#too many brilliant lines to get them all in and this was the fairest way to make sure they have 2 lines each
allinsideyourhead · 2 years
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parvulous-writings · 4 years
SFW alphabet// Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Request: There isn’t one- this is pure self indulgence. 
Submitted by:​ MEEEE
Genre/fandom: Fluff/Star Wars
Warnings:  None.
Summary: SFW alphabet for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Obi-Wan is pretty damn affectionate- when you both are alone. In public, it is often a different story. That’s not to say he doesn’t sweet talk you quietly when you’re out and about, but he rarely holds your hand when in places that the Jedi Order could see you. When you are alone though, either in his quarters, your Coruscant apartment or elsewhere out of sight, he is one of the most affectionate people you’ve ever met, giving you so many hugs and kisses it’s hard to count. One of his favourite things to do, during slower days, he’ll sit in his favourite chair whilst he reads, letting you sit in a nearby chair, your hands linking you both together.  B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
Quite simply, Obi-Wan is one of the nicest and fairest beings in the galaxy, and the very best friend should you put the effort in to get to know him- though, even if you don’t, he’s still extraordinarily kind hearted, and ever the gentleman.  The friendship would probably start when he’s assigned to protect you- and of course he politely introduces himself, and you’re drawn to his friendly and calming presence. 
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He ADORES cuddles. All of them. In bed, in comfy chairs, standing up- anywhere, anyhow, so long as you aren’t discovered. Given half the chance, he would cuddle you to the end of time. He’s a big one for physical affection. A lot of his favourite moments with you are spent curled up together, talking about both everything and nothing, basking in each others company.  D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?) Obi-Wan would love to settle down- and he was incredibly ready to leave the Jedi Order for you, but you told him to stay, at least for Anakin’s sake.  He is a marvelous cook- and you can’t convince me otherwise. You don’t go out for secret date nights, oh no, Obi-Wan cooks you a delicious home-made meal.  He’s also quite clean, doing all the chores around his quarters almost every day or when he gets the chance between training sessions, meetings and the missions.  E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) If he had to, he would try and let you down slowly. He would try not to make a show of it and explain calmly to you why he think it would be best for you to go your separate ways. It would break him inside, but he’d keep his composure until he was alone.   F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?) He would like very much to get married to you 😊 you are his one and only living love, after all. He’d leave the Order for you, if you let him. Enough said, really. G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?) Very gentle physically, very very gentle indeed. His touches are always so soft, as if he’s nervous that you’re only a dream, and if he’s too rough with you, you’ll suddenly poof out of existence. It’s quite sweet, actually.  H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?) Like with cuddles, Obi is a pretty big hugger. His hugs are warm, and full of all the love he holds for you. You almost always catch his scent- the faint smell of spices, and it always calms you down, it’s soothing. His hands often find the small of your back and the back of your head, supporting you as well as keeping you close to him. I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?) Not particularly quickly- he tries to suppress his feelings at first, and it takes many weeks of being around you for him to even admit to himself that he liked you, not to mention how long it took for him to muster up the courage to admit his feelings for you.  Even after he admits his love for you, he usually only says the L word when he thinks it’s a special occasion- though he makes sure that you know he loves you in other ways.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Obi-Wan doesn’t often get jealous- he understands the need for close friendships outside of your relationship. But there have been one or two instances where his emotions have gotten the better of him. When he’s jealous, he can get rather possessive. He doesn’t mean to- he truly doesn’t- but he’ll put his arm around your waist, pull you close to his side, whilst giving a very dark glare to send them a message. (He’ll try not to do this in front of Jedi, and has so far succeeded in that regard.)  K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Obi-Wan’s kisses are often quite light and brief- as most of them are given in public. Kisses in private are much deeper, much more passionate, much longer. His favourite place to kiss you is the very tip of your nose, he doesn’t know why really, he just thinks it’s a very endearing place to kiss you. His favourite place to be kissed is just under his jaw, your lips just seem to press against his skin so nicely there.  L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?) Oh, Obi-Wan is a dream around children! He is a wonderful mentor to the younglings in the temple- a brilliant father figure for those who see him as such. Absolute father/husband material, I tell you.  M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?) They are sometimes few and far between, but... Imagine the most idyllic scene you can think of. Sunlight streaming through the window and lightly hitting your face, as the wonderful smell of breakfast hits your nose, rousing you from your slumber. There he stands, in his nightclothes with his back to you, as he cooks you a glorious breakfast. He turns to smile at you as you get up, moving over to quickly give you a morning kiss on the cheek.  That is a morning with Obi-Wan. N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?) Just as heavenly as the mornings. They’re quiet, more often than not, but they’re still wonderful. Though just as rare as the mornings, if not rarer, you both spend the first part of the evening watching the sun set, before dining together, and finally ending up in each others arms, talking nonsense till you both find  slumber.  O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?) Usually late at night, a month or so into your relationship. It’s not about what most people would consider ‘secrets’, but to Obi-Wan these things are incredibly personal. He talks to you about the bond he had with his master, and how he felt when he lost him, he talks about how proud he is of Anakin, all of it. It takes a few weeks and countless late nights, but you’re both all the closer to one another for it.  P - Patience (How easily angered are they?) Man’s a Jedi. The King of patience. He doesn’t often get angry.  When he does, though... Yikes. He loses it. Thankfully his rage is almost never directed towards you. 
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?) He remembers everything you tell him, down to the last detail. You mention something as a throwaway comment? I guarantee you he’ll be doing or purchasing something  to do with that little throwaway line. Every detail goes into his head and never leaves.  R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?) A time he found you entertaining the younglings whilst waiting for you. You seemed so happy, your eyes sparkling and full of life, glinting as you laughed. He leant against the wall, just watching you as you played with them, letting them embrace their childhood for a little bit longer. It is something he’ll often play it over and over again in his head when he’s watching you sleep. 
S - Security (How protective are they?) Obi-Wan knows you have to fight your own battles, and he does try his best to let you do that, offering guidance if you need it. However, when he knows you’re out of your depth- whatever that may be- he will step in and defend you in whatever way he needs to.  T - Try (How much effort do they put in?) He puts in so much effort for you, trying to prove himself to you even though you constantly remind him he doesn’t need to. He also finds it his constant quest to make it up to you for not spending more time with you when in the Order. You tell him not to do that too, but he never seems to listen.  U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?) Apologising too much. For not spending enough time with you, for being late when he isn’t.. Little things. Little, pesky things. It started off sweet at first, but quickly you found it to be a little bit of a problem.  V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not really that concerned. He keeps himself clean of course, he has more than enough decency for that, but he’s not really that fussed. He’ll pay more attention to small things- like the style of his hair or how he wears his robe- if he wants to impress you, but he’s not exactly vain. W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Oh he would definitely feel incomplete without you. He misses you deeply when on missions- and even goes as far to use his holocom to contact you when far off and he can’t bear not hearing your voice anymore.  X - Xtra (Random HC) Obi-Wan is an absolutely divine cook. You want a meal that the canteens or cafeteria don’t do a good job on? Say no more, he shall provide for you. He’d cook practically anything for you, just to see you smile.  Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?) Obi-Wan isn’t particularly fussy when it comes to partners, however there is one thing that almost always has to be there. Manners. Otherwise, you may just have a few ettiquete lessons from Master Kenobi. Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
Obi-Wan is usually a sound sleeper, and has a regular sleeping pattern. This pattern is only slightly taken off track when you sleep in the same bed as him, and he’ll spend at least half an hour running his hands through your hair as you sleep, admiring the blissful smile that crosses your lips. 
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lyssismagical · 4 years
Did my heart love till now? For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night
Parkner Week Day Four: “I will pepper in the fact that I am gay.” / coming out / first date
Peter slips out onto the fire escape, desperate to escape his obnoxious roommates for even a minute.
The city is dark and quiet, despite it only being eleven. Peter’s surprised, considering it’s New York, but the borough they live in is different than Queens or Manhattan ever was.
Harry and Gwen’s bickering follows him out onto the fire escape, so he shuts the window behind him, muffling their voices. They fight a lot. He knows they mean well, they love each other deep down, but they’ve both got big personalities, lots of opinions, and they’re both too stubborn to step down from a fight. Peter’s been appointed as the peacemaker of the group, but even then, there’s only so much he can do. It’s easier somedays to leave them to fight for a little while, get it out of their system, than to try to get them to reconcile.
It doesn’t help that they’re all struggling college students, desperately trying to make a name for themselves in a big city like New York. Harry wants to be a director or maybe join the fashion scene if he can, Gwen wants to make it as an actress, and Peter’s dream is to get on Broadway. They’re all nineteen, though, barely scraping by at NYU or AMDA, trying to pay rent with their minimum wage jobs as waiters.
It isn’t particularly easy, but when has anything ever been easy?
Just because the chances are slim and there will be a lot of struggle, doesn’t mean any of them are willing to give up on their dreams. They’re all prepared for the hardships as long as they have each other.
“What light through yonder window breaks?” A voice calls out from the street below where Peter’s feet dangle. “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love!”
Peter hasn’t read Romeo and Juliet since he was in high school, but he’d know those lines anywhere.
He can’t see whoever is quoting Shakespeare up to him, too many shadows cast in the street, but the voice is deep with a southern drawl, projecting easily up to where Peter is.
“O, that she knew she were! She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold, ‘tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, od entreat her eyes to twinkle in their sphere till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!”
“Do you just have it all memorized?” Peter calls out, knowing it’s meant to be his line. He can’t help the smile as the mysterious Romeo laughs from the streets below.
His voice is softer as he speaks without lines. “I played Romeo for three weeks worth of performances last year. I saw you sitting up there, and couldn’t help myself.”
Peter frowns, thinking back to last year. At AMDA, he auditioned for Romeo, but he ended up playing a background character with a single line instead. He was told it was because he was only a freshman, but it was a pretty big hit to his ego. He can’t remember who actually got the role of Romeo though.
“I don’t suppose you quote Shakespeare to just every sad looking person sitting on their fire escapes?”
“There’s a first time for everything,” Romeo says. “You go to AMDA, don’t you? I think I remember seeing you around… You don’t happen to work at that diner on 64th street, do you?”
Peter laughs. “I don’t know how you know that, but yeah, I do. I’m a sophomore at AMDA, double majoring in musical theatre and performing arts. And spending nights at that diner to pay rent.”
“Me and my friend get dinner there all the time. I remember you because Cassie kept pointing you out as one of the greatest dancers in one of her classes.”
The blush that creeps up Peter’s neck makes him feel warm all the way to the core. He’s been working really hard in his dance classes to get where he is now, it’s nice to get that kind of recognition. “That’s very nice of her.”
“I was pointing you out because you happen to be one of the prettiest people I’ve ever seen,” Romeo adds on. “And you have a lovely voice.”
Peter tries to summon any piece of confidence he can, but comes up mostly empty. “Would you mind stepping out of the shadows, so I can compliment you too?”
Romeo laughs again sweetly, and then he’s stepping out from where he’d been leaning against a building across the street. He walks to the middle of the deserted street until he’s properly under the light of the one of the streetlamps.
“O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o’er my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air,” he says.
Romeo is gorgeous and Peter remembers him too. Harley Keener, a Junior at AMDA, in the same musical theatre program as Peter. Harley’s wearing a pair of tight jeans and a flannel, blond curls bouncy and messy, blue eyes wide and sparkling, hands lifted towards Peter as he recites his lines with so much passion and truth.
“You’re calling me and angel? When you look like you do?” Peter blurts. He can hear Gwen’s muffled voice rising behind him and knows he doesn’t have much more time until they finish their argument and come looking for him. “You were brilliant as Romeo, too. I played one of the guards, but I watched your performance every night.”
Harley smiles, showing off his adorable dimples. “I would’ve loved it if you could’ve played opposite me, though. I think you would’ve made an amazing Juliet.”
“I think the world would’ve rioted if they saw a guy playing Juliet. I think Shakespeare would’ve risen from the dead just to have a heart attack.”
Peter can barely stop grinning at the not-so-subtle hints that Harley’s into guys too.
“We’d make a pretty amazing duo, though, don’t you think?”
“My ears have no yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue’s utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?” Peter calls out, putting on his best Juliet voice.
Harley laughs brightly. “You skipped a few lines, but I’ll let it slide if you come down here.”
“If they do see thee, they will murder thee.”
“Is that a no? O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?”
Peter shakes his head, already pulling himself up to his feet. “I’ll be down in five, Harley. You want to get coffee?”
“I’d love to get coffee.”
Grinning, Peter pries open the window and slips back into his apartment where Gwen and Harry seem to have finally gone quiet.
He changes into a nicer outfit quickly, nearly face-planting in his haste to tug his jeans on, and then he skips into the living room to say goodbye to his friends.
“You have plans?” Harry says when he sees Peter. “I thought you were staying in tonight?”
“I met somebody!” Peter practically squeals, bouncing on his toes. He can barely contain his excitement. He hasn’t dated anybody since high school, spending college focused on his career and education, but he’s not about to turn somebody like Harley down.
Gwen lifts an eyebrow. “You met somebody… on the fire escape?”
“We may or may not have been quoting Romeo and Juliet… We’re getting coffee. I’ll catch you both up when I get back, okay?”
Just as Peter’s about to turn away, Harry grabs his arm. “Wait, who was it? Do we know them?”
Peter, blushing furiously and so giddy like he’s a lovesick teenager, says, “Harley Keener. He played Romeo last year, remember?”
Both their jaws drop in shock, eyes wide. They remember him, for sure. It’s hard not to remember somebody like Harley.
Peter doesn’t bother sticking around any longer, racing out the front door to get down to Harley.
Apparently, Harley knows a nice coffee place that’s open at the late hours of night, so he leads the way, bumping shoulders, teasing each other, and making small talk mostly about their friends and school.
“I don’t know if this is too forward,” Harley says when they make it to the coffeeshop. “But I just wanna know if you’re into guys or not. I’m gay… If this is totally platonic, that’s cool too, I just want to know.”
Peter grins, unable to help himself. “I’m bi, so… I thought we were being pretty obvious how we felt by saying we should be two of the most famous star-crossed lovers there are.”
Harley laughs, leading Peter to the counter to give their orders. “I suppose… So, this would be a date?”
“I was kind of hoping so, yeah. If that’s okay?”
“It’s perfect, yeah.”
Harley pays, if only because Peter managed to forget his wallet in his haste to get out of his apartment, and then they start walking back to Peter’s apartment.
Harley talks about how he’s from a small town in the middle of nowhere, Tennessee, how he always dreamed of making it on Broadway like Peter, how scared he was submitting an application to AMDA, how much everything changed when he got accepted. He talks about his family, his mom and little sister back home, how proud they are of everything he does, how he’s going to work so much harder for them. He talks about his experience in New York, how different it is compared to Rose Hill, how much excitement there is, how fast it moves and how full it is.
It’s strange to hear about New York from an outsiders perspective. Peter’s only left New York twice. Both times for Academic Decathlon which took him to DC and to Toronto.
In turn, Peter talks about May, how much he loves her, how much she’s supported all of his decisions. He doesn’t say much about Ben or his parents, but he says enough that Harley links their free hands together and squeezes comfortingly. He talks about Harry and Gwen, about school and his job, how much stress has been piled on his shoulders by everyone wanting him to choose a more possible dream. How he refuses to give up on his Broadway dreams.
They make it back to his apartment all too soon, hands still linked, noses and cheeks red from the cold.
“This was really nice,” Peter murmurs. “I would invite you up to my place, but I have two roommates who are crazy obnoxious and loud and a lot. I’d really like to do this again, though.”
“Me too. I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while now, I didn’t think it would be like that. Quoting Shakespeare isn’t the greatest pickup line.”
Peter shrugs, tugging Harley a little closer. “It worked.”
“Is there anyway I could get your number?”
“I’ll give it to you in exchange for something,” Peter bargains, smiling dopily.
“And what’s that?”
“Kiss me?”
Harley doesn’t waste a second, pressing their mouths together and backing Peter into the brick wall of his apartment building, free hand grabbing Peter’s waist while trying not to spill his coffee. Peter wraps his arms around Harley’s neck and shoulders, smiling into the kiss.
Eventually, they do have to pull away, both of them grinning at each other and they let out twin breathless laughs.
Harley fishes a pen out of his bag, presenting it and his forearm to Peter.
He jots down his number with a little heart, trying not to think too much about the wiry muscle in his forearm and how much he really wants to see Harley’s biceps too. He leans up to kiss Harley once more before he pushes open the door to his building.
“I’ll see you around?”
“Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spideygirl2003 @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay 
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hereisleo · 4 years
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a 2020 wrap up/
it’s already the new year when i’m writing this. my room is still bright with its light on, the heater running, a cup of tea on my side and fuzzy socks on. 2020 wow! another year has passed and what a turbulent year it was. i supposed i’m one of the lucky ones who didn’t feel the effects of it as much as the majority. immediately it is one thing i am grateful of and many more.
some of them comes in the form of you.
to my precious mutuals and followers,
soon enough it’ll be two years for this little corner. i hope this space has provided you some escape from reality. thank you for your all support and encouragement, direct and indirect. i treasure every single one of you here! fingers crossed i can give you more content to enjoy this year! it might not be many but i hope the quality stays constant or better. who knows how i will grow this year. we all will grow this year. i hope 2021 will bring you more positivity and blessings! we’ll get through this!
to my lovely sunray @moonchildsaurora, pyx,
one more week and it’s our one year friendshipversary. from writer-anon to friends outside of this platform, i am always grateful for you. you have such a brilliant mind and endless creativity, i look forward to what you publish here this year. hearing your snippets of ideas for future content and off the records are always wonderful. there’s too many things to write to you and i’ve wrote it in one of the letters. i’m ready to fight the owl post if it doesn’t reach soon. here’s to meeting each other sometime soon. cheers!
to my longstanding friend, @shuxings, elli,
boo, guess what, you’ve been here since two summers ago. while your content have changed, i am glad you are here. i adore seeing the animes content popping up on my dash! forever grateful that we talk outside of tumblr too. i hope the little surprise reach your mailbox soon. can’t wait to hear the “you got mail from japan?!” again.
to captain oh my captain rin, @barsformars,
your themes are out of this world, cap! the artistry wow! magnificent! your writings? i’m keeling for the softness of it and the tear jerkers of the angst. you’re a good good writer, captain! and i’m honoured to be one of your passengers!
to my mingi agenda supporter no. 1, @jeongyunhoed, denise,
i adore every mingi content you tagged me in, denise! soft and “hard” contents, everything in between. the vintage covers website you introduced me to and the short chats we have, i’m thankful for it! if i haven’t yelled in the tags before, your “twilight zone” au is fucking fabulous! mwah!
to the fairest of fairies, @fairyofdusk, caz,
thank you, thank you for your constant support. i will always be grateful of your overflowing words of kindness. it motivates me every time. i’m looking forward to the start of your film photography journey! *click click*
to the one who’s here since the beginning, @candiedmingyu, v,
you precious bean! thank you for being my first mutual! the way i went, “v, the famous v, is following lil me? what?!” i hope this is not out of line to say but you’ve grown so much! i adore you! here and ig, i love your content! mwah mwah mwah, extra kisses for you!
to the ones who have a soft spot in my heart, @hhjs @surajmukhee @sunlightwoo @mingyulonglegs @alyssumz, amal, anjali, gina, vee and joy,
it’s been a hell of a ride in 2020. i appreciate you so much and while we don’t talk as often anymore, seeing you on my dash is something i’m grateful for. all my support to your future endeavours and a kinder year! the talents and skills you have are amazing! so is you yourself!
to the talented content creators i adore and look up to, @yeocult @thelargefrye @sidereal-fantasies @atinytokki, yeo, ceo smalls, hana and addie,
holy damn. where’s all that talent coming from? from writing prowess to aesthetic and everything in between, i am always awed of your creations!
to my favourite gif creators, @park-seonghwa and @songmingki, natali and romi,
hi! no, we don’t know each other. but i would like to tell you, your contents are god’s work. thank you for providing us with incredible gifs. your skills are out of this world!
happy new year!
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recklessmoon · 8 years
märchen starters
Taken from Defade’s english translations, use these as you’d like! May imply triggering content additionally because of the nature of the album. I’ve included lines from the prequel album IdoIdo too!! Have fun! Feel free to edit where neeeded. Placed under cut for length.
“And history alone remained..”
“Hey! Something’s dropped beside the well!”
“There…watch your steps.”
“Are you doing okay? Not scared?”
“Well, I’ll bring you to a nice spot today. Let’s go!”
“Sins require punishment.”
“This deserted village…is just like a graveyard…ufufu…”
“[Insert Name], fairytales always begin from the graveyard.”
“Come here to me.”
“Dig me out...”
“Such a tragic era.”
“The goal of life is to survive.”
“The goal of life is to multiply.”
“Hey! Young mister/miss!”
“Mother/Father! I’m back!”
“Welcome hom..…who are those men?”
“Don’t scream like a pig! You’re disgusting to look at!”
“Don’t make this so hard on us!”
“That brilliant era in which you’re smiling now, without hating anyone or regretting death, let’s meet there for sure.”
“I’ll kill you…”
“I wanted a friend, but I had no idea what that was…”
“Until I met you, I didn’t know the color of loneliness, nor the meaning of love…”
“I’ll put a flower in your hair.”
“Really? Make it look cute, okay!”
“Let’s go over there next time!”
“I’d like to say goodbye to my friend at least.”
“I will be the last one to bear darkness. Please go into the light…”
“[Insert name]…you’ll definitely come for me, right?”
"Come, your [father/mother/ect] is waiting.”
“Why…why wouldn’t you accept this child as a successor to this house..!”
“That topic is closed and done with.”
“I don’t want to hear it, [Insert name].”
“Is it because I’m a concubine….no, is it because this child is disabled?”
“[Insert Name]….I deeply feel for you, so much that it hurts. However I will not forgive you.”
“Aren’t you cold, [Insert Name]?”
“[Insert Name], the light is warm!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, so sorry…”
“Even if I pray to God, my cries will never reach.”
“So I’ll embrace my sins and cease my prayers.”
“Lady/Milord [Insert Name], please remain strong!”
“You standing there, can you hear me? Then come here to me….and dig me out!”
“Kill the witch! Kill [Insert Name]!”
“You should just die!”
“Look! ….look at this comedy! Then I shall become a true 《witch》 that curses the world!”
“[Insert Name], even if you fell into hell, I’d still love you.”
“This story is fiction”
“But that doesn’t mean everything is made up.”
“『Who』 am I?”
“Ufufu…I love you, [Insert Name]. Now we’ll be together forever and ever, right? Ahahahaha!”
“Let’s take revenge, okay?” 
“It’s too late for laments.”
“Now that death has come, no matter how many regrets you have, it’s too late.”
“My [lady/lord/ect], you are alone, a corpse wandering the paths of night.”
“Come, sing for me…”
“I feel like I once loved someone.”
“I feel like I’ve been loved by someone as well…”
“It’s just your imagination.”
“I didn’t want to perish here.”
“[Boy/Girl/Child/ect], I can say the same of you, right?”
"Don’t you still have things left to do on earth?”
“The time is ripe. Come [boy/girl/child/ect], take me into yourself.”
“They killed me…they stole my future…”
I won’t let them…live on…without judgment…
“Gooooodbye! Ahahahahaha!”
“Now, come again once you’ve died a noble death.”
“Let’s continue our revenge forever and ever!”
“Helping those fools get their revenge is how we’ll get ours.”
“We can go on forever like this, because human beings can’t help but hate each other! Ahahahahaha..!!!”
“Get out! Get out!”
“Witch! Witch!”
“You’re disgusting!” 
“Don’t follow us!”
“But still, [Insert Name], I was happy.  Did you know why? Because you were with me.”
“Life has its ups and downs.”
“It’s stale bread, but did it match your tastes?”
 “I can eat this forever!”
“[Madam/Sir/Ect.], do you not know who I am?”
“What are you babbling about...?”
“My prayers don’t reach.”
“So that’s how you were sacrificed? Even against your will…”
“I understand the sad feelings of abandoned children, painfully so.”
“The breadcrumbs are…getting eaten!”
“Hey [insert name],  that’s an interesting bird!”
“Look, [Insert Name]. There’s a house over there!”
“But [Insert name], that might be a scary witch’s house…still.”
“Is anyone here?”
“This is delicious! [Insert Name], you have some too!” 
“Yeah, it’s delicious, [brother/sister/ect]!”
“Delicious! [Insert Name] if you’re not going to eat, let me have your portion!”
It’d be B-A-D if we don’t kill [her/him/them/ect] before [[her/him/them/ect] kills us!
“You won’t be able to eat us
“You’re great, [Insert Name]! Now the witch’s finished!”
“Yep, the evil witch was burnt, and now all treasure Belongs to us!”
“So every lonely old woman who live in the forest are witches.”
“Geez, children are such shameless liars. I hate them!”
“People can only be saved by faith”
“This is for the village!” 
“We’re gonna come back!” 
“It’s a war in name only, a true massacre”
“And I was sold t’ a faraway city.”
“What now~?♡”
“Geez, shut it!”
“Watch your mouth!”
“Ahhh shit!”
“There you are! Where were you!?”
“I’m sick of that, sick of being poor and hungry.”
I don’t want to feel miserable like that again!”
“I tried my hardest to live, but nothin’ ever went my way.
So in the end, what’s up with life…I don’t get it…”
“Give me back my liver.”
“I see, so that’s how you were hung.”
“Mirror, o mirror…who is the fairest in this world?”
“Nooo!! Don’t come here, geezer!”
“I didn’t really…want to do this.”
“Then why did you?”
“[Princess/Prince/Your Majesty], I can’t defy the [queen/king/ect].”
“Please, spare me!”
“Princess, I find it hard to kill you myself.”
“Then I promise you, I’ll never go back to the castle!”
You! Who the hell are you?”
“Stop screwing around! Where’s [Insert Name]?”
“I have no obligation to tell an imbecile like you.”
“I’m sorry, [m’am/sir/ect]. I can’t let anyone inside the house…”
I’ll give you one of these red, ripe apples[apfel], here you go!”
“I’m sorry, m’am. I don’t need it. I can’t take anything…”
“I’m diggin in!” 
“I see. So that’s how you were deceived?
“Wait for your fated other in the world of dreams...”
“Where is my ideal bride/groom?”
“You, dead while looking asleep within the closed glass are more beautiful than anyone else. I’ve finally found you!”
“[Insert Name], will you give me that corpse?”
“Now, those fools are going to mess up soon, are you prepared, my [princess/prince/ect]?”
“Make sure you carry it carefully.”
“If your sin was being jealous of them, wear burning boots and dance until you die!”
“What is that? Can’t you dance any better?”
“Good grief.”
“Oh? So you fell in as well?”
“This should be our first meeting, so where is this mysterious familiarity coming from…”
“Do you want to get kicked out? You dullard!?”
“But I’m working hard today as well, [daddy/mommy/ect!]!”
“Do you want me to tell on you? You dullar!”
“ If you don’t get it back, no dinner for you tonight!
“I see, you’re a pretty miserable but energetic child.”
“If you’re unsure about your revenge, I’ll give you some time.”
“ Am I dead? Is this heaven? Or my imagination? I don’t know.”
“If you ever want to meet winter, just tell me ♥”
““That’s a reward for all the work you’ve done.”
“Don’t hesitate to take it.”
“See, your lazy attitude is your sin, you reap what you sow!”
“Hey, why don’t you work hard from now on!”
“No! I can’t get this off! It’s not coming off!”
“My, my, isn’t that nice. It fits you, [Insert Name]”
“Why is this happening to a good kid like you!?”
“The reason I sleep, embraced by wild roses…”
“Good evening to you all, a fine one indeed.”
“Watch your mouth!”
“The [princess’/princes’/ect] destiny is to live for fifteen years. Let [her/him/them/ect] be pricked by a spindle, fall on the floor and die!”
“So only time will tell which of us holds the greater power…”
“I’m so excited…”
“I see, so that’s why you were embraced by wild roses.”
“Do you want a kiss leading towards your awakening?”
“But too bad, I’m not your prince charming!”
“I heard a wonderful rumor.”
“I’ll overcome any kind of hardship!”
“Now, [princess/prince/ect]. Are you prepared?”
“Listen to this! I couldn’t really get any sleep recently.”
“Oh my, lack of sleep is bad for your skin.”
“How many times do I have to say it before you get it through that head of yours, brat! I’m really gonna beat you up!”
“Give it up, you chicken.”
“You already beat me up, didn’t ya, boss~
“How  dare you curse a noble [princess/[prince/ect]!”
“You are the arrogant one!”
“Don’t even think you could ever step foot on this land again!”
“[Insert Name]! Don’t ever forget this! I’ll leave you with another curse as a parting gift!
“That [woman/man/person/ect] really takes advantage of every situation.”
“Hurting a woman’s pride leads to disastrous results, huh.”
“With what kind of face did I smile? With what kind of voice did I sing…?”
“Why…is my favorite…white…[fave outfit]…so…red…?”
“That’s right I was killed…by [her/him/them]…!”
“But I can’t fake it anymore, because I loved [her/him/them] more than anyone else”
“Who was the one embraced and loved in the depths of your eyes?”
“Dear! Stop it!” 
“You want forgiveness!? Knee!”
“Hey, what’s wrong? You’re not your normal self?”
“Sit, you pig!”
“Ahahaha…now, go on your journey!”
“I’m sorry, please stop!”
“That’s right! Cry! Yell!”
“It’s painful…”
“No matter how much I prayed in faith, salvation wasn’t bestowed…”
“I won’t forgive those ungrateful pigs who judged you as a witch!”
“A wonderful treasure is hidden in the forbidden room of the golden key…”
“Women truly seek embrace for their souls, not their bodies
“Oh? So you disobeyed me.” 
“Alright. If you want to see it that badly, I’ll give it to you. You’ll be the new residence in that room today.”
“You’re a sinful [man/woman/ect], but you’re my beloved too.”
“No! Please, let me say my prayers before I die, at least.” 
“Hatred will not bring healing to sadness.”
“Let’s put an end to your comedy!”
“Save me, [brother/sister/ect], come-!”
“Are you done yet? Hurry up!”
“I can’t wait any longer!”
“What? Damn, you monster!”
“Revenge might be a twisted form of love.”
“Still, why can’t humans separate love from lust? How disgusting. Ahahahaha!”
“Even now, I don’t forget.”
“Even now, I can’t remember.”
“No, [brother/sister/ect], I have no intention of marrying anyone!”
“If I have to live on while faking love then I don’t mind dying with the truth.”
“[Insert Name]. You and [Mother/Father/Ect] even faked your identities to protect [her/him/them], and this is how it ends.”
“Hahahaha! Crucify that foolish [girl/boy/person].”
“I see. So that’s how you were crucified.”
“You did well in following your own will till the very end.”
“But would he really have wished for that at the cost of your own life?”
“No. I don’t want any of that”
“Everyone has their own circumstances and fates to bear.”
“You came to see me. That’s more than enough for me..”
“Hey, do you really not remember? Those days that seem so bright even now…”
“[Insert Name], you kept your promise, didn’t you? Even going that far...
“But… I don’t regret this at all, for this is my life.”
“Neither (《A Noble Lady》[von Wettin] Insert Something here!  ), nor (《The Daughter of the 7 th Elector》[von Sachsen] Insert something here!), I am [Insert Name].”
“Just the one who loved only you… Just【(Insert Name here!】”
“What now, [Insert name], you’ve been acting strange since a while ago. What’s wrong?
You can’t take that [woman/man/ect]’s words seriously! Let’s just forget about [her/him/them]!”
“That’s the reason for our existence, isn’t it!?
“Aaaaaaah! For crying out loud! Why won’t you understand?! Mär, you blockhead!
“It’s alright, [Insert Name]…”
“I’ve always wanted to live through the same times with you.”
“Born in a time of darkness, I met you.”
“Our attracting feelings do not cease even after death.”
“The animals in the forest…”
“It’s good.”
“Okay, I’ll work hard!”
“I’m so excited.”
“A treasure is hidden…”
You kept your promise.”
“Our time is already over.”
“Please smile In place of tears, in place of hatred, In place of partings…”
"And we will continue to circle about.”
29 notes · View notes
footyplusau · 7 years
Mid-season All Australian contenders
WITH the 2017 season at its halfway mark, AFL.com.au reporters have turned their minds to naming each club’s contenders for the Virgin Australia AFL All Australian team.
Eddie Betts: The superstar forward is on track for his third straight All Australian jumper. The 30-year-old is third on the goalkicking chart with 32 this season, and he’s also in the top 20 for goal assists.
Sam Jacobs: The star ruckman is arguably having the best season of his career. Jacobs is leading the competition in hit-outs with 459 (41.7 per game) and is in the top-15 for contested marks.
Rory Laird: An All Australian nominee for the past two years, the running defender is building a resume too good to ignore. He’s first in effective disposals, fourth in disposals (347 at 31.6 per game) and fourth for rebound 50s.
Tom Lynch: The high half-forward is having another consistent season, averaging 19.6 disposals and 7.1 marks per game. Lynch is also in the top 20 for goal assists. The former Saint was an All Australian nominee for the first time last season.
Rory Sloane: The tenacious midfielder leads the League for tackles, he’s fourth in contested possessions and seventh in clearances. But Sloane’s influence has been blunted in recent weeks with teams employing a tagger on last year’s All Australian vice-captain.
Daniel Talia: The key defender is putting together another strong season. Rarely beaten in one-on-one contests and takes the opposition’s best forward every week. Was an All Australian in 2014 and 2016. – Lee Gaskin
Dayne Beams: Returning after 18 months out with knee and shoulder problems, the Lions’ skipper is already back to his best. Brilliant inside and outside the contest, he’s averaging 30 disposals.
Tom Rockliff: A shoulder injury has halted his progress, but Rockliff has had his head down and bum up this season. One of the competition’s best ball winners, he leads the AFL in average clearances (10).
Dayne Zorko: Flies under the radar, but the dual best and fairest winner is having another brilliant season. Has kicked 14 goals to go with 26 touches a game – not a bad combination. – Michael Whiting
Sam Docherty: The Blues’ defensive general leads the AFL in marks (95) and the club in kicks (216) and intercept possessions (68). Made the All Australian squad last year and has performed even better this season.
Matthew Kreuzer: Faces stiff competition for the ruck spot, but is in career-best form. Plays as an extra midfielder after the ruck contest, using his mobility and athleticism to advantage. Huge work rate.
Marc Murphy: The skipper has made a stunning return from injury this season, averaging 30.2 disposals a game, and is probably leading Carlton’s best and fairest award after 10 games. Was an All Australian in 2011. – Howard Kotton
Carlton captain Marc Murphy continues to lead from the front. Picture: AFL Photos
Brodie Grundy: The young South Australian has developed into one of the most consistent ruckmen in the competition, impressing with his fierce competitive nature and ball-winning ability. Averaging 18.4 touches – elite for big men. Exhibit A was his effort to once again beat Giants monster Shane Mumford.
Jeremy Howe: The Pies’ best chance for All Australian honours, the high-flying former Demon has become one of the AFL’s best intercept players and kicks off half-back. Averaging 21 touches and leads the Pies in contested marks, rebounds and overall game time.
Scott Pendlebury: The Magpies’ skipper has already entered the realm of all-time great and could be on the way to equalling coach Nathan Buckley’s club-record six best and fairests. Averaging 29 touches, five clearances and six tackles and has helped lift his team over the line a couple of times.
Adam Treloar: Gerard Healy has referred to it as “the Treloar factor” – the blond ball magnet’s ability to continue to run and create late in quarters and games when most others are flagging. Averaging 30.8 touches (a club high), seven tackles, six clearances and a goal. – Ben Collins
Joe Daniher: Daniher has spearheaded Essendon’s forward line and is on track for a career-best tally of goals this year with 30 to his name so far. He has produced match-winning performances on several occasions and is rising into being a genuine star.
Orazio Fantasia: Few would have predicted Fantasia to be in the frame for All Australian contention at the start of the season, but he has already kicked 25 goals (only Toby Greene and Eddie Betts have booted more as small forwards). Fantasia gets plenty of opportunities and makes the most of them.
Michael Hurley: Hurley started the season slowly but his past six weeks have been excellent as he has regained top form. His commanding presence in defence and ability to cut off forward forays and start an attacking move for the Bombers has been excellent, and he is averaging more disposals (23 a game) than in his 2015 All Australian season.
Zach Merrett: The Essendon best and fairest winner was unlucky not to be in the squad of 40 last year but surely gets in this season. The midfielder has averaged 31 disposals a game (third overall in the competition for touches), and his sharp left-foot kicking and damaging work at the clearances makes him a standout option. – Callum Twomey
Bradley Hill: Had two quieter weeks against Carlton and Adelaide, but Hill’s form before that helped revive Freo’s season. The triple-premiership ex-Hawk’s drive from a wing has been invaluable, and he’s averaging a career-best 23 disposals and has booted eight goals.
Lachie Neale: Was unlucky to miss out on last year’s All Australian side after collecting a record-breaking 737 possessions and has become more damaging this season, slotting 11 goals while averaging 27 touches.
Aaron Sandilands: Was last All Australian in 2014 and is averaging similar disposal (12) and better hit-out (45.7) numbers – although he hasn’t hit the scoreboard this year (eight goals in 2014). Freo’s past two losses without Sandilands has underlined his importance. – Travis King
Patrick Dangerfield: The football world would be staggered if the Brownlow medallist is not handed his fifth All Australian guernsey in September. Heads the Cats in so many categories – clearances, disposals and contested possessions – and is second in scoring involvements and metres gained with an average of 450.4 per game, and third for goals (22).
Mitch Duncan: Much improved season from the 25-year-old, who is embracing more responsibility as an inside midfielder. Plays third fiddle to the ‘Dangerwood’ show, but deserves consideration for his first AA honour for his work at the clearances and also on the attack, while he leads his team for marks (83).
Joel Selwood: Typically tough season from the captain, and possibly his best yet. Is averaging 29.2 disposals a game and is equal first with Dangerfield for tackles, plus the five-time All Australian is first at the Cats for score involvements.
Zach Tuohy: Has averaged 26.4 possessions across 11 games and leads the Cats for rebound 50s (62) and metres gained (average of 485.1m per game). Showed he’s more than just a rebounder against Adelaide with a strong defensive game against Eddie Betts. – Jennifer Phelan 
Could Mitch Duncan make the All Australian team for the first time? Picture: AFL Photos
Gary Ablett: Has pushed aside the speculation surrounding his future to produce another terrific season. Now 33 and fresh off a second shoulder surgery, Ablett is racking up 32 disposals a game and is a driving force in any Suns success.
Jarrod Harbrow: Has run into some off-field strife, but Harbrow is in the best three for the Suns this season. In the form of his career, the 28-year-old is locking down defensively, running hard and playing direct from the back 50.
Tom Lynch: Not quite up to the same level as his 2016 season, but Lynch is still a towering figure in Gold Coast’s forward line. Facing double-teams most week, he has kicked 25 goals and added 11 assists.
Steven May: Struggled early and missed two weeks with a hamstring problem, but the co-captain is getting better each week. Plays on talls and smalls and is a creative ball user from the defensive 50. – Michael Whiting
Jeremy Cameron: Equal leader of the Coleman Medal race with 34 majors, he’s booted multiple goals in nine of 11 games and is on track to better the 62 goals he kicked when named All Australian in 2013.
Phil Davis: The co-captain has taken on and beaten the best tall forwards in the game, with Lance Franklin, Tom Lynch and Charlie Dixon all quelled this year.
Toby Greene: Has backed up last year’s All Australian debut and club champion honours with another big season, and is on track for career highs in goals and goal assists.
Josh Kelly: Despite the heavy media scrutiny over his contract status, the midfielder has launched himself into the elite bracket this year, averaging 29.4 possessions and 6.6 tackles per game.
Shane Mumford: The most intimidating ruckman in the game has been exceptional again this year, with his physical presence a major factor in the Giants’ ladder-leading season.
Tom Scully: The gifted runner has averaged 23.9 touches off the wing and has continued to be dangerous offensively with eight goals from 10 games.
Zac Williams: One of the best attacking half-backs in the League, Williams has averaged 23.3 disposals this year, and shown his versatility by having an impact through the midfield. – Adam Curley
Tom Mitchell: The only Hawk with genuine claims for All Australian selection, Mitchell has averaged an AFL-high 34.9 disposals in his 11 games for the club since crossing from Sydney at the end of last year. He is seventh for contested possessions in the competition with 14.7 per game. Has been a brilliant acquisition for Hawthorn, but may struggle to push out the bigger names for a final spot in the team. – Ashley Browne
Jeff Garlett: Garlett has put together a stellar season for Melbourne. The speedy forward has kicked a team-leading 25 goals in the most consistent season of his career. The small forward is also ranked second in the AFL out of general forwards for forward-half pressure points. 
Michael Hibberd: Missed the first four games due to an Achilles injury, but has been on fire ever since and has picked up where Jayden Hunt left off at the start of the year. The former Bomber has to be considered as one of the recruits of the year after averaging a career-high 28.8 disposals and an AFL-leading 7.3 rebound 50s per game.
Neville Jetta: Criminally underrated, but Jetta is one of Simon Goodwin’s most dependable players. The defender regularly gets the match-up on the opposition’s most dangerous forward and has consistently curtailed their influence. Has also improved the offensive side of his game over past seasons. 
Clayton Oliver: Would be leading Melbourne’s best and fairest at the halfway point of the season in a breakout second year at AFL level. Oliver improved his fitness levels dramatically over the off-season and it has fed into his game. The emerging onballer is averaging 30.9 disposals, with six games above 30 touches or more. – Ben Guthrie
Young Demon Clayton Oliver has emerged as a standout in his second season. Picture: AFL Photos
Robbie Tarrant: The star Roo made the shortlist last year and has been very good again in 2017, in tandem with Scott Thompson and Lachie Hansen. Tarrant rates elite for disposals, metres gained and rebound 50s among key defenders, and concedes only 1.8 goals per game. – Marc McGowan
Charlie Dixon: The much-maligned key forward is starting to realise his immense potential. Leads the League in contested marks and is in the top 20 for goals (24) and goal assists.
Brad Ebert: The 200-game veteran is having a career-best season, averaging career highs in disposals (27 per game) and tackles (eight per game). Extremely tough at the contest.
Robbie Gray: An All Australian in 2014 and 2015 as a midfielder, Gray has turned himself back into a dangerous small forward. He’s second in the League in goal assists to go with 24 goals in 10 games.
Tom Jonas: The key defender is in career-best form. Jonas shut down Gold Coast star Tom Lynch in round eight and rarely has his colours lowered.
Patrick Ryder: The Power look a different side with Ryder in the ruck. Ryder’s athleticism and tap work gives the Power midfielders first use of the ball. – Lee Gaskin
Trent Cotchin: The captain is back to the 2012 form that saw him eventually awarded the Brownlow Medal, leading with his actions and playing a more attacking style. He leads the Tigers for tackles with 73 (No.8 in the AFL) and is standing up in big moments of games. 
Dustin Martin: A superstar of the competition, Martin has dominated games with his ball winning, strength in contests and attacking flair. Ranked top 10 in the AFL for disposals (29.9 a game), clearances (6.7) and contested possessions (14.5), and No.2 for metres gained (564.4 a game). Has kicked 16 goals (only Patrick Dangerfield has kicked more among the top-20 possession winners). 
Alex Rance: The game’s best defender can still shut down his man when he needs to, but his intercept game has gone to a new level. Ranks No.1 in the AFL for intercept possessions (9.0 a game) and has lifted his metres gained from 213.2 a game in 2016 to 300.9 to be a more attacking threat. – Nathan Schmook
Star defender Alex Rance continues to lead the Tigers’ back six. Picture: AFL Photos
Dylan Roberton: The intercepting backman is a gun at winning the ball and sending it forward. He averages 25.4 disposals and 485m gained per game. West Coast’s Elliot Yeo is the only other general defender to rate elite for disposals, metres gained and intercept possessions (a general defender being anyone other than a key backman).
Seb Ross: Alan Richardson’s main man when it comes to limiting the opposition’s key midfielder, Ross is also ranked elite for disposals, clearances and uncontested possessions, and above average for metres gained, contested possessions, score involvements and pressure acts. – Dinny Navaratnam
Lance Franklin: On track for his seventh All Australian jumper after booting 32 goals from his first 10 games, and leads the competition with 9.5 score involvements per game.
Josh Kennedy: The skipper has maintained his high standards despite his team’s rough start with 29 touches per game, and is top five in the League for contested possessions and clearances.
Jake Lloyd: A bolter, he averages 27.4 disposals and 4.8 rebound 50s per game despite being knocked out early in his last outing, and has taken over the sweeper role with Jarrad McVeigh out injured. – Adam Curley
Josh Kennedy: West Coast’s forward 50 supply has dried up this season, but Kennedy – who missed last round with a calf injury – shares the lead for what would be his third successive Coleman Medal with 34 majors.
Jeremy McGovern: Earned a maiden All Australian gong last year and is enjoying another fine campaign. He is fourth in the competition for contested marks (24) and marks (87) and is the linchpin of West Coast’s defence. 
Luke Shuey: The reigning club champion made the 40-man squad last year and is finding more of the ball, averaging 28 disposals. His clearance work (5.7), tackling (6.5) and pace are vital for the Eagles’ engine room.
Elliot Yeo: Is fulfilling his immense potential after being settled into a role at half-back, with stints pinch-hitting in midfield or attack. His aerial ability (95 marks, equal AFL No.1), penetrating kick and speed are weapons and he is ranked elite for disposals (25.1), metres gained and intercept possessions for a general defender. – Travis King
Eagle Elliot Yeo has stepped up his game in season 2017. Picture: AFL Photos
Marcus Bontempelli: The 2016 All Australian and club best and fairest is borderline to make this year’s squad. While he’s averaging 23 disposals, six tackles and a goal a game, the star 21-year-old hasn’t displayed the same form that saw him play a critical role in the club’s premiership success.
Luke Dahlhaus: The hardworking midfielder has been heralded as an All Australian candidate in recent seasons without getting any recognition.  But by averaging 27 disposals and four tackles per game in 2017, the former rookie may finally get the nod.
Easton Wood: Named All Australian for the first time in 2015, the Dogs’ vice-captain is one the AFL’s most reliable defenders. He rarely plays a bad game, and is leading the club in contested marks (17) and intercept possessions (67). – Ryan Davidson
The post Mid-season All Australian contenders appeared first on Footy Plus.
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footyplusau · 7 years
Aboriginal football’s first family
KEVIN Sheedy, that peerless promoter of Aboriginal footballers, first came into contact with the Rioli clan in 1974.
The previous year, the then-Richmond premiership star had been the first full-time development officer appointed by a League club, and his journey to the Tiwi Islands proved something of an awakening.
More visits followed and friendships were formed with the likes of Cyril Rioli snr (the father of Richmond great Maurice and the grandfather of Hawthorn superstar Cyril, or ‘Junior Boy’).
The late family patriarch, whom Sheedy remembered was “the chief of the island”, had eight sons, all of whom were raised on football, boxing and fishing and were encouraged to become community leaders.
The eldest son, the supremely talented Sebastian ‘Sibby’ Rioli (the late father of former Bomber Dean), was the first to play in the WAFL; and was followed by Maurice, who in turn blazed a trail for the clan in Victoria.
Sheedy remains enamoured with the family. “The Riolis are superstars – always have been,” Sheedy told the AFL Record.
“Every time they get the ball, people in the stands lift off their seats to look. The fans don’t know what’s going to happen, but they know it’ll be good, it’ll be different, and it’ll probably be pretty special.
“They are also unbelievable decision-makers because they see the whole landscape of the field.
“And they’re all tough. I haven’t seen a scared Rioli. They’re ball players who are smart and evasive, but if you hit them you know you’re going to get hurt.
“It’s a great combination.”
Here, we celebrate the four Riolis who have played senior football in the AFL/VFL and have helped make the Rioli clan the first family of Aboriginal football. 
Maurice Rioli
A football pioneer for his family, for Tiwi islanders and for many Aboriginal players in general, the late, great Maurice Rioli was a man who loved the big stage.
The beautifully skilled, left-footed centreman was voted best-afield in three successive Grand Finals – the 1980 and 1981 WAFL deciders with South Fremantle and the 1982 VFL play-off with Richmond – the last two in losing teams.
‘Mr Magic’ also won best and fairests in his first two seasons at Tigerland (1982-83) and was runner-up in the 1983 Brownlow Medal.
No wonder Essendon’s then dual reigning premiership coach Sheedy was so keen to snare Rioli
when he considered a change of clubs at the end of 1985.
Sheedy: “For all his brilliance, Maurice was tough, and a great tackler. And he was a lovely person.”
Although he initially found the training tough at Richmond, Rioli was driven to succeed, later saying: “I was wanting to prove to myself and others that I was good enough to play at that level.”
Maurice Rioli weaves his magic against Collingwood in 1985. Picture: AFL Photos
When Rioli was inducted into the Australian Football Hall of Fame last year, former Richmond teammate Dale Weightman recalled a silent assassin.
“He didn’t talk much – he let his footy do the talking – and he was poetry in motion,” Weightman told the AFL Record.
“Pure class, silky-smooth, a great ball-handler, a great dodger and weaver, and a beautiful left-foot kick.
“He always seemed to have time and he never lost his feet – he had unbelievable balance.”
Weightman said Rioli was “ahead of his time” as a tackler, revealing he would advise teammates: “Hey brother, you gotta draw from the hips like a gunfighter.”
Rioli did his share of fighting too – in retaliation for regular racial slurs – and that’s where his status as an amateur boxing champion came to the fore.
Weightman: “He’d just give a little one-two and the bloke learned his lesson.”
Some years earlier, Rioli also delivered a boxing lesson to the much bigger and much louder Mark ‘Jacko’ Jackson at South Fremantle training.
Rioli later became a champion for his people, as a longtime Labor member of the Northern Territory parliament and later in community services on the Tiwi Islands.
All the while, he continued to mentor and inspire young footballers, among them members of his extended family, including Essendon great Michael Long and nephew Cyril Rioli – who, remarkably, also won Norm Smith Medals – and grand-nephew Daniel Rioli, who proudly wears Maurice���s old No. 17.
Long last year described Rioli as a “Rolls-Royce” who, from a football perspective, helped “put NT on the map”.
Rioli’s sudden death at just 53 on Christmas Day, 2010, provoked an enormous outpouring of grief, and he received a state funeral in Darwin.
Dean Rioli
Sheedy still shakes his head at the fact it was more good luck than good management that Dean Rioli ended up at Bomberland.
At 19, Rioli was overlooked by every club in the 1997 National Draft before the Dons grabbed him in the Rookie Draft.
“We should’ve got him earlier than that,” Sheedy said.
“You challenge your recruiting officer and they say, ‘Well, no one else (drafted) him either.’ But that doesn’t mean it’s right, because it left the door open for someone else to potentially get him. I’m glad we got him.”
The teenager hadn’t exactly flown under the radar – he’d won the WAFL’s rising star award and played a key role in South Fremantle’s 1997 premiership, slotting a game-high four goals in a come-from-behind six-point win, his last goal coming in the dying stages.
And, of course, he was a Rioli. But he had a crook knee and was seen to be overweight – issues that dogged him throughout his AFL career, when his 180cm frame ballooned to around 100kg.
Former Bombers assistant coach Robert Shaw last year wrote on the club’s website that had it not been for ongoing injuries, Rioli would have become “an Essendon champion”.
Dean Rioli played exactly 100 games for the Bombers. Picture: AFL Photos
Sheedy has genuine fondness for his former charge and vividly recalls his kicking and decision-making skills.
“Dean was a beautiful kick and he could see the whole picture,” Sheedy said. “He was one of the best disposers of the ball that I coached. Every time he got it, our forwards’ eyes would light up like Luna Park.
“The real art to kick the right type of ball to that particular receiver. Dean had that. He’d adjust his kick to a tall person, a slow person and so on. That’s a gift.”
Sheedy said that when Rioli played, he was “a great player, a tough player”, who would have been immortalised alongside his hero Michael Long as a member of Essendon’s 2000 premiership team had he not suffered his second broken collarbone for the season in round 21.
A decade later, Rioli recalled it as the “hardest moment” of his career.
However, he achieved another dream – that of playing 100 games so his name would be emblazoned on the No. 43 locker – and he’s grateful to the “kind-hearted” Sheedy for nursing him to the milestone.
There’s a perception Sheedy ensured Rioli played 100 games because it would give Essendon access to any potential father-son prospects.
But Sheedy dispels the myth. “It wasn’t about that. My philosophy was if they’re near it, they’re going to get there. If you’re not going to win the premiership that year, reward your gladiators for being loyal to the club.” 
Cyril Rioli
Cyril Rioli sees the adulation. But even after 10 years at Hawthorn, he finds it all a bit “weird”.
The Hawks have named one of their junior membership categories after him. They have done so for years.
More than 35 per cent of all player-branded merchandise sold at the club’s Hawks Nest merchandise outlets feature either his smiling mug (often on a mug) or his No. 33 jumper. Rioli gear sells nearly twice as much as any other player.
The Hawks were a bit slow to embrace Indigenous players, but thanks to the courage and willingness of former recruiting manager John Turnbull to challenge entrenched attitudes, Chance Bateman and Mark Williams were drafted to the club. Both are premiership players and were popular with members and supporters.
But the love for Rioli goes to another level. He is a rock star. Hawthorn people adore him like a son, and adding to the pleasure is that he should have played for arch-rival Essendon, the club that first forged a partnership with the Tiwi Islands, Rioli’s birthplace.
“Every time he gets the ball in a Hawthorn guernsey, I feel ill – and I haven’t been well for a long time,” said Sheedy, who finished up as Essendon coach just before the 2007 draft and who coveted Rioli for a considerable time. 
“Imagine Cyril Rioli and (former Tiwi Bomber Anthony) McDonald-Tipungwuti together in Essendon’s forward line. Good luck!”
Cyril Rioli’s tackling and defensive pressure is a constant. Picture: AFL Photos
The “Cyril” chant often breaks out at the MCG when he and the Hawks are up and about.
“It’s sort of weird,” Rioli said of the hoopla. “We just play for the love of the game.”
Rioli might not have been the best of his family to play the game. Maurice was obviously a star, but it is Cyril who has elevated the family to football royalty with his play over 185 games for the Hawks.
The Rioli clan have always played the game a certain way, but the brand has been shaped by Cyril. Any Rioli with a bit of talent is instantly compared with Cyril. Their progress through the junior pathway is compared with his.
Asked whether there’s a Rioli ‘brand’, Rioli said: “Growing up on the Tiwi Islands, it’s about playing on instinct and the team thing. It’s based around pressure and making my teammates better. We all tackle pretty well.”
In the dry world of football analytics, they’re generally classified as ‘one percenters’, but bearing witness to a Rioli tackle is like watching a virtuoso performance.
His has been a brilliant career – four flags and a Norm Smith Medal. The 2014 flag, the third he played in, might have been the sweetest of the lot, coming back as he did just in time for the Grand Final after shredding his hamstring halfway through the year.
The sad part is that he won’t be playing this weekend. He suffered a major injury to his PCL in Tasmania a fortnight ago and will be watching from the couch as the Hawks – wearing a jumper he helped design and promote with a clever ‘Mannequin Challenge’ style video on the club website – take on the Swans in Sydney.
“This one will be tough to watch from the sidelines because Hawthorn always does a very good job of celebrating the round,” he said.
Daniel Rioli
Daniel Rioli reckons he would have loved to have played for Hawthorn, wreaking havoc and snagging goals alongside uncle Cyril.
Essendon, the club of uncle Dean, would have been special, too. There was also the intrigue of walking into a club where no Rioli had been before, spreading the magic and making the family even more beloved.
But when Richmond called his name with the 15th selection at the 2015 NAB AFL Draft, it immediately felt right. The grand-nephew of the great Maurice Rioli (whom he calls his grandfather) should really play nowhere else.
“To be at Richmond where my grandfather played wearing No. 17 is unbelievable,” he said. “It couldn’t be any better.”
Daniel Rioli is making his own name at Richmond. Picture: AFL Photos
He need not venture too far to learn how revered the Rioli name is at Tigerland. 
“There are lots of stories,” he said. “When I’m signing autographs, Richmond fans tell me they watched my grandfather play, what he went through and what he meant to the club. Hopefully I can be a similar sort of player.”
Only recently, one of the training staff showed him a signed Maurice Rioli poster. Elsewhere at the club he came across an action shot of him playing, one he had never seen before. 
“I’m sure there are a heap of stories I’ve never heard before,” he said.
You would think there was added pressure on Rioli, given his name, number and footballing address,
but he shrugs it off the way so many of his relatives have when evading an oncoming tackler.
“Cyril really takes the game on, he can tackle,” he said. “(But) I can tackle, too. There’s a kind of pressure that comes with being a Rioli and it’s a good thing to have the name. Maurice, Dean and ‘Junior’ (Cyril) played their brand of footy and now it’s my turn to make my name. The pressure can be a positive thing.”
Rioli is blazing a similar trail to Cyril. Both left the Northern Territory at the end of Year 8 to complete their schooling in Victoria – Cyril at Scotch College and Daniel at St Patrick’s College in Ballarat – and a couple of the younger Riolis have been identified and might soon be heading down the same path. 
But the inspiration for Rioli will always be those who came before him.
“It’s pretty good growing up in the Northern Territory where all the Riolis are born and bred,” he said. “I’m pretty lucky to be part of all that.”   
The post Aboriginal football’s first family appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2r8s7Ab via http://footyplus.net
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footyplusau · 7 years
Your views: why it’s going wrong for the Hawks
IN THE wake of consecutive 86-point thumpings, we asked for your take on why it’s going so badly, so quickly for the Hawks.
One thing clear is that many Hawk fans are keeping faith in Alastair Clarkson’s team to revive its fortunes.
Over 40 per cent of Hawthorn supporters say the side’s current form is a blip.
However, opposition supporters are emphatically writing the Hawks off. Over 80 per cent say the Hawks’ 0-4 record and dismal percentage simply reflects where the club is at.
Here’s a selection of your views on the plight of one of modern footy’s champion teams.
Why is it going so badly for the Hawks right now?
All reigns end
The system is designed so no one team can dominate for an extended period of time. They have done a brilliant job, but all reigns end. Just ask the Brisbane Lions.
– Rob Fergus, Brisbane Qld
• Hawks crash ‘inevitable’ says departed champ Jordan Lewis
‘The worst trade period in the club’s history’
You do not give up your two best players (according to club best-and-fairest results) for nothing. No club in history has ever done that, no business in the world would’ve made that deal.
Clarkson said on numerous occasions that age doesn’t matter, only form. Then why push out two legends? Disgraceful. And now club morale is suffering.
– Shaun Grant, Los Angeles USA
Broken promises
Many of the Hawks’ mid-range players (Breust, Smith, Sheils) took pay cuts to stay at the club during the premiership years. They were promised they would be looked after when the club could afford to. Rather than reward this loyalty, they bring in Mitchell, O’Meara and Vickery on big dollars.
This, along with trading club champions, has hurt their culture. Many of the Hawk stalwarts are as a consequence just going through the motions at present.
– Nicholas Oddy, Burwood Vic
Elite individuals are the backbone of a club
Hawthorn have traded their two best players, and another talented player in Bradley Hill. If Geelong were to trade Selwood, Dangerfield and Motlop, there would be more chance of politicians taking a pay cut then the Cats making finals.
Elite individuals are the backbone of a club. In 2014 the Suns were on the cusp of making finals before Ablett got injured. They struggled to win a game without him.
Fremantle in 2015 were minor premiers. In 2016 they had early injuries to their two biggest names in Fyfe and Sandilands and were lucky not to finish with the wooden spoon.
Hawthorn cannot replace Mitchell and Lewis and it will take time for new players to jell. Ageing stars getting close to retirement, no depth in their list and no early draft picks means a steep decline and long and cumbersome rebuild.
– Phillip Thornber, Thurgoona NSW
• The Stats Files: Can Sam Mitchell complete a Brownlow full house?
They rely on precision kicking and they’ve recruited handballers
Once a dominant kicking side, they’ve recruited Mitchell and O’Meara who rarely use the ball by foot. They never relied upon the inside battle as they could beat opponents on the outside with precision passing.
They would have been better suited going after midfield speed and quality users by foot.
– Daniel McCann, Adelaide SA
Handball-happy recruits Tom Mitchell (centre) and Jaeger O’Meara (left). Picture: AFL Photos
‘The young brigade is showing very little heart’
The fact that the team didn’t fire up when Geelong were taking shots at Hodge, a three-time premiership captain and legend of the club, spoke volumes. Hodge displayed what had made Hawthorn a feared side and his teammates looked on like passengers.
– Jordan Prideaux, Melbourne Vic
• The Hawks have lost hope, says club legend Lethal
Unfair compensation for free agents
Little access to high draft picks has been coupled with unfair compensation for players leaving through free agency.
The Hawks’ contemporaries in Geelong have been ‘given’ more from the system, for example two first-round compensation picks for Ablett. Sydney had access to Heeney and Mills from their Academy – players they otherwise would not have got.
Hawthorn’s compensation picks for Franklin, Suckling and others have been a joke. At the time no one cared as the Hawks were winning flags.
– Shamus Lynch, Cheltenham Vic
Eagles beware
The Hawks have too many ageing players who aren’t able to match the pace and four-quarter performances of younger teams.
They have for years relied on their players being first to the ball, and winning the contested ball. This isn’t happening and they are now having to chase the opposition. This isn’t a game the Hawk players have  been used to playing.
Trading out Mitchell and Lewis may not have been such a good idea, but reducing their older list had to happen. West Coast will suffer a similar dip in a few years. Last year they recruited Mitchell, Petrie, Vardy – older players with a very limited ‘life’. This will see them also suffer a lack of youth coming through in a couple of seasons.
– Andrew Poole, Salter Point WA
What needs to happen for the Hawks to return to winning ways this season?
Take the Tiger path
It isn’t an overnight solve for the Hawks. Getting game time into the likes of James Sicily is the right step forward. They still have the top-end talent to win games this year, with Burgoyne, Hodge, Rioli, Roughead, etc still capable of getting them over the line.
But they won’t make finals. They would be well served to go down a similar path to Richmond, bringing in exciting pacey players like the Tigers’ Rioli and Castagna.
– Jack Boronovskis, Richmond Vic
Time up for Josh Gibson
As good as Gibson has been, it’s time to go. Put Hodgey back into that sweeping role to replace Gibson and provide direction and rebound out of defence, and get Birchall back in ASAP!
Now is time to throw caution to the wind. Getting thumped by 86 points two weeks in a row with a defensive mindset clearly isn’t the answer. Let’s put Gunston back in the goal square, Roughy at half-forward and Cyril and Poppy crumbing in opposite pockets.
Put the pressure back on the opposition to try and stop us!
The depth of talent is still there and the age of the talent is still in the window to deliver results.
– Jeff Bennett, Perth WA
• Here’s why fixing ‘Flawthorn’ is going to take some time
‘A win or two will grow confidence’
There is some respect in the bank for premiership players and good servants but perhaps an injection of youth and speed might arrest the slump. Finals would not be on the radar this year. Remember that Geelong missed the 2015 finals after forcing the retirements of, or trading senior premiership players.
 – Michael Byrnes, Deception Bay Qld
Acknowledge the club stuffed up the trade period
Clarko needs to formulate a game plan that capitalises on the strengths of the current squad, which at least for the moment has lost the skill of precision kicking.
Part of the weekly training needs to be team building exercises – the boys just aren’t jelling anymore.
It would help to drop a few big names down to the twos- Gibson for starters.
Finally, I would hate for anything to be done publicly to undermine the confidence of O’Meara or Tom Mitchell, but there should be some acknowledgement to the fans and the players that the club stuffed up the trade period.
Patrick Swayne, Anchorage, Alaska USA
‘Be ruthless with older players who aren’t playing with speed anymore’
They have been clearly run off the park in all the games so far this season.
Be looking to blood young players, and give freedom to midfielders to take risks when moving the ball forward.
Increasing the pressure in the contest is going to be needed too, as they haven’t won a contested possession count since middle of last season, which is a problem that needs to be addressed in the immediate future if they want to be competitive for the remainder of the season.
– Alex Davies, Adelaide SA
Look to the Dockers
For Hawthorn to have any chance of playing competitive football, they need to follow the example set by Fremantle over the last fortnight, and play their young players.
While the youth at Hawthorn certainly doesn’t match that at Fremantle, developing players for the future must be a priority for a side that is quite clearly bottom four based on current form. In adding speed and youth to their line-up in the form of Griffin Logue, Harley Balic, Ethan Hughes, and Brady Grey, the Dockers managed to knock off the reigning premiers and defeat the Demons in Melbourne.
Despite lacking high picks, Hawthorn still have plenty of options with Dallas Willsmore, Kade Stewart andMarc Pittonet [starring in the VFL] and Jonathan O’Rourke, Teia Miles and the rookie listed James Cousins also putting in reasonable performances.
Injecting these players into the senior side is looking like the only way to add the much-needed spark into a flat side, while also serving the purpose of developing young talent for future years.
– Patrick Moran, Vic
Turning to youth has helped resurrect Freo’s 2017 fortunes. Picture: AFL Photos
We may as well sacrifice this season
If I’m honest nothing can get us back to winning ways this season. But if we want a brighter future we need to get time into the youth. Even Irishmen like Glass and Nash should be given plenty of game time this season. Our season is going to be bad no matter what, but at least we can use it as a stepping stone.
And one thing youth can guarantee is enthusiasm. We’ve seen it with Fremantle so why not with us? Sure, the young guys weren’t taken at the top of the draft, but they are the future of our club. We may as well sacrifice this season because we are not a finals team anymore.
– Oscar Wills, Canberra ACT
All is not lost
Without question, hitting their targets has dropped off considerably. But if you look at our matches so far, anybody would have lost to Essendon in round one; Adelaide; an extremely fired up Gold Coast; and then a blockbuster match where we were in it for three quarters.
Compare that with Richmond’s four easy games against Carlton, a Collingwood who couldn’t kick straight, West Coast at the ‘G, and Brisbane.
It’s a long season and it will average out at the end.
– Jeff Whitty, Hobart Tas
Listen to AFL Exchange
On this week’s podcast the boys discuss:
• Should the Hawks trade Jack Gunston, and what could they get for him?
• Could Hawthorn’s first round pick propel St Kilda to a flag tilt in 2018?
• What is Adelaide’s one weakness?
The post Your views: why it’s going wrong for the Hawks appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2pHlcQ7 via http://footyplus.net
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