#top five unforgettable zones in wow
dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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sparkleplace1 · 9 months
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You can come up with at least 100 reasons why you should visit Italy. But for the sake of saving your time and putting it within 10 minutes, I limited that list to 10 reasons, especially for you.
In this blog, I’m going to discuss with you ten major reasons why you guys should visit Italy. Hi guys, I’m Shimul, a travel blogger who is currently in Rome, the capital of Italy, and today I want to discuss with you 10 major reasons why you have to visit Italy.
Italy certainly has many things to offer: spectacular cities, ancient ruins, great beaches, and beautiful natural scenery, but so does any other European country, so Let’s Start.
There is no other city in the world like Rome. While Rome wants to be a more than 21st Century City, it desperately tries to keep its historical ruins and monuments from crumbling.
The city is really one large archaeological dig that continues to discover its 2 800 years of History. To be able to walk through the Coliseum and the Roman Forum, it’s a walk back in time.
If you love History, architecture, museums, great food shopping, historical monuments, and, of course, great gelato, you should head to Rome.
As an additional benefit of visiting Rome, you should also visit Vatican City, which is an amazing destination in its own right. These incredible ruins and monuments will not last forever. So my advice, guys start planning your trip to Rome now
2. Venice
Okay, the truth about Venice, to be told, is that it’s old, sinking into the login floats occasionally, and sometimes it smells what other City on this planet can climb the same list and still being one of the most attractive destinations in the world.
Maybe everyone wants to visit Venice until it disappears into the Adriatic and becomes the lost City of Venice. In all my travels, I only had two wow moments in my life. The first came when I saw the Leforton Islands in Norway for the first time, and the second came when I stepped onto the plaza from the train station into the wonderful world of Venice.
Did I mention that it’s also Colorful full of life and has amazing churches, museums, great Seafood, fantastic shopping, and is just one of the most fun places you will have a visit?
3. Florence
The top three are Rome, Venice, and Florence. There is really no mystery here. If you were to ask visitors to Italy what was their most favorite Italian city to visit, I’m pretty sure that for most of them, it will be Florence.
Florence is just right in so many ways. The city is just the right size, which makes it one of the most walkable cities in Italy. The centerpiece of Florence is, without any doubt, the Magnificent Basilica de Santa Maria de Fiori. Otherwise known as the Duomo, it should be noticed.
This city is the rightful birthplace of the Renaissance, and it’s loaded with wonderful art, architecture, and some of the finest museums in the world. Florence, without any doubt, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
4. Sardinia
While many people will argue that Sardinia should appear in this list, I could not resist placing this amazing Island. Sardinia is just the right place for your Unforgettable holidays, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea between Europe and North Africa.
Sardinia will offer not only wonderful beaches but also ancient and almost uncontaminated Traditions. History, music, culture, Food Specialties, various delicious wide art, and an overall healthy lifestyle. Which makes Sardinia one of the five blue zones in the world.
Where it’s very frequent that the locals live for more than 100 years sounds unbelievable, but this is all about a certain year.
5. Climate
Italy has a predominantly Mediterranean climate with mild. Sometimes rainy, Winters and sunny hot and usually dry Summers. However, with such a large area and many geographical features, from high mountains to over 4,000 miles of Coastline, you will find plenty of regional differences and even microclimates.
This is why you can visit Italy all year round. Are you a big fan of winter sports activities? Brilliant, just go up north. Dolomite the Italian Alps and spend your holidays skiing, snowboarding, or just having fun in deep, fluffy snow. Constant cold and warm temperatures are fantastic. Go to Sardinian or Sicilia and enjoy your Unforgettable Beach holidays.
The only thing I don’t recommend you do is to go to Rome in August as if crochet in the hot up to 45 degrees Celsius easy. I don’t think you would like to spend your precious holiday under the burning Sun to see the major attractions.
6. Food
I cannot avoid mentioning Italian fate when we’re talking about 10 main reasons why you should visit Italy. Of course, Italian food. I’ve never had a bad meal in Italy, including stopping at the services on the motorway for a quick bite. The different regions of Italy all have their unique Specialties.
No matter where you go, you will always find delicious local Cuisine, and if you ever get an opportunity to have a homemade meal, you should jump on this chance right away.
Those will be the finest meal you will ever have in Italy, and the wine, no Italian milk would be complete without it, cute housewife. There is so much delicious locally produced wine all around Italy. So be sure to sample them all.
7. People
Italian people or another reason why you must visit Italy. The level of Italian Hospitality will take your breath away. Sometimes Italians get a bad reputation for being impassioned with tourists and the authority as the big pocket capital of the world.
I have never experienced any of those, and to be honest with you. I find Italian people very warm and hospitable. Don’t get me wrong, some nasty people will pick your pocket if the opportunity Rises, but this can happen in any country in the world. Just be sure to be always aware of your surroundings. My many great experiences with the locals are the best memories I have of all these little ladies working in local shops without speaking any English. They’re trying their best to help you as much as they can to the wonderful owners of Estatijinali little restaurant in the very heart of Rome, who always make my day.
Every time I come here to help you communicate with the locals in a better personal level, learn a little bit of Italian, if, it’s just a few key phrases to make you involved in this conversation.
8. Sicily
Often overlooked by visitors for the more popular destinations farther north, Sicily is a world on its own and a great reason to visit Italy with an extraordinary combination of Greek temples, Norman churches, Roman mosaics, and classic Baroque towns.
Sicily is a Melting Pot of cultures reflecting thousands of years of boring occupation, from the beautiful sceneries of Taormina to the wonderfully preserved temples of Agrigento and the Magnificent Cathedral of Monreale.
Sicily has much to offer those who venture to the island and remember Mount Aetna. This massive, active volcano dominates on the Eastern side of Sicily and makes for a great day trip from Taormina or Catania.
9. Mountains and Lakes
The mountains and lakes might be one of many things to come to your mind when you’re planning a trip to Italy. But there needs to be more to start planning the trip from the stunning Del Amity in the Northeast to the Italian Alps in the north. This is an amazing playground for those of you guys who love hiking, biking, or skiing.
And dotted Among The Valleys of those fascinating mountains are some of Italy’s most gorgeous lakes. Drive to Grandastrada De le Dolomite Grand Dolomiti highway for an unforgettable trip on one of the most scenic roads in the world.
Northern Italy is also home to some of the most scenic Lakes, including Lake Como, Lake Majora, and Lake Garda.
10. It Dosen’t Have To Break The Bank
Most people don’t consider traveling to Italy because they think it’s extremely expensive, while travel in Europe in general can be quite expensive; it doesn’t have to break the bank. There are a number of strategies you can use to reduce costs. For starters, it’s always cheaper to travel during the Season or at least the shoulder season; if you’re traveling once everyone else does well, the demand will be high.
So, in this case, you will have to pay top dollar accommodations that run the range from outrageous to reasonable. The key is finding hidden jumps that offer charm and comfort without emptying your wallet.
This takes some planning and work, but you can find accommodations below 100 dollars per night in Italy. Find a highly-rated bed and breakfast or stay in Agriturismo, and you will get a more authentic experience than in a large hotel or Resort.
So there you have it, 10 really strong reasons to visit Italy. Design what interests you the most, start planning, and hack to that particular region. I should add here that travel within Italy is very easy as they have a great train system that connects all the major cities and regions the trains run fairly often, are reasonably priced and very punctual.
One final word of caution: before you go, please do not try to see everything in one single trip; visitors who run through in a desperate attempt to see everything. And miss out on the little things that make it so special. Take your time, and be sure to stop and take it all in, as you may never come this way again.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Unforgettable-Chapter Four
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Previous chapters on AO3    A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Chapter Four
Claire pulled her mascara wand out and it was dry. Damn she thought, I don’t suppose there’s anywhere to buy makeup around here. She threw it in the waste container and dabbed on some lip gloss. The laptop was set up on her small table and she dialed the number with shaking fingers. She sent Jamie a text early in the week asking to Skype on Friday night. She wondered how he would get away from what’s-her-name, but he agreed so she didn’t care.
Her laptop flickered a couple of times and then he was there, smiling at her like she was right in front of him.
“God made eyes that color for one person only Sassenach.”
“Ye of course. How is it going over there? Is the hospital in a safe zone?”
“Sometimes. The second night I was here we had casualties from a raid nearby. Quite an initiation.”
“What kind of work are ye doin there, do ye like it?”
They stared at each other and their mouths moved but the action was happening in the heart. Jamie felt himself slipping back under her spell and Claire wanted to tell him about all the feelings, wars, doubt, and capitulation she was going through. They kept the conversation light.
“How can you be so far from the laptop and I can still see you clearly?
“I use my smart TV, and you are life-size as I watch ye.”
“Wow, that is awesome. Tell me about Edinburgh.”
And so it went, the benign conversation of two people in love that were not willing to expose themselves to the other. They would both feel the immediate vacuum sucking them out of the happy zone the minute Skype was closed.
They talked every week on Friday, afternoon for Claire, evening for Jamie. A package arrived for Claire and she ran to her room to open the box, so thrilled because it could only be Jamie who sent it. She pulled out a state-of-the-art laptop with a seventeen-inch screen and an exceptional camera. It was loaded with trending software and numerous picture files of his football team, Lallybroch, his camping trips, the fish he caught and the amazing sunsets from the top of the world. The card was handwritten; For the Sassenach, to remind ye of civilization and Scotland. I hope it makes ye happy. Claire hugged the card to her chest and rolled her eyes when someone knocked on her door.
“Claire! Let us in!”
Joe grew impatient and Claire finally opened the door to both of them. Kevin’s eyes lit up when he saw the new technology and he rushed to the laptop to investigate.
“It’s just lovely, I think Jamie is more than a friend all of a sudden.”
“No, it’s a friend present, nothing more. He is getting married, remember.”
“What, so he’s gonna Skype with you all the way to the alter?”
“Something like that.”
“Hey, he set up a gmail for you and sent a message.”
“Really? Claire rushed to the laptop to read it.”
Sassenach, I dinna ken yer email and I dinna like to wait. Send me a picture of the jungle! JF
Someone was knocking on the door but this time she could hear the urgency and pulled the door open.
“Report to OR on the double, Doctor Anderson is waiting.”
Cutter had already completed ten hours of surgery today, and so had she. She closed the door behind her and ran to the surgical wing. For the next two hours, she, Cutter, and another nurse worked hard to save a young man who came in with a meat hook stuck in his abdomen. Claire was clamping blood vessels as she found them, her arms deep in the abdomen, hands, and forearms covered in blood as they raced to stem the bleeding from multiple ruptured vessels. She and Cutter on opposite sides of the table, both suturing tissue as fast as they could.
Claire was the last to leave the OR and she was exhausted as she pushed into the scrub room and pulled her gown and gloves off. She held onto the scrub sink like she could collapse any moment and closed her eyes with the water running in front of her. The room was dimly lit, and she washed quickly so she could collapse in her Lazy Boy.
Joe’s phone had a high megapixel camera and he was quite good at using it. The close-ups he took of Claire, her eyes tired and grim, as she leaned over the washbasin on her forearms. Asleep in the Lazy Boy with her hand on Luna, surrounded by villagers, all needing something, were telling the story of Claire’s existence in this place.
Kevin joined the cause and had a folder full of Claire in action. Cutter was recruited to catch Claire with her two favorite men, Joe and Kevin, goofing off and teasing each other.
Joe recognized the signs of a man in love and sent Jamie the photos from Claire’s new laptop while she was working.
Claire pulled her new laptop closer and dialed Jamie. His face looked different, contemplative, and Claire’s heart rate shot up making her feel weak. He’s going to tell me he’s getting married she thought. Her instincts were shouting for her to disconnect. When you don’t want to hear something, don’t listen. She stared at him with wide eyes and he stared back.
“What is it Jamie, you look different.”
“Sassenach, I dinna have words to describe what your pictures showed me.”
“Ye are the bravest lass I’ve ever known and the strongest. I had no idea what life was really like there. I am in awe of ye lass.”
“So far, you have not made a lick of sense Jamie. I didn’t send pictures to you. What are you talking about?”
“Well, someone did it for ye. They were in my email yesterday.”
Claire grabbed her phone and checked the sent emails, there were numerous emails to Jamie with picture attachments. Claire opened them and flipped through the pics with mounting concern.
“Jesus Christ, I wasn’t aware these were being taken, or sent. I’m sorry Jamie. My friend Joe had a very bad idea. I was not aware.”
Jamie leaned closer to the camera, “this is the real you as ye go through the day. I have an accurate account of the struggles ye face. Your work in the OR, yer haunted eyes when yer about to collapse and those two guys who hang on each other and make ye laugh. It’s incredible what I’ve learned about ye with these pictures. Yer amazing Sassenach.”
Jamie’s comments broke through her fantasy of killing all who conspired in this clandestine photo shoot. She heard compassion, pride, and love in Jamie’s voice. She looked up at the camera again and suddenly felt overwhelmed with love for the guys and appreciation for Jamie’s reaction.
“Ye dinna ken how special ye are, or how much ye deserve the best life. I…I will be happy to know ye finally get it, Claire. I feel emotionally invested somehow, please agree to be my video friend or pen pal for life. I’ll always wonder if ye don’t.”
Claire was surprised at Jamie’s reaction and she tried to rally her friend-face, control her expressions, and maintain composure in front of the camera. She looked into his eyes and wanted to shout at him that she was more than a friend. Jamie’s words were hitting her like bullets because he was now an observer trying to help her somehow, not harboring his own crush. At that moment she subconsciously jettisoned away from him, to the place she had been since the video calls started. In a box of his acquaintances he would remember from time to time.
Jamie continued to sing her praises and Claire did her best to cover the disappointment and hurt from misunderstanding his interest. She tried to rally but finally begged off with an excuse to feed the baby.
“Until next week Sassenach, take care of yourself.”
Claire slammed the lid on the laptop, “like you’re my psychiatrist or something? No thanks, I’ll be my own support thank you. If this is your entertainment to share with miss perfect, you will have to find something on television from now on. I am out.”
When Jamie saw the blood drain from Claire’s face, he knew she was completely in the dark about the pictures. That made it even more real for him and he silently thanked Joe for letting him into their world. No wonder she couldn’t settle in Edinburgh, it would be like putting a gorgeous butterfly in a jar, to slowly die from the lack of flight. He was deeply troubled that he had touched a dream girl, his dream girl, and the world had no equal.
The door opened and he looked at Geneva, here for a night of cat and mouse, and he was the mouse. He took a deep breath and suddenly wanted to be in a meadow, full of fish, where he could spend time with his memory of Claire and say his truth.
Jamie rose from the couch and kissed Geneva, promising a five-minute shower before they left. But the whole time, he was missing the girl who danced with a fish in his kitchen.
Claire looked at Joe with a laser sight on his fertile brain and fantasies of torture danced in her head. Joe retreated and disappeared before she got to him. She would have followed him, but she was pulled away by an unexpected visit from Luna’s mother.
Claire felt her tears drop onto her shoulders making her scrubs wet. She was always afraid this day would come, her miracle baby leaving with her biological mother. She pulled the baby to her and kissed her cheeks, repeatedly. She assembled multiple bags packed with food, diapers, blankets, and supplements that would sustain her. She would send her away and never know what happened to her and that was breaking her heart. Cutter pushed into the nursery and looked at Claire with compassion.
“Let me take her Claire. Kiss her one more time, then give her to me, he said quietly.”
Luna held Claire’s hair and yanked it trying to get her mother’s attention, the only mother her infant life knew. In her limited world, one face had always been there to give love and smiles and food. Claire broke down and Cutter pulled the sweet baby from her, pulled the bags of supplies onto his shoulder, and then left.
Claire sank into the Lazy Boy arms wrapped around her stomach and cried like she was mortally wounded. She bent over and her tears puddled on the linoleum floor. Her heart was breaking and there was no comfort to be had, just misery, her miracle baby was gone forever.
Claire laid curled up in the Lazy Boy and wondered how much grief one person could take in a day. “UNCLE”, she whispered, “no more for today.” The room grew darker as the sun set, and Claire remained until the door opened and a hand pulled her into the lighted hallway making her squint painfully. The hand pulled her forward and outside where it was easier to open her eyes.
Claire looked at the picnic table with a lantern on it and looked up at Cutter.
“What’s this?”
“A request from Joe, to get you talking and forgiving before you end his life for the pictures.”
He pushed her onto a bench and sat across from her with his hands folded on the table.
“Shall we begin, I rather like Joe, so let’s figure this out together.”
Cutter smiled and waited patiently.
“What? Um, I was mad at him for sending the pictures to Jamie. It was a sweet gesture, but it brought out Jamie’s true feelings for me and I was mad about that. I have the right to punish Joe because he’s my best friend.”
“What true feelings did Jamie reveal?”
“He wants to be pen pals, or video pals, so he will know when I find happiness. He doesn’t want to wonder about me for the rest of his life.”
“Jesus Claire, you had to let go of Luna right after that?”
“She wanted and needed my attention as I got her ready, but I couldn’t stop crying. I miss her so much already and I will never know what happened to her. I can’t take not knowing, Cutter.”
She stopped abruptly and looked up at her friend. The comparison of the two statements sinking into her brain. Her eyes got wide as she compared Jamie’s statement to her own. She loved Luna with her heart and soul, and it broke her heart realizing she will never know how she was. Could Jamie feel the same about her? She stared straight ahead and climbed out of the picnic table. She patted Cutter on the shoulder but missed and patted his face as she left.
“What about Joe? Can he come out of hiding now?”
“Mission accomplished soldier, he’s safe.”
Claire had a strange look on her face, but it wasn’t sorrow that Cutter saw, it was more like she just figured out the double-helix of DNA. Something wondrous.
Claire laid on her bed for the first time in four months and sighed deeply. Whatever Jamie felt for her, was big, that she was certain of. She will keep Skyping on Friday nights and maybe send an email occasionally if there was something exceptional or interesting that happened.
Jamie climbed in a thickly wooded area with a punishing pitch, feeling strong and healthy, as long as he didn’t start thinking. The woods were healing him of the past months of partying, drinking to excess, dealing with Geneva the shape-shifter, and his little Claire showing her heart and comfort to him. Breathing deeply in the crisp mountain air he felt capable of anything. Later in the afternoon, he laid back in the sun to rest. Winter was well on its way and pushing through his comfort limits, so this would be his last trip for a while. He would miss his time out here in nature. He paid dearly for it with Geneva but he didn’t care, it was bringing him back to who he really was.
Claire sat down next to Joe and across from Cutter at dinner. They had been in this medical camp for nine months, she could hardly believe it. The guys were displaying an air of excitement and fist-bumping Joe, well, Kevin was giving cheek kisses and Cutter did the bumping.
“Wow, I’ll bite, what is all the excitement about?”
“Jamie entered one of my pictures of you in a competition, and I won!” Joe was laughing. “Something Apple was doing to promote the camera in the new iPhone. Pretty cool, ha, and I get ten grand for first place!!”
“Jamie did that for you? Interesting. Whatever would make him even think of such a thing?”
Claire stared at Joe, letting him know she would not look away until he explained himself. She was making him antsy and nervous so this would not take long.
Joe sighed and told Claire about the photo lab tech who blew the picture up for Jamie asking all kinds of questions about the camera.
“He called me, told the lab tech it was an iPhone camera, tech said put the picture in the contest, he did, I won, and that’s about it.”
Claire picked up her tray and stood up, “Imagine that.”
The three men gaped at her as she walked away. They didn’t know what to expect from her, but it wasn’t that.
Claire smiled inside wondering how Jamie and Joe became telephone buddies. She was the common denominator and that’s all that mattered to her. She wiped the sweat off her face about to say goodnight to the guys when she thought of some cool relief.
“Cutter, remember that swimming pool I jumped in and you morphed into the incredible hulk?” What was that place?”
“Cutter looked around the room thinking about honesty versus a good night’s sleep for her. “It was my overreacting is all. I thought it was something different.”
“I do believe that is first time you have lied to me Cutter. I’ll ask again, what was that place, and…be honest.”
“It’s a rebel stronghold Claire. The attack on the villagers when you first got here, was perpetrated by that group.”
Claire’s eyes went wide, and her voice panicked, “they’re right here in our backyard? Jesus Christ, it’s no more than a few miles from here! If I had been caught in that pool they would have killed me, wouldn’t they?”
“Drop it pea,” he growled. “That’s enough on the subject.”
Cutter left the table cursing himself for telling her, thankful he left out the torturous death of women prisoners. They would have made it last before she drew her last breath and he would be dead trying to protect her.
Claire stared straight ahead, trying to wrap her head around their proximity to the enemy. She shivered with a full understanding of Cutter’s reaction that day.
“Jesus Christ,” she whispered.
Joe had heard things, from the villagers, delivery drivers, and the news when they could get it. He had already put in a request to get them out of there. It was first come first serve and everyone was bugging out of Honduras. He intended to talk to Claire and Kevin tonight about leaving their post before replacements came. It was feeling creepy around here and his instincts were screaming it was time to go.
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allamericancdjr · 3 years
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6 top destinations to travel from Singapore between Nov and Jan
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If you are the type who plans your next vacation while enjoying the one you’re are on, we know how much you love travelling. And what better way to end your year or start the next one while doing what you love the most? That’s why we have whipped up a list of destinations that must top your travel goals from November to January. After all, that is the perfect time to take a holiday too – the weather is cool, the vibes are festive and workplaces are rather relaxed. Need we say more?
1. Romance on ice rinks
Where: Paris, France
When: November, December
Why: Low season, great deals
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Source: @ettore_riva
They say Paris is always a good idea and we totally concur. Even if you have seen Paris during its sunny season, there are more than enough reasons to visit the French capital when it is drenched in snow. The city’s many ice rinks, festive decorations, gourmet hot chocolate (or better, mulled wine!) and winter fashion are sure to make your trip remarkable.
Plus, winter is the perfect time to skip those never-ending queues outside tourist attractions and grab the best deals on flights and hotels. However, make sure you consider the super low temperatures and short days while planning your itinerary. When you find yourself in this winter wonderland, make some time out and visit the city’s famous flea market – Les Puces de Clignancourt – in St. Ouen.
2. Party the night away
Where: Bangkok, Thailand
When: December, January
Why: Unending entertainment options, wild parties
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Source: @bodyslamband
Bangkok must be on your year-end travel list if you want to spend nights you won’t remember and try things you won’t forget. Turn the full moon into your own shiny disco ball and dance the night away at one of the full moon parties in Koh Phangan or welcome the New Year in style by being a part of the spectacular Count Down @ Central World Bangkok.
Of course, once you are out of the party zone, you can indulge in some value-for-money shopping and melt all the fatigue away by getting a soothing massage at one of the many spas in the city. Even though it might not rain throughout the month, make sure you carry an umbrella for those sudden showers.
3. Have a culturally-rich vacation
Where: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
When: December, January
Why: Currency win! Singapore dollar is trending stronger against the Indonesian Rupiah
If you think Indonesia is all about Bali, think again. Yogyakarta or Jogja, a city that flawlessly blends the traditional and the modern has to be on your travel bucket-list. Apart from beaches and mountains, Yogya offers a travel experience that would not burn a hole in our pockets. That’s because the Singaporean dollar exchanges for a whopping 10,600 Indonesian Rupiah, giving you a higher value for your buck.
When in Yogyakarta, don’t forget to visit the breathtaking Kalibiru National Park and go for an adrenaline-pumping adventure at Sinden beach and Kalong island. This is also a place where you will be able to welcome the New Year a bit differently – at a palace square or in a temple! Waking up on the first day of the year, looking at the sunrise over Borobodur — if surreal experiences like these make it to your bucket list, Yogyakarta is just the place.
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SGD to Rupiah exchange rate as of 16 August 2018
Related: 8 Handy Travel Apps for the Financially Savvy Traveller
4. Experience magic
Where: Svalbard, Norway
When: November, December and January
Why: Known to be the best spot to witness the Northern Lights
Aurora borealis or the Northern Lights are said to be a spectacular wonder of Mother Nature and if you have been yearning to witness it, there is no better time than the winter season. Of course, Norway has many other winter activities to offer its tourists too – snowmobiling, dog sledding, snowshoeing and ice caving, to name a few. The rare wildlife (think polar bears, whales and walrus!) and scenic landscapes are icing on the cake.
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Source: @discoversvalbard
If you plan your visit during Christmas, we promise you it will be one of the most magical celebrations you would have ever seen – after all you are so close to Santa himself! Pssstt…Svalbard is a duty-free zone so keep some time out to shop for unique gifts at bargain prices for the folks back home (and of course, yourself too!).
5. Spend quality family time
Where: Timaru, New Zealand
When: December
Why: The iconic Caroline Bay Carnival
If you are bored of spending every New Year eve in a local pub buying super expensive drinks and jostling to find a table, it’s time to break the monotony. Hit the two-week-long (and entertaining!) Caroline Bay Carnival at Timaru, New Zealand and bid the perfect goodbye to the current year and give a fun welcome to the new one.
The carnival, marked by live performances, concerts, fairground-style rides, interesting competitions and sports events, starts on Boxing Day and ends in the first week of January. It is the ideal way to make up for all the fun family time you have lost due to your hectic work schedule throughout the year. Oh, and did we mention 2018 will mark the 108th Caroline Bay Carnival. Wow!
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Source: @tentative_toby
Related: Top 6 Destinations to Travel From Singapore Between Aug and Oct
6. Witness the festival of lights amidst a royal backdrop
Where: Udaipur, India
When: November
Why: Diwali celebrations with a royal backdrop
When one thinks about the best place to be treated imperially in India, the first choice is invariably Udaipur. Known as the City of Lakes, the city is home to beautifully carved palaces, majestic forts, luxurious hotels and local delicacies that will take a long time to leave your best food dreams.
While Udaipur is magical during the entire winter season, it dons an unforgettable charm during the Hindu festival of Diwali. The city enthusiastically celebrates this festival for five days and decorates each corner with a lot of heart.
The City Palace of Udaipur looks like a gleaming structure you cannot take your eyes off. Oh, and the fireworks! The city skyline lights up enough for you to carry a little sparkle back home when you leave. When in Udaipur, don’t forget to try some local chaat and shop for beautiful handcrafts.
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Source: @lionelng
Before you rush to pack your bags, make sure you arm yourself with credit cards that give you travel benefits such as lounge access and take note of the forex fees when using credit cards overseas.
The post [Infographic] 6 Things to Learn About Money from Warren Buffett appeared first on BankBazaar.sg.
BankBazaar.sg is a leading online marketplace in Singapore that helps consumers compare and apply a credit card, personal loan, home loan, car loan and insurance.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/travel/dohas-most-over-the-top-hotel-suites/
Doha's most over-the-top hotel suites
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(CNN) — Doha, the capital of Qatar, has fast become the ideal travel stopover. You can pack in a lot in just a few days and come out of the tiny Gulf state feeling like you’ve been to an authentic, and often unique, destination.
Where you sleep can be part of it. Here’s a quick roundup of five of the most deluxe hotel suites in Doha for an unforgettable stay:
E-Wow Suite, W Hotel
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What says “wow” more than a lifesize horse-slash-lamp?
Courtesy W Hotels
The Extreme-Wow Suite in Doha’s W Hotel has become a destination for a long list of celebrities, including actors Jeremy Irons and Amitabh Bachchan and models Kate Moss and Izabel Goulart.
This spacious 127-square-meter suite (1,367 square feet) is decked out in black and blue. You can hang in a swing chair, play pool with your friends, then have your meal catered through your own private kitchen and sit down for a meal at your own private dining table.
But what the W Hotel strives to do is astound. Spoiler alert! The sunlit corridor to your rooms is lined with tanks filled with exotic fish.
But the real element of surprise is in the bedroom. It’s likely you won’t notice it — because who expects the unexpected? — until you almost walk into its backside.
There at the edge of your bedroom, inspired by the Bedouin lifestyle, is a horse. A full-size, plastic horse. There’s no denying here just how intrinsic Arabian horses are to Qatar’s culture, and this is a beautiful homage to that. Oh, and it’s functional, for the horse is also a lamp.
From $5,500
W Hotel, West Bay Zone 61, Street 831, Building 262, Doha; +974 4453 5000
Sky House at Mondrian Doha
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Dutch designer Marcel Wanders is behind Mondrian Doha’s look.
Courtesy Mondrian Doha
The look behind Mondrian Doha is the brainchild of Marcel Wanders — the so-called Lady Gaga of design.
His energy and wild ideas punctuate every aspect of this hotel. The designer’s take on Qatari design can be seen from the ground up, all the way to the hotel’s Sky House on the 23rd floor.
This two-story suite has 360-degree views of Doha and the blue Persian Gulf. But it’s what’s happening on the inside that really counts. You have your own cinema, game tables and a round sofa big enough to hold a dozen or so of your closest friends.
Hungry? Sit down to a catered meal with a (wooden) falcon perched on your chair. If you don’t feel like taking the stairs to your sleeping suite — don’t worry, you can take the elevator. Upstairs the sand-colored carpets are grooved like desert dunes rippled by the wind.
The walls, inspired by the folk tales of “One Thousand and One Nights,” depict images of a Dutch traveler to the Middle East.
Many modern-day travelers have wound up at the Sky House suite including Indian superstar actor and model Aishwarya Rai, fashion designer Manish Malhotra, socialite Paris Hilton and actor and singer Jennifer Lopez.
From: $10,000
Opal Bridal Suite at Mondrian Doha
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The bridal suite, good enough for Jenny from the Block.
Courtesy Mondrian Doha
But J-Lo didn’t get ready for her concert in the Sky House. She used the ultra over-the-top Opal Bridal Suite instead. And frankly, why not?
Crystal mirrors and chandeliers line the long private hallway — a sort of practice run for the ultimate walk down the aisle for any blushing bride.
Go through the doors into a 600-square-meter space which includes a dressing room, make-up room and walk-through closet.
There’s a Majlis — or living room and a master bedroom — and a bridesmaid’s bedroom.
The pièce de résistance might well be the chandelier in the shower. But the surprise gem of this place is the private 24k gold Swarovski-encrusted elevator. It takes you directly to the Moonstone Ballroom for one of the grandest entrances you might ever make. You don’t need to be a star to use this space — but you might feel like one.
From $4,000
Royal Villa at the Sharq Village & Spa
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Do a few laps in the generously proportioned bathroom.
Courtesy Sharq Village & Spa
For the quintessential VIP experience head to the Royal Villa at the Sharq Village & Spa. You’d be forgiven if you thought you were somewhere other than a hotel, because this villa is its own empire.
Overlooking the Gulf, the 2,099-square meter beachfront Royal Villa is based on a traditional Sheikh’s palace. Inside, five suites spread out across two stories. You have your own waterfall pool, gym, sauna and steam rooms. But if you fancy a little privacy, you can take over the Brazilian blue marble bathroom. The over-sized Jacuzzi tub with its 18k gold detailing almost looks big enough to swim in.
When you’re ready for company again, invite the whole clan to the suite’s vast outdoor Majlis overlooking the sea. The hard part will be getting everyone to leave.
From $9,600
Deluxe Suite at Musheireb Boutique Hotel
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Low-cost luxury in the Deluxe Suite at Al Musheireb Boutique Hotel.
Courtesy Al Musheireb Boutique Hotel
If all you want to do is spend a night curled up in Qatari culture and you’ve blown your vacation budget, you can make your destination the Souq Waqif.
There are nine boutique hotels integrated into the alleyways of this historic market, all unique and charming — but the five-star Musheireb Boutique Hotel is particularly special.
The deluxe room is exuberant yet understated: the plush headboards framed in gold; the oversized sofas reminiscent of old Italian homes. Yes, here Europe meshes with Arabia.
This delightful sanctuary feels like a homecoming, with its soft comforts and colorful pallets.
But what sets this room apart is its exoticism. Pull up a plush chaise lounge and soak up the atmosphere with the call to prayer sounding out from a minaret or watch the golden light bathe the Souq Waqif mosque, which expats affectionately call the Curly or Spiral Mosque.
The hotel’s right next to the camel and horse stables, while to the north there’s the Corniche waterfront promenade which wraps itself around the city reaching towards the celebrated Museum of Islamic Art.
Here you don’t really have to go anywhere to be somewhere. And you won’t break the bank either.
From $120
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ncmagroup · 6 years
  By Rebekah Radice
Have you ever wondered what separates successful social media marketers from those that struggle?
Or why one business will succeed on social media while another staggers along?
The answer isn’t as complicated as you might think.
Those that achieve exponential growth commit to daily activities, habits, and strategies.
These critical elements shape and form their future.
And the good news? You can use the same ingredients in your social media marketing.
In this article, I share seven quick action steps you can take today.
Each one has been time-tested and proven to make a difference. That is if you’re willing to commit.
Read on to learn how you can add these ideas to your marketing mix to encourage social media success.
How To Succeed On Social Media (7 Quick Action Steps)
  1. Know WHY You’re Using Social Media
If I were to ask you why you’re using social media, would you know the answer?
Have you taken the time to define how social media will support your marketing goals?
Until you know what you’re looking to achieve, social media will feel hard. And worse than that, success will appear elusive.
Not sure where to get started? Here’s how to find your WHY and use it as a differentiating factor.
How to Discover the WHY Behind Your Social Media
Begin by answering these eight questions.
When you first hopped on social media, what was your number one reason? (e.g. to reach a targeted audience, cheap advertising, better connections – be honest)
What’s your number one reason today? (explain how it’s changed)
What three problems do you solve for your potential clients?
Can you articulate your solution to those problems across social media?
What do you see in your competitor’s use of social media that you feel needs to change? (what’s broken, not working, inconsistent)
Will social media help you build trust and rapport?
Is there a market eager to buy your product?
Is the purpose behind your use of social media aligned to your business objectives?
Unpacking your responses to each of these questions will bring clarity. Rather than random acts of social sharing, you come to the table with a fresh perspective.
You know what you want and why you want it, just like Steve Gutzler. Steve is a business coach who works with top leaders, inspiring greatness through emotional intelligence.
Across Steve’s social networks, it’s easy to see how social media supports his vision. The consistent use, topic focus, and community building keeps his audience engaged.
Steve Gutzler@SteveGutzler
Five-Leadership Traits: 1) Abundance mind-set 2) Develops trust 3) Think win-win 4) Shared thinking 5) Including others#leadership
Mark Faris@MarkFaris1
@SteveGutzler Don’t forget that great leaders teach & develop others selflessly
  2. Know Your Boundaries (and be explicit)
Since social media’s early days, it’s been evident that we (as a community) need to reign ourselves in.
How often have you seen a verbal vomit episode online? One that spiraled into a debilitating (possibly tragic) outcome?
I’m sure many just popped into your mind. While some bounce back, others find their career left in ruins.
The key is to know your boundaries.
Identify where you draw the line and what conversations you’re willing to engage in. And more importantly, which ones you’ll avoid.
This becomes a roadmap to social media engagement. It makes hopping into conversations and monitoring the ones that matter most to your business easy.
How to Create Your Social Media Boundaries
What’s your business focus? (industry, niche, vertical)
List the problems you solve.
Specify how you solve each one of them.
Who is your target audience? (Demographics – geographic area, age, income, race, gender)
Describe who they are, what they do and why they’d want to connect with your business.
What’s your social media engagement and conversational style?
How will you interact on social media? Are you fun or serious? Know your tone and voice.
Now stay in appropriate conversations. Don’t deviate.
It’s like learning how to use crayons as a kid. Coloring books kept us within the lines. We knew our limits.
Knowing your boundaries on social media will keep your business safe and in the “verbal vomit” free zone. ?
  3. Embrace Your Key Differentiator
Are you connected to me across social media? You’ll see this in action. Me being me. Both as a brand and a person.
You might think I’m a born extrovert, but you’d be wrong.
Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy a good party and love being among friends. I also appreciate moments spent surrounded by a community, audience or group of peers.
And yet, I’m not the life of the party. I’m the girl who retreats back to her hotel room to decompress and gain a little peace and quiet.
But, given the fact that my DISC profile is an off the charts D and I, I can also be somewhat of an enigma.
My D has been the driving force behind each success within my life. It allows me to step out in faith, believing that my strong sense of “what’s right for me” will also be my best guide.
Meanwhile, my “I” pushes me out in front of a crowd. Giving me the courage and strength to attempt anything once.
Have you determined what makes your business unique? You need to find that one thing you do better than anything else.
How to Find Your One Thing
Steve Maraboli said in his book “Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience,”
[clickToTweet tweet=”“It’s beautiful seeing a person be themselves. Be unapologetically you.�� – Steve Marobli” quote=”“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.””]
I couldn’t agree more.
Ready to embrace your one thing? It’s not as tough as you think.
Be fearless! Get out there and break things. Try something new. Dare to be bold in your decisions. Know what you and your business stands for.
Stand UP for what you believe. If you don’t take a stand for your business, who will? Do what you know is right for the direction and focus of your company and brand — every single day.
Know that you might be able to do all things, but that you cannot do everything. Give away everything that doesn’t serve you or the best interest of your company. Focus on your highest and best.
Stop trying to be everything to everyone. Identify who you serve and give back to that community in meaningful ways.
  4. Blaze Your Own Branded Trail
Are you clearly articulating what sets your business apart from your competition? Is this spelled out in your social media branding?
If not, you’re walking a dangerous line.
Heard of a tactic called “me-too marketing?” I’m sure you’ve seen it. It’s on display across social media everywhere you look.
It’s a term that means you look at your competition and say, “hey, I like what you’re doing. I can do that to.”
But instead of using that knowledge to create differentiation, you mimic every aspect. Right down to a revised version of their logo.
Why, oh why would you do that? Blaze your own trail. Be unique.
See how busy social media is? If your branding is cookie cutter at best, you’re going to have a hard time standing out.
From your colors to the font you use, create a consistent look and feel.
Strong branding equals an instant connection with your audience.
Coca-Cola, one of the most well-established companies around, has created an unforgettable brand.
And it’s no surprise. Their content is captivating, consistent, and unique in tone and voice.
  5. Define Your Version of Success (and know how you’ll get there)
Tony Gwynn, Hall of Fame Baseball player said,
“The minute you’re satisfied with where you are, you aren’t there anymore.”
And so it is with social media marketing.
Just when you think you know what success looks like, change comes along and sweeps you off your feet.
If you’ve struggled to build momentum, it’s time to define what success looks like to your company.
What drives your social media decisions? Have you nailed it down?
The sooner you do, the quicker you stop wasting time on social media.
  6. Align Social with Your Marketing Strategy
Are you posting without a plan?
Is your content an afterthought and your social media strategy non-existent?
If this sounds like you, you need to get aligned with your marketing goals.
With a plan in place, your post on purpose instead of randomly.
You also roll your social goals up into your company goals. This leaves no doubt in your mind how social supports growth.
Before you begin to create your social media marketing strategy, it’s time to brainstorm.
Answer the questions below. I’ve given you examples.
Once you have the answers, you’ll begin to weave social into your big vision.
Example Strategy Brainstorming Session
Plan Ahead: Where do you want to be?
Global industry leader through a clear, measurable and achievable company marketing strategy
Dominant player in market through WOM marketing, influencer marketing, integrated marketing plan, and defined customer acquisition campaigns
WOW factor established – plays a significant role in customer retention and satisfaction
Inbound marketing model is 100% in alignment with company goals and strategies
Team trained to nurture leads through established customer journey – speak to a clearly defined customer persona
Get Clear: What are your social media marketing priorities?
Increase Awareness
Generate New Users
Attract and Retain Users
Innovate (Thought Leadership)
Engage (and Activate) Audience
Know Your Goals: What are your objectives and key results?
Define a Consumer Facing Strategy
Have 3-4 primary campaigns defined (acquisition per segment/ persona, retention per segment/ persona, loyalty/ affinity per segment/ persona).
Have Q1 secondary campaigns defined within 60 days,
Have specific assumed lead nurturing (customer journey) path defined for each campaign within 60 days,
Create happy customers
Clearly identify segments and personas for current 20% users within 30 days
Send segmented surveys – within 45 days
Require team involvement – train team on execution and support within 45 days
  7. Assess and Adjust – Test, Test, Test!
Once you know what you’re looking to achieve and you’re measuring results, it’s time to review.
Use the data you’ve accumulated to calculate and estimate how you’re going to improve your social media marketing.
This is critical if you’re looking to continuously improve. It also requires that you take a look at previous goals.
Were they attained? If so, it’s time to crank them up. Set bigger and bolder goals.
And always look to your analytics. See what content resonated with your audience and what flopped.
Adjust your strategy and your content when appropriate to keep your social media content fresh and your information relevant.
Final Thoughts
There are many ways to market your business with social media.
There are also a multitude of ways to kill your momentum and drive results into the ground.
But that doesn’t mean using social media effectively has to be hard.
In fact, knowing how to best use it to market your business will give you a big leg up.
You see, your competition is still flailing around trying to put a plan in place.
Take the time today to determine what success looks like to you and how you’ll get there effortlessly.
  Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
  How To Succeed On Social Media (7 Quick Action Steps) By Rebekah Radice Have you ever wondered what separates successful social media marketers from those that struggle?
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harrisbrisbane-blog · 7 years
The Present World Exam XI
2030 will be peaked before by energy demand that is per capita, discovers a brand new World Energy Council statement. The August 23 vote took several buyers and key executives by amaze, initiating the deepest governmental and fiscal hardship in Britain since World-War Two as well as the largest actually one-day tumble in sterling against the dollar. Addison Russell reach available, and the Puppies next considered their messiah, Kyle Schwarber, who had five plate appearances all in the regularseason, but was SEVERAL-for-SEVERAL On the Planet Series. If you cherished this article and you also would like to acquire more info pertaining to old memories synonyms (mouse click the up coming article) please visit the internet site. 3 percentage slid as shareholders feared because of its future that was really to MONEY1.1050 EUR=. Mr. Barak often seems less established to improve the entire world than to come quickly to phrases with-it as they exits the planet period. In a war-like Syria and Iraq, you are going to obtain a lot of terrorist episodes which are only a part of battling," stated Seth Jackson, the manager of the Overseas Safety and Protection Coverage Center in the RAND Corporation, which compiled its own database of terrorism through 2009. That is mainly because the quantity and dimensions of locations is overflowing, specifically inside the world that is developing. German coach Silvia Neid became irritated with Britainis aggressive method, however it ascertained the complement remained goalless at the break. Stripped of his world boxing top Ali returned in win by recapturing the title and glancing in certain of the most unforgettable bouts of the game for question to affix the U.S. Military and fight in Vietnam. Merely at THE STUDENT PLANET can you uncover all of the info you will need around the globe on several types of programs, shows and corporations. Cruz has-been assigned 44 occasions in test fits scoring SEVERAL. The three-time Man of the famous Ashes series' Complement winner is actually a rapid- comfy and footed batsman against rewrite assaults. The 2016 edition increases coverage to 113 nations and jurisdictions (from 102 in 2015), relying on over 100,000 house and skilled reviews to measure how the principle of rules is experienced in realistic, everyday scenarios from the general public globally. 3.2 percentage decreased, with some shareholders speculating that Britain's economy could be benefited by the jump in sterling. Right now, Netflix has a damaging income of practically $1billion ; it often must head to your debt industry to boost its coffers. Clevelandis boss, Terry Francona, offers put in recreation and series ways on a master-class, departing the historical success is won from by the Indians one. Thus, as the string goes to Wrigley Subject for Sport THREE, it is planning to element Hendrick against Josh Tomlin. His name was Edward L. Snowden, and they was a National Security Organization specialist-made-fugitive, by leaky documents that uncovered an Usa getting stunned sprained American alliances and the-world -led circle of global surveillance plans. Around the globe of amusement, sport and politics, reports of Ali's demise added tributes from Cameras to East Asia towards the U.S. Southern. He journeyed SIX over-all in last-year's World Series contrary to the Mets for 23, using several doubles and five runs scored. Shah's career best efficiency was against Sri-Lanka when they needed an economy of 2.51 to SEVERAL wickets with in 2015. Mr. Cheney gotten some briefings, that year. Alchemy can be a profession participants may understand in Wow allowing these touse herbs (compiled by herbalism, another vocation), to produce products and flasks. A 51.9PER48.1 percent separate was shown by results for working the greatest drawback to American work to create greater unity since World War Two, environment the UK on an unclear way and leaving. Brian Waldstein: This Can Be his Worldseries sport that is 12th and Ben Zobristis 50th postseason game. He is, castigated by specifically Palestinians, experts for selling the development of settlements in areas arrested while in the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1967 as well as for releasing army functions that resulted in civilian deaths. That decision was as forcefully used the contest between Trump and also the leader's favored customer, Hillary Clinton, as it was within the mincing sectarian conflict in Syria. Putin of Italy along with the muscles -flexing of China. Legendary cosmologies typically depict the entire world as delimited with a border like a planet marine, a world serpent and centered on an axis mundi or comparable. This equalled Brazil's biggest profit of conquer, a 6-0 reduction in the hands of Uruguay inside the 1920 Copa America, nevertheless the influence of the reverse, not just on the planet period in their homeland, can set this alongside the 1950 Worldcup last defeat by the Uruguayans in Rio as their darkest sports day. A global where troopers can walk into Ukraine, wherever farright celebrations get unmatched assistance in England, Greece, Luxembourg and also Sweden, where episode Developed locations jihadists and burns, can be a planet where international leadership never been required more. A reporteris pics and cellphone videos from a road-trip in one of the entire worldis most conflict zones that are crazy. That brought on Grimm, who threw in the towel two works in a inning in his Line look that was prior in Sport 1. When Lindor seated right into a double-play Maddon's contact was vindicated,. The nationalism racing in Europe isn't the situation in the Arabic world; relatively, communities include retreated into higher assurance on societal communities, sects and militias. The probably No. 1 netminder who was simply one of the NHLis finest for your first half of season that is past, Mrazek, may be the distinction. This is the first time a team received obtained eight in Some Sort Of Cup semi-final, and also these games' biggest destroy in one - busting Northwest Germanyis 6-1 victory over Norway . Some Pups followers compensated hundreds about the black market regarding passes for the historical game, and others paid thousands merely to view the game in neighborhood cafes. Ali's death, which didn't bring exactly the same prompt social media outpouring as Omranis battling, merely underscored many kiddies that were Syrian are desperate beneath the radar of the wider world.
0 notes
perocolacie-blog · 7 years
Fragmento 20 - WINTER SEASON III - Back to the roots
Once I was taken to the snow, back in the epic winter of 2009 in Grandvalira/Andorra, I was domed to never go back to summer days and was destined to follow the winter. Now after almost 2 years of traveling the world and going from north to south winters I am back to the roots. The first green run I ever ride, on a poor rental Salomon board, and the crazy Argentines adventures I used to have back in the days are going to be part of my daily life again. Now time for the snow and time for discipline. I am attempting my level 3 CASI at the end of march and I must train. I am doing a small break from instructing full time so I can spend more time working of my snowboard performance, on my deep knowledge of technique and art of SNOWBOARDING! I feel so excited that it’s hard for me to realize I came so far on my life time dream career. Fabulous. Now time for me to finally get that goodness body and practice my most dangerous trick I want to achieve. Backflips are on the top of my list, no falls no balls! As I use to say to my guests “you’ll only know if you reach your limite by trying, falling, trying, falling and trying again. Until your body hurts and your mind is set to succeed.
On my way to Andorra after a very intense week in Toulouse. As tommy says “Toloose” ahah I can’t stop thinking about the great expeditions we are going to live all together. New season, new crew. To start with, I cannot even believe I will have the honor to spend another winter season with my dearest friend/best friend MOWIE! 😉 the whole story starts with us thinking about where to go next and realizing that she would be going to Zermatt to train for her level 3 NZ and me going to Andorra. But life gives you lemons sometimes and we should always do and most importantly drink LEMONADE! There she goes, another unforgettable season i will be sharing with her. Another crazy chick that will be joining us is Laura! Now Laura is going to attempt the level 3 with me, and she is my best partner in crime in park! The best park companion to be honest, love the pussy on the rail 😉 The boyz shall be presented now : Starting with the surprise of the season Harry Hadley! Yes, yes I know he is a skier, a very good skier actually but still A “skieur” I hope he will cope with the boarders strapping in. He is a good boy, I didn’t got much time to get to know him really well, but I know we will become good brother and sister! 😉 The second man of the band is my lovely French friend Robin! Now Robin just got his level 2 and I am super stock to have motivate him to do his levels with CASI and to open the door to him on this beautiful industry ! Finally after so many long talk we will be shredding together! Robin staged his best friend from wake boarding Max, or Mad Max, or was I call him Maxou who also will pass his level one and two. He is the craziest snowboarder I ever seen, I mean not just he is good but he is great fun to ride with. Finally but not for last, my dear womby Tommy! He his the best little shredder I meet in falls creek, and the true (he is not aware) my plans are to rip his head off and get all his powerful knowledges and skills of snowboarding! He is a geek and I love that on him. I feel that I can actually learn so much from him, since hanging together I can already feel my grey mass grow grow grow grow with all the pro names, the technical vocabulary, the expensive words and most off all the freaking motivation to sleep, ride and eat. Setting my mind for that. The boyz do not even imagine how crazy party living drunk it is Andorra, and that very easy you can get lost in between two beers after work. Thank god we are living in el tarter. Best town in the area, calm.
FINALLY FIRST DAY RIDING! Wow okay so just to update a little bit, I now own some great UNION (triolagie) bindings and the best snowboard boot I ever owned THIRTY TWO ! Also got myself another very good helmet from bern! So at this moment I am boarding with most of my favorite brands, UNION and GNU. Picture for my overalls and roxy jacket. All ready to start my intense training for my CASI level 3! So excited I don’t even realise it’s actually happening! The snow fall last night made us enjoy fresh snow track in freeride areas of Grau Roig and SOLDEU!
To explain a little bit of my experience of this season : I broke my COLLARBONE. COLLARBONE? What the f🍑🍣🍘 is that ? Well I also didn’t imagine the importance of this bone in my body before I actually broken it. Best and worst experience I ever lived. It got all my plans mix up, and now I will have to wait until next northern winter to pass my level 3, but it’s alright I got the chance and privilege to have meet one of my biggest inspiration in the world GENEVIEVE PILOTTO! She is, out of five, the only woman at achieving her level 4 with CASI! She is not just any type of ripper, she understand so much about snowboard it can give you the goosebumps ! Glad I can now learn so much with her, and truly Considere her as a friend! She is insanely good, at snowboarding, and people’s skills and as a mum of two little dragons! I worked hard to understand with this lesson that you need to listen to the mountain and your heart. You need to be selfish and get into your own mood to snowboard. There is time for fun and to ride with friends, to be chill and not overthink, but when you are training, learning and trying a new trick you should get into the zone of your own mind, and maybe even go for a ride by yourself! I am not recovering for the next month, after two that already pasted by. I am working hard and resting as much as I can.
I got the best opportunity to go work in Farellones, Chile! So stocked for that I still do not believe my luck! After a door closed and I cut some people off my life I feel strong again to focus on my winter paths. Following the winter never seemed so logical for me. I wanna keep doing this, for as many years as I can and as my body can handle it!
The fact of been injured just made me stronger and excited for the future, it didn’t stop me from going snowboarding on the last 3 days of the season, so I can confirme : “You can rip with a broken collarbone”
Stay tune for more adventures !
Many thanks to you all that follow my winters
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