#top 10 banks in india
9to9imall · 3 months
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insanityclause · 5 months
EXCLUSIVE: One year ago we told you that a second season of John le Carré adaptation The Night Manager was quietly being developed under the codename Steelworks.
Now, Deadline can reveal that the BBC and new co-pro partner Amazon have gone big on a supercharged two-season order of the thriller, with Tom Hiddleston returning to lead, Hugh Laurie coming back as EP and with a new director in I Hate Suzie’s Georgi Banks-Davies. A third season has also been greenlit. David Farr returns as writer and Stephen Garrett is showrunner.
The Night Manager Season 2 will begin filming later this year and will pick up with Hiddleston’s Jonathan Pine eight years after the explosive finale of Season 1, going beyond the original book, which was written by the celebrated British writer in 1993. Additional plot details are being kept under wraps and there is not yet confirmation as to whether EP Laurie’s Richard Roper, who was last seen in the back of a paddy wagon driven by arms buyers who were not best pleased with him, will return to star. Hiddleston will also EP and will discuss in more depth on tonight’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Produced by The Ink Factory in association with Character 7, Demarest Films and 127 Wall, and in co-production with Spanish partner Nostromo Pictures, The Night Manager Season 2 was sold to Amazon by Fifth Season. The first was co-produced with AMC.
New director Banks-Davies, a BAFTA-nominee who takes over from Susanne Bier, has credits including I Hate Suzie, Garfield and upcoming Netflix series Kaos.
The Night Manager Season 1 was a huge success, watched by millions and winning multiple BAFTAs, Emmys and Golden Globes including best actor for Hiddleston. Also starring Tom Hollander, Olivia Colman and Elizabeth Debicki, it followed Pine – who ran a luxury hotel in Cairo – as he attempted to infiltrate the inner circle of Roper’s crime syndicate after being hired by Foreign Office task force manager Angela Burr.
The first season was commissioned more than 10 years ago and the show has since been remade in India, lapping the UK version by swiftly having a Season 2 greenlit for Disney+ Hotstar in May last year.
Simon Cornwell and Stephen Cornwell, le Carré’s sons who run The Ink Factory, said Season 1 proved “a landmark moment for the golden era of television – uniting on-screen and behind-the-camera talent at the top of their game – and an audience reception which was beyond our wildest imagining.”
They added: “Revisiting the story of Pine also means going beyond the events of John le Carré’s original work: that is a decision we have not taken lightly, but his compelling characters and the vision David has for their next chapter were irresistible.”
Amazon MGM Studios Head of Television Vernon Sanders said: “We are elated to bring additional seasons of The Night Manager to our Prime Video customers. The combination of terrific source material, the wonderful team at The Ink Factory, a great writer in David Farr, an award-winning director in Georgi Banks-Davies, as well as the talented cast truly make the series the full package.”
Hiddleston said: “The first series of The Night Manager was one of the most creatively fulfilling projects I have ever worked on. The depth, range and complexity of Jonathan Pine was, and remains, a thrilling prospect.”
BBC content boss Charlotte Moore added: “After years of fervent speculation I’m incredibly excited to confirm that The Night Manager is returning to the BBC for two more series.”
The Night Manager series two is created and executive produced by Farr, based on the characters created by le Carré. Additional executive producers include Garrett for Character 7, Banks-Davies, Laurie and Hiddleston; Joe Tsai and Arthur Wang for 127 Wall; Stephen and Simon Cornwell, Michele Wolkoff, and Tessa Inkelaar for The Ink Factory; Adrián Guerra for Nostromo Pictures; William D. Johnson for Demarest Films, Nick Cornwell, Susanne Bier, Chris Rice for Fifth Season and Gaynor Holmes for the BBC.
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yoga-onion · 6 months
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[Image above: Gobajo statue with a crown of elephant, the largest animal on land, on its head. One of the Eight Legions.]
Legends of the humanoids 
Reptilian humanoids (10)
The Eight Great Dragon Kings – Dragon tribes who listened to the Buddha's teachings.
They are the eight kings of the dragon races, who belong to the Eight Legions of Buddhist dieties. They protect the Buddha Dharma.
In Buddhism, Nagaraja (lit. 'king of the nagas') in Hindu mythology was incorporated as various dragon deities, including the Eight Great Dragon Kings. 
Nagarajas are supernatural beings who are kings of the various races of Nagas, the divine or semi-divine, half-human, half-serpent beings that reside in the netherworld (Patala), and can occasionally take human form. The duties of the Nāga Kings included leading the nagas in protecting the Buddha, other enlightened beings, as well as protecting the Buddha Dharma.
Some of the most notable Nagarajas occurring in Buddhist scriptures are Virupaksa, Mucalinda, Dhrtarastra, and the following Eight Great Dragon Kings:
Nanda (Ananta, lit. joy): Ananta and Upananda were brother dragon kings who once fought against the Dragon King Sagara.
Upananda (lit. sublime joy): Brother of Nanda. Together with King Nanda, he protected the country of Magadha, ensuring that there was no famine, and when the Buddha descended, he sent rain to bless it and attended all the sittings where he preached. After the Buddha's death, he protected the Buddha Dharma forever.
Sagara (lit. 'Great Sea'): king of the Dragon Palace. King of the Great Sea Dragon.The 8-year-old Dragon Lady in the Lotus Sutra was the third princess of this Dragon King and was known as the Zennyo Ryuo (lit. "goodness woman dragon-king").
Vasuki (lit.'treasure'): sometimes referred to as the Nine-Headed Dragon King with the 'nine' meaning the extremity of yang and extremely large and powerful in number. Thus, he was thought of as the "Nine-Headed Dragon King". In the original legend, he was seldom called the 'Many-headed Dragon King' because there were a thousand of heads. Originally, he protected Mt. Meru (Ref1) and took tiny dragons to eat.
Takshaka (lit. ‘polyglot' or 'visual poison'): When this dragon is angrily stared at, the person is said to die out. From the Golden Light Sutra, the Seven-faced Tennyo is said to be the daughter of this Dragon King.
Anavatapta (lit. "cool and free from heat"): was said to live in the mythical pond in the northern Himalayas, Anuttara (lit. "free from heat"), which emitted great rivers in all directions to moisten the human continent of Jambudvīpa. A pond that stretches for approx. 3142 km, the banks of the pond were said to be made of four treasures, including gold, silver and others. This Dragon King was venerated as an incarnation of a Bodhisattva.
Manasvin (lit. 'giant' or 'great power'): When Asura (See2 & See3) attacked Kimi Castle with seawater, he twisted himself around and pushed the water back. Kimi Castle is the castle in Trayastrimsa at the top of Mt. Meru, where Sakra (Indra:Ref) resides. 
Uppalaka (Utpala: lit. blue lotus flower): blue lotus flower dragon king. He is said to dwell in a pond that produces blue lotus flowers. In India, the shape of the petals and leaves is used metaphorically to represent the eye, especially the blue water lily (nilotpala), which is a metaphor for a beautiful eye. In Buddhism, the Buddha's eyes are considered to be dark blue (nila), one of the 32 phases (ref4) and 80 kinds of favourites (ref5), "eye colour ".
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ヒト型爬虫類 (10)
仏教では、インド神話におけるナーガラジャ (ナーガの諸王の意) が、八大龍王をはじめさまざまな龍神として取り入れられた。ナーガラージャとは、冥界 (パタラ) に住む神または半神半人の蛇のような存在であるナーガ (参照) の様々な種族の王であり、時には人間の姿をとることもある超自然的な存在のこと。
難陀 (アナンタ:歓喜の意): 難陀と跋難陀は兄弟竜王で娑伽羅 (サーガラ:大海の意) 龍王と戦ったことがあった。
跋難陀 (ウパナンダ: 亜歓喜の意): 難陀の弟。難陀竜王と共にマガダ国を保護して飢饉なからしめ、また釈迦の降生の時、雨を降らしてこれを灌ぎ、説法の会座に必ず参じ、釈迦仏入滅の後は永く仏法を守護した。
娑伽羅 (サーガラ:大海の意): 龍宮の王。大海龍王。法華経に登場する八歳の龍女はこの龍王の第三王女で「善女龍王」と呼ばれた。
和修吉 (ヴァースキ: 宝有の意):「九頭龍王」と呼ばれることもある。「九」は陽の極まりを意味し、数が非常に多く強力であることから、「九頭龍王」と考えられた。そのため、彼は「九頭の龍王」と考えられていた。元の伝説では、頭が千個あったため、稀に「多頭龍王」と呼ばれることもあった。もともとは、須弥山(参照1)を守り、細龍を捕らえて食べていた。
徳叉迦 (タクシャカ: 多舌、視毒の意): この龍が怒って凝視された時、その人は息絶えるといわれる。身延鏡と金光明経から七面天女は、この龍王の娘とされている。
阿那婆達多 (アナヴァタプタ: 清涼、無熱悩の意): ヒマラヤ山脈北部にある神話上の池、阿耨達池 (無熱悩池) に住み、四方に大河を出して人間の住む大陸 閻浮提 (えんぶだい) を潤していた。 全長800里 (約3142 km)にも及ぶ池の岸辺は金・銀などの四宝よりなっていたという。この龍王は菩薩の化身として崇められていた。
摩那斯 (マナスヴィン: 大身、大力の意): 阿修羅(参照2 & 参照3)が海水をもって喜見城を侵したとき、身をよじらせて海水を押し戻したという。喜見城とは須弥山の頂上の 忉利天にある 帝釈天 (梵: インドラ参照) の居城。
優鉢羅 (ウッパラカ: 青蓮華の意): 青蓮華龍王。青蓮華を生ずる池に住まうという。インドでは花弁や葉などの形状を比喩的に眼を現すことに用いるが、特に青睡蓮(nilotpala)は美しい眼に喩えられる。仏教では仏陀の眼は紺青色(nila)とされ、三十二相八十種好(参照4)の一つ「眼色如紺青相」となっている。
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birdstudies · 1 year
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April 10, 2023 - Chin Hills Wren-Babbler (Spelaeornis oatesi) Found in eastern India and western Myanmar, these wren-babblers live in evergreen forests and nearby scrub. They probably eat small invertebrates, usually foraging near the ground. Breeding between March and June in Myanmar, they build domed oval nests with entrances near the top or side from leaves, coarse grasses, fibers, moss, and other materials in dry grass or other low vegetation on banks. Females lay clutches of two to four eggs.
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maaarine · 8 months
Bibliography: articles posted on this blog in 2024
Posted in January
Men Just Don’t Trust Women – And It’s A Huge Problem (Damon Young, Huffington Post, Mar 16 2015)
Amsterdam sex workers protest against plan to move red light district (The Guardian, Oct 19 2023)
They were Israel’s ‘eyes on the border’ - but their Hamas warnings went unheard (Alice Cuddy, BBC News, Jan 15 2024)
The Heteronormativity Theory of Low Sexual Desire in Women Partnered with Men (Sari M. van Anders, Debby Herbenick, Lori A. Brotto, Emily A. Harris, and Sara B. Chadwick, Aug 23 2021)
A new global gender divide is emerging (John Burn-Murdoch, Financial Times, Jan 26 2024)
The secret of OnlyFans: It’s much more than porn (Marta Biino and Madeline Berg, Business Insider, Jan 18 2024)
Posted in February
Half of Spanish men feel discriminated against amid feminism backlash (James Badcock, The Telegraph, Jan 16 2024)
Parisians vote in favour of tripling parking costs for SUVs (Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian, Feb 04 2024)
Ireland kickstarts vote on constitution’s wording about women and family (Rory Carroll, The Guardian, Jan 25 2024)
Divorce rates plummet to lowest level in 50 years ‘due to cost-of-living crisis’ (Kieran Kelly, LBC, Feb 22 2024)
Posted in March
‘There are some really extreme views’: young people face onslaught of misogyny online (Clea Skopeliti, The Guardian, March 01 2024)
Johnson: Why men interrupt (The Economist, Jul 10 2014)
France makes abortion a constitutional right in historic Versailles vote (Kim Willsher, The Guardian, March 04 2024)
‘My self-worth plummeted every month’: the hidden disorder that can ruin women’s lives (Chloe Aslett, The Guardian, Oct 16 2023)
The tyranny of the algorithm: why every coffee shop looks the same (Kyle Chayka, The Guardian, Jan 16 2024)
DNA Tests Are Uncovering the True Prevalence of Incest (Sarah Zhang, The Atlantic, March 18 2024)
Finland is world’s happiest country for 7th year while US drops out of top 20 (France 24, March 20 2024)
Swedish pharmacy bans sale of anti-ageing skincare to children (Miranda Bryant, The Guardian, March 20 2024)
Women are being diagnosed with ADHD at unprecedented rates. Here’s why. (Kaelyn Lynch, National Geographic, Jan 16 2024)
5 Takeaways From an Investigation Into Hysterectomies in India’s Sugar Industry (Megha Rajagopalan, The New York Times, March 24 2024)
English Just ‘Badly Pronounced French’, Paris Academic Says (Tom Barfield, Barron’s, March 09 2024)
Posted in April
Why are women more prone to long Covid? (David Cox, The Guardian, June 13 2021)
French Revolution: Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In Paris (Carlton Reid, Forbes, April 06 2024)
Long Covid may be the body trying to fight off other viruses (Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, April 08 2024)
The Troubling Trend in Teenage Sex (Peggy Orenstein, The New York Times, April 12 2024)
Sydney knifeman who targeted women ‘was desperate for a girlfriend’ (Andrea Hamblin, The Telegraph, April 15 2024)
Revealed: Israel has sped up settlement-building in East Jerusalem since Gaza war began (Jason Burke, The Guardian, April 17 2024)
‘I was only a child’: Greenlandic women tell of trauma of forced contraception (Miranda Bryant, The Guardian, March 29 2024)
Hormones and their Interaction with the Pain Experience (Katy Vincent and Irene Tracey, 2008)
Posted in May
Study suggests injury risk varies in menstrual cycle (Katie Gornall, BBC News, May 01 2024)
‘Urination equality’: Amsterdam women win fight for more public toilets (Ashifa Kassam, The Guardian, April 29 2024)
You can want things you don’t like and like things you don’t want (Shayla Love, Psyche, May 07 2024)
‘A new abyss’: Gaza and the hundred years’ war on Palestine (Rashid Khalidi, The Guardian, April 11 2024)
The important link between eating disorders and past trauma (Giulia Suro, Psyche, May 14 2024)
Hostile Intelligence: Reflections from a Visit to the West Bank (David Graeber, 2015)
Posted in June
AfD: How Germany’s far right won over young voters (Hans Pfeifer, Deutsche Welle, June 10 2024)
Posted in July
Coloniser le sud du Liban ? Un fantasme d'Israéliens messianiques à prendre au sérieux (Ha'Aretz via Courrier International, 3 juillet 2024)
Tampons found to contain concerning levels of arsenic and lead in world first study (Vishwam Sankaran, The Independent, July 10 2024)
South Korea politician blames women for rising male suicides (Jean Mackenzie, BBC, July 9 2024)
“Violence against women a ‘national emergency’ in England and Wales, police say (Vikram Dodd, The Guardian, July 23 2024)
Posted in August
Menopause was a French invention at a time of revolution (Alison M Downham Moore, Psyche, July 30 2024)
Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government (Helen Catt and Charlotte Rose, BBC, Aug 18 2024)
Posted in September
What Is Synaptic Pruning? (Jacquelyn Cafasso, Healthline, Sep 18 2018)
‘Frightening’ Taliban law bans women from speaking in public (Annie Kelly and Zahra Joya, The Guardian, Aug 26 2024)
Elon Musk suggests support for replacing democracy with government of ‘high-status males’ (Ariana Baio, The Independent, Sep 03 2024)
‘Not our tradition’: calls in Sweden to ban fathers walking brides down the aisle (Miranda Bryant, The Guardian, Aug 31 2024)
Olympic runner Cheptegei defied her violent ex. She lost her life anyway (Ammu Kannampilly, Reuters, Sep 14 2024)
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careercoursesstudy · 2 months
Top 10 NEET Coaching Centres in India
The educational hub of India, has been synonymous with top-notch NEET coaching. Every year, thousands of aspirants flock to this city with dreams of cracking the NEET exam. To assist you in choosing the best coaching institute for your preparation, we have curated a list of the top 10 NEET coaching centers in Kota. Each institute is evaluated based on its faculty, study material, infrastructure, and past results.
1. Allen Career Institute
Overview Allen Career Institute is renowned for its consistent success rate in NEET examinations. With experienced faculty and comprehensive study material, Allen provides a robust foundation for NEET aspirants.
Faculty The faculty at Allen includes highly qualified professionals with years of teaching experience. They are dedicated to ensuring that students understand complex concepts with ease.
Study Material Allen provides meticulously prepared study materials, including textbooks, question banks, and mock tests. These materials are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam trends.
Results Allen boasts an impressive track record, with numerous students securing top ranks in NEET every year.
2. Career&Courses
Overview Career&Courses is another premier institute in Kolkata, known for its excellent teaching methodologies and comprehensive test series.
Faculty The faculty at Career&Courses comprises experienced educators who focus on concept clarity and problem-solving techniques.
Study Material Career&Courses (Best Neet Coaching Centre in Kolkata)offers well-structured study materials and a series of practice tests that help students gauge their preparation levels.
Results Career&Courses has consistently produced NEET toppers, making it a preferred choice for many aspirants.
Address :- 3/15 , 1st Floor , Sati Plaza , Barrackpore , Kolkata -700120
3. Aakash Institute
Overview Aakash Institute is a name that resonates with quality education and outstanding results. It has a significant presence in Kota and offers excellent coaching for NEET.
Faculty Aakash's faculty members are highly experienced and provide personalized attention to each student.
Study Material The institute provides comprehensive study materials and regular assignments to keep students engaged and prepared.
Results Aakash has a stellar record of students achieving high ranks in NEET, owing to its rigorous training and effective teaching methods.
4. Career Point
Overview Career Point is well-known for its structured coaching programs and student-centric approach. It offers both classroom and online coaching for NEET aspirants.
Faculty Career Point's faculty includes experienced educators who use innovative teaching techniques to simplify complex topics.
Study Material The institute offers detailed study materials, including notes, question banks, and previous years’ papers.
Results Career Point has a history of producing successful NEET candidates, thanks to its focused coaching and supportive environment.
5. Nucleus Education
Overview Nucleus Education is a relatively new entrant but has quickly gained a reputation for its excellent NEET coaching.
Faculty The faculty at Nucleus Education comprises young and dynamic teachers who are experts in their respective fields.
Study Material Nucleus provides well-researched and up-to-date study materials that cover the entire NEET syllabus comprehensively.
Results Nucleus Education has shown impressive results in recent years, with many students achieving top ranks in NEET.
6. Motion Education
Overview Motion Education is known for its personalized coaching and advanced teaching methodologies. It provides a conducive learning environment for NEET aspirants.
Faculty Motion Education's faculty members are highly qualified and focus on building strong conceptual foundations.
Study Material The study material provided by Motion Education is exhaustive and regularly updated to keep pace with the latest exam patterns.
Results Motion Education has a consistent record of producing successful NEET candidates, making it a trusted name in Kota.
7. Vibrant Academy
Overview Vibrant Academy offers a focused and disciplined approach to NEET preparation. It is known for its excellent teaching standards and supportive environment.
Faculty The faculty at Vibrant Academy includes experienced educators who provide clear and concise explanations of complex concepts.
Study Material Vibrant Academy offers well-structured study materials that are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam trends.
Results Vibrant Academy has produced numerous NEET toppers, demonstrating its effectiveness in preparing students for the exam.
8. Bansal Classes
Overview Bansal Classes is one of the oldest and most reputed coaching institutes in Kota. It has a legacy of producing successful NEET candidates.
Faculty The faculty at Bansal Classes includes seasoned educators who use tried-and-tested teaching methodologies.
Study Material Bansal Classes provides detailed and well-organized study materials, including textbooks, practice questions, and mock tests.
Results Bansal Classes has a proven track record of students achieving top ranks in NEET, making it a popular choice among aspirants.
9. Rajat Academy
Overview Rajat Academy is known for its student-focused approach and comprehensive coaching programs. It offers a supportive environment for NEET preparation.
Faculty The faculty at Rajat Academy includes experienced teachers who provide personalized attention to each student.
Study Material Rajat Academy offers extensive study materials that cover all aspects of the NEET syllabus in detail.
Results Rajat Academy has shown commendable results, with many students securing high ranks in NEET.
10. Kota Classes
Overview Kota Classes is a well-established coaching institute that offers quality education and effective NEET coaching programs.
Faculty The faculty at Kota Classes comprises experienced educators who focus on building a strong conceptual foundation.
Study Material Kota Classes provides comprehensive study materials, including notes, question banks, and previous years’ papers.
Results Kota Classes has a solid track record of producing successful NEET candidates, making it a reliable choice for aspirants.
Choosing the right coaching institute is crucial for NEET preparation. Each of the institutes listed above has its unique strengths and offers excellent coaching programs. Evaluate your needs and preferences carefully before making a decision. Remember, the right guidance and dedicated effort are the keys to cracking NEET.
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How Should I Prepare for My NEET (Chemistry)?
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metamatar · 1 year
According to World Bank economist Branko Milanović, in 1870 global inequality between world citizens was considerably less than it is today. More strikingly still, from being predominantly driven by class (that is, in Milanović‘s non-Marxist conception, the share of national income), inequality today is driven almost entirely by location, the latter contributing 80 percent of global inequality. Thus, he writes, “it is much more important, globally speaking, whether you are lucky enough to be born in a rich country than whether the income class to which you belong in a rich country is high, medium or low.” What is not said is that the geography of inequality is the product of the economic, legal, military, and political structures of past colonialism and latter-day neocolonialism. These historical factors form the basis for the class struggle that determines what Marx referred to as the “historical and moral” aspect of wage levels.
From here x
This feels so incomprehensible but, it is probably true? I'm in India's top 10% and think of myself as basically as labor aristocrat as it gets here. The quality of my life feels excellent compared to my friends who are struggling and all the various working class people I buy services like food delivery, cab services etc from. This is excluding agrarian poverty entirely. But this is while having an annual income of 7000 USD. Like this is why a large section of my social class aspires to immigrate to the west.
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Top Ten Web Development Companies in India
Although many organisations strive to minimise the benefits of web development to the global market, statistics indicate the truth. According to statistics, everybody with an internet connection can browse around 1.88 billion webpages.
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Given that the majority of websites increase firm sales and ROI, web development can create exceptional outcomes for any business. Web development can benefit both a start-up and a huge organisation. Custom Web Development Companies in India that are skilled in web development are best equipped to handle business needs because they always have enough talent to meet all the demands.
The Best Web Development Companies in India keep their resources up to date with the most recent trends and technologies in the digital world, in addition to their skill sets. Despite the fact that every other web development firm claims to be the finest, it's straightforward to identify the top web developers in India based on their service offerings and work portfolios.
We've produced a list of the top 10 web development companies in India so you can pick the finest one for your next project! So, let's get started.
1. Connect Infosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Connect Infosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a well-known web development service company that provides a comprehensive range of web development services. Our web creation services are targeted to your company's specific demands, allowing you to create a website that fits those objectives. We offer website design, development and Digital marketing organization situated in New Delhi. We were established in 1999 and have been serving our customers everywhere throughout the world. Connect Infosoft's Head Office is based in New Delhi, India and has Branch Office in Orissa. It also has a portrayal in the United States.
Our skilled web developers are well-versed in the latest web technologies and can provide you with the best web development solutions that match your budget and schedule restrictions. We also have a team of SEO and digital marketing professionals who can assist you in improving your search .
Major Service Offerings:
Web Application Development
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Mobile App Development
Data Science & Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Pay-Per-Click advertising campaigns
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Client Success Stories:
Our success is intricately woven with the success stories of our clients. We take pride in delivering successful projects that align with client requirements and contribute to their growth.
We are always ready to start new projects and establish long-term work relationships. We work in any time zone for full-time and part-time-based projects.
Hire Developer for $10 per hour approx.
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2. Infosys
Infosys is a well-known global leader in IT services and consulting based in India. Founded in 1981, Infosys has grown to become one of the largest IT companies in India and has a strong presence worldwide. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and business process outsourcing.
In the field of web development, Infosys provides comprehensive solutions to its clients. They have expertise in building custom web applications, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites. Their web development team is skilled in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies to create robust and scalable web solutions.
Infosys has a track record of working with clients from diverse industries, including banking and finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their deep industry knowledge and technical expertise to deliver innovative web development solutions tailored to meet their clients' specific requirements.
Additionally, Infosys focuses on utilizing emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and cloud computing to enhance the web development process and deliver cutting-edge solutions.
3. TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) is one of the largest and most renowned IT services companies in India and a part of the Tata Group conglomerate. Established in 1968, TCS has a global presence and provides a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and IT outsourcing.
TCS offers comprehensive web development solutions to its clients across various industries. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites. They have expertise in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies to build robust and scalable web solutions.
TCS has a customer-centric approach and works closely with its clients to understand their business requirements and goals. They leverage their deep industry knowledge and technological expertise to provide innovative and tailored web development solutions that align with their clients' specific needs.
4. Wipro
Wipro is a prominent global IT consulting and services company based in India. Established in 1945, Wipro has evolved into a multinational organization with a presence in over 60 countries. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and digital transformation.
In the realm of web development, Wipro provides comprehensive solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Wipro emphasizes delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They collaborate closely with their clients to understand their specific requirements and business objectives. This enables them to create tailored solutions that align with the clients' goals and provide a competitive
5. HCL Technologies
HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company headquartered in India. Established in 1976, HCL Technologies has grown to become one of the prominent players in the IT industry. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, consulting and infrastructure management.
HCL Technologies provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients worldwide. They have a dedicated team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
HCL Technologies has a broad industry presence and serves clients across various sectors such as banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their deep industry expertise to deliver web solutions that are not only technologically robust but also address the unique challenges and requirements of each industry.
6. Mindtree
Mindtree is a global technology consulting and services company based in India. Founded in 1999, Mindtree has grown to become a well-known player in the IT industry. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, cloud services and data analytics.
Mindtree provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals with expertise in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
One of the key strengths of Mindtree is its focus on delivering customer-centric solutions. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, goals and target audience. This enables them to create tailored web development solutions that meet the clients' unique needs and deliver a seamless user experience.
Mindtree serves clients across multiple industries, including banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their industry knowledge and experience to provide web solutions that align with the specific challenges and regulations of each sector.
7. Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra is a multinational IT services and consulting company based in India. Established in 1986, Tech Mahindra is part of the Mahindra Group conglomerate. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting, digital transformation and IT outsourcing.
Tech Mahindra provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients across various industries. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Tech Mahindra focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific requirements, business objectives and target audience. This enables them to create customized web solutions that meet the clients' unique needs, enhance user experience and drive business growth.
The company serves clients across diverse sectors, including telecommunications, banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their industry expertise and domain knowledge to provide web solutions that are tailored to the specific challenges and requirements of each industry.
Tech Mahindra embraces emerging technologies in their web development services. They leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, cloud computing and other advanced technologies to enhance the functionality, security and scalability of the web solutions they deliver.
8. Mphasis
Mphasis is an IT services company headquartered in India. Established in 2000, Mphasis has a global presence and offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, consulting and infrastructure services.
Mphasis provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients worldwide. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Mphasis focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions tailored to meet their clients' specific requirements. They work closely with their clients to understand their business objectives, target audience and desired outcomes. This allows them to create customized web solutions that align with their clients' goals and provide a competitive edge.
9. L&T Infotech
L&T Infotech (LTI) is a global IT solutions and services company headquartered in India. LTI is a subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro, one of India's largest conglomerates. The company provides a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting, digital transformation and infrastructure management.
L&T Infotech offers comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals who are proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
One of the key strengths of L&T Infotech is its customer-centric approach. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, objectives and target audience. This enables them to create tailored web development solutions that align with the clients' unique needs and deliver tangible business value.
10. Cybage
Cybage is a technology consulting and product engineering company headquartered in Pune, India. Established in 1995, Cybage has grown to become a global organization with a presence in multiple countries. The company offers a range of services, including web development, software development, quality assurance, digital solutions and IT consulting.
Cybage provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals who are proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Cybage focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They collaborate closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, goals and target audience. This enables them to create customized web solutions that meet the clients' unique needs, enhance user experience and drive business growth.
The company serves clients across diverse industries, including healthcare, retail, e-commerce, banking and finance and more. They leverage their industry knowledge and domain expertise to provide web solutions that address the unique challenges and requirements of each industry.
Cybage emphasizes the use of emerging technologies in their web development services. They incorporate artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain and other innovative technologies to enhance the functionality, scalability and security of the web solutions they deliver.
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unravelingwires · 10 months
My father grew up dirt-poor in a village in India. My grandmother valued education, and with her prompting, he managed to get an engineering degree and an educated wife, coming to the United States.
Alternatively: my mother’s mother was the most hardworking woman in the world, running multiple businesses, doing the housework, and raising her children. As a high schooler, she held an (unsuccessful) hunger strike to promote her right to an education. She passed on that determination to her daughter. Between my mother’s ludicrous work ethic and terrifying ambition, she found a husband with her goals and gained a medical degree in two countries, settling in the United States. 
Either way, my mother and father, through luck and hard work, came here with the skills to better this great country. My mother maintained throughout my childhood that there was nowhere to gain success like the US. She worked at a hospital until the administrators determined that an endocrinologist wasn’t profitable enough to justify on staff, at which point she opened her own practice. My father worked at a bank until one of his college friends suggested an entrepreneurial software-producing business, and as such, Multicoreware was born. Both of them brought new jobs to Sunset Hills and provided a necessary service that wouldn’t have existed if they weren’t there. 
The word “indigenous” means “native to the land one is living on,” but the term “indigency” simply means “poor.” My family is, under some definitions, indigenous to India, but according to all definitions, we suffer indigence nowhere. We have, in fact, never suffered indigence in our lifetimes. My dad got his education through scholarships, but he did get his education. My mother was even more privileged. Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t have air conditioning or pasteurized milk. She was still wealthy by most Indian metrics, though, and that wealth allowed her to get a degree, which was fundamentally important in getting her green card.
That’s important. Regardless of how you spin their rags-to-riches story, neither of my parents literally started in rags. My father got closer than my mother, but ultimately, neither of them were starving on the street, and there are a lot of people in India starving on the street. Those people don’t end up in the US. 
Did you know that not all Asian Americans are wealthy? I don’t mean that literally, obviously some Indians start gambling recklessly or get trapped by a lack of universal healthcare. I mean that “Asian American” is a demographic so large as to be useless. If you break down the overall group, you’ll find we’re harshly divided between people who immigrated like my parents and refugees, making up the top 10% and bottom 10% of US earners. Isn’t that funny? 
My family’s from Missouri, Saint Louis specifically. 
In the meantime, my parents bought a suburban house and had two daughters. Becoming a doctor or engineer is well-known in India as a ticket to success, but my parents taught my sister and I to value the opportunities this country had, so we followed our hearts instead. My sister bounced around for a while, studying psychology and sociology, but she settled on educational nonprofit work, helping kids in India succeed. She works in fundraising, convincing potential philanthropists that their cause is a good enough one to sponsor. My sister is, I’ve been told, very good at her job; listening to all the office politics is always amusing. I became an ecologist and conservationist. It’s less of a non-sequitor than you’d think: my family adores national parks and hiking, and there’s something so fundamentally beautiful about this continent. Come to the Midwest: we have the best thunderstorms in the world. My job is something I would never get to do in India, and it’s good chunk of the reason I’m so grateful for this country.
On a related note, I said that indigenous means “native to the land one is living on,” but it is more complicated than that. Indians living in India, for example, are rarely called indigenous. It’s a specific kind of colonization that creates the concept of indigeneity. The settling of other people on your land is a necessary step of the process. 
Even if that wasn’t true, I wouldn’t be indigenous anywhere. I was born in Missouri: even if I return to India, I will be an American returning to the place of her forefathers, not an India returning to their home country. 
There’s actually a thriving Tamilian community in Saint Louis. That’s the reason my parents chose to move there. Of course, by the time I was old enough to really notice social atmospheres, we’d ended up alienated from said community through common drama, so that didn’t affect me much. 
By the time I was born, my family had established a pattern of traveling to visit India every year or every other year. Though it is important to understand your roots, we go there for more practical reasons. My grandparents deserve to know me, and my mother runs a charity organization.
The organization has warped over time. At first, we helped fund a school. Then, my mother began running diabetes clinics for rural Tamilians. Nowadays, my mother has been campaigning for an increase in millet-based diets instead of white rice-based diets. 
I don’t think either of my parents want to move back to India. It’s still important to take what we’ve learned in the US and return it to India. We owe the country that much. 
The result of all of this is that it’s accurate to say my family is from a colonized culture, not an indigenous one, but I am from neither. Within the US, we are primarily aligned with a colonizer culture, enjoying its luxuries and upholding its narratives. I’ve been saying for years that I am more American—using “American” to mean “from the United States,” which is its own can of worms—than I am Indian. I was born in the US, and I was brought up here. These are the opportunities that I have most enjoyed. This means that, regardless of my genuine love for this country, I am a colonizer that has put down roots. 
I wonder, sometimes, if I would have connected more with India if I connected more with the community in Saint Louis. I probably would have, I think. I barely know how to celebrate Diwali, and I don’t know any of our other holidays. I’m Hindu in a lazy, abstract way. I don’t speak Tamil.
On the other hand, I’m Indian enough that I don’t get to be American, not all the way. I’m not a pie chart—70% American, 25% Indian, 5% something else—but I might as well have been, the way people used to talk to me. 
I’ve gotten something else from our trips to India, though. I’ve knelt in stone temples and before my great-grandmother. I’ve wandered through drip-irrigated farmland and watched my mother bring reusable bags from India because there was nothing like our woven bags in this country. Frugality, sustainability, humility, and spirituality all mean the same thing to me, nowadays. As we were bringing our Western education to our home country, I brought pieces of my home country back to the West. 
As an ecologist, this is tricky. In a lot of ways, my field is simply an attempt to gather the knowledge that indigenous people already knew, and we have a bad habit of writing off their credits or overwriting their narrative. On the other hand, my family is from a colonized culture, and there’s a chance my perspective will be worth something because of that. I cannot turn my back on this field. It’s my duty, as somebody who has a chance of understanding the tangles in the connection between culture and conservation, to remain in this field, attempting to help where I can and uplift marginalized voices. 
I went to India in high school then again just after the pandemic, and I think I found something worthwhile there. I mean, at first I had to really search for it; I don’t know how my sister finds it so easy to love that country. I really did try, though, and I did find something. I went to this farm vaguely connected to the school my family used to help fund—I don’t think we’re involved anymore, and my mom’s current charity efforts are leaning more chaotic than anything—and I noticed that they were using drip irrigation. After that, I started looking for that sort of thing, and I found it absurdly common. The average Indian I’ve met has no concept of conservation, but they do understand waste and how to avoid it, and often there’s heavy overlap. There are also cultural values surrounding the concept of duty, mindfulness, and practicality that I think really are valuable: I doubt Rama would have much time for fast fashion, prince or no. 
As an adult who knows how to look at the world through a cultural lens, I’ve been trying to learn about other culture’s views on conservation as I do my research. UC Davis is trying to include more information on Native American views on sustainability in its curriculum, and I’ve been reading Braiding Sweetgrass in my free time. It’s important to weave scientific methods with indigenous knowledge when promoting sustainability. 
Still, I’m worried that I’ll become as complicit, as academia isn’t always built to further true understanding. We have a way of talking as though we have knowledge and indigenous groups have practices, when in reality it’s much more complicated than that.
After that, I started putting real effort in, and I think I’m doing a good job of it. I read the Gita, which was a very good book, and Sundara Kanda, which really wasn’t. I’ve been wearing churidars the last few years, and I bought a Saraswati statue to put next to my Ganeshas. I started meditating. I learned to make chapathi. How many pieces can you put together before you’ve made one whole Indian?
And I really am trying to take this understanding of why culture is important and use it to reach out to others. Solidarity is really important. Did you know that it’s an Indian who attacked affirmative action most recently, the idiot? How do they not realize that racism chips at us all—
Anyways. I inexplicably started with Judaism—well, not inexplicably, I got guilty when I realized I knew more about Nazis than Jewish people—trying to get a shape of what cultural practices look like in the US. I don’t think I did an amazing job, but there’s only so much you can get from books. After that, I started reading more international authors, which I’m not certain did anything, but I enjoyed The Locked Tomb series immensely, so maybe it’s alright. 
Cultural understanding is incredibly important work and, in ecology, time bound time bound. We are embedded in a mass extinction of our own making, and we need to work immediately to prevent everything from getting worse. As such, I’m getting a Masters degree, the a PhD, then I’ll get an entry-level government position and work steadily to— 
Of course, leaving academia and moving to direct activism would be the most morally correct thing to do, but I’m not certain I have the personality matrix for it. Perhaps I should invest more of my free time into volunteer work. 
Most importantly, I really am trying to understand the Native American perspective on the United States, specifically from within California because understanding one culture well seems better than stereotyping a million, but that’s such a massive undertaking, and I really don’t want to come off too white savoir-like as I do it, and if understanding Judaism from a book is impossible I don’t know why I’m trying with Potawatomi culture, Jesus Christ at least I’ve met a Jewish person before—
It’s not about understanding every culture on earth; I understand that. My curiosity drives me to understand everything, but from most people, all that I have are whispers. An rudimentary understanding of Chi from Iron Widow overlaid with giant mechs and messy polyamory. The Peruvian Sacsayhuaman, meaning vulture feast, after the mass of bodies that lay there after the conquistadors had finished their work. The layer of powder on temples in India, leftovers from the stuff that’s supposed to go on your forehead.
It just feels wrong to know so little about the land I’m walking on. A’nowara’kó:wa means Turtle Island, and according to Braiding Sweetgrass, that’s the actual name for North America. I learned that a month ago.
I kind of hate India, but I know it’s mine. It’s not like the US which I’ve had to claim over and over again. The US had to be imprinted on to me through birth certificates and accents and yelling “I am a patriot!” at disruptive times. I was Indian the moment I was born; the land itself is pressed into my skin. 
The land I was born on belongs to someone else. It’ll always belong to someone else. That’s not okay, but it has to be.
The work we’re doing is difficult, but it’s the only practical way to make a difference. 
We need a revolutionary change, and soon. Continually spinning my wheels like this is useless. 
You know how the word “Indian” doesn’t mean actual Indians in the US? I mean, it might be different nowadays, but when I was a kid, “Indian” meant Native American first. I have, in the 20 years of my life, refused to refer to Native Americans as Indians, even when that was their preference. I don’t care that it wasn’t their fault, that “Indian” was as imposed on them as it was stolen from us. It’s our word.
Well, recently I learned that “Indian” wasn’t created by Indians either. The Greeks saw people living around the Indus River and started calling them Indians, but even “The Indus River” was a Greek term: the original word for it was Sindhu.
That’s not why my parents named me Sindhu. They wanted a Tamil name, and for us, Sindhu means “music,” and music is something transcendentally meaningful. It’s funny: that’s not an Indian thing, I don’t think, but it still feels Indian. All of this feels Indian. When I think of India, I think of grime and exhaustion, but when I think of Indians, I think of bright colors and music and how God connects us to the natural cycle. No wonder their country was named after a river, after music. No wonder I am named after my country.
One of the frustrating things about engaging with culture is that it’s the kind of work that’s never finished. It feels like mental health upkeep: it’s vitally important, and if you ignore it long enough you collapse, but lord is it exhausting. We need to put the work in to understanding each other, and colonialism is so baked into the fabric of the US that I don’t think we can progress without addressing it. That doesn’t make it easier to lose and gain appreciation for your country on loop. When an immigrant assimilates, how do they differ from the colonizers that surround them? 
I don’t think I’ll ever be happy with my relationship to India. There’s always something more I could be doing, another revelation on the horizon. I don’t think I’ll ever be happy with my relationship to A’nowara’kó:wa either. I just live on it.
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selloldmobile · 8 months
Infinix Smart 8 Price in india - RecycleDevice Blog
Infinix Smart 8 Price in India
Infinix, the popular smartphone manufacturer, has recently expanded its diverse lineup with the introduction of the Infinix Smart 8. Packed with notable features, this budget-friendly smartphone aims to provide users with a compelling blend of performance and affordability.
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Display and Design:
The Infinix Smart 8 boasts a 6.6-inch HD+ display with a resolution of 720x1612 pixels. The expansive screen delivers a delightful visual experience, offering a 90Hz refresh rate and up to 500 nits of peak brightness. The device is available in four attractive color options - Timber Black, Shinny Gold, Galaxy White, and Rainbow Blue, catering to various aesthetic preferences.
Performance and Storage:
The smartphone is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio G26 chipset, ensuring smooth multitasking and efficient performance. Paired with 4GB of RAM, the device also features an additional 3GB of virtual RAM, enhancing its capabilities. With 64GB of internal storage, expandable up to a massive 1TB via a microSD card, users can store a plethora of apps, photos, and multimedia content without worrying about running out of space.
Camera Capabilities:
One of the standout features of the Infinix Smart 8 is its impressive camera setup. The smartphone sports a 50MP main camera with Quad LED Ring flash, promising vibrant and detailed photos even in challenging lighting conditions. On the front, users can capture stunning selfies with the 8MP front camera, aided by an LED flash for well-lit shots.
Operating System and User Interface:
Running on Android 13 Go Edition topped with XOS 13, the Infinix Smart 8 ensures a user-friendly experience with the latest software optimizations. The streamlined interface and efficient operating system contribute to the overall responsiveness of the device.
Security and Battery Life:
Equipped with a side-mounted fingerprint sensor, the Infinix Smart 8 prioritizes user security and ensures quick and convenient access to the device. Powering the smartphone is a robust 5000mAh battery, providing ample juice to keep it running throughout the day.
Price and Availability:
The Infinix Smart 8 comes with an attractive price tag of Rs 7,499, making it an appealing option for budget-conscious consumers. The smartphone is set to hit the shelves on Flipkart starting January 15. To sweeten the deal, Infinix is offering a 10% discount on purchases made with ICICI Bank and Bank of Baroda cards.
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loansmantri · 11 months
Finding the Right Loan: A Guide to Loan Options and Choosing the Best Fit for You
Finding the right loan product to fit your needs can be a challenging process. With so many options like personal loans, home loans, and business loans, how do you know which is best suited for you? In this post, we'll provide an overview of the major loan products available and factors to consider when choosing one, as well as how Loans Mantri can help simplify the loan application process.
Loans Mantri is an online loan marketplace that partners with over 30 top financial institutions in India including names like HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Axis Bank. No matter what type of loan you need, Loans Mantri aims to provide customized options and a seamless application experience through their digital platform. 
Whether you need funds for personal expenses, purchasing real estate, business financing or any other purpose, Loans Mantri can match you with the ideal lending product for your requirements from their network. Their online eligibility calculators and tools remove the guesswork from determining what loans you can qualify for based on your income, credit score and other details.
This post will walk through the key loan products offered through Loans Mantri and outline the most important points to factor in when deciding which option works for your financial situation. We'll also provide tips on how to apply and what to expect when going through Loans Mantri for your financing needs. Let's get started!
Types of Loans Available
Here are some of the major loan products offered through Loans Mantri's platform:
Personal Loans - These unsecured loans can be used for almost any personal purpose like debt consolidation, wedding expenses, home renovation, medical needs, or any other requirements. Interest rates are competitive and loan amounts can range from ₹50,000 to ₹25 lakhs based on eligibility.
Home Loans - Also called mortgage loans, these are for purchasing, constructing or renovating a residential property. Home loans offer extended repayment tenures of up to 30 years and relatively lower interest rates. The property becomes collateral against the loan amount.  
Business Loans - Loans Mantri offers financing for a wide range of business needs like working capital, equipment purchases, commercial vehicle loans, construction requirements and more. Loan amounts can be from ₹10 lakhs to multiple crores.
Loan Against Property - By using your existing property as collateral, you can get a secured, high-value loan in return through this product. Interest rates are lower and you can get up to 50% of your property's current market value.
Other Loan Products - Loans Mantri also facilitates other lending options like credit cards, line of credit, gold loans, insurance financing, merchant cash advance for businesses etc. as per eligibility.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Loan
When looking at the various loan options, here are some key factors to take into account:
- Loan amount required and ideal repayment tenure 
- Interest rates and processing/administration fees
- Your repayment capacity based on income and expenses
- Purpose of the loan - personal needs, business growth, property purchase etc.
- Collateral availability for secured loans like home and property loans
- Flexibility in repayment - moratorium periods, EMIs, tenure etc.  
- Prepayment and foreclosure charges, if any
Evaluating these parameters will help identify the loan that Aligns to your financial situation. Loansmantri's online tools also help estimate factors like eligibility amounts, EMIs, interest rates etc. to simplify decision making.
Applying for a Loan on Loans Mantri
The application process with Loans Mantri is quick, transparent and fully digital: 
- Use the eligibility calculator to get an estimated loan amount you can qualify for.
- Fill out the online application by providing basic personal and financial details. 
- Loans Mantri will run a soft credit check to view your credit score and report. This helps match products to your profile.
- Compare personalized loan quotes from multiple partner banks and NBFCs.
- Submit any required KYC documents and income proofs online.
- The application gets forwarded to the lender for further processing and approval.
- Track status directly through your Loansmantri dashboard. Get assistance from customer support if needed. 
Loans Mantri aims to be a one-stop platform for all your lending needs. Their intuitive tools and partnerships with leading financial institutions help identify and apply for the ideal loan product for any purpose. Consider your requirements carefully and evaluate all options before choosing the right loan for your financial situation. With Loans Mantri, the entire process from application to disbursal can be completed digitally for an easier financing experience.
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Advancing as a Customer Service Coordinator with an Online MBA
In the bustling bazaar of business, the voice that reverberates the loudest and clearest is that of the customer. As a nexus between consumers and companies, the Customer Service Coordinator stands as a sentinel of service. Are you aiming to ascend in the arena of adept customer communication? An Online MBA in Logistics with Supply Chain Management might be your catalyst. Journey with us as we navigate the nuanced needs of India's consumer chorus and demonstrate how an MBA equips you to echo excellence.
MBA – Molding Mastery in Managing Multitudes:
Communication Craft: Connect and communicate, capturing customer contentment.
Resolution Rigor: Respond and resolve, reinforcing relationships robustly.
Service Strategy: Sculpt service standards, setting superior stances.
Feedback Flow: Facilitate feedback, furthering firm's forward focus.
Industries Infused with Interactions:
Upon completion of your MBA, you can channel your coordination competencies into sectors like:
Retail Realms: Respond to retail requisitions, rendering remarkable resolutions.
E-commerce Empires: Engage e-consumers efficiently, ensuring every encounter excels.
Tech Titans: Tackle tech troubles, tailoring timely turnarounds.
Travel Territories: Traverse the tenets of travel, tuning to tourists' testimonies.
Banking Bastions: Build bridges in banking, balancing both benefits and barriers.
Coordinator's Challenges – Crafting with Care:
Customer care comes with its conundrums:
Multitudinous Mandates: Managing myriad matters, maneuvering mistakes.
Expectation Equations: Evaluating evolving expectations, ensuring equilibrium.
Resolution Rigmaroles: Rallying resolutions, resisting routine ruts.
Feedback Flux: Filtering fleeting feedback, formulating forward-facing feats.
Top 10 Corporate Recruiters in India:
Tata Consultancy Services
Reliance Jio
Amazon India
Oyo Rooms
Coordinating with an MBA:
Being a Customer Service Coordinator isn't merely about mitigating matters—it's about mastering moments. An Online MBA in Logistics with Supply Chain Management doesn't just dispense data—it delivers discernment.
Let ShikshaGurus help you in your Education Journey:
ShikshaGurus assists you in exploring and comparing courses from over 60 online and distance learning universities. They offer free, unbiased consultation sessions with experts to guide you in selecting the ideal educational path. Furthermore, they provide assistance in finding the best university that aligns with your budget.
In the corridors of commerce, Customer Service Coordinators cultivate connections, curating customer-centric courses. In India's invigorating marketplace, they are indispensable, infusing interactions with insights and intent. An Online MBA in Logistics with Supply Chain Management isn't just a certificate—it's a compass, guiding graduates towards gratifying goals in customer centricity.
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aburasel · 2 years
India's top willful defaulters - -
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dmimsnagpur7 · 1 year
10 Things You Need to Know About DMIMS Best MBA College In Nagpur
DMIMS (Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences) is a renowned educational institution in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India that offers a two-year, full-time MBA program. Here are 10 things you need to know about DMIMS as a top MBA college in Nagpur:
Affiliation and Approval: DMIMS MBA program is affiliated with Nagpur University and is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
Faculty: The faculty members at DMIMS are highly qualified and experienced, with many of them holding doctoral degrees from reputed universities. They have a great teaching experience and industry exposure.
Infrastructure: The institute has a modern infrastructure that includes well-equipped classrooms, a spacious library, computer labs, and a state-of-the-art auditorium. Students have access to Wi-Fi, audio-visual facilities, and other amenities.
Curriculum: The MBA curriculum at DMIMS is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in business management and leadership skills. It covers various subjects like Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Operations, Business Analytics, etc.
Extracurricular Activities: DMIMS encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities such as sports, cultural events, and social outreach programs. These activities help students develop their personality and leadership qualities.
Placements: The institute has a robust placement cell that helps students get placed in top companies in various sectors such as banking, finance, IT, healthcare, etc. The institute has a great placement record over the years.
Industry Exposure: DMIMS provides students with opportunities to participate in industry internships, which give them practical experience and exposure to real-world business challenges.
International Collaboration: DMIMS has collaborations with leading international universities, providing students with opportunities for exchange programs and global exposure.
Ranking: DMIMS has been ranked among the top MBA colleges in Nagpur by various reputable ranking agencies and is known for its academic excellence and quality education.
Campus Life: DMIMS has a vibrant campus life with a diverse student community. Students have access to various facilities like a gym, canteen, medical facilities, and 24x7 security, ensuring a comfortable and safe stay on campus.
In conclusion, DMIMS is the Best MBA college in Nagpur that provides quality education, industry exposure, and a great campus life to students. With its excellent faculty, modern infrastructure, and strong industry collaborations, DMIMS is an ideal choice for MBA aspirants looking for a bright future in the corporate world.
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hmatrading · 1 year
List of Best Trading Apps in India 2023
The world of trading has become more accessible than ever before, thanks to the rise of trading apps. With just a few clicks on your smartphone, you can now buy and sell shares in real-time from anywhere in India. But with so many options available, which trading app should you choose? In this article, we've compiled a list of the top 10 best trading apps in India for 2023. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, this comprehensive review will help you find the perfect app for your needs. So let's dive right into it!
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List of the Top 10 Trading Apps in India
Zerodha:  With over 3 million users, Zerodha is one of the most popular trading apps in India. It offers a user-friendly interface and low brokerage fees, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced traders.
Upstox: Another top-rated app is Upstox, which boasts a simple yet effective platform for buying and selling stocks. It has competitive pricing and advanced charting tools to help you make informed decisions.
Angel Broking: Known for its extensive research capabilities, Angel Broking provides valuable insights into market trends that can help investors maximize their profits. The app also features a range of financial products like mutual funds and insurance.
Groww: A relatively new player in the market, Groww has quickly gained popularity thanks to its zero-commission policy on stock trades and easy-to-use interface.
Kotak Securities: This app by Kotak Mahindra Bank offers seamless integration with your bank account, allowing you to transfer funds seamlessly between them while trading shares or investing in mutual funds.
Sharekhan: With more than 20 years of experience in the market, Sharekhan is known for its robust research reports that provide detailed analysis of stocks from various sectors.
Edelweiss: Offering customizable watchlists and charts along with real-time news updates, Edelweiss makes it easier for investors to stay up-to-date with current events affecting their investments.
HDFC Securities: This app by HDFC Bank provides access to global markets along with local ones at affordable prices while providing comprehensive research reports covering several industries
ICICI Direct: ICICI direct allows you not only trade through mobile but also via call-n-trade. Their simplified version makes it perfect even if you are a beginner
Axis Direct: Last but not least AxisDirect comes equipped with all essential features including personalized alerts, easy order placement and comprehensive market analysis tools.
Complete Review of All Best Trading Apps in India
When it comes to choosing the best trading app in India, there are plenty of options available. But which one is right for you? In this complete review of all the best trading apps in India, we will take a closer look at each one and help you make an informed decision.
First up is Angel Broking. With its user-friendly interface and advanced charting tools, Angel Broking makes it easy for beginners to get started with trading. It also offers low brokerage fees and instant fund transfer options.
Next on our list is Zerodha. Known for its no-brokerage policy, Zerodha has quickly become a popular choice among traders in India. The app offers various features such as market depth analysis, advance charts and technical indicators.
Groww is another great option for those looking for a seamless trading experience. Its simple design allows users to navigate through the app with ease while offering commission-free investments in mutual funds.
Kotak Securities’ mobile application provides real-time updates on the stock market along with research reports from their team of experts giving you valuable insights about specific companies' performances based on their financial history.
Edelweiss Trading App combines investment opportunities with insightful advice from analysts making sure that traders make informed decisions before investing money into stocks or mutual funds
These are just some of the top contenders when it comes to finding the best trading app in India - but ultimately, your choice will depend on what suits your needs as an investor or trader.
To sum up, in this article we have discussed the top 10 trading apps in India for the year 2023. We have reviewed each app based on its features, user interface and overall performance.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, these apps offer you a seamless experience with no brokerage charges and easy access to market data.
Angel Broking, Zerodha and Kotak Securities are some of the popular names that provide unique features to make your trading journey smooth. Edelweiss also offers reliable services with advanced charts and tools.
Groww is another great option for beginners as it has a simple user interface along with low brokerage fees. nifty bees share price can be easily tracked through Angel One while Old Mumbai Chart provides historical data essential for analysis.
Each app excels in different areas making them suitable for different types of traders. So choose the one that best fits your requirements and start trading today!
After analyzing and reviewing the top 10 trading apps in India, it is evident that each app has its unique features and benefits. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, there is an app on this list that will suit your needs.
From Angel Broking's seamless user interface to Zerodha's low brokerage fees, each app offers something special. Other notable mentions include Kotak Securities' advanced charting tools, Edelweiss' research reports, and Groww's zero brokerage platform for mutual funds.
Choosing the best trading app in India can be challenging. However, by assessing your needs as a trader and comparing them with the offerings of these top 10 trading apps, you can find one that perfectly suits you. So go ahead and download your favorite trading app today
Related - https://hmatrading.in/best-trading-app-in-india/
Source - https://sites.google.com/view/list-of-best-trading-apps
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articlly · 1 year
Top 10 Best places to travel in india
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Top ten Best places to travel in india
Taj Mahal, Agra: The Taj Mahal is a world-famous white marble mausoleum located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal and is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand: Rishikesh is a spiritual city located in the foothills of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand. It is known for its serene beauty and is considered the "Yoga Capital of the World." It is also a popular destination for adventure sports like rafting and trekking.
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh: Varanasi, also known as Benares or Kashi, is one of the oldest cities in the world and is considered a holy city in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is situated on the banks of the River Ganges and is famous for its ghats, temples, and spirituality. varanasi is one of the Best places to travel in india
Goa: Goa is a state on the west coast of India known for its stunning beaches, unique blend of Indian and Portuguese culture, and relaxed atmosphere. It is a popular destination for beach lovers, party-goers, and those seeking relaxation.
Kerala: Kerala is a state in southern India known for its lush tropical landscapes, serene backwaters, and delicious cuisine. It is a popular destination for those seeking relaxation and natural beauty, as well as those interested in Ayurvedic treatments and yoga.
Darjeeling, West Bengal: Darjeeling is a town located in the foothills of the Himalayas in West Bengal. It is known for its tea plantations, stunning views of the Himalayas, and colonial architecture. It is a popular destination for those seeking a peaceful retreat in the mountains.
Udaipur and Jaipur, Rajasthan: Udaipur and Jaipur are two cities located in the state of Rajasthan known for their rich history, stunning palaces, and vibrant culture. Udaipur is known as the "City of Lakes" and is famous for its beautiful lakes and palaces, while Jaipur is known as the "Pink City" and is famous for its pink-hued buildings and forts.
Hampi, Karnataka: Hampi is an ancient city located in the state of Karnataka. It was once the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its stunning ruins, temples, and monuments.
Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh: Khajuraho is a small town located in Madhya Pradesh known for its stunning temples with intricate carvings depicting human sexuality, mythology, and daily life. The temples are a UNESCO World Heritage site and attract visitors from all over the world.
Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir: Ladakh is a region located in the northernmost state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is known for its stunning landscapes, high-altitude mountains, and unique culture. It is a popular destination for adventure sports like trekking and rafting, as well as those seeking a peaceful retreat in the mountains.
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