#too much of a cherub vibe for my purpose
beatriceportinari · 3 months
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The manticore, origami, one square sheet of paper
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Hi!!! Can I have a matchup for Twilight and HTTYD ?
19, Southeast Asian with Spanish descent, Libra, Bi Pan and Genderfluid, short (5'1") and chubby with kinda cherubic-like face, medium brunette hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin, and boyish-emo sense of fashion with korean makeup look.
Really quiet, soft spoken, distant, and timid around random people (to the point they think I'm modest, demure, immaculate, and educated) but once I finally open up it's totally opposite---super talkative, rowdy-mouthed, laughing loudly on a daily basis, creative, talented, expressive, swears like a sailor, very clumsy, witty, passionate, religious, very supportive, unfortunate, super childish, determined, thriving, speaks with sarcasms, has a lamest sense of humour, gets excited so easily, skittish, forgetful, and unashamed to be myself but can be awkward around the strangers. Nice and kind to good people, but an opposite who isn't
Opinionated and EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE, in terms of academics and extra curricular activities (even I'm a procrastinator---I still ace them like what kind of sorcery I did?) that's why I got frustrated and dissappointed quickly if I failed, because I thought people I know is pressuring me, but I tried to keep moving forward once I already cheered up.
I may come off as stubborn, feisty, tough, demanding, and harsh if I get really angry also demanding and intimidating if things aren't all right, but my deeper self is sensitive, insecure of my physical appearance (some people around me makes fun of it and it's rude), and fragile who cries easily also has strong beliefs and reasoning, like fighting for my dreams to the point it'll become a debate because of my brashness. But I'm also willing to help or give up something as long I can, they think I'm selfish, but not really---I do have biased sentimental value and I have a different way how do I care---by being supportive and giving gifts also teaching them, in addition I have an emotional overwhelm, I get flustered too quickly, blush on compliment, and melt over wholesomeness.
My interests are arts, choir, night sky, makeup, fun/deep/dumb conversations, Christianity, documentaries (about saints, real crime stories, and inspirational people), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and creative writings.
My hobbies are are singing, drawing, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. I'll include making corniest jokes/puns, sleeping, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD). I also used to learn Italian language a bit.
Ok I am so sorry this took me so long. I see small text and I go "oh no". But I need to stop being a sissy.
I feel like you and Jasper would probably be a power couple. The man has a lot of baggage but refused to dump it on you so he copes by doing fun things with you. When if comes down to beliefs... The man will also fight for your beliefs. He is 100000% ready to throw down with who ever disagrees with you. He values the time you spend with him but if you wanna be alone he will let you be alone. Please draw pictures for him he loves when you draw him pictures. I feel like this himbo can and would cheat at a game of baseball for you. Like he'd purposely miss catching a ball you hit so you can make it to a base and will tackle anyone in his family who attempts to get you out.
Hiccup is probably the most open minded of the men in berk. He takes what you say into consideration much better than most of the others. He doesn't understand Christianity but he will read the Bible for you and try and understand the religion. He isn't used to Monotheistic religions. Idk what to tell you. He doesn't help you train your dragon because your dragon would probably be a Razorwhip (which bond with their rider upon birth, so you kinda carted around a baby dragon on your back for a while but that's the vibe!) (You give me Razorwhip vibes I'm sorry if you don't like razor whips. Alternatively I feel like you and the light fury would get along well. Because she comes off as a strong female dragon who can and will boost yourself confidence. You 1000000% have a badass dragon.
I really hope you like this!! I have so many more match ups to complete lol
-The Prophet
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Season 2, Episodes 21 and 22
Comes the Inquisitor
In high school we thought the idea that Sebastian was Jack the Ripper was cool as hell. It got me deeply into the stories and myths around Jack the Ripper for a grip. And honestly I never thought too deeply about it, but at this point, knowing what I know, the idea of a violent murderer being preserved through time and then used as an arbiter of purity of motivation is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh REAL BAD Y'ALL. 
Is Delenn's suffering here meant to further endear her to the audience? This is probably a significant point in the Hero's Journey. I really need to get around to reading The Hero With a Thousand Faces.
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We were so obsessed with Wayne Alexander's delivery of the line here. I still find it weirdly captivating.
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This entire scene is so powerful. I ache for them both. I can't help but wonder if this is the moment that started Vir using his behind-the-curtain connections to issue visas to Narns to get them out of harm's way, which we find out sometime in the next season. [EDIT: I’m watching that episode at the moment, and it appears my speculation here was incorrect. He really starts working on this once he gets stationed on Minbar. Still, this is probably still a crucial moment for him.] He cannot apologize to the Narn who have died, but he can prevent more death. And he does, the only way he can, because as he says repeatedly: nobody listens to him. 
So then this happened:
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And then this...
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And I’m not saying it had an impact on me, but it usually takes me a few dozen loops of the gif for me to remember that I didn’t grab these gifs without captions, sooooooo...
The Fall of Night:
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So good.
In the previous episode, G'Kar is seen apparently ranting to people in the Zocalo about how the Centauri will eventually turn their aggression towards the rest of the galaxy. It's framed as a rant then, but of course, one episode later, we see that he was not wrong. And EarthGov has already recognized that fact and is moving to cover its own ass while leaving the rest of the galaxy on its own.
"One day I'll get there and I'll do it honestly. My hands are clean." Fuck yeah Ivanova. You already have to sacrifice so much before you end up commanding a starship. 
This Night Watch scene just makes your skin crawl, doesn't it. How fitting that it should come right after Ivanova takes her stand with Mr. Lance. 
"Maybe 2260 is the year we redefine it. Make it mean something." Ivanova, for once, is optimistic. Too bad that didn't work out so well. 
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In going through my notes for these last few posts, I’m struck by just how much of the MCU’s Steve Rogers that I see in Captain Sheridan. Like, they have such similar vibes. Cap has a whole lot more Fight Me in him than Sheridan, but there are moments Sheridan has with Delenn that feel now like they were just primers for getting me on board the Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers train (I LOVE Peggy Goddamn Carter, y’all). 
Oh, Keffer. You had exactly one purpose and then you died, but at least you got a hug from Ken Foree.
THE REVEAL. And now we know that Vorlons are angels but ALSO deeply manipulative! How funny would it have been, though, if the image Sheridan had seen wasn't a popular culture version of an angel but a biblical description of an angel. 
The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands." — Ezekiel 1: 4-8
Let’s get a Vorlon like THIS
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(artist credit: https://www.deviantart.com/daimera/art/Cherub-Speedpaint-354206813) 
And yet Londo saw nothing. The Centauri have oodles of gods, and the Vorlons manipulated their race as well (because telepaths), so what gives? Is it his cold, empty heart? Is it the influence of the Shadows? 
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Which brings us to the end of Season 2. 
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radiosguts · 4 years
Well well well now! Let's try this again, shall we? We were so rudely interrupted last time...
I've decided that I should make an introductory post, just as Celine did, as I seem to be the most... Convoluted... of the alters. So! To all of you that have accused me or suspected I may be Alastor in some way shape or form...
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That's right, oho!~ It's been me the whole time!
While you've all been questioning and confused and even scared, I've known from the start! Who I am, what I'm about, what I'm going to do about it - as has the rest of this system, sorry to say. It's been a little game I've played for these past 6 months, our precious little secret! And you may be asking, "oh why, Alastor! Why would you do it?!" And to that I say
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Haha! But this isn't the full extent of it - a story is never so simple after all...
You see, it is so much more than that. It was much more a response to the reactions around me. After all, walking into the Mindspace felt a lot like this!
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But with many more weapons, haha!
I had taken two steps within our mind and chaos ensued! And, while I most often enjoy said chaos, this was a bit different.
While Elliot had his fits, and Erek struggled with jealousy, and Mark took the side of his poor brothers, there was another, bittersweet sort of upset that existed. It tingled in the back of my taste buds, along the far corners of my mouth. A sugary sensation that numbed as it went down.
He was a darling little thing... 4'9, with the face of a cherub and glistening pink eyes. His hair was a pale blonde mess of fluff, and there was something about the way he looked at me... Awe. Admiration. Fear. It was beautiful! And he looked so torn! His sweet porcelain skin dotted with darling freckles tinted a sweet rosy hue, though from admiration or anxiety I'm still unsure. He spoke to me delicately, an oddly hindered sort of excitement in his melodic voice.
His reaction was captivating. He asked me questions, treated me with such kindness. He wasn't afraid of me, as I was or what power I had. In fact it was much the opposite - he was obsessed with it! Praised it, even! His captivation seemed endless, and he showed this through the sweetest of delicacies. He is, for all intents and purposes, a sugary sweet delight; one you can't help but crave. A strange sensation, one far foreign to me, but not one completely unwelcome, either. It was a quick decision, I admit. It doesn't take one long to find they enjoy someone, after all.
My presence brought forth many dilemmas, and he was the one that needed to weigh the reactions of his alters. To analyze my power and consider the possible consequences of what I may or may not do because of who I was and what I was once capable of. Most of all, however, he worried. He worried about another he knew; someone he knew would be horribly wounded if they knew of my existence. This, in the end, was his biggest hurdle.
His first decision was to simply not mention me anywhere. We've worded it before as "throwing a blanket over [me] and hoping for the best," aha! But, unfortunately, he quickly grew tired of being unable to share our interactions - especially when Elliot began tampering with things. We went through a good amount of hardships that, without anyone knowing I existed, were unable to be helped with! Likewise, there were also many good times; fun or silly interactions that he cherished and wanted to share with the people he associated with. Like anyone would want to do with a friend, I'd say - if I may be so bold.
So he thought up a little game for us to play... And as for why I agreed to play it, well... Everyone likes games... And to further such a reason,
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Ahh, yes, a tragic tale, but a true one nonetheless... Perhaps it's simply because his heart is so big... Perhaps it was his willing eagerness to give me his soul, mind, heart, and body if I should want it, in return for nothing more than the assurance that I would keep him safe. Keep his friend safe. To promise I would do as I pleased, so long as he could be out of harms way.
And I took the offer... Who wouldn't, hm? After all, we had become very close at this point, and his unwavering kindness and sunshiny disposition gave me a lot to want to protect! So much so, in fact, that it became my role! Likewise, the premise was amusing. A game to play, stretching your abilities and laying low undercover. A game of trying to be anything but yourself can be quite fun! All while I otherwise got what I wanted. While his other partners were certainly a herdle of my own, we seemed to move past that rather quickly. We settled our differences much quicker with our resident angel now fully on my side. While there were some flare ups at times, they were diminished quickly by Celine and our sugary-sweet delight, who coated over everything with a sweet frosting to pretty up any wounds left behind.
This just left the physical realm around me. I had now made peace within, and was offered the opportunity to do similarly outside of the confines of our mind. I was allowed a presence more my own than before - moving on from a simple face claim to a whole new design and aesthetic!
To the outside world, I was a mysterious and powerful demon, respected by our most respected alter. I kept things surface level and shied away from anything that may be too much my old brand. They knew little about me, but unfortunately I still managed to be quite obvious, haha! Who would have thought it would be so hard to act like someone other than yourself? It seemed that no matter what I did, I was compared to... Myself! One friend of Angel's called it an energy thing, others simply said I had "his (Alastor's) vibe." Whatever it was, it made this little game very difficult.
Mm, and so, six months in. Here we are. I wouldn't say I've given up, but rather that such a game has been milked rather dry of its usefulness, as well as entertainment value. While I'm still fond of this Aries persona we've created, I do believe he will be set upon the shelf for now.
So! What does that leave? We have the why, the tragic tale of my suppression, a tantalizing taste of a love story... The big reveal, the explanation! So that's all, yes? Yes, I think so. This is just the bare bones of the story, but it gets its point across; though I must admit I'd be thrilled to share a more in depth presentation. Angel says its because I have chronic "can't shut up disease," though he worked very hard to word it in such a way that it was gentle, haha~
Well then! I do believe I've said my piece! Off to the void with this now!
For all of you that stayed to listen: how delightful~ I can only thank you for tuning in, haha! Ahh, classic, certainly~
With that, I bid adieu!
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When stars like Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson record at Willie Mitchell's Royal Studios, they get a soul food dinner as a bonus. ANDY MEEK NOV 6, 2017 3:34 PM EST When you're a recording artist—one with abundant renown or hit-less and still hustling to make it, it doesn't matter which—there may come a time you find yourself driving with purpose down Willie Mitchell Boulevard in Memphis, Tennessee. There certainly have been plenty who’ve made the journey over the last 60 years, from Al Green to Bruno Mars. Past the weedy lots and the South Parkway Food Market and Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church. To the studio that looks like a house, with painted piano keys on the steps leading up to the front door. Any artist who arrives at Royal Studios will feel it, as soon as they cross the threshold into the anteroom. The same kind of instant understanding you get when you walk into, say, a soundproof room; you can feel it, without being told that something just happened. Ignore the little cozy reception desk that belies the history of the place. And Royal is not, let's be clear, one of those pristine, soulless L.A. hit factories. It has the vibe of a crowded house that could use a repair or ten. Until you turn to the left and make your way into the studio. Past the whiteboard where the visiting big shots have scrawled their signatures and messages. That's when you start to get it. Maybe, for you, it's the vocal booth in the studio that still houses the “No. 9”—Royal’s shorthand name by which they refer to the iconic microphone Al Green used to record his classics. There, standing right there. The cherubic singer holding that microphone, and you can almost see him standing there, singing about how he’s tired of being alone, so tired of being alone, and about love and happiness and staying together. Maybe it's easiest to be charmed by the fact Royal, which turned 60 this year, is one of the oldest continually operating recording studios in the world. But this is not a monument, a thing to gawk at. No, Royal is as utilitarian as it gets. You come here, as an artist, for the same reason Al Green and Robert Plant and Snoop and Bruno and too many others to count have walked up those steps. For the same reason John Lennon, the story goes, once thought about recording at Royal and was so taken with Ann Peebles’ “I Can't Stand the Rain”—recorded at the studio, with that lusty groove that makes you want to slip behind the wheel of an Eldorado and cruise into the heat of the night. Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson actually did decamp to Royal, back in 2014, to record their blockbuster “Uptown Special” album. But it's not even just the music that makes Royal so idiosyncratic, not anymore. Impeccable credentials aside, the studio’s green room may be an even more striking example of what makes Royal such an uncommon place, as recording studios go. It’s here, in the aptly named green room—a space both painted green and adorned with a large black-and-white photo of Al Green—that at some point during a multi-day recording session, bread will be broken. Yvonne Mitchell, the daughter of Royal’s late esteemed producer Willie Mitchell, will bring in a home-cooked meal she's prepared for each artist. A feast laid out buffet-style conveying vegetarian spaghetti, pound cake, collard greens and other assorted foodstuffs to satiate the hungry artists. Courtesy Willie Mitchell's Royal Studios “When my daddy passed in 2010, we knew we had to reinvent ourselves,” Yvonne says. “I said, we’ve got to do something unique. So I told Boo (Willie’s grandson, who owns the studio today and who is its face)—usually people come in to record at 11 o’clock in the morning and don’t leave till maybe 2 o’clock the next morning. They’re bringing in pizzas and sandwiches... I said, well, if they stay for a week, what I’ll do is I’ll cook them a soul food dinner. “It’s different every time. It’s always going to have some black eyed peas and greens. Might have macaroni. Vegetarian spaghetti. Might have red beans and rice. Black beans and rice. Cornish hen. We may have roast, tilapia, salmon—it just depends on where they come from. Because the people in New York, they like black beans and rice, and the people in New Orleans like red beans and rice. I do a lot of cakes. When Bruno and Mark Ronson were here, I made a rice pudding and put some bourbon sauce on it.” Courtesy Willie Mitchell's Royal Studios That last part is a passing reference to one of Royal’s biggest records in decades. Lawrence “Boo” Mitchell won a Grammy for his engineering work on “Uptown Funk,” the 2016 Record of the Year, and uses it to help talk about the kind of place the studio is, and the way he does things as an engineer and producer. “There’s magic at Royal. I still feel it when I walk in. Everybody does. “People seek us out and normally want me involved with the recording, just because I’m like—I bridge the gap between how (Willie) did things and the new day and new age. So I’m kind of, like... the best of both worlds, I guess?” He’s also fairly easy-going, and can roll with whatever an artist needs. Like Bruno eventually deciding he wanted to record his vocals for “Uptown Funk” in the control room. Which would let him look out the window at the band in the main room. Easier said than done. “He wanted to make his vocals in the control room, which is kind of an engineer’s nightmare,” Boo recalls. “You can’t use a really nice mic because of the feedback. So I was like, ok—I put him on the cheapest mic we have, like a $100 mic, and he’s doing his vocals in the control room, with the music coming out of the speakers. And I just knew they would replace it at some shiny studio. But they didn't! They kept the vocal on the $100 mic for ‘Uptown Funk.’” The meal at Royal during the “Uptown Special” sessions, meanwhile, also preceded some, shall we say, improvised recording. “Bruno, he had pound cake,” Yvonne says. “Black eyed peas. Because I asked him, when he first came in. I said Bruno, you know anything about black eyed peas? He said yes ma’am. I said, you know anything about greens? He said yes ma’am. I said, you know anything about pound cake, you like lemon pound cake? He said I like any kind of cake. I had chicken and fish and everything, and I said hell—you gonna be alright, just go on and eat. When I got ready to leave, I was telling Mark—Mark, I’m ready to leave. I said, I’ve been up since 5. And he said, can you put this little riff on at the end? Can you put this little riff on for us on a song? I said... who told you I can sing!!” After the meal, Bruno had corralled Boo—“Boo, where’s the Royal family, man!” The crew wanted to stick some female backing vocals onto Mystikal’s addition to “Uptown Special,” onto the song “Feel Right.” Which is why, when it gets to the chorus and you hear the ladies singing in the background “Riiiight... riiiight... All niiiiight,” that, friends, is pretty much every woman in Boo’s family. Mom, aunt, sister, wife, daughters, and a few of his wife’s schoolteacher friends—their post-meal surprise addition to one of the biggest smashes to come out of Royal. “It’s my mission in life to make things sound awesome,” Boo says. “I try to make it where I’m feeling it, you know? Where it’s getting a rise out of me. A lot of it is the spirit in how you do a thing. Like with Yvonne. Normally, she starts the session off with pound cake. And then dinner a few days later. It’s kind of a communal type of meal. We normally try to plan it for a day when the pressure’s not so intense. It lets the artist kind of come up for a bit of air. It’s like a pit stop, almost, from the pressures of recording.” Scene: everyone’s piled into the green room. Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars, even Michael Chabon, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist who contributed lyrics to “Uptown Special.” You stand there in the green room, and if you're lucky or dumb enough to believe in luck, you might catch yourself thinking—this is how a meal is supposed to be enjoyed. Riotously, among fellow schemers and music makers soaking up each other's company and good humor. It’s one of those meals where the consumption is an act. No passivity here. This is food that sticks to your bones. You tell and appreciate the stories and participate in the affair. With a picture of Al Green, towering over the assembly. In the photo, he’s leaning into the frame, both fists in the air. As if to say, congratulations. You made it. Welcome to the club. Now get your ass in the next room and make some music. “It’s one meal,” Yvonne says. “Now, one time, when Melissa Etheridge came in, I cooked for seven days. I cooked a special meal for her. And a special meal for the band. It was two meals a day. “But it’s fun. It is! Hey, baby—every day is Christmas. And every night is New Year’s Eve.”
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