#top bi tools 2022
analyticspursuit · 2 years
6 Best Data Visualization Software for Exploring Data | Data Visualization Tools
In this video, we'll be taking a look at 6 of the best data visualization software for exploring data. These tools allow you to explore your data in a way that is both intuitive and visually stunning. If you're looking for ways to improve your business intelligence skills, then you need to check out these data visualization tools.
By using these tools, you'll be able to make sense of your data and make important decisions based on it. So put on your data visualization hat and let's take a look at some of the best options out there!
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trillscienceofficer · 3 months
thoughts on writing Seven in smut under the cut
I was rereading comments on my own fic (as one does) and in my replies from 2022 I was surprised to find this
I totally think Seven would really love the idea (and the act) of giving pleasure, in part because she conceptualizes it as "winning the game" with B'Elanna (lol) but also I think because it's possibly the complete opposite of being a drone (her body being used as a tool for violence VS Seven autonomously deciding to make someone she cares about feel good).
first of all, past me, that was a lot to take in and I'm not sure whether to be a little emotional or sneer at it now. Is it too simplistic a reasoning? I have no idea. Do I still subscribe to it? Kind of! I don't think Seven is that conscious of it, and in this reply I didn't really touch on the fact that it's also a way to maintain control for Seven. Regardless, it seems I had much stronger thoughts on this back then than I do now, partly because now I live in a world where I have already written this take on how sex between Seven and B'Elanna would look like a long time ago and so it is 'done' and I don't feel like there's a need for me to write the same thing again.
A lot of what I think about Seven in the context of sexual encounters has not changed though—her reluctance to be touched in general, definite boundaries on where and how touch happens, the fact that getting off for Seven pretty much always excludes what we consider ""regular sex acts"" like penetration and direct clitoral stimulation. These are all staples of my own characterization of Seven that I'm unwilling to let go of. Why do I think this? A bit of this is due to my personal experiences and following that, frustration that so much f/f smut doesn't seem to recognize or in any way translate to fic what I think are fairly common boundaries when it comes to sex among real life lesbians and bi women. In 2022 I believed (and I still do) that Seven would be the perfect candidate for that, another way to subvert the way she's presented in the show, often as an object on which (male) fantasies can be enacted upon. I'm aware that in writing porn I'm also enacting fantasies on a fictional character; but in these fantasies Seven's the one who takes charge of herself, who finds partners who listen to her and don't question her preferences, even take those boundaries as an opportunity rather than as restrictions. They don't need to go away either! I pretty much think the same of Picard era Seven, despite all her outward "mellowing" (however you want to take that characterization choice).
But to circle back to the quote at the beginning, I stil think Seven would be just be kind of amazed that her actions can be a source of pleasure to a partner. "I just want to be useful", she says in the show, not to mention how often she loses it when she believe she has disappointed people she respects. I maybe wouldn't draw such a direct line any longer between the source of all her trauma and the way she has sex, but the gist of it is still there anyway. I think it fits her, and I can't unsee it and so now you have suffered all these words when I could've probably just said "I think Seven is a dumbass top". Sue me.
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highladyluck · 2 years
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I posted 1,739 times in 2022
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#mat cauthon - 157 posts
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#but if it makes you feel better i think the ‘fighting your siblings to the death’ thing is going to be much more offputting to show!mat
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Reblog if you think mirrors are a foul bauble of man’s vanity, like if you would throw one out a window to protect your friend
239 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Mat: “I hate magic!”
His friends: “You are basically half magic at this point, though…?”
Mat: “Yes, it’s called having an informed opinion.”
259 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Wheel of Time themes:
Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
Fixing Climate Change Is More Important Than Your Career
God Forbid You Actually Talk About The Problem 🙄
Media Literacy Is Very Important
264 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Elayne. Elayne is chaotic bi. Elayne is a mad scientist. Elayne wants to solve all your problems with her bare hands and doesn’t know how to swear properly. Elayne is what happens when you let a Disney Princess make bespoke power tools funded by her entire military defense budget. Elayne is So Shaped and it’s a shame she never got to be Lanfear’s grad student. She would have killed.
350 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Elayne is absolutely that friend who would help you hide the body.
Nyneave would yell at you and then help you hide the body.
Egwene would yell at you and make you stand trial for murder, unless she needed the body hidden, in which case she would take the body and hide it herself.
Aviendha killed the body and doesn’t understand why you need to hide it.
612 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jafanadis · 7 days
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Full Name: Brandon Caleb Firkins
Nickname: Ares, Baal, Belial, Crystal Blue, Satan, Pierogi
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Height: 6’1
Species: Human
Nationality: Canadian (British, Quebecois, Ukrainian)
Occupation: Mercenary
Alliance: The Jade Owls
Alignment: Anti-Hero
Theme Song: Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman
Character Song: Mechanical Resonance from Sonic Adventure
Voice Claim: Ares from The Gods’ School (Griffin Puatu)
Brandon is an independent Mercenary who works for Lord Kwadou of The Akryan Brotherhood. Thrown into things beyond his control, he was captured by Kwadou's retinue and quickly won his captor over by single handedly defeating a Blue Narl with only his newly discovered Umbrakinesis. Now conscripted to serve the Akryan lord, Brandon travels throughout Otacaia with Kwadou performing tasks on behalf of the Akryan Brotherhood and his own accord.
Brandon is a man of many talents who is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain his image and standing in life. He is a hard-working, intelligent, strategic, adaptable, and savvy man. However, he is an abusive bully who also maintains his standing through emotion, verbal, and physical threats. He can be arrogant, aggressive, overly ambitious, selfish, and prideful. He has no issues using whatever underhanded methods at his disposal to get what he wants, if it means using brute force or toying with someone's feelings so be it. Brandon is also narcissistic taking great care of his physical appearance, he knows he is a handsome man and likes to use that as one of his tools and wishes to keep looking young and attractive as long as possible. He is quite passionate about certain things that interest him, and he can be quite hedonistic and sensual to any man or woman, Human or Otacaian, who catches his fancy. Brandon is a man who hates failure, it was ingrained into his head never to fail at anything otherwise you are seen as weak and incompetent. He always feels the need to come out on top because that is how he was raised and how he is as a person. If there’s one thing that Brandon hates more than losing, its people pitying him and seeing him as weak. He does not tolerate anyone babying him or treating him like a child, he will hold a deep grudge for anyone who does so.
He speaks with a British Columbian accent, specifically from the Vancouver area.
He has the power of Umbrakinesis, which is the opposite of Lumokinesis. Users of this fearsome power can manipulate, create, and shape darkness and shadows, some users can cloud their environment in darkness, solidify darkness, create shadow constructs, absorb light, use shadow camouflage, and create balls of shadow in their hands as weapons. Brandon acquired this power late in life.
He is proud of his partial Ukrainian heritage and believes his birth as Canadian was misplaced in a way. He enjoys Ukrainian culture and food.
He is of English, Quebecois, and Ukrainian ancestry, with some Italian, Russian, Irish, and German.
He was the captain of several sports teams when he was younger and worked as a personal trainer.
Has a birthmark on his upper right hip.
Wants to be in the military as a general or as a police chief on a police force.
Hates facial hair, always shaves his face. Would never be caught dead with a beard or moustache.
He can play the saxophone.
Used his younger cousin Russell as a punching bag when they were younger, once he assaulted Russell with a baseball bat.
He was quite sadistic and ableist as a child but grew out of it when he became older and developed a conscious.
He despises his cousin Russell because his mother, Arianna, had a secret affair with his father, Benjamin after the death of Russell’s father and Benjamin’s brother, Mitchell. Brandon has deep resentment toward Russell and his mother towards this.
Otacaia, and all of its characters, species, races, information, et al © Jafan Adis, 2022-2024, All Rights Reserved.
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b2bcybersecurity · 5 months
Forschungsbericht zur Ransomware BianLian
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Die Gruppe hinter der Ransomware BianLian ist relativ unbekannt. Allerdings gehört sie bereits zur Top 10 der aktivsten Ransomware-Banden im Jahr 2023. Besonders Unternehmen in der Industrie und Gesundheitswesen stehen im Fokus der Gruppe. Das Unit 42-Team von Palo Alto Networks hat heute einen neuen Forschungsbericht über die Gruppe hinter der Ransomware BianLian veröffentlicht. Diese zählt laut Leak-Site-Datenanalysen von Unit 42 zu den Top 10 der aktivsten Ransomware-Banden im Jahr 2023. Der Report zeigt wichtigste Erkenntnisse zu BianLian. Die Gruppe zielt vor allem auf das Gesundheitswesen, die verarbeitende Industrie sowie den professionellen und juristischen Dienstleistungssektor. Ihre Angriffe fanden hauptsächlich in Nordamerika statt, wurden aber auch in der EU und in Indien beobachtet. BianLian: Mehr Erpressung ohne Verschlüsselung Die Gruppe ist von einem „Double-Extortion“-Schema direkt zum Datendiebstahl übergegangen, um die Opfer zur Zahlung zu bewegen (anstatt die Vermögenswerte ihrer Opfer vorerst zu verschlüsseln). Schließlich ist das Ver- und Entschlüsseln, sowie das pflegen der C2-Server sehr aufwendig. Plattformen wie NoMoreRansom bieten auch immer mehr Entschlüsselungstools an. Unit 42 beobachtete, dass die BianLian-Gruppe eine kleine, angepasste, benutzerdefinierte .NET-Executable mit der Makop-Ransomware-Gruppe teilt, was auf eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen den Gruppen hindeutet. Dabei fällt auf, dass das NET-Tool einige Wörter in russischer Sprache, z. B. die Zahlen eins bis vier enthält. Beide Gruppen verwendeten außerdem denselben Hash des öffentlich verfügbaren Tools Advanced Port Scanner. Unit 42 Incident Responder haben seit dem Auftauchen der Gruppe im September 2022 mehrere BianLian-Ransomware-Vorfälle bearbeitet. Der Aufstieg der Gruppe sorgt wohl für eine Epansion. Die Leak Site der Gruppe deutet zumindest darauf hin, da man dort neue Entwickler und Mitglieder sucht.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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akhil-1 · 5 months
Power Apps Online Training | Microsoft Power Apps Course
Top 20 Microsoft PowerApps Tools
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there isn't a specific list of "Top 20 Microsoft PowerApps Tools" widely recognized or maintained by Microsoft. However, I can provide you with information about some key components and tools within the Microsoft Power Platform, which includes PowerApps. Please note that developments may have occurred since my last update, and it's always a good idea to check the official Microsoft documentation for the latest information. Here are some essential components and tools related to Microsoft PowerApps
Power Apps and Power Automate Training
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PowerApps Studio: The main development environment for creating and designing PowerApps.
Canvas Apps: PowerApps allows you to create custom apps using a canvas where you can design the user interface and functionality.
Model-Driven Apps: A type of app that is defined by its data model, with components like forms, views, and dashboards automatically generated from that model.
PowerApps Portals: Allows external users to interact with data stored in the Common Data Service.
Common Data Service (CDS): A database that allows you to securely store and manage data used by business applications.
Connectors: PowerApps supports various connectors to integrate with external services and data sources such as SharePoint, SQL Server, Microsoft 365, and more.                                                 - Microsoft Power Apps Online Training
AI Builder: Enables users to add artificial intelligence capabilities to their apps, such as object detection, prediction, and language understanding.
Power Automate: Formerly known as Microsoft Flow, it allows you to automate workflows between your apps and services.
Power Virtual Agents: Enables the creation of intelligent chatbots without requiring extensive coding.
Power BI Integration: PowerApps can be integrated with Power BI for powerful data visualization and analysis.
PowerApps Component Framework (PCF): Allows developers to build custom UI components for PowerApps.
                       - Microsoft Power Platform Online Training in Ameerpet
Power Platform Admin Center: Provides administrative capabilities for managing environments, resources, and monitoring usage.
PowerApps Mobile App: Allows users to access PowerApps on mobile devices.
Data Integration: PowerApps allows for the seamless integration of data from various sources.
Custom Connectors: Extend the capabilities of PowerApps by creating custom connectors to connect with external services.
Azure DevOps Integration: Enables integration with Azure DevOps for version control, continuous integration, and deployment.
Dataverse for Teams: A low-code data platform for Microsoft Teams that allows users to build custom apps.
ALM (Application Lifecycle Management): Tools and processes for managing the entire lifecycle of PowerApps applications.
                                                                    - Power Apps Training in Ameerpet 
Power Platform Center of Excellence (CoE) Starter Kit: A set of templates, apps, and flows for setting up a CoE to govern Power Platform usage within an organization.
Solution Checker: Helps ensure the quality and performance of your PowerApps solutions.
Keep in mind that the Power Platform is continually evolving, and new tools or features may have been introduced since my last update. Always refer to the official Microsoft documentation and community resources for the latest information on PowerApps and the Power Platform.
Visualpath is the Leading and Best Software Online Training Institute in Ameerpet, Hyderabad. Avail complete job-oriented Microsoft Power Platform Online Training by simply enrolling in our institute in Ameerpet, Hyderabad. You will get the best course at an affordable cost.
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district11solution · 6 months
Top 20 Business Intelligence (BI) Tools 2024 - District 11 Solutions
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Business Intelligence (BI) software is a crucial tool for retrieving, analyzing, and reporting data to derive valuable business insights. This software often works with data stored in data warehouses or data marts, offering functions such as reporting, analytics, dashboard development, data mining, and predictive analytics. The BI market is competitive, and understanding it involves reviewing reports from industry experts.
BI Market Overview
The BI industry is rapidly growing, with global revenue expected to reach $22.8 billion by 2021 (Gartner) and $29.48 billion by 2022 (Reuters). Various vendors contribute to this growth, making it essential to explore reports from sources like Gartner for comprehensive insights.
Gartner Insights
Gartner, a prominent IT solutions and services review platform, categorizes BI tools in its Magic Quadrant report. This evaluation considers a tool’s ability to execute and the completeness of its vision, placing tools into four quadrants: niche players, visionaries, challengers, and leaders.
Leading BI Tools
1. Microsoft Power BI — Strengths: Alignment with Office 365, pricing, massive market reach.
2. Tableau — Strengths: Powerful analytics user experience, customer enthusiasm, Salesforce integration.
3. Qlik — Strengths: Flexibility of deployment, data literacy, customer focus.
4. Looker (Acquired by Google) — Strengths: Innovative enhancements, mobile app, NLQ interface.
5. Domo — Strengths: Speed of deployment, consumer design focus.
6. MicroStrategy — Strengths: Direct query data, stability of integrated products.
7. SAP — Strengths: Augmented ABI functionality, integration with SAP enterprise applications.
8. Yellowfin — Strengths: Innovative product vision, openness, comprehensive functionality.
9. Sisense — Strengths: End-to-end analytics platform, success in embedded analytics, AWS partnership.
10. TIBCO Software — Strengths: Advanced analytics capabilities, scalability, vision for market convergence.
11. SAS — Strengths: End-to-end platform vision, augmented analytics, global reach.
12. ThoughtSpot — Strengths: Consumer-centric vision, market recognition as a search specialist.
13. Oracle — Strengths: Cloud-first platform, persuasive augmented analytics, multilanguage experiences.
14. IBM — Strengths: Flexible deployment options, analytics everywhere roadmap.
15. Board — Strengths: All-in-one decision-making platform, focus on financially oriented BI.
Niche Players
16. Alibaba Cloud
17. Information Builders
18. Amazon Web Services
19. Infor
20. Pyramid Analytics
Choosing the right BI tool is challenging, considering the abundance of options. District 11 Solutions specializes in Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, SAP, and Microstrategy, offering expertise in setting up infrastructure and building impactful reports. Accurate data is essential for informed decision-making, and District 11 Solutions can help businesses harness the power of BI tools to elevate their operations. If you seek assistance with data analytics, BI tool selection, or report/dashboard creation, take action with District 11 Solutions.
Source Link https://district11solutions.com/top-20-business-intelligence-bi-tools-2021/
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shristisahu · 8 months
Leading the Charge: Top 5 Power Players in the Generator Manufacturing Arena
Originally Published on: SpendEdge|Top 5 Market Leaders Involved in the Manufacturing of Generators
Introduction: While much attention is given to energy sources like steam turbines, wind turbines, and combustion engines in the realm of electricity generation, generators quietly play a pivotal role under the hood. These critical components diligently convert mechanical energy into electromagnetic energy, offering a reliable source of power. Generators prove indispensable in various scenarios, from powering businesses during outages to supporting manufacturing activities. The first electromagnetic generator, the Faraday disk, made its debut in 1831, laying the groundwork for the evolution of generators. According to the recent market intelligence report by SpendEdge, the APAC region is identified as the most significant market for generators globally, poised to grow at a rate of 4%-7% by 2022. Key players in the generator manufacturing space are capitalizing on population growth and increased purchasing power, particularly in countries like China and India, to expand their market share.
1. Caterpillar: Caterpillar, an American multinational, stands out as the world's largest construction equipment manufacturer and a leading generator manufacturer. Their diverse generator lineup includes diesel generators, gas generators, mobile generators, switchgear, ATS ATC breaker, contractor, microgrid, and continuous power modules. A notable addition to their product line is the Cat INV2000, a portable inverter generator introduced in December 2017.
2. Cummins: As a Fortune 500 corporation, Cummins specializes in designing and manufacturing engines and related components, covering turbochargers, fuel systems, control systems, air handling systems, and electric power generation systems. With a global reach spanning approximately 190 countries and territories, Cummins is a prominent player in the generator manufacturing landscape, boasting revenues of $17.5 billion in 2016 and a workforce of 55,400.
3. Kohler: Kohler, an American manufacturing powerhouse, is renowned for its extensive product range, encompassing plumbing fixtures, tile, furniture, cabinetry, engines, and generators. In the realm of generators, Kohler offers solutions for home, small business, industrial, and portable needs. Their 30RCL 30w generator, capable of restoring power within 10 seconds, stands out as a testament to their commitment to innovation and efficiency.
4. Generac: Generac is a leading provider of backup power solutions, catering to light commercial, residential, and industrial markets. With a global presence, Generac addresses the power needs of consumers and businesses through standby power, backup generators, portable generators, and maintenance services. Their product lineup includes diesel generators, gaseous generators, bi-fuel generators, transfer switches, and controllers.
5. Atlas Copco: As a Swedish industry giant, Atlas Copco is a key player in the global generator manufacturing landscape. The company engages in the production and distribution of industrial tools, equipment, generators, pumps, compressors, and light towers. With manufacturing sites across 20 countries, Atlas Copco remains at the forefront of innovation, as demonstrated by its strategic acquisition of C.H. Spencer & Company, a US industrial products distributor, in September 2017.
#PoweringTheFuture: Explore the dynamic landscape of generator manufacturing with these industry leaders. Request a demonstration to discover how their cutting-edge solutions can contribute to your power needs.
Contact us.
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The global in-memory analytics tools market is expected to reach US$ 1.65 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 25%, surpassing US$ 8.09 billion by 2032. In-memory analytics is a platform for running queries and interacting with data stored in the main memory disc rather than hard disc.
In recent past, analytics and reporting have changed dramatically. In the mid-to-late 70s, information was used to abstract from mainframe systems and transferred to spreadsheets for analysis. As technologies have matured, the advent of service-based architecture has become noticeable and emerged as what is now known as business intelligence (BI).
However, the advent of in-memory analytics has increased the expectation of organizations from BI solutions. In-memory analysis delivers rapid access to interactive dashboards that users can build and modify easily as it query data in random access memory.
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purple-slate · 1 year
What is Decision Intelligence — Here’s What You Should Know
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What is Decision Intelligence?
Gartner defines decision intelligence as “a practical domain framing a wide range of decision-making techniques bringing multiple traditional and advanced disciplines together to design, model, align, execute, monitor and tune decision models and processes.”
Decision Intelligence is one of the top three technology trends that is going to create a big impact on the markets by end of 2023 as per Gartner’s 2022 report. “It’s not a technology,” says Gartner, “It’s a discipline made of many different technologies.”
The advent of big data and its allied science and technology paved the way to derive information from the humongous data that is made available from various avenues, in short, Big data. Again the question arises, with the quantitative data are we still able to get quality information? The jazzy dashboards, charts, and digital visualizations from Business Intelligence (BI ) go overboard and become information overloading for strategic decision-makers. The requirement is to get the right data, again ‘right’ is a keyword and qualifier and it depends on the business, every changing ecosystem et al.
Understanding the Importance of Data-Driven Decisions
Even if we get the quality or right information available, the decision has to be finally made by one or more humans. The final choice or decision is made by human intervention. Though choice and decision are used interchangeably, they are not one and the same. ‘Choice’ is to pick from wide varieties that are available at your disposal with little or no information, while a decision is an informed choice.
Again the question loops back to what is that ‘informed’ choice? Informed choice is alternatively called Decision Intelligence. It is a combination of science, technology, and humanity that contributes to making consistently high-quality informed decisions with the help of technology that derives information from the prevailing ecosystem.
Decisions, decisions, and more decisions. In this fast-paced environment, being able to make quick decisions gets one ahead of competitors.
Every day, in any organization across all the managerial and leadership positions, they are expected to make a multitude of decisions left, right, and center. The bigger the size of the organization, the challenges in data-driven decisions increases proportionally. The ability to respond quickly to the ever-changing environment is the primary skill for any successful leader.
Here the requirement is to provide more comprehensive decision support platforms that augment the existing 2D dashboards from business intelligence and analytics by leveraging sophisticated tools enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Overcoming Biases with AI-Powered Decision Making
Every person has a circle of competence. Every decision made is the outcome of a person’s knowledge and circle of competence. If a decision is augmented with a wide variety of people’s circle of competence, the collective decision-making skill is going to be enhanced manifold.
One of the biggest challenges in a collective decision-making process is the team running into cognitive and emotional biases. This will have a big impact on the outcomes of the decisions. People will seek out data that supports their biases, more like reverse engineering. When people analyze the data, they look at it through the lens of their experience which may result in flawed conclusions. The algorithms in the decision intelligence system are not swayed by those biases, it evaluates the available facts objectively and provides an informed choice.
AI systems used in the Decision Intelligence system look at the data more closely than conventional data analytics systems and detect any unseen patterns or abnormalities. The identification and elimination of potential abnormalities will have a big impact on the decision-making process and enhance the skill with more unseen data patterns.
AI decision-making systems enhance to speed up the process entirely by processing large amounts of data that are scattered. it helps the organization to make the right decision in a shorter period of time.
Propelling 10X Organizational Growth with AI-enabled Decision Intelligence
Traditionally we have the rule-based system that gives linear growth for any organization. Even when looped back, it will be an incremental change. But for exponential growth, we need to have the edge with AI-based decision-making systems. With the machine learning systems in place, they scour for a pattern across the data with the looped back attribute and get back with a multitude of opportunities to grow exponentially. Decision Intelligence systems backed by AI systems constantly upgrade their algorithm with machine learning.
Most of the time, decision trees become complex, increasing the risks of getting decisions wrong. Decision Intelligence systems might not be able to replace all the decision-making, but they might be able to augment it. It concentrates on both the positive and negative attributes of success. While positive attributes enhance the success rate, negative attributes mitigate the failure rates.
If a company does not have real historical data to start with for implementing a Decision Intelligence system, they can look at using synthetic data. It enables companies to identify black swan events or unusual scenarios. According to Gartner by 2024, 60% of the data used for the development of AI will be synthetically generated, now it stands at 1%.
Understanding the Underlying Challenges in a Decision Intelligence System
What is decision intelligence? To know that One has to understand that the quality of the decision outcomes and the quality of decisions are not one and the same. Sometimes, a bad quality decision might bring a successful outcome if one is lucky, but it is a one-off scenario. It can’t be looped back into the decision system and can not measure the decision and its outcome. It becomes unsustainable in the longer run.
Collecting the outcomes of these decisions and linking them back to the decision-making system is challenging. But once the decision intelligence system is in place and the outcomes are looped back, the outcomes become more effective and efficient.
Another facet to the problem is with the rapidly changing ecosystem, we can’t just rely on past data to predict the future trend. Covid pandemic, which came out of the blue, became a game-changer and the majority of the decision-making attributes got changed.
Decisions purely taken by data-driven recommendations at certain times hit us hard and the need for AI-driven decision intelligence becomes paramount for an organization’s existence. But most of the time, even when AI predicts rightly, human instincts take the foreground and discard the recommendations, causing considerable loss to the organization.
Decision Intelligence is the Future of Corporate Decision Making
Is decision intelligence required for start-ups, and SMEs? The answer is obviously yes. Even to consider decision intelligence as a viable option itself is a half victory. Many might still be doing it without calling it by the name, Decision Intelligence. Recommendation engines are one miniature or subset of the DI system. They may not have the necessary attributes but comes closer to it. Let us not think of DI as a full-fledged system implemented across the organization. We can just start using DI in one of the crucial, say marketing department, and expand it to other departments.
For a decision intelligence system to be successful, the underlying strategy needs to be right. The person who implements requires an in-depth understanding of the organization, the ecosystem it operates, the resolve to evaluate both successful and failure outcomes, and the most important of all is to loop back to the decision-making process.
This post was originally published in:
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sparityinc · 1 year
#best data visualization , #data visualization tools, #business intelligence tool, #Best Data Visualization Tools for Businesses
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bicompanyca · 1 year
Top market research companies in Australia
If you are someone who wants to help take their business to the next level, then you need to understand your competition. Especially for a business in a competitive landscape like Australia, having analytical market research helps you to pinpoint who, where, when, and why you should be marketing your business. The challenge? Finding market study companies that you can trust to do the job intended.
With that in mind, we want to recommend some of the top market research companies in Australia. Regarded for their analytical insight and expertise, the following companies can make your otherwise complex and confusing life a little bit simpler overall.
Who are the top market research companies in Australia?
Business Intelligence (BI)
Whether you want to enter new markets, satisfy your customers' hidden desires, investigate your competitors to gain competitive advantages - BI is always by your side to help you grow and become a market leader stress free. You will always have someone to help you make the right decision fast and with minimum effort. They served 150+ clients in 2022 with market reach services while maintaining the status of Top-rate provider with high satisfaction. In reviews clients mostly mention their respect to deadlines, clear communications and high quality of work. 
UX Connections
UX Connections are known for being able to communicate what is going wrong with your marketing. They provide insight into where you might be going wrong, helping you build a more cohesive and comfortable user experience. They know how to convey their message in a way that does not sound too obscure. Free from needless jargon, too, they provide insight that you can act upon and use to your competitive advantage long-term.
Eris Strategy
If your company needs innovative details about market research, Eris has a growing reputation. They are regarded as among Australia's best market research companies due to their ability to break down their research into easy-to-understand recommendations. This makes it easy to take the information from their numerous research analytics and put it to work. As time goes on, this can greatly simplify a complex and confusing process overall.
Truly Deeply
Based in South Melbourne, Truly Deeply has grown as a respected name within the Australian market research sphere. Alongside various other company-growth strategies, they provide cohesive market research. This can make it easier to understand where things might go wrong in a current campaign. They can also improve your ability to accurately spot and target the kind of opportunities that should give you a meaningful chance of success. 
One of the most popular companies for market research in Australia is Antedote. They have a high reputation for excellent, thorough communication. While other companies might obscure the facts with an excess of figures, Antedote makes it easy to understand what is working – and what is not – in your business. The ideal choice for people who are looking for a market research company that speaks plainly and gives actionable insight.
Stitch Marketing
Stich Marketing Research ranks among the best companies in the Australian marketing scene. They provide an exceptional experience and have been around the market for a long time. They are knowledgeable about market research and can use innovative analysis to pick out insights that would pass other marketing companies by. Still growing in size and stature, they could be the ideal company to hire for an Australian-leaning market research firm that knows where to focus the details.
Market research is not easy by any means – it requires time, patience, and the correct analytical tools. For companies who do not possess the tools or techniques to self-research, hiring one of the top market study companies operating within Australia could be a wise choice to help you come out to the other side.
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Business intelligence Market to Latest Research, Industry Analysis, Driver, Trends, Business Overview, Key Value, Demand And Forecast 2022 to 2032
The business intelligence market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 7% throughout the forecast period. The valuation of the business intelligence market is projected to reach US$ 52.6 Bn by 2032 from US$ 26.7 Bn in 2022. The demand for business intelligence is predicted to rise as a result of various factors such as an increased focus on digital transformation, increased investments in analytics, increased demand for data visualization dashboards, increased cloud use and increased data generation.
As per the latest business intelligence market adoption trends, cloud computing and big data analytics have gained traction in recent years. As a repository for structured and unstructured data, cloud computing is seen as a suitable platform for providing BI applications. Studies by FMI have indicated that big data technology has enabled these tools to analyze vast amounts of data in order to provide businesses with actionable insights that help them evaluate opportunities and improve marketing strategies.
The widespread use of social media and other internet services, such as over-the-top services and e-commerce, which generate massive volumes of heterogeneous data, is expected to boost the business intelligence market size.COVID-19 has heightened the requirement for all businesses to put their data to work in order to speed up decision-making. A thorough business intelligence approach can assist organizations in defining suitable metrics to better withstand a crisis, which can be a silver lining for many enterprises during these trying times.
Get a Sample Copy of Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-14468
Business intelligence allows firms to examine their operations more closely by identifying what they are doing well and where they may improve, positively impacting the business intelligence adoption trends. The goal of business intelligence is to use data to create better and more profitable decisions.
For small and mid-sized businesses, the cost of adopting business intelligence infrastructure is a major problem. In addition, the business intelligence market growth is anticipated to be hindered by a lack of competent data science specialists, consulting analysts, and professional IT experts.
Key Takeaways 
By deployment model, the cloud segment of the business intelligence market is expected to advance at a CAGR of 6.4% throughout the forecast period.
The FMI study indicates that the US business intelligence market is projected to reach a valuation of US$ 18.3 Bn by 2032.
Due to the increased requirement for workforce management, the HR business function segment is expected to develop at a faster rate during the projection period. Several firms are implementing business intelligence technologies to allow HR managers to make real-time personnel decisions.
The solutions segment is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.9% throughout the forecast period.
Competitive Landscape 
As per the business intelligence market analysis by FMI, Strategic alliances, partnerships and affiliations, and mergers and acquisitions are just a few of the basic business tactics used by the business intelligence market participants to improve their market position in a fiercely competitive and segmented industry.
To enhance their products in the market, business intelligence suppliers have used a variety of organic and inorganic growth techniques, such as new product launches, product upgrades, partnerships and agreements, business expansions, and mergers and acquisitions. Google, Salesforce, Oracle, Qlik, Board International, Infor, SAP, AWS, Sisense, MicroStrategy, DOMO, TIBCO, Yellofin, Teradata, Information Builders, IBM, and Microsoft are the major vendors in the global business intelligence market.
Request Report Methodology @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/askus/rep-gb-14468
Recent Developments 
Sandbox, a new tool on the Domo platform, was announced in September 2021 by Domo, Inc. It’s utilized to help customers create and promote content for production in a variety of industries.
IBM Corporation and SAP SE have teamed up to develop creative solutions to deliver intelligent technology and apps for data-driven insights in June 2020. The organizations are likely to use SAP’s business technology platform & Intelligent Suite, as well as IBM’s artificial intelligence, machine learning, analytics, and automation technologies as part of this agreement.
Key Segments
By Component:
Dashboards and Scorecards
Data Integration and ETL
Reporting and Visualization
Query and Analysis
Consulting Services
Deployment and Integration Services
Support and Maintenance Services
By Organization Size:
Large Enterprises
By Business Function:
Human Resource
Sales and marketing
By Vertical:
Government and Public Services
Media and Entertainment
Transportation and Logistics
Telecom and IT
Healthcare and Hospitality
By Deployment:
By Region:
United States
United Kingdom
South Korea
Related Link @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/business-intelligence-market
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emma-thyst · 2 years
How Can Advanced Bi Tools Help In Decision Making
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There are a variety of ways in which BI tools can play an important role in aiding businesses make best business decision making. BI tools allow enterprises to gain a deeper and better understanding of the business challenges.
Create reports with valuable insights
Reports are a fundamental aspect of every company. From accounting to inventory sales, every department produces reports that present the business's current situation in various formats. Business Intelligence Consulting provides detailed reports that help businesses communicate valuable information regarding past and present performance , as well as the revenue. You can obtain more info on FS D8 Dice by visiting d8 dice roller website.
Visualization of data to understand the Reports
Data visualization tools can be used by workers with little or no experience. These tools are made to make data simple to understand and present in an easy, clear manner. Drag-and-drop permits employees to add or remove elements on the dashboard. This allows them to understand how the various aspects affect the performance of the company, that too without much effort.
Increase Benchmarking Standards
It is difficult to set up benchmarks. It takes extensive research to identify the systems and processes used by industry leaders, and then to create the plan of action for implementing them in your organization. However, BI tools have made it easier to manage the process of benchmarking.
Unlocking the Potential of Unstructured Data
One of the most significant advantages of BI consulting is their ability to process unstructured raw data to produce structured data.
Digital Twins and Product Management
Digital twins are a digital representation (3D) of an enterprise's physical asset. When these are paired with the Insight Engine, a full description of the product is created. Digital twins are replacing the traditional management of products methods to combine machine learning and data. This helps link and align the processes, people, and things in the business to put them to the same level.
Keep track of progress on a daily Basis to help in Better Performance Management
The goals for performance are set at multiple levels. The targets are established by employees, the goals of departments, as well as the general goals of an organisation. BI tools can help SMEs monitor the day-to-day performance of employees, departments, and the entire enterprise, to track the performance of all departments.
Access to real-time sales intelligence
A further important function of business intelligence consulting is to create awareness of the business processes as well as the markets. How can enterprises take advantage of a market opportunity when they aren't aware of it? Management can make use of BI tools to stay on top of market trends and to create new opportunities. Knowing which ones to target and which ones to stay clear of is also essential.
Eliminate any guesswork
As was mentioned in the previous paragraph knowing the trends in the market to steer clear of as well as recognizing patterns that been a source of losses in the past is also necessary. This is where BI tools can assist the managers. Business intelligence software produces detailed reliable, accurate and meaningful reports. These reports are based both on current and historical data. Companies can make educated decisions based on facts, not speculation.
Streamline Business Operations
SME can automatize repetitive tasks to cut down on the time it takes to develop products. Business intelligence is a great tool to help companies streamline various operations and align them to reduce wastage. From sourcing raw materials , to delivering the product to the consumer and enhancing the user experience, BI tools can track and analyze every step undertaken by the company.
Maximize the utilization of valuable resources
One of the most successful business decisions of 2022, one that we should definitely be aware of is the use of the limited resources. Due to the pandemic causing an acute shortage of resources and money that it was a tough task for enterprises to ensure that their production was running. BI tools have helped SMEs make use of their resources, identify alternative ways to work and make use of the resources available.
In investing in tools for business intelligence will help you reach your goals, both short-term and long-term.
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b2bcybersecurity · 8 months
Mehr Sicherheitslücken in europäischer Software
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Rund 80 Prozent der Anwendungen, die in EMEA-Staaten entwickelt wurden, hatten mindestens eine Schwachstelle. Das ist das Ergebnis der Studie „State of Software Security (SoSS)-Report EMEA“ von Veracode zeigen. Unter allen Regionen weist die EMEA-Region auch den höchsten Prozentsatz an Schwachstellen mit hohem Schweregrad auf. Das bedeutet, dass bei Ausnutzung einer Schwachstelle ein kritisches Problem in der jeweiligen Anwendung entstehen könnte. Denn eine hohe Anzahl von Fehlern und Schwachstellen in Software-Code korreliert mit einem erhöhten Sicherheitsrisiko. Es ist also nicht verwunderlich, dass Cyberangriffe auf die Software-Lieferkette im Jahr 2023 die Schlagzeilen beherrschen. Die Marktforscher fanden heraus, dass knapp über 80 Prozent der von EMEA-Organisationen entwickelten Anwendungen bei ihrer letzten Überprüfung innerhalb von 12 Monaten mindestens eine Sicherheitslücke aufwiesen. In den USA war das bei 73 Prozent der Organisationen der Fall. Darüber hinaus war der Prozentsatz der Anwendungen, die Schwachstellen mit hohem Schweregrad enthielten, mit fast 20 Prozent in EMEA der höchste von allen Regionen weltweit. 750.000 Anwendungen analysiert "Unsere Daten zeigen, dass Unternehmen weltweit eine hohe Anzahl von Anwendungen mit vielen der Top 25 CWE-Schwachstellen (Common Weakness Enumeration) einsetzen", so Chris Eng, Chief Research Officer bei Veracode. "Wir haben jedoch interessante regionale Unterschiede festgestellt, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Verwendung von Drittanbieter- oder Open-Source-Code und die Art und Weise, wie Schwachstellen über den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer Anwendung hinweg eingeführt werden", so Eng weiter. Die Analyse von Daten aus mehr als 27 Millionen Scans von 750.000 Anwendungen bilden die Basis des „State of Software Security (SoSS)-Report“ von Veracode über den Status der Software-Sicherheit. Der aktuelle Bericht zeigt die EMEA-spezifischen Ergebnisse für 2023 für Großbritannien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien sowie den Nahen Osten und Afrika. Doch Zahlen allein zeigen nicht, welche Folgen die Ausnutzung von Software-Schwachstellen durch Hacker haben kann. Da Unternehmen in der gesamten EMEA-Region eine immer komplexere Mischung aus Software von Drittanbietern nutzen, kann die Ausnutzung einer schwerwiegenden Sicherheitslücke Tausende von Opfern gleichzeitig treffen. Zu Beginn dieses Jahres wurde eine Schwachstelle in den Drucksoftware-Tools PaperCut MF und PaperCut NG von Hackern aktiv ausgenutzt. Bis zu 70.000 Organisationen in 200 Ländern wurden zu potenziellen Opfern. Strafverfolgungsbehörden zufolge gelang es Bedrohungsakteuren, damit Einrichtungen im Bildungssektor zu kompromittieren. Java und Code von Drittanbietern bergen erhebliche Sicherheitslücken Die Studie ergab bemerkenswerte regionale Unterschiede hinsichtlich der bevorzugten Programmiersprache. Java stellte sich als die bevorzugte Sprache für Entwickler in EMEA heraus. Außerdem zeigte die Studie: Teams, die Java verwenden, beheben Schwachstellen langsamer als Entwickler, die .NET oder JavaScript verwenden. Das führt dazu, dass viele Schwachstellen fortbestehen oder wesentlich länger unentdeckt bleiben, da Java-Anwendungen zu mehr als 95 Prozent aus Drittanbieter- oder Open-Source-Code bestehen. Damit ist die Java-Nutzung ein Schlüsselfaktor für den höheren Prozentsatz von Schwachstellen in Anwendungen in der EMEA-Region. Deswegen ist die Software Composition Analysis (SCA), die Schwachstellen in Open-Source-Code aufspürt, so wichtig. Die Studie zeigt auch, dass der Anteil der durch SCA gemeldeten Schwachstellen in EMEA höher ist als in anderen Regionen. Da generative KI in der Softwareentwicklung immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt, steigt das Risiko von Schwachstellen aus externen Quellen. Eine Studie, die 2022 auf der Black Hat vorgestellt wurde, zeigte Schwachstellen in 40 Prozent des Codes, der von generativer KI geschrieben wurde, die auf riesigen, nicht aufbereiteten Datenmengen, inklusive Milllionen von öffentlichen GitHub Repositories, trainiert worden war. Daher ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass Unternehmen SCA-Tools einsetzen, um Schwachstellen zu finden und zu beheben. So können Entwickler von den Vorteilen von KI profitieren, ohne die Sicherheit der Anwendungen zu gefährden. Anwendungen werden mit der Zeit immer anfälliger Neue Schwachstellen im Code treten in EMEA über den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Anwendungen hinweg in weitaus höherem Maße auf als in anderen Regionen. Zwar halten Unternehmen in der EMEA-Region ihre Anwendungen auf dem neuesten Stand, aber es wird weniger auf die Qualität geachtet. So weißen nach einem Zeitraum von fünf Jahren 50 Prozent der Anwendungen in der EMEA-Region nach wie vor neue Fehler auf. Weltweit ist das im Vergleich nur bei rund 30 Prozent so. Insgesamt liegt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass in einem bestimmten Monat eine Schwachstelle auftritt, bei 27 Prozent. Für Unternehmen in der EMEA-Region wäre es daher von Vorteil, dem letzten Teil des Anwendungslebenszyklus mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken und Anwendungen regelmäßiger zu scannen. Außerdem sollten sie der Sicherheitsschulung von Entwicklern Vorrang einräumen. Denn die Studie zeigt: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass eine Schwachstelle auftritt, sinkt durch die Teilnahme an 10 interaktiven Sicherheitsübungen von 27 Prozent auf etwa 25 Prozent. "Der diesjährige SoSS-Report verdeutlicht, wie wichtig es ist, das Thema Sicherheit über den gesamten Software-Lebenszyklus hinweg im Auge zu behalten. Vor allem die Betrachtung der Risiken von Drittanbieter- und KI-generiertem Code spielt dabei eine bedeutende Rolle", so Eng weiter. "Weltweit stellen wir immer noch eine besorgniserregende Anzahl von Schwachstellen fest – und in der EMEA-Region sind sie bei fast allen Erhebungen höher. Entwicklungsteams in EMEA sollten die Softwaresicherheit mit regelmäßigen Scans automatisieren und den Einsatz von KI-Tools sorgfältig prüfen, sowohl um die Sicherheit zu erhöhen als auch die Entwickler zu entlasten".   Über Veracode Veracode steht für intelligente Software-Sicherheit. Die Veracode Software Security-Plattform findet Mängel und Schwachstellen in jeder Phase des modernen Softwareentwicklungszyklus. Dank der leistungsstarken KI, die anhand von Billionen von Codezeilen trainiert wurde, beheben Veracode-Kunden Fehler schneller und mit hoher Genauigkeit. Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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successloops · 2 years
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I posted 67 times in 2022
That's 31 more posts than 2021!
67 posts created (100%)
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I tagged 66 of my posts in 2022
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#inspiration - 35 posts
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#selfdevelopment - 27 posts
#motivation - 24 posts
#motivational - 15 posts
#successloops - 14 posts
#wealth - 14 posts
#prosperity - 12 posts
#self improvement - 12 posts
#bradcunningham - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 30 characters
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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To be held at The LOFT AT NINE in Pta. I'll be delivering an Instrumental Inspiration presentation & I'll be performing a few songs. There is an awesome lineup of international award winners sharing success strategies. There will be a firewalk, a DJ & you'll receive a goody bag of gifts too plus you will be supporting the Hemophilia Foundation. That's 7 awesome reasons why you must come besides the fact it's Cobus Visser's birthday celebration.
1 note - Posted October 26, 2022
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Every addiction or compulsion is masking a deeper void. Not easy to shine a light in there but it's worth investigating. Fill the deeper void & you satiate the craving and can channel a healthier habit.
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1 note - Posted August 21, 2022
This Is The Reason You're Failing !!
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Ignoring this primary building block is the reason why all other efforts just seem to crumble after a while. It's the reason why we experience failure.
Tools to build this awareness are on the free resources page on my website.
If you like our content & wish to receive bi-monthly muse-letters then read more details here: https://mailchi.mp/e5b1b6e126db/success-loops-instrumental-inspiration
2 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Do You Want To Know What's The Base Foundation To All Success???
Then Read To The End. 📚
The watchword in this quote is "comfortably."
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Knowing your strengths & weaknesses with acceptance & without judgement of what should or shouldn't be is loving all of yourself like your soul does. 🤗
The base foundation of personal success is self actualization & self awareness - how can you strive for anything especially happiness if you don't know where your own personal core value priorities lie? Read that again.
If you like these posts, then please consider subscribing to my monthly muse-letter. More about them can be read here & grab the free unique course while you're there too: https://mailchi.mp/e5b1b6e126db/success-loops-instrumental-inspiration
2 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Are You leading your thoughts, emotions, beliefs & actions or are they leading you?
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Your mind, just like money, can be a loyal servant or a lousy master.
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4 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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