face plates and a fractured processor and frame that left him aching and in pain for what felt like stellar cycles.
Bee stayed up every night with him keeping his frame from over heating and administering pain lines to ease his torment.
He was afraid his love had changed drastically and wouldn’t love him anymore. Wouldn’t be able to live in a frame with a mind so altered and so suddenly after a near death experience.
Bee knew the moment he saw his beloved changed he would stay by his side no matter what. He just feared Blitzwing would not want him.
But his fears were for nothing.
His love, his spark and beautiful conjunx still took one look at him and reached out his servo to wipe away his tears. Blitzwing looked at him like the day they first met.
His mech was still so love with him and Bee couldn’t have been happier.
He felt he jinxed their happiness because it wasn’t long before they were nearing the end of the war that a deadly raid took place.
Carriers were kidnapped, sparklings were offlined, mechs were losing their processors at the loss of their families and the extricating cut off of their bonds.
He knew Megatron still had a spark somewhere left in there because he ordered a retreat and took to the front lines and was the last to board the ship. Whoever he could take he did.
But by then it was too late.
Majority of the sparklings were gone.
The carriers were all offline from the loss of their sparklings or being killed. Sires sparks had given out due to the pain and he was held by high command kept in a tight grip assumed to be a prisoner made to do servant labor.
He remembers the feeling of his spark flickering at watching the ship leave and the battles to come. Blitzwing was his worst trying to get to him. Find any clue of him before being declared too dangerous and wild by Megatron of all bots.
They would send small search parties for him but eventually after the all spark was launched, they stopped.
And Bee was left to autobot command.
Where they eventually put him with a new designation and in bot camp.
Sure he met Bulkhead and they became friends but it wasn’t…life was not the same. Not without his conjunx.
He missed him.
Terribly, every day.
The others knew something was up but not what.
They figured he was too young to have experienced any real pain in life and he hated it. But he didn’t want to expose himself when the elite guard specifically threatened that his former identity not be known.
So he kept his dermas shut, not that his team could tell with his happy go lucky personality, he played his role and part and would then go off looking to the stars hoping for his spark to be out there, alive and well.
He got his wish in the form of two craters in the city of Detroit.
One he remembers being Lugnut who immediately recognized him and thankfully kept quiet and the other, his spark.
Who thankfully sprung into action taking him far from the fight as Lugnut easily handled the others and kept them around him to give the two of them time as Blitzwing soared to the sky shouting incoherent words between all three of his faces while Bee cried tears of joy and screams of pain, relief, agony at being apart for so long and pure happiness at feeling the thrum of his conjunx’s spark swirling in tandem before plunging into his.
His spark soared the skies in a mating dance he readily accepted and trusted without a second thought.
Chirping and cooing with a rev of his engine to a pop of his door wings revealing them in a wing dance of acceptance that made Blitzwing plunge dive. It left Bee a squealing mess of laughter and carefree excitement he hadn’t felt since the day he last raced his love back on their home planet.
They both knew their time was limited.
Bee rushed to kiss his conjunx telling him the words he so desperately needed to say, “I love you,” before his audials heard the most beautiful voice box say it back.
“And I, love you,” his spark always knew how to touch him with words alone.
So long apart yet this wasn’t a stranger before him.
The same Blitzwing he met on the battlefield all those stellar cycles ago. The same Blitzwing who became a triple changer and would try to comfort him even though Bee wasn’t the one in pain. This very same mech who would hand feed him in his lap just because he wanted to take care of him. This very same mech who wanted to shield him from the horrors the best he could during the war. This mech, his mech, whose spark sang for him as they touched helms and became one so easily, after all this time.
This was the same mech he would risk life and limb for without a moments hesitation.
Their many late night meetings on Earth, before the decepticons were captured and brought back to Cybertron, raced through his mind as he snuck into the lower deck of the ship and waited until the coast was clear.
Tears in his optics, servos shaking and spark breaking at the sight of his love who sneered.
So big and strong, even while in so much pain.
He couldn’t help but sniffle and try to silence it before stepping to into the dim flickering light that made red optics more beautiful than they should be in this moment.
“Mein hummel.”
Those optics always beheld the stars when looking at him and he could only hope to do them justice.
“We’re getting out of here,” he kissed, pressing his helm to his beloveds. Servo transforming into a blade Bee cut through the chains as quickly and quietly as he could. Watching his conjunx flick his wings and stretch his frame before scooping him up and making quick work to take the corridors Bee used to sneak inside.
They were halfway free when the alarm rang but by then, it was too late.
“I came prepared,” Bee smiled.
Blurr stood with Shockwave at his side, the one optic con holding most of Blurrs weight as the healing former agent nodded towards them and motioned for them to leave.
Shockwave carried the mech as he ran for it. Blitzwing did the same and Bee made sure to use his arm canon, his original weapon given by his love, to cave in the doorways they passed.
All too soon they were outside making their way into a ship that was rushed to the skies and dodging blaster fire.
Bee could see his former team watching the ship fly away in betrayal and hurt before looking away.
He would never pick them over his spark but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
A servo on his shoulder and he looked to see Blurr shaking his helm.
“Don’t linger, it’ll make it worse.”
Nothing else was said after that.
For once Blurr didn’t talk at the speed of light and Bee had nothing to say.
He burrowed into his spark mate who gripped him tight covering his frame and in return Bee shielded Blitzwing’s spark.
Laying his helm over the shielded thrumming orb of life, he pressed a kiss to it.
And his love helped hide him from the world just as he needed.
I love this ship.
If you have any asks about them go ahead my inbox is always open. Hope everyone enjoys this.
This post inspired me
#blitzbee#blitzwing#bumblebee#blitzwing transformers#bumbleblitz#transformers animated#tfa#mentioned shockblurr#shockblurr#blitzbee week
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Blitzbee thing again
Oh noooo, Blitzwing isn't having it. He's always fighting off the other triple changers because BB is HIS, now fuck off! But all Bumblebee has to really do is smile and they're falling all over him again. Thankfully Bee's busy with the bittie and helping out with the rescued bitties. The Blessing and Curse of being Teddy Bear shaped and sized to these giant babies.
And oh yeah, Earth is just.....a Decepticon base now. Humanity had its chance and it blew it. Bot time.
Bonus crack, if the TFA team sees that livestream and just, choose chaos. Cause uh, NO.
Nothing is more attractive than an adorable bite sized minibot being a devoted, loving daddy. Nothing is more attractive than a sire playing with their baby and making them laugh. Everyone is drooling over him and he's giving them all baby fever 😂
Even if team prime didn't watch the original livestream, there's absolutely no way that content didn't very quickly make it to them regardless. The human government was holding hostage and torturing a bunch of poor sparklings?! Unthinkable! Disgusting! How dare they! Prowl especially is ready to throw hands, considering before long he and Lockdown will be parents, and now he doesn't really safe having their bitty on earth
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