#topmew i will go down with you. <3
suuho · 1 year
craziest thing about mew telling himself he is completely over top is that his face is telling a different story, and it’s so obvious. it’s really all over his face, whenever he looks at top, whenever he lets his guard down around him like in the kitchen scene at the party, when there is no one else around that he has to pretend for—he looks at top like he created the fucking moon just for him. it’s insane, actually. top has that kicked-puppy-in-love look, but mew is just. if i loved you less, i could talk about it more. he doesn’t even have to say a damn thing because he looks at top, and it’s written all over his face that he’s fallen so irrevocably for him. he can’t even control it, it’s just there.
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savethevamps · 1 year
Topmew: Our Favorite Lovebirds
Disclaimer: Please don’t come making backhanded comments about their relationship. If you wanna discuss them that’s fine, but it’s no reason to post blatant hate, or negativity disguised as compliments.
Topmew are the cutest couple guys, no really they are! They’re the definition of lovebirds and everyone needs to see them in action, so here’s a post just for that. This is also known as: Top and Mew sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g…
1. Their flirting. No one does cute, annoying flirting like Top and Mew! Oh you’re out to eat with them? Get ready to feel like the loneliness third wheel while these two burn a hole into eachother and get so close, you wonder if you’re intruding on something. (You are btw, never go out with them alone)
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2. Their teasing. No their flirting and teasing are not the same, if you end up in a room with them and they start teasing eachother, it’s time to run for cover. These two don’t hold back, it’s always so charged between them! Who is in control? We don’t know okay? All we know is it’s cute, it’s gross, we need to leave the room before we start seeing bare skin. I mean we would love to see it but these two don’t share so…
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3. Alright I know what everyone has been waiting for, yes their dates! We can all agree that Top is the #1 Boyfriend for all these dates he came up with like, wow man he really made a lot of people side eye their partner (I sure side eyed my exes). I can’t believe he was going all out like this and people still called him a player, this guy is a big lover boy!
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4. Their touches are always soft, they treat eachother so gently and with so much care. Their hands are always connected to some part of the other person’s body, and it’s always gentle, tender, soft, soft, soft! They treat each other’s body with care and respect, oh they’re so cute it’s disgusting
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5. They’re so enthusiastic about eachother. If one is talking, the other is on the edge of their seat listening and ready to learn more. They will fully turn their body away from everyone else just to make sure they don’t miss out on the words falling from the other’s lips. I mean they’re just eager to know about eachother it’s so, say it with me now, cute
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6. The respect they have for eachother needs to be mentioned. Listen, they will never try to force the other to change no matter what! They wish the best for each other but they’ll never push, they’ll stand aside and allow the other to make their own decisions, and still love them regardless. To them, it doesn’t matter what the other does as long as they continue to be happy and healthy; we love that for them truly
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7. The way they admire eachother. Now listen, we know they’re attracted to eachother we’re not fools, we can see. But the admiration in their eyes when they see the other doing something, or again when the other person is talking? Yes, that’s the good stuff right there. They admire the other as a person and of course they find each other attractive but man, those eyes get sparkly when they catch eachother doing something they love
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8. They do whatever they can to make the other’s life easier. Oh you can’t sleep because of trauma? Let me lay down with you silly boy. Some asshole bumped you with their bike and broke your glasses? Well I would go after them but you said no, so let me tape them up rather poorly. Whatever they can do to help, they’ll do it! They just want their lover to have an easy day, no matter what
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9. All they need is to be around each other. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, they don’t have to talk; as long as they’re in each other’s company, they’re happy little campers. They get so giggly about it too, cmon guys it’s people watching you! They’re so comfortable in the other’s presence, they can relax as much as they like and let their guards down for once
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10. Speaking of being giggly, whenever they’re together they’re smiling! What’s so funny guys? We would like to know the joke too, but of course we wouldn’t get it cause it’s not a word, or a look; it’s just pure love. They just find happiness in everything the other does so it breaks across their faces and rises out of their lungs until they’re laughing and ticking the other to make them laugh too! I’m telling you, they can’t help themselves guys, they’re lucky they’re so cute or I would call them losers
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Anyway guys, that’s Topmew for you! These boys are in love and so cute it hurts. They just ooze love. No matter what way you flip it or reverse it, these two are in love. They say it with their eyes, their actions, and of course their mouths. They go the extra mile together, expecting absolutely nothing in return and it’s all because they’re in love. It really just pours out of them yknow?
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tomatoland · 11 months
something i have noticed about mew is that although he dressed similarly to ray since episode 7, the designs or the patterns of his outer layer have slightly changed. he used to wear a lot of bold or edgy design/prints but i think when his moms visited him episode 9, he started to wear a lot more floral/plant designs? it may be a redundant observation or I’m observing too much, but mew mostly wear them around top or his moms? I’m curious to know if you have any thoughts about it.
+ since you have been putting down songs for topmew, i have one for them: again - eden, sophiya (i personally feel the lyrics fit them so well, since how many characters and viewers are so against them together���). Thanks for reading!
This song is absolutely beautiful and you're right, the lyrics fit them amazingly. I've been listening to it nonstop. Thank you so much for recommending it to me! <3
Observing too much? No such thing!
Yes, I do have thoughts. I'm actually really glad you asked about Mew's clothing because it gives me a reason to make some collages of my favorite characters.
The super deep-dive into Mew's clothing choices I'm sure you were not expecting.
Clothing can be considered armor we wear when we interact with the world. It's what others first perceive when they meet us. It tells people about who we are or who we want to be. Clothing can also give you confidence. And for Mew, it is exactly this. He even says as much to Cheum here.
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In the first half of the show, Mew did wear some short sleeved button down shirts, quite a few actually. He usually wore lighter colors with more neutral patterns and ALWAYS with a t-shirt as the base layer.
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The catalyst for the change in Mew’s clothes I would say is this moment in Episode 7, part 3, when Mew is the bathtub. This is quite literally Mew's re-birth as Mew 2.0.
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The show also pointedly shows us this by contrasting the book shop scene with Ray in episode 8 with a flashback with Top from the first episode. Mew's shirts are the exact opposites. Instead of predominantly white with black graphics like with Top, it's predominantly black with white with Ray.
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Mew in his revenge era as Jojo called it wears short sleeved button downs with louder prints with a black undershirt.
The patterns of some of Mew's shirt are closer to Ray's palette than his own. The Outkast one he wore with Gap and the Vegas one he worse when he went to Boston’s house are the most similar to something Ray would wear.
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But Ray actually doesn't always wear a black undershirt. He seen just as often, if not more, wearing white undershirts. Ray's also worn long sleeve button down completely buttoned up with no undershirt or altogether different types of shirt. I was going to make a Ray clothing collage to prove this point, but there's already enough Ray content on this site, you're just going to have to trust me lol.
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So before his moms visit, the patterns of Mew 2.0’s shirts are darker and more in your face. This is Mew with his battle armor on, trying to fake it until he makes it. But once his moms come, the patterns immediately change.
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I think him coming from a warm, loving home with two caring parents is important for him as a character. His moms notice things like the pack of cigarettes on his coffee table. They immediately know something is up with him but they don't know what because he doesn't tell them. But they know this is not the Mew they raised or the one they last saw.
His moms have always been his strength. Their love for him is why he didn't think he needed romantic love, which is a strong stance to have. So when his moms visit, they are able to help ground him a little and he is able to reconnect to who he is. And as result, he softens his armor.
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He still wears a a short sleeve button down, but now with more feminine details, softer colors and more whimsical patterns like the aquarium and the ships. These shirts are more Mew.
Now, let's talk about how Top plays into Mew's clothing choices because I actually have a lot I want to discuss.
Mew has only ever worn a black undershirt since that moment. Only ever black, which is extremely curious.
Because do you know who has only ever consistently worn a white undershirt throughout the entire show?
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Top. Interesting, huh?
The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. So even when Mew was rage angry at Top, subconsciously, he wasn't actually as indifferent as he pretended to be.
Mew wanted to become the opposite of who he was before and somehow ended up taking an element of Top's style with him.
Top coming to Mew's family's home is the turning point for TopMew Take 2. And their undershirt colors when they were side-by-side reminded me of something.
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Do you see it?
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Maybe this will help.
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The visual representation of TopMew's fresh start is a yin yang symbol. Yin, the traditional feminine energy is the dark side and Yang, the traditional masculine energy is the light side. Two connected elements in perfect balance with each other.
They are both coming into this fresh start as equals with open communication and dialogue, of their own free will.
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And because I love this symbolism, this is literally the Sun hugging his Moon and his Moon embracing him back 🥺
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devyuence · 1 year
another controversial take: every character is developing at the expense of topmew's
this is going to be an itemized rant and my thoughts are messy rn but sue me, i guess. feel free to raise brows but if you can get to post rants, i can too.
1. boeing should've been introduced episodes ago (not in the latest ep). as much as i liked raymew closure aka ray realizing that mew is not in love with him no matter what, boeingmew would have made even more sense. but then again, if we never had that raymew scenes, ray will not have that character development, progress with sand, and sand's character development.
2. as much as daddy dan (lol) is a plot device for boston to realize or act on his feelings with nick, mew's revenge played a part. he 'somehow' became apologetic, it's evident on his face during the confrontation scene, for stirring up things in his friend group and arguably starting to value things that he used to be so nonchalant about because he is moving away.
3. now that points one and two are established, can you see that the other pairs except topmew are progressing? not only their relationships but the characters are progressing, having arguable character development idk, or developing.
do we have the word "progress" on topmew as a pair?
do we have the word "progress" on top and mew as individual characters?
zero. nada. zilch.
it's like the writing team thought: "ah, in episode 5 onwards, let's develop everyone else except topmew. tone it down aka cut the scenes because people will hate them. tone it down because mew should not overreact in the burning of drawing scene. tone it down. tone it down until the scene drown and disappeared like titanic. tone it down until it goes down the drain."
apologies. i love mew and i am his number one defender but his character in the recent eps is stagnant and the latest one? ooc at that. at the same time, i feel bad that he is straight-forward and knows what he wants but becomes a stagnant character going back in circles. it's like everyone around him starts to have character development or redemption but he is reduced to, according to some viewers, an annoying brat. yeah, this is what happens when you toned down book's crying during his confrontation scene with top showing how he loved top so much as well as not showing more scenes that mew is really hurt and felt betrayed. he didn't have a proper breakdown aka crying scenes on his own but instead jumped on revenge era. the things are not grounded. people cannot sympathize with him because they do not fully know top and mew. they lack screen time to show who they are as individuals and as lovers. but that's just me.
what pisses me off the most is that he becomes a stagnant character and in the process, top is also hindered to progress. i mean, you know that at the beginning, i don't like top but he made his way on my fave list.
top was considered by others as someone without depth (at least that is what majority says no matter how much people explain top's nuances anyway). he is boring, bland, playboy, someone who is smug. i mean, when every character in the show gets to cry out loud and scream their hearts with proper build up except one or two, you will find them boring. book mew crying his heart out in the confrontation scene but was toned down? force top crying about him and mew at the silent disco while discarding the scene where he tried to find someone new but he cannot because he loves mew so much? like why are other emotional and crying scenes have proper build up and more nuanced but top, this is coming from a not-so-fan of top before, and mew do not have?
it's funny because top is reduced to mew's ex or lover (what are they anyway rn?), who (mew) happens to be reduced as a plot device for the character development or redemption of ray and boston, which had a domino effect on sand and nick's character.
ah. my lovely top and mew, especially my favorite, mew. i'm sorry that you are reduced to this which could have been fixed should people have more backbone and your characters have been thoroughly discussed in the writer's room.
anyway, i had low expectations on this show because as much as i liked the director, expectations lead to disappointment. now, im not expecting anything from this show. topmew is barely salvageable and is hanging by a thread. and if we don't see top's trauma next episode but more of NC scenes (i'm okay with it but to use it to appease fans is not), i'm sorry but... heh.
you know what is funny? for topmew to be based on real people, lovers at that, only to be reduced as plot devices and have a terrible state aka stagnant in the recent episode is peak comedy.
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sandrayofsun · 1 year
Scenes from the trailer I'm tweaking about
OK y'all🤓
I've gone back to rewatch the Only Friends trailer and have decided to make a post about the scenes that I'm most excited for given that we're only half way through the series and we've already gotten a lot of what's in the trailer☝️
Let's begin!
Nick and Sand's Conversation (about Boston??)
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Thus far we have only seen Sand and Nick as allies, which makes sense considering they're roommates. We even had Nick call out Boston for what happened at the apartment on Sand's Bday👀. So the fact that there will be an inevitable confrontation between the two is really intriguing me and I hope it'll happen in the next few episodes!
2. Nick kissing this person we haven't seen yet
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TBH I've been on the lookout for this scene since the beginning, and the fact that everything that has gone down still hasn't led us here, makes me SO excited for Nick's character, and what they have in store for Boston's (hopefully) downfall🧏‍♀️ Also note that the back ground seems to be some sort of video/movie studio, so is Boston's downfall going to broadcast more than we think??
3. Another SandRay screaming match
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Ok listen... I'm a sucker for a good love story, but I'm also fan of the chemistry these two have in angsty situations😭. We've only seen a couple of scenes of them fighting thus far, but they have a way of showing their passion for each other, even in their fights. That being said, Sand is my favorite character, so I'm worried for what's to come but also super excited that he's officially getting his hands dirty.
4. Sand and Ray in a TINY bath tub
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I hope this bathtub is bigger than it looks😭 Honestly, it throws me a bit off that the audio behind this scene in the trailer is from a scene that has already happened in the series, so I feel even more impatient hehe. It makes me intensely curious as to the context and aftermath of this specific scene. Look how cute they are🥺.
5. What seems to be a SandRay confession of feelings
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I can't even lie to you guys, this is DEFINITELY the scene that I am looking forward to the most. Intense eye contact, lapel holding, inches apart, and heavy breathing. It literally does not get better than that😫. Even if they don't date after expressing their feelings to each other, at least an acknowledgment that they feel the same things and are both on the same page would be nice. Lord help me the week I have to wait for this knowing it's in a preview😀 .
I've been reading a lot of theories lately, but not so much about SandRay (yeah yeah they're my favorites we know) but a lot about TopMew and BostonNick. So PLEASE if you guys have any theories or predictions about the scenes listed, LET ME KNOW😇
I need something to get me through to Saturday or I may rip my hair out in anticipation🤭
BYE!! :)
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thatgirl4815 · 11 months
I am curious about your thoughts on the Boston Nick storyline in the final episode. I was very happy with the way the show portrayed them. I'm a huge fan of SandRay but Boston Nick is my next favourite "couple" and I am so very much ok with the last scene of them. I saw some outrage here about the show doing Boston dirty but I cannot relate at all. I love Boston as a character since EP 3 and Nick about EP 2. I think their final conflict with Boston still being selfish and although he knows what Nicks expectations regarding a relationship but still leading him on (hence the lying about he was just in the bathroom) is so in character that the break up seems so deserved. The problem was never that Boston sleeps around. It's about him doing things although he knows that they will hurt those people that love him. Accusations that the show was constantly slutshaming him I frankly cannot grasp. I was very impressed by the way Boston Nick was handled (writing, directing and most of all acting-wise). A "sad ending" if it is built up well is in my eyes much better than a happy ending that is forced (glancing at Top Mew). So how are your thoughts on this pair?
I also like the way that BostonNick has turned out, even if I think that the way we got there, particularly in this episode, felt a little rushed. I wrote up some predictions before the series aired and one of those predictions was that Boston would end up alone and Nick would find someone new to be with, which isn't exactly what happened but is ultimately pretty close...I'm glad the show didn't settle for a "every couple gets a happy ending!" because realistically Nick and Boston were always on different paths.
I found Boston and Nick's interactions in the first half of this episode very cute, and very demonstrative of Boston's willingness to change. What bothered me--and I assume it bothered many people--was when Boston showed no hesitation in pursuing Boeing. Even when Boeing asked if Boston's boyfriend would be okay with this, Boston brushed it aside, despite knowing that Nick would most definitely not be okay with it (he might've tried to convince himself otherwise, but deep down Boston knew that this was the whole problem with their relationship in the first place).
I agree with you completely that Boston's promiscuity is not the problem here; it's the lying about the promiscuity that creates so much conflict. Boston is selfish, but wanting to casually hook up with multiple people while committed to a partner isn't a selfish move in itself if both members of the couple are okay with it. Boston does what he wants with no regard for how others might react to it, because in the end it's about what he wants in the moment. He even says that he prefers to live in the present, and that's one of the biggest warning signs that he isn't made for long-term, monogamous relationships (at least not right now).
As I said, my problem is more with execution this episode, because I would've preferred if we could've dwelled more in the effects of Boston's behavior and possibly even seen a bit more struggle on Boston's part in trying to stay with Nick. Instead, we have Boston immediately pursuing someone else right after he said he's going to change. I understand the point there, but I think showing Boston struggling with that would've drawn attention to the fact that he's just not into this kind of a relationship, even though he was trying. It would also villainize him less, which I realize might not be the point, but I would've liked to see more of an effort when other potential suitors are present.
Agreed that TopMew was ultimately forced. After the cheating, everything spiraled, and it felt like the show wanted them together so badly that they were basically straining for it. I will admit I am biased, but to me the only couple that really settled into their ending was SandRay. TopMew felt like they were missing something major throughout the series, and BostonNick ended in a place that made sense but that could've been better developed with more time. Not only with Boston but with Nick too--I want to see more of Nick's realization that he should pursue what's best for him. We saw a little bit of that with his conversation with Sand, but I wanted just a bit more.
Lastly, about how the series has treated Boston...I've also seen a lot of discussion back and forth about whether he was a target of the narrative or whether he was treated justly by the narrative. In my opinion, we're meant to feel a ton of conflicting feelings about Boston. There's anger and hate for what he did to Mew, bitterness about all that he's put Nick through, but amidst all of that I do feel that he was owed an apology from Cheum. I don't think the narrative has necessarily painted Boston's lifestyle as problematic, but I think the characters have. Time and time again characters made points about how Boston sleeps around, but I wish they would've realized at the end that it isn't that Boston sleeps around--it's the way he manipulates others and lies to them, often using sex. There could've been more recognition and awareness from the other characters about what exactly Boston's problem is. I also know that Jojo has made comments before about showcasing this specific kind of lifestyle for a gay man, so I think the intention was not to paint Boston's promiscuity as a negative, but to show how he's essentially weaponized it to his own selfish ends. Regardless of how we got there, I'm glad we see that conversation between him and Mew where Mew says that he must make an internal change. Boston can sleep with as many people as he wants, but he has to contend with his own selfishness and dishonesty.
Anyways whew that was a long answer, sorry. We built up to this ending with Boston and Nick even though there was hope that they might turn out. In the end, I think I just wanted a more seamless transition into this ending for them.
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
Hey sarah.. love your fics a lot!!!🤍
I wanted to ask you, How do you think the creators are going to wrap the story of all the 3 couples?
Do you have any predictions??
Hiii!!! And thank you 🥹 I am notoriously bad at predictions, but I’ll give it my best shot.
TopMew: I honestly think the TopMew storyline was wrapped up nicely in the last episode, so I’m expecting the finale to be smooth sailing for them as a couple. It looks like we’re finally going to explore Top’s PTSD and then I imagine the rest of Mew’s arc will center around his friendship with Boston and whether he thinks it’s worth salvaging or not. I, personally, think if he’s going to forgive Top, he should also forgive Boston, but I do understand that Boston’s was the bigger betrayal. (I’m also selfishly hoping we get a legit NC scene from them because why is the spiciest thing they’ve ever done still ABAAB???)
SandRay: I’m going on the record here and saying that a threesome is not in the cards for these two. If they were going to have a threesome, they would have ended episode 11 on the threesome and not on the threat of a threesome because that’s a much bigger cliffhanger. I am, however, a little confused as to what the point of Boeing is. Obviously him coming back into Sand’s life is a big deal for Sand, but that’s not resonating with the audience because we’re not privy to their history and all we know about Boeing is that he’s a homewrecking asshole. Because of that, I think the finale will likely open with a SandBoeing flashback a la AlanWen in Moonlight Chicken so that we will be able to feel the weight of Sand’s decision. But I still think it’s all a bit overly contrived because obviously he’s going to choose Ray—even if Ray is making a complete ass out of himself.
We know from the preview that SandRay start off the episode fighting, so I think that’s either going to resolve immediately into angry sex or the writers will drag out their reconciliation until the end of the episode because we can’t have nice things.
I have also convinced myself we are getting a flashforward based on those BTS pictures of First sporting a full sleeve of tattoos and I think that will give us the opportunity to see Ray completely sober, completely satisfied, and completely in love.
BostonNick: I have said since the beginning that I think Nick’s arc has been about putting his own needs first and because of that, I think BostonNick are going to end the series going their separate ways—not because Nick doesn’t love Boston, but because he doesn’t want to love him only temporarily. Boston will leave for New York and Nick will settle down with Daddy Dan. However, if there is a flashforward, I fully expect Boston to come back from New York and rekindle things with Nick then.
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idleorbitals · 1 year
only friends ep 3 watch through (part 1/2)
!! the mess is here. the mess is here and so am I
we open on nick catching even more feelings over bostonnick sex montage. oh this is painful to watch. lmao @ the of directors being the ones to give nick the tweet replies he doesn't want to hear though
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I have to say I am such a sucker for the kind of aw noise boston makes at 2:26 it would get me too. but right after this he sits up and says the most manipulative shit about ~we might become something more~ nick baby. get out of there
raysand softest wake up together scene. this is very tender for a one night stand situation. my expectations for what we're supposed to want for them keep getting overturned. what I want for them has remained consistent but not bc of anything rational just bc I'm a simp
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moment of silence for first kanaphan special acting ability where he manages to look like he's gazing softly up at khaotung's character while towering over him
moment of silence for sand who is already gone for ray and realizing it a little
moment of silence for ray who is still flirting having fun and feeling fancy free. oh boy when you torpedo this everyone will suffer you included
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The Friends (tm) are eating and planning a pool party. they are having a fun chat about all the crazy things the cctv they want to put in is going to pick up. you know when you create all these opportunities for the narrative to screw with you it will babes.
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ray remembers he knows a hot musician and volunteers to take care of the djing in a way that is so sus that the rest of the friends get comic whiplash sound effects and an eagle scream about it
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topmew date time. sorry legitimately the only thing I can think about in this scene is how if everyone is dancing to different music everyone will look foolish as heck. forcebook really selling it here
I lied I have another thought and it's that these lyrics they are singing make me feel like the narrative is slapping me in the face
everyone regards me as a bad guy / I'm a villain, no matter how much I love you, I must die eventually / in the end, he's the one who has your love / I want to be a hero, but villain is my role
ok calm down top
if some of that's not metaphorical tho...yikes yikes
*begin vid section [2/4]*
an old familiar hookup comes to flirt with top in front of mew. can't totally read this dynamic. mew is clearly a little jealous but doesn't really have the standing to say anything. much like top's encounter with boston in the shower last week he's pushing away just a little but not putting his arm into it. top what is your game here?
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nick getting boston to help him move lmao. that's right use him babe
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sand is connecting dots. about bostonnick and about the hostel. ding ding ding baby you're all tangled up in this thankless situation. I wish I could have hope about sand and nick being good for each other bc they seem like the two most sympathetic characters this storyline currently has to offer but unfortunately my guess is they will both be too hung up on other people to be any real help to one another. and/or nick's going darkside idk you guys I'm starting to wonder. more on that coming up
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ray wants to hire sand for ~party fun times~ so he goes to his work mom yo to clear it with her first. she says /why are you trying to get me wrapped up in your mess I'm a pure character/ and ray, about his intentions toward sand, rasps out "nothing is suspicious" while clearing his throat and shaking his head very quickly to indicate that nothing is suspicious.
yo's bf arrives on the scene to act as another character pointing out ray's day drinking. sorry ray the narrative agrees it's problematic to hang out at a bar all day when you're not sleeping with someone on staff. yo and bf have a cute moment and ray goes sweet and starry eyed about it.
ray: "can I get one like that?" p'yo: "here comes sand"
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sorry I legitimately cannot continue without taking a moment for sparkly princess ray here. wtf. this look is, of course, aimed at sand but honestly that's not even what's important to me right now
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cut to sand doing some of the most inefficient chopping work known to man while ray stands around flirting prettily with him and asking for favors.
trailer teasing us yet again on their dynamic. ray is the first one to say "you think I want you as my boyfriend? of course not!" while sand takes a long sip of his water and stares into the middle distance. oh sand.
sand calls him an asshole (affectionate)* again and gets up to go. ray grabs him by the arm and asks with feeling if he is really okay with this, which is the narrative reminding us that we are still allowed to sympathize with him even when he's being a little shit bc he understands consent. they have a nice little ~what are we~ conversation which, like—even though we know it's not actually going to work out ok for either of them even over the course this episode—is some pretty healthy communication, especially stacked right up against everything we've had from boston and nick this week. I'm honestly consistently surprised ray is being allowed to be a decent person but I'm not complaining
*nearly every time the subs say "dickhead" "asshole" etc what the characters are actually calling each other is สัตว์ "animal". I get that this is a more commonly used insult in thai but I think it almost holds up as a direct translation in terms of relative weight and I sort of wish it was glossed more consistently somehow. idk someone come tell me more tho
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back at the pool nick meets top, who he recognizes from the photo booth pictures he found at boston's. they get a set of villain zooms, one each top and nick. nick baby don't do anything sand wouldn't do ok?
back to one of nick's online-in-a-dark-room moments. he's stalking top and finding boston comments all over his ig. the camera is not looking kindly on him here. something something the toxicity of jealousy and obsession. nick has real feelings involved so he's already at a disadvantage in his dynamic with boston, but suddenly I get the sense that boston is not necessarily safe, even if he's not going to catch feelings
how is sandray of the messy unrequited friend thing the only safe dynamic of the Big Three
(part 2) (all ofts watch throughs)
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jenyifer · 11 months
Okay so I’ll let you guys in on a little secret. My favorite Only Friends episode is in fact episode 3. How could I not watch the BostonNick Bits in Nick’s episode?
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So first off we have moved from Boston using Nick as once and awhile at his house to let go off his emotions with Top. To him calling nick everyday? Bro does seem like he’s down bad for Nick. Also as soon as Nick gets upset about Boston calling him his regular Boston hops into recovery mode. Now when we first watched this scene collective We as the fandom interpreted Boston saying they could push their status from fuck buddies to more for just Boston bullshitting to keep Nick. BUT ID ARGUE SINCE WE CAN NOW THROW CANON BOSTON OUT THE WINDOW BECAUSE HE WAS MEANT FOR FAILURE AND THE BULLSHIT OF BEING IN LOVE WITH TOP. I can now interpret this this scene slightly differently. Buckle up kiddos. So we actually do have some future knowledge about Boston to help us. Boston doesn’t do jealousy. My theory on this is that he really does separate lust from love. So I think his growing love for Nick and his Lust for Top combined with the desire to break up TopMew is completely separate in his head. He believes if he just had one chance with Top he could make that man finally drop his best friend and things will go back to normal between Boston Mew and Ray (we don’t mention Cheum in this house). I genuinely believe Boston does mean he might could push things with Nick further. He does like being with Nick more than anyone else. At the beginning of episode 3 we see Boston trying to spoil Nick in bed multiple times. If he was really just after his own pleasure why bother eating someone out? Nick in fact speeds things up when Boston is trying to just slow kiss Nick. I think Boston adores Nick and his body wanting their time to last forever. He is well aware his time is possibly short. But he likes spending all of it with and for Nick. I can believe he’ll want Nick in his actual life too.
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I don’t think Boston liked Nick referring back to their previous argument. In Boston’s head he believes nick only likes him for his body in return
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That’s why when Nick asks for something he goes straight to paying with his body again. He wasn’t going to offer but he really thinks that’s what Nick likes.
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Nick taking Boston to his apartment is so important. Boston gets confirmation that yes Nick does like him for more than what his body can offer and I think it surprises him and he is kind of mulling that over for the rest of the episode. What more could they be? At odds with his separate desire for Top.
Idk could be wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe Boston is a manipulative slut who is just fucking with Nick because he’s naive and everything meant nothing to him….. but I’d say…. Neo made Boston’s face say a very different story
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lattexalmond · 11 months
No one seems to know the name of this tag Lolol Tagged by the bestie @gunsatthaphan
Current time: 9:30am
Current activity: listening to Zerobaseone, thinking about what song I want to listen to next. Drinking my cold brew coffee and probably going to start Triage soon. I work in 5 hours lol.
Currently thinking about: how much work needs to get done. Christmas needs to be set at work and we still have pallets of truck and another 9 come tomorrow. Also I’m alone tonight. Woohoo. Anyone want to come work for me? 😂 I pay a competitive rate and I will buy snacks.
Current favourite song: I love music so I can never just pick one. Here are my top 5 songs right now this changes constantly and this was difficult in itself lol
1. Trouble by EVNNE
2. I Want That by (G)I-dle
3. Guilty by Taemin
4. God of Music by Seventeen
5. Deep Down by Tomorrow x Together(I fully believe this song is TopMew’s song)
Currently reading: I really wish I still read books I just don’t have the attention span honestly.
Currently watching: I am on episode 4 of my Triage rewatch still enjoying it just as much as the first time. Highly recommend that show 😍 I am also watching Kiseki Dear to Me(Bai Zongyi is the cutest character to ever exist), My Dear Gangster Oppa(cold persona and sunshine is one of my fav tropes), Boys Like Boys(Taiwan’s reality dating show and it just got 🤔), Kimi No Wa Todokanai(subs are terrrrible but the story is so cute) and You Are Mine(started off so funny then just 👎🏻) I also am on episode 10 of Boys Planet. I need to finish that 😂
Current favorite character: My favorite character right now would have to be Mew from Only Friends. I really identified with him. I don’t know why. I also have a soft spot for Book Kasidet sooo 😂
Current WIP: trying not to overwork myself to death since I am short staffed. Also I organized all of my seventeen photocards into a binder lol. That was fun 😍
thank you for the tag!!! I’m tagging @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pharawee @forcebook @morkofday @athousandbyeol @moonkhao @taeminie @mrsandypants if anyone else wants to do it or not do it lol. Thanks for reading my novel 😂
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year
Top has gotten the shortest end of the stick of all the characters. (Imo) He seems like a plot tool for Mew’s development, not a real person. I thought they would delve deeper into the insomnia but they have not. They brushed over him doing coke so quick as well. That’s literally the only interesting nuggets we have about him. We don’t know about his family life either. It’s hard to feel sympathy or connect with his character at this point when motivations are still so unclear. So Jojo shouldn’t be surprised that he’s so ‘hated’.
I wish he was hated because he's under-developed but I think him and Boston (who also has a lack of nuance issue in the narrative) are hated b/c they had non-monogamous sex. Which the crew (not just Jojo, I'ma call them JNBD for Jojo, Ninew, Best and Den lol) must've realized too b/c they specifically cut a scene where Top was gonna have sex w a rando and cry about it.
Know, that's unfair, I think both factors can be true at the same time. I think some people are struggling to connect with Top b/c like you said, he feels more like a plot device for Mew's character than his own individual character with their own motivations. AND I think it's because he had sex with other people who were not Mew. Because Forcebook is a branded couple and I saw those stans on twitter wildin out.
I think one factor is valid - him being under developed makes it hard to the audience to connect with him as a char - and the is not - who fucking cares if Top, the fictional char slept with someone not Mew they are not Force and Book jfc.
I think it says a lot about the state of the type of hate Top is getting that JNBD are seeing that the scene they cut was a sex scene specifically. Only now that it's gotten to the point of being outright undeniable are people even a bit more sympathetic to Boston. But like, I saw people calling Boston a predator and a rapist like, 3 episodes ago lol and rooting for Mew to share the revenge porn of Boston with his father.
Obviously this is not the entire~~~ fandom but suffice to say fandom hasn't been actually all that understanding of slutty (or really, non-monogamous behavior, y'all know being poly isn't like, an ao3 trope right? boston isn't "self-harming" himself by sleeping around he just...enjoys sleeping around? but the show has been kinda regressive in terms of poly/open relationships anyway they tease at threesomes but never follow through. At this point it feels like a meta joke, lol look at ray saying him and sand should have a threesome don't worry firstkhao fans we're just teasing they're true love fr!)
I think a big factor is fans have to strong a para-social relationship with Force and Book along with First and Khao (like holy shit y'all calm down about these two). So Top sleeping with Boston was seen as a "threat" to the endgame of their ship which should be TopMew but is actually ForceBook (don't even try with me SandRay had like 100 fics before the show even aired, and so did Top and Mew).
I spoke to a friend about this, they don't watch BL themselves but they said it sounded like part of the appeal specifically with branded couples is viewers know going in their ship "wins" they are endgame, there's a low-risk factor involved so it's easy to buy in. And I think they're right tbh I don't follow branded couples because, well frankly I don't care much, so I wasn't expecting this level of fandom bias nor the existence of the branded couples interring actively with the narrative itself. It was a very new experience for me and I think I'll just pass on gmmtv shows in the future.
I don't mind knowing where a story is going, I've watched plenty of romcoms, I'm not in this shit for plot twists, but if the journey really pushes the couple shouldn't be together and I know they'll end up together anyway well then I'm annoying lol
I think it's a shame that Top is gonna end up with Mew. I don't think they fit well together, the narrative hasn't shown me that they work or even could work long term. They have all the chemistry - to me - of white sauce casserole Carol brought to my cookout and only added some pepper for flavor. But narratively, what does Top even want? Why does he want to be with Mew? Because he opened up ONCE to Mew? We never even saw his perspective of their dating life just him giving up drugs in exchange for sex which chepie that was NOT romantic to me.
I'd love a fic that explored Top more as an individual char, why him and Mew don't actually work b/c Top's trying to contort himself into someone else because he's clinging to the sense of security Mew gave him. But what else is there to their relationship? Really? Maybe Top is actually aromantic or maybe he just enjoys being un-committed but feels pressured by society to do so, to "settle down".
There's potential there to explore that I hope fandom does but either way don't bring casserole to my cookout ever again gmmtv
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itsmelb · 1 year
Ep 8 only friends the series
well that went downhill fast. Not P Yo and her BF breaking up. Also Sand and Ray. No 🥲 "I feel happy when I am with u" Ray u suck really. Man. Then be with him u idiot 🙄
Mew makes his choices. He isn't a good boy anymore. Reputation era indeed. Never mess with a heartbroken person. That TopMew scene 💔
Sand saying no to Ray is good its really good. (I can't with Ray's puppy eyes omg)
Top X Cheum is a pair I didn't see coming! But well give it to me!
Nick and the cutie I am HERE FOR IT!! (After ep/preview: Daddy?? Oohhhooo)
Boston is here. And I yelled well hello asshole haha.
RayMew is...well complicated. Ray wants Mew but Mew just wants Party and forget Top. That flashback 😭💔 ah shit there are the drugs. But shit Mew in that Harley costume omg. Slay bitch haha.
Urg aaaaaah. Outch that Kiss my fucking god. 💔😭 Well shit Mew. Omg. That smirk of Book. Oh god oh fucking god..I am so dead.
Also Cheum 🥹❤️
NickSand friendship. I love!!! 💜
Boston Nick. I...cringe 😭 Boston and Cheums Bro omg. Shit will go down aaah.
Omg I love u Sand! That words hit quite right! Love that sm for him!!! Not his second!!! Ray u..
Mew wtf. Oh god TopMew 🥹🥹🥹 I am crying now ok. Yes!! Why are u such an asshole Top? Omg they love eo don't tell me otherwise omg. The head on his shoulder 😭😭😭😭
Now the police is coming. Well shit.
Sand oh my god. Shit. He ran so fast haha.
Top for the rescue. Throw the money haha.🤑💸
Oh Cheum 😭😭😭 oh man I feel so sorry for her. That speech was so 👌
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TOPMEW rise!! Yes!! That's so sweet 🥹🥹 Top u are an ass but you changed for him. I can't with them. I love my forcebook 😭😭
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I yelled don't do it Boston pls. And he did it either way. My god. U suck Boston..
Ep9 preview
So Sand and Ray next ep? Okeeeey..also Top and Mew kinda reconnect? Also Nick slay!!! Have fun. And Boston.. urg I wanna slap u 🙄
They all slayed so hard. My god. 😭😭💔💔❤️❤️
Khaotung in that scene. Well shit. They are all so fucking good in this series. It traumatises me haha
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I need therapy after this 🤣😎🥲
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savethevamps · 11 months
Topmews communication will get them far. If we compare relationships theirs is the one that is most realistic and has more long term potential. It is amusing to see people cite them as the most toxic couple as well as the most boring couple because if they are boring then what are they doing that is toxic? Sorry to say but I don’t think any of these relationships are the definition of healthy by most standards so everyone pretending one is worse is idiotic. We can say who is toxic by our personal standards but we should not pretend like one is worse just because we like another.
Okay I agree on some points but some I disagree lol hold on, here’s another long answer no one asked for…
I agree that Topmew’s communication will get them very far and that was the point that Top was trying to make, as well as the point I talked about with forgiveness. They have the most long term potential because they are both looking for the same thing, are able to communicate, don’t sugar coat things, and can actually admit to their wrongs and apologize without making excuses. I don’t know if I said this here or not but they definitely have the vibes of a long term couple who are married and give out relationship advice to the younger queer kids (like Mew’s moms does for him)
Now on them being toxic ehhh I say let’s not pay that any mind because that is something that’s happening in the multiverse (and I told you guys we cannot pay attention to that because it will upset the space time continuum!) On them being boring? That is the people who think that’s own fault anonie, they had all these big theories about those two and let themselves down because they wanted some weird mastermind, villain shit to go down with them. They’re not boring by a long shot, they are painfully realistic and maybe that’s why people think that? The people who watch this show want “messy” (as in they want to see their faves hump eachother every other second while they have lukewarm drama happen in-between) so Topmew didn’t give them what they wanted since their problems were based in reality, and they actually showed growth. I truly believe people wanted Mew to turn into a cartoon villain who dunks Top into a vat of acid by the end of the series, they didn’t want growth or reflection; they just wanted revenge
Okay on your last point, mmm I think we actually can say some are worse than others from an objective standpoint. Like getting with your stalker? Yes, that is setting up a toxic relationship. Staying with the guy who verbally abuses you? Toxic relationship 101. Constantly trying to exact revenge on your boyfriend? Toxic as hell. So they all had their toxic points but I want people to focus on how it was handled in the end, and how we can predict they’ll move forward. Topmew acknowledge their mistakes and apologize while admitting that certain things will take longer to work through than others, at the end they decide to work and move forward because they love eachother. Nickboston highlight the fact that their relationship will be short lived and that they may not last in the long run, but that they will try to enjoy it while it lasts with no expectations and rules binding them. Sandray continue the cycle they’ve been in since day one where they lie and deflect without any real communication besides the same song and dance they’ve always done. All I’m saying is this, all these relationships got rocky but the way it’s handled is what matters in the end that’s all.
Anyway anonie, all relationships benefit greatly from communication and we can see that so yeah! Thanks for the ask <3
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
helo helo was down for a bit but am back for now
how have you been ???? hope you doing well and fine and alright and OK and healthy and is safe.
the unboxing video is soo cutteee i could literally feel the excitement and I was squealing with yoh also I love ypur chrome bg it's pretty my guncher also the traumatic side of me whenever I saw u handling the cardholder kept seeing the letter from cher O_O am sorry am as traumatised as gun when he wakes up to an empty bed in ep12 and freaks out o.o
annddddd I saw these videos and thought you might like it
hope it makes your day!!! <3
also that was such a beautiful topmew discussion it gives so much depth to the trailer and the pics and guess what I am someone who focuses and gives attention to eveey little detail while watching something I like tjough i don't k ow how to put them to words it's all in my head I otice it all and reading your discusiions/analysis pure bliss is what I felt <3
also I zoned out for a while and forgot whaf i was about yo say... anyhhoo... have a lovely day/night
#the unboxing video was soooo cute
#atp I feel cherkrub is like a kink for them?
#it was beautiful you are beautiful inside out
#bye see you later
#I am really sorry if I am annoying you with all these asks of mine randomly
hi hi hi :) i hope you're feeling/doing better now. the weather is constantly changing so i hope you'll stay hydrated and just overall, taking care of your health ^^
thanks for asking. i'm doing well. but i'm a bit under the weather so i'm just resting at the moment. i hope your wishes for me will be granted. i appreciate it very much.
AHHH thank you :') i still couldn't believe it came waayy earlier than expected. but i'm thankful it safely reached me before other things happen in my life hahaha. i've changed the background because it didn't show up when i refresh the tab :( a bit sad but it's no big deal. wait— i'm sorry... now you've mentioned it, that moment was indeed traumatising. couldn't even imagine how lost gun felt when cher left him with only a note. <'3
op the first video! i watched it without the audio yet i still blushed! aside from it being a religion, i think it should be illegal... it has awoken some questionable things in me that i choose not to address. xD
it did make me smile :( how cute! p'book is really adorable <3 thanks for always sending me these cute videos. i'm so happy to look at them all.
i think you've seen this before but it's so best friend behaviour and i love that about them :') why are they such dorks? goodness. they need to slow down. and this too... i have tears in my eyes every time these pictures pass my timeline. how wonderful. i hope they'll be happy with each other for a long time.
oh my God, you read my discussion??? i'm going to hide now—
thank you. i haven't seen much discussion on only friends probably because the show hasn't aired yet. but i think it's fun to build up theories and make speculations before we get the real thing (just to see everything crumble because i'm always wrong xD). anyway! i'm glad the discussion provided clarity to your own input about the characters. i'm also thankful that you saw what i saw! which is cool! i'm such a sucker for colours/symbolism so it's nice to know someone sees it too.
hahahaha it's ok. i do that all the time. and i just wanna say thanks for wanting to talk with me. i have a feeling you have a lot going on in your head and i also have many thoughts. therefore when we communicate like this, i feel like my ideas are clarified to an extent, which is liberating. so thanks op for sending these asks. i'm thankful.
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jenyifer · 11 months
Boston+Boeing= Chaos(and a sad Top)
It’s the last night before Only Friends Finale and Jenny is serving up some ol’ fashion brain soup. Come get it chaos lovers I’m going to talk about Boeing for the first time because he is entering the BostonNickverse so… I watched his scenes 3 times and have a working theory on his motivations. But as always let’s use Boston to Compare Contrast.
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Both Boeing and Boston are incredibly sexy on their own and they both use that to their advantage because no one expects them to be so cunning they can be. They are used to reading people to become what they need. They are self assured that they will get whatever prey they desire so confidence radiates from both of them. Boeing uses lies of comfort with a friendly smile and willing to listening ear to get his prey where he wants. Boston on the other hand uses honesty bravado to shock his prey into whatever he needs.
Both men schemed to break apart TopMew while the couple wasn’t dating but in a vulnerable position. Both of them exploited Top’s weaknesses not because either one loved Top but to fulfill their own self absorbed reason for Top to Break Things off with Mew. Boston wanted to break things up for his friend because TopMew was messing with their friendship dynamic and on a selfish level Boston wanted to prove he was better than Mew multiplied by his growing feelings for Nick. He NEEDED to prove to top and himself Boston is the best. Boeing wanted to punish Top for breaking up with him after 3 months. I believe he did love Sand at some point. I’m inferring this from Boeings career as a flight attendant that he wanted to travel the world and bring Sand with him. Intertwining your long term goals with someone shows scars and I think you can see them in Sand’s Dream and Boeing’s career. So Boeing made a sacrifice to date Top thinking it would be a better dream someone rich and going places. Boeing won’t have to wait to complete his dream. But Top broke things off with him after 3 months. From a pride stand point Boeing couldn’t let Top get into a more serious relationship because it looks bad on Boeing he couldn’t keep Top when Mew could.
The main difference between Boston and Boeing when it came to attacking TopMew is Boston did want to keep Mew out of his scheming because he loved Mew as a brother. Boeing wasn’t going to let anyone keep him back from ruining Top’s little dream of love because Top stole Boeing from Sand which is in his head all Top’s fault. So seducing Mew meant nothing to Boeing it was just a way to get more cracks in the relationship hopefully breaking them apart forever. In Contrast Boston kept his scheming to Top. He didn’t try to meddle directly with mew because he wanted to maintain their friendship. Boston yells at Nick “NO ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT ME AND TOP.” And he tells Ray he’d be disgusting to expose TopBoston to Mew. Boston didn’t want to hurt Mew. Boston wanted Top to be Jealous of Ray and be seduced by Boston and end things with Mew. Boston did give up after Top accused him of hating Mew or having animosity towards mew. I think that out what Boston was doing into perspective. He was crossing lines he shouldn’t. Boston decides after this to try to calm things down.
I think both failures to break up TopMew put things into perspective for Boston and Boeing. Boeing was reminded of his relationship with Sand and tried to repair it. Boston tried to settle down a bit and stop focusing on his friends. He didn’t need to meddle with them he was just getting in trouble.
Prediction time: I think Boston was the first guy Top slept with after Boeing. Boeing will happen to see Boston at the bar on the day of or day before the phone repair maybe Boeing will say something revealing about Mew or Ray and Boston will fight back for them. Either Bostons phone screen gets smashed during this OR Boeing after getting angry at whatever Boston will say will forward Atom’s expose account to the university and maybe send it around the big social circles so Boston is taken down a notch or two.
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