#torsnow and i are very happy together
bookish-bogwitch · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday--BP x BJ
This is a truly embryonic fic, all voice, no plot. Suggestions and collaborators welcome!
Thank you @moodandmist and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for tagging me, and to @johnwgrey for inspiring me to post instead of sitting on this forever.
Blood units 8 (approx.), body temperature 24 ºC, lustful thoughts about Simon Snow: 37, chances with Snow in real life: non-existent, hair: fucking ruthless.
12 p.m. Hampshire. Back to school today. Packing car more difficult than usual due to ridiculous heated body pillow. Would leave pillow at home, but must not let on that I dislike it. Daphne tries so hard to make my life more comfortable. More normal. (Not Normal.) (Obviously.) She does not deserve one-star reviews from moody vampire stepson. Especially when she ordered a custom pillowcase. Indigo flannel, with tiny silver embroidered monogram in one corner. (Lovely.) (But does not erase tragedy of owning sad single grown-up version of teddy bear.)
Will stuff memory foam abomination under dorm bed for remainder of school career.
2 p.m. Watford. Arrived in turret. Will just leave pillow on bed for now. Can unpack and hide pillow later. Must first scour dining hall for Snow.
[Stuff happens, something something, Baz sees Simon for the first time all summer and has Feelings, they are still in nemesis mode, end up back in their tower, I told you this is embryonic.]
Midnight. Eyelids too heavy for any more Snow creeping. Fell asleep with back pressed into warm but limbless embrace of body pillow.
5:30 a.m. Dreamt that Simon Snow had no head or limbs, yet was somehow in love with me. I swore to look after Torso Snow always, in manner of brave Great War nurse, tapping out vow on his freckled chest. Lovely loving dream turned inevitably weird when I dream-wondered how Torsnow could possibly know Morse Code or for that matter love me without literal brain.
7:15 a.m. Snow’s alarm. Awoke wrapped around body pillow like baby marmoset, drooling into bespoke flannel. Burrowed under the duvet and tried to doze back off—Torsnow needed me, I took an oath—but it was no use.
When I opened my eyes, Snow was gone.
What happens next, friends?
@moodandmist, @johnwgrey (gmta!), @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @facewithoutheart, @ileadacharmedlife, @sillyunicorn
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