#too many spelling songs to fit lol
honeyggu · 2 years
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jibunbosh · 5 months
Mesmerizer is a satire of TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and the rest of the modern short-form vertical video format
A brief thematic analysis.
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I'm sure there are countless people already interpreting the imagery and details in this wonderful song & MV, like here and here, so I won't spend too much time retreading that ground. Miku and Teto are dancing. Miku gets hypnotized. Teto signals for help, but gets hypnotized at the end as well.
That part is obvious enough, but that's still pretty surface-level. What is this seemingly hyperspatial horror scenario supposed to mean to us?
While checking to see if anyone before me's already come to the same conclusions as I did and if I should bother not writing this text post at all (lol), I came across udin's great analysis video. She comes to the conclusion that the song tackles themes of disillusionment with reality and the ways we indulge in escapism to relieve ourselves of the pains of the world.
I agree with that reading! From practically the very beginning, we have Miku call to us - the viewer - to push away our true feelings. Teto comes in to peddle a solution, inviting us to surrender and empty our minds - in her words, "pretending to know nothing."
You, the viewer, are a critical character in this masquerade. For nearly the entire video, Miku and Teto's eyes are unfailingly trained on you. Or, well... perhaps they can't actually see you, but they can see a camera, or whatever other aperture the point of view is supposed to be from. And they know they're being watched. (Who else would Teto be sending distress signals to?)
Let's put a pin on that for later.
udin notes very early on that Miku and Teto are, conspicuously, kept in vertical frames - very similar to the video formats of TikTok (and Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, and whatever other clones of the format exist.) You know, just like the animator Caststation's Rabbit Hole fan MV that went viral some months ago.
Hey wouldn't it be crazy if the song's producer, 32ki, released Mesmerizer shorts too haha. Wouldn't that be crazy.
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Wow, wild.
These short-term vertical videos are captivating & alluring. If you're reading this, it's more likely than not that you've also found yourself caught up in them at least once, scrolling through the infinite algorithmic slurry and forgetting about the real-life issues you have at hand. Would you say, then, that you felt hypnotized? Mesmerized, even?
And so these two invite us to join their world and focus on the... uh... rectangle.
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Their dances are repetitive, following the same loop. Their outfits are distinct, but their choreography isn't. They're copying the same formula, repeating it ad nauseam to the best of their ability.
They're doing a fucking TikTok dance.
Back to the pin I told you about earlier, with Miku and Teto looking at a camera.
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Miku sways with the camera, eyes looking directly at it like a swinging pocket watch. She's been looking at it the entire time, after all. We've been seeing her via our screen this entire time, but, again, she doesn't necessarily see us. She's beholden to the camera, which she dances for day after day, caught up in its spell. She's hypnotized by it. Eventually, she breaks.
Teto, on the other hand, resists. For a while, anyway.
Despite her being the one jumping to us with the "solution" at the beginning of the MV, there's very quickly good reason to question how much agency she has in this. She dances for the camera as well, but she doesn't want to. She's signalling for help. She wants out.
Many content creators (as much as I personally loathe the non-specificity and soullessness of the term) have struggled with the adaptation to the short-form video format, and the preference the algorithm has had for these captivating, bite-sized videos. They're catchy, and easily drive up metrics. Practically anyone who's publishing their work via video format online needs to learn to adapt or fall behind, even if that means whittling their content down to fit the frame, the time, and people's shortening attention spans. Sometimes, that means compromising on specificity and completeness... or, in other words, the true representation of a full work.
The song's writer, 32ki, has been releasing songs on YouTube for several years. Their first YouTube Short, however, was posted only a year ago: a short, whittled-down segment of their previous song, CIRCUS PANIC!!!, hoping for it to win the ProsekaNEXT song contest. It was their first song to achieve widespread popularity and hit a million views.
The shorts, however, aren't the "true" versions of the song. The full song just won't fit.
We're being mesmerized as consumers of this endless stream of content, rather than appreciators of music and art. However, that relationship isn't completely symmetrical across the plane that is the 4th wall. Miku and Teto are trapped not by their attention spans, but by a compulsion to project their "truthful acting" and peddle that window into a colorful, problem-free world.
We, as the collective audience, need not dwell on any one thing for too long - we need only swipe, and move on to the next video. However, Miku and Teto are trapped behind the screen for eternity, day after day.
They're the only characters we get to see, of course. There's no evil 3rd voice synth character that's plotting to keep them trapped in there. We can't put a face to whatever force is hypnotizing them and trapping them behind the screen. It's faceless - like the inscrutable algorithms of YouTube recommendations or the TikTok For You page, or the impersonal corporations that develop & maintain those aforementioned apps. Miku and Teto's likenesses, on the other hand, are being exploited and extracted from for their entertainment value, being strung along by that metaphorical hypnotizing force like puppets on a string.
Many people, represented by Miku, enjoy their success on such platforms. It's freeing and liberating to throw oneself wholeheartedly into such an endeavor, of course! Others, represented by Teto, harbor their doubts of the emotional veracity of such a medium, but know they have little choice lest they face destruction... perhaps not literally as a person, but as an idea.
Wouldn't it be easier just to let oneself be swept away by it and give in?
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
Hello yuri, first time anon here 👋👋.
Love your works. They converted me into an aceyuu stan lol. But also consider:
Aceyuu to "Rewrite the stars" from the greatest showman.
It could be the time loop au, soul bond au, or just regular au. It could just be in the song's regular pov (Yuu having their hands tied by going home and not wanting to break Ace's heart or Ace literally defying and turning back time to keep Yuu alive despite the prefect's inevitable death) .
but imagine the singers could also be swapped (like Yuu being the first voice that says their love could work, and Ace being hesitant to outright act on his feelings (and still failing)).
I've just been fed this vision of a brainrot for the past 3 days and I don't know what to do with it XDD.
Lots of love and stay hydrated 💞.
|˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙ hello annon nice to have you here. I would apologize for inflicting aceyuu brain rot upon ye but I would not have received this ask and I happen to rather like your idea. There are so many good songs for aceyuu and this one is an easy add to the list. Given how the stars are literally able to grant wishes and astrology is very real it's especially fitting! Yuu's stars spell out a grim fate indeed, it would be an impossible task to rewrite them alone. Lucky they don't need to do that ¬‿¬
Now let's see...
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Honestly, both povs suit both Ace and Yuu, especially in the time loop au. I can easily see Yuu pleading with him to accept their fate, not because they don't want to be with him but because they can't stand seeing him destroy himself over and over again. "You know I want you//It's not a secret I try to hide//But I can't have you" But Ace, he's just so determined to save you specifically that nothing else matters so he keeps. Going. At it. To the point we get to that classic Madoka/Amnesia trap where both Ace and Yuu are sacrificing something to save the other because the stars decided to give them opposing fates. Ace wants to save Yuu, who wants to save Ace who wants to save Yuu who wants to save Ace who can stop me if I decide//That you're my destiny? No one, that's the answer. Something else has to give because it isn't going to be either of these stubborn bitches.
Same with normal timeline stuff. Ace is singing the second pov out loud but the first one is more in line with his actual feelings. He would complain the entire time, but he would rewrite fate for you and claim he just happened to be in the area. Yuu's actual attitude is up to the player's interpenetration, but I like a Yuu who gets so frustrated with Ace's one step forward two steps back that they sing the first pov out loud even though they're very conflicted about going back home. Sort of like how both singers fall into a blended pov at the end. Both of them want to rewrite the stars, but have doubts about if it is possible. Doesn't mean they won't try.
SoulBond au Yuu more fits the second pov. Especially the bit about "not [being] the one you were meant to find." Yuu really thinks there has to have been a mistake, if they were meant to be with Ace why weren't they born in Twisted Wonderland? They're going to get sent back eventually won't they? That would just be too cruel a fate for anyone. Ace though... he has this voiceline in his Master Chef card where he says if he is told he is not supposed to do something that's just a guarantee he's going to do it (he's such a youngest child ◔_◔) and that doesn't change just because it's soulbond bs. Sure, he might not be crazy about the concept but he is crazy about you, and just because you might have your doubts and he might not have made the best first impression but your bound. No one, not the stars, not Crowley, not whatever gods exist in your world or his get to say what you are to each other because you can both feel the truth. You're soulmates, bound by a strange magic most consider a curse, and that won't be stopped by something as trivial as you being from a different world.
c: thank you for the ask annon
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artemis1214 · 2 months
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Hello! 👋🏼
These are some headcanons for my Hazbin Hotel OC, Esme! If you would like to read more about Esme's story, you can check out my Wattpad story "A Siren's Spell".
Human Life (1900-1932) 
As a child, Esme was very friendly and bubbly. She was everyone's best friend and the little major of Manhattan. 
Would love to pet the horses leading the carriages in front of her father’s bar. 
Esme’s mother would always try to keep her away from the family ‘business’, but little Esme always found herself listening in on the men's conversations and meetings. 
Natural flirt as a teenager, but only had one boyfriend in New York.
Natural mother figure to Anthony from their connected families.
Cool aunt vibe for Molly and Anthony. (Would buy them ice cream on the regular when their parents weren't around).
Would float in a raft in the Hudson River, smoking a cigarette in the summer. 
Very protective of her younger sister, would stand up to bullies, and get in trouble with the nuns at school. 
Raised Catholic. 
Used by her father to lure men to his work and steal their money. 
Gets "too involved" in the business and gets sent to New Orleans to basically hide away.
Has a very seductive luxurious transatlantic accent, but alone drops to a casual crisp New York tone. 
Accent drops completely when upset or cursing.
Always smells like vanilla and strawberries.
Lots of chocolate martinis, vodka cranberries, and red wine. 
Long hair because she hates thinking about fitting into societal beauty standards (no flapper hair here!).
Heavy sweet tooth. 
Big bookworm.
Theme Songs: 
“You don’t own me” 
"My Days" - The Notebook on Broadway
"Roxie" - Chicago
"Gangsta" - Kehlani
"So, this is love?"
Always carries a silent pistol in her purse.
Very charming, seductive, playful, and secretive. 
Steals Mimzy's spot as the head girl at the speakeasy.
Singer, burlesque performer.
Also plays piano.
Alastor watches her from the back of the parlor, tapping his finger on his whiskey glass.
Meets Alastor immediately but senses something ‘off’ about him. 
Hella sexual tension right off the bat. 
Threatens him with her pistol when she discovers who he is. 
Not phased by many of Al’s doings as she watched her father kill men all the time. 
“You don’t scare me." 
Has a smart mouth that often gets her in trouble when men. 
Has spit in men’s faces before.
“Fuck you.” These are her two favorite words for them.
Is disgusted by men. 
“Men are dogs, I like my dogs on four legs.” 
Very possessive, protective, and jealous. 
When the two get married she becomes similar to a New York mob wife. 
“No Alasta, you’re not killin’ on a Sunday! Sunday is a holy day - plus I made meatballs!” 
Goes for the eyes when she kills people, “You really do have pretty eyes, wonder how long they’ll take to cut out.”
Will ship the remains to their parents as a “warning.” 
Going to the water when she is stressed out, usually the dock near her house.
Alastor will drive fast down empty roads so she can hang out of the car and let her hair flow.
ALWAYS has a record on the spinner and espresso brewing.
Their house smells like coffee 24/7.
Angelic, alluring voice with a natural jazzy ring to it if she so pleases when she sings.
BIG flirt and entertainer when drunk or high.
Very strong siren eyes when she is singing, performing, or talking to someone. 
HATES spicy food (Alastor’s cooking nearly kills her every time)
Will request a seafood broil every single time he cooks for her.  
If Alastor’s mother were to be alive, these two would be BEST FRIENDS! 
She’d probably make plans to hang out with just her - not Alastor (lol!). 
Date nights of just cooking their respective recipes. 
Their song is “It’s Been a Long, Long, Time” by Kitty Kallen.
Hella foreshadowing (Padme/Anakin vibes)
Speaks Italian when upset 
Che Cazzo?!
Che palle?!
Figlio di puttana!
Affectionate pet names for those she cares for 
“Lovey” - Her sister Margo 
“My Dove” - Her daughter, Genevieve 
“Sweetheart” - Alastor 
NEVER shows up to an event empty-handed. She’ll feed everyone there. 
Love language is def quality time and cooking.
Flirts with Alastor around his secretary to make her jealous 
Basically the second in command when she's at Alastor's office.
You better do whatever Esme asks or he will kill you (no joke).
“Let that bitch hear.” Vibes. 
Big softie as a mother, complete domestic. 
Loves children and animals. 
No longer works at the speakeasy.
Becomes a housewife.
Can have hella anxiety/depression.
Doesn't cope with things properly and will shut herself out from everyone if upset.
Emotionally numb from losing so many people in her life.
At the end of her story, she realizes it's going to be him or her...
"Veronica, open the door please!" Vibes.
"Where is Padme, is she safe? Is she alright?" 
“It seems in your anger, you killed her…”
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
I don’t know if I actually said this yet since I keep falling asleep while checking tumblr at night but the song parody you’re making for oh dear me is super cute!!! It’s also doubly cool because you’re making it for two languages at once and it was neat to see some of your thought processes when explaining how you were changing Beel and Belphie’s canonical name spellings to share the first character.
thank you!!!! actually, to talk about this a little bit because i've just realised how much i'd like to... the thing with my level of chinese is that most of the new lines, i have to come up with in english first, then translate in a way that still fits the flow of the lyrics+rhyme scheme (then re-translate because of the differences in phrasing or exact definition lol)
there were some things that i didn't notice unless i went back and actually sung through the lines for myself, where e.g. repeated homophones or slight differences in rhyme made it feel awkward. in most cases this just entailed further changes to the original lyrics, which by now are only really fully intact in the final chorus
so the "why aren't you saying anything?" line from the og got changed to "you haven't punished anyone lately" because a change to a previous line meant that the "hua" sound was repeated, and that sounded weird. ultimately though i like the change better, since it tailors the song even more towards lucifer lol
actually i wanted from the start to have one of the items on lucifer's schedule be "argue with satan over something pointless", but that particular section of the song is tricky because it's delivered very fast, and i had two issues, both of which i wasn't sure what to do with, mostly owing to a limited vocabulary:
my translation of "argue over something pointless" took up too many syllables to fit into a pretty short line
i wanted to leave the last "zhui" intact - or at least the "ui" sound -bc the whole flow of the thing sounded just a little off when i changed it
i was saved very recently by remembering the phrase "抬杠拌嘴" so now the line is this
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final note on the demons' names... there are standard chinese phonetic translations which as far i can tell are what the game uses? i'm sure there were reasons for the characters/sounds chosen for those that surpass my limited knowledge, so for the most part i'm just sticking to them-
(even though i have no idea why they chose dan for satan when there IS a tan sound in the language? satan -> 撒谈 -> sātán c'mon guys!!!! 谈 even has the character for fire in it! fire as in hell where he lives!!! it works!
(side note again but i was really amused by how simeon becomes ximian which yeah that makes sense but i was expecting something more complicated. btw if you switched one of the characters in mammon's name it'd translate to horse door)
-but for the twins specifically i just really wanted to make the change bc it's very common for siblings to share characters in their name, and bei'er as a sound fit better with how beelzebub is pronounced in english (to me)
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nigh-temptation · 8 months
An in depth look at the capital of Gulfeńn, Valkor! (Buckle up, this is a long one)
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Before I start I should probably clear something up: For inspiration for coming up with Elven culture, I looked at Slavic, Balkan, Hindu, and Middle Eastern influences. The easiest way to think about it is this (if anything that comes up in this post is offensive to any of these cultures, please let me know and I will try my best to fix it. I am only human, and I am an American at that, so I can only go by my research 😅):
Clothing, Music, Language, and Patterning = Balkan
Language, Music, and Clothing = Slavic
Food, Architecture, and Religion = Hindu
Architecture, Desert Culture, Food, Clothing, and Music = Middle Eastern
Don’t worry, I will give examples and visual aid to help convey what I mean!
Valkor: The Capital
Gulfeńn is split into four different provinces, or states. These provinces have their own biomes, traditions, and leaders. Valkor is one of four, and is simply referred to “Western Gulfeńn” sometimes.
(Spellings will be changed throughout tho will be changed to fit what I have in mind for the elves)
Population- 4.1 million
Valkor is a unique city, in the nature of its height. Valkor is located in a part of the Ośtavlet desert that dips into a valley, where it can reaches 104 degrees on average in the summer. The elves would have baked to death. So they settled on a huge, naturally forming rock spire. These desert spikes provide great shade in the unforgiving heat, and were the prime spot for elves to carve out their cities. The Yvvińna Palace was carved directly into the rock, while the actual city was built around the outside.
After hundreds of years, the rock on the spire started to crumble and erode. Scientists have been researching a way to regrow the rocks. So far, more and more houses have to be partially or entirely held up by sturdy metal beams. It’s not too bad yet…
Around the base of Valkor is a wall, and behind the wall is the rest of the city. 
These neighborhoods are safe from heatstroke because of the shade that both the Wall and the Palace provide. Air conditioning is also free for those who live on the base (and for those who want it. Usually it’s only the human citizens who actually turn it on. Elves are adequately adapted to deal with the heat)
For those who live “On the Sky” as they say, it can get well near freezing during the night and during the winter months. The ecosystem up near the sky is more humid. More trees and plants can be found growing up there. Sometimes it even snows. Children who live on the base usually go near the top to play on the rare occasion it does. The journey from the base to the very top takes approximately 4 hours of twisty, windy roads. 
Safety rails have been installed after many instances of people falling off the sharp cliff sides. 
The Valkorian Throne is the highest throne of Gulfeńn, since the city was founded by The Oj Dolo (in the books, known as The Great Erlking). The Oj Dolo was seen as a sort of god in his own right, the equivalent to the Christian prophet Jesus, or the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Like both, he was a real life figure but ascended to legend.
(Quick note on Oj Dolo: imagine my surprise when I found out that “Dolo” is not only an actual Polish name, but also Oj Dolo is a song! I swear I had no knowledge of this until a month after I chose the name. I chose Oj as the prefix because I knew it meant “Oh”)
Thus, any Czar that followed in his footsteps, and took the throne, was seen as a mortal god (kind of like Egyptian pharaohs). Most elves will refer to the Czar with the prefix “Oj” (said like “oi”), as it is seen as respectful to do so for “god mortals”. This includes the royal family, and the Dzikaję (child of the Czar).
As for the elven goddesses, I will talk more in depth about them later (I don’t wanna overwhelm anyone with info lol), but for now just know that they have two: Seińn of the Sun, and Favšta of the Moon.
BONUS: in my version of the story, The Elf King, or Oj Czar Ykoda, was of the royal bloodline and was in an arranged marriage with the daughter of the Duchess of Stęńgard, Epopyja.
Also, just to get it out of the way real fast, here Lugźer (Luger), and Tręlis (Trellis) are cousins not brothers. And I have big plans for both of them >:)c
Here are some reference images of what I think Valkorians might dress like (all taken from Pinterest):
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Don’t worry about their ears! They poke out of their head coverings with ease, and still have plenty of room to move
Last note, I was thinking that for the Oj Czar, he could wear a kokoshnik along with his mask:
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(Credit to Alena Abramova for these amazingly intricate dolls!)
So his silhouette is still long and flowy, but distinct and intimidating
Next up will probably be a look at our main characters, and then I’ll probably do a breakdown of the timeline <3
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petrichoraline · 4 months
svt SERVED those mermen, or whatever they were going for, looks. never seen before sways, sauves and smolders. what did you like most about the mv?<3
aaaaa I'm so happy to see you in my inbox, hii🥰
this is long and rant-ish, i apologise <33
what WERE they going for, the cave and ocean scenes lead to mermen but the tarot concept was so detached from that..though if you think about it, if we're talking sirens I guess it all ties in together with the spell concept?
serve is an understatement, like you could put an idol in an outfit but you cannot make them WEAR the outfit the way it deserves to be worn. that jun fit (I can't find any gifs from the mv in the search bar yet) was made that much better because he knew how to pose and move to its benefit
chan absolutely left me speechless at his part and that outfit (though not smth im personally that big a fan of) created the interesting imagery to catch the attention which he had the task of keeping on himself AND KEEP IT HE DIDD
idk why im so happy with hao's tie dye shirt, tank top and loose pants combo, might be because it's different than the other flashy and intricate pieces or because he reaallly suits flailing oversized shirts. who knows :]
hoshi pulling out those wings had me like oh! I didn't know we were doing angels as well?? hahah, honestly I think the one thing that made me a bit uncomfortable was hoshi having a serious face on for the entire mv lol like he has the smoldering gaze and the sad expressions and I couldn't pinpoint it until now but I'm not used to seeing him like this for a whole song.. that being said, amazing presence as always
I'm still crazy about the outfits and omg the accessoriesss and jun's earring being the centre of a shot, insane
genuinely can't tell you which part is my fave because I watched it only once, I don't know what to do with myself. you know that feeling where something is so amazing you need to talk to someone about it (like quite literally yell and shake them) that watching it alone without the possibility to do that is too much..yeahh
I'm scrolling through hoshi's stories rn and a snippet came up and I started fangirling again 😮‍💨 ALSO he posted smiley photos and im laughing cause all is right again!! sorry that I can't post ss rn
I have to say my mouth was agape with the jun and hao shot, the props, the heart, the colours..beautiful, I love practical effects (if you can call it that?)..the shot of jun laying on the beach is so peaceful, I loved that as well
EDIT: I just watched it again.. im heated from punching the air im so hyped its insane
thing is this mv made me like so many things I usually don't enjoy for reasons beyond my understanding like icy landscapes.. I have some questions about the combo of sets but it's okay
turns out they all had the more casual fits as I suspected, it's just that hao had a parallel shot with jun in his slay coat-y fit
(I just realised how good joshua would look in this makeup...everyone else too oh my goodness now im even happier we got this..and also I wonder what they did for vocal team's mv)
honestly i started rewatching and went "it's gonna be most of the scenes, isn't it..yeah this one..and this one too..this one is also amazing" like I can't pick a fave 🥹💗 songwise, I loveee the spell part but that is also related to the fact I was already in need to get my energy out somehow and it gave me a reason to, it's so fun lol
please tell me what part you liked!! ☺️ i thought I was more normal about this but apparently nahh
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shinygoku · 8 months
With the Beatles (1963)
Time for part 2 of CutCat Reviews Beatles Albums now it's February!
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An iconic picture to be sure, but I'm not wild on it. Maybe it reminds me too much of trying to fit pictures into a small MS Paint Canvas? lol
Like with Please Please Me, I think there's some songs that slipped under the osmosis radar and that I ain't heard in full. Though I think the only albums I've listened to from start to finish all in order are the 1 CD, Revolver and Sgt Pepper, so I'll stop mentioning it on these early and the later ones... We're also still in "a fair few Covers" country, so will I be as mild on them as I was on the Non-Boys of PPM?
It Won't Be Long: I first heard this fairly recently, on the radio that was playing in another room. My thoughts weren't that strong, other than that "She Loves You" does the Yeah! repetition better lmao. Having been able to it properly since, though, I'm a lot warmer to it! It's optimistic and energetic, and the even higher amount of Yeahs is funny (though I maintain that SLY easily wins the Yeah Battle... but more on that when I reach it~). Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!
All I've Got To Do: This one seems to get slept on a lot... it's pretty solid, but it doesn't really offer any particular Iconic moments. The chorus shakes things up in a nice way but it seems Sticking Power ain't something it has. It's one of many songs that go to show how amazing this band was, as this isn't bad, but it's been left far behind by the other songs they've blessed us with, innit?
All My Loving: Now THIS is a memorable song! Such a jaunty guitar with the direct words! A real narrative is being laid out, albeit as an assertion of future things being promised~ Ah nuts, it blasted my memory of the previous song outta my head... XD - Seems this is the only one that got Red Album'd in this list? Wild that it's only the 1, but I think the right choice was made.
Don't Bother Me: George time! I'm not clear on if the narrative here is a post-breakup or if he's being dramatic about a spell away from the GF, but the main crux is that he doesn't want non-GF contact at that point in time. It's much moodier than most'a their stuff from this time, and there's more damn nice instrumental work.
Little Child: The title on it's own has me somewhat 8(, and the lyrics unfortunately confirm this [albeit Dancing on it's own ain't that bad, but one knows Dancing is often a euphemism in songs like this, or a precursor to more]... I'm sorry for such a negative, potentially pearl-clutching response. But also the music isn't charming me enough to coax me into softening my view. The first real Dud of this album, imo.
Till There Was You: Now THIS, I like! I was baffled why this seems to fly under the radar of Iconic Beatles Songs, but I since found out it's a cover, so that's probably the explanation. The lyrics are decent but the real appeal is that absolutely gorgeous guitar work and bongos, they provide such a warm feel~ It's also giving me strong "Anime Ending Credits Sequence" vibes, which I'm quite partial to ^w^ ...Issit just me or does Paul gain a slight Irish accent when he says "no, I never heard (them/it) at all" :0c
Please Mr. Postman: This I DID know was a cover from the start, haha! It's a very catchy song, but even with my sizable Beatle Bias, I can't really commit to declaring this one as the best... it's very good and very listen-able, but it may be that the definitive Mr Postman is somewhere else...
Roll Over Beethoven: Again, it's a cover, but I've not heard Chuck Berry's OG take at the time of writing. The song is pretty groovy, George's vocals ring nicely. I'm not dazzled, but I like it well enough :>
Hold Me Tight: Another Beatles original, another one that tends to get omitted from Mentions...! It's nice, but a lot plainer than most'a the stuff, lacks a certain Pizazz
You Really Got a Hold on Me: Another cover, one I've prolly heard before by a non-Beatles act, while this one is another Fine, Inoffensive romp that I lack strong feelings for lol
I Wanna Be Your Man: Now I know this one was somewhat famously given to The Rolling Stones, and I even heard that played on the radio too. When it was their version, I wasn't impressed. Sung by Ringo, as it had been intended initially? ....I'm still not that impressed. Mostly in the lyrics, it's real repetitive! But my Ringo bias keeps it afloat, and it's odd Mid-ness makes it more memorable than others on this album.
Devil In Her Heart: A good cover, this! George doing nice vocals and the candance to the title is catchy, and ooooh the instruments in the background are also fun, are those maracas I hear? It gets bonus points for the harmonies disagreeing with the lead too, hehe
Not A Second Time: The last original of this album, and it's not really doing it for me. Something about it kinda blurs into itself. Their later betrayal type numbers are more my bag, baby
Money (That's What I Want): And we're closing the experience with one more cover. I dig the instruments, most notably the piano, but the song itself is just, like, whatever lmao, Maybe it's too overtly materialistic and a bit listless? Man oh man does the Pink Floyd Money blow this outta the water lmaooo
Best 3: It Won't Be Long, All My Loving, Till There Was You
Blurst 3: Little Child, Not A Second Time, Money (That's What I Want)
Overall Quality?: An improvement over Please Please Me, though in a way it's more level quality makes it a bit harder to pick the best at least best songs in it. Most of the covers are again decent but not amazing, and the originals are hit and miss. Unfortunately it seems side 1 got the Lion's Share of memorable, fun numbers, leaving side 2 with also-rans, though in that is Devil in Her Heart at least!
On the next part, it shall have been (?) A Hard Day's Night and its all-original song lineup! Just the Album though, if I'm looking at the Film it'll be another, separate instalment ^w^;
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allhandsondeck1 · 7 months
Do you have a friend, partner, sibling, etc. that loves kpop? Is their birthday soon? Do you want to give them a bouquet, but don't know what flower to give them? I HAVE THE PERFECT THING FOR YOU! A BIAS BOUQUET!!!
Okay so along with my sister's birthday being.. literally rn (it's 1 am for me at the time of posting this), it's also right before valentines day! She's my best friend, and my sister, and she deserves a bouquet. She is obsessed with kpop. Like, can hear the first few seconds of a song and name the group, song, album, and who is singing at each moment(she scares me). She has like, a million favorite groups, so I had made a list and broooo.. I didn't even use half of the list, and the list was at least 20 or more members.. AND IT WASNT EVEN ALL OF THEM
So you can tell what my motive for this was, yeah? It's actually hella easy! I didn't take progress shots, because I got school later and didn't have the time to stop and take pictures, but here's what you need!
An editing or art app
lamination sheets
Wooden skewers
A foam cone
Tissue paper
Pipe cleaners (optional)
Sticky notes (optional)
Soo to start I went to pinterest and downloaded a few photos of my sister's favorite idols. You don't have to do all of them, you can do one group or just a bunch of photos of their favorite person! Whatever you want. I used the app IBISPAINTX to put them all together in different sizes, so it was easier to print and cut out and they can vary in sizes. Use whatever app or website you think works!
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I basically just put them in collages like this.
I emailed them to myself and then printed them out on cardstock paper, just so they were stiffer and would last longer, but if you don't want to/don't have that, regular printer paper will work!
Jm using a digital version, just to show it(also in courtesy of the girl bc its my sister's favorite and I forgot to print her out 😭) but after they are printed, cut your idols out, just the perimeter around it!
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Then, this is also optional, but I used lamination sheets over the pictures! Try and fit as many of your idols on the sheets just to save, but be careful, because you want to make sure when you cut them out, they have a small gap on the lamination, just so the lamination doesn't peel off. The lamination will just make the pictures last longer, so your person can keep them after! *the gray represents the lamination!*
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Now, I bought a foam cone fromWalmart, but yoh can probably grt it at micheals or any craft store! Mine was a little small, I don't have exact dimensions cause I just guessed, but I think eying it and guessing too will do just fine! I also got some skewers, which can be found anywhere, I just found them in a drawer lol. Next thing is tape!
Youre going to take your idols and your skewers, just tape the back onto the skewer before you stick it into the foam. Now, this part is optional too, but I used some purple pipe cleaners to wrap around the skewers! I just measured the part that was stuck into the foam, then I taped the idol on after I pulled it out,and then I wrapped the pipe cleaners above the line and to the bottom of the picture, and stuck it back in
Another optional thing is to make paper hearts! I found a tutorial on YouTube to make inflatable ones! I used the skewers to poke through the top and then layer purple and pink ones. I made seven so it could start on one color and end in the same color! I made three of these pattern heart things, but you can make as many as you want! (This works well if it's for a romantic partner or for valentines day!)
Finally I just used purple and pink tissue paper to hide the cone, and taped it together to keep it in place! Here's the final product in horrible lighting
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I can only name like, 5 people on this bouquet, and then the girl on my demonstration but idk how to spell her name lol
Anyways! There's a good, decently cheap present for your local kpop lover!
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hellofeanor · 10 months
Hi! its me again you friendly neighbourhood nuisance lol. So I’m super bored and my curiosity likes to torture me so i have even more questions about your fic Brittle stars. You’re absolutely entitled to ignore me if you want.
1) i dont remember if youve explained this before but what do the names lirjie, Kashan, Ayane, Gurri and Irreneth (once again a test of my spelling abilities lol) mean ?
2) how many biological kids do you thing Oren has ? It was my belief that elves have relatively slow reproduction rates with people like Feanor, Finwe etc being the exception. Is this different with uruk ?
3) how likely is it that Ayane has moved on from Oren ? This might be spoilery so you can skip this one, I’m just desperate for them get back together and have a healthy healed relationship
4) what do the parents of the original Uruks (eg. Oren Ayane all the rest) feel about the orcish grandchildren ?
5) Will Irreneth’s husband appear. Whats his feelings on everything going on?
6) Will Orens friends who he was captured with ever be reborn? If they didnt survive the transformation into Uruk does this mean they died young? Like Oren being a fully grown adult with thousands of years of misery behind him reuniting with his childhood friend, a tortured teenager.
7) will the scholars in Valinor be excited about Oren’s existence as a surving Uruk and his book(s) explaining the Uruk?
I think thats all I’ve got just now. Please don’t feel this is me pushing you to write a sequel, it’s absolutely up to you, no need to feel rushed and you’re more than welcome to ignore me. Once again love your work!
Oohoo, more good questions! Some of these I HAVE thought about and have an answer to, and some I'm just going to be pulling out of my ass. Which is which? It's a mystery. :)
Meaning of names. Okay I'm going to admit here. All of these names you listed were made up based on sound rather than meaning. I like doing it that way for two reasons, and those are 1) I'm the kind of nerd who usually knows right away what your OC's name means, which is a superpower I do not like having because it tends to kick me out of the story and into Elf Thoughts Mode (so I explicitly DO NOT want people to immediately know what my OCs names mean), and 2) I... don't really care too much what the names mean as long as they sound cool. Anyway, what I usually do for names is muck around with words until I get something I like, focusing 80% on sound and 20% on meaning. And that 20% on meaning is pretty much just making sure it doesn't mean anything horrid like "death carpet". Kashân is sort of explained in the story, though Adar himself admits he doesn't know what it means. He just liked the sound. But it's from the Valarin word akašān meaning "he says". (This does make sense in the context of the chapter I promise.) Gûri, on the other hand, is just the Gnomish word 'sweet' (basic-ass baby name right there), chosen because it also fits Black Speech phonology. Lirjë is the root verb lir (sing) with the sort of abstract noun ending -ja attached, then morphed from Lirja to Lirjë to make it a feminine name that means something like 'song'. Ayánë means something vaguely related to (but not exactly 100% spot on) 'blessed': from ayanā (to bless). And finally Irenneth is the most problematic of the bunch. Originally her name was Iranneth, but then I decided I liked the sound of Irenneth better. And DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? 'The kinship lady': i-rend-eth. It was so stupid I had to keep it. Absolute chef's kiss of a name. Perfect.
How many biological kids does Óren have? Five that survived infancy that he knows of for sure. After that, he made a point of not keeping track of which were his, so the final count is unknown. But definitely far more than would ever be seen among elves. Tolkien mentions that elves have few children, both because children are dear to them and they want to devote sufficient time to raising each child, but also because significant physical and mental strength goes into the creation of each child. I don't think either of these limitations would be placed on the uruk. They don't put much (if any) care into raising each child, and nor do they invest anywhere near as much spiritual energy as an elf would in the child's creation, with the shortfall being made up by Morgoth's interference in the process. (At least at first with the captured elves.) As such, they're able to reproduce at a far greater rate than their elven kin.
How likely is it that Ayánë has moved on? Okay this question WOULD give massive spoilers for the patchy plot I'm slowly assembling for a sequel, so I won't say anything here. But if you do want to know just message again and I'll answer privately.
What do the parents think of the orcish grandchildren? I think they'd be horrified and try not to think about it. They learn, at some point down the line, that they're blood relatives of all these monsters that are attacking and killing their people. At early times in history, I don't think they'd be at all sympathetic, and would probably be more inclined to try to prove their distance by being some of the most vocal opponents. But maybe much later, if Óren is reunited with his parents, he can get them to come around to not just blindly hating the uruk.
Will Irenneth's husband appear? LMAO maybe? Right now he's kind of a non-character, but I did, in early (imaginary) drafts of some chapters, have scenes in which he actually appeared as more than an offhand mention. So maybe in the future he'll get a speaking role. But so far he only exists because logically Ellaer needed a dad and it would be narratively more complicated to kill him off than just keep him out of the way in the background. I don't foresee him ever being important, though.
Will Óren's friends ever be reborn? I'm going to go with... probably not. The external reason is I'm just not a huge fan of elf rebirth storylines (not against them either, but it's just not a scenario that I've ever wanted to write). The internal reason is they died in Utumno before the elves were ever found by the Valar, and would have become unhoused spirits tormented by that horrible death for years before the call of Mandos ever came into being. And would they heed that, or trust it at all? Probably not. They'd remain ghosts in the north of Palisor and eventually fade from the world entirely.
Will scholars in Valinor be excited by Óren's uruk-scholarship? LOL this is another large-scale plot spoiler for the allegedly forthcoming sequel. And also I haven't entirely decided yet. And even the aspects I think I've decided are up in the air and subject to change until written, which is a ways off yet. But this is a topic that should be addressed. Again, if you want spoilers, lmk and I'll answer privately.
Thank you again for the ask! You are making me do work and think about these questions, which is honestly good for figuring some stuff out on my end.
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ginoeh · 1 year
URL TAG game: spell your URL in song title and tag as many people as there are letters! Got tagged by @tj-dragonblade , thanks friendo! And OMG I'M SO FREAKIN LATE TO THIS TT
I'm so sorry but there are no links or I would never finish this thing. I agonized over it much too long already...
G - G-minor by Hania Rani
I - In the End by Linkin Park
N - Nightcall by Kaminsky
O - Old Again by Zian
E - Enemy by Imagine Dragons
H - Homesick by The Cure
This is not an accurate sample for my favourite music. There is no Tamino song in this for one, also no Queen and no Haevn and not enough Cure or Mattia Morleo piano pieces by far, not enough of the random songs I collected over the years bc the titles don’t fit and and and... :(
I'm tagging @immacaria @delta-pavonis @kairennart @lenreli @virgo-dream @altair214 As always, no pressure to anwer lol
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matan4il · 2 years
Sooooooo from someone who spends too much time researching name meanings before naming their characters to someone who knows too much about names (jk, you can never know too much, I just thought using superlatives would be fun, and yes, I know "too x" isn't even a superlative, just let me have this 🤣):
Thoughts on the naming of 911 characters? And skdhflsdhf if you wanna add some shippy thoughts to it, go ahead😂💕
LOL Hon, can I just mention how much I love that we have in common the whole spending too much time researching name meanings before naming a character thing? XD And you know you can always consult me whenever you want to! My brain is full of redundant information and someone should take advantage of that!
I wanted to do this properly, so I ended up making a whole goddamn post about name meanings for 911 characters, including a few gifs. Sorry that means it took me a bit longer to reply, and thank you so much for your patience! xoxox
My thoughts on these name choices by 911, wow... OK, so can I mention that the most heartbreaking one to me is the naming of Daniel? As you can see in the post, Daniel means "God judges me" which is basically a sentiment expressed by religious Jews, an accepting of God's judgment and an expression of trying to do right in his eyes. But when someone passes away, in Judaism we say, "Baruch dayan ha'emet," meaning 'blessed is the judge of truth' to express an acceptance of this fate, too. Considering how young Daniel was when he passed away, the choice for his name just sends a shiver down my spine.
Evan meaning 'God has graced' gets to me, we just have the irony of this boy who grew up feeling like he was nothing in the present, that he could only hope to be someone in the future (as he tells Maddie in 405), this boy who was only brought into the world for God's grace to be directed towards saving his older brother, and he doesn't see, he doesn't realize just how much grace there is in his own existence! Once again, breaking my heart...
Another one that gets to me is Eddie's name meaning 'rich protection', when he's a dad who has dedicated himself to protecting his son and doing everything in his power to making Christopher's life as good as it can be, sparing no expenses on it, working twice as hard to be able to take good care of him, all while barely spending any money on himself (as his bedroom shows in 204). I also really like that he and his dad Ramon share the 'mund' part in their original Germanic names, meaning 'protection.' They are both devoted father, looking to protect their kids! They just go about doing it in very different ways...
And of course there's an interaction between their names. While Buck has trouble seeing his own grace, and is reckless and de-values his own life, Eddie is also protective of him, doing everything he can to make it clear to Buck that he is not expandable, and that there is no one Eddie trusts in the world more than him. Their love story is coded into their names, for heaven's sake!
Athena's name meaning might be unknown, but the connection between her and the Greek goddess of just, brave, smart war always got to me! Athena is opposed in Greek mythology to Ares, the god of bloodthirsty, treacherous, destructive war. It's just so fitting for a character whose whole essence is to be a warrior for good. And in that instance, the show even made explicit reference to this, saying Beatrice didn't choose her daughter's name randomly.
I like that when David was brought specifically to be Michael's love interest, he's given a name that is the ultimate one for lovers. David (spelled in Hebrew דוד) comes from the Hebrew word 'beloved' (pronounced 'dod' and also spelled in Hebrew דוד). Not only is that a very fitting meaning, but in the biblical book The Song of Songs, you'll find the verse, "Ani le'dodi ve'dodi li" which means "I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me," considered by many people familiar with the biblical text to be the ultimate expression of a lovers' bond there. That THIS is the name chosen for the character brought in to be a part of the first proper mlm couple 911 has featured makes me happier than I can explain!
I can talk about other notable choices (naming probably the biggest villains on the show with names that refer to 'peace' or imply it by meaning 'dove'), but I don't wanna overburden this post. I do think some of the names, when the origin is unknown / uncertain, and when some have very little connection (if any) to their characters, are a reminder that TV show writers don't always do the research. Sometimes they just like a name! Or select one randomly! Or have personal associations that play into choosing a name, that have nothing to do with the "official" name meaning. In other words, we (as fic writers) allowed to ignore this, too. ;) I personally like having intention behind my character's name, as an extra layer of meaning, but it is 100000% okay not to pay it any attention! *hugs*
Hope you have a wonderful day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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silversiren1101 · 2 years
🥊: best part of combat? worst part of combat?, 🛡: favourite build, or party setup?, ❤️: any npcs you liked, or even wished you could romance?
🥊: best part of combat? worst part of combat?
So I actually love combat in these games, lol, but I do have specific enemies that I just loathe encountering and specific encounters that are just trash.
The stuff with the woundwyrm is just not fun no matter how much you prebuff. Getting caught on the openworld map and all you can do is run around until she flies away and hope no one dies just sucks. Threshold is just terrible at the end with all the gallu stormcallers. Vavakias in general are horrible enemies that pierce through fear resistance?!
Still, I love when a custom build just comes together. I'm playing on Challenging right now and the early levels are wrecking my shit but I'm pushing through. Feels like solving an ultimate puzzle.
🛡: favourite build, or party setup?
My ideal party!
Minovae: Fighter 20/ HK 4/ Bard 16. Shield bash based two-weapon fighter with ridiculous AC, a gazillion attacks, and her bard song to keep her friends up and fighting. LOTS of teamwork feats to wreck house with her beloved.
Regill: HK 2-3/Fighter rest of the way. Depends on how I'm feeling for the specific build. Regardless he's full armor feats, dex to attack and damage hooked hammer for a million attacks. LOTs of teamwork feats for the same reasons above!
Nenio: Wizard 10/Loremaster 10. Fully into maxed out illusion school DCs and spell favoritism on Weird and Phantasmal killer. Mythic feats buffing the shadow schools since they're evocation/conjuration but count as Illusion and thus used her maxed DCs.
Daeran: Oracle 20. No reason to multiclass him he's VERY good as is. Give him extra mystery of Bones for Bone Armor to make him tougher, focus on Conjuration and Necromancy. Ultimate undead slayer (that map with all the Bodaks on it? Or the room with Kestoglyr? DESTROYED), and also some juicy extra damage from some of the offensive necromancy spells and saves. You can lean a little into summons too with this if you like!
Arueshalae: Skald 20. Yes I use the respec mod on her, but skald fully fits her personality and story and being able to give all of my martials Pounce is so amazingly strong and hilarious. Mostly focused on buffing and rage songs. Give her Sense Vitals and have her use a starknife for full flavor.
Wenduag: So many builds for her... whether it's the Cult Leader War Priest or Rowdy Rogue or Demonslayer Ranger though... she's always rocking the dual throwing axes. Unstoppable war machine. Beloved beloathed. Never not a party pillar.
❤️: any npcs you liked, or even wished you could romance?
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appleslices · 2 years
hiiiii i was tagged by @arabeheaux too put my spotify wrapped playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs so here we go 💖💓💗
kiss me more (feat. naomi watanabe)- doja cat
fitness- freddie
bump this- michael medrano, jake germain, michete
hello hello- trixie mattel
move- taemin
truth or dare- kelela
i put a spell on you- nina simone
miss a thing- kylie minogue
year to year- yaeji, ohhyuk
smooth operator- sade
going to tag: @mundycide @froggychairr @plusque @thesentdowngirl @meowing @wormdream and uhm anyone else who wants to do this bc i dont know how many ppl use spotify and havent already been tagged yet lol
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
To My Future Husbands:
I am broken
I am brokenhearted
I am beaten
I have trust issues
I've been abandoned
I'm crying right now
I have crying spells
I empathize for the world
I have a big heart
I've been used
I've been taken advantage of
I've been mentally abused
I've been emotionally abused
I've been physically abused
I've been raped
I've been molested
I've been shunned in church
I've been spiritually abused
I've been financially abused
I've been let down
I've been misused
I've been misunderstood
There are often times I think about death
I've been mistreated
I feel like the current people who I live with are just using me for money
I may be homeless with my dog soon
I physically disabled incapable of bending and straightening my arms
I have crippling anxiety
I suffer from severe depression
I am bipolar so I deal with mood swings and manic energy
I also have hypotension which I feel drives my depression and anemia
I have anemia so I deal with severe fatigue
I have severe fatigue
I have unfathomable and unexplainable tension and pain all throughout my body due to juvenile to rheumatoid to osteoarthritis
I believe I'm wcizophrenic
I also believe I have Adult ADHD
I have focusing problems
I listen to sad music
I listen to love mueic
I have a hard time getting over stuff that hurts me
Yesterday is a painful word and song (ask why)
I drown myself in work so I can forget about life
I'm a writer
I'm an author
I'm a poet
I fear fear itself
I fear I will lose everyone in life
Once again pointing to abandonment issues
I have a fear of being fit into a box
Claustrophobia maybe
I've recently grown a fear of flying on a plane or maybe
Flying and being in the window seat
I'm painfully annoying
I call a lot
I'm clingy
I'm needy
I love hard
Often times too hard
My cousin told me that my fatal flaw is caring too much
She I call my twin cousin because we were born exactly a month apart
I don't talk to my family
I talk to my dog
Her name is Cocoa
And yes
She's a sweet as Hot Cocoa
Or Hot Chocolate
Whatever you wanna call it
I am non confrontational
I want everybody to win
I've been broken by many guys and a girl
I've been going through an identity crisis lately
I'm gay
I want a polycule relationship with multiple twink guys (ask me about it)
I try not to forget peoples birthdays or important things in their life
I am legally blind
A disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa
I'm scared of my own vouce
I'm scared of my own power
I'm scared of my own pain
I'm scared of all my ailments
I'm scared that they will cripple me more than they have
My voice has been called annoying
I took that to heart
So I've been dealing with finding my voic3
I want to be the focal point in our polycule relationship
For all the above reasons
I am driven
I am goal oriented
I am a dreamer
I am a lover
I believe in a better world
The person who raped me I loved
I've given myself sexually to too many men who did not want my heart only a hole to use
I am peaceful
I am profound
I am strong
I am loyal
I am faithful
I believe in love
I believe in you
I believe if you made it this far then
I thank you for that!
I want to crawl into a shell and either
Run away
Everyone who I've fallen in love with previously
It pains me to admit
I still love them
But I know that I deserve love
So if you are one of those people who may fit the
Fair skinned
Cute beyond all reqson
Younger than 34
Goal driven
Career oriented
Not all about sex
Identity confident
Family oriented
Wants a family
Animal oriented
Wants animals
Serious at the right times
Able to distract me positively
It'd be great if one of the seven of us has a car lol
It'd also be great if we can live together haha lol
No but for real
No debt
Intelligent (doesn't necessarily mean know big words and be book smart)
No argumentatives
Preferably black, blonde, or brown hair
Preferably straight, wavy, or curly
Again wants kids
Slim to thin
Thin to fit
Fit to athletic
Athletic to toned
No body builders
No old heads
No young'ns
18 to 33 ONLY
Six fair skinned twinks
Wants an interracial family
Doesn't mind sharing
Someone who is caring
Unconditional love
Not going to throw anything back in mine or any of our spouses faces
Doesn't look at me or us as an inconvenience
Believes me
Believes in me
Believes in yourself
Believes in us as a whole
Spiritual not religious
Says I apologize
Instead of I'm sorry
Sends little love notes or texts or calls to remind each other of our unapologetic love
Baseball player
Basketball player
Country boys
City boys
Self confident
Self loving
Self caring
Keeps a clean houee
Keeps a clean body
Not too tall
Cut off at about 6'3"
Healthy eater
Not asking for all salad eaters
High blood pressure is in my family
Grandpa had a heart attack
No smokers
Social drinkers
No getting shit faced
I do like to have a good time
There's a big difference
Yet again
No recreational drugs
Believes in theirs, mine, our spouses, our kids, and others dreams
Doesn't talk shit about people
Wants to heal the world
If you made it to the end
And you fit the description of guy I am looking for
And you have read
Are acceptant NOT TOLERANT
Of my Rap Sheet
Then message me
Must be committed as well
Not tolerant
I cannot express loving and trustworthy enough
I want a polycule relationship
If you don't know what that is
Look it up
And then
Get back to me
I want multiple people in one and as one relationship
Where we share each other's love
Oh! Must be motivational and inspirational
Also shares a house
Sex is with any partner of the entire family that you so choose
It could be one
Whatever variation that you want
Sex IS NOT and WILL NOT BE the frontrunner of our spousal relationship
Sex is great
So is conversation
So is sharing stories
Sharing experiences
And making memories
New memories
Positive times and vibes
If you are a shark trying to take advantage of me or anybody else then
Wanna know more yet?
Well, go ahead and message me if you fit the bill
And remember I said I have trust issues so it's gonna take a lot before we can meet or especially have sex
There is no rush if I am one of the ones for you then you can wait just like I have and can for you
Trust builds over time
Not in a night
I don't care if you cuss
Just no cussing at any one of your spouses
Or the kids
Or the pet kids
I don't do that honey
Please God please
Know how to cook
That helps too
Cause we do have to eat
And eating out is great
But so is a home-cooked meal
I will have a home Healthcare aid to take care of me until we either
Get you to become an RN,, CNA, or i believe it's called a PCS
Someone who is qualified in taking care of me
And no I just don't want you to take care of me in one way
Not just for business purposes
But take care of me in personal purposes too
If you are a nurse
You're already ahead of the game
Please have a job
And or a career
Dreams and aspirations of your own
Goal oriented I cannot stretch enough
Non argumentative
Supportive in all ways
Not looking for a sugar daddy
I don't need your money
I want a life in and of love.
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ethersierra · 2 years
Steeplechase episode 1 thoughts- THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. These are like live posts but all in one okay?
,, starting out with a non McElroy voice👀 Krystal with a k?
STEEPY WATCH. Like Disney video blogs oh my god ily
"Don't eat the flakes" we are getting some heavy social commentary here about corporations
Dentonic made a one of a kind enamel pin with gold ahaha who would do something like that 👁️
OH MY GOD THE INTRO SONG ❤️❤️❤️❤️ it reminds me of John Cena I'm sorry but it's so good. And we've got all these different elements going on with it oh my god I'm obsessed let me memorize it into my skull
Strong opener Justin mhm
I should have had "Griffin wreaks havoc out of game in his role as a player" and "Travis makes a sex joke" on the bingo card
The woman from the sky yesyeysyes
HER ACCENT I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She's my favorite already I I'm i
THE CHARACTER VOICES- beef's is so fun
Griffin started talking and I thought he was speaking as Montrose and I was about to say "dude that's JUST your voice" .. I am a wee bit foolish
Montrose has an old timey rich guy voice (carnival barker) aND IT FITS SO WELL WITH WHAT HE DOES I SHOULD JAVE SEEN THIS COMING
Warm bodies? Is uhhh there a lot of cold ones?
Does Montroses voice count as an accent because I think it should. It has a certain cadence to it . Also I want a bingo spot.
A big unveiliiiiiing 👀 they are dropping the pin in cereal. I uhh I missed that connector tbh I did not realize it was related. That's what I get for pausing so much lol
Do you think they're gonna eat the cereal to get to the pin
I love the ominous carnival music in the background
YAY DICE ARE OUT BABY. Mechanics baby
I want a carnitas tostada so bad right now. It's not related to the plot but idk the music reminds me of it
Of course Justin would combine his two loves of theme parks and cereal
Slipper, matchstick, and trashbag. I love you Justin for opening a random object generator and deciding that these are your NPCs.
Sorry but is that Minecraft sheep in the background right now?
"assault" "a pepper" shoulda put Travis makes a dumb joke on the bingo too
I like that the rule is once you start planning you're already there
I like that they're gonna undercut the other thieves akdnakndak
UESTACE!! AND WE GOT A SPELLING❤️ the bad news is that it's abysmal! I think it's supposed to be futuristic though. Gotta update the wiki.
Hold on. The hard light grandpa calls him papa and also does manual labor. They really are alive huh
I like that though. Very Pinocchio though in a kinda fucked up future way
Emerich wears a jumpsuit coverall 😌💪 win for character design. Also I love him he's the IT guy in an appliances guy kinda way
Also is steeplechase title the sleeping beauty font <3
Oooh Montrose stealth by blending iiiiin I love this character. I think that these characters play well into the player strengths!!
Justin is doing so good by the way I knew he would be great as a GM !!!!<3
I need trav to crit fail this cereal roll so bad that beef takes damage
Awww. Good enough for me. This is fun
That was a sneaky move to get them away ayeheh
I don't quite get how the dice works
OH HE GOES MASKLESS. A PLAIN FACE. we did think that would be something but, (is now a good time to reference the dream thing...)
Oooh he actually got the guard to leave his post👀
Perception check😏 sorry sorry "survey"
TAKE TWO STRESS👀👀👁️👀👁️👀👁️ I like that mechanic a lot
I expect many more "he beefed it" jokes in the future
Finally. A TAZ campaign with vloggers.
I really like the dynamic here with Montrose and the people it's fun
Also Montrose is doing this whole STEALTH thing toooo a Livestream audience 💀 good job bud
This is gonna go HORRIBLY wrong.
how.. how big is the tube...
Justin's Taako voice came out there for a second "okay they're distracted what are you gonna do now?"
Beef is so good at distracting
Montrose. How the hell do you think this will work. You have made no change then like turned on them WITH AUDIENCES OF LITERALLY EVERYONE - I mean idk how far away from them they were they probably didn't hear
Haha yeah roll for it baybeee
Montrose. C'mon. What is happening sir
I'm kinda glad they fucked that one up. It's for funsies. They just did it so goddamn bad that I don't know how they'll possibly fix it!
I'm going to start working on their designs this weekend so expect a drawing😌 overall love this ep and super excited for more!
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