#top 9 on instagram for 2018
redgoldsparks · 11 months
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I wrote a 12 page epilogue to my 2019 comic "Harry Potter and The Problematic Author" because I found, in 2023, that I had more to say. You can also find this comic on my website, and I have PDF copies available on etsy. I may sell print copies at some point in the future.
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
Full transcript below the cut.
Part one: Ruddy Owls!
I was in fourth grade when the first Harry Potter Book was released in the US.
Panel 1: Sometimes our teacher would read it aloud in class. “Mr and Mrs Dursley of number 4 Privat Drive were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much…”
Panel 2: I was 11 years old when Harry Potter finally broke through my dyslexia and turned me into a reader.
Panel 3: Every night in the summer before sixth grade I waited for the owl carrying my Hogwarts Letter. I cried when it didn’t come. “I have to go to Muggle school!”
Part Two: Hats
I dedicated myself to being a fan.
Panel 1: I began collecting Harry Potter News article.
Panel 2: I asked my relatives to mail me ones from their local papers. I filled a thick binder with clippings.
Panel 3: I wrote my own trivia quiz
Panel 4: and participated in the one held annually at the county fair. “Next contestant!”
Panel 5: I usually got into one of. the top five spots. I won boxes of candy, posters, stationary, and once a baseball cap. (Hat reads: I survived the battle of Hogwarts).
Panel 6: In high school I sewed a black velvet cape and knitted many stripped scarves.
Part Three: Double Trouble
Watching the last film in 2011 felt like the final note of my childhood. 
Panel 1: I remember driving home from the midnight showing thinking about the end of 13 years of waiting; wondering what would define the next chapter of my life. 
Panel 2: That same month I heard of something called Pottermore. “Okay, so there’s a sorting quiz… I already know my house! Patronus assignment? Mine’s a barn owl. Duh!" 
Panel 3: You can read the books again but with GIFs? Why? 
Panel 4: I lived in a place with very slow and limited internet at the time. Pottermore sounded inaccessible, but also boring. I never joined. 
Panel 5: "I’ll just read the actual books again, thanks." 
Part Four: Sweets
In 2016, a series of short stories titled "History of Magic in North America” were released on Pottermore to pave the way for the first Fantastic Beasts Film. These stories display an extreme ignorance of American history, culture, and geography, but the worst parts are the casual misuse of indigenous beliefs and stories. Fans and critics immediately spoke up against this appropriation. Some of the most quoted voices included Nambe Pueblo scholar Dr. Debbie Reese who runs the site “American Indians In Children’s Literature”; Navajo writer Brian Young; Johnnie Jae (Otoe-Missouria and Choctaw), founder of A Tribe Called Geek; Dr Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), a Professor at Brown University who runs the blog “Native Appropriations”, and writers N.K. Jemison and Paula Young Lee.
Rowling is famous for responding to fans directly on twitter, yet she did not respond to anyone calling out the damaging aspects of “Magic in North America.” Her representatives refused to comment for March 9 2016 article in the Guardian. She has never apologized. All of this, plus the casting of Johnny Depp and the specific declarations of support by JKR, Warner Brothers, and director David Yates left a sour taste in my mouth.
For further thoughts on the new films read The Crimes of Grindelwald is a Mess by Alanna Bennett for Buzzfeed News, November 16, 2018.
Excerpt from Colonialism in Wizarding American: JK Rowling’s History of Magic in North America Through an Indigenous Lens by Allison Mills, MFA, MAS/MLIS (Cree and Settler French Canadian)
Although Rowling is certainly not the first white author to misstep in her treatment of Indigenous cultures, she has an unprecedented level of visibility and fame, […] One of the most glaring problems with Rowling’s story is her treatment of the many Indigenous nations in North America as one monolithic group. […It] flattens out the diversity of languages, belief systems, and cultures that exist in Indigenous communities, allowing stereotyping to persist. […] It continues a long history of colonial texts which ignore that Indigenous peoples still exist. […] In the Wizarding world, as in the real world, Indigenous histories have been over-written and our cultures erased.
from The Looking Glass: New Perspectives in Children’s Literature Volumn 19, Issue 1
Part 5: Music
Panel 1: Also in 2016 I discovered two podcasts which radically altered my experience of being an HP fan. The first was Witch Please created by two Canadian feminist literary scholars Hannah McGregor and Marcelle Kosman.
Panel 2: “If it’s not in the text it doesn’t count!” “Close reading ONLY!”
Panel 3: They talk about Harry Potter at the level you’d expect in a college class with particular focus on gender, race, class, and the troubling fatphobia, fear of othered and queer coded bodies, violence against women, white feminism, gaslighting and failed pedagogy in the books. They bring up these issues not because they hate the series, but because they LOVE it.
These passionate, joyful conversations went off like fireworks in my mind. I had never taken a feminist class before. I gained a whole new vocabulary to talk about the books- and the world.
Panel 1: The second podcast I started that year was Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, created by two graduates of the Harvard Divinity School, Vanessa Zoltan and Casper Ter Kuile.
Panel 2: They read one chapter per episode through a theme such as love, control, curiosity, shame, responsibility, hospitality, destruction, or mystery. Like Witch Please, they are interested only in the information on the page, not thoughts from the author. The delights and failures of the text are examined in the context of the present day, and new meanings constantly arise.
What does it mean to treat a text as sacred?
Trusting that the more time we give to it, the more blessings it has to give us.
Reading the text repeatedly with concentrated attention. Our effort is part of what makes it sacred. The text is not in and of itself sacred, but is made so by rigorously engaging in the ritual of reading.
Experiencing it in community.
“To me, the goal of treating the text as sacred is that we learn to treat each other as sacred.” -Vanessa Zoltan
Part 6: Tooth and Claw
In October 2017, Rowling liked a tweet linking to an article arguing that trans women should be kept out of women’s bathrooms because of cisgender women’s fears. In March 2018, she liked a tweet about the problem of misogyny in the UK Labour Party which included the line “Men in dresses get brosocialist solidarity I never had.” The author of the tweet had previously posted many blatantly anti-trans statements.
Rowlings publicist claimed she had liked the posted by accident in a “clumsy and middle-aged moment.” Yet, in September 2018 she liked a link posted by Janice Turner to her column in the Times UK titled “Trans Rapists Are A Danger In Women’s Jails.”
Screencaps of these tweets can be found in the article “The Mysterious Case of JK Rowling and her Transphobic Twitter History”, January 10 2019 by Gwendolyn Smith (a trans journalist), LGBTQNation.com
Excerpt from: Is JK Rowling Transphobic? A Trans Woman Investigates by Katelyn Burns
Ultimately, the answer is yes, she is transphobic […] I think it’s fair that she receives criticism from trans people, especially given her advocacy on behalf of queer people in general, but also because she has a huge platform. Many people look up to her for creating a singular piece of popular culture that holds deep meaning for fans from different walks of life, and she has a responsibility to handle that platform wisely. (Published on them.us March 28, 2018)
Part 7: Home
At age 30, I’m still not over Harry Potter.
Panel 1: I’ve recently found a local bar that does HP trivia nights. “Poppy or Pomona?” “Poppy!”
Panel 2: I currently own an annual pass to Universal Studios so I can visit Hogsmeade.
Panel 3: I love talking to kids who are reading the books for the first time. “Who’s your favorite character?” “Ginny!”
Panel 4: And I’m planning a relisten to the audio books to next year to help me get through the election cycle. “Jim Dale, I’m going to need you more than ever…”
Spoiler from 2023: I did not do this. By mid-2020 JKR had posted her transphobic essay; we were in covid; I never visited Universal Studios again.
But I do want to learn from her mistakes. I never want to repeat “Magic in North America.” As I write, I will do my research. I will consult experts and compensate them. If a reader from a different culture/background than me speaks up about my work, I will listen and apologize. I KNOW I WILL MAKE MISTAKES. But I will own up to them and I will do better.
Excerpt from Diversity Is Not Enough: Race, Power and Publishing by Daniel José Older
We can love a thing and still critique it. In fact, that’s the only way to really love a thing. Let’s be critical lovers and loving critics and open ourselves to the truth about where we are and where we’ve been. Instead of holding tight to the same old, failed patriarchies, let’s walk a new road, speak new languages. Today, let’s imagine a literature, a literary world, that carries this struggle for equity in its very essence, so that tomorrow it can cease to be necessary, and disappear. (Buzzfeed, April 14, 2017) 
Harry Potter is flawed, & JK Rowling is problematic. But the books helped me learn a lot: 
*One of the greatest dangers facing the modern world is the rise of fascism 
*The government cannot be trusted 
*Read and think critically
*Question the news: who paid the journalist? Who owns the paper? 
*Trust and support your friends through good times and bad
*Organize for resistance
*Educate and share resources with peers
*The revolution must be diverse and intersectional
* We are only as strong as we are united
*The weapon we have is love 
MK 2019
In 2021 I removed a Harry Potter patch I sewed to my book bag over a decade ago. I took 15 pieces of Harry Potter fanart off my walls. I got rid of my paperback book set, 2 board games, and 8 t-shirt. [images: a Hogwarts a patch with loose threads, a pair of scissors and a seam ripper]
Panel 1: Maia holding up a shirt with the Deathly Hallows logo on it. Maia thinks: “Damn, this really used to be my entire personality.”
Panel 2: The t-shirt gets thrown into the Goodwill box.
I wrote my zine wrestling with JKR’s legacy in 2019, after her dismissive and racist reaction to indigenous fans and critics of “Magic in North America” and after she had liked a couple transphobic tweets. Since then, she has gotten so much worse.
A Brief Timeline (mostly from this Vox article)
June 2020- JKR posts a 3600 word essay making her anti-trans position clear
August 2020- The Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Org issues a statement about her transphobia, JKR doubles down on her position and returns an award they gave her
December 2020- JKR claims 90% of HP fans secretly agree with her anti-trans views
December 2021- JKR mocks Scottish Police for recognizing transgender identities
March 2022- JKR criticizes gender-inclusive language and legislation
December 2022- JKR retweets trans youtuber Jessie Earl’s critical review of Hogwarts Legacy, starting an onslaught of transphobic harassment towards Earl
December 2022- JKR removes her support from an Edinburgh center for survivors of sexual violence with a trans-inclusive policy and funds her own center which explicitly excludes trans sexual assault survivors
January 2023- JKR tweets “Deeply amused by those telling me I’ve lost their admiration due to disrespect I show violent, duplicitous rapists.” It got nearly 300K likes
March 2023- One the podcast “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling”, hosted by a former Westboro Baptist Church Member, JKR compares the trans rights movement to Death Eaters.
What are The Witch Trials of JK Rowling?
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “It’s a 7 episode documentary style podcast hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper. Nearly every episode contains interviews with JKR as well as critics, journalists, historians, protestors and fans.
Panel 2: Maia speaking. “In episode 1, JKR speaks more candidly than she has previously about being in an abusive marriage. Her ex-husband hit her, stalked her, broke into her house overlapping with the time she was writing the first three HP books.”
Panel 3: Maia speaking. “What she went through genuinely sounds horrific. I have a lot of sympathy for the kind of life-long traumas those experiences leave.”
It is clear from reading the June 2020 essay on her blog and listening to the podcast, that JKR still to this day feels unsafe. Despite her wealth and privilege she moves through the world with the mindset of a victim. And the group of people she finds most threatening are trans women.
Or rather, she is afraid that allowing trans women in women’s spaces invites the possibility of male predators entering those spaces.
Here’s a direct quote: The problem is male violence. All a predator wants is access and to open the doors of changing rooms, rape centers, domestic violence centers [...] to any male who says “I’m a woman and I have a right to be here” will constitute a risk to women and girls. - from The Witch Trials episode 4 as transcribed by therowlinglibrary.com, March 2023
Image: A stem of Belladonna with flowers and berries.
Let me introduce here the term: TRANSMISOGYNY. The intersection of transphobia and misogyny, this term was coined by Julia Serano in 2007. Scout Tran, on tiktok as Queersneverdie said: “Transmisogyny occurs in people who have been previously hurt by traditional misogyny. Who have been driven to hate men or at the very least to be scared of men. They will sometimes take out that rage on trans women. (March 2023)
JKR claims to care for trans women and understand they are extremely vulnerable to assault and violence. In her 2020 Essay she wrote: “I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe.”
So she cares about trans women… just less than cis women, and she’s willing to throw all trans women under the bus because of her unfounded, prejudice fears.
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “JKR claims to have seen data that proves trans women have presented physical threats to other women in intimate spaces, but never cites sources. She also uses “producer of the large gametes” as a definition of “woman”.
What about transmen and nonbinary folks?
Panel 2: Maia leaning on a stack of all seven HP books, the first four Cormorant Strike books and The Casual Vacancy, gesturing to a series of quotes with a tired and disgusted expression.
I’m concerned about the huge explosion of young women wishing to transition and also about the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning. * [...] If I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. -June 10 2020 essay
I don’t believe a 14 year old can truly understand what the loss of their fertility is.
-Witch Trials episode 4
I haven’t yet found a study that hasn’t found that the majority of young people experiencing gender dysphoria grow out of it*. -Witch Trials episode 7
*No sources cited
It’s hard to over emphasize how fixated JKR has become on these topics. As of the date I’m writing this, 14 out of her 20 most recent tweets (70%) are in some way anti-trans. She tweets against Mermaids (a UK based trans youth charity), against trans athletes, against gender neutral bathrooms, and in support of LBG Alliance- a UK org that denies trans rights while upholding gay rights. Here are some gems from her archive:
“People who menstruate.” I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? -June 2020
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman. - December 2021
And in response to someone asking “How do you sleep at night knowing you lost a whole audience?”
I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly. -October 2022
Hashtag Ruthless Productions a queer nerd podcast company created a great guide on ethical engagement with HP. Image: the two hosts of Hashtag Ruthless productions, Jessie (They/she) and Lark (he/him).
Stop buying all official HP Products: books, movies, games, toys, etc, Universal Studios tickets, food, merch.* Boycott any new TV series or movies. Instead: buy the books and DVDs used. If you still want to wear HP merch, buy fan-made. Engage only with fan content: fic, podcasts, fanart, wizard rock, etc. Show transphobia is bad for business. None of this will change JKR’s mind. But the Fantastic Beast series was canceled and after record Pottermore sales in 2020, they fell in 2022 by 40%.
*She gets a portion of ALL tickets. In 2019, this was her largest income source. Read the full guide: hashtagruthless.com/resourceguide
As late as 2019, I was still reading JKR’s murder mystery series. But by the fourth book my experience began to sour.
Panel 1: Maia holding a copy of Lethal White. “The only gay character in this book is a government official who gropes his staff?”
Panel 2: “The only genderqueer character is misgendered and portrayed as a whiny faker?”
Panel 3: “The only Muslim character is disowned by his family over gay rumors?”
Panel 4: “Even the women aren’t portrayed very well…”
Panel 5: “Why is the main female character defined by the rape in her past?”
Panel 6: “Wait, what happens in the rest of this series…?” Maia scrolls on eir phone.
Panel 7: “Is the series heading towards an employee/boss relationship?”
Panel 8: “And has a man wearing women’s clothes to commit assault?”
Panel 9: “Yeah, I’m done. I’m never reading a new JKR book ever again.”
And as for JKR herself?
As tempting as it might be to tweet your frustrations at her, I don’t recommend it. In 2021, she tweeted, “Hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me.” Getting hate online feeds her sense of victimhood and she waves it as proof of her moral high ground. Instead I suggest you block her on twitter, then delete twitter, go to the library and try to find a new book that feels magical.
Stack of books: In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan, The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, Gifts by Ursula K Le Guin, Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane, A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik and Gideon the Ninth by Tamsin Muir.
In “Emergent Strategy” adrienne maree brown writes: You do not have the right to traumatize abusive people, to attack them, personally or publicly, or to sabotage anyone else’s health. The behaviors of abuse are also survival-based, learned behaviors rooted in pain. If you can look through the lens of compassion, you will find hurt and trauma there. If you are the abused party, healing that hurt is not your responsibility and exacerbating that pain is not your justified right.
Seeing anyone over age 12 wearing HP merch now makes me uncomfortable. Are they ignorant or actively a TERF? I hate wondering how much money JKR has probably poured into anti-trans legislation… This zine is a culmination of my slow breakup with a story that once brought me joy. Now it just makes me angry, tired and sad.
Image: Candle in a fancy holder burned down to less than an inch.
Maia Kobabe, 2023
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10 Jikook Moments That Make Me Say "There is no way Jikook is not real"
You know how sometimes when you are watching some Jikook content you get the random thought that says "How in the world is this even real?!?" For reals. A lot of Jikook moments are just...magical. They are something else. Real "I am you, you are me" (I really like that phrase, can you tell?).
Some moments legit have no explanation other than it's 2 people who are in love and are together. Together? Forever. Forever?
So here is my list (In no particular order, except number 1 and 2. Those moments are just the top moments for me):
10. Jungkook melting
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This particular scene left a huge impression on me. Jimin caresses Jungkook's face and Jk closes his eyes and let's the touch take him. Its romantic.
There is no way on Earth that 2 people can touch each other like this and not feel anything remotely similar to love. No way.
Sure, friends with benefits can do it, or just friends can do it, but to get to this point where your face is caressed and you MELT, that's undeniable love. Touch with love elicits this sort of response. And we don't only see this in this scene, there are tons of others where the same thing happens!
(Like in yesterday's Jikook hug. Jk melted into Jimin.)
9. Mma 2018
A classic, right?
Have you ever seen any 2 other idols do this? It's like they forgot the cameras and all the people existed and poor Hyunjae next to them raising his eyesbrows left and right lol The guy seemed traumatized lol
They let their romantic thoughts win. Jk couldn't get his eyes off of Jimin. He even wanted to help him sit lol The way he looked at him. Like he wanted to kiss every inch of his face. His eyes spilling love.
I've watched this so many times and I stare at my screen in disbelief everytime. But I get it. Sometimes the moment is then and Jungkook and Jimin lived it.
8. You are my Park Filter 🥰
We are only supposed to watch unedited content, right everyone? So if you want to watch the whole live, go to weverse. This is a nice summary lol
Every respected Jikooker needs to have watched this, in my opinion lol
Jk is being the best boyfriend he can be and comes running the moment Jimin calls. There is lots of hand holding, soft tones in their voices, and very boyfriendy vocabulary being exchanged according to k-army, smiles, laughs, an appearance by their best man Mr. Hobi.
I watch this and it's like omg, they are happy together. And it makes me feel all happy to 3rd wheel along lol
If that doesn't convince you, maybe Jimin's shy shy shy face will!!!
7. Finger heartu 💕
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It's not the finger heart that makes me think Jikook is real...but Jimin's reaction. Like no Jungkook, we are supposed to be chill in this concert...
And then Nam in the back tying his shoelace, that is already tied, but serves as an anti anxiety technique when dealing with Jikook.
It caught Jimin by surprise, like all these grand gestures Jungkook likes to surprise him with.
6. Jikook in their wedding suits...just kidding. Jimin losing himself when looking at Jungkook
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First of all, omg. They looked handsome that day. There was a lot of Jikookery going on in these awards.
And then I see this scene. I feel like it's rare when Jimin lets his guard down and allows us to see him melt like this over Jk. I think Jimin just forgot about the cameras. His sweet smile and soft gaze for Jungkook only got softer when Jk looked at him too.
Then reality hit and back to business casual.
My point is that you don't forget that all eyes are on you unless more important eyes are on you. So many people were watching, but to Jimin, the ones that are the most important are Jungkook's eyes. And the same can be said about Jungkook.
5. 2315 in PTD Seoul
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But that's not all.
In that same concert, Jk also referenced the numbers:
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BUT that is not all...
After that concert, Jk had a quick live on Instagram and he referenced the numbers in his own way:
0:56 seconds: "Finally, in Korea, in 2.5 years, feels like 23 years, we finally had a concert in Korea. We got to do it..."
23. I was trying to figure out what the 23 meant since he referenced it twice. And one twitter discussion said that the was referring to 2300 days. That made sense to me. Has anyone heard anything about this number?
But going back to the 2315....
So k-army did the math for us and found that 2315 from March 10, 2022 (PTD concert) is...
November 08, 2015, which many believe might be the start of Jikook or a date that seems to be very important to them.
There is just too much persistence from both Jk and Jimin to show us what 11/8 means to them. It's like the are silently screaming it for us to understand.
4. GCF Tokyo
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If Jungkook still mentions it, then so do we!
Everything about this date captured on video is literally that...a date. The video doesn't even show Tokyo...just Jungkook's Jimin and he decided to share that with us. Not for fan service or because he was forced...but maybe because "I'll be loud for you, but you gotta be there for me too..."
Jk, the hopeless romantic, organized this whole trip and focused only on Jimin, another hopeless romantic.
Whenever I hear of people saying this video doesn't have romantic tones, I leaves me baffled.
After I played this video for my partner, before they knew anything about Jikook, they were like "So are these guys getting married?" Lol
The Jikooker anthem! Let's all watch it together and cry of happiness!
Boy, I'm holdin' onto something
Won't let go of you for nothing
I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
There was a time that I was so blue
What I got to do to show you?
I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
Runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
Runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
Said, I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you
But you gotta be there for me too
3. Rose Bowl Ear Nomming
Friends don't do this. Friends just don't. No one does other than a significant other or someone who is interested in you romantically or sexually. Friends don't do this. I cant think of anything else to say lol just...Friends don't do this.
And then the aftermath photo doesn't lie either:
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2. Euphoria
So I saw this observation in another blog but haven't seen anyone mention it. During this live, Jimin was playing everyone's song while doing Legos. He listened to Euphoria and afterwards, kept humming the melody and smiling. And after a while he says:
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Why would listening to Jungkook sing remind him of being at home? It's not like Jk sings all day and night. It's not like Jimin has told us before that he listens to Jk sing about 8 hours per day...wait.
So yes, this moment is up there because Jimin's subconscious is telling us everything.
1. J-hope's Album Release Party
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Ok, hear me out. In the bangtan bomb, we saw this for a total of 5 seconds max.
But this moment is LOUD. This right here should have been the end of any speculation. For reals, when I think about Jikook moments this is the biggest moment of them all. Why?
Well, because Jimin and Jk were just minding their own business in a little corner of the entire place. A little dark and cozy corner. From what we can see, their hands touching and being close enough. No one was around them. Just 2 people wanting to be close to each other.
And we've all seen this or lived this. At a party, when 2 people are hitting it off, they seclude themselves and people give them space and let be them be in their own bubble. Except that in this case, the camera caught them. Seriously, camera man? What was the reason!?!?!?
And we get Jk's face of "are you freakin kidding me?" Jimin getting shy and looking at Jk for reassurance. There wasn't supposed to be a camera or anyone around bothering. This was Jikook in their most natural state.
We also have to remember that this is during Jimin's time when he was living in the studio making FACE so Jikook wasn't spending as much time together. Jimin was taking a day off here and one thing led to another...and they are holding hands lol
And I love this moment because people don't get to say "you only have moment from 2018" "they are doing it for the cameras" "jikook jikooked when they were young but they got it out of their system" "so and so should have been there too so it wasn't a jikook thing" blah blah.
For me, this moment is it.
Watch the entire bangtan bomb and check out how Jk kept tabs on Jimin in the scenes where we see them together. And the same with Jm keeping tabs on Jk. Also, this photograph:
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There is a better version of this photo but it's so edited that you can hardly see Jk.
Anyway, this is my number 1 because there is no way that this is not real.
Phew. It was hard picking...
I might need a part 2.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
I had a thought last night when reading your posts…
Conspiracy theories and inane rumors aside, what is holding back Megan from doing social media? It’s just weird. So the whole Occam’s razor thing, simplest answer blah blah blah, what is the simplest explanation? Here again, it’s just weird.
Since you have an impressive body of reference material that could maybe leave some insight I’m missing.
The simplest answer—to me—is she simply doesn’t want it. That doesn’t seem like her though. The SussexRoyal clause still in effect? Maybe it would expose too many of her fabrications, varying recollections and interpersonal relationships? Because she seems to throw simple and transparent to the wind I’ll just go back to saying, yeah, it’s just weird.
Interest and content.
On interest: Meghan doesn't create or inspire the kind of interest to generate tons and tons of followers. She doesn't want Tig numbers anymore, she wants Jennifer Aniston and Kensington Palace numbers:
Jennifer Aniston broke Instagram's record by getting 1 million followers in 5 hours back in 2019, which broke the previous record set by the SussexRoyal Instagram, 1 million followers in 6 hours. Aniston's record isn't even top 5 anymore - a BTS singer holds first place with 1 million followers in 45 minutes and Angelina Jolie is next with 1 million followers in 1 hour.
Kensington Palace's Instagram has 15 million followers, currently. (SussexRoyal Instagram is currently around 9 million followers now - I think that's how many they had when they left in March 2020.)
Meghan/The Tig's Instagram before she deactivated in January 2018 was 3 million followers. For comparison - the official Invictus Games Instagram has 46 thousand followers and Invictus Games Vancouver only has 3,000 followers.
We know that Meghan and Harry were trying to get Facebook, who owns Instagram, to migrate their followers from SussexRoyal Instagram to a new Instagram account and Facebook kept refusing. So we know that they were concerned about wanting/having a huge following. We also know that there are a lot of bots supporting SussexRoyal -- all you had to do is dig deep into the comments and it was there.
I think the account they wanted Facebook to move their SussexRoyal followers to was @thearchewellorganization. The account was created at the same time they announced Archewell and the profile picture uses the same font as their website. Since they lost the fight with Facebook to get their followers moved, they scrubbed the Archewell social media but the account still remains (probably so they have the option to use it later).
And there was a TON of PR from Meghan last summer, August 2023 especially, that she was coming back to social media. Those stories specifically pointed to this account as Meghan's to boost the follower count before she "returned."
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As you can see, the followers didn't come, so therefore there was no big comeback. I think Meghan was expecting to get at least Tig-like numbers with her teases and links (after all, it worked the first time around) but the influencer/follower model is completely different now. What worked in 2016 isn't going to work in 2023. Which leads to the second point:
Content. The rules, both the official rules and the unofficial rules, have changed since 2018. The biggest change has been the rules for branded content, or sponsorship. Influencers that are merching are now required, by the terms and conditions of using Instagram, to disclose when they are merching and who is sponsoring them. You didn't have to do that back in 2016. And Meghan doesn't want to disclose who her sponsors are or when she's merching. She doesn't want us to know how desperate for money she is because it goes against the illusion she thinks she has created of being fabulously wealthy and an iconic trendsetter.
The second way the content game has changed is that you have to have stuff to post and promote. Only the incredibly popular people or the incredibly beloved people - the Angelina Jolies, the BTSs, the Kensington Palaces of the world - can get away with not posting for weeks or months at a time and it won't affect their follower count.
Meghan can't do that. She doesn't have the popularity, the fanbase, or the breadth and quality of work to be posting on any kind of regular or consistent basis. She wants to be at that level of fame, she believes she's at that level of fame, she's gaslighted some people to believing she has that level of fame, but she knows she can't convince all of us and the risk of non-believers "corrupting" believers is too great for her to chance.
Which leads to the third way the content game has changed: content moderation. She knows she is disliked and hated. She knows exactly why people dislike and hate her. She's fine with that. She likes the notoreity because in her mind, any attention is good attention. What Meghan doesn't like, and what she wants to control, is how visible that hate is to the public and the people who do like her. She only wants praise on social media because it's what garners the most traction in the power elite circles she wants to be in. Meaning she's going to have to do content moderation - either pay people to delete the hate, not allowing content, or being so restrictive in what keywords are allowed - that it's not worth the hassle.
My gut feeling is that they both want to be on social media but they can't deal with the criticism or the comparisons to William and Kate so Meghan hired Bouzy to take care of the haters (especially the ones that value William and Kate more) and Harry tackled media censorship as his Big Issue to take care of the content moderation.
(And all of these combined is, I think, is the root cause for why she and Harry are so suddenly focused on online child safety. WME probably got them on the bandwagon but you know they were super butthurt Zuckerburg and the other tech guys wouldn't do what they wanted back in 2020.)
Edit to fix the BTS band name.
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bearterritory · 7 months
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Seven Straight
Bears Defeat #21 Virginia Tech In Extras
Also Beat Illinois State, Continue Domination at Littlewood Classic
PHOENIX – The California softball team made it seven straight victories with a thrilling 6-5 extra innings win over No. 21 Virginia Tech and a 5-2 beat down of Illinois State on Saturday at the Littlewood Classic.
The Golden Bears (9-1) used a 4-hit day from Elon Butler and a 3-run homer from Kyndal Todd to record their best start to the season since winning the first 12 games in 2018.
Game 1: Cal 6, No. 21 Virginia Tech 5 (8) The Bears rallied with two down in the first to take the early lead. Tatum Anzaldo drew a leadoff walk and scored when Acacia Anders doubled to center with two strikes. Butler quickly made it 2-0 with a laser off the wall in left to plate Anders.
Virginia Tech rallied back in the third with four runs on two hits. Starter Haylei Archer battled through the first two Hokie innings, but a single and a walk put two on with one out as Cal went to Randi Roelling out of the bullpen. Another walk loaded the bases and Rachel Castine hit a grand slam to make it 4-2.
Cal quickly had an answer in the fourth to knot things right back up. Anders took a free pass to start the inning and Butler launched a 1-0 pitch off the netting in left field for her fourth homer of the season.
Roelling settled in after the home run, scattering a single and a pair of walks through the end of the fifth. Cal's offense fell silent after the Butler home run, drawing just a pair of walks and a hit by pitch off of starter Lyndsey Grein and reliever Emma Mazzarone through the top of the seventh.
Starting the eighth inning with the International Tiebreaker and Mika Lee on second base, the Bears manufactured a run. Kaylee Pond put down a sacrifice bunt to move Lee to third, and after a groundout Butler doubled down the right field line for her third hit of the game to score Lee. Cal added another run when Butler raced home on a dropped third strike.
Leading 6-4, Roelling got a groundout, RBI sacrifice fly and a pop out to end the game and secure her third win of the season. She went 5.2 innings while allowing just two earned runs.
Game 2: Cal 5, Illinois State 2 Scoreless until the fifth, Cal's bats finally broke out thanks to Tianna Bell. The sophomore crushed her first home run of the season, a blast to left field as Cal took a 1-0 lead.
Anna Reimers was effective for the Bears in the circle, allowing just one hit, a bloop single, until the sixth inning. The Redbirds got their own bats going in that frame using a pair of hits and a couple Cal errors to take a 2-1 advantage.
The lead was short-lived as Pond went opposite field to even the game right back up with a solo shot. Tied 2-2 heading to the seventh, Cal reliever Ashanti McDade set the Illinois State hitters down in order to give the Bears a chance to walk it off in the bottom half.   
The Bears did just that when Todd launched a 2-2 pitch way over the fence in center for her first-career home run.
UP NEXT Cal finishes the Littlewood Classic on Sunday, February 18th with an 8 a.m. PT first pitch vs. Memphis at the GCU Softball Stadium.
STAY POSTED For coverage of Cal softball, please follow the Bears on Twitter (@CalSB), Instagram (@calsb) and Facebook (/CalSoftball/).
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alarrytale · 4 months
i think a lot of things went wrong with bbg:
1) i think if louis + band had actually not communicated about it being not real and louis actually tried to play a dad for the first two years, then they could have easily ended it by latest 2017 with a paternity test. because they were communicating and all of these "theories" are wild and A LOT of people are aware of this "conspiracy" I believe this is why they cannot end it smoothly because they know we are gonna go "i told you so" and then it's gonna be another hot cup of worms.
2) at the same time I also think his personal losses affect him mentally to be putting his energy into this and that's why it didn't happen immediately?
3) do you think the contract has an end date? at this point I'm afraid it doesn't have an end date and they keep renewing it of some sort.
4) i am a quarantine larrie but i have heard many many times that there were seedings of it ending in 2016 and 2018 and even at the time around early 2020? but after I have joined the fandom i haven't seen any such signs of the bg ending. it has just amplified.
5) altho at the same time i do feel there have been contrasting changes to bg then vs bg now, louis is more involved and the clarks are not followers hungry as they used to be? B's instagram is also bare minimum (just a couple pics of F and i don't follow her so idk what goes onto her stories but i think she doesn't post a lot of F; ofc cause she has her life and she's not a mother)
6) in the past couple years i have actually sat back and thought if im sane about it or not or if louis was actually the father but then immediately i recognise that nope, above anything I know that woman was not pregnant aka no baby came out of her vagina and it's all bullshit. ofc they are other proofs of him not being a father but this tops them all. and it's also laughable how the sisters don't have any other pics of F apart from the christmas stunts.
7) louis can make sony money too, if they just fucking LET HIM. i don't understand why all cruelty is imposed upon him. maybe get harry engaged to some blonde for 2 years (and make him SELL IT? 2 years can do. they did with OW) as an exchange to bg getting ended. who the fuck cares??? as long as it's not bg 2.0 and HS is fully straight and in love with a WOMAN and engaged (maybe bring on the baby rumours too to feed the het fans BUT I WANT THE KID GONE)
8) at this point im just hoping they'll end it before he turns 10 but then ill be in excruciating pain to think that this sweet boy had to endure ten years of this torture just because he's 🌈 and in relationship with mr styles? this is tortuous.
9) maybe they can end it and louis can dip of the face of the earth for a year and then come back with lt3 and be the next big thing. i am manifesting for bbg to get over before july 2025.
10) truth to be told, i am losing hope but at the same time im optimistic that it'll end someday (hopefully soon) and they don't wait for hs downfall (just because he's on his peak rn) idfc. i hate it for louis and freddie, too. the child has no agency, he didn't sign up for this and he'll grow up with a lot of trauma if he's exposed to it anymore (2 years and he'll be 10? what another 2? and he'll most probably be on the internet? this is horrifying)
Hi, anon 💚
I think bg was something so horrible and traumatic to Louis (and the rest of the band) that the only thing he really considered was fighting back with everything he had. H and L had tried to position themselves to get more freedom within their closets, and this was undring everything they'd worked for. So it was important for him to show those who sees him for who he is, and sees and support his relationship with H, that it was not real. It's not who he is. He didn’t have a choice when it came to participating, but he could restist, resist and resist as much as possible. If he hadn't, and he played willingly along to really sell it, he'd be miserable, H would be miserable and larries would have left the fandom in droves. He'd have no fans to launch his solo career with. He'd have no support.
I don't know when it will end, it doesn’t seem like it's ending anytime soon, but then again bg could end at any time. It doesn’t need seeding. But if it ends, there's nothing stopping us larries from being very vocal about it and the larry rumours coming back again. L would be halfway out of the closet and dragging H along with him. So i think it will last until they're allowed to come out. I don't know when that will be.
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solofanatic64 · 4 months
It’s my birthday again!
WOOOOOO CONFETTI🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
In honor of such a wonderful day, I made this piece for an art project (a month ago but SsSsSsSSSshHHHhh) showcasing every persona/self insert oc that I had over the years that I am now sharing with you all, along with small descriptions about them for context!
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2018 was when I started making oc’s for tmnt 2012, and they were all cringe as hell. For example, here we have Princess Hikari (right), Princess of Iro and the element of color and light (it was 2018 and I’m pretty sure I was also obsessed with Gacha Life mini movies at the time). She was a part of my very first ever tmnt 2012 au where most of the most cast is actually from a different planet where the impossible can happen and certain characters of the main cast were elemental, but due to a villain becoming too powerful, they all flee to earth and most of them lose their memories. On Earth, Hikari disguised herself as Kodie Jackson (left), she was cool, quirky, and always had a good comeback, both in combat and in smack-talk (basically she was a “not-like-other-girls” girl without the whole putting other women down stuff). She also had a crush on Leo, along with every other oc I made during this era.
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2020 was when I took a break from tmnt 2012 (shocking, I know) and hyperfixated on Casino Cups, a Cuphead au comic series on Tumblr that I got into because of VOAdams comic dubs for it. I made PLENTY of oc’s, au’s within the au’s, and lore for this (because I was 13 and cringe, what did you expect), some of it I still have content for and all of it I still have info for in the deep dark crevices of my mind. This was also when I had a TikTok account (that I don’t post on anymore) and this was also the era where my persona changed the most. But out of all of them, Juicehead was my favorite, even if I never inserted her into the Casino Cups cannon.
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Oh boy, 2021, the year I came back onto the tmnt 2012 scene, the year I came back to my roots and STAYED there, the year I saw a “I made 9 of these, the first one you see determines your life in tmnt 2012” Instagram post and thought “……..but what if I WAS the Foot Clan?” Well, not at first, at first I was still with the turtles. My characters name was Irene (top), she was a demon who knew black magic, and she was best friends with Mikey (not crushing, this was also the year I decided to just stop crushing on tmnt 2012 characters for reasons I barely know). It wasn’t until that summer that I saw that fateful Instagram post and decided “yep, I like the Foot Clan henchmen now, and that’s how it’s gonna be for the rest of my life.” After that I ditched the demon horns, straightened my ponytail, got a new outfit, and changed her name to Dioxazine (bottom). She was alright, honestly I don’t think I did much with her.
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In 2023 we got Comet, my girly, my popstar, my silly little gay. Surprise surprise, Comet used to be my persona/self insert before I decided to make her my oc (however she’s still my projection character). She’s actually been on the scene since 2022! But since then, her appearance been through a some changes from changing her shorts to pants, to shortening her hair, and other small things (if anything I think her lore has gone through the most changes). Either way, she’s a cutie patootie and I love her. This was also the era where my writing skills got better, now everything is less cringe :D👍
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And finally, we’ve come to 2024, Sleepy! My persona today! You already know her, her face is a screen, her mask doubles as noise-canceling headphones (for optimal sleep of course), and her socks change every time! She’s in a constant state of being not quite sleepy but not quite awake either and she’s always wearing her jammies, comfy!
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I was just thinking about everything that has occurred over the last year or so where Jensen is concerned and I wonder if his attitude has changed due to the life he knew during Supernatural days going away. I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting the response that TW got, before it aired and after, and I get that some people think he's under the influence of toxic people, his stans, alcohol, and all that, but I think it's actually deeper than that.
I do think it's related to his ego, sure, but it really does seem like he wasn't ready for Supernatural to end when it did. Not so much for the show or even the character of Dean, but for everything that came along with it. He was literally a big fish in a small pond, a CW golden boy in a way (along with Jared), and now all of that has changed. Mark Pedowitz is no longer there, the CW has new ownership, he is not finding the lead roles he wants, everything he says and does is not just automatically accepted 100% by the fandom anymore, the pandemic happened, Rust happened, he was used to working away from home a certain amount of time and then he was stuck at home during the pandemic, the show didn't get to end the way he and Jared wanted it to (wrap party included) due to the pandemic, all of this stuff and more.
This guy literally had the life he wanted and now it's changed drastically. If you watch his interviews and con videos and even Instagram videos from 2018 and on before March 2020 hit, there is such a different vibe there. I know people say he never loved his wife, I don't really know (or care to be honest) but there's definitely a different vibe about him around her back then compared to now. Especially when they were opening up FBBC. I know a lot of people like to point to that one interview video with his look at her joking about being pregnant but if you watch some of the other interviews, he seems to vibe better with her than he has the whole past year (when we've seen them together like NYCC). It's almost as if him losing Supernatural and the ability to go to Vancouver for 9 months out of the year, coming back home when he wanted to, and them being forced together 24 7 in quarantine must have made an impact. And then TW on top of it and how that turned out to be a reality check for both of them that not everyone just accepts the crap they're doling out because of Jensen's name or looks. Jared was ready to say goodbye to Supernatural. I think by all accounts, Jensen was not. Jared had the next job lined up, waiting for him. Jensen didn't. So his whole trajectory over this past year makes a lot of sense to me. I think it's finally hitting him (if it hasn't already) that he is now in a bigger pond but he's not that big fish anymore. Hence the flailing and absolute shit show we're all seeing happen along with the desperate PR attempts. And it's just really sad.
Anyway, I was just thinking after seeing everything everyone was discussing these past two weeks, especially his "suck it" comment to haters at Crossroads.
I can't remember if I mentioned the same on this blog, or somewhere else, but yeah, going from the top-dog in his sphere and having a steady job with a steady schedule to suddenly having his entire world turned upside-down in the matter of a couple of years has to be very jarring.
Unfortunately, his way of processing change is to apparently get bitter and resentful instead of putting in the work and making the necessary changes to improve his situation. What's that saying? "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." Right now, Jensen's dressing the part of the desperate, washed-up actor, catering to the dregs of the SPN fandom.
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Real name: 김남준 (Kim Namjoon)
Birth date: 12 September 1994
Home city: Ilsan
Former stage name: Runch Randa (....-2013), Rap Monster (2013-2017)
Studio name: Mon Studio, Rkive
Instagram account
BU character: Kim NamJoon
BT21 character: Koya
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RM started as an underground rapper in Seoul, where he gained popularity to the point of being noticed and recruited by Big Hit Entertainment. A hip-hop group that then evolved to be a K-pop group was formed around him and he was appointed the leader.
While slowly but surely leading BTS at the top of the musical world, he shared his view on life and empathized with oppressed communities, from his inclusion of the LGBT community in song lyrics to his speech at the UN. He has always been invested in the writing, the composition and later the production of BTS songs. Yet, he still found the time for more personal projects, especially in 2015, the year he did the most solo activites.
For a more complete biography, you can check these resources: 
Pre-debut history: details RM’s activity as an underground rapper since 2007
biography from volume 7 of the Japan Official Fanclub magazine (trans by kocchi)
autobiography (part 1, part 2, part 3) for 힙합하다 (Hip-Hop Hada, meaning Do hip-hop)
4 Things Show: a documentary made by Mnet where RM tells his hardships during his trainee and debut days
Over 10 bytes of message, a Korean magazine made by the fansite SpectRuM/Hegemony about RM’s activities in 2015
RM has also shared tidbits of his daily life:
he used to post pictures of himself, the #김데일리 (KimDaily) series, where he showed his outfit of the day
new Mon studio 🎵  (he introduces his new studio)
Rkive 😍😜 and Rkive 2 (he introduces his Rkive studio)
[VLOG] 9 days of travel to Europe (2019)
미술관 VLOG (art museum vlog) (2022)
All Day (with 김남준): Part 1, Part 2 (2022)
Birthday albums: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
RM’s Spotify playlist
RM used to share songs he likes through the #RMusic series, on Twitter (Youtube playlist). Nowadays, he rather uses his Instagram stories.
There are Youtube playlists of the songs he shared on Spotify and on Vlive/Weverse.
Namjoon's Library
Weverse magazine: “Getting to know Korean modern and contemporary art with RM”
RM visited a lot of museums and regularly share pictures of art he likes on Instagram.
Solo activity
Music (discography)
“Rap Monster” (2013)
“Where U At (cover)” (2013)
“Favorite Girl (cover)” (2013)
Rap Monster & 정국 - “Like A Star (cover)” (2013)
Rap Monster, Suga & 진 - “어른아이 (cover)” (Childish Adult) (2013)
“Something” (2013)
“Too Much” (2013)
“Monterlude” (2014)
“RM cyper ruff” (2014)
SOULSCAPE X RAPMONSTER -  “Unpack your bags” (for the 4 Things Show documentary, 2014)
Rap Monster x Warren G - “P.D.D.” (2015)
MFBTY - ”부끄부끄 (Buckubucku)” (Feat. EE, RM of BTS, Dino-J) (2015)
RM (2015) (see this post)
Yankie(얀키) - ”ProMeTheUs(튀겨)” (Feat. Dok2, Juvie Train, Double K, 랩몬스터 of BTS, Topbob, Don Mills) (2015)
Primary (프라이머리) - ”U” (feat. 권진아, 랩몬스터) (2015)
“Fantastic” (Feat. Mandy Ventrice) (2015)
랩몬스터 & 정국 - “Fools (COVER)” (2015)
RM & JK - “알아요 (I know)” (for the Festa, 2016)
“always“ (for new year, 2017)
Gaeko(개코) - ”Gajah(코끼리)” (Feat. Rap Monster(랩몬스터)) (2017)
RM, Wale - “Change” (2017) (see this post)
R&V - “네시 (4 O'CLOCK)” (gift for the Festa, 2017)
Fall Out Boy - “Champion (Remix)” (2017)
RM, SUGA, j-hope - 땡 (Daeng) (for the Festa, 2018)
Mono (2018) (see this post)
Drunken Tiger (드렁큰 타이거) - “Timeless” (Feat. RM of BTS) (2018)
HONNE - “Crying Over You” (feat. RM & BEKA) (2019)
Lil Nas X -  “Old Town Road” (feat. RM of BTS) (Seoul Town Road Remix) (2019)
Younha -  “WINTER FLOWER(雪中梅)” (Feat.RM) (2020)
eAeon(이이언) - “Don't(그러지 마)” (feat. RM) (2021)
“Bicycle” (gift for the Festa, 2021)
--- Chapter 2 ---
Balming Tiger - “섹시느낌 SEXY NUKIM” (feat. RM of BTS)
Indigo (2022) (see this post)
So!YoON! (황소윤) - “Smoke Sprite” (feat. RM of BTS)
Colde - “다시는 사랑한다 말하지 마” (Don’t ever say love me) (feat. RM of BTS)
Right Place, Wrong Person (2024) (see this post)
Megan Thee Stallion - “Neva play” (feat.RM) (2024)
For more details about the songs that don’t have their own post, I listed all the info I had here. For Chapter 2 songs, please check here.
Mr. Mon’s 1minute English (2015, anchor)
episode 1 “Pardon”
episode 2 “July”
Problematic Men (2015, guest)
playlist of the episodes with English and Spanish subtitles
non-official masterlist
The Dictionary of Useless Human Knowledge (2022-2023, guest)
playlist on Youtube
non-official thread of the episodes
RM’s Instagram post
HYBE T&D Stories (2024, guest)
Youtube playlist
RM’s apparition in Younh’a event results from their collaboration on “Winter Flower” in 2020
Brands endorsement
K’hawah (2015): Teaser, 15s ver.
RM raps during this ad. All his rhymes end with “*a wa”, with the consonants in place of the * being listed in alphabetical order (src).
Bonetta Veneta (2023): RM’s Instagram post
iloom (2023) : Youtube playlist, official Instagram account, Taiwan Instagram account
Ministry of National Defense Agency for Killed In Action Recovery & Identification Honorary: ambassador appointment ceremony
Vogue Korea June issue: official tweets, interview
DAZED KOREA 2023 October issue: tweets
GQ Japan: cover story (eng trans)
BE comeback interview: “I spend a lot of time thinking about where I am now”
Weverse magazine: “Getting to know Korean modern and contemporary art with RM”
Butter release interview: “I hope I’m on my way somewhere”
Proof release interview: “It’s a given when you’re an artist: You have to be the one and only”
Rolling Stone: “‘What If I Don’t Like Music Anymore?’: A Wildly Honest Conversation Between BTS’ RM and Pharrell Williams” (video) (RM’s Instagram post)
Weverse magazine: “RM’s Bibilly Hills”
RM’s parents had a dog they named Rapmon (nicknamed Monie) as a nod to his stage name at the time. He passed away in 2023.
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skepsiss · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @strangersteddierthings, I've never even thought about half of these questions, so.... we're gunna go on a journey together. I MISSED SEVERAL QUESTIONS LMAO. LEMME UPDATE.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 (I only post like 1/3 of my fics on AO3)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
66,922. I pay such little attention to this kinda stuff xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A lot... and a lot more than what is listed on my AO3. If we're friends I'll literally just message you a 2k+ fic in a DM for funsies.
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (8)
Overwatch (Video Game) (5)
Teen Wolf (TV) (1)
Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021) (1)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Promare (2019) (1)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (1)
DC Comics / Batman (Tim Drake / Kon-El)
Orphan Black
Marvel (Steve/Tony)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Basket Ball Shorts
Roadrat: The Fire that Covered the World
The Comfort of Warmth (Lio/Galo)
Fifty-fifty (Roadhog / Junkrat)
Perspective (Caleb / Essek)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. As soon as I see them I will reply with a thank you or to engage with someone's question/musings/etc.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a Roadrat one. It's been a while since I've read my work, but The Things They Lost is a Roadrat fic where I explored a bunch of like... when Junkrat lost his arm and stuff like that. Brutal, tbh. Next closest is my Alucard (OT3) Castlevania fic where he is BIG SAD about Trevor and Sypha not being there. Nights Spent Alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
UUuhhhuhuhuh..... I mostly write sad shit LOL. Milkshakes has a happy ending. It's a 2 part modern-day Steddie fic about the boys asking each other out on a date over Instagram.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never seen any hate on my fics before.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhh, yeah. I do. PWP or With Plot. I like full stories that have smut that BELONGS there, but then we've got just straight-up PWP. That is what Basketball short is tbh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, never written a crossover. I've written lots of AUs though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Dunno how I'd figure that out.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Dunno what that would look like tbh.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie; for right now. My other top 3 are Harley/Ivy, Tim/Kon-El, and Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
NO IDEA. Lol, all my unfinished WIPs are either ones I have no interest in finishing (Roadrat), or ones I can complete faith in being able to finish (Steddie)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Speed. I can compose a story very quickly and put it together.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I never promote myself/share. I'm really bad at sharing my works. Additionally, I'm bad at finishing things before I lose interest.... eep.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uuhh maybe. I def have some Ancient Greek and Latin in my up-coming Robin (Stobin platonic) fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm not sure... maybe Batman (Tim/Jason or Tim/Kon). I RP'd A LOT from ages 13-18 and had like 5-8 rps going at once for a whole bunch of fandoms. (Naruto, OCs in the Star Wars universe, Tim/Kon, and more I can't remember atm).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooohhh, I dunno. I'm bad at picking favourites. Right now I'm pretty proud of my Because I Want You Steddie fic. It's Steve and Eddie as 30-year-olds with kids. They broke up in their 20s and are trying to get back together in their 30s. Eddie has a complete breakdown in it, but Steve is there to tell him that he loves him.
I don't think about this stuff at all xDDD Fic writing is just a pass time for me. This will be the first time EVER in over 18 years of writing fic that I've EVER participated in an exchange/Big Bang. I'll tag @medusapelagia @oh-stars @br0ck-eddie @kallisto-k
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louisupdates · 1 year
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By KATE BRAYDEN | 25 Apr 2023
The Academic have just been announced as support for Louis Tomlinson for his upcoming North America tour in May and June.
The Westmeath indie-pop rockers will support the former One Direction singer on dates across the US and Canada this summer, following on from their own headline North American tour.
"We’re buzzing to be joining @louist91 for some shows on the Faith In The Future world tour!" The Academic posted to their Instagram today. "We already know that Louis has the most incredible fans and we can’t wait to play for you guys! Let us know which show you are coming too. We will try and meet as many of you as we can!"
It's already been a huge year for Craig Fitzgerald, Stephen Murtagh, Matthew Murtagh and Dean Gavin. The Academic scored their second Number 1 on the Official Irish Albums Chart with their sophomore record Sitting Pretty.
The follow up to 2018 album Tales From The Backseat – their first chart topper – saw off stiff competition from both Paramore and Taylor Swift to take the coveted top spot. Tour dates across Ireland, the UK and Europe followed before the band headed Stateside.
In a special Hot Press cover story interview with Pat Carty, bassist Stephen Murtagh explained: “The first album feels like such a summery record, a young debut album. I don’t think this album feels that way. It feels like a natural progression without losing sight of what makes us… us.”
The album was produced by Nick Hodgson, formerly of Kaiser Chiefs, at Snap Studios in London.
“We listened to a lot of mixes like R.E.M. and Arcade Fire," bassist Stephen Murtagh remarked. "A lot of indie music is very kick drum with the vocal shouting at you down the middle whereas we wanted it a bit more spacey.”
“The first album, feels like such a summery record, a young debut album," Stephen resumed. "I don’t think this album feels that way. It feels like a natural progression without losing sight of what makes us… us.”
Earlier this month, The Academic performed for 20,000 people during US President Joe Biden's trip to his ancestral home in Ballina, Co. Mayo during his Irish visit. The band also performed at the Hot Press-curated Windmill Live show at the end of March.
Tomlinson will perform in Dublin on November 8th this year, at the 3Arena as part of his UK and European tour.
Louis Tomlinson, North American Support Tour Dates
29 May - LAVAL, QC, CA
30 May - TORONTO, ON, CA
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redgoldsparks · 1 year
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Transcript below the cut.
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
Panel 1: For the second year in a row, Gender Queer was the most challenged book in the US, reported the American Library Association.
Panel 2: It’s been a weird two years. Number of unique titles challenged in the US by year. 2000: 378 titles. 2005: 259 titles. 2010: 262 titles. 2015: 190 titles. 2020: 223 titles. 2021: 1858 titles. 2022: 2571 titles.
Panel 3: It’s been a hard two years. The ACLU is tracking 469 anti-LGBTQ bills in the US.
Panel 4: Usually I prefer to wait until something is over before I write about it, so I have time to reflect. But this experience has not ended.
Panel 5: It has only gotten louder. (A series of screen shoots of news headlines about Gender Queer, book challenges and an obscenity lawsuit against the book being dismissed in the state of Virginia).
Panel 6: I’m constantly wondering, “When should I speak and when should I let the book speak for itself?”
Panel 7: I remember when I realized that the previous most challenged book spent five years in the top five.
2020- Melissa by Alex Gino at #1 2019- Melissa by Alex Gino at #1 2018- Melissa by Alex Gino at #1 2017- Melissa by Alex Gino at #5 2016- Melissa by Alex Gino at #3
Panel 8: Oh, I think I can take my time figuring out how to respond. I think I’m in this for the long haul...
Panel 9: Ways to support libraries and challenged authors: Check out and read challenged books. Vote for and attend library board and school board meetings. Report censorship to the ALA and PEN America. Vote to fund libraries. Speak up against legislation limiting the teaching of queer history, sex ed, abortion and the history of racism in the US.
Panel 10: Most challenged books of 2022:
1. Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe
2. All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M Johnson
3. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
4. Flamer by Mike Curato
5. (tie) Looking For Alaska by John Green
5. (tie) The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
7. Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison
8. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
9. Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Perez
10. (tie) A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas
10. (tie) Crank by Ellen Hopkins
10. (tie) Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
10. (tie) This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
4K notes · View notes
yuzukahibiscus · 2 years
Doing the End of Year Zuka Tag 2022!
Jumping on the bandwagon to do @beccalendsahand​‘s End of Year Tag which you could find here! Let’s get straight right into it! (Yes, I’ll be doing all on a whim!)
1. Sumire no Hana – new favourite
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Yūki Daiya from Flower Troupe! So it took me Minami Maito’s CAST side-A to finally realise this rising sienne. Her cuteness-to-coolness gap jumped so wide it blew my mind for a 102th. Like I think this collage shows it, she’s going to do this “impatient boyfriend setting” but she just laughs shyly when the camera cuts off. She surprises me like popping a balloon, the motion is quick but it gives a strong impact. I’m not going to even talk about the mere 9 minutes I get to see her in the newcomers’ performance of “Years of Pilgrimage: The Wandering Soul of Franz Liszt” and how I was disappointed we never got to see it. I really want to see more of her, and I’ll track back earlier in Hanagumi just to try and find her! (See: Sante, 2017)
Bonus question: I talked about noticing Hozumi Mahiro from Flower Troupe! Still am watching her and very happy that she got her first bow hall lead, I got the Junjou still and bromide as a commemoration :D
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2. Never Say Goodbye – hardest Taidansha (graduate) to say goodbye
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Hiryuu Tsukasa, Wakakusa Moeka, Oto Kurisu and Serina Ei from Flower Troupe. Because I watched my first Flower Troupe livestream in Hong Kong which was saying goodbye to them. It feels very different to see them going down the stairs in the big screen of our local theatre and listening to their words. It really feels unreal and I wasn’t able to believe it until they had Instagrams. Of course, to prepare myself for the taidansha it really was watching back their previous performances and enjoying their presence. I’m glad to see that they’re all thriving in their post-Takarazuka life and am always happy to see their photos :)
3. Material girl – favourite merch
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It’s a tie between getting Yuzuka Rei’s 2nd official goods – the photo holder! And also the mini crown from Fashionable Empire national tour!
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4. Mon Paris – new show not from this year
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Immortal Thorns! (Not linking it because there’s a 2003 version by Haruno Sumire from Flower Troupe and Aizuki Hikaru from Star Troupe in the 2018 version, still Cosmos then.) Watched this show at first for a podcast interview with two mutuals and to do cross-comparison between both versions and I loved our critique and commentary with it. It was a valuable experience :)
I have posted quite some Aichan translations on this Tumblr and it’s all because of this show! Changed my life and I am paying attention to Aichan now! Thanks to the mutual who kindly recommended me shows and we talked lots about it! She’s very careful with what to portray and never fails to perform those roles, except she serves!! Real well! The Aichan phase was watching back more Cosmos Troupe and Star Troupe at the same time haha, so that was nice :)
(At the same time, was gifted some Aichan merch by another mutual. I have my first non-Rei bromide thanks to them lol!!)
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5. Wings of the Heart – favourite fandom memory
Finally going to cinema livestreams in Hong Kong!!! 2021 wasn’t a chance because of (1) my exams and (2) the pandemic. My first experience was watching Snow Troupe’s “Yumesuke”/“Sensational” and my second was watching Flower Troupe’s “Years of Pilgrimage”/ “Fashionable Empire”. I even mailed our second livestream photos to Rei, hope she receives them well!!! :)
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6. Where is God? – shocking Hankyu announcement
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Taidan announcements of two Top Musumeyakus – Asazuki Kiwa from Snow Troupe and Jun Hana from Cosmos Troupe!
Ever since Hana Yuuki’s taidan, I was wary how Top Musumeyakus sometimes don’t have a long Takarazuka career, and recently a plausible trend of 27 months or so...? I don’t know math, but I do know that these two musumeyakus are talented and shine in their own way, it surprises me that they announced taidan this year...
I’ve been watching Kiwa as she went from Flower Troupe to Snow Troupe and in various performances. So you could say I was more familiar with her. From her newcomers’ performance with Rei in “New Genji’s Tale” to “Masquerade Hotel”, to also seeing her in cinemas for “Yumesuke”. I finally understood how it felt shocking when you literally watched her the day before and it was announced the next day... 3 days left, but I hope Kiwa can do well till Tokyo Senshuuraku!
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Jun Hana’s a different story. I wasn’t much of a Cosmos Troupe fan but I was easily drawn to her despite not seeing too much of her performances. I’ve seen her Irene Adler in “Sherlock Holmes” and love her portrayal with it. I’ve seen more of her actually in some short bangumis, where she just smiled a lot and was really cheerful! She’s a floofball of joy and often had so great and adorable reactions that also made Yurika (Makaze Suzuho) and Kiki (Serika Toa) laugh. Watched some small clips of her impersonation in “Fly With Me” concert and she really made the effort! Will be sad to see her go in “Casino Royale” but I certainly respect that she wanted to leave with Yurika, and show off those earrings! <3
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7. The Final Dance – favourite duedan?
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Top Hat duedan! Because it is “Let’s Face the Music and Dance” but in a Latin way? I don’t know, it’s very chic to me. And I remember it’s Rei single-handedly carrying Madoka in spins so like, that’s a plus point like, wow. (I’m not too great at describing duedans, forgive me <3)
8. My Everlasting Dream – most rewatched show
Even though I haven’t watched for the past month, it should be “Years of Pilgrimage”? Yeah, that one.
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I remembered preparing a lot beforehand this performance – reading some articles about Liszt, listening to Liszt’s pieces, making a powerpoint over it, recording a podcast episode after it, translating and subbing it, which definitely took many rewatches.
9. Fascinating Rhythm – zuka song stuck in mind
I don’t have one that stays through the whole year, but since I’m translating “Love Burns in Firenze”, I have to say the ominous “Oh Firenze” (おおフィレンツェ). I remember Rei was saying, “I love how the underclassmen are so lively and performing that scene so well!” But the celebration vibe and the tragic things happening at the same time – the irony and juxtaposition of it is uncanny. It makes me pull my hair. As much as the Flower Troupe members are working their heart for it, their enthusiasm makes it even more laughable in the circumstances of Firenze.
10. Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend – favourite costume?
If I could, I would say Rei, because she’s a walking closet but last year I cheated and chose 2, so I’ll do so the same this year LOL (not choose 2, I mean I’ll cheat).
I’ll nominate the finale costumes for the Top Stars for the following performances (because I’m not really a person that is selective on costumes, all of them are so good!)
Flower Troupe – Rei in Fashionable Empire (this was previously worn by Maa-sama (Asaka Manato) in Classical Bijoux”)
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Moon Troupe – Tsukishiro Kanato in Full Swing
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Snow Troupe – Ayakaze Sakina in Soukyuu no Subaru
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Star Troupe  – Rei Makoto in Gran Cantante
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Cosmos Troupe  – Yurika in Capricciosa
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11. Cool Beast!! – ridiculous costume
Not ridiculous but cute. This is also someone I’ve been watching and recently picked up on more due to mutual’s recommendations. Seo Yuria from Star Troupe’s horse costume in Gran Cantante, haha!
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12. Greatest Moment – special moment on stage
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Yuzuka Rei and Minami Maito’s “Hotspring of Love” in Fashionable Empire – dubbed by their douki, Hinami Fuu.
 The lights turn off so quickly and I was often frustrated but now I know from their douki that they need privacy in their hotspring, and I fully respect it ;) (I am still thinking which of the 3 bromides from Takarazuka Grand Theatre, Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre or National Tour should I purchase)
13. Musical
I’ve already explained but “Years of Pilgrimage”. 
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I’m a pianist and I couldn’t compare myself to the musician difficulties because I’m not a professional one but like somehow I sympathise and empathise with the history of Liszt and the complexities he dealt with. Not saying that I have those, but I surely understood how competition constantly comes from others but also within yourself. And sometimes, it could be dangerous pushing yourself too much to boundaries you can’t reach. So Rei playing as Liszt means a lot to me, more than her playing the piano (which was my 6. Shocking Hankyu Announcement last year) but also how in-depth she went in for the character.
There certainly isn’t that historical revolution and aristocratic vs artistes class struggle in current times, but that comparison stays constant and rings closest to home for me.
14. Revue
“Fashionable Empire” because I do agree with Rei, I do love the “MOMENT” scene and the badass finale scene.
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"MOMENT” scene is where everyone just have fun. Gonna quote the lyrics here and you’ll see why I like it.
I suddenly think about the bygone days I can only stand at this moment Now Looking back, all of these are a fantasy The wind blows them away
To the people wandering in the generations There's nothing that won’t change Even though I know it, my heart longs for A promise that will never change
When Today becomes Tomorrow It’s normal that everything will become the Past Still, we become too lonely about that I don’t want those to disappear
Maybe tomorrow, this thought Will be blown to the far ends to wherever Vanishing
Now at this time You’re not alone Open your eyes There’s friends next to your side We can talk about anything and speak like fools It’s casual but I’m happy with my friends Everyone walks alone but Meeting you here
In this time that’s passed We walk, hand in hand Living together and looking forward to Tomorrow Because no one will know about Tomorrow Living Now with no regrets Let’s smile and walk together
From Past to Future, and the Present that connects Let’s live on
That we can live in the same time (Can live) Because of this Moment, this is a miracle In the same place Understanding each other’s thoughts Nothing can ever replace that In this moment (We believe) Let’s walk together (To Tomorrow) I won’t know (But) In this time Let’s live in this time Now (Let’s live on in this time)
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Anyway 13 and 14 is just like: I have to give it for the only GT production of Flower Troupe!
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19 notes · View notes
August 2023 part 6
24th August - 31st August 2023
Jin -  317 days (10 months  12 days - 45 weeks 2 days ) until discharge from military (221213 - 240612)
JHope -  444 days (1 year  2 months 17 days - 14  months  17 days - 63 weeks 3 days ) until discharge from military (230418 - 241017)
23 August
230823 | Japan Fanclub BTS CORNER  Wallpaper #26 Tae (1)
24 August
 Instagram:  RM  (1), (2).Tae (1), (2). (3). (4). (5) 
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230824 | Tae x Seoul Tourism (1).
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230824 | Tae x W Korea  (1). 
230824 |  NPOP x Tae (1).
230824 | V earns his first win for "Love Me Again" on M Countdown! #LoveMeAgain1stWin (1).
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230824 |Ask Anything V x W korea (1)
230824 | BTS ranked #7 (surveyed by both experts and general public) in Sisa Journal's "Who Moves Korea 2023" Survey. #BTS is the highest ranking Artist in the List at #4! This is #BTS 5th entry in the Top 10 (2018 - (#16), 2019 - (#8), 2020 - (#9), 2021 - (#5), 2022 - (#4), 2023 - (#7) (1). (2) (3).
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25 August Blue teaser trailer 2
 Instagram: Big Hit (1), RM (1)Tae (1), (2). (3) 
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230825  Blue Teaser trailer 2 (1)
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230825 JK SEVEN (ft Latto) - Alesso remix visualiser (1) (2)
230825 | Tae x Spur magazine (1). (2). Tae x Arena Homme+ Korea  (1). Eyes magazine (2). L’Officiel Thailand (3). Elle Japan (4)
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230825 | MelOn Music Ig post Seve and Love me again Weekly Top artist Love Me Again (1). Melon (2).
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230825 | Yoongi x NBA (1). Eyes Magazine (2). WWD Korea (3).
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230825 | [슈취타] EP.17 SUGA with 이강인  (1). (2). (3).
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230825 |[BANGTAN BOMB] Jimin and SUGA Video Call - BTS (방탄소년단).
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26 August
 Instagram:RM (1).
230826 |  Tae will be on PIXd on 230902 at 6pm KST (1). Tae Geffen  (2).
230826 | Congratulations Jungkook! It's Seven 10th win on MBC Music Core today! #Seven10thwin   (1). 
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27 August
 Instagram: RM (1), (2). (3). (4)
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230827 |  Tae will be on dingostory (1). 
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28 August 'Scenery',' 'Winter Bear', 'Snow Flower (feat. Peakboy)' Official Release
 Instagram: Big Hit (1),  RM (1).
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'Scenery',' 'Winter Bear', 'Snow Flower (feat. Peakboy)' Official Release (1) (2)
230828 |  Tae  weverse (1). 
29 August Layover photos - 3
 Instagram: Big Hit (1),  RM (1).  Jimin(1)  (2).  Tae (1), (2).(3)
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230829 |  Park Bogum instagram  (1). Peakboy  (2). Eyes magazine(3).
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230829 | BTS x Billboard  (1).
230829 |  SEVEN Billboard (1) Global 200 #1 (1). Billboard 200 excl US #1 (2).
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230829 |JHOPE “Jack In the Box” returns to #1 on this week's Billboard World Albums chart (1) This week's top-selling albums: #2 (2)
230829 | Layover photos - 3  (1).
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30 August
Twitter: Big Hit (1)  Instagram:  RM (1), (2). (3). (4). (5) Tae (1), (2).  Tik Tok : (1).  
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230830 | RM weverse live  (1).  Tae weverse live (1). (2). 
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230830 | SEVEN # 1 MelOn daily chart  (1).
230830 | Tae will be on You Quiz on the block  (1). 
230830 |  What happened to Chimmy  (1). 
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230830 | Japan Fanclub BTS CORNER Wallpaper #26 JK  (1).
31 August
Twitter: Big Hit (1),  Instagram: RM (1), (2).  Tae (1), (2). 
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230831 | Tae x Elle Singapore x Celine (1). 
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230831 | V earns his 2nd win for "Love Me Again" on M Countdown!#LoveMeAgain2ndWin  (1). 
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230831 |Tae on dingo story (1). (2)
3 notes · View notes
eunwoo-supremacy · 1 year
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Who’s Cha Eunwoo
Dong Min (이동민; born Mar 30, 1997), better known as Cha Eunwoo (차은우), is a South Korean actor, model, singer, and member of the Kpop group Astro under Fantiago Entertainment. He made his debut as an actor in the movie My Brilliant Life in 2014. He debuted with Astro on Feb 23, 2016.
Drama and Movie
As known, besides being an idol, eunwoo also gives more focus to his career on the big screen. Here's a list of drama (1), drama (2), and movie.
Before coming into the music industry, Cha Eunwoo first made appearance as an actor. He played a minor role in drama film My Brilliant Life (2014).
To further his career, this Aries man joined an entertainment company called Fantagio. He was in a talent development program iTeen.
In 2015, Cha Eunwoo and five other iTeen Boys starred in web series titled To be Continued. These six are part of new boy band Astro.
This Astro members made another TV appearance in their own reality show Astro OK! Ready. It was aired in January 2016 on MBC Every1.
Just a month later, he made his debut with Astro with the release of EP Spring Up. Public receptions was good and the album managed to debut at number four on Gaon Album Chart.
Other than that, Spring Up also charted on Billboard World Albums Chart at number six.
Cha Eunwoo’s name began to soar as he starred in romantic comedy series Gangnam Beauty (2018).
He got the leading role as Do Kyung Seok, a handsome and wealthy college student with an unhappy home life.
This talented actor got lots of attention for his portrayal and was included in GQ Korea’s Men of the Year.
In 2021, Cha Eunwoo starred in another popular TV series True Beauty. He played the male lead Lee Su-ho, a seemingly perfect high school student with a dark secret.
This man from Gunpo also took part in the drama’s soundtrack, releasing a song titled Love So Fine.
Real Name: Lee Dong Min (이동민)
Stage Name: Cha Eunwoo (차은우)
Nickname: Morning Alarm, White Tee Guy, Face Genius
Birthday: March 30, 1997
Birthplace: Sabon District, Gunpo, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean
Position: Vocalist, Visual, Face of The Grou (ASTRO)
Profession: Singer, Songwriter, Actor
Education: Hanlim Multi Arts High School, Sungkyunkwan University: Acting Major
Hobbies: Watching movies, Listening to music, Playing piano
Specialties: Swimming, Guitar, Violin, Piano, DJ-ing
Instagram: @eunwo.o_u
Tiktok: @at_chaeunwoo
Height, Weight, & Physical Appearance
Height: 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight: 73 Kg (161 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Brown
Body Measurements: 43-32-36 (Bust -43, Waist -32, and Hips -36 inches)
Shoe Size: 9 (US)
In the morning, Eunwoo would wake up his fellow members. This earns him the nickname Morning Alarm.
His other nickname is White Tee Guy because he used to always wear white t-shirts during the Breathless era.
He is someone who looks chic but very loyal.
He was in KBS 9AM/PM News called Hallyu Star & Gangnam Style: Trainee Interview back in 2014.
This vocalist went to the Philippines in grade 4 for around six months to study English. During that time, he attended an elementary school in Tagaytay.
Growing up, his mother made sure he would remain humble by saying “Don’t be vain” and “You’re not good looking”.
He and Moonbin were in Mr.Pizza’s iTeen Audition Promotional Model in 2013.
He was the face of Shara Shara, a cosmetic company for the duration of 2014-2015.
Among all the members, Eunwoo is the best at speaking English, along with Jinjin.
He was the fourth trainee to be introduced by Fantagio iTeen with Photo Test Cut.
In summer, he often wears tank top.
This Aries man is seen as the smartest among his fellow Astro members.
His favorite football team is Real Madrid.
He loves eating at night.
He can play several instruments, such as piano, flute, guitar, and violin.
This K-pop idol picks blue as his favorite color.
He likes watching movies alone, playing with his tablet, and watching performance videos.
He thinks he is not very good at relationship.
Eunwoo looks up to Seo Kang Jun of 5urprise. They are said to be close friends.
He also idolizes EXO.
He is friends with Mingyu from Seventeen.
This singer is in a 97 liners group chat with Jungkook of BTS, Seventeen’s members The8, Mingyu, and DK, GOT7’s Yugyeom and Bambam, and also Jaehyun of NCT.
He was featured in Urban Zakapa‘s music video for You’re The Reason.
He has done two special stages where he sang Justin Bieber’s Love Yourself and U-KISS’ Man Man Ha Ni.
The man from Gunpo was involved in writing the song No, I Don’t with Rocky and Jinjin.
He has been in several variety shows like Law of the Jungle in New Caledonia, Dead if Shot, Handsome Tigers, and Master in the House.
He would like to be a doctor or teacher if he’s not in the entertainment and music industry.
If Eunwoo was born a girl, he would like to date Jinjin.
He has his own room in the dorm.
His ideal type is a girl who is wise, intelligent, and curious.

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sybilius · 2 years
Sunday MaruKEN 3: So, where did we leave off? (2013-2018)
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2013.7.7 - KENTA vs. Marufuji, GHC Heavyweight Championship Match
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KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji vs. Takashi Sugiura & Katsuhiko Nakajima (**TOP REC**)
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2018.09.01 Hideo Itami KENTA vs Naomichi Marufuji (Marufuji Anniversary Show)
Free links provided, you might be able to dig up a better quality recording with a WrestleUniverse subscription! My notes on the matches (not spoiler free) under the cut! By the way if you watch all these matches in order from this episode, you will have your heart ground up to a paste :)  (what’s this?) 
Match 1 Notes
This one is absolutely wonderful to see. This is No Mercy KENTA at full power, the ace of NOAH at this moment, finally getting to face down his rival where he has the upper hand. KENTA hit an incredibly impressive 9 successful GHC Heavyweight champ title defenses in his reign, and this one is excellent.
Match 2 Notes
God, if there’s anything to break your heart -- it’s just how over KENTA is with the crowd in this match. This is his farewell match to NOAH, and he and Maru tag for the last time before he heads off to be shackled to “Hideo Itami”. The still I picked for this is actually cribbed from KENTA’s instagram -- he highlighted this moment with the caption “I GOT YOUR BACK” to hype his upcoming reunion with Marufuji.
One thing I will say about this match (a lot TO say, I know) is that it contrasts from their Jr. Heavyweight tagging style. Kenta is in the ring lots, but it’s to showcase his skills to a crowd that loves him maybe even more than Marufuji at this point (rather than to showcase his selling to build up the drama of when Maru is going to do something crazy). He’s really come into his own here.
Nothing hurts more than the “your dream is our dream” sign for Kenta, ow ow ow.
Match 3 Notes
I would honestly make this required viewing after Match 2 but also it’s kind of painful required viewing. It’s a great match, and cholk-full of references to Maru and Kenta’s prior matches-- they may be moving slower, both carrying injuries, but they still have it.
But man, seeing Kenta soak up a crowd that loves him with a mix of relief and “god what did I ever leave this for” sure is something. Especially knowing how hard it must have been to get WWE to even cut him loose for one match for Marufuji’s anniversary, the tag partner and rival who defined his career...ugh.
In conclusion, great match! Fuck WWE forever!
Overall Notes
I feel like this part of the arc is really shadowed by the shoot reality of what a difficult time Kenta’s WWE run was (at least for me). The way the quality and style of the wrestling changes, and Kenta’s demeanour throughout really got to me. I think this is also really interesting commentary on the kayfabe he chose to go with in NJPW. Certainly watching a few Hideo Itami matches made the layers that went into that richer for me.
But to end on a positive note: wow it’s never been more clear to me that Marufuji and Kenta have defined each other’s careers. There’s an amazing mutual respect in the fact that Kenta’s farewell match was a tag with Maru -- in the fact that Maru called him back for his anniversary show so they could wrestle together in the main event. And now? They’re going to reunite again in NOAH. I’m excited to see what comes of it.
Thanks for reading this far! This concludes the “backwatch” portion of the Sunday MaruKEN series, though in all likelihood I’ll post a little review of their New Year’s show <3
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
Nate Bergman, Kayleigh Goldsworthy and L.S. Dunes Takeover The Ottobar in Baltimore, MD
Words and photos by Samantha Walsh December 6, 2022
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Oh, the Ottobar. An hour and some change from home for me, but it feels like a home away from home. In 2018 the Ottobar was named one of the 10 best live music venues in America by Rolling Stone Magazine. Understanding why is clear as soon as you step foot in the door.
This intimate, grungy dive bar type venue hosts everything from dance parties to burlesque shows. But I digress. 
The show is sold out and fans are waiting in the bitter cold for an hour before doors. No complaints from the lengthy line, though. The buzz and excitement about the looming show kept us warm and content. We’re let in and well, as expected, there’s no barricade (I later learned they never have them). If you’re a photographer, you know how scary the words ‘no barricade’ can be. Especially in a cozy little club like The Ottobar with a high energy crowd.
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Nate Bergman
The room fills quickly with listeners of all ages. You’ve got everything from your hardcore dudes to younger gals with their parents in tow. At 7:50p.m., Nate Bergman, bluesy rock artist, casually strolls onto stage, and begins to sing his first song acapella. Dude’s got pipes from Heaven, his voice sweet, serenading and raspy (in a good way). 
Hailing from Washington D.C, he’s basically right at home at this venue. Nate strums his guitar and belts his emotional lyrics to a totally immersed crowd. Oh, and he brought Kayleigh Goldsworthy out for a duet. They harmonized angelically, covering “Dancing On My Own”, made famous by Robyn in 2010. A bittersweet banger, and man, did they nail it. Nate ends his set by hustling down the stage stairs, crooning as he makes his way through a sea of people. He invites us to come to his merch table and chat with him after the show. 
Someone from the Boston crowd got a video of Bergman and Goldsworthy dueting “Dancing On My Own”. You can check it out here. Hop on over to Nate’s Instagram, where he posts plenty of acoustic goodness.
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Kayleigh Goldsworthy
The clock strikes 8:30 and Kayleigh Goldsworthy graces the stage once again. Beautiful and beaming (literally, she was wearing a really cute bedazzled top), this alternative folk artist’s set follows and complements Nate’s beautifully. Her lyrics heartfelt but a slightly more upbeat. Between songs, she smiles at her fans and replies sweetly to the ones brave enough to shout out words of encouragement to her. 
Goldsworthy is talented and quirky to boot, telling short stories and joking with the audience prior to each song. Her set concludes with a few special guests to support her through her final song. Yep, the boys of L.S. Dunes came out and performed her original song, “Overambitious” alongside her. Henceforth, the crowd of course lost their minds. 
You can watch the music video for “Overambitious” right here. Keep up with Kayleigh via her Instagram page.
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L.S. Dunes
At 9:35 its L.S. Dunes turn to take the stage, and boy, did they. Right out of the gate, drummer Tucker Rule plops down at his kit and takes off. The rest of the band joins in on their respective instruments. The shrieks of an excited and packed to the gills venue is comparable to a roar. 
If you’re not familiar with L.S. Dunes (I mean, they are a new band after all), you may see some faces that jog your memory. 
Frontman Anthony Green, like his band mates, has quite the musical history. Circa Survive, Saosin, and The Sound of Animals Fighting, in addition to his solo music. (Dear Child was stuck in my head for 3 days leading up to the show). Frank Iero, My Chemical Romance rhythm guitarist, also was a part of Leathermouth and Pencey Prep. (And if that’s not enough, he has a solo project called Frank Iero and The Future Violents). You’ve got Thursday bassist Tim Payne, Travis Stever, co-founder and lead guitarist of Coheed and Cambria, and drummer Tucker Rule. 
Quite literally a medley of all of my favorite bands as an emo teen, wrapped up into a perfect indie supergroup. I’ve been to an array of shows, all different genres, venues massive and tiny. The energy and stage presence this band has is unmatched, unlike anything I’ve seen before. 
The band plays harmoniously, grinning and grooving. Meanwhile Anthony darts around the stage, whipping his sweat drenched locks around to the beat of each song. L.S. Dunes performed their new album, “Past Lives” in its entirety, by the way. 
They’re at 110% for the whole damn set, it’s really incredible. The entire room was so eager to be closer to stage that consequently, you could not move to lift your arms. The night ends with the boys leaving the stage, only for the crowd to demand an encore. They return to stage and close out with my personal favorite from the album, “Sleep Cult”. It’s a beautifully haunting and weirdly romantic jam. Kayleigh Goldsworthy joins in, playing along on her violin and creating a sweet but somber ending to the night.
While their 2022 tour has concluded, (their first tour!) lookout for L.S. Dunes to dominate the nation in 2023. 
You can listen to their new album, ‘Past Lives’ here.
Want to keep up with L.S. Dunes? Check out their Twitter and Instagram for the latest.
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