#top benefits of raw honey
sac-bestsupplements · 6 months
Manuka Honey Vs Raw Honey Vs Regular Honey Compared - Which one is best for you?
Discover the best Manuka Honey: https://super-achiever.com/best-manuka-honey
#manukahoney #rawhoney #honey
Hello Achiever Fam! 🍯
It's time for the ultimate honey showdown: Manuka Honey 🐝 vs. Raw Honey đŸŒŒ vs. Regular Honey đŸ„„. Which one reigns supreme in the world of health benefits? Let's dive in!
Ingredients Breakdown: Manuka Honey: Packed with the unique compound Methylglyoxal (MGO), known for its strong antibacterial properties. It's also rich in leptosperin, DHA, antioxidants, and prebiotics. Raw Honey: Boasts over 180 substances including vital minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and a spectrum of B-vitamins and vitamin C. Remember, it's minimally processed to preserve these natural treasures. Regular Honey: Often processed, which might dilute its natural goodness. Beware, much of the store-bought honey could be mixed with sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup.
Surprising Fact đŸ€Ż: Americans consume about 400 million pounds of honey annually, with 70% being imported, often adulterated with other sweeteners. The Health Benefits Showdown: Manuka Honey: A superhero for your immune system, digestive health, and energy levels. It can battle bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and soothe sore throats. It's a beauty guru's dream for combating acne and moisturizing dry skin. 🌟 Remember, the higher the MGO rating, the stronger the benefits! Raw Honey: A historical gem for immune support, packed with prebiotics for gut health and antioxidants for fighting off free radicals. đŸ›Ąïž Pro Tip & Warning 💡: Raw honey might contain botulinum spores; hence, it's a NO-NO for babies under one year old due to the risk of botulism. This applies to all honey types.
So, achiever fam, which honey are you sweet on? 🍯 Share your thoughts in the comments below. And don't forget, more honey comparisons are on the way in our next video! See you soon! 👋
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toadstoolgardens · 1 year
Foraging for Goldenrod (Solidago)
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Goldenrod or Solidago blooms in late summer/early fall across much of North America. It's beautiful golden flowers reflect the golden sun of late summer. Goldenrod is edible and medicinal and can be used as a natural dye!!
Identifying Goldenrod
Goldenrod is a member of the Asteraceae or sunflower family and likes open sunny areas like meadows, fields, and forest openings. The stems are tall and stiff with tiny golden-yellow flowers in a dense, pyramid-shaped, pluming cluster. It's a prolific perennial and can grow 0.5-2m tall.
The leaves vary slightly depending on the species of goldenrod, but they're long, narrow, and taper to a point. The edges can be smooth or slightly toothed, or slightly hairy on the underside depending on species.
Goldenrod in my area likes to grow alongside New England Aster. They make such a beautiful combination of purple and yellow and can aid in identification. If you see one you just might see the other!
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Goldenrod can sometimes be mistaken for Senecio species like ragwort (left) and groundsel (right). Some Senecio species contain TOXIC pyrrolizidine alkaloids that can cause liver damage. As always please be 100% certain of your identification before harvesting!! That said, senecio's flowers are generally much larger and much fewer than goldenrod's many tiny flowers. They also tend to bloom earlier in the season than goldenrod.
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Harvesting Goldenrod
All of the above-ground parts of goldenrod are edible! Harvest by snipping the top of the stems, leaves, and flower heads with scissors (about the top 1/3rd of the plant). The earlier in the blooming season the better! The later blooms tend to be more bitter and can fluff up like dandelions if you want to dry them.
If you're worried about seasonal allergies you should be safe with goldenrod! Goldenrod is insect pollinated so it doesn't need to release pollen into the air.
Whatever you do DO NOT pull up entire goldenrod plants!!! Goldenrod is a massively important plant for hundreds of pollinators including bees, butterflies, beetles, and wasps. Harvest sustainably, no pulling up by the roots, and only snip the tops you'll use!!
You can use goldenrod fresh or dry it by hanging it upside down for about a week (spread it out for adequate airflow!) or in your kitchen oven by spreading in a single layer on baking sheets and baking 4-5 hours at 170F/76C. Store dried goldenrod in an airtight container.
Goldenrod Uses & Benefits
Goldenrod as an herbal remedy is highly anti-inflammatory, great for the kidneys (prevents and flushes kidney stones, helps relieve minor bladder infections), helpful for minor respiratory issues like seasonal allergies and colds, and helps heal minor wounds and swelling when used externally. It's also edible raw or cooked! The leaves can be cooked like spinach or used in lots of tasty fall recipes like this goldenrod cornbread?!? I need it.
Safety Note: Goldenrod has been traditionally used as medicine and is regarded as very safe. That said, goldenrod taken internally has a diuretic effect. If you have any problems with the urinary system or take a diuretic already, PLEASE ask a medical professional before using. Don't use herbal medicines to treat serious health issues or in fragile populations like babies or the elderly without consulting a doctor. I AM NOT A DOCTOR I JUST LIKE PLANTS.
To use your goldenrod medicinally you can make it into tea, tincture, or infused oil. You can also make a goldenrod salve to apply externally!
Goldenrod Tea:
Add 2tbsp of fresh flowers OR 1tbsp of dried flowers to 8oz hot water.
Cover and steep 15-20 minutes before straining.
This tea can be slightly bitter with a sort of anise/licorice flavor. It's great sweetened with a little honey!
Goldenrod Tincture:
Fill a small jar 1/3 - 3/4 full with chopped fresh goldenrod flowers OR 1/4 - 1/2 full with dried goldenrod flowers.
Fill jar with high-proof (40-60%) alcohol like vodka or brandy.
Cap, label, and store out of direct sunlight at least 4-6 weeks. Strain before using.
Your tincture should be good for a year or more. Take a few drops mixed with a spoonful of honey or water. Can be taken up to 3-5 times daily or as needed.
Goldenrod Infused Oil:
Fill a jar 1/4 - 1/2 full with dried goldenrod flowers.
Pour an oil (sunflower, sweet almond, or olive are good options) over the flowers until the jar is full.
Infuse one of 3 ways:
Slow Way - cap jar and place in a dark, cool spot like a cabinet for 4-6 weeks. Strain.
Solar Way - instead of capping the jar cover it with a piece of cheesecloth or scrap of old t-shirt. Set your jar in a sunny window for a few days up to a few weeks. The sun's heat infuses your oil faster! Strain.
Speedy Way - don't cap your jar and set it uncovered in a saucepan containing a few inches of water. Heat on low for 2-3 hours, watching it carefully!! Strain.
Goldenrod Salve: if you made infused oil you can easily make it into a salve!
Add 3.5oz (100g) of your infused oil and 0.5oz (14g) beeswax to a small jar.
Place the jar into a saucepan containing a few inches of water. Heat over medium low until the beeswax melts.
Let cool and apply to minor wounds, sores, swelling, aches & pains.
You can also make a gorgeous yellow or green natural fabric dye from goldenrod!
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4
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booksbeansandcandles · 1 year
Fire Cider Recipe 1:
Fire Cider Ingredients
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1/2 to 1 cup honey
1/2 cup horseradish
8 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/2 onion
1/2 cup ginger
1 sliced jalapeño
1/2 cup fresh turmeric OR 1 tbsp dried turmeric (optional)
1/2 lemon (optional)
1/2 orange (optional)
1 tsp peppercorns (optional)
2 whole cinnamon sticks (optional)
2 rosemary sprigs (optional)
4 thyme sprigs (optional)
Prepare ingredients and place them in a sterilized quart-sized glass jar.
Pour the apple cider vinegar and honey in the jar until all of the ingredients are covered and the vinegar reaches 1/2 inch from the jar’s top. You can use a glass fermentation weight on top to keep the ingredients submerged, but that is just a preference. Shake well. Store in a dark, cool place for a month, shaking daily. It’s in vinegar, so it won’t go bad! Once done, strain, bottle, and label.
Storage: It’s vinegar, so it keeps all winter and early spring (6 months) if left in a cool dark place. Keeps in the refrigerator for up to 10 months. You can take a dropperful every few hours, or I put 2 -3 droppers full into a big mug of hot water and drink that.
Benefits of ingredients
Ginger root – Ginger contains gingerol, an antibacterial compound that promotes body warmth, helping to fight off cold symptoms.
Horseradish root – Horseradish strongly stimulates the digestion, increasing gastric secretions and appetite. It can be of use in both respiratory and urinary tract infections. Horseradish is a natural expectorant with natural antibacterial properties. It helps in easing throat and upper respiratory tract infections. Has been used to fight cancer naturally.
Jalapeño peppers – Useful for increasing circulation and to get mucus flowing. Anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, and anti-irritant. It is used as a digestive aid to stimulates gastric juices.
Garlic – Boosts the immune function and opens pores of the skin to lower a fever. This herb’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make it useful in treating bladder and kidney infections, yeast infections, strep throats and ear infections.
Onion – Another cancer fighter, onion’s compound quercetin is a natural disease fighter.
Lemon – The levels of vitamin C found in the juice and peel are extremely effective against bacterial infections! Lemons act as a great potentiator in this cider recipe.
Rosemary Sprigs – This piney plant alleviates muscle pain, boosts the immune system, and relieves cough while you’re sick.
Turmeric – Turmeric increases the antioxidant capacity in your body. This means that all of the new antioxidants in this cider will have a home to live and work in!
Black peppercorns – Greatly boosts absorption of turmeric.
Apple Cider Vinegar – (Use organic) ACV kills multiple types of bacteria. When used in conjunction with the other herbs of this recipe, it becomes a powerhouse of health.
Local Raw Honey – Before becoming sick, local, raw honey helps your body fight off local infections and allergens. After becoming ill, it suppresses coughs and continues fighting off bacteria
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Honey Fermented Garlic
It’s been a running joke in my friend group that I’m probably a vampire (due to long standing dark color patterns in my wardrobe and pale skin) but my love of garlic is one of my biggest defender points to my humanity. 
Honey fermented garlic is one of those beloved folk recipes that are especially amazing to have during cold and flu season. It’s quite a simple recipe that combines two very common kitchen items into a lovely blend of flavors and benefits.
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Why Make Honey Fermented Garlic?
Honey is already well known as a natural home remedy for sore throats and pesky allergies. 
Garlic has a long list of medicinal benefits. Ingesting garlic regularly is able to reduce your chances of getting sick, and beyond that it naturally reduces blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.
By mixing honey and garlic together in this lovely little concoction, you not only make it more digestible through fermentation but you’re also combining two potent natural medicinals into one!
Is It Safe?
Lactobacillus, yeast, and acetic acid bacteria are completely safe!
With lacto-fermentation, it’s nearly impossible to make something that will cause bodily harm upon ingestion, due to the bacteria quickly being able to outcompete pretty much everything else and acidify the mixture to prevent spoilage.
Do not use this remedy, or any remedy containing honey with children under 2 years old. A child at this age contains stomach acid that isn’t fully developed yet, and their stomach acts as a low acid environment.
Peel the garlic, trimming it to remove any discolored parts
Press the garlic clove with the side of a knife to gently bruise it
Optional: Once the garlic is in the jar, add about 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar to the jar at this point Give the jar a quick shake to coat the garlic cloves with cider vinegar.
Ensures that the surface of the garlic starts acidic, which is a precaution against botulism (not very likely, but if you want to be extra careful here’s a step!)
Fill the jar about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way with garlic, then top it off with honey to within an inch of the lid.
Be sure to leave space at the top, as the mixture will bubble as it ferments and you don’t want it to overflow
Cover the jar with a lid and flip it a few times to distribute the honey. Loosen the lid so gasses can escape during fermentation
Bubbles begin to form in the honey after about 24 - 48 hours. After about 3 to 5 days, the garlic should be well fermented. If you’ve made it in the refrigerator, it will take about 2 - 3 weeks for the fermentation process to complete.
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tarzantips · 9 months
Home Remedies for High Cholesterol: Natural Strategies for Maintaining Healthy Levels
It can be difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle in the fast-paced world of modern living. According to many, high cholesterol can be a silent beginning to cardiovascular problems.  Look into easy home remedies for high cholesterol to get started on the path to a healthier heart.
From the comfort of your home, discover simple, all-natural methods to take control of your health, lower cholesterol the natural way and encourage a heart-healthy lifestyle.
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Home Remedies for High Cholesterol
1. Oats and Soluble Fiber
Oats (steel cut or rolled oats)
Milk or water (choose for non-dairy options like oat milk or almond milk can use
Toppings like nuts, honey, or berries (Optional toppings)
How to Prepare:
In a saucepan, boil milk or water.
Add oats and cook as per the packet instructions (usually simmer for 5 to 10 minutes until thickened).
Serve with toppings as you like.
How Often:
For breakfast, eat oatmeal or as a snack, you can eat several times a week to get benefit from its natural treatment for cholesterol properties.
You should avoid sugary processed cereals, choose plain oats, and sweeten naturally with fruits or a touch of honey.
2. Garlic
Garlic cloves (Fresh)
How to Prepare:
Crush, chop, or mince cloves of garlic as well as let them sit for 5 to 10 minutes to release their active compounds.
Add raw garlic to sauces, salads, or other dishes.
How Often:
Consuming 12 fresh garlic cloves daily to get home remedies to lower your cholesterol benefits
Garlic can interact with medications so talk once with your doctor if you are taking blood thinning drugs.
3. Green Tea
Green tea bags or leaves
Hot water
How to Prepare:
Remove the tea bag or strain the leaves before drinking.
Boil water and let it cool slightly.
Pour the hot water over a green tea bag or tea leaves.
Let it steep for 2 to 5 minutes.
How Often:
You can drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily.
Avoid more consumption of green tea which can lead to caffeine-related side effects. So make it balanced.
4. Exercise
Yet another natural ways to control cholesterol is get into the habitual routine for physical routines like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity at moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week.
If you have any underlying health issues then you should take a consultation with a family doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
5. Plant Sterols
Foods rich with plant sterols or sterol supplements (ask once to the doctor)
How to Prepare:
Foods that are labeled as "Enriched with plant sterols", consume them or take sterol supplements as directed.
How Often:
Follow the recommended dosage provided on the product according to the label.
Sometimes sterol supplements may not be suitable for everyone so once ask to your doctor sure before utilizing them as a natural way to cure high cholesterol.
6. Nuts
Mixed nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds)
How to Prepare:
Simple snack on a small handful of mixed nuts or you can add them to salads and other dishes.
How Often:
Consume a small serving of nuts several times a week.
Nuts are calorie-dense, so consume them in moderation to avoid excessive calorie intake.
7. Apples and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar (organic as well as unfiltered)
How to Prepare:
Eat apples as a healthy snack or add them to salads.
For apple cider vinegar, mix 12 tablespoons with a glass of water and drink it before meals.
How Often:
Include apples in your daily diet as well as drink apple cider vinegar 23 times a day before meals.
Dilute apple cider vinegar to avoid potential damage to tooth enamel.
Monitor blood sugar levels if you have diabetes, as apple cider vinegar may affect them.
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8. Turmeric
Fresh turmeric root or Turmeric powder
How to Prepare:
Add turmeric to curries, smoothies, or soups as well. If you are using fresh turmeric root, grate or finely chop it before use.
How Often:
Adding turmeric into your cooking regularly is beneficial in natural cure to lower cholesterol and anti-inflammatory effects.
Turmeric can interact with certain medications so consult with a doctor provide if you are taking any.
9. Cinnamon
Ground cinnamon sticks or cinnamon
How to Prepare:
In baking, sprinkle ground cinnamon on oatmeal, or yogurt or use it.
For cinnamon sticks, steep them in hot water to make cinnamon tea.
How Often:
Use cinnamon in your diet regularly, but try to avoid excessive consumption.
Some people may be sensitive to large amounts of cinnamon, so moderate use is recommended.
10. Hibiscus Tea
Dried hibiscus petals
Hot water
How to Prepare:
Steep-dried hibiscus petals for 5 to 10 minutes in hot water
After straining then drink the tea
How Often:
Enjoy 2 or 3 cups of hibiscus tea per day as part of your beverage choices.
Hibiscus tea may interact with certain medications or affect blood pressure, so consult with a doctor if you have concerns high cholesterol natural treatment.
11. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds
How to Prepare:
A glass of water and a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight.
Drink the water and the softened seeds on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
How Often:
For a few weeks, drink fenugreek water every day to possibly reap the benefits of natural remedies for cholesterol.
For some people, they experience some digestive discomfort so start with a small amount and check your tolerance.
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12. Psyllium Husk
Psyllium husk powder
How to Prepare:
Add 12 tablespoons of psyllium husk powder to a smoothie or a glass of water.
Eat it right away to avoid it thickening.
How Often:
Add psyllium husk to your diet on a regular basis, but make sure to hydrate well to avoid constipation.
If you have a history of bowel problems, proceed with caution and, if necessary then look for medical advice before taking this home remedies for high cholesterol.
13. Red Yeast Rice
Red yeast rice supplements (consult with a doctor)
How to Prepare:
Follow your doctor's instructions when taking red yeast rice supplements.
How Often:
Observe the suggested dosage listed on the product label or as directed by the doctor who prescribed it.
Red yeast rice and medications may interact, so before using it, speak with your doctor.
14. Avocado
Ripe avocados
How to Prepare:
Avocados can be mashed or sliced and used as a topping, spread, or in salads.
How Often:
Because avocados contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, include them frequently in your diet.
Since avocados are high in calories, eat them in moderation.
15. Hibiscus and Ginger Tea
Dried hibiscus petals
Fresh ginger slices
Hot water
How to Prepare:
Soak ginger slices and dried hibiscus petals in hot water for five hundred minutes.
After straining, sip the brewed beverage.
How Often:
Drink 2 to 3 cups of ginger and hibiscus tea every day.
If you have any concerns, speak with your doctor or pharmacist as ginger might react with a few medications in natural cure for cholesterol.
16. Lemon Juice
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Warm water
How to Prepare:
In a glass of warm water, combine the juice of half a lemon.
In the morning, sip it on an empty stomach.
How Often:
Drink this lemon water every day to lower your cholesterol.
Regular consumption of lemon juice may cause loss of tooth enamel in certain people. To lessen this, rinse your mouth out with plain water afterward.
17. Algal Oil Supplements
Algal oil supplements (a source of omega3 fatty acids, suitable for vegetarians and vegans)
How to Prepare:
As instructed on the product label or as suggested by a medical professional, take algal oil supplements.
How Often:
Follow the provided recommended dosage.
Before beginning any supplement routine in high cholesterol home remedy, speak with your doctor.
18. Fenugreek Tea
Fenugreek seeds
Hot water
How to Prepare:
1 to 2 tsp. of fenugreek seeds should be crushed.
After adding them, steep the mixture in a cup of hot water for 510 minutes.
After straining, sip the tea.
How Often:
Drink one or two cups of fenugreek tea each day.
Fenugreek can worsen stomach issues in some people. Start slowly and keep an eye on your tolerance.
19. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds
Water or your choice of milk
How to Prepare:
Add 12 tablespoons of chia seeds to a glass of milk or water.
For the consistency to become gel-like, let it sit for a few hours or overnight.
Enjoy it as a pudding or include it in yogurt and smoothies.
How Often:
Because chia seeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids that is another beneficial home remedies for reducing high cholesterol, include them in your diet several times a week.
When consuming chia seeds, drink lots of water and exercise caution if you have a history of digestive problems.
20. Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract supplements (talk with a doctor)
How to Prepare:
Follow your doctor's instructions when taking supplements containing olive leaf extract.
How Often:
Take the medication as prescribed by your doctor or on the product label.
Before taking supplements just talk once with your family doctor.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can stress cause high cholesterol?
Ans: Yes, one possible cause of high cholesterol is stress. Stress causes the body to release chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can increase the amount of cholesterol, especially "bad" LDL cholesterol that the liver produces.
Stress can also result in unhealthy coping strategies like eating poorly and exercising less, which can raise cholesterol levels.
2. Can high cholesterol be genetic?
Ans: Yes, there may be a genetic component to high cholesterol. A genetic condition known as familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) causes high blood cholesterol levels.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is unable to be eliminated from the bloodstream by the body in people with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) due to a gene mutation inherited from one or both parents.
3. How long does it take to lower cholesterol?
Ans: Lowering cholesterol takes quite a few times. While medication can produce more immediate changes, changes in lifestyle may take weeks or months to show results. For specific advice or best home remedy for high cholesterol, speaking with a medical expert is necessary.
4. Can dupixent cause high cholesterol?
Ans: Evidence exists to suggest that some patients taking the medication Dupixent (dupilumab), which is prescribed for eczema and asthma, may experience an increase in cholesterol.
People's reactions may differ, yet, making it critical to regularly check cholesterol levels while undergoing treatment. Check the advice and information of a medical doctor for specific information.
5. Does Xeljanz cause high cholesterol?
Ans: Yes, a higher risk of high cholesterol levels has been linked to the medication Xeljanz (tofacitinib), which is used to treat certain autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Patients taking Xeljanz should talk to their doctor about the possible risks and benefits of the medication, as regular monitoring of cholesterol levels is important.
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direwombat · 1 year
🍎 🍋 🍒 (jakeli but also in general) đŸ„„ for syb 😈
a;lfda;sdfk thank you liz <3 <3 <3 answers under the cut for obvs reasons
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🍎 Favorite type, looks and personality wise? Please specify the trait.
a very funny question considering *gestures to jacob and eli*
looks wise. apparently her taste in men leans more towards the "rugged mountain man" look. strong bodies, thick facial hair, tired eyes. her taste in women veers more on the femme-presenting side. she likes feeling strong and useful...protective. she's a wife guy. few things would make her happier than providing for another woman <3
but her tastes really don't matter because if you're clever and able to challenge her in some way, then odds are she'll be dtf. good banter is one of the fastest ways to get her to invite you to bed :)
🍋 Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?
assuming she's the one being penetrated? Hard and deep. if she can't feel it or isn't walking funny the morning after then it wasn't enough. she likes the feeling of a cock/strap grinding deep inside her as well as thrusts so hard that they make her teeth rattle. bonus points if it's so hard and deep that all she can do is hang on to something for deer life as she gets mercilessly plowed.
assuming she's the one doing the penetrating? she leans more on the deep and slow side. she likes making her partners feel good and taking her time with them. she's a tease when she's on top and likes it when she's able to get her partner squirming and/or bucking against her to get her to go faster.
🍒 Would your character join a threesome if given a chance?
a;flkjasdf well considering she's part of two ot3s (jakesybeli and kitsybjake) she definitely isn't opposed to threesomes or polyamory. but it has to happen kind of naturally. she's incredibly loyal to her partners (assuming they've mutually agreed on pursuing a relationship), and when she was single, she wasn't exactly looking to be someone's third.
but with kit and jacob? well...she has the pre-established working relationship with (and lowkey crush) on kit, and when both kit and jacob get in cahoots and they both focus their attention on her...well...as if she really stood a chance lmao
and with eli and jacob? well, it's more the boys' history together that really makes it a full triangle of an ot3. i mean. a lot of it really is eli and jacob trying to one-up each other for syb's affection (eli genuinely trying while jacob (still trying) is more like 'haha ok honey i'll let you have some fun, but you are mine'). they're both trying to win her over while also engaging in some major "bitter exes with benefits" behavior <3
đŸ„„ Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?
i mean....when having sex with anyone who had a penis, historically she has preferred they use a condom. she didn't want to get pregnant while earning barely enough to support her already existing family (she literally couldn't afford to have another mouth to feed). eventually she got on the pill but even after that she preferred condom usage because she did occasionally hook up with strangers for one-night-stands and didn't want to run the risk of getting an STI while between her combat tours.
but then she was lightly blown up and shrapnel just shredded her uterus and doctors told her she was infertile. she would have kept her condom preference (just because that's what she's used to) but she was having a dry spell after being discharged and then the reaping happened and she just went "well...might as well engage in risky behavior since i don't expect to survive this."
and considering...well...considering the cult is a "no-sex" one (according to joseph anyway) it's not like jacob had protection on hand when she came to him at the end of her Bad Day(TM). so they did it raw and she got to know what it feels like to have someone cum inside her and it gets her eyes rolling back. i really don't think the two of them ever use protection.
also just to branch this answer out even more (lmao whoops) but in the werewolf au, once she and eli decide to go steady, they get tested, and when they both show each other that they're clean, they start raw-dogging it.
so...tldr: on a practical level, syb prefers protection. on a purely physical enjoyment level....girl loves it raw.
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mmmmouthanus · 2 years
"This isn't necessarily an issue of food safety; adulterated honey isn't typically dangerous to eat. But it does mean that customers are paying top dollar for "raw" or "local" honey with purported health benefits that could in fact be nothing more than a mix of different sugars. And perhaps more important than the possible defrauding of the consumer is the fact that according to experts, adulteration is driving global honey prices down, leaving beekeepers, like Hiatt, barely able to sell their honey for a profit."
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xenmagmarketing · 3 days
How to Choose the Healthiest Cookies in India
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Cookies have become an integral part of our daily lives, whether as a quick snack, a dessert with tea or coffee, or a treat for special occasions. While cookies are delicious, finding healthier options that are both tasty and nutritious can be challenging. In this article, we will explore how to choose the healthiest cookies in India. Keep reading till the end for helpful tips and recommendations!
What Makes a Cookie Healthy?
When looking for healthy cookies, the ingredients and nutritional profile play a crucial role. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing healthier cookies:
Whole Grain Flours
One of the essential elements of a healthy cookie is the type of flour used. Cookies made with whole grain flours, such as whole wheat, oats, or almond flour, are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These flours provide slow-digesting carbohydrates, which help maintain steady energy levels and promote better digestion.
Natural Sweeteners
Many traditional cookies are loaded with refined sugar, which can lead to several health issues like weight gain, diabetes, and more. Healthier cookies use natural sweeteners like honey, jaggery, coconut sugar, or fruit-based sweeteners. These natural alternatives help retain the sweetness while providing additional nutritional benefits.
Healthy Fats
Healthy cookies should contain good fats like those found in nuts, seeds, coconut oil, or olive oil. These fats offer essential fatty acids that support heart health and brain function. Avoid cookies that use hydrogenated oils or trans fats, which can lead to higher cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart disease.
Minimal Additives
A healthy cookie is free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. Cookies with minimal processing and made from natural ingredients are always a better choice. Look for labels that emphasize the absence of chemical additives, or those that list only familiar, natural ingredients.
Low Sugar Content
Choosing cookies with low sugar content can help manage blood sugar levels and support a balanced diet. Healthy cookies typically contain less refined sugar and may incorporate sweeteners like fruit, dates, or minimal amounts of raw sugar. Always check the label for added sugar and opt for cookies with lower amounts.
High Fiber and Protein
Incorporating cookies that are high in fiber and protein can be a great way to support digestive health and maintain satiety. Fiber-rich ingredients like oats, flaxseeds, or chia seeds aid in digestion, while protein-packed options like nuts, seeds, or legumes can keep you fuller for longer.
Top Benefits of Consuming Healthy Cookies
Incorporating healthy cookies into your diet offers several advantages beyond just satisfying your sweet tooth. Here are some key benefits:
Boosts Energy Levels
Cookies made from whole grains and natural sweeteners provide a quick source of energy, which can be perfect for a mid-day snack. Unlike cookies packed with refined sugar, healthier options ensure sustained energy without the sugar crash.
Supports Weight Management
Low-sugar, fiber-rich cookies can help curb hunger and satisfy cravings without overloading on calories. This makes them an excellent snack choice for those looking to manage their weight while enjoying a tasty treat.
Promotes Heart Health
Cookies that include healthy fats from nuts, seeds, or olive oil can support heart health by providing omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients. Cookies with less sugar and refined flour also contribute to a heart-friendly diet.
Improves Digestive Health
Cookies rich in fiber from whole grains, seeds, or dried fruits support a healthy digestive system. Fiber aids in digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes overall gut health, making these cookies a great addition to your daily diet.
Versatile Snacking
Healthy cookies are not just for snacking. They can be used in various ways, such as crumbled over yogurt, blended into smoothies, or served with nut butter for a more substantial snack. The versatility of healthy cookies makes them a perfect fit for different occasions and meals.
Govaabazaar’s Commitment to Quality and Health in Cookies
At Govaabazaar, we believe that cookies can be both indulgent and healthy. Our commitment to quality is reflected in the range of nutritious cookies we offer. Here’s what sets Govaabazaar’s cookies apart:
Natural Ingredients
We use only high-quality ingredients, including whole grains, nuts, seeds, and natural sweeteners. Our cookies are free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, ensuring a wholesome treat in every bite.
Nutrient-Rich Recipes
Our cookies are crafted with care to ensure they provide essential nutrients like fiber, protein, and healthy fats. We aim to make cookies that are as good for your health as they are for your taste buds.
Health-Conscious Flavors
From classic oatmeal cookies to almond flour and coconut-based varieties, Govaabazaar offers a range of flavors that cater to different preferences. Whether you're looking for a hearty snack or a light treat, our cookies provide a balanced mix of flavor and nutrition.
Strict Quality Control
Every batch of cookies at Govaabazaar goes through rigorous quality checks to ensure that it meets our high standards. We believe in transparency and customer satisfaction, which is why we take extra care to offer cookies that are both delicious and healthy.
Choosing the healthiest cookies in India doesn’t have to be a challenge. By paying attention to the ingredients and nutritional content, you can enjoy cookies that are not only tasty but also good for your health. At Govaabazaar, we take pride in offering a range of cookies that combine flavor with nutrition, ensuring you never have to compromise on health. So, indulge in Govaabazaar’s wholesome cookies and experience the perfect balance of taste and well-being!
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woofie7 · 16 days
Top Dog-Friendly Spots and Amenities in Northern Ireland for a Perfect Getaway
How about your dream break or local retreat where both you and your dog feel absolutely at home? From luxury dog-friendly cottages, dog-friendly quaint coffee shops, to dog wash stations for good measure, Northern Ireland provides everything that will make the time truly enjoyable for you and your dog. Whether you are looking for a warm and friendly spot to rest, a quiet spot to have your coffee, or service and freshen up your dog, this guide will point you toward the best options.
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Luxurious and Comfortable: Luxury Dog Friendly Cottages in Northern Ireland
luxury dog friendly cottages Northern Ireland take center stage when it comes to truly indulgent stays. Properties delight in high-end amenities, stunning views, and welcoming atmospheres for pets. The added amenity is in the blend of elegance and practicality: a comfortable stay awaits both humans and their canine companions. Choose from a range of beautifully appointed cottages where your dog will be treated like royalty alongside you.
What Happens If You Don’t Express Your Dog’s Glands?
If you neglect to express your dog’s anal glands, there are potential risks and consequences that can arise. These include:
Possible impaction: If the anal glands become full and are not properly expressed, they can become impacted. This can lead to pain and discomfort for your dog.
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Infection: When the anal glands are not regularly emptied, there is an increased risk of infection. Bacteria can build up, leading to inflammation and potential abscesses.
Sip and Stay: Dog Friendly Coffee Shops
Enjoying a coffee doesn’t have to be dog-free. Many dog friendly coffee shops across Northern Ireland provide indoor, cozy areas where your furry buddy will be welcomed inside with open arms. These places have outdoor seating or special places for the dog to rest while you enjoy a latte or cappuccino, and it’s quite easy to fit your pet into that part of the daily routine without having to miss your favorite places.
Alternatives to Shortbread for Dogs
If you’re looking for safe and healthy alternatives to shortbread for your dog, there are plenty of options to consider.
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Peanut Butter Biscuits: Made with whole wheat flour and a hint of honey, these biscuits provide healthy fats and protein for your dog.
Banana Bites: Made with bananas, oats, and flour, these treats offer a sweet and chewy option.
Carrot Munchies: Made with grated carrots and wheat flour, these snacks provide a crunchy and nutritious alternative.
Coconut Cookies: Made with coconut flour and bananas, these gluten-free cookies are both tasty and healthy.
Charming and Welcoming: Dog Friendly Cafe
Eating out with a dog isn’t always easy, but dog friendly cafe options in Northern Ireland make life so much easier. These establishments welcome pets inside and sometimes even offer treats for your four-legged companions. It’s a great way to enjoy a meal or just have a snack with your dog present in a friendly atmosphere.
Other Safe Vegetables for Dogs
Celeriac is a safe and nutritious choice for dogs, but there are other veggies that offer similar benefits. Adding different veggies to your dog’s meals ensures they get a balanced diet. Here are some safe veggies for dogs:
Carrots: Carrots are full of vitamins A, C, and K. They also have beta-carotene, which helps with vision and boosts the immune system.
Cucumbers: Cucumbers are hydrating and low in calories, perfect for dogs watching their weight. They’re also rich in vitamins K and C.
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Peas: Peas offer plant-based protein and are packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, potassium, and iron.
Green Beans: Green beans are high in fiber, helping with digestion. They also have vitamins A, C, and K, plus manganese.
These veggies can be given cooked or raw, but skip seasonings that could harm dogs. Always add new veggies slowly and watch for any bad reactions. Adding a mix of safe veggies, including celeriac, can boost your dog’s health and happiness.
Understanding the Costs: Dog Walking Rates
For dog owners needing reliable care while away, knowing the dog walking rates is essential. Rates can vary based on services offered, such as the length of the walk, number of dogs, and special requirements. Many providers offer competitive rates and personalized services to ensure your dog gets the exercise and attention they need.
How to Choose a Dog Walker
When it comes to finding the right dog walker for your furry companion, there are several important factors to consider. We understand that the well-being and safety of your pet is of utmost importance, so we’ve put together some valuable tips to help you make an informed decision.
Experience and Qualifications: Start by looking for a dog walker who has experience in handling dogs similar to yours. They should have a good understanding of dog behavior and basic training techniques. Additional qualifications such as pet first aid certification can also be a valuable asset.
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Reliability and Trustworthiness: Trust is a crucial factor when it comes to leaving your beloved pet in someone else’s care. Look for a dog walker who has a proven track record of being reliable and trustworthy. Checking client references and online reviews can give you insights into their professionalism and trustworthiness.
Choosing the right dog walker is a decision that can greatly impact your pet’s well-being and happiness. By considering these factors, you can confidently select a dog walker who will provide the care and attention your furry friend deserves.
Clean and Fresh: Dog Wash Station
Keeping your dog clean is easier with a dog wash station. These facilities are designed to make washing your pet quick and hassle-free. They provide everything needed for a thorough clean, including specialized shampoos and grooming tools. It’s a convenient option to maintain your dog’s hygiene without the mess at home.
Safe Cleaning Alternatives for Dog Owners
While Dettol may pose risks to dogs, there are alternative cleaning products that are safe to use around our furry friends.
One such product is Safe4 Disinfectant Cleaner, a pet-friendly disinfectant that is free from aldehydes, phenols, and alcohol. This non-toxic and non-irritant cleaner is highly effective without harming our pets.
“Safe4 Disinfectant Cleaner is a reliable and safe option for dog owners. It kills germs and bacteria effectively, giving us peace of mind while keeping our dogs healthy.”
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For general cleaning of floors and surfaces that our pets frequent, it is recommended to use low-fragrance detergents. These detergents are gentle on our pets’ sensitive noses while effectively removing dirt and grime.
Northern Ireland is a fantastic destination for pet owners, offering a variety of luxury dog friendly cottages, charming dog friendly coffee shops, and practical amenities like dog wash stations. Whether you’re enjoying a luxurious stay or just looking for a great spot to relax with your dog, there’s something for everyone. With these options, you and your furry friend can make the most of your time together.
Q1. How much does it cost to hire a dog walker in the UK?
In the UK, the average cost of hiring a dog walker is around ÂŁ10-ÂŁ15 per hour. However, the actual cost can vary depending on factors such as location, experience of the dog walker, and number of dogs being walked.
Q2. What factors can affect dog walking rates?
Several factors can influence dog walking rates in the UK. Location, duration and frequency of walks, number of dogs being walked, experience and qualifications of the dog walker, additional services offered, holiday and seasonal rate variations, transportation costs, and insurance and liability coverage can all contribute to variations in dog walking prices.
Q3. How do I choose a dog walker?
When choosing a dog walker, it’s important to consider factors such as their experience and qualifications, reliability and trustworthiness, compatibility with your pet, logistics and communication, and insurance and liability coverage. Checking client references, online reviews, and arranging a meet-and-greet can help ensure a good fit between the walker and your pet.
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downtoearthmarkets · 29 days
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The unofficial end of summer is almost upon us as we prepare to kick back and relax around the barbecue this long Labor Day weekend. Labor Day commemorates the efforts of those who fought for workers' rights during the labor movement of the late 19th century and the benefits and protections we now enjoy as a result.
The first Labor Day celebration took place in New York City on Sept. 5, 1882, with thousands of workers marching in a parade organized by local union and labor organizations. A big outdoor barbecue to symbolize the group camaraderie and unity quickly became a central feature of these large annual gatherings. In fact, the first notable Labor Day barbecue took place in 1888 when the Volunteers Firemen’s Association roasted a 1,200-pound ox in a Bronx neighborhood park.
Over one hundred and thirty years later, the Labor Day barbecue tradition is still going strong as backyard chefs across the U.S. prepare cookouts for family and friends. In keeping with this spirit and in tribute to workers and farmers everywhere, here are some classic grilling ideas to get you cooking with coal this holiday weekend!
Grilled T-Bone Steak It may not be a whole ox, but T-bone steak gives you the best of both worlds with a strip loin on one side and a filet mignon on the other. The bone in the center of the cut is especially useful when grilling, as it helps hold in the flavor and juiciness of the meat as it cooks:
T-bone steaks from Great Joy Family Farm or SOVA Farms
Arlotta Food Studio olive oil
Maplebrook Farm or SOVA Farms butter
Fresh herbs from the farmstalls, finely chopped to mix with butter
Fresh Caradonna Farms chives, finely chopped
Coarse salt & freshly cracked black pepper
T-Bone Grilling Instructions 
Preheat grill to high at 450°-550°.
Brush both sides of the T-bone steak with olive oil.
Season both sides of the steak with sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper.
Place steaks on grill and cook for 4 minutes.
Give the steaks a quarter turn and cook for 2 minutes.
Flip steaks over and cook for 2 more minutes. This entire cooking process will render a rare to medium-rare internal temperature.
Remove steaks from grill and let rest for 3 to 5 minutes.
Pour melted herb butter over top of steaks and sprinkle with fresh chives.
Slice and serve hot.
Fresh Corn Salad This fresh corn salad incorporates the very best of the season’s farm-fresh produce and positively bursts with the essence of late summer. It pairs perfectly with grilled options and balances out heavier main dishes. Plus, it requires zero cooking!
3 cups raw corn kernels (from about 4 Norwich Meadows Farm cobs) 
1 medium Great Joy Family Farm tomato, chopped (about œ cup) 
Ÿ cup chopped Caradonna Farms green onion 
1 cup quartered and thinly sliced Norwich Meadows Farm cucumber (preferably English cucumber) 
œ cup chopped Caradonna Farms fresh leafy herbs (choose from basil, dill, mint, parsley and/or cilantro) 
œ cup chopped Great Joy Family Farm radishes 
1 medium Norwich Meadows Farm jalapeño, very thinly sliced 
Œ cup Arlotta Food Studio extra virgin olive oil 
1 tablespoon Arlotta Food Studio wine vinegar 
2 medium Caradonna Farms cloves garlic, pressed or minced 
œ teaspoon fine sea salt 
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 
⅓ cup crumbled Maplebrook Farm feta cheese
Grilled Plums Your barbecue is already pre-heated so why not conserve some of that energy by using it to grill Caradonna Farms plums or other sun-ripened stone fruit for dessert? The heat will caramelize the fruits’ natural sugars and enhance their embedded sweetness.
Grilled plums are delicious when drizzled with Goode and Local By Don Rodrigo or SOVA Farms honey and enjoyed as a simple light dessert. They will also pair wonderfully with ice cream, Maplebrook Farm ricotta cheese or yogurt. Grilled plums can also be strewn with fresh rosemary or sage, sprinkled with flaky salt, and served as a sweet and savory accompaniment to your grilled main dish.
As we celebrate Labor Day and the unofficial end of summer, we hope you enjoy the last true weekend of grilling season before the weather begins to turn and fall arrives in all its glory. We look forward to seeing you in the farmers market!
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ustoyou · 2 months
Natural Pure Honey Online: What You Must Know?
Within the last five years, the number of people using natural pure honey has tremendously increased because of its health benefits and the natural delicious taste. Convenience is one of the biggest strengths of purchasing honey online. This helps you research your preferred honey products without having to go around shopping from store to store. It is easy to switch between different brands and varieties when shopping online and the whole process is very easy.
The Top Facts About The Natural Pure Honey Online
Another advantage of buying honey through the Internet is that there is a wider range of products in the virtual markets compared to physical ones. There exists a description on most of the sites and customer reviews on which one can base his or her decision on which product is appropriate to fill the gap.
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There exists usually significant information on where and how the honey has been sourced, and processed, and Innovative online sellers do not hesitate to inform their customers that it sells pure honey. The suppliers in the UK have articulated a strong desire to offer natural honey that has not undergone any processing that includes the use of chemical balancing. Therefore, when shopping natural pure honey online, you will easily purchase natural products from trusted dealers without sincerely questioning the purity of the honey that you are buying.
Raw natural honey contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which are useful in many ways for the body. It has anti-microbial activity, can help in soothing throat pains, increases energy, and helps in digestion. Pure honey uk can easily be bought online so you shouldn’t consider stocking it up as a challenge, thus it can easily be included in your daily diet plan. Go ahead! Claim the top benefits of pure honey UKand natural pure honey online by connecting with the top platform.
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holethoa2010 · 2 months
I Discovered A Strange Fruit: "Red Banana" And Interesting Dishes From It!
Discovering the Red Banana
While exploring a local market in a rural village, I stumbled upon a peculiar fruit that instantly caught my eye. Unlike the familiar yellow bananas, these were a striking reddish-purple color, almost resembling a vibrant sunset. Intrigued by this exotic sight, I decided to buy a few and learn more about this unusual fruit.
The vendor, noticing my curiosity, explained that these were Red Bananas, known for their distinct taste and rich nutritional profile. Originating from Southeast Asia and cultivated in regions like India and Central America, Red Bananas are not just a visual treat but also a culinary delight.
Nutritional Benefits of Red Bananas
Before diving into the culinary possibilities, it's essential to appreciate the health benefits that Red Bananas offer:
Rich in Nutrients: Packed with vitamins C and B6, Red Bananas support immune function and brain health.
High in Antioxidants: Their reddish color indicates a high level of beta carotene, which helps fight oxidative stress.
Good for Digestion: Like their yellow counterparts, Red Bananas are a great source of dietary fiber, aiding digestion.
Boosts Energy: With a natural sweetness and carbohydrate content, they provide a quick energy boost, making them perfect for a pre-workout snack.
Culinary Adventures with Red Bananas
Red Bananas have a unique taste, slightly sweeter and creamier than regular bananas, with a hint of raspberry flavor. Here are some exciting dishes I tried and loved:
1. Red Banana Smoothie
A refreshing and nutritious smoothie is an excellent way to start your day.
2 Red Bananas
1 cup of Greek yogurt
1/2 cup of almond milk
A handful of spinach
1 tablespoon of honey
A few ice cubes
Peel and chop the Red Bananas.
Combine all ingredients in a blender.
Blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour into a glass and enjoy!
2. Red Banana Pancakes
These fluffy pancakes are a delightful breakfast treat, perfect for weekends.
2 Red Bananas, mashed
1 cup of flour
1 cup of milk
1 egg
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder
A pinch of salt
Butter or oil for cooking
In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
In another bowl, whisk the egg and milk together.
Add the mashed Red Bananas to the wet mixture.
Combine the wet and dry ingredients, mixing until just blended.
Heat a skillet over medium heat and add a bit of butter or oil.
Pour small amounts of batter onto the skillet, cooking until bubbles form on the surface.
Flip and cook until golden brown on both sides.
Serve with maple syrup or your favorite toppings.
3. Red Banana Bread
A twist on the classic banana bread, this version is moist, flavorful, and perfect with a cup of tea.
3 Red Bananas, mashed
1/2 cup of melted butter
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
A pinch of salt
Optional: nuts, chocolate chips, or dried fruits
Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a loaf pan.
In a large bowl, mix the melted butter and sugar.
Add the eggs and vanilla extract, stirring well.
Mix in the mashed Red Bananas.
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt.
Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, mixing until just combined.
Fold in any optional add-ins like nuts or chocolate chips.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan.
Bake for 60-70 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Let the bread cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
Discovering Red Bananas has been a delightful journey, adding a burst of color and flavor to my culinary adventures. Their unique taste and impressive health benefits make them a fantastic addition to any diet. Whether enjoyed raw or incorporated into various dishes, Red Bananas are a delicious way to explore new flavors and embrace the beauty of diverse produce. So next time you come across these vibrant fruits, don't hesitate to give them a try and experiment with your own Red Banana recipes!
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Beekeeping Supplies in Brisbane and Around: A Pollinator's Paradise
Prominent vendors provide beekeeping supplies in Brisbane to encourage the use of mead, bee venom, propolis, pure organic honey, beeswax, and other products for a healthy lifestyle, in addition to local bee firming.
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The queen bees for sale at QLD vendors support companies in maintaining hygienic practices and beekeepers' and bees' safety by offering top-notch, innovative beekeeping supplies. These are practical instruments for environmentally friendly apiculture practices in urban areas as well as rural ones.
Bring Your Honey With You Start a New Interest
Moreover, honey is more than just a delicious topping for porridge or toast in the morning. Packed with minerals, raw honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help heal burns and wounds and stave against some diseases.
If your bees produce enough honey, you might share your surplus with relatives, friends, and neighbours or sell it at local markets. Beeswax is another product your bees will produce. You may use it to make crayons, candles, balm for lips, and food wrappers.
Eco-Friendly Beekeeping Equipment and Supplies Benefits:
Beekeepers nowadays may choose from a wide variety of the newest kits and materials available, which have several advantages. Advanced materials and kits are shipped straight from reputable manufacturers via trustworthy vendors.
These contemporary beehive kits come with open ventilation systems that control the temperature and moisture in the hive, lessen stress on the bees, and boost output.
These vendors provide state-of-the-art equipment built for bee health and associated product efficiency.
Their state-of-the-art parts improve resilience and insulation, shielding bee colonies from inclement weather.
Without the use of dangerous pesticides, these kits are designed and manufactured to decrease mite infestations while fostering colony life.
Not simply in the production of food, but throughout our entire ecology, bees are indispensable. They aid in the growth of many common flowers, plants, and trees by pollinating them.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 2 months
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arganoilsidighanem · 3 months
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Dive into oriental heritage
Immerse yourself in the fascinating history and rich heritage of the Orient with Nila black soap from Oriental Group. Inspired by the ancestral secrets and natural treasures of a region renowned for its timeless beauty and traditional care rituals, this soap embodies the perfect alliance between tradition and innovation to reveal your natural beauty
 Black soap, also known as “beldi soap”, originates from Morocco. Used for centuries in traditional hammams, it is a key element in purification and skin care rituals. Black soap is made from crushed black olives and macerated in salt and potash, which gives it its pasty texture and dark color. It is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, making it a great product for nourishing and exfoliating the skin. 
Nila, for its part, is a plant that grows mainly in West Africa and Southeast Asia. Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine and African beauty practices, nila is known for its soothing, brightening and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used to treat skin irritations, inflammations, and dark spots on the skin.
The combination of black soap and nila creates a unique treatment that combines the benefits of both ingredients. Black soap provides a cleansing and exfoliating base, while nila provides its soothing and lightening properties. This blend is particularly appreciated for its ability to even out skin tone, soothe irritation and deeply nourish the skin. Nila black soap is the result of an ancient skincare tradition combined with proven botanical knowledge. Originating from Morocco for black soap and West Africa for nila, this product embodies a fusion of traditions and natural benefits, offering a complete and revitalizing care experience.
1. Deep cleansing: Formulated to effectively remove impurities and traces of pollution, leaving your skin impeccably clean.
2. Intense Hydration: Enriched with nourishing natural oils like coconut oil and argan oil, this soap deeply hydrates, leaving your skin soft and supple.
3. Gentle exfoliation: Thanks to its fine grains of olive stones and its rich texture, it gently exfoliates to remove dead cells and reveal a radiant complexion.
4. Natural anti-aging: Rich in powerful antioxidants like vitamin E, it helps fight free radicals responsible for premature aging of the skin.
5. Soothing and calming: Ideal for sensitive skin, it soothes irritation and redness, leaving skin soothed and comfortable.
6. Complexion lightening: Promotes an unified and luminous complexion thanks to its natural lightening properties.
7. Softener: After each use, it leaves skin incredibly soft and smooth to the touch.
8. Balancing: Helps regulate sebum production, suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive.
9. Enchanting Scent: Offers a pleasant sensory experience with a subtle and delicate scent that awakens the senses.
10. Environmental responsibility: Designed with natural and environmentally friendly ingredients, it embodies our commitment to sustainability and the well-being of the planet.
Five Creative Ways to Use Nila Black Soap by Oriental Group
1. Revitalizing Facial Mask: Mix a tablespoon of black soap with raw honey for a hydrating and revitalizing mask. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water for glowing skin.
2. Exfoliating Body Scrub: Mix black soap with brown sugar to create a gentle exfoliating scrub. Gently massage onto damp skin in circular motions, then rinse with lukewarm water for soft, smooth skin.
3. Mild Shampoo: Use black soap as a natural shampoo to gently cleanse hair while leaving it hydrated and shiny. Apply to wet hair, gently massage the scalp, then rinse thoroughly.
4. Multi-Surface Cleaner: Dilute black soap in water to create a natural and effective cleaning solution for various surfaces around the home, including kitchen counters and bathroom surfaces.
5. Relaxing Bath: Add a small amount of black soap to your hot bath for the ultimate relaxation experience. Enjoy the soothing and purifying properties of black soap while relaxing after a long day.
Address: No. 200 Lot Elmassar, Sidi Ghanem Industrial Estate Route de Safi,
City: 40,000 Marrakech, MOROCCO
Mobile: Whatsapp / Viber: +212 664 511 976
Customer service: +212 651 925 398 / +212 600 604 387
Skype: group.oriental
Wechat ID: +212664 511 976
Website: https://bioprogreen.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bioprogreenMorocco
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@bioprogreenmorocco4708
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bioprogreenmorocco
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tractorgurusblog · 3 months
Healthy Calorie Meal Plans in Dubai: A Guide to Nutritious Living
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In the bustling city of Dubai, where culinary delights from around the world are at your fingertips, maintaining a healthy diet can be a challenge. However, with the rise of health-conscious dining options and meal delivery services, sticking to a nutritious calorie-counted meal plan has become easier than ever. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating the best healthy calorie meal plans in Dubai.
Why Choose a Calorie-Counted Meal Plan?
A calorie-counted meal plan ensures you get the right amount of nutrients while keeping your calorie intake in check. This is crucial for:
Weight Management: Helps in losing, maintaining, or gaining weight as per your goals.
Balanced Nutrition: Ensures you receive a balanced diet with the right mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Convenience: Saves time and effort in meal preparation, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life.
Top Benefits of Meal on Me Calorie-Counted Meal Plans
Customized Plans: Tailored to meet individual dietary needs and preferences, ensuring you enjoy your meals while meeting your health goals.
Nutritionally Balanced: Crafted by expert nutritionists to provide balanced meals that support a healthy lifestyle.
High-Quality Ingredients: Only the freshest and highest quality ingredients are used to prepare your meals.
Convenient Delivery: Meals are delivered right to your doorstep, making it easy to stick to your diet even with a busy schedule.
Variety and Taste: A diverse menu that changes regularly, ensuring you never get bored with your diet.
Sample Meal Plan
Here’s a sneak peek into a typical day on the Meal on Me calorie-counted meal plan:
Breakfast: Quinoa porridge with mixed berries and a drizzle of honey, paired with a green smoothie.
Mid-Morning Snack: A handful of raw almonds and a piece of fruit.
Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa salad, featuring fresh vegetables and a light lemon vinaigrette.
Afternoon Snack: Greek yogurt with a sprinkle of chia seeds and fresh strawberries.
Dinner: Baked salmon with a side of steamed broccoli and sweet potato mash.
Dessert: A small serving of dark chocolate mousse made with avocado.
Success Stories
Many Dubai residents have transformed their health and wellness journey with Meal on Me. Here are a few testimonials:
Sarah, 32: "Meal on Me has made my life so much easier. I’ve lost 10 kg in three months and feel more energetic than ever!"
Ahmed, 45: "I used to struggle with meal prep, but now I have delicious, healthy meals delivered to my doorstep. It’s been a game-changer for my fitness goals."
Lina, 27: "The variety and taste of the meals keep me motivated. I love that I don’t have to compromise on flavor for health."
How to Get Started
Getting started with Meal on Me is simple:
Visit our website: Browse through our meal plan options.
Choose Your Plan: Select the plan that best fits your dietary needs and preferences.
Place Your Order: Schedule your meals for delivery.
Enjoy: Sit back and enjoy nutritious, delicious meals delivered to your door.
Final Thoughts
A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. With Meal on Me’s calorie-counted meal plans, you can enjoy delicious, balanced meals that support your health goals. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, maintain your current weight, or simply eat healthier, our meal plans are designed to make nutritious eating easy and enjoyable.
Start your journey to better health today with Meal on Me. Eat well, live well, and feel great in Dubai!
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