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thetattersoftheking · 2 months ago
i had to pause and laugh out loud when evrart was like oh that cloak fits you well before stepping closer and saying i’ve enjoyed our time together you’ll be missed and complimenting jarthur like dhakdbka every man he meets really does come to want him carnally given enough time
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years ago
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 34
Man these parts are getting harder and harder to churn out. A lot of plot points converging and real life ramping up. Hopefully you all enjoy this. Please comment your thoughts on the chapter. And if you really liked it, Reblog it. Thats the best way to get others to see it. Also, Please let me know your thoughts. Your comments fuel me.
(Master Post)
Masquerade surveyed the classroom. Her former classmates now her masked servants. It was fitting how they were all silent. Before, they listened to her because she told them exactly the things they wanted to hear, now they listened because she had power over them. It was kind of poetic in a way.
She looked across the classroom, she realized that there seemed to be more people missing than she initially realized.
“We are missing someone. Aside from Marinette, who is missing?”
The controlled classmates looked amongst themselves. Trying to figure out who was the one that was not in the class.
“Is it Chloé?” Miracular inquired, trying to answer her master’s request.
The akuma looked around.
“Huh… Oh yea, she isn’t here. Well she isn’t important. I was thinking someone else.” Masquerade answered. She looked to her most recently made akuma servant.
The Bubbler, the akumatized version of Nino stood motionless. As if he was not registering what was going on.
“Bubbler? Do you know who is missing?”
The multicolored akuma said nothing. Not even looking in the direction of the mask maiden.
“Bubbler! I order you to answer me!” She commanded with fiery rage.
The akuma turned to face his master, now responding.
“Adrien is missing.” The bubbler answered, his voice robotic and as emotive as a speak and spell.
“So, Adrien isn’t in the room. What a shame. I was planning on turning him into my handsome little knight.”
Masquerade thought for a moment.
Has Adrien been akumatized? Lila wasn’t sure she had ever seen or heard about him getting akumatized. She knew that the class had pretty much gotten hit at least once or twice at some point from what she had heard and read from the ladyblog. But if that goody-goody Marinette hadn’t been akumatized, Adrien likely hadn’t been akumatized either.
“Alright my servants! We have a new mission. I want you to lock this school down! No one is allowed in or out. Anyone you find, bring them to me. If they can be akumatized, then they are joining our cause.”
“Time breaker. Guard the perimeter outside of the school. Anyone outside of Ladybug and Chat noir trying to get in. Tag them, but only if they are suspicious of what’s going on. Stay hidden otherwise.”
“Timebreaker nodded and began skating out of the room in a rush.
“Horrificator, once Timebreaker is outside, seal all the exits in the main building.”
The masked monstress nodded and sped out of the room.
“Dark Cupid, Stoneheart, Princess Fragrance, Miracular and Reflekta. I want you to split up check all of the rooms and bring me potential akumas.”
The five akuma nodded and made their way out the door.
“Gamer and Robostus. I want you to hack into the airwaves. I want access to every Electric device in Paris when I give you the signal. But make sure to be subtle. I don’t want anyone to know about us until I tell you.”
The two nod and start working to get that ready for her.
She focuses her attention to the bubble making akuma that was giving her problems earlier.
Considering how hard it was to break him down, it was understandable. She had saved him for last for a reason. Because he was the hardest one to crack.
He was a relatively calm individual, able to keep a level head. But even he had his weakness. His confidence. Once that was shaken, seeing his entire class taken, knowing his girlfriend was under her control, he couldn't resist another moment. In a way, it was the most satisfying charm on her bracelet.
“Now Bubbler, you are going to go and locate Marinette and Adrien for me. Put them in a bubble and bring them to me. Help that girlfriend of yours.”
The bubbler nodded yes despite severe shaking. Seems even now he is trying to resist the control of the mask.
“Troublesome, but it is only temporary. He will break soon enough.” Masquerade mused to herself.
She looked at the near empty room with contempt. This was hardly a place where she could exact her vengeance. It was so… lame. Though a thought occurs as she realized who she had left standing at attention without orders.
“Evillustrator, I have a special request for you.”
“What is this?” Chloé screeched. “My daddy bought me the best phone plan in the city. How can I not have service right now?!”
The nurse felt a chill run down her spine. Could the akuma block out phone signals? Is that why there is no attention being given to the school? How could they call for help? How would anyone know of the akuma attack? Would Ladybug and Chat noir be able to help them?
The nurse started to feel herself going pale, she was just supposed to be a school nurse. Worst thing she needed to deal with was a scraped knee or give a kid an ice pack. Now she has a woman that collapsed on the bed and an akuma that is somewhere in the school. She had just moved to Paris a few months ago. It was her dream to live in the city of love, get her career going, find a nice guy, and just live the good life. But no one told her that supervillain attacks would be so personally connected to her situation? She had heard about this crap in New York and in America. But Paris? It was too much. What if Ladybug and Chat noir didn’t fix everything? What if this was where her story ended. What if…
The nurse turned to her attention to the voice. It was the brash blonde teen that was complaining.
“You look like you’re going to pass out. Just a heads up, I am not taking care of you.” Chloé commented.
Angela felt her face heat up with annoyance.
“Listen you brat. I don’t have time to deal with your attitude. I have a woman that is out cold from exhaustion in a building with a hostile akuma.”
“Good, at least you aren’t going to faint. I don’t need any more whinny women fainting on me”
The nurse paused, did the girl say that just to help her not succumb to the grim situation?
Chloé started making her way to the door.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“You already got your hands full with the annoying assistant. I need to make a call to daddy. So, I am going to head out the building and try there. Try not to get ripped apart by an akuma, I still need more ice when I get back.”
Angela blinked. This girl wasn’t scared of the akuma. She was actually going out to do something reasonable. If she could call for help, it would mean that this whole thing blows over.
“Okay, I’ll stay here. Be safe.”
“Yea whatever.”
Chloé headed out the door.
Angela felt a ghost of a smile grace her face.
‘Maybe that girl isn’t a complete brat after all.’
The shapeshifting sentimonster growled as it smacked the locker. It lost both primary targets. And worst of all, Ladybug appeared to make this even harder. Masquerade needed to hear about this.
“Master, Marinette and Adrien have escaped my sight.”
The sentimonster heard a sigh of disappointment from the other end.
“It is fine Simularé, They wont be able to escape the school anyway. They will be found soon enough. If anything, this is a blessing in disguise. Having them be the last targets will have them bare witness to how devasting it will all be.” Masquerade answered. “Any news on Ladybug and Chat noir?”
“That’s the other bad news. Ladybug arrived, I am assuming that’s how Marinette managed to escape, and ladybug also took Adrien away as well. No sign of chat noir. But if you know one is here, the other is likely soon to follow.”
There was a brief moment of silence, as masquerade mulled over the information she had received.
“Actually, that works out well for us. Meet up at my location, I have the other students out looking for them, I need your power for something more important.”
“Yes master.”
Simularé shifted back into its phantom form, moving quickly down the hallway to obey her master’s request.
Just as it left, Ladybug popped out of a nearby locker. Relieved it didn’t notice.
“That’s not good, Masquerade likely got everyone in the classroom.” The red heroine said aloud.
She activated her communicator and tried to contact chat noir. But there was no sound.
“Damn it. No signal. Lila likely cut the communication as soon as she realized it.?”
“No worries Buggaboo, I happen to be on site.” A voice called out.
Chat noir jumped out of another locker to reveal he was there.
Ladybug felt a bit of relief at her partner’s appearance. She could tell he felt the same. Better a situation with two heroes.
“Been here the whole time?” The spotted heroine asked her cat crimefighting comrade.
“Just arrived a few minutes ago, I figured something was up, so I decided to take a quick peek. Cat curiosity and all that.”
“And you assumed it was with Collège Françoise Dupont?”
“It seemed like a solid guess.”
“Considering the track record, that is reasonable.” Ladybug conceded.
“Ever wonder why it is always this school and never any of the other schools? Paris is a big city. You would think Hawkmoth would decide to branch out to the other schools in the city.” Chat noir inquired as they started walking down the hall.
“I assumed its just a coincidence.”
“Shot in the dark, maybe he has a kid that goes here. He is pretty old” Chat noir dissed.
“I can’t imagine anyone that would want to date Hawkmoth.” Ladybug joked.
“What about the blue lady? She seemed crazy enough.”
“And now that image is burned in my mind. Thanks kitty.” Ladybug sarcastically commented. “Despite the mental scarring, I am glad you got here. Seems a repeat offender got herself an upgrade in the akuma powers department.”
“How did you know?”
“I was reading the ladyblog, Alya did great work on that article.” Chat noir praised. He mentally applauded his quick thinking.
“Right, kind of the reason I felt the need to keep an eye on this place. But sadly, I was too slow.” Ladybug responded a tad gloomy.
“Hey, don’t sweat it. We will finish this akuma before lunch.”
Ladybug heard a footstep from the end of the hallway.
“Get down!”
Ladybug tackled the cat hero down. Just narrowly avoiding a neon pause symbol, which now suck on the wall.
“Looks like Lila has been busy.” Chat noir noted as he turned his face to the direction of the attacker.
Ladybug looked at the akuma. The white mask covering her friend’s face. Lady Wifi was back.
The two heroes got into a fighting stance and prepared to take down this controlled akuma.
The halls were empty and lifeless as the two visiting teens made their way cautiously down the halls.
“Oddly quiet in here.” The fencer commented. “What do you think Luka?”
“Well last time we entered a place with an akuma in it, it was brimming with armored minions. Maybe this akuma has more stealth?” The Musician commented. “So, I don’t think you will be fighting as directly as you are use to Kagami.”
Kagami nodded at that, not exactly happy or sad regarding that remark. Her plan was to see if she could help her friends get out of the building, grab her textbook, and get out. She wasn’t really that interested in fighting a superpowered foe at this moment in time.
The two ceased speaking when they heard approaching footsteps.
“Someone’s coming.” Luka noted.
The two duck into the nearest room.
The two stayed close to the door as they listened to the sound of the approaching figure.
Kagami dropped to the floor silently as to check and see if she could get a visual.
She could only see what appeared to be costume boots of a larger figure. Which made the expert fencer believe it was not friendly.
The figure stopped, looking at the door. The two teens felt their neck hairs stand on edge as they did their best not to make a sound.
After what felt like an eternity, the figure passed the door without checking. Once the sound of his footsteps could no longer be heard, they let out a sigh of relief.
“That was way too close for comfort.”
“Agreed. I would prefer a direct confrontation next time, much less nerve-racking. “
The two carefully open the door and exit the room.
“Seems we found the akuma.” Luka commented. “Now we just need to avoid it and.”
“You mean akumas.” Kagami corrected.
Kagami tilted the boys head to look in the same direction she was looking, and sure enough she saw a rather large rock like creature walking the halls.
“Oh… well that is bad.”
Kagami pushed him back into the room and closed the door. Locking it before the rock giant could notice them.
“I’m surprised.”
“By the fact there is an 8-foot-tall rock beast outside?”
“No, by the fact you didn’t try to fight it.”
“I don’t have a weapon.” Kagami replied flatly.
Luka raised a brow at the comment, unsure if the fencer was serious or not about fighting that thing if she had a foil.
“Is something wrong?” A third voice came from behind them.
The two teens turned around, preparing for the worst. Though they were relieved to see it was just an old janitor… in a Hawaiian shirt. Despite his odd dress, he did give off a kind aura. One of a trusting old grandpa.
They noticed that the room seemed to be a sort of teacher’s lounge, with a small counter with a sink and cabinets. As well as a fridge to keep food cold and stored. A place in the school where teachers would come to get a quick coffee or store their lunch.
“Oh good, you aren’t an akuma.” Luka sighed with relief.
“An akuma?” The old man asked.
“Yes, it is very dangerous out there right now. There are multiple villains outside. I would recommend staying put while we go out there and help handle things.” Kagami explained.
“Quite bold of you to go out there against those monsters.” The man responded.
“Don’t worry, we will be careful. We just need to make sure we can get as many people out as we can so Ladybug and Chat noir won’t need to worry.”
“Ah, how selfless of you. You both seem quite capable for ones so young.”
“You’re very kind, but we are just doing what we can. Our friends are out there and they need our help.”
Kagami goes to the door. Checking to ensure the coast is clear again.
The old man pats the musician’s shoulder.
“I am sure you two will figure a way to help your friends.”
“There are too many outside this room.” Kagami grumbled. If only I had a way to fight them.”
The mysterious janitor smiled.
“Say… I did happen to see Ladybug earlier.”
The two teens turned their attention to the old man.
“You did?” they asked in unison.
“Yes, she happened to drop something while rushing. Would you two be so kind as to return them to her when you see her.”
The two of them glance at each other and shrug. The old janitor might be senile.
“Sure… We can give it to her.” Luka assured the old man, trying to remain polite.
The old man moves to a closet, where out of view of the two teens, an elaborate chest with the symbol of the guardian’s decorates the top. He quickly gets two smaller boxes and closes the closet.
“Ah! Here they are.”
He hands the two a small box each. Their eyes go wide.
“They seemed important, so I didn’t want to just leave them on the floor. But I have a feeling you two will take good care of them.”
The two teens were engrossed by the boxes in their hands. They recognized them immediately. These were the boxes Ladybug used when handing out miraculous.
“Where did you find…?” Kagami tried to question, but noticed the old man was no longer there.
“He’s gone…”
“Actually, I am over here.”
The teens look in the opposite direction they were looking in order to see him at the end of the room getting a snack from the fridge.
The duo decided that maybe this old guy wasn’t all there after all and figured it would be best to go somewhere and utilize the ‘gift’ they were just given.
“Stay in the lounge where it’s safe okay?” Luka asked politely.
“Of course. I am not paid if I am not working.”
The two teens checked the door again, and once the coast was clear. They both slipped out of the room.
After he knew they were out of sight, the old man chuckled.
“The senile routine works every time.”
“Master, you really cut it close with that one.” A small turtle creature exclaimed as he popped out from the closet.
“The universe works in mysterious ways Wayzz. What are the odds that there would be an attack on the school the very day I decide to hide out as a janitor?”
“Considering the frequency of akuma attacks, very likely.”
“True, but how about running into two individuals that Marinette had picked to be heroes.” Fu followed up.
“That is quite a coincidence.”
The guardian pulled out his phone and noticed he didn’t have a signal.
“It seems I can’t get a signal to notify her of the reinforcements I sent her way. Likely it would be the same on her end. So, it is a good thing I acted in advance.”
Fu moved to the closet where he kept the miraculous.
“I can’t help but shake the feeling Ladybug and Chat noir will need all of the help they can get.
“Don’t worry master, I am sure Ladybug and Chat noir will be successful.
“Let us keep an eye on things. They might need another ally to turn the tide.
“I am guessing you are also familiar with what’s inside here?” Kagami inquired as the two stealthily moved in the hall.
“I may be familiar with it.” Luka commented.
Kagami contemplated the statement. She figured out the truth.
“Seems we both have used a miraculous then?”
“It appears we have. Though I am not sure Ladybug will be thrilled that someone knows I have helped her.”
“I understand the sentiment. Though lets simply agree to keep it between us.” Kagami answered. “Friends do keep secrets like that if I’m correct.”
Luka smiled at the comment.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Luka assured.
“As is yours.”
The two found the locker room and quickly moved inside.
“Coast is clear.”
The two opened the boxes and as they did two magical creatures appeared in front of them.
A floating creature with multiple spikes appeared in front of the fencer, while another floating creature that resembled a cobra stood in front of luka.
“It is a pleasure to see you again Mistress Kagami.”
“It’s been too long, Longg.” Kagami smiled. Happy to see her kwami friend.
“Hello Luka, itssss been a while.” The snake kwami greeted.
“Happy to see you too Sass.” Luka fist bumped his kwami.
The kwamis stop and turn to see the other kwami there.
“Does Ladybug know about this?” They both ask in unison.
“We will inform her after. Right now, there is a lot of danger.” Kagami exclaimed. “Ladybug needs our help.”
The two kwami nod and prepare to fight.
“Consssider us accomplissses.” Sass answered.
The two teens put on the miraculous.
“Sass! Scales Slither.”
“Longg! Bring the storm”
The two teens transform into their heroic alter egos.
Kagami shifting into the dragon miraculous hero Ryuuko, and Luka changing into the Snake hero Viperion.
The two stop to glance at the other.
“So, what should I call you.” The snake hero asked curiously.
“Call me Ryuuko. And what about you mister snake?”
“Viperion is what I am going with.”
“As is yours.”
The two give a nod of comradery before making their way out of the locker room. They had to go help Ladybug.
Ladybug dashed across the hallway, avoiding pause symbols being flung at her by the conniving akuma.
She slid underneath one of the symbols and preformed a daring slide kick to knock Lady Wifi off balance.
While she was unstable, Chat noir charged and used his baton to make contact with her white mask. Believing it was the obvious weak point.
“Got it!” Chat noir exclaimed triumphantly. The strike of the staff knocking Ladywifi a good several meters. Before lying flat on her back.
“Wow, that is a tough mask. I thought for sure that was the weak point.” Chat noir commented.
Lady Wifi stood up robotically.
“There must be a way to snap her out of it. Unless Hawkmoth is learning from his mistakes.” Ladybug hypothesized as she got up from the ground.
“Well I got nothing.” Chat noir shrugged.
Another set of footsteps approaching caught the hero’s attention. The recognized the multicolored bubble maker the moment they saw him.
“Nino… You too?” Chat noir said under his breath.
The Bubble maker used his bubble wand to summon two large bubbles to capture the heroes. Bringing back flashbacks of their first encounter with the bubble akuma.
Chat noir and Ladybug expertly slide between the gaps of the attack, resulting in Lady Wifi getting hit with the large bubbles and being sent flying into the wall via bubble prison.
Chat noir lunged at the Bubbler, his quick pounce pinning him down before he could attack.
“Maybe I can destroy his mask with…”
“Wait Chat noir!” Ladybug called out.
Chat noir paused.
“What if your cataclysm doesn’t free him?”
“And then I am left without the power before a recharge.”
“Exactly. We need to hold off on using our powers right now.”
Chat noir wanted to save his friend. But he knew his partner was right. They needed to conserve their powers before facing Lila.
The Bubbler managed to get the cat hero off of him with a burst of strength. Knocking Chat noir to the ground.
Lady Wifi had gotten free from the bubble attack and was now blocking the other entrance.
Ladybug and Chat noir moved back to back, Ladybug facing the ladyblogger turned mindless akuma slave and Chat noir facing the akumatized DJ.
“Any ideas, Buggaboo?”
“Seems they can’t adapt. They are pretty much mindless slaves. Which makes sense since Lila wouldn’t want them to think for themselves.”
“So you’re saying their movements are simple.”
“Which means they are exploitable.”
Chat noir felt relief watch over him. He knew Ladybug had a plan.
“EWWWW!” Chloé screeched in disgust. The front entrance to the school had been covered in a pink slime.
She wiped her hand on the cleanest section of wall she could find. This was not her day.
“What is with this nasty gross akuma? First, I can’t call Daddy to come and pick me up. I can’t even post about it! How will Ladybug know to save me? Or better yet, get me the bee miraculous so I can help her save the day?”
Chloé decided to try another exit, since she had no plans of sticking around without knowing if she was going to be given a miraculous or not. Plus, she did say she would call for help, and doing that would make her look good in potential hero points.
As she was walking, she bumps into something in the middle of the hall. Which was bizzare since the hall was clear.
“Ouch, right on my bruise. What the hell is…”
Chloé felt her anger shift to fear when she watched as the empty hall now contained a familiar akuma.
The akuma turned to her, her face covered with a white face mask.
“Eww. Your akuma form looks even tacker than before.”
“Take potential akuma to master.” The akumatized Sabrina stated in an emotionless tone. Repeating the order, she had been given.
“Oh no you don’t! Sabrina, I order you to listen to me!”
The akuma ignored the blonde’s command and slowly walked towards her.
“Sabrina… I am warning you. I am going to yell at you over this later if you don’t stop right now.”
Chloé started slowly backing away. She wasn’t sure of what to do.
“Listen… if you stop right now… I’ll uh… let you take a pick of one of my old sweaters.” Chloé bargained, not intending to let her pick one of the ones she actually liked.
Chloé felt her hand touch the sealed door, and knew she was at the end of the hall. She was boxed in.
“This is so unacceptable.” Chloé stated, preparing to get captured. But a flash of Red and Black came out of nowhere and kicked the akuma hard to the wall.
“Ladybug! I knew you would like save me!” Chloé jumped and hugged her savior.
“Im not ladybug.” The heroine spoke.”
Chloé released the hug as she examined who her savior was.
“Who the hell are you?”
Chloé had never bothered to learn the names of any of the other miraculous heroes. She sometimes forgets chat noir’s name.
“Ryuuko.” The dragon heroine stated calmly, almost regretting saving Chloé.
“Did Ladybug send you? Cause it would have been better if she got me to help.”
Ryuuko decided to ignore Chloé’s comment.
“Now we need to leave before she… Where did she go?” Looking at the dented locker that no longer had an akuma lying on the ground.
Suddenly the akuma popped out of nowhere about to strike from above with her tonfa and steal Ryuuko’s powers, but was stopped when a small harp smacked her face.
“She appears to have invisibility.” A voice called out.
The two turn to see the snake hero as he caught his harp on the rebound.
Chloé took a moment to look over the snake hero. She had to admit, he was pretty cute. Not Adrien cute, maybe she would start learning the names of the other heroes.
“Quick thinking Viperion.” Ryuuko thanked the snake teen.
“Just following your lead.” Viperion responded. The two giving eachother a respectful smile. They both seemed to have gotten used to working together.
The akuma got up. Its white face mask making the akuma’s expression unreadable. But its body language exuded rage.
“Seems we aren’t going anywhere until she is taken care of.” Ryuuko said as she stared down the akuma.
Viperion turned to chloé.
“You need to go and get to safety.”
“Okay!” Chloé says as she runs off.
“How come she didn’t give you any sass?”
“Because I already have him.”
Kagami had to admit that was a clever response.
“Not what I meant, but Chat noir would love that joke.”
“I will be sure to tell him it later.”
“Stick to playing guitar. You’re a better musician than comedian.”
Before they could get off anymore banter. The akuma went for another attack.
Simularé entered Ms.Bustier’s classroom.
“I am here.” The ghostly sentimonster announced.
The sentimonster looked up to see that the classroom it was expeciting to see had been altered into what appeared to be a rather glamourous throne room. The windows covered by white curtains with the design of an akuma in black. The platforms and stairs had been altered to be marble. And at the top, where Lila’s desk once was was now a golden throne akin to something one would see in a castle. Though despite the impressive change in the classroom it was still being designed. The akuma known as the evillustrator was still creating more furnishings for the room.
“Simulare, I have an order for you.” Masquerade stated as she sat on the new throne. Clearly confident in her position.
The sentimonster approached her master. Stopping only a few feet away.
“I want you to create a mirage over the school. Since Ladybug is already in the school. It would be best if you made sure no one notices whats happening here. I don’t need any additional heroes popping in yet. Let’s handle her before making things public.”
Simularé nodded.
“Understood. But what should we do if she…”
“I have everything under control. Just follow my orders.”
Simularé ceased her questioning.
“As you wish master.”
The sentimonster shifted into her Volpina form and headed out of the classroom.
“She is getting arrogant in her power. If things do go south, I will need to step in.” Simularé said to herself. But for now, she knew she had a role to play.
And that ends part 34.
Seems things are REALLY heating up. Will Viperion and Ryuuko be able to help Ladybug and Chat noir?
Will Ladybug and Chat noir be able to get through to their brainwashed friends?
Will Masquerade's gambit be enough for her to get her vengeance?
Whats Simularé's deal?
Find out by staying tuned and sharing. Remember Reblogs help content creators and if you do enjoy my content, the support really does help
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iambuckyrogers · 6 years ago
3 Nights... (Chapter 3/7)
Summary: After your friend bails on your trip to Australia a week before you were due to fly out, your best friend Steve swoops in and saves the day. Unbeknown to you, he’s harbouring the biggest crush on you, but will it get in the way of your holiday?
Word Count: 1508
Chapter Warnings: swearing, some more angst (sorry), jealousy (idk if thats a warning but ???)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Authors Note: not much to say about this chapter except enjoy :) if you want to be tagged hmu and I’ll start a tag list (i don’t have anyone rn but hopefully soon!) Likes and reblogs appreciated thanks xxx
Sunlight filled the room. The curtains doing little to stop the morning rays. Steve blinked his eyes open and became aware of a warm body pressed into his side, your arm was draped over him as soft snores escaped your slightly parted lips. Steve didn’t think it was possible to fall for you more than he already had, but at that moment he was quickly proven wrong. You looked so peaceful, your face soft and relaxed, hair strewn all over the place. Truly the picture of beauty, Steve thought. He brushed some of the hair from your face causing you to stir, quickly he shut his eyes and did his best to pretend to be asleep.
“Fuck,” you whispered trying to extract yourself from Steve’s side, only to quickly give up. Steve felt your hand gently brush his cheek before you pressed a tender kiss to his forehead. Steve stopped breathing for a minute. Sure, you were affectionate like that when you were both awake, but this was different. Steve definitely didn’t have a problem with it, don’t worry about that, he was just confused. Or was he reading into it too much? When he remembered how to breathe he blinked his eyes open again, looking over at you.
“Morning. Nice to see you don’t care much for personal space,” he jested. You pulled him into a hug before rolling yourself out of bed.
“Well, it’s not my fault you’re like a human teddy bear,” you rebuked, turning on the kettle and retrieving 2 mugs from the cabinet. Steve laughed and helped you prepare breakfast, nothing too flash as all you had to work with was a small bar fridge, microwave and toaster. After whipping up the most spectacular toast known to man, you and Steve took your coffees out to the verandah where you sat, taking in the fresh morning air and planned your day.
“Stevie could you put suncream on my back please?” you were holding the bottle out to him in one hand and had your hair in the other.
“Of course,” Steve took the bottle from you and squirted a generous amount onto your back, rubbing it in carefully as not to miss any spots. You had both decided to start your day off at the beach since that was one of the main attractions at Byron. The sand was packed, towels and shelters littering the shoreline. Waves continuously rolled in, carrying in surfers and bodyboarders alike, young children played in the shallows, splashing and giggling as their parents watched on from the sand.
“Alright, all done,” Steve patted your back and handed you the bottle. You chucked it into your bag and stood up, offering him your hand.
“Shall we?” You arched your eyebrows and shifted on the spot.
“Hm yeah I don’t know it looks pretty tre-“ you grabbed Steve’s hand and tried to drag him along the beach but only succeeded in tipping him over and coating his freshly sun creamed torso in sand.
“Oh that’s it!” he shouted picking himself up out of the sand and sweeping you up and over his shoulder in one quick motion.
“Hey! Put me down,” you squeaked, weakly banging your fists against his back as he ran into the water.
“This ought to teach you,” he announced as he dumped you into the water. You emerged with hair plastered across your face and a murderous glint in your eye. Steve laughed heartily, grabbing his left peck with his hand as he doubled over.
“It’s all fun and games until I get you back,” you launch yourself at him only to be caught in his strong arms, leaving you flailing.
“Ok just give me a warning when you’re going to get me back,” he taunted still holding you close as you laughed defeatedly. He tried to fix your hair to no avail, instead he cupped your face in his hand and looked into your eyes. You stopped laughing and instead began leaning in towards Steve who couldn’t believe his luck.
“Fine, I yield,” you sigh when you’re just a breath away from his lips causing Steve’s grip to falter. You manage to wiggle your way out of his arms and dive under the incoming wave just as it knocks a stunned Steve off his feet. Coughing and spluttering Steve washed up into the shallows with sand in places he doesn’t care to admit.
“Rule number 1 of beach swimming, never turn your back to the waves,” you mocked helping him to his feet before adding, “karma’s a bitch” with a sly wink.
“I think I’ve had enough excitement for today,” Steve says defeatedly, trudging up the beach back to your towels. You follow, carrying on about how you are superior and he should watch his back which just makes Steve laugh and nod in agreement, knowing that he’d let you take him down if it made you smile. God, he was in deep.
“Joel!” you yelled pulling Steve from his thoughts. He followed your line of sight to see the guys from last night coming down the beach.
“Hey sweet thing,” Joel cooed as he picked you up and swung you around.
“No way, what are the chances of seeing you guys here,” Steve droned, words dripping with sarcasm.
“I told them we were here, Steve,” you shot back. You took Joel’s hand and lead him towards the water not giving Steve a second look.
“Mind if we camp here?” one of Joel’s friends asked him dropping their towels into the floor next to yours and Steve’s.
“Yeah sure whatever it’s a public beach what am I to do about it?” he mumbled dropping himself onto his own towel. The other guys set themselves up around him, talking amongst themselves about useless things. Steve wasn’t really paying attention until something grabbed his attention.
“I’m sorry what was that about Y/N,” he interjected, not caring if it was rude or not, it concerned his best friend so as far as he cared it concerned him too.
“Oh, I was just saying that we’ve got a bet going between us boys. Whoever sleeps with a foreigner first gets $50 from each of us, and so far no one's had any luck but Y/N is looking like she’ll be the first,” one of the men explained. Steve clenched his jaw as he watched you and Joel in the water. You were wrapped around his chest, just like you and Steve had been earlier, only when you leaned in towards Joel you actually kissed him. Your hands cupping his face as his settled below the water, on what Steve could only imagine was your ass. You broke apart to avoid a crashing wave but the moment you both resurfaced you were on each other like a fly to food. Joel’s friends whooped and cheered around Steve as he sat there and clenched his fists, nails biting painfully into his palm, never once taking his eyes off of you. After the third wave failed to dump the two of you Steve began packing up your stuff, shoving it angrily into your tote.
“Sorry we’ve got plans for this afternoon,” Steve explained to the group before slinging the bag over his shoulder and storming off down the beach.
“Y/N!” he yelled desperately trying to get your attention. You persisted your assault on Joel’s face, much to Steve’s disgust.
“Y/N!” he tried again and thankfully you looked at him. “We’ve got to go, remember we’ve got plans.” You turned back to Joel and said something he couldn’t hear before the two of you made your way back into shore. Steve held out your towel which you took and wrapped around your shoulders.
“Do you have to go?” Joel whined spinning you around and into his arms. You leant up and kissed him again, Steve rolled his eyes and turned away.
“I do,” you giggled, “really Joel please let me go.” Steve turned back around and low and behold you were attached to Joel’s lips again. He cleared his throat loudly causing you to pull away again.
“Come on mate we’ve got places to be,” Steve explained to Joel.
“Alright, mate no need to get your knickers in a twist,” he sneered and pressed one last kiss to your lips quickly before slapping your ass, “see you tonight.” Finally, he sauntered back up the beach to his friends where he was greeted cheers and slaps on the back.
“Y/N/N let’s go,” Steve placed his hand on the small of your back and directed you up the beach.
“Gosh I’m so lucky,” you mused dreamily and Steve had to stop himself from flying off the handle.
“Just be careful, please,” he urged.
“I always am, Steve,” you replied. Steve spent the whole trip home contemplating whether or not he should tell you about the bet. Ultimately, he decided that you were your own woman who could make decisions for yourself, he just prayed that they were the right ones.
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hazyheel · 6 years ago
WWE Monday Night Raw 6/24/19 Review
Seth Rollins came out to start the night, for a promo obviously, and Becky Lynch quickly came out to join him. Rollins “gave Corbin credit” for picking Lacey Evans as the ref, because she did anything she could to screw him over, but he didn’t account for the best backup on the planet in Becky Lynch. Lynch then went on to call out Evans for tapping out as fast as she could. Corbin’s music hit, and then Evans attacked Lynch from behind. Rollins tried to pull Lynch off of Evans, but she pushed Rollins aside and beat her down. Corbin then attacked Rollins. The faces took down the heels, and Corbin got on the mic to claim that Lynch was basically defending the Universal championship herself. He also told Rollins to go home and make “The Man” a sandwich. They trash talked a bit, until Evans challenged Rollins and Lynch to a mixed tag match at Extreme Rules, for both of their championships. The faces accepted, under the condition that it would be the last time either of them could challenge for the belts. Then everyone left.
Grade: C. I was kinda into that match if it was the main event of Raw. it was different, there were stakes, and it meant that Corbin and Evans would be gone. For a pay per view, probably the main event, I just groaned. Especially Extreme Rules, because this was not an extreme match at all. But it is kinda cute seeing Rollins and Lynch together. They seem to be pretty happy. I also noticed that they are only calling Rollins Lynch’s boyfriend, rather than Lynch being a girlfriend. I dunno, I just think it makes lynch seem more badass.
Then we had a big 8-man elimination tag match. Xavier Woods, Big E and the Usos vs. The Revival and The Planets tag team champions. This is supposed to be “champions versus challengers,” which is weird because The New Day lost their match last night. Scott Dawson quickly tagged himself in, and had some tension with Daniel Bryan. This was compounded when Bryan tried to hit Woods with a suicide dive, but hit Dawson instead. This caused Wilder to give Bryan a european uppercut while Bryan hit the ropes, allowing Bryan to be rolled up by Woods and eliminated. The Revival quickly hit a shatter machine on Woods to eliminate the new day, so it became a normal tag match. They do this a lot now, more 2 out of 3 falls matches and elimination matches because Vince McMahon doesn’t let anyone wrestle during commercials anymore, so they have to find some other way to get you excited enough to keep watching the show. Which is extra odd, because the Usos were hitting a suicide dive as we came back, but I guess it wasn’t part of the match. There was an interesting finish where Jey got a blind tag, but the Revival didn’t notice, so Dawson went to superplex Jimmy while Wlider was up on another turnbuckle. Jey then crotched Wilder on the turnbuckle, and after Dawson hit the superplex, Jey jumped off of Wilder’s back to splash Dawson and get the win.
Grade: C+. Decent match to open everything up, but I hate that both sets of tag team champions were pinned. But it sets up some matches for extreme rules probably. Hopefully Heavy Machinery can challenge rather than the New Day, but we will see.
Then they had the Miz walking through a hallway before Miz TV, which I only mention because Abbey from the Firefly funhouse was in the background. So thats fun. Miz welcomed both R-Truth and Carmella as guests on his actual show, and apparently Miz had the 24/7 championship rule suspended during the interview. Miz showed Truth winning the belt back at Drake Maverick’s wedding. Truth talked about how he lives in paranoia with the belt now, and he can’t even have sex. He also thought that police coming up to his house to tell him that his car was on fire were superstars disguised. Drake Maverick then came out, saying that Truth ruined his wedding, and his young marriage, because they haven’t had sex. (He was studdering that he hasn’t... he hasn’t... as the crowd chanted “what” which was the genuine best use of the what chant) He then challenged Truth to a singles match for the belt, and Truth accepted.
That match was next, with Truth winning with a flatliner right away, and then being chased around by the jobbers. After Maverick lost, he was interviewed by Charly, and he just cried. 
Grade: B-. This was funny, especially the stuff about Truth mishearing the word consummation as constipation. I think it is odd that they keep suspending the rule, as it was suspended for the match as well. The fact that the match wasn’t actually anything definitely hurt the grade here, and it was weird seeing an actual segment for it. I feel bad for Drake though, poor guy.
Backstage, Evans and Corbin seemed to think that their best strategy to take out their Extreme Rules opponents was to focus on Becky. Okay then.
Then we had Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon, in a tornado tag handicap match. Reigns tried to overwhelm them with sheer aggression, but the numbers quickly became too much for him. They beat the crap out of Reigns, giving him two Claymore kicks, and spear from Shane. As Shane went for the Coast to Coast, the Undertaker showed up to make the save. I think that the match ended in a DQ, but I don’t really know for sure.
Grade: C. W-what? Why? Who? When will this tag match happen? Why is it happening? I really don’t know. The match was fine, and I was certainly shocked that Taker showed up, but I am so confused and distraught. I just do not get it. The beatdown itself was fine, I just don’t know where this is going.
Then there was a tug of war between Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley. Strowman won, and Lashley attacked Strowman afterwards. He even attacked him with the rope, so we will probably get a bullrope match for Extreme Rules. 
Grade: D-. A worked tug of war is lame. This was boring, I don’t like this feud. The only reason that it doesn’t get an F is because I kinda like the idea of a big man bullrope match for extreme rules.
AJ Styles was then welcomed back to the ring from Charly, who asked why he wants to challenge Ricochet. He said that he wanted to fight the best of the best. Just then, he saw the goodbrothers partying with the conga line. Styles admonished them for not taking the competition seriously, even though they have a match with the Viking Raiders.
That match was next, and the two teams traded control back and forth. Not much happened in particular, and the Viking Raiders won with their finisher.
Grade: B-. Not a bad match. That’s all I have to say about that.
Backstage, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were talking about how Cross screwed Bliss out of her match at Stomping Grounds. Bliss did not be outwardly mean to Cross, but didn’t say that it wasn’t Cross’s fault. She just said that Bayley is good at manipulating people into being angry and stuff. I like where this is going. Bliss wasn’t hugely pissed, but you could tell she is annoyed. So burn, very good. 
Natalya and Naomi talked to Nikki Cross about how Bliss isn’t a good person. Bliss then walked in and confronted everyone, which ended with Naomi challenging Bliss to a match. 
Then we were supposed to have Heath Slater vs. Mojo Rawley, but Truth showed up before the match with the people in tow. Slater was able to land a neckbreaker and win the belt for himself, only to lose it right back to Truth, who then lost it to Cedric Alexander, who then lost it to EC3, who then lost it back to truth. I enjoyed this, just fun. 
Ricochet was then interviewed about winning his first championship. He was just happy and grateful.
Before the Sami Zayn vs. Kofi Kingston, Kevin Owens and Zayn asked Kofi some interview questions that sorta vaguely insulted him. Kingston said that Owens had a zit, and Zayn said that Kofi was a paper champion who always needed help from the New Day. Kingston then pointed out the flaws in Zayn and Owens’ friendship, while saying that the New Day are brothers. Seems like foreshadowing to me. 
Into the match, Kingston vs. Zayn. Owens was helping out Zayn when he could by attacking Kingston while the ref’s back was turned. Zayn was in control for almost the entire match, even hitting a good looking Michinoku Driver. But eventually Kingston rolled him up for the win.
After the match, Owens challenged him to another match right away, and Kofi actually accepted. So then they had a match, where Owens was very much in control. However, Kingston still won by giving Owens an SOS on the ramp and winning unceremoniously by countout. Then out of nowhere, Samoa Joe attacked Kingston and threw him around on the ramp before choking Kingston out.
Grade: B-. I get the point of this, they made Kingston into a huge underdog here, fighting off dastardly heels and barely surviving, only to beat beaten down afterwards anyway. I think that this means we will be getting a Samoa Joe championship match, but he should earn it in a number one contendership match. Especially since he just lost the US championship last night.
They then announced that it would be Reigns and Taker vs. McIntyre and Shane at Extreme Rules. I figured.
Then we had Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss. This match was quick, as Naomi accidentally hit Cross with a baseball slide. Bliss then won the match and continued to attack Naomi. She then tried to get Cross to attack too, and Cross pushed both women down. Natalya then ran out to stand with Naomi, and it turned into a tag match. Cross had a nice looking hot tag where she took down both opponents. Cross even hit the swinging neckbreaker for the win, but Bliss was the one who got the pin.
Grade: C+. A couple meh matches that furthered the Cross and Bliss storyline. I think it will be a while before the turn, and I’m okay with that. Slow burns are awesome.
And in the main event, we had a returning AJ Styles vs. Ricochet. They were grappling a little bit, when AJ just suddenly took him to the mat. And as they were wrestling, the Good Brothers came out, although not looking particularly friendly for either of them. Anderson did try to get involved, but Styles quickly told them to beat it. So they restarted the match and had a mix of both fast paced striking and submission holds, even pulling out some moves that were reminiscent of indie wrestling. At one point, Styles hit an awesome reverse DDT which looked really brutal. In the finish, Styles hit a Phenomenal Forearm for the win.
Grade: B+. Good match, but this is nowhere even near what they can do. This definitely sets up Styles for a United States Championship match on Pay Per View. That is when they should cut loose. Sucks that Ricochet lost in his first match as champion. Still, they put on the match of the night. 
Overall grade: C
Pros: Main event
Cons: opening promo; handicap match; tug of war; 
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dreamutual-moved · 7 years ago
rules: answer to 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
tagged by @jenomutual thank u rosie!!!!!!!! i meant 2 do this like right after i got tagged otherwise i forget and surprise! i got distracted and forgot dkjhfkjdh
nickname: el or eli! 
gender: nonbinary? idk
zodiac: libra
height: 5′2
age: 18
time: 9:05 am
favorite bands/solo artists: nct, monsta x, twice, sunmi, hyuna, glass animals, jon belion, hayley kiyoko and a lot more dkjsfhsjdh
song stuck in my head: ive had the nanananana part of fallin by mx stuck in my head for days now 
last movie i saw: infinity war i think? i dont watch many movies kjdshfkjsh
last thing i googled: coco pops cereal 
other blogs: my main is @mxrays nd @honeyfloats is like warm aesthetics mfmmdfngd
do i get asks: not that often 
why i chose my username: i love 7 boys w my whole heart!!!!!
following: 250 (it was a lot less before i got into nct kdjhkjghfdj)
average amount of sleep: anywhere from like 5-10 depending when i fall asleep and if i have 2 wake up early for any reason 
lucky number: 14? yeah we’ll go w that i dont think i rly have one
what i am wearing: pj shorts and an old band shirt dfjhjkdfh
dream job: im not 2 sure if i actually have one but working as an archivist in a museum would be super cool i think!!
dream trip: australia...........
favorite food: i just forgot every single thing ive ever eaten uhhhhh strawberries maybe or cantaloupe........actually most fruits really  
play any instruments: i used to be able to play a bit of guitar and i played percussion in my school band throughout jr high but thats abt it......so nothing currently. my little brother is the one w all the musical talent 
favorite song: gravity by monsta x 
play(ed) any sports: i played soccer a lot when i was younger and i did dance too for a couple years, i wasnt competitive enough to want to pursue them to a higher level tho 
hair color: a really dark brown! the ends are a really gross faded green that im too lazy 2 do anything abt kdhsjhfks
eye color: dark brown! i used 2 hate them growing up and wished they were literally any other colour but now theyre one of the favorite things abt myself
most iconic song: mr brightside..........actually anything from the hot fuss album while we’re at it
languages you speak/are learning: just english :( french was mandatory for a couple years in school but i never kept up with it and i took spanish in high school but my teacher was uhhhh bad so i didnt carry on, although i still have an interest in learning it so hopefully one day!
random fact: i love cute coffee mugs........i have a couple cat ones and one w bees. i also live w the regret of not getting this really cute whale one even tho it was like. 3 years ago now ksjhdfkjhsd
describe yourself as aesthetics/things: ooo this is cute ok um walking down the isles of a bookstore, silver jewellery, naps in the sun, when u find a song u love so you play it on repeat for the next week, comfy sweaters and when nothing is even That Funny but someone else is laugh so u start laugh too and then neither of u can stop
theres no way im tagging 20 people kjdhfkjsdh but uhhh ill tag @framewire, @starryjaes, @aminhyuk, @arthyuck and @tae1en don’t feel like u have 2 do it if u dont wanna of course!!!! or if u’ve already done it im sorry dksjfhkjdsh
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theday · 7 years ago
anyways, ill say bye now... i hope ure well rested and have a good day!! (wait, i remember what i wanted to ask!! at least i think this is what i wanted to ask? anywys, do u know what u want to do now that ure finished w school? if u dont mind me asking, of course, i understand if u think its a bit personal!) ok, now im done, have a good day!! take care and stay hydrated!! (and now i really did send u a bunch of asks..)
omg i hope u dont mind but ill be answering the stuff from ur last ask here (the one where i… deleted everything) under cut bc itll be 2x longer now
so first !!!!! how i got into kpop!!! it was thanks to my good pal (@.briwoon) boxy! i follow her on twitter and despite her being a day6 stan twt i had her unmuted anyway bc.. after years of being an anime blog on tumblr and seeing all my anime mutuals slowly converting into kpop blogs one by one i was able to filter the kpop out of my brain?? smth like that since back then i wasnt into kpop and i didnt want to unfollow since im mutuals with most of them :-0 
another backstory - i was one of those people who never saw themselves getting into kpop? and i think the main reason was bc i thought liking kpop would make u seem lame?? due to the influence from people around me?? but as years went by and as my mutuals changed interests it stopped bothering me and that mindset kind of just? faded away bc who am i to call other people’s happiness bad?? but despite being okay with it i never really made the move to get into any groups lmao that was until i got tired of my interest at that time (seiyuu, japanese voice actors) and my interests would always. not last?? idk so maybe thats why i didnt want to get invested but it happened regardless 
anyway usually i wouldnt take notice of her rts but this . this beautiful man with orange hair and minion glasses caught my eye when i was scrolling through my timeline and i was like o worm? oh mu god? hes beautiful? so i slid into her dms and asked her whomst the beautiful man was and she sent me all their mvs after that from congratulations to i smile (the most recent mv at that time, late june) for me to watch :-D now at that time, from what little knowledge i had of kpop.. i understood that groups would be singing and dancing so i was prepared to see some sick moves or smth?? but then. i clicked on miss i smile and my wig flew off? bc… wtf.? they were playing instruments???? and they sounded good ??? so i was like oh my god? a band??????
before day6 i also had (have) a preference for bands and the way their music sounds so i was like?? ready to just. get on board yknow?? i watched how can i say and i saw the lanky noodle wearing glasses and i was like o fuck mu life? i caved and asked boxy for their names and other information and best decision of my life bc.. they really make me happy!!! after that like the day after ? myabe they did a vlive and i was like o shit? what do i do… so i downloaded the vapp and wowie i love it? its my second home…… i watched every vlive they had at that time and i thought that was a lot… (it isnt, compared to mx) and i was just rly content??
(ok i know u asked for kpop and not … day6 or other groups bc im gonna talk abt how i got into mx and astro too bc…… how can i Not.. u can skip this part tho i just wanna ramble abt my loves? ill tell u when u can continue)
that was peak happiness for me at that time.. until… boxy started talking about monsta x in our groupchat (with @.tokayhk) and she would just ramble abt this kihyun fella (who i vaguely knew bc my real life friend likes him and mx and i bought her his pc before along with the guilty clan part 2) so i was like hmm interesting… and honestly? i wasnt going to get into monsta x i really wasnt planning on asking her abt them (since i was scared id lose interest in day6 right after) but then.. she started linking videos and i .. my resolve crumbled down as i heard monsta x yelling and … this beautiful cover (which boxy sent to show us how powerful kihyuns vocals are but i was 2 focused on mister aka minhyukku) and she told us how funny these monsta men are and i was like o h no…………….. eventually one day in late august i asked her to tell me more about these monstas…… aftert that i watched every mxray episode (starting from season 2 bc i dont know 1 comes before 2) and even though i didnt know anyone who was on screen except jooheon i found it really funny and?? it made me laugh so much i love mx?? ya… boxys kind of like my guardian angel?? shes really the reason im living tbh… introducing me to all these lovely people?? thank u miss boxy i love u
now. for the astrosus….. they were a bit different.. because i didnt have boxys help and they were the first group i took interest in solely bymyself so i knew i was in for a wild ride (at first, i couldnt even differentiate brian from sungjin in day6 lmao) after stanning monsta x and day6 i became more?? open to kpop and i started watching unhelpful guides on youtube bc . they were funnie and idk its nice??/ and i stumbled upon the astro one (which wasnt that funny but more helpful than anythng) and i was like. oh worm? the cicada group… bc i watched a short clip of them catching that stupid cicada in their office as it appeared on my tl one day so i clicked on the video ..and after watching that it led me to another video of astro being extra for 6 minutes and those six minutes/????? best six minutes of my life because theyre so fnny and they made me laugh a lot? (combined with the editing from op) so bc they were funnie i decided to look them up and read their profiles/??? i watched their nimdle video and only knew mj bc his tag was the two letters m and j lol but it really made me bust both of my lungs i just?? laughed A Lot 
im not sure how i managed to put name to face so quickly but it mightve been bc after the nimdle videos i watched every ddoca and astro play as well as their vlives available bc..  i just inhale the content at godspeed?? 
for mx and astro i was drawn in by their personalities before their music because they were on more variety shows and had more chances to show dorky they all are which made it way quicker for me to fall for the two groups??? for day6 its a bit sad but the weekly scheduled vlives arent enough for me to tell what kind of people they are (although those r still hilarious) i just wish they would go on more variety shows?? its understandable if they themselves dont want to be on any shows though!!! i love all 3 groups with all my heart :-D 
ok if u skipped u can start from here ill be answering the questions now lmao
FIRSTof all,,,,, youre learning how to drive?? thats so cool >:-0 we’re not allowed to learn until we’re like...?? 18?? or 21 idk but not so Soon :-( and its cute u think abt me (or of what to say) but pleaseth stay safe... i hope ur driving lessons go smoothly until u end theM!!! hopefully youll be able to get ur licence :-D 
aNDD!!! the thought of drinking warm tea when its cold outside.. is so ?? nice to think about hecc u better drink that tEA and enjoy it !!!! stay warm and comfy miss RM ..... and it even snows there????? thats so cool tbh ?? (i love snow but maybe thats bc it doesnt snow here so i dont know the tru evil of snow but like.... its so.... white and fluffy??) i would ask u 2 take pics and show me but alas...... the time is not right :-( do u know when we’re allowed to expose ourselves?? i forgot rip... but its sometime next month right im excited???? since its near my birthday !!!!! 
ok now to answer this ask no i actually have no clue what i want to be after i finish school?? yikEs but last year i (jokingly) said i wanted to be a farmer??? idk if i might actually do that probably not i guess im just freestyling (going with the flow) for now we’ll see where life takes me 
and like i said u can ask me anything !!! im fine with it :-) alsooooo please dont ever feel bad about sending too many asks bc its a lovely thing to wake up to and i just?? get rly happy when i see all the asks in my activity :-D!!  
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izthecannibal · 8 years ago
We’re Not Too Far Gone - Carl Grimes Imagine
Part 2
Part 3
requests: could you do a multi chapter fic where like the reader is like 14?? and like negan takes her from hilltop to raise her as his own but she doesnt like him so she runs away and she gets captured by like dwight and thats the part where glenn and michonne are also captured aswell and they get to the lineup and thats where negan notices her and ricks group are " shookt " and when carl tries to hunt down negan and fails he ends up meeting reader during the tour and they form a great friendship??
and about the " negans daughter" thing can you make the reader really close w jesus and he gets really upset when negan takes her away?? thanks aha
pairings: father figure negan x reader, best friend/ guardian jesus x reader
a/n: i’ve written this about four times now so i hope my laptop doesn’t delete this one lol
word count: 1,575
tagged users: @deeindarkwonderland 
"You like it?” Negan asked, placing his hands on your shoulders. He stood behind you, leaning his head to whisper in your ear. You ignored him, finding that silence was your best defense mechanism against him. You were a mix of disgusted with how the women he lived with pranced around like sex dolls and in awe of how beautiful the room was. You hadn’t seen furniture like that in person ever, even before walkers roamed the earth. 
Negan took you from the Hilltop while he was on one of his weekly visits to take your supplies. One of his wives had been bugging him about wanting a kid, and you seemed to be perfect to him. “Take a seat, and I’ll bring out your new mother,” he ordered. You sat down on the nice couch, huffing at his mention of a ‘mother.’ 
Negan was full of shit if he actually thought you were ever going to call her that. The closest thing you had to a parent was Jesus, who took you in under his wing when your family died. He and you were both lone wolves before you met each other. He became your best friend and guardian. 
A woman followed Negan towards you, where her facial expression resembled anything but happiness. Negan smiled at her hopefully, begging for a response. The woman looked at you with disgust. “This is (Y/N),” Negan said gesturing for you to stand up. You crossed your arms leaning back into your seat. 
“She’s older than I thought she was going to be,” the woman complained. She acted as if you weren’t a few feet in front of her. 
“Same here,” you replied wittily, glaring at the woman. Her eyes widened with rage, and she looked back at Negan like she was waiting for him to do something. 
“I asked for a kid, not a bitchy teenager,” she blurted out, balling her hands into fists at her sides. 
“(Y/N),” Negan sighed, “Why don’t you go ahead and wait outside.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes dramatically to assure that she noticed, and walked out the doors. 
For the first time since you arrived at the sanctuary, you were alone. Negan always made sure either he, himself, or one of his Saviors was by your side at all times. You felt a rush of relief roll over you as you recognized your new freedom. You looked in each direction before quickly walking down the hall, trying your hardest to act like you had a purpose. 
You found a large steel staircase that you recognized and flew down it without a second thought, gripping the handrail for stability. On the ground floor, there were way too many people to count. Some were eating, others were talking, and a group of about twenty men sat around a table, discussing something seemingly important. 
You noticed a group of people leaving the Sanctuary, and began walking with them, trying your hardest to blend in. There didn’t seem to be a leader of the small crowd, and the conversations were only between two or three people, so you weren’t able to hear where they were going. You didn’t care, though. They were leaving, and that was all that was on your mind at the moment. 
You were walking down a road that you recognized from when Negan drove you to the Sanctuary in his truck when a small group of walkers--maybe three or four--caught your attention. A woman with red hair reached into her belt, but you stopped her. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you offered. “I got this. I’ll catch up with you guys.” She didn’t argue, and the group continued down the road. You pulled out your small knife from your belt and efficiently killed all the walkers, then ran a bit deeper into the forest to hide yourself. You ran as quickly as you could in the direction of the Hilltop. 
Your run slowed down to a quiet walk as you heard voices ahead of you. You had no idea how long you had been running, but you were almost positive you weren’t close enough to be home already. Maybe Jesus sent a group out? Or maybe Negan’s group caught up to you? Amidst the trees, you could see two people. An Asian man with floppy, black hair stood across from a slim, dark skinned woman with long, thick hair that fell down her back. 
“We just got stuck with each other,” he said. The woman looked at him sadly, and he looked away from her. “We were lucky.” He paused, shaking his head slightly and breathing in deeply. “We’d figure it all out together. I felt like we did... After everything, we did.” He shook his head again, staring at the fallen leaves on the ground. “The world’s not what we thought it is.” 
You wondered what this man was talking about--who he was talking about. 
“Hilltop, the Saviors... It’s bigger.” Your eyes widened, and you gasped a little. A whistle sounded from among the trees, and you ducked down, drawing your knife. The man positioned his gun in front of him, and the woman grabbed the handle of a long sword out of its sheath on her back. 
Within your immediate line of sight, you could see five men, all with their weapons aimed at the two people. As far as you were aware, they didn’t notice you. You recognized one of the men by the scar on his face, which you assumed was from being burned. These men were Saviors, and they weren’t gathered here coincidentally. They had probably been following you since you left the group on the main road. 
“Hi,” the man with the scarred face said monotonously, aiming his gun at the Asian man. He seemed to bite the inside of his lip as he readjusted his gun beneath his shoulder, lowering the weapon. They held their hands down at their sides in surrender, and they were easily taken to the ground by Negan’s men. 
The man’s and woman’s hands were tied behind their backs, and their mouths were tied shut with gags. They were forced onto the ground as the Saviors began to start a fire. You hadn’t even noticed how dark it was getting until your eyes ached in the presence of light. 
You hadn’t moved since you heard the first whistle. Your feet were planted still, for you were more scared than you had been in a while. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a man in a black leather vest with a crossbow and a woman with a cap and a large gun creeping up behind the Saviors. You wondered if these people were with the two hostages, or if they were more of Negan’s men. 
Before you could stop yourself, you were creeping towards them. The woman noticed you first, aiming her gun at you. You shook your head frantically, holding your hands up. She nudged the man in the vest, nodding at you. You shook your head once again, trying to inaudibly tell them that you weren’t one of the Saviors. The man and woman creeped towards you, and away from the group. 
“Where are you from?” he asked bluntly. The woman still had her gun aimed at you, but you couldn’t blame her. You could never be too certain that someone wasn’t out to get you. 
“Hilltop,” you whispered, trying not to draw attention to the three of you. “Negan took me, and I got out.” They looked at each other with their eyebrows raised. “Where are you from?” 
“Alexandria,” the woman said. Your eyes lit up at the mention of the town they came from. Jesus always told you how amazing Alexandria was, and how he was going to take you there sometime. 
“Oh!” you said excitedly. “Do you know Jesus?” They looked at each other once more. They seemed to be gaining trust in you. 
“Yeah,” he said. “We know Jesus.” He dropped his weapon and stuck his hand out. “Daryl.”
You tossed your knife into your other hand and shook his. “(Y/N).” 
“I’m Rosita,” the woman said, still aiming her gun at you. You smiled uncomfortably at her. “How old are you, kid?”
“Does anyone really know anymore?” you asked smartly. “I’m probably fourteen or fifteen. I was little when all this started.” Daryl and Rosita nodded. “You know them?” you asked, gesturing at the two hostages. 
“Yeah,” Daryl replied. “Glenn and Michonne. You help us get them, and we’ll get you back to the Hilltop. Yeah?” You nodded in agreement. Even if these people were bad, you had nothing to lose. The three of you crept towards the glowing fire. 
The man who was tied down, Glenn, noticed you three, and your eyes darted back to Daryl. He held up his finger to his lips, telling him to stay quiet. Glenn, though, began to groan, gaining the attention of the Saviors.
“Hi, Daryl,” a man said. You turned your head slowly to see the man with the scarred face holding a gun to the back of Daryl’s head. Rosita put one of her hands up, holding onto her gun with her other hand. You quickly tucked your knife into your belt before raising both your hands up slowly. There was a man behind each of you. 
The sound of a gun firing echoed through the woods, and you dropped to your knees. 
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yoursalwaysfics · 8 years ago
ok question have you seen this "killing stalking" thing thats apparently the Hip New Problématique thing on tubmlr bc i havent actually looked at the manhwa itself (prob never will) but i took a gander at the tag and ive seen glimpses of the fandom and all i have to say is Wow but like. in a bad way. (also apparently ppl are comparing it to yoi?? idgi??)
*deep sigh* okay, so here’s the thing… (this might be a longer answer than you bargained for, but it needs to be said)
yes, I’ve seen it (I’m usually willing to give the latest bandwagon a shot just to see if it’s something I could also be into). I just finished chapter 12 today. KS is a train wreck, but not necessarily in a bad way (aside from the extremely obvious). it’s gruesome and horrifying and makes your skin crawl and your stomach turn but you can’t look away. it is definitely not for the faint of heart. that being said, it’s not bad. as a story, it’s intense and draws you in (if you can handle the heavier parts). the characters are incredibly flawed but incredibly well developed and written. the art is also very interesting (and I really like it tbh). the style is really bold and a big step away from what I usually see in manhwa.
but it absolutely is not comparable to YOI and should not be.
yoi gave us so many things that a lot of people have been frothing at the mouth for, namely beautiful animation, music, and a healthy, open, unfetishized same-sex relationship. 
a lot of people looking for the next big thing to ship (looking at all the fujoshi out there) jumped over to KS for the wrong reasons. the main characters in KS (Yoonbum and Sangwoo) should not be shipped. the comic makes no excuses or tries to cover up the fact that their relationship (and I use that term very loosely here) is incredibly unhealthy and abusive and manipulative. it is not a romance. it’s not even tagged as one. it is an unapologetic psychological horror. there is literally no redemption story here. if there is any justice, it will end badly with one or both of them either dead or in jail.
that’s mostly what I wanted to say about it, but I’m going to add one more little bit about mental illness depicted in KS, and this can totally be skipped over because it’s just my observation and personal opinion on the subject (this is mostly just if any of you have read or decide to check out KS, because I see a lot of people questioning and confused by some behavior that, to me, is very understandable, so it’s just a bit of perspective):
in chapter 1, we find out that Yoonbum has bpd (borderline personality disorder). this is a disorder that I also have. I knew the basics of KS going into it and was immediately put off because bpd is often portrayed horribly and all I could think was “fuck, yet another perpetuation that we’re crazy and/or dangerous” and I really considered quitting the series right then and there. but I continued on (mostly out of spite) because I wanted to make an argument that this was not how bpd actually is. 
I wanted to be angry at it, I wanted to hate it, but as I kept reading it…I couldn’t. because as horrible as it is, it’s really spot on. it’s an excellent depiction of the darker side of mental illness that lately we try not to talk about by basically saying “not all mentally ill” when the fact is…yeah, absolutely not all, not even most, but some. Yoonbum and Sangwoo are what can happen when two very disturbed and damaged people come together and have their personalities play off of each other with terrible consequences for literally everyone involved. it’s rare, but it can and does happen. there’s plenty of recorded history of it involving serial killers.
and about Yoonbum’s bpd: again, I wanted to be mad about how it was portrayed, but I just couldn’t. for those not familiar, bpd basically boils down to a mood disorder that results in unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships. it usually comes with an intense fear of rejection and abandonment (real or perceived) in addition to the mood swings. there’s also often a big problem with either idolizing someone or completely devaluing them (and sometimes swinging between the two with the same person). there’s a lot more to it (and if you’re interested, you can read a little more about the basics here) but with Yoonbum, when it comes down to it, as much as I wanted to say “that’s not how it is”…I can’t. the author obviously either has/knows someone with/or did a lot of research on bpd, because if I’m being completely honest with myself, if I didn’t have a partner who was as aware and supportive and understanding as I do, I could easily see myself ending up in a situation similar to Yoonbum (hopefully minus the murder).
bpd can wreak havoc on your personal relationships. I have very few people who I can call my friends because most people can’t deal with my instability (and I don’t blame them at all, it’s a lot to ask someone to accept). a lot of my familial relationships are shallow and strained because people just don’t understand why I act the way I do, despite my best efforts to be “normal”. you feel worthless and will look for anyone to validate you and give you some sort of purpose (I know from personal experiences, most of which were very bad and did much more harm than good). so I really lucked out to end up with someone chill enough to not only help ground me but also someone who pushes me to find purpose in myself instead of in him/other people.
it’s very easy for me to relate to and understand Yoonbum because I could have very easily been him. he’s not innocent in this. he’s not 100% a victim here. very poor choices on his part put him in a situation that is now out of his control. but I will say, as someone who struggles with and fights against similar thoughts and feelings, sometimes it is extremely difficult not to act on the sudden impulses and irrational thinking like he did. and seeing as he apparently had none of even what support I’ve been able to find, I’m not surprised at all by any of his behavior.
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""Car insurance under dads name, but he doesn't have or use a car?
My dad just got a bill in the post for around 300 for car insurance However he doesn't drive a car nad hasn't for years and im sure its for my brothers girlfriends car but hes listed as the main driver or something will he have to pay the bill
Car insurance help I want to know the price?
I want to get a car but the only thing holding me back is the cost of insurance. I'm 18 and with the good student discount my dad pays $300 a month for my 02 Nissan sentra. It's under my dads name. If anybody knows abt how much it wud cost for insurance for the listed cars below that wud help me out soo much!! Thanx in advance! 06 lancer evo Mazda 3 (hatchback) scion xb 05 or 09 wud a stick shift make a difference in price?
Health insurance questions?
I found out that my employer was taking over $800.00 a month for health insurance. When I found out I ask to cancel insurance and get my own. I call the insurance company cancelled it on March 11, 2010 they confirmed it was cancelled. My employer is still taking the payment out of my check. Since my pay period ended for 31 they took another full month of insurance. I have not used this insurance and I can't use it because they cancelled on March 11, 2010. My employer claims it was effective cancelled for April 1, 2010. Can they do that?""
Do insurance rates go up if you put a turbo kit on a car?
does the insurance company need to know
Do you buy insurance before you buy a car?
Say you picked a car that you want. And negotiated your deal? Who do you get insurance? I never had a car before.
I Need Health Insurance?
I am currently 19years of age and a full time college student. I am not working but I need to find affordable health coverage. My insurance ran out as soon as i turned 19 and what i paid before was about 10 dollars a month because i was a orphan or something like that of the state. what should i do? even if i get a job now i cannot afford to pay 200 dollars and upwards a month.
Where can i get the cheapest insurance for saxo vtr?
ive just passed my test and i already had the car well before i started lessons. ime 26 with 2 kids under 16. ive been getting stupid quotes for 5000. i know its a boy racers car but it doesnt meen ime going to be doing handbrakes and racing in it. just using it to get to work and take my kids out. i got the car for 600 2000 model and really want this car cant be doing with a 1.0 L or anything under a 1.6 can anyone give me a insurance company that will give me a decent quote. thankssss
Will My Parents Insurance go up?
I'm a g1 driver, got pulled over for speeding, got slapped with a few other tickets, was wondering will my parents insurance go up
My friend got hit from behind and his car got totalled. How much $ can he get from insurance/lawsuit?
he's ok but was told to take 4 weeks off of work.
Can you put a relative from another state on your insurance plan?
I live in North Carolina and my Dad lives in Texas. I am going to college close to my mother who current ly insures me. I am not going to have a car for probably 2-3 years, and will literally never drive my moms car when I am at home, but my mom is paying a large amount of money to be on her plan. The insurance people said that you have to be more than 100 miles away from her to be taken off because there is resonable doubt I would drive. I was wondering if state laws allow for me to be insured by my dads plan in Tx, if so, would it cost a lot to be on his? If thats not possible, is there anyway to be taken off my moms or to not be insured at all?""
Car insurance and the state you live in and registration?
I just moved from Richmond VA to Greensboro NC. My car insurance is in Richmond VA and and my car is registered up there. I'm only going to stay in North Carolina for about 8 months. I want to know if I can switch my car insurance to North Carolina with out having to register my car and switching my license plates over to North Carolina. Car insurance is a hell of alot high up in Richmond than here and I want to save some much needed money. Anyone know if I can make the insurance switch with out having to register my car and switching my tags over to North Carolina? Please respond with only legit answers.
Car insurance question regarding friends car?
(This is in Ohio). My friend let me drive her car when the roads were kind of bad due to weather. At an intersection, the light turned yellow, and I began to slide on the ice. I had control of the car, however, if I would have continued to slide straight I would have been hit side on by the incoming cars coming through the intersection. Instead, I had to turn the wheel and I hit a pole. No damages were done to the pole, any other cars, or people. Unfortunately when we took the car to an autobody shop, getting an estimate without the use of insurance, we got an average cost of $2,200. There's NOT that much damage on the left bumper to make the cost so expensive. Both me and my friend are insured, however, MY insurance company is saying it's her car, so her insurance has to pay for it. How will this work? If I ask her to pay using her insurance, I don't want her to pay any out of pocket. I would pay the deductible. Will this hurt her insurance, or my pocket? Any other good ideas? Thanks so much.""
How do you get health insurance?
how do u get health insurance if u cant afford it my bf cant get health insurance cux the health insurance ppl say he makes too uch money to have it but he doesnt make enought to afford it how did u get it then
Where to buy individual health insurance?
I am looking to buy an individual health plan. I have just quited my job and have opened a small automobile repair shop. What are the options?
How much might it cost to repair a scratch on a car door?
i was pulling into a parking spot when my car scratched another guys car :( I looked to see if there was a scratch but i unforutnately checked the wrong spot and saw nothing, i then got a note on my window when i returned that i had scratched parts of both his side doors :( i think the scratches are medium sized and hopefully not very deep, but other then that i have no idea how big and deep they actually are, but if you could make an educated guess, how much might my insurance or myself have to cover this scratch with? (i have farmers and the man said he would get a quote from the dealer but it might not get repaired their if the quotes too high)""
Had my car insurance cancelled. What can I do?
My car insurance company recently cancelled my policy due to unpaid direct debit. Here is what happened. My direct debit didn't get paid on the 8th Jan 2013 due to my bank refusing as I didn't have enough funds. 3 days later I recieved a letter through the post stating they will try again in 7 days. 10 days later they tried again and it said that it successfuly went through. It's now February, I just checked on the MID website and my car is uninsured! I checked my bank account and no payment went out this month, and last month, when the payment did go out succesfully, I notice on the same day the payment went back into my account! I can't phone my insurance company yet as its 6am but I assue they've cancelled it and are wanting me to pay the rest in full. Now, when I take out a new policy, will this effect me? I have been getting quotes already and I can see an option asking ''have you been refused insurance beofre?''. My answer would be no, I haven't. I have had it cancelled due to non payment but not refused. Or does 'refused' mean cancelled due to non payment?""
What would the price of insurance be for a 16 year old male after going through drivers ed and taking the...?
behind the wheel license test through the school? I am getting my license in a couple of days and wondering how much it would cost just in case i have to pay for it. We have a 2004 trailblazer, a 1999 grand prix, and a 2000 ford ranger. I get good grades and im not sure what else you need to know. Im in az. Im wondering because i cant put my info on the internet for a quote so i just want a ballpark monthly price.""
Car insurance for teen?
I'm 18 and only had my license for 4 months. I can afford monthly car payments but insurance is over the ceiling, the cheapest policy I got was $270 from geico w/o collision. One with collision is $371 - month w/$500 deductible. My mom had an accident so itll be cheaper by myself. Any suggestions? It's so frustrating!""
Who would be a good company to insure my engagement ring with?
I am looking for a company that has a reputable rapport with customers. A company who can be trusted and isn't under any financial scrutany.
Insurance on 2002 subaru wrx?
Hello, I am 16 and am looking into getting a 2002 wrx. My dad only wants plpd on it. I would just like to get an estimate of insurance rate. I live in michigan btw.""
So why is car insurance expensive for anyone under 25?
I can understand someone who has just gotten behind the wheel for the first time ever, but I have been driving for 2 years without even a traffic ticket on record, and my insurance is still near 2.5 grand a year. I don't drive a sporty car either, I drive a 2002 Accord. And I still have to wait 7 years for my insurance to go down to a reasonable rate? doesn't this sound a little ridiculous? And don't tell me that an accident is bound to happen or unavoidable for someone of my age. My dad got in his first car accident at age 35. My mom has yet to get in one (well, one that doesn't involve being rear ended). My girlfriend's oldest sister, who is now 27, hasn't gotten in an accident either. I think it is flawed that the insurance companies are simply assuming I am going to get in an accident instead of assessing what kind of a driver I really am.""
Do i need insurance to learn a driver to drive?
My friend has got insurance on his car on his provisional do I need insurance to teach him drive it I'm a full licence holder for 4 yaer
""Wiil insurance go up for a Non-Driving related, out of state, alcohol possesion citation?""
I am 20 years old and was cited for minor in possesion of alcohol in PA (Completely unrelated to driving). I plead guilty and paid a fine. However, PA law dictates a mandatory 90 day driver's license suspension (which only is in effect in PA). I don't live in PA, I live in NY. Will my insurance rate go up?""
Is marriage really that important?
Is marriage really that important?
What about insurance for 1st offense DUI's?
Geico quoted me with $2,000 for 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I've heard about Freeway Insurance and then there are the strip-mall insurance companies. Are they legite ? thanks""
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house and contents insurance quotes
How much is car insurance usually?
and what makes it change? car type and age of owner?
What is a Cool looking car but cheap on insurance?
I am looking for a sporty looking car but not actually considered a sports car and is cheap on insurance. I like a Dodge Stratus and Dodge Intrepid type looks IS there any Cars that Have the cool look but Is cheaper on insurance I know they exist but could you give me a list PLEASE THANKS FOR THE HELP
Insurance over 20 thousand !?
I have passed me driving test about a month ago now, and since then i was trying to look for car insurance. I have 1.2 Fiat Punto 2000reg, paid 700 for it. I have tried loads of different car insurance company's online and most of them give me like quotes of 24211.84, that was Confused.com :( or they just say we couldn't provide you with one... So i was thinking could that be some kind of mistake because all my friends who just passed there test paid 3000 or less. Any advice of what could i doo, maybe i should just ring some company's ?""
Insurance cancellation question?
I cancelled my old insurance with Access about 2-3 weeks ago and I was told I'd be receiveing and reimburstment check back from them since the policy had only been active for about 2 months. What's to average wait time on one?
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
How can I fight to get more money out of my car insurance company?
We bought a 2011 Lancer on Dec 8th 2010. On Dec 27th 2010, we slid off the road in a blizzard, but the car was not damaged AT ALL. The car was parked and only had our pets and christmas gifts from the holidays. An idiot speeding in a snow storm made a b-line into our car. Both ours and their insurance determined the car totaled and the other driver was found at fault by his insurance company. We did have GAP coverage (which will NEVER happen again). The car was 19 days owned and we believe we should get MSRP for our car. Does anyone know if this is reasonable? I think we pay so much every month and therefore are entitled to be in the same position financially as we were before the accident. (Also, we had stuff : a rifle, our pets, their crate that got damaged. We were wondering if that and the out-of-pocket rental car expenses should be covered... seeing that it was in direct relation to the car accident, that was his fault.)""
Best Choice for Car/Insurance Price?
I am 21 and will be going shopping for a car under my own name where I will actually be making the payments and insurance for once I was wondering what kind of car would be a good choice I prefer nothing older than a 2007 and preferably like a Honda civic, Scion TC, maybe a mustang, jetta, nothing too horrible on gas and something I won't look lame in lol. Keep in mind I dont want something that is going to make my insurance too high I want a good rate on my insurance. Factors to know is that I am 21 year old MALE in Houston, TX. I really want to know what would be a good combo, like what car should I get to get the best deal on my insurance. oh and my deductible on collision/comprehensive i dont want to have more than $500 each.""
BMW car insurance?
my car insurance doesnt provide anything with mechanical problems, is there any other way on this or is it a dead end?""
Health Insurance for a 63 year old man.?
My dad just turned 63 and I want to get him some health insurance but what are the options? I know he needs some but he cant afford it and I want to help him out I just know nothing about it.
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
How much will my car insurance be?
R reg vw polo 999cc
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
Auto insurance : which company do you recommend?
We want to switch car insurance...our current one is so expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank you so much.
Do I have to have car insurance?
I'm 18, and I'm getting my first car that I'm paying for in two weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I don't think my mom will put me on her insurance. I don't have enough money to pay for my own insurance. My mom told me its illegal to drive around without insurance (Is this true? And how would police know?) Also, what would happen if I got into a car accident with damage to both cars and I was at fault?""
I am in phoenix arizona. What insurance company is best for a 18 year old driver with a DUI?
I know he should not be allowed to drive but he needs to get to college. No he is not going to take the bus!
Car Insurance for 18 Year Old Girl? :P?
I am wondering how much my insurance will be once I have gotten my full license. I would be getting it for 6 months only and on my mother's car. I live in Ireland and am 18 years old. Any help would be great :) Thanks :D
Any idea of how much a hatchback gate replacement would cost for a 2010 Lexus RX 350?
My mother slammed the open hatchback of her brand new RX350 into our garage this weekend. It appears that the actual body is bent and will therefore have to be replaced. As she doesn't have full-coverage auto insurance, any in the know have an idea or estimate of how much it will cost to replace? Thanks!""
Medicaid pays 100% but does insurance?
People who don't qualify for medicaid has to have regular insurance . A lot of those who don't qualify for medicaid can be determined by just a few dollars as they have a cut off limit. If they have to buy insurance wouldn't they have to pay the difference between the ins pay and balance? If one does not get insurance then there is a fine from your taxes. Is all this correct? Does the fine go towards an insurance premium if they pass the new health care law? Sorry for so many questions. Just trying to understand this a bit.
Is this good fuel consumption & cheap insurance group?
I have found a car and the specs sa the following fuel consumption and I wanna know if it is good or not as im looking for something more economical. Fuel consumption (urban) 43.5 mpg Fuel consumption (extra urban) 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption (combined) 55.4 mpg Also it says the insurance group is 7, is this going to be quite cheap?""
Can I get the tax for my partners car as insurance will be in my name but the car will be in her name?
Neither of us have a car at the minute but my partners mum wants to buy her a car. The car will obviously be put in her name as it is being bought for her but she can not drive at the minute so I will be taking out the insurance in my name as I will be the main driver but we will need to tax the car can I get the tax for the car even if the car is not in my name but the insurance is in my name?
Car insurance for teens?
i want to get a 2004 spyder eclipse two door, and i'm on my parents insurance (farmers insurance) because i'm 17, and was wondering if anyone knows about how much it will be a month.......""
Is it illegal to drive a car that has insurance but I'm not?
My dad has insurance on his car under his name but I'm not insured. Can I drive his car or is it illegal. Please help. Oh and I live in California.
What is the cost of Ciprofloxacin without health insurance in the States?
I think the usual dose of Cipro is 250 to 500 mgm every 12 hours for approx 10 days for UTI from what I have read online. So assuming its 20 tablets what is the cost of Ciprofloxacin without health insurance at Walmart. Just getting an idea of what the cost might be before visit to Doctor round the corner. Any experiences with buying antibiotics without health insurance? What are your thoughts on this in general and any idea of approximate cost of Ciproflaxin without insurance at Walmart. Walmart seem to be the most affordable place. CVS are expensive. Walgreens are very expensive in my opinion.
I'm roughly 14 weeks pregnant with no prenatal care or insurance. What are my options?
I'm assuming I'm around 14 maybe 15 weeks pregnant & I haven't had any prenatal care nor do I have health insurance. With my first pregnancy I qualified for Medicaid & left the HHS that day with it! This time they have been dragging me around since March, losing things, accidentally deleting files, denying me & then asking me to reapply. All of this over & over again, it's just been very unorganized & stressful. Not to mention I had a meltdown & told them that I NEEDED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, so please let me know what to do! This was a month ago, they still say things are pending & I could expect to wait 30 more days. This is adding such a tremendous amount of stress to my pregnancy, I just want to see my baby. Are there any other insurance plans for pregnant women? I'm not married, but my fiance has a well paying job. Naturally though, I can't receive insurance through his job until we are officially married. We attempted to make an appointment & self pay, but during that one visit they demanded $600 up front, which we weren't prepared for. I refuse to go to a clinic simply because my last pregnancy was high risk & ended in an emergency C-Section & there were complications & I'm sure this one will be the same, since I ended up getting pregnant before the desired waiting time for a previous c-section. Not to mention, my OB/GYN has been my doctor since I was 13 & he is truly the best where I live. I just wouldn't be able to trust someone else. I live in Texas by the way. Do any of you have any ideas?""
""Changing insurance companies have active claim with old one, what happens?""
I have a claim with my current insurance company, waiting to get the deductible don't have it handy. But I found I can get a better rate with a different insurance company. What happens if I change companies before I get my car fixed? Does the insurance company still have to pay when I get it fixed since it happened when I was covered by them. Or do they not have to pay it since I'm no longer covered by them?""
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house and contents insurance quotes
Is a Scion tc considered a sports car by insurance companies?
I'm getting a new car. I have a Land Rover Discovery and its a piece of crap and drinks a lot of gas. I was going to get a Mazda RX8, I love them. My family has 3 of them, but my dad said no because the insurance would be high because its a sports car. Is a 2008 Scion tc considered a sports car by insurance companies? I am a 19 year old female by the way, if that matters. Thanks for any answers!""
Rough average insurance for 21 y/o on 500cc bike?
I'm coming up to 21 in August this year and i'm thinking of getting all my tests and everything done as soon as i can so i'll be on a full license. I'm thinking of getting a 500cc (probably a Honda CB500) straight away or maybe a 600cc, depends. I'll have no biking experience, no points on my license (unless something happens between now and then) and will probably be doing ~8,000 miles per year. What sort of price range should i be looking at for a years insurance?""
""I wrecked my new car , insurance is liability?
i wrecked my car . my car was new 2009 car and my insurance was liabilty. police decided that was my fault. And also i am still paying monthly payment on that car. Does anybody know what should i do next . i been using that car to work now i am unemployee . should i just bankrufcy
How do you fight with the other party's insurance company?
Hi, my car insurance covers for liability only and now I have an accident with a big truck. The big truck hit my car from the side. We were driving from 2 lanes next to each other and at one point the two lanes combine into one. While I was alittle pass over the truck, it hit me from the side. Their side has no damage since it is a big truck and our side has damaged from the driver side. The police report didn't explain clearly about whose fault it is except it mentions what the two drivers said. I think it is not my fault and the other driver denied it is his fault either. My insurance company didn't help much because we only have liability. Now, the other party insurance company called me and said they can't pay for the damanges since it is both parties fault. Therefore, pay for damanges on our own. Like I said, the other party didn't have any damages. If we have to fix it by ourselves, it will cost over $1500. :-( How should I fight with the insurance company to get my claims?""
How much is motocross insurance?
Hey guys just wondering how much a motocross insurance quote would be im just looking for coverage if i get an injury im 16 and need affordable quotes thanks
What is the cost of baby health insurance?
I am doing a project for health class, called baby's first year. I have every thing that i would cost to have a baby except Doctor, Hospital cost and health Insurance. If you know how ...show more""
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
""I am turning 16 soon and I am a guy, What is a car that is sporty, but is safe and has low insurance?""
I need help selecting a car... I want a car that is sporty, has low insurance, and safe and very reliable with good MPG""
Best health insurance in Texas?
Best health insurance in Texas?
Life Insurance :?
can i stop paying my premium and get back the amount i paid for? . I took insurance for 15 yr. Already 2 years over. Is ther any option to get the invested money back?
Car insurance on a 16 year old?
Okay so I'll get my permit in a few weeks, and I really want a Dodge Challenger, or a Camaro. I was wonder, how would the insurance work? How much would it be, and estimate. I know it will be high, but it's going to be high anyways. Could my parents just add me onto their insurance? Would it cost more or less ? They pay about 450 dollars every six months for a Chevy Colorado. I get great grades, and I'm going to take the drivers ed class threw this local college, that should lower the insurance too. Can anyone estimate how much insurance might be for a Challenger or Camaro? Which one would be less do you think? Thanks.""
No proof of insurance ticket california?
I got pulled over for speeding. Got a ticket for no proof of insurance. I do have insurance for the car but I forgot to put it in my car the day I got pulled over. If i show prove of insurance during the fine date, how much does it cost.. and what the judge gonna do ? like how is she gonna look at the papers ? and do i take my insurance to the Judge or the car insurance pealse help :)""
6 month or Year car insurance?
Which one of these is more desirable? Seems like the year car insurance premium is higher than the 6 month. Also, how do you cancel a policy and get a policy with a new insurer without hurting your credit?""
Will Health insurance costs be lower now that they are making us get it?
How much will we be Taxed if we still can't afford it ?
Only Teens please :) How much do you pay for auto insurance?
Teen payments 19 years old preference
What is a good car insurance for someone that is 21?
im 21 my car is insured by my moms insurance but she wants to take me off. What are some good options??i live in california and im a full time student.
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
What would be the average price of car insurance for a 18 yearold driving a scion tc in Florida?
Thinking about buying one, trying to see what the price of insurance would be like.""
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
My own insurance?
In High school I was on my parents insurance and then I moved out with my boyfriend and got put on his parents insurance, but Im pretty sure his mom is lying to us about how much the insurance costs. We payed a varied amount (75-200) every 2 weeks for a couple months and then that same varied about after that per month. I feel bad about not trusting her but I want to have my own insurance. Mainly because I want to be self sufficient and pay my own everything! How do I go about getting insurance for me and my boyfriend?""
Insurance grace period/need insurance to title and register?
In IL, is there any grace period between buying a car and having insurance? Or put another way, will I need to show proof of insurance when I go to DMV to register and get title? My plan was to pickup the car and immediately go to the DMV, but my insurance card probably won't be hear for a few days... will they not let me register it w/o insurance? Also, god forbid I'm pulled over on my way to the DMV (without insurance OR registration) or on my way home from DMV (still no insurance) will there be a problem if I can show (with bill of sale or something) that I just bought the vehicle and am on the way to register it and/or insurance is in the works?""
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
What are some cheap car insurance companies for young adults in Georgia?
I'm a 20 year old male currently shopping around for car insurance, but I can't seem to make a decision. I need the most inexpensive, but quality insurance possible. Do you guys know any companies that may be a little more generous to young adult drivers?""
What kind of Insurance should we have when doing a Re Fi Loan?
I am looking over the paper work and one form mentions that we have options at time of closing for different types of insurance. We have Home Owners Insurance/ I noticed disability and mortgage and Life help please
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
house and contents insurance quotes
house and contents insurance quotes
CAR INSURANCE for a17 year old??
i just passed my test and have the old ford fiesta waiting for me to drive but atm the quotes i'm getting for insurance is around 2000 What are the cheapest sites for car insurance? Should i do Pass Plus?
How much should i settle my auto injury claim for? please someone help me out!?
Question Details: i had an acccident about a year and half ago and i was a passenger. i have no health insurance and have been footing all medical bills thus far. i am writing a demand letter right now but am wondering how much should be my compensation request. here's a brief summary. the other driver is at complete fault. i have all soap notes from doctors,bills and reports. we were hit head on while on our way to my root canal surgery, i was having my permanent put in. i had to go in 2 weeks later wearing a cervical collar. i have choronditis, back sprains and horrible knee contusions still left on my foot. my doctor has recommended physical therapy for up to 3 months but i can't afford to go anymore thus why i am trying to settle. total medical bills is about 12,000 not including other misc like pills. i just don't want to ask too high or be taken for a fool,so please help. thanks. also the insurance company has never made an offer they said it was a hard hit. both cars in""
Affordable Florida Group Health Insurance Question:?
Where's the best site on affordable florida group health insurance? I've looked everywhere. Sometime searching is just a pain. Anyone with some ideas or links to share? Thanks.
Choosing a Family Health Insurance?
Hello, What is the suggested Health Insurance for entire family (Ex: 2 adult and 1 kid or 2 kids) among the nationalized providers (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New India Assurance; United India Insurance)? Thank You.""
What's the best and cheapest Insurance Company for Motorcycles?
I want to buy a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. I live in Georgia. I was quoting online and the prices are insane!!! I could buy a Range Rover with those monthly payments!!!
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
What's a sensible sporty/fast car for a young driver?
I'm 19, 2 years driving experience. I've had two 1.6 escorts and find they are completely gutless. I'm looking for a faster, more sporty car that isn't going to kill me on insurance. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!""
Car accident without insurance?
My 16 year old son had an accident in his 2013 Lexus ES350 a few weeks ago. I have been insured with Geico, however 2 days before the accident my coverage lapsed (I had to switch ...show more""
""How much would auto insurance cost for a $17,000 Bentley?""
Yes, I was looking around and someone was selling a bentley for $17,000. It is a 2005 Continental GT. If I were to buy that for a 16 year old, how much would insurance be? I know it is a bentley but it is an a low price tag of $17,000. And he would be covered under my insurance which makes the price go down lower, also he has taken the test,etc. Any insight would help greatly.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
in Richardson, Texas.""
I need some advice on car insurance...?
I am purchasing a used car, worth about $3,000.00 I am trying to decide what level of car insurance I should get. Money is kinda tight. Do you think full coverage is neccessary? What type of coverage do most people opt for on low value cars like this? I've always driven new ones.""
""When i buy my first car (before taking test), i want to practise with sumeone, how do i go about insurance?
i know i just get insurance but for a provisonal licence holder only.. when i pass (hopefully) do i just phone the insurance company and 'upgrade' my existing insurance or do i just get altogether new insurance? and How long did it take you to pass.. from first lesson to passing? Cheers! 10 points for best answer =D
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
Need life insurance for 89 year old grandmother?
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that I can get a life insurance policy on my 89 year old grandmother? She is currently in nursing home with dementia and in very poor health. My mother and I who are both disabled and on disability and food stamps and are currently living in her house...which is run down and we are living in squalor is not worth anything...my laptop I am writing this on is worth more than this house, but it has a tax lien and when she dies they will take it. So we need a life insurance policy on her of about $50,000 so we could buy a mobile home and a new car, which we don't have a car and to help us pay bills. We are getting her pension check of $218 a month so we could use that as monthly payment for the life insurance, but can put in some of our money if we have to but has to be under $300 a month. Any information would be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to find an insurance provider that will take anyone over 80 or 85.""
Auto insurance : which company do you recommend?
We want to switch car insurance...our current one is so expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank you so much.
""Car accident, insurance coverage, process?""
I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company. Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ? Thanks for your answer.""
Applying for insurance?
if i have a title to a vehicle that has just been signed over to me can I purchase insurance or can i just give the vehicles description & get insurance that way. thanks for any help.
What car to get for cheapest insurance after crash at 17?
Im 17, 18 on october 1st. I crashed my car in january, claimed for write off and got given 3000, i put that in premium bonds, i ahve that money sat there to but a car with. I want to get a car on my 18th, what car should i get, bearing in mind ive had a crash, then claimed? the cheapest ive seen is 3470 a year for insurance. thanks.""
Car insurance and registration question?
Hi, I'm going to get my car registered today. I was wondering if when I go to get the proof of insurance if it will cost anything today for that? It will be 177 a month for insurance, and 303 for the license plate and registration and all that. But I wasn't sure if you get any charges right then and there for insurance?? Thanks. I also live in MA and I'm going with commerce if that helps.""
Motorbike Insurance 600cc ~ 1000cc?
Iam 24 years old ( will do the bike test later this year ) I would just like a rough figure on what would it cost the insurance for these bikes. CB 600 hornet HONDA CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam asking because iam abroad and i cant do the quotes else i would not loose time asking If someone could be kind enough to help out just with a near figure iwould gladly apreciate the help.
I need help trying to get the cheapest car insurance.?
Im 18 years old i past my driving test in September but can afford insurance, the lowest quote ive been given is 3000 pounds which is outrageous. Is there any way i could find cheap insurance and what would be the car to help too !!! :) Thanks !!!""
Dont have Health insurance question?
what happens if someone is severly sick and dont have health insurance.Will the ambulance still take them to the hospital and if so will he or she be treated even though they dont have insurance..
What is insurance?
What is insurance?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old with a 2008 G6?
Me and my dad went looking for cars and he said that he would buy me a 2008 G6 but I have to pay for insurance, with full coverage. Any idea how much it would be? And if so, where can I get the cheapest insurance.""
house and contents insurance quotes
house and contents insurance quotes
0 notes
How do you get someone’s car insurance provider?
"How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does your Insurance address have to match your registration address?
I'm moving to a new city where the insurance rates are higher than my current town. I have to change my address on my license and registration to get a parking permit in the city, but do I have to change the address on my insurance? The permit doesn't require to know any information about your insurance.""
What happens if im a day late on my car insurance?
i pay monthly with gieco.today my payment is due but i wont have the money untill tomorrow.will they cancel my insurance?will i have to pay some type of fee? will my car insurance go up? Plz help
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
I'm a 17yr old male in the UK - how can i make my car insurance cheaper?
Confused.com is telling me it will be 1600+ per year with provisional and 2500+ per year when i pass my test. I'm hoping to pass in february and would rather like to be driving to college then :/ I'm 18 in november and would rather not wait till then. These prices are taken from quite a few different affordable cars i've found on autotrader. Any tips on lowering the price?
Car Accident in Michigan and no insurace?
I was in a car accident in Michigan and did not have car insurance, police did come, i did not recieve any tickets and it was determined that it was not my fault but my car is messed up pretty bad and so is the other car, now i am wondering even though the other driver said it was his fault and said his insurance would pay for it I know does not neccisarily mean that it will, but I did read somewhere that I might be counter sued, or that i may just have to pay his deductable, does anyone have any insight about this and what I should expect or expect nothing at all, yes i know i should not of been driving a vehile without atleast plpd but the car is not mine and not in my name so please no rude comments just asking for advice about the situation. Please and Thank you ;)""
Good motorcycle insurances?
I just got a new dirt bike and I can't race with it at the track without insurances, what are a couple of cheap motorcycle insurances. I called this one place before and they wanted to charge me 700$ a month""
Should I drop my comprehensive insurance to liability only on my car?
My van is from 1999 and it is paid off. The only thing is I am not confident in my driving skills. I have enough money to buy another car though. I have 130,000 miles on the van. I was going to drive it until it falls apart or starts costing me too much money in repairs.""
How will being unemployed affect my car insurance rates?
After being with Wawanesa for 12 years I let my car insurance lapse for 2 months and now have to reapply. I am now unemployed, how will that affect my rates? Do they look at it as driving less since no job to go to or driving more since excess free time now?""
Boss mustang & insurance?
here's the thing. im 16 and live in VA. im saving up to get my dream car, a 1971 boss mustang. ive had my permit and hopefully about to get my license next month. everything would be perfect if it wasn't for the insurance price. are there any discounts that are available that would help out a lot? and does it cost anything if i just get my license and for now not drive? if so around how much? thanks a bunch in advance""
Should I get car insurance in my name or parents?
I'm 16. A lot of people are telling my parents to get my car insurance in their name and not tell them i'm the primary driver because it will be so much cheaper. Does that mean if I get in my first wreck they won't cover it or they'll just raise it after?
Allstate insurance in NY- Question
Hi. I live in New York City and we have a leased 2007 Lexus es350, leased 2008 lexus gs350 and a leased 2007 Mercedes Benz e350, all using allstate insurance. I am under my parent's policy. I am very curious to know how much the insurance would cost for the lexus es350, because soon I'll be paying for it once I get out of school and have the ability to do so, since that's my car. I am 17 years old, turning 18 in November. I have had my unrestricted driver's license since December 2007. I also took driver's education, and we receive an insurance discount for taking driver's ed. No accidents or moving violations. Approximately how much does it cost now, and how much will it cost in about 2-3 years from now if all these conditions remain the same? Thanks""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for michigan?
for the most basic insurance
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
""What is the recommended amount of uninsured motorist coverage in Reno, Nevada?""
I searched online, but couldn't find any average or for claims or for recommended coverage. I currently have only the minimum covereage for un/under insured motorists. I know I need more, because this area has a high rate of uninsured motorists. However, I am on disability and don't want to pay more than necessary. Any assistance would be appreciated, but please don't give me names of insurance agencies, etc.""
Should i gain my CBT license to lower insurance on a 125cc scooter?
I currently have a full driving license and interested in buying a scooter. To lower insurance even further should I gain my CBT license or any other awareness courses?
""When you get rear ended by a car, does your insurance rate go up?""
Will getting your car rear ended, or getting into any situation that isnt your fault, cause your insurance rate to go up?""
How much is the average price for full cover motorcycle insurance ?
Im going to buy a 2013 Honda 600RR , how much would insurance cost ?""
What should i expect to receive for a 1997 saturn sl1 from an insurance campany after total?
i have a 1997 saturn sl1 that has 122,000 miles on it, power door locks, aftermarket component speakers, tinted windows, automatic, power steering, A/C. i was rear ended and the the body shop told me totaled. now im waiting for the insurance to pay me for the car and make an offer. does anybody have an idea what i should expect. this was a reliable car, i drive this car everywhere, it was supposed to get me to school everyday when i start college and my school is about 10 miles each way. i just dont want a low ball offer where i cant purchase a car thats going to get me to college everyday when i dont have a job. what is the average for this car, in great shape. will they pay for the speakers, the starter i just replaced 2 weeks ago""
How to reduce my car insurance?
Hey people, I'm 18, living with parents, just got my licence in the UK about 4 months ago. So I went out today and bought a 1.0 engine size KIA PICANTO. Heres the annoying part...we've been looking for insurance within our budget (realistically 1500p/a), All companies we've looked at have been giving us quotes of about 3500 which I find astonishing for a 1.0!! We've tried confused, admiral, churchill and compare the market. We've tried putting my parents as the main drivers and its still too expensive. Looks like pass plus is also useless! However, its the latest edition. It's a 2011 KIA picanto....do you think maybe if I returned the car and purchased something from 2004-05, insurance would drop to a reasonable rate? I do have loads of friends who managed to get car insurance below 1000!! Many thanks""
How much does it cost to KEEP a car like range rover?
ive never had a car, but i know that expensive cars are also expensive to KEEP, with all the insurance, gas, and idk what else, (if u could list it that be nice too) so how much does it cost to keep a car like range rover (per month)?""
Teen Car Insurance (Divorced Parents)?
Living in North Carolina and both households get along well but adding the teenager is crazy expensive. I'm looking for off-the-cuff insight. If a vehicle is registered and garaged at one house, and the teen has his license from the other parents' address, it should not be necessary to add the teen to the policy, because in essence, he is borrowing' the vehicle. Right? For clarification: I have a vehicle for him to drive. If he gets his license at the other parents house, but drives my vehicle, he shouldn't have to be insured by us because he's not driving a vehicle within his household. Thanks for any help""
What are the steps to obtain medical insurance?
I used to have peachcare,but my parents said something happened to it and I don't have insurance anymore.""
Riding a 125 motorbike on fully comp car insurance?
hi does anyone know, if you can ride a 125 motorbike with l pates and cbt on a fully comp car insurance, i know i can drive other vehciles on fully comp insurance but it turns into third party only , can it be done with my motorbike , thanks .""
Auto theft and insurance question?
My 95 Honda accord was stolen last week and I did have full coverage etc..how do i negotiate a fair replacement cost of the car to the ins company when they offer me their price? I have Allstate and they have been grat in followup with me, but i dont know how they will base the value of the car..will it be kelly book or the NADA? thank you!!""
Car insurance for 16 year olds...?
How much difference would the insurance be for a 16year old if the car make was either a comaro with a v6 or something else with a v6, like a nissan or mazda. Does the make of the car make a difference? I have good student and a bunch of other thngs that make discounts but was wondering if there is a big difference between just the make of the car. Im looking at buying the 2010 comaro if the insurance doesnt change tht much...... any info is great! :) thanks!""
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
Car Insurance Gangsters :(?
Car insurance for me is $7500 for 6 months? That's buying my car twice !! Idk why I didn't wait and be patient. Now I feel like I'm stuck with this car that I just purchased because there's no way I can afford that kind of car insurance. That's just unbelievable. I've been researching and researching and I finally felt like I was ready to start driving. I see people my age on forums saying they only pay $200 a month so I figured I would be paying around there maybe even a bit more but $1000 a month? Smh,, I can't do that. I don't know what to do. Should I try to sell the car I just purchased? I signed the papers and all smh. That's just ridiculous. Almost $1500 a month smh. Idk what to do man, please give me some advice. Maybe there's a not so good insurance company that can insure me for cheap? I don't plan on getting into any accidents. I don't even think I want to drive anymore, that quote has me going nuts right now.""
Who has a better idea for getting health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
The problem is that, without the mandate, insurance companies won't cover people with pre-existing conditions. Otherwise, people will just wait until they get sick to buy insurance. So you have to create a system where everyone is insured -- a mandate. OK, if you don't like the mandate, how would you get insurance companies to provide affordable insurance to people with pre-existing conditions without a requirement for everyone to have insurance Your solution has to cover the situation where a person gets laid off, wants to start their own business, and needs to buy affordable individual coverage (not group coverage) for themselves and their family. You have 30 minutes. Begin....now.""
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
A question about state farm auto insurance?
If I plan on buying a car with two seats, I'm male and get ok grades, what would be the difference in insurance costs if I got a car with 4 seats?""
Cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania?
Which companies have good coverage in Philadelphia, and have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). I'm looking at moderate deductible plans with copays for doctor office visits. Also, ...show more""
Can I find a good Texas Health Insurance Agent Online?
I am looking for a good agent that will look out for me an my situation. Not just sell me the plan that will make him the most commission. I recently bought health insurance from Reserve National of Oklahoma and I foud out because I paid my premiums by the year my agent made big bucks. I also found out they are not major medical insurance. I want an agent that will look out for me and show me all the different options. I am 55 my wife is 53 and we are in good hape and take no medications. We are looking for Texas Major Medical Catastrophic Health Insurance. I would like to hear from people with expereience and not a bunch of agents. So if you're an agent please don't bother to respond.
What are cts insurance rates compared to other luxury cars ?
2006 cts with 2.8 L base model what are the average insurance rates compared to other luxury cars
Our car's passanger side window has been completely smashed in, with nothing left. What process of repair will come to cheaper? Getting our insurance to cover it with access pay or a private company ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou""
How much will my Insurance go up?
im 18 years old on my mothers policy been driving 1 year crashed my car into a old Escort which his car was called a Rite Off. His rite of value for his car is 950. my damage i fixed with my old money as my insurance did not cover my cars damage. my Current Insurance price is 1250(pa). How much will my insurance go up by next time round...next year in September?
How much is car insurance for a guy who is...?
i don't want to do any quotes and stuff but i'm just wondering how much you think car insurance will be for me in 4 years. i got my license at 16. i'm 20 right now. never been in any accidents. so in 4 years i will be 25. i'm almost 21. let's say there is a 2013 dodge challenger srt8 it's about 40-45,000 still. by then i'll have my BA and be working on a masters. and let's say i have never had accidents and i had my license for 9 years. and i'm a male. i live in a safe neighborhood and will be living in an apartment. just with these general info. how much do you think insurance will cost for me? i know it's hard to predict 4 years into the future. you can just calculate someone who currently is 25 and is getting an 09 challenger if you want.""
Auto Insurance Increase?
My family lives in New Mexico and my son is planing on moving to Arizona I want to keep him on my insurance but when he changes his drivers license to the state of Arizona will my insurance go up?
""Changing insurance companies have active claim with old one, what happens?""
I have a claim with my current insurance company, waiting to get the deductible don't have it handy. But I found I can get a better rate with a different insurance company. What happens if I change companies before I get my car fixed? Does the insurance company still have to pay when I get it fixed since it happened when I was covered by them. Or do they not have to pay it since I'm no longer covered by them?""
How much will my car insurance be?
I can't drive, YET! I really want to learn, buy myself a Renault Clio. But.. I'm worried about car insurance! I heard you can buy insurance with a provisional licence to make it cheaper; how does this work? I'm 20. Female. Assistant teacher. Living in London. Id love a little Renault Clio, just scared of costs. THANKS!""
""No insurance company will quote me, dckheads..?""
They won't even give me a quote... Ive tried all cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... wtf is wrong with insurers in UK. im 17, just got licence.""
What should I do regarding my auto insurance situation?
I hit my dad's expedition with my Dodge Ram and caused about 1500 dollars in damage to my Ram, as estimated for parts and labor by a collision center, I hit the expedition's hitch which caused damage to me but barely a few scratches on the expedition. The expedition doesn't run, and is not even registered or insured. My dad is aware of the situation and has no interest in fixing his car and will not report me to the insurance or police. We have and still are on good terms. I have liability insurance, so it will not cover damage to my vehicle. My insurance policy expires in two weeks. What if I update my insurance with collision and comprehensive coverage that will cover my vehicle. Then I report that I hit an object and have them pay for it. Would this be cheaper in the short and/or long run than paying to fix out of pocket? Is such action above illegal, unethical, and/or against policy? I live in California and have Progressive insurance.""
How much does car insurance cost?
I just bought a 2007 toyota corolla and I'm putting the insurance in my moms name. She's gonna list me on her policy, around how much do you think it will cost to register this car? I don't want an exact amount just ideal price. It's a 2007 toyota corolla s""
Is it illegal to drive in florida without insurance? ?
Is it illegal to drive in florida without insurance? ?
What kinds of insurance we should get in California?
What kind of insurance we should shop if owner live in the property them self? What kind of insurance we should shop if it's rented out? What kind of insurance we should buy if we need fix the problems like dishwasher? Is it necessary to buy such kind of insurance?
""How do I obtain cheap, good health insurance in South Carolina?""
I currently live in Conn. but I am moving to SC in the middle of Oct, but I won't have health insurance when I get down there because I am currently on state insurance, which is up at the beginning of Oct. But I really need insurance because I have monthly prescriptions that I need. So does anyone know how I can get insurance just intil I get a job with benefits.""
Car insurance help for a 17 year old first year driver?
I'm looking to spend 3000/4000 pounds on either a Golf 2006 model, ford focus, audi a3 2006 model or a bmw 1 series. How much am i looking at for the annual insurance for anyway of these cars being a first year driver?""
Baby insurance HELP!?
im getting ready to have a baby in two months and i still dont have insurance for him...i dont know how and what kind to get please help???
Help me with insurance name?
In the bay area there is this insurance broker which finds the cheapest insurance for you by comparing their prices and they have a license to sell you that insurance at a discounted price. The name is something like freeway insurance? traffic insurance? road insurance? wth insurance? can someone tell me the name? thanks
How to terminate my insurance policy?
i've 2 policy insurance, life policy & investing policy. now i have finance problem, i really cannot afford the premium. so i want to terminate either one of these 2 policy. if i terminated it, can i get all back my premium that i've paid during this few years?""
How much does car insurance cost if i wanna pay it every 6 months?
It would just be me on the insurance (Full Coverage).I also only want to lease cars.I feel it's better to pay insurance twice a year as oppose to paying for it every month.
""Pizza delivery driver insurance in own car, where can I get insurance uk?
I have been offered a job as a pizza delIvery driver but I need to insure my car with business insurance I have tried everywhere but know one does it please Help x
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
How long can I drive my car with out insurance?
I am buying a used car that isn't from a dealership. How long can I drive the car before needing to buy car insurance?
Which car insurance should I get--First Timer?
My first car--and I haven't a clue about what car insurance to get. At the website they ask questions and I'm not sure what they mean... This is what I want: I want my car to be covered in an accident, I want some money if I get hurt. If I get sued/it's my fault, I don't want to pay a lot out of pocket. Is that so much to ask? Thanks for your help!""
""I don't have health insurance, should I get AFLAC?
My company sent an AFLAC representative to us today. I heard it was supplemental health insurance and it costs $35/month for accidents and sickness. I don't have any insurance at ...show more
I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?
I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.""
Car Insurance...?
I was wondering which car insurance company has a reasonable price?
Please answer!!! Is my car insurance too high?
I have a 2007 toyota corolla, clean title and no liens. Im 20 years old, female and part time in college. I have state farm and it costs $280 every month, i have full coverage also... Is this expensive or what??!!""
Is a business insurance payout taxable.?
The company suffered a burglary where a number of capital assets were stolen. They received an insurance payout. The insurance premiums paid were treated as a deduction in the profit and loss account. Basically will this pay out be taxable for Corporation Tax
""When you have a car accident and you are at fault and pay through your insurance, by how much will your All?
By how much will you All State insurance premium raise.
Can you insure two people separately on the same car?
My girlfriend is doing her lessons and driving to work and having her own car would cost more than it does to get the bus with price of parking, and I don't want to put her on my insurance so would she be able to insure her self on my car as well on a different policy?""
Is an international student considered a 'resident' (for car insurance purposes in the UK)?
Every car insurance comparison website and company seems to insist that I be a UK resident in order to obtain a car insurance quote. What does 'resident' in this context mean? As far as I know I've never applied for residency. I am a foreign student in the UK, studying in a UK university on a student visa which expires at the end of my course. is that considered a resident? if not how does a non-resident get their car insured? I'd really appreciate any helpful answers""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
For an 18 year old male with a streetbike, how much would insurance cost. I am just looking for a range because I plan to get a bike in the future and want to be prepared.""
Car insurance going up?
We were involved in a hit and run accident. Obviously not our fault, but the people that did it drove off. They've yet to be found. Our car was totaled and we're currently waiting on a payment from the insurance company. My question is, will our monthly car insurance payment go up, even though the accident wasn't our fault? Also, if they find the people that did it (there's more to the story and we're waiting on fingerprints from the car) is it possible to get their insurance to pay the extra amount if ours DOES go up?""
""Quick question on car insurance, thanks for answers?""
I am getting my second car insurance, i live in leeds however my parents live in northumberland, would it be legal to put my car insurance ADDRESS as northumberland (half the price). I would still be named driver, and i have all bank details and permenant things such as phone contracts registered to northumberland as i move each year i class it as my permanent address. So i could say the car is kept there but i use it sometimes, as in northumberland is also classed as my address, and i am there quite a lot anyway. Cheers for advice, and if it is legal or questionable, would it still be acceptable if even frowned upon, cheers!""
Would the auto insurance still liable?
I was involved in a car accident and I was hit by a guy who ran a red light. A policeman was a witness to the accident and the report states that it was the guys fault. After a couple of weeks his insurance which was under his mom is stating that he was not listed as a driver on the policy so they are not liable for damages. My question is are they still liable for this negligence. I would really appreciate some help. The guy is still driving and I have been without a car for 2 weeks.
How can I get prenatal insurance?
I live in Iowa and I am pregant my bday is in four days il be 18. I don't have health insurance I live with my bf. I could marry him and have insurance but I want to explore all options but I need. Health insurance what all can I do?
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
Best used mpv with cheap tax cheap insurance good mpg?
im looking for an mpv thats cheap to run on fuel , car tax, insurance,and maintenance, people have suggested a citreon berlingo ? does anyone have one and does it qualify my needs""
How much do speeding tickets effect your insurance ?
I got 2 speeding tickets, my first and second one of my life and im only 17. How will these tickets effect my insurance ?""
Cheap insurance?
i am looking to buy a chevy camaro RS and i know the insurance will be high does anyone know how much it will be? if there is a way to get less then i will buy the Z28 which would be more because of the V8 right?
I fell asleep on the interstate and got into a collision with an 04 BMW w/o insurance.?
I was late on payments and my insurance will not cover. I was at fault and I got a letter in the mail today and the lady said so far the damages are $11k... What should I do?? accident was on 2/27/11 in FL
Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance for a 19 year old boy in the UK?
I will eventually have my car when I'm 19 but i want to drive a 1.6 instead of a smaller engine. Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance because i know of people who got it cheap In england
I have reasontly had my car stolen and am wondering how much the insurance are going to pay me ?
my car was a red vaxaull corsa M reg (1994) very excellent condition one OAP as a previous owner it had done 95,000 miles and had 11 months mot on it i valued it with the insurers for 500 even tho i think its worth more! and i was covered for 3rd party, fire n theft! so and ideas as to how much i will get?""
US Maternity Health Insurance?
Hi, I am looking forward to give birth in America so I need to know what kind of Maternity International Health Insurance I need since I am not an US citizen. I need a 1 to 6 months insurance. Can you provide some Companies' names or more info please? Or an approximated price? Thanks.""
Does the color actually make your insurance higher??
I have heard this is true...red cars make your insurance higher...I don't think it is true but my husband does. What do you all think? I have looked up quotes and none of them ask for the color of the vehicle just make/model/year...
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
Who has the best dental insurance?
i need private personal good coverage in colorado
How do I get a cheap full coverage car insurance? Can I put my name in my dad's car insurance?
I want to get a car insurance and I want a cheap and full coverage one. But I am a college student and not ready to pay 200 or 100 for a car insurance. My dad is 54 would it be cheaper if I used him or he puts my name with him? If something happened to my car will they cover it or not because he is not the owner of the car? Can someone please explain how this works :D
How much will insurance be on a 2004 Nissan Maxima SL?
By the time I get the car I will be like 18 and 1/2. I will be under my parents policy and I only get into one accident (very minor) but it was at no fault. Parents got into no accidents in the last like 5 years. I want a rough estimate on how much it will be a year for the car I am going to get. Thanks
Is it true that most Americans that have health insurance are getting it from the federal government or their?
state? If this is true why not have affordable health care for all. We can't all work for the federal government or for the state we live in. Most companies can't afford ...show more
Does car insurance in america cost less than the uk? Is it the car thats insured for any driver?
Is the car insured for any driver or do you have to insure the driver for the car. eg. would it cost a 20yr old the same as a 50 yr old to insure a car regardless of the car?
When does insurance go down for minors? at 18 or 21?
im wondering because i am getting a car and i am 17 and i am wondering if i should just wait till im 18 to get it cheaper or if i should just be on my parents plan
Motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old male?
I'm 16 and live in Texas. I will be getting a gsxr 750. Can I get on my moms car insurance plan with the motorcycle? How much will my insurance be?
A recommended affordable life insurance company?
Wanting to plan ahead for my family's sake in the event that something ever happened to me and was wondering if anyone can recommend a reputable and affordable life ins company. I am a 41 yr old male with a wife 36yrs and a 3 yr old son. Much appreciated,,,thanks for any input.""
""Okay, so how much does neutering/spaying a dog cost? Will insurance companies cover it?""
1 - How much does it on average cost to get a female dog neutered/spayed? 2 - I will be buying insurance from the day we get her (8 weeks old) so would my insurance cover the cost? (I know it varies on actual insurance plans, but Im wondering if its a complete 'they never pay for that' sort of thing?) 3 - How long is the recovery time? How long after the op can I take her home? How long will she have the cone of shame? I have googled this but I get a bunch of long winded answers that dont really answer the questions""
I have 1 pt on my license for drive at a speed not reasonable and prudent how much insurance rate will i pay?
I pay a high rate now for 1pt for just liability and they told me it can be really 4 pt is that true? What should my rate be for 1pt
About how much would car insurance be?
My husband and I are stationed overseas for the army and we are looking to buy a new car. (A Ford Focus or a Ford Fusion) I want to know about how much it will be a month/year for insurance. We are both under 21 (19 and 20), but my husband turns 21 in January. Anyone have any idea how much it would cost?""
My daughter wants me to put car insurance in my name?
she wants me to put car insurance in my name for her husband he cant do it cause it would cost alot he has alot of speeding tickets and a dui plus he has lost his driver licenses my record is perfect what do you think i didn't even know you can do that im in ohio
How can I find affordable healthcare coverage for my employees.?
I have a small business, 5 employees and my rates are outragous!!! Please let me know how I can provide this benefit for my employees without spending so much. Thank you for any ...show more""
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am a 17 year old male and my dad bought me a 2007 Nissan Altima. He wants me to pay the insurance and I figured that it might be high...so I need estimates.
Question about car insurance?
Is car insurance cheaper the older the car is or is it the other way around?
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
I was looking at either a 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 650R, a 2011 Yamaha FZ6R, or a 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. I live about 50 miles away from Washington D.C. in the suburbs. My grades are A's and B's and I'm in 2 AP classes. I've never had any traffic violations for a car, not that it really matters when dealing with a motorcycle.""
Where do you get good rates for dance instructor liability insurance?
I am a dance instructor and I need to get liability insurance. Anyone know of a place to get the best quotes. I tried Markel and they are expensive. I also plan to have other instructors that I train and work with me. How do I get insurance for them? Is this per instructor, or can it be as a dance school? Please let me know. I need this info ASAP. Thanks for your help""
Health Insurance question?
I live in California and I will be 20 years old when I have my baby. I am currently still on my parents health insurance plan and all of my prenatal visits are covered and I believe my hospital stay is also. My boyfriend and I are not married yet and we live together I am not currently working. And I am aware I need to get insurance for my baby from her being born on but does anyone have any suggestions of what company to use? Could I still be approved fr a low income plan?
Will my company have to pay a fine for not offering me an affordable insurance plan?
The word going around is that the change in our insurance coverage is only going to drop by a small amount due to the act, and the price someone told me is much more than 9.5% of my income. If I apply through the marketplace for the reason that I cannot afford insurance with my company, will they be fined for not offering me an affordable plan, or do they just get fined for not offering benefits at all?""
Car wreck....Why is his insurance calling me? Can someone please clear this up?
So Friday morning, my fiance' and I were headed to New Jersey to visit his family for Christmas. On the way there, I was driving his truck so he could sleep a little before we switched places. Early morning when we were in Virginia, I pulled off the highway to go to a McDonalds to get some coffee. When I pulled off, it was a weird exit and I had no clue where I was going. I stopped at a red light, which had another light very close behind it which turned green, my idiot self was looking at that light for some reason while our light was still red...I hit the gas and then slammed on my breaks realizing what I was doing but it was too late and I hit a guy on the side of the door. It wasn't a big wreck. The guy didn't fly across the intersection. He didn't even move, his door was just dented and it will definitely need to be replaced but the man said he was not hurt at all. The truck we were driving in barely had damage, just a little dent in the hood that was very small to the eye and a bent license plate. We were in much better shape; but again, he was not in pain and his door was the only thing that seemed to be damaged. ANYWAYS, I received a traffic ticket for failing to obey a traffic light which I totally accept because this was extremely stupid of me and I am planning on mailing the fine to the court. So since I was driving my fiance's car, which is under his parents insurance, I assume my insurance is not affected. The trooper just told us that the other guy's insurance will contact my fiance's insurance. So I am thinking all I have to do is just pay this awful fine. Well my fiance' called me this morning and said that Statefarm (the other guy's insurance) called him asking for my number. Why would the other guy's insurance need to contact me if my fiance's parent's insurance are the ones who insure the truck? I just want to know what's to come when they call me. I don't know much of anything about insurance. I just want to know why the other guy's insurance would contact me when, yes, I caused the accident but my fiance's father is the insurance holder of the car that was wrecked. Thanks!""
Are there any insurance companies who offer REALLY cheap new driver insurance?
I have my driving test (practical) booked for the 7th March 2012. I have been searching for cheap car insurance and the lowest I can find is about 7000 which I just cannot afford. Im only looking for insurance for a few months, less than a year for a few hundred pounds. Please, any suggestions greatly accepted. Thanks :-D""
""Affordable Medical Insurance plan in Boston, Ma?""
Hi, My finance has not had Medical Insurance for the past year because it is so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know any agencies that provide Medical Insurance at an affordable cost..We've tried Free care already and we didnt gualify. Thank You""
What do you think would be the insurance costs for a vehicle in NJ?
Age 18 Cars looking into (Under 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr base or higher) 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or higher What would you think would be the average cost per year?
""Iam 55 I need a small policy for life insurance around 10,000?
any suggestions?Who to call?
Life insurance?
Is there a certain amount of time you have to cash in a life insurance policy?
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
0 notes
grapsandclaps · 7 years ago
Hello again everyone and welcome to Part 3 in the ever continuing story of the #100showyear which took me to a cold but sunny London Borough of Camden to the Electric Ballroom for the return of Progress Wrestling after a 7 week break from their huge Ally Pally show which ended with Travis Banks raising the title and Pete Dunne with one foot on the plane to Orlando to the WWE. So it was fascinating to see what would happen on this show to set up further storylines to entice the increasing mass of people to their shows.
Before the show it was time to meet up with some of the graps gang in The Ice Wharf Wetherspoons for breakfast and a couple of drinks. The lack of change from a £20 nite was noticeable after ordering 2 drinks and 2 lots of breakfast, all I can think about is that the price of Lager Shandy is expensive. Also had here was 2 pints of Pepsi Max at a cost of £1.99 each, breakfast was a bit on the lukewarm side of things but was passable.
We end up leaving here at about 2pm and moved on to the queue at the Ballroom, since the new barcoding ticketing system has come in, the queue has moved along much faster and has improved this aspect of visiting.
Arriving in the venue we saw what was some hot sauces on sale (to charity) made by resident screamer on the commentary - Glen Joseph and having tried this sauce Ive got to say it has a kick to it - strange but good touch for a great cause like MIND. I didn't happen to see Dahlia Blacks candles on sale though, certainly could do with a bit more art and crafts stuff from wrestlers on sale as there are quiet a lot of arty people in the fraternity.
Anyways lets get on to the wrestling, watched from my usual spot in Ogden Corner with the dodgy cold air con unit and I was joined by former Graps and Claps coloumnist Matthew who apart from a couple of shows is taking a hiatus from going to shows and instead he is off visiting the many football grounds around the UK and Europe. Having visited plenty of grounds in my time, i can understand why he is doing it - I just think he is a bit burnt out fron wrestling. It was also good for a change to chat to Stephen who flew over from Ireland and Simon (The Granville on Twitter).
Pre show action began at 330pm on the dot and out came the tag team of Delaney and Carter to a good reception for 2 unknown wrestlers but it was nothing compared to the earth shattering cheer that was to come. Their opponents - The O.J.M.O who had the look of a Ryan Smile and look like he had a lit of charisma just in his entrance but who was his tag team partner - the hush and tension descended and out stepped a 7 ft shadow of NA NA NA NA NA BIG T!!. The Northern section of the crowd were in raptures with this. The actual match was a good warm up match with it revolving around O.J.M.O failing to hit his moves and BIG T just tagging in and cleaning house and I liked their team dynamic. The finish came when BIG T hit the "Justice is Served" only for O.J.M.O to tag in to get the win, this was a great introduction for them to a new audience.
After the obligatory Jim Smallman opening, it was time to bring out British Strong Style who were dressed in their finest Burtons Menswear with Tyler Bate especially doing his best Val Doonican impression.
Anyways Dunne apologised for his actions as Progress Champion and was sort of saying its not goodbye yet but it might be soon. But they were interrupted by ITVs New Sunday Night Drama - The Grizzled Young Vets who distracted Moustache Mountain long enough to send them to the back leaving Pete Dunne on his own in the ring, but racing through from the fire exit near me was Joseph Connors to attack Dunne to leave him laying which has set up a potential Dunne vs Connors match very soon.
Opinion here rated from this was a good segment to turn BSS face to Bloody hell another WWE UK Guy 🙄. My opinion was a bit of the latter, but I dont mind Joseph Connors unlike others, his Southside Comedy belt has been a highlight when I have been to see them this year.
First main show match was Never Say Die & Connor Mills vs OMARI & Aussie Open in a great opener and for me it was the best match of the first half with all 6 lads looking fantastic especially the debuting OMARI who came out to a nice jazzy theme tune which even though it was no 'Down with the trumpets' it was a toe tapper. Also Mark Davis who is a proper hard man and I for one would like to see him vs WALTER one day for the Atlas title. The finish came after about 15 minutes when after a couple of combo moves from The Aussies and OMARI, Davis hit the pull up piledriver for the devastating 3 count - good stuff.
Next up was a more submission based between Strangler Davis vs Timothy Thatcher. Now this was just ok in parts but generally I dont think it worked with the crowd, playing out to large spots of silence which I did feel was a recurring theme at many times on the night. Finish came when Strangler low blowed Thatcher and choked him out for the win in 14 minutes - OK but very missable.
Next match was a Non-Title Tag Team Match with The G.Y.Vs vs Chris Brookes and Jimmy Havoc who was replacing a still injured Kid Lykos. A decent tag match but I did feel it went a little bit long near the ends with many false finishes with The Vets getting the win with the raised lung blower to Jimmy Havoc for the win.
Half Time Main Event was the big ATLAS Title Match with Wolfgang vs WALTER (Champion). This lasted around 10 minutes with what I thought 7 minutes of that was WALTER smashing Wolfgang all over the shop with chops that could make any crowd wince, if this is of things that are to come WALTER is going to make a great champion. Finish came after a dive from Wolfgang to the outside ended in a splat, the effects of that made him groggy enough to get waffled with a huge powerbomb to Wolfgang for the win - good match and hopefully this is built and built till no one is left for WALTER and then the chimes of The Flumps is heard and Rampage Brown makes his return 😉.
Tag Team action next with the newly turned Moustache Mountain vs David Starr (sadly without Joan Jetts dulcet tones due to the Casio Keyboard glitch in the Progress sound system) and Jack Sexsmith. Even with two teams of good guys this was a really good 15 minute tag team match with the finish of Tyler Bate hitting the big Tyler Driver 97 to everyones favourite Canvasback David Starr for the win.
After the match Jack Sexsmith got on the mic to thank everyone because of the year he has had only to be interrupted by the pop classic MASH POTATO ELEVATOR!!! And out popped Vicky Haskins distracting Sexsmith enough with a GIANT HAIRBRUSH for Mark Haskins to attack him from behind. Out then came Jimny Havoc for the save (what we thought) only to join in on the beatdown on both Starr and Sexsmith to the boos of the crowd.
A much needed heel turn in my opinion for both Jimmy and Mark who were treading water as whining faces over who should be champion. But the only thing I couldnt get my head around was the NO DQ match at Ally Pally and basically both of the Haskins willing to hit Jimmy with a baseball bat a few times and now they are mates?? But im sure we will find out.
Semi Main Event with Womens Champion Toni Storm vs Charli Evans. A distinct lack of knowledge of 80s hit Toms Diner was apparent here with not many of the crowd knowing that Charli's name fits into the ditty of said song. The match itself was a really good womens match but suffered a little from the quiet crowd, after a valiant effort from Evans she ended up falling to Storm in just over 10 minutes to the Strong Zero Piledriver.
Main Event time with ITS GOT TO BEEEEEEE KEITH LEE vs Travis Banks in a fantastic 20 minute match that I guess Travis will be feeling even now after being constantly chopped by the huge "Man of the Hour". After many attempts to chop down Big Keith, Travis finally hit a ring shaking Kiwi Crusher on Keith for the win to steal the Match of the Night honours.
Drinks prices - £4.90 for Camden Pale Ale.
Show done and overall a good starter to the next volume of shows for Progress with the Havoc/Haskins team coming together, Connors debuting and the Grizzled Young Vets throwing their hat in the ring for a tag title shot.
As a standalone show it was alright but WXW was far better from an atmosphere and wrestling standpoint, but do check out Lee vs Banks and the opening 6 Man for things off this show.
So thats Show 82 finished and now its on to Show 83 in Manchester for Lucha Forever - See you next time.
0 notes