#top corporate gifting companies
mahekmarcon · 1 year
corporate gifting companies
A Leading Corporate Gifting Company in India
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hoshifighting · 4 months
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— Synopsis: After years of being Mr. Choi's personal secretary, you had become accustomed to the dynamics of working closely with him. However, fate had brought about a change – Mr. Choi's son, Seungcheol, would now be taking over the company. Unbeknownst to you, Seungcheol had harbored a secret crush on you for years. — WC: 8k — WARNINGS: Smut, mentions of collapsing, blacking out, burn-out, teasing, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f. receiving), cock riding (pro-riddah), 'jealousy', all types of moans and whimpering, crush confessions, creampie, reader is mentioned as 'noona' sometimes.
You started at the company fresh out of college, eager to make your mark in the corporate world. Landing an internship and apprenticeship seemed like the perfect opportunity to kickstart your career. But from the beginning, it was a whirlwind. The partners and directors barely acknowledged your presence, treating you as if you were invisible.
Their dismissive attitudes fueled your determination to prove yourself. You worked tirelessly, absorbing every bit of knowledge and skill you could. Despite the frustrations and challenges, you persevered, determined to make your mark.
Then, when chaos descended and problems arose, suddenly you were thrust into the spotlight. Issues that had been brewing for months seemed to land squarely on your shoulders. It was as if your colleagues had only just noticed your existence, expecting you to magically solve all their problems.
But you didn't falter. Instead, you faced each challenge head-on, drawing upon your education, experience, and sheer determination. With each obstacle overcome, your confidence grew, and your colleagues began to take notice.
You hit the big leagues when you stepped into the role of a top executive, becoming the right-hand person to Mr. Choi, the company's director. From picking out his ties to scrutinizing private contracts, your responsibilities spanned the spectrum.
Every single morning, like clockwork, you'd hop into your car with a casket of coffee and croissants for Mr. Choi. Strutting into the office in your killer heels and impeccable attire, you were ready to make an impression, especially during those crucial meetings where you stood by Mr. Choi's side.
Being Mr. Choi's right arm wasn't just about fetching coffee; it was about being his trusted confidante, advisor, and problem-solver, all rolled into one.
"Y/N, can you schedule a meeting with the board members for next week?"
"Absolutely, Mr. Choi."
"Y/N, can you prepare a presentation for the investors' conference?" 
"I'll have it ready in no time, Mr. Choi."
"Y/N, can you liaise with our international partners regarding the new partnership agreement?" 
"Of course, Mr. Choi."
"Y/N, could you buy a birthday gift for my son?" 
"I'll take care of it, Mr. Choi. "
"Y/N, could you book a reservation at that new restaurant for my wife's birthday dinner?" 
"Consider it done, Mr. Choi."
Your life was a whirlwind, with the constant ticking of the clock mirroring the click-clack of your heels wherever you went. Tension hung heavy in the air, creeping up your neck like a suffocating scarf. Dark circles under your eyes were a testament to the countless nights of poor sleep, hidden only by layers of concealer slapped onto your face.
Cups of coffee became your lifeline, keeping your eyes wide open until you finally collapsed onto your bed at night. It was a relentless cycle of hustle and grind, each day blending into the next in a blur of meetings, deadlines, and demands. 
Despite the chaos of your professional life, there was a silver lining: the bills were paid, and then some. Your salary exceeded your wildest expectations, causing whispers among your coworkers about just how much you were making. But Mr. Choi never wavered in his support, always quick to defend your worth and affirm that you deserved every penny.
He'd extend invitations for you to spend time with his family, insisting that you join them at their summer house. You'd seen his family at various company events and dinners, and while you appreciated the gesture, you couldn't shake the feeling of intruding on their private time.
So, respectfully, you always declined, preferring to maintain a professional boundary despite Mr. Choi's insistence一Even though he wanted you to choose even the color of his ties.
On another typical day in the office, you meticulously scheduled a meeting for Mr. Choi, gathering his collaborators for an important discussion. As usual, you stood faithfully by his side, your sharp heels elevating you to eye level with the top brass. 
The room was set, and you watched as the group filed in, taking their seats around the sleek glass table.
But something caught your eye—a figure among the usual faces. It was Seungcheol, Mr. Choi's son, entering the room. It was a rare sight to see him at these meetings, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity.
What struck you even more was the watch adorning Seungcheol's wrist. It was the Audemars Piguet timepiece that Mr. Choi had asked you to purchase for his birthday last year.
You remembered selecting it based on your own taste, so seeing Seungcheol wearing it filled you with a sense of pride. It was a small validation that your choices were appreciated, even by the boss's son.
As Mr. Choi began the meeting, you were right there by his side, ready to assist with whatever he needed.
"Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us today," Mr. Choi began, his voice commanding the attention of the room.
You quickly handed him a folder containing the agenda for the meeting, making sure everything was in order.
"First, let's review the progress on our latest project," Mr. Choi continued, flipping through the documents in the folder.
"Of course, Mr. Choi," you interjected, pulling up the relevant slides on the screen for everyone to see.
As the meeting progressed, you anticipated Mr. Choi's needs, fetching him water when his throat grew dry and passing him important documents without skipping a beat.
"As some of you may know, over the past few months, I've been dealing with some health issues," Mr. Choi continued, his gaze sweeping across the room. "And after much consideration and consultation with my doctors, I've come to the difficult decision that I need to take some time away from the company to focus on my health."
Silence fell over the room, the weight of his words sinking in. This was unexpected, and you could feel the tension in the air.
Then, as Mr. Choi's eyes met yours, you saw an understanding dawn in Seungcheol expression. Everything suddenly clicked into place—the presence of Mr. Choi's son at the meeting.  
Then, Mr. Choi continued, "During my absence, I've decided that my son, Seungcheol, will be stepping into my role temporarily."
All eyes turned to Seungcheol as he rose from his seat and bowed respectfully. You couldn't help but feel a sense of uncertainty, but Mr. Choi's next words put you at ease.
"And I have full confidence in both Seungcheol and Y/N," Mr. Choi declared, gesturing towards you. "Y/N will be assisting the whole team, and Seungcheol in any way necessary during this transition period."
You lifted your head, meeting Seungcheol's gaze as he nodded at you. Despite any doubts you may have had, you knew that Seungcheol was capable. You had seen glimpses of his dedication during family dinners, noticing how he would often excuse himself to study, for example.
After the meeting, you found yourself alone with Mr. Choi in the conference room. He looked at you with a gentle expression and asked, "Y/N, why do you seem so worried?"
You offered a small smile, trying to mask your concerns. "I didn't know your health had gotten this bad," you admitted softly.
Mr. Choi returned your smile, his eyes filled with understanding. "I kept it under wraps as best as I could," he said reassuringly. "But I'm confident that everything will be fine, especially with you and Seungcheol at the helm."
Just then, Seungcheol entered the room, and Mr. Choi's attention shifted to his son. "Seungcheol, Y/N will be here to keep you in line," Mr. Choi teased with a grin. "If you step out of line, she has my permission to pull your ear."
Seungcheol chuckled shyly, his eyes meeting yours briefly before he nodded in acknowledgment. 
Mr. Choi raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eye. "Well, she's the best secretary anyone could have," he remarked, his tone teasing. "If she ever decides to leave because of you, consider yourself dead."
You couldn't help but laugh at the exchange, appreciating the camaraderie between father and son. "I'm not going anywhere, Mr. Choi," you reassured him with a smile. "You're stuck with me for the long haul."
The days following Mr. Choi's announcement were a fuss as you attempted to navigate the new dynamic with Seungcheol in charge. You found yourself juggling multiple tasks, trying to prioritize and triage everything so that Seungcheol could acclimate to the heightened demands of his new role.
Despite the added pressure, you remained steadfast in your routine. Each morning, you meticulously dressed, ensuring every detail of your attire was perfect. You prepared Mr. Choi's favorite coffee and croissants, just as you had done for his father every day.
One morning, as you placed the casket on Seungcheol's desk, you noticed him peering up from his papers with a furrowed brow. "Why do you bring me coffee every day?" he asked, his tone curious yet slightly perplexed.
You paused, taken aback by the question. Tilting your head slightly, you replied, "I did this every day for your dad."
Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised. "Did my dad ask for this every day?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.
You nodded in affirmation, but before you could say anything else, Seungcheol interjected. "You don't need to do that," he stated firmly, shaking his head.
You opened your mouth to respond, but he cut you off. "Seriously, you don't have to go out of your way for me like that," he insisted, his expression earnest.
You paused, considering his words for a moment before nodding in understanding. "Alright," you acquiesced with a small smile, realizing that perhaps Seungcheol's management style was different from his father's.
As the days passed and the workload continued to pile up, you found yourself working late into the night, long after your scheduled shift had ended. Massaging your temples, you stared at the glowing computer screen, the soft hum of the office, the only sound in the empty building.
Glancing up at the clock, you realized with a start that it was already 10 p.m. The realization made your shoulders sag with exhaustion, but you knew there were still tasks that needed your attention.
Looking around your office, which was nestled within the boss's office and separated only by glass walls, you noticed that the rest of the building was deserted. The departments were dark, their lights extinguished for the night.
As the first rays of sunlight filtered into the office, you blinked in surprise, realizing with a jolt that you had slept at your desk. Glancing at the clock, which now read 6:00 a.m., you felt a surge of panic course through you. You couldn't believe you had let yourself fall asleep at work.
Quickly, you sprang into action, rushing to the bathroom to wash your face, brush your teeth and try to salvage your appearance. Splashing cold water on your face, you hoped it would help wake you up and banish the grogginess that clung to you.
With shaky hands, you reapplied your makeup, doing your best to hide the signs of exhaustion that lingered beneath your eyes. You knew that going home to freshen up wasn't an option—there was simply too much to do and not enough time.
"You're early, Ms. Y/N," Seungcheol's voice cut through the early morning haze, causing you to startle slightly. You managed a small smile in response, trying to mask the fatigue that weighed heavily on you.
As Seungcheol looked you up and down, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his scrutiny. Quickly, you averted your gaze, feeling the tension in your shoulders from the uncomfortable position you had slept in.
Without a word, Seungcheol settled behind his desk, and you seized the opportunity to slip out of the office. The ache in your back served as a constant reminder of your less-than-ideal sleeping arrangements.
Heading to the nearest coffee shop, you hoped that a strong cup of coffee would help invigorate you and shake off the lingering exhaustion.
With the reports prepared the night before, you and Seungcheol led another meeting, this time with the financial team. You entered the conference room together, your demeanor professional despite the weariness that still clung to you from your sleepless night.
Seungcheol took his seat at the head of the table, and you sat beside him, ready to support him in any way you could. As the meeting progressed, you found yourself immersed in the discussion, your mind racing to keep up with the financial jargon being tossed around.
However, amidst the exchange of numbers and projections, you couldn't help but notice Seungcheol's occasional glances in your direction. Each time his eyes met yours, you detected a hint of scrutiny, causing you to wonder if he had noticed your exhaustion.
Desperately trying to maintain your focus, you clenched a pen in your hand, using it as a reminder to stay alert and engaged. But despite your efforts, you could feel your energy waning with each passing minute.
As the meeting dragged on, you found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. Your eyelids feels heavy, and you struggle to keep your thoughts coherent. All you wanted was for the meeting to finish so you could finally rest and recharge.
As the meeting drew to a close and the team members began to file out of the conference room, Seungcheol rose from his seat, gathering some papers from the table. You followed suit, clutching onto the edge of the desk for support as you struggled to maintain your balance.
Seungcheol noticed your unsteady demeanor and furrowed his brow in concern. "Y/N, are you okay?" 
"I'm fine," you managed to reply, your voice barely above a whisper. But even to your own ears, the words sounded hollow and unconvincing, the effort only served to make your head spin even more.
But as Seungcheol's voice grew louder and more alarmed, it felt as though his words were merely echoing around your head, distant and muffled, you realized just how drained you truly were. The room seemed to spin around you, struggling to keep your balance, you fought to stay on your feet.
The last thing you saw before darkness enveloped you was Seungcheol's panicked expression as he rushed forward, his arms outstretched to catch you before you hit the ground.
He shaked you as his figure blurred and distorted as your vision faded, and then everything went black, the sound of rushing blood pounding in your ears.
Slowly, consciousness began to seep back into your mind, accompanied by the soft murmur of voices and the gentle beeping of medical equipment. Blinking groggily, you struggled to make sense of your surroundings.
As your vision cleared, you realized you were in the nursery, surrounded by the sterile white walls and the comforting hum of medical machinery. And by your side, sitting in a chair with his head bowed, was Seungcheol.
His presence brought a sense of calm to the room, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude toward him. Despite the strain of his new responsibilities, he had stayed by your side, ensuring that you were taken care of.
You tried to speak, but your throat felt dry and scratchy. Seungcheol must have sensed your movement, because he looked up, his eyes widening in relief as he saw you awake.
You tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over you, forcing you back against the pillows. Seungcheol placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, urging you to rest.
"You collapsed during the meeting," he explained, his voice filled with worry. "They brought you here to rest. The doctors said it was exhaustion."
"Exhaustion? I-" you began, but before you could finish your sentence, Seungcheol cut in, his arms crossed firmly over his chest.
"I saw on the cameras that you slept at your desk," he stated matter-of-factly, his tone tinged with concern. "I noticed becqause you're still wearing the same clothes," Seungcheol added, his tone gentle but firm.
You felt your cheeks burn even hotter at his observation, wishing you could disappear into the floor. The thought of him noticing you using the same clothes from the previous day filled you with mortification, and you struggled to find the right words to respond.
"I... I didn't have time to change," you mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper. The weight of exhaustion and embarrassment settled heavily on your shoulders, and you couldn't bring yourself to meet Seungcheol's eyes.
"You need to take better care of yourself, Y/N," he said softly, his concern evident in his eyes.  "I saw you working for my dad for years, and I know how demanding he could be."
You swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in your throat at the mention of Mr. Choi. Memories of late nights and early mornings spent tirelessly working flooded your mind, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for letting Seungcheol down.
"But I also know that you can't keep pushing yourself like this," Seungcheol continued, his voice filled with empathy. "You're human, Y/N, and you have limits."
Seungcheol's gaze softened as he looked at you, concern etched into his features. "Y/N, do you remember the last time you took time off?" he asked gently, his voice filled with genuine worry.
You hesitated, feeling a pang of guilt as you realized that you couldn't recall the last time you had taken a break. "Um... I'm not sure," you admitted quietly, your gaze dropping to the floor.
Seungcheol glanced at his watch, his expression thoughtful. "Well, you don't need to work for the rest of the week," he declared, his tone firm yet compassionate.
Your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden announcement, your mind racing to comprehend what he had just said. "But there are still conferences," you protested weakly, rising from the bed with shaky legs.
Seungcheol shook his head, his eyes meeting yours with determination. "I'll handle the conferences," he insisted, his voice leaving no room for argument. "You need to rest, Y/N. That's an order."
You opened your mouth to protest further, but the exhaustion that weighed heavily on your shoulders silenced you. With a sigh, you nodded in reluctant acceptance, realizing that perhaps Seungcheol was right—you did need to take care of yourself.
Despite having time off, your body remained accustomed to waking up at the same early hour as your workdays, thanks to the relentless consistency of your alarm. Each morning, you would groggily switch off the alarm, only to fall back into the comforting embrace of sleep for a few more precious hours.
But something changed during these days off.
Just as you used to bring coffee for your boss, you found yourself receiving a basket of breakfast at your door every morning, each one bearing Seungcheol's unmistakable calligraphy. Instead of the usual croissants and coffee, the baskets were filled with a colorful array of fruits, a healthier alternative that he seemed to insist upon, instead of his dad.
"Fruits are way more healthy than croissants…  - Seungcheol."
Your phone rang unexpectedly in the early morning hours of your last day off, jolting you awake from a peaceful slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you answered the call, greeted by the voice of Joshua from the Human Resources Department.
"Hello?" you murmured, still groggy from sleep.
"Hi, Y/N," Joshua replied, his voice hushed as though sharing a secret. "I hope I'm not disturbing you."
You shook your head, sitting up in bed and giving your full attention to the call. "No, it's fine. What's up, Joshua?"
"I just wanted to let you know," Joshua continued, his tone serious yet tinged with amusement, "Seungcheol asked all the departments to give you some space and let you rest during your time off."
You felt a surge of gratitude towards Seungcheol for his thoughtfulness, but your gratitude was short-lived as Joshua's next words caught you off guard.
"However," Joshua added, a hint of mischief evident in his voice, "he's struggling a bit with managing everything himself. I caught him pacing back and forth in his office for the past few minutes."
You couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image of Seungcheol pacing anxiously in his office. "I'll take care of it," you assured Joshua, determination seeping into your voice.
"Great," Joshua replied with a laugh. "I'll leave you to it then. Enjoy the rest of your day off, Y/N."
As you confidently strode into the building, the weight of the archives in your hand felt oddly reassuring. Despite the lingering fatigue from your days off, you felt a renewed sense of determination as you navigated the familiar halls in your high heels.
The glances from your coworkers didn't go unnoticed, their surprise at seeing you back at work evident in their expressions. You could almost hear the unspoken question hanging in the air—shouldn't you be at home resting?
Lost in his thoughts, Seungcheol snapped out of his trance as he caught sight of you through the glass walls that separated his office. His eyes widened at the unexpected sight of you, and you offered him a small bow as you approached.
Pushing open the door, you entered his office, the determined set of your shoulders belying any trace of uncertainty. Seungcheol watched you with concern, his normally impeccable hair tousled and his lips worryingly bitten.
"You shouldn't be here," he stated, his voice tinged with worry as he took in your appearance.
You simply smiled in response, pressing the archives into his chest with a sense of purpose. "We have work to do," you replied firmly, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. "Do you want my help or not?"
Seungcheol's lips parted slightly, his cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment as he processed your words. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded shyly, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yes," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and relief.
As Seungcheol sat alone in the dimly lit office, surrounded by the quiet emptiness of the building, a sense of clarity washed over him. He had been so determined to prove himself capable, to show his dad—and you—that he could handle the responsibilities of running the company on his own. But as the days passed and the chaos of the company threatened to overwhelm him, he found himself feeling lost and unsure.
Now, as he looked around at the neatly organized piles of contracts, the meticulously scheduled meetings, and the completed spreadsheets on the computer screen, he finally understood why his dad had always relied on you so heavily. Despite your youth, you possessed a rare combination of competence, efficiency, and dedication that made you indispensable to the smooth operation of the company.
Seungcheol couldn't tear his eyes away from you as he watched from the other side of the table. The soft glow of the computer screen illuminated your face, casting shadows that danced across your features as you worked diligently.
Your unbuttoned white shirt and raised sleeves hinted at the long hours you had put in, while your hair, now gathered in a messy bun, spoke about the intensity of your focus. Despite the exhaustion that lingered in the lines of your face, there was a determined set to your jaw, a resilience that shone through even in the late hours of the night.
Seungcheol marveled at the sight of your manicured nails flying across the keyboard with practiced precision, effortlessly organizing the digital archives with a speed that left him in awe.
Seungcheol let out an exasperated sigh, his frustration evident as he leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on you with guilt. "I feel terrible," he admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "You shouldn't have had to resolve all of these problems. I took you away from your day off, and now you're stuck here dealing with all of this mess."
You couldn't help but smile at the poor boy, his sulky expression only serving to make him appear more endearing. "Hey, it's okay," you reassured him, your tone gentle as you reached across the table to place a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm already feeling better, thanks to you."
Seungcheol's expression softened at your words, a flicker of relief crossing his features. "I just wish I could have handled things better," he confessed, his voice tinged with self-doubt.
You shook your head, dismissing his concerns with a playful grin. "Well, you did leave fruits at my door," you teased, unable to resist poking fun at his earlier gesture of kindness. "So I'd say you're doing just fine."
Seungcheol couldn't help but let out a chuckle, his usual professional demeanor momentarily slipping as he made a lighthearted comment about your near fall earlier in the day. "Man, you were this close to eating floor," he quipped, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
You gasped in mock indignation, caught off guard by his informal tone. "Seungcheol!" you exclaimed, your hand flying to your chest in exaggerated shock. "I can't believe you just said that!"
But despite your feigned outrage, you couldn't suppress the laughter bubbling up inside you.
Seungcheol's laughter filled the air as he apologized, his voice laced with amusement. "Sorry, sorry," he repeated, his grin widening as he realized the playful banter between you.
You couldn't help but mock offense at his apology, feigning exaggerated indignation. "I'm deeply wounded," you joked, your tone dripping with sarcasm as you placed a hand dramatically over your heart. "How will I ever recover from such a grievous insult?"
Seungcheol laughed at your theatrics, the sound warm and genuine. "I'll make it up to you, I promise," he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "How about dinner? My treat."
You raised an eyebrow in mock skepticism, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Hmm, I don't know," you teased, pretending to consider his offer. "I might need a more sincere apology than that."
But as you glanced at Seungcheol's earnest expression, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the prospect of spending more time together outside of work. With a grin, you relented, accepting his invitation with a playful wink. "Alright, dinner it is."
"Let's go," Seungcheol declared with a grin, his eyes alight with excitement.
You widened your eyes in surprise, a hint of disbelief creeping into your voice. "Tonight?" you echoed, unable to hide your astonishment.
Seungcheol nodded eagerly, his stomach rumbling audibly. "Yes, tonight," he confirmed, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I'm starving."
With a smile, you rose from your seat, placing the neatly organized archives on the side of his desk. "Alright then, let's go," you agreed, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder.
As you made your way towards the exit of the empty, darkened building, you heard a surprised whistle from Seungcheol. You couldn't help but giggle at his reaction, turning to tease him playfully. "Afraid of ghosts, Seungcheol?" you teased, a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
Seungcheol scoffed, his expression mockingly indignant. "Please, the building is sinister at night," he retorted, his tone tinged with exaggeration. "How could you possibly spend nights here?"
As you walked side by side with Seungcheol towards the parking lot, the darkness of the night enveloping the empty streets, you couldn't resist teasing him about his earlier comment about the building being sinister.
"It's scarier during the day with that bunch of people around," you quipped with a playful grin, nudging him lightly with your elbow.
Seungcheol chuckled at your remark, his laughter filling the quiet night air. "Was I one of those people that scared you?" he asked, his tone laced with amusement.
You couldn't help but play along, feigning exaggerated fear as you imitated his walk with a comically exaggerated pout and furrowed eyebrows. "Oh, definitely," you replied with mock seriousness, your lips puckered into a pout. "You walk like this."
Seungcheol gasped dramatically, a hand flying to his chest in mock offense. "I'm hurt," he protested, his voice dripping with faux indignation. "I'm a friendly guy, you know."
As Seungcheol held the door of the car open for you, a small smile played at the corners of your lips as you settled into the seat. "You know, in the past, you were friendly with everyone but me," you remarked casually, fastening your seatbelt as he made his way around to the driver's seat. "It's surprising to see how gentle you're being right now."
Seungcheol chuckled at your observation, his laughter warm and genuine. "It wasn't always like this," he admitted as he started the car, the engine humming to life.
You scoffed lightly, shaking your head in mock disbelief. "Oh, please," you retorted, a playful glint in your eye. "I distinctly remember you going out of your way to avoid me at dinners in your house. You'd even skip dinner altogether because of me."
A smile tugged at the corners of Seungcheol's lips at your words, a hint of nostalgia coloring his expression as he navigated the quiet streets.
Seungcheol's voice was tinged with a hint of reluctance as he spoke, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "I had my reasons," he murmured, a note of hesitation in his tone.
You raised an eyebrow in curiosity, turning to look at him expectantly. "And what might those reasons be?" you inquired, your tone playful yet genuinely curious.
But Seungcheol merely glanced at you briefly before returning his attention to the streets, a faint blush tinting his cheeks. "I'm not going to answer that," he replied firmly, his voice tinged with embarrassment.
You couldn't help but sulk at his refusal, crossing your arms over your chest. "Why not?" you pouted, unable to resist teasing him.
Seungcheol let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head in amusement. "Because it's embarrassing," he admitted sheepishly, his cheeks flushing slightly at the admission.
You couldn't resist pressing further, a playful glint in your eye as you leaned in closer. "Come on, Seungcheol, you can't leave me hanging like this," you teased, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. "I promise I won't laugh."
Seungcheol let out a soft sigh, his expression full of embarrassment and reluctance. "Fine," he relented, his cheeks still tinged with a faint blush. "But you have to promise not to make fun of me."
You nodded eagerly, your curiosity piqued. "I promise," you replied earnestly, your eyes wide with anticipation.
"The truth is..." Seungcheol began, he glanced at you briefly before returning his focus to the road ahead. "I was secretly in love with your impeccable taste in office supplies."
You blinked in surprise, caught off guard by his unexpected confession. For a moment, you were speechless, the weight of his words sinking in. But then you noticed the playful glint in his eyes, the mischievous curve of his lips, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"Come on, Seungcheol," you scoffed, "Tell me the real reason."
But Seungcheol merely chuckled, a boyish grin spreading across his face as he feigned pain at your weak slaps on his shoulder. "Ouch, that hurts," he teased, his laughter filling the car.
Seungcheol's voice was hesitant as he spoke, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "My dad would kill me if he heard me saying this, but..." he trailed off, his words hanging in the air.
"But what?" you prompted.
Seungcheol took a deep breath, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "At the time, I had a crush on you," he confessed, his admission hanging in the air between you.
You felt your breath catch in your throat, your mind racing as you processed his words. You stayed silent, unable to form a coherent response as a rush of emotions washed over you.
After a moment of tense silence, Seungcheol continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "And... I was jealous of you with my dad," he admitted.
A wheeze of laughter escaped your lips before you could stop it, and you clapped a hand over your mouth, trying to suppress the sudden burst of amusement. But it was too late—once the laughter started, it was impossible to hold back.
Seungcheol looked at you, a mixture of confusion and embarrassment crossing his features as he watched you dissolve into laughter. He bit his lip, trying to suppress a laugh of his own, but soon he couldn't hold it in any longer.
Seungcheol's voice carried a hint of mock indignation as he spoke. "You're laughing at my feelings?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
You tried to stifle your laughter, shaking your head as tears of mirth streamed down your cheeks. "No, no," you managed to gasp out between giggles, "but... me? Your dad?" The absurdity of the situation struck you, and you dissolved into laughter once again, your body shaking with the force of it.
Seungcheol couldn't help but join in, his own laughter mingling with yours as he glanced at you with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. "Okay, okay," he said, his voice tinged with laughter, "maybe it does sound a little ridiculous when you say it like that."
As the laughter subsided, you wiped away tears of mirth and leaned against the window, still chuckling softly to yourself.
You asked with a playful smile, your curiosity piqued. "Why me, Seungcheol?"
Seungcheol let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head as he glanced at you. "Well, think about it," he began, his tone lighthearted. "My dad spent every day with you, but I only saw you on special occasions. And every time I tried to catch your attention, you were busy with something with my dad." He chuckled again.
You couldn't help but laugh along with him, playfully shaking his shoulder. "Oh, so I didn't catch your charms at that time?" you teased, a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
Seungcheol grinned, his gaze meeting yours. "I guess not," he replied with a shrug, his tone teasing yet fond.
You couldn't resist teasing Seungcheol a little more. "And your charm was ignoring me when you saw me?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
Seungcheol let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Okay, maybe I was a little nervous," he admitted, his cheeks flushing slightly.
You laughed at his confession, enjoying the playful banter between you. "Was I really that intimidating?" you asked, feigning surprise.
Seungcheol nodded emphatically, his eyebrows raised in seriousness. "Definitely," he replied.
He continued, "I mean, we're almost the same age, but every time I saw you at dinner, you came looking like a lawyer ready to win a case."
You couldn't help but be curious. "And why didn't you tell me?" you asked, your tone gentle.
Seungcheol paused for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Honestly, before, I didn't really know how to tell you," he confessed, "I wasn't exactly experienced in... well, talking to girls, let alone asking them out on dates."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his admission. "And now?" you pressed.
Seungcheol turned to you, a warm smile gracing his features, as the car pulled up to the restaurant, Seungcheol got out and hurried around to open the door for you, gesturing for you to step out. "Well, I'd like to think I've gotten a little better at it," he replied, his tone light.
You chuckled softly, stepping out of the car and allowing him to guide you towards the entrance of the restaurant. "I'd say you've definitely improved," you remarked, a teasing glint in your eye.
Seungcheol chuckled, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "The old Seungcheol would be freaking out right now if he knew he is now taking you to dinner," he admitted, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.
As you settled into your seats at the restaurant, the ambiance around you buzzing with the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses. Seungcheol sat across from you, a playful smile dancing on his lips as he perused the menu.
"So, Seungcheol," you began, your voice laced with mischief, "tell me about your crush on me when you were just a boy."
Seungcheol's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his gaze meeting yours. "Well," he began, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "let's just say, my crush on you hasn't exactly faded over the years."
You couldn't help but laugh at his bold confession, the unexpectedness of his words catching you off guard. "Oh, really?" you replied, a teasing smile playing on your lips. "And here I thought you were just taking me out to dinner as a friendly gesture." 
You drink a sip of wine, "Imagine if your dad finds out about this little dinner date, Mr. Choi Seungcheol…"
Seungcheol's smirk widened at your response, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "And if he finds out?" he teased, his tone light yet filled with confidence.
You raised your chin slightly, meeting his gaze with a knowing look. "Well, Seungcheol," you replied, your voice steady, "it's not exactly ethical for a boss to take his employees on dates."
Seungcheol's smirk only grew, his confidence unwavering as he leaned forward slightly. "I think I can decide what's ethical while I'm in charge," he countered, his tone playful yet determined. "And besides, what harm could it do after your shift?"
You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in playful skepticism at Seungcheol's suggestion. "Is it normal to take female employees on dates?" you asked, your tone teasing yet curious. "I'm sure the other girls would be interested to know."
Seungcheol's gaze softened as he met your eyes, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I can't speak for anyone else," he replied, his voice low and sincere, "but I only have eyes for one woman in this company."
You couldn't deny the flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension as Seungcheol's gaze locked with yours, his smile causing your heart to race. "Seungcheol..." you began, your voice trailing off as you searched for the right words.
Seungcheol's smile widened, a playful glint in his eyes as he leaned forward slightly. "Yes?" he prompted, his voice low.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself as you meet his gaze. "I have to admit," you started, your voice steady despite the racing of your heart, "it's not exactly the most conventional situation, considering you're the son of my boss."
Seungcheol's smile remained, his eyes twinkling. "Well, technically, I am your boss," he teased.
You raised an eyebrow, "Is that supposed to sound better?" you retorted, a hint of amusement in your voice.
Seungcheol chuckled softly, leaning back in his chair as he met your gaze with a knowing look. "With that title," he replied, his voice laced with playful arrogance, "I can bend the rules a little."
You held your breath for a moment, nodding in acknowledgment of Seungcheol's words. But as you met his gaze once more, a determined look in your eyes, you couldn't help but shake your head slightly.
"You won't win me over that easily," you declared, your voice firm yet tinged with a hint of playfulness.
Seungcheol's smile faltered slightly, a spark of challenge igniting in his eyes as he leaned forward once more. "Challenge accepted," he replied, his voice filled with determination.
You couldn't help but smirk as you leaned back in your chair, your gaze locked with Seungcheol's.
Seungcheol's breath caught in his throat, his expression shifting from playful to slightly flustered. "Damn, don't look at me like that," he muttered under his breath, his cheeks flushing slightly.
You couldn't suppress a laugh at his reaction, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the way you were able to tease him. "Like what?" you teased.
Seungcheol shook his head slightly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Like you know exactly what you're doing,"
You couldn't resist the urge to playfully tease Seungcheol, so you tilted your head and fixed him with an intense gaze. "Like this?" you asked, your voice soft but tinged with amusement.
Seungcheol's breath hitched slightly, his feet shifting nervously under the table as he looked away from you, unable to meet your gaze. You couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the effect you were having on him, a mischievous smile playing on your lips as you watched his reaction.
Seungcheol let out a slow exhale, his eyes flickering back to meet yours briefly before darting away again. "Yeah, like that," he mumbled, his voice slightly strained.
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at his response, enjoying the playful banter between the two of you. "Good to know I still have that effect on you," you teased, a playful glint in your eye.
Seungcheol rolled his eyes playfully, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, yeah, don't get too cocky now," he replied, his tone light but filled with warmth.
As the dinner drew to a close and both of you felt the weariness of the day settling in, Seungcheol pulled up in front of your apartment building. You exchanged a few final words, the playful banter still lingering between you as you prepared to part ways.
With a smirk, you couldn't resist teasing Seungcheol one last time before you left. "Well, thanks for the dinner, boss," you said, your voice laced with a hint of mischief.
Seungcheol chuckled softly, shaking his head in amusement. "Anytime, secretary," he replied, his tone teasing yet filled with warmth.
Before you stepped out of the car, you leaned in to plant a quick kiss on Seungcheol's cheek, a gesture of gratitude. "Goodnight, Seungcheol," you said with a smile, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you.
"Goodnight, Y/N," Seungcheol replied, his voice soft as he returned your smile.
With one final wave, you stepped out of the car and watched as Seungcheol drove off into the night一giggling like a little girl.
You lay in your bed, the soft sheets providing a feeling of comfort after a long day. Your mind starts to wonder as you take in the moment of silence. That is, until your cellphone interrupts your thoughts with notifications from Seungcheol.
You glanced down at your phone and couldn't suppress a smile when you saw Seungcheol's message. It read, "Since you're such a busy woman, I thought I'd save you the trouble and make plans for Saturday. I'll pick you up in the morning and we'll spend the day at the summer house."
With a playful glint in your eye, you quickly replied, "Just like your dad to invite me to the summer house, huh?"
A moment later, Seungcheol's response came through. "Yes, but this time, you'll go," he wrote, his tone confident yet filled with warmth.
You couldn't resist teasing him a bit more. "Who guarantees that?" you typed quickly, a smirk playing on your lips as you sent the message.
A moment later, your phone buzzed with Seungcheol's response. "I do" he replied confidently. "And if that's not enough, I can promise you good food, great company, and a beautiful view. What more could you want?"
You chuckled softly, appreciating his playful persistence. "Alright, you win. I'll be ready," you responded, feeling a flutter of excitement for the upcoming weekend.
"Great! Looking forward to it," Seungcheol replied with a smiley face emoji.
Just as he promised, Seungcheol stopped in front of your apartment in the morning. You stepped out of the building, the bright sun shining down, and made your way to his car. You were wearing sunglasses and a sundress, a look quite different from the usual office attire Seungcheol was accustomed to seeing you in.
As you slid into the passenger seat, Seungcheol gave you an appreciative once-over and grinned. "Well, look at you," he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I almost didn't recognize you without the high heels and power suit."
You laughed, adjusting your sunglasses. "Surprised, huh? I do have a life outside the office, you know."
He chuckled as he started the car. "I must say, I like this version of you." Seungcheol glanced over at you, a playful smirk on his lips. "Finally, I thought you would never get to see our summer house," he teased.
You chuckled, adjusting your sunglasses. "Well, your dad always invited me on weekends to spend the day with you and your brother. I guess I just never took him up on the offer."
Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Really? My dad wanted you to spend time with us?"
"Yeah," you nodded, smiling at the memory. "He would always insist, but I didn't want to intrude on your family time."
Seungcheol shook his head, laughing softly. "You wouldn't have been intruding. My dad probably wanted you there to keep me and my brother in line."
You chuckled at Seungcheol's playful response, shaking your head in amusement. "Of course, you were terrible. I needed to choose my peace," you teased, a playful glint in your eye.
Seungcheol laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "No way, my dad told you about all the things we've done?" he exclaimed, sounding genuinely surprised.
You nodded with a smirk. "Yeah, I saved you two from a lot of mess already. I needed to remind your dad to take you two off punishment more than once."
Seungcheol's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he glanced at you. "Let me reward you then?" he suggested, his tone laced with teasing.
You raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Bold move, Seungcheol," you teased, a playful smirk on your lips.
"I grew up, Noona," he proclaimed with the new nickname, his voice dripping with a flirtatious undertone. "I'm not that little boy anymore."
You smirked at his comment, intrigued to see where he was going with this. "Ooh, do go on, Seungcheol," you responded, your tone laced with playful curiosity. "What, pray tell, has changed since I last saw you?"
Seungcheol chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. His smile widened, revealing a glimpse of the boyish charm that still clung to him. "Well, I've grown a little taller, for starters," he admitted, a hint of bravado in his voice. "And I've gained some muscle too."
You couldn't help but playfully tease him further, a challenge in your eyes as your lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Grown taller, you say?" you retorted, a hint of sarcasm in your voice. "And gained some muscle? Aren't you just the pinnacle of maturity now?"
Seungcheol's eyes twinkled as he met your gaze, clearly enjoying the banter. "Oh, don't worry, Noona, I still have my charming ways," he teased, a flirtatious grin settling on his face.
As the conversation continued, Seungcheol's cheeks flushed slightly as he confessed, "The old me couldn't even bring himself to ask out his crush, much less invite her to the summer house to spend time together alone."
Your surprise was evident as you echoed, "Alone? Just the two of us?" A newfound realization dawned on you, and you couldn't help but wonder, "Is that why you invited me, Seungcheol?"
He flashed you a sheepish smile and nodded, his embarrassment adding a touch of charm to his confession.
Seungcheol's flushed cheeks and bashful demeanor confirmed the truth of his revelation. He chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I guess it is," he admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "I wanted some alone time with you, Noona."
"Alone in a romantic summer house?" you echoed, your voice tinged with a touch of tease. "Well, I suppose we could enjoy the scenic views, relax by the pool, and indulge in some good food and wine. But I have a feeling you had something specific in mind, Seungcheol. Care to enlighten me?"
Seungcheol's gaze flicked up to the rearview mirror, his eyes widening ever so slightly as he caught your suggestive question. A subtle blush crept onto his cheeks, and he bit his lip shyly, clearly embarrassed by the direction the conversation was taking.
He chuckled nervously. "Oh, no, Noona, not that." He quickly added, "I just wanted to spend some quality time with you, you know? Talk, laugh, just have fun together."
"Well, if I wasn't worried about distracting the driver, I might say something even more suggestive," you teased, a mischievous smile playing on your lips.
Seungcheol flushed deeper, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly as he tried to focus on the road. "Noona, please," he pleaded, his voice tinged with embarrassment and something you couldn't read well. "It's hard enough to concentrate as it is. Don't make it harder."
"You're not getting nervous, are you? Is the thought of being alone with me in a romantic summer house too much for you?"
"Hush, Noona," he said with a light-hearted scold, giving you a quick glance. "Can you not talk like that while I'm driving?" his voice slightly strained.
"Relax, Seungcheol," you teased leaning on your seat again. "It's just a little harmless fun. But if it's making you this flustered, I suppose I'll keep the dirty talk for later."
"Please do," he replied, his tone flustered and entertained. "Let's save the risqué topics for when we're not on the road, okay?"
You chuckled, finding his bashfulness endearing. "Alright, alright, I'll behave," you said, lifting your hands in mock surrender. "For now."
"I think the boldest one here is you, from what I see." 
You grinned at his observation, "Oh, you're just noticing that now, Seungcheol?" you teased. "I've always been the bolder one between the two of us. But don't worry, I'll try not to overwhelm you with my boldness."
"I have no doubts about that, Noona," he replied, "Bring on the surprises later. I can handle it."
As you continued your playful banter with Seungcheol, you noticed a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. Years of harboring a secret crush on you, struggling to hide his true feelings, had taken a toll on him. 
Deep down, he was tired of waiting, desperate to express the admiration he held for you. You wondered how much longer he could keep his feelings restrained, how much more pent-up emotion he could bear before they would inevitably burst forth.
As you stepped into the summer house, the pure air filling your lungs, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Turning to glance at Seungcheol, the reality of the situation finally hitting you一just the two of you. A soft smile curved your lips as you took in the peaceful atmosphere.
Seungcheol, too, seemed affected by the realization.
As you glanced around, your eyes fell upon the family portraits hanging on the wall. There was a charming photo of Seungcheol and his brother hugging their mother, another one capturing Mr. Choi tenderly kissing Mrs. Choi. Your gaze then moved to a playful shot of them both splashing water, and finally, a picture of Seungcheol himself. As you stood there admiring the memories, you felt a warm presence behind you.
With his arms crossed and a wide grin on his face, Seungcheol stood by your side, clearly amused by your initial reaction.
You couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle, finding Seungcheol's amused expression endearing. Turning to face him, you commented, "Looks like Mr. and Mrs. Choi couldn't keep their hands off each other."
Seungcheol laughed lightly, his eyes twinkling. "Yeah, they've always been like that," he replied. "They're not exactly shy about their affection for each other."
"Are you really this egotistical, displaying your own picture on the wall like this?"
Seungcheol chuckled, his smile widening as he playfully rolled his eyes at your teasing. "Oh please, Noona," he replied, "It's not my fault you're just now realizing how irresistibly handsome I am."
You chuckled, shaking your head in amusement. "Alright, alright," you conceded, "You win this round, ego extraordinaire. But I must admit, you've always been quite handsome, even if it's a bit exaggerated." You smirked playfully.
Seungcheol grinned, basking in the compliment. "Aww, so you finally admit it, do you?" he teased, a cocky smile on his face.
As you playfully warned him not to get cocky, Seungcheol couldn't resist the temptation. He stepped closer, his hands gently settling on your waist. You could feel his breath ghosting over your lips, his eyes intense and captivating. 
However, you playfully resisted, pushing him away and throwing him a challenging glance. As you walked away, you gave him one last sultry look over your shoulder before disappearing into the next room.
Seungcheol stood there for a moment, dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events. A combination of surprise and desire coursed through him as he tried to compose himself, his heart racing.
His eyes gleamed with a combination of desire and disappointment, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. It was clear that the game had only just begun.
The night had crept upon you, enveloping the summer house in a gentle embrace. As you sat on the balcony, sipping on a bottle of wine, you savored the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with Seungcheol.
The soft glow of the moonlight cast a warm, enchanting ambiance, and the distant sound of the television from within the house provided a pleasant background melody. You found yourself lost in the moment, feeling completely… content in his company.
As you let the flavors of the wine wash over your palate, you paused for a moment, your thoughts wandering to your recent travels. A hint of nostalgia tinged your voice as you spoke. "You know," you began, "I can't recall the last time I took a trip that wasn't connected to work."
You chuckled, swirling the wine in your glass, your eyes fixed on the liquid's dance. "Ah, yes," you responded with a wry smile. "Even if it is my... boss's house." you echoed his words, a hint of dry humor in your tone.
Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Feeling a bit cheeky, are we?" he taunted, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Watch your words, or I might have to dock your pay later."
You laughed, playfully sticking out your tongue at his jest. "Oh, you wouldn't dare," you retorted, a smirk on your lips. "What would the company do without my fabulous work?"
Seungcheol's grin widened, his eyes gleaming. "Ah, you've got me there," he conceded, raising a hand in mock surrender. "I guess I'll just have to find some other way to punish you for that sharp tongue of yours."
You smirked, taking another sip of your wine, and teasingly asked, "Oh, what are we talking about, indeed?" The question hung in the air, laced with a hint of provocation. You knew perfectly well what you were discussing, but you couldn't resist the urge to tease him further.
Seungcheol chuckled, shaking his head at your playfulness. He leaned back in his chair, a suggestive glint in his eyes. "You know exactly what we're talking about," he replied.
You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Do I now?" you said, a mischievous smile on your lips. "And what might that be, pray tell?"
Seungcheol saw through your act, his gaze locking onto yours. He leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a sultry tone. "Oh, don't act all coy with me, Noona," he murmured, his eyes fixed on yours. "You know exactly what we've been dancing around."
You stared into Seungcheol's eyes, the intensity of his gaze setting your heart racing.
Seungcheol's voice dropped to a whisper, his words laced with seductive undertones. "We've been dancing around it all night, skirting around the subject..." he murmured, grazing his fingers lightly against yours.
"But enough games, Noona... You know exactly where this is heading."
As Seungcheol got up from his seat and moved behind you, his hands gently massaging your shoulders and neck, you closed your eyes, enjoying the soothing touch of his hands. 
A soft moan escaped your lips, and you couldn't help but teasingly ask, "So sure of yourself, aren't you, Seungcheol? But what makes you so sure I want this, too?" 
"Ah, Noona, you're a difficult woman to read sometimes," he teased. "But the way you respond to my touch... I can feel the desire building in your body, just like mine."
Seungcheol chuckled, his fingers skillfully working the tension out of your shoulders. He apparently knew exactly how to make you melt under his touch. "Oh, Noona," he drawled, his voice laced with certainty and amusement. "Your body betrays you. Your sighs, your reactions... I can feel the way you lean into my touch. You can try to hide it all you want, but deep down, you want this just as much as I do."
You felt your breath catch in your throat at his words, your breath hitched in agreement to his perception, your body's response betraying your own longing.
Seungcheol's hands continued their ministrations, his touch growing bolder. "You can deny it if you want," he murmured, trailing gentle kisses along your neck, "But your body tells the truth, Noona."
As Seungcheol's lips gently traced along your neck, you found yourself melting even more under his touch, your defenses crumbling. But just as abruptly, you snapped out of the blissful haze, realizing the need to regain control over your emotions. You quickly stood up, breaking the intimate contact.
Seungcheol looked momentarily taken aback, you could see the flicker of confusion in his face, as he tried to understand the sudden change in your demeanor.
You caught a glimpse of his parted lips, still moist from their previous closeness against your skin.
"Noona..." he whispered, his voice laced with concern. "Is everything alright? Did I... did I go too far?"
Your breath shuddered nervously, emotions swirling within you like a raging tempest. You held onto his hands. You look into his eyes, seeing the desperation and longing there. He seems ready to ask for all of you, but the sheer intensity of his gaze makes you hesitate.
"Seungcheol," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's not that I don't want this but... your family, our work, the company... it's just–"
Before you can finish your sentence, Seungcheol silences you with a gentle finger on your lips. His smile widens, and with a reassuring expression, he shakes his head slightly. "Sshh," he whispers, his eyes filled with understanding. "I know what you're thinking, Noona. You're worried about everything that could happen. But right now, in this moment, all I want is to be close to you. Nothing else matters."
"You worry too much, Noona," he whispers gently, "Just let yourself feel what's between us."
"C'mere." As Seungcheol guides your steps towards the main bedroom, his warm presence enveloping you, he stands before you, gently lifting your chin.
His gaze captures yours, his voice filled with desire and intent. "For once in your life, Noona," he whispers, his touch on your chin light. "Do exactly what you really want."
With a confident smile, Seungcheol leans closer, his breath brushing against your skin. "Or," he continues, his words carrying a hint of playfulness, "I will."
His proximity ignited a spark within you, evoking a sense of youthful freedom.
Memories of missed opportunities and fleeting moments flood your mind. You bite your smile as you find yourself drawn to his infectious energy and the intoxicating vibe he exudes.
"I dare you," you murmur softly, your voice infused with anticipation. "Show me what you've got, Seungcheol."
As Seungcheol leaned in closer and claimed your lips in a passionate kiss. 一a long awaited kiss一His fingers tenderly brushed against the nape of your neck, while his other hand gripped your waist, scrunching the dress between his fingers.
Your bodies pressed close together, you could feel the fervent thudding of Seungcheol's heart against your chest, mirroring the desperate beats of your own heart. His tongue danced with yours, igniting sparks of desire with every caress. As you allowed your fingers to bury into the softness of his hair, you heard a low, needy moan escape his lips.
As Seungcheol laid you on the expansive bed, his fingers gently encircling your waist, while he held one of your thighs, you felt a rush of heat as he settled between your legs.
The bed felt plush and inviting, while the soft silk of the sheets caressed your skin. With a suggestive motion, he simulated a thrust, and a gasp of pleasure escaped your lips, mingling with the intoxicating friction between your bodies.
Seungcheol gently lifted your dress over your head, revealing your naked form. His breath hitched in his throat as his eyes roamed over your exposed skin, and a whine escaped from deep within his chest. He buried his face into your neck, his voice ragged as he whispered.
"Have you been walking around like this all night, Noona? Wearing nothing underneath that dress this whole time?"
You chuckled, biting your bottom lip.
"Can it be possible, Noona..." "You cooked with me," Seungcheol whispered, his voice growing heated with each word, "went shopping at the vineyard, wore that enticing dress, and were completely naked under it the whol– fuck." He couldn't help but let out a playful moan against your neck. "You're driving me crazy, Noona."
As Seungcheol's hand continued its languid path across your body, tracing a languid trail along the valley of your breasts, down your stomach, and finally finding its destination between your thighs, he let out an appreciative hum of satisfaction. "Mmmm," he murmured, his voice dripping with approval.
He parts your thighs, his fingers slipping between your folds, teasing you with gentle, deliberate strokes. "You're already so wet," he whispers, his breath hot against your ear. "All this for me?" He slides a finger inside you, curling it just right, and then, adds another, making you arch your back and moan.
"Cheol," you gasp, your hands gripping the sheets as your body trembles under his touch.
He smirks, looking down at where his fingers are disappearing inside you. The wet sounds are so loud that they almost drown out your whimpers. "Look at how you take my fingers," he murmurs, his voice dripping with lust. 
Your eyes follow his gaze, watching his fingers move in and out of you, slick with your arousal. The sight and the sound of it drive you wild, making you squirm and whimper even more. Seungcheol's thumb finds your clit, pressing and circling it in a way that makes you see stars.
"You're so tight Noona," he groans, his own arousal evident in his voice. "I can't wait to feel you around my cock."
You moan, feeling the pleasure build to an almost unbearable level. His fingers press deeper, and you clench around them, so tight that his fingers almost slide out of you with each pulse of your walls. Seungcheol bites his lip, trying to maintain his composure, but it's not working.
Without warning, he slides down the bed, positioning himself between your legs. He devours your pussy with a hunger that makes you scream, your body flinching on the bed from the overwhelming sensation. His hot tongue flicks and swirls around your clit, and he drinks you in, savoring every drop of your arousal.
"Cheol, oh my god!" you cry out, your hands flying to his hair, fingers gripping tightly.
He holds you still, his strong hands pressing down on your hips as you writhe beneath him. The combination of his tongue and fingers is driving you wild, and you can feel the orgasm building rapidly. He slides one hand up your body, finding your nipple and rolling the bud between his fingers, making you burn in pleasure.
"You're so perfect," he murmurs against your folds, his voice vibrating through you. "So fucking sweet."
Your moans grow louder, the sensations overwhelming your senses. Seungcheol's tongue moves with expert precision, and when he adds another finger inside you, curling them too, you can't hold back any longer. Your orgasm crashes over you, and you scream his name, your body convulsing with pleasure.
Seungcheol doesn't stop, his mouth and fingers working you through your orgasm, extending it until you're a quivering, whimpering mess beneath him. Only when you're completely spent does he finally pull back, looking up at you with a satisfied smile. His lips glisten with your cum, and his eyes are dark with desire.
"That's my good girl," he praises, sliding back up your body to kiss you deeply. You can taste yourself on his lips, and it only makes you want him more. "Now, let's see how tight you are around my cock."
Seungcheol starts to strip, his eyes never leaving yours as he reveals his toned, muscular body. You wait, watching him with the 'fuck me' eyes. As he finally removes the last piece of clothing, you seize the moment.
With a swift, confident movement, you grab him and push him back onto the bed. He falls back, his eyes widening in surprise. You straddle his naked body, your own arousal evident as you press your pussy against him. His hands slide to your hips, gripping you tightly.
He looks up at you, a devilish smile playing on his lips. "Fuck, I'm in trouble," he murmurs, his voice dripping with admiration. "You're going to be the death of me."
You smirk, leaning down to capture his lips in a searing kiss, your bodies aligning perfectly. "Then let's make it worth it," you whisper against his mouth, feeling his cock harden beneath you. 
You grab Seungcheol's cock, aligning it with your wet, eager pussy. As you slide down onto him, you feel the delicious stretch, and your head falls back, mouth slack with pleasure. Seungcheol bites his lip, almost tasting blood, his mind racing with random thoughts to avoid cumming too soon.
"Fuck," he moans, his voice strained as his eyebrows furrow in concentration.
You bottom out, and the sensation is overwhelming. Seungcheol's hands grip your hips tightly, his eyes dark with desire as he tries to keep his composure. The feeling of your tightness around him is almost too much to bear, but he holds on, savoring every moment.
"Too much already?" you purred. "We've barely begun, Seungcheol," you whispered, your breath catching as your core quivered against his tantalizing touch.
As you raised your hips slightly, allowing yourself to sink back down onto Seungcheol, he let out a trembling breath, his eyes closing as his jaw went slack with pleasure. Despite his valiant attempt at forming a response, all that escaped his lips was a strained "Noona" as his body trembled beneath you. 
You start to ride him, bouncing up and down, your juices splashing at the base of his cock. Each time you sink down, Seungcheol's body shudders, moving in rhythm with you. His hands grip your hips, trying to guide your movements一but mostly just holding on for dear life.
"Fuck, Y/N" Seungcheol groans again, his voice filled with raw need. His eyes are glued to where your bodies join, watching as you take him in over and over. "You're so fucking perfect," he mutters, barely able to keep his composure as your tightness drives him wild. The sensation is almost too much, but he holds on, wanting to prolong this intense pleasure for as long as he can.
To give your legs a rest, you start to circle your hips, grinding on him, feeling the tip of his cock hitting your g'spot perfectly. Seungcheol's hands slide up your body, one settling on your breast, squeezing gently, while the other grips your waist, guiding your movements.
"Fuck, that's it," he groans, his eyes rolling back at the sensation. "You feel so fucking good." His voice is husky, filled with desperation as he tries to hold on. His thumb finds your clit, rubbing it in circles to match the rhythm of your hips.
You moan loudly, your head falling back as the pleasure builds even more intensely. "Cheol," you gasp, "I can't hold it much longer." Your body trembles, every nerve ending on fire.
"Don't hold back, baby, don't hold it" he urges, his voice strained but filled with encouragement. "Let go for me. Cum all over my cock."
You hold a little longer to ask him, "How does it feel, Seungcheol," you whisper, "to finally have the woman you've had a longstanding crush on, sitting on you like this?"
Seungcheol stutters, his breath hitching as he feels your walls clenching and unclenching purposely around him. "F-fuck, Noona," he groans, his voice shaky and full of raw need. "It's... it's everything I ever dreamed of and more."
You smirk, enjoying the power you have over him. "Is that so?" you tease, grinding your hips in slow, deliberate circles. "I never knew you had such dirty fantasies about me."
He bites his lip, his hands gripping your hips tighter. "You have no idea," he admits, his voice low and strained. "I’ve wanted you for so long. Seeing you like this... feeling you like this... it’s driving me insane."
You lean down, your lips brushing against his ear. "Good," you whisper, clenching around him again. "I want you to remember this feeling, Seungcheol. Every time you look at me, I want you to remember how it feels to be inside me."
He shudders, a deep, guttural moan escaping his lips. "I won't forget," he promises, his hands moving up to cup your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your nipples. "I'll never forget this, Noona."
You lean down further, your breath hot against his ear. "Seungcheol," you whisper, your voice sultry and teasing, "I can feel how close you are. Do you want to cum inside me? Do you want to fill me up with everything you've got?"
His eyes widen, and he lets out a strangled moan, his hips bucking up involuntarily. "Fuck, Noona, you're gonna make me—"
You cut him off with a sharp thrust, feeling his cock throb inside you. "Tell me how good it feels," you demand, your own voice trembling with need. "Tell me how much you love fucking me."
"It feels so fucking good," he gasps, his fingers digging into your hips. "I love it, Noona. I love fucking you so much. You're so tight, so wet, I can't hold on—"
You can feel your own orgasm building, spurred on by his desperate words and the intensity of his gaze. "That's it, baby," you purr, riding him harder. "Cum for me, Seungcheol. Fill me up. I want to feel you cumming inside me."
His eyes roll back, and he grips you even tighter. "I'm gonna—fuck, I'm cumming—"
"Fu一... ahh,"
As Seungcheol's release fills you to the brim, you feel a warm, liquid sensation spreading inside you, overflowing with his essence. He holds you close, pressing your bodies together as if to recompose the bond between you.
Just as you're catching your breath and basking in the afterglow, Seungcheol suddenly flips you over onto the bed with a determined look in his eyes. His hands roam over your body, trailing fire wherever they touch, and you can feel the familiar ache building within you once again.
"I need to make you cum again Noona."  "Now, let me take care of you."
With a sudden burst of energy, Seungcheol flips you over onto your stomach, his hands roaming eagerly over your body as he prepares to make you cum all over again.
Seungcheol's cock enters you deep and sloppy, the abundance of lubrication spilling out around him. You scream into the sheets as he presses your head down onto the bed, his movements becoming more assertive as he thrusts into you with purpose.
Your breath grew sharper with every thrust, each one pushing you closer to the precipice.
"I've imagined this moment... countless times," he whispered, his voice low and husky. "Having you like this... under me, writhing and gasping."
"So… Ah! Nasty, Seungcheol!" 
Seungcheol couldn't help but chuckle at your teasing remark, his eyes filled with both affection and desire. As he continued to drive into you, he replied with a playful smack on the ample flesh of your ass.
"You have no idea," he murmured.
As you felt the wave of pleasure wash over you, your vision temporarily white in the overwhelming sensations, his name left your throat all whiny and strained. Seungcheol couldn't help but whine in response to his own heightened sensitivity. 
He wanted to please you, to bring you to climax, but the overwhelming experience only made him more reactive to your every move and sound.
The intensity of your climax began to subside, your body finally melting into the sheets, Seungcheol stumbled off the bed, his legs trembling from the intense sex. 
He made his way to the bathroom, seeking out some wipes to gently clean you up, his own breaths still ragged and unsteady.
As Seungcheol returned with the wipes, he found you lying there, chest heaving and breath labored. He crawled back into bed next to you, gently beginning to clean you up, his touch tender and caring.
"You alright there, Noona?" he asked, a hint of concern mingling with his breathless voice. "I didn't... hurt you, did I?"
You reached out, gently running your fingers through Seungcheol's messed hair, a weary yet satisfied smile playing on your lips.
"I'm okay, baby…" you whispered, your voice filled with contentment. 
He couldn't help but bite back a smile at your choice of words.
As Seungcheol continued his gentle ministrations, cleaning you up with the wipes, taking care to not overwhelm you when he brushes the wipes against your clit.
"Baby?" he echoed, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Is that what you're calling me now?" Despite the teasing tone, there was a warmth in his eyes that betrayed his affection
"You're such a big baby Seungcheol…"
In response to your lighthearted comment, Seungcheol couldn't help but chuckle. He leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on your shoulder before responding.
"Well, I am big, you're not wrong about that," he replied, a mischievous grin on his face. "But I guess 'big baby' suits me just fine, especially if it's coming from you."
As Seungcheol finished cleaning you up, he tossed the wipes aside and draped an arm around your middle, pulling you closer. He leaned in, peppering soft kisses along your neck and shoulder, his touch gentle.
"And your image," he continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "riding me like that... it's something I'll never forget. It's the most beautiful sight I've ever seen."
"Did you like it?" You ask him, giving a glance over your shoulder. 
Seungcheol furrowed his brows, giving you a slightly exasperated look, as if the answer should have been obvious. "Noona, that was a rhetorical question, right?" he teased, a hint of affectionate amusement in his voice. "Of course I liked it."
In the soft morning light, sunlight trickled into the room, and you woke to the gentle sensation of Seungcheol's fingers running through your hair. As your eyes slowly opened, you found him already dressed, looking striking in the warm glow.
"Noona," he whispered, his gaze tender and filled with affection. "My parents... they're here."
Hearing this, you instantly sat upright in bed, your eyes widening in shock.
The realization that Seungcheol's parents had arrived hit you like a bolt of lightning. You hastily stumbled out of bed, making a beeline for the bathroom, leaving him chuckling at your flustered state.
You quickly emerged from the bathroom, your hair still damp and clinging to your skin, a bath towel wrapped tightly around your body. You found Seungcheol lounging on the bed, casually scrolling through his phone.
"Cheol," you began with a slight scowl, "why didn't you tell me your parents arrived earlier? I could've prepared myself better!"
Seungcheol shrugged apologetically, a hint of sheepishness in his expression. "Honestly, Noona, I had no idea they were coming either," he admitted, offering a sincere smile. "They didn't give a heads up, and I couldn't warn you beforehand."
You let out a sigh, the lingering worry evident on your face. "It's not just about that," you murmured, "What will they think of me... sleeping with you… their son, my boss?"
"Noona, my parents aren't like that," he assured you, gently squeezing your hand. "They won't judge you based on your relationship to me or your job. They see the person you are, and that's all that matters."
He chuckled softly, attempting to lighten the mood. "Besides, I'm pretty sure they already love you just because you're so good at bossing me around."
You playfully gave Seungcheol's shoulder a gentle slap, your worries momentarily replaced by a smile. As you both left the bedroom, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, guiding you towards the living room.
You had worked closely with Seungcheol's father for years, and the thought of them knowing about your intimate relationship was nerve-wracking. Yet, Seungcheol's calming presence beside you helped ease your nerves.
Mr. Choi regarded you with a warm and teasing smile as you bowed in greeting. "Ah, there she is!" he exclaimed with feigned, feigned, disappointment. "The famous Y/N who refuses my invitations to the summerhouse. But with my son, suddenly she finds the time."
Mrs. Choi chuckled softly at her husband's jest, her eyes filled with warmth.
You felt a warmth spread across your cheeks, totally embarrassed. "I'm truly sorry, Mr. Choi," you apologized, your voice soft. "It's just... Seungcheol has a way of convincing me."
Mr. Choi's eyes gleamed with an affectionate pride as he spoke. "When Seungcheol was younger," he began, gesturing with his hands, "he used to come to me, curious about you. He would ask, 'Father, do you think Noona could be interested in someone like me?'"
His voice was tinged with amusement as he continued, "I always told him, 'Son, Y/N is quite the catch. You just need to be patient, and show her your true self.' And look where we are now."
"'How is Noona today?' 'What's Noona doing?' 'When is Noona coming to visit?'" His mom continues. 
Seungcheol's face flushed a deeper shade of red, and he hurriedly covered his face with his hands, visibly embarrassed by his father's words. You seized the opportunity to add to the teasing, a playful grin on your face.
"Oh, Cheollie," you teased, "So it's true, you were quite smitten with me even back then. How utterly endearing."
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printanica · 1 year
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below10dollargifts1 · 2 years
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Below10dollargifts is a top corporate gifts company in Singapore with more than 25 years of experience in the field. We are committed to providing the best corporate gifting solutions at the most competitive prices.
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Corporate Gifting: To your most valuable employees, clients and customers
A great gift that should always make a happy memory. Some gifts are big, some are small, but the ones that come from the heart are the big gifts for all. Celebration and laughter are two of their best gifts of them. We are gifting a great present to our loved ones, colleagues, clients, and employers.
Cooperatives of combined efforts of a group of persons are working together as a team. Our duty is to make our clients and employees happy. We give them precious gifts.
When it comes to employees, corporating gift ideas can help you in strengthening your relationship with them and boost their morale. You can also reward them for their hard work or celebrate a milestone in your organization’s journey. Such activities enhance positiveness in your workplace. It leads to a number of long-term benefits such as high productivity.
What is Corporate Gifting?
Corporate gifting is the practice of creating a touchpoint with employees, and clients, through the use of a gift. It is a physical item such as a practical swag piece, an edible treat, a personalized clothing item, etc. Like an eGift card etc.
Why is Corporate Gifting Important?
Receiving a gift is a powerful experience that creates a sense of connection to the giver. It can create positive associations with a person or a brand. Companies and marketers have long and relied on the power of gifting to secure better relationships with potential and existing clients. This shows appreciation for their business. When used as part of your overall marketing or employee retention efforts, gifting can be highly effective in terms of ROI, satisfaction, etc.
The Psychology of Corporate Gifts
The effectiveness of gift-giving strongly correlates to its psychological impact on others. Have you ever got an unexpected surprise or treat you’ve personally experienced this phenomenon in? This is partly because physical contact with a gift results in the Endowment effect—a sense of ownership over many items. It translates into an individual valuing it more highly, according to the study on the impact of gifting on business outcomes. It also influences feelings of trust. This effect can be seen in the results of marketing and gift-giving in several common scenarios for corporate gifting.
For our Prospects
Gifting can make you motivate those who are not yet your customers to become one. All Consumers say that they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences. A great way of gifts for customers. Sending the right gift at the right time can be the motivator for prospects to take the desired able action, such as completing a purchase, signing up for service, etc.
For the Clients
A benefit from well-timed corporative gifts for clients. It can let them know their business is valued, and encourage them to continue their service or become brand evangelists. It has the power to bring your company back to top-of-mind in cases where it’s been a while since the last interaction. Consumers with an emotional connection to a great brand.
For the Employees
Clients and prospects aren’t the important people businesses need to consider. In many cases, the key to great customer outcomes starts much closer to our home. This relates to direct mail gifts; however, if you’ve ever been the recipient of some nicely-branded, high-quality apparel. Have you known it can work for your staff as well?
These corporative gifts for customers, when they are of good quality and well-personalized, create a feeling of being valued by your employer. It fosters a sense of belonging and connection to the team. These feelings translate into the way employees go about their different roles and the quality of service. They provide us with external stakeholders, customers, and prospects.
Personal Events:
A new family member or personal milestone is the completion of a certificate or degree program. Like a new home, or other personal achievements.
The Company Events:
For many years of service, like milestone years, service level recognition, or the completion of industry-specific training programs. It further increases their skills.
Special Recognition:
Somewarding instances where an employee saved the day or went the extra mile to help a business goal or a colleague.
Corporating Gifting Statistics
Corporate gifting is effective for many great reasons: Direct mail gets regular and concerted attention. It has a wide-reaching, positive effect on recipients. It triggers the responses on a psychological and emotional level. Let’s have a look at five connected statistics and how they relate to gifting:
Many people read or scan their mail daily.
About 75% of people at least scan with direct mail due to the strong emotional response
79% of consumers find reading the mail more convenient than going online. After all, it’s right there and waiting for it!
It's 38% of respondents say that the physical properties of mail influence how they feel about the sender.
Campaigns including direct about 27% more likely to deliver top-ranking sales performance.
About 40% more likely to deliver top-ranking acquisition levels, versus campaigns without mail.
Physical contact results in the Endowment effect which is a sense of ownership. It over an item translates into an individual valuing it more highly.
Some of the Corporate Gifting Trends
Heading into a new decade, the evolution of corporate gifting is set to continue its evolution. Many of the experts we’ve been polled expect the growth of sending and direct mail marketing. It continues with some specific areas of growth and change highlighted within their predictions:
Overall, there is the use of direct mail marketing and corporate gifting will continue. It delivers as large as 10x returns on investment.
Experts can see increased consolidation of employee and prospect gifting programs. The single brand initiatives that will improve recognition and brand perceptions.
There is an unexpected expansion of gifting going beyond the traditional marketing department applications Some other departments, like customer care and HR.
Improved personalization and automation will be at the forefront of growth and a trend toward more inclusive and sustainable gifting selections.
So, giving a great corporate gift to customers is certainly just as important as anyone else.  While looking for an ideal product or gift to give to customers, you should try the industry and USP of your brand.
A good, happy and impressed customer will not only buy more from you but will also spread the word. This leads to better goodwill in front of the market and helps you to enhance your brand’s image in the market.
Some Handpicked Corporate Gift Ideas
There are many gift ideas for cooperative gifts for clients and employers.
1. Send a Gift Box:
2. Magic of Gift Cards:
3. Flowers (Pink roses, white roses) and cake:
4. Experience Surprises:
5. Sweet Treat Hampers:
6. Accessories Combo:
7. Best Office Essentials:
8. The Bounty of Books:
Some Others are:-
But some perfect and great corporate gifts for employees from http://allcorporategifts.com/
Drink Ware
Browse the collection of corporate drinkware products. Best Quality & Value For Money Product. Some variety of mugs, Flask, and Sippers.
The notebooks with eye-catching with distinctive designs. The notebook is stylish and trendy. Minimal size is ideal for sliding into a pocket or handbag.
Trophies and Mementos
Trophies & Mementos are elegant and perfect for your employees, executives, and associates. Corporate awards are huge and a great way to motivate your team. Corporate awards are most commonly used in different ways. Like awards, sale awards, safety awards, quality awards, customer service awards, an employee of the month awards, distributor and customer appreciation awards, etc.
The bags are comfortable for all-day use and very attractive in looks. An adjustable shoulder strap and padded laptop compartment are necessities to be kept in the bag. The padded interior helps protect notebooks and important items for you.
As we can see, corporate gifts for employees can help your company in all aspects. From strengthening your relationships with your best employers to winning the hearts of your customers, they offer you a lot of great benefits.
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luvwestwood · 9 months
"Working Overtime" - Toji Fushiguro
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4,469 words.
warnings. nsfw (18+), toji is your boss, escort reader, thigh riding, p in v, spitting, toji rails you on a balcony, exhibitionism?, toji fucks you on a pile of money, mention of size difference, hair pulling, eye contact, oral sex (f receiving), creampie, praising, light aftercare
notes. corporate girlie by day, escorting by night. out of all people, who knew your own boss had to be tonights client? (ok but wealthy toji is such a refreshing experience from broke homeless smelly ass toji.)
art used is by @/yunonoai
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Being able to say you work under Mr. Fushiguro meant that you were gifted of some kind. Just having the privilege to do so puts you on top of others in society.
Toji Fushiguro himself possessed a different category of wealth. Any high-rise building you walk into in the whole of New York, you could be 99.9% sure that he owns it.
Five star hotels, bars of any kind, and award-winning Michelin restaurants. Oh, you name it. This was his world and we were just living in it.
On the other hand, the Fushiguro company's pay was decent. Working conditions were way above standard. It was a luxury to work in his office, but knowing you, it just wasn't enough.
You needed more than that. Which is why you took up escorting, suggested by your best-friend one night while the two of you were intoxicated by liquor. She told you that you had the looks, the bod, and a personality anyone would die for. And lastly, you were captivating - you could have anything your way.
At first you took it as a joke. Thinking she was just being a lick ass. But surprisingly you had tried it out not long after the idea was proposed, and you ended up making almost double your annual net salary in just four months. This night job was a secret that only you and your best-friend knows about.
Of course, you worked on the weekends. Choosing to work Monday to Thursday would’ve been self sabotage.
You had more than enough money to buy whatever you want, send your mom on holiday, and you were always on top of rent. Your corporate job was just something to get through the day with rather than rotting at home.
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During shifts, you and the other escorts would hang around in the night club changing rooms. Most of the girls were also strippers in the same club, but that wasn’t really your thing. So you just stayed with escorting. Your manager would just assign each of you clients, unless someone has personally booked you in.
Speaking of which, a voice came from the door frame. “Star, you have a client tonight. 9PM.” Star wasn’t your real name, it was just a fake one that you used while you escorted. It was safer, and most of the other girls did the same.
You look at Geto, your boss, in the reflection of the vanity mirror. Busy polishing up your eyeliner, you try your best not to poke yourself in the eye. “Name? And did he obey my no-home rule?”
As an escort, you did have some rules for your own service. You figured you’ve been doing this for quite a reasonable amount of time, so you made a personal rule where you’d refuse to go to a clients house. For safety reasons.
“Goes by the name.. uh… Eznin? And he did indeed. Seems like he booked in for the Ritz Carlton on 25 West. Think he’s a first time client too.” He reads the details off his tablet.
Of course, it just had to be one of Fushiguros hotels. You literally couldn’t escape that man.
The other girls in the room purred, “Aren’t you lucky.. Seems like he has money, don’t ya think?” Meimei takes a puff of her cigarette, looking at you in the mirror aswell for a response. “Maybe check for an expensive watch? I’d take it if I were you.”
“Not funny, Meimei.” She was known for stealing from her clients, you never knew how she got away with it. It even got so bad to the point that she sp¡ked a client, taking his wallet afterwards.
Getting up from the chair, you made your way behind the dressing divider, shimmying your robe off to slide on a dark blue lingerie set. Over it, you wore a simple black dress. I mean, you could never go wrong with a little black dress.
Throwing on some matching strappy heels, you stuffed your purse with some condoms and lube. And a plan B, of course.
“Your rides sorted,” Geto stood back from the door frame. “I’ll text you any further details.”
“Copy,” after spritzing on some perfume, you made your way out of the club.
An all-black SUV was waiting for you outside the entrance. Your favourite driver, Todo was standing beside the car door, smiling as you approached him.
“Hi, Todo.” You smiled as he held the door open.
“You look wonderful miss.” Todo smiles back before closing the door, walking around to the drivers side.
The car drives on, and as you were securing a secret mic in your purse, (for safety reasons but the client never knows) Todo speaks.
“Ah- Miss, not sure if I should disclose this information but your client tonight is.. very wealthy.” His leather covered hands clutch onto the wheel. “I’d be more demanding if I were you, make the most of it.”
Breaking out into a laugh, you stop fiddling with your bag, to look at him in the rear view mirror. “..Is that so?”
“Yeah… thought I might let you know.” He grins, bringing the car to a stop. Todo quickly scurries out of the vehicle before you could, opening the door for you.
“Thanks for the ride, Todo.” You slipped a $20 bill in his hand. “I’ll text you when I’m finished.”
He nods, getting back into the car as you made your way inside of the hotel.
Checking your phone for updates, Geto sent you a text with all the details around five minutes ago.
Eznin Caln 30 years old, Net worth- $307,473,297 Floor number 43, he’ll let you in.
You walked over to the elevators, luckily one was already open. Taking a look at the buttons panel, you looked for a 43. Noticing it was the last highest button, you raised an eyebrow before pressing it.
Clutching onto the straps of your purse, the doors closed. You could only look at yourself in the metal reflection, taking a few deep breaths. Of course, you made sure to send a text back to Geto to let him know you were at the hotel.
Although you were decently experienced in this job, you’d still get nervous each time you were about to meet your clients.
Setting down the fly aways in your hair, the elevator came to a halt.
The metal doors opened before your eyes. Hesitant, you walked inside, the bottom of your heels tapping against the wooden floors.
“..Hello?” You peeked inside the other rooms in the penthouse, one being a mini office that seemed like someone was just there, the other being a bedroom with big windows and a balcony, overlooking the city.
A deep voice spoke behind you. “Can I help you?”
You gasp, clutching onto your chest as you turned around. “I’m so sorr- Mr. Fushiguro?!”
Your eyes widened, and his mouth wide open. He was only in a towel wrapped around his waist, his dark hair wet from a fresh shower. You couldn’t help but ogle the drops of water that decorated his muscular body.
“…Are you.. the escort?”
Unable to form words, you swallowed your spit before speaking. “I.. I am.” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, looking down at the ground.
“Alright, make yourself comfortable.” He eyed you up and down, a mini towel in his hand to dry his hair. “Sorry you have to see me like this, excuse me while I put some clothes on.”
Is he not going to question anything?..
Your breath hitched, God, did he know I was eyeing him? “Okay..”
He turned around to go back to the bathroom, but looked over his shoulder as he was doing so. “Just call me Toji, we’re outside of work.”
You watched as Toji continued to walk away, “Well.. I’m basically working, aren’t I.” you muttered under your breath, making sure he doesn’t hear.
Looking around, you remembered that he owned this hotel. I should’ve known when I was going to the 43rd floor, he doesn’t let anyone in here.
You walked over to his bedroom, it was bigger than your own apartment. The sheets were neatly made, and a bottle of Malbec sat on a table near the window.
Placing your purse on small sofa, you removed your jacket, neatly folding it over the arm rest aswell.
You made your way to his closet, in search for a white robe. There was a robe on the hanger beside his freshly dry cleaned suits. You took it out, tracing your fingers over “The Ritz-Carlton” that was embroidered onto the front in cursive.
Sliding your dress off, you covered yourself in the robe, only the dark blue lingerie set underneath. Afterwards you tied a knot around your waist with the belt. Kicking off your heels, you placed them inside the closet, along with your dress that was neatly folded.
Although you were an escort, you made sure to clean up after yourself. You hated leaving a mess around, so you respected your clients by making sure to leave the place clean.
You could hear Toji walk into the bedroom. Closing the doors of the closet, you turned to him, and he was already busy getting the wine bottle open with a corkscrew.
Taking a seat on the armchair in front of him, causing you to be at crotch level with Toji. You watched as his arms flex each time he handled the bottle.
You noticed Toji was in a more relaxed outfit. He wore a dark grey cotton longsleeve that sculpted over his muscles like paint, with bottoms in a matching colour and fabric.
“Toji,” you called out his name.
The pouring of the wine stopped, his fingers gently pushing the glass towards you. “Hmm?”
Taking the glass by the stem, you twisted it between your fingers. “Do you regularly hire escorts?”
Toji walked over to the edge of the bed, sitting down. He sighed, looking at the city view in front of him. “No,” taking a sip, he continued. “This is my first time, actually.”
You did the same, but taking a tinier sip. You didn’t want to be tipsy while carrying out your service. It was too dangerous. “..Oh.”
Looking back at Toji, he was busy staring at the red liquid swirling around in the glass. “I dont even really know how they work.”
As you were about to take another sip, you paused. Your eyes looked at him over the rim of the glass, before placing it back down on the table.
“You can just do whatever you want with me, really.” You crossed your legs, exposing the bare skin on your thigh to him.
"I see," he nods, slightly leaning back onto the bed, using his hands for support.
"So, you made up your mind yet?" you got up from the arm chair, making your way to Toji who was on the bed. "What you wanna do?" You stood yourself between his legs, as he tried his best to hold himself back from pulling on the knot that was holding your entire robe together.
Toji's hands rested on your hips on top the robe, dangerously close to your ass. He made sure to bring you closer to him, almost pressing your chest to his face at this point. "I don't know," His free hand tugged on the knot of the belt, slowly unraveling it until the robe slid off your body. "Maybe you, if that's an option."
He could feel his cock strain against his pants as he took in the sight of you in nothing but lingerie, it felt like he was opening a present on his birthday. Blue was his favorite color.
You choked on your words at his response, he sure did have a way with his words. "I don't usually allow that, but maybe I'll let it slide tonight."
Toji caressed your wet lip with his thumb, gradually sliding it inside of your mouth as you sucked on it gently. He stops and moves you to the side by the waist, getting up from the bed.
Confused, you stay standing in front of the bed, watching Toji as he grabs something from the drawer. He eventually makes his way back onto the bed, but this time, leaning his head back against the head-board.
Toji takes out his wallet, pulling a $20 bill out and placing it on the nightstand beside him. "..Crawl over to me."
Your lashes flutter as you watched him place the bill on the night stand, you could only obey what he asked you to do. 'I'm just doing my job.. this doesn't mean anything. He will forget about this.' You constantly chanted this in your thoughts, completely disregarding the fact that he was your boss.
You crawled onto the bed, and slowly to him. Toji's eyes watched you closely making sure to tell you, "Stop," as you were just about to crawl onto his lap.
He takes out another $20 bill from his wallet, this time, two. Toji gently raised his knee, just enough for it to rub against your warm cunt that was covered by the lace panties. "Ride my leg, until I tell you to stop."
Aroused, which you are not meant to be, you couldn't help but sink yourself down onto his leg. Part of you wanted this, but you did at good job at not showing it.
You slowly started to move your hips back and forth on his lower thigh, placing both of your hands down in front of you for support. Toji's hardened cock begging to come out as he watched you closely.
If you were to lift up his top, you’d be able to see his leaking top peeking out of his waistband. The straps of your bra slowly fell down off your shoulders. Toji could almost groan at this lewd sight in front of him.
"Good girl," He did his best to hold himself back from holding onto your hips, "Keep going."
A spot on the fabric of his pants turned into a darker grey than before, your slick making its way through your panties. Nothing can be done.
Breathy moans started to crawl out of your throat, Toji noticing as you started to grind on his leg harder and slightly faster. "Stop."
You whimpered quietly as Toji retracted his leg from underneath you, observing the newly made wet spot on his pants. "Look at this mess you made all over me.."
Speechless, and breathless, you fell back onto your heels in front of Toji, he took another bill out, but this time $50.
"..I want that bra off." He slaps the bill onto the growing pile on the nightstand, followed by another 50. But he doesn't take his eyes off you. "And the panties. They're kinda annoying me now."
Doing exactly as he said, Toji's hand rested on his crotch, aching to palm himself through his pants. You slowly, but teasingly unclasped your bra, Toji clearing his throat by the time your tits were finally on display to him.
Followed by your soaked underwear, which at this point was no use. They managed to fly across the bedroom, hanging off a small statue that was on top of a console table.
He just wanted to wrap his mouth around each of them, or even motorboat your titties.
Toji propped himself up in a less relaxed position. "Lie down on your back, legs spread."
Your last sight was him before you fell back on to the bed, your head nearly hanging off the edge. Toji noticed your nipples hardened as soon as your skin made contact with the cold satin sheets. You felt the weight of the bed shift around, as Toji grabbed both of your legs by the thighs, positioning his head between them.
Squirming about, Toji peppered kisses on your inner thighs, his large hand wrapped around one of them. Wasting no time, he went straight to sucking and softly biting on your folds, using his tongue to lap at your bud until it was swollen. Moaning into your pussy, he softly massaged the flesh of your thigh, the vibrations from his grunts adding more to your stimulation.
Busy sucking away, wet noises from his tongue and the slick of your dripping pussy echoing throughout the bedroom. His hand reached behind him, then slowly went back over his shoulder. It was a $100 bill, tucked between his index and middle finger.
You were too busy hanging your head off the edge of the bed in pleasure, grabbing the sheets beside you and wrinkling them as Toji devoured you like he hasn't eaten for weeks.
The paper bill fell onto your stomach, tickling you slightly. You could feel Toji spit onto your pussy, the saliva trickling down almost into your hole before he slurped it back up, sticking his fingers in there instead. You felt them slide into you with ease, Toji swirling his warm tongue around on your clit.
"O-oh God.. To..ji." You managed to choke out a moan, your manicured hands clawing at his hair and eventually messing it up.
Letting go of your thigh, he used his now free hand to fondle with your breasts eagerly, twisting your nipples between his fingertips before giving them a slap.
One last lick on your clit, Toji removed his head between your legs, this time his whole body kneeling between them. You sneakily push up against him, his bulge through his pants grazing against your bare cunt.
Using your strength to lift your head from the edge of the bed, you watched as he took off his shirt, letting it fall onto the floor. Its neckline was soaked from eating you out earlier, but we don't talk about that.
Panting, his hands frantically rummage through his wallet. You noticed it was still bulky, as if the previous cash he pulled out didn't make any difference to the amount he had now.
Toji pulled out $1000 all in 20 bills, your eyes widening, wondering if he was serious.
"Please.. let me fuck you." Toji also sat back on his heels, $1000 in his hands as you were underneath him, fully naked. He just wanted to indulge himself in you, and if he could, he'd make this night last forever.
You slowly nodded, honestly begging to having his cock inside of you too. Before you knew it, your vision was filled with the $1000 raining down onto your body, and by your sides on the bed. He quickly pulled his bottoms down to his knees, before realising they were too annoying. He proceeds to fully kick them off.
Toji glances around the room for a condom, before you stopped him. "..Is it okay if we don't use one? ..I want to feel every inch of you."
You read his mind. "Anything you want, gorgeous."
His large hands shuffled through the pile of cash that was over your body, making sure that he could still see your tits and your beautiful face.
One hand grabbed onto your waist, and the other was used to align the tip of his cock with your hole. As soon as he slightly pushed the tip in, both of his hands were on your waist now.
Toji carefully slid in, making sure you take every inch of him. He closes his eyes in pleasure as he feels your plush walls clench around him, Tojis grip on your waist intensifying.
And, god was he big. In both cock, and Toji in general, he could destroy you if he decided to use full stength tonight.
"Y-you're too.. big," Toji not even halfway, you cry out, only wrinkling the sheets more to the point they weren't tucked into the frame hotel-style anymore.
You could feel both of his thumbs caress the soft skin of your sides as he cooed, "I know baby, I know," Toji let out a grunt as he tried to move in and out of you.
The difference of size between you and Toji made you throb, at this point he could just use his hands to fuck you on his cock back and forth like a doll in his grasp.
Toji starts to pant as he picked up the pace of his ruts, your tits bouncing, only adding to the pornographic sight in front of him.
Covering your face with your hands, you moan into them, the feeling of being full with Tojis cock was driving you mad. You could feel one hand let go of your waist, bringing it to your wrist to pull it away from covering your face.
The rustling of the cash beneath you and the sound of skin slapping echoed out into the living room from the bedroom. "Look at me when I fuck you," Toji says sternly, causing you to whimper in agitation as you did your best to keep your eyes on his.
"To..Toji.." You moan out, choking on your words as your hand grabbed onto his that was wrapped around on your waist.
"Come on doll, say my name." Turning feral, Toji pounds into you like a fleshlight. Voice shaking as you try to moan out his name, and by tomorrow you wouldn't be surprised if you lost your voice.
He comes to a halt, completely. Toji slides his cock out of you, a creamy white ring formed at the base. You whine before he hushes you. "Y'know what," He picks you up, cradling you in his arms.
You switch positions, instead you lock your legs around his waist, as the two of you made your way to the balcony door of the bedroom. Is he..
Toji slid the glass door open, the two of you stepping out into the balcony. It wasn't cold, and you could see the still busy city carrying on with life underneath the hotel.
Suddenly, Toji peeled your legs off his waist, making you face the railing, and the city in front of you. You gasp as he roughly positioned your body, placing one leg up onto the rail, your two hands clutching onto the cold metal.
He slides into you again, but this time not allowing you to adjust. Toji immediately goes in with brutal force, your ass ripping against his pelvis as he drilled into you. On the balcony. For anyone to watch.
Toji spits again, his saliva falling onto your asshole and soon enough drips onto his cock that was continuously pounding in and out of you.
Your moans broke out into a giggle due to the ticklish feeling, Toji couldn’t help but smile at your reaction.
Both hands on your waist, Toji groans in pleasure and praises you non-stop for taking him like a good girl. His hand wrapped around your lower stomach as he felt you give in, your legs unable to support yourself. "You're doing so good for me," he whispers in to your ear, only to leave a trail of wet kisses down your back afterwards,
You moan continuously, for sure, everyone below could hear. Your hand made its way to Toji's nape, bringing him closer to you as he repeatedly fucked into your sweet spot.
"I’d do anything to be able to see a view like this one for the rest of my life," his left hand made its way down to your clit, lazily rubbing circles.
This just did it for you, lowly moaning, you let go of Tojis neck. Leaning forward, you rest your chin on the metal rail ontop of your same hands that were grabbing onto it. But a certain someone didn't let you do that.
Toji immediately grabbed you by your hair, pulling you back against his chest, taking your leg off the rail. You felt him interlock his hands around your inner elbow, suddenly fucking into you upwards as you grab onto his bicep for support.
"G-o-d Toji, please just f-u-ck your c-um into me." The enunciation of your words came out in bits, as Toji drilled up into you at a brutal pace.
He grinned against your necks skin, leaning further to plant kisses on your jaw."You want me to fill you with my cum, huh?"
You frantically nod, but that wasn't enough of an answer for a man like Toji.
"Oh baby, use your words." He purred into your ear, holding his orgasm to make sure you get it when you deserve it.
"I need it- I need it so ba-ad." You whimpered out, squeezing onto his bicep. "Please, Toji."
He whined, balls tightening as he heard you beg for him. You already drove him crazy, and that only drove him crazier. With one deep thrust, his movements come to a halt, allowing his warm, thick seed to fill you up completely.
Toji placed more kisses onto your back and your neck, making sure to never lose grip of you in case you go all jelly. Followed by him, slowly pulling his cock out of you, his load dripping out of your hole and onto the balcony flooring.
He stuck two of his fingers back into you, slowly fucking the load inside of you to make sure it stays inside. With his cum covered fingers, he slid the two of them past your lips and into your mouth. You sucked on them, humming as it covered your taste buds, and eventually swallowing.
Toji slapped your ass, and you yelped, giving him a glare. He chuckled before picking you back up bridal style, carrying you back inside the penthouse.
He gently and carefully placed you on the bed, quickly cleaning a bit of the mess you two made around the room.
"How about I go run us a nice bath, hmm?"
Fiddling with your thumbs, you watched as Toji neatly fold the pile of money together alongside the one on the night stand. Of course, it’s still yours. "That sounds good," You smiled as he walked over to give you a peck on the forehead.
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The dripping of water from the bath tap rang throughout the room, Toji leaning back against you as the two of you were in the tub. You squeezed a sponge over his abs, the hot water dripping down his skin as he closed his eyes.
"..Toji," you called out his name, and he hums back in response.
You gently rubbed the sponge up and down his arm, "Would you say this counts as me working overtime for you?"
He smiles, opening his eyes to look up at you. "I'll add another $500 bonus and a shopping spree if you ride me in this tub."
You scoff, letting go of the sponge as you sulk against the marble of the tub. "I'm literally stuffed with your cum. I think you had enough, thank you very much."
Toji only laughs, "Aren't you forgetting you got an asshole and that throat of yours? We can easily squeeze in three more rounds."
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ © luvwestwood ‘24. all works are owned by me, and originally come from my own head. please do not re-post on a third party platform without my permission!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ as always, thank you for the love on each and every one of my posts. 🎀🩷
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servantofthefates · 21 days
Life-Changing Money Manifestation Tip 💰
This is not a technique I learned from books, or a principle my elders taught me. It is simply something I have observed to be unfailingly effective.
I know it might seem counterintuitive, impractical, and perhaps even downright foolish. But it has been consistently true for me and the people around me.
The tip is: Never ever be frugal with money.
Even when you're afraid you won't have enough, be open-handed with your spending. Spend on your needs, spend on your wants, spend on others who deserve your generosity. Just. Keep. Spending.
The fuck, right? What if you already don't have enough to begin with?
Well, you know how they say, "Love is infinite" or "There's enough love to go around" or "Love multiplies, it doesn't divide"?
The same is true for money.
Money is energy. It just happens to have physical manifestations like coins, bills or gold.
Love too is energy. It just happens to have physical manifestations like kisses, words or gifts.
And it is common knowledge that if we wish to be loved, we must first love ourselves, and give love freely to those who are worth it. We must let love flow through us.
Same with money. If we want to have it, we must first spend it on ourselves and give it freely to those we deem worth it. We must let money flow through us.
And flow it will.
Just as it is nearly impossible for a cold-hearted person to invite love, it is also very hard for a stingy person to invite money.
I have seen this first-hand many times.
This man owned a boutique advertising agency. He gave out bonuses and free international trips to his team the way corporations give out cheap pizzas to their employees. And back then, this man's business thrived. Some months, he made more than global agencies did. And the awards were pouring in too. He was on top of the world.
Suddenly, his elderly mother got terribly sick, and he panicked. He knew he had to spend a fortune on her medical bills, and his fear got the best of him. So he cancelled the free trips. He stopped giving bonuses. Eventually, he even cut down salaries and moved to a smaller office.
One year later, his business went bankrupt. Because all his talented employees left. And with that, the trust of his clients dried out. His business — which had the potential to become an empire — ended up becoming just a TikTok trend.
Because he held on to money too tightly... money felt suffocated and walked out on him entirely.
The opposite example is me. No, I do not also own an ad agency. But I have learned to never worry about money. And since then, money has never disappointed me.
Last year, someone dear to me had been praying for a MacBook, but her parents couldn't afford it. I too couldn't afford it. Not without digging into my savings. So I did. Because I know money will always come back to me. And it did.
Two days after I placed the order, I received an email from Shareworks that my stocks were ready to be withdrawn. The amount? Double what I paid for the Mac. These stocks are released yearly, so I tend to forget about them. But they came at the right time.
And it is like this every time.
I buy a Louis Vuitton bag with money meant for my holiday. Suddenly, a friend invites me to go with them on a fully paid trip to the same country I was planning to visit.
I buy a bunch of tarot decks with a week's worth of transportation costs, and my company announces we're working from home for a week while they repair some rain damage.
I buy a box of Patchi chocolates when I'm already short on my monthly budget, and my salary gets released early because it's the holidays, and the CEO is feeling friendly.
I know life is not always as sweet as I described it to be. Sometimes, it's not about Louis Vuittons and Patchis, but about diapers and cough medicine. I am perfectly aware some people are struggling — not about holidays and tarot splurges, but about keeping the electricity on and putting food on the table. I will not pretend to know the solution to their hardships.
What I do know is there are people who are considered poor in my community who are seriously way happier than me. And I know I have had bosses who made thrice as I did who were far more miserable than me.
And that tells me that despite our different stations in life, energy is energy. And it's always best to let it flow freely.
So I repeat... never ever be frugal with money.
When it knocks on your door, say, "Hey, nice to see you!" When it leaves your house, say, "See you again soon!" And when it finally seems to be making itself at home, do not lock it in the basement. Cook dinner with it. Invite your friends over. Watch a movie. Do karaoke. Look money in the eyes and say, "I'm glad you've decided to stay."
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writingbynova · 2 months
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Nanami Kento
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ⊹ : ceo! Nanami x employeefem!reader - explicit content; minors DNI - pwp (porn with slight plot) [un]protected sex - pet names (princess) - kinda possessive - mind breaking - this is short af coz I'm sleepy sorry babes ♡ (let me know if I missed any tags)
Word count: ~ idk but it's short
A corporate bitch. It's what you could call yourself. Clean, demure, obedient, quiet. It's the etiquette you held onto. Until he ripped it off.
"show me your true self"
Finally your first year in this company, although that wasn't the reason for the party. Your boss, the ceo had just signed an extremely promising deal, thus, a party was thrown to celebrate. You were walking from the car to the entrance of the building, like you had done so many times but today was different, these heels were high, this dress wasn't something you'd usually wear to a party, it wasn't something you'd wear at all, you only did because your friends forced you to, a strapless corset-top short black velvety dress, barely hiding your ass from anyone who walked behind you, that made you more nervous than ever.
You finally walked in the building lobby, it was empty except for a security guard, asleep. You walked to the elevator to the sound of your heels hitting the cold building floor. The closer you got to the 17th floor, the louder it was, the more anxious you got, your heartbeat ringing through your ears, you weren't late, you had brought a gift, but you were so anxious, oh how you wished to turn back, this was a bad idea, you should have sat this one out, why did you want to integrate in the company so much? this was not your place to be, you're not welcome- *DING*
The elevator's metal pans slid open, exposing you to the whole room. They all stared at you. All of them. You walked into the room, trying your best to ignore the eyes following you. What was wrong with them?
As the party went on something felt different, entirely too different. The atmosphere has shifted, he was too close to you. Nanami Kento. CEO. Ever since you handed him the gift you got, his gaze hadn't left you. You tried ignoring it but how could you ? You could feel your heart beating harder every time your eyes crossed his. As the night went on people your coworkers started leaving, one after the other. Some offered to take you home, even though you had driven there. But he opposed it every time. Saying you had 'promised to help him clean after they all left' of course nobody would defy the boss words, except you. You would, but the grip his hand had on your hip made you a pliant corporate bitch. You stood next to him until the last person left. And when the elevator door finally closed on your last coworker you were met with reality. It was only you and him left. You didn't dare moving. But you could feel the butterflies in your stomach your thoughts ravaging your mind. Your pussy already excited at the thought of what could happen.
"You were beautiful tonight." His words caught you off guard "oh!  thank you so much si-"
"Don't you ever dare wear something like that again around here? Understood? I don't like the way those bastards look at you, I should be the only one allowed to look at your beautiful body sway in this room. Right before my eyes. Now come on darling, give me a private show."
Oh and a show you held. Your body writhed against him, his arms bouncing you on his thick large cock. Your heels were slowly dropping to the floor, your makeup was ruined, mascara dripping, lipstick all over his shirt's collar instead of your lips. Which instead were quietly moaning his name. "You've always been such a nice girl. Always dressing modest, being quiet, shameful. But today...ah... Coming in, dressed so sluttily? How could I resist indulging in you?" You could barely speak, your mind only focused on how good it felt. "Thought, ahh, you'd like i-it" you whimpered, shuddering above him. "I loved it princess"
This wasn't the plan, you were supposed to spend some time at the party, not spend the entire night riding your ceo's dick like a whore...but it felt so damn nice. His hands rubbing your lower back enticing you to go rogue on him "I know you've been holding back. Tonight you need to let go, show me your true self princess" his words ignited a fire in you. You felt so little in his arms, tightly holding your body close to his. You felt so hot. Burning, you buried your face in his neck "I need your help" you whispered, as much as you wanted to let go and show your true disheveled self to him. He had to provoke it. You had turned into the perfect corporate robot for him. Now he had to fuck you out of your shell.
"Mhm, gladly"
"Ah! K-Kento, s-so de—ep, fu-fuckk, 's too good" you cried, panting heavily beneath him.
You used your elbow to cover your face, hiding how good you felt. In vain.
"Told you I want to see that pretty face, hide from me again I'll fuck you on your own desk so you'll think about it every time you sit in that chair" he groaned, sliding his thumb to abuse your throbbing clit. "Ngh! Ah- m-mercy Ken" You whined, immediately revealing your face. "Mhm much better". His hips slammed against you, drowning you in pleasure, you struggled to talk, struggled to breathe. You held your body up on your elbow, unable to keep your head from bobbing around. You felt your legs spasm, your toes curling, you threw your head back, biting your lower lip. But you were too far, too far from him to give in. You mechanically stretched your hand, in a desperate attempt to feel him, body to body. He's Nanami Kento. Did you really think he'd disappoint ? His arms immediately wrapped around your back, pulling you into his hold, you gasped, almost choking on the air that filled your lungs, feeling his tip nudge your g-spot, with each thrust he rammed into you. He slightly moved back, his forehead against yours, his eyes dug into yours, watching you break. You felt too close entirely too close, it's like you were losing control over your body. And you did. It only took one thrust. Only one. You were cumming, all over him, throbbing and pulsating around his girth cock. Fat tears slipping out your pretty eyes. Oh he'd indulge in you every day from now on. What a perfect employee he had.
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TYSM for reading!! And for all the notes on my previous posts ♡
I'm so eepy rn so this is kinda trash but I wanted to post a little something, hope u enjoyed ♡
Divider by : adornedwithlight
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icannot3 · 9 months
(Peter Maximoff x Reader)
Word count:4.3k
Warnings: Smut with a LOT of plot below. Mutual pining. Female reader. Oral (f receiving), riding. So much sap it makes your teeth rot because I'm an unapologetically corny mf.
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The snow gently falls to the ground with a sense of elegance you find yourself encaptured with. Today has made for the perfect white Christmas as a hefty coating of fluffy snowfall stretches for as far as you can see. Your window is rather small, perfect for the modestly sized room you have in the X-mansion. The festivities around this time of year always excite you. Lights of every color illuminate your room in contrast with the dark night air from outside. Unfortunately, the weather hindered you from visiting any family, as they too were trapped in the security of their own homes. Nevertheless, your day was still rather enjoyable.
A knock at your door pulls you out of your relaxed state. It's already rather late, and the day is nearly over. Visitors at this trifling hour are typically frowned upon by Charles. Although you're a teacher, he always claims that it sets a "bad example" for the students. Luckily for your visitor, rules are only flexible guidelines in your eyes. You open the door and to your delight it's Peter.
His hands are behind his back, and he grins mischievously. Peter's balance switches as he moves back and forth on his heel, unable to contain his insurmountable joy. You already have a suspicion for what he's about to do. Perhaps the reason is because of the noticeable glittery bag he has in his hands that he is blatantly failing at hiding. You laugh at his antics, allowing him to come inside.
"Thanks, babe." Peter takes no time in allowing himself to get comfortable. After handing you your gift, he lazily flops down into your loveseat, right next to the tree. He props his feet up in a flash and stretches out comfortably.
This was nothing out of the normal for the two of you. Peter would often drop by just to keep you company. He himself bought the very couch he sits on just for that reason. Or at least you'd like to assume he bought it with his own hard-earned money. Chances are that he snatched it from a display window. Not that you felt bad for the greedy corporation he likely took it from. Peter would never steal from a small business, which truly was all you believed mattered. Peter grabs a sucker from his pocket, one of the ones you stuffed his stocking with earlier in the day. "I told ya' I got you a present, I just left it in my room."
You raise an eyebrow at him, grinning. "You're so full of it, I bet whatever is in this bag you got today." You begin to take out the red paper at the top, taking a seat on your bed. "But thank you regardless. This is sweet." There's a few filler candies, all notably your favorites that he's observed through the past couple of years you've known him. Your final gift is at the bottom, wrapped sloppily in perfect Peter fashion. There's multiple layers of paper wound around the small box, one of his trademarks he does every year to mess with you. You've counted five so far before there's a layer made entirely of ducktape. With that, you dramatically sigh and glare at him from your seat.
Peter cackles at your aggravation, offering absolutely no assistance. It doesn't help that your nails are short and give you no leverage in peeling the material away. After lots of triumph, the final layer is torn away at your desperate hands. A black jewelry box is revealed. Peter raises from his spot, standing in front of you. "I promise it's worth it."
He bites into his sucker impatiently, which makes a loud crunching noise that makes you cringe. Then, he places the stick back in his pocket. His eyes are locked on you, awaiting your reaction. The anticipation had nearly killed you already. Your thumb quickly pops off the top of the box to reveal whatever is inside.
It's a beautiful necklace, one that suits your style perfectly. It has sparkling diamond chippings shaped in the form of an infinity symbol. You gasp in awe at how thoughtful of a gift this is, especially from Peter. In the past, he'd never gotten you anything so sentimental. Granted, his gifts are always delightful, but this one in particular leaves you dumbfounded. The DVDs you'd gifted him earlier that day suddenly felt underwhelming in comparison.
"You like it?" Peter inquires. "It's because we're gonna be friends forever. Try putting it on." He gestures at the piece. For only a moment, you wonder if this is truly an act of simply friendship. A part of you hopes there's something more. But Peter remains nonchalant, acting as if this gift is casual. Shoving your feelings inside, you take the necklace out of the box and fidget with the hook.
Peter gently takes it from your hands. "Don't want ya' dropping it, aye? Am I the greatest gift finder or what?" He instructs you to turn around. You can hardly find yourself the will to deny him. His fingers tease the sensitive back of your neck as he fiddles with the chain. It sends a shiver down your spine. Your silence seems to worry your friend. Once Peter attaches the necklace together, he taps your shoulder. "You alright, bud?"
You swallow, turning around quickly to face him. "Oh! Yeah, totally. This was just so thoughtful of you, Peter. Seriously. How did you even come up with this?" You hope he doesn't notice the shakiness in your tone. Suddenly, rather riled up, you find it hard to sit still and speak to him.
He offers a grin you find assuring, his big brown eyes looking into yours. "Ah well, you know. I happened to be passing by this suuuper large jewelry place. I'm talking three stories alone were dedicated to just bracelets. And I thought, 'I know someone who wears this stuff all of the time!' So I walked in, saw it, and thought it was totally you!" Peter expressively talks with his hands, insisting on gesturing how large this place was by stretching his arms out as far as possible. His hand bumps your shoulder, leaving you laughing at his dramatics.
He stands up from your bed, which makes you feel rather upset at the now lack of closeness. "Anyways, it is getting kinda late. I guess I'll let ya' sleep. I heard from Raven that Hank is gonna be putting us to work during training tomorrow since we didn't do anything today." He slides by the door. You groan with frustration. No part of you doubts that statement. Peter nods his head in agreement, his eyebrows raising. "Oh, yeah, one final thing!"
You look at him, giving all of your attention. He turns the door knob getting ready to exit. "I figured, since neither of us really has anyone to be with for the New Years Party, that it might be cool if we kiss at midnight? You know, just cause' were pals, and it would be weird kissing anyone else. I mean, Jean has Scott, Raven and Hank will obviously go for one another like last year. And I trust that you don't wanna kiss Charles anytime soon. So it would probably be best for you and me to do it, that is if you're down?"
This leaves you stunned to silence, face red hot from the proposition. Your mouth is wide open, and you try to speak, but only a few incoherent noises come out. Peter throws his head back, laughing. "Don't stress, bud. I'll leave you to think about it. Later!" Without another moment to spare, he zips away.
Sleep doesn't come easily that night. Nor does it for the next six days at the thought of Peter suggesting kissing you.
New Years Day comes all too soon. The topic had not resurfaced since Christmas night. You'd thought about it daily. The topic had made you an absolute wreck, and Peter seemed truly unbothered. Everything had to be perfect. You spent nearly two hours preparing. From doing your hair to ensuring your lipstick went on just right. You chose a flattering black dress that did marvels for your curves.
It only made sense that at the beginning of the party, you'd taken a few shots of liquid courage to prepare you for what was to come. There isn't enough in your system to leave you incompetent, just to make your doubts feel a little lighter. Everyone gives you a kind word when you enter the room. Ororo is the first to shoot you a wink and compliment your outfit. You curiously scan the room, looking for your best friend that you did all of this for. Unable to spot him, you waltz over to the punch bowl. Whoever made it put edible glitter in the mix, which you found rather charming. There was also an array of different finger sandwiches, a cheese plate, fruits, and other mouth-watering treats you couldn't deny yourself from. Grabbing the largest plate available, you pick your fair share of what is there to offer. Loading the last small cookie onto your plate at the end of the line, you turn around only to jump at the sight of Peter right in front of you.
He catches your tray that slips out of your grasp for you expectantly. "Woah there, wouldn't wanna lose all of the snacks I prepared." He hands you back your plate graciously. "I'm glad someone wants them." Peter's eyes check out what's on your plate, scanning the items before taking a sandwich off it. You frown in disapproval as he takes a bite. "Hey! Get your own." You jokingly scold him. His hand cups his ear as he leans forward, acting as if he can not hear you. The sandwich is gone in three bites at his mercy. He guides you away from the snack station, pulling you to the side.
"Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about the other night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable at all. I'm sorry if what I said made you feel kinda creeped out. I promise that by me asking that I didn't wanna -" Quickly you object the rest of his sentence, shaking your head no at his apology. To silence him, you take a cookie off your plate and shove it into his mouth. His eyes grow wide when you do, but he takes bite and allows you to speak.
"No! I agree. You were right. It only makes sense that we kiss. No hard feelings at all!" You stammer with your words, the composure from earlier slipping away as you begin to already sober up.
Peter sighs with relief, putting his hand to his chest. "Good, I was getting a little worried. I guess we should get ready then. The countdown is about to start." He throws away the remaining scraps of your treats and leads you to the TV screen broadcasting the ball drop.
There's five minutes on the clock still, which gives you only a few moments to prepare. When Peter looks away, you check to make sure your breath smells fine. You hope he doesn't take too much notice of it. Adjusting your hair, you make sure all knots are untangled. There's a lingering thought that wonders what he'll do while he kisses you. Will he run his hand through your hair? Or will he pull you in by the waist? Your nerves begin to heighten when you remember how long it's been since you kissed someone last. What if you'd forgotten how to do it right, and it just makes the entire experience awkward? Peter is encaptured by the screen in front of him and takes no notice of your frenzied panic. There's thirty seconds on the clock now. You can hear your heart beating in your chest when everyone around you begins to count down.
Surely there's no way he'd judge you? He's your best friend. If the kiss goes badly, the two of you could just make a huge joke out of it, and it won't be an issue.
Peter finally turns to face you, grinning. Your doubts still ramble on. What if it is a big deal and he actually likes you, and every chance of the two of you getting together is ruined by this one single moment?
Peter pulls a festive paper hat with polkadots and streamers on it out of his pocket and places it on top of your head. There's a soft look in his eyes as he adjusts the string comfortably underneath your chin. Finally, your final doubts flow into the idea that this kiss could make your relationship more than just a friendship. You question everything leading up to this moment and think about the fact that there is a chance that Peter may truly love you in the same way.
The ball finally reaches the ground, and everyone cheers around you. There's no thinking allowed now, only action. Peter cheers with the others, blowing into his party horn before finally leaning in.
He places his hand underneath your chin delicately in order to tilt your face up to his. His free arm pulls you in closely. Like the fireworks being set off right outside, his lips ignite you with overwhelming emotions. He's soft with his kiss, sucking your lip with a sense tenderness you could only dream of receiving. You return it to the best of your ability, melting your lips with his in harmony. His nose brushes against your own as he pulls away, leaving you breathless.
It ends all too soon. You desperately crave for more and wish more than anything that he would pull you back into his arms and kiss you again. But instead of voicing this, you cheer giddily. Grabbing his obnoxiously loud party horn, you blow into it as well.
You look around at everyone else in the room who seemingly are also enjoying the party. This is because you can't bring yourself to meet his eyes, or else you'll become a mess. Peter was right on the money, predicting all of the couples that would be kissing at midnight. Hank and Raven are secluded in the corner, sharing a glass of wine. Scott and Jane laugh together by the fire before he pulls her in again. Erik and Charles sit together as if nothing had happened and continue their chess match like normal. It's a wonderful sight to see that fills you with joy.
That is, until there's a sudden blur of colors as you can feel yourself fly in the air. You're brought back to your room, coming to an abrupt stop. Peter clutches your shoulders with his hands, looking your face over a dozen times. Your brow raises in confusion. "Peter, why did you take me here? Are you alright?" He only shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath you can't make out. "What? I can't hear you."
He meets your eyes, trailing his hand down your back. "I can't - I mean, I just." He inhales sharply. "Please just stop me if you don't want this." Before you can even respond, his lips meet yours once again. They're just as soft as before, transcending you to a greater state of mind. Each one of his kisses pulls you in more. It's only when you need to breathe that he pauses for a second. He pants, leaving you equally as spent.
You trail your hand up and push his silver locs to the side in order to get a better view of his face. "I didn't actually care about having someone to kiss tonight. I just wanted an excuse for it to be you." Peter gently pecks your lips. "I didn't just come across a jewelry store and randomly think about getting you something there, I thought about it months in advance." He traces his finger across your lips. "I'm really really sorry if you think all of this is too much. I know I've been really pushy with this, but you just kissed me back. I feel like if you didn't sorta kinda feel the same way, you wouldn't do that. I'm not trying to force you into anything you don't want, and if this is not it, then your words the way and I will skedaddle."
Peter points his thumb in a backward motion, clicking his tongue. "But if you also want this, and there is some formidable God out there that has granted me the honor of having someone like you like me, I promise I'll make sure you don't regret it for a single second." He presses his hands to his sides as if he's scared of breaking you with his touch.
You can't find the words to describe how you feel. It's far too overwhelming to try. Instead, you crash your lips into his, never wanting to break away again. Peter wastes no time in grabbing you by the hips. You wrap your arms fully around his neck, allowing him to consume you for all you're worth. You lead him back to your bed as his kisses trail down your neck. The sensation of his hand coming up your thigh is so delightful that it makes you want to scream. All of this time that you've longed for him has made you sensitive to his touch. You tug at his jacket, which he gladly removes at your request.
Finally, he lays you across the bed. This allows you to wrap your legs around his waist eagerly. "Fuck, you've gotta be careful with that babe. It's hard to control myself when you make it so damn hard." Peter runs his hand through your hair delicately. "I don't want this to be just a one-time thing. I really care about ya." You can feel your eyes gloss over ever so slightly at his loving words. Your head nods in agreement. "I know, I'd love to be a real thing with you. I've liked you for a long time." Confidence has finally made its way back into your body, allowing you to freely speak. "Please kiss me."
Peter flashes you a cheesy grin. "Yes, ma'am!" His hands trail up and down your body in ways you'd never felt before while he kisses you. They trail down your back and across your rear imploringly. His thick finger slips underneath the strap of your dress, tugging it down your shoulder. He freezes, resting his forehead against your own. "Is this okay?"
You nod fervently, begging for his touch. He begins, moving the sleeves expertly off your arms before pausing yet again. "You sure?" He's teasing you now, and it's driving you insane. You can tell by the smirk you can feel against your neck. You smack him on his arm without doing any harm to get your point across. Peter lets out a deep chuckle and continues to pull your dress down, eventually discarding it on the floor.
You're eager to touch him. Tentatively, you trail your fingers down to the zipper of his jeans. You can feel his hard on and slightly squeeze, which makes him gasp at the contact. Imploringly, you continue, unbuttoning his jeans. Peter's hand reaches down to grab yours. He intertwines his fingers with you. "Hey there, eager beaver. I'm not finished with just you yet." His kisses sloppily start at your chest, right between the mount between your breasts. Your bra is very quickly discarded, which Peter shows clear delight about. His eyes light up at the sight of you, almost bear beneath him. "You're really beautiful, babe. Do you know that? I'd hope you do."
He rolls a nipple between his fingers, sending a tingling sensation throughout your body. You're blushing more at the fact that Peter just called your beautiful more than him seeing you naked. You gasp when Peter's hand cups your clothed cunt, still not yet breaking that boundry. Your thighs squeeze together in anticipation, holding him there.
Peter curses under his breath, moving his kisses down your body to your lower abdomen. His finger loops under the delicate lace as he finally reveals all of yourself to him. You're elated to see his cheesy grin as he gawks at the sight, staring at you as if he's a pirate and you're his lost treasure. His hands come up your thighs and halt at the curve of your hip. It's only now that you realize what he's going to do and try to stop him. "Peter, it's okay! You really don't have to do that for me." There's a slight panic that drills you as his head lowers to your heat.
He softly laughs at you. "Trust me, I'm gonna love this. You just sit back and relax, madam." His tongue trails through your folds, leaving your further protests caught in your throat. There was no arguing now with the undeniably pleasurable feelings Peter was drawing out of you. His mouth works into you more, kitten licking your sensitive clit. The strong feeling of him holding you in place only elevates the sheer delight. Every noise you make in response only pushes him more to continue. His ministrations get unfathomably better after every second.
You gasp his name. "Peter, I want you. All of you." He meets your pleading eyes that tears threaten to spill out of from the pure extacy. Peter finally stops, removing his t-shirt. His toned body is a sight to see. With his pants already halfway undone from your previous handiwork, they slide off with ease. You bring yourself to sit up on the edge of the bed to meet him. He plays with your hair, smiling at you sweetly. Your thumb hooks under his boxers, which are Star Wars themed. Something you note that you can tease him about later. With that, you tug away the final layer of clothing that separates you.
Peter goes to climb on top of you once again, but you take the initiative and flip him onto his back. He doesn't dare to stop you as you rub against his cock with your wet cunt, teasing the idea of it slipping inside you. You kiss him, allowing the sweetness of his lips to put you in a comfortable daze. His arm reaches up your back and soothes you. Lining him up with your entrance, he thrusts his hips slowly forward and pushes inside of you.
The stretch you feel is heavenly. Your plush walls suck him in completely. Peter can only bring himself to roll his head back with delight. He struggles with holding in every little noise that he feels the urge to make at your ministrations. You raise your hips up as far as you can without him sliding out, only to sink back down and take him fully once more. Repeating this, Peter brings a hand to his forehead and squeezes his eyes shut. "You're doing so well- fuck." He leans up, kissing you fiercely. His tongue sloppily explores your mouth with a sense of desperation you could never imagine would be over you. He uses his now free hands to guide you up and down his cock, doing most of the lifting to spare your aching legs.
Peter rolls you beneath him, staying connected to you still. His thrusts become relentless and almost too much to bear from the inhuman speed. Your orgasm is steadily approaching. You can feel your senses highten from it. His sensual touches and praise leave you in a state of bliss. Nothing else matters, only the tight coil in your stomach and Peter's lips that precariously suck your neck. He's surely already left a mark you'd have to explain the next day, but this is a concern for another time.
"You're so good. So fuckin' perfect. Why have we never done this? You're the best thing that could've happened to me. I'm not gonna last much longer, baby." Peter groans in your ear, bringing his hand down between the two of you. His fingers trail over your swollen clit and a rippling sensation that follows makes you gasp with suprise. It sends you over the edge immediately, which makes your entire body quake beneath him. Your back arches uncontrollably, and your mind goes blank.
Peter stiffs above you, pulling out. He paints your stomach with his cum opting not to do so inside. You're both short of breath, Peter especially. He collapses beside you, looping his arm around you for a hug. "Thank you so much. So, so much." He pecks your temple. "Give me one sec."
The space beside you becomes empty for just a moment before he returns, wiping you softly with a wet cloth. "I'm so sorry, that probably feels disgusting." He laughs, "Maybe we should take a bath together."
You raise at last to peek at him, the beaming expression on your face being incredibly obvious. "Yeah, I'd like that." With another fluid motion, he sprints back to the bathroom and starts the flowing water for the tub.
You pull Peter into a tight hug when he returns. His skin is comforting and warm against your own. He brings his strong arms tightly around you. A euphoric buzz flows through your brain. This was better than anything you could ever dream of. Taking a deep breath, you bask in the wonderful scent of him.
You press your cheek against his chest. "So, I see you like Obi-Wan Kenobi." You laugh and recall the design on his boxers from earlier.
Peter confidently replies, "Damn right. I have a whole set of them I'll have to show you."
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iniyaas · 2 months
TBH, I am wondering if soccer is his true calling, after all.
Say, (off the top of my head) compared to Isagi who watched Noel Noa growing up, loved football, and wanted to become a striker? or even Sae, who been playing soccer with the dream to go pro since young? Chigiri, Reo, even Ness? He was top in his games through school and that's why he wanted to try out at Basmun. iirc, except for Hiori, most of the blue lockers had a dream to pursue soccer as a profession, right?
But Kaiser picked up professional football, cuz, well .... that was the only way he could be bailed out of prison? He has been playing soccer only for the last 4 years. The way he describes his initial days at Basmun, it's as if only after hitting those guys, he got to know that soccer is a team sport of 11 players. Similar to Nagi, but Kaiser is still a bit different from Nagi,
Looking at his profile:
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unlike Nagi, I imagine Kaiser would have opened himself to any kind of profession without external stimulus, as long as it earns him money. He wants to explore human behavior, connections and psychology. He seems interested in meeting new people (but, ofc, study them under the microscope and never open up to anyone himself)
and outside of his resident-nuisance mask, he seems more of a quiet observant introvert who likes reading books. Philosophy and psychology, yes; but I feel he likes reading anything with human characters; he wants to know more of other's thoughts and outlook of the world, and so.
He could have become anything if given a chance. Yes, his first "gift" to himself was his ball, and his only company throughout childhood. And yes, his 'identity' was born when his ball was attacked.
But this doesn't mean his calling was particularly for soccer.
Because. What arose in his heart atm was simply the desperate desire to 'protect' his only 'friend', his 'fellow piece of shit' from getting 'hurt'. Michael was used to getting abused, but the moment he saw his 'friend' might get hurt, he lost his shit. He would have reacted the same way if it was another toy, or for a younger sibling he doted on, or if he had a human friend whom he really adored.
(Of course, Kaiser being Kaiser, understood the birth of his identity differently, though.
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He thinks he got his first impulse of pleasure from kicking the cops, and not from the instinct of 'protecting his friend'-- from despair of others, and not from love of his own heart)
but I digress.
What I am saying is that I can see him fitting in any kind of profession. Going to college? Becoming a writer? Method Acting? Lawyer? Heck, he can go to managerial heights in corporate and overthrow governments? Like anything!
Nothing in his profile reflects a strong calling for soccer in particular. Just an observation.
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nocturni3 · 1 year
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Miguel O’Hara x male reader: Dinner plans
Part 2 Canon tragedy
(TW: mentions of childhood abuse, cheating, toxic family, family issues, past relationship drama, blowjob, phone call during sex, NSFW, anal fingering, cum swallowing, possibly incorrect Spanish)
It was their one day off from working, and instead of spending it with just himself and his loving other half m/n; they were rushing around the apartment rushing to look presentable for a dinner M/n had insisted was long since due.
Meeting Miguel O’hara’s family, or the small family Miguel had which included his distant cold shouldered mother and his equally distant little brother Gabriel. Both Miguel loved but the same couldn’t be said the other way around.
For shock's sake they both still despised him for his career path in Alchemax. But after seeing what he’s seen the past few weeks working “late nights” as Spider-Man and seeing the brutality done to the citizens in Downtown Miguel was beginning to feel sick at himself at the privileged higher class life both him and m/n had built themselves; off the backs of the same people he saves from the same company him and M/n work for.
He’s just thankful that you at least worked in the more “innocent” part of the company. Making medical equipment for the city's hospitals and small clinics. But not Miguel, he constantly watched all the genetic failures Alchemax makes day in and day out, placing a strong divergence in his morals. Quitting wasn’t an option, not when Miguel was Alchemaxs head genetic and engineering scientist in his department of Alchemax. Tyler Stone probably wouldn’t even bother drugging Miguel next time. He’d just skip straight to killing Miguel and be done with it before the twisted bastards next board meeting.
On top of the twisted bastard having his eyes on M/n anytime Miguel and him go out together for their lunch breaks, no Miguel had no choice but to stay, to find Alchemaxs secrets and destroy them slowly as Spider-Man. A part of himself still hid from M/n despite hearing your approval of this new age hero.
“Miguel! Have you seen my one watch?”
Miguel’s head snapped back up to reality looking down at his failed attempt of a tie, hearing your urgency Miguel undid his tie popping his head from your shared room seeing you facing away from him bending down to the floor to look under the coffee table.
The suit you wore hugged you in all the right areas, especially your ass-
“Yes I know my ass is very distracting O’Hara but can you get over here and help me look please?”
Clearing his throat Miguel chuckled making his way over to you, long giving up on the tie for now.
“Why do you need your watch anyways we’re just meeting my oh so supportive and wonderful family”
M/n rolled his eyes and sighed as he sat up on the table as Miguel continued searching the couch for his boyfriends old outdated watch. Crossing your legs you look at Miguel, a look that spoke words and Miguel knew what you were going to say before you did.
“Yes I know I should at least try and fix at least me and Gabe's relationship, but love I’m telling you they both won't be welcoming for either of us. Knew that the moment I went to school”
M/n knew this to unfortunately be true of many struggling families who chose to work for the corrupt corporations for a chance for a stable easy life . M/n and Miguel both knew this more than most.
M/n and Miguel met at Alchemaxs high school for gifted youth. When he was dating the smartest girl in school; Xina Kwan. And even then he was very close chested about his family, he wouldn’t even tell Xina much and after they broke it off and Miguel started dating Dina Miguel never spoke much aside from small mentions of Gabe being a hard ass about Miguel’s choice in company schooling.
It was only after Dina stormed away from Miguel at a party after he confessed he just wasn’t in love with her clingy behavior anymore. That same night you made sure your best friend made it back to his dorms safely after he drank himself into a pit. Did you learn from a drunk and slurred conversation with Miguel that he was the black sheep of the family, that his mom despised him for looking so much like his abusive father. That Gabe only talked to him still out of pity.
You comforted Miguel that night the best way you could, avoiding Miguel’s drunken want for a kiss. Stating if he still remembered tonight and felt the same after his hell of a Hangover tomorrow you’d consider kissing his kicked puppy looking face.
A bet Miguel won.
Regardless of the past you knew Miguel tried his best to avoid talking to his brother and his girlfriend who both know were leading a downtown rebellion against Alchemax; after all the less either of you knew the better.
Not to mention Miguel only visiting his mother if Gabe asked him to come. M/n didn’t have a family, both parents dead and being raised in an abusive poorly funded orphanage; the only thing close to family was his outdated watch that belonged to his dad. A watch he knew Miguel didn’t understand the broken watches value fully, only that you’ve worn the old thing since the two of you met.
Sighing M/n walked over to a stressed Miguel who in his own mind was trying his hardest to not lose focus on keeping his talons hidden, a feat that was a struggle when he was stressed like he was in this moment. That was until he felt the warmth radiating off M/n whose hand gently pulled Migue away from the couch to face him. Miguel’s body relaxed some at his boyfriend's hands fixed Miguel’s suit before started to tie the long forgotten tie.
“I know this dinner with them wasn’t your idea hun, but wouldn’t it ease some of the stress you’ve been under?”
Miguel raised an eyebrow his hands resting on your hips.
“What stress? I’m fine-“
M/n hmmed pulling the red tie tightly up to Miguel’s collar before shoving it into his suit, patting Miguel’s broad chest.
“Famous last words, hot stuff; you're not fine, don’t think all my staring was just on that handsome face O’Hara. Anytime Gabe calls and asks if you’ve found a girl yet so his girlfriends can stop pestering him to go on a double date. Or even the time your mom called to pester you for not dating like Gabe. Love, wouldn’t it be easier to just rip the bandage off. Worse comes to shove it’ll be an awkward night of questions then we come home and I help you forget it.”
Miguel smirks, careful to not show his fangs before shoving his face into your neck breathing in your expensive cologne he’s always found attractive on you. His hands slowly make their way to grab your ass. Your hands were too slow to stop as Miguel’s strong grip pulled you close enough to press your bodies together. Your small whine had Miguel get turned on combined with your scent under the cologne the way your body just fit with his had Miguel reeling at his luck of having someone like you in his arms right now.
His rough voice whispered into your ear as you tilted it more, exposing your neck to Miguel’s lingering lips.
“Why not help me forget now?”
M/n moaned softly the thought was oh so tempting to just ditch this stressful dinner to have passionate sex with your hottie of a boyfriend. That was until your eyes cracked open, spotting the small metallic old watch sitting on the dining room table. You reacted with a mix of relief and teasing as you escaped from Miguel’s grip running to the table grabbing that old thing.
“That’s where it was!”
You could hear Miguel groan, looking over your shoulder you saw the state he was in a huge tent clearly showing in his pants. Looking at the holo clock on the wall seeing you had a good 30 or so minutes to get to the restaurant you guys should be fine to…indulge.
Miguel stood rubbing his face at M/n’s clear teasing at this point. His brat of a boyfriend had a way to bend Miguel to his whim even now as Miguel feels M/n hand on his neck.
“Ready to head out, Amor?”
Opening his reddish brown eyes clearly sees the mischief in your E/C eyes. To his shock you pushed him into the couch Miguel didn’t have much time to react as M/n leaned over him his arms either head of Miguel’s head gripping the back of the couch. Your hot breath ghosted against Miguel’s cheek to his ear which you didn’t hesitate to bite his lob; your lust shaking breath as you spoke had Miguel become breathless; feeling your hands unbuckle his belt, then pants.
“I think we can make a quick detour don’t you?”
Miguel sighed feeling your hands grope his balls, your hand palming his growing aching cock that didn’t seem to be going down anytime soon.
“Oh shock yes”
Your free hand caressed his jaw before lifting Miguel’s face to look at yours, everything paused as Miguel took in the power you gave off, from your eyes, your posture, even that smirk. He gave him leaning forward, crashing your lips to his, your hand gripping his hair as both of you gave into your urges. Miguel desperately trying his best to keep his fangs from poking your lips as they collided once more.
Both panting as they separated, faces red with lust; Miguel watches as you got to your knees, that old watch of yours bounced the dimmed lights from the apartment as your hands pulled Miguel’s boxers down enough for his cock to spring free from the constricting fabric.
The blood seemed to rush both to Miguel’s head and cock feeling M/n hot breath kiss the tip of the reddening head. The moan that escaped Miguel’s parted lips as the heat of his boyfriend's mouth took the aching, twitching cock all at once.
Miguel wanted to cover his mouth, to keep the erotic sounds from escaping again but Miguel felt hands intertwining with his; gripping tightly preventing him from covering his mouth as a whimpered gasp escaped Miguel’s parted lips.
M/N could feel his own cock swell from the noises Miguel was making, the desperate tugs he’d make to get his hands out of M/n’s iron grip. To cover his mouth but M/n won’t let him, he wanted to listen to all of Miguel’s whines,whimpers, groans, and moans as he sucked him dry.
Taking Miguel nearing out of his mouth, M/n blew cold air onto the pre-leaking cock. Listening to Miguel whimper before running his hot tongue lapping up the pre. Miguel sighs and moans filled the apartment echoing slightly, the sight was breathtaking. Watching Miguel’s muscles tense but go weak with each joint of pleasure your mouth provided him as if sucking him dry of any strength he had left. Yourself moan with his cock shoved back into your mouth loving the feeling of his cocks weight on your tongue.
His head was thrown back as you pushed past your gagging reflex feeling the twitching, desperate cock wanting more, Miguel wanting more.more of you, more of the torturous teasing. To grab your hair and just-
Miguel’s hips thrusted up making your unexpected throat clenched around the cock shoved within it, you gagged the feeling of your throat tighten around his clock head Miguel pant at the constant stimulation you gave him. your head bobbed going as far up; to tease Miguel, before falling all the way down his cock taking in the immense scent of sex and sweat as your nose and lips pressed momentarily into the well trimmed public hair.
The bitter saltery taste of pre sneering in the back of your throat only makes you want more. Letting go of Miguel’s hands you take hold of his thighs traveling your hands from the inner thighs to Miguel’s hips pressing your nails into his skin before gripping his ass the best you could.
Without hesitation Miguel tangled his hands into your hair. Pulling it to the fast rhythm he much preferred. You knew exactly what he liked, what drove him mad as you hmmed around his cock, the vibrations nearly sending Miguel over, if his pre cum was and indication, he was close. The knot in his stomachs was growing nearly unbearable, both pain and pleasure all blending together into a pool of mental gymnastics of if he would or wouldn’t cum.
Miguel creaked open his eye to look down at your once styled hair now a mess intertwined in his fingers, Miguel groaned seeing your lips swollen from the abuse they were enduring. Your face was a shade of red Miguel couldn’t get enough of as he untangled his hand from your hair rubbing away the stray tears that managed to break from your eyes.
“You’re so good to me, so good at sucking me off”
Miguel mumbled. Seeing your hand slide up his suit to his chest, chuckling Miguel grabbed the hand knowing full week what you intended to do. And shock, did he want it desperately, keeping his fangs as hidden as he could as he ran his hot tongue over the two fingers. Watching as you looked at him before thrusting the rest of his thick cock down your throat. Miguel moaned around the fingers as they hooked behind his bottom teeth keeping Miguel’s mouth wide open, the saliva that started collecting in his mouth began to drip globs out of his mouth, some ran down your fingers and arm.
Taking his cock out of your bruised mouth you took a long look at Miguel, face a deep shade of red, sweat forming on his forehead, his body quaking; all while your free hand jerked his cock at an unbearable pace watched as he moaned your fingers still in his mouth, now playing with his tongue, coating your finger in a thick coat of his spit.
“Shock, I wish I had a fucking camera right now, what do you think your family would think of you then; seeing a picture of your slutty face, that mouth of yours wide open dripping spit everywhere from the sheer thought of cumming. Is that what you want?”
M/ns voice deepened his lips pressing to Miguel’s forehead before Miguel could form any words he heard his watch buzzing, M/n gave a dark chuckle at his boyfriends tension upon seeing the caller ID being that of,
Smirking down at Miguel M/n leaned down biting Miguel’s neck earning a gasp from Miguel as his body shook,
“Answer it, don’t worry love he won’t know as long as you're quiet”
Miguel froze, his eyes widening at M/n who simply took his fingers from his mouth before sinking back down between Miguel's spread legs, yanking Miguel's thick muscular thighs over his shoulder. M/n licked his lips as he took the hard, throbbing cock back into his mouth while his finger circled Miguel’s hole, gently probing it.
Miguel stiffened a moan from escaping m, looking down at his watch that projected Gabes caller ID. Looking down at M/n whose eyes stared right at Miguel before deep throating him. His body shook the tightness in his stomachs tightened more and more as pleasure built up.
He pressed answer,
“Miguel, you finally shocking answered, where are you? Me and mom are waiting but these fancy upper pigs won’t let us in without you!”
“O-oh uh yeah we’re on our way now sorry traffic-“ Miguel bit into his hand as the first finger pushed past his tight muscle, teasing around everywhere but his prostate.
“We? Who’s we? Holy shit are you telling me you finaly found a chick-ow! Karyn what was that shockin for!”
“You moron will you show some maturity Gabe”
Miguel sighed looking down at M/n who looked at bliss sucking and fingering Miguel, his tongue ran around his cock, his throat tightening with each deep throating- fuck.
Miguel moaned before pausing seeing that the call was still on, looking down at M/n who’s eyes eyed him.telling him he was loosening his fight.
“Um Miguel you good dude?”
Clearing his throat Miguel fought another moan as the second finger began scissoring him.
“Y-yeah, sorry t-took a drink and it went down the wrong pipe.”
“Hey, save some of the expensive corporate junk for us!”
Karyn yelled, Miguel sighed again, the knot tightening to the point he threw his hand to his boyfriend's head, gripping his hair for support as he continued to suck.
“I will don’t worry there’s enough for everyone-ow!”
Miguel felt a pinch at his inner thighs, staring wide eyed at M/n who glared at him.
‘Stop trying to change who you talk to’ that glare spoke.
“Yo Miguel you sure your good-”
“Gabe tell them the reservation is under the names: Miguel O’Hara and M/n L/N”
“Hold on who’s M/n? That doesn’t sound like a chicks name-“
Miguel felt the irritation of his impending climax and frustration at his dense brother, all nursing in an outburst that M/n wasn’t prepared for, as his fingers thrusted dead on Miguel’s prostate at the same time as he deepthroated him with a low moan as he buried his nose into Miguel’s public hair; tipping Miguel over the edge as he yelled and panted. His body shook;
“He’s not a fucking chick you moron his my boyfriend!”
“What!” Miguel faintly heard his mothers shouting in the background before Miguel hung up. Throwing his head back at the reliefs of both the knot in his stomach snapping in an explosion of pressure.his grip of M/n’s hair was a rush for M/n as he moaned as well feeing himself climaxing his head a blank White Sea of stars as he desperately swallowed as much of Miguel’s cum as he could, some managing falling down his chin as he moaned with Miguel’s guttural almost feral groan as he gripped M/ns hair with one hand and with the other Miguel pushed his hair away from him sweat covered forehead.
All stress flooded out of Miguel in more ways than one as M/n worked him through his leg shaking climax by sucking what was left out of Miguel’s cock while he rubbed Miguel’s thigh, his fingers working gently out of the tightening hole. Before sighing a breath of fresh air, leaning his head onto Miguel’s thigh as Miguel’s grip began to loosen to soothing M/n’s now sore head as he caught his breath. Both stayed like this for a while basking in the afterglow. Before Miguel sighed looking down at his boyfriend who looked worriedly up at him. Before speaking, his voice was rough from their activity , as he took Miguel’s hand into his. Playing with Miguel’s fingers.
“We don’t have to go, hun if you don’t want to anymore I can understand that.”
Miguel frowned at M/n see the look of guilt and overthinking Miguel knew M/n was doing; he was blaming himself to which MIguel pulled M/n onto his lap taking his chin and pulling him into a gentle kiss against the bruised lips faintly tasting his own cum on M/n tongue before separating.
“ nah I think now I want to go more than ever just to see their reaction to my breathtaking boyfriend I screamed about, besides I don’t think I’ll hear the end of it from mom or Gabe if we don’t go and make an appearance. What was it you said? Worse comes to shove it’ll be an awkward night of questions then we come home and you help me forget it…again”
M/n laughed taking Miguel’s face in both hands before pressing their foreheads together,
“Word for word handsome but I think we need to wash up again we reek of sex.”
“Shower together?”
Both smiled love in their eyes as they both gazed at the other remembering this moment like many others Miguel didn’t want to let this go, let you go no matter what.
Part 3
(It took me two days to write this masterpiece. I hope I did good? It’s been a bit since I last wrote smut and Miguel is a character I see going either way and all a bit of angst splashed into it as well! Let me know what you thought of it and I hope you all liked it!)
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jmdbjk · 5 months
I can't leave to enjoy a few days vacation without the world falling apart?
Hybe vs. Min HeeJin. Not on anyone's bingo card this year. I have not caught up on everything but who tipped off Hybe about her dastardly plans? The timing of it all... and her little extemporaneous skit she did for a press conference was perhaps part of her plan to turn public opinion in her favor? She claims to have invented kpop or at least made it what it is today but out the other side of her mouth says she hates idol culture?
Hybe's not here to play, they will not be nice. I see no benefit to her for showing us the not so pretty side of the idol industry. Maybe that's her problem, she can't see what she's doing because she's too far into it. Thirty years in the business will make you lose your objectivity. She has no idea she is coming across as a greedy, spoiled, entitled, manipulative, narcissistic, emotional female in a male dominated industry. Basically a nut case.
The lady had a tremendous opportunity to perhaps take ownership of her company in due time, become a great example for female leadership in a country where corporate culture is steeped in chaebolism. Instead she squandered that and thinks she will come out on top. Did she miss the Hybe vs. SM Entertainment episode from last year?
RM's new album! RPWP!
The Monochrome pop up store is doing well!
Jin will be back after 6 Fridays!
In other news. I went to Las Vegas. This is what I saw:
The Bellagio Fountains. They're huge. The Bellagio is SWANK. I looked for Jimin in Dior and Tiffany, Hobi in the Louis Vuitton store, Namjoon in the Bottega Veneta store, but none of them were in there. There was no Calvin Klein store.
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When Hobi, JK and Tae were there watching the fountains dance to Dynamite, they were standing here:
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Passed by Allegiant Stadium a few times. It's huge.
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Drove out to Seven Magic Mountains. I am happy to report the lowest boulders had no writing or graffiti. They were amazingly huge as you can see.
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Joon's pic of the above rocks:
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Went to AREA 15 and it was HUGE and amazing! It's impossible to show everything that its about, there are multiple buildings and installations and activities, gift shops, bars, etc. We went into the Omega Mart (mega art) experience which led to a maze of fantastically created chambers, each different from the last one, all pulsing with animated lights, texture walls, ceilings and floors.
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And ate at Hobak Korean BBQ. We couldn't find out which tables the members of BTS sat at but I got a pic of the Butter album they all signed. There were other autographs from other famous Korean celebs but the BTS signatures were displayed in a more prominent place on the wall.
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We also scoped out The Sphere. Also HUGE. The concert space is arena sized. I don't know who was playing there that night but the parking lot was filling up.
We also walked the Strip.
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The Fremont Street Experience. That's an animated video screen overhead with ziplines running through the length of it. It's two blocks of casinos, restaurants and gift shops. People are also doing busking and shows at street level.
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Hoover Dam, view of the dam from the highway bridge and view of the highway bridge from the dam. Spent a few minutes on the Arizona side.
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Hiked in the desert. Saw cactus and wildlife. Drank a lot of water.
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Drove to the Mojave Desert Preserve in California just to say we did.
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We hated leaving. It was a fun trip. But damn, I have so much stuff to catch up on now. Hiatus my ass.
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If Vegas is on the BTS comeback tour I promise I will be there this time.
We gambled at the airport on our way out. The slot machines were next to our gate. And in the baggage claim area. But as you can see, its not just about gambling there.
In case you didn't get it, everything in Vegas is HUUUGGE and FARRRR. Walk a lot, spend a lot of money.
Overall, Las Vegas was clean, the people were extremely friendly and welcoming of course, they might be teaching hospitality as a school subject there, I don't know.
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printanica · 1 year
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rozxii · 9 months
don't say you loved me when you hated me (yourself) this much
sana x reader
wc: 1.2k
angst, extremely messy writing
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it's a pity.
life moved along and you get swept up in the process, never being able to truly understand why or how you fell so hard, never being able to stand up on your own two feet again. never able to keep up with the current.
minatozaki sana was that current.
she was the end all, be all. she was the epitome of perseverance and hard work. she was the spitting image of persephone herself. and you'd never be enough for her, no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself you were.
because opposites attract.
though you're not sure why because how could you be her better half when you were undermined by such a huge gap between you and her? sana was surrounded by glitz and glamor, surrounded by fame and fortune, cameras in her face with blinding flashes.
her life was eventful and fun.
and yours was not.
she went on variety shows, talking away about her dream vacation out in the bahamas while you were talking away about why you chose this company to work for, bouncing from building to building. she spent her days trying to make this world a better place through any way she could, sticking out her neck for people in need like the philanthropist she was while you were just sticking your neck out on the chopping block, waiting for your corporate hell incarnate of a boss to slice it clean off.
your head rolls while sana watches.
she's unhappy and hates you.
or at least that's what you perceived it as.
but she bears witness to it all first hand. the rise and the fall of what you two were. what you became in face of her.
when you two met, you were the sweetest thing. you never forgot to compliment her on the days she felt at her worst nor did you ever forget to say good morning and good night, even when she was half way across the world on a business trip.
you even remembered to gift her parents an anniversary present before you had to leave for a week in a business trip. she fell for you as you did her because these were the parts of you that she absolutely adored. how could she not?
but maybe she was blinded too much then to see all of you.
your mouth runs, harping on about some random minute detail that you just can't quite stand after your trip and sana sits there, smiling and pretending she understands what you mean.
yes, your coworker sucked. should you have started some stupid argument and yelled at her though because of some minor inconvenience at work? that's up for debate.
sana cries that day on your couch for the first time, though you don't know it.
you were long out the door, too focused on yourself to realize what you've done. you refused to change your ways and she never stopped you. she couldn't change your mind and rather trying to no avail, she would let you be, waiting for the day and possible chance that you would realize that you were wrong.
and sana waited for a long time.
a whole year passed with you on the sidelines, bouncing from job to job as sana takes on the world. sana makes time for you, as she always would've, and wishes a long time with you though you're grumpy and unbecoming of someone celebrating their first year anniversary. you're distained at the thought of sana coming back to your quote on quote "shoddy" apartment just to celebrate when she could've 'been doing better things.'
she recognizes the looming thoughts playing around inside your pretty sweet mind, poisoning it and tainting it from the inside. she tries to ease your worries though it's not in her power to do so.
you lash out at her again during the following christmas in front of all her friends, even if it were just a spur in the moment. why was the star placed on the side of the tree instead of the top? that question sana couldn't have answered herself, because she wasn't the one who put it there. you did 4 days prior and you forgot, but you're too lost and irritated to understand that.
nayeon's distraught at the fact that sana has stayed with you for so long, all things considered, and sana tries to convince nayeon (and herself someway through the discussion) that you're worth it. though her beliefs waver.
it's three years too late before sana can even realize how superceded and twisted your mind has become. you're lost in whatever deep-rooted delusions and worries that have implanted themselves in your head. she can't go a moments notice anymore without a text on her phone, asking where she was, checking her location and prying in her affairs whenever you you had the time.
you had work, she knew that, so why were you constantly wondering where she was? why couldn't you have just trusted her when she said she was at a modeling gig? instead, you barrage her phone with a series of phone calls and messages, ones that could have people assume she was in a relationship she couldn't get out of if anyone heard.
she calls you back immediately the second she has the time to rush to the bathroom and pick up the phone, but you're tearing her ear off the second she does. she shouts over the phone, her voice bouncing off the walls. she doesn't get it. she doesn't understand why you do it. she maybe never will.
she cried for the second time in that restroom stall, covering her mouth as you rattled on about you're scared that she might cheat on you.
but she wouldn't. never. she loved you too much.
it's the new year and you look happy, though that's maybe because everything is going your way so far. you're having the time of your life with your newly made friends at this massive opening event as nayeon tries to get into a conversation with sana, dragging her to a nearby corner.
she's worried, but sana tries to ease her worries, pointing at you and saying that you're fine. the both of you are fine. nayeon doesn't pry though she's definitely still worried for her as she lets her go back to your side, where you're all up in her face again, wondering what nayeon said to her.
sana promises it was nothing though you don't believe her. you haven't believed her in a while because at this point, you couldn't believe in yourself anymore. your mind is a cluttered mess, filled with situations that even sana herself couldn't believe. you harp on about how you knew she was cheating on you, with nayeon of all people, her best friend, in front of everyone there at the party.
she slaps you there and then, leaving a red mark on your face and standing firm in place as she cried for the third time, letting these tears be the last.
she's had enough. she can't wait any longer. she absolutely couldn't. cameras flash all around her as you laugh in disbelief at sana's next 5 words, your hand hovering over your cheek.
"fuck you, y/n. we're done."
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below10dollargifts1 · 2 years
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