mycomfortblanket · 1 year
Under the Night Sky
Chapter 2
They must have been flying for at least two hours when Toph speaks up from behind him, "Hey Twinkletoes, can I come sit up there with you?"
Aang twists around, surprised to hear her ask that, "Yeah! Yeah. Here, let me help you." He stands up, balancing on ohhh i head and reaches out for Toph's arm. They grip each other's forearms as Toph slowly stands up and slips a leg over the saddle, reaching out with her other arm for Aang. Grabbing her extended arm, he carefully pulls her to him and lowers her into a sitting position on Appa's head.
When he sits next to her, her arms encircle his and she leans in. He knows she only does this because she can't see and the only thing she can sense is him, but the act still makes him blush.
They ride in silence for a little bit before he asks, "So, why'd you want to come sit up here? You've always preferred the saddle," he asks, looking down at her. Her hair is whipping everywhere around them and the cool air biting at her cheeks give them a slight pink tint.
"Starting feeling a little fifth-wheel-ish," Toph says, shrugging.
Aang turns his head and sits up a little straighter, trying to see over the lip of the saddle. Not being able to see anything, he slumps down and turns forward. She laughs and says, "Don't worry, everyone's clothes are on. Sparky and Sugar Queen are cuddling and Fangirl and Snoozles are doing that annoying thing where they whisper quietly."
"Oh, yeah. I hate when they do that."
They're silent for a few moments when Aang feels her perk up a little, "Hey! Can I steer?" Toph asks, a little excited.
"Uhh, I hate to break this to you, Toph, but you can't see," Aang says awkwardly.
"No shit, Twinkletoes. But, it's not like there are things for him to dodge! Come on!" Seeing no real problem with her steering, he shrugs and shifts, throwing a leg behind her and moving until she is sitting in front of him. Aang takes her hands and guides them onto the rope, placing them in the right spots.
"Okay. So, when you want to go left, you pull the reins the opposite way, like this. And it's the same if you want to go right. If you want to go downwards, you pull the reins up slightly like this," his hands cover hers as he guides her through the motions.
"Cool! Look at me doing seeing-people things!" Toph laughs out. They ride like that for a while, Aang sometimes telling her which way to go so they can avoid the bigger clouds and flocks of ratbirds. "Alright, I'm getting bored with this," she says, handing the reins back to Aang and then leaning back against him. She crosses her arms and rests her head back against his collarbone.
Aang tenses slightly, but eventually relaxes when he feels her small snores vibrating against his chest. A large smile comes to his face when she turns her head slightly, tucking herself under his chin.
Ever since the other night when he had gotten up to share his blankets with her, Toph hadn't been able to leave his mind. He noticed her more. Noticed the little things she would do like how she would tuck her bangs behind her ears just for them to fall back in her face, the way she twitched her fingers when she was thinking.
A few hours later, they arrive in Ba Sing Se. Aang leans down slightly to say in her ear, "Hey, Toph, wake up. We're at the hotel." She stirs slightly but just snuggles in tighter against his chest. Aang looks up and sees the rest of the group walking into the hotel to get some rooms.
Looking back down at Toph, he heaves a sigh before moving out from behind her to get into a crouching position and picks her up bridal style. He's a little surprised at how light she is. She is pretty petite in stature, but her big personality makes her seem larger than she really is.
He gently jumps down from Appa and makes his way to the entrance of the hotel. Looking around, he attempts to find the others when a short middle aged man appears beside him, and judging from his uniform and name tag, he is the desk clerk.
"Oh, oh! The Avatar! Oh, it is my honor. Your friends told me you were coming. Here is your key Mr. Avatar, sir. You're in room 203- the second floor, second door on the left," the desk clerk says. Aang sticks out his little finger that is holding up Toph's top half and the clerk slides the keyring onto it.
"Oh, err, thanks, sir. But, uh, my bison-"
"Yes, sir. Yes, sir. We have a stable out back with plenty of hay. I will make sure he is comfortable."
"Oh, okay. Great, thanks!" Aang says, and begins walking towards the stairs. Although Toph is light, her weight is still more than he is used to and his breaths come out a little harder than normal.
Finally up the stairs and through the door of the room, he stands at the foot of the bed. The foot of the only bed in the room. Sighing, he moves and awkwardly pulls back the covers before laying her down in the bed.
Aang thinks for a moment if he should remove some of her clothes to get her more comfortable, but immediately pushes that thought away. Although they are close, they aren't close enough for that.
Looking at her once more, he removes her headband and the pins holding her bun in place, letting her hair fall over her shoulder. Aang never realized, but her hair is a lot longer and softer than he ever realized. He has to fight back the urge to pet her hair more than what is appropriate. He also removes her wrist and ankle cuffs in an attempt to at least make her a little comfortable.
Finally finished, he steps back and surveys the room, taking note of the small bed that Toph has taken up most of. There is a couch, but it is literally too small to even be considered a loveseat, it's more like an extra wide armchair. There is the floor, but it is stone and he can feel the chill of it through his shoes.
He briefly considers going to get another room, but his lack of money is a real issue and doesn't want to seem ungrateful to Zuko since he si the one who paid for this room.
Taking a deep breath, he takes his shoes off and sits on the edge of the small bed, opposite of Toph. He lays down, his body completely stiff as she sleeps next to him. He doesn't know why he is so uptight about sleeping in the same bed as her. They had slept in the same bed before and the other night when he shared his blankets with her.
He keeps telling himself there's no difference between those times and right now. But, in the back of his mind, he knows there is a difference: he had begun to develop feelings for her.
It was after they shared the blankets at the campsite. he had awoken before everyone else and Toph was still curled up against him, her head on his chest and one of her hands was fisting the fabric of his shirt that was over his heart. Laying there with her, he felt so secure and safe, something he didn't realize he needed to feel until he had it.
Aang eventually convinces himself that what they are doing, something they have been doing since they were kids, is not as big of a deal as he is making it out to be. He slips underneath the covers and lays as still and as straight as possible, trying not to touch her. Sleep begins to pull at his eyelids, and slowly, his body grows less tense as he drifts off to sleep.
In the morning, he slowly comes out of the grips of sleep by the sunlight streaming in through the window. Not opening his eyes, he snuggles deeper into the blankets and pulls the pillow he is cuddling closer to his chest. Burying his face in it and inhaling deeply, he smiles a little at the smell of Earth and mint, finding it comforting for some reason.
A groan vibrates through his pillow and it begins to stir slightly. Frowning, Aang lifts his head from the pillow and squints his eyes open.
Instead of cuddling a pillow, he is cuddling Toph, which explains the groan. He has an arm wrapped around her waist and their feet are tangled together underneath the blankets.
Toph squirms in his grip before turning around in his arms and pressing her face into his chest, throwing one of her arms over his waist. Aang hears her smack her lips a few times and then nuzzles her face against him, her deep breathing returning.
A small content smile appears on Aang's lips. He squeezes her tight against him before releasing his grip and taking a deep breath, the smell of Earth and mint invading his senses again.
Slowly, he succumbs to sleep with Toph securely pressed against him.
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gummygoatgalaxy · 8 months
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Just cute doodles of my fav throuple, Aang, Toph and my oc Meilin
The ship name for TophxAang is Taang, so i just added "lin" on the end to make a new ship name lol
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Aang: Do you love me?
Toph: Are you asking me that in OUR bed, in OUR house, Next to OUR wedding photos?
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starry-nights12 · 4 years
I always wanted a zutara version of The Headband dance in the show.
So,idea that instead of Aang;
Zuko and Katara does it at his birthday party (cough cough) or at a party celebrating the end of war.
But Katara dips him.
It's not traditional for a woman to dip a man but Zuko's like:
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In The Headband Aang dances with Toph instead.
She didn't want to at first but relents bc:"Oh,what the hell? 🤷🏻‍♀️"
They're dancing and all Aang's classmates,Sokka,and Katara starts cheering for them.
Toph slowly smiling bc she's surprisingly having fun and starts laughing.
Aang gives her the softest smile while heat rise to his cheeks as he gazes at her with admiration.
Which is weird because he usually feels that way about Katara...but now?
After the dance Aang rubs the back of his neck.
"I,uh...I had fun. Thank you for the dance Toph."
Toph crossed her arms and scoffed.
"It was alright I guess."
Then Aang exclaimed "Ow! " when she punched his arm.
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taang-fluff-week · 3 years
Thank You!!
Hi everyone, Taang Fluff Week has certainly passed us, but we wanted to take the time to thank everyone that participated in the event and for those that showed their support!
For those that are worried they missed some of the submissions, here is a list of all the works so you can take a look at all the fluffy Taang goodness!
Thank you again for those that participated in the event, we love and appreciate all the hard work you put into your content!
ao3 Collection can be found here
Multichapter works with all prompts:
two is better than one by @thesavagedaughter0627 (Rated T)
You Belong With Me by @authorjoydragon (Rated G)
Individual submissions:
Day 1: First Date
What's In A Date? by @stitch1830 (Rated G)
Swing Life Away by @krastbannert (Rated G)
Couldn't be too Bad by @mycomfortblanket (Rated M)
Day 2: Kiss
Kisses For The Ages by stitch1830 (Rated G)
Kiss Art by @su-univeralai
Kiss Art by @der-andere-aang
Day 3: Love Languages
More Than One Way by stitch1830 (Rated G)
Love Languages Gifset by @analynasi
Day 4: Comfort
To Feel Free by stitch1830 (Rated G)
What Happened Never Leaves by mycomfortblanket (Rated T)
Comfort Art by su-univeralai
Day 5: Family
Family Matters by stitch1830 (Rated G)
Just One by mycomfortblanket (Rated T)
Family Art by der-andere-aang
Bonus: Modern
Coffee and Cussin' by stitch1830 (Rated T)
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badlucksav · 3 years
Taang Fluff Week Day 3: Love Languages
you can run away with me anytime you want
Aang slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her to him before he pressed a kiss to her temple. She smelled of earth and sweat and iron, but she smelled like Toph, and he loved it.
“I thought we could spend some time together, just the two of us,” Aang murmured into her hair.
Toph hugged him. “I’d love that, Aang.”
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tophsbiggestfan · 4 years
Okay okay so you asked for a taang prompt, I'm thinking of Jealous Aang? Man of your choice i don't really care, I just wonder how Aang would act.
I got two jealous Aang asks, so I’ll actually be writing two different scenarios, but only one for tonight- under the cut :) 
“Your first crush was Katara?” Toph asked, incredulous. She and Aang had a night off and spent it lounging together in their Ba Sing Se home. 
“Yeah... I felt like it was pretty obvious.” Aang answered sheepishly; no doubt regretting the passionate advances he made as a twelve-year-old. 
Toph snorted. “No, it was definitely obvious. Just, you never had any crushes before her I meant? Didn’t you actually get to go to school with other kids?” She asked, a touch of jealousy in her voice. 
“Other boys. And... boys aren’t normally my thing.” He shrugged. “Katara was kind of the first girl around my age I met and, you know...” 
Toph laughed. “Yeah, yeah she’s pretty and nice- I get it. Well, the more you know.” She smiled and leaned back into her chair, content with the information that she had learned. 
Aang, on the other hand, was only intrigued. “Well, who was your first crush then?” 
“Sokka.” She answered, almost too fast. 
“What?” Aang blinked. Her answer felt like a slap in the face. “You were traveling with the literal Avatar and you had a crush on- on Sokka?! He had a girlfriend!” 
“Aang, are you serious? You don’t really think you’re that high and mighty, do you?” 
Aang spluttered. “Well, no, I don’t. I just thought... I guess I assumed you had always had feelings for me and that’s why you were so mean at first.” 
Toph smiled. “Yeah, I was mean to you because I liked you. But, no offense, no one has a crush on a twelve-year-old boy unless they’re younger than him already. Weren’t all your entourages, like, six?” 
“They weren’t six.” He said, though not entirely sure now that he thought back on it. There was a period of silence before he said, “You really liked Sokka over me?” 
Toph rolled her eyes before climbing across the couch towards him to sit practically on top of him. “Aang, you do not need to be jealous about my pre-pubescent crush from fifteen years ago. I promise you, I have no feelings for Sokka anymore. If anything, it just shows that we have similar taste.” 
Aang couldn’t help but giggle at that. “That is true.” 
“I love you,” Toph told him. It felt like the actual cherry on the top of this situation. 
“I love you too.” 
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ittyittybittybitty · 6 years
Reposted, these don't belong to me. Just thought we could use some fanart on our tag.
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tmt-sketch-a-day · 6 years
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Sketch a Day 1224- Taang Family- 9/12/18
Semi continuation of this doodle: https://tmblr.co/ZiVmYs2TT7He9
I think Toph would secretly love family snuggle piles, and despite the snoring so does Aang
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farsight-the-char · 4 years
Aang married Katara soon after defeating Ozai, and married Toph when he turned 18. Well more like Toph married Katara and got Aang as part of the deal, but the three were happy with the arrangement, and Toph even had twins from Aang soon after.
From my fic “Aang discovers the Multiverse” first chapter.
For context, Aang is 22/23 at the time of this fic.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
do you have any domestic tophxaang and sukixsokka hcs
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask! I definitely have some HCs, and I'm happy to share!
I'm guessing you're asking for Taang and Sukka together with their kids, but if I'm wrong feel free to drop another ask :)
For reference, my Dunebabies are Lin (120 AG), Gyatso (124 AG), Suyin (126 AG) and Kenji (130 AG) and then my Bladebabies are Malek (112 AG) and Kiyoko (117 AG).
Since Malek and Kiki are older than all the dunebabies, they definitely play the part of older cousin/sibling and do a lot of doting on the dunebabies when they're younger, and a bit of babysitting when they're older. When Lin was born, Malek thought she was cute and squishy, but Kiki begged Aunt Toph and Uncle Aang to let her hold Lin. And as new parents, they were a little weary (but the kid was adamant, whatchu gonna do... lol).
Sokka and Suki live in Republic City from time to time, so they are usually the go-to sitters when Aang and Toph have a mission. And same goes when Sokka and Suki have to run.
I forget who I said were all the next gen kids favorite aunts and uncles, but Toph and Aang always help the bladebabies get into trouble or help with pranks if need be.
Kenji is the baby of all the next gen kiddos, and he's very attached to Toph as a baby. But in a pinch Suki is a great sub (Kenji loves his aunts a lot lol).
Kiki loves flying on Appa with Aang and Lin (eventually all the dunebabies). Often, she asks to be taken up on the glider with just Uncle Aang because she thinks it's the coolest thing ever.
Kiki and Suyin are double trouble despite their age difference, so if those two are ever alone together, the parents immediately search for them because they know chaos may soon follow.
Gyatso thinks Malek and Sokka have the funniest jokes. He laughs every time, and is very gullible around them.
Malek and Kiki love asking Aunt Toph to make earth slides for them. Aang would do it, but he asks too many questions sometimes.
And... That's all I have for now! Thanks again for the ask, Anon. Hope you have a great day! :D
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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mycomfortblanket · 4 years
Works of Art
All of my stories in one place just for your convenience. You’re welcome. 
These are mostly Taang, however, if you would like, I can try writing for whatever ship your heart desires. 
No Title Yet, Something Will Come To Me: Aang wakes up with a massive hangover to find Toph in his bed. Naked. What the hell happened last night. COMPLETED Rating: Mature for sexual themes. 9.7k words. Finished Sept. 26, 2020. X X X X
Under the Night Sky: Aang hears the chattering of teeth during a cold night. Original Prompt: We have to go camping together and share a sleeping bag even though we are complete strangers. COMPLETED. Rating: General Audiences. 5.3k words. Finished Nov. 26, 2020 X X
A Snowy Start: Sokka and Zuko sleep on the couch together. Snuggles. ATLA Winter Fest 2020 for @i-love-your-light. COMPLETED. Rating: General Audiences. 2.2k Words. Finished Jan. 02, 2021.
Cute Guy From Bar: Bored and alone at the bar, Toph is going through her contacts looking for someone she can maybe call and talk to. She comes across 'Cute Guy From Bar' and has no memory of adding that to her phone. Bored with nothing else to do, she calls the number. Original Prompt: I have no idea where I am and your name was 'cute guy from bar' in my phone and I just moved here so you're the only one I thought to call and wow drunk me was right you are kinda cute @theboywhocriedlupin COMPLETED. Rating: General Audiences. 2.2k words. Finished Feb. 21, 2021. X
Thunderstorms: The sound of thunder scares the strongest of them all and she curls up on the couch with Aang. Original Prompt: Idk but if this could be a cute taang prompt: falling asleep on the couch, waking up to not only a blanket around them, but their partner squeezed in behind them. It's up to you who's gonna be the one looking for warmth. For @layzhe-06 COMPLETED. Rating: General Audiences. 873 words. Finished Feb. 23, 2021. X
You're Not Dating?: Sokka and Katara mistakenly think that Aang and Toph are dating. Feelings start to grow and things occur. I dunno. I suck at summaries. COMPLETED. Rating: Explicit for strong sexual themes and slight drug use (marijuana). 35.7k words. Finished March 10, 2021
The Wedding: An hour before her wedding, Toph and Aang are together for the last time. For @layzhe-06. COMPLETED. Rating: General Audiences. 1.3k words. Finished Feb. 24, 2021. X
The Blood on Her Hands- A battle that took all of them by surprise has left one of them wounded. COMPLETED. Rating: Teen for Major Character Death. 1.1k words. Finished March 29, 2021. X
Unfamiliar Territory: Azula can’t be sure that Aang is flirting. COMPLETED Rating: General Audiences. 890 words. Finished May 11, 2021
About That Night: After an amazing night of sex, Toph meets Aang once again in the most awkward way. For @Viciouso @ZophToko on ao3. STILL IN PROGRESS Rating: Explicit for strong sexual content. 10k words.  X  X
Could Be More: At the beach, Aang convinces Toph to go into the water. For @Zophtoko on ao3. COMPLETED. Rating: Teen for language and some sexual themes. 1.1k words. Finished June 12, 2021. X
Taangst Week 2021
Day 2: Loss X Day 3: Star Crossed Lovers  X Day 4: Arranged Marriage 
Taang Fluff Week 2021
Day 1: First Date Couldn’t Be Too Bad  X Day 5: Family Just One X Day 4: Comfort What Happened Never Leaves
If I Lose Him Like This: At Aang's wedding, Toph is drinking the pain away. Rating: Mature for strong sexual themes, cheating, and underage drinking STILL IN PROGRESS. X X X X X X
Written in Ink: Soulmate AU. When their soulmate’s name finally appears on their skin, both Aang and Toph are filled with dread but for different reasons. STILL IN PROGRESS. Rating: General Audiences but may change. X X X X
Could We?: Toph helps Aang realize what’s missing from his relationship. STILL IN PROGRESS. Rating: Explicit for strong sexual themes, will change X X
I Could Get You If I Wanted: Sokka finally meets his sister’s roommate, Toph, and rises to one of her challenges. STILL IN PROGRESS. Rating: Teen for some sexual themes X X X
Let’s Channel All Our Sadness Into This: Toph is suffering from heartbreak and Aang just wants to see her smile again STILL IN PROGRESS X
ATLA Trifecta Modern Au Week 2021
Day 1: (Taang) Coffee Shop Play it Cool X
Why Are You so Afraid of Loving Zuko and Toph come up with a plan to save the both of them. STILL IN PROGRESS. Rating: Teen for language.  X X
Oh, It’s Gonna be a Long Night Sitting at a bar, Zuko sees the open piano and pours his heartbreak into it COMPLETE. Rating: Teen for mentions of sexual themes X
The Box at the Back of the Closet While playing dress up in Toph’s closet, Lin and Suyin find a box that contains items that Sokka had sent Toph in the past. POSSIBLY CONTINUING. Rating: Teen for some mentions of sex. X X
Without Interruptions When Aang sees Toph dancing with some faceless stranger, jealousy comes out. COMPLETE. Rating: Explicit for strong sexual themes. 4.5k words  X 
Sweater After a breakup that completely destroyed Sokka, Katara decides to throw him a party in hopes of cheering him up a little. Things do not go as planned. TW: mentions of marijuana usage. COMPLETE. Rating: Teen for suggestive themes and marijuana usage. 8.4k words. X
Publicist Set Up Sokka comments something on Zuko’s public page and his publicist ships it. STILL IN PROGRESS. Rating: Mature for suggestive themes X
Link to Achieve of Our Own
Prompts are accepted and welcomed as is constructive criticism
Will be updated as stories are posted
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starry-nights12 · 4 years
Toph realizing she has a crush on Aang then starts punching his arm bc more often bc:Dammit I hate you for making me feel this way. But I also care about you...you iDIOT!!!
Aang; And that's why I think dandelions should be more appreciated!
-puts dandelion in her hair-
Aang:If you get tired of walking I can carry you.
Toph:-resisiting a smile-
Thanks but no thanks,twinkle toes.
Aang:-brings her dinner-
I remembered these were your favorite so I helped Katara make it! I also made you mango juice because it's your favorite! :D
Toph: .....
Aang and Toph sitting together enjoying their comfortable silence.
Toph:-hits him twice-
Aang:Ouch!Ow! Why'd you even hit me?!
Toph:You're annoying me. >:(
Aang:By sitting here?!
Y,,,Yes??? Yes! >:c
One day Aang after another punch to his arm he asked:"Why do you keep punching me every five seconds?"
Toph says in a unusually soft voice:
"Because you're you..."
Aang was taken aback by the response and blushed. "What? "
Toph also blushed at her admission. She tried to brush the moment off by groaning and crossing her ams.
"Just take the compliment,twinkle toes! That was a one time thing! "
Aang smiled warmly.
"Thank you,Toph. I like you for you too."He said,gently punching her arm.
Toph whole face went red then punch his arm harder than normal. And hits it 3 fucking times
"Ow! "He exclaimed,rubbing his arm but was still smiling at her.
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taang-fluff-week · 3 years
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Happy Taang Fluff Week! We're so excited to see everyone's submissions! Be sure to tag us @taang-fluff-week or use the #taang-fluff-week-2021 so that we can share all the fluffy goodness.
Let those warm, fuzzy feelings begin! :)
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badlucksav · 3 years
Taang Fluff Week Day 2:
show me your love before the world catches up
She leaned towards the sound of his heartbeat until her head brushed his shoulder as they walked. His heart was beating fast, like a sparrowkeet fluttering against his ribs. Toph wondered if he could hear her heart. If he could, he’d know it sounded exactly the same.
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tophsbiggestfan · 4 years
Taking prompts? Jealous Aang!
Jealous Aang take two under the cut :) (also I like these asks so i’m in the hang of writing a bit everyday after work since my chapters in Heartbeat are already pretty short)
“So you’re the Greatest Earthbender in the World, huh?” 
The words piqued Aang’s attention and he turned around to see a man leaning on a wall, in conversation with Aang’s girlfriend who seemed to only be entertaining the man with a small smirk on her face. 
“That I am. And you are?” 
“Huaping.” He held out a hand for her to shake, which she took. “What are you doing at this lowly party all by yourself?” 
“Well, I’m not. I’m here with my boyfriend” is what Aang expected her to say- or at least something along those lines. 
Instead, Toph said, “Well, I only save the world by day. By night, I like to party occasionally.” 
“Yeah? Do you mind if I get you a drink?” Huaping asked with a smile that Aang was sure he called “the lady-killer.” 
“Get me two.” Toph replied, keeping up with his flirty tone. 
As soon as the other man stepped away, Aang sped over to her, almost knocking someone else over in his haste. “Hey, what- uh who’s that guy?” 
“Huaping. He’s getting us drinks.” Toph said, blowing a piece of hair off her cheek. 
“He wanted to get you drinks.” 
Toph shrugged. “He can want to do that. I can’t stop him.” 
Aang was frustrated; Toph didn’t seem to really understand his issue with the situation. “Toph, you were flirting back with him.” 
“Just so he’d get me drinks!” She said, suddenly exasperated. “Aang, do you really think I’d actively flirt with another person while at a party with you? Or, at all?” 
“No! I didn’t think you would that’s why I was so surprised.” 
“I knew you could hear us, dummy.” Toph laughed. “Here, he’s coming back. Do you wanna claim me in front of him, Mr. Quick-To-Be-Jealous.” 
Aang paused before admitting quietly, “Kind of.” 
Before she got the chance to respond, Huaping’s voice made them both direct their attention toward him. “I got drinks- oh, shit, the Avatar.” 
Aang saw him holding out the drinks and, before he could properly think, took them both out of his hands, gave one to Toph, and said, “Thanks, buddy.” 
“Uh, you’re welcome.” His hands hovered in the air for a moment before he let them drop to his sides. 
Aang slipped his arm around Toph’s waist, who naturally settled into his side without much question. “Hey, I think Sokka and Suki just came in.” 
“Ah, gotta go then. Thanks again, Huaping.” Toph tilted her head, giving him the same smirk she gave when he first approached her. 
Huaping lifted a hand as he watched them walk away. “See you later.” 
Once they were out of his earshot, Toph started snickering. “That was a little mean, Aang.” 
Aang grinned. “It’s only mean because you decided to lead him on.” 
“But I got us drinks!” She lifted the cup up. 
Aang buried his head into hair and gave her a kiss. “Just tell me to get you a drink next time. you vixen.” 
“Fine,” she feigned annoyance as she conceded, but leaned her head back onto his shoulder and let out a sigh of happiness. 
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