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sizzlingcandyjellyfishhhhhh · 21 hours ago
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thewildeclub · 4 years ago
Top 5: Poems? Poets? Short Stories? Nonfiction Works? TV Shows? Movies? Tropes You're a SUCKER for? Scents? Songs? Albums? Hobbies? Quotes? Artists? Joyful Memories? Out of Body Experiences? Supernatural Creatures? Myths? Places You've Been? Places You Want to go? Anime Betrayals? Food and Drink? Things You're Proud of? ~H4P
Oh how I enjoy an exercise in self realization. Hoe 4 Poe, thank you as always. Click below to read the answers.
1. Paula Becker to Clara Westhoff by Adrienne Rich
2.A reporter from New York asks Edith Mae Chapman age nine what her Daddy tells her about the strike by Diane Gilliam
3. A Stone, a Leaf, A Door by Thomas Wolfe
4. A Woman Waits for Me by Walt Whitman (nsfw)
5. Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll
1.Diane Gilliam
2. Jean Toomer 
3.W. B. Yeats
4. Mary Szybist
5. Theodore Roethke
Honorable mentions: Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton
Short Stories? 
1.The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
2. A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor
3.Fern by Jean Toomer
4. The Ugliest Pilgrim by Doris Betts
5.The Possibility of Evil by Shirley Jackson
Nonfiction Works?
1.97 Orchard: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement by Jane Ziegelman
2.How to Be Victorian by Ruth Goodman
3.The Letters of Thomas Wolfe
4.Damned Women: Sinners and Witches in Puritan New England by Elizabeth Reis
5. Ladykillers by Tori Telfer 
TV Shows?
1. The Hour (I could write essays about this gd show. I’ve rewatched it a few dozen times)
2. The X Files
3. Miranda
4. Orphan Black
5. The Haunting of ________
1.Stay (2005)
2. As Above So Below
3.The Prestige
4.The Awakening
Tropes You're a SUCKER for?
1. Unreliable Narrator
2.Unhinged Women
3. Historic Horror Mystery/Adventure
4.A good plot twist
5.Someone patching up someone's wound (points if the one doing the patching up is ignoring how terribly in love they are)
1. The Ocean
2. Mulled Wine
3. Pine forest 
4. Lit matches + Burning logs
5. Fresh Linen 
Songs? (this is my top 5 EVER according to Spotify)
1. Pretty by DON BROCO
2. Charon by Keaton Henson
3. I’m Always Walking As Someone Else by American Murder Song
4. Sweet Talk by The Killers
5. Feel Real Pretty by Paper Idol
1.Technology by DON BROCO
2.Ugly is Beautiful by Oliver Tree
3. Remedy by Son Lux
4. Murder Ballads of 1816: The Year Without Summer by American Murder Song
5. Dead Mans Bones by Dead Mans Bones
1.Rubber stamp making
2.Gouache painting 
3.Bullet journaling
5. Letter writing
1. “These mountain women take a lot of killing” - Thomas Wolfe
2.  “I lie in bed and write letters. I give myself completely in every direction. I want nothing, and I want for nothing. I have whole afternoons at home. I am lazy. I enjoy it. I cannot make an effort.” - Anaïs Nin
3. “The first clear thought in years: I refuse to die” - Marya Hornbacher
4. “ Half gods are worshipped in wine and flowers. Real gods require blood.” - Zora Neale Hurston
5. “Demons have faith, but they tremble.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky
2.Oliver Tree
3.American Murder Song
4.Son Lux
5.Keaton Henson
Joyful Memories? 
1.Sitting in a rented out theatre to watch Goonies with my friends and family for my 27th birthday
2. Seeing England for the first time from the plane
3. Reading at the College of Psychic Studies 
4. Seeing DON BROCO for my 26th birthday
5. Driving up to Maine by myself in my own car
Out of Body Experiences? (I haven’t had any of these. Lots of near deaths, but no OBEs)
Supernatural Creatures? 
2. Ghosts
3. Selkies
4. Faun
5. Maenad
1. Block Rock Angel War
2. The Saco River Curse
3. Circe’s Island
4. Pied Piper of Hamelin
5. Orpheus and Eurydice
Places You've Been? 
1. College of Psychic Studies (London, UK)
2. Brighton Pier (Brighton, UK)
3. Arcadia National Park (Bar Harbor, ME)
4. Harvard University (Boston, MA)
5. Indianapolis Union Station (Indianapolis, IN)
Places You Want to go? 
1.  Anatomical Museum at the University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK)
2. Garden of Bomarzo (Bomarzo, Italy)
3. Undershaw (Hindhead, UK)
4. Mary King’s Close (Edinburgh, UK)
5. Winchester House (San Jose, CA)
Anime Betrayals? (its been too long since watching it to name them and give them justice)
1. Tomato soup with burrata
2. Avocado and goat cheese on a everything bagel
3. Bread and butter
4. Smoked salmon and cream cheese on a rosemary and thyme bagel
5. Cheese board especially with camembert 
1. Sweet dark red wine
2. Gin and Tonic with lime
3. Chocolate milk from a diary farm
4. Sweet creamy coffee
5. Sparkling water
Things You're Proud of? 
1. I’m pretty proud of this exchange for sure. I thought it would be frivolous and only be liked by 5 peoples, but more people do and its made me so proud to call it my own. 
2. I’m proud to be alive. For multiple reasons, I thought I would be dead by now so to be alive and hungry for life is incredible.
3. I’m proud of investing time and hard work into myself and my interests.
4. I’m proud of not giving up on my dreams. Its not happening currently, but I am trying to work on it everyday.
5. Finally I’m proud to know so many interesting, beautiful, fascinating, and compelling people, like you.
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symptoms-syndrome · 5 years ago
16, 17, 23?
16. How does DID/OSDD affect you physically?
Hard to tell what's DID and what's just generally body falling apart disease, but my chronic pain stuff can get worse or better depending on who's up front and how they're doing. Littler parts like to show off how our arm can bend backwards bc of hypermobility business, which sucks ass for the rest of us bc it hurts like hell. Glad it makes them happy tho. Toris also gets stomachaches easier and nausea when he's anxious, instead of getting headaches like most of us. Littler parts generally make us feel less pain, which is odd but nice. H is v health minded and remembers to stretch and exercise, which helps a lot.
17. What aspect of recovery are you working on right now?
I would call it diagnostics, I guess? Not diagnosing me, I've already been diagnosed, but like. Logging for myself the symptoms other people notice in me. Being more aware of myself and my body and my mind. My therapist says I need to stop pretending I don't have DID. So I guess also. Letting out tension, which sorta goes w the previous thing. Stop pretending I don't have symptoms, and log those symptoms instead.
23 I answered earlier!
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[caption id="attachment_63915" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Pond5[/caption] Now that all the big fall races are over and the weather is getting colder, most people are ready to pack away their sneakers and hibernate. While some consider the winter an off-season, it’s definitely not the time to slack off from training. “Many runners simply take the winter off, but this is a huge mistake,” says Jason Fitzgerald, USATF-certified running coach. “Taking a season off — or barely running at all — prevents most runners from progressing.” Take elite Saucony-sponsored runner Tina Muir, for example. After running the Chicago Marathon in October 2014, Muir has spent time working on the little things to make her a stronger runner like building strength, improving her form, and practicing yoga. “This downtime between racing is the best time to do it,” says Muir. “You can’t throw a lot of this work in when you’re training hard since your muscles are already fatigued. And, this way, you don’t have to spend half the spring and summer getting back into shape.” RELATED: Hate Running? 25 Ways to Learn to Love It In fact, the winter is the perfect time to build a solid foundation for running. “Figure out what your weak links are and to focus on those things,” says Jay Dicharry, director of the REP Biomechanics Lab, author of Anatomy for Runners and USATF-certified coach. “It’s not good enough to just have a strong engine. You need to have a strong chassis too — mobility, stability and strength. That will give you a better body to run with.” So, what’s a runner to do when the temps start dropping and workouts get moved indoors? For starters, focus on these seven key areas this winter. These exercises will help you figure out the right way to move so that you’ll be ready for a strong season of running once the weather warms back up. RELATED: 3 Running Drills from Olympic Sprinter Tori Bowie
7 Tips on How to Run Faster by Spring
1. Maintain Your Base
No matter the season, you want to maintain some level of base fitness. Ideally, you’ll want to keep logging the same amount of miles you’re used to. “If that’s not possible, reduce mileage by 10 to 20 percent. It’s a good way to stay in shape while being on a mental break from harder training,” says Fitzgerald. Reducing intensity is fine, too, just remember: “These aren’t junk miles,” says Dicharry. There are three important things that happen in your body when you train at approximately 60 percent of your maximum heart rate, he says. First, you build capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in your body. More capillaries means more efficient blood flow to your muscles and greater surface area for oxygen to transfer from your bloodstream into your tissues. Second, you build more mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of your cells. More mitochondria means more energy you can use, Dicharry explains. Third, you teach your body to regulate its blood sugar levels better so that you use your energy stores more efficiently. RELATED: 7 Expert Tips for Pacing Yourself on the Run
2. Build a Strong Behind
Many runners are plagued with inactive glutes and weak hips. Due to the inordinate amount of sitting we do in our daily lives, our behinds tend to be unresponsive, compromising their ability to do their job when we need them, like during a race. In fact, research shows that weak hip and bum muscles are often to blame for running injuries. In terms of mechanics, strong glutes help you drive off the ground in order to run more efficiently. Single-leg glute bridges are a great way to strengthen this area. During the exercise, “Ask yourself, ‘What muscles do I feel working?’ Most people will feel it in their lower back, or their hamstring will cramp,” says Dicharry, which isn’t good. “You want to learn how to move and drive from your hips to lift and stabilize the pelvis. If you’re having trouble isolating your glutes, Dicharry suggests imagining that you are squeezing a quarter between your butt cheeks as you raise your hips off the floor. “It seems like a simple exercise, but if you can’t master the basic bridge, you’re going to do everything else incorrectly,” says Dicharry. Add in clam shells, hip hikes and lateral leg raises and you’ll be on your way to building a strong bum. RELATED: 6 Butt Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing
3. Improve Your Posture
Your mother was right: Good posture does matter. According to Dicharry, balance, alignment and posture all directly impact our running ability and form. “Most of us stand back on our heels and lock out our knees. We just ‘hang out’ in our posture,” says Dicharry. “When you stand like this all day, you’ll start to run like this, too. And, poor posture can inhibit your hip strength by half.” In order to stand up tall, you first need to find a neutral position in your spine. Stand and become aware of where the weight is in your feet. “Then, drop your breastbone and the front of your ribs down and you should feel the weight shift off your heels to the other parts of your feet,” says Dicharry. “Most people will feel like their muscles must work to maintain this position.” Practice proper posture all day — when standing, sitting, walking and running — so that it becomes second nature and you can maintain this position even during a hard workout. Muir also suggests doing drills to help you concentrate on your form, which translates to more efficient and faster running. Muir’s favorites include high knees, butt kicks and side shuffles. RELATED: 6 Exercises That'll Seriously Improve Your Posture [caption id="attachment_63916" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Pond5[/caption]
4. Build a Strong Core
Having a sturdy center helps improve stabilization and allows your lower body and upper body to communicate more effectively. “The runners I’ve trained who have focused on this have performed much better,” says Cheri Paige Fogleman, trainer for Daily Burn 365. “A strong core gives runners an advantage in that your form doesn’t break down when you get tired.” Fitzgerald’s “bread and butter” core workout includes everything from planks and side planks to modified bicycles and bird-dog exercises. He recommends doing a routine like this two to three times a week. RELATED: 6 Core Exercises to Make You a Stronger, Faster Runner
5. Practice Toe Yoga
Your feet play an important role in running. Not only do they absorb the impact upon landing, they also help generate the force required to propel you forward when you run. Yet, according to Dicharry, many runners have weak feet and poor foot coordination. How can you make your feet more resilient? Practice toe yoga! What exactly is toe yoga? It’s learning how to move your big toe and little piggies independently of each other. Keeping the ball of your foot on the ground, lift up just your big toe while your little toes remain on the floor and hold. Then, drive your big toe down into the ground while you lift up your little toes and hold. “One of the most helpful things to do is to learn how to use your big toe,” Dicharry says. “Being able to drive your big toe down is a critical skill. You’re isolating the muscle in the arch of your foot. Its only job is to stabilize the arch.” RELATED: How to Score Perfect Running Form Like the Pros
6. Try Something New
Aqua jogging, stair mill, spin class… “There are so many other modalities that can support running,” says Fogleman. If you’re not training for a race, it’s a great time to switch things up. “The more things you do that are different, the better athlete you become,” says Dicharry. If some form of cross-training isn’t already in your weekly routine, mix in your favorite low-impact activity (or try something new!). Just one hour a week can pay dividends come spring.
7. Hit the ‘Mill!
Don’t want to run outside? No problem. Try the treadmill hill workout, featured below, from CLAY Health Club + Spa. It will build glute and leg strength as well as increase fast-twitch muscle fibers. The result: You're able to run farther, better, faster and stronger. RELATED: 20-Minute HIIT Treadmill Workout to Get Fit, Fast
Your Winter Treadmill Workout
Before you start, you’ll need to determine your speed and incline for the workout. Find your goal pace-per-mile for the desired incline — six percent for this workout — and corresponding treadmill mph setting. After you finish your warm-up, step off the treadmill belt and bring your speed up to your hill sprint speed and your desired incline. Step back onto the belt to begin your hill intervals. [caption id="attachment_63922" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Twenty20[/caption] Originally published December 2014. Updated December 2017. Read More Why I Started Running — And Never Stopped 9 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Running 50 Running Resources for Speed, Strength and Nutrition
The post Winter Running Guide: How to Run Faster by Spring appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.
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think32blog · 6 years ago
The ‘Unheard’ of the north of Ireland
‘Whataboutery’ is rampant in Ireland. I want to indulge in some myself. I want to ask “what about the ‘unheard’”? Who are they? Do they exist?
In the interest of transparency it should be mentioned that I am a Sinn Féin voter. However, the views expressed are my own. I occasionally use ‘we’ or ‘us’ but I am a Dubliner and have never lived in the north of Ireland. These views are merely intended to encourage discussion. They do not reflect red line positions of mine on any aspect of the issues mentioned.
In this article the term ‘Nationalists’ will encompass nationalists and republicans, and the term ‘Unionists’ will encompass unionists and loyalists, in the six counties of the north of Ireland that are deemed to be part of the United Kingdom. I will also refer to the 6 counties as ‘the north’ thus avoiding ‘the occupied 6 counties’ and ‘Ulster’, both terms which are irritating to one side or the other. The word ‘fundamentalist’ shall refer to hardliners of either side. Please allow some latitude for generalisations so as not to get bogged down in the kind of petty arguments that have dogged intelligent discourse about the north for nearly 100 years.
The factions involved in deciding whether or not we have a United Ireland appear clearly defined. The majority of Nationalists want a United Ireland although some would vote to remain part of the United Kingdom. The majority of Unionists want to remain in the UK although some would vote for a United Ireland. (Polls show that the latter ‘some’ is increasing because of the utter mess known as Brexit). The extent of each group’s aspirations can often be easily discovered simply by the passion/vitriol with which they express themselves….
One wet night over 30 years ago I saw graffiti in a London establishment’s Men’s facilIty (a pub jax on a rainy night in Soho) which stated in beautiful, flowing English that: “THE QUEEN IS A HORE”. Some other gentleman who was obviously upset by the spelling error appended: “”WHORE”, YOU IRISH P***K”. A third person drew a circle around this passionate interaction and added his tuppence worth which read: “CAPTAIN’S LOG, STAR DATE: 09.12.1987. THERE IS NO SANE LIFE HERE.”
This delightful interaction could be used as an analogy for the mentality of, and interactions of fundamentalists from both sides. Fundamentalists such as the unionist who ranted and raved about Munster rugby supporters brazenly displaying a balaclava-wearing image on their province’s flag. Of course it was not a balaclava-wearing anything, merely the province’s actual symbol which when the wind is blowing a certain way causing the flag to adopt a specific creased formation might look like a balaclava-wearing image. It also requires the mind of a paranoid loon to see that image in such an utterly innocent flag regardless of the wind or the creases or whatever.  I read a republican fundamentalist on social media who was demanding that sterling should not be accepted in the north and that only the punt is legal tender. When I pointed out that (a) we no longer use the punt in Ireland (notwithstanding Munster rugby matches) and (b) the whole discussion is about a United Ireland which would negate the requirement for sterling, this genius, after some consideration, told me to “F*ck off, you west Brit bollox”. I was hurt for days afterwards.
The point is we have all seen or heard or read this type of fundamentalist clap-trap. It is not helpful in any way, shape or form especially when one considers that these morons are serious – in some cases deadly serious in the literal sense.
The next type of grouping contains people who are strongly aligned to political parties. By ‘strongly aligned’ I mean people who not only vote for their chosen party but who canvass, attend meetings, are card-carrying members etc. Many Nationalists would say the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) should be included with the fundamentalists mentioned earlier.  My own bias would dictate the same sentiment. Nevertheless, a cold and dispassionate look at the DUP makes it very difficult for them to be seen any other way. The leaders of this party appear to be living in a time long past – the era of the British Empire. It appears to be lost on them that in poll after poll a large majority of British people couldn’t care less about the north and understand very little about its history. The only conclusion I can arrive at regarding the DUP’s continuing desire to be part of a nation that clearly doesn’t want them is that the Union is not really the most important issue to them at all. Some Liverpool FC fans hate Manchester United more than they love LFC, and vice versa. In a similar way, the DUP’s hatred for anything remotely associated with the south of Ireland far outweighs their apparent love of the Union – a love not dissimilar to that of a battered husband or wife who keeps going back to their abusive spouse hoping the latter will change – they never change. This is supported by the fact that the DUP have gone against the wishes of the majority of people in the north by supporting Brexit. They are willing to push the north into even worse penury just to avoid being in any way associated with the rest of Ireland’s EU status and, they argue, to be treated identically to the UK (but not when it comes to same sex marriage or abortion). I call it selective martyrdom. Unfortunately, it’s all the citizens of the north who will suffer after the Tories £1bn bribe to the DUP.
Leaving aside the DUP leadership’s variety of unionism, Unionists are absolute in their conviction that they belong in the north of Ireland as British citizens. They are right.
Sinn Féin supporters are somewhat different because we think we hold the moral high ground. I’m not referring to paramilitary atrocities on either side but rather I’m referring to the ideological moral high ground.  Nothing will ever change us in believing Ireland was colonised and that resulted in one part of society becoming second-class citizens in their own country. We will never change because those are historical and indisputable facts.  Ultimately, and most relevantly in this article, every single Nationalist, by definition, wants a United Ireland.  
So, there’s the problem. Nationalists, whose biggest representative party is Sinn Féin, want a United Ireland, while a very large majority of Unionists, whose biggest representative party is the DUP, want to remain in the UK, I think.
I think. 
Nationalist and Unionist fundamentalists and party-aligned people have been discussed here but I believe there is a huge number of citizens in the north of Ireland who are very often ignored and who may well make up a large majority of the population. These include people who are so disillusioned they simply do not bother to vote. Those who vote for the same party over and over again because “that’s what we do in this house”. Those who vote for a party because of peer pressure and the resultant guilt if they defy their peers. Those who vote for a party simply because they could never vote for ‘themmuns’ even if themmuns achieved spectacular results for the community as a whole. I’m talking about carpenters, schoolteachers, cleaning staff, doctors, dockers, unemployed…all types of people who may think they have a voice but might be unaware that whilst they are exercising their franchise when it comes to ticking a box  - they might be doing so for the wrong reasons. I’m talking about those people who are not political activists on either side of the community. I suggest they might be the majority of people. I call them the ‘unheard’.
Both sides of the community in the north need to learn about the other. Both sides need an understanding of the other. For example, I could argue convincingly that an Irish Language Act (ILA) would be a good thing for both sides of the community. I could say it’s harmless. I could say both sides of the community can learn Gaeilge (as many already do). I could point out that we already agreed to have an ILA. My coup de grace would be “sure if you lot want to be identical to the rest of Britain why not give us a Language Act like Wales and Scotland have”. Pretty convincing arguments, eh? Actually, they are not pretty convincing arguments because I have not had the decency and respect to say to the Unionist community “why do you not want us to have an Irish Language Act?” Effectively, I have made a great argument without consulting those who, for reasons I do not know because I have never asked them, may not want an ILA.  This is a core point of the discourse I would like to see.
I do not want to ask the DUP why they are so opposed to an Irish Language Act or ask Sinn Féin why they want one so much because I know I’ll get a political response. I want to ask the unheard. I want to let them know why I want an ILA and I want them to tell me why (if) they do not want me to have one. I want Nationalists to listen to Unionists as human beings and vice versa. We did not come out of our mothers’ wombs with hatred in our hearts. It was taught to us. Hatred needs to be un-taught, so to speak.
It can be disheartening for both sides when we let fundamentalists be our voice. I recall when Lyra McKee was murdered. Her death’s legacy was appearing to be a united front against any and all dissidents. I imagined this would please her. A day or two later I was on social media and I read a fundamentalist saying “Sinn Féin haven’t even condemned Lyra’s murder”. I was utterly deflated because I had read countless comments on social media from Sinn Féin people utterly condemning her murder. I then realised the person who made that comment would not be ‘following’ anyone from the Nationalist side of the community, in the very same way that most Nationalists would not follow anyone from the other side. Fundamentalists aside (because let’s face it, they are all morons), maybe we could start a program where a group from the unheard of both communities agree to follow each other and see where it goes. I will leave the answers to all these questions to others..
In 1994 tensions in the north of Ireland were still running high. I was a more hardline Republican than I am now. I was in a hotel lounge on the northside of Dublin with my then partner and another couple. It was very busy as Garth Brooks was playing in the Point Depot that weekend.  The four of us were sitting at a table which had room for a few more people when two couples asked (in broad northern accents) if anyone was sitting in the spare places. Between laughs we managed to say “no”. The reason we were laughing is because they were dressed from head to toe in elaborate cowboy and cowgirl outfits From the Stetsons all the way down to the spurred boots.  Anyway, we shifted ourselves to make room until we ended up with us four facing the new four. One of the cowboys rolled up his sleeves and I noticed he had Union Jack tattoos on both of his arms. He saw me noticing and asked if I had a problem. I replied I would only have a problem if he made one. He just stared at me. It was tense, macho bullshit. One of the cowgirls said he should just roll down his sleeves.  He hesitated, looked at me and I said “it would probably be better if you did”. Eventually he rolled down his sleeves. In the meantime the four girls were now chatting about the cowgirl outfits. As is often the case the females were far more mature than the males. One of the guys said “why can’t we talk about football?” I said “no doubt you support Linfield.” He said “Aye, in the same way you follow Celtic”. We laughed. The atmosphere relaxed and we got down to real conversation and we bought them all a drink. They couldn’t buy us one back quickly enough. We ended up having a great night with them. The four of us sang “The Sash” but only if they sang “A Nation Once Again” first. They thought it was hilarious when we changed the words to “starvation once again”. We sang and laughed and drank until the early hours of the morning. It was a rare oul time. 
When we were departing the girls hugged each other and us lads shook hands. The guy with the tattoos pulled me close to him and hugged me too. As he did he said quietly “I suppose we’ll go back to hating each other now.” I replied “I suppose so.” He asked why we do that. As we had been talking about the movie The Commitments earlier in the night I thought it would be apt to reply, just like Jimmy Rabbitte looking in the mirror, “I’m f*cked if I know.”
The point is that once we got over the suspicions about each other and started chatting about ‘normal’ things we got on great. We were even able to give each other our perspectives on the north of Ireland. It was the first time either party had ever listened to the other side’s perspective. It was the first time I accepted that Unionists were as entitled to be in Ireland as much as I am. I believe that night changed me – not because we talked but because we listened to two cowboys and two cowgirls from the Unionist community of the north of Ireland – I listened to the unheard. Listening could be a key to a United Ireland. Do not dismiss the notion of a 32 county Ireland. Think 32.
Kevin O’Connor 30.07.2019 Dublin
Yesterday evening I was amazed to see Belfast shipyard workers (traditionally a largely unionist workplace) demanding their rights as Gaeilge (in Irish). Just like the dockers and other professions I mentioned in the article, these men are part of the unheard (up to now). It was an absolute joy for me to hear them chanting as Gaeilge. Not in a triumphant way for me but in a way that made me say to myself “why shouldn’t they? It’s their language as much as mine.” Other than the usual fundamentalist morons no-one can see any bad from what those brave men did, only good. I do not expect them to be tripping over each other to vote Sinn Féin but they were polite to the Sinn Féin people, as were the Sinn Féin people towards them. Hopefully, it’s the start of something positive and new.
Kevin O’Connor 01.08.2019 Dublin
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barksinthewoods · 6 years ago
Work has finally reached a point where I feel comfortable with what I'm doing and how I do it. I'm able to start and end my day earlier and thanks to the profuse amount of logging which each iota of activity has, they know I'm doing work while I'm there. Being able to place a phone call and get the IRS to agree to a deal to help a client is a very gratifying thing to do. I'm writing this late today because I think I've reached the end of my reporting with playing songs on LunarBeat. I've done this for more than five years on a PC that's more than fifteen years old and I think it's getting to the point where it is having problems in operating as normal. Most of my plays for the last few weeks have become increasingly similar in how the results come in, where my plays are or less in line for half of the song and then it's as if I practically stop playing for the second half. One after another you could see a sharp drop consistently occur at the same point in each song. My arcade plays this week weren't as good as last week, but they were still OK enough and I definitely don't think I was having the same results there as at home, where my scores were mysteriously impacted at midpoint each time. In anticipation of moving on, I'm looking into using beatoraja to play songs at home now. The default skin and handling is extremely barebones but I think I could make it work over time. Reaching a point where I could get beatoraja at a state where I'm comfortable in playing it is proving to be a bit trying at this very moment regardless. The exercise of writing something every week has been a standard procedure for so long that I may still yet do it, but without having the need to report song plays, I'm not sure if I will really have much to say every weekend. We'll see.
polymeric congealment 41.87 D 1405.F 457.491.418.179.601 0070 1678 2019-04-08T03:01:23:207Z 0/3 00.95- 0032- fanciful false 41.85 D 1889.F 662.565.592.240.754 0091 2257 2019-04-08T03:04:08:820Z 0/3 02.06- 0093- sync anthem 35.27 D 1836.F 631.574.715.405.1252 0068 2603 2019-04-08T03:07:23:404Z 0/16 04.98- 0259- 絶望と破壊のソナタ 53.89 C 1981.F 697.587.355.88.312 0134 1838 2019-04-08T03:10:09:483Z 0/8 02.42- 0089- festa do sol 71.03 A 1226.F 463.300.81.7.33 0154 0863 2019-04-08T03:12:30:971Z 15/15 02.67- 0046- roteller's gourmet 26.10 E 2081.F 648.785.1195.732.2242 0043 3986 2019-04-08T03:15:55:203Z 0/8 03.98- 0317- the way you move 82.17 AA 0424.P 0258 0258 2019-04-08T03:18:16:491Z 4/4 00.39- 0002- take on me 72.06 A 1166.P 437. 0186 0809 2019-04-08T03:20:35:355Z 20/20 04.57- 0074- checking you out A 64.86 B 0912.P 334. 0250 0703 2019-04-08T03:22:51:308Z 13/17 07.18- 0101- mad attack 47.45 C 1729.F 632.465.367.168.581 0075 1822 2019-04-08T03:27:07:585Z 0/12 04.94- 0180- euthanasia 47.11 C 1044.F 368.308.27.65.311 0119 1108 2019-04-09T02:45:24:248Z 0/8 04.29- 0095- lovin you 79.38 AA 0516.P 0325 0325 2019-04-09T02:47:47:317Z 8/8 04.46- 0029- four leaf 68.11 A 1196.P 467. 0207 0878 2019-04-09T02:50:04:061Z 12/13 02.62- 0046- shooting star 68.56 A 1640.P 624.392.141.11.65 0201 1196 2019-04-09T02:52:46:125Z 13/17 03.72- 0089- lethebolg 59.42 B 2082.F 776.530.241.100.364 0139 1752 2019-04-09T02:55:41:879Z 0/9 00.74+ 0026+ ++++++++++ ディッシュウォッシャー 52.91 C 1821.F 678.465.345.71.410 0132 1721 2019-04-09T02:59:25:118Z 0/4 04.50- 0155- ミルキーベリー 43.96 D 2474.F 844.786.640.238.957 0107 2814 2019-04-09T03:03:02:582Z 0/6 08.40- 0473- watch out pt 2 34.34 D 1574.F 522.530.496.304.1177 0092 2292 2019-04-09T03:07:15:125Z 0/13 00.04+ 0002+ ++++++++++ d2r 68.33 A 1111.F 426. 0120 0813 2019-04-09T03:10:05:126Z 7/8 02.34- 0038- 道しるべ 47.41 C 1648.F 598.452.392.166.512 0066 1738 2019-04-09T03:13:36:653Z 0/12 03.51- 0122- dawn next endeavour 50.23 C 2410.F 783.844.503.93.520 0081 2399 2019-04-10T02:51:47:189Z 0/21 11.63- 0558- d.a.n.c.e. 63.83 B 1389.F 521.347.159.19.112 0184 1088 2019-04-10T02:54:11:007Z 0/14 00.46+ 0010+ ++++++++++ ミッドナイト堕天使 A2 52.83 C 1883.F 663.557.374.90.336 0188 1782 1552 014.81 2019-04-10T02:57:46:327Z 0/1 00.00= 0000= commando 30.01 E 2059.F 668.723.792.485.2113 0074 3431 2019-04-10T03:01:42:879Z 0/8 02.75- 0189- code 1.0.1 33.24 E 1632.F 526.580.773.333.115 0093 2455 2019-04-10T03:04:34:767Z 0/2 06.23- 0306- honeymoon schranz 35.70 D 2489.F 858.773.1038.455.1340 0106 3486 2019-04-10T03:08:22:751Z 0/6 03.11- 0217- tori no kimochii 65.18 B 1619.F 619.381.184.22.114 0085 1242 2019-04-10T03:11:15:503Z 3/4 02.21- 0055- surf on the light 63.08 B 1992.F 711.570.214.40.164 0109 1579 2019-04-10T03:13:51:639Z 0/2 08.64- 0273- come on 36.59 D 1552.F 524.504.565.297.880 0056 2121 2019-04-10T03:17:39:103Z 0/17 07.40- 0314- i was the one 77.59 A 0658.P 0403 0424 2019-04-10T03:19:43:535Z 10/10 04.60- 0039- tomorrow perfume 59.17 B 1742.F 653.436.290.39.176 0336 1472 2019-04-11T02:39:01:595Z 0/19 05.71- 0168- strahv 37.84 D 1721.F 587.547.653.301.896 0062 2274 2019-04-11T02:42:15:609Z 0/6 06.79- 0309- 2038 45.59 C 1841.F 654.533.515.158.481 0054 2019 2019-04-11T02:44:38:446Z 0/10 03.62- 0146- xanadu of two 49.52 C 2289.F 827.635.482.187.651 0077 2311 2019-04-11T02:48:07:817Z 0/9 02.38- 0110- shooting fireball 41.42 D 1921.F 652.617.595.248.762 0318 2319 2019-04-11T02:51:27:441Z 0/6 05.56- 0258- shining on 37.04 D 1517.F 482.553.608.200.715 0129 2048 2019-04-11T02:53:53:894Z 0/14 08.25- 0338- icf 5800 69.24 A 1569.F 600.369.128.5.84 0362 1133 2019-04-11T02:56:25:097Z 7/18 06.13- 0139- てんてん 47.18 C 2324.F 802.720.516.171.677 0067 2463 2019-04-11T02:59:36:323Z 0/5 05.16- 0254- 死んであげない 47.35 C 1717.F 610.497.442.117.411 0146 1813 2019-04-11T03:02:59:281Z 0/8 06.81- 0247- physalis hellhound 40.39 D 1441.F 499.443.415.184.709 0101 1784 2019-04-11T03:05:26:513Z 0/4 04.34- 0155- airflow 79.40 AA 1145.P 463. 0230 0721 2019-04-12T03:36:54:259Z 15/15 02.57- 0037- 津軽雪 29.48 E 1680.F 546.588.914.406.1366 0070 2849 2019-04-12T03:40:42:818Z 0/3 00.98- 0056- tant pis pour toi 67.29 A 1156.P 408.340.103.1.21 0255 0859 2019-04-12T03:43:01:042Z 14/14 06.81- 0117- platonic xxx 65.17 B 1353.P 503.347.170.3.35 0316 1038 2019-04-12T03:45:19:034Z 9/11 08.57- 0178- conference disarmament 34.94 D 1436.F 498.440.624.187.875 0058 2055 2019-04-12T03:48:05:159Z 0/6 05.47- 0225- sie werden Zauberin 72.81 A 1947.F 759.429.100.14.98 0108 1337 2019-04-12T03:50:43:683Z 1/9 05.46- 0146- ピアノ協奏曲"ピンク色 29.00 E 2627.F 824.979.1471.596.2064 0101 4529 2019-04-12T03:55:04:099Z 0/15 09.07- 0822- broken 38.58 D 1790.F 632.526.635.279.906 2320 2320 2019-04-12T03:58:09:978Z 0/12 04.22- 0196- high 58.19 B 1818.F 605.608.263.28.144 0261 1562 2019-04-12T04:00:36:926Z 0/20 11.88- 0371- feline the black 49.10 C 1250.F 434.382.254.38.249 0093 1273 2019-04-12T04:03:08:485Z 0/5 04.83- 0123-
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terabitweb · 6 years ago
Original Post from InfoSecurity Magazine Author:
Iranian Hackers Target UK Organizations in Ongoing Attack
State-sponsored Iranian hackers have been blamed for a newly disclosed cyber-attack campaign against UK government and private sector targets last December.
The ongoing campaign has already compromised the personal details of thousands of employees, including those working in banks, local government and the Post Office.
The latter two were hit in a raid on December 23, according to Sky News.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) told the broadcaster it is “aware of a cyber-incident affecting some UK organizations in late 2018″ and that it is “working with victims and advising on mitigation measures.”
The email address and mobile phone number of Post Office chief Paula Vennells is said to be among the compromised personal details.
It’s unclear what the end goal is, although the data collection exercise could be followed by spear-phishing-led campaign to steal more sensitive information from government and private sector networks.
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard-linked group behind the campaign is apparently the same one blamed for the 2017 brute force attack on parliamentary accounts. In that raid, around 1% of the 9-10,000 accounts targeted were successfully compromised, with some individuals also being subjected to vishing attempts to trick them into divulging log-ins.
MPs were also targeted by a phishing campaign in February after a Tory lawmaker’s email account was compromised and dozens of his colleagues were added to a WhatsApp group by the hacker.
David Atkinson, CEO of Senseon and former government “cyber operative,” argued the news demonstrates how nation state attacks can affect a wide sweep of organizations.
“This attack also shows that we need to change awareness of what constitutes critical infrastructure. Again, we are not just talking about the energy sector, communications, and industrial organizations,” he added.
“Threat actors will also target the economy and if a large-scale attack is launched against the UK’s banks, you can bet the situation will quickly become critical. The government has a responsibility to ensure a good standard of security and defense across all major organizations to safeguard the UK.”
Darren Anstee, CTO at NETSCOUT, argued that Iranian groups are increasingly combining custom-made tools with commodity crimeware to extend their reach and impact.
“Political disruption provides a fertile ground for cyber-attacks against government, non-government and international organizations, meaning it’s hardly surprising malicious actors in Iran have mounted an attack against the UK,” he added.
“As a result, it is critical that governments and organisations make themselves aware of these new methods to disrupt and interfere with domestic and international affairs. It is also essential that governments and businesses collaborate closely to neutralize threats and prevent attacks on national institutions.”
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Go to Source Author: Iranian Hackers Target UK Organizations in Ongoing Attack Original Post from InfoSecurity Magazine Author: Iranian Hackers Target UK Organizations in Ongoing Attack State-sponsored Iranian hackers have been blamed for a newly disclosed cyber-attack campaign against UK government and private sector targets last December.
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reomanet · 6 years ago
Universal Credit 'Ditches Fast-Track Claims For The Terminally Ill'
Universal Credit ‘Ditches Fast-Track Claims For The Terminally Ill’
Families In Need Of Cannabis Oil Say Doctors Still Associate It With ‘Street Skunk’ Six Puppies Stolen In Armed Manchester Raid Have Died Facebook Removes Iran-Linked Accounts Targeting May And Corbyn Doctor Defends ‘Acid-Proof’ Make-Up Amid Animal Testing Fears Politics The Waugh Zone Theresa May Jeremy Corbyn Tories Brexit Labour Chancellor To Announce £1.5bn Support Package In Budget For Crisis-Hit High Streets As A Passionate Student Socialist, I Cannot Stand By And Watch The Tories Ruin This Country – It’s Time For A People’s Vote Labour’s Student Wing Demands Referendum On Final Brexit Deal Britain’s #MeToo Scandal Reveals How The Law Is Failing Victims Of Abuse Entertainment Celebrity Celeb Galleries Film Music TV Drama Daytime TV Binge TV Entertainment Insider Strictly Bake Off’s Sophie Faldo Accuses Explorer Anthony Middleton Of Mansplaining In Row About Women Serving In SAS Olly Murs Suggests He Might Not Be ‘On Talking Terms’ With Simon Cowell Over ‘X Factor’ Snub ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Star Claudia Kim Speaks Out After Backlash Over Her Casting Courtney Act’s ‘The Bi Life’ Hailed For Breaking Down Bisexual Stereotypes Lifestyle Health Mental Health Humankind Sourced Fitness Dating & Relationships Food Wellbeing Women Men Everybody Travel Home And Garden What To Do With Your Extra Hour When The Clocks Go Back ‘Fit Got Real’ Is The New Campaign Empowering Women To Exercise Their Way Sydney’s Same-Sex Penguin Couple Become Dads This Lipstick Shaped Vibrator Talks Back At You. Yes, You Heard That Right. Tech Reviews Gaming Space Apple Innovation Tech For Good Sustainability Ebay Takes Aim At Amazon With Lawsuit Accusing Them Of Illegally ‘Poaching Sellers’ YouTube Back Up And Running After Overnight Outage You Can Now Check How Much Money Political Groups Are Spending On Facebook Ads Forza Horizon 4 Review: A Racing Game For People Who Don’t Like Racing Games – HuffPost Verdict Parents Parents-To-Be New Parents Family Family Time Thriving Parents Parent Voices This Is Why You Should Give Kids Scary Stories To Read Scottish Tory Leader Ruth Davidson Gives Birth To Baby Boy Scottish Tory Leader Ruth Davidson Gives Birth To Baby Boy 6 Things Expectant Mothers Need To Know About Induced Labour Video MORE Comedy Style What’s Working Parent Voices Women Who Made Me Featured Digital Life Downtime Move For Health Backed By Let’s Talk About It NEWS 25/10/2018 22:36 BST | Updated 6 hours ago Universal Credit ‘Ditches Fast-Track Claims For The Terminally Ill’ System to speed up claims of those with just weeks to live “has been removed”, charity says. DWP denies claim. 1.7k By George Bowden Angela Raine Angela Raine, pictured beside her two children, received a terminal breast cancer diagnosis last year. Terminally ill people moved onto Universal Credit are continuing to suffer delays to first payments even when a doctor certifies they have just weeks to live, a leading charity has warned. Thousands of cancer patients are among those affected by the lapse, which could mean people die before receiving money to fund end of life care, Macmillan Cancer Support said. Under the older benefits system, such as Employment and Support Allowance, payments could be “fast-tracked” and paid at the highest rate if a doctor certified a person likely had less than six months to live. The apparent absence of a fast-track scheme on Universal Credit means those at the end of their lives – who are being transferred onto the new system, or are new claimants – now wait longer than ever for financial support, the cancer charity said. The issue was raised in a HuffPost UK report in December, in which one campaigner said: “We’ve seen people who are terminally ill dying before their Universal Credit is processed.” But the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) strongly hit back at the fresh claims, saying: “It is simply not true that the fast track process for terminally ill claimants has been removed under Universal Credit.” Yet Macmillan, one of the UK’s leading cancer support charities, warned on Thursday that up to 26,000 people with cancer face a perilous five-week wait without any money when they transfer to the crisis-hit scheme. The in-built delay is applied to those who are already receiving benefits but who are transferred to Universal Credit as it continues a nationwide roll-out. It comes as pressure mounts on the government to plough billions back into the beleaguered welfare reform in Monday’s Budget. Grandmother Angela Raine quit her job last year after receiving the news she had incurable breast cancer. “Trying to apply for benefits has been a complete nightmare. I can’t explain quite how stressful it is,” the 55-year-old from Stanley, County Durham, said. “I want to cry just thinking about it.” “Navigating the system is a nightmare, that’s quite honestly the only way I can describe it,” she added. “The whole system is utterly inflexible and doesn’t take into account individual circumstances.” PA Viral News UK Cancer patients are at risk under Universal Credit, charity Macmillan has said. Macmillan’s chief executive, Lynda Thomas, called on the government to fix Universal Credit before it is rolled out to thousands more people in Angela’s position. She said: “People with cancer should be able to focus their energy on their health, not worrying about how to make ends meet when they are too unwell to work. “It is unacceptable to force patients to risk infection at Job Centres, log onto computers from hospital and wait more than a month for vital financial support, even at the end of their lives. “The system is failing people with cancer and we urge the Government to fix this benefit, before tens of thousands more vulnerable people are put at risk of hardship.” HuffPost reported last year how, unlike some of the benefits it replaces, Universal Credit does not have a dedicated team helping those nearing the end of their lives. Instead, terminally ill people were assigned “work coaches” and made to undergo meetings and visits at home. Universal Credit replaces six existing benefits into a single monthly payment and is gradually rolling out to all those who claim benefits across the country. The Department for Work and Pensions added in its full statement: “We’re determined to ensure that people living with terminal illnesses get the support they need through this difficult time and this continues to include fast tracking Universal Credit claims for claimants with a life expectancy of less than six months. “These claimants will also be awarded an additional amount of Universal Credit from the first day of their claim. “We have a visiting service for claimants with serious barriers. Claimants who are terminally ill and unable to make their claim for Universal Credit online, or attend a Jobcentre, are able to make their claim by telephone, or request a home or hospital visit. “At the visit, a DWP Visiting Officer will support the customer to make their claim for Universal Credit and verify the customer’s identity, enabling their claim to be progressed as quickly as possible. “Universal Credit (UC) replaces an out-of-date, complex benefits system. We brought in improvements which include increasing advances to 100%, removing the 7-day waiting period and paying people’s Housing Benefit for two weeks while they wait for the first UC payment, so no one needs to be without money during the first five weeks of a claim.” Do you have an experience relating to this story? Have we missed something out? Use this form , email [email protected] or WhatsApp +44 78968 04043 . SEE ALSO Revealed: Universal Credit Requires The Terminally Ill To Meet ‘Work Coaches’ What Is Universal Credit? At Our Foodbank, We Are Seeing The Flaws Of Universal Credit Suggest a correction George Bowden Reporter, HuffPost UK
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sizzlingcandyjellyfishhhhhh · 8 months ago
hi, my name is Victoria but you can call me Tori. I’m a 21 year old college student living with diagnosed AN yet trying to have a full life despite it. I live with my mom and my cat.
my Pinterest is sizzlingcandyjelly :)))
hobbies/interests: skiing, going to the mall, true crime, fashion/clothes, Pilates, yoga
my tags!! <333
#tori eats— pictures of my food
#tori’s asks— the asks I get
#tori’s polls— my polls
#tori’s exercise log— any workouts or exercise I may do
follow me on TikTok!:
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j0rdynels0n · 7 years ago
literally no one is following this saga but guess what happened again in capstone tonight? that’s right, an obscene amount of ridiculously high praise from my professor
had a check-in day today for capstone - come in, log in to a computer, bring up your project, see how far you are and what you still have left to complete
me and tori pretty much did ours at the same time because my prof’s advice was pertinent to both of our projects
so we get done with our check-in and i’m like “sweet, he didn’t rip me to shreds, i can leave now”
and then this guy goes
“lemme tell you something. when you graduate... i gotta get a picture with you guys. one twin on each side.”
and we were like...... yeah ok cool
that’s the twin gimmick, the third person in pictures is always the middle of a twin sandwich, it’s whatever
and then this fucker says
“and i’m gonna keep that picture” 
(me internally: aww, cute)
“and i’m gonna show it to my daughter” 
(me internally: oh jesus here we go again)
“and i’m gonna tell her ‘this is what i hope you grow up to be’“ 
so of course me and tori are like “oh my GOD (prof name), thank you, that’s such high praise come on man”
he moves on to the next student and me and tori pack up to leave
we stop in the bathroom and of course my face is red as hell from being called a fucking role model for my professor’s young daughter in front of my peers
and i get home and i start thinking about it
like... i’m pretty sure this all sprouted from the sexist hazing exercise a couple weeks ago and the sappy response email i sent him
and i know i’m outspoken in class when it comes to being a woman and working in male-dominated industries
and i get that that can be inspiring, and that i can come off as confident in some cases. and i really do appreciate that he sees that in me
but sometimes i feel like all he sees is this confident bad bitch who just crushes everything she does and has a handle on life
and i kinda want to grab him by the shoulders and be like “i constantly suffer from anxiety because i feel like i’m not good enough. i have low self-esteem. i frequently have bouts of self-loathing. i may look it in class, but i really don’t feel like i’m a good role model for your kid because i’m not the crazy confident girl you see in class”
idk maybe i’m just overthinking a little compliment
but yeah. more validation, more stupid feelings about it
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thetechnews24-7-blog · 8 years ago
Fitbit's Charge 2 and Flex 2 are cutting edge trackers that mix wellness and style In addition a huge number of new programming highlights for each.
The bits of gossip were valid: Fitbit isn't accomplished for the year. The organization simply declared two new wellness trackers that include second cycles of existing items to its lineup: the Charge 2 and the Flex 2. The Charge 2 is an enhanced Charge HR, now with new elements, a bigger show, and compatible groups, while the swim-skilled Flex 2 is a redesigned Flex with a totally new outline that spotlights on adaptability.
How about we begin with the Charge 2: its greatest physical change is the 1.5-inch show that replaces the Charge HR's little, limit screen. It resembles a more extensive variant of the Fitbit Alta's show, at last sufficiently enormous to demonstrate the time at the top and tap-to-parchment details underneath it. Those details incorporate strides, heart rate, dynamic time, and that's just the beginning. The Charge 2's groups are compatible, so you can swap the silicone, dynamic band for more elegant cowhide and adornments like groups. Be that as it may, since the Charge 2 is only a more extensive variant of the Alta, its general engaging quality is entirely subjective.
The Charge 2 has new programming and following elements that the Charge HR doesn't have. Its associated GPS gives it a chance to match with your cell phone's GPS to guide running courses and show signs of improvement separation computations, while its interim exercise mode lets you to tweak schedules that substitute blasts of extraordinary exercise with times of low-power action. The Charge 2 additionally has suggestions to move, while calling, messaging, logbook cautions, and action profiles are available from the band's show. These profiles let you rapidly track your most-finished activities, such as running, strolling, biking, Pilates, and then some. You choose which show up on the band and which don't.
Fitbit's Surge has these movement profiles too, yet the Charge 2 is the main other Fitbit item they have come to since. Like most other Fitbit trackers, the Charge 2's SmartTrack include consequently knows when you're doing an activity, for example, running, and logs it without activity required from you.
Two new elements make utilization of the Charge 2's installed optical heart rate screen: evaluated VO2 max and Relax sessions. VO2 max is the greatest rate at which oxygen can be utilized by your body amid exceptional exercise, and it's ordinarily measured in a lab while somebody is associated with various machines. In any case, a couple heart rate-associated Garmin and Polar gadgets can likewise gauge VO2 max, so it wouldn't have been long until organizations like Fitbit fused that metric into their gadgets.
Fitbit's Cardio Fitness Level score is a gauge of your VO2 max. I'm happy that the organization calls it a gauge for a couple reasons: to start with, the score is not your actual VO2 max score, but instead an interpreted number that Fitbit uses to place you on a leveled scale contrasted with others of your same sex and age. Second, the score isn't correct on the grounds that VO2 max is needy for the most part on oxygen admission and heart rate; Fitbit has no chance to get of really measuring your oxygen consumption. Wrist-bound heart rate screens are inclined to a larger number of mistakes than trunk straps because of situation and client blunder (like wearing the gadget too free or too tight).Relax sessions additionally utilize the heart rate screen. They manage you through two-minute breathing activities to control push levels. A Relax session is started on the gadget's show, and it utilizes little livelinesss to motivate you to breathe in and breathe out profoundly through the span of two minutes. Various applications energize this sort of breathing conduct, however the Charge 2 is the primary Fitbit gadget to fuse Relax sessions.
The presentation of the $150 Charge 2 makes me ponder about Fitbit's most costly and highlight rich item, the Surge wellness watch. At $250, the distinctions that set the Surge apart from the Charge 2 are configuration (it's somewhat bigger, with no exchangeable band choices), an inherent GPS, cell phone music controls, and marginally longer battery life (seven days, contrasted with the Charge 2's five days). I ponder what Fitbit arrangements to do with the Surge, now that the organization has the Blaze "smartwatch," which is plainly situated as the most in vogue Fitbit gadget, and the Charge 2, which has such a large number of Surge components. A few competitors will dependably request locally available GPS, and keeping in mind that I trust Fitbit doesn't forsake the Surge, it needs some kind of refresh sooner rather than later to keep it significant among more up to date, flashier gadgets.
The other new gadget, the $99 Flex 2, is a slimmer, more trendy upgrade of the first Flex. The gadget itself is around an inch long and 30 percent more slender than its ancestor, and it can be worn on silicone groups, sparkling bangles, or long pendant pieces of jewelry. With its multi-light correspondence framework (diverse lights on the gadget sparkle to show cautions, warnings, and the sky is the limit from there), it's like Misfit's Ray tracker, which can likewise be worn numerous distinctive ways. As far as style, the Flex 2 would be the most adaptable gadget in the Fitbit family notwithstanding the Alta, which has frill from any semblance of Tory Burch, Vera Wang, and Public School.
Beside the style livens, the Flex 2 is swim-proficient in up to 150 feet of water. Since most different wellness organizations as of now have no less than one gadget that tracks water activities, it about time Fitbit made a swim-GPS beacon. Measurements, for example, laps appear in the Flex 2's Fitbit application, much the same as some other trackable movement. Like the Charge 2, the Flex 2 has a battery life of around five days. Call and text-based notifications are noted by means of its light framework.
The Charge 2 and Flex 2 are strong increases to the Fitbit family, yet they additionally feel like Fitbit is playing get up to speed with its rivals. None of the components in these two gadgets is one of a kind to Fitbit. Be that as it may, the organization has been exploring different avenues regarding diverse sorts of wrist-bound wearables with fluctuating components—in particular the Blaze, which involves a bizarre spot in the wearable market—likely with the expectation of discovering which gadgets address the masses the most.
The $150 Charge 2 and the $99 Flex 2 will be accessible in the fall before the Christmas shopping season starts.
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hottytoddynews · 8 years ago
“It’s not uncommon to see a camper in the parking lot because patients have come so far.”
The Chickasaw Medical Center in Ada is a model for Native American health care. Even the interior décor is tribal.
As a little girl, Judy Parker was always running up and down hospital hallways with her brothers, driving nurses crazy by setting off false alarms in the emergency room.
No one would’ve guessed the little prankster would one day become Judy Parker, Ph.D, secretary of health for the Chickasaw Nation and overseer of the spacious Chickasaw Nation Medical Center in Ada, Okla.
A crown jewel of the Chickasaws, the medical center is not just a hospital. It is also a statement of modern art, a building that feels more like a testimony to nature than a standard medical facility.
The $146 million center was built in 2010 in order to accommodate a growing tribe and to overcome treatment issues within the nation. With 72 hospital beds, a roomy diabetes care center and a women’s health center, the tribe can offer first-class care to its citizens at a time when many other tribes’ health facilities are under fire. The center also boasts a 3-D breast scanner to help detect cancer, the latest heart-imaging technology and the capacity to fill more than 1 million prescriptions a year.
But health care wasn’t always this accommodating in the Chickasaw Nation. The old Carl Albert Hospital was just over a third of the size of the new facility, forced to handle more than 10 times the number of patients it was built for.
The old hospital could fit into the first floor of the outpatient side of the new health center, Parker said.
“We’ve increased, of course, by a lot of square feet and by about 400 employees when we moved from the old facility to the new facility,” she said.
No one may be as attached to the medical center as Parker, whose father was an X-ray and lab technician for years in the old digs. His influence helped her decide to pursue a nursing degree, which in time became a Ph.D.
“My dad had a great love for healthcare and actually ended his career there. You know, he was volunteering at the hospital the last job that he had,” Parker said. “He worked in healthcare all of his life. I grew up hearing about it and just having a real love for that.”
Parker was hired as health administrator for the Chickasaw Nation in 2009 and is a member of Gov. Bill Anoatubby’s Cabinet.
As this lobby shows, the hospital boasts a myriad of aesthetic design elements.
“I’ve been encouraged by Gov. Anoatubby to improve the health of all Chickasaw people, whether they’re a patient here or live here in the Chickasaw Nation or even in some other state. It’s a big charge,” she said.
A big charge comes with big responsibility, especially for a nation known for its high number of type 2 diabetes cases.
According to Parker, there is something different about Native Americans, something that can affect their health.
“The way our bodies respond to the foods that we eat is also different, which increases our risk for diabetes,” she said.
No wonder the new medical center so prominently features a diabetes clinic, where doctors and nurses evangelize patients in hopes of getting them to battle the disease by changing to a healthier lifestyle. The clinic employs an endocrinologist, nurse practitioner, behavioral health employee and even a dental hygienist.
“I think it shows that diabetes care is elevated,” Parker said. “It has its own special clinic, own special footprint.”
The clinic in the old hospital was housed in a 20 foot-by-20 foot room with only four staffers, Parker said. Now, patients can take advantage of exercise therapy, get routine checkups and even go to cooking and nutrition classes – all in just one part of the facility.
The hospital also houses a women’s clinic, which recently logged 100 baby births in a month. To Parker, it’s a big milestone.
Aside from its medical offerings, the hospital boasts a myriad of aesthetic design elements, which differ from the sterile, empty hallways of its contemporaries. The idea is to make patients more relaxed, more comfortable.
Marty Wafford has seen campers waiting in the parking lot with patients “from California, way down Texas.
“We had a lot of input from our elders and also people in our tribe who are very familiar with the culture,” said Parker.
The design incorporates different elements of Chickasaw culture. Sweeping scallops of diamond netting create a central pattern along its textured passages, and a continuous flow of tiny details crown the neck at the center where it effuses energy like a heart pumping blood out to the limbs.
From the diamond patterns on the floor, inspired by a traditional beaded Chickasaw collar, to the natural blues, yellows and greens of the interior, the building does its best to mimic nature. Large windows let natural light fall across corridors, creating a mirage of dancing reflections on the copper fixtures.
Patient rooms are larger than at most hospitals, allowing many family members to visit a patient at the same time. That adheres to Chickasaw tradition, which holds that the presence of family contributes to healing. No family member is ever asked to leave a room if a patient does not wish them to.
On another part of the grounds, the center owns what it calls “the Chikasha House,” a free haven for families visiting long-term patients. Since beginning operation in 2013, it has assisted more 1,000 families.
Every room at the medical center looks out across a manicured lawn bordered by a wooded area. The idea is that no patient should ever have to look over a parking lot or see concrete while staying here.
“Our patients, in all of their rooms, when they look out the window they see beautiful surroundings. Sometimes deer on the lawn, turkeys, other wildlife,” Parker said. “It’s so pretty. Pretty and green.”
The medical center has four satellite clinics — in Ardmore, Durant, Purcell and Tishomingo. All have been updated to echo the design of the new center.
Judy John has worked for the Tishomingo clinic for 18 years. She’s a health information management clerk and a first-hand witness to the drastic changes in Chickasaw health care.
John is also a tribe member. And she has diabetes.
Judy John, a health information management clerk at the tribe’s Tishomingo clinic, had two of her seventeen grandchildren born in the women’s clinic.
“I used to go to the hospital for my health care and there’d be a whole line sitting there to get checked in. Sometimes people would rush, try to get hurrying and get checked in when they open the window,” John said. “Now, it’s amazing. You can go get checked in right there at the clinic, and they call you right as soon as you get there.”
John has 17 grandbabies, two of whom were born in the women’s clinic at the medical center. She praised the family atmosphere and said everything was “easy” in the new clinic.
But her first love is the clinic in Tishomingo.
“I enjoy working with the patients here,” John said. “I can’t believe I’ve been here 18 years.”
Chickasaw health care doesn’t just cater to the needs of its own tribe. With the proper paperwork, any Native American tribe member can receive free services. As the center’s reputation has spread, it has become a beacon for Native Americans across the country.
Marty Wafford, undersecretary of support for the Chickasaw Nation Department of Health, has seen patients come from “everywhere.”
“It’s not uncommon to come to work in the morning on a Monday or Thursday, Friday, whatever, and see a camper in the parking lot because patients have come so far,” Wafford said. “Patients even come from California, way down Texas, annually. They’ll come and you’ll see them.”
By Taylor Bennett. Photography by Chi Kalu.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Ariel Cobbert, Mrudvi Bakshi, Taylor Bennett, Lana Ferguson, SECOND ROW: Tori Olker, Josie Slaughter, Kate Harris, Zoe McDonald, Anna McCollum, THIRD ROW: Bill Rose, Chi Kalu, Slade Rand, Mitchell Dowden, Will Crockett. Not pictured: Tori Hosey PHOTO BY THOMAS GRANING
The Meek School faculty and students published “Unconquered and Unconquerable” online on August 19, 2016, to tell stories of the people and culture of the Chickasaw. The publication is the result of Bill Rose’s depth reporting class taught in the spring. Emily Bowen-Moore, Instructor of Media Design, designed the magazine.
“The reason we did this was because we discovered that many of them had no clue about the rich Indian history of Mississippi,” said Rose. “It was an eye-opening experience for the students. They found out a lot of stuff that Mississippians will be surprised about.”
Print copies are available October 2016.
For questions, email us at [email protected].
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