#Hotel suites in Doha
octuscle · 7 months
It’s so bitterly cold here in the Midwest USA, I wish I could be hanging with hunky guys in Dubai or something for Christmas. You think you could help me with that man?
You should have landed at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport by now. But because of a snowstorm, you were diverted to Chicago O'Hare International Airport. This cursed journey to the holidays is getting worse by the minute. And if you drink another beer to drown your frustration, you're going to puke. But right now you need to take a piss. You find it a little difficult to get up. Firstly, because of the alcohol in your blood. On the other hand, because you've become a real heavyweight since last Christmas. A bit more exercise and less eating and drinking would also do you a lot of good…
The toilet is empty. It's amazing that so many people are stranded here so close to the holidays… And there's a sports bag by the washbasin. And it's still there when you come back from the urinals. Not a soul in sight… Could there be a bomb in there? A normal and sober person would now inform the security service. But you are definitely not sober. So you grab the bag. And in a reasonably quiet corner, you check the contents. Jackpot! Not much special. Sportswear, a white nightgown… And a wallet with quite a lot of cash, a passport from the UAE and above all: a flight ticket to SHJ. No idea what and where that is. But you have to change planes at JFK and DOH. That sounds exotic. It certainly sounds better than Kansas. Boarding starts in 20 minutes. As best you can with your beer belly, you walk towards the gate.
When you arrive at the gate, boarding is almost complete. The ground crew member asks you for your boarding pass and passport. Shit, you didn't even think about the fact that you don't look like your passport photo. The guy looks at your passport, looks at you, grins and wishes you a good flight. As you pass him, you hear him say to his colleague that you've really become a fat pig since the photo was taken. Well, that's probably your luck in this case.
You have a layover of over five hours at JFK. You heard in the in-flight program that the TWA Hotel & Fitness Center at JFK is supposed to be the largest hotel gym in the world. You really need a gym. And you have time too. So you set off. Not much sporting activity is to be expected from you. But after an hour of power walking on the treadmill and half an hour on the cross trainer, your new sports clothes from the bag you found are soaked with sweat. But you feel fit. Really fit. As you stand in front of the mirror after your shower, you run your hands over your stomach. Flat and hard. When you tense your muscles. That's how it should be. And you get rid of the rest of the fat too. It sucks with the beard. You shaved your beard for Thanksgiving. Because you were invited to a friend's parents' house. You didn't want to scare them off with your beard. But now the beard hasn't grown back the way you'd hoped. Your mother will scold you terribly.
You grab a salad and a protein shake at the bar in the gym. You want to sleep on the plane. The food on board is delicious and plentiful, but not good for your body. To make sleeping on board quicker, you put on just a tank top and jogging suit for the flight. It takes you a good twelve hours to reach Doha. You want to use this time to arrive home well-rested.
At boarding, the ground staff greet you in Arabic. Of course. As usual. It's nice to study in the USA. But you don't have to stay with the infidels in winter. You're now looking forward to the warm sun in the Gulf. The person sitting next to you is a non-believer. And obviously not familiar with Qatar Airways' in-flight catering. She has brought a large portion of chicken wings with fries from KFC on board. You almost feel sick. She offers you something. You flex your biceps and say in English with a heavy Arabic accent that you can't get these babies at KFC.
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The flight was quiet, apart from the brief interruption during which you fucked the infidel chick in the airplane toilet. You'll have to do without a wet pussy for the next few weeks. Hehehe, but your cousins and your bruhs have tight asses. That works at least as well. You only have just under two hours in Doha before the last flight segment. You quickly go to the airport mosque, do your ablutions and sunset prayers, change into your spotless white dishdasha and board the plane to Sharjah. Over the next few weeks, you are the perfect son again. You will enjoy it. And as soon as the crazy holidays of the infidels are over, you'll be looking forward to fucking, drinking and partying again!
I found the last picture of you before you change to immaculate white at @alphaincar
143 notes · View notes
universitypenguin · 1 year
Part 10
The Princess & the Lawyer
Author’s Note: I know this chapter was a very long wait, but it just wouldn’t come together how I wanted. However, with a lot of elbow grease (and a ton of revisions) it finally took shape. Part 11 is written and will post on Jan. 24, 2023.
Word Count: 4,959
Warnings: The flight delay from hell. Contains mention of masochism and sadism (non-explicit), as well as dominance and bondage. Depiction of mental suffering due to guilt and remorse. Explicit discussion of murder.
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Part 10
“Attention in the terminal… Attention in the terminal…”
The loudspeaker crackled as the announcer waited for the traveler’s attention. 
“Passengers on flight QR327, from Doha to London. We have encountered a significant delay. Due to volcanic eruptions off the coast of Yemen, there is a significant amount of ash in the atmosphere. Because of low visibility we cannot authorize any departures. Please see the desk agent for further assistance.” 
Lloyd tilted his head back and groaned. 
“Fucking hell.” 
“It could be worse,” you said. “At least we’re not stuck in Singapore.” 
“Point taken. I’ll call Zach.” 
“I’ll see if I can find out anything more from the ticket agent.” 
“Don’t get your hopes up,” Lloyd said dryly.
“Pessimist. All it takes is a little charm.” 
He headed to the wall of windows overlooking the terminal and leaned against the stone column. Zach picked up on the third ring. 
“Hey. You’ll never guess what’s happened.”
Zach laughed once he’d heard the explanation. “Yeah. There are volcanoes all over the gulf. Most of them are dormant, but isn’t that what they said about Mount St. Helen?”
“Dormant isn’t the same thing as extinct,” Lloyd said. 
“I’m looking up hotels for you.” Keys tapped in the background. “Uh… well, that’s inconvenient.”
“There are eight different conferences in town. The hotels are booked. Let me see…”
More keyboard clicks. 
“I have an airbnb, is that good for you?” 
“We’ll take it. Text me the address,” Lloyd said. 
He hung up and ordered a car service. You were waiting with the luggage. When he approached, you offered a sheepish smile. 
“The charm offensive was a total fail. Did you have better luck?” 
“Zach got us an airbnb. The hotels are booked.”
“That’s what the desk agent is learning,” you said. 
He picked up the strap of your heavy laptop bag and slipped it over his shoulder. 
“Our car is here. Let’s go.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The car took another familiar turn and Lloyd tensed. He definitely recognized this street. 
They’d expanded the road into the neighborhood and re-landscaped around the front gate, which had disguised it at first. But a nasty sense of familiarity kicked in as they navigated the streets of the gated neighborhood. When they exited the second curve of the roundabout, he was certain of their destination. 
Dread settled in the pit of his stomach. 
The driver pulled up to the pristine white villa and stopped, waiting as the wrought iron gate swung open. 
“Wow. Zach really picked a great spot,” you murmured.
“He owns it.” 
“Really? Uh… not to be rude, but how can he afford this?” 
“It belonged to his ex-wife. He must have gotten it in the divorce.” 
“Well, it’s nice of him to lend us his Airbnb.” 
Lloyd ground his teeth. “Yeah. Nice…” 
He tipped the chauffeur and turned down his help with the bags. Shouldering the luggage himself, Lloyd climbed the stairs. At the top he paused, staring ahead at the double doors at the end of the hall. Looking at them made him feel as if he were standing on the edge of a very high cliff, where the atmosphere lacked enough oxygen to saturate his blood. 
Lloyd dragged his eyes away and put the bags in the guest room farthest from the master suite. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A wave of ash arrived the next day, obscuring the sun as the volcano in Yemen continued to erupt. It turned the air toxic and made stepping outside for even a few minutes burn your eyes and lungs. The eclipse of ash-clouds blocked out the sun and seemed to turn Lloyd’s mood dark as well. 
You avoided him. There were enough fumes in the air without getting too close to the toxic cloud hanging over him. After breakfast you explored the property. In the basement you discovered a gym and an unused subterranean garage. The ground floor had a living room at the front of the house, a kitchen and dining room, and a large study with a half bath. The second floor held three guestrooms and a master suite. 
The most interesting discovery you made was at the center of the house. After touring all three levels, you’d realized the upper floors weren’t as large as they ought to be. It was like the builder had made them hollow. You also noticed that some of the guest rooms had windows where it shouldn’t have been possible to put a window. You looked through one and found a lush garden filled with jungle plants. Squinting down at the foliage you saw rows of pygmy date palms and if you weren’t mistaken, the brightly colored, lobster-claw shaped flowers of a Heliconia plant. 
How could Lloyd not have mentioned this?! 
You nearly flew down the stairs and searched for the entrance with the energy of a sugar high toddler on their way to Disneyland. When you found it in the narrow hallway off the butler’s pantry, you threw open the door and squealed. The air was untainted by the stench of ash. Looking up, you saw glass. Suddenly the unusual design of the house made sense. 
The villa was hollow, and the courtyard was a solarium. 
Walking through the solarium lifted your spirits considerably. Its pebbled paths reminded you of the botanical gardens back home. The humid scent of water drew you onward, searching for its source. Based on the species living in the garden, some exotic water plant, like a giant water lily or a blue lotus, might be just around the corner. 
Rounding another bend in the path you stopped short. It wasn’t a rare plant that surprised you, but the unexpectedness of finding a swimming pool in this quasi-jungle that sent you into a fit of giggles. 
“Was Lloyd hiding this for himself?” you murmured. “Rude.”
In front of the pool, the path widened and turned into a patio with green and white striped tile. There was an array of lounge chairs by the pool and a wrought iron table, big enough for six people, in the middle of the patio. The pool was about four times as long as it was wide, designed like a swim lane. You dipped your hand in the water and smiled at its warmth. So, they’d created a heated pool that doubled as a humidifier for the jungle plants. Clever.
If you won the lottery, you were going to buy this place from Zach.
“Princess! Are you out here?” 
Lloyd’s voice boomed through the solarium, shattering your peaceful moment. 
“Well, get in here. We have a team meeting on Zoom in ten minutes.” 
You sighed and folded your arms across your chest, wishing you could dive into the pool and play hooky. If Lloyd was in a better mood, you probably could’ve gotten away with it. But he was pacing around the house like a caged tiger. Ever since you arrived he’d been acting like a different person. Last night he hadn’t come to bed. He’d spent all night and all morning pacing around the living room with his headphones in, listening to the audio of Nguyen’s interview on repeat. 
The team meeting was a disaster. This was hardly a surprise, given Lloyd’s foul temper. He was rude, condescending, harsh, and abrupt. No idea was good enough for him. As the meeting dragged on he shifted from insulting to passive aggressive. 
Now, there were things you could handle. Direct confrontation was fine. Being raised with five siblings wasn’t the most peaceful environment to grow up in. Your ability to strike back was nearly as keen as your ability to smooth over a conflict, but passive aggressiveness was your kryptonite. It sent you back to middle school, when sarcasm and waspishness suddenly became every pre-teen girl’s default setting.  
“Well, that’s not fucking helpful, now is it?!”
Lloyd hissed at Zach over the screen as you shrank into the couch. 
“And what have you found that’s helpful?” Zach snapped. 
“Guys, settle down,” Landon said. 
“You’re all fucking useless!” 
You spoke quietly, so the microphone on the computer wouldn’t pick up the reprimand. He was so wrapped up in his tantrum that he didn’t hear. 
“Nguyen gave us something in this transcript, we just have to find it!”
“Take your lithium salts, asshole, ‘cause the voices in your head are talking again!” 
“Eat shit, Zach!” 
“You need to calm down.” 
You rubbed your temples, biting back a groan. 
“Shut up, you’re giving Princess a headache.” 
Zach raised his eyebrows. “Am I? Or are you?” 
“I am not in a bad mood, you’re just incompetent!” 
“You’re acting like a honey badger that woke up on the wrong side of the bed. This entire meeting is a waste of time. We should quit while we’re ahead.”
“We aren’t ahead! We’ve found jack shit so far!”
“How can we, when you’re in full-on bitch mode?” Zach snapped.
“Shut the fuck up.” 
“Has anyone considered why the doctor never pointed to someone else as a suspect, if he was innocent?” Jake asked. 
“He’s not fucking innocent! I swear, he said something incriminating, I can almost put my finger on it. If anyone would like to help with that task…” 
Jake held up his hands in surrender. 
“Never mind. Forget I said anything.” 
Landon sighed. “Okay. Let’s call it. We’re not getting anything done, and it’s turned into a shit show. Everyone has copies of the video. We’ll split up and review them on our own. And until both of you are in a better frame of mind, don’t even think about speaking to each other.”
Lloyd grunted, crossing his arms and his legs and looking away. Zach grunted and ducked his head. 
You resisted the urge to tell Lloyd that he looked like a sulking Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls cartoon. The posture, the squint of his eyes as they narrowed, and even the twist of his frown, bore an uncanny resemblance. 
You signed off the video call, and without saying a word, walked to the kitchen and through the butler’s pantry. Stepping into the solarium was a relief. Even with the cloud of ash overhead, this was the brightest spot in the house. Being around so many plants was like an oasis. You returned to the pool, lay down on a lounge chair, and waited. 
It didn’t take long. Gravel crunched, signaling Lloyd’s approach. The crunching stopped and then there was a long silence before Lloyd spoke. 
“I’m sorry for being obnoxious.” 
You didn’t reply. 
“I said, ‘I’m sorry’…” 
Gravel shifted as Lloyd shuffled his feet. 
“Are you going to ignore me?” 
“Probably,” you said. 
“Because Zach was right - you’re acting like a honey badger and itching for a fight. I’d rather not get my head bitten off, if it’s all the same to you.” 
He muttered something under his breath that you didn’t catch. 
“If you want to talk about whatever is bothering you, I’ll be here. But if you think for a second that I’ll be your verbal punching bag, you’re going to end up in the pool with your clothes on.” 
Lloyd snorted. You looked over your shoulder to find him standing on the path a few feet back from the edge of the patio tiles. 
He looked haggard, and more rumpled than you’d ever seen him. With his hands tucked in his pockets, he looked almost like a child trapped in a grown man’s body. 
“I am sorry,” he said, shuffling his feet again. 
You beckoned him over. He crossed the patio and even though you made room for him, walked around to the next lounge chair. 
“Lloyd, just tell me what’s going on. I’ve never seen you this stressed.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah.”
Silence fell. You could hear the sound of Lloyd’s breathing. His exhalations came too fast, and his inspirations were too shallow. From under your lashes, you watched him. Why was it suddenly so hard to read him? 
“I’ve been here before. I was…” Lloyd broke off. “I’d rather not explain.” 
The perplexing statement was as much of a puzzle as his behavior. It moved you no closer to understanding his mood. Did ‘before’ refer to his time in the private sector, or in intelligence? It was probably the latter, given that Zach owned the house. 
You had even more questions. Asking them outright wouldn’t accomplish anything with Lloyd. Information was coaxed out of him, not pried. 
He shook his head and stood up. “I’m going to listen to the audiotape.”
“Okay. What do you want for dinner? I was thinking of ordering in. There are some great Lebanese restaurants around here.” 
“No. I’m not hungry.”
Lloyd put his earbuds in and paced around like a caged animal for the rest of the day. If you’d considered him surly before, now he was an absolute bear. The fight with Zach and his halting almost-a-revelation-but-not-really wound him even tighter. You took refuge in the study where there were two extra monitors and an HDMI cable. With a better work station and some peace away from Lloyd you had a productive afternoon. 
The rest of the night was spent avoiding Lloyd. He moved through the house like a black cloud, scowling, muttering, slamming doors, and swearing. You watched in near disbelief as he descended into fits of anger the likes of which you’d never seen before. It wasn’t that you felt threatened, but that Lloyd’s blood pressure was becoming a significant concern. 
You ordered from a nearby restaurant and ate at the desk in the guest room. Thumps and thuds could be heard from the basement two floors below. Lloyd claimed he was having a workout, but it sounded more like he was throwing weights at the wall. You put your head down on the desk and moaned. 
Another crash. Bang! You covered your ears. 
When the noise stopped, you reached for your phone, and toggled to contacts. Your thumb hovered on Zach’s name. 
Should you call him? Or wait? 
If anyone would know why Lloyd was acting strangely, it would be him. The only clue you had was that a past visit to this house had triggered his emotional disturbance. Zach might be able to fill in the blanks… but Lloyd hated being talked about behind his back. 
You put the phone down and pulled your knees up to your chest, staring at the device, and second guessing your decision. It lit up and buzzed. Snatching it up, you saw a text from Jake.
Can you talk right now? 
You called him immediately. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Have you checked the messages from your stalker?”
“No. Why?” 
“Because they’ve taken a weird turn. He’s gone from horror movie quotes and slasher pics to personal.”
Your hand went to the base of your throat. The extra pressure helped ground you enough that you could breathe. 
“What do you mean? What’s he saying?”
“It’s like he’s noticed he isn’t getting a reaction from you, so he’s stepping up the pressure. He’s being… specific…”
“Jake! Tell me what he said!”
“He sent photos of your apartment building. One taken during the day, another at night. I checked the metadata, and it was edited. All I could get was a GPS location and the time he created the file.”
You leaned forward, bracing your elbows on the desk and breathed. 
“The photo was taken on July 18th,” Jake said.
“That’s last week! The messages didn’t start until a few days ago!” 
“Did you notice anyone following you? Or anything out of place, at home, at work, or anywhere else?”
Your heart raced as you recalled the feeling of being watched in the park at Sam’s birthday party. Jake’s photo was from three days before. Had it taken you that long to feel the eyes tracking you? 
“The day of my nephew’s birthday party is when I felt like someone was watching me. If the data from the photo is right…” You swallowed hard. “Someone was following me for days… and I didn’t notice…” 
“Hey. It’s not like you could expect this sort of thing to happen, okay?” Jake’s soothing voice held an undercurrent of steel. “The first phone call was at your nephew’s birthday, too. Right?” 
“I think we should bring Landon in on this as soon as possible. I want him to review the messages and see if he can make a profile of the person behind them.” 
“We don’t need a profile. It’s Aiden.”
Jake was silent. The pause stretched for several seconds.
“You’re absolutely sure it’s him?”
“Yes. No one else has a reason to mess with me.”
“Was he ever possessive? Did he show up without letting you know he was coming by? Or text you incessantly?” 
“No, but that was before, when he had a job and a social life. This isn’t like him at all. I think it has to do with being fired.” 
“As soon as I can get Landon alone, I’ll bring him up to speed.” 
“Thanks, Jake.” 
“I’m glad I can help. One more thing. The phone number you asked me to track? It’s been in California for two weeks.”
“Where in California?” 
“Pebble Beach golf course. The phone has mostly been switched off, or left in a hotel room, for the past ten days.” 
“I can’t imagine living like that.” 
Jake laughed, but it was forced. “Well, the good news is that this morning the phone pinged off a tower near the airport in San Francisco.”
“I really appreciate all you’ve done.” 
“Do you appreciate it enough to tell Lloyd what’s going on?”
“I know I have to tell him at some point, but I just can’t. Not right now.”
“Point taken. He must be a nightmare. That video call was intense,” Jake said. 
“It’s like having a grizzly bear in the living room. Right now, I’d rather walk over broken glass barefoot than tell him about Aiden. It would send him through the roof.” 
“Maybe it should.”
“Nothing productive was ever accomplished in a fit of rage.” 
“You’ve never seen Lloyd enraged.” 
“Uh… were we on the same video call this morning?” 
Jake laughed, and this time it was genuine. “No. Uh-uh. That’s not rage, that’s bad temper. He’s irritated. Lloyd Hansen in a fit of rage is a lot more action oriented. Trust me.” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next day, Lloyd’s bad temper worsened. He went from slamming weights around in the basement and stalking through the house like a caged animal into something darker.
He was distant and remote and he’d become paranoid. There was a piece of clear tape across the seam of the front door at ankle height. Lloyd checked it frequently. He examined the security cameras footage on his phone every fifteen minutes. And he would hardly let you out of his sight. 
Finally, you broke down and called Zach. He groused about Lloyd’s bitchiness and the horrible team meeting, suggesting that his ex-teammate needed to “pull his head out of his ass.” 
You lost your nerve when you heard Lloyd approaching. His feet crunched on the gravel path through the solarium and then stopped. You felt his eyes on you for a moment. Without speaking, he turned around and went back the way he’d come. 
Lloyd didn’t speak all day. He listened to the audio of Dr. Nguyen’s interview over and over, walking laps around the house and through the solarium. 
By nightfall, the scenario was unchanged. A strategic retreat was in order. You found a package of chocolate chip cookies in the pantry and took it upstairs. Was it a good idea to eat cookies for dinner? No. Did you care? Not today. When the stomach ache from excessive sugar hit, you might care. But that was hours away. 
For the second night in a row, you ate at the guest room desk, avoiding Lloyd. 
Your mind wandered back to the situation with Aiden. Why hadn’t you gotten a return phone call today? The person you’d been trying to contact must have flown home from Pebble Beach today. Their lack of response was wearing on your already frayed nerves. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He’d never had a midnight therapy appointment before. 
Lloyd deeply resented this new low, which some godforsaken volcano in the Arabian Sea had brought him to. It was day three of the flight delay and Mount Zubair continued to cough up smoke. 
Dr. Blair appeared on screen. He wore a tweed blazer and denim shirt, no necktie. As far as Lloyd had seen the man didn’t own any ties. 
“Good morning, Lloyd.”
“Good afternoon, for you.” 
Blair smiled. “So it is. How are things going? I heard you’re stuck in the Gulf.” 
“Yeah. It sucks. I hate it.” 
“Tell me about it.” 
Lloyd explained.
He had a policy about therapy, or at least, about therapy with Dr. Blair. The aging psychotherapist was the only person with whom Lloyd allowed himself to be completely honest. For his own peace of mind, he’d dug into the doctor’s background prior to enlisting his services. He knew almost everything about him and he trusted the doctor’s discretion. 
With brief facts, Lloyd detailed the trip to Singapore, the confrontations with Pruitt and Gentry, and the volcano. 
“And now, I’m stuck in Doha… at Zach’s villa.” 
Dr. Blair cocked his head. “This is the same villa where-”
“How long have you been there?” 
“Two days. Well, three days, as of eight minutes ago.”
“How does being there make you feel?” 
“Restless. Angry… Nauseous.” 
“That’s a lot of emotions for you. Particularly all at once.”
Lloyd ran a hand over his jaw. 
“What’s your sleep schedule been like?” 
“I haven’t slept in two days.”
“Are you alone, or is your co-worker stuck with you?” 
“She’s here,” Lloyd said. 
“I see.” Dr. Blair picked up his pen and made a note. “How’s she doing?”
“She’s avoiding me, and I can’t blame her. I’ve been…” 
He searched for the right word, and the one that came to mind surprised him. 
“Ruminating. I can’t stop.”
Blair nodded. His placid expression irritated Lloyd. 
“What does the restlessness feel like? Is that what’s been keeping you awake?”
“Yes… No… Maybe. I don’t know. I’m out of control.” 
“Have you had any instances of aggression or violence?”
“I chewed out my private investigatory team on a video call. Zach told me to get fucked and that he wouldn’t be calling back until I pulled my head out of my ass.” 
“So aggression isn’t working out for you.” 
“I know it won’t,” Lloyd protested. “But I can’t seem to stop it. There’s no coping in this house. I feel like I’m being chased by a ghost. Having Princess here makes it worse.”
The doctor nodded slowly. “Chased by a ghost….” 
His words were neutral, but tinged with curiosity. Lloyd sighed.
“I remember being here and… what I did. I regret it.” A bitter laugh bubbled up out of nowhere, taking him off guard. 
“Why is your regret amusing?” Dr. Blair asked.
Lloyd didn’t let himself consider his words before he spoke. 
“Because there are so many other things I should regret. On the list of my wrongs, this isn’t even a crime. But it makes me feel like a monster more than any of those other things. To be in this house and know I’m the same person who was here, ten years ago, doing… that...” 
“I know the story, Lloyd. It’s what you talked about under hypnosis.”
Blair had never revealed the topics they’d discussed when Lloyd was hypnotized. It has been two and a half years and the topic had never come up. The doctor sat back and took off his glasses, twirling them by the earpiece. 
“When I got your message and realized where you were, I had a feeling this was where the session would go.” 
“What did I say under hypnosis?” 
“That you scared yourself. That you were a monster. As I worked backwards, trying to understand the subconscious roots of that belief, you began telling me about the villa in Doha. It became clear that what happened there not only formed a core belief, but that event put the first real crack in your self-image. I would go as far as saying it planted the seed that led to your decision to rehabilitate.” 
“I don’t follow.”
“Can you describe the events that transpired in that house ten years ago for me, right now?”
Silence hung in the air tense and heavy. He swallowed hard and felt his throat go dry. Rather than speak, he shook his head. 
“I understand. You’ve always assigned the mental break you felt to being imprisoned. I agree it tore down your self-image and allowed you to change. But there was a much older crack in that image. One your conscious mind wouldn’t allow you to speak of.”
Lloyd said the name and felt his eyes lower. His lips curled and pressed together as a wave of sadness draped itself around him. 
“Is any of that anger you feel directed at Zach Hightower? Perhaps that’s what led to your outburst on the call?” 
“No. He isn’t responsible for this. Zach may have kicked off the chain of events but I came here willingly.” 
“No, you didn’t. You went because you felt like you had to keep up your image as a sadistic psychopath.” 
Lloyd raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“You’re very honest in hypno-therapy. Can I ask you a very personal question?”
“Go for it.”
“Did you ever practice sexual sadism before your relationship with Reva?” 
“Did you enjoy it, as a fantasy or a daydream?”
“Not really. Mild stuff, I guess. But nothing I did in the field intersected with my sexual preferences.” 
“Did you know that for certain?” Dr. Blair asked. 
Lloyd hesitated. “I was afraid it would. Which is why I never experimented with it.” 
“With sexual sadism? Or bondage entirely?” 
“All of it. Bondage, dominance, sadism. Masochism never appealed. I’d have noticed pretty quickly if I had that kink, considering everything my father did to me.” 
“Tell me more about the feeling of being haunted. You’ve used that as a metaphor in sessions before, but it’s coming across as more concrete, the way you’re describing it now.” 
Lloyd sighed. “I feel like that person - me, ten years ago - is in the house with us. It’s as if he’s going to sneak up and jump on my back any minute.”
“That sounds dreadful.” 
“It is.” 
“Have you shared any of this with Princess?” 
“Why not?”
“Because… we’re sleeping together. We aren’t in a relationship, it’s just as friends.” 
Dr. Blair sat up. Lloyd could see his attention focus like a hawk sighting a mouse. 
“And how has that affected your emotions?”
“It hasn’t.” 
“Do you really think her presence doesn’t enhance your reaction?”
Lloyd rubbed his damp palms over his thighs. “Alright. Yes. You’re right. I wouldn’t find it as disturbing if I were alone. The fact that she’s here… it makes me… anxious.” 
“What if I do to her what I did to Reva?” 
“Is Princess open to sadism?” Dr. Blair asked.
“I don’t know. I don’t want to know!” 
“Why not?” 
“I can’t handle hearing that she is, so I don’t ask. I mean, she’s probably not. But on the off chance she is… I’m not sure I can do it.” 
“Would you feel you had to, if she asked?”
“Even though you feel so much guilt over torturing Reva? Despite her enjoyment of the scene?”
Goosebumps rose on Lloyd’s arms. 
“I didn’t realize that my persona was a mask until Reva. I hadn’t suspected I wasn’t like my father, at least not sexually. There was no pleasure for me in her pain. Other people? Terrorists and criminals? That I could derive some enjoyment of. But my behavior was more about making sure everyone around me saw me as dangerous. That the mask kept them away.” 
“That’s an interesting insight. Perhaps what you’re really afraid of here is that if Princess finds out about Reva, she’ll see behind the mask too.” 
Lloyd’s breath caught. He felt lightheaded and distant, as if he’d been knocked out of his body. 
“Fuck. What should I do?”
“The only way out of this is to cut straight to the core. Either you tell her the truth or you continue the downward spiral.” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lloyd dragged himself up the stairs. He knew he wouldn’t get any sleep after a therapy session like that, but exhaustion was wearing him down. On the bright side, the exhaustion was slowing his restless thoughts. He counted it as a win. 
You were sound asleep. He changed in the bathroom to avoid waking you. When he climbed into bed, you didn’t even stir. Lloyd stared at your features, relaxed in sleep. If he told you what he’d done, would you understand? Or would it would revolt you? 
Would you be afraid? Reva was the only innocent person he’d tortured. She was also the only one who’d asked for the service… and had enjoyed it. He supposed that was the major difference. It had disturbed him to see pleasure on someone’s face instead of fear. 
Lloyd pushed away the thoughts and focused on your face. He directed his thoughts to a more pleasant memory - his first time with you. Slowly, his muscles relaxed. He thought of you in the shower in Singapore, of the gentle way you’d touched him. He reveled in the memory. Blair was right. He should come clean and lay it all out there. Let the chips fall where they may. 
Yeah, right.
There was a better chance of the Detroit Lions managing a double-digit winning streak than of him confessing. He’d rather suffer than lose you.
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Next - Part XI
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
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As we write, Mahmoud Abbas is living it up in a suite at a luxury hotel in Doha, having flown in in his $50 million private jet with a large entourage of family and friends. Leaked documents have revealed the obscene amount of money lavished on this jaunt. While in Qatar, there's a fair chance he'll bump into one or more Hamas 'leaders', several of whom own luxury penthouse apartments there. These are the conmen who call themselves 'Palestinian leaders', and who have no interest whatsoever in peaceful coexistence with Israel. They are far more 'Swiss Bank' than 'West Bank'. It's time the world woke up to the fact that it's being conned.
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vintagedolls · 8 months
Romantic Weekend Getaway: Stay & Dine at The Ritz-Carlton, Doha
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As someone who loves to travel, I have created some unforgettable memories, many of which are intrinsically linked to the delicious foods that I've enjoyed in different parts of the world. The Ritz-Carlton, Doha and its selection of on-site restaurants have a lasting impression on our romantic weekend in Doha.
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Whether you are checking in for a deluxe room or a suite, every accommodation at The Ritz-Carlton, Doha is designed to guarantee you a comfortable stay. The rooms feature plush bedding, marble-fitted bathrooms, premium amenities, and stunning views of the Arabian Gulf. The spacious suites feature a separate lounge area, private balcony, marble bathroom with a separate bathtub and shower, and access to the Club Lounge, where guests can enjoy complimentary refreshments, snacks, and cocktails.
The Ritz-Carlton, Doha offers diverse dining options suitable for different occasions. Whether you're in the mood for fine dining or casual fare, the hotel's restaurants and bars offer an unforgettable culinary journey. With a reputation for excellence in all areas of hospitality, The Ritz-Carlton has earned its spot as one of the top hotels in the region, and a go-to destination for those seeking only the best. Here’s what to expect from the food and beverage offerings at The Ritz-Carlton, Doha.
Sel & Miel
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Named after the key ingredients in French cuisine, salt and honey, Sel & Miel encompasses the essence of delicate flavors and textures. The restaurant proudly serves authentic recipes that have been lovingly passed down through generations. Each dish on their menu is a thoughtful harmony of flavors, crafted with passion and reverence for every ingredient. In the heart of Doha, the modern brasserie offers a special brunch menu on Fridays. The relaxed ambiance of Sel & Miel, features four distinct seating areas, including an indoor and outdoor terrace bathed in natural sunlight, overlooking the stunning turquoise blue waters of the Gulf.
STK Doha
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STK Doha, the hotel's modern steakhouse, where you can savor the finest cuts of meat. The sleek and stylish ambiance complements the delectable dishes, making it a popular choice for a romantic dinner or a night out with friends. The dining experience is elevated with the creative cocktails that can be enjoyed at the bar, which adds a bit of fun to the night. STK Doha also offers a reservation-only experience called Le Petit Chef. . Combining modern technology with culinary artistry, this immersive show creates an unforgettable story that plays out right before your eyes. As your meal is prepared and cooked, a tiny chef is projected onto your table to take you on a journey around the world, showcasing different flavors and cuisines along the way. With stunning visuals, engaging storytelling, and delicious food to enjoy, Le Petit Chef at STK Doha promises to be an occasion that you will never forget.
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B-Lounge offers a special froze brunch on Fridays. With stunning, marina views in an upbeat environment featuring a live DJ, the dining experience is tailored to satisfy your every craving and musical passion.
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In this newly-renovated lounge area, guests can experience the ultimate indulgence with the hotel's selection of premium cigars, Habanos. The Ritz-Carlton Doha not only offers a variety of Habanos to choose from but also provides a comfortable and luxurious atmosphere to enjoy them. From the expertly crafted cigars to the lavish surroundings, this is an experience not to be missed. Whether it's a celebratory occasion or just a time to unwind, Habanos will leave a lasting impression.
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Chapter 2 collaborations
For all the songs released during Chapter 2 of BTS’ career and that are a feature on another artist’s work. This Youtube playlist has all of them.
Left and Right
Jung Kook featured on Charlie Puth’s song after his cover of “We don’t talk anymore” and their performance together at the 2018 MGA.
Release date: 24 June 2022
Video of Charlie Puth talking about the collab
Jung Kook’s outifts identified by Bangtan Style
Bad decisions
A Benny Blanco’s song featuring the vocal line and Snoop Dogg.
Release date: 05 August 2022
Announcement tweet
Lyric video
Benny Blanco's tweets (for info about the song, production and MV, you can check #AskBenny and this thread)
Jimin’s tweets #1, #2
Sexy Nukim
A song by Balming Tiger featuring RM.
Release date: 1st September 2022
Announcement tweet
Teasers: Omega Sapien, Mudd the student, bj wnjn, official
MV poster
M/V Photo Sketch
Balming Tiger’s Instagram post
Interview with Balming Tiger: AP entertainment, DIY, The first times, Hallyu Talk, Highsnobiety (featuring an interview with RM)
RM’s outside part was filmed here, in Majang-ro, Jung-gu. He’s wearing a suit from Tailorable.
The whole MV is filled with cinematic references to movies like Parasite, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, A Snake of June or Clockwork Orange (src).
@MoonieJoonieee made an analysis of RM’s verse here.
Balming Tiger and RM performed at the Love your W concert, an event to sensibilize people about breast cancer. A video of their part is available here.
Rush Hour
Crush invited j-hope to feature on this song.
Release date : 22 September 2022
Teasers: in a min., teaser 1, teaser 2, teaser 3
P NATION’s (Crush’s label) official tweets
Dance Practice
Behind the scenes
Photo Sketch
MV Shoot Sketch
Crush’s interviews: 두시의 데이트 (2 O’clok’s date), 동네스타K2 (Neighborhood Star K2)
‘Rush Hour (Feat. j-hope of BTS)’ during CRUSH ON YOU TOUR
j-hope’s Instagram posts: #1, #2, #3
People noticed j-hope’s dance moves are nods to past BTS’ choreographies (src). Bangtan Style identified his outfit here.
A song ordered by the FIFA for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, written and sung by Jung Kook.
Release date: 20 November 2022
Performance at the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Opening Ceremony
Episode of the MV Shoot Sketch
Fahad Al Kubaisi, who featured on the song, posted a tweet about his performance with Jung Kook at the opening ceremony
Jung kook met the Korean football team while he was in Qatar (tweets)
Naver post
Episode of the Opening Ceremony Sketch
Now is All the Tracks: Dreamers, Opening Ceremony
Jung Kook’s parts in the MV were filmed in a street of Souq Waqif, at Parisa Souq Waqif, a famous restaurant, at Hotel Park, and on the rooftop of the North tower of the Marriott Marquis City Center Doha Hotel.
Jimin got the chance to collaborate with Taeyang, who’s one of his favorite artists.
Release date: 13 January 2023
Official announcement
Tweets from Taeyang’s official account
MV teaser
Photo Sketch
The choreography was made by Bailey Sok and it seems Taryn Cheng, was in charge of teaching it to Taeyang and Jimin
Jimin’s Instagram post
Rolling Stone: “After Six Years, Taeyang Starts a New Chapter With Smash Song “Vibe,” Featuring Jimin of BTS”
NME: “Taeyang talks his first solo single in six years, ‘Vibe’ featuring Jimin, and what’s next: “There will be an album in the future””
Smoke Sprite
Release date: 14 March 2023
Official announcement
Official tweets
MV Behind Film
MV Photo Sketch
Episode of the MV Shoot Sketch
Album commentary
Instagram posts: So!YoON, sleeep_sheeep #1, #2
Bandwagon (Asia): “SE SO NEON's So!YoON! talks new album Episode1 : Love, co-writing with BTS' RM, and stepping up as a soloist”
Daebak Show S3 EP1: “So!YoON! Smoke Sprite by Eric Hwang (feat. RM of BTS)”
NME: “So!YoON! on new album ‘Episode1: Love’: “I knew that gender shouldn’t hold importance when representing love””
Newsis: “’RM and Soyoon collab.’ Park Jiyoon, the ‘old future’ of young writers musicians” (eng trans)
Several people noticed one of the scenes where So!YoON! aims a bow at herself could be a nod to a scene in Arabian nights by Pasolini.
다시는 사랑한다 말하지 마 (Don’t ever say love me)
Release date: 04 May 2023
Official tweets
Mood Film
Episode of the Live Clip Sketch
Colde's blue room | EP1. RM of BTS
Another collaboration between Colde and RM.
The Planet (Bastions OST)
Release date: 12 May 2023
Official tweets
Youtube channel
The first song released by BTS, as the whole group, in their chapter 2. It’s an OST for the Korean 3D animation Bastions.
Angel Pt. 1 and Angel Pt. 2
Release date: 18 May 2023
Official tweets
XMPL’s tweets (#1, #2) and videos (#1, #2) with behind-the-scenes
Jimin collaborated on the OST for the new Fast & Furious movie, FastX.
Release date: 5 June 2023
Halsey’s tweet
Behind the Scenes
Photo Sketch
Official tweets from Diablo
Billboard: “Halsey Praises Suga for ‘Badass’ Collaboration on ‘Lilith’ Revamp for ‘Diablo IV’”
SUGA joined Halsey for a revisited version of her OST for the game Diablo IV.
The MV was filmed in France, in a deconsecrated church in a city named Cambrai (src).
Too Much
Release date: 20 October 2023
The Kid Laroi tweets
BTS tweets
The Kid Laroi Interview with XYZ
The flowers around Jung Kook are plum blossoms (cr. Bangtan Greenhouse).
wherever u r
Release date: 30 December 2023
UMI’s tweets: during the release, later tweets, about the remixes #1, #2
UMI’s Instagram Reel featuring V
BTS announcement tweet
UMI invited V to join her on this song.
Love wins all
Release date : 24 January 2024
MV trailer
IU’s tweets and Instagram posts: #1, #2
[IU TV] 'Love wins all' MV BTS
V’s Instagram posts: #1, #2
MV Photo Sketch
MV Shoot Sketch
Melon exclusive pictures
Colin’s notes and interpretation
After collaborating twice with SUGA, IU choose V to star with her in the MV for her song “Love wins all”.
More details about the concept were shared in an interview with the MV director (Eng translation, original article). V’s character is partially blind, IU’s character can’t talk, the camcorder shows the filter of love, and the square symbolises discrimination.
IU’s custom wedding dress was designed in the Korean haute couture house Dénicheur (Instagram post), props were provided by The Prop (Instagram post), and they filmed at Freya, an abandoned beach resort in Yangyang (rental website, with pictures).
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ctrltech · 26 days
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Breathe Easier, Live Better: Portable Dehumidifiers for Your Space!
Combat the humid climate of Dubai and Abu Dhabi with our efficient air dehumidifiers for houses. Designed to maintain optimal humidity levels, the dehumidification system prevents mold growth, improves air quality, and enhances overall comfort in your home. Perfect for any room, they provide a healthier and more pleasant living environment, making them an essential addition to any household. Call us in Dubai, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Armenia, Iraq, Bahrain, and Jordan. #DubaiDehumidifier #Dehumidifier #Humidity #Ctrltech4u #HumidityControl https://www.ctrltechnologies.com/dehumidifier.php
Room dehumidifiers are an excellent choice for hotels, homes, and villas, providing flexible and practical solutions to manage indoor humidity levels. These devices can be easily moved from room to room, targeting areas requiring moisture reduction, such as guest rooms, basements, bathrooms, or kitchens. By maintaining optimal humidity, portable dehumidifiers prevent the growth of mold and mildew, protect furnishings and structural elements from moisture damage, and enhance overall air quality. This not only improves comfort for occupants and guests but also helps maintain the property's aesthetic appeal and structural integrity.
Enhance comfort and protect your property with our versatile best dehumidifiers, ideal for hotels, homes, and villas.
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Maintain optimal comfort in your home or villa in Dubai and Abu Dhabi with our top-rated dehumidifiers. Choose portable, wall-mounted, or ceiling-mount ducted whole-house dehumidifiers to suit your needs. These systems effectively control humidity, prevent mold, improve air quality, and ensure a healthy living environment. Invest in the best solution for your home today! Call us in Riyadh, Doha, Muscat, Kuwait, Erbil, Yerevan, Manama, Jeedah, Baghdad, and Fujairah. #DubaiDehumidifier #Dehumidifier #PortableDehumidifier #CtrlTech #AbuDhabi https://www.ctrltechnologies.com/dehumidifier.php
A portable dehumidifier is essential for eliminating excess moisture and reducing the risk of allergies. By maintaining optimal humidity levels, it prevents the growth of mold, mildew, and dust mites, which are common triggers for allergies and respiratory problems. Air dehumidifiers help create a healthier living environment and enhance comfort by making the air more relaxed and pleasant.
Eliminate excess moisture and reduce allergies with our efficient room dehumidifiers, ensuring a comfortable and healthy living space.
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jokertourism · 2 months
Full Day Desert Safari in Qatar: Prices, Options & Booking Guide
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The Qatari desert entices with its huge, undulating sand dunes, a dramatic contrast to the country's sophisticated metropolis, Doha. Going on a full day desert safari in Qatar is an unforgettable way to view this breathtaking landscape. This guide from Joker Tourism, Qatar's foremost adventure tour operator, will teach you everything you need to know to organise a full day desert safari excursion.
Why Choose a Full-Day Desert Safari in Qatar?
A full day desert safari in Qatar provides a deeper immersion into the heart of the Qatari desert than shorter excursions. Here are some reasons why a full day desert safari may be the best option for you:
Unrivaled Exploration: Spend more time exploring the enormous desert area, going off-road, and seeking hidden treasures.
Experience the Full Spectrum: Witness the desert's spectacular shift throughout the day, from the golden warmth of daybreak to the stunning starlit night sky.
Activities Galore: Activities Enjoy a wider range of activities, such as dune bashing, sandboarding, camel rides, cultural excursions, and restful desert camp stays.
Unwind & Recharge: Get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature in the quiet desert setting.
What to Expect During a Full Day Desert Safari in Qatar with Joker Tourism
Our full-day desert safaris are meticulously planned to provide an amazing experience for people of all ages and interests. Here's a preview of what you may expect:
Morning Pick-up: We will pick you up from your Doha hotel in a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle.
Scenic Drive: Relax and enjoy the picturesque drive as we leave the city and head towards the desert.
Thrilling Dune Bashing: Get your blood racing with a thrilling 4x4 dune bashing session guided by our skilled drivers through the gorgeous sand dunes.
Desert Activities: Sandboarding, a fun hobby in which you conquer the dunes on specially designed boards, allows you to unleash your inner child. Enjoy a classic camel ride, a timeless way to explore the desert like the nomads of the past.
Optional Activities: For a sense of adventure, try adding falconry displays, where you can see these venerated birds' outstanding hunting abilities. Relax with a traditional henna hand painting session, a lovely keepsake from your desert experience.
Desert Camp Experience: Immerse yourself in local culture at a Bedouin-style desert camp. Enjoy a tasty meal made with fresh ingredients and with a taste of Qatari cuisine. Unwind and unwind in the comfortable camp setting while taking in the desert scenery.
Optional: Inland Sea Visit (Khor Al Adaid): Some full-day desert safaris include a visit to the Inland Sea (Khor Al Adaid), a one-of-a-kind geological wonder where the desert meets the turquoise seas of Arabia's Gulf. Take a refreshing swim or simply admire the breathtaking splendor of this natural wonder.
Sunset Spectacular: Witness a spectacular desert sunset as the sky erupts with bright colors, casting a stunning golden glow over the dunes.
Stargazing: As darkness falls, stare at a blanket of stars that is unpolluted by city lights, providing a view into the immensity of the universe. Learn about constellations from our expert guides.
Evening Return: After a fantastic day, we will safely transport you back to your Doha hotel.
Please note: Please keep in mind that the itinerary for your full day desert safari in Qatar may differ depending on the tour operator you choose.
Full-Day Desert Safari Options in Qatar
Joker Tourism provides a variety of full day desert safari in Qatar choices to suit various interests and budgets. Here are some popular selections:
Classic Full Day Desert Safari: This choice includes all of the must-do desert activities, including dune bashing, sandboarding, camel rides, a great lunch at a desert camp, and star gazing.
Luxury Full Day Desert Safari: Our deluxe full day desert safari provides an unparalleled desert experience. Enjoy VIP transportation, a secluded desert camp with top-notch amenities, and personalised service.
Family Full Day Desert Safari: Join us on a fun-filled desert trip to make unforgettable memories with your family. This option includes activities for children, such as sandcastle competitions and desert games.
Adventure Full Day Desert Safari: For adrenaline enthusiasts, we offer an exciting full day desert safari in Qatar with additional activities such as quad biking or hot air balloon excursions (subject to availability).
Cultural Full Day Desert Safari: On this one-of-a-kind safari, you will learn more about Qatari culture. Visit a traditional desert community, learn about nomadic lifestyles, and watch a falconry display.
Prices for Full Day Desert Safaris in Qatar
Prices for full-day desert safaris in Qatar might vary depending on numerous factors, including:
Tour Operator: Tour Operators may offer different price systems depending on their services and amenities.
Safari Option: As previously said, the selected safari option (classic, luxury, family, etc.) will influence the price owing to the included activities and amenities.
Group Size: Travelling in a larger group frequently results in a lower cost per person than smaller groups or solo trips.
Seasonality: Prices may vary significantly depending on the season, with peak tourist seasons possibly asking slightly higher rates.
The following is a general price range for full-day desert excursions in Qatar:
Classic Full Day Desert Safari: Classic Full Day Desert Safari starts at QAR 350 per person (about USD $95).
Luxury Full Day Desert Safari: Starting at QAR 1,000 per person (about USD $270).
Family Full Day Desert Safari: Starting at QAR 300 per person (about. USD $82). (Prices may change according to child age ranges.)
Adventure Full Day Desert Safari: Starting at QAR 500 per person (about. USD $135). (Prices may change depending on the selected additional activities.)
Cultural Full-Day Desert Safari: Starting at QAR 400 per person (about. USD $110).
Please note: Please keep in mind that these are only estimates and may not reflect the exact pricing of each tour operator. To get the most up-to-date prices and availability, always contact the trip operator directly.
Book Your Full Day Desert Safari in Qatar with Joker Tourism
Joker Tourism aims to provide amazing full-day desert safaris in Qatar at cheap pricing. Here's how you may schedule your wonderful adventure with us:
Visit our website: Browse through our full day desert safari in Qatar options and select the one that best meets your interests and budget.
Contact us: Contact our pleasant and knowledgeable team via phone, email, or online chat. We will answer any questions you have and walk you through the booking process.
Confirmation: Once you've selected your safari option and confirmed your reservation, you'll receive an email with all of the details about your tour.
Relax and enjoy: Pack your spirit of adventure and get ready for an exciting full day desert safari trip!
Here are some more tips for planning a full day desert safari in Qatar:
Book in Advance: Popular desert excursions, particularly during peak season, fill up rapidly. Booking in advance secures your spot on your desired date.
Read the Reviews: Look for online reviews and testimonials from former guests to get a sense of the tour operator's reputation and the quality of their services.
Ask Questions: Please do not hesitate to ask the tour operator any questions you may have about the itinerary, inclusions, safety precautions, or anything else that concerns you.
Dress Accordingly: Wear comfortable clothing and footwear appropriate for hot weather and arid terrain.
Follow us on our Facebook page.
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spectraarts · 5 months
Reflecting Tradition and Modernity: The Story of Mirrors in Qatar
Mirrors in Qatar serve not only as functional objects but also as cultural artifacts deeply rooted in the country's heritage. From the ornate mirrors adorning traditional Qatari homes to the sleek reflective surfaces gracing the skyscrapers of Doha, these reflective panels carry with them a story of adaptation and continuity.
In traditional Qatari homes, mirrors hold a special significance. Known as "miraas," these mirrors are more than just reflective surfaces; they are considered sources of beauty and protection. Adorned with intricate designs and often framed with delicate arabesque patterns, Mirror in Qatar miraas are cherished possessions passed down through generations. They are believed to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity to the household—a testament to the enduring beliefs and superstitions woven into Qatar's cultural fabric.
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Beyond their symbolic value, mirrors in Qatar also serve practical purposes. In the harsh desert climate, where sunlight can be both intense and unforgiving, mirrors are strategically placed to maximize natural light and ventilation within traditional homes. Their reflective surfaces help illuminate dimly lit interiors, creating a sense of warmth and spaciousness amidst the arid landscape.
As Qatar embraces modernity and urbanization, mirrors have found new roles in the country's ever-evolving architectural landscape. In the gleaming skyscrapers of Doha, mirrored facades reflect the city's cosmopolitan ambiance, mirroring the aspirations of a nation striving for progress and prosperity. These contemporary structures, with their sleek glass exteriors, Art Glass Qatar stand as symbols of Qatar's ambition and vision for the future.
Moreover, mirrors have become integral components of Qatar's burgeoning art scene. Renowned artists and designers draw inspiration from the country's rich cultural heritage, incorporating mirrors into their works to explore themes of identity, tradition, and globalization. From intricate mosaic installations to avant-garde sculptures, these artistic interpretations of mirrors serve as reflections of Qatar's diverse and dynamic society.
Furthermore, mirrors play a crucial role in Qatar's hospitality industry, where luxury and opulence are paramount. In upscale hotels and resorts, mirrors are strategically positioned to enhance the guest experience, creating an illusion of grandeur and extravagance. Whether adorning the walls of lavish suites or adorning the halls of opulent ballrooms, mirrors contribute to the ambiance of sophistication and elegance that defines Qatar's hospitality sector.
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latribune · 7 months
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satyrus77 · 8 months
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jhdsfbkh · 8 months
Pest Control Qatar
Are you in search of Best pest control services in Qatar? Look no further than Hegy International! Our exceptional Pest Control team are available for both commercial properties in Doha. With our expertise in cockroaches, bedbugs, and rodent control, we prioritize health and the integrity of structures. Noted on that, we will also make sure to go and beyond to ensure that our customers are fully satisfied. When it comes to keeping your space safe and free from pests, count on us! Say goodbye to extermination companies. Choose Hegy Qatar Pest Control Company in Doha for guaranteed results!
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tourismguideqatar · 9 months
Booking Your Adventure: How to Secure Tickets for Doha's City Tour and Dhow Boat Cruise
Doha, the vibrant capital city of Qatar, is a melting pot of culture, history, and modernity. For travelers seeking an immersive experience in this fascinating city, a combination of the Doha City Tour and a Dhow Boat Cruise promises an unforgettable adventure. But how do you secure tickets for these exciting excursions? In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to ensure you don't miss out on the best of Doha.
Start Early: Planning is the key to a successful trip, and the same applies to booking your city tour and dhow boat cruise. Doha is a popular tourist destination, so tickets tend to sell out fast, especially during peak seasons. Start your research early, ideally a few months before your intended travel date. This gives you a better chance of securing your preferred slots.
Online Booking: The internet has revolutionized the way we travel, and booking tickets for tours and activities is no exception. Numerous online platforms offer convenient booking services for Doha's city tour and dhow boat cruise. Websites and mobile apps allow you to compare prices, read reviews, and choose packages that suit your preferences. Booking online not only saves you time but often offers exclusive discounts and promotions.
Official Tourism Websites: For authentic and reliable ticket options, consider visiting the official website of Qatar Tourism or Doha Tourism. These platforms provide accurate information about available tours, schedules, and prices. Booking through official channels ensures that you are dealing with reputable tour operators, giving you peace of mind during your travels.
Hotel Concierge: If you prefer a more personalized touch, consult your hotel's concierge service. Most hotels in Doha have tie-ups with local tour operators and can assist you in booking city tours and dhow boat cruises. They can also provide valuable recommendations based on your interests and preferences, enhancing your overall experience.
Travel Agencies: Local travel agencies in Doha often have partnerships with tour operators. Visiting a travel agency can provide you with in-depth information about different tour packages, allowing you to tailor your experience according to your desires. Travel agents can also help you navigate any special requirements or concerns you might have.
Social Media and Travel Forums: Social media platforms and travel forums are treasure troves of information. Join travel groups on platforms like Facebook or Reddit where fellow travelers share their experiences and recommendations. Locals and seasoned travelers often provide valuable insights and suggestions, helping you make an informed decision when booking your city tour and dhow boat cruise.
Read Reviews: Before finalizing your booking, take the time to read reviews from previous travelers. Websites like TripAdvisor, Yelp, or Google Reviews offer genuine feedback from people who have already experienced the tours you're interested in. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to get a comprehensive understanding of what to expect.
Consider Package Deals: Some tour operators offer package deals that combine the city tour and dhow boat cruise. These packages can be cost-effective and convenient, saving you the hassle of booking each activity separately. Compare different packages to find the one that offers the best value for money and aligns with your travel goals.
Check for Discounts and Offers: Keep an eye out for discounts and special offers, especially if you're traveling during off-peak seasons. Tour operators often provide promotional deals to attract more visitors. Subscribing to newsletters from travel websites or following tour operators on social media can help you stay updated on the latest discounts and offers available for your desired tours.
Be Flexible: Flexibility in your travel dates and times can increase your chances of securing tickets. If possible, consider booking your city tour and dhow boat cruise on weekdays or during non-peak hours. Being open to different time slots can provide you with more options and potentially lower prices.
In conclusion, securing tickets for Doha's city tour and dhow boat cruise is a straightforward process when approached with careful planning and research. By starting early, exploring various booking options, reading reviews, and staying updated on discounts, you can ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience in this captivating city. So, gear up, book your tickets, and get ready to embark on an adventure that will leave you with cherished memories of Doha's rich heritage and breathtaking landscapes.
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visitqatar-guide · 9 months
best qatar hotels
Unveiling Opulence: The Best Luxury Hotels in Qatar
Qatar, a destination known for its opulence and modernity, boasts a collection of world-class luxury hotels that redefine hospitality. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, these hotels offer an experience that's nothing short of exceptional. In this guide, we'll introduce you to the best luxury hotels in Qatar, where indulgence, comfort, and impeccable service come together to create unforgettable stays.
1. The St. Regis Doha
The St. Regis Doha stands as an emblem of luxury in Qatar. Situated on the West Bay, this iconic hotel offers opulent rooms and suites, a private beach, and a host of dining options. Don't miss the classic afternoon tea at the Sarab Lounge.
2. Four Seasons Hotel Doha
Overlooking the Arabian Gulf, the Four Seasons Hotel Doha offers breathtaking views and lavish accommodations. The hotel features a private beach, a marina, a spa, and an array of dining venues, including the renowned Nobu Doha.
3. The Ritz-Carlton, Doha
Exuding grandeur, The Ritz-Carlton, Doha, offers luxurious rooms, a private beach, a spa, and a selection of dining experiences, including the sophisticated STK Doha steakhouse.
4. Mandarin Oriental, Doha
Mandarin Oriental, Doha, is a sanctuary of sophistication. Guests can enjoy elegantly appointed rooms, a rooftop pool, a world-class spa, and culinary delights at the Mediterranean-inspired IZU.
5. W Doha Hotel & Residences
W Doha Hotel & Residences combines contemporary design with luxury. The hotel offers stylish rooms and suites, vibrant nightlife at the Crystal Lounge, and exquisite cuisine at Market by Jean-Georges.
6. Grand Hyatt Doha Hotel & Villas
Grand Hyatt Doha Hotel & Villas is a waterfront resort offering spacious rooms, a private beach, a spa, and diverse dining experiences, including Thai cuisine at Isaan.
7. InterContinental Doha
InterContinental Doha is a beachfront haven with elegant rooms, a private bay, and a multitude of dining options, including Mykonos for Greek cuisine and La Mar for Peruvian flavors.
8. Al Messila, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Doha
Al Messila, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Doha, is a lush retreat offering serene rooms and suites, a world-class spa, a private lagoon, and farm-to-table cuisine at Veritas.
9. Sharq Village & Spa, a Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Sharq Village & Spa is a luxurious beachfront resort showcasing Qatari heritage. The hotel offers elegant rooms, a traditional souq, a spa, and diverse culinary experiences at Al Liwan and Parisa.
10. Marsa Malaz Kempinski, The Pearl - Doha
Marsa Malaz Kempinski, located on The Pearl-Qatar, exudes luxury with its spacious rooms and suites, private beach, and a range of dining options, including the award-winning restaurant, Sawa.
In conclusion, Qatar's luxury hotels redefine opulence and offer experiences that are truly exceptional. These hotels are not just places to stay but destinations in themselves. Whether you're here for business, relaxation, or exploration, choosing one of these best luxury hotels in Qatar ensures that your stay will be marked by indulgence and unparalleled hospitality, leaving you with cherished memories of your time in this luxurious Arabian paradise.
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jokertourism · 3 months
How Much Do Qatar Tour Packages Cost? Unveiling the Magic of Qatar on a Budget
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Qatar, a fascinating country with sparkling skyscrapers piercing a lively desert environment, entices visitors with its rich cultural heritage, world-class attractions, and opulent experiences. But, amidst the enticement, a common question arises: How much do Qatar vacation packages cost?
Fear not, adventurers! This guide from Joker Tourism, your trusted partner in creating unique Qatari trips, will reveal the mysteries of Qatar tour package pricing and assist you in finding the best fit for your budget.
Discovering the Factors That Affect Qatar Tour Package Costs
Understanding the primary factors that influence Qatar tour package rates is the first step towards organising your ideal holiday. Here is a breakdown of the essentials.
Duration of Your Stay: Qatar vacation packages often range from short weekend getaways to longer adventures. Longer stays with greater inclusions will, unsurprisingly, cost more.
Accommodation: Your choice of lodging, from opulent 5-star hotels overlooking the Doha skyline to cosy guesthouses set among traditional souqs, has a considerable impact on the overall package pricing.
Activities & Experiences: Do you like an adrenaline-pumping desert safari or a relaxing dhow cruise? The activities included in your bundle will impact the cost.
Travel Season: Peak tourist season (usually in the winter months) is sometimes associated with increased tour package rates. Consider visiting Qatar during the shoulder seasons (spring and fall) to find more reasonable accommodations.
Travel Style: Do you prefer a deluxe, all-inclusive vacation or a more affordable, self-guided adventure? Joker Tourism provides a selection of Qatar tour packages to suit different travel tastes and budgets.
Explore the Cost Spectrum of Qatar Tour Packages with Joker Tourism.
Now that you understand the important cost variables, let's look at the various Qatar tour packages offered by Joker Tourism:
Budget-Friendly Adventures: Experience the essence of Qatar without breaking the bank! Our weekend trip packages, which start at roughly QAR 1,500 per person, include luxurious accommodations, guided city tours, and cultural events.
Standard Explorations: Immerse yourself in Qatar's intriguing tapestry for a longer time. These packages, which start at about QAR 2,500 per person, often include mid-range accommodations, adventurous desert experiences, and traditional dhow cruises.
Luxury Escapades: Indulge in incomparable luxury while creating unforgettable experiences. Our premium Qatar trip packages, which start at around QAR 5,000 per person, include sumptuous accommodations, VIP activities, and unique access to cultural gems.
Remember, these are only beginning points! Joker Tourism takes pride in its ability to customise experiences. We can customise a Qatar trip package to meet your unique goals and budget, providing an ideal balance of cost and amazing experiences.
Finding the Best Qatar Tour Package for You
To choose the best Qatar trip package for you, consider the following:
Your Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend.
Travel Style: Do you prefer a pre-planned schedule or greater flexibility?
Interests: What hobbies and experiences are most meaningful to you?
Travel Dates: Consider the time of year you want to travel.
Here's a tip: Contact our friendly Joker Tourism travel specialists! They'll listen to your desires and curate a personalised Qatar tour package that perfectly aligns with your budget and aspirations.
Beyond the Package: Additional Costs to Consider
While Qatar tour packages cover a substantial percentage of your trip, you should be aware of additional expenses:
Flights: If your tour package does not include flights, calculate the cost of flying from your departure city.
Meals: Certain packages may only include breakfast. Budget for extra meals based on your tastes.
Visas: Check the visa requirements for your nationality and consider any associated charges.
Travel Insurance: Consider travel insurance to cover any unexpected events.
Souvenirs and Activities: Set aside funds for shopping, additional activities, and gratuities.
FAQs: Discover More about Qatar Tour Packages with Joker Tourism
Q: Do Joker Tourism's Qatar vacation packages include any hidden fees?
A: Transparency is our basic value. All inclusions and exclusions are explicitly stated in our tour package. You will not be charged any hidden fees.
Q: Can I pay my Qatar travel package in installments?
A: Yes, Joker Tourism provides flexible payment options to meet your needs. Please contact us to discuss these alternatives.
Q: What if I can find a cheaper Qatar vacation package elsewhere?
A: While price is crucial, you should also consider the tour operator's inclusions, quality, and reputation. Joker Tourism specialises in creating unique and unforgettable experiences. If you find a similar package elsewhere, please contact us; we will try our best to match or even exceed their offer while remaining committed to outstanding service.
Are You Ready to Plan Your Dream Qatar Adventure?
Now that you've learned about Qatar tour package pricing and the elements that influence it, it's time to start planning your trip to Qatar! Explore Joker Tourism's extensive variety of Qatar tour packages or call our travel experts immediately. We'll make your vacation ideas a reality, assuring an amazing discovery of Qatar that fits well with your budget and goals.
Follow us on our Facebook page.
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creativeworld111 · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Travel Agency In Qatar
Is this your first time travelling to Qatar? Do you find it confusing to select the optimal travel agents for your journey?. Choosing the best travel agency in Qatar, or any location for that matter, requires careful research and consideration. A good travel agency can significantly enhance your travel experience by providing valuable insights, seamless arrangements, and efficient customer service.
Travelling allows you to experience diverse cultures, traditions, languages, and lifestyles. Travelling provides hands-on learning experiences that can’t be replicated in a classroom. You can learn about history, art, architecture, cuisine, geography, and more by immersing yourself in the places you visit. But Choosing the Best Tour And Travel Experts in Doha, Qatar requires careful consideration.
Online Presence and Technology:
When evaluating an agency, it’s important to assess the user-friendliness of their website, as this serves as a crucial touch point for potential clients. A well-designed website can offer valuable insights into the agency’s professionalism and commitment to customer satisfaction. Furthermore, secure payment options are essential for instilling confidence in clients as they finalize their travel arrangements. An agency that employs robust encryption protocols and adheres to industry standards for online transactions demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding sensitive financial information.
Range of Services
Ensure that the agency provides a comprehensive array of travel services that cater to various aspects of your trip. A reputable agency should go beyond mere flight bookings and extend its offerings to encompass a diverse range of services that contribute to a seamless and enjoyable travel experience. At Fal Travelmart, we provide Visa Services, Travel Insurance, Airport Transfers, and more.
Expertise and Specialization:
Selecting a travel agency that possesses expertise in your preferred type of travel can significantly enhance your overall travel experience by catering to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re planning a leisure vacation, business trip, adventure expedition, or religious pilgrimage, an agency that specializes in your chosen category can offer tailored solutions that make your journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Accreditation and Licensing:
To ensure the credibility and reliability of a travel agency, it’s essential to confirm their accreditation by relevant travel industry associations. Membership in reputable associations such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Qatar Tourism Authority can indicate that the agency meets specific standards and operates with professionalism.
Special Plans:
Look for an agency that is willing to add travel packages to suit your preferences, interests, and budget. At Fal Travelmart we’ve included more services listed below
• We organize meetings, innovative travel incentive schemes, conventions, and events for our travel community at a global level.
• If you want to drive in a new country during your travel period, we arrange for an International driving license as per the regulations of the Government.
• Medical Tourism: If you need to approach a foreign hospital with regard to treatments we are right beside you to arrange the entire journey, visa, insurance, airport transfer, and hotel stay.
• Need a private jet to charter and take you around for your special leisure tour? We have this sorted out with the best crew, airplanes, and flight services.
• We guide you on the best wellness care packages that each destination will offer you at the best prices.
• Celebrate the most precious moments of your life with your soulmate at some of the best destination wedding spots that we arrange for you.
• If you have an International sports competition, you can book the entire journey and stay with us. Our team will guide and handle all the documents, airport transfer, hotel, premium luxury stay, food, tour options, visa, etc.
• Enjoy our personalized Al Maha Services where we help travelers enjoy the best of tailor made services to make their travels and leisure holidays more outstanding. Right from visa filing, check-in assistance, and exit support, we are here for you.
• We have the best language guides who will speak and interact with you and also during the travel in various languages like English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic-speaking language experts.
• We have formulated Virtual Tours for students using AI and the latest technologies.
Travel is a wonderful experience that may unite people from different cultures and perspectives. As the Best Travel Agency in Doha, Qatar we help you to reach your favorite spot. Customer happiness is our top priority, and we work hard to provide individualized services that go above and beyond their expectations. Get in touch and use the best travel deals we offer. We are always happy to give the best travel experiences anywhere in this world.
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faltravelmart · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Travel Agency In Qatar
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Is this your first time travelling to Qatar? Do you find it confusing to select the optimal travel agents for your journey?. Choosing the best travel agency in Qatar, or any location for that matter, requires careful research and consideration. A good travel agency can significantly enhance your travel experience by providing valuable insights, seamless arrangements, and efficient customer service.
Travelling allows you to experience diverse cultures, traditions, languages, and lifestyles. Travelling provides hands-on learning experiences that can’t be replicated in a classroom. You can learn about history, art, architecture, cuisine, geography, and more by immersing yourself in the places you visit. But Choosing the Best Tour And Travel Experts in Doha, Qatar requires careful consideration.
Online Presence and Technology:
When evaluating an agency, it’s important to assess the user-friendliness of their website, as this serves as a crucial touch point for potential clients. A well-designed website can offer valuable insights into the agency’s professionalism and commitment to customer satisfaction. Furthermore, secure payment options are essential for instilling confidence in clients as they finalize their travel arrangements. An agency that employs robust encryption protocols and adheres to industry standards for online transactions demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding sensitive financial information.
Range of Services
Ensure that the agency provides a comprehensive array of travel services that cater to various aspects of your trip. A reputable agency should go beyond mere flight bookings and extend its offerings to encompass a diverse range of services that contribute to a seamless and enjoyable travel experience. At Fal Travelmart, we provide Visa Services, Travel Insurance, Airport Transfers, and more.
Expertise and Specialization:
Selecting a travel agency that possesses expertise in your preferred type of travel can significantly enhance your overall travel experience by catering to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re planning a leisure vacation, business trip, adventure expedition, or religious pilgrimage, an agency that specializes in your chosen category can offer tailored solutions that make your journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Accreditation and Licensing:
To ensure the credibility and reliability of a travel agency, it’s essential to confirm their accreditation by relevant travel industry associations. Membership in reputable associations such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Qatar Tourism Authority can indicate that the agency meets specific standards and operates with professionalism.
Special Plans:
Look for an agency that is willing to add travel packages to suit your preferences, interests, and budget. At Fal Travelmart we’ve included more services listed below
• We organize meetings, innovative travel incentive schemes, conventions, and events for our travel community at a global level.
• If you want to drive in a new country during your travel period, we arrange for an International driving license as per the regulations of the Government.
• Medical Tourism: If you need to approach a foreign hospital with regard to treatments we are right beside you to arrange the entire journey, visa, insurance, airport transfer, and hotel stay.
• Need a private jet to charter and take you around for your special leisure tour? We have this sorted out with the best crew, airplanes, and flight services.
• We guide you on the best wellness care packages that each destination will offer you at the best prices.
• Celebrate the most precious moments of your life with your soulmate at some of the best destination wedding spots that we arrange for you.
• If you have an International sports competition, you can book the entire journey and stay with us. Our team will guide and handle all the documents, airport transfer, hotel, premium luxury stay, food, tour options, visa, etc.
• Enjoy our personalized Al Maha Services where we help travelers enjoy the best of tailor made services to make their travels and leisure holidays more outstanding. Right from visa filing, check-in assistance, and exit support, we are here for you.
• We have the best language guides who will speak and interact with you and also during the travel in various languages like English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic-speaking language experts.
• We have formulated Virtual Tours for students using AI and the latest technologies.
Travel is a wonderful experience that may unite people from different cultures and perspectives. As the Best Travel Agency in Doha, Qatar we help you to reach your favorite spot. Customer happiness is our top priority, and we work hard to provide individualized services that go above and beyond their expectations.
Get in touch and use the best travel deals we offer. We are always happy to give the best travel experiences anywhere in this world.
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