#top depression treatment california
Website: https://www.breakthroughhypnotherapy.org/
Address: Ojai, California, USA
I'm Breakthrough Hypnotherapy, an experienced Meditation Coach here to help you find your best self through meditation. My path to meditation came from my own desire to heal the stress and anxiety lying deep within me. I knew I had to share this feeling, and today I could not feel happier or more fulfilled with my professional journey.
Since 2000, I have dedicated myself to helping others feel more empowered and fulfilled through meditation. Each and every human being has a beautiful light within themselves, and I can’t wait to help you unlock it.
Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) is a cutting edge technique that uses regression therapy. It assists in shattering old belief systems that no longer serve you, and replaces them with more empowering thought forms. While in hypnosis we will explore the subconscious to get to the root cause of the issues you choose to address. By regressing you back to pivotal scenes in early childhood, infantry, womb, and sometimes even past lives, we review, understand, and change the meaning attached to these scenes; rewiring and transforming you for the better.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Breakthrough-Hypnotherapy-107000598525503
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breakthrough_hypnotherapy_88/
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
Given all the misinformation and political rhetoric, here's an article about gender-affirming care for minors written by Dr. Turban, who is director of the gender psychiatry program at the University of California, San Francisco
Prepuberty - no medical or surgical interventions, but social transition may happen. One benefit for trans children who socially transition is their levels of anxiety and depression are similar to cisgender children
Attempts to force transgender people to be cisgender have been labeled unethical
Puberty blockers are the earliest medical intervention that will be considered. Puberty blockers allow for a temporary pause of puberty, which can be especially helpful for adolescents who are having negative psychological reactions to the way their bodies are developing.
An adolescent must first undergo a comprehensive biopsychosocial mental health evaluation prior to starting puberty blockers. Consent is required from their legal guardian and the adolescent must assent to the treatment. If an individual is experiencing gender dysphoria, studies show that puberty blockers lead to improved mental health outcomes
As with all drugs, puberty blockers carry known side effects, such as falling behind on bone density (sex hormones are needed to mineralize bones). Adolescents on puberty blockers should have their bone density monitored during treatment, and pursue paths to improve bone health, such as exercise. In later adolescence, the body should have access to sex hormones, either from coming off of puberty blockers or by starting gender-affirming hormones.
In later adolescence, transgender youth may be candidates for gender-affirming hormone treatment (for example, estrogen or testosterone) to create puberty changes that align with their gender identities.
A comprehensive mental health biopsychosocial evaluation must be conducted prior to initiation of these treatments. Part of this evaluation includes fertility counseling and consideration of fertility preservation.
Unlike with puberty blockers where the effects are reversible, several of the physical changes that occur from hormone therapy are not reversible, for example, voice changes from testosterone.
Studies link access to gender-affirming hormones with improved mental health for teens with gender dysphoria.
Most all gender-affirming surgeries are not considered until adulthood, with top surgery for trans masc & nonbinary adolescents being the primary exception. The other exception to gender-affirming surgeries being offered only to adults are situations like a 17-year-old who has graduated from high school getting surgery in the summer to avoid needing to take time off from college to recover.
Surgery is a major decision, and requires agreement from a mental health provider, a medical provider, and the surgeon. Regret rates for having gender-affirming surgeries are remarkably low.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm from San Luis Obispo, California. So my question for you guys, I'm curious, if you were in the Freaky Friday situation of body swapping with each other, what are some of the first things that you would do? [Jensen points to each of them] Yes, you two.
Jared: Okay, so some people know this, some people don't. Swap Meat - no, was it called Swap Meat? Where I become like Gary? That was initially, there is a treatment for an episode where we body-swapped. It was Sam and Dean. And it was a full on, I think I'm in Dean's body and there is a Saturday Night Fever disco dance contest? It was pretty wacky. And then I think as they started developing it, I think somebody at the network studio was like, 'You know what, this might be jumping the shark.' Even though we had already done an episode called Jumping the Shark?
Jensen: Right. Didn't they change it though? In an effort to, wasn't it like midseason or something and it was in an effort to give us some time off?
Jared: Oh! I don't recall the exact reason.
Jensen: I feel like - I could be wrong - but I feel like that may have been it. If it was Sam and Dean that were swapped then we would be working all day every day -
Jared: Yeah, I see. Oh yeah.
Jensen: both of us would. I think they did it in an effort to split us up, cause that was just - yeah. They usually would make an effort to give us some breaks here and there. And I think that may have been one of the reasons why they were like, 'Ooh, this is a good idea, but they're gonna be working fourteen hours all day every day.'
Jared: Yeah, yeah, that's a good point. I think you're correct. I think - so if Jared was body-swapping with Jensen, there's probably a different answer, but if Sam body-swapped with Dean, he'd probably go to the fridge, throw out all the unhealthy shit and put in salads and fruits -
Jensen: He'd throw out the beer and put kombucha -
Jared: Hey, I like kombucha.
Jensen: I know.
Jared: So I'll go with that for sure.
Jensen: So are you talking about Sam and Dean or are you talking about Jensen and Jared?
Q: I was talking about Jared and Jensen.
Jared: My fault, Sarah, geez. They're pushy in San Luis Obispo. I'm teasing.
Jared: I'd probably get up and play a concert if I was Jensen.
Jensen: I would go get my knee surgery.
Jared: [laughs] You ain't lyin. What would you do [to fan]?
Jensen: And then I would go play any game of pickup basketball there was. I'd just be like [mimes slamming down an imaginary ball, waggles finger] uh-uh-uh-uh.
Jared: I pulled that yesterday!
Jensen: I know! Somebody tried to toss something by Jared and he just slapped the keys down and was like [waggles finger again] not in here.
Jared: It was car keys and I think in the group that I hang out with now, but also grew up with? If anything is thrown within the vicinity of one of the friend members that shit is getting swatted out of the air. Like, don't throw it if it's breakable, don't throw it not near - people are like jumping over children in strollers trying to knock something out of the air.
Jensen: You did it, I remember - I can't remember what it was, but you did it in the middle of a scene. And you didn't even mean to do it, it was just so reactionary. I was tossing Misha something and you just, you were like sad or it was a depressing scene, I was like, 'C'mon Cass let's go' and I tossed something and you just [mimes slapping down object without looking up]. And I remember you immediately regretted it because we had to go again! [both crack up]
Jared: I believe it, yeah. It's like keys falling off a table, you just reach for it without even thinking. Okay, Sarah, turn the tables. If you had to be Jared or Jensen for a day, what would you do?
Audience: Ooooh.
Jared: I like.
Q: Let's see. If I was Jared for a day, I would be able to reach anything on the top shelf, easily.
Jared: Clean the cupboards without a step stool, I like it.
Q: And if I was Jensen for a day, I'd get to look in the mirror.
Jared: What would you [laughs] wearing what? Soldier Boy?
Q: That is the question.
Jared: Shakespeare said it best.
Jensen: Just stare in the mirror! [props face on hand]
Jared: That's gonna be season sixteen of Supernatural. Just Jensen [furiously flutters his eyelashes].
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lovesosweeet · 10 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter twenty three
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
september 4, 2018 los angeles, california orion 
Being alive right now is exhausting. If I could, I’d sleep 10 hours every night, but the fact is, I wake up every few hours to throw up or with intense body aches that make it impossible to lay comfortably. It’s not comfortable to do anything, but it’s far too uncomfortable to sleep. 
My body is at war with itself, or, I guess, with the chemotherapy drugs coursing through my veins. Just like I’m fighting for my life, my body itself is at battle, too. It’s an awful feeling to know that even my organs are working against me now, on top of dealing with being in a temporary long distance relationship. The blood coursing through my veins contains the evidence of my impending death, and the poison mixing with it is there to make my life just a little bit longer, but far more painful.
Sometimes I wonder if going through with treatment even matters. 
Leukemia is a death sentence. There’s no way to sugarcoat it. Is it worth feeling like pure shit every day until I die? How much better is my life if all that I’m doing to extend it is also making me feel worse?
My mind is at war with itself too. 
I can’t figure out whether I’m excited for or dreading the day that Calum and I reunite in San Diego. I am looking forward to having him as a support system in everything after dealing with this without him for over a month now. I am looking forward to getting to spend time with my favorite human being on this planet. I am looking forward to seeing his smile and smelling his cologne and holding his hand and watching him perform and hugging him as tight as I can.
I’m not looking forward to crushing him with the fact that I’ve been lying to him, by omission, about my life. I dread the look on his face when I tell him that I have cancer. I dread having to hear him fall apart while the fact that I’m dying settles in. Calum is going to be devastated, just like everyone else in my life has been. He’s going to be generally upset with me for not telling him. He’s going to wish I’d told him as soon as I’d found out and he’s going to go into recluse mode, mulling all the facts over in silence and battling all of his feelings about the news. 
There’s still a piece of me that wants to call him right now and beg him to come home. What wouldn’t I give to have him here right now? In some alternate universe, he’d be taking care of me 24/7, coming with me to every chemo appointment and bringing me fresh water whenever I ask. He’d be up with me at all hours, holding my hair back while I vomit for the twelfth time each day. He’d have saltine crackers on autoship to arrive every few days. I wouldn’t have to do anything for myself and I wouldn’t have to do anything alone.
That’s one of the worst parts. While I’m in emotional turmoil with my choice not to tell Calum and him on tour and my body is processing both cancer and poison, I feel so alone. 
Emelia helps. My family helps. Macy helps. People are showing up for me constantly, consistently, but the majority of my time is still alone. I wish I could talk about everything and have someone with me just to keep me company, but I can’t. I’m alone. I’m lonely. I’m dying. I’m depressed. I feel awful, mentally and physically. All I want is Calum, but everything I’ve done for the past month has been putting space between myself and him.
I’ve fucked myself over, plain and simple. 
Today is my final round of chemo for this cycle, and while I know I’ll still feel like pure shit for a few weeks, it’s nice to have reached this mile marker. 
I take my shower before I get ready to head to the hospital. I woke up at 5 am, puking a few times before giving up on trying to go back to bed. I took a long shower, standing under the near-boiling hot water for almost an hour. It was nice to feel something, even if it was the sensation of almost burning my skin with water. 
Then my heart felt like the most fragile scrap of paper when I got dressed.
I’d gone to Calum’s side of the closet, as I have almost every day since he left, to grab a hoodie. It’s a random Liverpool football hoodie that he’s probably worn a grand total of two times in my presence, but it’s clean and it’s thick and cozy, so it meets my criteria. It doesn't smell like him, but it's not hard to imagine that it does. I can pretend it smells of faint cigarettes, coffee, pine needles, and honey: everything that reminds me of him.
As I grab the hoodie from his shelf of things, a piece of paper falls to the floor. Apparently it was hidden in the folds of the worn-out green cotton. I recognize Calum’s favorite blue pen scribbled on a scrap of notebook paper and pick up the note instantly.
O,I guess you’ve worked your way down the stack of hoodies. I don’t know how long it’s taken you to get to this point, but know that that means we’re that much closer to being able to be skin to skin, hand in hand, eye to eye, and heart to heart. 
I know it’s hard to believe, since I’m writing this before I leave, but I swear to you: I miss you so much. I haven’t even left and I already miss you.
Fuck, how pathetic am I? Do you see my tearstains?
I am irrevocably and inconsolably in love with you. I will miss you any second of any minute we spend apart. I can only imagine — dread — how much I will be missing you by the time you read this.
I know hardly any of this will be news to you, but I can’t leave without having pieces of my love for you buried around our home. I’m guessing this will be the first you find, but hopefully you’ll find the others soon.
Can’t promise the others won’t be as sappy as this. Just need you to know just how much I miss you.
I am infinitely yours. With all my goddamn love,Cal.
next chapter
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lenbryant · 7 months
h/t Have a Gay Day….
Gladys' performances were overtly gay. She loved to show off her glamorous girlfriends and she openly flirted with women in the audience. Her cabaret show at the Ubangi Club even featured a cast of drag queens. She never hid the fact that she was lesbian and was happy to tell the press that she had married a white woman. But with the end of the Harlem Renaissance and the beginning of the Great Depression, tolerance for LGBTQ people began to wane. Gladys once again packed her bags; this time her destination was California. There, she continued to play in gay clubs and make records but she never achieved the level of success she had enjoyed in New York.
In the 1940s and 50s, McCarthyism threatened the livelihoods of LGBTQ people. The so-called "lavender scare" saw LGBTQ people as a threat to American values as well as to national security because it was thought they were easily manipulated. So, LGBTQ people were often blacklisted or even arrested. Afraid of prosecution, Gladys hung up her top hat and started to wear dresses. She published a desperate article in Ebony magazine titled "I am Woman Again," in which she claimed to have cured her homosexuality by undergoing female hormone treatments. She went so far as to marry a man, only to later have him deny the marriage ever took place. Sadly, Gladys died of pneumonia before the start of the gay rights movement. Although she had once been so proud of her queerness, Gladys was forced to spend the end of her life in the closet.
Celebrate Gladys Bentley.
h/t Seliah Deleon
[Image Description: A sepia portrait of Gladys with a top hat, suit, bowtie, groomed brows, and lipstick on. End ID].
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angagonzalez · 1 month
Pre-maternity healthcare routine from Chinese nutritionist Anga Gonzalez
How to take care of the womb during the pre-maternity days or conditions such as infertility to overcome? Let the best doctors know the secret path to transform your luxury lifestyle without stress, panic, fear, anxiety or depression. 
Meet an online Chinese herbal medicine expert in London to get the perfect answer to numerous types of physical, social, emotional and organ related concerns that affect the lifestyle of women. Scientific research data found most of the adolescent at an early age getting affected with stress factors that leads to several mental upsets that make life not easier for normal living. Find out the most holistic approach to keep your heart, lungs and immunity health in proper share and diet is to take regular counseling of professional female nutritionists if you are serious about your marital healthcare with optimum level of energy, free from stress, mental balanced, depression free health routine.
Anga Gonzalez, functional nutrition health doctor in UK, Her magical journey has been highly popularized in Barcelona, California with 1k+ happy patients testimonials so far and result based on serious health issue of many women struggling with PCOS, menopause, depression, psychiatric related problem since childhood could be covered with her pregnancy acupuncture therapy to reduce stress, manipulate nerve with sense of touch, needle based therapy, massage to improve sensory and pulse rate of brain and circulation system of the body.
To prevent health against disease is the supreme goal of any individuals looking for ideal health advice from a trusted doctor to understand every matter, concern associated with pregnancy, mental disease, depression, hopelessness or sleepless concern of women who were looking for early pregnancy. Anga Gonzalez is a famous female health practitioner with many years of dedicated work expertises, specialization in reproductive healthcare of patients in London, he gives clinical solution, in-person consultation, advice for emergency concern such as maternity advice, postpartum depression are such problem most of the women willing to find the right doctors to get solution related to pregnancy. Take a look at her clinical journey so far with amazing treatment, tools, and therapeutic processes to get rid of many diseases naturally.
Pregnancy acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture is a widely popular method loved by many women for best results to prevent all questions related to maternity, in this approach patients get complete aromatic control for deeper relaxation, nerve balance, mental thirstiness with needle insertion techniques from different point of body, stress control tricks and innovative treatment to improve nerve pulse, heart beat rate.
Energy diet to have regularly
The role of diet is always a critical sign of improvement news to observe what is the most ideal food to keep your little one safe during early fertile duration like ovulation month. Keep checking with a world-class female health nutritionist doctor in the UK, if you are cautious about the goodness of food that reflects positive changes in health such as psychological and emotional growth.
Cleansing of heart health with stress free massage
Ask the top doctor to keep your heart health in the right shape and healthier by consuming the right nutrition, minerals, proteins, fiber-rich food, iron-rich supplements, and carbohydrates for better heart health.
Tui Na massage therapy to reflex muscle
This is a traditional remedy against many diseases that helps to heal the soul, keep nerves pulse in normal condition with no side effects at all, research says in this type of treatment patients get pure rejuvenation to beat stress and depression disease completely.
Depression reduction techniques to make life smarter
Many working women deal with menopause related challenges that affect their lifestyle, delaying pregnancy, stress that makes it difficult to boost fertility health. Meet Anga Gonzalez to learn more about traditional and modern day scientific tested tools, exercise, acupuncture treatment, moxibustion therapy to improve stress challenges.
Promote health and well-being with traditional herbal diet
Does herbal diet really work to stop stress, depression, thyroid problems among women during pregnancy? Consult the best doctor Anga Gonzalez to find the correct answer about how to improve life better with natural diet and exercise.
Nourishment of brain with basic health tips
As we know the basic necessity to make life easier is to feed the right vitamins, protein, sleep to make your cognitive health stronger with zero side-effects and harmful disease to affect brain pulse.
For interesting stories related to fertility, reproductive healthcare  do visit us online for more updates, ideas from top functional nutrition health doctor Anga Gonzalez in London.
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truistpsychmd · 1 month
How Truist Psychiatrists Provide Comprehensive Mental Health Care in California
Mental health care is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet many people still struggle to find the right support. For residents of California, Truist Psychiatrists offer a comprehensive range of psychiatric services designed to meet diverse needs, ensuring that patients receive the care they deserve. This article delves into how Truist Psychiatrists stand out as a leading provider in the field, focusing on their expertise, patient-centered approach, and the broad spectrum of services they offer.
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Expertise in Mental Health Care
Truist Psychiatrists are a team of highly trained professionals dedicated to providing top-notch psychiatric care across California. Their expertise spans various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more complex issues. The professionals at Truist are not just well-versed in the latest psychiatric treatments but are also committed to staying updated with ongoing advancements in the field. This ensures that patients have access to the most effective and innovative treatment options available.
A Patient-Centered Approach
One of the hallmarks of Truist Psychiatrists is their patient-centered approach to mental health care. Understanding that every individual’s mental health journey is unique, Truist Psychiatrists focus on creating personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s specific needs. This approach involves active listening, thorough assessments, and ongoing communication between the psychiatrist and the patient.
At Truist Psychiatrists, the goal is to empower patients, helping them gain control over their mental health and achieve their wellness goals. Whether it’s through medication management, psychotherapy, or a combination of both, Truist ensures that every patient feels heard, understood, and supported throughout their treatment process.
Comprehensive Services Offered
Truist Psychiatrists provide a wide range of services to address various mental health concerns. Their offerings include:
Medication Management: Truist Psychiatrists specialize in carefully monitoring and adjusting psychiatric medications to ensure that patients achieve the best possible outcomes. They take into consideration the patient’s medical history, current health status, and lifestyle to prescribe and manage medications effectively.
Psychotherapy: Understanding the importance of talk therapy in mental health treatment, Truist Psychiatrists offer individual and group therapy sessions. These sessions are designed to help patients explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment.
Telepsychiatry Services: In response to the growing need for accessible mental health care, Truist Psychiatrists offer telepsychiatry services, allowing patients to receive care from the comfort of their homes. This service is particularly beneficial for those who may have difficulty traveling to appointments or who prefer the convenience of virtual consultations.
Specialized Treatment for Complex Conditions: Truist Psychiatrists are equipped to handle more complex psychiatric conditions that may require specialized care. This includes treatment for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, PTSD, and other conditions that significantly impact a person’s quality of life.
Support for Families: Recognizing that mental health issues often affect more than just the individual, Truist Psychiatrists also provide support for families. This can include family therapy sessions, education about mental health conditions, and guidance on how to support a loved one undergoing treatment.
Why Choose Truist Psychiatrists?
Choosing the right mental health care provider is crucial for effective treatment and long-term wellness. Truist Psychiatrists are distinguished by their commitment to patient care, their comprehensive service offerings, and their dedication to advancing mental health treatment in California.
Experienced Professionals: The team at Truist Psychiatrists is composed of experienced professionals who are leaders in the field. Their expertise and dedication ensure that patients receive the highest quality care.
Personalized Care: Truist Psychiatrists understand that each patient is unique, and they tailor their treatment plans accordingly. This personalized approach increases the likelihood of successful outcomes.
Accessible Services: With telepsychiatry options and multiple locations across California, Truist Psychiatrists make mental health care accessible to more people. This ensures that patients can receive the care they need, regardless of their location or circumstances.
Holistic Approach: Truist Psychiatrists take a holistic approach to mental health care, addressing not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of mental health issues. This comprehensive approach promotes long-term wellness and recovery.
Truist Psychiatrists are a beacon of hope for those seeking quality mental health care in California. Their commitment to patient-centered, comprehensive care sets them apart as a leading provider in the field. Whether you’re dealing with a common mental health issue or a more complex condition, Truist Psychiatrists offer the expertise and support needed to help you achieve your wellness goals. By choosing Truist Psychiatrists, you are taking a significant step towards better mental health and a brighter future.
Truist psychMD
8120 Timberlake Way, Suite 210B, Sacramento CA 95823
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wtfcannabis15 · 4 months
Black Diamond Strain: The Luxurious Gem of Cannabis
Exploring the Unique Characteristics and Benefits of Black Diamond
The Black Diamond strain stands out as a luxurious gem in the diverse world of cannabis. Known for its striking appearance, potent effects, and therapeutic benefits, Black Diamond has earned a stellar reputation among cannabis connoisseurs. This article delves into the origins, characteristics, effects, and uses of this premium strain, offering insights for both novice and experienced users.
Origins and Genetics
Black Diamond is an indica-dominant hybrid, typically with an 80% indica to 20% sativa ratio. It originates from Northern California and is a cross between two well-respected strains: Blackberry and Diamond OG. This lineage imbues Black Diamond with a rich genetic heritage, contributing to its potent effects and complex flavor profile.
Appearance and Aroma
True to its name, Black Diamond features dense, diamond-shaped buds that are dark green, often with purple hues and a generous coating of crystal trichomes. The strain's visual appeal is complemented by its enticing aroma. Black Diamond exudes a sweet, earthy scent with hints of grape and berry, a legacy from its Blackberry parent. When smoked, these fruity notes are accentuated, creating a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Flavor Profile
The flavor of Black Diamond is as captivating as its scent. Users report a rich, sweet taste with underlying notes of berries and a subtle earthy undertone. This combination makes for a flavorful smoke that lingers pleasantly on the palate, making each session a delight.
Potency and Effects
With THC levels typically ranging between 18% and 24%, Black Diamond is known for its powerful effects. It offers a balanced experience that starts with a euphoric cerebral rush, followed by a deep, relaxing body high. The initial onset is uplifting, promoting happiness and creativity, making it suitable for social settings or artistic endeavors. As the high progresses, it transitions into a soothing, sedative effect, perfect for unwinding and easing into a restful state.
Medicinal Benefits
Black Diamond's potent effects also make it a valuable strain for medicinal use. Its uplifting properties can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, providing a mental boost and enhancing mood. The strain's strong indica characteristics are effective in treating chronic pain, insomnia, and muscle spasms, offering physical relaxation and pain relief. Additionally, Black Diamond is known to stimulate appetite, making it beneficial for those dealing with nausea or appetite loss due to medical treatments.
Growing Black Diamond
For those interested in cultivating Black Diamond, it is considered a moderately challenging strain to grow. It thrives in both indoor and outdoor environments but requires careful attention to temperature and humidity levels. The plant typically flowers within 8 to 9 weeks and produces a medium to high yield. The dense, resinous buds and vibrant colors make it a rewarding strain for growers who can meet its needs.
Black Diamond is a true gem in the cannabis world, offering a luxurious experience that combines potent effects, delightful flavors, and significant medicinal benefits. Whether you are seeking relief from physical ailments or looking for a strain to enhance your creative pursuits, Black Diamond stands out as a top choice. Its unique characteristics and balanced effects ensure that it remains a favorite among users and cultivators alike, solidifying its place as a prized strain in any cannabis collection.
For More Info:-
black diamond strain
distillate syringe canada
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smilecreations6g · 7 months
Invisalign san diego ca
Concerns about how wearing metal braces might affect the appearance of their smile are among the most frequent ones that people have when considering the procedure. This is so because every part of an orthodontic appliance is made of metal. The idea of having to wear metal braces for years might be depressing for anyone contemplating orthodontic treatment. One can quickly see the benefits of Invisalign over traditional metal braces, including the substantial time and effort savings it provides.
Custom aligner trays are provided to Invisalign® patients. These trays are intended to restore a patient's teeth to their natural alignment. The dentist can create a fresh set of trays if the patient's teeth shift. Patients can choose the duration of their treatment because they can take out their Invisalign® aligner trays for brief occasions. The Invisalign® trademark is owned by Align Technology, Inc. Following their treatment with Invisalign®, patients have expressed great pleasure with both the procedure and the remarkable results they have achieved.
Invisalign san diego ca
The main advantage of Invisalign® over conventional metal braces is the aligner trays, which are removable and almost invisible. California Invisalign This is one area in which the two bracket systems diverge the most from one another. Both Invisalign® and conventional metal braces are quite successful in straightening teeth.
The following issues can typically be resolved with Invisalign®:
When there isn't enough room in the mouth for the teeth to line up properly, overcrowding happens. When a person's mouth is too tiny for their tooth count, gum disease and cavities are more prone to develop. Loss of teeth is an additional possibility.
Interdental spaces: This can occur for a number of causes, such as toothlessness or abnormally persistent jaw growth. A distinct theory looks on the long-term effects of improper jaw development. The main thing causing tension is how they interact with each other.
Crossbite is the term for the situation where one or more upper teeth bite into the lower teeth. This is the reason your upper teeth seem to be so widely spaced. Your dental arches can be affected, one or both. All of the teeth in the mouth could be impacted by this issue, or only one tooth. Uneven wear can result in health issues including gum disease and bone erosion in addition to the evident aesthetic concerns. Keeping gum disease at bay may also aid in the treatment of other conditions.
Overbite is the term for the situation where the upper teeth extend over or overlap the lower teeth. It's possible that the upward shift of your lower teeth is preventing the emerging of your higher teeth. This is also known as an overjet in some regions. Jaw pain is a common symptom of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).
When the lower teeth overlap or extend past the upper teeth, it results in an underbite, which is the opposite of an overbite. The lower teeth moving forward relative to the higher teeth could exacerbate the issue. An individual has an underbite when their lower teeth protrude more than their top teeth. It is possible to experience jaw and TMJ pain.
How did the Invisalign® creators make sure their invention wouldn't hurt patients?
Tooth misalignment can be fixed in a number of ways. If your teeth are slightly out of alignment, veneers can fix them without the need for braces or Invisalign® trays. Brackets made of metal and ceramic materials are still widely used nowadays. Many factors can influence how effective a treatment is, and sometimes one approach will work better than another. One thing that needs to be taken into account is the patient's present state of health.
Invisalign® aligner trays are removable at any time while receiving treatment, in contrast to braces. Physical appliances are often employed in orthodontic therapy. This data implies that in order to achieve the best outcomes, patients must be disciplined and committed to their therapy. Fortunately, this is rarely a problem because trays are typically pleasant to use and easy to conceal. Both treatments might have the same results if enough time and effort are put into them.
When it comes to straightening crooked teeth, many people believe Invisalign® to be better than veneers. By itself, this proves that Invisalign® is the greatest option. There are people who use veneers, but the market for Invisalign® is far bigger. Veneers are incredibly thin shells that are applied on teeth's front surfaces to improve their appearance. Your teeth's health and luster can be restored with veneers. Teeth appear whiter and more consistent in size and shape thanks to veneers' ability to hide flaws. The only way to safely remove dental veneers is by bleaching the teeth, which could have unfavorable long-term repercussions. This is because veneers require a small amount of tooth resizing. It is clear that veneers are not worth the cost due to their brittleness and discolouration after just 20 years. As a result, their lifespan is quite brief.
How may teeth that are not aligned be straightened using Invisalign®?
Prior to purchasing custom alignment trays, the dentist should have a treatment plan in place. After this is finished, we can proceed with the dental operations. A patient's jaw structure can be digitally reconstructed with the use of 3D imaging. Dentists may show patients what to anticipate from their new smiles by using these images. Advances in technology have made it possible for dentists to digitally modify patients' bite patterns and examine their jaws from every perspective. This technology may eventually match the appearance of Invisalign® trays.
Aligners and a personalized treatment plan can be developed once a patient has had any appropriate medical attention. Depending on how complex their arch is, a patient can need as few as two sets of aligners or as many as six.
Which factors should I focus on the most when using Invisalign® trays?
A few weeks may pass before you get used to the Invisalign® aligning trays. You must be ready for any eventuality. Unless the wearer is actively using them, the trays should always be kept attached. Before eating, take out the trays to help avoid cavities from food particles becoming stuck between them and your teeth. This issue can be avoided if the trays are removed before eating or drinking.
Long intervals between workouts won't hinder your improvement, so ease up. The trays will need to be taken out and replaced every two weeks. When Invisalign® aligning trays were introduced, the orthodontics business underwent a transformation. This assertion cannot be credibly refuted. Since Invisalign® is so successful and patient satisfaction so high, it has swiftly replaced traditional braces as the main method of teeth straightening.
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Transforming Clinical Recording of Deep Brain Activity with a New Take on Sensor Manufacturing - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/transforming-clinical-recording-of-deep-brain-activity-with-a-new-take-on-sensor-manufacturing-technology-org/
Transforming Clinical Recording of Deep Brain Activity with a New Take on Sensor Manufacturing - Technology Org
Sensors built with a new manufacturing approach are capable of recording activity deep within the brain from large populations of individual neurons–with a resolution of as few as one or two neurons–in humans as well as a range of animal models, according to a study published in the issue of the journal Nature Communications.
The Integrated Electronics and Biointerfaces Laboratory (IEBL) at the University of California San Diego leads the research team.
The approach is unique in several ways. It relies on ultra-thin, flexible, and customizable probes made of clinical-grade materials and equipped with sensors that can record extremely localized brain signals. Because the probes are much smaller than today’s clinical sensors, they can be placed extremely close to one another, allowing for high-resolution sensing in specific areas at unprecedented depths within the brain. 
These ultra-thin, flexible and customizable probes, are made of clinical-grade materials. Image credit: David Baillot/UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
Currently, the probes can record with up to 128 channels, while today’s state-of-the-art clinical probes have only 8 to 16 channels. In future, the innovative manufacturing approach the researchers developed can expand the number of channels to thousands per probe, dramatically enhancing physicians’ ability to acquire, analyze and understand brain signals at a higher resolution. 
This technology is a first step towards wireless monitoring of patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy for extended periods–up to 30 days–as they go about their daily lives. Beyond treatment-resistant epilepsy, the potential applications are much broader, including helping people with Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obesity, treatment-resistant depression, high-impact chronic pain and other disorders.
While the Nature Communications paper reports brain-recording data only, the system has been developed to both record brain activity and provide electrical stimulation to precise locations. In fact, the team is building on previous – and ongoing – work that uses this scalable, thin-film manufacturing approach to create brain-computer interfaces that record activity and deliver therapeutic electrical stimulation to the surface of the brain cortex. 
The probes are monolithic, meaning that their individual components are layered on top of one another to create a single, cohesive unit, and do not require manual assembly of additional wires to conduct recordings.
The new recording system is both extremely customizable and scalable to manufacture, thanks to thin-film technology derived from the semiconductor and digital-display screen industries. As such, the probes are extremely compact–15 micron thick, or about 1/5th the thickness of a human hair–minimizing the differences between the material properties of the probe and the brain.
“We developed an entirely different manufacturing method for thin-film electrodes that can reach deep brain structures – at a depth that is necessary for therapeutic reasons – enabling reproducible, customizable, and high-throughput production of electrodes but with a high spatial resolution and channel count despite a thinner electrode body. Additionally, the electrode insertion is compatible with existing surgical techniques in the operating room, lowering the barrier for their adoption in clinical procedures,” said UC San Diego electrical engineering professor Shadi Dayeh, the corresponding author on the new paper. 
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The design, manufacture, experimental testing and analysis of results from this system was performed by a cross-disciplinary team of engineers, surgeons, and medical researchers from UC San Diego; Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital; and Oregon Health and Science University.
Dayeh advises two of the three first authors on the paper: UC San Diego postdoctoral researcher Keundong Lee and UC San Diego graduate student researcher Yun Goo Ro. Angelique C. Paulk, also a first author, is a researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in a group led by neurologist Dr. Sydney Cash. 
Toward a 30 day wireless brain-recording system
The kind of system researchers developed is needed in order to identify the very specific regions of the brain that are triggering seizures caused by treatment-resistant epilepsy. To meet this goal, the team is working toward their vision of a brain-monitoring system with sensors both inserted deep within the brain and sensors on the surface of the brain.
These sensors will communicate wirelessly with a small computer system in a wireless cap, which a person could wear for extended periods of time. This cap would provide wireless power and the computational infrastructure to capture the brain signals being recorded from a person’s brain for 30 days. 
From left: Keundong Lee, a postdoctoral fellow at UC San Diego, and one of the paper’s first authors, and Shadi Dayeh, a professor in the UC San Diego Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the paper’s corresponding author. They are looking at an electrode under the microscope.
“We are currently focused on applying the technology to patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy. The ultimate goal is to advance the system and related required technologies by 2026 to give patients access to a wireless system that allows them to move freely within the hospital environment and then at home, without being tethered to any machinery, while cortical and deep brain structures are monitored continuously for up to 30 days,” Dayeh said. 
The system is called the UC San Diego Micro-stereo-electro-encephalography (µSEEG). The technology that is used to create the device can be manufactured at high volume and low cost because it is derived from existing technologies to manufacture digital display screens, an approach that was originally created by the semiconductor industry.
This unique manufacturing process also allows for a series of unique features for these depth electrodes (see sidebar).
Experimental subjects
The electrodes are equipped with 128 sensors that can record extremely localized brain signals and 16 stimulation contacts that can deliver clinical grade stimulation currents and that can additionally record brain signals.
In the new paper, the team reports the functioning of the new system in two human patients. The team also presents data from a series of different animal models including successful recordings from rat barrel cortex in both acute and chronic settings; recording of the somatosensory cortex in an anesthetized pig; and recordings in non-human primates at different depths inside the brain. 
The data on the successful functioning of the device in humans were collected, with all proper approvals and consent, during already scheduled tumor-removal surgeries. During an unrelated pause in the surgery, clinicians inserted the new depth probes into brain tissue that was about to be removed. 
“In a true test of the translational feasibility of the µSEEG,” the authors write in the Nature Communications paper, referring to the technical term for their device, “we acutely implanted short 64 channel µSEEG electrodes in the middle temporal gyrus in two separate human patient participants undergoing temporal lobe resection for clinical reasons. With each participant, we inserted a single 64 channel short µSEEG device into tissue, which the clinical team determined would be resected.” The recordings lasted 10 minutes and were able to record ongoing spontaneous activity.
Comments from authors on the paper
The electrodes can record brain activity as deep as 10 cm/4 in inside the brain. They are just 15 micron thick, or one-fifth the width of a human hair, and 1.2 millimeters wide
Dr. Keundong Lee (First author #1), Postdoctoral Fellow at IEBL, UC San Diego
It has been a long journey since 2015 to develop a robust, human-grade depth electrode that can be used in clinical practice. Finally, we have discovered an innovative manufacturing technique to create the µSEEG probe, which can assist with high resolution and minimally invasive diagnosis of epilepsy, and potentially treatment for epilepsy and other indications, in the future. 
Beyond epilepsy, continuous monitoring of brain activity at such high resolution could allow us to find biomarkers for other conditions, including perhaps treatment-resistant depression.
Dr.  Angelique Paulk (First author  #2), Instructor in Neurology at Massachusetts General Research Institute and Harvard Medical School
Our lab has worked with the Dayeh lab for almost a decade to bring this innovative technology to fruition. Around 2018, we tested the laminar version of the UC San Diego microSEEG in two patients at MGH. Through iterative feedback that we and Drs. Sharona Ben-Haim, Ahmed Raslan, Mark Richardson, and Ziv Williams provided to inform probe fabrication, we are now happy with the end result that we feel is much closer to clinical use. We were excited to test the longer version in non-human primates here at MGH and to record the activity of single neurons with these devices.  
Dr. Yun Goo Ro (First author #3), PhD graduate from the IEBL, UC San Diego
My research on this electrode was both exciting and challenging as we had to come up with new ways of implementing a scalable electrode with operating principles that are compatible with clinical use. It is very exciting to see my PhD research extended to long electrodes to maximize their clinical impact and I am proud to see the potential of my PhD inventions translate from the benchtop to the bedside. 
Dr. Sydney Cash, MD, Professor of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
These new electrode systems are really exciting. They are designed in a way, which can be easily used in the clinical setting yet provide a level of resolution not seen before. There is no question in my mind that this will help us understand both normal brain function and pathology much better and will lead to new ways to help people suffering from epilepsy and a variety of other neurological problems. 
Dr. Sharona Ben-Haim, MD, Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, UC San Diego School of Medicine and Surgical Director of Epilepsy, UC San Diego Health 
This new electrode technology is exciting for a large variety of reasons, including its capacity for recording at unprecedented resolution. The future ability of this system to record wirelessly from the brain of epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial EEG evaluation has the potential to dramatically change our current clinical practice. Currently, patients who undergo this type of evaluation remain in the hospital for the duration of the study, where we try to capture where their unique seizures originate during a period of time that typically lasts from 7-21 days. During this time patients are tethered to their hospital beds by the wired cords from the current clinical electrode system. This new technology has the capacity to potentially allow us to send these patients home, freeing them from a long hospital stay, and potentially allowing us to record for longer periods of time and obtain more robust information to help us ultimately treat their seizures with more precision and resolution than previously possible.
Dr. Eric Halgren, Professor of Radiology, Neurosciences, and Psychiatry, UC San Diego
With current electrodes we can only hear the roar of the crowd. The new electrodes will allow us to discern individual voices, and we can begin to learn their language, which is the basic vocabulary of thought.
Dr. Ahmed Raslan, MD, Professorand Vice Chair of Neurological Surgery, Oregon Health and Sciences University
The new depth electrodes combine two unique features: the much higher resolution of recording contacts combined with stimulation capability, which would improve our ability to understand -and potentially change/treat- neural circuits in parts of the brain that are not accessible by surface or penetrating interfaces and at a much higher resolution than current depth electrodes; a strategy that unlocks decades-long trade offs, and, the wireless connectivity which opens the door to recording from humans in an unrestricted environment allowing sampling of various types of behavior. This new electrode is a platform neural interface that can both read and write into the brain in experimental and clinical environments, as such the potential uses and applications are unlimited.
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Features of the UC San Diego Micro-stereo-eletro-encephalography (µSEEG)
The probes can be up to 10 cm in length, allowing for access to structures deep within the brain.
The probes are incredibly thin: just 15 micron thick, or one-fifth the width of a human hair, and 1.2 millimeters wide
When inserted into brain tissue, the probe lined with sensors has a thickness that is smaller than technologies currently in clinical use. This smaller thickness means less brain tissue is damaged when the probe is inserted.
Brain-signal recording electrodes can be placed 60 micrometers apart, which is far closer to each other than technologies currently in clinical use.
Probes with up to 128 brain-signal-recording channels (electrodes) were demonstrated, compared to 8 to 16 recording channels in today’s broadly used clinical depth electrodes. 
The small size of the electrodes allows for extremely localized brain-signal recording, as precise as the signal coming from the individual activity of one or two neurons. They can also record local field potentials, which is aggregate activity of many neurons within a brain region.
The electrode sensors are able to record precise areas of the brain over both short and long time periods. 
The electrodes work well: they record brain activity triggered by stimulating a body part, and they record the brain dynamics known to occur during anesthesia.
The system allowed for simultaneous recording of the cortex of the brain and signals from individual neurons deep within the brain. The researchers were able to correlate the general brain activity to what was happening at the single-neuron level. 
The system allows monitoring the dynamics of brain activity instantaneously, allowing visualization of the propagation of the activity across cortical layers with precision with time.
Cost-effective, scalable manufacturing of the new system is in direct contrast to the expensive and time-consuming manual assembly required for the systems currently in clinical use. All other known experimental depth electrodes require some amount of manual assembly as well. 
Source: UCSD
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chooseyourhorizon · 1 year
Top Salons in Marina Peninsula, CA
Marina Peninsula is a neighborhood in western Los Angeles, California. It is often considered a subsection of the adjacent neighborhood of Venice. Because of its name, it is sometimes erroneously thought to be part of the adjacent community of Marina del Rey, California, but it was annexed to Los Angeles along with the rest of Venice in 1925. Ketamine online.
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Marina Peninsula lies directly west of Marina del Rey west of the main Venice Canal, south and southeast of Venice Beach, and north of Ballona Creek. Its northern border is marked by Washington Boulevard. It houses about 3,000 mostly affluent residents. Neighborhood organizations include the Marina Peninsula Community Council (an elected advisory board) and the Marina Peninsula Property Owners Association. It is part of the Venice Neighborhood Council.
We welcome you to visit West-side's newest and most luxurious salon, in the Venice and Marina Del Rey area. Bonita Salon has become the home for L.A.'s top independent stylists. Our professional team of artists specialize in the latest luxury hair salon techniques. We offer many types of coloring services such as BALAYAGE & BLONDING, trending HAIRCUTS for women and men, multiple types of hair EXTENSION methods, SMOOTHING treatments and more.
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Have daily hair questions? Bonita stylists have years of formal education and experience. Our goal is to answer any style or care question you may have, so you can obtain your daily hair dreams. Step out of that routine into our relaxing and luxurious salon home. See you soon beautiful.
Phenix Salon
From her early roots of sweeping hair from the floors of her parent’s salon, Gina attended beauty school and later moved to a booth renter salon where she quickly established a winning reputation. Clients loved her as she never let anyone leave without feeling amazing. And, the staff adored her because she was so open about sharing her knowledge and offering support where needed.
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Based on her learnings behind the chair, Gina realized not all salons are created equal and a majority of booth renters are provided very little support to ensure their success. With a passion for the industry, Gina became a fierce advocate for supporting the goals of Lifestyle Professionals who had the desire to operate their own salons but perhaps lacked the financial resources. Gina realized that she had the opportunity to redefine the options available for sole proprietors in the beauty industry. With this, Phenix Salon Suites was born, establishing a new experience and opportunity for Lifestyle Professionals to own and operate a business at a fraction of the cost of traditional salon settings.
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Choose Your Horizon is a leading online mental health platform based in Los Angeles, dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals through innovative and effective therapy options. Our specialized service, Online Ketamine Therapy Los Angeles, offers a breakthrough approach to mental health treatment, harnessing the power of ketamine-assisted therapy to provide relief for conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. With a team of experienced and compassionate therapists, we ensure a safe and supportive environment for our clients, guiding them on a transformative journey toward healing and personal growth.
Choose Your Horizon 4136 Del Rey Ave, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 +1 410 886 7398 https://www.chooseketamine.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10854176009822741710
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Rethinking Depression Treatment at Conquer Recovery
When people used to think about depression treatment, they often thought of sterile clinic rooms, prescription bottles, and therapy chairs. Fortunately, this view is changing quickly. As time passes, more and more people are calling for a more comprehensive, holistic approach to depression that really takes into account the diversity and the complexity of life. Conquer Recovery, a pioneer and top-of-the-line treatment center in California, is at the forefront of this change, pushing old ideas and changing the way people think about mental health, and today we’ll see why.
A Deeper Look At The Holistic Philosophy
The word "holistic" may sound hip and chic, but what does it really mean? Holistic care is based on the idea of 'whole,' which means that it focuses on healing not only the symptoms but also the causes. But how come this particular focus on the human mind and psyche is important when it comes to mental health problems? Well, depression, just like many other mental conditions and illnesses, is more than just a list of symptoms; it's a cloud that covers a person and affects every part of their life. So, the holistic method tries to deal with all of these parts, going beyond just relieving symptoms and making the way for real, long-term healing.
A Comprehensive Look at the Three Pillars of Holistic Health
The health of a person is not just one singular element of their lives. Instead, it's a balance between the mental, physical, and spiritual realms: Mental health: Activities that calm and challenge the mind are just as important as traditional treatment for keeping the mind in balance. Doing things like writing in a journal or meditating, or even painting or gardening, can be both a relief and a form of therapy. At Conquer Recovery, the mind stays at the center of treatment thanks to a mix of traditional and modern methods. Physical Health: Having good eating, working out regularly, and getting enough rest are all important parts of physical health. Part of our holistic approach to depression makes sure that the body has what it needs to help the mind heal. Conquer Recovery offers its clients a  variety of activities that are suited to their physical abilities. This makes sure that their recovery is both busy and comfy. Spiritual health is often the most neglected, but it aims to give people a sense of stability. Spiritual health is about knowing where we fit in the world. This can be done through religious views, getting in touch with nature, or looking for one's purpose. This sense of being a part of something gives people the strength and perspective they need to get better. Conquer Recovery makes treatments that try to recover and keep this balance because everyone on our staff knows how delicate the balance between these pillars is.
The Unique Blend of Conquer Recovery
Being inclusive and having a holistic approach to depression isn't just a catchphrase at Conquer Recovery; it's at the heart of how they treat people: For example, yoga with us is more than just a way to get in shape; it's also a way to become more thoughtful. Through it, people learn to coordinate their breathing with their movements, turning their attention inward and finding deep peace in the middle of life's chaos. Meditation is more than just sitting in silence, no sir. At Conquer Recovery, guided meditation classes help people get in touch with their deepest feelings and thoughts and figure out how to deal with them. Even though this journey into the self can be hard at times, it often leads to profound self-awareness. Last but not least, you can't say enough about how important nutrition is for your physical health. Conquer Recovery knows this and stresses the importance of a well-balanced diet, making sure that every meal both feeds and heals. Conquer Recovery stands out among the many treatment centers in California because it combines these holistic elements with tried-and-true therapies like individual therapy, group classes, family counseling, massage, and water therapy.
Why Holism Is Important In The Big Picture
It's important to take a step back and see the bigger picture. Why are holistic approaches, especially in the context of depression, gaining such momentum? Because, simply put, they work. Traditional methods have their place and can be useful in certain scenarios, but a broad approach looks at the whole range of human experience. When a person is suffering from depression, their body and mind are both affected. Their bodies often take the hit, their relationships may get worse, and their spirits may start to weaken. A truly holistic method takes into account how these problems are linked and makes a plan for treating the whole person.
Putting Depression Treatment on the Map for the Future The holistic approach to depression care isn't just a passing fad; it's the future of mental health care. Holistic centers like ours at Conquer Recovery aren't just setting new standards; we’re also changing what it means to heal. How do we accomplish this? Well for starters, we acknowledge that all parts of a person's life are linked and make treatments that take each part into account. As the world moves toward more integrated, whole-person solutions, Conquer Recovery stays at the forefront, fighting for a future where mental health care is as complex and unique as the people who need it.
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kayleegibsons · 1 year
Newport Beach's Best Therapists for PTSD Recovery
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe and often debilitating mental health condition that can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event. Newport Beach, located along the picturesque coast of Southern California, is a community that values well-being and mental health. In this article, we will explore the top therapists in Newport Beach who specialize in PTSD recovery. These professionals play a vital role in helping individuals cope with and overcome the challenges of PTSD treatment newport beach, providing essential support for healing and recovery.
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Understanding PTSD:
Before delving into the expertise of therapists in Newport Beach, it's essential to understand what PTSD is and how it can impact individuals. PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after a person has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. Traumatic events can include but are not limited to combat exposure, sexual assault, natural disasters, accidents, and the sudden loss of a loved one.
PTSD is characterized by a range of distressing symptoms that can persist long after the traumatic incident has occurred. These symptoms include:
Flashbacks: Vivid and distressing memories of the traumatic event that can feel as though the person is reliving it.
Nightmares: Recurrent, distressing dreams related to the traumatic event.
Avoidance: Avoidance of reminders or triggers associated with the trauma, including people, places, and activities.
Hyperarousal: Constant feelings of heightened alertness, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and an exaggerated startle response.
Negative Changes in Mood and Thinking: Persistent negative thoughts and feelings, detachment from others, and an inability to experience positive emotions.
Top Therapists in Newport Beach for PTSD Recovery:
Clinical Psychologists:Clinical psychologists in Newport Beach are highly trained mental health professionals who specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including PTSD. They employ evidence-based therapies and techniques to help individuals manage their symptoms and work toward recovery.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is an effective therapy for PTSD that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with their traumatic experiences. It equips them with coping skills to manage distressing symptoms and gradually confront their fears.
Prolonged Exposure Therapy: This therapy involves gradually facing and processing traumatic memories and reminders, reducing their emotional impact over time.
Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs):LCSWs in Newport Beach specialize in providing therapy and support for individuals dealing with trauma and PTSD. They offer a compassionate and empathetic approach to help clients process their experiences and develop coping strategies.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR is a specialized therapy designed to process traumatic memories and reduce their emotional impact. It involves a structured eight-phase approach that includes eye movements, guided by a trained therapist.
Psychiatrists:Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can provide both therapy and medication management for PTSD. They evaluate the need for medication to alleviate symptoms such as anxiety and depression often associated with PTSD.
Medication: Psychiatrists may prescribe medications like antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, or antipsychotics to address specific symptoms and improve overall well-being.
Trauma-Informed Therapists:Newport Beach also has therapists who specialize in trauma-informed care. These therapists have specialized training in understanding the impact of trauma on mental health and use trauma-focused therapies to support individuals in their recovery.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT): TF-CBT is a specialized form of CBT designed to address trauma-related symptoms in children and adolescents. It can be highly effective in helping young individuals recover from PTSD.
Group Therapy:Group therapy can be a valuable addition to individual therapy for individuals with PTSD. It provides a supportive environment where survivors can share their experiences, learn from others, and develop a sense of belonging. Newport Beach offers various support groups catered specifically to trauma survivors, offering a safe space for healing.
PTSD is a challenging and often overwhelming condition, but it's crucial to remember that effective treatment options and support are available. In Newport Beach, a community that values mental health and well-being, individuals dealing with PTSD can access the expertise of top therapists who specialize in trauma recovery.
The best treatment approach for PTSD can vary from person to person, and it often involves a combination of therapies and, in some cases, medication. It is essential for individuals suffering from PTSD to consult with a mental health professional in Newport Beach who can assess their specific needs and recommend a tailored treatment plan.
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nitasonwane · 1 year
Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market 2023-2030
The "Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market 2023” Forecast to 2030 research provides accurate economic, global, and country-level predictions and analyses. It provides a comprehensive perspective of the competitive market as well as an in-depth supply chain analysis to assist businesses in identifying major changes in industry practices. The Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market report also examines the current state of the industry, as well as predicted future growth, technological advancements, investment prospects, market economics, and financial data.
Factors affecting the growth of Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market (2023-2030):
Cytotoxic drugs are one of the vital drug classes used to treat prevalent diseases such as oncology disorders. These drugs are known for their cellular degeneration property that help to eradicate cancerous cells. Cytotoxic injectable medicines are prescribed as the first line of treatment for various types of cancer. The majority of the injectable cytotoxic drugs that are off-patent are available as generics in the global market. Cytotoxic drugs, also known as chemotherapy, are identified for their severe side effects such as bone marrow depression, follicle toxicity, and anemia
The Report Lists the Key Players in the Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market:
Johnson and Johnson Services Inc., (U.S)
Sanofi (France)
Eli Lilly and Company (U.S)
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (New York, U.S)
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland)
Novartis AG (Basel, Switzerland)
Pfizer, Inc (New York, U.S)
Merck & Co. Inc (New Jersey, U.S)
Amgen (California, U.S.)
Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market Competitive Analysis:
The Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market report examines competitive scenario by analyzing key players in the market. The company profiling of leading market players is included this report with Porter's five forces analysis and Value Chain analysis. Further, the strategies exercised by the companies for expansion of business through mergers, acquisitions, and other business development measures are discussed in the report. The financial parameters which are assessed include the sales, profits and the overall revenue generated by the key players of Market.
Report includes Competitor's Landscape:
Major trends and growth projections by region and country
Key winning strategies followed by the competitors
Who are the key competitors in this industry?
What shall be the potential of this industry over the forecast tenure?
What are the factors propelling the demand?
Research Methodology:
We follow a robust research methodology that involves data triangulation based on top-down, and bottom-up approaches, and validation of the estimated market numbers through primary research. The information used to estimate the Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market size and forecast for various segments at the global, regional, and country levels is derived from the most credible published sources and through interviews with the right stakeholders. The Growth rate or CAGR exhibited by a market for a certain forecast period is calculated on the basis of various factors and their level of impact on the market.
Regional Insights:
The market area, which is further segmented into sub-regions and nations/regions, is covered in the Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market research. This chapter of the research includes details on profit prospects in addition to market share data for each region and subregion.
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Korea, Japan, India, and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Nigeria, Egypt, and South Africa)
Key Points from TOC:
Research Scope
Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market Share
Research Methodology
Definitions and Assumptions
Executive Summary
Market Dynamics
Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market Drivers 2030
Market Restraints
Injectable Cytotoxic Drugs Market Opportunities
Key Insights
Global Statistics — Key Countries
New Product Launches
Pipeline Analysis
Regulatory Scenario 2023 — Key Countries
Recent Industry Developments — Partnerships, Mergers & Acquisitions
Global Analysis, Insights and Forecast
Key Findings/ Summary
Market Analysis — By Product Type
Market Analysis — By Distribution Channel
Market Analysis — By Countries/Sub-regions
Competitive Analysis
Key Industry Developments
Global Market Share Analysis 2030
Competition Dashboard
Comparative Analysis — Major Players
Company Profiles
Products & Services
SWOT Analysis
Recent developments in 2023
Major Investments
Regional Market Size and Demand 2030
Strategic Recommendations
TOC Continued……..
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drugrehabscentersblog · 2 months
Tailored Treatment at California's Depression Therapy Centers
Explore California’s top depression treatment centers offering personalized care, holistic therapies, and support for conditions like PTSD.
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archinform · 1 year
The Power of Water, Los Angeles
The Power of Water is WPA sculptural group and fountain located in Lafayette Park, Los Angeles, designed in 1934. The artists were Henry Lion, Jason Herron, and Sherry Peticolas. The scupture stands in a triangle formed by Hoover Street, La Fayette Park Place, and Wilshire Boulevard. The fountain features a heroic-sized female figure, symbolizing the power of water, set on a pedestal atop an oblong concrete pool. The southern wall of the pool is decorated with figures in bas-relief showing people hastening to drink from a waterfall.
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The Power of Water, general view
The sculpture is one of hundreds of public sculptures created during the federally-assisted Public Works of Art Project. The designs were approved March 14, 1934; the work was completed Sept. 1934. The top figure measures 10 ft x 3 ft x 6 ft 6 in; the bas-relief panel below measures 5 ft x 25 ft x 16 ft. Both portions were cast in reinforced concrete. Paul Jeffers was the engineer for the project.
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Above photographs: The artists creating the sculpture, 1934. Los Angeles Public Library Photograph Collection.
The water basin at the base of the sculpture was filled in in 1966; when I last saw the work in the early 2000s, there was some degradation of the concrete, with sections of rusted rebar showing. The sculpture was in need of restoration, as it stood neglected beside a tennis court.
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1930s PWAP sculptures: Astronomers Monument, Griffith Observatory, statue of Saint Monica, Santa Monica
If memory serves me correctly, this was one of the first three WPA sculptures commissioned in the L.A. area, the other two being the statue of Santa Monica [in Santa Monica] and the Astronomers' Monument at the Griffith Observatory. The Power of Water sculpture was inventoried for the Save Outdoor Sculpture California survey in 1994; the report indicated “treatment needed.”
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Power of Water PWAP (Public Works Art Project). Photo: Andrew Laverdiere, Creative Commons, 2016.
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The Power of Water, 1930s view. Los Angeles Public Library Photograph Collection
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The Power of Water. central figure
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My photo of the bas-relief at the base of the fountain.
The Artists:
Henry Lion (1900-1966) was born in Fresno, California. A resident of Los Angeles, he completed many public commissions for modernist and traditional bronze and stone works. A copy of one of his historical pieces, "Lewis, Clark, and Sacajawea", is at the Gilcrease Institute in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is modeled after a sketch by Charles Russell.
Lion studied at Otis Art Institute and with Stanton MacDonald-Wright, and for many years taught sculpture at the Hollywood Art Center.
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Henry Lion, with Statue of Felipe de Neve
Jason Herron’s (1900-1984) works were mostly figural, often strong portrayals of women, and were notable for the beauty and power in their faces and forms. Los Angeles Times critic Arthur Millier compared her to Rodin and wrote of Herron in 1931: “She has that feeling of life flowing, not only through the body of man, but through his soul, too, which invests her figures with a troubled dignity. They live.”
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Jason Herron, sculpture, 1930s
Sherry Peticolas (1904-1956) was born in Waterloo, IA. Active in Los Angeles in the 1920s and 1930s, he studied with Merrell Gage Gutzon Borglum at USC. During the Depression years he worked on the Federal Art Project and fulfilled many important municipal commissions in southern California.
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Sherry Peticolas, Juan Bautista De Anza
Excerpt from an interview with Henry Lion:
BH: Did you work with any of the other artists in any way on the Project? HL: The three of us did one large project in Lafayette Park, "The Power of Water" figure. BH: "Power of Water?" HL: "Power of Water" figure in Lafayette park. It was done by Jason Herron, Sherry Peticolas and I, the three of us together. BH: What was the subject matter of that one? HL: Well there is one main figure in the center of the design, seven foot by about an eight foot figure of composition stone. Then in front is a long high relief depicting water and it has two pools one above and one down below and the water falling into the lower pool from above. BH: Did you each do a different set of figures for it? HL: The whole design is mine and the modeling is mine. But Sherry Peticolas did mainly the engineering, casting and all sort of thing. BH: Was Sherry Peticolas man or woman? HL: A man. BH: A man? and Jason Herron was a woman! HL: That's right. BH: What was her part in it? HL: She worked with me on it. She helped in the casting and….There is an awful lot of work to it you know, in the way engineering. So we all three worked on it. BH: How long did it take you to do it? Do you remember now? HL: I believe it took several months to do it. It's surprising how much you forget. It really took several months to do it. How do people write their biographies? BH: That's why the archives are important, nobody had time at that time to get it written down. HL: It's surprising how much you forget.
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