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the-leanor · 4 years ago
Het einde
De animatie is afgespeeld in de klas en we gaan verder met de examens. 
MAAR! Daar moeten nog wat dingen voor doen.
In deze lange post ga ik nog dingen over het proces vertellen die ik eigenlijk eerder had moeten vertellen. Ik hoop dat je er nog baat bij hebt.  Storytelling
Eerst heb ik voor mezelf bedacht waar het over moest gaan. Welke thema's zijn voor mij belangrijk? Met de opdracht Eigen Visie kwam dit aan het licht. Ik heb toen besloten om een verhaal te maken waarin de natuur vernietigd word. Ik wilde wel een vrolijk einde,  maar omwille van tijdsdruk heb ik het verhaal ingekort. Dus als deel 2 komt, dan is dat nog een verrassing. ;) Het genre is waarschijnlijk iets in de richting van non-realistische aliënwereld.  Ik heb toen kort een hero's journey geschreven en bedacht wat Stew (onze paarse vriend) gaat beleven.
Nu we een verhaal hebben moeten we natuurlijk gaan bedenken hoe ik het wil verbeelden in de animatie. Dit doen we door middel van een storyboard. 
Van storyboard naar animatie
Het storyboard is erg belangrijk om te maken. Daarin bedenk je welke standpunten en acties wilt laten zien in je animatie. Ik was laat begonnen met mijn storyboard en heb toen heel snel geschetst hoe ik het verhaal wilde uitbeelden. Ik heb het toen erg gehaast gedaan en heb het niet heel vaak gebruikt. 
                                                 Hey! why didnt you use me...
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Als je characters wilt animeren met dierlijke- of menselijke bewegingen dan is het erg handig om voorbeeld materiaal te hebben of om het zelf uit te beelden. Zelf heb ik erg weinig uitgebeeld, omdat ik niet precies wist hoe ik mijn character wilde laten lopen. Ik dacht hij moet een beetje glijden, omdat zijn armen erg flubberig zijn. Achteraf gezien was het handiger geweest als ik bepaalde beweging al had uitgebeeld. 
Het enige probleem wat ik hiermee heb is dat ik dingen niet als een normaal/gezond mens kan uitbeelden en daarom vond ik het heel frustrerend om hieraan te beginnen, aangezien niemand anders het voor mij wilde uitbeelden. Op YouTube staat ook veel, maar het meeste vond ik niet goed of niet in het goede standbeeld gefilmd.
Hierdoor heb ik ook erg veel vertraging opgelopen.
Progression Reel
Dit heb ik in het begin van deze opdracht gemaakt en daarna niet meer bijgehouden. Hierin kan je zien hoe je van storyboard, naar acting en naar het eindproduct gaat. 
Mijn progression reel klopt ook niet meer, omdat ik natuurlijk de verhaallijn heb ingekort. 
Ik heb zelf geluiden op Freesound.org opgezocht en gebruikt in mijn animatie. Ik heb wel een uur gezocht naar goede achtergrond muziek, maar kon zo snel niet iets vinden waar ik helemaal tevreden mee was.  De muziek die ik gebruikt heb, heb ik zelf ingespeeld en bedacht op mijn harp. Soms neem ik mijn improvisaties op en dit heb ik gebruikt voor mijn animatie. 
Verder miste ik nog heel veel geluidseffecten (soundFX) voor Stew en voor andere acties. Ik dacht dat alles op school dicht was dus ik heb geen gebruik gemaakt van de geluidsstudio. Het lege lokaal waar ik in werk was helaas niet helemaal leeg en toen ben ik naar de meisjes wc gegaan om mijn geluidseffecten met mijn telefoon op te nemen. Niet de beste locatie voor het opnemen voor geluid, maar gelukkig was er niemand. 
Andere onderwerpen...
Lieve docenten, ik heb geen idee wat er bedoeld word met Arena. Een grote strijd tussen de studenten? 3D walkcycle was voor mij niet van toepassing uiteraard. Eigen stijl: Vorm- en stijlkeuzes. Ik heb gewoon gekozen wat ik er op dat moment in mijn hoofd kwam. 
Ah, een planning. Het BELANGRIJKSTE onderdeel van de hele animatie als je het mij vraagt. 
Sinds maart heb ik erg veel moeite gehad om motivatie te vinden voor schoolwerk. Corona heeft er erg ingehakt en ik ben erg blij dat ik het zelf niet heb gekregen. Voor de zomer was ik weer een beetje begonnen met animeren. Tijdens de zomer zou ik aan mijn animatie werken, maar toen is er ook van alles gebeurd waardoor het allemaal scheef liep. 
Na de zomer heb ik huiswerkbegeleiding gekregen en kon ik daar in (bijna altijd) alle rust aan mijn animatie werken. Ik vond het erg fijn dat ik Sacha mij vertelde hoe ik nu het beste verder kon gaan na de zomervakantie. Wel een manier die ik niet per se mooi vind, maar wel dé manier om in weinig tijd nog erg veel voor elkaar te krijgen. 
Tot slot
Ik ben heeeeeel erg blij dat de animatie af is. Hij is zeker niet perfect, maar voor een eerste animatie die ik zelfstandig heb gemaakt vind ik het echt al een hele prestatie. Ik heb hier en daar natuurlijk hulp gehad. Feedback van klasgenoten, van de docenten en hulp van een vriendin, waardoor ik verder kon met mijn werk. 
Zo de laatste post over dit project zit erop! Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen van begin tot eind. Ik hoop snel nog meer voortgang te kunnen plaatsen op de blog. - The Leanor
P.S. Dus.... nu op YouTube posten? :$
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blomstler · 4 years ago
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Another big project during #quarantine was starting our own garden in a little greenhouse we bought second hand 😃 We decided to place it against the big window in our room so we can check how things are inside even without going outside 😉 For the middle pot we used big black bucket that we drill holes in and painted it white so the soil doesn't get too hot from the sun��� We painted the wall of the house/greenhouse BLACK 🖤 so it absorbs more sun during the day and keeps it warm during the night 🟡 We had some obstacles with the structure of the greenhouse and fitting the glass in it so Péter ended up designing and printing adjustable 3D printed parts to hold the glass in place 🟡 So far we grew rucola 🥬 spinach 🥬 basil 🌱 paprika 🌶️ tomatoes and cherry tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅 🖖Tip We used store bought bio cherry tomatoes to get the seeds and grow our own charry tomato plants 🌱🍅 To do so, we fermented the seed by keeping them in water for two weeks (they loose the gelly outer layer and sprout faster) ✨🌱 #toolongtoread #tltr #blomstlerGARDEN #blomstler #DIY #diyprojects #quarantine #quarantinelife #quarantineproject #gardeningtips #gardening #greenhouse #greenhouses #cherrytomatoes #homegrown #homemade #homegrownveggies #homegrownfood #veggies #tomatoeplants🍅 #gardeninglife #greenhousegrown #greenhousegardening #spinach #homegrownspinach #homegrowntomatoes #basil #rucola #plants https://www.instagram.com/p/CEmpHlth4gE/?igshid=1enhgz1dkidxh
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loidha · 8 years ago
This is too long to read but I had to get it out of me.
I'm a female, a black Hispanic, a Christian, an immigrant, a teacher, a mother, a wife, and a US citizen. Read that again. I am the minority. My voice matters and my vote counted. But here is a twist for you, the majority of the people could care less about my voice because of the one thing I left off that list. I am not a liberal. Here's my story. Read if you wish. And tell me about if if you're inclined. I came to this country legally on the heels of my dad's job transfer. He was transferred here because he was great at his job, and even better he is bilingual. I didn't speak one word of English except for the badly lip-syncing Michael Jackson's Bad. By the time I was fluent in English, it was an election year. Bill Clinton became president. I adored him and his wife and wanted them as my leaders. I watched his presidency and followed everything. His impeachment was heartbreaking. I watched the whole thing because I told my father I wanted to watch history and learn how something like that happens. Since then, my life has been a blessing. An immigrant girl, fully educated, middle class and with no strife. I became a citizen and the first thing I did was register to vote. Which party? None. Because I wanted to vote for a leader and ideas and not for what the person next to me said I had to vote for. In school, I learned history. I read the Federalist Papers. I had to learn more about this country than most because I wanted to be granted the honor to be a citizen. I read and I formed my own ideas. In my voting years, I've voted Democrat and Republican. I've voted for what I believe is best. And I have voted according to my beliefs. Every person in this country is living in fear. Minorities living in fear of the majority. The majority living in fear of the minority. Economical fear, racial fear, religious fear, gender fear, and patriotic fear. Politics are a filthy business. You buy in and defend that idea or candidate. But what we have stopped doing in this country is debating to convince the undecided. We have spent decades bullying the other side and belittling the undecided. I live in the South where most people were afraid to voice their opinion for fear of what they would be labeled as. Other were very vocal and I watched as the youth heard those voices and formed opinions without education. It's the way of the system. Most of my colleagues and I worried more about how much takes we would owe at the end of the year, the fact that our health insurance changed for the hundredth time, and I commiserated that I still can't afford to own a home in the town I teach in. By the way, my household income is in the $50,000. So what happened this election? I'm not an expert and I tried to listen to the pundits as they tried to break through the fog of the results. Here is what I know. This election saw more minorities elected into congress including the first Dominican-American (who started his life here undocumented) and the first Latina elected to the Senate. More white voters voted than anticipated, more evangelicals voted than ever, and less minorities voted in key precincts. And more importantly, people lied about who they would vote for. I wanted to vote for a female for president. I still do. But I truly mistrusted Hillary Clinton. I followed her career after the White House (and that includes the move to Harlem). But what I learned about her is that she's not a good leader. She's not. She has a terrible political track record and at the end, she was very questionable in her decision making. It didn't look good either that her own staff distrusted her. I didn't want to vote for Donald Trump. He's not the example I wanted either. I don't support his behavior and he also has questionable business morals. So, this is what I did. I went to the polls because of my local elections! I voted because two people where running for the school board. There were 2 Supreme Court openings in my state and numerous other things. I voted for president based on my beliefs and the options I had. I voted because I still remember what it meant to read the constitution and to stand in front of a judge and swear my allegiance to this country. I voted because I wanted my family to have a fighting chance of having a decent financial existence. I voted because I will not be bullied into something I don't want. I voted because I believe in life and the opportunity to choose life, the opportunity to fight for it, and to live it. The fight to better this country is not at the top, it's next to us and in front of us. Don't worry about the immigrant on Election Day, worry about them everyday. If you defend love, then love every day, not just on Election Day. Respect my believes and defend my right to have those believes. Don't be fooled. This election was about money and religion. People are sick of struggling through the day and are sick of having to feel wronged for their religious believes. Those that are feeling vindicated by the results and are blaming the religious right, why is that? Those that are calling for the popular vote to matter instead of the electoral college, if it was the reverse would you settle for that? Here is the catch. One side wins, one side loses. But the fight is ongoing everyday. I'm still raising two young girls to become strong women. As are millions of mother and fathers of daughters. It's what we've been doing for years, raising strong women. We didn't stop and we won't stop just because a woman didn't win. A woman didn't win this time. It hurts to lose, but you eventually take that loss and work to get better, to make things better. Many say that the truth of what this country is was revealed on election night. That's true. This country was designed to have the voices of the people be heard. It was heard but most didn't like it. So, what happens now? That's the beauty of this country. If you don't like it, go change it. Run for office. Respect the system and be gracious. Debate and convince others to your side. If they follow then great, if they don't, ask why, respect and move on. Quit bullying people because they think different than you. Extend your hand, sit with them a while and really listen to them. It could be that you might learn something. Think for yourself and not the party line. Make your own decisions. Do what is in your heart. Defend it if you must or quietly stand and keep your mouth shut. Respect all sides, stand by your convictions, speak the truth, dialogue, and listen. Be better. Fight for a good cause. Don't jump on a bandwagon, drive it! And if at the end of it all, you still lose, by God, don't call the others the worst of America! You might need them to teach your children one day, save your life, or even mow your lawn.
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revelnox · 11 years ago
Hi Tumblr! This is not an introduction of myself.
Hello Tumblr, nice meeting you, I'm Neysa, and I'm 14 years old and I live in Indonesia. I just started my blog here, and I really want to know you a little better. So, I've heard that you have so much nice things to offer, like a lot of fandoms that I might love, posts about great stuff, pictures of amazing places, quotes from great persons............. and let's not forget the crazy fanfictions from fandoms which can creep me for life but are extremely awesome. Well, I'm new here and I haven't figure out everything around here, so hope you can help me figure things out! But before that, I think you should know me a little better first: -My name is Neysa Vania and I'm 14 years old -I'm currently living in Banten, Indonesia -I'm a huge fan of a lot of Youtubers, especially British ones like Jacksgap, Danisnotonfire, Amazingphil, Tomska, and CasparLee. But I love other channels too like Pewdiepie, Jacksfilms, Smosh, Nigahiga... You name it! -I'm an otaku, that means I love Japanese Manga -I REALLY love Kaichou Wa Maid Sama -I have a split personality, which is kinda cool and creepy at the same time. -I love reading, writing and drawing and whatever it is that involves creating something new. -Loves spicy, sour, sweet, crunchy and salty food and something in between -Hates others that hates my fandoms there, now you know what kind of person I am. Can you picture how I am? I started this blog to post about things that I love and really inspires me, or meet new friends from around the world and maybe a little confessions about life and troubles... Pffttt... Just kidding, I just want to see pics from fandoms in Tumblr...... Well I hope we can be friends! Bye!
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ooold · 12 years ago
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galaxyofdicks · 13 years ago
Releasing the cap to what has been bottled up for so long
Brace yourself for a long one..
The longer I hold it in, the longer it gets progressively worse. I already regret writing this but I can't take it anymore. These emotions that I feel make me think I'm still in high school. (Each paragraph relates to a certain subject)
You know why I play that silly game all the time? Because it's the one thing I've always been able to turn to; to escape the disappointment, anger, insecurity, misfortune of everything that constantly bombards me every day in my life. Yet now, even that is starting to back fire on me and I have no where else to run.
I'm not sure if its from what I've been doing or maybe it's the epiphanies that I constantly have, that have brought my self-esteem to it's darkest hour. But I don't seem to know what to do. I've never been this down in my life and I'm tired of being always negative.
"I blame my parents" explains Psychology for my behavior. The trash that they are has never gotten to me till now, honestly. It's starting to effect my relationship with others and how I treat/view them. "How your parents have raised you determines how successful you are in the future". So does this mean that I'm doomed to a life of unhappiness, loneliness, and failure? Cause that's the path it's leading me towards. I'm determined to change it, but I'm always knocked back in the same spot at which I began.
I've started to care a little too much, think far more than before, and it's lead me to sad conclusions and I want an end to it. I've been phased by some kind of behavior of someone and I wish I wasn't. Why can't I handle situations better? Why do I even care? What happened to my old way of thinking?
Solutions to these questions are all there or maybe my solutions are what's been making things worse?.. All the hopes I've ever had lead to countless disappointments which is why I no longer bother with believing in anything. I'm done with playing the victim but where do I start? How do I get out of this dark hole I've fallen into? How do I stop myself from expecting the worst from others and regain my self-esteem and all that other good shit that made me who I was?
I barely managed to accurately express how I feel. I've never truly expressed my opinion and even as I wrote all that, there is more to tell... but I don't want to keep sounding like a pathetic lil bitch. I definitely will applaud you if you've managed to read this far. All I genuinely want is to be back to who I used to be. Or if not that, at least have a new positive mentality. Funny.. I took a class called "Psychology of Personal Effectiveness," it's supposed to enlighten and help you better your life and happiness yet all it did for me was made me realize how sad my life is. It's causing me to start pushing everyone away. I just want to be done with this kind of thinking once and for all..
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