#took me four hours bruh
valkoinenlintu · 11 months
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Die Nacht der Kommissare (2023)
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raens-art · 16 days
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kaythegayest · 2 years
Superhero/Villian Au
I'm was gone for a while, I would like to assure you that I didn't die.
Anyway, finalized character designs! (Let's be real, no one can read my handwriting. So I'll be translating everything)
Starting with the hero's,
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Aviate- Sky
Hero: Danger level: medium-high
Crimes committed: justified murder, Minor vandalism, manslaughter
-strict but kind, determined, outspoken
-friends with both Shade (see second panel) and Rogue (see third panel)
-out of all the hero's, he is the most hostile towards vigelates, believing them to be volatile threats to the public
-very defensive of the hero system
-favorite food is corn dogs
-engaged to Sun
-Calm under pressure
-has a pet parrot
What's in the pouch? A feather from his parrot, a red potion, hero ID, some rope (for restraining foes)
Power: Flight
Aviate's power is rather simple at first glance, but is very effective when it's used. Aviate, like the name suggests, can fly using holographic-looking wings, controlled by a combination of focus and arm movements. The wings largely follow Aviate's arm movements, however with enough concentration, he can move them on their own. The reason Aviate is the #1 hero, and what Makes it so powerful, is that it takes no endurance or stamina whatsoever to use. For example, Say he is chasing a criminal. The criminal is running as fast as he can, soon enough he runs out of breath, that's when Aviate swoops in, arresting him with little to no effort.
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Shade- Time
Hero: danger level- high
Crimes Committed: 3rd degree murder, lawful vandalism
- Sarcastic, irritable, collected,
-Rogue's (see third panel) mentor
-unlike Aviate, doesn't find a problem with vigelates, unless they get in the way
-knows full well the corruption of the hero system, but they do pay really well.
-Rather temperamental, but trys not to be
-has a annoyingly specific coffee order
-married to Malon
What's in the pockets? Anger Management medication, tape (for restraints), protein bar, Nokia phone (he needs a work phone that won't break), hero ID, pepper spray, Red potion
Power: Reactive Strength
Shade's ability builds off of his already powerful physical strength, and makes him stronger based on the intensity of his emotions. Rage is the best fuel for his power, multiplying his strength about ten times. However his power can be powered by any strong emotion. Doing as the fact that his power is emotion based, he needs to be extremely cautious with everyday situations, as anything could trigger his power. So as apposed to hurting someone, he elects to bottle up his emotions. Which makes his powers more powerful on the battlefield, however causes lasting problems with, and his mental state. He has prescribed anger management medication for when he needs to calm down, but he doesn't take is often as he's supposed to.
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Rouge- Twilight
Hero: danger level: medium-high
Crimes Committed: manslaughter, battery
-Loyal, protective, and decently petty
-is the only hero with permission to tamper interact with the evidence of a crime scene
-out of all the hero's, he is the most layed back about vigelates (and certain villains) leaving them with a warning as opposed to arresting them.
-Shade's protege
-(secretly) a mentor to Suspend (see fourth panel) and has a albeit shaky alliance with Thorn (see eighth panel)
-doesn't know the extent of the hero systems corruption, but knows enough to understand villains
-unlike the othe heroes, Rogue had 2 swords
-orders only basic white girl drinks at Starbucks.
What's in the harness? Latex gloves (no fingerprints allowed), a notebook, a pen, a Nokia phone (same reasoning as Shade), Empty bottles (storing evidence), handcuffs, Hero ID, health potion
Power: Tracking
Rogue has a more peculiar power, he has the ability to track someone down with dead accuracy using only something they have been in contact with. (ie: a piece of torn clothing, a left behind weapon, the persons blood, ect). He has gained the title "the bloodhound" with the media. Another thing about his power is whenever he uses it, he gets a almost feral impulse to hunt them. The strength of this urge is based on how close the person he's tracking is to his location. Rogue is scary because when he genuinely wants to, he can know your location, exactly what your doing, and how long it will take him to get there.
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Suspend- Wild
Vigilante: danger level: medium-high
Wanted for: aggravated assault, assault, battery, obstruction of the law, theft, vigilantism, Minor destruction of property, disturbance of peace, Minor vandalism
-Reckless, Easily distracted, Loyal, persistent
-Allies with Tetrad (see panel 5) and (friendly) acquaintances with Thorn
-Rogue's Protege, which gets a little complicated sometimes due to the whole your-entire-job-is-to-arrest-me thing.
-Became a vigelate when he realized that the heroes weren't protecting the poorer parts of town, so he decided to help the people the hero's weren't.
-he makes a very good vigelate despite his impulsive tendencies
-doesnt like coffee. Drinks monster energy instead. (Mipha does not approve)
What's on the harness? Stamina potion, climbing clips, (stolen) police radio, (stolen) taser, stun grenade. (He also has the rope across his chest)
Power: Time Manipulation
Suspend has a unique ability called time manipulation. He can slow down or speed up time around him while he remains at normal speed. This ability can be used for flurry rushes, sneak attacks, or even bullet time. Originally the media mistook his power for super speed which he had to correct the next time he saw a hero. There are two issues to his power. Not only does it sap his energy extremely fast, forcing him to carry around a stamina potion at all times, but also he hasn't completely mastered the power. He can't just slow down time whenever he wants. It's largely timing based, in the heat of the moment. The adrenaline rush allows him to temporarily unlock his power, but when the rush fades, he can't use it. he and Rogue are currently trying to figure out what triggers the power.
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Tetrad- Four
Vigelate: danger level- medium
Wanted for: vigilantism, obstruction of the law, wire fraud, theft
- subdued, rational, witty
-usually a loner but has a strong alliance with Suspend.
-prefers to stay out of the spotlight to avoid the hero's attention.
-he is very helpful to his community, fighting off criminals, walking drunk people home, ect. But comes off as more threatening then Suspend, who's more extroverted, when in reality he just doesn't want to talk. The community loves him nonetheless.
-when theres nothing to do on patrol, he reads. He's reading the Odyssey right now, or at least trying to. He has no idea what's happening.
What's in the backpack? Rope (restraints), flashlight, police tracker that notifies him about and where nearby crime is, his book, and thirty bang! snaps! (those little snappers you get for fireworks that you throw on the ground and they light up and are super loud. He uses those for stun grenades)
Power: Cloning
Tetrad has a rather unique power to clone himself a max of 4 times. these clones don't have separate personalities, and are more like to drones. He can use these clones as anything from distractions, to a extra pair of hands, getting multiple civilians out of danger. however, controlling multiple of these clones takes energy, so often times Tetrad will be exhausted after using them. He can't control the clones once they get too far away, so the moment he gets out of range, they'll just disintegrate. If a clone dies, he feels the effect, but very downgraded. If a clone gets burned alive, he'll get a blister. Stabbed? That might hurt a bit in the morning things like that.
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Thypoon- Wind
Villain: danger level- high
Wanted for: first degree murder, third degree murder, manslaughter, destruction of property, disturbance of peace, criminal mischief, vandalism, aggrieved assault, terrorism, anarchy
-reckless, charismatic, loyal
-Captain's (see panel 7) younger brother
-started being a villain mostly for fun, but then realized how horrible the system is and now he refuses to quit
-Captain doesn't let him drink coffee so he drinks fanta instead
- has a rivalry with Suspend after the vigelate told him he looked like he was seven. (He is not seven for your information)
-Allies with Hare (panel 9) and Thorn (panel 8)
What's in the pouch? Water bottle, smoke bombs, granola bar, device that send his location to Captain if he holds the button (wasn't his idea)
Power: Water Creation and Control
Despite his young age, Typhoon's power is terrifyingly efficient, the only consequences being dehydration, Typhoon can summon water, at will and can control its form, making it from a liquid to a gas or a solid. This can be used to make ice shields, changes in humidity, attacking with waves, drowning foes, water boarding etc. However, the more water he summons, the more dehydrated he gets. he will reach dangerous levels of dehydration, If not monitored.
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Captain- Warriors
Villain: danger level- medium
Wanted for: arson, anarchy, kidnapping, manslaughter, first degree murder, second degree murder, third degree murder, destruction of property, vandalism, terrorism
-Protective, Chatty, Sarcastic
-Thypoon's older brother
-Allies with Thorn(panel 8) and Hare (panel 9)
-friendlier then most villians, but that doesn't make him a good person
-actually never wanted to be a villain, but he found out wind was one, and decided "maybe if I'm out there with him he won't get hurt"
-Only drinks black coffee because he wants to look cool. He hates it.
-he talks when hes nervous so you could be fighting him and out of the blue he'd just say "your dog could be planning your murder and you wouldn't know" It doesn't happen often, because he's pretty good under pressure, but that's how you can tell he's actually anxious
What in the hoodie pocket? Athletic tape (he gets muscle pain), small knife, device that sends his location to Typoon if he holds down the button (was his idea), survivalist fire starter, gasoline in a bottle, red potion
Power: Paralysis
If he touches any part of you clothing included, then he can paralyze you temporarily, the closer he is to you, the longer you are paralyzed, the farther away he is the less time it takes for you to be able to move during paralysis, you are still fully conscious, usually he will pair up this ability with Typhoon's power, allowing the 2 of them to get hostages easier and more effectively. Their is no downside to his power and it can be used on multiple people. But the more people he has to paralysis, the shorter the paralysis lasts on the victims.
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Thorn- Hyrule
Villain: danger level, medium
Wanted for: theft, first degree murder, third degree murder, kidnapping, manslaughter, destruction of property, Anarchy
-friends and close Allies with Hare, Captain, and Typoon
-knows Hare's identity
-trys to avoid killing people, but it's occasionally needed.
-knows the hero system is corrupt, but doesn't blame the hero's for the state of the system since they can't control it.
- he likes vigelates, believing their everything the hero's can't be.
- He always feels guilty whenever he sees someone injured, so he'll toss a roll of bandages to them every now and again. Which is how he has so many Allies (some heros included)
What's in the pouch? Several bandage rolls, bandaids, medic kit, various packages of plant seeds, red potion
Power: Accelerated Plant Growth
Thorn carries pockets of seeds around at all times, while it seems like a weak weapon with thorns, power becomes a terrifyingly effective asset, Thorn can speed up, slow down, and control plant movement and growth. Just with a few scattered seeds, he can make a wall out of plants the size of a 2 story building.
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Hare- Legend
Villain: danger level- high
Wanted for: theft, arson, destruction of property, first degree murder, second degree murder, anarchy, attempted murder, hostage taking, kidnapping, drug possession with intent, non-consentual drug use
-Friend and close allie with Thorn
-knows Thorn's identity
-doesn't shy from murder
-believes the hero's themselves are corrupt
- picks fights with vigelates, believing them to be mo better then the heroes.
-has Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) (had to look it up)
What's in the cargo pants pocket? Stamina potion, candy, switchblade, rope, chalk (for hands), vials of anesthesia, a rag (for anesthesia)
Power: accelerated jumping and grip
Much like his ally, Thorn, Hare has a seemingly questionable power for villainy, until you see how he uses it, not only can he launch himself at foes, but he can also escape a crime scene very easily simply by going into a alleyway and jumping off building to building. He can get to people fast, or get away from them fast. What Makes Hare so deadly isn't his power, its his willingness to kill any, and all people who get in his way. He doesn't feel much remorse for killing people anymore. He's been doing this for year's.
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octuscle · 3 months
Dear Chronivac Support,
I am a nerd who doesn't get high grades, despite studying a lot my grades are not the best, and my roommate is a smart jock. He's muscular, handsome, well-groomed, and intelligent. I find this an affront to the balance of stereotypes. How can I adjust the Chronivac so that he slowly loses intelligence until he becomes a traditional dumb jock with grades much worse than mine?
We are in the Holy Week… And envy is a mortal sin. You're not seriously asking me to punish your roommate just because he's smarter, more handsome and more charismatic than you are? But we can do something about the fact that you look like a nerd but are more of an intellectual jock! We can equalize that!
When you wake up the next morning, it's somehow no longer your room. There are posters of ice hockey and football players on the walls. There are lots of dirty clothes, pizza boxes and beer cans on the floor. It smells a bit. But it could also be you. A deep breath from your armpit. Yep, you're not entirely innocent of the smell. You didn't shut down your computer last night. The porn site is still open. And you haven't wiped away the wank stains on the keyboard either. You're a bit disgusted with your own place right now. But only for a few moments. Hey, you're young, you're having fun, if the dirt bothers you, clean it up. And your cool flatmate doesn't mind. Even if he's a lot tidier himself.
No clean clothes in your wardrobe again. You could now ask your bruh if he has anything for you. But unfortunately, his clothes wouldn't fit you anyway. You are separated by a few kilograms of pure muscle mass. But if the lectures are boring again, you'll go to the gym and try to catch up with your muscles. And the next lectures will be boring. So you can actually go straight to university in the clothes you want to work out in afterwards.
As you stand in front of the mirror in your smelly, dirty tank top and old, washed-out sweatshorts, you think for a moment about how silly you look. The clothes are two sizes too big for you. And with your nerdy pot haircut, everything looks even worse. You grab one of your flatmate's caps. Much better! And off you go.
Shit, you chose business studies so you wouldn't have to do so much math. It's a hell of a lot of math. The exams are back today. C-. Shit, damn it! You've got so much… Well, to be honest, you haven't studied at all. Even though he's sitting three rows in front of you, you can see your roommate grinning. You can already imagine what kind of grade he got.
You took your bad mood out on the weights. Hehehe, three hours in lectures, four hours in the gym. Good ratio. If only your parents knew. They would certainly cut your monthly allowance. But who's going to tell them?
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When you get home, your flatmate is snoring on the sofa. His exam is on the table. A-. Well, everyone has a bad day. His snoring is contagious. You just manage to make yourself a protein shake and down it. Then a proper protein fart. Yeah, that was a good one! And then you collapse onto the sofa.
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You dream that you are a nerd. But not one of those who have a doctorate in physics after two semesters. One who is clumsy in sports and dumb in math. Someone with just two single hairs on their chest. One with a fluffy, fuzzy beard. And one with no muscles at all. Crazy dream! Although, the part about being dumb at math… That's true!
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venusrising91 · 5 months
Noise Complaint
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Pairing: Wonho x Male reader
Genre: Smut, enemies to lovers/hate to love (no plot just vibezzzz)
Summary: Your new nextdoor neighbor, Wonho (Lee-ho) is a loud, inconsiderate gym rat. He keeps you up all hours of the night with his seedy escapades and you're sick of it. 
Word count: 2,014 (2 pages)
T/W: aggression, physical violence
It was 4am and you had work at 8, yet rest was as far from your reach as the sun would be once it rose. 
Short hours. 
You had short hours to get some much needed sleep. But no matter how hard you’d tried, you hadn’t been able to reach the REM state and it was all thanks to your obnoxious, ridiculously muscular neighbor, Lee-ho. 
    For the third time this week, giggling voices and blaring music, followed by high-pitched moans had kept you wide awake. Usually, after one or two rounds with whatever girl he’d picked up scouring city night clubs, the mewls and slaps and yes daddys would subside, and you could finally drift. But tonight, he seemed to have endless energy. You heard his date come four times. Back to back.
    It was almost 6:30 by the time they wore themselves out.
    You’d barely slept. At the office, you struggled to keep your eyes open, staring through slits at the charts on your computer. The project manager noticed you nodding and called you into her office after the meeting. As head graphic designer, you were expected to oversee and execute this assignment—because securing this client would ensure you a raise next quarter, but the arrival of your new neighbor had thrown a wrench in your performance.
    She threatened to take you off the project and her disappointment was all you could think about on your commute back home.
    In the apartment lobby, you pressed the button on the elevator console so hard it nearly jammed.
    “Sup bruh.” You whipped your head around and there was Lee-ho, all 6 feet of him, donned in gym wear and sipping on some colorful drink. You clenched your teeth.
“Hey,” you mumbled back with listless regard.
    The elevator doors opened and Lee-ho walked gingerly ahead of you. Before he could step inside however, his cell slipped from his pocket. As he bent you couldn’t help but notice his butt: firm, round, muscled. You tore your eyes away and carded your hair. Inside, the music was soft and unobtrusive. The exact opposite of Lee-ho.
“How you feeling?” he asked, plunging his hands into his pockets.
He snorted. “Oh yeah, me too.”
    “I’m sure you are.” You glared at him, slightly envious of the angle of his jaw, of how much sharper it was than yours. And envious also of the broad span of his chest, his neat features, his lips, his hair. He was by all accounts, an objectively better looking man than you and this only added to your irritation.
    “What d’you mean by that?” asked Lee-ho, quirking his brow. He must have sensed your frustration because now he was folding his arms, closing up. You didn’t care.
    “You know the walls that separate us are paper thin, right?”
    “Yeah, and?”
    The doors slid open on your floor. “I can hear everything. All the time.” You stepped out before him, stalking down the hallway.
    “My bad, dude. I’ll keep it down,” he shouted after you. There was a smug air about his tone and you ignored him as you shoved your key into the lock. It was only 7pm but you were exhausted. After a quick dinner of leftover pasta, and an even quicker shower, you went to bed, desperate to get back the hours you’d lost. You drifted in minutes, sleeping soundly, until loud music and moans yanked you from your dreams at 2am.
    You leapt from the bed, pulling on a robe, not bothering to tie it. It took less than two minutes for you to reach Lee-ho’s door. You pounded on it furiously, on and on, until he swung it open. For a moment, each of you stood silently observing one another. He was fully nude, sweating and cupping his genitals as his eyes swept over you. They lingered on your chest, you noted, then trailed up to meet your gaze. Despite your robe, you felt suddenly bare, and exposed. Quickly you tied it, covering yourself from him.
    “What the fuck, dude?” said Lee-ho.
    “Keep it down.”
    “Yeah and what if I don’t?”
    “I’ll write a formal complaint. You're violating code of conduct with this shit. Some of us have actual jobs, you know?”
“I have a job.”
“Gym bro influencer and fuckboy does not an occupation make.” This was rude, and uncalled for. But you were sleep deprived. Lee-ho's shoulders slumped down a measure—he appeared somewhat diminished in the face of the insult and you almost felt bad for him. Your eyes fell on his abs however, and then, without meaning to, dipped even lower, catching a glimpse of what was too large to be completely covered by his palm. Even his cock was better than yours—he didn’t need your pity. Without waiting for a retort, you turned and stormed down the hall.
Back in your bedroom, the beginnings of an erection tugged at the tender flesh between your legs. And by the time you lay back in bed, you were rock-hard, and aching.
    In the morning you shaved and contemplated calling out, but you really couldn’t afford to. At work, you tried to concentrate but all you could think of was Lee-ho, of his throbbing head, peeking up from behind his hand in the middle of the doorway. You didn’t like men. At least you thought you didn’t. You’d had a few girlfriends in the past and once or twice thought about experimenting with a guy back in college but no one ever drew you in. No one ever attracted you the way—
    Enough, you weren’t doing this. What were you thinking? You weren’t into dudes and especially not ones you despised as much as Lee-ho. He probably never had to work for anything a day in his life. Just had to show up and collect everyone's praise and adulation. 
    Back at the apartment, you took the stairs to avoid crossing paths with him. Thankfully it was Friday, and you could catch up on your shows without feeling guilty for missing the sleep that was so hard to come by lately. 
After dinner and a shower, you binged a season of a new show on Netflix, and dozed off halfway through. But a short while later, a sharp knock on the door jolted you awake.
    You shuffled to it, half-dazed. Waiting on the other side was Lee-ho, glaring a hole through your forehead.
    “You know, you’re a real asshole?” he declared. 
    “Could say the same about you.”
    “What you said the other night—you don’t talk to people like that. I want an apology.”
    You scoffed and made to shut the door. But he stopped it, forcing it open. “Get off the door and fuck off,” you clipped.
    “Or what?”
    Impulse and anger drove you to shove him, which was stupid. His arms alone were twice the size of yours. He shoved you back and you stumbled into your apartment. Lee-ho stepped over the threshold, letting the door slam behind him. Then his hands were on you again, crashing into your chest. It knocked the air from your lungs. Enraged, you swung and missed. He caught it and wrapped his hand around your throat, pinning you against a wall. His face was inches from yours as he strangled you, but slowly, his grip loosened. Each of you were panting. He smelled expensive, like Tom Ford—the scent filled you, clouded your head and senses. His breath on you was warm, his lips resting short inches from yours. He brought them even closer, until the tips of your noses were grazing.
“What are you doing?” you whispered.
    “I—I’m not—I’m straight but…your…” he trailed off, hand sliding across your chest.
    “You wanna fuck me, that it?” Neither of you said a word, only stood there, gazing, panting. Then your hand traveled down, until it landed on his crotch. You palmed his cock, and found it was already hard for you. After the other night, you couldn’t get it out of your mind. Once it was in your mouth, he made the most helpless sounds, cupping your head and guiding you as you swallowed it again and again.
    “Fuck, your throat feels s-so good,” mewled Lee-ho. You fought against your gag reflex, getting harder each time he shoved it in, down to the hilt. Your eyes watered. You never thought the taste of cock could turn you on this much. Women were lovely and all but this was something else entirely. It was like satisfying some primal urge you never knew existed until now. You squeezed his balls gently, sucking him all the while. He came in minutes and stood over you shivering as the orgasm rippled through him.
    You rose, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Lee-ho dropped to his knees, pulling down your boxers. He took you in his mouth and it felt like the world stopped spinning. His tongue swirled around the tip, one hand cradling your heavy balls, the other gripping your ass, a finger seeking the rosebud. He tried to slip it in but you panicked, bucking away like a spooked horse.
    “I thought you said you were straight?” you whispered.
    He popped your cock from his warm mouth. You twitched as he smirked up at you. “Chicks like it sometimes. I figured you might wanna give it a try. Feels tight though, got any lube?”
    You hesitated, wondering what it would be like to have his finger circling inside you. There was nothing but heat and silence as you stared down at him. “In the bedroom,” you said, breathlessly.
    As you lay on your back watching his chiseled body shift in the dim light, he slathered the lube you kept in your bedside drawer onto his middle finger. Then he drizzled some over your erection, spreading it with long strokes.
    “Fuuuuuck,” you whined, arching at the pleasure, at the way he gripped you.
“You like that?” With this, he slid a finger inside you, taking it slow. The pressure had you arching even more. Once he eased you past the initial pain, all you could do was moan and claw and look down at your rock-hard cock as he pumped you in two places, at different paces. In the front he squeezed tight, giving you fast, steady strokes, but in that pulsing spot between your cheeks he worked you soft and deep, taking his time as his finger explored your depths. The pressure was glorious, and you felt your entrance contracting around him. “You’re dripping for me,” he cooed. You looked down at yourself as he gripped the base, a long rope dangling from the tip onto your stomach. He licked it, dragging the pad of his tongue along your abs, then swallowed you whole. After a few hard sucks he pulled back, finger still buried in you, coaxing out spasms you couldn't control. Fuck he was so attractive, you never thought a man could make you feel this good.
    The next moment, you were shooting ropes in the air, convulsing under him and fisting the sheets as he drained you. He let you pant there, chest heaving, before taking your length back into his mouth. He sucked and finger-fucked you through your sensitivity, ignoring your loud moans and cries. You asked him to stop but you didn’t mean it. You wanted more and he gave it to you. All night. After your third orgasm you could barely stay conscious.
Lee-ho crept beside you, watching as you shivered your way through the leavings of your latest high. 
    “I’m s-sorry,” you muttered between waves of it, “about the other day. You’re right, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.”
    He chuckled. “It’s fine. I’ll be quiet from now on, promise.”
    You couldn’t quite keep your eyes open, and drifted then, still tingling from what he'd done to you. Your rest went uninterrupted for the first time in weeks. But when you woke, Lee-ho was gone.
    From then on, the noise had stopped, just like he'd promised. But a few times a week, just before bed, there came a knock at your door, and a smirking, half-naked Lee-ho waiting on the other side of it.
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s0lam33y · 11 months
shuriri hcs [new and updated!]
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side note: these aren’t the same HCS that I uploaded on my old acc. Some may be similiar but anyway hope it’s obvious that I did better on these. enjoy them and reblogs/feedback is always welcome.
Timeline: about two years after the bpwf film.
Shuri’s convinced that they need a theme song when they go on missions but they have opposite music taste.
Shuri always makes corny ass vine references and it makes Riri cringe.
“Shuri, quit talkin’.”
Shuri practically lives in Riri’s dorm. She’s there so often that Riri kinda expects it.
Shuri cannnnot stand when Riri brings up the whole bulls game situation because she ends up fighting for her life.
Shuri loves to rest her chin on Riri’s head, if not her head then her shoulder.
Riri is the big spoon, all the time. Rarely, does she ever get spooned.
They’ve been told that they remind the lab staff of an old sassy couple because they always throw fake shade at each other.
Riri always up on herrrrrr, but shuri doesn’t mind at all.
Once they decided to play fight and Shuri forgot about her panther strength…Riri ended up with a bruise on her thigh.
Riri did not know how to work her kimoyo beads at first and ended up calling a council meeting once my accident.
Their height difference. That’s it.
they always some how matching? Not necessarily color coded but they always for some sort of matching accessories or shoes.
Shuri has no comebacks…at least not when needs them so she just agrees with what Riri says.
“Who’s the man in the relationship?”
“Your mother.”
“What she said.”
Riri asks dumbass questions in the middle of the night.
“You’d still fuck with me If I was a butterfly right?”
Riri taught shuri how to drive an actual car on the road and they damn near crashed Riri’s red barracuda.
Shuri’s always braiding her hair.
“Would you hold still?”
“Braid less tight, then maybe I would.”
when they go out together, Shuri’s social battery runs out so quick because she’s much rather be home.
When they go shopping, Shuri’s always carrying Riri’s bags.
“You the one with super strength not me.”
Shuri sleeps 60 percent of the time so when they hang out, half of it consists of naps and it rubs off on Riri.
Shuri always making some smartass comment about Riri’s height.
“I think ironheart would be more of a success if she was taller.”
“Literally fuck off.”
Riri is genuinely unhinged because she knows how fine Shuri is.
“Drop yo drawls, bruh.”
“Riri, we’re in a council meeting.”
“They can watch-“
“You can never be serious.”
“I’m being so serious.”
Shuri cannot take a compliment for some reason. Every time Riri says something, she gets kinda shy.
Riri ‘borrows’ Shuri’s clothes.
“Yo, can I get that hoodie?”
“I’ll give it back.”
“I know you won’t, but here….”
Shuri is so petty when it comes to her lab so Riri has her own area.
Shuri gets her mad on purpose to hear that Chicago accent. Trust she gets it.
Shuri’s a morning person and ends up having to drag Riri out of bed every single morning.
“Just get up.”
“The alarm went off an hour ago.”
Both of them love them some chains.
Riri’s unhinged, we know this but so is Shuri, just more subtly.
“We got five minutes till your next class starts.”
“I’m just saying, I felt like it was worth mentioning.”
“I missed a week of school cuz of you, TWO YEARS AGO….and I need that 4.0 GPA, I’m goin to class.”
Shuri cannot stay still when she sleeps and it pisses Riri off so bad but she doesn’t say anything about it. She’s also a blanket hog so Riri has no choice but to cuddle with her.
They argue over things that don’t really need to be argued over.
“For the last time…Chicago Pizza isn’t the best.”
“What’d you just say?”
“Chicago was not Micheal’s best song, you’re just saying that because you’re from Chicago.”
“Shuri, i want to have a peaceful evening.”
Never let them play Uno together because it ends up in some sort of argument.
“You only took two, take four-“
“I’m not taking four cards.”
“Fuck you mean, I put down a plus four.”
“Take it back, I’m not taking four cards, Rianna.”
The same way Riri takes Shuri’s clothes, the same thing happens with Riri.
“Is that my MIT sweatshirt?”
“It’s comfortable.”
“So it’s my sweatshirt?”
“I didn’t say that.”
As previously stated, Riri is UNHINGED…so trust that her comments make everyone turn around sometimes especially when Shuri’s done with training.
“And the jog was quite nice- are you paying attention?”
“Mhm mhm, y’all do ab workouts too?”
“My eyes are up here.”
“I know.”
“What was the last thing I said?”
Shuri hates hanging up the phone. She sleeps on the phone, eats on the phone and sometimes they just sit in silence.
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bigwishes · 2 years
Hey could you help me out?
I've been applying to some of the frat houses, but I've never gotten invited. They always make fun of my small frame, saying I should apply to somewhere else.
Is there a way I can get back to that asshole leader. I want him to cower in front of me. I want to be taller and more muscular then any of those douchbags, so they beg me to join them.
Oh sorry you've been having trouble finding a frat to join but I think I know a group of guys who can help you. Funnily enough they made a wish too but don't worry about that.
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Brinley, Brayden and Bruce. The three had wished for some jerky jock personalities and they got what they wished for but now they also wanna have the best A lister only party. Well I've already gone ahead and asked them for a favour since I've now granted them two wishes, don't be shy and introduce yourself.
"Hey bro, you can totally join our frat" "Yeah bruh, you'll be so good for what we asked for" "Yeah, man, you'll look so good"
The three pull away to themselves and leave you standing there whilst they chat and laugh, you catch a couple bits of the conversation something about "how big did you ask for?" followed by Brinley and Bruce breaking out in that stupid bro chuckle whilst shoving Brayden between the two of them. They began to turn back and you heard "don't worry, he'll definitely listen"
"Okay bro, all ya gotta do to join our frat is....ride home in the car with us" "yeah bruh and hurry the fuck up we gotta get stuff for the party" "ye-yeah, let get going huh huh" Brinley and Bruce burst out laughing again shoving Brayden calling him a fag. You have no idea what's going on but this could be your only chance to join a frat so you follow them back to their car. You get in and the floor is covered in energy drink cans, the car stinks of stale sweat as you see three gym bags stuffed in the back. Brinley and Bruce take the front two seats whilst you were stuck in the back seat next to Brayden. Brayden stuck his hand under his backwards cap scratching his head and biting down on his lip, almost salivating looking at you. But what why was that jacked stud drooling over your average skinny frame. "Ooooh Brayden, excited about his big changes?" "Yaahhh Brayden, why don't you stick your face in the big boys pits" "BRUH SHUT THE FUCK UP" The car started, buzzing to life and you instantly felt weird like your lungs had been replaced with a void, every breath you took seemed endless. You began breathing through your mouth deeply, huffing like you'd just been running for an hour. You looked down at your body and noticed your chest puffing out with each breath, building, becoming more and more solid. Your arms tingled as they began to inflate. Your shirt rips apart around your torso.
"oh, errr here bro, have my tank top. might be a tight fit huh huh" "YOO BRAYDEN, ROCKIN A HARDY THERE MATE HAHAHA" You noticed Brayden's hard on straining against the fabric of his shorts as he threw his shirt at you. As you put it on you couldn't help noticed what happened to you in the car mirror.
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You'd some how bulked up, going from looking like a twig to a football playing jock in a matter of seconds. The tank barely covered your torso, leaving the sides of your chest exposed. Brayden sat next to you staring at your body biting his lip drooling and with all this muscle some confidence was brewing in your gut and you wanted to slam Brayden into a wall.
"oi, don't get comfy mate, Brayden asked for more" "BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP" "you're gonna be on door duty tonight big fella," Great, your first party and your stuck as the fucking door man. Soon the four of you had pulled up at a cheap looking frat house. It looked pretty run down but so did most of the houses on the block. Something still felt off, your body ached. You needed whatever this pain was to go away before the night. Even if you were just the fucking door lacky you needed to be at the top of your game for any guys who might wanna stay the night. Bruce showed you to your room and left you alone until the party. You took a deep breath and the void reappeared in your chest. Each breath your body inflated more, bursting out of your tank and pants leaving you in stretched out briefs.
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You couldn't believe how fucking incredible you looked and you were now so fucking horny. You had to find Brayden, he seemed to be drooling over you before so surely he'd wanna feel your massive arms now. You bit down on your lip thinking about shoving Brayden's head down on to your waste and skull fucking him.
You called out for him asking for help with moving something, but when he appeared in your doorway you grabbed him by the shirt and stared to undress him. He wrapped his hands around your torso and dug his fingers into your newly formed back muscles but the pleasure didn't last long before the aches and pains were back, but this time instead of just the feeling of your muscled getting bigger it felt like your spine was snapping. You dropped Brayden on the floor and watched as him and the floor seemed to be getting further and further away. You felt your arms move outwards from your body and your shoulders and lats got wider. Your body became thicker and thicker. You looked at the doorframe it looked like you wouldn't even be able to get through without turning sideways at this point.
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Now standing at 8.6ft tall and wider than the door frame you were shocked and what you'd become.
"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS DO TO ME" "oh fuck, when I wished for a large door man...I really got a large door man huh" "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN" "Bro relax, you're huge and fucking stunning" "Look, It'd be hot if I wasn't at risk of crushing the guy" The other two appeared in the doorway "LETS FUCKING GO BOIIIIS" "HAHA Brayden when you wished for a big door man you really a man..whos a door AHAHAHAHA" "I'm not gonna be your fucking door man, I'm taking this body out on the fucking town boys, not standing in a doorway all night" "OOFT, nah, sorry mate we wished for you so we get what we want" Brinley snapped his fingered and it felt like firecrackers in your head, a moment later your head was hung slack and drool poured out of your mouth and onto your chest. "Okay big man, time for some adjustments, FIRST you'll always be our doorman, personal bouncer and do everything you're told" "OH OH OH, AND SECOND YOU'RE BRAYDON'S PERSONAL FUCK MACHINE HAHAHAHA" "DUDE YOU FUCKING IDIOT, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO" "relax man" "No you fucking idiot, we only got 2 braincells to give him" "huh?" "Jesus fucking Christ Bruce, you always fuck things up like this" "What are we gonna do with this animal now?" "hmm, I've got an idea, but I'll explain after the party"
The lads first party wasn't exactly the A lister only they wished for but, it was good enough to spread the word and Brinley had the bright idea of opening their own mini nightclub in the basement. People would come from every corner of campus just to try and get in, but they had to get past you. The enourmous fucking door man blocking the entrance to the house every single night for hours on end, sometimes not moving for up to 8 hours at a time. But surely there was atleast some part of you left in that empty head because every night when the leaders of other frats came to party you picked them up by the scruff of their shirt and threw them on the street and non of them ever tried to fight back, one even pissed his pants when you caught him sneaking in through the window.
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This is you now, from skinny lil bloke looking for a frat to massive brainless hulk who does exactly what he's told and has frat leaders begging him to let them through to the best party on campus.
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0mysticmidnight0 · 3 months
~Mystically Broken AU - Chapter 4~
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You wake up earlier than usual, around 5 in the morning. You walked to your usual spot to meet either MichelAngelo or Raphael. After you, cleaned up and changed, you stop when you hear Donatello and Leonardo arguing.. "I KNOW YOU DID IT! STOP LYING, NARDO!" "I SWEAR! IT WASN'T ME THIS TIME!" "You're the only one who could've done it!!" "What proof do you have?!" "There wasn't a trace! The only person it could've been was YOU and your misuse of your ninpo! No one else could have left a crime scene so precise." "I'm telling you, Don! It was NOT me!" "I TOLD YOU, IT'S DONATELLO! NOT DON OR DONNIE OR-" He spots you and Donatello stops. "What? What else do you have to sa-" Leonardo stops as well once he sees you. "Right, your meeting with Raph was delayed. He said he was busy with Big bro stuff.. His words not mine. The first party you have to attend will be later tonight. I will be accompanying you." Right... you forgot about the four parties this year you had to attend to plead their innocence despite knowing they'll continue their "heroic" deeds.. to get what they want. Well, it was either that or dying. "W-Wait. I don't know how to help you yet! I don't know.. i can't.." "It seems we don't have time for that, you'll have to find an alternative."
You groaned as you were pressured to think of something on the spot.. "The party will take place in a Museum. Luckily my package came just in time. Here." He presents you a purple box. You take it. "Very... your style." He laughs at your comment. "Nothing more and certainly nothing less!" "Why can't i go with them first? I can go to a museum and talk all fancy too y'know!" You check the time again, it was pretty early. You still didn't eat too.. As if hearing your thoughts, Donatello snaps his fingers and the drone looking bot, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was it? hovers over, with a cup of coffee on top of it. You grimaced as you remembered the last coffee Donatello offered you.. (chapter 2 reference<3) You hesitantly took a sip and you look at him weird.. or shocked? It tasted like how you like your coffee.. not too sweet and DEFINITELY not too bitter. huh.. "How did you..?" "To answer both of your questions, I've known them for longer and i'm sure with a little help they can come up with something in no time!" Donatello says this confidently while you just hesitantly took a long sip from your coffee... Leo just crosses his arms and raises his imaginary brow at Donatello. You just walk back to your room. You sit down at your desk and stare at and analyze Donatello's criminal files again.. and you groan. The little drone came in with a plate with food on top of him. You smile and pat the drones head as you take the food. "Thanks, Shelldon." The drone.. smiles back? "No problem bruh!" and it hovers away.. i didn't know robots knew slang.. You put on some of your favorite tunes and use your headphones. Slightly bopping your head to the music as you look through Donatello's criminal records. (many hours pass) You check the time, and sighed. You continued looking. You received a message from Donatello. "Get changed. We leave in 2 hours." You open the purple box and see purple custom clothing.. it was also sparkly? Did Donatello make this? As you expected, it fit you perfectly. You were a bit creeped out but appreciated it anyways. You fix your hair and get cleaned up, you leave your room to see Donatello fixing his goggles. He looked, breathe taking.. "Hm, we have an hour to spare." You two made your way to the living room and sat on the couch. "Hey, Beautiful. Come around often?" You hear Leonardo chime from behind you and you smile. You were never complimented much.. So it felt like taking a breathe of fresh air. "It's still me, y'know." "I don't see the difference." You paused and think about it before Donatello asks you a question. "Have you thought of what to say? How about you mention my advanced intellect!" "Not really.. It's not like i can say, Hey! My friend here can make super deadly weapons that can attack and defend- THATS IT!" Leonardo looked at you like you just exploded. "What?" Donatello thinks for a bit.. "That could work.. " Leonardo just looks at you both in confusion. "Can someone fill me in here? DO you two share the same brain or something?" "Donatello here could build and help advance police force weapons or even army weapons! They'll surely take us up on that and in return they'll stop trying to hunt him down as they see him as powerful ally!" Leonardo just looks at us still dumb founded. "Do i have to explain in dum-dum terms?" Leonardo ignores Donatello's question. "Are you sure about that? We don't know what the government or especially the police and army would do. Those guys's loyalty can be bought for just a few bucks. You and Donatello look at each other and nod at Leonardo. "If you two say so.. I trust you." "And Don, sorry- uhm. Donatello. I swear, it's not me who broke in your lab and stole your syringes. " "I'll forgive you temporarily and.. Its Donnie." You smiled at the two. Wait.. someone broke in and stole Donatello's syringes..?
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kzlove · 8 months
spider donut
syn -> you and eren go on a hunt for a spider donut.
warnings : nickname use (mama, babe, girl), mikasa has a little brother, spider man jokes, mikasa and eren have a sibling relationship, n-word use (once i think ion know), definitely not proofread
eren x black!reader
note : bruh i lowkey forgot abt this acc 🌚
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[6:03am] my girl : oh hi eren 🙂
[6:05am] boyfie : ohmygod [6:05am] boyfie : whatchu want now girl [6:05am] boyfie : it's six in the fuckin morning
[6:06am] my girl : damn so ask me how i slept then.
[6:06am] boyfie : mmcht. [6:07am] boyfie : how you slept mama?
[6:09am] my girl : stfu
[6:10am] boyfie : bruh. 😐 [6:10am] boyfie : WHATCHU WANT.
[6:10am] my girl : you still got ur keys took?
[6:11am] boyfie : ok so.. [6:11am] boyfie : you wanna get blocked 🤨 [6:12am] boyfie : could've said that frm the get go babe
[6:13am] my girl : aii bruh chilll 🫠 [6:15am] my girl : i want a spider donut
[6:16am] boyfie : huh
[6:18am] my girl : you text too much 😒 [6:18am] my girl : ft me, i miss your face
[6:19am] boyfie : you texted me first 😒
eren facetimes you, staring into the camera with low, tired eyes.
"why are you up so early on a weekend?" eren grumbles into the mic, holding the phone in his left hand.
you smile, showing your face in the camera as you rest your back against the headboard.
he recognizes it, but can't exactly tell where he recognizes it from.
"i'm at mikasa's house. she went to go get nan from his sleepover." you inform, turning her led lights on.
nan was her little brother, but his real name was kenji.
he got his nickname from eren, due to the young boy's love for bananas and the first minions movie.
"at six in the morning? who ends a sleep over at this time?" he questions, sitting up in his bed a bit confused.
"it's his first sleepover, e. he had a nightmare and wanted to go home." you complained, rolling your eyes.
eren says nothing in response, just laying back in his bed with a quiet 'mmh' coming from his lips.
you stare back at him, giving him a stink face.
"what do you want girl? i wanna go back to sleep." eren questions, mumbling into his sheets.
"a spider donut baby. you know the one i sent you like a night ago?" you question, tilting your head.
eren scoffs, picking up his phone and getting ready to hang up on you.
"please hang up on me so i can find another nigga." you beg, glaring at the phone and sitting up with the quickness.
eren groans loudly, before dropping his phone right back on the bed in annoyance.
you giggle, leaning back against the headboard with a proud look on your face.
"gimme two hours mama. then m'all yours okay?" eren questions, picking up his phone with a frown.
you nod, smiling big at his words. "okay. love you." you speak into the mic, biting your freshly done nail.
eren mumbles a quiet 'love you too' before hanging up.
he doesn't know what he's getting himself into.
you were generous enough to give him four more hours of sleep, before calling him again.
this time, he was actually climbing out of his bed and making his way to the bathroom.
"i hope you're not ready yet." eren said, picking up his tooth brush and propping his phone up.
you shake your head no, showing him your black top and hello kitty pajama pants.
but you had already brushed your teeth, showered, and did your hair.
all you had to do was put your clothes on, and you were ready to go after that.
unlike eren, who had to do everything under the sun.
you hadn't mind though. it gave you more time to look for your outfit and pair your shoes with it.
when eren finished brushing his teeth, he climbed into the shower.
"what are you gonna wear?" you questioned, laying your outfit on mikasa's vanity chair.
eren pauses for a minute, before humming. "probably something calm. my essentials hoodie and my forces maybe." eren shrugged.
you glance at your outfit while nodding.
"nice. love it." you reply shortly after, stripping out of your clothes and beginning to lotion your skin.
it doesn't take too long for eren to get out the shower, walking into his room and setting his phone on his dresser.
he starts to dig through his closet, a confused and annoyed look on his face.
"what's wrong baby?" you question, pulling up your jeans and socks.
eren pokes his head out of the closet to look at you.
"do you have my essentials hoodie? you were last to wear it" he questions, bringing his fully body out of the closet.
you shake your head, giving him a confused frown. "you were the one that took it off me, e." you reminded.
eren huffed in frustration, before picking up his dark green sweatshirt and tossing over his head while grumbling.
you don't pay him any mind, tossing your hoodie over your head and walking downstairs.
"you leaving already?" mikasa asks you, raising her eyebrow in confusion.
she was laying on the couch watching bojack horseman, a bowl of fruits sitting in front of her.
she must've cut them up while you were in the shower.
you shake your head, having a seat next to her and looking at the tv.
"eren's coming to get me in a bit. i'll be right back though." you tell her, grabbing a throw pillow and tucking it under your chin.
she nods, popping a grape in her mouth and offering you one.
you take one gratefully, mimicking her actions and popping it in her mouth.
5 minutes go past, before mikasa opens her mouth again.
"you got a dick appointment? you smell really good and you used my cocoa butter." mikasa questioned, smirking.
you laughed, before shaking your head.
"nah, i wish. we're going to look for something." you say, using your camera to make sure your edges are laid.
mikasa hums, sliding you the rest of her fruit bowl and stretching while pointing to her keys.
she didn't want to fall asleep and have you locked out, even though her parents gave eren the spare key.
you eat it, chewing on the piece of strawberry in the bowl.
"i'm outside." eren says from your phone, leaning back into his seat with a quiet yawn.
you nod, standing up out of your seat and giving mikasa a small hug before grabbing her keys.
you make your way over to eren's car after locking the front door, climbing into the front with a smile.
eren stared at your outfit the entire time, and even shifted his whole body when you took a seat.
"what?" you finally asked, kissing your teeth. but you knew why he was staring so hard
"how the fuck you got my hoodie? and i asked if you seen it." eren scoffed, reversing out of the driveway.
you hold your tongue, reapplying your lip gloss and making sure you looked good.
eren doesn't say anything else about the topic, just driving to the nearest dunkin donuts.
he let you have the aux, so of course your favorite song was blasting from the speakers.
you got all the videos out of the short car ride you could, posting only one on his instagram story.
the music turns off when you get to dunkin donuts, eren climbing out the car and opening the door for you.
he does the same to the dunkin donuts door, waiting for you to walk in.
you smile, walking in and immediately going to the showcase of donuts.
your smile disappears when you don't see what you're looking for.
eren notices, and turns to the cashier. "do you guys have anymore spider donuts?" he questions, showing him the picture.
he must've looked it up on his way, because you didn't send him any spider picture.
the cashier looks, before shaking his head.
"nah, sorry. can i get you anything else?" the cashier asks, shifting his eyes back to eren.
eren notices you walking out of the place, grumbling to yourself.
he rolls his eyes in response, looking up at the menu. "yeah let me get a strawberry dragon fruit refresher and.."
you sat on the hood of the car, waiting for eren to come out of the dunkin donuts place.
you looked before you made sure eren knew where he was going, and they literally said they were available.
how the fuck do you promote wrong?
eren walks out, holding a little bag and two drinks in his hand.
one refresher, and one frozen drink.
"who the fuck is that for?" you questioned, making a face at him.
"you girl. who else?" he questions back, handing you the cold drink with a scoff.
you smile, wrapping your freshly done nails around it.
you recognized it as the limited munchkin drink, the one you were talking about to him a couple nights ago.
"there's another one a couple miles away. lets check there." you beam, taking a sip of your drink.
eren chuckles and nods, opening the door for you to get in.
you plug the location into the gps and eren began driving.
"shit better be worth it." eren joked, watching the road as you took pictures of him and the drink.
you've gone to five dunkin donuts in your area, before trying another one.
both your drinks were completely done, and eren was ready to climb back into his bed.
"you need this today mama?" eren asked, pulling into yet another dunkin donuts with a frown.
you nod, squeezing his thigh. "plus i really think nan will be happier after his embarrassment." you explain, climbing out the car.
the two of you walk into the dunkin donuts located in walmart, before you gasped loudly.
"baby look they have it!" you say excitedly, shaking eren's arm while walking up to the cash register.
eren chuckles, squeezing your hand. it looked pretty normal to him, but he knew your excitement was different from his.
he adores you because of it.
"hi. can we get three spider donuts?" eren orders, rubbing the small of your back.
the sweet woman grabs a box, getting ready to pack the donuts into it for the two of you.
"actually can we get six spider donuts, and two chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla please." you correct, leaning into eren.
she nods, grabbing the half dozen box and packing the donuts neatly into it.
you grab your phone, getting ready to scan your card on it.
but before you could scan it, eren swipes his own card with a cheeky grin.
he doesn't let you speak, grabbing the box and walking out of the store without you.
"you two are a cute couple." the woman smiles, waving you off.
you nod, shooting her a small thanks before chasing after eren.
you meet him at the car, holding the box and waiting for you with your side already open.
"you didn't have to pay." you complained, getting into your side while looking up at him.
he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips, muttering 'i know' against them.
you have so much love for this man.
you make it back to mikasa's house after a bit of a drive and the many pictures you took of the box of donuts.
eren opens the door for you when you make it to the house, and closes the door after too.
"honey i'm home!" eren calls out jokingly, hearing nan immediately run down the stars.
eren places the donuts on the counter and nan launches himself into his arms.
they had a strong relationship, you could tell. probably because mikasa always had eren around.
nan had grown to see eren like his older brother.
"and you're here too!" nan giggles, looking at you upside down in eren's hold.
you give him a short hug once he's let down, before turning to mikasa who was knocked out on the couch.
the tv read 'are you still watching bojack horseman' on the tv.
she must've fallen asleep after you left.
"who are the donuts for?" nan asked, sitting at the table in front of them with a grin.
"us, nan. open them." you suggested, pointing to the box and sitting in front of him.
eren walks over to mikasa, lifting her up and shaking her awake.
she immediately lets out loud complaints of 'put me down!" and "i'm sleeping eren!" as he swings her around.
nan opens the box and gasps, seeing the spider donuts almost immediately.
"yay! spider donuts! thank you!" nan cheered, clapping his hands and wiggling in his seat at the sight of the donuts.
you make sure to put two aside for mikasa's parents, not wanting to leave them out of it.
you grab three more and sit on the couch with napkins, handing one to mikasa and eren.
eren pulls your thighs over his lap and kisses your cheek, before taking a bite out of his donut.
"thank you eren." you say, resting your head on his shoulder.
eren nods and rubs your back, a smile on his face.
these feelings he got and your reaction were definitely the reason he did things like this.
after finishing your donut, the three of you were comfortably watching bojack horseman on the couch.
you had switched out your clothes for your pajamas and brought a blanket for you an eren to share.
about three episodes in, nan dashed in front of the tv wearing a spider man suit, doing the spider man pose.
"bro you're not spider man." mikasa complained, already pinching the bridge of her nose.
"yes i am! new york needs me!" nan yelled, stomping his feet and pretending to shoot webs at her.
you laughed, moving out the way so eren could record him.
"you're not miles morales! the spider didn't even bite you!" mikasa laughed, throwing her hands up.
nan paused, before giving his sister a snarky remark.
one you surely weren't ready to hear.
"girl it's 2023. ipads and computers and scientists are very smart." nan complained, roling his eyes.
eren busted into laughter.
your outfit || eren's outfit
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woodchipp · 7 months
seems like I'll have to try and dissect Omocat's motivational speech myself because clearly no one seems to believe the people who actually worked with her for some reason
here goes nothing
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"In a sense, [burn out] makes you lazy and unproductive."
IMO, starting off your Motivational™ speech by falsely equating burn out with being lazy is quite the huge red flag.
"I can vouch that you are all, for the most part, nice people."
Note the unusually passive-aggressive "for the most part".
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"If you find yourself not being able to focus or that your productivity is getting really slow, it's probably time to take a break."
Which is why you suddenly became "uncomfortable" with the prospect of having to pay MelonKid royalities four days before the game's launch after they have overworked themselves to get your game out and took a break.
Makes sense.
By the way, how do people explain this, then?
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"Things like working quickly and efficiently are like. What you're supposed to do."
idk about people who side with Omocat but to me, it seems that overworking themselves is what Omocat expects of her employees. and to me, that seems kinda shitty
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"Instead of thinking of things that I should have or deserve, think of all the things you already have."
This is quite literally Cartoon Evil Corporation-tier rhetoric. bruh
"Think of deadlines as a demon you have to continually give nourishment and sacrifice to or else it will destroy our game. And every time you work on the game, finish something, you're saying fuck you to that demon."
What in the actual fuck are you talking about. Is that supposed to be motivational?
Also... how is giving this hypothetical "demon" nourishment saying "fuck you" to it? what a brilliant metaphor
"Something you can all use is I get to work with my friends on a video game, which I think is pretty cool."
girl these are not your friends you're discussing headcanons about your favorite fictional characters with in the wee hours of the night. these are your employees, and I think there's a pretty big difference between the two. the fact that some of them may have a certain amount of passion for the work they're helping to shape is undeniable, but I'd also wager that your employees expect to be compensated for their work. they're not doing all that shit for high-fives and pats on the back from you
and given that a member of the dev team who sided with Omocat was apparently perfectly willing to call MelonKid, allegedly one of their own "friends", a "demon", I have to question just how "friendly" the dev teem actually was with each other
"I believe that this game has to be potential to be something really great. And new, and fresh, and even classic."
Black Space is Yume Nikki with the serial numbers filed off. The entire plot twist is Silent Hill 2 with the serial numbers filed off. There are multiple indie RPGs that have executed the plot beats (and, in some cases, the general premise) OMORI features way better than OMORI itself did.
With all due respect, your game ain't shit.
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"You are here and you believe in OMORI, a game that is full of thoughtfulness and meaning for its creators and for its audience."
1) Ah yes, isn't trivializing the act of suicide into a gameplay mechanic (that is required for progression) and setting the main protagonist's final suicide in the bad ending to a pop song just so Thoughtful™ and Meaningful™? Fuck off
2) Whether your work is actually thoughtful and meaningful isn't really up to you. You don't get to decide how your audience reacts to your work.
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junipercastor · 1 year
men r literally so boring and annoying lmao i spend a day in the presence of one and i immediately wanted to go home bruh i was literally gonna bail but i decided to stay because it's his birthday (he didn't even mention it lmao) ive been bestfriends with this guy for maybe four years now but tbh the only way we really remain bsfs is because we don't live by each other. but it was literally so boring today. he yelled at his little brother who wanted to hang out with us and blew off his mother when she asked him if he wanted to go somewhere. when i was like let's do smth for ur bday he was like 'but i jus wanna take my edibles.........i don't wanna go anywhere......." took me about an hour to get him out the house for his own birthday lmao. offered to take him somewhere AND buy him shit. his mom straight up told me that she's glad her sons (he's apart of a set of twins) have me around but im literally not around and thank fucking God bc i couldn't stand doing this for more than a weekend. don't get me wrong, i care for him but like jc man ... he only ever wants to smoke weed. i got him a few vinyl albums n we played minecraft 😭 id say at least he was happy doing his thing but lowkey he seemed pissed off the entire day so whatever man ima just give him a card and $20 next year
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ididkn0w · 1 year
That green and blue machine are both 125,000$ each can u fucking believe that. Only those two bro holy fucking shit. Omg and in the third pic u can’t see well but behind the fence is a robot arm it’s like a while ass transformer. And so it does shit don’t even ask me what but it was rlly cool. Btw this entire time Ive been at the restaurant and me my aunt and my gma and we’ve been waiting while my mom uncle and gpa talked with other clients and business ppl and babe it’s been like two hours and they just got back and they’re arguing about them bc idk prices n shit they said and whatever n they’re like yelling a lil at the table rn and my uncle is saying like u guys are treating this like a spy game and u guys are always so skeptical and thinking shit and my mom and gpa are like being like in a way it is we’re the top 20% more expensive in the market which is bad bc ppl want cheaper obv. N apparently an employee sent these people a list of our costs like how much It cost to produce n stuff n that’s rlly fucking bad like crisis type shit bc ofc we sell at a much higher prices and whatever like there’s a lot more to it that I don’t understand. Now my uncles saying u guys are always so negative and ppl are looking at us. Anyways I’m listening and talking to u it’s 3:31 pm rn. So back tl where I was. We went back to the conference room and they gave us giftssss Ik they’re like mini coffee cups. Omg bruh I can tell my moms backing out now😭 ok so I didn’t take pictures of them inside cus I wasn’t trynna open that shit. Oh yes and this typical Arabic cup to make coffee in. Cool souvenir or whatever. Ok I just got up it’s 3:41 rn I’ll finish typing In a bit. It’s the same thing following them around the fair. Then we finished the tour and got the gifts and then they took us to eat and resturaunt was sooooo pretty idk like the nature outside I felt like I was in the backyard of a rich Californian home idk and bro the food was soooooooo good and I drank Turkish tea again I loved the food. And once again no fucking wifi I always take screenshot to show u so we are and talked for like two hours and then we left and we went back to the factory and we left to the city again in the van and I slept the entire way and they woke me up and we were at a fucjing mall and I was mad as fuxk bc bro I was tired and I’m trynna get home to my man. And so we were there and like nothing was even open like it was rlly new. And I was bored as fuck but it was rlly pretty and then I’m so fr I took a picture of every cat I saw. And so we walked home and we stopped to get groceries and omg I forgot I to tell u at the mall we ate at a cafe. In the morning I took a picture of this place called mustafah u can look again n I thought it was silly bc everyone’s name here is mutsafah and we coincidentally ate there and it was sooooo good I ate a carénele tres leches it was so fucking good and I drank a coffee and they were in these cups that I loved they reminded me of u so much so I wanted them so bad so I went to buy them n they didn’t sell them so I got another ones that I think ull think are rlly cool they remind me of underthink logo. So they’re for our house. Then we walked home n we stopped be a grocery store for food and that’s when k got my Piña and then I stopped at this case place bc I’ve still been trynna get ur sparkly thing for ur cameraaaaa so I went and looked and asked for ur phone n they didn’t have any at that place but they had for mine but I just know they’ll have it at another one of those so don’t worry ur still getting one and I also got u this thing for ur charger u can put on it. I love you😄 n then got home n talked to u for like four hours I think even five
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halodwolf · 9 months
spent literally. guys. literally an hour and a half on the phone with spectrum because some fucking dipshit loser moving into our apartment complex put my building number instead of theirs as their address thus getting my services disconnected. talked to four different associates. and now i did keep my cool i promise i didn't yell at anyone because i frankly just was confused that my fucking internet got turned off with no notice. but it is baffling to me that it 1. took this long to get resolved 2. i had to talk to FOURRRR different people and repeat myself FOURRRR different times to get my fucking internet back. they didn't even tell me my internet was getting turned off they just did it. bruh.
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wolfstrong · 1 year
bruh tonight i went to see megan with my friends (ugh what the scallop) anyway my friend got a mountain dew and it was BRIGHT YELLOW ( i don't think i ever had mountain dew before) and her twin sister was like "ugh that taste like carpet how can you drink that" and i was like "hold up let me try!" because that peaked my interest. and i took like maybe 8 sips in total and like INSTANTLY. instalty my heart started beating fast and i was having like a caffeine overdose and i was seriously seeing like specters and ghouls from the corner of my vision and after the movie we got taco bell and iw as like "CAN WE PLEASE EAT THIS AT THE PARK" so we drove there and i got out and howled in the parking lot and barked and ran on all fours cuz i was so hyper and we listened to we own the night from zombies 2 like 8 times so i could howl along with it. and at one point i swear to god i had "dog vision" where i was seeing through i dogs POV for like 30 seconds. it happened i went full wolf literally. we howled in the parking lot by the park for like an hour. I'm still hyper... bruh
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reinahwanggg · 1 year
I Met You At Sunrise ㅡ Ch. 9
CHAPTER 9 - jay 🔛🔝
previous | masterlist | next
•warning(s): i'm unfunny, friends that "bully" each other, like one (1) obscenity?
•word count: 807 words
“so are we gonna address the elephant in the room or …” is what broke the silence between the four friends as they sat around the round table on the top floor of hybe o’clock cafe.
yeonjun, the eldest of the group, has his hands in front of his face as he cleans his nails, a habit he gained to distract him from the anxiety that took his heart on a flight.
soobin rests his hands on the table, either hand on a side of the book that he was reading for his final tomorrow. his blond strands fall into his line of sight, and he picks up a hand to move them out of the way.
taehyun looks up from the book that he brought with him, surprised at the sudden conversation. he rests his legs on the floor, and picks up the bookmark that he had rested on the table to save his page.
kai, the youngest of the group, and the person that uttered out those words of concern watches as everyone collectively comes back to reality, and he sighs once he sees where taehyun was going with his awkward question.
“who? gerald? he’s been here since freshman year, why address him now?” replies the brunet, who moves away instinctively from the punch his friend sends his way.
“that's not what i mean and you know that tyun. don't make me throw you off the balcony.” kai replies, eyes squinting in malice to let taehyun know that he means it.
“just tryna lighten the mood man. you're the one dropping such a tense question on us.” the brunet retorts.
“why are you the way that you are?” the tall blond questions, looking at the brunet as he says this, and it causes the eldest, who finally looks up from his nails, to fall into a fit of laughter.
“it wasn't even that funny bruh.” kai laments.
“if i don't laugh, i will legitimately sob. what else do you want me to do?” the ginger follows up, eyes blinking slowly as he stares at the youngest who has yet to say anything else about his tense approach at bringing their current dilemma to the table.
it was six forty-two in the evening (6:42 p.m.) by the time as they started to speak. they had been there since 5:40. the boys had asked their fifth friend if he had wanted to study with them at hybe o'clock, fully expecting him to smile and lead the way without verbally agreeing like he always did.
so imagine their surprise when he apologizes and tells them that he would rather study in the library. and don't get them wrong, they asked if they could go along with him as well, but he declined. they wholeheartedly believe that beomgyu is ignoring them.
“i mean, i just don't get it. gyu’s never been one to turn down a group study sesh. is it because finals snuck up on him or something?” yeonjun asked them after they bid their friend farewell after walking him to the library.
yeonjun was sad to see that they refused to answer him. they refused to say anything for an entire hour. only ordering their drinks and snacks and going upstairs to pretend like they weren't rejected by their most active friend (in terms of wanting to do stuff).
“okay, i wanna be the first to say that hyung is acting weird. and whether or not it's because of us is something we need to find out.” kai finally says, and he looks at his three other friends to see that they all agree.
“i haven't said a thing about his soulmate agenda in days and i honestly think i’m going into withdrawal.” taehyun speaks up, and he raises his eyebrow in question once he notices that all of his friends are looking at him funny.
“what are you, a crackhead?” soobin asks, and it causes kai and yeonjun to snort in response.
“i’m just saying that i got used to it, jeez.”
“out of all the analogies you could've used though?” yeonjun questions.
“not my best moment, jeez. tough crowd.” the brunet surrenders, and he shakes his head once his friends laugh at that instead of all his other jokes.
“anyways, i have an idea, but it's stupid.” kai speaks up, his friends looking at him once he starts talking.
“when was the last time you had a smart idea again?” soobin asks, and it gets the crowd chuckling up a storm.
“soobin woke up and chose violence against us all today.” yeonjun says.
“honestly. attacking all of us and for what?” taehyun whines.
“ahem. my idea?” kai clears his throat to bring the guys back to the topic at hand.
“oh right. hit us with it hyuka, let's see what you got.”
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•notes from reina: no banner ???? what have i become ???? i couldn't even put a divider or nothing this chapter feels so bare fr. anyways here's chapter 9! i swear this won't feel so depressing next chapter, and the vibes will get better soon! see you next week thursday at 8pm est for the next chapter! reina OUT !!
TAGLIST !! : @bangchansbae @beomies-world
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
im unsure if my request was deleted or not so here it is!! im sorry if its there twice
you think we could get a dr3 yasuhiro x male reader where hiro takes the reader out for drinks after work and drunkenly confesses his feelings to the reader?
and one of the lines for the confession is him being all like "I need you man... please? (*´﹃`*)"
Hagakure Yasuhiro drunkily confessing to a male reader
This one goes out to you lovie... bonco co-wrote it
bruh i just made the best smoothie on the planet that shit was fire asf.
-Mod Souda
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✯ You were wondering if it was a date or not. That was the main thing on your mind. He had always been kind to you, but at the same time he is generally kind to everybody, but he also seemed nervous when he asked you. It's all so complicated. Whether you are across the room or right in front of him, his eyes always find their way to yours, and perhaps that's a sign that it is something beyond friendship. There is something in the way his face lights up after making eye contact with you, or the time he took off his glasses and made you wear them, staring at you with such admiration in his eyes, that sparks something within you.
You were leaned against a wall when he asked you to hang. There was an internal battle in your head anyway, you were wondering if you should just go out by yourself. You've been thinking about those damn drinks all week. When he asked you, you thanked him. He was drinking a lot faster than you. It wasn't even more drinks, the two of you got matching sips, but his bottoms-up ordeal had obvious effects. He wouldn't stop staring at you, looking at your face and tilting his head so you'll meet his eyes. With his hair tied back, he looks formal, and it comes with the hope that people will start taking him more seriously, specifically you, though. He kept trying to act all mature and admirable but with the alcohol in his system he just couldn't stop staring. "You have a beautiful face." He says, tilting his head once again. "I do?" You brush your fingers against your cheek. "Oh come on, of course you do. I love staring at it." "I can tell." He eyes you as you down more. With his silence, you purse your lips. He's drunk, you tell yourself, he won't remember if I tell him how I feel. "I think you're beautiful too, Hiro." You bump your shoulder into his. "I like it when you look at me. It makes me feel loved." "You are loved!" His cheeks get warm. "By me, you're loved by me..." The distant sound of the music suddenly got a lot quieter. Your eyebrows knot. The drunken glaze over his brown eyes had suddenly lightened, and his usual stare becomes something more vulnerable, "Seriously, dude... it's true, I love you- I- I need you..." He plops his head down, "Ah, don't be weird about it if you don't feel the same. I know you're another dude and all... I know how it is..." "Hey," you wrap your arm around his shoulder and lean in closer to his face. "Don't worry, I'll let you in on a little secret." His tips his head up. You smile, "I love you, too."
✯ It was the first time you had ever taken his face into your hands. The scruff of his beard and the smoothness of his cheekbones was a lingering feeling.
✯ The first kisses he gives you are light pecks, ones that hardly even last half a second.
✯ Tbh he probably doesn't comprehend how embarrassing that situation would have been until exactly twenty-four hours after it happened.
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