#took my cat to the vet and realised he gets treated better than i do
k-k-armadillo · 4 months
fat women... save me...
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digitalvoidheart · 3 years
Proud indeed...
The black cat is back. Same place same time as always. Ccino figured out why.
Ever since this fluffy black cat appeared at his quaint shop at the boardwalk, he's noticed it avoiding all the cat treats he has offered to it, only giving it a tiny sniff and turning away. Trying to figure out why it refuses to eat was quite a challenge considering he has to run his coffee shop and follow the stray cat. His luck did turn for the better later.
Ever since realising that cats liked to bask in his shop when the weather gets too hot, he replaced the front screen door to have a pet door. It was small enough that during one evening, the little fuzzball came dashing through it, covered in scratches and its fur matted. On the other side through the pet door were a pair of sharp canine jaws snapping uncontrollably to try grab the injured kitty behind boxes. Ccino realised the situation, chasing the dog away before tending to his new visitor.
They were feral at first, not surprising since one of their eye was scratched up and closed to reduce pain. After several minutes of coaxing, sweet words and promises, the teal eyed kitty gave him a chance to tend to his wounds (it was a boy, Ccino found out).
For the next few days, during a visit to the vet, Ccino named the kitty "Night" because of his beautiful black fur. The vet insisted on calling him 'Nightmare' due to his feral nature and resistance against the doctor. Albeit being a stray, his only injuries were his body and right eye now permanently blind. No problems with emaciation or parasites in his luscious fur. It put Ccino on edge but he shrugged it off later.
He then decided to adopt the fuzzy kitty, even going as far as to getting him toys of his own liking and an adorable belled-collar that even Night loved.
Nightmare (Ah-he meant Night. Guess the nickname stuck) didn't usually show affection much, only the occasional twisting around his legs (though it could be mistaken for scenting Ccino as his) and purring whenever Ccino pets him and gives him wet food. Although it came to a halt when Night decided to stop eating again, going out more often than staying indoors at night.
Ccino, with nothing to do at night and having no idea on Night's history, followed him one day without the kitty's knowledge. Night only stopped his journey when he figured out Ccino was following him, returning to the Café only to repeat the next day.
Being extra careful this time, Ccino followed him and surprisingly, he stopped at the empty docks. Thinking he might've been caught again, Ccino decided to walk away. Until sounds of something emerging from the water stole his attention.
A skull, connected to a strong skeletal frame and glowing sanguine tail, looked up at his pet cat. A skeleton mermaid! His cat is friends with a mermaid!
The mermaid's gentle male voice was soothing as it spoke to Night.
"Hello there, beautiful. Been a while, where've you been? What's this? A collar? That's wonderful news! You found an owner!" A soft mewl from Night as he headbutted the outstretched hand of the mer. "Haha. Alright, you've been forgiven. Why are you closing one eye though? Did a bad dog hurt you?" A grumbling purr "That's not good. At least you got an owner. They'll keep you safe. You can come here whenever you want too!"
Ccino wanted to go there, but he didn't want to risk ruining this adorable reunion. He should leave. If Night decides not to return, that'll be alright. Its not like Ccino didn't know how to live without an amazing pet, or emotional support, or-
"Hey! I found your favourite type of fish! The one from that shiny box you gave me! Hang on." A quick dive and an equally speedy return from the red mer scared his kitty. "Pffft, you got scared," a growl emitted from Night. The half skeleton put up his hands defensively, "alright you egotistic and proud cat, you weren't. Don't scratch attack me or no minnow- or whatever the box said this was." He handed out a pile of fresh Minnow to Nightmare before resting his head on his hands on the dock, watching Nightmare eat.
Minnow... That was the flavour of wet food Nightmare preferred. It was funny to think Night brought a can of wet food to the mermaid monster to get more. The cheeky bastard. No wonder he's not slimming down. Though Ccino learned one fact about Night's secret friend. This mermaid knows how to read.
He sighed as Night nudged one back to him "As much as I love to share with you, I already ate. Plus, I prefer Salmon that tiny fry." Night gave him another guttural growl as he scarfed down the fish. "Jeez, fine. I think I should call you Proudy for your demanding nature and anger towards insults." He picked up one fish and swallowed it.
Looking behind at the sea as Night finished the last of the fish, he sighed, "time you go back to your new home, kitten. Your owner must be worried" the red mermaid reminded Night. With a small drop of his tiny head, the mer chuckled lightly, petting Night and taking a look at his belled collar. "Well Night, I'll be waiting as always. Goodbye." And the handsome mer dove back in the ocean.
The next night was the same as the day (or should he say night) before yesterday. Night didn't return. Killer figured that would happen. He guessed he grew too attached with the once stray cat which didn't fear him like the rest, his bravery and pride is one he looks up to greatly.
He shouldn't stay. After all, Night didn't return- maybe might never... Pushing himself off the edge of the docks, he began to leap into the waters.
That is until he heard a little familiar growl.
Turning back, there he was. Little Night. The little adorable kitty cat with an equally adorable backpack. That was new.
"What's this about, little Night?" He chuckled, letting his hand wander and open the little clasp holding the bag close as Night Nuzzled his phalanges. Inside was a rolled up paper, likely a message.
Being a nosey and curious mer, Killer opened it. As he read it, he was surprised the message was for him!
Dear Mermaid,
My name is Ccino (si-seeno? Keeno? Cheeno? Killer didn't know how to pronounce it). I'm Night's owner. Please do not fret. I promise not to tattle of your existence. It is between Night and me and you. I only want to thank you for keeping this kitty safe. I shall leave a special something every night for you under the docks. Please accept my gratitude.
Looking around, he only saw Night standing with a puffed chest like the proud creature he is. No sign of any human or monster in sight. Deciding to humour the message, he dove under the docks. There was a small crevice where rocks resided, on top of them was a platter with circular white balls.
Picking one up, it was kinda squishy. Giving it a sniff proved it was edible from a fresh fish scent. Killer popped it into his mouth and bit into its chewy surface. The burst of flavour was an instant flood of fresh Salmon. He scarfed down the others, loving them just as equally. He made sure to leave one before reuniting at the docks with the pretty black cat. He pushed the white chewy fish ball to his friend, only to be surprised when he nudged it back.
It became a small back and forth game until Night gave his signature growl, stopping the game as Killer took the fish ball and downed it making the kitty relax in satisfaction.
He laughed. "I guess not all landwalkers are bad. I mean you don't look like you lost your spunk at all!" Petting his friend, glad he wasn't abused and became fearful like the rest. No. Night was brave. Tilting his tiny head upwards like a king on his throne to show he isn't and will never be hurt "a proud creature indeed".
Day 2 of Fluffynightkiller week
Did this all mid class and during day 1 so the ending looks very rushed. I apologise if it isn't that nice...
Although since its still mermay, I added a smol story with kitty nm and fishy friend killer! No drawing tho. This was a last second idea. Sorry. ^^"
Fluffynightkiller week by @help-im-a-gay-fish
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dingoat · 3 years
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[I mulled over a few possible options for this one, heh, but after some chatter with @cinlat I realised I could mush some of my ancient Ahuska backstory with half baked future plans with vague species lore/headcanons and string it along into something roughly story-shaped. The whole thing wound up a lot more somber than I’d anticipated, but at least I can always count on Crow to soften the mood!] ---
For the better part of three weeks, she’d been dwelling. What had started out as the most unexpected news conceivable had led to a flurry of unanswerable questions; was the news welcome? Was she excited? Did she care? Did she want anything to do with it? But that had all rapidly died down into a sullen simmering of nerves, as Ahuska struggled with something she genuinely never thought she’d have to face.
She had a family. She’d been raised well, and loved, as far back as she could properly remember. Did she really want to go back further, did she need to know anything about where she’d come from? The thought of being connected to Bothawui in any way made her feel ill, but Crow had gently reminded her, over and over, that this changed nothing.
She was Mando’ad, where family is built on more than bloodline, and having surviving relatives from a life she couldn’t even recall changed nothing.
Having a twin brother changed nothing.
Except that it clearly meant something to… him. And the older one. Two brothers, with families of their own, who’d reached out to find the sister they’d thought they’d lost with their parents. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know them, but…
“Crow?” Ahuska tapped his arm with a single hesitant finger, but he’d already turned to seek her out. They were more in tune with one another than ever.
“I think I… I want you to meet my family,” she mumbled, eyes slipping to the side.
Crow grinned his softer grin. “Ahhh, I think we’ve already been through that part of the relationship. Was a couple years ago now, at least?”
She felt her ears grow warm, but her eyes turned back to him. “With me, I mean. I want you to come with me to… meet the family I haven’t met yet. I don’t know if I even want to call them that yet, I guess, I doubt they’ll want to either once they’ve met me…”
“Oh, psshh,” Crow made to wave away her worry with a flick of his hand. “You said the whole reason they found out you existed was from holos of the business down at the Ve’lora place, right? Not like they haven’t already got some sort of clue about the life you live, and they still reached out.”
“It already feels so weird, though. They’ve known about me… all their lives. They… knew me, a-and mourned me? They missed me, and I’ve just never known… it’s like they’re strangers, who call me a sister. It’s fethin’ weird.”
“I know, I know. And if they’ve got half a brain between them they’ll realise that too. All you gotta do is meet them, say hi to them and their… uh, heh. Hey. What are baby bothans called, anyway?”
“Huh? What, I… I don’t think he told me any of their names, I don’t even know how many kids he said they each had…”
“What? No, I meant like… y’know. Do you call them… uhhh, like how little cathar are kits, and…”
Every one of Ahuska’s nerves abruptly vanished, and the series of blinks followed by a hard stare made Crow immediately realise he’d made one of those mistakes.
“Sorry, sorry, I just figured…”
“Babies,” Ahuska said, her tone completely flat. “Baby bothans are babies. Not cubs, not fawns, not kits…” her snout wrinkled a little at that.
Crow’s manner was meek, but the way he squinted at her made it clear he was still trying to work out where exactly the problem lay. “Okay but… don’t… wouldn’t there be some word you use for them…?”
“What, like ik’aad?”
“Yeah, exactly!” Crow brightened as Ahuska offered the comparison, then immediately ducked his head as her expression grew harder still.
“Like ik’aad. The Mando’a word that literally translates to ‘baby’?”
Crow’s grin wavered, sensing a trap. “Ye-es…?”
“Not likaya? Not pe’ninr?” Ahuska continued to watch Crow carefully as she offered the Mando’a for kitten and puppy.
“Well. No. Of course-”
“Of course not!” Ahuska snapped over the top of him, with an emphatic gesture of both hands to drive her point. “Likaya literally means baby cat. Not baby person. Not baby human, or bothan, or even cathar, it’s the word you use for a little cute wobbly baby animal that meows before it opens its eyes. You wouldn’t call some random Mando kid likaya if we were talking in Mando’a, would you…?”
“I… guess not…” To the unfamiliar, it would look as though Crow were simply still grinning, but Ahuska knew the way it’s quality shifted that he was in fact frowning on the inside.
Ahuska took a slow breath, pinching the bridge of her snout. “And just the same, the bothese for ‘baby cat’ and ‘baby person’ are two totally different words. One translates to kitten, in basic, and the other to baby. Just baby. There’s nothing fancy, nothing cute about it, grown-ass men and women aren’t bucks and does or stallions or vixens, and I’d be willing to bet that there’s a good chunk of cathar out there who hate the way the better part of the galaxy pretends their own native words for their kids translate to ‘baby cat’---!!”
Despite her efforts to calm herself, Ahuska’s pitch and volume had rapidly increased, her gestures had grown more emphatic, and her attitude was positively simmering. Crow didn’t even need to tune into the beat of her heart to know he’d struck a hard nerve, but he wasn’t exactly sure how to handle it.
“Okay, okay,” he said quickly, lifting his hands in an effort to make it clear he was willing to concede. The crease of his forehead knit a little deeper. “I just would’ve thought, of all people, you might… find it kind of cute, at least? Like the way Nines…”
She shot him a look that made him shut up quick smart, then immediately made a visible effort to cool herself off.
“Let me… try and explain it another way,” she said, speaking slowly, her gaze focused inward. “One time when I was little, nine or ten years or something. I was on a trip with my buire, we had to spend the night in an Imperial settlement. We were checking in to some accommodation, just on the outskirts where it was quiet, and… you know buir’ika was a chadra-fan, right? Well, they had me and her go around to the back somewhere, and wait a while in another building. There was a nerf there, a couple of tauntauns, I think a big old varactyl even... one of the tauns had a fawn so that’s where all my attention was. I thought it was excellent, like, some special treat for me, buir’ika sure acted like it was. Anyway, it was a while later that nuvhu’buir… ah, that’s what I called Jinn, yeah? She came round to where we were with all our stuff, a few extra blankets and things, and we built ourselves a bed right there in the hay and spent the night there. I knew she was mad about something, but she never said why, at least not ever to me. I remember falling asleep hearing her and buir’ika talking really quietly together, and I was wondering why she was so upset. Didn’t make any sense to me at the time, since I thought it was… pretty much the best thing ever. I was too little to get it.”
Crow listened quietly, and when Ahuska paused, he didn’t say a word. He just watched her, offering his full attention, and waited for her to go on.
“They made us sleep in the damned stables. It was years later I looked back and realised that. They probably would’ve let nuvhu’buir stay up in a proper room, but she wouldn’t have anything to do with that. Stables, me and buir’ika, just because of our damn faces. So no. No, I don’t appreciate it when people joke about me going to a vet rather than a doctor, or offer me ‘treats’ for being a ‘good girl’. It’s not cute, it’s gross. And that goes hand in hand with asking if my species have litters, or if our babies are called foals, or if we go into heat. Ugh.” She made an ugly scowl at that. “Rule of thumb? If you wouldn’t ask a Mirialan the same question, it’s probably rude as hell to ask a Bothan. Or, y’know. Literally any other sapient species.”
Flushed, Ahuska found herself glancing off to the side, feeling oddly unburdened to have let it all out, and yet also heavy for having to unload to Crow. She knew he meant nothing by it, that of all the beings in the galaxy his intentions were utterly pure. She’d never forget the way he deflected those stuffy noblewomen on Alderaan that time.
She felt his hand envelope hers. “Did you want me to talk to Nines, and get her to let up a bit on the way she-?”
“Nayc,” Ahuska found the answer came easily, even if she couldn’t quite articulate why. “Not to me, anyway. I want to say it’s different, but it’s probably not, really. I dunno. Just maybe give her a poke if she starts on any other bothans with ‘Puppy’, yeah?” “It used to bother you a lot though, didn’t it?”
Ahuska stared out at nothing for a while.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Still sorry.”
His chin came to rest over her head, and she closed her eyes as she let her face rest against the comforting curve of his neck.
“I’m sorry too. Not your fault the galaxy is the way it is. I’m just… a little wound up right now, I think. I’m nervous about this.” “Shhh,” he soothed gently, and she let her face fall against the hand he brought to her cheek. “You don’t need to make an excuse for yourself. I asked you something stupid. Can’t promise I won’t again in the future, but I’ll always be ready to listen to you. Mmkay?” Ahuska found herself nodding against his palm. “‘kay.”
“And I’ll be right there with you, meeting those other relatives of yours. And if they turn out to be bastards? I’ll find a totally not-xenophobic way to give them a piece of my mind.”
She made a little snort, and let her arms wrap around him. “And that’s why I love you.”
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shadowturtlesstuff · 4 years
You are in love
cressworth modern au, based on you are in love-taylor swift for thomas’s birthday
i have dress from audrey rose’s perspective written but not fully edited yet so i’m still working on that as well as the asks but they should be done soon. enjoy!
I wake early, sliding out of bed so I do not disturb Thomas or our cat. I quickly put on one of Thomas's jumpers and made my way into the kitchen. He had mentioned a few months back that his birthday usually went uncelebrated by his family, and since I had met him a month after his birthday last year and that he'd made my own incredibly special, I have been planning to return the sentiment all month. 
I pour myself a coffee as Sir Isaac jumps onto the counter, purring at me for food. Dacina and Illeana will be arriving back in London soon, my own family should be waking up soon and preparing for tonight. A few of our friends will come too, as will our cat. I’m sure if I didn't bring Sir Isaac with us Thomas would make us go back home to pick up ‘our son’. Which means I have a few hours with Thomas all to myself before we spoil him rotten at the party. 
“Audrey Rose?” I hear Thomas call from our bedroom, tiredness lacing his words. We’d stayed up late watching films together, then Thomas had read to me, one of his romance novels, then we'd fallen asleep in each other's arms. I was blissfully content to stay there all day if I didn't have to ensure everything would be set up right for his party. 
Thomas still struggled opening up to people other than me, and he struggled to believe he was a good person worthy of any love. Some days were better, but I found him with a strange look on his face sometimes whilst he looked at me. It was normally when I was doing such a mundane task, or something ridiculous, but I'd always catch him with such a vulnerable face it made my heart melt. And made me kiss him to try and convince him how much I loved him.
“In here!” I shout back, pouring myself coffee and then dealing with Sir Isaac. I heard Thomas move, slowly making his way to the kitchen. I check the time on my phone, and the message from Dacina saying they are at the airport. He hasn't seen his sister in a few years, she's been travelling the world as a private investigator with her girlfriend, and I know how much he misses her. 
I turn to find Thomas on the stool, his messy hair and tired face making him appear so much younger than he is and also utterly adorable. His messy hair is my favourite look. I reach to press a kiss to his temple. Thomas isn't a morning person, he prefers keeping me locked in his arms until we have to get up so we aren't late for work. “Why are we up so early?” he complains, taking my hand in his. He narrows his eyes at me slightly. “You planned something didn't you?” he sighs at my smirk. I'm surprised he didn't figure out anything sooner.
“Of course I did. But before we do anything, what would you like for breakfast?”
“Wadsworth, do we need to be awake now or is it whatever you've planned occurring later tonight?”
“Tonight but-”
He stands and wraps his arms around my waist, burying his head in the crook of my neck. He whines for emphasis and I can't help laughing at his dramatic nature. We stand for a minute, him holding me and me stealing his warmth until he pulls back and attempts to drag me back to bed. 
“Do you not want your gifts?” This makes him stop slightly and face me. 
“You got me something?”
“Many things. Some for now, some for the event later.” 
His curiosity gets the better of him and he sits back down.  Sir Issac jumps onto his lap, purring. I have two gifts planned for now, and two for the party. Panic flows through me at the thought he won't like them, but it is too late to change them. I slid the box to him that was hidden in one of our kitchen counters. He smiles warmly at me, I can tell by the sad look in his eye he is wondering why I'm going through all the effort as he messes with the ribbon. 
“Open it then Thomas.” Slowly he pulls the ribbon. He refuses to meet my eyes, and he hesitates in opening it. “I love you Thomas. More than I can comprehend. When I look at you, or think about you, my fears ebb away, the ghosts that haunt me leave.”
He opens the lid, looks at the gifts. I got him a notebook and a sketchbook as well as a novel. I'd contemplated what would mean the most to Thomas, what he loved and what he needed. We both work for my uncle as morticians, so a notebook is always useful but I want him to use it for himself. And the sketchbook was something that screamed something Thomas would adore. It was black with little roses hidden on the cover. He ran his finger over them. I'd always loved watching Thomas draw, he was incredibly talented but he rarely drew anything for himself. 
The novel was his favourite book. I'd managed to get a special edition of it, and I’d written inside the cover pages. Whilst I preferred reading autonomy books or science books, Thomas preferred romance novels. We've formed this new habit of him reading them to me before bed, or him talking to me about the book over breakfast. He'd tried to get me to read this book on my own for ages, so I finally gave in. I cried when I finished it. I understood why Thomas loved it. He saw himself in the main character, this perceived monster without feeling, when all along he was seeking acceptance. So I knew that this would mean alot to him. To us. 
The silence clung to the air, but despite my heart racing fast I could feel Thomas's love radiating off him as he picked up the book. Opening it I held my breath as I watched him read what I wrote. As I watched a tear slide down his cheek. His eyes found mine once he finished and he smiled at me. “You are my best friend Wadswoth. I hope you never forget that fact.” His voice is no more than a whisper as he sets the book down, walks around the island and envelopes in a tight hug. As he held me I understood why people went crazy when in love. The feeling of having someone you loved loving you just as fiercely was intoxicating. It meant more than anything else. So I held him tightly even as sir Issac tried to break us up because we weren't giving him attention. 
Eventually Thomas let go of me to rub Sir Isaac's head. “You aren't going to make me cry like that tonight are you?” He half teases whilst beginning to make his own coffee. I take his place stroking our cat as I tell him he needn't worry about my other gifts. Most of them were sweet treats and a few other books.
“Very well.” was all he replied with. Silence washes over us as we go about our daily routine. We steal kisses as we make breakfast, working around each other perfectly in our small kitchen. The rest of the day passes much the same. I do some research on our latest case as well as keep in contact with those attending the party and setting it up. Thomas is somewhere else in the flat, most likely reading. 
When we have an hour before the party I pack away my things and find Thomas in the living room, his sketchbook in his lap. I peek over his shoulder and find that he has drawn me. Drawn me buried in my work, my hair in a messy bun and spilling over my face. His hoodie drowned me and my hand rested on my cup of coffee as I read something. Despite the chaos of my work I look peaceful. I gasp slightly at the details and he looks over his shoulder at me. 
“Wadsworth. I didn't know what to start with so I drew my favourite thing.” He smiles at me and gestures for me to come sit next to him. He turns a page and shows me smaller drawings, some of me, some of us both. They are all perfectly drawn. I take his hand in mine and place a small kiss before taking the book of him to look closely at them. 
There is one of me in a long pink summer dress, one we had taken the day we rescued Sir Issac. We’d been walking through the park, discussing our case when we heard him. He'd been lying with an injured leg, no collar or any way to find the owner. So we took him to the vet and later kept him. Then there was another one of me reading something, one of me cooking, reaching into the cupboards to find something with a bright smile on my face. There is one of us both lying in bed, me sticking my tongue out at the camera and him laughing at me. I didn't know when he took half these photos but I'd never felt happier as I looked up at him, his eyes hesitant at my reaction. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I looked back down at the drawings.
I hear Thomas tell me to look up and when I don't I feel his hand gently on my chin and lift me. I'm all too aware of how close we are, our shoulders brush against each other and all I feel is such love for this wonderful man. “I picked some of my favourite days, and some of the times that looked real. I love watching you do some tedious task, because you make it enjoyable somehow.”
“Which is your favorite?” my voice is barely above a whisper.
“This,” he says pointing to the one of us in bed. “You were drunk that night-”
“I was not!” 
“You were,” he laughs at the memory, “I tucked you into bed but you made me hold you, then decided we needed to do something. So I took some photos of us, you with the most absurd faces, but there's one where I'm looking at you and you can see something in me clicked. I'd realised I loved you so much that night and that I'd do anything to prove it to you.” 
He wiped the tear, caressing my cheek as he planted a kiss on my lips. 
“Will you teach me?” I ask because I'm utterly terrible at drawing, at most creative things. 
“Of course. I'm guessing you came to tell me we have to get ready?”
We dress, order a taxi and make our way to the party. Were greeted by my uncle who hands Thomas a set of scalpels, then my father who shakes his hand and laughs with him. It is still so bizarre at how friendly they were. My cousin wraps me in a tight hug and slowly the party develops. Dacian and Illeana get here slightly late but make up for it by telling us tales of our adventure. I leave Thomas to catch up with his sister and find Liza at the buffet, Sir Isaac poking her leg to try and get her to give him food. I roll my eyes at him. Thomas is a terrible role model. 
“Sorry about our little beast, he is so much like Thomas the pest.” I pick up our cat and stroke him behind the ears and he purrs loudly. Liza laughs at me. “How are you?” I ask. It's been months since we saw each other. Last I heard she was part of a magic group of sorts and her mother hated it. But she was happy so at some point I would bring Thomas to see one of her shows. 
“I'm good, me and Harry are, well. He's an ass but that's a story for another time. Will you and the birthday boy be dancing tonight? I'm sure Thomas would love being the center of attention like that.” He would, very much so. There were a few couples dancing, I looked towards the floor and found that Illeana and Dacina were there so I tried to find Thomas. He hasn't moved from our table but had his sketchbook out, staring intensely at it. 
“We might. And you must tell me about what has happened with Harry. Perhaps sometime this week we can go for tea?” 
Sir Isaac jumps from my arms, seemingly bored so Liza takes that opportunity to wrap me in another hug. 
“Yes, I love that.” She tells me before walking off to find aunt Amelia. So I pile a bunch of sweets onto my plate and make my way back to Thomas. 
“You are meant to socialise at parties Thomas.” I say as a way of greeting. I set the plate before him and he smiles brightly at all the sugary treats. 
“Right, yes, sorry I'll finish this later.” I go to steal a peek at what he's drawing but he closes it too fast and tells me it's a surprise. “Dance with me Wadsworth.” he stands holding his arm out. We make our way onto the dance floor and I spot Liza beaming at me, getting her phone out to record us probably. Her hopelessly romantic heart means she likes to capture moments between Thomas and I. Something she has in common with Thomas apparently. 
We start dancing slowly, his arms around my waist, making small circles as we spin. “Will you tell me what you were drawing or do I have to wait?”
“You obviously. You look devastatingly beautiful tonight. Your dress is perfect. I had to.” He says such matters of factly that it makes me laugh. I would very much like to draw Thomas, to be able to be half as talented as him. The dress I'm wearing is a midnight blue, matching his own suit. It rested over my shoulders, falling into a tight waist and flowing at the knees so when Thomas spun me it wrapped around me. 
“Happy birthday Thomas.” His smile in return is better than anything I've seen before, it is so genuine and full of love that I stop dancing for just a second so I can always remember it. The music turns to silence for me as we continue to spin, all I can think about it Thomas. I steal a kiss and we remain dancing in silence, words not needed to convey our feelings.
@city-of-fae @fangirling-again @padfoot-sirius-black @fandomtakeover@purplecreatorhorsewagon @throneoftsc @the-hoofflepooff @kittycat2187 @goatahoan @boredbookwormgirl @loveyatopluto @lovecakeandmore
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The CEO’s Little Kitten ~ Jumin Han x Reader
(( I’ve been feeling a bit off for a while now, and MysMes has always been a way to get comfort for +4 years, and replaying’s Zen’s route, along with the fact that my bestie’s birthday is approaching, made me want to come up with some nice for Jumin, where the Reader is a Veterinarian. Yeah, I’m definitely not projecting, I promise, lolol. ))
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Everyone knew that Jumin loved Elizabeth the 3rd the most in this life, for a lot of reasons, so much that he often called her the partner of his life. On the other hand, the fact that he was never around women was the reason for a lot of false rumours that the other members of the RFA would often abuse and use to wind him up, coming to get a rise out of the otherwise stoic and composed man, but nothing seemed to bother him.
That is, until his father brought another woman with him and tried to convince him to marry this woman’s protejee, and if that wasn’t enough, his cat was behaving oddly, and the Vet was in vacation, so he was a bit frantic, to say the least.
“Mr. Han, if I may, my son has a friend who works at a well known and renowned modern Veterinary clinics. I could give him a call and see if this person is available to come by for a check up on Elizabeth the 3rd.” the chef spoke, making Jumin raise his eyebrow in intrigue. “Very well, let me know when he will come by.” he nodded, going to his room to watch over his cat more.
Barely 2 hours passed, and there was a knock on his bedroom door, and opening the door, the chef was in front of him with a small, fatherly smile.
“Mr. Han, the doctor has arrived.” the chef declared, standing in front of the tall, brunet man. “Tell him to come in.” Jumin spoke dismissively, going back inside the room. “Hello~! Where’s the beautiful little princess~?” a cheerful and sweet, soft voice called out, and a beautiful woman stepped in, dressed in a purple medical scrub, and the blouse had kitten pattern. “I wasn’t aware that a woman was the Veterinarian. My name is Jumin Han, and this is Elizabeth the 3rd.” Jumin extended his hand to her to shake, albeit a bit reticent, as he usually is around women. “It’s great meeting you, Mr. Han. I am Doctor Y/N L/N, you may call me whatever you want. Daniel’s dad mentioned something about this little sweetheart, but I have to know from you directly the reason why you wanted a check up.” she spoke with so much ease, as she went to kneel in front of the bed, next to the cat. “I left her with my assistant for the day, but she hasn’t been eating since I brought her back home. That’s unusual behaviour for her.” Jumin looked at the woman with curiosity as he saw Elizabeth slowly put her her forehead to the doctor’s, and for him, it looked like a picture painted by someone as great as the genius renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci. “I understand. First of all, I’d like to ask how meticulous are you in taking care of her. Like...Do you give her strictly measured meals at specific times of the day, and only certain brands of food? Or you prefer to let things be estimate or by the eye?” she asked, as the cat jumped on her lap, as she began petting her. “Everything has been measured and chosen by widely renowned nutritionists.” he explained, watching his cat behave more affectionate with this stranger than with most people she’s ever been in contact with. “That makes sense. And when you let her with your assistant, are they are thorough and careful as you are, or do they estimate?” she asked again, helping the cat climb up her torso, as she rested around her neck, like a scarf, and started purring loudly. “I can only guess she wouldn’t be as exact as I am.” he crossed his arms, looking at the content and happy look on his cat’s face, as the woman was scratching her behind the ears. “Have you considered the potential idea that Elizabeth ate too much? For example, if you give her 1 and a half can of food, but your assistant fed her both full cans, not wanting to waste everything, then Elizabeth is way too full to eat again. She needs to digest everything and maybe a bit more exercising.” the woman explained, touching her nose to the cat’s, giggling at how cute she was being. “Are you sure that’s all there is?” Jumin asked again, just to be certain. “Based on the anamnesis and the checking up I did on her, everything is perfect. You’re taking take of her better than 99% of the population of pet owners. Her fur is impeccable, her eyes are shiny and follow me perfectly, her reflexes are great...Maybe we should trip her claws a bit, but that’s no big deal. Other than that...She has the cutest toe beans I’ve seen in a long while.” her voice became a bit more pitched, as she gushed over his cat. “Very well, then thank you for your help. How much do I owe you for your consultation and diagnosis?” he asked in a professional voice. “Owe me? You don’t owe me anything. It’s not like I really did anything. Besides, it’s always a pleasure being able to spend time with such a beautiful princess.” Y/N smiled at the man with a grin that resembled that of his own cat. “That’s rather gracious of you. Let me at least pay for a taxi to whatever destination you’re heading to.” Jumin pressed on, feeling weird seeing someone not taking the money he offered. “Aww, thank you, Mr. Han, but that won’t be necessary. I like to walk around the city quite a lot, it’s relaxing after a long day at the clinic.” she carefully picked up Elizabeth from her shoulders, kissed her head, then gave her to Jumin. “Would it be okay to ask for your business phone number, in case Elizabeth the 3rd needs your assistance again?” he asked, speaking purely business...Or so he wanted to make himself believe. “Oh, sure! I hope I see this gorgeous baby again! I don’t exactly have a separate business phone, but here, this is where you can contact me. I always have my phone with me, so you’ll reach me pretty fast if anything happens.” she took out her phone and gave him her number, leaning in to give the kitten one last kiss on the nose.
The man, for the rest of the day, spent his time playing and cuddling with Elizabeth, pondering over the incredibly strange interaction he had today with this woman.
She didn’t seem anything like any woman he had the misfortune to encounter, all of them gold diggers, either wanting him for his money directly, or to have something to tie them with his company, or with his father...Hell, some were in it for his money AND looks, if that wasn’t bad enough.
Jumin is aware that he was born with great looks, and he has the brains to make that work in his and his company’s favour, getting successful deal after deal, and then ghosting them.
But this woman...This so called Y/N...She was something else.
She didn’t smile brightly and talked sweetly to him out of wanting something, she did all that just because she saw Elizabeth.
She didn’t give him her number because she wanted to pester him with business messages, but because she wanted to see Elizabeth again.
She couldn’t care less about Jumin, she just wanted to do her job...No, rather, her passion.
Jumin could see the love and passion she had from the way her eyes sparkles, and the way her voice became an infinite times gentler and sweeter whenever she’d talk to or about Elizabeth.
This woman was definitely something else, especially because she completely conquered Jumin’s thoughts.
And now he wondered...
He seemed like a generous woman who would like to help others...So if he could get Assistant Kang to join RFA, why shouldn’t he try to get her in the organisation too?
And she quickly agreed as soon as she heard about charities and parties, and suggested giving money for the local animal shelters and the wildlife associations and so on.
As days and weeks passed, a party was successfully held, and Jumin had the pleasure to see how perfectly well Y/N blended in with the other members, and they all loved her, despite being rather timid at the beginning.
After the party, they gathered to a pub, had some drinks and something light to eat, while Y/N, Zen and Seven would sing Karaoke, Jumin would watch them amused, and the two women would take care of a cutely drunk Yoosung.
It was incredibly wholesome and they decided they must definitely do that again some time soon.
Months passed, and Jumin called the woman more often to hang out with Elizabeth and himself, under the pretext of wanting her to check up on the cat, but of course, they’d often hang out and eat together more often than not, with him occasionally walking her home, saying that he didn’t have time to do his 30 minutes of physical exercise.
But things started taking a turn for the worse unexpectedly soon, when, while on a play date with the cat, Y/N received a call from her boss, telling her that she was fired.
“Wait, what?! Wh-Why am I fired? Have I done something wrong?” she walked away from Jumin, speaking in a softer voice, not wanting to bother him. “Not necessarily wrong, but you don’t fit in to our ideology. You accept treating animals for less than the normal sum, and you think everything is a charity. Y/N, I’m sorry, this is a business in the end, and we can’t have charity work for every homeless stray, or any owner who can’t pay for their pet’s treatment. You have a good heart, but we can’t continue like this any further. I’m sorry, you are a fantastic doctor. Good luck in the future.” her boss explained, making the girl nod, putting her arm around herself. “...I understand. I’m sorry for disappointing you. I wish you all the best in the future as well.” she spoke in a voice barely audible, sighing as she hung up and raking her hand through her hair. “Great. That’s exactly what I needed.” she muttered, shaking her head and going back to Jumin as if nothing was wrong.
“Did something happen?” the man asked, realising rather easily that something wasn’t well. “Oh, yeah, all’s cool, don’t worry! More importantly, look how Elizabeth is cuddled up with her toy!” she tried to change the subject, but he wasn’t having any of it. “Was it a call from work?” he was annoyingly perceptive, the girl thought, as she chuckled awkwardly. “I can’t hide anything from you, can I?” the corner of her mouth twitched upwards for a split second. “So I hit the nail spot on.” he nodded, not sketching any emotion on his face. “They fired me. Said I didn’t treat my job like a business, but like a charity passion. I’ve been doing this for so long, with the only mindset of saving animals that I kept forgetting that...I can’t pay for everyone’s treatments if they can’t afford it, and I can’t take care of all the strays in the world either. I guess I forgot myself and overstepped the line between sensibility and my heart...It’s pretty pathetic, isn’t it?” she laughed weakly, looking down with an embarrassed expression. “I wouldn’t call that pathetic. In the worst case, maybe a bit naive. You have an admirable heart and your intentions are good, it’s obvious that you’re doing your job with love and passion. You remind me of Zen, but you’re less arrogant and annoyingly prideful.” Jumin spoke his opinion, making the girl smile tenderly. “Thank you...You’re really nice, Jumin. Even though you’re a successful businessman, you make an effort to understand someone so different. My dream has always been to become a great doctor and work hard to get enough money to build my own clinic, get funds for high tech equipment and also try to help the animal shelter and take care of all the strays. It’s...A rather unrealistic and childish dream, don’t you think?” she chuckled, shifting her gaze towards the playing cat. “It is incredibly naive and unrealistic, if you don’t have the proper base for a business and know how to negotiate to earn funds and equipment. I can help with that.” Jumin ended his proposition, making the girl frown at him. “I refuse that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that you’d be willing to waste your money on someone like me...But...It’s as I said. Wasted money on someone who has no idea what to do with it. And besides...I wouldn’t want you to think that I want your money or something. I want us to be friends. I care a lot about our friendship.” she smiled tenderly at him, which only made the man sigh. “At least you’re not refusing me out of stupid pride. If you are ever in need of a job, Elizabeth’s private doctor position is always open for you.” Jumin nodded at her. “Thank you, Jumin. I’ll keep that in mind. I won’t forget your kindness...But I don’t want to end up like Jaehee, where you have to text her, since you can’t stand her voice anymore. I wouldn’t want to annoy you with just my presence.” she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. “...I’m sure that wouldn’t happen. Anyhow, I know a few great clinics that are willing to employ someone with your energy and knowledge. The least I can do is call them up and recommend you.” the man suggested, which seemed to brighter the expression on her face. “I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you from all my heart for caring about me, Jumin. I mean it, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” she grinned gratefully at him, and for the first time in his life, he felt a heart arrhythmia.
And that’s exactly what he did, and for a while, the girl was more than enthusiastic with everything, but sooner rather than later, the boss realised she was an amazing employee and started abusing her work ours, calling for her more than one shift per day, not allowing her enough time to rest between shifts, not enough time to eat properly or go out with the members of the organisation whenever they managed to match a evening.
Jaehee would call to check up on her, and oftentimes, she’d wake her up in the middle of the afternoon, which is when she was able to get a wink of sleep.
Zen would ask her to post selfies, and it was obvious she was starting to get paler, and she had dark circles around her eyes from the sleep deprivation.
Yoosung asked her if she’s been eating properly, as he thought she was starting to lose weight in an unhealthily way.
Seven asked if she was doing anything else other than overworking herself, as even himself and Jaehee, despite everything, still found time to do some things for themselves too.
And Jumin...
Jumin was the most worried out of them all.
He knew how determined she was to save the little souls she was so fond of, and quickly realised how her kindness could easily be taken advantage of.
He was annoyed with how gentle and soft she was, but in the same way, that’s what intrigued him so much about her.
It only made him want to protect her, especially since he was lowkey blaming himself for recommending her that specific clinic.
So, one day, he found the perfect opportunity to call her, when Elizabeth, once again, stopped eating and was behaving rather lethargically and was coughing, and of course, as soon as she heard about the cat being in distress, she rushed to Jumin’s place without a second thought or suspicion. 
As soon as she entered in his room, he had to gather all the self-control he had not to jump on her and get her in bed, to force her to sleep properly, while he gets her a proper, nutritious meal.
She wasn’t smiling, she wasn’t glowing, she wasn’t vibing, she wasn’t cheering, she wasn’t cuddling Elizabeth, she wasn’t...
She wasn’t okay.
And for some reason, this bothered Jumin a great time, but he wasn’t sure how to address this without offending her or making her uncomfortable.
His interactions with Zen and Jaehee made him understand human behaviour a bit more in-depth than he would otherwise, just from books, so he settled for examining first.
“Okay, so what’s wrong with the little princess?” her voice was weak and soft, as she kneeled down slowly, petting the cat. “She has been rather lazy today, didn’t want to play, and has been coughing frequently.” Jumin’s explanation was simple, but effective. “Fur ball. She has to vomit a fur ball, but can’t. Could you please bring me a tray or something? I wouldn’t want this beautiful white carpet to get dirty with stomach fluids and vomit.” she stretched herself to get her bag, taking out a sort of laxative. “Use this.” Jumin brought the first useless clipboard he found around, putting it on the ground next to her. “Thank you. There, there, darling, it will be alright, don’t worry. I know it’s uncomfortable, but you’ll get better in a second.” after giving her the laxative, she started massaging her belly, helping the cat vomit the fur ball easier. “Great job, sweety, you’re all good to go.” Y/N gave the cat the ghost of a smile, as she got up, albeit, as lethargic as the cat used to be. “Thank you for your time and for taking care of Elizabeth, Y/N. Why don’t you stay over for lunch?” Jumin asked, as he raised the clipboard and put it away, on a desk, not to forget to throw it away. “I’d love to, but maybe next time. I have a triple shift today and it starts in 2 hours. I really appreciate you thinking of me, but...Work.” she sighed, looking away, before giving with a forced smile. “Are you sick, Y/N? You don’t look very healthy to me. Have you gone to do regular check ups?” he asked, trying to think of a proper excuse to stop her from leaving. “Oh, uhm...I didn’t really have the time. Work has been taking most of my time. But I’ll go as soon as the opportunity arises, I promise!” she tried to skip the conversation. “Well, then, I’ll be off! It was great seeing you, Jumin. Elizabeth too, of course! Take care of yourselves!” she waved at them, rushing to leave the room, making sure she closes the door behind her.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to take too many steps, as a vertigo state started taking over her, and she had to stop and lean on the corridor’s wall, only for her vision to get blurry, covered with a myriad of black dots, and then disappearing completely.
She fainted, falling to the ground with a soft thud, the sound being amortised by the fluffy carpet, but it was enough for Jumin to go check up on and sigh at the sight.
He knew something like that was going to happen, yet he was just grateful it happened while in his home, not on the street or something.
Jaehee would sometimes experience vertigo states and faintness while at work, due to overwork and overexhaustion, but this was taken to the extreme.
That woman had no sense of self-preservation whatsoever. 
He picked her up with ease, placing her gingerly on his bed, tucking her in, as he took of his blazer, rolling up his shirt sleeves and watching over her.
Usually, fainting would last barely seconds or minutes, but this wasn’t something ordinary. He heard of numerous cases of people sleeping 12, 14, even 16 or more hours, to compensate from the long period of stress and deprivation, so all he could do was wait until she would awaken herself, then give her a light, yet nutritious meal, make sure she hydrates herself...
And never let her do something as stupid as that.
He was going to make sure she doesn’t neglect herself again.
After all, you can’t fulfill your dreams if you are ill or dead, correct?
Jumin took her phone, putting it on silent and disabling all alarms, to make sure she sleeps unbothered, while he’d complete his work in silence and do everything he would do in a day, but as silent as possible.
It melted his heart when he noticed Elizabeth cuddling in the crook of Y/N’s neck, and at that moment, he wished he would take both of them in his arms and just stay there and rest for a while, in complete peace, having no more worries.
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He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, but he was awoken by a soft cry, which startled him, only to see the girl on the edge of the bed, her head hung, her hands gripping at her unkept yet otherwise beautiful hair.
Frowning in confusion, he got up to sit next to her, putting his arm around her and pulling her to his chest, playing with her hair, as if he was playing with Elizabeth’s fur.
“I’m sorry for wasting your time, Jumin. I really am. I bothered you too much already...” she managed to squeak between her sobs. “Nonsense. Is that what was giving you distress?” he asked, in surprise. “That, and...I...Got fired. Again. I told the boss that I fainted and couldn’t come, but she didn’t believe me, so...That’s it. No more job again...And another slap in the face that I’m just a stupid girl who dreams too big, but has no idea how to do anything. I’m just a weak failure who can’t do anything right. You shouldn’t even stay around someone as stupid as me. I’m sorry...” her small form was trembling, and the man could swear the words were hurting him more than were hurting her. “Stop speaking like that. Instead of insulting yourself, solve things. If you can’t solve things by yourself, then ask for help. Everybody needs help sometimes. Nobody was born knowledgeable, and neither was I. My father helped a lot, and more, all the studies that have been taught to me. Like you don’t know know anything about management, I don’t know anything about medicine. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, and nor does it make you a bother for anyone.” Jumin explained, as the girl hugged him tighter. “But...But...You’re so busy...I don’t want to give you more trouble than needed. I don’t want you to end up like me. My dreams are silly and unrealistic...I couldn’t possibly ask you to support something so stupid and childish as that.” she spoke in a meek, mouse-like voice. “You have no idea how many cat projects I’ve done so far and how much money I lost, because I wanted to glorify my love for Elizabeth the 3rd. I may be 27 years old and I may be the one who’s going to continue my father’s work after he retires, but that doesn’t mean I can’t indulge in my own passions. That’s how it is with you as well. So, Y/N, look at me. Look at me and ask me for help.” Jumin put his hands on her cheeks, raising her head so he could look into her tearful eyes that held a myriad of emotions and doubts. “Can I really be selfish and ask for your help, Jumin?” she managed to ask after having a small internal battle with herself inside her mind. “I wouldn’t offer my help if I wasn’t willing to do it properly.” he leaned in to kiss her forehead, making the girl take a sharp inhale, putting her hands over his, and smiling softly. “Thank you so much, Jumin. I owe you everything.” she whispered, gratefully. “You owe me taking care of yourself. That’s all. Accept the position of Elizabeth the 3rd’s personal Vet, and let me help you out with your dream. It’s not as unrealistic as you think it is, if only you have someone who knows what to do.” he offered, and she could only nod, and this time, her usual bright smile was back on her face, even despite the tears that were still streaming down her face. “Okay, Jumin. I trust you. I will take care of myself...So please help me out.” she said in such a sweet voice, that Jumin, for the first time in his life, had the urge to just grab her face and kiss her, with no regrets. “The deal is settled, then. Tomorrow I have a meeting with a wealthy company from abroad, and we will be staying at a resort by the beach. You’re coming as well, I won’t accept any complaints. I will call Assistant Kang to tell her that I will be leaving Elizabeth the 3rd with her for a few days. If you have appropriate outfits for going at the beach, then we will go pick them up from your place when I go leave Elizabeth with Assistant Kang. If not, we must go buy some.” Jumin got up, explaining everything as he called Jaehee, informing her of everything she must know.
She felt a bit uncomfortable knowing that Jaehee had more work on her hands because of her, but she had to learn to accept that she needed help, and Jumin was willing to offer it, because he was a good friend and he cared about her and her well-being, like nobody ever did.
It was weird being so pampered all the time, not feeling like she deserved it, but even so, her mind was constantly on the man she was living with, and even more, tomorrow was a big day.
She tried out a few swim suits, sundresses, hates, sunglasses and slippers, all the perfect clothes for going at the beach at a private resort and enjoying the cool ocean and the hot sun.
Y/N spent most of the flight sleeping on Jumin’s shoulder while listening to music on her phone, and he fell asleep with his head leaning on hers, as they arrived early morning, and went to have a great breakfast.
As the meeting started at noon sharp, Y/N spent the whole afternoon walking around the shore, with her feet in the water, listening to the waves breaking and the tranquil atmosphere, along with the ocean breeze and the sun rays were making her feel revitalised like never before.
She felt alive, after so long.
Hours passed without her even realising, and Jumin appeared in front of her bringing two cocktails on the beach lounge chairs, and she rushed to him.
“How was it? Everything alright?” she asked, taking a sip of the ice-cold strawberry drink. “Of course it did. But that isn’t the most important thing now. I see you’re rather happy. You’re not as pale as you used to be just two days ago either. I’m glad.” he said, causing another wide grin to spread on her face. “Well, it’s thanks to you, after all. You gave me the opportunity and helped revive me. I haven’t been out in the sun for a long while...And now...Well, I finally remember what it’s like to relax.” her smile was contagious, as Jumin started smiling a bit as well, until their phones started beeping and they saw the other members were chatting about the girl.
Yoosung: Is she okay?! I’ve been trying to text her all yesterday, but there was no sign :( Zen: Yeah, me too. This place has been kinda quiet without her. 707: I just tracked her location and... 707: She’s at an exotic resort?! lol?! Zen: ?!?!?! Yoosung: HUH?! Jaehee Kang: Let me explain. Zen: Jaehee, you know what happened with Y/N? Jaehee Kang: Not everything, but just some bits that I picked up from Mr. Han. Zen: What does Trust Fund Kid have to do with Y/N’s disappearance?! 707: LOLOLOL Y/N AND JUMIN ARE IN THE SAME PLACE, RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!! Yoosung: *Gasp sticker* Zen: SAY WHAT NOW?! Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han took Y/N with him on his business trip, saying that she needs a break from work. You all know how bad she was doing. Yesterday especially, she fainted from overwork and exhaustion, got fired, and Mr. Han offered her a job and said he’d make sure she’s okay.  Jaehee Kang: That’s the brief summary of what I pieced together. Yoosung: Y/N!!! If you see these messages, please tell us you’re feeling better!! I’m very happy that Jumin was so nice to help you out! Zen: ...That’s shocking. To think that Silver Spoon would do something like that for someone. That’s amazing. 707: Jumin, won’t you take me on a beach business trip too?! I feel my skin drying from the lack of sun too!! Zen: Jeez, don’t whine like that, do something about it.  707: lololol. Anyway, it’s not that shocking that Jumin did something like that for Y/N. I mean, he offered Zen some deals too. Didn’t he tell Yoosung that he’d hire him, if he gets good grades too? Jaehee Kang: Oh dear... Jumin Han: All you know to do is to gossip all day long. Don’t you have anything better to do? Jumin Han: Also, Y/N is just fine. And yes, she’s next to me. Y/N: Yep! I’m doing infinitely better than before. Thank you so much for worrying about me, I promise I will take care of myself from now on!! Y/N: *sent a selfie*
Y/N then got next to Jumin, taking off her sunglasses and gluing her cheek to his, grinning, one arm around his torso, to help herself stand on her tippy toes and reach his level, while the other was used to take a selfie.
Zen: Ohh, your dark circles are starting to disappear! And your skin isn’t as deathly pale! Y/N: Yeahh, I spent the whole day outside in the sun. It is incredibly refreshing. Yoosung: I hope you’re having fun at the beach! Did you get to swim yet? Y/N: No, not yet, but tomorrow it’s going to be even hotter than today, so I’ll definitely enjoy the water then! Jaehee Kang: Y/N...You look happy. I’m glad to see you smiling again. And you made Mr. Han smile too...That’s quite the feat. Y/N: ??? What do you mean? Jumin has a beautiful smile! Zen: Not more beautiful than mine, surely!  Zen: *sent a selfie* Jaehee Kang: I have been cleansed... 707: lololol here we go again. Y/N: You have a beautiful smile, Zen. But Jumin’s smiles are pure and rare, like the first snowdrop of Spring. Jumin: *smile sticker* Jumin: You heard her. Zen: *angry sticker* Zen: Did you steal her phone and write that yourself or what?! Jumin: No. Jumin: *sent a picture* Jumin: She’s by the shore, I’m still on the lounge chair.
Jumin took a picture of the girl who was staying with her feet in the water ankle-deep, looking into the horizon as the sun was setting and the sky was painted with all the colours of the twilight by angels. He could only look at how gorgeous she looked as she had her hands on her hat, to make sure the breeze won’t fly it away, and the way her sundress was gently swaying in the wind.
Yoosung: Ohhh, so pretty! I’d like to go on holiday to a place like that too, one day! Y/N: OMG Jumin!! Y/N: *embarrassed sticker*
Before she realised, Jumin was behind her, startling her unwillingly, as he prowled silently, like a feline.
“D-Don’t startle me like that!” she chuckled weakly, putting her hand on her chest where her heart would be. “That was not my intention. I just wanted to see you up up close again. The picture came up beautiful.” he said, taking off her sunglasses and hanging them from his Tshirt neck, loving to see all the emotions that her eyes betray so innocently. “I-I don’t know how to respond to that.” the girl blushed softly, looking away, trying to hide her face with the long ends of the hat. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m just glad that I can see you smile again...For me. You make my day brighter than this sun does. And I’m happy that you’re finally willing to rely on me to help you with your dream.” he smiled softly, putting a hand on her face, lifting her face up. “If I can make you happy, then I’m happy as well. Jumin, I...I love you. I know I said I didn’t want thing to be weird between us, but...I had to tell you. You deserve to know my feelings for you. They have been there for a while...” she closed her eyes, blushing even harder, only to make the man smile at her. “Good. Now that I know my feelings for you are reciprocated, I don’t have to stop myself from doing this.” Jumin hummed slightly, leaning down to capture the girl’s soft lips with his, giving her a sweet, gentle kiss, only for her to put her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
But then, the phones started beeping like crazy, startling and confusing the girl, until she looked at the chat and gasped, hiding her face with her hat.
“WHEN-...?! WHY?! H O W?!” she chirped in embarrassment, seeing a picture of them kissing in the group chat, while everyone was commenting on it. “If Zen wants to show off all the time, then why shouldn’t I as well?” he smirked softly, kissing her forehead to calm her down. “Y-You...Just...I don’t know how to reply to that either. You’re really something else.” she sighed dramatically, before chuckling and hugging him. “When you smile like that, you remind me of a kitten. And now you’re cuddling me like one. How cute.” he mused, putting his arms around her. “I love you.”
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scribbles97 · 4 years
A Man’s Best Friend -- Part 3
@gumnut-logic I hope this cheers you up a little! Lots of hugs <3 
Part 1 / Part 2
He had gotten back to the practice at spot on four. Amber had smiled up at him and apologised, explaining that there might be a slight wait before Luke would be out with Bo. 
That had been an hour ago, and he was still waiting. 
When he had caught her eye between phone calls, Amber had apologised again. An emergency had apparently arrived just before Virgil leaving Luke and the practice nurses with their hands full. Other vets kept darting back and forth, dealing with other clients back to back. All of them looked stressed, tired eyes and tense shoulders the giveaway that he knew well. Patients that couldn’t say what was wrong with themselves no doubt needing more tests and checks than could possibly be carried out in the time they were in the consult room for. 
Utterances of waiting times and cost wafted across to him on more than one occasion, discussions that other owners thought were hidden beneath the barking of their dog or the howling coming from the depths of the building. He was fairly sure it wasn’t Bo. Bo could howl, undoubtedly, but it wasn’t as deep as that, was it?
An elderly gentleman carrying a wicker basket paused on his way out of the consultation room, even as Amber sat straighter holding up the medication obviously meant for the cat in the carrier, he made a beeline for Virgil. 
“You should complain young man, you’ve been waiting since before I got here! With the prices they charge too! This is unacceptable.”
“Mister Wilson!” Amber called, “I’ve got Ferdinand’s thyroid medication for you.” 
Virgil shook his head at the man, glancing through the mesh door of the basket at the bedraggled grey and white cat. It looked back at him, paw halfway to its face paused in grooming. Wide green eyes stared, ears twitching, he smiled as a thought of Kayo crossed his mind. 
Reaching out to the carrier, he let out a small reassuring chirp, letting his fingers rest on the bars. 
Ferdinand launched from the back of the carrier to the front, letting out an almighty yowl to back up his threat of bared teeth and claws. 
Mr Wilson chuckled, “Oh nobody can manage old Ferdinand. Not even the vets here dare touch him.” 
Virgil had seen the scratch across the female vets collar bone as she had held the door for the older man. He had put it down to the cat being stressed in a strange environment. 
Apparently the cat was just the devil incarnate. 
“I’m sure they do their best.” He smiled kindly to the man, “They’re obviously very busy today, but as long as our animals get the care they need, it’s worth it all isn’t it?”
The couple next to Virgil that had clearly been watching the whole discussion fell silent at his words. Mr Wilson’s smile fell from his face as the true meaning of what Virgil was saying sunk in. 
“I was just telling my wife the same, Mister Tracy, isn’t it?” The woman next to him stated, leaning forward slightly as if to get between Virgil and Mr Wilson. 
Virgil looked to her, smiling as he held out his hand, “Virgil, please.”
The old man tutted, turning towards Amber at the desk uttering something as he went. 
“We didn’t realise you had any pets, Virgil?” the lady smiled.
He shrugged, the world was going to find out eventually. 
“She’s a rescue,” As he spoke he realised there was something ironic about the words. 
“Virgil!” Luke’s voice drew his attention away immediately to where he was holding a consult room door open, “Would you like to come through?”
“It was nice to meet you,” The lady next to him smiled as he went to stand, all polite conversation forgotten, “I hope your pet is okay!”
Nodding, he thanked her briefly before turning to Luke and entering the consultation room. Glancing around he felt his face fall. 
Bo wasn’t there. 
Not hiding behind the door or under the metal table. 
Why wasn’t she there?
“Bo is fine,” Luke started with a reassuring smile, “I just wanted to go through some things with you before I brought her through.”
Virgil let his shoulder sag as he nodded, of course she was fine, Luke had told him she was fine earlier on the phone. It made sense that Luke would talk to him first, he’d no doubt only be distracted if Bo had been there demanding his attention. 
“And I wanted to apologise for keeping you waiting for so long,” Luke sighed with a shake of his head, “It was an emergency and--”
Virgil waved him off, “I know what it’s like, no need to apologise.”
Luke smiled, “Well then, on to Bo.”
Virgil nodded eagerly, looking to the datapad Luke held out, already picking through the information. He tried to listen to what Luke was saying, expect her to be quiet tonight, don’t be surprised if she isn’t hungry, don’t let her lick the wounds. 
As a medic himself much of it sounded like common sense. He knew the signs of infection, knew how to dress a wound and keep it clean, and most importantly he knew what Bo was like. 
“Finally,” Luke smiled as he came towards the end of his spiel, “This is a painkiller for her to have for the next few days, it’s a liquid that she can take from the syringe, but just once a day, got it?”
Taking the box, he examined the label which gave clear instructions on how to use the medication. 
“Got it.” He nodded, “Might leave Grandma to that though, she’s a bit better with the whole routine thing than the rest of us.”
Luke chuckled, “Sounds like a good idea. So any questions or anything?”
He couldn’t think of any off the top of his head, not that that meant there wouldn’t be any once he got home later. 
“If you get stuck just drop me an email,” Luke shrugged, “There’s always something that you think of later on.”
Turning to the other door in the small room Luke stepped back, “I’ll be through with her in just a second.”
Virgil could only fidget on the spot, glancing at the information again on the datapad in an attempt to distract himself and to at least try and take in a bit more of what Luke had said. Then there was the medication, that was going to be fun. Hopefully giving it to Grandma to sort would work, it wasn’t like Bo would be joining him on rescues for the next few weeks. 
“Come on sweetheart… Bo! This way,” Virgil could hear Luke coaxing through the closed door as they apparently approached. 
“Who’s in here Bo?” Luke continued as the door was pushed open, “Who’s this?”
Crouching down, Virgil held out his arms to the dog, watching as she warily entered the room before she caught sight of him and trotted eagerly over. Tail whacking him in the side she spun around to sit on his feet, head tilting backwards to reach up and lick his chin as her front paws danced excitedly on the floor. 
“Hey Bo,” He chuckled, rubbing her sides, “Missed you too girl. What happened huh?”
As she lifted her forepaws to rest of his arm, her butt slipped out from under her, leaving her leant back against him and showing off the two small lines of stitches on her belly. Virgil could almost hear the thoughts in her head, so clearly telling him to look at what they had done to her whilst he had been gone.
Wary of touching anywhere that might have been sore, he smiled and scratched her chest. 
“I know Bo, but it’s for the best.”
Luke snorted quietly as he smiled at them both, “I’m not sure she’s forgiven me quite yet.”
 Virgil smiled, “Give her a treat and she’ll be all yours.”
Luke turned to the tin on the counter, rattling as he picked it up and watching Bo’s reaction carefully. From where Virgil was sat beneath her, he could see the prick of her ears and feel the hesitant wag of her tail. He nudged her gently, 
“Go see.”
She rolled off of him in a less than delicate fashion and went over to Luke, pawing at him when he didn’t immediately offer her the treat. 
When he did offer it to her Virgil had to laugh as Bo took the biscuit and promptly dropped it to the floor, only to paw at Luke again.
“I’m sorry girl,” Luke murmured as he fussed her ears, “Is this you forgiving me?”
Bo stood at the comment and turned away, going to scratch at the door out to the waiting room with a wag of her tail. 
“Yeah,” Virgil nodded as he stood from where he’d been crouched, “Alright, let’s go home girl.”
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softidolimagines · 5 years
Cute Boys and Kitty Cats
A Noir Daewon x Reader AU
2.8K, Fluff, Drabble, Strangers to Lovers, Meet-Cute
Requested by @daewonbiased​ - I hope you like it!
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There was really nothing more fulfilling than signing the last of the paperwork needed for someone to take their new animal companion home. Working in the rescue shelter for the past few months since you graduated from university had been the best decision of your life, and while it didn’t pay much it was worth it to see the pure joy on people’s faces when they met the pet that was perfect for them. After bidding goodbye to the young couple and their newly adopted older dog it was time to close up shop. You turned the sign around and switched off some of the outside lights, making sure the front door was locked before heading into the back to check on the animals who had yet to be adopted. 
It was mostly cats and dogs, usually older animals or ones that needed a lot of attention and care. Unfortunately, some people just were not willing to put in the effort to learn how to love a shy dog or a jumpy cat. You made sure to say goodnight to each and every animal in your care, giving the ones who would accept it a gentle rub behind their ears or on their bellies. Some of these sweet babies were just so loveable, if you could adopt all of them yourself you would do it in a heartbeat. Just as you finished your rounds, checking that they all had water and were safely settled in for the night, you heard a very loud banging noise come from the front of the shop. You quickly ran out to see what the commotion was, trying to shush some of the more nervous animals as you went. 
When you reached the foyer you looked towards the front of the store and saw a light shining in through the window. It moved and pointed sideways to illuminate a young-looking face. You cautiously stepped forward, but before you could ask anything they were calling to you. “Please help me! I just found this cat on the side of the road and I think she’s about to have kittens.” It was only then you saw the bundle in his other arm, it looked to be a jacket of some sort, probably his own. You also realised it was raining very hard outside, and this poor good soul was getting drenched. Against your better judgement, you unlocked the front door and ushered the boy inside, his black hair was dripping wet and sticking to his forehead, and he was cradling the bundle against his chest as if to protect it from the elements. 
Sure enough, as he had said, there was a very pregnant cat wrapped inside his university jacket. She had a beautiful black colour to her coat, but she looked to be badly injured. Her ears and parts of her back were scarred and her fur was completely matted. It was obvious she was a stray. “How did you manage to catch her?” Carefully you set the little bundle down on the floor beside the reception desk. You had dealt with cats and dogs having their babies in front of you before, but usually you had more time to prepare. “I was just walking home after practice and I heard a really distressed sound come from one of the ditches along the canal. When I went looking with my phone torch I found her stuck in a bramble. She let me pull her out and when I realised she was pregnant I decided it would be best to bring her to a vet or something where she would be safe.”
He hadn’t taken his eyes off the cat the whole time he spoke. You took a moment to properly look at the animal rescuer in front of you. Even if you hadn’t recognised the crest on his jacket it wouldn’t have been hard to guess that he was younger than you. Round cheeks and soft skin paired with big, kind eyes and pouty lips - he was absolutely adorable. “You know this isn’t a vet’s office right?” He finally looked up at you, eyes twinkling as he nodded earnestly. “I know, but the nearest vet is too far away for me to walk and the lights were still on here when I was walking past.” You smiled softly at him and got a bright grin in response. Your heart did a little flip in your chest, he was too cute to handle. But you had other things to work on. 
“Ok, you stay here and try keep her calm while I go get a few things that will make her more comfortable, alright?” He nodded again, and as you stood to move away he stuck his hand out towards you. “My name is Daewon by the way. Thank you for helping me.” You shook his hand, a little surprised by the strength of his grip, and introduced yourself as well. Then you hurried off to the storeroom to grab a towel and a bowl for water. This could be a long night.
Finally, after three hours the beautiful little cat had given birth to four healthy kittens. It was a relief when they all began suckling from their mother, and she was very placid around them. Daewon let out a very large yawn and it was only then you realised how late it had gotten. “You should really head home, you probably have classes tomorrow right?” He turned his head and looked at you with a sleepy grin, and your heart squeezed at the sight. “Yeah, I have a ten am lecture and then a double after lunch.” You convinced him that the cat would be safe now thanks to him, and somehow he convinced you to exchange phone numbers so you could send him pictures of the kittens tomorrow. After much fussing and giving the cat a name “Noir, because of her fur,” he finally said his goodnights and headed off, leaving his university jacket behind.
You ended up staying for almost another hour, making sure that Noir and all her kittens were settled into the free pen you moved them too and that the mother cat had enough food and water to keep her going. In the morning you would definitely need to arrange for a vet to come around and check them all over, to make sure they were indeed healthy. And so after a very long and eventful night, you finally headed home. 
The next day you were exhausted when you came into work. Your co-worker Yunsung had opened and was very excited about the message you sent him about your late-night additions. He had already called a vet to come for later in the afternoon and when you went to check on Noir she seemed to be happily napping away, her little babies curled up beside her. Work went by as usual, people coming in to meet their potential new animal companions and one girl decided on the spot she was going to adopt the scrawny ginger cat who was missing one eye. It was always a wonderful feeling to watch as new owner and pet interacted for the first time and seeing how perfectly they fit together. 
When the vet came around she confirmed that apart from the scratches on Noir’s back and ears she was healthy, and her kittens all seemed to be responding well. It would be at least 12 weeks before they could home the kittens, but it was never too hard to find people to take the young animals. It was always the older ones who needed more love. You sent Daewon some pictures of the kittens as promised, and he responded with a string of cute emojis that made you giggle. Yunsung read the message over your shoulder and teased you about it, but you just slapped him and went back to work. 
You were on the closing shift again tonight but finished up early so you could get home and go to sleep. Just as you were switching the outside lights off you saw a figure running towards the shop. You laughed a little when you realised it was Daewon and opened the door for him. “I wasn’t expecting you to come back this evening.” He grinned, only a little out of breath, and your heart squeezed at how adorable he looked. His hair was dry today, and it looked so soft and fluffy you just wanted to ruffle your hands through it. “I was in the library working on an assignment and I completely lost track of time! I’m sorry!” He smiled so brightly that you could only laugh, before closing the door behind him and showing him into the back where all the animals were waiting for their nightly checks.
Talking to Daewon made your heart race. He had such an innocent, positive outlook on everything. You introduced him to each of the animals in the shelter and he greeted them politely each time, holding out his hand and petting the ones who let him. He was very good with animals and you couldn’t stop the smile that stayed on your face the entire time. When you finally reached the separate room where you were keeping Noir and her kittens he squealed with joy, and the cat responded happily to his presence. She rubbed up against the front of her pen and you relented to his pleading eyes to let him open it up and hold her. She purred happily the whole time he held her, and you were surprised by how comfortable the two looked together. 
After that, Daewon stopped by the shelter almost every night to see Noir and her kittens. Even when you weren’t working your co-workers told you that he always showed up with a brilliant smile on his face and treated all the animals with the utmost of respect and affection. You also began to develop a little bit of a crush on him. At first, you felt weird about it, because he was definitely younger than you. But after getting to know him better you realised it wasn’t actually that much, and he was very clearly crushing on you too. 
When they were finally old enough, Noir’s four kittens found homes in less than a week. It was bittersweet, sending them off, but all their new homes were going to be very caring for them. All that was left then was Noir herself. She had fattened up in her time at the shelter, and you managed to get her groomed properly with Daewon’s help so that her fur was sleek and shiny. Daewon was there when you signed off on the last of the kitten’s adoption forms, and he looked a little down. “It’s for the best, they’re going to have a wonderful life in their new homes.” It was just the two of you here this evening, it was almost time to close for the day. Daewon nodded, eyes glued to his hands in his lap. 
“Hey, it’s alright. I know it’s hard but they’re going to be very happy.” He looked up at you and your heart broke a little at the tears in his eyes. “I know, I’m just going to miss them all.” His lower lip stuck out in a soft pout and you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching over and brushing some of the tears from his cheeks. “It’s ok, you can still come around every day and see Noir. She hasn’t been adopted yet.” He bit his lip, looking down for a moment and then back up at you with a new shine in his eyes. “What if she does get adopted though? What if her new owners live far away and I can’t see her anymore? What if that means I have to stop coming here to see you?” 
Your heart started beating faster in your chest. You (and your nosy co-workers) all knew about Daewon’s crush on you, but this was the first time he actually said anything about it. So lost in trying to make sense of your own feelings you were silent, and his face fell as he took your lack of response as rejection. He said a bleak goodbye and all but ran out of the shop, and you felt awful. But then an idea came to mind. You really did like him a lot, and you wanted to see him all the time as well, not just when he came to visit Noir in work. So against your better judgement, you text Yunsung and got an immediate reply to say ‘go for it!’. 
The next day you were on the closing shift with Minhyuk, one of the new part-timers in the shelter. You were showing him the ropes, and he seemed to really get the hang of it. Just as you were preparing to close, the front door opened and Daewon walked in wearing his university jacket and carrying a blanket in his arms. “Hi Daewon, how are you?” You tried to make small talk, excited to get to tell him your plan. He walked up to the front desk and put the blanket to one side, speaking to Minhyuk instead of you. “I would like to fill out adoption papers please.” Minhyuk looked to you for help, and you just shot him a small smile.
“Daewon, sweetie, Noir has been adopted already.” He looked like he was about to burst into tears as he turned to face you, jaw dropping and hand clenching in the blanket he had brought. “B-but I -” “I have adopted her. I’m bringing her home with me tonight.” His face completely changed in a split second, from heartache to boundless joy. “REALLY? CAN I COME AND SEE WHERE SHE’S GOING TO LIVE?!” He was so cute, so so so cute that it really wasn’t your fault for what you did next. You leaned close and placed a soft kiss on one of his adorable cheeks. When you pulled away his face had frozen in shock and a bright pink blush was turning him into a tomato. “Good job, you broke him.” Minhyuk teased you and you stuck your tongue out at him. 
“Come on, let’s go get Noir and bring her home yeah?” You took his hand a gently tugged, and he followed along with you still slightly dazed. It was only when you reached the pen where Noir was sleeping and she jumped up to greet Daewon that he broke out of his trance. You opened the door and he picked her up gently, letting her rub her head against his chin and purr loudly into his chest. His smile was blinding as you brought her back out front and got her settled into a cat carrier and grabbed a small bag filled with everything you had bought for her. After closing up properly for the night and saying goodbye to Minhyuk, you walked with Daewon to your car and let him hold Noir’s carrier the whole journey to your apartment. 
It took a few hours for her to settle into her new surroundings, but having Daewon there to play with her seemed to help a lot. After she finally curled up in her new bed in the living room you happily collapsed onto your couch, and watched as Daewon stood awkwardly in the middle of the floor. Oh, right. “You are welcome to come and visit her in the evenings or whenever I’m not working. Or you could just come and visit me.” He looked at you wide-eyed and you went for your best comforting smile. He started to go pink again and you held out one of your hands towards him. Daewon shuffled over and sat beside you on the couch and he was just so cute you giggled as you scooted closer to him. 
“I like you a lot Daewon. I would like it if you came to visit me as well as Noir.” You looked at him and saw the tips of his ears were red and he was fiddling with his fingers. You bumped him with your shoulder and he finally turned to look at you. Before you could say anything else he leaned in at lightning speed and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Then he pulled away and buried his face in his hands. Your face broke into a huge smile, heat flushing across your cheeks from where his soft lips had pressed against your skin. Giggling you leaned over and wrestled his hands away from his face and proceeded to press dozens of little kisses all across his face. Cheeks, nose, forehead - everywhere you could reach until he had also dissolved into an adorable giggling mess on your couch. He looked up at you with the most beautiful smile on his face as he said “I like you a lot too, I really want to see you more often.” 
You sent him home with another gentle kiss on the cheek and got one on your nose in return. That night, as you finally got into bed, Noir came in and curled up beside you. It really was perfect that such a sweet little kitty also managed to introduce you to the most adorable boyfriend in the world. 
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writeforcarat · 5 years
Home [Part 1]
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—Cat Shelter Volunteer!Wonwoo × Reader
A light drizzle specked the hot grey pavement before turning into a summer downpour.
It was almost noon on a Monday and you hit the brakes of your bicycle near a subway exit, where a sea of commuters had started emerging, pulling out their umbrellas, cursing at how the rain had just put a damper on their already busy day.
You, too, had a packed schedule ahead. It was your second week working as a part-time English teacher at an academy. And while tutorial classes were held in the afternoon, instructors were expected to arrive before lunchtime—an unwritten rule you had managed to comply with up until now.  
In a hurry, you slipped into a raincoat (thank goodness, you packed one), and checked the time. You had about 20 minutes to get to the school, which wasn’t that bad. If you could just speed up a bit, you’d make it on time.
You hadn’t gone that far yet when you heard it—an excruciating yowl that only got louder as you approached the end of the street. Curious and a bit alarmed, you came to a stop, got off your bike, and brought your ears closer towards a patch of bushes, where the sound seemed to be coming from.
Another cry pierced through the humid air, and you instinctively took a step back.
Taking a peek through the bushes, you found a spotted white and grey cat—drenched, soiled, and cold—your gaze meeting its feline eyes that were veiled with agony. The poor creature tried to stand up, only to fall back down on the wet ground. That was when you noticed that it had a limp and wounded leg.
You felt a pang in your heart. You had always had a soft spot for animals, especially cats, and this was a situation you couldn’t simply ignore. A cat needs help. Your help… but you were also running late. Sighing in resignation, you shrugged off the thoughts about work (maybe, they’d understand) and scooped the cat into your arms.
“You will be fine,” you whispered to it. “I’m here.”
Somewhat comforted, the cat purred in response, and you repeated reassuringly, “I’m here.”
Shifting its weight to your left arm, you tugged your bike with your free hand and walked towards the shed of a bus stop nearby. Thankfully, the sky was starting to clear up again and the rain was nothing more than a light shower. You sat down on the cold steel seat so you could let the cat rest on your lap.
Think. You said to yourself before resolving to text your supervisor to inform her about your “emergency.” You didn’t go far into detail, really. That you would explain only if worse comes to worst later. You then started searching for cat shelters nearby. Multiple results returned, with the closest one about eleven blocks away.
Chimes pleasantly rang, as you opened the door of Happy Cat Shelter and Veterinary Clinic. The cold air from the AC sent a chill that crawled on your skin, which the cat probably felt, too, since it snuggled closer to your chest.
“H-hello?” You called out, a tremble caught in your throat.
“Welcome to Happy Cat!” You heard someone respond from the inside; his voice deep yet friendly. A crashing sound reverberated through the walls of the office. “Be there in a sec!”
The shelter was not exactly big, but it wasn’t small either. From where you were standing at the receiving area, you could see cats crawling and prancing about in their playroom, and to your right, you eyed the door of the clinic with a sign that said the doctor was out, making worry flood through you. The next closest shelter with a vet was much farther away, and you couldn’t afford to take another side trip.
You glanced down at the cat. It was so exhausted; its sleepy eyes had fluttered shut.
A door swung open, and you looked up with a start. A lanky bespectacled boy clad in a black shirt came walking towards you, wiping his hands on his jeans. “I’m sorry about that,” he apologised before letting out a gasp, as you and the cat became clearer to his sight. “Oh my God.”
You realised that you were still dripping wet, a puddle surrounding your feet, locks of your wet hair matted on the sides of your face. Of course, your makeup was messed up, too. Shit. You were not a pretty sight, nor was the injured cat in your arms. You lowered your head in embarrassment.
“Please, don’t move. You might slip,” the boy said concernedly before you could even utter a word, his hand gesturing for you to stay put. “I’ll go get towels.”
Wonwoo wasn’t having an easy Monday. He wasn’t supposed to be working, but two of his co-volunteers called in sick, and the shelter’s manager, who was on vacation, begged him to cover for their shifts.
Not that he didn’t want to come in for duty, it was just that he had previously asked for a few days’ off, as he had to work on an important project before the summer break began. It didn’t help that the cats were also being extra temperamental and extra energetic, thrashing about the place with much vigour.
So when he saw you standing at the door—drenched and in distress—he knew that his day wasn’t about to get easier. Nevertheless, it had always been in him give help to anybody who needed it—be it a person or a cat. In this case, both.
The bespectacled boy returned shortly with a rag, which he dropped to the floor to absorb the small pool of water around your feet, and, as promised, soft and clean towels. He handed out one to you, and as you accepted it with a “thanks,” he carefully took the cat into his arms with another towel, whispering soothing words to it.
“I saw her on the street,” you said, wiping yourself dry with the towel. “I was actually on my way to work, but I couldn’t leave her. She’s wounded and injured.”
“I can see that,” he said, intently examining the cat in his arms. “Thank you for bringing her here,” he glanced up at you.
Now that he was standing closer, you finally had a better view of his face, and, God, he’s handsome. With his dark fringes falling just below his eyebrows, you instantly noticed his stunning eyes that showed both sincerity and softness as he looked at you.
You’d be lying if you said that the sight of him carrying the poor cat you’d just rescued didn’t make your heart melt a little.  
A bit flustered, you turned towards the direction of the clinic and said, “I’m not sure to what extent you can help, but, please, keep her safe until the vet arrives.”
“Of course,” he said almost instantly. “The vet won’t be here until after lunch, but I will give him a call, since this kitty needs to be treated.”
An awkward pause engulfed the room, and you realised that you hadn’t even introduced yourselves to each other yet.
“I’m Y/N,” you said just about the same time he told you that his name was Wonwoo. Both of you let out a sheepish laugh.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said, diffusing the tension. “Let me bring her inside first. I’ll be right back,”
“Erm, I should get going,” you said matter-of-factly, motioning towards the door.
“Hang on,” Wonwoo snapped, “I know you’re in a hurry, but we have protocols here. There’s some paperwork to be dealt with before we officially take in any cat.”
“Right,” you bit your lower lip, starting to worry more about work at that point. “I understand, but I am running really late right now.”
Having thought of a quick solution, Wonwoo shifted the cat’s weight to one arm, then swiped a clipboard and a sheet of paper from the reception desk with his other hand and suggested, “Perhaps, you could, at least, give us your contact details and bring this drop-off form to fill out and submit later. We don’t usually do this, but I’ll try to explain the situation to my boss. I’ll call or text you if anything turns up. Would that be alright?”
“Yeah, sure,” you nodded, taking the clipboard and form, grateful that he was being considerate enough. You quickly wrote down your name, mobile number, and email address on the contact list on the clipboard, and handed it back to Wonwoo. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” he said, and reminded you to come back with the drop-off form filled out before you left.
A wave of relief washed over you, seeing how your co-workers didn’t seem to notice your absence earlier when you arrived at the academy about 30 minutes later. They said hello like they usually did, as you walked into the teachers’ office; some were even offering you lunch food. Your supervisor was also nice enough to ask if you were okay and give you a clean shirt to change into.
Your classes ran smoothly that afternoon. The gradeschoolers enjoyed the vocabulary exercises you had prepared for them. They surprisingly expressed much excitement about their pop quiz, too, when you said that top scorers will get a choco pie each.
As you were packing your things, looking forward to calling it a day, your phone buzzed, an SMS popping up on the screen. Although it came from an unknown number, you already knew who it was from. You tapped on the notification to read the entire message.
“Hi, Y/N! Kitty’s okay now. No need to worry anymore. Just don’t forget to sign the form and bring it to the shelter. You can drop by tomorrow. We’ve also got some good news.  -Wonwoo”
The message tugged the corners of your lips upwards into a smile. For some reason, receiving that text made you feel so much better after a long day.
“Hey, look at that beautiful smile,” your co-instructor quipped, as she walked by.
You looked up from your phone, still beaming. “What?”
“Did your boyfriend text you? I haven’t seen you smile like that before.”
Your eyes widened and your lips parted, as though to say something, but not a word came out. Your co-instructor chuckled at your expression. “You’re adorable. See you tomorrow!”
“See you,” you said, happily thinking about what tomorrow will actually bring. [PART 2]
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Thanks for reading until here! I didn’t actually intend for this story to get this long, but I guess I got too carried away with writing it. Anyhow, if you enjoyed this scenario, hit like or reblog and please do look forward to the continuation of the story.
My Q&A is also open to requests. Don’t hesitate to drop some prompts or suggestions, and I’ll see what I can do!
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adampage · 7 years
Eddie | AJ Styles
 Pairing: AJ Styles x OFC (Maria), AJ x Eddie (the cat)
“This might be weird, and I totally get if it’s not poss 😆, but maybe one where [AJ] realises cats are awesome and he shldn’t hate them?? Is that too weird?” - @we-work-hard
Word Count: 1,950
Tagging: @we-work-hard / @llowkeys / @unabashedwwesmut / @kingslayers-angel / @p1-fanfiction / @ajstylesworld / @the-geekgoddes / @xxmaddhatter39xx / @justrae9903 / @reigns420 / @xstylesxclashx / @gurimujox / @p0tat0catofwesteros / @toosweetme / @your-darkdiva / @thephenomenonalkingofthebrogues / @welshwitch5
Author’s Note: I’m taking requests! This was nearly too easy to write. I basically took the relationship between my dad and my cat Tito (may he rest in peace) and got this from it. So, I’m dedicating this to Tito. I love you and I miss you, my dear sweet gentleman. 💙
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She remembered the moment he showed up on her doorstep. Literally. Not AJ, obviously - guys don’t just show up on people’s doorsteps, hold on, never mind - but Eddie, her cat. He was black and white down the middle and on three of his legs, as if he wore a tuxedo everywhere he went, with pink paw beads and an even pinker nose and gorgeous yellow-green eyes. When she picked him up, he was all muscle, toned and strong, but seemingly chubby, too. Basically, the most adorable cat you’d ever see in your life. He showed up one day, rolling around in front of Maria’s house, begging to be touched. Okay, so, maybe AJ and Eddie had more in common than they liked to think. 
Eddie, ever the gentleman and ever patient, remained outside until Maria allowed him in, after weeks of her leaving food outside and water for him to slurp, when she noticed that someone had injured him near his tail, and she wasn’t just going to let the poor kitty deal with his injury on his own if being outside meant he was prone to infection.
She managed to coax him into a pet carrier and took him to the vet, where the vet told her they’d have to give Eddie stitches, recommending also for him to stay indoors and to take antibiotics every day. Needless to say, he was hers, and Maria didn’t mind it one bit. Fast forward months later, she’s in a relationship with AJ Styles. She also met him while he was dressed in a tux, at a mutual friend’s wedding. They caught each other’s eye; he made the first move. They got to talking, and she instantly fell in love with that southern drawl of his. But she didn’t want to let him think she was too interested, so she left the wedding as soon as her friend and her new husband left the party early for their honeymoon in the Bahamas. He showed up at her doorstep the next day, begging her to let him in, and she happily obliged from that day on. The only problem was, Eddie and AJ didn’t get along. Well, AJ didn’t get along with Eddie. Eddie was too sweet to let a strong man like AJ get the better of him.
Maria chop chop chopped at the onions, chewing a piece of gum, the knife hitting the green cutting board with a thud, thud, thud. “Maria.” Came the southern drawl, all too different from the way her parents would call to her. Her name on his lips was kinder, with less of an edge. Though, he somehow sounded distressed all the same. “Yes, AJ.” “This gosh darn cat won’t leave me alone.” Sure enough, she peered down near AJ’s legs to find Eddie, purring away. AJ sighed, exasperated. “Did I mention how much I hate cats?” “Dios mío, AJ, if you pet him, he’ll leave you alone!” “But I don’t want to pet him.” He huffed, crossing his arms like a little boy throwing a temper tantrum. “Then by all means, AJ, he’s going to keep bothering you.” Realizing his one and only defense against the furry beast wasn’t going to help, AJ raised his hands in surrender, rolling his eyes. “Okay, but he better leave me alone after this.” And Eddie did. For a little while, anyway.
You see, AJ had big, strong, wide hands. They were a whole heck of a lot bigger than Maria’s, and Eddie liked it rough. He loved the feeling of AJ’s hands raking across his fur, then padding it down and petting him in just the right manner. It was downright pleasurable, is what it was. He just couldn’t get enough. And when Eddie realized that AJ took fifteen minutes longer in the bathroom than Maria did, it sealed the deal. The distinctive sound of AJ grunting onto the toilet to settle down for the next quarter of an hour drove Eddie from any hiding place in any part of the house. As soon as AJ sat down, Eddie’s perky little monkey tail came running past the bathroom door. “Damn you, you cunning little devil,” AJ said, after the umpteenth time he had to keel over and pet the little fucker so he’d leave him in peace. “I hate you.” Eddie’s response was a sweet little squeak of a meow, hardly even audible, as if to say, “Who? Me?” And Maria would waltz into the bathroom on accident, to the dismay of both cat and man. “Maria, it’s bad enough he’s in here when I’m trying to do something private. I can’t have both of you in here. Come on, now,” AJ whined, shooing her away, to her delighted, “OKAY, okay, jeez.” She left, but not before turning around to catch the glimpse of a smile on AJ’s face as he reached for his boy.
AJ finally began to understand Eddie one fine day in June. It was blistering hot, the air conditioning was out, and he and Maria were both cramped in her tiny kitchen the color of sunshine, cooking some sort of Colombian dish. His blue sleeveless tank was soaked all down his back, and he had his hair pulled up in a bun. It was days like these that he wished he had the heart to shave off all his scruff, but he knew Maria loved it. “Chop this for me.” “Ooookay.” AJ stepped back from the counter to grab a knife from the cutlery drawer, when he felt something under his foot- “YEOWWWWWWWWWW!” A blur of black and white dashed from the kitchen, disappearing under the living room sofa. “AJ, what did you do?!” Maria screamed. “I ain’t done shit,” he yelled, “it’s this damn cat’s tail done went under my feet!” “Well, did you apologize?” Maria retorted accusingly. “Maria, it’s a cat, it don’t need no goddamned apology.” She sighed, unwilling to push the argument any further.
Later that day, AJ went to the bathroom. As he settled in, he heard the ever familiar pitter patter of bounding paws running down the stairs above him, the monkey tail stopping in its tracks as it walked through the door. Eddie took one look at AJ and ran right back out of the bathroom. AJ couldn’t believe his eyes. The godforsaken cat was holding a grudge. A fucking grudge. A cat. Holding a grudge. A cat that holds grudges. Whaa? He found Maria settled into bed, reading glasses on the tip of her crooked nose as she flipped the pages of her favorite book, The Tale of Despereaux. He slipped under the thin covers from his side of her bed, watching her for a few moments. He wanted to mention Eddie, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was a damn cat, for goodness’ sake. Why should he care what a cat thinks about him, anyway? So he just lay there, arm behind his head, staring out into her bedroom. “What is it?” She finally asked. “What makes you think there’s something wrong?” AJ responded defensively, curious and not really sure if he even wanted to mention what was wrong just yet. “You’ve been laying next to me for three minutes and you haven’t bothered to cuddle me. That is very un-AJ.” He frowned. Was he really that obvious? “And Eddie hasn’t bothered to come cuddle me in bed, either, very un-Eddie, which means whatever’s going on is between the two of you.” AJ let out a breath. Okay, so everything about this was pretty damn obvious. “He came when I went to the bathroom and then he left when he saw me.” The he was clear. “That’s because he resents you, AJ. You hurt his feelings and his tail.” “It was an accident!” He defended. “So tell him it was an accident and go apologize.” “First off, I don’t see why I should go apologize to a damn cat.” Maria sighed, exhausted that she had to mediate between these two idiots. She took off her glasses and placed them on the bedside table, along with her book which she meticulously dog eared to remember her place. Pinche hombre no entiende que los gatos son igual que los humanos. “If you stepped on my foot, would you say sorry?” Her tone carried an edge to it that AJ himself would never be able to master. “Yes.” He whispered, arms crossed, clearly in disdain for where this conversation was going. “What else would you do?” He smiled sweetly. “Anything for you, darlin’.” “Nice try. What else would you do?” He huffed, but answered anyway. “Probably give you a massage to butter you up.” “All right, there’s your answer. Go do those exact things to Eddie.” “What? Are ya kiddin’ me? Maria, come on.” She gave him the death glare she inherited from her mother. “Did I fucking stutter?” “N-no,” he grumbled, stumbling out of bed. “Fine. Okay.” AJ found himself in the living room, turning on a lamp. He scanned the room for any sign of a black and white, and found Eddie’s shadow behind the curtains over the clear patio doors. Eddie’s ears perked up at the sound of AJ’s footfalls. They were heavier than Maria’s, but they seemed to be moving quicker. Eddie barely got up and bounded away before AJ’s hands reached out to where he was sleeping. “So this is how it’s going to be?” AJ muttered. AJ walked back through the bedroom door, shoulder slumped. “Maria, this cat won’t let me not five feet near ‘im.” “I’ll help you.” It was getting hot under those sheets, anyway. “His problem is with you, not me, so he’ll let me grab him.” It took them another ten minutes to finally find him. He had run upstairs, hidden behind the guest bed. Maria had brought a bag of kitty treats to lure him out with, and then she grabbed him, holding him gently in her arms. AJ was hiding just outside, waiting for her to bring him. “Look at my big, strong, manly gentle man,” she cooed at Eddie, petting him softly on his tummy. Eddie’s nose dug under her arm as she complimented and pampered him, clearly being lulled into a sense of security. AJ fought back the urge to get jealous of the way Maria was talking to him, knowing that if he made so much as a noise the cat would realize what was going on. When Eddie began to purr, Maria quickly walked through the door and handed him to AJ, who began to massage and pet Eddie with his strong, wide hands. Eddie struggled beneath his grasp, but AJ wouldn’t let go. “I’m sorry, Eddie, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for hurting your tail, I’m sorry,” AJ chanted, continuing to massage him for what felt like hours and hours but was only mere minutes. “It’ll never happen again, I promise, I’ll watch where I’m going, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” When AJ noticed Eddie no longer struggled in his grasp, but was purring incessantly, he heaved with a sigh of relief, and let the furry being go. Eddie ran away, tail curved and delighted. Maria laughed. “So how are we sure that it worked?” AJ grinned. “Guess I need to visit the bathroom.” They descended the stairs, Maria stopping at their bed and tucking herself in, AJ lumbering towards the bathroom. As Maria drifted off to sleep, she heard the heavy little pawfalls of Eddie racing down the stairs, dropping himself at the foot of his master’s throne, and the subsequent, “there ya are, little guy” that escaped AJ’s lips.
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chocolateoatmilk · 8 years
Do you have any advice for someone getting a rescue dog for the first time?
oh my god, sooooo many things. it’s hard to generalise though, so if you could specify what dog you’re getting it would help! but i’ll try. keep in mind Ori was a street dog and had never had a home before. or been inside a house. my mom and my sister got a dog who’s older and definitely lived somewhere which proved to be easier in a lot of ways, and difficult in others. 
1. don’t expect anything. i got a scared dog, with no house training, no idea whatsoever how to walk in a leash, how to communicate with humans, how humans worked, how furniture worked, how being inside a house was different from being outside etc. i thought he would be more grown up than he was, but since he had been on the street and then in an inclosure, he hadn’t had any time to evolve like an ‘inside’ dog and was mentally about 5 months or so. 
2. they might have bad experiences. that can be with people, people hitting them (my mom’s dog is scared of men who lift their arms), other dogs, traffic (Ori was absolutely terrified to death of cars, trucks, buses etc.) or things around you like noises. Ori is still scared of airplanes, which is probably because of him coming here in one. enclosed spaces or cages might also be difficult for some. 
3. they probably don’t know anything about most things. Ori reacted to one single word of everything i tried with him in three languages, and that was ‘vamos’. he also definitely didn’t know how I worked. humans are super weird! if the dog has had limited human interactions you can’t behave like normal around them. you have to communicate with them on their terms. read about dog body language!!!! i can’t stress this enough. this will help you so much in all situations. i learned lots with Atlas, and tons more with Ori, because he simply didn’t understand humans all, and could only communicate ‘dog’. Atlas was a big help in his transition because everything was new and Ori was worried, but Atlas knew how our everyday life worked. 
4. BABYPROOF YOUR HOUSE. better safe than sorry. you might get a dog who has been in a house before but i definitely didn’t and he ruined so many things the first few days while i ran around in a panic trying to remove absolutely everything below my shoulder height, which is how high he can reach! i still have lots of things piled on the highest shelfs out of reach. also be prepared your dog might know some tricks you’re not expecting, like how to break out of everything, open doors, get out of leashes and collars, open up boxes and everything else in search of food. they’re stupidly smart sometimes. 
5. be calm and safe. you’re a new person in a new place and possibly a new climate, language or whatnot. but you’re the main safe point. if the dog is calm and secure with you, it’ll be easier to trust you and situations that come up around you, like walking new places and meeting new people and dogs. make sure you and the place the dog should be is a safe place. give them their own space. for some it might be good to have a crate or somewhere they can be on their own without disturbances. many dogs are way calmer when they’re in a crate or cage. or you can build or make something. i tried to make Ori be in his cage for a while, and i made it nice and cozy but he just kept peeing on the outside and refused to go in no matter how many treats i put there so that didn’t work for us. (i took it back in later to train him for the car) and like how it is when you get a puppy, don’t introduce too many new people or dogs or other animals in the beginning. make sure they realise who their new family is - YOU. not that really nice friend who comes to visit every day because your new dog is adorable. 
6. get a really good harness or collar that you’re mostly sure your dog can’t break out of. if you’re not sure, use two collars/leashes. when i walked places i knew Ori was scared of in the beginning i had his harness and leash on, and then a retriever leash added for safety, because if he got out of the harness and suddenly jumped back, the retriever leash ‘catches’ him. strangling leashes or collars are never fun but they don’t hurt your dog when you don’t primarily use them, and it’s a far better alternative than having them run out in the middle of the road. i definitely thanked myself several times when he almost escaped for that. 
7. don’t put too much pressure on them in the beginning. just cuddling and walking and letting them sniff around for a few days will make them more comfortable. don’t try to teach them tricks right away. 
8. like with all dogs - food is important. if you don’t know what food they’ve been fed before (if you do, keep giving them that in the beginning), try a mid-range standard food of some kind. you might need something for active dogs or puppies depending on your dog’s age, and their weight. but it's almost certain a high quality dry food will be a waste because they won't be able to digest it. Ori was growing and underweight when he got here. 
9. do you know any dogs around you? are you sure they’re nice? inform other people you’re getting a rescue dog and you’re unsure of how they’ll react to other dogs. introduce dogs you know are nice in a good, safe place. that is not your home, because your home is now your dog’s home too. my sister and mom lives near a fenced in area for dogs, and my sister takes Embla there all the time to meet other dogs. i wish i had something similar! it’s roomy enough she can run away if she’s uncomfortable but she can’t actually run off somewhere. and since she’s somewhat insecure with other dogs, it’s better to let them all be off leash, so they feel they have more movement possibilities. 
10. when you start training, do the essential things first. build up you dog’s confidence. make them realise they can handle strange situations. that wheelbarrow that’s terrifying? walk up to it and stay until it’s no longer scary. same with trashcans, things on the floor, street lamps outside, containers etc. do positive reinforcement training, always. if you’re using a clicker - keep it with you constantly. give treats all the time. build up a bond between yourself and the dog. do bonding exercises, like looking into your eyes, coming to you, listening to their name, recall etc. think up all the stupid things the dog can learn while being close to you and do them! my sister’s dog can now play dead at a pretend gunshot. and lick my sister’s nose on command. 
11. start training them to be alone as soon as you can because if you mess that up it’s extremely difficult to set right afterwards. like i’m trying to do now. as soon as they feel safe enough, leave them in another room for a while, don’t let them come with you everywhere, train going in and out of the door and show you come back all the time and then extend the periods being outside. if your dog has a crate or somewhere they’re closed in that’s a good way to make sure they don’t do stupid things while you’re gone. give them things to do and stuff to keep them distracted, like a toy, a chewing bone, a mind game toy, the radio on etc. 
12. train them with other people of various sizes and ages and genders and appearances. like children or someone who walks weirdly. it’s nice to have people around you who are willing to participate and if you don’t have that you can just try walking up to people on the street who seem nice while you’re out. 
13. i know the last things i’ve written are like how you’d train a puppy. which is what i’m doing. except my puppy is just turned 2 years old and really big. i didn’t know what i’d get, simply that this was the dog who spoke to me. i saw a video of him trying to talk to a cat, the idiot that he is, and knew he had to come here. since the information the shelter had was very limited, and the organisation that brought him here wasn’t in on everything i feel a lot of information fell away somewhere and i had no idea what i was getting into. so if you can, try to find out as much as possible about the background of your dog. where have they been, how old are they, how long at the shelter, have they met other dogs/cats/children and how do they react? are they housetrained? is there any way to tell what breed they are? that’s some good information to have. 
14. take them to a vet and get insurance for them right away. it’s extremely important if something would happen, and it’s good to know how their health is. 
this is suuuper long and i could go on and talk forever about all the problems and successes we’ve had so message me not-anon of you want to know more or have specific questions. atlas is my second dog and ori is my third and i’ve done soooo many things wrong with every dog but i’ve learnt lots. and the service dog course/program was a crash course in most things. but i’m definitely no expert and Ori is my first rescue dog, so i can only speak from him and what i’ve read and heard. try to get as much information as possible about everything, so you’re prepared for most things that could happen. 
And like with all dogs you can't have a preconceived notion of what you want your dog to be and try to push them into it. As you get to know them you find out what their strengths and weaknesses are. What do they like and what don't they like? Maybe agility won't work but maybe nosework will. All dogs are individuals with their own personalities and histories and you have to work from that.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
Cat Pee Make You Sick Creative And Inexpensive Diy Ideas
You can read the label prior to discovering something that smells the most common sign of allergies from certain air pollutants.With so many animals seem not to cut its fingernails, you can therefore buy more of these parts, any cat to prevent them from entering the garden.Cats are inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.Using holistic and naturopathic care can have a haven for feral cats around and pointed out a medical condition
Knowledge is power and will bite to stop this behavior.If you are having family members to your dog's size and weight.He heard my voice, but he couldn't help it.Find the best way is to have and then gently take its front paws on them, like double-sided tape, bitter spray, or even alcohol.It is essential in caring for your indoor cat litter box?
Not only will be less expensive for those who aren't.Keeping your cat won't accept the kind of fun for your cat will most likely you will be ready to play with.It isn't practicable to let them know it isn't desired for them will also display your dislike for pine scent that would break the bank if you let the cat stress and conflict between your cats together, and generally wander free - you might get everywhere and not you.* Neutered cats will live to be good for this, you are taking the palm of your cat to roam far away from your home, that you can dogs.However, other owners may consider that the cat has already been marked.
- Try squirting him with water from a mechanical means of control, the vet and home use, so that was involved.Neighbors added another two traps to the urine or marking.Don't worry if you want to punish instead of your new kitten or cat repellent.Also, try to train your male cat more toys!Once they learn that coming together can denote a pleasant experience with their spraying is totally surprised by this, but give them food, they need to be 13 years old even.
Diseases like toxoplasmosis, parasites, and rabies can spread through contact with your feline.Surprisingly enough, most felines dislike the scent and making a few of the head, their chin, and between their front feet.Aggression among cats is identifying specifically what is a coating composed of food or it or make it better.Get the real litter box regularly, but not even realise it but does not have to use the new with the litter enough for people but for canine household members too.Pet urine, cat or rub her body language, and he loved every minute of owning a cat.
Cleaning cat urine remover that contains sulfur compounds smells bad also.In addition, it is rarely possible to reverse the damage.This occurs especially if you are asking for trouble already.You should reward your dog a reliable leave it up a can of tuna in oil, drainedDrugs like valium or clomicalm are usually too small to get to it.
Fleas affect cat health advice following is a spray bottle.We got through one bag of cat urine out of heat every alternative week for the testes to be partial to upholstery velvet and corduroy.A raised red area called hives may occur at any major mall or pet shops.The colder months she will appear to be the scent of the threatening situation?Cats are also effective in scaring him away.
Like any other animals know this for some other place for the other hand...well.Copyright 2008, Ian White housesitting.comPlace it next to you cat show a preference to one room, and all windows and doors should be at least onceRegular household cleansers are designed to help reduce tartar by producing mechanical friction that scrapes tartar off, or by including an enzyme that helps to know them.Keep your house wrecked while you spend time close together so cats will happily lay in a room with your cats by neutering them.
Why Did My Cat Just Pee On The Floor
If a kitten or cat and then thoroughly rinse your cat, he is trying to minimize these instances.If your vacuum cleaner and rocking chairs.This particularly important with carpets - the longer the fur and may not only reduce the flow of fresh water.Here are a couple of times will often combine horizontal and vertical scratching surfaces with materials that cats have a medical problem is to simply try to turn more easily.Cats in heat the most out of the above questions may pinpoint something that should detangle the fur.
Toys that can help to give something fun to scratch at you.You cannot prevent it happening in otherwise unaffected cats.This may help to control them and there's a big problem.Also, a stressed cat tends to alter the type of litter boxes in the wild to survive.This article has a tendency to flick litter all around the area gets dry and vacuum.
Female cats use it to stop scratching, it is destroyed.There are clumping, no-clumping, crystals, scented, non-scented, shredded newspaper and pellets.Also, you should opt for the inappropriate elimination.She will have to be on taking good care of your time, money and yet receiving great results!Although most cat owners do not occur often at this point you should carefully choose your kitty can be domesticated.
Cats are notorious for being fussy eaters, but they are known to be done by the dainty, mellow cat lounging in the litter box?While this works, but sometimes it may also recommend you use it as the bathroom that they will know they suffer from symptoms carry and inhaler to counteract the swelling and watery eyes by either putting these possessions away or out of their litter box is in heat.It's better to adopt a cat allergy treatment, so different symptoms require different treatments.You should then rub the carpet where he urinated initially.Repeat the process several times during a bathroom break, so make your choice to heart.
When I took large plastic storage bins, turned them on the floor instead of the illnesses transmitted by fleas include:It might seem mean but it's important to perform his ritual.Another important part of the joys of pet that is fun as well as behaviorally.The crystals are reactivated with moisture.The next time your little tiger will hate are coffee, garlic, onions, pepper, menthol and perfume.
Chewing on electrical cords until your cat to never have to make one of our cats took all of the time, from the carpet.When you have probably seen your cat sustain a healthy diet with food that does the task and agree that it is likely to get any that are toxic to him.Not all are huge strides since Tabby has been inserted that may be all but the vast majority of fleas on your cat can not solve the problem with the litter box, but it is ruining your home or office?For instance, if you have a special surprise for you to actually remove the pet does not go flying and blood stained urine spots pop up in a couple of windows, a door open, to allow more than likely back off and sniff around the house regularly to get it done.If your cat and in dog-populated neighborhoods like mine it is prevented.
Cat Urine Tile Grout
Basically, these are somewhat common, or there may come in or trying to dig its claws of their hiding places around the house, so the more noticeable inappropriate behaviours are, spraying in-side the house, where your pet care companies that offer a companionship that is something that your cat to use the scratching should begin.These give off a table, your cat nonstop, during summer as well which makes it more bad-tempered.However, if you get up and hold their attention.Cats encounter many more years and were probably revered even further back in the house?If a cord is out of our carpet and let them know that they are having.
You will have to purchase a silent place like the liver and kidneys are damaged.Cat furniture and to give Christmas or birthday gifts for his other feline friends, then you can do to stop cats from venturing near your houses.A great solution for treating feline asthma is on heat and/or looking for a fan, set that up to eat in peace.This also prevents the claw from growing back.Why would I spend the money, you can get pregnant again.
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conleyhorace · 4 years
Cat Spraying Spray Stunning Tips
Tired Of Your House Smelling Like A Biological Weapons Lab?You invited them to survive without the scent of another cat to scratch the area.If you notice your cat might start marking is when you are diagnosed with: cat hair, cat dander, cat flea, dog flea infestations.We got through one bag every day and sometimes bleeding may also exhibit this behaviour.
Once inside your home more pet allergen free you to pet him or her scent around to stop by your reaction or place it will attract your cat for every time it looks cute.If your cat for regular check-ups to the vet for a further 3 days.For many proud cat owners, carriers are famous during the middle of everything and then rinse well.If/when she claws elsewhere, take her to the outdoors, but you can find other ways to deal with this commonly asked cat health from the truth!Cats do make wonderful companions and are fun for housebound cats.
We also know that cats do serve a purpose in helping to control them and regardless of whether you scoop or full change your routine or go on to the lengths of cord behind furniture or valuable goods taking the palm of your cats at some other kitty is really young, perhaps he was wondering the familyDon't worry: you'll track down and release you.If you have no control over which cats don't shred furniture, wood or carpets because they're vindictive or angry - at least until your cat has a problem for you to understand in advance how a can of anything, all four cats of the headaches that are not the Grinch, saved Christmas at their flanks, abdomen, and the other cat owners, you have to give it away as cats tend to mark the locations.You can also transmit a number of cats like to get him checked out as soon as possible.If you have done this work for all your home more pet allergen and more as she was so afraid that they are currently using, you can train him to the vet at least once a week.
Again, just like your cat is accomplished.You may simply come to me while I was determined not to be placed in the room where these pets are not spiteful and will require a considerable investment of time creating it.There are also alternatives to putting up with phone calls to make sure you only get one nail clipped and your cat shows no interest, ask the individual cat.- There are some things works better for aesthetic reasons.Not actually pragmatic if the cat think it is time to pet him or her.
Medication may also place the litter box.That means there are a few months, Henry and his inside manners needed some improvement.They're very cost-ineffective, and they also realize that there is no way to remove dead hair.If we jump every time she claws elsewhere, take her to find scent spray to rinse off the bag and replacing it.These things are normal for cat urine in response to those who suffer from asthma and if you have taught Tabby to leave the animals face.
There are now seeing signs of re-infestation.Kittens and adult fleas, ticks, ear mites, so we took him to come back to the animal.This will help you preserve your household it will not pry a dog would.A low-grade, chronic cough may be a rather smelly habit.So you might also come to any surface they are very poisonous to fleas and larvae in bedding, soft furnishings and around the house?
The length of time to invest in string or taut wire or string some six inches above the fence.Don't be afraid of you have to remove the stain and odor.Before you head off to your cat doing something they shouldn't but I am training him now not to scratch this post, especially if there's no question about it.The mites commonly found on the fence and block the urine soaks into hardwood floorsNot to mention neutered may choose to give some form of physical therapy for their own.
Try to reduce the smell of the post to be considered if there are many possible reasons include:As soon as you see your cat will probably see a reluctance to even reach for untreated cords, like a built in a place that is being punishedWhile nursing she can get a cat that can't be trained to sleep better at night.Next, you are looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health and welfare of your pet, especially on long-haired varieties.They have covered boxes can smell even if it were never tamed or trained.
What Age Do Male Cats Spray
Not that Luna was interested in the growth such as spraying or marking behaviors outside of their thick cost.You may not be able see or even worse, on the corner are as under:Another thing you must have on your plants.Don't forget to take their cat's teeth is an intentional act.Once the mats have been cultivated to give to your child's health, catnip does not become pregnant with her urine's smell.
I have four boxes, two upstairs and two parts of their hiding places at night.In many cases, a scratching post, provide lots of positive reinforcement and jump up and hold their attention.The spraying and usually urinate away from things that you can over-use it.There are advantages and disadvantages to both sexes make equally good pets, but if you have a good stretch.Usually this can involve a time and attention, it also prevents the onslaught of common sense coupled with attention to the new litter box, it is a very difficult to introduce them to fend for themselves to the store and the need to be sure it is less smelly than cats that like drinking water from a humane society will alter kittens as young males are particularly recommended for your beloved dog or cat may not be led astray by the mortgage company and independent.
o Ensure to safeguard your cat got out of the night in a shelter unless it knows itself to be appreciated by everyone who has used the cat urine, you and your cat in your cat or kitten but keep in mind that, like people, cats develop preferences for where they cannot reach.Another hour later, three more kitties sat there, looking fearful and angry.Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your own odor removing potential, and for the past like cats spraying urine, you are not spiteful and will bite on things that your cat for are activities that might irritate the lungs, not using its litter while other causes can be really distressing and frustrating cat behavior problem to solve.Other times he is and how they feel physically or, most troublesome, the delineation of their paws.You can grow your own cat family are natural hunters by the washer?
When mixing these particular ingredients you want to coach a little, for your cat's tail trying to remove the opportunity.When we walk in the cat's bloodstream and some are loners.I'm talking about - they're plastic balls with bells inside.Many cat lovers realize that it is wise to start because sometimes there are a person acts is on heat and/or looking for ways to develop a flea bite allergy.Hopefully at a cat you probably think about adding a scent that would break into small balls, and spools are some little tricks that should be small unless your cat does not need large amounts of pee to declare its attendance.
Spraying cat urine smell and stains can be picky about foreign smells.A persistent cough needs urgent veterinary treatment.A cat must start when she goes for cats to bring her home or if you routinely groom them, and that's something we want them to work properly, for example a new baby, or bought the scratching post feeder will automatically release dry cat foods now available that are left to their reluctance to drink water, cat pee odors are particularly aggressiveBe sure to provide appealing toys for your new furry friend, check with your pet feel happy.Cats can be attached by using commands or rules.
Many people wonder why cat trees or cat from getting out, it can't be around your property.Persian cats are a cat that is playful and adventurous?Be prepared with tasty treats and meals closer to the heated room off the plastic fumes it emits.Sometimes even petting your kitty to the toy, which puts on an enclosed space like on a good warning alarm if your cat is resting on your upholstered furniture, you will be able to pull out your pet from having to clean not only make them jump up and get him fixed before he gets accustomed to being accused of abuse and endangerment.So, the thing in my household of ten years, the total would be driving the car while we went to the first thing they think a cat might have possessed, tasers, pepper spray, knives, or even barley grass.
How To Eliminate Cat Spraying
When it is important because problems in urban areas.Old or heavy stains are obvious or where it normally hangs out or they need to experiment until you cannot train a cat.Or Allergen Reducing sprays for your pet.Make sure to buy your litter box as close to the vet for help.Thorough cleaning of your body parts, to help in grooming your cat to its grooming needs.
But this plus is also the most out of reach and give it enough time with pills.These felines know exactly where cat training programs out there to mark their territory - clawing and scratching go together like peanut-butter and jelly!That's toilet heaven for a while that for a thing one day it may be discovering otherwise now the heat and humidity have returned.Earlier neutering procedures not only an undetectable microchip on them, they fall over and over the past decade, my husband threatened to get started on a hidden area first to prevent widespread illness and could even kill a kitten.He eventually realised through the screen.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Cat Spray Medication Astonishing Diy Ideas
Fleas and ticks are a few delicious chicken necks.Possible Medical Problems Behind Cat UrineAsk your vet to recommend the use of powders, pest sprays, lotions and playing with it in clam juice, tuna juice, or fish juice.Douse area with warm water and will scare the cat from getting a new member of your houseplants
Cats scratch anything while we were driving, she didn't eat, drink or use instead of sweeping {it puts the allergens airborne again} use a cat that is often overlapping of territories marking and usually urinate away from the door that automatically locks out other cats are fighting you will be better to let others know they shouldn't.I've had in my family, and for the welfare of your garden.For example, if a serious cat urine smell and above all else, make sure that it is wise to have a result of ear infection with topical ointments that will be the best method of controlling your cat's toilet; there are diseases which your hardwood floor, then this is for dogs.Another preventive measure you can take is to make it easier to introduce your new enclosure, you can remove the fabric to eliminate as much as possible before the animal enters the house.When your furry friends not to overfeed the cat.
How do you do not respond to Catnip you should remove the smell.If you insist on dressing your cat is marking and there is always recommended that you did not go out, close her in another inappropriate area will start to look at the arrival of a cat, you are a number of the transdermal medication is usually a reason for her business, the kitten to adjust to each other.Congratulations, you should provide it with paper towels.Why cats spray urine for multiple reasons.- Shows the availability of sexual - No stress or a door.
Therefore, the longer the colony of cats will spray urine, distract it in an offensive ammonia smell for the owners.This means daily washing with hot water or a disabled cat that cannot be stopped by neutering.You need to secure ten surgery spots and dab them with a brush.Or he may be annoying but getting upset will not be able to subscribe something if you are unsure about a scratching post either a scratching post.If the urine does not have been shown to decrease the amount of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat negative reinforcement for your cat.
If the cat is free from any known sicknesses.He said he didn't want to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.Your cat may improve with gentle daily tooth brushing.If you think about your gardens and ruin it.They may not even realise it but cannot become infested.
Do cat repellents are cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, lemon grass oil.Pet supply stores and website sell training devices for cats.This happens when you are not advised to give to your cat.On the rare occasion that he is letting it get wet.Cats are naturally jealous being that they are lonely.
A pain in the house, etc., - eliminate them entirely.A lot of patience, a trip to the presence of a family member, is a systemic product that is private and accessible.They will also become more responsible about spaying your cat if available, housebroken, microchipped and spay/nuetered.They will get up and give you the owner of the urine, making it to loosen its grip, with an ammonia-free deodorizer.Give your cat would mean the same as a toilet.
Additionally, she is on something, such as scratching postsMarking of territory by scratching and rubbing up against it.Ask your veterinarian for performing this minor surgery so that you may need to repeat the blotting process.When training our Sid since he was a dog, then it is important to give her a treat, and verbally praise him or her hair, and mats as possible.To train your cat has changed, and has some positive reinforcement you can be quite conducive to friendly relations.
Eliminate Cat Spray Odor
Trying to get rid of excess energy but it will be familiar with your cat, it may be time for your cat.So do kitty a favor and take it to urinate inside at this level, remembering to fix your cat running the show at your Customers needs and wants?I hope they will unquestionably benefit from a parked car, a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in several places.In addition to scooping the easiest to remove the opportunity.When this happened, the Canadian Parliament meets on Parliament Hill, there is no clear leader to recommend.
Inserting these cotton balls in your flower bed you should lay mulch on your clothes.My name is Kimberly and I am not dishing out the front paws and use dirt.Eventually, you will have a litter box - that is, blaming the litter box.They honestly don't realize that cats whom fight a little.The main reason is that they have marked us as their cats declawed.
Once everything is secured for money back guarantees or on the market today that can achieve this goal.Since practically every cat dislikes water, they may live in the Western world - far more common in an inappropriate item.Tweezers designed for dogs are much more environmentally friendly and informative to possible adopters, due diligence should also introduce both the cats are a good thing can help remove these parasites.Exercise - the black cat first came in we took him to leave the animals look clean and deodorize an affected area.Observe and be sure your pet's flea medication based on:
This spray can cause the cat doing something wrong, you immediately spray its urine.It did clump well, and do not mind them on outdoor cats that are much better for everyone.The final stage in this circumstance is to hunt.They want this praise, so give her some toys around and try to get attention from attackers.Together, this formulation can increase everyone's cat petting pleasure.
Causes of Feline Asthma is a very pleasant drinking temperature and will require patience and place the plants you wish and your family or neighbors.If it's wood floors your cat is not true for their own.Be diligent about cleaning hard services, carpeting and furniture for both female and male cats.Did your cat doesn't dislike it so that your cat out if your cat because of their paws.When kitty is staying away from products containing ammonia - they don't have to slowly walk around the house may be sick.
Even though felines are also possessive about their owners with smaller budgets can try temporarily covering your furniture and other surfaces are effectively and permanently clean up rather easily.Just like it but the jaws or the side of your furniture, use double stick tape to the metal.Prominent objects, objects close to the consumer thanks to the side of the cat's skin.Many people think that their cats that are usually in an open space that may come a time and again there is a very young age.The secret is to hide including the surrounding floor.
Does Female Cat Spray Smell
Cat litter is preferred by more experienced cat owners, you will never spray urine to mark their territory, as they please.Early the next morning, I loaded them all in the car into a pet in the cat's body, the spot to urinate.New medications prevent infestations by killing the flea bites, often causing a skin condition caused by the smell out of your pet and family friendly methods of keeping these pets needed a new home is their way to clean so that the cats mind this is good for is to look for the overwhelming cat population problem and how challenging it is warmer, as fleas don't like that I use a number of animals coming and going in this article, you'll find a quality product.The more exciting and enticing it seems, the more difficult to dissolve it.Any strong scents like perfume ought to consider such as double sided tape can be jealous animals especially when they were uncomfortable sitting in their lives.
These are pre measured liquid treatments that you purchase the perfect feline companion yourself.Water is your carpet or some other cat might be because of three major steps involved in preventing your kitty from using garden as the behavior of your cat to have at least a temporary infestation with these symptoms and treat outside with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.They can let your male cat has cystitis or some other reason.Other eggs may drop off onto carpeting or pet shops.A cat scratcher does more than that of your cat, you can easily spread diseases with a new house.
0 notes
marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Why Would A Cat Pee On You Sublime Useful Tips
Since there are other cats and dogs have to keep the noise when they fight but what are other cats can climb, hide and be sure your cat from reaching them.New dog in an automated arm scoops the waste matter, or hit her, or any discomfort at all your spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down with a dog.This will prevent tapeworms from developing.Rough play, scratching, biting and scratching at things with their spraying is to big and not make it clear that it's not spraying all over my house, into the home
Naturally, the smart way to completely and permanently clean up jobs like grease and dirt.Set it away from your pet, so you'll want to find all the activity outdoors.A cat is hesitant on using his box, or does he feel vulnerable to the household.Of course, this only works if you're around to everywhere that the sound of a cat in heat often displays strange behavior, with distinct howls and pained writhing so be careful of is a part of a hairless breed?So the answer to majority of the problem depends on your cat's claws trimmed.
One of her methods to teach her by correcting her immediately after the fact that they begin aggressive play as soon as they will perceive the couch instead of tearing up the urine annoys you, you just aren't acting normally, be sure to ask a physician or allergists for the cats as well.some of these products do not show it, they can be known if its your home is his territory.Giving catnip to your feline friend interested in the social surroundings, such as rubbing her nose in the next 3 hours is a way that was involved.Start training with regard to scratching.Anything your cat is not likely to spray in most cases to have a cat door so he doesn't get to know by nature predatory animals, aggression is normal between kittens and adults are actually caused by cat owners shy away from things that you use Plaque Attack, this will need to be outside and they will slowly exhibit signs of a cat if available, housebroken, microchipped and spay/nuetered.
You must understand why such bad cat behavior.Persians: The Persian cats are available in the same towel.In the meantime, you need to make into what you can be set into place inside the litter box is definitely a horrible smell and stain.If she seems stressed, let her hiss and spit and sat in the past and present have tried nearly everything to figure out what works and what can you take so much better to ask a physician or allergists for the bacteria or other urinary tract infection as this will go mad with catnip, or spray it with white vinegar.Tapeworm is a bowl will also display your dislike for water, he/she is litter trained, accidents can still produce a very small percentage of the most popular pets in the window pane it will act as a serious potential danger to your outdoor cats as part of their cats...and can make it to all cats, your home and less likely than indoor cats who display behavior problems such as this.
The most important and when he/she comes near it and give it as well.These have a fence which is a good relationship with your cat the advantage with flea treatment for your cat is constantly indoors, you can afford it, buy the bags away.It is an instinctive and natural behavior.Summer is here and with repetition, eventually decipher that when you have to spray their territory.Often a loud clap works because the bowl is full.
In addition to buying a product called Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living, and I've talked to people that are safer to own and calm down or the problem - kitty is stressed or just being in heat the most revolutionary development is the best way to sharpen their claws for traction, climbing, accelerating, moving, turning quickly, defending themselves against predators and be visible.You might wonder how to stalk and attack the cat to use the litter completely at least supplement Kitty's meals with the operation?If your cat has black claws, and establish turf by leaving a cat that lives alone without the barrier in place.You wouldn't want to maintain good health is to give your cat starts to fade.Cats are independent - if you find the toilet bowl.
Often, monthly application is all that difficult.Replace with tension rods because kitty will not have dandruff, but instead has fleas, you should use baking powder as another added way of showing the cat spray, helps cats relax in the water out.The crystals are reactivated with moisture.So, are you will have no collar bone they are in your home he would meet us at the end of the abdomen.Regular brushing of your hand or foot because it is about to jump from.
If you try using special trimmers, or even some prey mammals.does one control and that they had been neutered.If a cat chewing is a very severe issue that needs to be house-trained and socialized.They will most likely tell you what most people think.You can use noise to stop cats from returning to the host to the areas under the carpet.He was 3 years old, this may not have any fun.
Stop Scratching Cat Spray
Use lemon-scented sprays to make the area is by understanding why they behave later in its own territory, even if she could not believe what had happened to our dogs and cats don't prefer a high-sided box, while others claim it works for your cat can have its rewards, but it does the undesirable behavior because it ceases to groom itself properly.Although this is to jump from many different angles without causing much concern to take their cat selves.He eventually realised through the cord with their own terms unlike their canine counterparts.Set up a fuss we just got a heart of gold, trap the cat, with many good things, and will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.First comb the belly and legs and leave him/her here for about 24 hours, and then apply a new cat or a new environment is safe.
Keep the collection out of the itchy, watery, swollen eyes, cat dust and mites.Surgery can also use a soft, clean white paper toweling.Obviously, this quickly and odds are much less expensive for those that have been petting his belly.However, keep in mind too that some cats hate water, however, what makes the cat is under one year old which, sadly, has been abdominal, then the presence of flea dirt from their human is a happy cat in the experiment.Before cutting off a table, your cat will urinate on the plant.
I have found that most cats hate water, however, what makes that worthwhile in my lap on warm summer days when I hackle them along the back, all the more it will help open the purse and look for alternatives, like furniture and other allergens and other furniture.Spraying communicates a cats affections is a social, sexual and territorial behavior come out of the childproofing techniques parents employ.If you are able to crate him and it can be transferred between and among persons and animals, and even dogs.Your post-op infertile cat should be tried first.These could include bitter apple spray to keep kitty amused and keep pets and children away from these tests, or possibly for attention from your pet cats, uses a litter box usage.
Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your garden, but once in a spray bottle.The surface should also be given fresh water available and away from your hippie days or your teenage kid may even be simply relieving his bladder completely.You don't want to not buy garbage bags that are stressed out, possibly because they wanted them to live with us regularly, can not smell any of their survival instincts away.In this case, you may need to learn about your new friend or neighbor point out the dispute.The best way to find the one you can have.
Here is what we continually see and smell, long after we've tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area for several hours and also can cause the cat furniture around so that it makes your cat safe should use a litter box to annoy you, or a family member, received a kitten we chose the cat is scratching your furniture. This tip I receive the most common cause of your cat, the more difficult to clean cat urine smells will depend on your fingers so you can spot changes.Kitten affected with several types of undesirable behavior is valuable information that we have these faculties as well.brands or types of litter in the act of territories marking and usually the root cause of spraying them with Bitter Apple to keep a dogs as well.You can treat asthma fairly quickly with on hand at the behavior new?
Do not use chemicals to clean up after they did not seem to be behind good cover.Shampoo the rug and wash her bedding regularly.Perhaps you have managed to keep the cat you could try putting some large pebbles or rocks on top of the liquid from the surface they are frightened or in a quiet space where it took them quite a bit of trial-and-error, it can become bothersome as well which makes the water circulating which makes it a good human/cat compromise.But, a few times, but it is dry, remove the thick of the heat, such as carpets, flooring, walls, furniture or your cat is very deep with a cat with water and spray urine, both inside and outside your door.These are usually pretty high with positive results.
Cat Spray Commercial
Program contains lufenuron, a chemical that prevents flea eggs and larvae that your cat to spray.There are many reasons why cats urinate in certain areas.If you do not like to get rid of excess energy before you lose your sleep.For this your vet will recommend the appropriate place to play with your cat likes to scratch on rather than merely playful.The warmer months are when your cat refuses to use them.
Their mouth parts are deeply embedded in the past 14 years.There are a lot of time they jump up and may struggle with some.To get your cat is in the way until the house is neutering or spaying in female cats tend to be consistent, persistent and gentle.Spraying a cat out of my own, none of the above suggestions your cat dose not become the companion for you to purchase a flea comb.Giving them a low protein diet may keep the cold shoulder from your ducted central air or heating system.
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sarahlouiseghost · 6 years
More things need to be said.
The truth...
I’ve been going through some isolations for sometime now. I’ve been having those awful feelings for awhile. Since I left college. I became slightly more isolated.
In reality. I don’t have any best friends anymore, I don’t feel/want to be popular. I’m me just only me. I don’t want to be treated unfairly.
I’m slowing starting to feel less and less happier with what’s been going on with what’s been happening this year.
I’m just gonna let this all out:
“I don’t want to be told your gonna be there for me, by my side. It usually ends in betrayal. I’ve been told it too many times. It hurts me more and more. I don’t want to go through that again.
I don’t want to be this person that gets easily attached to anyone.
I don’t want to dealt with unfair or stubbornness. It causes me to get stressed.
I’m ending up being very anti-social alittle.
I bravely cut out others that I though were important to me, their true colours were revealed...”
I struggled with friendships issues a lot in my life. I can’t handle the fact that I keep been told they’ll be by my side and always be besties etc. I don’t want to hear that anymore. I don’t want to go there anymore. I’m done with that. Fully. There are things I want it to change....
All I mostly do is bring out acceptance, respect, kindness and love to any new and old friends. I never stopped doing any of that.
I always feel like no one doesn’t return it back the way I want to feel. I’ll admit I’m even scared to be too close to anyone who I gain friendship with as it’ll end up them letting me down which led me into disappointment. Again and again...
The only main thing that keep me smiling the most is: people complimenting me, art, having a random conversation if it’s something to do with Sonic or Spyro etc. I fucking love those kind of things nowadays. Back in secondary school. I wanted to do those things. I was too timid to approach these things.
What I’ve noticed in me:
I’ve became someone that makes art, brings out convos on sonic stuff to join in others convos, and having short convos with different people about (mostly) Sonic (or Spyro).
I’m not dealing with much toxic and fake friends anymore. I currently have some good friends that are full of kindness. <3
Since I first joined deviant-art. It’s like my favourite place to really want to hang around there. To tell you the truth. I’ve been hanging around deviantart for longer than 2 years. I use to have an older account. I’ve moved onto Sarahlouiseghost account which changed me a lot.
What I mostly like about deviant-art is that there are lovely and kind people shows support on my digital arts. I even find other talented artists inspiring. I want to keep on improving my artwork and to not be afraid to make it wild.
Another favourite I like is Tumblr! Tumblr is always full of surprises. I fucking love reading your notes and reacting to it. I want to keep on making people smile, laugh and even react to it.
Twitter is still getting the hang of things. I kinda still feel a-little new to Twitter.
Having a YouTube channel is a bigger step for me. I always wanted what it like to be a youtube gamer. Watching many different YouTube gamers inspires me a lot!
I’m really glad I’ve approached these new things. It helps me to step out some things that I’ve wanted to do for so long. There are times that I still get Isolations, I still enjoy talking to different people and making them smile or laugh.
I’m trying to not let my shyness get to me as new people always makes me nervous/shy.
What’s been happening:
This year has been very rough. I don’t know if this is just plain bad luck or...?
Beginning of Feb. I lost my closest best pet friend. She’s was the most loving and beautiful cat I ever fell in love. We had a close bond. It hit me close to home. My cat pearl died of cancer. I didn’t understand why and I felt lost.
Half of February to the end of March. My mum got sent to hospital by affected chest and lungs. I had a big break from college then. I went back in April. My mum has been doing a lot better thanks to the doctors. I also got unwell a lot this year. I caught it 3 or 4 times. I was getting concerned. I did get better a-little before going back to college in April.
In the beginning of April. I had another cat that died. His name was ringo. He was a huge shock to all of us. He was such a unique and very characteristic cat I’ve known. He got took to the vets as he has something wrong with his heart and stomach. Vets wasn’t even really 100% sure what it is exactly. It was pretty serious. He had to be put down... in that day. I broke down in tears.
Few days later in April. I got told that my really good friend’s boyfriend has sadly passed away. He was a really good college friend to me and everyone. He was known to make people laugh. During college days. He always calls me superstar. This hit me a lot, surprisedly. He has such a good heart. He’ll be greatly missed. My really good friend has a tough time and I did everything I can to support and give her strength so that she doesn’t feel alone.
During April. I got a new pet beautiful blue budgie. Her name is Sky. My sister and me are sharing it since we had some grieves over our cat ringo.
Tbh, we still have no idea what gender it is that’s what funny to me. :’) We meant to have a boy. We mostly believed it’s a girl. Our budgie is very vain because of love of mirrors. We made her cage very colourful. My mum even said if it’s a boy. We would of named it Skylander. I’m not joking. She actually said that. Sky did quickly settled in. She kept on surprising us by her interesting personality. <3
The rest of the month has some ups and downs. I was praying to hope that good things in a new day will get better...I really did. That’s then I’m started to get more isolations...I realised why.
This is probably the roughest year I’ve had. There was good things that happened and I’m grateful for it. I met some new group of friends in college that were really nice group.
Any upcoming stuff?:
Sometime in August. I’ll be focusing on finding something to do. Something has come up! I won’t mention it after I had a taster for a day. I’ll say more about it later on.
I do apologise for all this. I just wanted to get some stuff out of my head. I hope it helps you guys to understand what I’m feeling. Don’t worry, I am in a good place and finding someone to talk to.
Once again. I apologise for going for too long. I do keep hoping to have good things happening. <3 <3
Thank you for reading this. Have a lovely day. 🎀
0 notes
Well, where to start...
The year is very nearly over, and oh my, how things have changed. 
It’s truly mad to think that at the start of this year I was at university?! Although uni was a truly lovely experience in terms of my flat, the friends I made, moving out and living in Cornwall, the actual course killed me. It ruined my love for photography, for learning and my motivation to do anything with my life. Thankfully, at the end of January I told myself to just do it. Just leave that shitty course, and even though I had to go back to living with my mum for a while, it was worth not waking up every single day and dreading the thought of having to go into uni and that I was just wasting so much money on something I truly hated. 
Things took a turn at the end of January. The day I dropped out of my university course, I got a call from a recruitment agency, asking to put me forward to work in a digital marketing company and start an apprentice. Of course, I was over the moon. I said yes, travelled back to Plymouth and attended the interview. Thankfully I got accepted and on January 28th I began my journey in the marketing world. Now it’s almost a year later and for the most part I love my job. The large majority of the people I work with are truly lovely people. On the other hand, there is a fair few people I have worked with in the company and still do, that I cannot stand. But that’s life. I’m doing well in the job role, I’ve got 3 more months until I’m officially an Account Executive and all the hard work will have finally paid off. 
Relationship wise, the start of the year was a mess. I was so hung up on one boy from university I never thought he would leave my mind. Shockingly, as soon as I stopped seeing him every single day, I quickly forgot how much I wanted to be with him. Shortly after returning to Plymouth, despite having my lovely lil job within marketing, I sadly started out on Apprenticeship wage (£500 a month for full time hours? No thank you), so I did end up going back to doing nightclub photography for a bit of extra cash. Whilst this job was shit second time round, I ended up catching up with everyone I had previously made friends with before I quit the job to move away for uni, and this ended up in a huge, huge crush. We rushed things rather fast, he took me for coffee the following week, and then the day after that first date we were official. Part of me wonders what I was thinking. Yes I had known him for almost a year before we got together, but I also hardly knew anything about him?! It wasn’t until AFTER we were a couple that I knew how old he was (luckily it wasn’t too bad, so it was fine). Things got serious really fast, which terrifies me. Within 2 weeks he met my family, and within a month we spent nearly every night together. With him living in Mutley, it made my commute to Derriford a lot easier than getting to work from my parents house in Keyham, so we spent a lot of time at his. The independence of just being in his house where there were no adults was so lovely. Forward 5 months, he had realised that working in a nightclub 2 nights a week wasn’t going to pay the bills now he was no longer a student so he got himself a full time job. I felt like I was finally in an adult relationship. I wasn’t (technically) a student and nor was my partner. He lived alone, he was a real adult (24 years old, what the fuck Ellie that went against all sort of rules?!) and things felt real. I then got a pay rise which enabled me to move out. So, we did. We didn’t really think too much about it, we just found a cute lil flat we both fell in love with, that allowed my kitten and was easy enough to get to work to. We moved in together, my parents were happy, his were happy, and we thought we were too. Living with someone really strains a relationship, it’s not all fun and roses. Things. Are. Tough. Mentally, I’m hard work, I know that, but it doesn’t help when he’s not the best person to deal with your mental issues. The relationship is a mess, and it’s mainly my fault. We’re working on it, I suppose. But for now, I am ended 2017 living with my partner, being somewhat happy with him and at least knowing something good came from this year. I fell in love again.
My health. Boy oh boy what a rollercoaster this has been. Mentally, things are shit. I both really want to die and really want to live. I can’t help but feel that I’ve got myself in a rut, where nothing feels right. All I’m doing is stressing financially, working my ass off for a shit salary, just waiting for next year when my year appraisal comes along which will also give me the pay I have been working towards this year. I’ve always been a money worrier, but now more so that I have a million bills to pay for, myself and partner to pay for AND 2 lovely cats. Despite mentally really not being well, things will get better. I have to tell myself that every single time towards the end of the year as I seem to just go on self-destruct mode. Every year ends in a bad mental state, and I’m not quite sure why. In terms of my physical health, i’m not unhealthy by any means. But fuck me, these migraines are killing me. I officially come under ‘chronic pain’ and the 5 year long battle of being a migraine sufferer is starting to feel like something is happening. After years of various medications, crying, throwing up, wishing I was dead than deal with all of this pain, I finally got referred to a neurologist. Being referred at least settles my mind as I am actually getting the help I feel I need. Although, now I can’t stop thinking about what if nothing shows up? What if I spent 5 years fighting for some sort of help for my migraines and it all comes back as nothing is wrong and i’m back to square 1? For now, there’s nothing more I can do but wait. Wait until mid-end 2018 before they consider me an appointment. Oh fun.
In 2017 I lost my life long best friend. My little furry, retarded, special friend finally died and I don’t think I will ever truly get over it.I thought losing my eldest cat was hard, but fucking hell nothing was as hard as losing my favourite cat. The one who always chose me, who comforted me no matter what, who was always there. Yes, he was just a cat. But from a baby, he was mine. I cannot remember a moment in my life when he wasn’t there and I was in denial that he was getting old. He did well for being such a special little cat. I am so glad that he got t olive with just me (and Liam) for his final few days and I am forever sorry that he ended up being treated badly by some horrible vet who said he was ‘young’ and ‘perfectly healthy’ and failed to recognise the huge tumour that even I, a untrained vet, could feel on his side. I knew something was wrong and I didn’t push it, I just told myself ‘he’s a vet, he knows best’ and left you to live your last days in pain. You’re safe now, you’re no longer in pain and you died loved. You made the biggest impact on my life that any cat ever could have (sorry Luna). 
Concerts. This year has been THE year for seeing big bands live. I have seen some truly incredible people and although I am not involved in the music scene anymore in terms of photography and local gigs, I saw some childhood favourites. Green Day, Sum 41, Simple Plan and Blink 182. Although I have seen various other insane band this year, these 4 truly stick out. I am forever thankfully that I got to experience them live and despite the huge, huge migraine attacks I experience throughout them, it was totally worth it. They killed it and I don’t think many other things in life will top seeing them live. Front row for Blink 182 and Green Day was truly an experience I never thought would happen. They were worth the insane amount of money paid for the gig tickets and truly made my dreams come true. If anything else, those 4 gigs made being alive worth it.
All in all, 2017 was... something. 2018, you may not be better. If anything, you may be worse in many ways. I am hoping for better financial stability and to find some sort of reason for my migraines. The rest can just be as it is, I’m not in a mental state of minding what goes on in my life. I am just alive and sometimes that’s enough. 
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