#tony was basically still in his mental teen years until iron man 1
yourbustedkneecaps · 1 month
thinking about how tony probably had very little qualms dragging peter into the avengers civil war not necessarily because he’s a kid superhero but because at peter’s age tony was at MIT hanging out with 20+ year olds and getting drunk at parties and shit, therefore a 14/15 year old kid with insane superpowers is, in tony’s eyes, the equivalent to a 20 year old young adult with insane capabilities and powers. to just about everyone else he basically recruited a child soldier, since if we put peter on tony’s timeline he’s the equivalent of a toddler in elementary school, not that tony would see it that way unless A) it was explained to him, or B) he hung out with peter long enough to figure that out on his own.
just interesting to think about
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ilovemcu3000 · 5 years
The Stark Kids and where they went in life (my headcannon)
All 3 are Co-CEOs of Stark Indistries after Pepper retires at 65 (never remarried, and keeps her ring on every day until she dies)
5-? years old: Lexi Rabe (I hope Lexi plays her as long as possible tbh, because to me she IS Morgan. But if not I have my fan cast for pre-teen and teen - adult Morgan here too)
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12-15 years old: Millie Bobby Brown (I got the idea from the new Godzilla, Idk I just like the idea of Millie playing an older Lexi, I think they look really similar)
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16 and older: Katherine Langford (I know some people don’t like this casting decision, which is fine, but it’s what seems to be the future and I think she’ll do great, she’s a good actress and I trust marvel with casting)
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Personality: Confident, Genius, very proud of who her parents are, Loving, if she’s quiet she’s either PISSED or so sad and/or anxious that she’s breaking down, has anxiety like her father did but handles it like a champ in most situations unless it’s overwhelming, professional like her mom, mannerisms are 55% Tony and 45% Pepper, family is most important thing to her, Tonys sence of humour, 25% little s*it, has her own Iron Woman suit like Pepper and helps Harley with his Iron Lad suits + Peters Spider-Man suits.
Idol(s): Mom And Dad without question
Best Friends: Shuri Udaku, Cassie Lang, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton, Nathaniel Barton, Monica Rambeau
Family: Virginia Stark-Potts (Mom), Anthony Stark-Potts (Dad), Peter Parker and Harley Keener (practically adoptive brothers), Uncles are all male avengers basically (but her favorites are Happy,Bruce, and Rhodey for obvious reasons), Aunts are all female avengers (but Carol Danvers , Hope Van Dyne, Nebula, And May Parker are her favorites) God mother: Natasha Romanoff, Grandparents: Maria And Howard Stark (she hates Howard after learning everything about how he treated Tony) and Peppers parents whoever they are 🤷🏻‍♀️, Sister in Law: Michelle Parker-Jones (Morgan has loved having her in the family since they met when Peter and Michelle started dating 😂 and Morgan was MJs maid of honor at their wedding)
She still vaguely remembers Tony. Occasionally watching the recording/ other videos of him and asking mom or her brothers or any of her aunts and uncles when she wants to learn more about him helps too...she’s so proud of who he was, but sometimes can’t help but feel like something great was ripped away from her. Like an almost perfect puzzle just missing one peice, her dad. (This is her favorite video of him btw ⬇️ 😂)
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Ty Simpkins is Harley no matter what (obvi 😂)
He’s 12 in Iron Man 3 And 17 when the Decimation happened ( he probably got dusted in 2018 so he’s still that @ the funeral)
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Personality hasn’t changed much, he’s still kind of a little s*it and loves science. He meets Peter and Morgan at the funeral and they are “The Stark Kids tm” from then on because they realize THEY are Tonys legacy, what he left for the world
Him and Tony had kept in contact since 2013, Harley started being invited for Thanksgiving and Christmas among other holidays in 2014 and has gone every year. He lives with his mom and his sister is off at college...once Tony died he started hanging out more with Pepper, Peter, and Morgan because he knew they needed support. And him and Peter knew they needed to make sure that Morgan knows who her dad was and what he did. It got to the point where he would spend a week with his mom, then a week at the stark lake house until he got his own house at 20, and then becomes Iron Lad with the help of his new found brother and sister Peter and Morgan, and some of Tonys old files and information about the suits. He helps keep things in order at SI and around the world. His mom and actual sister come visit every week. And Pepper, Peter And Morgan with all of the other avengers are his other family. He found a new family and purpose thanks to Tony and he’s forever grateful for it.
Tom Holland IS Peter Parker period, end of discussion
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We’re still unfolding his story in the MCU, so this will be a little bit harder, but I have my ideas.
He was hurting bad for about two months after it all happened. Especially after her figures out why Tony invented time travel and his reason for helping the rest of the avengers...to get him back. He blames himself, for Morgan not growing up with her dad, and for Tony not getting the happy ending he deserved. That’s why he vowed to himself to protect Morgan until the day he dies and never let her forget how amazing her father was. But he learns over the years that Tony is still with him, and he’ll see him again someday. The experience of losing Tony and his run in with Mysterio matured him a lot
He went from this
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To this
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And it is (1) because of the emotional taxation of dealing with the death of his third father figure. The one he thought he would have for at least longer than Ben, but that didn’t work out.
this is the moment he goes from being a happy-go- lucky teenager to a strong, brave, man. Not because he wants too, but because he has experienced enough pain in his 16 years of living that the child-like feeling of euphoria “nothing can possibly go wrong” kids and teens usually have has faded
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(2) He also matures because of the betrayal of Mysterio, the villain that hurt him the most mentally, that paranoia of him looms over peter in the future too...whenever something he feels is “too good” happens, ( graduates high school, marries MJ, etc.) he can’t relax because he wonders if quinten is still alive and tricking him. He still is positive, and the purest bean there ever was, no one can take that away. But he just takes his duties as a hero more seriously. He does the same thing as Harley, a week with May and a week with Pepper and his new older brother and little sister along with the avengers. He marries Michelle after 3 years of dating and after being married for a year they have two girls that are two years apart my headcannon names are Abigail Franklin Parker-Jones (Michelles grandmas name and you gotta keep Benjamin Franklin in the family since him, his dad, and his uncle have either Benjamin or Franklin as their middle name so Franklin is her middle name) and Riley Edward Parker-Jones (Tonys middle name in honor of him) and Miles comes in after Abigail but before Riley. Peter and Miles have practically a Carbon copy relationship to the one Peter and Tony had and Miles reminds him so much of himself at that age, being a surrogate father AND a real father too makes him appreciate what Tony Stark and Ben and Richard Parker did for him ten times more 😂 he’s convinced those three men are his guardian angels
Tonys legacies are these three...and he could NOT be prouder
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sorceressmidnight · 6 years
Midnight Sorceress
Chapter: 9/? [1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - ?]
Chapter 9: I can’t lose her...
Words: 2281
Warnings: Some cursing, hospitalization, potential death, emotional break down
Primarily following the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it revolves around an original character.
Description as posted on ao3:  A member of SHIELD is forced to struggle with her mental stability and keeping her secret as the craziness surrounding the Avengers crashes around her. She ends up befriending Tony and Pepper, who help out her mental health a great deal, but will they be able to help her with her secret? Something that could destroy her if she uses it too much… What will happen when Tony tries to convince her to use it to help the Avengers?
Read on ao3: here
Tags: @txnystarkimagines @h0bsyrup
Hit me up if you want to be tagged in future chapters.
This chapter happens during a bit before and during Captain America Civil War. Some spoilers for Spider-man: Homecoming.
Kiana ran up to the car that was parked nearby, leaning against it while smiling at the two males nearby. One was this ‘Spider-man’ that Tony went to go talk to, a teen named Peter, and the other was Tony’s friend and chauffeur Happy Hogan. “H-Hey, fellas. Are we ready to go?” her voice cracked a bit as she said ‘hey’, smiling awkwardly at the two.
“Wait, wait, wait. Tony never said anything about bringing you to the airport.” Happy responded, brows furrowed as he rubbed his temple. “Hey, hey, now… Calm down~ I know you’re annoyed you have to babysit the kid, but you know me. I never cause any trouble. Besides, it was kind of a last minute change,” she waved her hand back and forth, “Tony told me he wanted me to get familiar with the kid. I mean, hey, I might be working with him sometime in the future after all.” Happy sighed, “fine, get in. We don’t really have a lot of time to argue about this, so let’s go.” Both Peter and Kiana slid into the backseat, the female watching as the younger recorded his journey. After a short interaction between the two males, Happy rolled up the window to avoid further conversation. “H-hi… I’m Peter,” he started off a bit awkwardly, not quite sure what to say, “So… uh… Y-you know Tony?” “Yeah, I mean,” she gave a small smile as she twirled her hair between her fingers, “we are kind of dating. I’ve known him, personally anyway, since after the Mandarin incident a couple of years ago.” “Oh! S-sorry… I didn’t know.” “It’s fine,” she laughed softly, “it hasn’t exactly gotten out there yet. He didn’t want to drag me into the public eye until things settle out a little bit.” He gave a quiet ‘I see’ in response, the car growing silent as both of them retreated into their own thoughts. The only sounds that could be heard were the other cars speeding by and the slight rattle when the car drove over small debris in the road. “What did you mean we might be working together?” he finally managed to ask, clearly having thought it over after a minute to himself. “Do you know where we’re going to?” “Of course. I actually helped a lot back during the Sokovia fight.” “Wait, wait…” he paused to think. “I think I’ve heard about you… Are you… the Midnight Sorceress?” he gestured his hands in the way she usually did when she fought, causing the other to give a small giggle. “Yep, that’s me.” “That’s so cool! I… I still can’t believe I’m actually going to be fighting alongside the Avengers.” “You’ll actually be fighting against some of them,” she laughed softly, “although no idea where Thor or Bruce is. Admittedly let’s keep this, me coming with you guys and all, between us, okay? I’m hoping that I can avoid joining the fight, so I don’t want anyone to know I’m here just yet.” “Yeah, of course.” “Thanks, kid,” she giggled and pulling him into a hug.
“Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?” Peter asked Happy as they climbed onto the plane, carrying his stuff with him. “There’s a bathroom on it,” Happy sighed as they got into it. Peter quickly gawked at the lack of a pilot before plopping down in the seat across from Happy. “Is that where you’re going to sit?” “Yeah.” “Is this your first time in a private plane?” “First time on any plane!” Happy stood up and walked to a chair a bit away from him, sitting down. Kiana slid over to the seat that the other male had just left, smiling at the younger. “Don’t mind him. He’s just a little bit… I don’t think he likes the idea of being a ‘babysitter’. Of course he wouldn’t argue with Tony, though.” “Yeah, seems like it. So, Tony gave me some basics… but would you be able to explain a bit more of what’s going on?” “Steve, Cap, doesn’t agree with the accords. It’s politics, so it’s never easy, but… Tony’s right. We can work on revising the accords later, but we need to work with the public right now. There’s been a lot of damage and now there are a few fires we need to put out.” “I see. So we need to stop him before something worse happens?” “Yep. Hopefully things go smoothly, but knowing how stubborn he and Tony can be I doubt it. Just be careful out there on the battlefield, okay? I know you want to impress ‘Mr. Stark’, but don’t go beyond your limits. I know you’re strong, but you’re still a teenager.” “I understand. Any advice you can give me against the guys we’re fighting?” “Has Tony told you anything?” He explained what he said, and she gave a few of her own tips for him as well.
Tony (Iron Man), Natasha (Black Widow), T’Challa (Black Panther), Rhodey (War Machine), Vision, and Peter (Spider-Man) fought against Steve (Captain America), Bucky (Winter Soldier), Clint (Hawkeye), Sam (Falcon), Wanda (Scarlet Witch), and Scott (Ant-Man). Everyone started fighting against someone on the opposing team, each person desperately trying to stop the other in an attempt to move forward with their own agendas. Kiana was on top of the roof as she watched the fighting, making sure to stay just out of sight. She bit her lip as she watched everyone get knocked around, wanting to step in and try to help or stop everything. Vision destroyed part of the airport, attempting to stop Bucky and Steve from getting to a quinjet in the nearby hangar. She was the first to see the jet leaving, using her powers to allow her to run along the rooftops towards the direction they were headed. By the time she got to the edge of the roof, attempting to slow the jet down with her powers, she felt the air rush by her as Tony, Rhodey, and Sam flew past her. She bit her lip as she realized she had to stop, hoping that the two could get to them before they left out of the area. It was then Vision attempted to stop Sam with his powers, hitting Rhodey as the other narrowly dodged the blast. Her jaw dropped as she watched him beginning to fall, realizing that neither of the two would reach him before he plummeted into the ground. Ignoring everything in her body screaming at her not to, she used the full extent of her powers to lift the surrounding dirt and using it to grab him from the sky. She slowly lowered him to the ground as quickly as she could, her vision failing her as everything became blurry. There was a great stabbing pain throughout her body, but at the same time she felt numb. She struggled to walk towards a more stable area of the roof, knees buckling as she could no longer manage to keep control of her body, sliding off of the edge of the roof towards the others in the airport. “Kiki, I’ve contacted Mr. Stark and an ambulance is on the way. There isn’t much else I can do since you did not bring your suit. I’m currently attempting to reach another member of the team.” she heard through her earpiece, the blue and white blur of the skies starting to fade from her sights as darkness covered it. “Tell Tony… I love him,” she barely managed to spurt out before she passed out. On the ground below, Clint was the first one to run towards where she was falling, just barely managing to get her before she hit the ground below. Frantically he checked her for a pulse, feeling a faint one before attempting to wake her up. “Kiki, come on, you’ve been through worse than this. Come on,” he hissed through gritted teeth. Tony landed just then with Rhodey, flipping up his face plate and going towards the two. “Barton, give her to me and I can take her to the hospital,” he said, trying to hold back his own mixture of emotions in the current matter. “If she dies…” he turned and glared up at him, anger boiling through his veins, “it’s your fault. You should have never let her come and fight! You knew she wasn’t fully healed after the last fight!” “Let her?!” he scoffed, anger in his tone rising, “I didn’t even know she was here! I told her not to come!” “Maybe you should have had her locked up somewhere, too, for her safety.” Clint scoffed while rolling his eyes, finally letting him take her as they started rounding up the remaining members who fought against them.
“How… How is she doing?” Tony asked, voice a little shaken up as he talked to the doctor. No one was allowed to see her for the past few days and that worried him. He knew he had to go off to finish what was started, but he couldn’t pry himself away from the hospital. “She’s currently comatose. Although there are little to no outer wounds or bruising, many of her bones were broken, problems with her muscles and ligaments, and internal hemorrhaging. It appears her powers derived the extra boost it needed in order to accomplish what she did from tearing her body apart internally.” “Great,” he sighed and rubbed his temple. He wanted to be mad, but he just… he couldn’t feel. Everything felt like it was a bad bedtime story or a nightmare he couldn’t wake up from. It was almost like he was watching someone else’s life. “Is she going to be okay?” “Physically? She’ll be fine. Her body will heal and we’ll make sure the bleeding stops. Mentally? I’m unsure. There is one other thing that concerns me, though…” He pulled him into a nearby room and flipped the light on, putting up two scans of her head. They were pretty much identical, except for a small foreign object in her brain; the one on the right being bigger than the one on the left. “This scan? This was from her last physical. Yes, the object is still there, but at that point it was small enough to allow blood to pass through. It can’t be said when the object got bigger, but we’ll need to operate immediately as to avoid any brain damage.” “Oh… What will happen?” He could feel his focus slipping, but he struggled as hard as he could to stay with him. “We’re not sure at this point, but what we’re worried about is what will if we don’t. We need to operate, soon, Mr. Stark. We need an approval from someone close to her before we technically can. If you approve this now we can start the operation as soon as possible, if not we will get in contact with her parents and as soon as they agree we would start.” “No, no… If you have to do it now, then you have my approval. I have to call someone, though. This is the person you can contact if you can’t reach me. She’ll be able to answer any questions you have.” “We will give you a call to let you know how she takes the operation.”
Tony sighed as he leaned against the outer wall of the hospital, staring up at the sky. He could feel and hear his heartbeat in his ears, pulse picking up as his eyes began to sting. Rubbing the slight tears away, he mumbled to himself before reaching in his pocket and pulling out his phone. He scrolled until he saw the familiar redhead, throat closing as his chest tightened, pressing the call button and pulling it against his ear. He didn’t know how she would take the sudden call, but he had to talk to her. There was a short pause between the rings, background noise filling the silence as she answered. “Hello?” “H-hey, Pep…” his voice cracked involuntarily, struggling to keep himself together, “I know we haven’t talked in awhile… but it’s kind of important.” “Oh god…” she could hear the tone in his voice, worry filling her own, “you’re not dying again, are you?” “God,” he gave a soft broken laugh, “I wish it were that simple.” “Then what’s wrong?” “It’s Kiki. She…” he stopped as he struggled to get the words out, letting out a shaky breath, “she’s in the hospital. I… C-can you stay with her?” “She’s… in the hospital?” her heart dropped as she licked her lips, “Of… of course! Where is she? What happened?” The questions came so fast out of her mouth that it was almost dizzying, forcing herself to take a couple of deep breaths afterwards. “Well,” he couldn’t stop his voice from breaking as he told her what happened, “she’s comatose right now. She’s got… a lot of internal injuries… and…” He stopped as he rubbed his eyes, sighing. “They have to remove something from her brain. They don’t,” he couldn’t stop his soft sob, “They don’t know what’s going to happen. We might lose her Pep…” He repeated the last sentence softly through sobs, body shaking as he shook his head. “I’ll.. I’ll be right there. I’m bringing Sammy with me, too…” she wiped tears away. “Just text me the address.” “Thank you… Thank you…” He hung up and sent the address to her. He slid down along the wall, resting his arms on his knees as he hid his head between them. He couldn’t stop himself from fully breaking down into tears, nails digging into the fabric of his pants. “I can’t lose her…”
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