#toothpick case
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milo-is-rambling · 2 years ago
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Finally liking my window set up I think I’ve mastered it with the ac finally
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finnprof · 5 months ago
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dimipea · 7 months ago
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8x15" (6x12" plate), Copperplate intaglio aquatint, 2024
process, plate and artist statement under the cut:
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Artist statement: 'Apoptosis' refers to the apoptosis (controlled cell death) that caterpillars experience when they pupate. Without a caterpillar's juvenile hormone, this process could occur at any time before they chrysalize, killing them. Once inside a chrysalis, apoptosis occurs as the caterpillar digests itself, and the remaining imaginal discs become its legs, wings, antennae, eyes and genitals. Metamorphosis is frequently used as an allegory for change and growth, but the more gruesome details of these changes are often left unexamined. The chrysalises depicted in 'Apoptosis' have all "failed" in one way or another, some from disease, some parasitized, others forever stuck between caterpillar and chrysalis. Apoptosis is also phonetically reminiscent of apotheosis, used to describe something's apex, ascension or rebirth; an ironic description given that the chrysalises have all died mid-way through their transformation. The linework and aquatint are delicate and sensitive to highlight the beauty of the chrysalises and their attempts. The scale of the chrysalises is kept quite small, so one could imagine cradling them in their hands, emphasizing their fragility. The chrysalises are "failures," but they are still brought up to our eye level, subverting the way we typically look down on bugs from an often literal sense due to the difference in scale. 'Apoptosis' explores an anxiety around growth and change and the failure and pain associated with it while avoiding condemning the subjects of that failure.
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bruttoarchives · 2 years ago
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sophie buhai, toothpick and case
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sol-consort · 6 months ago
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Holy mother of size difference
Oh wow
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starrynightarchive · 1 year ago
my sister is having her first hyperfixation and it's fucking chess. why tf did she have to watch queen's gambit and not like naruto or smth.
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mekatrio · 11 months ago
bridge to turnabout's fanservice was so good it fooled everyone into thinking it was a well-written murder case when it really truly was Not
#thinking abt it again and godots plan to counter morgans plan was literally just#step 1.) get misty to channel dahlia so pearl cant#step 2.) monitor her actions#step 3.) see what happens. :)#didnt think to restrain her or throw her into the cavern or anything literally. nonsensical actions#had her try to dissuade pearl from channeling dahlia but when that failed it was like#'well ok misty go and channel her instead. yeah dont worry abt it surely nothing crazy will come from this'#iris just going along w constructing a fake crime scene so maya wont get incriminated#even tho godot could just. confess to his crime instead of risking maya getting convicted#and even then we couldve had a lovely scene explaining tht iris went along w godots plans bc she had#felt remorseful abt her sister poisoning him or something or the other#but no. no such thing#every one of godots nonsensical actions is explained away by He Did That Bc Of His Prideeeeee#and yet the ppl who can forgive this are the same ones who cant stand turnabout serenade for accusing a blind minor murder like pls#this type of absurdity is hardly distinct or unique#3-5's murder case is literally held up by toothpicks when u take a closer look at it#while paired along with some of the worst conclusions to various character arcs ever cuz takumi#is talented at writing story devices but not characters#and its only at the very end does this very blatantly show#but bc edgeworth is playable and franziska returns etc etc etc it doesnt matter 10/10 game amazing. Pleaseeeeee#aaing
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sir-walter-elliot · 9 months ago
Dear Sir Walter,
We know you love mirrors in your house. Do you carry pocket mirrors too, for spot checks of your appearance?
They are essential. However, there are only so many items one can carry on one's person while still maintaining a sleek silhouette in one's clothing, so I ensure that everything I carry is made of the finest smooth silver upon which I can look to check my appearance, such as my pocket watch and case for my cards. In addition, I had a custom toothpick case made with a mirror within the lid, and this comes with me always.
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stilltoolazy · 2 years ago
shout-out to our favourite snarky toothpick man for reminding me of an old habit/stim that I stopped because my parents didn't like their kid constantly running around with something sort-of sharp in their mouth (fair) but which will definitely save my teeth from all the sugar and what not in the hard candies and gum I've been using instead
maybe I will manage to finish this damn thesis after all
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ladyofthebookcase · 8 days ago
one time i had a random toothpick sitting on the couch and my monkey brain was like hoohoo shove toothpick into cushion and i don't remember if i did or not but guess what i just found poking out of the OTHER SIDE of the cushion.
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twistedwhitesnow · 2 months ago
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kit-the-gaygent · 8 months ago
Mafia leader who runs a really cute bento lunch box blog
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an-extraordinary-fate · 1 year ago
So I agree with Lady Susan being the person most capable of planning and executing a plot, but there’s something really perverse about Robert Ferrars using his toothpick that resides in his beloved toothpick case to murder someone in a fit of pique. A tiny prick from a tiny prick that results in death? Sorry not sorry for the overuse of puns. He’s more likely to accidentally do himself in with bacteria from not cleaning his toothpick and case.
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adore-laur · 8 days ago
in one of your pieces it’s briefly mentioned that the first time they had sex after she gives birth it was really uncomfortable and not good and i was wondering if you’d ever write that ? i love the idea of sex not always being perfect especially after going weeks without it
There was a sexual suggestiveness about the toothpick poking from Harry's mouth, and its effect on you could only be attributed to your severe case of sleep deprivation. It was a stupid piece of wood, and yet how it was framed between his plush lips sent prickles of heat surging down your neck and spine. On second thought, perhaps it was the apron tied around his waist as he dipped ripe strawberries in melted chocolate for a Valentine's Day dessert—his long fingers working with skillful precision, the sleeves of his tight long-sleeve shirt rolled up, the romantic gesture of it all. No, maybe it was the baby sling wrapped around his shoulder that held your four-month-old daughter, who was watching his every move. God, and the way he was murmuring to her each step of what he was doing definitely contributed to your rising libido. It was a sight you were still getting used to. More remarkably, it validated your years-long yearning to have children with him.
If humble swagger existed, it came in the form of how Harry carried himself as a father. The casual way he interacted with your baby was as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Walking around the house with her on his hip, going about his daily routine. Always willing to step in to give you a moment to relax. He was dependable, and you cursed your hormones for reacting so rabidly to it.
Maybe the changes your mind and body had gone through were catching up. After months, you finally felt healed from the physical wounds of giving birth. No more stitches or soreness down below. No more bleeding.
Your desire for sex was... almost normal again. You were being a bit sheepish about initiating anything, so you sincerely hoped the hunger in your eyes was communicating to Harry what you couldn't say verbally. The problem, however, was that Harry was too enamored with your little girl to notice your longing gaze. She was the center of his universe now, and you couldn't blame him for orbiting her radiance. She brought a certain euphoria to each day.
You rested your chin on the back of the couch where you observed them and inhaled the sweet scent of chocolate. It was quiet moments like these, where baby cries paused, that warmed your soul. You took time to appreciate the beauty of home, with its familiar waves and friendly birds. The creak of the floorboards and the color of the walls. The rumble of your husband's voice and his gentle presence. And most lovely of all, the adorable coos coming from the life you created.
Your eyes shifted over to the kitchen table, where a tall glass vase with flowers sat. You had woken up this morning to Harry helping your daughter hold a pretty bouquet of peonies to present to you. It came with a note that read, You make our hearts bloom. We love you.
Life was chaotic lately, yet so very blissful.
Harry was humming now as he threw the toothpick away and set the dipped strawberries in the fridge to harden. The plump red flesh encased in delectable chocolate made your mouth water. Such a simple recipe, yet somehow Harry made them taste better than a gourmet baker ever could.
He shut the fridge and moved to the sink to wash his hands. He must have sensed your gaze because he looked over his shoulder and smiled. Just the sight of him in this new role caused a swell of emotion to crash against your chest and crack your heart open.
"I've got an audience," he remarked.
You just stared at his hands supporting your daughter's small body—beautiful, sculpted, and what you had been missing desperately on your skin. It was embarrassing to admit that ever since giving birth, the closest you and Harry had gotten to any sexual intimacy was dry humping. Even then, your stitches had still been healing, so the experience was never quite satisfactory. It was no surprise that you were growing impatient.
"What?" Harry asked, noticing your strange silence.
"Nothing," you murmured, feigning nonchalance.
He chuckled and walked over to you. "You're blushing."
Your palms flew to your cheeks. "I am?"
"Big time. Are you feeling okay?"
"I... yes, I'm just"—you fanned your overheated face—"feeling a lot of things right now."
His brows scrunched together. Men were so lucky not to experience the rollercoaster of female hormones. You would sound asinine if you attempted to explain why your body was responding to him doing nothing but being a good father.
"I'm stressing you out," Harry stated as a guess.
"No, not at all."
"You're having a hot flash," he guessed again.
Groaning, you dropped your head face-first onto the couch and mumbled, "I need sex."
"Say it again, please?"
You lifted your head and avoided contact as you repeated, "I need sex. I'm healed, and I want to take advantage of this urge before it goes away." Because it would. Your hormones were still regularizing post-birth, so you weren't going to count on getting your libido back to complete normalcy. Instead, you would pounce on the open opportunities.
Harry contemplated your confession for a while, making no show of judgment. "Any blood?" he asked.
"And the stitches?"
"They're dissolved. Can't even tell I pushed a nearly ten-pound baby out."
He smiled, albeit cautiously. "But how do you feel?"
"I'm fine, Harry," you assured. "If you're not feeling it, we don't have to do anything. Just, you know, giving you the green light."
A shadow of sincerity passed over his face. "Who said I'm not feeling it?" You shrugged, and he gently grabbed your chin to raise it. "Look at me." His green eyes held your gaze steadily. "You wanna try?"
"Yeah," you whispered. "I miss you."
"You have me," he said resolutely. "All of me, tonight."
"Oh," you said, not expecting him to jump on board so eagerly.
"Let's shoot for eight o'clock. When the little one goes to bed."
You broke out into a giggle. "So... a sex appointment."
Now it was his turn to blush. "I heard scheduling sex is supposed to help new parents reconnect."
A rush of heat spread to the tips of your fingers. You thought of the multiple instances when you and Harry consolidated spontaneity and sex. It often sprung upon you without warning, like a carnal beast clawing at your skin. And it always involved mutual desire, like a burning ball of tension the size of the sun. The house was memory-stained with reminders of all the ways your body had been worshiped. Over by the kitchen island, Harry had held you captive with his hips pressed flush against yours. The bay window in the living room had sometimes been blemished with handprints. But the bed in which you sleep and wake up to him every morning was where long, intense sessions happened. Harry slowly sliding into you during weekend sleep-ins, providing a warmth and fullness so heavenly. Late-night quickies after being away from each other all day, a little messy yet perfect all the same. Hell, you had even done it in the ocean under the moon. You wanted nothing more than to find that natural groove again.
"Okay." You reached out to squeeze his bicep. "I believe you."
"All right," he replied in the deep, sensual tone he reserved for intimate conversations like these. You looked downward, feeling giddy. Within milliseconds, Harry planted a hot, heavy kiss on your lips before walking away.
With the way your heart fluttered, one would think you had just met him. But you knew his body exclusively, as he knew yours, and tonight would be a test.
You stood in the doorway of your closet, sifting through the three pairs of lingerie you owned. They were lacy little one-pieces in off-white, powder blue, and red. It was doubtful they would fit like they used to, but you craved wearing something other than baggy sweats and Harry's shirts. While it gave you pride that you grew life, an insecurity still planted its pesky seed inside. You hadn't looked at your bare body in the mirror since, honestly, you didn't have a clue. It would never look the same again, especially considering you didn't plan to only have one child.
There was a nervous tremor in your hands as you took the red lingerie off its hanger—a slimming color to hide the loose, extra skin that still remained postpartum. You thought about Harry and how he liked to strip away every last piece of fabric blocking him from his touch. Even before pregnancy, during sex, you had never felt the need to accentuate your physicality with frilly, feminine garments. Harry took you in just about anything. Unfortunately, as new parents, there was simply not enough time or energy to initiate anything more than mediocre makeouts. You felt foolish for even bringing up the prospect of sex earlier. Now there was an expectation, and you couldn't guarantee you wouldn't chicken out.
Why were you so jittery? He was your husband, for crying out loud. There was no one you felt more comfortable around.
With a huff, you started undressing yourself just as the sound of the blow dryer stopped. Harry would be ready any minute for this supposed sex appointment. Meanwhile, you were out of practice, self-conscious, and hopelessly horny—he was going to regret agreeing to this.
You tugged the lingerie on, feeling it cinch your torso and breasts. It was tight, the flimsy fabric holding on for dear life. The V-shaped cut revealed the stretch marks lining your hips. The lace was itchy and dug into your skin suffocatingly. Fuck, this was quickly turning into a self-enforced humiliation ritual.
The bathroom door slid open, and Harry emerged in just a pair of white boxers, his hair dry and fluffy. The leftover shower steam made his skin glow, as did the dim lighting. He was effortlessly handsome, while you stood there in too-tight lingerie wondering if you looked desirable enough to stimulate his sex drive. From your perspective, all signs pointed to not likely.
Harry slowly walked toward you, his eyes exploring every inch of your body, and you leaned against the wall while fidgeting with the lingerie's shoulder straps. In the silence of his appraisal, you awkwardly shuffled your feet—it was futile to fake confidence right now.
"My forever Valentine," Harry said quietly, immediately attaching his hands to your waist.
You practically whined, then muttered, "I look ridiculous."
"You're joking, right?" He bent his knees to be eye level with you, a near-crazed look on his face. "Right?"
"It barely fits, Harry."
A slow smirk stretched his lips. "That better not be the only time you say that tonight."
You glared at him for his crude joke and said, "This is silly."
"What is?"
"This whole... rendezvous."
"I think it's fun," Harry said with a carefree shrug.
"But it's different from other times," you admitted.
"How so?" He kissed your neck, his affection warm and a welcome distraction to your disoriented thoughts. He smelled ravishing, the subtle hints of his spice and black vanilla shower cleanser putting you under a spell. A pulse of appetency made you press against him.
"My body," you said.
His hands traveled to your backside, squeezing the flesh there. "This body? The one I'd get down on my knees for?"
In one fell swoop, all your internal heat returned with a rush. "It's kind of a mess," you replied. "I haven't shaved. And my stomach looks like a wrinkly prune, so there's that."
Harry traced his thumb under the lacy hem hugging your hips. "Doesn't bother me. Prunes are delicious."
Deep down, you knew he wouldn't care. He had loved every part of you through pregnancy, with all its mind-bending changes and symptoms. If he had found you sexy then, he would appreciate your appearance now. Though it would take time for you to truly believe it.
"I just want this to be good," you murmured, resting your forehead on his firm chest.
"Hey." He lifted your head and cradled it. "We'll find a way to make this work. Let's take it slow." You nodded, and he leaned closer to whisper, "I know how to get you wet. Don't think I've forgotten."
Truthfully, you were already wet, but you didn't say anything as Harry grabbed your hand and squeezed it before guiding you to the bed. While he had been taking a shower, you had fluffed the pillows and straightened the sheets. You had even sat there and mentally filtered through what positions would be most reasonable. Sex was to be careful tonight. No need for anything crazy.
You climbed into bed, and Harry remained standing. The outline of his hardened cock pushed against his boxers. A flame ignited low in your belly—to get to have him inside you after so long was exhilarating.
When he didn't move to join you, you asked, "What are you doing?"
"Following your lead," he said. "Where do you want me?"
"Um... on your side, I guess. Next to me."
Harry didn't waste any time and got into position, his hand propping his head up. There was an expectant openness in his eyes, and you almost laughed. This was out of the ordinary, but it somehow eased your nerves.
"I want to face each other," you added. "And I... I want you to do that thing where you hold my leg up against your hip."
He hummed, his eyes flashing with something lustful. "Understood. But you're going to have to take your lingerie off."
"Right." You swallowed nervously. "I'll do that."
You stripped while Harry removed his boxers and rolled on a condom. He watched your breasts bounce free, watched the lace slide down your torso and legs. It was your armor against the reality that your body wasn't the same as the one Harry had touched for the first time. But you trusted him and his admiration for the life you brought into the world. There was nothing to be ashamed of.
You lie bare beside Harry now. His gaze turned fond, taking in all of you—no judgment, no confusion, no surprise. But why would there be? He'd been there when your pants stopped fitting during pregnancy. When you hadn't been able to shave anything below your bump. When you had needed help getting off the couch. Christ, he had seen you give birth. It didn't get much more intimate than that.
"Come here," Harry said softly. You scooted down to lie on the mattress facing him. "You're beautiful. This version of your body isn't something to dwell on. Every stretch mark, every wrinkle, every curve is a testament to your amazing ability to grow life."
You were speechless, so you just sprung forward and kissed him
"Ready?" He smiled against your mouth, and you returned it.
"I'm going to go slow. Tell me if it hurts." Harry grabbed his cock, holding the tip against your entrance. Without you needing to remind him, he bent your leg to rest against his hip, opening you further. He slid himself in, only an inch or two, keeping his eyes locked on yours. It was slow, like he promised, but there was a slight burning sensation. You inhaled sharply and gripped his wrist.
"Too fast?"
You moaned, half in pleasure and half in discomfort. "No, it just... feels rough. Even with the condom on."
"Okay. I won't go further."
"Maybe go deeper and it'll stop."
"No," Harry said, pulling out. "I'm not about to risk making you bleed or delaying your healing. Absolutely not."
"But nothing. Your body's obviously not ready yet, and that's okay."
"I'm sorry," you whispered sadly.
"Don't be," he said, stroking your hair. "You thought you were healed, but it's hard to know for sure without actually having sex."
You let out a disappointed sigh. "Well, this was a bust. Back to dry humping for the foreseeable future."
"I'm not complaining." Harry rolled onto his back, then yanked the sheets over his boner. 
"You're serious?"
He patted his lap. "Hop on, baby."
Laughing, you straddled him for yet another clumsy experience. But with his determination to make it enjoyable, it would be perfectly imperfect.
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latenighttalkinqwp · 21 days ago
not to keep piling on to the never ending requests of tiktok trends with paige, but hear me out... a hear me out cake
tiktok trends with paige! ( part 8 )
based off of this tiktok trend!
“okay- hear me out. you in the hopkins jersey with a headband” you giggle, placing the cutout of paige that was taped to a toothpick into the cake. paige rolled her eyes, looking through her collection.
“hear me out…mal from descendants specifically in the second movie” paige grins, sticking the toothpick in the cake. “right..” you raise an eyebrow, and look down at yours.
“billie eilish. i feel like that doesn’t need to be explained.” you shrug, putting it in the cake before looking up at paige. her eyes narrowed, before looking at the phone.
“sza.” she smirks, grabbing her toothpick and putting it in the cake. you roll your eyes, “i can’t even get mad because i agree with you.”
she laughs, motioning for you to continue. “um- taylor swift specifically during vigilante shit with her hair curly and the moonstone bodysuit.” you laugh, holding up the stick before putting it in the center of the cake. “bro-” paige stops herself, looking down at her people left.
“hear me out, a ipad in a purple case” she smiles, proud of her pick. “isn’t that just a picture of YOUR ipad?” you raise an eyebrow. “yes but-”
“okay! next i have rainbow dash. gay pony. self explanatory.” you and paige laugh, her pointing you were to put it.
“hear me out, you after our game vs xavier.” she says smiling, placing a picture of you right in the center of the cake, blocking the screen as the timer ran out on the video.
- thank you so much for reading all the way through! find more of this series on my masterlist! likes and reblogs are appreciated 💘
- well guess who put their ass back to work with writing. but i took a break and then i was hospitalized but i was set free and i’m ( hopefully ) gonna try and get more requests out !! send me more for different players too :)
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boypied · 2 months ago
pairings: tyler durden x male reader
summary: tyler saves you from a purposeful overdose and takes you back to his place. To stop yourself from falling asleep, he needs to keep you up... all night.
requested by: me
warnings: anal sex, unprotected sex, rough & aggressive, spit, choking, gay slurs, mentions of drugs.
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Tyler was one of two things to any man that he'd come across. One of those two things would be the men who wanted to be Tyler and the men who wanted Tyler to fuck them. You were lucky enough to be someone that Tyler wanted to fuck, which was a very rare case 'cause Tyler strictly only ever fucked women so there must've been something very special about you, something he saw in you that really made him crave more. You told Tyler that you had accidentally taken one too many pills, and Tyler had to come and rescue you. Once he barged through your broken down and rotted door, he found you sat on the floor.
"You got here fast," I mumble out playfully as I pull myself up on the bed, "you see, I took one more than I should've, and now I can't go to sleep cause...I'll slip away." You state in an oddly sexual tone as you seductively crawl over to him, "I need to be kept up... all night." As Tyler hears, you say that a large excited smirk starts to grow upon his face. You notice how his toothpick wiggles in his mouth as he grips onto your wrist, and he pulls you out of the shitty run-down apartment and across down the street into his place. He drags you into his bedroom, something about you was so enticing to him.
You made sure to douche and everything needed before he even came over. You even have a dildo lodge up in there, stimulating you in every single way while a man wasn't around to do it for you. Tyler throws you down on the bed roughly as he practically tears your clothes off, revealing your naked body to him. The body he's admired from afar, while you strut across the street, he couldn't help but stare and admire. He even jerked off to pictures of you.
It doesn't take long for Tyler to join you in being naked, tearing his clothes off, revealing his perfect body. He had what every man wishes they could have, perfect abs, a naturally large cock that perfectly hits every single spot while inside of a man's asshole as he slowly pounds away. Tyler climbs on top of you, gently sliding in. Your eyes roll back, feeling his cock perfectly fill your asshole as the tight muscle ring opens up for him.
Tyler flips you over so you can face him as he begins to fuck into you harder and rougher, "open wide" Tyler grunts out and you immediately obliged without a moment of thought, Tyler let's a string of spit drop out of his mouth and down into yours and you lap up the taste of him until he wraps both hands around your neck tighten, choking you aggressively but you love every moment of it, loving how dominant he is.
Him fucking you goes on for hours, with each thrust of his cock your asshole becomes sloppier and sloppier. Opening up for him more and more until he completely owns your asshole, Tyler fucks into you a couple more times until he shoots his thick creamy load deep inside your asshole, making sure to get you nice and full. Your eyes flutter back as you feel his fill you up, you bite your lip as you pump away at your cock until you feel it burst out with cum, coating your stomach all over.
"TYLER!" You grunt out in pleasure as you feel him pull out of your asshole, scooping up some cum that dripped out plugging it up with his fingers. He leans up and gently places a kiss on your neck slowly leaning down to lick a strip of cum from your stomach. He lays down next to you, keeping his fingers plugged up inside of you, "perfect boy," You mumble out to him, which causes him to smirk as being praised is his perfect way to end sex.
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taglist ~ @starboye @mailmango @ghostking4m @kingchaospostsstuff @crispysoup318 @inhumanshadows @its-ares @gayaristocrat @cronasluvr @irlsamcarpenter @lucerothings1 @gaefaeyae @dqrkhold @sluttyhusband
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